International Poisonous Plants Checklist : an Evidence-based ...

International Poisonous Plants Checklist : an Evidence-based ...

International Poisonous Plants Checklist : an Evidence-based ...


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<strong>International</strong><br />

<strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong><br />

<strong>Checklist</strong><br />

An <strong>Evidence</strong>-Based Reference

<strong>International</strong><br />

<strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong><br />

<strong>Checklist</strong><br />

An <strong>Evidence</strong>-Based Reference<br />

D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Boca Raton London New York<br />

CRC Press is <strong>an</strong> imprint of the<br />

Taylor & Fr<strong>an</strong>cis Group, <strong>an</strong> informa business

CRC Press<br />

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<strong>International</strong> St<strong>an</strong>dard Book Number-13: 978-1-4200-6252-6 (Hardcover)<br />

This book contains information obtained from authentic <strong>an</strong>d highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data <strong>an</strong>d<br />

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data<br />

Wagstaff, D. Jesse, 1935-<br />

<strong>International</strong> poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts checklist : <strong>an</strong> evidence-<strong>based</strong> reference / D. Jesse Wagstaff.<br />

p. cm.<br />

Includes bibliographical references <strong>an</strong>d index.<br />

ISBN 978-1-4200-6252-6 (hardback : alk. paper) 1. <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts--Toxicology. 2. <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts--Identification. I. Title.<br />

QK100.A1W34 2008<br />

615.9’52--dc22 2008008708<br />

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Failure to find a particular pl<strong>an</strong>t in this checklist should not be interpreted as evidence that the pl<strong>an</strong>t is not toxic. Only a small<br />

fraction of pl<strong>an</strong>ts have been examined for toxicity. On the other h<strong>an</strong>d, m<strong>an</strong>y food <strong>an</strong>d drug pl<strong>an</strong>ts listed here are generally<br />

recognized to be safe but c<strong>an</strong> be toxic in uncommon situations. Dosages <strong>an</strong>d poisoning circumst<strong>an</strong>ces such as species susceptibilities<br />

should be determined from the original literature. Questions regarding pl<strong>an</strong>t intoxications should be directed to poison<br />

control centers <strong>an</strong>d health care providers.

Co Nt e Nt s<br />

Acknowledgments ......................................................................ix<br />

Introduction ................................................................................xi<br />

Author ........................................................................................ xv<br />

Entries A-Z ...........................................................................1-458

ACKNo WLe DGMe Nt s<br />

Contributions of several individuals are acknowledged including Wayne Binns (deceased), Claude Culvenor, John Kingsbury,<br />

Kenneth Lampe (deceased), as well as numerous bot<strong>an</strong>ists, toxicologists, librari<strong>an</strong>s, <strong>an</strong>d technical assist<strong>an</strong>ts who helped<br />

sharpen the focus, provided moral support, supplied helpful materials, <strong>an</strong>d provided access to information sources. Particular<br />

gratitude is expressed to John Wiersema for including numerous poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in GRIN <strong>an</strong>d for providing the model for<br />

this book by his publication, together with his coauthor Bl<strong>an</strong>ca León, of World Economic <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong>: A St<strong>an</strong>dard Reference. M<strong>an</strong>uscript<br />

reviewers are Marion R. Cooper, Elizabeth A. Dauncey, Terry D. Jacobson, Lynn F. James, Anthony W. Johnson,<br />

Anthony P. Knight, Ross A. McKenzie, Kip E. Painter, James A. Pfister, <strong>an</strong>d Richard J. Schmidt. They are th<strong>an</strong>ked for their<br />

efforts. Gratitude is also expressed for those <strong>an</strong>onymous reviewers selected by the editor.

INt Ro DUCt Io N<br />

Increasing international trade has focused attention on the inadequacy of regional information sources. <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>t literature<br />

is geographically fragmented <strong>an</strong>d is of variable reliability. As Claus et al. (1970) said, “Probably no field of scientific<br />

endeavor exists in which it is more difficult to separate fact from fiction th<strong>an</strong> in the field of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts.” Confusion c<strong>an</strong><br />

be reduced through use of reliable information <strong>an</strong>d universally-recognized pl<strong>an</strong>t names. Objectives of this checklist are:<br />

1. To define the known set of toxic vascular pl<strong>an</strong>ts of the world using accepted bot<strong>an</strong>ic names.<br />

2. To support toxicity information for each pl<strong>an</strong>t from references to primary literature.<br />

3. To cross-reference selected synonyms <strong>an</strong>d common names.<br />

This book is intended as <strong>an</strong> international reference for toxicologists, food safety regulators, researchers, laboratory diagnostici<strong>an</strong>s,<br />

poison control center personnel, economic bot<strong>an</strong>ists, food safety scientists, trade officials, herbalists, physici<strong>an</strong>s,<br />

veterinari<strong>an</strong>s, <strong>an</strong>d others who need information about pl<strong>an</strong>t toxicology. The subject is addressed as a subset of toxicology.<br />

Bot<strong>an</strong>y, chemistry, <strong>an</strong>d other fields contribute but they are not the focus.<br />

A poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t is here defined as a pl<strong>an</strong>t which, by me<strong>an</strong>s of toxic subst<strong>an</strong>ces it contains, produces adverse effects in<br />

hum<strong>an</strong>s or economic <strong>an</strong>imals such as livestock, laboratory <strong>an</strong>imals, pets, wild <strong>an</strong>imals, birds, fish, <strong>an</strong>d bees. Most poisoning<br />

cases result from ingestion or other type of exposure to a pl<strong>an</strong>t for nutritional, therapeutic, or recreational intent. Other cases<br />

are due to experimental exposure, <strong>an</strong>d a few are due to malicious intent. Vascular pl<strong>an</strong>ts include ferns, fern allies, cycads, <strong>an</strong>d<br />

flowering pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nonvascular pl<strong>an</strong>ts are excluded, as are surface contamination, concentrated pl<strong>an</strong>t products, pharmaceuticals,<br />

<strong>an</strong>d most recreational drugs.<br />

A statement that a pl<strong>an</strong>t is or is not toxic is only hearsay unless supported by reliable evidence, i.e, primary (original)<br />

sources. A primary source is a record created near the time of <strong>an</strong> event by <strong>an</strong> eyewitness qualified by training <strong>an</strong>d experience.<br />

In contrast, a secondary source is a record made by a non-witness, <strong>an</strong> unqualified witness, or made long after <strong>an</strong> event,<br />

when memory may be fallible. Or even worse, a document is copied or extracted from prior documents in a chain stretching<br />

backwards through several steps of one author passing on material from prior authors until often the original report c<strong>an</strong> not<br />

be located.<br />

Knowledge of pl<strong>an</strong>t toxicity has always been import<strong>an</strong>t but has not always been reliable. Prehistoric peoples learned which<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts to eat <strong>an</strong>d which to avoid. Certain toxic pl<strong>an</strong>t products were used to poison fish or to coat arrow tips. This knowledge,<br />

as part of their oral tradition, was not recorded. In the Biblical account, the fruit of one tree produced life, while <strong>an</strong>other<br />

caused death (Genesis, Holy Bible). Dioscorides (Gunther 1959) wrote about medicinal <strong>an</strong>d toxic properties of specific pl<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

from sources made available to Greek scholars from l<strong>an</strong>ds of the exp<strong>an</strong>sive Hellenic Empire. His work was widely quoted <strong>an</strong>d<br />

incorporated into books about poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts down to the early part of the twentieth century. But even in his day, he complained<br />

of mistakes <strong>an</strong>d falsehoods in the literary sources available to him. Nearly a millennium <strong>an</strong>d a half passed before there<br />

was much further progress. In fact there was retrogression as <strong>an</strong>cient records were destroyed, as typified by the sacking <strong>an</strong>d<br />

burning of libraries at Alex<strong>an</strong>dria, Baghdad, <strong>an</strong>d Rome. Mysticism tended to replace direct observation <strong>an</strong>d experimentation<br />

as the bases for knowledge about pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Finally in the Renaiss<strong>an</strong>ce new ideas were put forth. The writings in the early 1500s of the Swiss physici<strong>an</strong> Paracelsus were<br />

pivotal. He reasoned that effects of a pl<strong>an</strong>t on the body were due to particular chemical components of the pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d that the<br />

type <strong>an</strong>d magnitude of the effects were proportional to the amount of the pl<strong>an</strong>t subst<strong>an</strong>ce administered (Pachter 1961). Richard<br />

Mead, in A Mech<strong>an</strong>ical Account of Poisons (1702), in several essays expressed regret that knowledge was extremely defective.<br />

Over time, authors beg<strong>an</strong> to reject from their lists of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts some that previous authors had included. The 19th<br />

century saw the application of the scientific method to the toxicology of pl<strong>an</strong>ts when the chemist Orfila (1814−1815) used<br />

experimental <strong>an</strong>imals, mainly dogs, to demonstrate the toxicity of 45 species of pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Outside of Europe, science in this field developed slowly. It was not until the 1890s that scientists such as Victor King<br />

Chesnut were employed to study poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts (Wagstaff 2004). Kingsbury (1964) reviewed the history of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

publications in detail. <strong>International</strong> communication exp<strong>an</strong>ded with the advent of the <strong>International</strong> Symposia on <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

<strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong>, which were started in 1977 as a joint effort of the United States <strong>an</strong>d Australia <strong>an</strong>d have been held since then at about<br />

4-year intervals <strong>an</strong>d later exp<strong>an</strong>ded to cover other areas of the world (Acamovic et al. 2004; Colegate & Dorling 1994; Garl<strong>an</strong>d<br />

& Barr 1998; James et al. 1992; Keeler et al. 1978; Painter et al. 2007; Seawright et al. 1985).<br />

Bot<strong>an</strong>ic names are sometimes called scientific or Latin names. There are two purposes for using bot<strong>an</strong>ic names. The first<br />

is to satisfy the need for <strong>an</strong> international st<strong>an</strong>dard of identity to support worldwide communication <strong>an</strong>d commerce. Second,<br />

the system of pl<strong>an</strong>t classification, being <strong>based</strong> upon common <strong>an</strong>cestry <strong>an</strong>d genetic connections, provides a rational basis for<br />

studying <strong>an</strong>d using pl<strong>an</strong>t relationships. The accepted bot<strong>an</strong>ic names in this checklist were taken from Wiersema <strong>an</strong>d Leon’s<br />

(1999) World Economic <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong>: A St<strong>an</strong>dard Reference <strong>an</strong>d updates to this work in the Germplasm Information Network online

xii D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

database (GRIN) maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Pl<strong>an</strong>t names not found in GRIN were taken from<br />

Missouri Bot<strong>an</strong>ical Garden's Vascular Topics online database (VAST) or from the <strong>International</strong> Pl<strong>an</strong>t Names Index (INI),<br />

<strong>an</strong>other online database. A final comprehensive check of these sources for the pl<strong>an</strong>ts named in this publication was performed<br />

in August 2007.<br />

A bot<strong>an</strong>ic name is comprised of two parts, genus <strong>an</strong>d species, to which is appended the name or abbreviation of the<br />

author(s) who first validly published the name <strong>an</strong>d authors who taxonomically reclassified the pl<strong>an</strong>t. For example, Abrus precatorius<br />

L. is the name published by Linnaeus for the precatory be<strong>an</strong>. Application of <strong>an</strong> accepted name to a pl<strong>an</strong>t specimen is<br />

<strong>based</strong> upon a description written <strong>an</strong>d published in accord with rules of the <strong>International</strong> Bot<strong>an</strong>ical Nomenclature Committee<br />

(Greuter et al. 1994) <strong>an</strong>d upon comparison to a dried, or otherwise preserved, specimen of the pl<strong>an</strong>t, called the type, which is<br />

filed in <strong>an</strong> internationally recognized herbarium. When a pl<strong>an</strong>t has been given different scientific names, rules of international<br />

taxonomic procedures are applied to determine the name with precedence, <strong>an</strong>d the other names become synonyms.<br />

Four checklists of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts of the world have been published. The first, <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> of All Countries, was published<br />

in 1905 by Bernhard-Smith, <strong>an</strong> English physici<strong>an</strong> interested in pl<strong>an</strong>ts. The second was published in 1911 as a section of<br />

the book A M<strong>an</strong>ual of <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> by the Americ<strong>an</strong> bot<strong>an</strong>ist Pammel. The third was a 1923 revision of Bernhard-Smith’s<br />

earlier work. The fourth, <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> of the World, was distributed in mimeographed form in 1949 (third revision in 1951)<br />

by Moldenke, a taxonomist at the New York Bot<strong>an</strong>ical Garden. However, none of these checklists are comprehensive, nor are<br />

<strong>an</strong>y of them <strong>based</strong> upon primary evidence of toxicity.<br />

The checklist is org<strong>an</strong>ized alphabetically like a dictionary. There are two types of entries. First, main entries are the toxic<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts themselves. And second, selected synonyms <strong>an</strong>d common names are cross-referenced to the main entries. The header<br />

of each main entry is the accepted bot<strong>an</strong>ic name in bolded italicized print, followed by pl<strong>an</strong>t author(s) in non-bolded print,<br />

<strong>an</strong>d then the pl<strong>an</strong>t family in square brackets. For example, the main entry for poison ivy is “To x ic o d e n d r o n r a d i -<br />

c a n s (L.) Kuntze [Anacardiaceae].” Beneath each header are selected bot<strong>an</strong>ic synonyms <strong>an</strong>d common names. Following the<br />

nomenclatural information, the main entry is completed by primary citations supporting toxicity of the pl<strong>an</strong>t. In synonym<br />

cross-references the synonym is referred to the accepted bot<strong>an</strong>ic name with <strong>an</strong> equal (=) sign. An example is “Rhus radic<strong>an</strong>s<br />

L. = Toxicodendron (L.) Kuntze.” In common name cross-references, the common name is referred to the accepted bot<strong>an</strong>ic<br />

name by the character string “−see− .” An example is “poison ivy −see− Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze.” An occasional<br />

note is placed at the bottom of a main entry.<br />

Literature citation lists for some pl<strong>an</strong>ts are extensive but are not exhaustive. Likewise, the number of synonyms is limited<br />

to those common in poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t literature. Attempts have been made in the past to st<strong>an</strong>dardize common names of pl<strong>an</strong>ts,<br />

but these have not been universally accepted. The approach here is to list the most prevalent common names used in poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t literature rather th<strong>an</strong> evaluate acceptability of <strong>an</strong>y particular name. Most of these names are from the English l<strong>an</strong>guage<br />

together with some from other l<strong>an</strong>guages that use the Rom<strong>an</strong> alphabet. A few local <strong>an</strong>d tribal pl<strong>an</strong>t names are included. The<br />

array of common names in this checklist is not exhaustive. Such a list would be virtually endless <strong>an</strong>d continually ch<strong>an</strong>ging.<br />

Bibliographic files obtained from John Kingsbury of Cornell University <strong>an</strong>d Kenneth Lampe of the Americ<strong>an</strong> Medical<br />

Association were the initial sources of references for a relational bibliographic database. To these were added poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

references from TOXLINE, MEDLINE, <strong>an</strong>d other bibliographic sources. Because of the international <strong>an</strong>d multidisciplinary<br />

nature of the material, major reference works from various geographic areas of the world such as those listed below in the<br />

general references were consulted. Confirmation of toxicity of each pl<strong>an</strong>t was obtained from original publications. Each<br />

document—book, monograph, or periodical article—was indexed by keyterms. Document-type keyterms were primary for<br />

original articles, review when the information was referenced, <strong>an</strong>d secondary when it was not <strong>an</strong> original report <strong>an</strong>d no<br />

references were given. Document subjects indexing terms were case report, experimental exposure, epidemiology, chemical<br />

<strong>an</strong>alysis, bot<strong>an</strong>y, pharmacology, mech<strong>an</strong>ism, metabolism, <strong>an</strong>imal behavior, <strong>an</strong>d weed control. Citations in this checklist were<br />

indexed as primary document type <strong>an</strong>d case report, experimental exposure, or epidemiology document subject. The first major<br />

output from the bibliographic database was a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t subfile of TOXLINE produced in 1987 for the U.S. National<br />

Library of Medicine (Wagstaff et al 1989).<br />

Inclusion in this checklist of virtually all common <strong>an</strong>imal feed pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d hum<strong>an</strong> food pl<strong>an</strong>ts as well as m<strong>an</strong>y pl<strong>an</strong>ts that<br />

are sources of herbal products widely used as dietary supplements, tonics, <strong>an</strong>d therapeutic agents needs to be explained. The<br />

rate of adverse effects among users of these products, which are generally considered to be safe, is low. But because of the vast<br />

number of exposures, even this low rate of adverse effects results in some poisoning cases. Natural variation in populations<br />

results in some pl<strong>an</strong>ts of high potency <strong>an</strong>d some hum<strong>an</strong>s <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>imals of high susceptibility. M<strong>an</strong>y other factors such as food<br />

processing inadequacies may lead to intoxications.<br />

<strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> are toxic only under particular circumst<strong>an</strong>ces. Failure to find a pl<strong>an</strong>t name in this checklist should not be taken as<br />

proof that the pl<strong>an</strong>t is not toxic. The vast majority of pl<strong>an</strong>ts have not been studied for toxicity. And some reports of toxicity<br />

may not have come to the attention of the author of this publication or he may not have properly evaluated them. Readers are<br />

encouraged to report deficiencies in this publication <strong>an</strong>d to assist in rectification of identified problems.

Introduction xiii<br />

Care should be exercised in interpreting this checklist. A pl<strong>an</strong>t may have poisoning potential because of toxic subst<strong>an</strong>ces it<br />

contains but it is included only if reports of actual poisoning cases have come the attention of this compiler. An exposure to a<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t may not have been observed but was assumed from circumst<strong>an</strong>tial evidence. Another issue is that adverse effects following<br />

<strong>an</strong> exposure may have been caused by factors other th<strong>an</strong> the pl<strong>an</strong>t. Occasionally, a reported pl<strong>an</strong>t was not included in this<br />

checklist because the name given was so ambiguous that it could not be identified even after using reasonable assumptions.<br />

The st<strong>an</strong>dard is a voucher specimen of the pl<strong>an</strong>t collected from the lot to which the hum<strong>an</strong>s or <strong>an</strong>imals were exposed that is<br />

deposited in <strong>an</strong> internationally recognized herbarium. Reference to such a voucher is uncommon in poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t reports.<br />

This is not to say that pl<strong>an</strong>ts named in reports are necessarily erroneous; m<strong>an</strong>y authors consult a trained bot<strong>an</strong>ist but fail to<br />

identify that person <strong>an</strong>d the methods of pl<strong>an</strong>t identification. Much progress has been made in pl<strong>an</strong>t toxicology, but reporting<br />

deficiencies still occur (Wagstaff 2007).<br />

Ge Ne RAL Re f e Re NCe s<br />

Asl<strong>an</strong>i MR (2004) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Ir<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d their effects on <strong>an</strong>imals. Ferdowsi University Press. Mashhad, Ir<strong>an</strong>.<br />

Baldwin RE (1979) Hawaii's poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Petroglyph Press. Hilo, Hawaii.<br />

Bernhard-Smith A (1905) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of all countries. Bristol, J Wright <strong>an</strong>d Co. London.<br />

Bernhard-Smith A (1923) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of all countries, 2nd ed. Bailliere Tindall Cox. London.<br />

Bible, King James Version. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.<br />

Burrows GE, Tyrl RJ (2001) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts of North America. Iowa State University Press. Ames, Iowa.<br />

Blohm H (1962) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Venezuela. Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts.<br />

Bruneton J (1999) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts: D<strong>an</strong>gerous to hum<strong>an</strong>s <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>imals. Intercept. Andover, UK.<br />

Caius JF (1986) Medicinal <strong>an</strong>d poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts of India. Scientific Publ. Jodhpur, India.<br />

Cañizo Gomez JD, Martinez Vazquez M (1964) Pl<strong>an</strong>tas toxicas para el g<strong>an</strong>ado en praderas y pastizales. Min Agric M<strong>an</strong>uales Tecnicos Ser<br />

M #26. Madrid.<br />

Claus EP, Tyler VE Jr, Brady LR (1970) Pharmacognosy, 6th ed. Lea & Febiger. Philadelphia.<br />

Colegate SM, Dorling PR (eds.) (1994) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated toxins. Agricultural, phytochemical <strong>an</strong>d ecological aspects. CABI. Wallingford, UK.<br />

Connor HE (1977) The poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in New Zeal<strong>an</strong>d. EC Keating. Wellington.<br />

Cooper MR, Johnson AW, Dauncey E (2003). <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d fungi: An illustrated guide, 2nd ed. The Stationery Office. London.<br />

Cornevin C (1887) Des pl<strong>an</strong>tes vénéneuses et des empoisonnements qu’elles déterminent. Firmin-Didot. Paris.<br />

Escobar N (1972) Flora tóxica de P<strong>an</strong>amá. Editorial Universitaria. P<strong>an</strong>ama.<br />

Everist SL (1981) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Australia, rev ed. Angus <strong>an</strong>d Robertson. Sydney.<br />

Frohne D, Pf<strong>an</strong>der HJ (2005) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts: A h<strong>an</strong>dbook for doctors, pharmacists, toxicologists, biologists, <strong>an</strong>d veterinari<strong>an</strong>s, 2nd ed. Timber<br />

Press. Portl<strong>an</strong>d, Oregon.<br />

Gillis W (1971) The systematics <strong>an</strong>d ecology of poison-ivy <strong>an</strong>d the poison-oaks (Toxicodendron, Anacardiaceae). Rhodora 73:72−159.<br />

Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC (1998) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI. New York.<br />

Greuter W, Barrie FR, Burdet HM, et al. (1994) <strong>International</strong> code of bot<strong>an</strong>ical nomenclature (Tokyo Code), adopted by the Fifteenth <strong>International</strong><br />

Bot<strong>an</strong>ical Congress. Koeltz Scientific Books. Königstein.<br />

Gunther RT (1959) The Greek herbal of Dioscorides. Hafner. New York.<br />

James LF, Keeler RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (1992) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts: Proceedings of the Third <strong>International</strong> Symposium. Iowa State University<br />

Press. Ames, Iowa.<br />

Keeler RF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF (1978) Effects of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts on livestock. Academic Press. New York.<br />

Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, Botha CJ, Coetzer JA, et al. (2005) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings <strong>an</strong>d mycotoxicoses of livestock in southern Africa, 2nd ed. Oxford University<br />

Press. Oxford.<br />

Kingsbury JM (1964) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of the United States <strong>an</strong>d C<strong>an</strong>ada. Prentice-Hall. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.<br />

Lampe KF, McC<strong>an</strong>n MA (1985). AMA h<strong>an</strong>dbook of poisonous <strong>an</strong>d injurious pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Chicago Review Press. Chicago.<br />

Mead R (1702) A mech<strong>an</strong>ical account of poisons. R South. London<br />

Mitchell JC, Rook AJ (1979) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatology. Greengrass. V<strong>an</strong>couver.<br />

Moldenke HN (1951) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of the world, 3rd ed. of a mimeographed report. New York Bot<strong>an</strong>ical Garden.<br />

Mullig<strong>an</strong> GA, Munro DB (1990) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of C<strong>an</strong>ada. Agriculture C<strong>an</strong>ada. Ottawa.<br />

Nelson LS, Shih RD, Balick MJ (2007) H<strong>an</strong>dbook of poisonous <strong>an</strong>d injurious pl<strong>an</strong>ts, 2nd ed. Springer Science <strong>an</strong>d Business Media, New<br />

York.<br />

Núñez Meléndez E (1989) Pl<strong>an</strong>tas venenosas de Puerto Rico y las que producen dermatitis. University of Puerto Rico. Rio Piedras.<br />

Oakes AJ, Butcher JO (1962) <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>an</strong>d injurious pl<strong>an</strong>ts of the U.S. Virgin Isl<strong>an</strong>ds. USDA Misc Publ #882.<br />

Orfila MJ (1814-1815) Traité des poisons tiré des rèsgnes minéral, végétal et <strong>an</strong>imal ou toxicologie général consideree sous les rapports de la pathologie<br />

et des la medecine legale. Crochard. Paris.<br />

Pachter HM (1961) Paracelsus: Magic into science. Collier. New York.<br />

Pammel LH (1911) A m<strong>an</strong>ual of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Torch Press. Cedar Rapids, Iowa.<br />

Painter KE, Wierenga TL, Pfister JA (2007) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts: Global research <strong>an</strong>d solutions. CABI, Wallingford, UK.<br />

Roth L. Daunderer M, Korm<strong>an</strong>n K (1994) Giftpfl<strong>an</strong>zen-Pfl<strong>an</strong>zengifte. Nikol Verlagsgesellschaft. Hamburg.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>dberg F (1980) Medicinal <strong>an</strong>d toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts from Equatorial Africa: A pharmacologic approach. J Ethnopharm 2(2):105−108.<br />

Seawright AA, Hegarty MP, James LF, et al. (1985) Pl<strong>an</strong>t toxicology. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d <strong>Poisonous</strong> Pl<strong>an</strong>t Committee. Yeerongpilly, Queensl<strong>an</strong>d.<br />

Stoilis E, Brikas P, Calaboukas C (1967) <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>an</strong>d noxious pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Greece. Hellenike Kteniatrike 10:149−167.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J, Peixoto PV (2000) Pl<strong>an</strong>tas tóxicas do Brasil. Editoria Heli<strong>an</strong>thus, Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro.

xiv D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Verdcourt B, Trump EC (1969) Common poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts of East Africa. Collins. London.<br />

Wagstaff DJ (2004) Victor King Chesnut (1867−1938), a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t pioneer. In: Acamovic T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related poisons. CABI. Wallingford, UK, pp. 120−122.<br />

Wagstaff DJ (2007) Evaluation of pl<strong>an</strong>t poisoning reports. In: Painter KE, Wierenga TL<br />

Wagstaff DJ, Wagstaff AT, Goshorn JC (1989) A poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t file in TOXLINE. Toxicon 27(2):259−263.<br />

Wiersema JH, León B (1999) World economic pl<strong>an</strong>ts: A st<strong>an</strong>dard reference. CRC Press. Boca Raton, Florida.<br />

Zolla C (1982) Pl<strong>an</strong>tas tóxicas de México. Instituto Mexic<strong>an</strong>o del Seguro Social. Mexico City Instituto.

AUt Ho R<br />

D. Jesse Wagstaff has worked m<strong>an</strong>y years in food safety <strong>an</strong>d development of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t bibliographic databases. His<br />

interest started when he worked with Wayne Binns <strong>an</strong>d Lynn James at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's <strong>Poisonous</strong> Pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Laboratory before veterinary training at Cornell University, where John Kingsbury taught poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts. After earning a<br />

Ph.D., Wagstaff taught toxicology at the University of Missouri. He researched safety of <strong>an</strong>imal feeds <strong>an</strong>d drugs <strong>an</strong>d evaluated<br />

epidemiologic <strong>an</strong>d safety aspects of hum<strong>an</strong> foods at the U.S. Food <strong>an</strong>d Drug Administration (FDA). Although he is<br />

in emeritus status, the search for additional documents goes on. His collection of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t documents is the world's<br />

largest.<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t toxicology data has been obtained from interagency projects of the FDA, the U.S. National Library of Medicine<br />

(NLM), <strong>an</strong>d Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Further development has been funded by FDA, NLM, <strong>an</strong>d the U.S. National<br />

Institutes of Health. Databases were developed with Kenneth Lampe of the Americ<strong>an</strong> Medical Association. Additional<br />

material has come from personal searches at the Library of Congress, the U.S. National Agricultural Library, the Smithsoni<strong>an</strong><br />

Institution Herbarium, <strong>an</strong>d libraries at Arizona State University, Brigham Young University, Colorado State University,<br />

Cornell University, Mont<strong>an</strong>a State University, University of California at Davis, University of Nevada at Reno, University of<br />

Utah, University of Washington, <strong>an</strong>d Utah State University. Extensive use has been made of interlibrary lo<strong>an</strong>s, online dabases<br />

such as Pubmed <strong>an</strong>d Agricola, <strong>an</strong>d library catalogs.

Aalhorn –see– Sambucus nigra L.<br />

aam –see– M<strong>an</strong>gifera indica L.<br />

Aaron –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

aasvoëbossie –see– Pteronia pallens L. f.<br />

abachi –see– Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum.<br />

a b a c o p Te r is M u l Ti l i n e a Ta (Wall. ex<br />

Hook.) Ching [Thelypteridaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Devi S, Yasmeen, Singh J, et al. (1989) Patch testing <strong>an</strong>imals<br />

to allergenic fern spores. J Toxicol Cut<strong>an</strong>eous Ocul Toxicol<br />

8(2):167-172.<br />

ab<strong>an</strong>g –see– Milicia excelsa (Welw.) C. C. Berg<br />

Abassi<strong>an</strong> boxwood –see– Buxus sempervirens L.<br />

a b e l Mo s c h u s e s c u l e n Tu s (L.) Moench<br />

[Malvaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h ibiscus esculentus L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bhindi; gumbo; lady’s-finger; okra<br />

Citations:<br />

Matsushita T, Aoyama K, M<strong>an</strong>da F, et al. (1989) Occupational<br />

dermatoses in farmers growing okra (Hibiscus<br />

esculentus L.). Contact Dermatitis 21(15):321-325.<br />

Singh R, Siddiqui MA, Baruah MC (1978) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis<br />

in Delhi. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med Res 68(Oct):650-655.<br />

Sinha SM, Pasricha JS, Sharma RC, et al. (1977) Vegetables<br />

responsible for contact dermatitis of the h<strong>an</strong>ds. Arch<br />

Dermatol 113(6):776-779.<br />

abendl<strong>an</strong>discher Lebensbaum –see– Platycladus orientalis<br />

(L.) Fr<strong>an</strong>co<br />

a b i e s b a ls a Me a (L.) Mill. [Pinaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

balsam fir<br />

Citations:<br />

Kappes LO (1948) Balsam as a cause of contact dermatitis in<br />

a florist. Ann Allergy 6:(J<strong>an</strong>-Feb)21-22.<br />

abnormal leaf flower –see– Phyll<strong>an</strong>thus abnormis Baill.<br />

abnormal leg flower –see– Phyll<strong>an</strong>thus abnormis Baill.<br />

abrepuño –see– Centaurea solstitialis L.<br />

abrin –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

abrojos –see– Tribulus terrestris L.<br />

A<br />

a b r u s p r e c a To r i u s L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

abrin; bejuco-de-peonia; black-eye Sus<strong>an</strong>; Buddhist<br />

rosary bead; coral bead pl<strong>an</strong>t; crab’s-eye; gidee gidee;<br />

habet-el-arus; Indi<strong>an</strong> bead; Indi<strong>an</strong> licorice; jequirity<br />

be<strong>an</strong>; jequirity pea; jumbee bead; love be<strong>an</strong>; love pea;<br />

lucky be<strong>an</strong>; minnie minnies; Paternostererbse; prayer<br />

bead; prayer be<strong>an</strong>; precatory be<strong>an</strong>; precatory pea; ratti;<br />

red bead vine; rosary be<strong>an</strong>; rosary pea; S<strong>an</strong>ta Ju<strong>an</strong>e;<br />

weather pl<strong>an</strong>t; wild licorice<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1955) Abrin, lethal jewelry. AMA Arch Ind<br />

Health 12:468-469.<br />

Anonymous (1969) Rosary be<strong>an</strong> kills child, 2. Miami Herald.<br />

Nov 7:2C.<br />

Barri ME, El Dirdiri NI, Abu Damir H, et al. (1990) Toxicity<br />

of Abrus precatorius in Nubi<strong>an</strong> goats. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

32(6):541-545.<br />

Bukhari AQ , Ahmad S, Qureshi S (1976) Oral toxicology of<br />

Abrus precatorius Linn. J Pak Med Assoc 26(1):4-6.<br />

Burda A, Wahl M, Fischbein C, et al. (2004) Atypical poisonings<br />

with bot<strong>an</strong>icals raise suspicion of malicious activity.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 46(6):341.<br />

Carvalho EC (1987) Sensibilidade de aves domésticas (Gallus<br />

gallus domesticus L.) à abrina, toxalbumina de Abrus<br />

precatorius L. - Aspectos <strong>an</strong>atomopatológicos na toxicose<br />

experimental. Arq Fluminenses Med Vet 2(3):89.<br />

Davis JH (1978) Abrus precatorius (rosary pea). The<br />

most common lethal pl<strong>an</strong>t poison. J Fla Med Assoc<br />

65(3):188-191.<br />

Desai VB, Sirsi M (1964) The effect of Abrus precatorius on<br />

pregn<strong>an</strong>cy of mice. Curr Sci 33(19):585-587.<br />

Fern<strong>an</strong>do C (2001) Poisoning due to Abrus precatorius<br />

(jequirity be<strong>an</strong>). Anaesthesia 56(12):1178-1180.<br />

Frohne D, Schmoldt A, Pfänder HJ (1984) Die Paternostererbse<br />

- Keineswegs harmlos. Dtsch Apoth Ztg<br />

124(43):2109-2113.<br />

Genest K, Lavalle A, Nera E (1971) Comparative acute toxicity<br />

of Abrus precatorius <strong>an</strong>d Ormosia seeds in <strong>an</strong>imals.<br />

Arzneimittelforschung 21(6):888-889.<br />

Guggisberg M (1968) A propos d’une curieuse intoxication<br />

par des grains de chapelet (Abrus precatorius). Rev Med<br />

Suisse Rom<strong>an</strong>de 88(3):206-208.<br />

Hart M (1963) Hazards to health. Jequirity-be<strong>an</strong> poisoning.<br />

N Engl J Med 268(16):885-886.<br />

Kinamore PA, Jaeger RW, de Castro FJ, et al. (1980) Abrus<br />

<strong>an</strong>d ricinus ingestion: M<strong>an</strong>agement of three cases. Clin<br />

Toxicol 17(3):401-405.<br />

Moraillon R, Mutel M, Henry N, et al. (1978) A propos d’un<br />

cas d’intoxication mortelle d’un chien par la graine d’Abrus<br />

precatorius. Rec Med Vet Ec Alfort 154(3):223-225.<br />

Niyogi SK (1977) Elevation of enzyme levels in serum due<br />

to Abrus precatorius (jequirity be<strong>an</strong>) poisoning. Toxicon<br />


2 - Abutilon theophrasti D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Omer SA, Ibrahim FH, Khalid SA, et al. (1992) Toxicological<br />

interactions of Abrus precatorius <strong>an</strong>d Cassia senna<br />

in the diet of Lohm<strong>an</strong>n broiler chicks. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

34(4):310-313.<br />

Simpson KS, B<strong>an</strong>erjee PC (1932) Cases of poisoning in the<br />

horse with ratti seeds (Abrus precatorius) by oral administration.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> J Vet Sci Anim Husb 2:59-65.<br />

Sw<strong>an</strong>son-Biearm<strong>an</strong> B, De<strong>an</strong> BS, Krenzelok EP (1992) Failure<br />

of whole bowel irrigation to decontaminate the GI<br />

tract following massive jequirity be<strong>an</strong> ingestion. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 34(4):352.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J, Monteiro MC (1970) Intoxicação<br />

experimental em bovinos pela semente de Abrus<br />

precatorius. Pesq Agric Bras 5(3):441-452.<br />

absinthe –see– Artemisia absinthium L.<br />

absinthium –see– Artemisia absinthium L.<br />

Abutilon avicennae Gaertn. = Abutilon theophrasti Medik.<br />

abutilon hemp –see– Abutilon theophrasti Medik.<br />

a b u Ti l o n Th e o p h r a s Ti Medik. [Malvaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a butilon avicennae Gaertn.<br />

Common Names:<br />

abutilon hemp; Americ<strong>an</strong> jute; butter print; button<br />

print; button weed; Chinese jute; chingma; cottonweed;<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> mallow; velvet weed; velvetleaf<br />

Citations:<br />

Dug<strong>an</strong> GM, Gumbm<strong>an</strong>n MR (1990) Toxicological <strong>an</strong>d<br />

nutritional evaluation of velvetleaf seed: Subchronic<br />

90-day feeding study <strong>an</strong>d protein efficiency ratio assay.<br />

Food Chem Toxicol 28(2):95-99.<br />

Keshavarz K, Park K (1992) The use of velvetweed in laying<br />

ration causes formation of eggs with pasty yolks. Poult Sci<br />

71(Suppl 1):54.<br />

Abyssini<strong>an</strong> kale –see– Crambe abyssinica Hochst. ex R. E.<br />

Fr.<br />

Abyssini<strong>an</strong> tea –see– Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl.<br />

a c a c i a b e r l a n d i e r i Benth. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

guajillo<br />

Citations:<br />

Boughton IB, Hardy WT (1940) Feeding trials of suspected<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 53:236-237.<br />

Boughton IB, Hardy WT (1941) Feeding trials of suspected<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 54:159.<br />

a c a c i a b i n e rv i a (J. C. Wendl.) J. F. Macbr.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a cacia glaucescens Willd.<br />

Common Names:<br />

coast myall; river myall; Sally wattle<br />

Citations:<br />

Seddon HR, White HC (1928) River myall or sally wattle<br />

(Acacia glaucescens.) Proved poisonous to stock. Agric<br />

Gaz New South Wales 39:668-670.<br />

Seddon HR, White HC (1929) Acacia glaucescens<br />

(“river myall” or “sally wattle”) proved poisonous to<br />

stock. New South Wales Dep Agric Vet Res Rep<br />

1927-1928(5):96-99.<br />

a c a c i a c a Te c h u (L. f.) Willd. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

black catechu; catechu; cutch tree; khair<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal:<br />

Preliminary toxicity screening using grass carp<br />

(Ctenopharyngodon idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

21(1):1-9.<br />

Acacia cy<strong>an</strong>ophylla Lindl. = Acacia saligna (Labill.) H. L.<br />

Wendl.<br />

acacia falsa –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

a c a c i a g e o r g i n a e F. M. Bailey [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Georgina gidyea; gidyea tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Barnes JE (1958) Georgina poisoning of cattle in the Northern<br />

Territory. Aust Vet J 34(Sep):281-290.<br />

Bell AT, Newton LG, Everist SL, et al. (1955) Acacia<br />

georginae poisoning of cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep. Aust Vet J<br />

31(Oct):249-257.<br />

Whittem JH, Murray LR (1963) The chemistry <strong>an</strong>d<br />

pathology of Georgina River poisoning. Aust Vet J<br />

39(Apr):168-173.<br />

a c a c i a × g i r a f f a e Willd. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

giraffe thorn; kameelboom; kameeldoring; mimosa;<br />

Tr<strong>an</strong>svaal camelthorn; Tr<strong>an</strong>svaal kameeldoring<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG (1936) Recent investigations into the toxicity<br />

of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union<br />

of South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

7(1):169-178.<br />

a c a c i a g l a u c a (L.) Moench [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a cacia villosa (Sw.) Willd.<br />

Citations:<br />

Dunham LJ, Sheets RH, Morton JF (1974) Proliferative<br />

lesions in cheek pouch <strong>an</strong>d esophagus of hamsters treated<br />

with pl<strong>an</strong>ts from Curacao, Netherl<strong>an</strong>d Antilles. J Natl<br />

C<strong>an</strong>cer Instit 53(5):1259-1269.<br />

Acacia glaucescens Willd. = Acacia binervia (J. C. Wendl.)<br />

J. F. Macbr.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Acacia ×senegal - 3<br />

a c a c i a j a c q u e Mo n Ti i Benth. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

kikar<br />

Citations:<br />

Singh R, Siddiqui MA, Baruah MC (1978) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis<br />

in Delhi. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med Res 68(Oct):650-655.<br />

a c a c i a l a s io p e Ta l a Oliv. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Natal camel thorn<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG (1934) The camel-thorn tree <strong>an</strong>d other Acacia species<br />

as stockfeed. Risk of stock being poisoned. Farming<br />

South Africa 9(Mar):89-90, 106.<br />

a c a c i a l e u c o p h l o e a (Roxb.) Willd.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

babul; kikar; rajma; raunja; reunja; safed kikar<br />

Citations:<br />

Gupta I, Nauriyal MM (1966) Acacia leucophloea<br />

Willd. (raunja) poisoning in livestock. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J<br />

43(6):538-543.<br />

Prasad J, Singh AP, Rekib A (1977) Hydrocy<strong>an</strong>ic acid poisoning<br />

in grazing sheep <strong>an</strong>d goat on Acacia leucophloea<br />

(reunja). Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J 54(Sep):748-751.<br />

Vih<strong>an</strong> VS, P<strong>an</strong>war HS (1987) A note on toxicity of Acacia<br />

leucophloea (rajma) in sheep. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Anim Res<br />

21(1):53-55.<br />

a c a c i a Me l a n o x y l o n R. Br. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> blackwood; blackwood; Tasm<strong>an</strong>i<strong>an</strong><br />

blackwood<br />

Citations:<br />

Burry JN (1969) The value of patch testing: A review of 363<br />

cases of allergic contact dermatitis. Med J Aust 1(Jun<br />

14):1124-1231.<br />

Correia O, Barros MA, Mesquita-Guimarães J (1992) Airborne<br />

contact dermatitis from the woods Acacia mel<strong>an</strong>oxylon<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Ent<strong>an</strong>drophragma cylindricum. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 27(5):343-344.<br />

Tilsley DA (1990) Australi<strong>an</strong> blackwood dermatitis. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 23(6):40-41.<br />

a c a c i a n i l o Tic a (L.) Delile subsp. kraussi<strong>an</strong>a<br />

(Benth.) Bren<strong>an</strong> [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Terbl<strong>an</strong>che M, Pienaar JG, Bigalke R, et al. (1967) Acacia<br />

nilotica (L.) Del. subsp. kraussi<strong>an</strong>a (Benth.) Bren<strong>an</strong><br />

as a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t in South Africa. J S Afr Vet Assoc<br />

38(1):57-63.<br />

a c a c i a p e n d u l a A. Cunn. ex G. Don [Fabaceae]<br />

Common names:<br />

myall<br />

Citations:<br />

Hindmarsh WL (1937) Mortality in sheep due to the<br />

ingestion of the foliage of myall trees (Acacia pendula)<br />

infested with the boree moth (Teara contraria). Aust Vet<br />

J 13:124-125.<br />

a c a c i a p e n n a Ta (L.) Willd. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

aila; arfoo<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

a c a c i a s a l ic i n a Lindl. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

black Sally wattle; black wattle; cooby; dool<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

McCosker PJ, Hunt SE (1966) Suspected poisoning of cattle<br />

with Acacia salicina. Aust Vet J 42(Sep):355.<br />

a c a c i a s a l ig n a (Labill.) H. L. Wendl.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a cacia cy<strong>an</strong>ophylla Lindl.<br />

Citations:<br />

Allen JG, Creeper JH, Forshaw D, et al. (2004) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated<br />

diseases, either new or new to the state, encountered<br />

over the last decade (1991-2001) in Western Australia. In:<br />

Acamovic T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK.<br />

pp. 540-547.<br />

a c a c i a × s e n e g a l (L.) Willd. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a cacia verek Guill. & Perr.<br />

Common Names:<br />

gum acacia; gum arabic<br />

Citations:<br />

Fötisch K, Fäh J, Wüthrich B, et al. (1998) IgE <strong>an</strong>tibodies<br />

specific for carbohydrates in a patient allergic to gum arabic<br />

(Acacia senegal). Allergy 53(11):1043-1051.<br />

Ilchyshyn A, Smith AG (1985) Gum arabic sensitivity associated<br />

with epidemic hysteria dermatologica. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 13(4):282-283.<br />

Sprague PH (1942) Bronchial asthma due to sensitivity to<br />

gum acacia. C<strong>an</strong> Med Assoc J 47:253.<br />

Acacia verek Guill. & Perr. = Acacia senegal (L.) Willd.<br />

Acacia villosa (Sw.) Willd. = Acacia glauca (L.) Moench<br />

acajou –see– Anacardium occidentale L.; Semecarpus ater (G.<br />

Forst.) Vieill.<br />

acajou-jaune-du-Congo –see– Sarcocephalus diderrichii De<br />

Wild.<br />

acalypha –see– Acalypha indica L.

4 - Acalypha indica D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

a c a l y p h a i n d ic a L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

acalypha; hierba-de-c<strong>an</strong>cer; Indi<strong>an</strong> acalypha; macheliko<strong>an</strong>e;<br />

three-seed mercury<br />

Citations:<br />

Fern<strong>an</strong>do R (2002) The national poisons information centre<br />

in Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka: The first ten years. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

40(5):551-555.<br />

Sen<strong>an</strong>ayake N, S<strong>an</strong>mug<strong>an</strong>th<strong>an</strong> PS (1996) Acute intravascular<br />

haemolysis in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase<br />

deficient patients following ingestion of herbal broth containing<br />

Acalypha indica. Trop Doct 26(1):32.<br />

Steyn DG (1937) Recent investigations into the toxicity of<br />

known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union of<br />

South Africa. VIII. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

9:573-582.<br />

Steyn DG (1965) An investigation into cases of suspected<br />

poisoning in Afric<strong>an</strong>s in northern Rhodesia. S Afr Med<br />

J 39(16):344-350.<br />

a c a n Th o s p e r Mu M h is p i d u M DC.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

dashin yawo; hurab ekhowsa; star bur<br />

Citations:<br />

Ali B, Adam SE (1978) Effects of Ac<strong>an</strong>thospermum hispidum<br />

on goats. J Comp Pathol 88(4):533-544.<br />

Ali B, Adam SE (1978) Toxicity of Ac<strong>an</strong>thospermum hispidum<br />

to mice. J Comp Pathol 88(3):443-448.<br />

acebo –see– Ilex aquifolium L.<br />

acedera –see– Rumex crispus L.<br />

acedera común –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

acederilla –see– Oxalis acetosella L.<br />

a c e r Ma c r o p h y l l u M Pursh [Aceraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

big-leaf maple; Oregon maple<br />

Citations:<br />

Meeham J (1889) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Garden Forest<br />

2(57):154.<br />

a c e r r u b r u M L. [Aceraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Carolina maple; meadow maple; red maple; scarlet<br />

maple; soft maple; swamp maple; water maple; yellow<br />

maple<br />

Citations:<br />

De Witt SF, Bedenice D, Maz<strong>an</strong> MR (2004) Hemolysis<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Heinz body formation associated with ingestion of<br />

red maple leaves in two alpacas. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

225(4):578-583.<br />

Divers TJ, George LW, George JW (1982) Hemolytic <strong>an</strong>emia<br />

in horses after the ingestion of red maple leaves. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 180(3):300-302.<br />

George LW, Divers TJ, Mahaffey EA, et al. (1982) Heinz<br />

body <strong>an</strong>emia <strong>an</strong>d methemoglobinemia in ponies<br />

given red maple (Acer rubrum L.) leaves. Vet Pathol<br />

19(5):521-533.<br />

Long PH, Payne JW (1984) Red maple-associated pulmonary<br />

thrombosis in a horse. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

184(8):977-978.<br />

McConnico RS, Brownie CF (1992) The use of ascorbic acid<br />

in the treatment of 2 cases of red maple (Acer rubrum)poisoned<br />

horses. Cornell Vet 82(3):293-300.<br />

Plumlee KH (1991) Red maple toxicity in a horse. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 33(1):66-67.<br />

Stair EL, Edwards WC, Burrows GE, et al. (1993) Suspected<br />

red maple (Acer rubrum) toxicosis with abortion in two<br />

Percheron mares. Vet Hum Toxicol 35(3):229-230.<br />

Tenn<strong>an</strong>t B, Dill SG, Glickm<strong>an</strong> LT, et al. (1980) Red maple<br />

poisoning in horses associated with acute hemolytic <strong>an</strong>emia<br />

<strong>an</strong>d methemoglobinemia. Proc Am Assoc Equine<br />

Pract 26:243-250.<br />

Tenn<strong>an</strong>t B, Dill SG, Glickm<strong>an</strong> LT, et al. (1981) Acute<br />

hemolytic <strong>an</strong>emia, methemoglobinemia, <strong>an</strong>d Heinz body<br />

formation associated with ingestion of red maple leaves by<br />

horses. J Am Vet Med Assoc 179(2):143-150.<br />

ache-des-marrais –see– Apium graveolens L.<br />

ache douce –see– Apium graveolens L.<br />

ache olor<strong>an</strong>te –see– Apium graveolens L.<br />

Achillea borealis Bong. = Achillea millefolium L.<br />

Achillea l<strong>an</strong>ulosa Nutt. = Achillea millefolium L.<br />

a c h i l l e a Mi l l e f o l i u M L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a chillea borealis Bong.; a chillea l<strong>an</strong>ulosa Nutt.<br />

Common Names:<br />

milfoil; nosebleed; plumajillo; Schafgarbe; thous<strong>an</strong>dleaf;<br />

yarrow<br />

Citations:<br />

Davies MG, Kersey PJ (1986) Contact allergy to yarrow <strong>an</strong>d<br />

d<strong>an</strong>delion. Contact Dermatitis 14(4):256-257.<br />

G<strong>an</strong>s O (1929) Ueber die Dermatitis durch Achillea millefolium.<br />

Ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie der beim Freibaden<br />

entstehenden Hautausschläge. Dtsch Med Wochenschr<br />

55(29):1213-1215.<br />

Hausen BM (1979) The sensitizing capacity of Compositae<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. III. Test results <strong>an</strong>d cross-reactions in Compositae-sensitive<br />

patients. Dermatologica 159(1):1-11.<br />

Philadelphy A (1928) Eine bullöse Hauterkr<strong>an</strong>kung, hervorgerufen<br />

durch Achillea millefolium. Wien Klin<br />

Wochenschr 41:88-89.<br />

a c h n a Th e r u M r ob u s Tu M (Vasey) Barkworth<br />

[Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s tipa robusta (Vasey) Scribn.; s tipa vaseyi Scribn.;<br />

s tipa viridula Trin. var. robusta Vasey<br />

Common Names:<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> sleepy grass; robust needlegrass; sleepy grass;<br />

Vasey’s-stipa grass

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Aconitum carmichaelii - 5<br />

Citations:<br />

Bailey V (1903) Sleepy grass <strong>an</strong>d its effect on horses. Science<br />

17(427):392-393.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB (1929) Sleepy grass (Stipa vaseyi)<br />

as a stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>t. U S Dep Agric Tech Bull<br />

#114:19 pp.<br />

Smalley HE, Crooksh<strong>an</strong>k HR (1976) Toxicity studies on<br />

sleepy grass, Stipa robusta (Vasey) Scribn. Southwestern<br />

Vet 29(1):35-39.<br />

a c h y r a n Th e s a s p e r a L. [Amar<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

apamarg; colic weed; hug melose; m<strong>an</strong>-better-m<strong>an</strong>;<br />

rabo-de-gato<br />

Citations:<br />

H<strong>an</strong> ST, Lin CC (2003) Cardiac toxicity caused by Achyr<strong>an</strong>thes<br />

aspera. Vet Hum Toxicol 45(4):212-213.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>chez Perere LL, Alfonso HA, Noa M, et al. (1995)<br />

Intoxication due to Achyr<strong>an</strong>thes aspera L. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

37(6):582.<br />

ackee –see– Blighia sapida K. D. Koenig<br />

Ackerkrone –see– Agrostemma githago L.<br />

Ackerrettich –see– Raph<strong>an</strong>us sativus L.<br />

Ackerrittersporn –see– Consolida regalis Gray<br />

Ackersenf –see– Sinapis arvensis L.<br />

Ackerwicke –see– Vicia sativa L.<br />

Ackerwinde –see– Convolvulus arvensis L.<br />

a c Me n a s Mi Th i i (Poir.) Merr. & L. M. Perry<br />

[Myrtaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e ugenia smithii Poir.<br />

Common Names:<br />

lily pilly<br />

Citations:<br />

Rosner SA, Nurse DS (1984) Contact dermatitis to lily pilly<br />

(Eugenia smithii): Report of a case. Aust J Dermatol<br />

25(1):25-26.<br />

Acok<strong>an</strong>thera friesiorum Markgr. = Acok<strong>an</strong>thera schimperi<br />

(A. DC.) Oliv.<br />

Acok<strong>an</strong>thera longiflora Stapf = Acok<strong>an</strong>thera oppositifolia<br />

(Lam.) Codd<br />

a c o k a n Th e r a o p p o s i Ti f o l i a (Lam.) Codd<br />

[Apocynaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a cok<strong>an</strong>thera longiflora Stapf; a cok<strong>an</strong>thera venenata<br />

auct.<br />

Common Names:<br />

arrow poison bush; bushm<strong>an</strong>’s-poison; gifboom; Hottentot<br />

poison bush; ouabain; wabaio<br />

Citations:<br />

Mugera GM (1970) Toxic <strong>an</strong>d medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of East<br />

Africa. I. Bull Epizootic Dis Afr 18(4):377-387.<br />

a c o k a n Th e r a s c h i Mp e r i (A. DC.) Oliv.<br />

[Apocynaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a cok<strong>an</strong>thera friesiorum Markgr.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Hottentot poison bush; ouabain; wabaio<br />

Citations:<br />

Cassels BK (1985)Analysis of a Maasai arrow poison. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

14(2-3):273-281.<br />

Mugera GM (1970) Toxic <strong>an</strong>d medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of East<br />

Africa. I. Bull Epizootic Dis Afr 18(4):377-387.<br />

Acok<strong>an</strong>thera venenata auct. = Acok<strong>an</strong>thera oppositifolia<br />

(Lam.) Codd<br />

aconite –see– Aconitum carmichaelii Debeaux; Aconitum<br />

ferox Wall. ex Ser.; Aconitum kusnezoffii Rchb.; Aconitum<br />

napellus L.<br />

Aconitum <strong>an</strong>gelicum Stapf = Aconitum napellus L.<br />

a c o n i Tu M b r a c h y p o d u M Diels<br />

[R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Tai YT, But PP, Young K, et al. (1992) Cardiotoxicity<br />

after accidental herb-induced aconite poisoning. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

340(8830):1254-1256.<br />

Zh<strong>an</strong>g YG, Hu<strong>an</strong>g GZ (1988) Poisoning by toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

China. Report of 19 autopsy cases. Am J Forensic Med<br />

Pathol 9(4):313-319.<br />

a c o n i Tu M ×c a MMa r u M L. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Cheung K; Hinds JA; Duffy P (1989) Detection of poisoning<br />

by pl<strong>an</strong>t-origin cardiac glycoside with the Abbott TDx<br />

<strong>an</strong>alyzer. Clin Chem 35(2):295-297.<br />

Pohjalainen T, Elomaa E, Hoppu K (2003) Cardiovascular<br />

disorders induced by Aconitum species. J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 41(4):515-516.<br />

a c o n i Tu M c a r Mic h a e l i i Debeaux<br />

[R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

aconite; bushi; chu<strong>an</strong>wu; fo tzu; fu tse; wutou; zhichu<strong>an</strong>-wu<br />

Citations:<br />

But PP Tai YT, Young K (1994) Three fatal cases of herbal<br />

aconite poisoning. Vet Hum Toxicol 39(3):212-215.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> TY, Ch<strong>an</strong> JC, Tomlinson B, et al. (1994) Poisoning<br />

by Chinese herbal medicines in Hong Kong: A hospital<strong>based</strong><br />

study. Vet Hum Toxicol 36(6):546-547.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> TY, Tomlinson B, Ch<strong>an</strong> WW, et al. (1993) A case of<br />

acute aconitine poisoning caused by chu<strong>an</strong>wu <strong>an</strong>d caowu.<br />

J Trop Med Hyg 96(1):62-63.

6 - Aconitum carmichaelii D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> TY, Tomlinson B, Critchley JA, et al. (1994) Herbinduced<br />

aconitine poisoning presenting as tetraplegia. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 36(2):133-134.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> WY, Ng TB, Lu JL (1995) Effects of decoctions prepared<br />

from Aconitum carmichaelii, Aconitum kusnezoffii<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Tripterygium wilfordii on serum lactate dehydrogenase<br />

activity <strong>an</strong>d histology of liver, kidney, heart, <strong>an</strong>d<br />

gonad. Hum Exp Toxicol 14(6):489-493.<br />

Chen SS, Hung DZ, Deng JF, et al. (1992) Aconite poisoning<br />

in a herb preparation. Toxicon 30:497-498.<br />

Dickens P, Tai YT, But PP, et al. (1994) Fatal accidental<br />

aconitine poisoning following ingestion of Chinese<br />

herbal medicine: A report of two cases. Forensic Sci Int<br />

67(1):55-58.<br />

Fitzpatrick AJ, Crawford M, All<strong>an</strong> RM, et al. (1994) Aconite<br />

poisoning m<strong>an</strong>aged with a ventricular assist device.<br />

Anaesth Intensive Care 22(6):714-717.<br />

Liu Y, Wolf LR, Zhu W (1997) Epidemiology of adult poisoning<br />

at China Medical University. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

35(2):175-180.<br />

Tai YT, But PP, Young K, et al. (1992) Cardiotoxicity<br />

after accidental herb-induced aconite poisoning. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

340(8830):1254-1256.<br />

Tai YT, Lau CP, But PP, et al. (1992) Bidirectional tachycardia<br />

induced by herbal aconite poisoning. Pacing Clin<br />

Electrophysiol 15(5):831-839.<br />

Zh<strong>an</strong>g ZZ (1983) [Experimental study on “18 against compatibilities”<br />

of Chinese traditional medicine: Acute toxicity<br />

of Aconitum carmichaelii <strong>an</strong>d Pinellia ternata.] Bull<br />

Chin Materia Medica 8(4):33-34.<br />

a c o n i Tu M c a r Mic h a e l i i Debeaux var.<br />

truppeli<strong>an</strong>um (Ulbr.) W. T. W<strong>an</strong>g & P. K. Hsiao<br />

[R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a conitum chinense Paxton<br />

Common Names:<br />

Chinese aconite root<br />

Citations:<br />

Zh<strong>an</strong>g YG, Hu<strong>an</strong>g GZ (1988) Poisoning by toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

China. Report of 19 autopsy cases. Am J Forensic Med<br />

Pathol 9(4):313-319.<br />

Aconitum chinese Paxton = Aconitum carmichaelii<br />

Debeaux var. truppeli<strong>an</strong>um (Ulbr.) W. T. W<strong>an</strong>g & P. K.<br />

Hsiao<br />

Aconitum excelsum Rchb. = Aconitum lycoctonum L.<br />

subsp. lycoctonum<br />

a c o n i Tu M f e r o x Wall. ex Ser. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

aconite; bish poison; Indi<strong>an</strong> aconite; Nepaul aconite<br />

Citations:<br />

Mahaj<strong>an</strong>i SS, Joshi RS, G<strong>an</strong>gar VU, et al. (1990) Some<br />

observations on the toxicity <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>tipyretic activity of<br />

crude <strong>an</strong>d processed aconite roots. Pl<strong>an</strong>ta Med 56:665.<br />

a c o n i Tu M k u s n e z o f f i i Rchb.<br />

[R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

aconite; caowu; zhi-cao-wu<br />

Citations:<br />

But PP Tai YT, Young K (1994) Three fatal cases of herbal<br />

Aconite poisoning. Vet Hum Toxicol 39(3):212-215.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> TY, Ch<strong>an</strong> JC, Tomlinson B, et al. (1994) Poisoning<br />

by Chinese herbal medicines in Hong Kong: A hospital<strong>based</strong><br />

study. Vet Hum Toxicol 36(6):546-547.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> TY, Tomlinson B, Ch<strong>an</strong> WW, et al. (1993) A case of<br />

acute aconitine poisoning caused by chu<strong>an</strong>wu <strong>an</strong>d caowu.<br />

J Trop Med Hyg 96(1):62-63.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> TY, Tomlinson B, Critchley JA, et al. (1994) Herbinduced<br />

Aconitine poisoning presenting as tetraplegia.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 36(2):133-134.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> WY, Ng TB, Lu JL (1995) Effects of decoctions prepared<br />

from Aconitum carmichaelii, Aconitum kusnezoffii<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Tripterygium wilfordii on serum lactate dehydrogenase<br />

activity <strong>an</strong>d histology of liver, kidney, heart, <strong>an</strong>d<br />

gonad. Hum Exp Toxicol 14(6):489-493.<br />

Chen SS, Hung DZ, Deng JF, et al. (1992) Aconite poisoning<br />

in a herb preparation. Toxicon 30:497-498.<br />

Dickens P, Tai YT, But PP, et al. (1994) Fatal accidental<br />

aconitine poisoning following ingestion of Chinese<br />

herbal medicine: A report of two cases. Forensic Sci Int<br />

67(1):55-58.<br />

Fitzpatrick AJ, Crawford M, All<strong>an</strong> RM, et al. (1994) Aconite<br />

poisoning m<strong>an</strong>aged with a ventricular assist device.<br />

Anaesth Intensive Care 22(6):714-717.<br />

Tai YT, But PP, Young K, et al. (1992) Cardiotoxicity<br />

after accidental herb-induced aconite poisoning. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

340(8830):1254-1256.<br />

Tai YT, Lau CP, But PP, et al. (1992) Bidirectional tachycardia<br />

induced by herbal aconite poisoning. Pacing Clin<br />

Electrophysiol 15(5):831-839.<br />

a c o n i Tu M l y c o c To n u M L. subsp. lycoctonum<br />

[R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a conitum excelsum Rchb.; a conitum septentrionale<br />

Koelle<br />

Citations:<br />

Leine N (1988) Forgiftning med tyrihjelm (lusehatt)<br />

Aconitum septentrionale. Norsk Veterinaertidsskrift<br />

100(10):736-737.<br />

a c o n i Tu M l y c o c To n u M L. subsp. vulparia<br />

(Rchb.) Nym<strong>an</strong> [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a conitum vulparia Rchb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

farkasölö sisakvirág; Gelbereisenhut; Gelber Sturmhut;<br />

monkshood; Wolfs-Eisenhut; wolfsb<strong>an</strong>e<br />

Citations:<br />

Puschner B, Booth MC, Tor ER, et al. (2002) Diterpenoid<br />

alkaloid toxicosis in cattle in the Swiss Alps. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 44(1):8-10.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Actaea rubra - 7<br />

Puschner B, Booth MC, Tor ER, et al. (2004) Delphinium<br />

alkaloid toxicosis in cattle from Switzerl<strong>an</strong>d. In: Acamovic<br />

T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp.<br />

38-43.<br />

a c o n i Tu M n a p e l l u s L. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a conitum <strong>an</strong>gelicum Stapf<br />

Common Names:<br />

aconite; bachnag; bear’s-foot; Blauer Eisenhut; Blauer<br />

Sturmhut; blue rocket; Echter Eisenhut; Echter Sturmhut;<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> aconite; Fischerkappe; friar’s-cap;<br />

helmet flower; monk’s-cowl; monkshood; Reiterkappe;<br />

soldier’s-cap; Taubenkutsche; Turk’s-cap; Venus’-chariot;<br />

wolfsb<strong>an</strong>e<br />

Citations:<br />

Birt<strong>an</strong>ov Y, Toibaeva G, Birt<strong>an</strong>ov A (2000) Acute aconite<br />

poisoning: A review of 219 cases. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

38(5):579.<br />

Cr<strong>an</strong>don K, Thompson JP (2003) A fatal case of monkshood<br />

poisoning. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(4):519-520.<br />

Edwards EP (1925) Aconite poisoning. Vet Rec 5(Jul<br />

4):559.<br />

Feldkamp A, Köster B, Weber HP (1991) Tödliche Vergiftung<br />

durch Blauen Eisenhut (Aconitum napellus).<br />

Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 139(6):366-367.<br />

Felgenhauer N, Zilker T, Dorfm<strong>an</strong>n N (1999) Severe intoxication<br />

with Aconitum. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 37(3):416.<br />

Gohel DR, Patel BI, Agarwal SB (1989) Aconite intoxication<br />

<strong>an</strong>d cardiac arrythmias. J Assoc Physici<strong>an</strong>s India<br />

37(3):245.<br />

Imazio M, Belli R, Pomari F, et al. (2000) Malign<strong>an</strong>t ventricular<br />

arrythmias due to Aconitum napellus seeds. Circulation<br />

102(23):2907-2908.<br />

Moritz F, Compagnon P, Kaliszczak IG, et al. (2005) Severe<br />

acute poisoning with homemade Aconitum napellus<br />

capsules: Toxicokinetic <strong>an</strong>d clinical data. J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 43(7):873-876.<br />

Northall FS, Dauncey EA, Butler JM (2003) An overview of<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d fungal poisonings in the UK, <strong>an</strong>d some interesting<br />

cases. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(4):518-519.<br />

Puschner B, Booth MC, Tor ER, et al. (2002) Diterpenoid<br />

alkaloid toxicosis in cattle in the Swiss Alps. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 44(1):8-10.<br />

Puschner B, Booth MC, Tor ER, et al. (2004) Delphinium<br />

alkaloid toxicosis in cattle from Switzerl<strong>an</strong>d. In: Acamovic<br />

T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d<br />

related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp. 38-43.<br />

Singh S, Fadnis PP, Sharma BK (1986) Aconite poisoning. J<br />

Assoc Physici<strong>an</strong>s India 34(11):825-826.<br />

Solway RI (1949) Aconite intoxication <strong>an</strong>d myocardial<br />

infarction. Connecticut State Med J 13:727-728.<br />

Taylor H (1925) Poisoning by the aconite pl<strong>an</strong>t. Vet Rec<br />

5(Jun 27):533.<br />

Toibaeva GM, Birt<strong>an</strong>ov YA, Birt<strong>an</strong>ov AB (2001) Acute<br />

aconite poisoning: A review of 219 cases. J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 39(3):302.<br />

Travis AD, Gummin DD, McC<strong>an</strong>n P, et al. (2002) Monkshood-induced<br />

dysrhythmia treated with magnesium. J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 40(5):646.<br />

Aconitum septentrionale Koelle = Aconitum lycoctonum L.<br />

subsp. lycoctonum<br />

Aconitum vulparia Rchb. = Aconitum lycoctonum L. subsp.<br />

vulparia (Rchb.) Nym<strong>an</strong><br />

acoro bastardo –see– Iris pseudoacorus L.<br />

acorus –see– Acorus calamus L.<br />

a c o r u s c a l a Mu s L. [Acoraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

acorus; calamus; Kalmus; sweet c<strong>an</strong>e; sweet cinnamon;<br />

sweet flag; sweet root; vegetable calomel<br />

Citations:<br />

Gross MA, Jones WI, Cook EL, et al. (1967) Carcinogenicity<br />

of oil of calamus. Proc Am Assoc C<strong>an</strong>cer Res<br />

8:24.<br />

Thomas M, An<strong>an</strong>d<strong>an</strong> S, Kuruvilla PJ, et al. (2000) Profile<br />

of hospital admissions following acute poisoning – Experiences<br />

from a major teaching hospital in south India.<br />

Adverse Drug React Toxicol Rev 19(4):313-317.<br />

Vargas CP, Wolf LR, Gamm SR, et al. (1998) Getting to<br />

the root (Acorus calamus) of the problem. J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 36(3):259-260.<br />

acrid buttercup –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus acris L.<br />

Acroptilon repens (L.) DC. = Rhaponticum repens (L.)<br />

Hidalgo<br />

a c r o s Tic h u M a u r e u M L. [Pteridaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Devi S, Yasmeem, Singh J, et al. (1989) Patch testing <strong>an</strong>imals<br />

to allergenic fern spores. J Toxicol Cut<strong>an</strong>eous Ocul Toxicol<br />

8(2):167-172.<br />

a c Ta e a r a c e Mo s a L. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c imicifuga racemosa (L.) Nutt.<br />

Common Names:<br />

black cohosh; black snakeroot; bugb<strong>an</strong>e; cimicifuga;<br />

macrotys; rattleroot; squawroot<br />

Citations:<br />

Litovitz TL, Felberg L, Soloway RA, et al. (1995) 1994<br />

Annual Report of the Americ<strong>an</strong> Association of Poison<br />

Control Centers Toxic Exposure Surveill<strong>an</strong>ce System.<br />

Am J Emerg Med 12(5):551-597.<br />

Thomsen M, Vitetta L, Sali A, et al. (2004) Acute liver failure<br />

associated with the use of herbal preparations containing<br />

black cohosh. Med J Aust 180(11):598-600.<br />

a c Ta e a r u b r a (Aiton) Willd. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a ctaea spicata L. var. rubra Aiton<br />

Common Names:<br />

actée rouge; b<strong>an</strong>eberry; coralberry; doll’s-eyes; red<br />

b<strong>an</strong>eberry; snakeberry; western b<strong>an</strong>eberry; yerba-del-<br />


8 - Actinidia chinensis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Bacon AE (1903) An experiment with the fruit of red<br />

b<strong>an</strong>eberry. Rhodora 5(51):77-79.<br />

Actaea spicata L. var. rubra Aiton = Actaea rubra (Aiton)<br />

Willd.<br />

actée rouge –see– Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willd.<br />

Actinea odorata (DC.) Kuntze = Hymenoxys odorata DC.<br />

Actinea richardsonii (Hook.) Kuntze = Hymenoxys<br />

richardsonii (Hook.) Cockerell<br />

a c Ti n i d i a c h i n e n s is Pl<strong>an</strong>ch. [Actinidiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

kiwi<br />

Citations:<br />

Zina AM, Bundino S (1983) Contact urticaria to Actinidia<br />

chinensis. Contact Dermatitis 9(1):85.<br />

a c Ti n i d i a d e l ic io s a (A. Chev.) C. F. Li<strong>an</strong>g &<br />

A. R. Ferguson [Actinidiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

kiwi<br />

Citations:<br />

Gall H, Kalveram KJ, Forck G, et al. (1994) Kiwi fruit<br />

allergy: A new birch pollen-associated food allergy. J<br />

Allergy Clin Immunol 94(1):70-76.<br />

Gastaminza G, Bernaola G, Camino ME (1998) Acute<br />

p<strong>an</strong>creatitis caused by allergy to kiwi fruit. Allergy<br />

53(11):1104-1105.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>cuso G, Berdondini RM (2001) Oral allergy syndrome<br />

from kiwi fruit after a lover’s kiss. Contact Dermatitis<br />

45(1):41.<br />

Voitenko V, Poulsen LK, Nielsen L, et al. (1997) Allergenic<br />

properties of kiwi-fruit extract: Cross-reactivity<br />

between kiwi-fruit <strong>an</strong>d birch-pollen allergens. Allergy<br />

52(2):136-143.<br />

Adam-<strong>an</strong>d-Eve –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

addad –see– Chamaeleon gummifera (L.) Cass.<br />

addar –see– Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.<br />

adder’s-meat –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

adder’s-root –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

adelfa –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

a d e n i a g u MMi f e r a (Harv.) Harms<br />

[Passifloraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Neame PB, Pillay VK (1964) Spont<strong>an</strong>eous hypoglycaemia,<br />

hepatic <strong>an</strong>d renal necrosis following the intake of herbal<br />

medicines. S Afr Med J 38(part 2):729-732.<br />

a d e n i a h o n d a l a (Gaertn.) W. J. de Wilde<br />

[Passifloraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a denia palmata (Lam.) Engl.; Modecca palmata Lam.<br />

Common Names:<br />

hondala<br />

Citations:<br />

Fern<strong>an</strong>do R (2002) The national poisons information centre<br />

in Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka: The first ten years. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

40(5):551-555.<br />

Fern<strong>an</strong>do R, Fern<strong>an</strong>do DN (1990) Poisoning with pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d<br />

mushrooms in Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka: A retrospective hospital <strong>based</strong><br />

study. Vet Hum Toxicol 32(6):579-581.<br />

Lucas GN (1997) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisoning: A hospital-<strong>based</strong> study in<br />

Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Pediatr 64(4):495-502.<br />

Munasinghe DR, Karun<strong>an</strong>ayake A, Nimalasuriya A, et al.<br />

(1971) Poisoning with Adenia palmata. Ceylon Med J<br />

16(3):182-186.<br />

Adenia palmata (Lam.) Engl. = Adenia hondala (Gaertn.)<br />

W. J. de Wilde<br />

a d e n i a v o l k e n s i i Harms [Passifloraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Verdcourt B, Trump EC (1969) Common poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

of East Africa. Collins. London.<br />

a d e n o s Ty l e s a l l i a r i a e A. Kern.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Alpendost<br />

Citations:<br />

Sperl W, Stuppner H, Gassner I, et al. (1995) Reversible<br />

hepatic veno-occlusive disease in <strong>an</strong> inf<strong>an</strong>t after consumption<br />

of pyrrolizidine-containing herbal tea. Eur J<br />

Pediatr 154(2):112-116.<br />

adhered –see– Agrostemma githago L.<br />

Adina cordifolia (Roxb.) Hook. f. ex Br<strong>an</strong>dis = Haldina<br />

cordifolia (Roxb.) Ridsdale<br />

Adlerblume –see– Consolida regalis Gray<br />

Adlerfarn –see– Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn<br />

a d o n is a e s Ti va l is L. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Adonisröschen; nyári hérics; Sommeradonisröschen;<br />

summer adonis; summer pheas<strong>an</strong>t’s-eye<br />

Citations:<br />

Kummer H (1952) Vergiftungen bei Pferden durch Adonis<br />

in Luzerneheu. Tierarztl Umsch 7:430-431.<br />

Woods LW, Filigenzi MS, Booth MC, et al. (2004) Summer<br />

pheas<strong>an</strong>t’s eye (Adonis aestivalis) poisoning in three<br />

horses. Vet Pathol 41(3):215-220.<br />

a d o n is a n n u a L. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a donis phoenicea Bercht. & J. Presl<br />

Common Names:<br />

autumn adonis; bird’s-eye; pheas<strong>an</strong>t’s-eye; Teufelsauge

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Aesculus hippocast<strong>an</strong>um - 9<br />

Citations:<br />

Degen A (1932) Adonis-Vergiftung. Fortschr L<strong>an</strong>dwirtschaft<br />

7:556-558.<br />

a d o n is Mic r o c a r p a DC. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

pheas<strong>an</strong>t’s-eye<br />

Citations:<br />

Davies RL, Whyte PB (1989) Adonis microcarpa (pheas<strong>an</strong>t’s<br />

eye) toxicity in pigs fed field pea screenings. Aust Vet J<br />

66(5):141-143.<br />

adonis morado –see– Dur<strong>an</strong>ta erecta L.<br />

Adonis phoenicea Bercht. & J. Presl = Adonis <strong>an</strong>nua L.<br />

Adonisröschen –see– Adonis aestivalis L.<br />

a e g l e Ma r Me l o s (L.) Corrêa [Rutaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Arseculeratne SN, Gunatilaka AA, P<strong>an</strong>abokke RG (1985)<br />

Studies on medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka. Part 14. Toxicity<br />

of some traditional medicinal herbs. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

13:323-335.<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

a e s c h y n a n Th u s p u l c h e l l a Hort. ex<br />

H<strong>an</strong>st. [Gesneriaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Ketel WG (1979) Occupational contact dermatitis due<br />

to Codiaeum variegatum <strong>an</strong>d possibly to Aeschyn<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

pulcher. Dermatosen 27(5):141-142.<br />

a e s c h y n o Me n e i n d ic a L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Buddha pea<br />

Citations:<br />

Haraguchi M, Zambronio F, Górniak SL, et al. (2003)<br />

Neurotoxicity to pigs <strong>an</strong>d rodents from different fractions<br />

of Aeschynomene indica seeds. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

45(4):177-179.<br />

Oliveira FN, Barros RR, Rissi DR, et al. (2004) Focal<br />

symmetrical encephalomalacia in swine from ingestion<br />

of Aeschynomene indica seeds. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

46(6):309-311.<br />

Oliveira FN, Rech RR, Rissi DR, et al. (2005) Intoxicação em<br />

suínos pela ingestão de sementas de Aeschynomene indica<br />

(Leg. Papilionoideae). Pesq Vet Bras 25(3):135-142.<br />

Riet-Correa F, Timm CD, Barros SS, et al. (2003) Symmetric<br />

focal degeneration in the cerebellar <strong>an</strong>d vestibular<br />

nuclei in swine caused by ingestion of Aeschynomene<br />

indica seeds. Vet Pathol 40(3):311-316.<br />

a e s c u l u s c a l i f o r n ic a (Spach) Nutt.<br />

[Sapindaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

California buckeye; horse chestnut<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong>sell GB (1926) Buckeye poisoning of the honey bee. California<br />

Agric Exp Sta Circ #301:12 pp.<br />

a e s c u l u s f l a va Sol. [Sapindaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a esculus oct<strong>an</strong>dra Marshall<br />

Common Names:<br />

buckeye; sweet buckeye; yellow buckeye<br />

Citations:<br />

Magnusson RA, Whittier WD, Veit HP, et al. (1983) Yellow<br />

buckeye (Aesculus oct<strong>an</strong>dra Marsh) toxicity in calves.<br />

Bovine Pract 18(Nov):195-199.<br />

a e s c u l u s g l a b r a Willd. [Sapindaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p avia glabra Spach<br />

Common Names:<br />

buckeye; fetid buckeye; horse chestnut; Kast<strong>an</strong>ie; Ohio<br />

buckeye; spring buckeye; Texas buckeye; western buckeye;<br />

white buckeye<br />

Citations:<br />

Casteel SW, Johnson GC, Wagstaff DJ (1992) Aesculus<br />

glabra intoxication in cattle. Vet Hum Toxicol 34(1):55.<br />

Creek RD, Vasaitis V (1963) The toxicity of the Ohio Buckeye<br />

to the chick. Poult Sci 42(6):1473-1474.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1928) Toxic trees. North Am Vet 9(10):49-53.<br />

Kornheiser KM (1983) Buckeye poisoning in cattle. Vet Med<br />

Small Anim Clin 78(5):769-770.<br />

Mayer H, Wacker R, Dalchow W (1986) Phytotoxikosen<br />

durch Kast<strong>an</strong>ien, Ole<strong>an</strong>der, Eicheln und Herbstzeitlose<br />

bei verschiedenen Zoo- und Wildtieren. Tierarztl Umsch<br />

41(3):169-178.<br />

a e s c u l u s h i p p o c a s Ta n u M L. [Sapindaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

buckeye; Europe<strong>an</strong> horse chestnut; horse chestnut;<br />

Ignatius be<strong>an</strong>; marronier d’Inde; marton d’Inde; Pferdekast<strong>an</strong>ie;<br />

Roßkast<strong>an</strong>ie; venopl<strong>an</strong>t; wilde Kast<strong>an</strong>ie<br />

Citations:<br />

Jaspersen-Schib R, Theus L, Quirguis-Oeschger M,<br />

et al. (1996) Wichtige Pfl<strong>an</strong>zenvergiftungen in der<br />

Schweiz 1966-1994. Schweiz Med Wochenschr<br />

126(25):1085-1098.<br />

Matyunas N, Krenzelok E, Jacobsen T, et al. (1997) Horse<br />

chestnut (Aesculus spp.) ingestion in the United States:<br />

1985-1994. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 35:527-528.<br />

Popp W, Horak F, Jager S, et al. (1992) Horse chestnut<br />

(Aesculus hippocast<strong>an</strong>um) pollen: A frequent cause of<br />

allergic sensitization in urb<strong>an</strong> children. Allergy 47(4 Part<br />


10 - Aesculus indica D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Ramón MF, Ballesteros S, Martínez-Arrieta R, et al. (2003)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d herb exposures in Spain. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

41(4):514.<br />

Schweitzer H (1952) Tödliche Saponinvergiftung durch<br />

Genuß von Roßkast<strong>an</strong>ien. Med Klin 47(20):683-685.<br />

Spoerke DG, Temple AR (1978) One year’s experience with<br />

potential pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings reported to the Intermountain<br />

Regional Poison Control Center. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

20(2):85-89.<br />

Wälli F, Grob PJ, Müller-Schoop SJ (1981) Pseudo-<br />

(venocur<strong>an</strong>-)lupus: Eine kleine Episode Medizingeschichte.<br />

Schweiz Med Wochenschr<br />

111(38):1398-1405.<br />

Williams MC (1982) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. II. <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

of home <strong>an</strong>d garden. Weeds Today 13(4):4-5.<br />

a e s c u l u s i n d ic a (Wall. ex Cambess.) Hook.<br />

[Sapindaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> horse chestnut<br />

Citations:<br />

Sood AK, Sharma M, Katoch BS (1990) Improvement in the<br />

nutritive value of Indi<strong>an</strong> horse-chestnut kernel <strong>an</strong>d cassia<br />

seeds by chemical treatments for feeding of chicks. Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

J Anim Sci 60(11):1364-1369.<br />

Aesculus oct<strong>an</strong>dra Marshall = Aesculus flava Sol.<br />

a e s c u l u s p a vi a L. [Sapindaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

buckeye; firecracker pl<strong>an</strong>t; horse chestnut; red buckeye;<br />

scarlet buckeye; small buckeye<br />

Citations:<br />

Cary CA (1922) <strong>Poisonous</strong> action of red buckeye on horses,<br />

mules, cattle, hogs <strong>an</strong>d fish. Alabama Agric Exp Sta Bull<br />

#218:20 pp.<br />

a e Th u s a c y n a p i u M L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ass’s-parsley; dog parsley; dog poison; false parsley;<br />

falso perejil; fool’s-cicely; fool’s-parsley; Gartenschierling;<br />

Gl<strong>an</strong>zpeterlein; Gl<strong>an</strong>zpetersilie; Hundsdill;<br />

Hundspetersilie; Krötenpeterlein; lesser hemlock;<br />

Petersilienschierling; petite ciguë; small hemlock<br />

Citations:<br />

Barr AG, Davies CS (1963) An unusual case of poisoning in<br />

a sow <strong>an</strong>d litter. Vet Rec 75(17):457.<br />

Bubien MZ, Magat A, Delatour P (1970) Fréquence des<br />

intoxications des <strong>an</strong>imaux en Pologne. Bull Soc Vet Med<br />

Comp Lyon 72(2):167-173.<br />

Seltm<strong>an</strong>n L (1931) Über die toxische Wirkung der Hundspetersilie<br />

(Aethusa cynapium). Med Klin 27(8):281.<br />

Swart FW (1975) Vergiftiging v<strong>an</strong> geiten door hondspeterselie.<br />

Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 100(18):989-990.<br />

Teuscher E, Greger H, Adri<strong>an</strong> V (1990) Untersuchungen zur<br />

Toxizität von Aethusa cynapium L., der Hundspetersilie.<br />

Pharmazie 45(7):537-538.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> Bermuda grass –see– Cynodon nlemfuensis V<strong>an</strong>deryst<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> bird pepper –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> chili –see– Capsicum frutescens L.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> coffee tree –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> cucumber –see– Momordica char<strong>an</strong>tia L.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> eggpl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dasyphyllum Schumach. &<br />

Thonn.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> hemp –see– Sparrm<strong>an</strong>nia afric<strong>an</strong>a L. f.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> lilac tree –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> mahog<strong>an</strong>y –see– Khaya <strong>an</strong>thotheca (Welw.) C. DC.;<br />

Khaya ivorensis A. Chev.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> maple –see– Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> marigold –see– Tagetes erecta L.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> milk bush –see– Synadenium gr<strong>an</strong>tii Hook. f.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> oxeye daisy –see– Callilepis laureola DC.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> pepper –see– Capsicum frutescens L.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> poison ivy –see– Smodingium argutum E. Mey. ex<br />

Sond.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> rose –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> rue –see– Peg<strong>an</strong>um harmala L.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> sorghum –see– Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> stargrass –see– Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.; Cynodon<br />

nlemfuensis V<strong>an</strong>deryst<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> teak –see– Milicia excelsa (Welw.) C. C. Berg<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> violet –see– Saintpaulia ion<strong>an</strong>tha H. Wendl.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> whitewood –see– Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum.<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> yohimbine –see– Pausinystalia johimbe (K. Schum.)<br />

Pierre ex Beille<br />

Afrik<strong>an</strong>ische Schwarznuß –see– M<strong>an</strong>sonia altissima (A.<br />

Chev.) A. Chev.<br />

Afrik<strong>an</strong>ischer Birnbaum –see– Tieghemella heckelii Pierre ex<br />

A. Chev.<br />

Afrik<strong>an</strong>ischer Buchsbaum –see– Sarcocephalus diderrichii De<br />

Wild.<br />

Afrik<strong>an</strong>isches Mahagoni –see– Khaya ivorensis A. Chev.;<br />

Khaya senegalensis (Desr.) A. Juss.<br />

afrormosia –see– Pericopsis elata (Harms) Meeuwen<br />

Afrormosia elata Harms = Pericopsis elata (Harms)<br />

Meeuwen<br />

afufa oyibo –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um inc<strong>an</strong>um L.<br />

Afzelia –see– Afzelia afric<strong>an</strong>a Sm. ex Pers.<br />

a f z e l i a a f r ic a n a Sm. ex Pers. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afzelia; oven<br />

Citations:<br />

D<strong>an</strong>tin-Gallego J, Armayor AF, Riesco J (1952) Some new<br />

toxic woods: Some new m<strong>an</strong>ifestations of toxicity. Ind<br />

Med Surg 21(2):41-46.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Ageratina adenophora - 11<br />

Oleffe JA, Sporcq J, Hublet P (1975) Epidemiological study<br />

of the wood industry in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):315-316.<br />

agathi –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora (L.) Pers.<br />

a g a ve a Me r ic a n a L. [Agavaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> agave; Americ<strong>an</strong> aloe; century pl<strong>an</strong>t;<br />

maguey<br />

Citations:<br />

Kerner J, Mitchell J, Maibach HI (1973) Irrit<strong>an</strong>t contact dermatitis<br />

from Agave americ<strong>an</strong>a L. Incorrect use of sap as<br />

“hair restorer.” Arch Dermatol 108(1):102-103.<br />

Ricks MR, Vogel PS, Elston DM, et al. (1999) Purpuric<br />

agave dermatitis. J Am Acad Dermatol 40(2 Part<br />

2):356-358.<br />

Villarreal R, Martínez O, Berumen U Jr (1985) Phytobezoar<br />

from the stem (“quiote”) of the cactus Agave<br />

americ<strong>an</strong>a: Report of case. Am J Gastroenterol<br />

80(11):838-840.<br />

Agave lecheguilla Torr. = Agave lechuguilla Torr.<br />

a g a ve l e c h u g u i l l a Torr. [Agavaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a gave lecheguilla Torr.<br />

Common Names:<br />

century pl<strong>an</strong>t; lecheguilla; lechuguilla; little lettuce<br />

Citations:<br />

Burrows GE, Stair EL (1990) Apparent Agave lecheguilla<br />

intoxication in Angora goats. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

32(3):259-260.<br />

Camp BJ, Bridges CH, Hill DW, et al. (1988) Isolation of<br />

a steroidal sapogenin from the bile of a sheep fed Agave<br />

lecheguilla. Vet Hum Toxicol 30(6):533-535.<br />

Jungherr E (1931) Lechuguilla fever of sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats;<br />

a form of swellhead in West Texas. Cornell Vet<br />

21(3):227-242.<br />

Mathews FP (1937) Lechuguilla (Agave lecheguilla) poisoning<br />

in sheep, goats, <strong>an</strong>d laboratory <strong>an</strong>imals. Texas Agric<br />

Exp Sta Bull #554:36 pp.<br />

Mathews FP (1938) An experimental investigation of lechuguilla<br />

poisoning. Arch Pathol 25:661-683.<br />

Mathews FP (1938) Lechuguilla (Agave lecheguilla)<br />

poisoning in sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

93(Sep):168-175.<br />

Schmidt H, Jungherr E (1930) Swellhead of sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats.<br />

Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 43:9-11.<br />

a g a ve s is a l a n a Perrine [Agavaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

sisal<br />

Citations:<br />

Figueiredo LJ (1975) Estudo experimental da toxidade<br />

resíduo do sisal Agave sisal<strong>an</strong>a perrine para bovinos. Arq<br />

Esc Vet Univ Fed Minas Gerais 27:391-392.<br />

a g a ve Te q u i l a n a F. A. C. Weber [Agavaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Salinas ML, Ogura T, Soffchi L (2001) Irrit<strong>an</strong>t contact dermatitis<br />

caused by needle-like calcium oxalate crystals, raphides,<br />

in Agave tequil<strong>an</strong>a among workers in tequila distilleries <strong>an</strong>d<br />

agave pl<strong>an</strong>tations. Contact Dermatitis 44(2):94-96.<br />

agba –see– Gossweilerodendron balsamiferum (Vermoesen)<br />

Harms<br />

Agelaea nitida Sol. ex Pl<strong>an</strong>ch. = Agelaea pentagyna (Lam.)<br />

Baill.<br />

Agelaea obliqua (P. Beauv.) Baill. = Agelaea pentagyna<br />

(Lam.) Baill.<br />

a g e l a e a p e n Tag y n a (Lam.) Baill.<br />

[Connaraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a gelaea nitida Sol. ex Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.; a gelaea obliqua (P.<br />

Beauv.) Baill.; a gelaea trifolia (Lam.) Baill.<br />

Common Names:<br />

esura<br />

Citations:<br />

Vickery B, Vickery ML (1974) The toxicity of some members<br />

of the Connaraceae family. Br Vet J 130(2):41-43.<br />

Agelaea trifolia (Lam.) Baill. = Agelaea pentagyna (Lam.)<br />

Baill.<br />

a g e r a Ti n a a d e n o p h o r a (Spreng.) R. M.<br />

King & H. Rob. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e upatorium adenophorum Spreng.; e upatorium gl<strong>an</strong>dulosum<br />

Michx.<br />

Common Names:<br />

catweed; Crofton weed; croton weed; hemp agrimony;<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> devil; sticky agrimony; sticky eupatorium;<br />

whitetop<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1953) Numimbah horse disease caused by Crofton<br />

weed. Agric Gaz New South Wales 63(Feb 1):110.<br />

Katoch R, Sharma OP, Dawra RK, et al. (2000) Hepatotoxicity<br />

of Eupatorium adenophorum to rats. Toxicon<br />

38(2):309-314.<br />

Kaushal V, Dawra RK, Sharma OP, et al. (2001) Biochemical<br />

alterations in the blood plasma of rats associated with<br />

hepatotoxicity induced by Eupatorium adenophorum. Vet<br />

Res Commun 25(7):601-608.<br />

O’Sulliv<strong>an</strong> BM (1979) Crofton weed (Eupatorium adenophorum)<br />

toxicity in horses. Aust Vet J 55(1):19-21.<br />

O’Sulliv<strong>an</strong> BM (1985) Investigations into Crofton weed<br />

(Eupatorium adenophorum) toxicity in horses. Aust Vet<br />

J 62(1):30-32.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>i Y, Harper PA, Cook RL, et al. (1992) The toxicity of<br />

Eupatorium adenophorum for the liver of the mouse. In:<br />

James LF, Keeler RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp. 626-629.

12 - Ageratina altissima D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

a g e r a Ti n a a l Tis s i Ma (L.) R. M. King & H.<br />

Rob. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e upatorium ageratoides L. f.; e upatorium rugosum<br />

Houtt.; Eupatorium urticaefolium Reichard<br />

Common Names:<br />

boneset; deerwort; fall poison; Indi<strong>an</strong> s<strong>an</strong>icle; poolroot;<br />

poolwort; richweed; squawweed; thoroughwort;<br />

white s<strong>an</strong>icle; white snakeroot; white snakeweed;<br />

whitetop<br />

Citations:<br />

Bulger HA, Smith FM, Steinmeyer A (1928) Milk sickness<br />

<strong>an</strong>d the metabolic disturb<strong>an</strong>ces in white snakeroot poisoning.<br />

JAMA 91(25):1964-1966.<br />

Couch JF (1927) The toxic constituent of richweed or white<br />

snakeroot (Eupatorium urticaefolium). J Agric Res<br />

35(6):547-576.<br />

Curtis RS, Wolf FA (1917) Eupatorium ageratoides, the<br />

cause of trembles. J Agric Res 9(11):397-404.<br />

Doyle JT (1947) Milk sickness. N C Med J 8(Jul):404-410.<br />

Doyle LP, Walkey FL (1923) White snakeroot poisoning in<br />

livestock. Indi<strong>an</strong>a Agric Exp Sta Bull #270:15 pp.<br />

Finno CJ, Valberg SJ, Wünschm<strong>an</strong>n A, et al. (2006) Seasonal<br />

pasture myopathy in horses in the midwestern<br />

United States: 14 cases (1998-2005). J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

229(7):1134-1141.<br />

Greer M (1925) Milk sickness. Ill Med J 48:75-78.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1924) A unique experiment with white snakeroot.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 65:224-226.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1924) Poison in the woods. The str<strong>an</strong>ge story of<br />

white snakeroot, which science has finally found guilty of<br />

causing m<strong>an</strong>y mysterious deaths. Am Forests Forest Life<br />

30:163-191.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1927) Relation of white snakeroot to hum<strong>an</strong><br />

milksickness (field studies). J Indi<strong>an</strong>a State Med Assoc<br />

20(May):182-187.<br />

Hardin RH (1934) Milk sickness. Va Med Monthly<br />

61:528-531.<br />

Hartm<strong>an</strong>n AF Sr, Hartm<strong>an</strong>n AF Jr, Purkerson ML, et al.<br />

(1963) Tremetol poisoning - Not yet extinct. JAMA<br />

185(9):706-709.<br />

Knight HW (1935) Milk sickness due to white snake<br />

root (Eupatorium urticaefolium). Southern Med Surg<br />

97:142.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB (1917) Eupatorium urticaefolium<br />

as a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. J Agric Res 11(13):699-715.<br />

Moseley EL (1906) The cause of trembles in cattle, sheep <strong>an</strong>d<br />

horses <strong>an</strong>d of milk-sickness in people. Ohio Naturalist<br />

6(4):463-470.<br />

Moseley EL (1906) The cause of trembles in cattle, sheep <strong>an</strong>d<br />

horses, <strong>an</strong>d of milk-sickness in people. Ohio Naturalist<br />

6(5):477-483.<br />

Nielsen EL, Eveleth DF (1941) White snakeroot poisoning<br />

in Ark<strong>an</strong>sas. Vet Med 36(3):136-137.<br />

Olson CT, Keller WC, Gerken DF, et al. (1984) Suspected<br />

tremetol poisoning in horses. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

185(9):1001-1003.<br />

Pammel LH (1923) Milksickness or trembles caused by white<br />

snakeroot. Vet Med 18:437-440.<br />

Richardson WP (1931) The milk sickness or trembles. Southern<br />

Med Surg 93:731.<br />

Sackett WG (1919) The connection of milksickness with the<br />

poisonous qualities of white snakeroot (Eupatorium urticaefolium).<br />

J Infect Dis 24:231-259.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>ders M (1983) White snakeroot poisoning in a foal: A<br />

case report. Equine Vet Sci 3(4):128-131.<br />

Smetzer DL, Coppock RW, Ely RW, et al. (1983) Cardiac<br />

effects of white snakeroot intoxication in horses. Equine<br />

Pract 5(2):26-32.<br />

Stotts R (1984) White snakeroot toxicity in dairy cattle. Vet<br />

Med Small Anim Pract 79(1):118-120.<br />

Thompson LJ (1989) Depression <strong>an</strong>d choke in a horse:<br />

Probable white snakeroot toxicosis. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

31(4):321-322.<br />

Walsh WE (1926) “Milk Sick,” or white snakeroot poisoning.<br />

JAMA 87(8):555-556.<br />

White JL, Shivaprasad HL, Thompson LJ, et al. (1985)<br />

White snakeroot (Eupatorium rugosum) poisoning. Clinical<br />

effects associated with cardiac <strong>an</strong>d skeletal muscle<br />

lesions in experimental equine toxicoses. In: Seawright<br />

AA, Hegarty MP, James LF, et al. (eds.) Pl<strong>an</strong>t toxicology.<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d <strong>Poisonous</strong> Pl<strong>an</strong>t Committee. Yeerongpilly,<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. pp. 411-422.<br />

Wilkinson GR (1925) Milk sickness. South Med J<br />

18(11):797-780.<br />

Wolf FA, Curtis RS, Kaupp BF (1917-1918) Studies on<br />

trembles or milksickness <strong>an</strong>d white snake root. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 52:820-827.<br />

Wolf FA, Curtis RS, Kaupp BF (1918) A monograph on<br />

trembles or milksickness <strong>an</strong>d white snakeroot. North<br />

Carolina Agric Exp Sta Tech Bull #15:85 pp.<br />

a g e r a Ti n a r i p a r i a (Regel) R. M. King & H.<br />

Rob. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e upatorium riparium Regel<br />

Common Names:<br />

creeping croftonweed; mist flower<br />

Citations:<br />

Gibson JA, O’Sulliv<strong>an</strong> BM (1984) Lung lesions in horses fed<br />

mist flower (Eupatorium riparium). Aust Vet J 61(8):271.<br />

a g e r a Ti n a w r ig h Ti i (A. Gray) R. M. King &<br />

H. Rob. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e upatorium wrightii A. Gray<br />

Common Names:<br />

Wright’s-eupatorium<br />

Citations:<br />

Hershey AL (1949) Another poisonous species of Eupatorium.<br />

Colorado Wyoming Acad Sci J 4(4):52.<br />

ageratum –see– Ageratum houstoni<strong>an</strong>um Mill.<br />

a g e r a Tu M c o n y z o i d e s L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bakarai bish; billygoat weed; floss flower; goat weed;<br />

nilphulia; whiteweed

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Ajuga decumbens - 13<br />

Citations:<br />

Purohit K (1962) Nilphulia (Ageratum conyzoides) poisoning<br />

in sheep. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J 39:553-556.<br />

a g e r a Tu M h o u s To n i a n u M Mill.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a geratum mexic<strong>an</strong>um Sims<br />

Common Names:<br />

ageratum; blue billygoat weed; celestina azul; floss<br />

flower<br />

Citations:<br />

Alfonso HA, Rivera M, Aparicio JM, et al. (1989) Intoxicación<br />

natural y experimental en bovinos con Ageratum<br />

houstoni<strong>an</strong>um Mill (celestina azul). Rev Cub<strong>an</strong>a Cienc<br />

Vet 20(1):113-119.<br />

Noa M, Sánchez LM, Dur<strong>an</strong>d R (2004) Ageratum houstoni<strong>an</strong>um<br />

toxicosis in Zebu cattle. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

46(4):193-194.<br />

Ageratum mexic<strong>an</strong>um Sims = Ageratum houstoni<strong>an</strong>um<br />

Mill.<br />

agnus castus –see– Vitex agnus-castus L.<br />

a g r i Mo n i a e u p a To r i a L. [Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

agrimony<br />

Citations:<br />

O’Donov<strong>an</strong> WJ (1942) Dermatitis bullosa striata pratensis.<br />

Agrimony dermatitis. Br J Dermatol Syph 54:39-46.<br />

agrimony –see– Agrimonia eupatoria L.<br />

a g r o s Te MMa g i Th ag o L. [Caryophyllaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l ychnis githago (L.) Scop.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Ackerkrone; Adhered; bastard nigelle; cockle; corn<br />

campion; corn cockle; cow cockle; crown-of-the-field;<br />

Kornrade; la-nielle-des-blés; licheta; mullein pink;<br />

neguillon; nielle; old-maid’s-pink; purple cockle; rose<br />

campion; wild savages<br />

Citations:<br />

Br<strong>an</strong>dl J (1908) Über Sapotoxin von Agrostemma githago.<br />

III. Fütterungsversuche <strong>an</strong> Schweinen, K<strong>an</strong>ichen,<br />

Rindern und Pferden. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Exp<br />

Pathol Pharmakol 59:299-310.<br />

Bubien MZ, Magat A, Delatour P (1970) Fréquence des<br />

intoxications des <strong>an</strong>imaux en Pologne. Bull Soc Vet Med<br />

Comp Lyon 72(2):167-173.<br />

Debré R, Névot A (1938) Toxicité expérimentale des graines<br />

de nielle (Lychnis githago) chez le singe (Macacus rhesus).<br />

C R Soc Biol 127:1094-1096.<br />

Heuser GF, Schumacher AE (1942) The feeding of corn<br />

cockle to chickens. Poult Sci 21:86-93.<br />

Kotz J (1964) Bad<strong>an</strong>ia nad morfologia i patogeneza zatruć<br />

kąkolem u drobiu. I. Historia zatruć kąkolem. Med Weter<br />

20(4):200-204.<br />

Kotz J (1965) Bad<strong>an</strong>ia nad morfologia i patogeneza zatruć<br />

kąkolem u drobiu. II. Bad<strong>an</strong>ia własne. Med Weter<br />

21(3):143-150.<br />

Kotz J (1965) Bad<strong>an</strong>ia nad morfologia i patogeneza zatruć<br />

kąkolem u drobiu. III. Bad<strong>an</strong>ia własne. Med Weter<br />

21(9):520-524.<br />

Kotz J (1965) Bad<strong>an</strong>ia nad morfologia i patogeneza zatruć<br />

kąkolem u drobiu. IV. Bad<strong>an</strong>ia własne. Med Weter<br />

21(12):730-734.<br />

Quigley GD, Waite RH (1931) Miscell<strong>an</strong>eous feeding trials<br />

with poultry. I. The effects of corn cockle on poultry.<br />

Maryl<strong>an</strong>d Agric Exp Sta Bull #325:343-354.<br />

Roberg M (1950) Konjunktivitis durch Kornradesamen. Klin<br />

Monatsbl Augenheilkd 116:425-426.<br />

Smith RA, Miller RE, L<strong>an</strong>g DG (1997) Presumptive intoxication<br />

of cattle by corn cockle, Agrostemma githago (L)<br />

Scop. Vet Hum Toxicol 39(4):250.<br />

aguacate –see– Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a Mill. var. americ<strong>an</strong>a<br />

ague tree –see– Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees<br />

Ahlkirsche –see– Prunus padus L.<br />

ahouai –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

aila –see– Acacia pennata (L.) Willd.<br />

ail<strong>an</strong>thus –see– Ail<strong>an</strong>thus altissima (Mill.) Swingle<br />

a i l a n Th u s a l Tis s i Ma (Mill.) Swingle<br />

[Simaroubaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a il<strong>an</strong>thus gl<strong>an</strong>dulosa Desf.<br />

Common Names:<br />

ail<strong>an</strong>thus; Chinese sumach; copel tree; heavenwood;<br />

paradise tree; tree-of-heaven<br />

Citations:<br />

Blumstein GI (1943) Sensitivity to Ail<strong>an</strong>thus pollen with<br />

report of two clinically sensitive patients. J Allergy<br />

14(4):329-334.<br />

Ail<strong>an</strong>thus gl<strong>an</strong>dulosa Desf. = Ail<strong>an</strong>thus altissima (Mill.)<br />

Swingle<br />

air pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe daigremonti<strong>an</strong>a Raym.-Hamet &<br />

H. Perrier; Kal<strong>an</strong>choe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.<br />

ajenjo –see– Artemisia absinthium L.<br />

aji caballero –see– Capsicum frutescens L.<br />

aji pic<strong>an</strong>te –see– Capsicum frutescens L.<br />

ajo –see– Allium sativum L.<br />

a j u g a d e c u Mb e n s Thunb. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Chen TZ, Den JF, Tsai WJ (1990) Digitalis-like intoxication<br />

resulted from Ajuga decumbens Thunb consuming:<br />

A case report. Am Assoc Poison Control Cent 1990:111.<br />

ak –see– Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton

14 - Albizia adinocephala D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

akác –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

akada –see– Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton<br />

ak<strong>an</strong>da –see– Calotropis gig<strong>an</strong>tea (L.) W. T. Aiton<br />

Ak<strong>an</strong>ta –see– Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel.<br />

Akazie –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

akee –see– Blighia sapida K. D. Koenig<br />

akee apple –see– Blighia sapida K. D. Koenig<br />

akpu –see– M<strong>an</strong>ihot esculenta Cr<strong>an</strong>tz<br />

akwuosa –see– Dichapetalum barteri Engl.<br />

Al<strong>an</strong>t –see– Inula helenium L.<br />

Alaska pea –see– Pisum sativum L.<br />

albariã –see– Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn<br />

albescens –see– Pycn<strong>an</strong>themum albescens Torr. & A. Gray<br />

a l b i z i a a d i n o c e p h a l a (Donn. Sm.) Britton<br />

& Rose ex Record [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, More LJ, McKenzie NH, et al. (1995) Nutritional<br />

<strong>an</strong>d haemagglutination properties of several tropical<br />

seeds. J Agric Sci 124:437-445.<br />

a l b i z i a j u l i b r is s i n Durazz. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

mimosa; pink siris; silk tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Robinson GH, Burrows GE, Holt EM, et al. (1998) Evaluation<br />

of the toxic effects of the legumes of mimosa (Albizia<br />

julibrissin) <strong>an</strong>d identification of the toxic<strong>an</strong>t. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d<br />

T, Barr AC (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

CABI. New York. pp. 453-458.<br />

a l b i z i a l e b b e c k (L.) Benth. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Mimosa sirissa Roxb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

lebbeck tree; siris; sirisha<br />

Citations:<br />

Dwatmadgi, Teleni E, Bird AR, et al. (1992) Nutritive value<br />

of Albizia lebbeck supplements for growing sheep. Aust J<br />

Exp Agric 32(3):273-278.<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, More LJ, McKenzie NH, et al. (1995) Nutritional<br />

<strong>an</strong>d haemagglutination properties of several tropical<br />

seeds. J Agric Sci 124:437-445.<br />

a l b i z i a Ta n g a n y ic e n s is Baker f. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

red paperbark tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Basson PA, Adelaar TF, Naudé TW, et al. (1970) Albizia<br />

poisoning: Report of the first outbreak <strong>an</strong>d some<br />

experimental work in South Africa. J S Afr Vet Assoc<br />

41(2):117-130.<br />

Jackson JJ, Needham AJ, Lawrence JA (1968) Some recent<br />

investigations into Rhodesi<strong>an</strong> toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Proc Tr<strong>an</strong>s<br />

Rhodesia Sci Assoc 53:9-12.<br />

a l b i z i a v e r s ic o l o r Welw. ex Oliv. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

poison pod albizia<br />

Citations:<br />

Gummow B, Basti<strong>an</strong>ello SS, Labuschagne L, et al. (1992)<br />

Experimental Albizia versicolor poisoning in sheep <strong>an</strong>d<br />

its successful treatment with pyridoxine hydrochloride.<br />

Onderstepoort J Vet Res 59(2):111-118.<br />

Gummow B, Erasmus GL (1990) Pyridoxine (a vitamin B6)<br />

<strong>an</strong>d its derivative pyridoxal as treatment for Albizia versicolor<br />

poisoning in guinea-pigs. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

57(2):109-114.<br />

Jackson JJ, Needham AJ, Lawrence JA (1968) Some recent<br />

investigations into Rhodesi<strong>an</strong> toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Proc Tr<strong>an</strong>s<br />

Rhodesia Sci Assoc 53:9-12.<br />

Needham AJ, Lawrence JA (1966) The toxicity of Albizia<br />

versicolor. Rhodesia Agric J 63(6):137-140.<br />

Sold<strong>an</strong> AW, v<strong>an</strong> Inzen C, Edelsten RM (1996) Albizia versicolor<br />

poisoning of sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats in Malawi. J S Afr Vet<br />

Assoc 67(4):217-221.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Rensburg HJ (1967) Albizia versicolor Welw.: A poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t. Rhodesia Zambia Malawi J Agric Res<br />

5:109-110.<br />

alc<strong>an</strong>for –see– Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J. Presl<br />

a l c e a r o s e a L. [Malvaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a lthaea rosea (L.) Cav.<br />

Common Names:<br />

hollyhock; Stockrose<br />

Citations:<br />

Hofstee AW (1989) Acute vergiftigingen bij dieren in Nederl<strong>an</strong>d<br />

over de periode 1985-1988. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd<br />

114(22):1154-1158.<br />

alder buckthorn –see– Fr<strong>an</strong>gula alnus Mill.<br />

alder-leaf mountain mahog<strong>an</strong>y –see– Cercocarpus mont<strong>an</strong>us<br />

Raf.<br />

alecrim –see– Holocalyx bal<strong>an</strong>sae Micheli<br />

alecrim-de-campinas –see– Holocalyx bal<strong>an</strong>sae Micheli<br />

a l e c Tr y o n o l e i f o l i u s (Desf.) S. T. Reynolds<br />

[Sapindaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h eterodendrum oleifolium Desf.<br />

Common Names:<br />

boonaree; boonery; bullock bush; red heart-of-bullock<br />

bush; rosewood; western rosewood

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Allium cepa - 15<br />

Citations:<br />

Ramsay AA, Henry M (1929) Rosewood (Heterodendrum<br />

oleaefolium) <strong>an</strong>d native fuchsia (Eremophila maculata):<br />

Two poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Agric Gaz New South Wales<br />

40:834-837.<br />

alefoot –see– Glechoma hederacea L.<br />

alehoof –see– Glechoma hederacea L.<br />

alerce –see– Fitzroya cupressoides (Molina) I. M. Johnst.<br />

aleurit-des-molluques –see– Aleurites molucc<strong>an</strong>us (L.) Willd.<br />

Aleurites fordii Hemsl. = Vernicia fordii (Hemsl.) Airy<br />

Shaw<br />

a l e u r i Te s Mo l u c c a n u s (L.) Willd.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a leurites trilobus J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.<br />

Common Names:<br />

aleurit-des-molluques; arbol-de-India; Bengal walnut;<br />

Camiri nut; c<strong>an</strong>dleberry; c<strong>an</strong>dlenut; country walnut;<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> walnut; Jamaic<strong>an</strong> walnut; kukui nut; lumbán;<br />

lumb<strong>an</strong>g; nogal-de-la-India; nuez-de-India; otaheite<br />

walnut; Singapore nut; varnish tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Emmel MW (1947) The toxic principle of the species Aleurites.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 111(Nov):386-387.<br />

Emmel MW (1947) The toxic principle of the tung tree.<br />

Florida Agric Exp Sta Bull #431:35 pp.<br />

Aleurites mont<strong>an</strong>us (Lour.) E. H. Wilson = Vernicia<br />

mont<strong>an</strong>a Lour.<br />

Aleurites trilobus J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. = Aleurites<br />

molucc<strong>an</strong>us (L.) Willd.<br />

Aleurites trisperma Bl<strong>an</strong>co = Reutealis trisperma (Bl<strong>an</strong>co)<br />

Airy Shaw<br />

Alex<strong>an</strong>dri<strong>an</strong> clover –see– Trifolium alex<strong>an</strong>drinum L.<br />

Alex<strong>an</strong>dri<strong>an</strong> senna –see– Senna alex<strong>an</strong>drina Mill.<br />

alfalfa –see– Medicago sativa L.<br />

alfalfa dodder –see– Cuscuta epithymum (L.) L.<br />

alfilaria –see– Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Her.<br />

alfilerillo –see– Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Her.<br />

alfombrilla –see– Drymaria arenarioides Humb. & Bonpl. ex<br />

Schult.<br />

Algarroba –see– Prosopis gl<strong>an</strong>dulosa Torr.; Prosopis juliflora<br />

(Sw.) DC.; Vicia mon<strong>an</strong>tha Retz.<br />

Algeri<strong>an</strong> ivy –see– Hedera helix L. subsp. c<strong>an</strong>ariensis<br />

(Willd.) Cout.<br />

algerita –see– Berberis aquifolium Pursh<br />

algodão-de-seda –see– Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T.<br />

Aiton<br />

algodón –see– Gossypium hirsutum L.<br />

algodón-de-seda –see– Calotropis gig<strong>an</strong>tea (L.) W. T. Aiton<br />

aligustre –see– Ligustrum vulgare L.<br />

alkali grass –see– Anticlea eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Pursh) Rydb.;<br />

Toxicoscordion nuttallii (A. Gray) Rydb.; Toxicoscordion<br />

p<strong>an</strong>iculatum (Nutt.) Rydb.<br />

alkali hymenoxys –see– Hymenoxys lemmonii (Greene)<br />

Cockerell<br />

alkali mallow –see– Malva parviflora L.<br />

alkali weed –see– Isocoma plurifolia (Torr. & A. Gray)<br />

Greene<br />

all heal –see– P<strong>an</strong>ax ginseng C. A. Mey.; Valeri<strong>an</strong>a officinalis L.<br />

allam<strong>an</strong>da –see– Allam<strong>an</strong>da cathartica L.<br />

a l l a Ma n d a c a Th a r Tic a L. [Apocynaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a llam<strong>an</strong>da gr<strong>an</strong>diflora (Aubl.) Lam.; o relia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora<br />

Aubl.<br />

Common Names:<br />

allam<strong>an</strong>da; bejuco-de-S<strong>an</strong> Jose; buttercup; c<strong>an</strong>ario;<br />

c<strong>an</strong>tiva; flor-de-barbero; golden trumpet; jalapa; jasmin<br />

amarillo; S<strong>an</strong> Jose; S<strong>an</strong> Jose amarillo; trompeta-de-oro;<br />

yellow allam<strong>an</strong>da<br />

Citations:<br />

Tokarnia CH, Armién AG, Peixoto PV, et al. (1996) Estudo<br />

experimental sobre a toxidez de algumas pl<strong>an</strong>tas ornamentais<br />

em bovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 16(1):5-20.<br />

Allam<strong>an</strong>da gr<strong>an</strong>diflora (Aubl.) Lam. = Allam<strong>an</strong>da<br />

cathartica L.<br />

alleluia –see– Oxalis acetosella L.<br />

alligator pear –see– Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a Mill. var. americ<strong>an</strong>a<br />

alligator weed –see– Altern<strong>an</strong>thera philoxeroides (Mart.)<br />

Griseb.<br />

Allium ascalonicum auct. = Allium cepa L. var. aggregatum<br />

G. Don<br />

a l l i u M c a n a d e n s e L. [Alliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> garlic; meadow garlic; meadow leek; wild<br />

garlic; wild onion<br />

Citations:<br />

Pierce KR, Joyce JR, Engl<strong>an</strong>d RB, et al. (1972) Acute hemolytic<br />

<strong>an</strong>emia caused by wild onion poisoning in horses. J<br />

Am Vet Med Assoc 160(3):323-327.<br />

Pipal FJ (1918) A suspected case of stock poisoning by<br />

wild onion (Allium c<strong>an</strong>adense). Proc Indi<strong>an</strong>a Acad Sci<br />

1917:139-143.<br />

a l l i u M c e p a L. [Alliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cebola; cipolle; løg; onion; ui; uie; uien; wild onion;<br />


16 - Allium cepa D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Burgess JF (1952) Occupational dermatitis due to onion <strong>an</strong>d<br />

garlic. C<strong>an</strong> Med Assoc J 66(3):275.<br />

Burks JW Jr (1954) Classic aspects of onion <strong>an</strong>d garlic dermatitis<br />

in housewives. Ann Allergy 12(5):592-596.<br />

Farkas MC, Farkas JN (1974) Hemolytic <strong>an</strong>emia due to<br />

ingestion of onions in a dog. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc<br />

10(1):65-66.<br />

Fighera RA, Souza TM, L<strong>an</strong>gohr I, et al. (2002) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por cebola, Allium cepa (Liliaceae), em<br />

gatos. Pesq Vet Bras 22(2):79-84.<br />

Fr<strong>an</strong>ken P, v<strong>an</strong> Beukelen P, Blok G (1980) Uien: Geen<br />

paardevoer. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 105(13):529-534.<br />

Gill PA, Serge<strong>an</strong>t ES (1981) Onion poisoning in a bull. Aust<br />

Vet J 57(10):484.<br />

Goldsmith WW (1909) Onion poisoning in cattle. J Comp<br />

Pathol Ther 22:151.<br />

Gruhzit OM (1931) Anemia of dogs produced by feeding of<br />

the whole onions <strong>an</strong>d of onion fractions. Am J Med Sci<br />

181:812-815.<br />

Harvey JW, Rackear D (1985) Experimental onion-induced<br />

hemolytic <strong>an</strong>emia in dogs. Vet Pathol 22(4):387-392.<br />

Hjorth N, Roed-Petersen J (1976) Occupational protein<br />

contact dermatitis in food h<strong>an</strong>dlers. Contact Dermatitis<br />

2(1):28-42.<br />

Hothi DS, Arneja JS, Chawla JS (1980) Onion (Allium cepa)<br />

poisoning in bullocks. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J 57(Aug):690-692.<br />

Hutchison TW (1977) Onions as a cause of Heinz body<br />

<strong>an</strong>aemia <strong>an</strong>d death in cattle. C<strong>an</strong> Vet J 18(12):358-360.<br />

Imada O (1980) [Experimental studies on the onion poisoning<br />

in dogs - Relation between the qu<strong>an</strong>tity of supplied<br />

onion <strong>an</strong>d onset of the disease.] Azabu Univ Vet Med<br />

Bull 1(2):271-287.<br />

Kapl<strong>an</strong> AJ (1995) Onion powder in baby food may induce<br />

<strong>an</strong>emia in cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 207(11):1405.<br />

Kay JM (1983) Onion toxicity in a dog. Mod Vet Pract<br />

64(6):477-478.<br />

Kirk JH, Bulgin MS (1979) Effects of feeding cull domestic<br />

onions (Allium cepa) to sheep. Am J Vet Res<br />

40(3):397-399.<br />

Knight AP, Lassen D, McBride T, et al. (2000) Adaptation<br />

of pregn<strong>an</strong>t ewes to <strong>an</strong> exclusive onion diet. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 42(1):1-4.<br />

Kobayashi K (1981) Onion poisoning in the cat. Feline Pract<br />

11(1):22-27.<br />

Kodama H, Yamaashi K (1976) [Acute haemolytic <strong>an</strong>aemia<br />

in dogs fed onions.] J Jpn Vet Med Assoc 29(9):482-484.<br />

Koger LM (1956) Onion poisoning in cattle. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 129(Jul 15):75.<br />

Kongshammer GB (1989) Onion poisoning resulting in<br />

Heinz body <strong>an</strong>aemia in a dog. D<strong>an</strong>sk Veterinaertidsskrift<br />

72(16):948.<br />

Lazarus AE, Rajam<strong>an</strong>i S (1968) Poisoning due to onion<br />

spoilage in cattle. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J 45(10):877-880.<br />

Lincoln SD, Howell ME, Combs JJ, et al. (1992) Hematologic<br />

effects <strong>an</strong>d feeding perform<strong>an</strong>ce in cattle fed cull<br />

domestic onions (Allium cepa). J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

200(8):1090-1094.<br />

Maede Y (1977) High concentration of blood glutathione<br />

in dogs with acute hemolytic <strong>an</strong>emia. Jpn J Vet Sci<br />

39(2):187-189.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>delli G, Persi<strong>an</strong>i G (1964) Osservazione su di un episodio<br />

di avvelenamento da cipolla (Allium cepa) in bovini<br />

di allevamento. Clin Vet (Mil<strong>an</strong>o) 87(1):1-8.<br />

Neves RG (1964) Dermatito de contacto por bulbo de Liliáceas.<br />

An Bras Derm Sifilogr 39(4):23-31.<br />

Nordio CB (1952) Anemia mielotossica da alimentazione<br />

con cipolle (Allium cepa). Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper<br />

28(1):53-56.<br />

Ogawa E, Shinoki T, Akahori F, et al. (1986) Effect of onion<br />

ingestion on <strong>an</strong>ti-oxidizing agents in dog erythrocytes.<br />

Nippon Juigaku Zasshi 48(4):685-691.<br />

Pekelder JJ, Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s JP (1985) Uienvergiftiging. Tijdschr<br />

Diergeneeskd 110(1):31.<br />

Pérez-Calderón R, Gonzalo-Garijo MA, Fernández de<br />

Soria R (2002) Exercise-induced <strong>an</strong>aphylaxis to onion.<br />

Allergy 57(8):752-753.<br />

Petersson U, Petersson L, Björnehammar U (1984) Lökförgiftning<br />

på racing greyhound. Sven Vet 36(14):697.<br />

Rae HA (1999) Onion toxicosis in a herd of beef cows. C<strong>an</strong><br />

Vet J 40(1):55-57.<br />

Robertson JE, Christopher MM, Rogers QR (1998) Heinz<br />

body formation in cats fed baby food containing onion<br />

powder. J Am Vet Med Assoc 212(8):1260-1266.<br />

Schlotthauser CF, Berrym<strong>an</strong> GH (1943) Production of <strong>an</strong>emia<br />

in dogs due to feeding onions. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

102(791):109-111.<br />

Sebrell WH (1930) An <strong>an</strong>emia of dogs produced by feeding<br />

onions. Public Health Rep 45(21):1175-1191.<br />

Segalini E (1966) Osservazioni cliniche sulla intossicazione da<br />

Allium cepa nei bovini. Veterinaria (Mil<strong>an</strong>o) 15:45-48.<br />

Solter P, Scott R (1987) Onion ingestion <strong>an</strong>d subsequent<br />

Heinz body <strong>an</strong>emia in a dog: A case report. J Am Anim<br />

Hosp Assoc 23(5):544-546.<br />

Spice RN (1976) Hemolytic <strong>an</strong>emia associated with ingestion<br />

of onions in a dog. C<strong>an</strong> Vet J 17(7):181-183.<br />

Stallbaumer M (1981) Onion poisoning in a dog. Vet Rec<br />

108(24):523-524.<br />

Thorp F Jr, Harshfield GS (1939) Onion poisoning in horses.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 94:52-53.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> der Kolk JH (2000) Onion poisoning in a herd of dairy<br />

cattle. Vet Rec 147(18):517-518.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Hecke E (1977) Contact allergy to onion. Contact Dermatitis<br />

3(3):167-168.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Ketel WG, de Ha<strong>an</strong> P (1978) Occupational eczema from<br />

garlic <strong>an</strong>d onion. Contact Dermatitis 4(1):53-54.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Schouwenburg S (1982) Hemolitiese <strong>an</strong>emie in ‘n miniatuur<br />

dachschund veroorsaak deur inname v<strong>an</strong> groot hoeveelhede<br />

uie (Allium cepa). J S Afr Vet Assoc 53(3):212.<br />

Verhoeff J, Hajer R, v<strong>an</strong> den Ingh TS (1985) Onion poisoning<br />

of young cattle. Vet Rec 117:497-498.<br />

Yamoto O, Maede Y (1992) Susceptibility to onion-induced<br />

hemolysis in dogs with hereditary high erythrocyte<br />

reduced glutathione <strong>an</strong>d potassium concentrations. Am J<br />

Vet Res 53(1):134-137.<br />

Note:<br />

Onion is named Allium cepa L. var. cepa in some<br />

publications<br />

a l l i u M c e p a L. var. aggregatum G. Don<br />

[Alliaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a llium ascolonicum auct.<br />

Common Names:<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Allium ursinum - 17<br />

Citations:<br />

Crespo R, Chin RP (2004) Effect of feeding green onions<br />

(Allium ascalonicum) to white Chinese geese (Threskiornis<br />

spinicollis). J Vet Diagn Invest 16(4):321-325.<br />

a l l i u M p o r r u M L. [Alliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Lauchpfl<strong>an</strong>ze; leek<br />

Citations:<br />

Armentia A, Lombardero M, Fernàndez S, et al. (2005)<br />

Occupational rhinitis to leek (Allium porrum). Allergy<br />

60(1):132-133.<br />

Cadot P, Tits G, Bussels L, et al. (2001) Asthma <strong>an</strong>d h<strong>an</strong>d<br />

dermatitis to leek. Allergy 56(2):192-193.<br />

Hjorth N, Roed-Petersen J (1976) Occupational protein<br />

contact dermatitis in food h<strong>an</strong>dlers. Contact Dermatitis<br />

2(1):28-42.<br />

Veien NK, Hattel T, Justesen O, et al. (1983) Causes of eczema<br />

in the food industry. Derm Beruf Umwelt 31(3):84-86.<br />

a l l i u M s a Ti vu M L. [Alliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ajo; diente-de-ajo; garlic; Graserich; Knoblauch; Knobleig;<br />

Knoflack; look; rustic treacle; stinking rose; wild<br />

garlic<br />

Citations:<br />

Al Bekairi AM, Shah AH, Qureshi S (1990) Effect of<br />

Allium sativum on epididymal spermatozoa, estradioltreated<br />

mice <strong>an</strong>d general toxicity. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

29(2):117-125.<br />

Alnaqeeb MA, Thomson M, Bordia T, et al. (1996) Histopathological<br />

effects of garlic on liver <strong>an</strong>d lung of rats.<br />

Toxicol Lett 85(3):157-164.<br />

Bleumink E, Douglas HM, Klokke AH, et al. (1972) Allergic<br />

contact dermatitis to garlic. Br J Dermatol 87(1):6-9.<br />

Bleumink E, Nater JP (1972) Garlic as a possible cause<br />

of contact dermatitis. Contact Dermatol Newsl<br />

12(Aug):310-311.<br />

Bleumink E, Nater JP (1973) Contact dermatitis to garlic;<br />

Crossreactivity between garlic, onion <strong>an</strong>d tulip. Arch<br />

Dermatol Forsch 247(2):117-124.<br />

Bojs G, Svensson Å (1988) Contact allergy to garlic used for<br />

wound healing. Contact Dermatitis 18(3):179-181.<br />

Burgess JF (1952) Occupational dermatitis due to onion <strong>an</strong>d<br />

garlic. C<strong>an</strong> Med Assoc J 66(3):275.<br />

Burks JW Jr (1954) Classic aspects of onion <strong>an</strong>d garlic dermatitis<br />

in housewives. Ann Allergy 12(5):592-596.<br />

Campolmi P, Lombardi P, Lotti T, et al. (1982) Immediate<br />

<strong>an</strong>d delayed sensitization to garlic. Contact Dermatitis<br />

8(5):352-353.<br />

Couturier P, Bousquet J (1982) Occupational allergy secondary<br />

to inhalation of garlic dust. J Allergy Clin Immunol<br />

70(2):145.<br />

Dixit VP, Joshi S (1982) Effects of chronic administration<br />

of garlic (Allium sativum Linn) on testicular function.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> J Exp Biol 20(7):534-536.<br />

Edelstein AJ (1950) Dermatitis caused by garlic. Arch Derm<br />

Syphilol 61(1):111.<br />

Ekeowa-Anderson AL, Shergill B, Goldsmith P (2007)<br />

Allergic contact dermatitis to garlic. Contact Dermatitis<br />

56(3):174-175.<br />

Falleroni AE, Zeiss CR, Levitz D (1981) Occupational<br />

asthma secondary to inhalation of garlic dust. J Allergy<br />

Clin Immunol 68(2):156-160.<br />

Fehri B, Aiache JM, Korbi S, et al. (1991) Effets toxiques<br />

engendrés par une administration réitérée d’Allium sativum<br />

L. J Pharm Belg 46(6):363-374.<br />

Fernández de Corres L, Corrales JL, Muñoz D, et al. (1984)<br />

Dermatitis alérgicas de contacto por pl<strong>an</strong>tas. Allergol<br />

Immunopathol (Madr) 12(4):313-319.<br />

Henson GE (1940) Garlic: An occupational factor in the etiology<br />

of bronchial asthma. Case report. J Fla Med Assoc<br />

27(2):86.<br />

Hubbard VG, Goldsmith P (2005) Garlic-fingered chefs.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 52(3):165-166.<br />

Kapl<strong>an</strong> B, Schewach Millet M, Yorav S (1990) Factitial dermatitis<br />

induced by application of garlic. Int J Dermatol<br />

29(1):75-76.<br />

Lee TY, Lam TH (1991) Contact dermatitis due to topical<br />

treatment with garlic in Hong Kong. Contact Dermatitis<br />

24(3):193-196.<br />

Lembo G, Balato N, Patruno C, et al. (1991) Allergic contact<br />

dermatitis due to garlic (Allium sativum). Contact Dermatitis<br />

25(5):330-331.<br />

Lybarger JA, Gallagher JS, Pulver DW, et al. (1982) Occupational<br />

asthma induced by inhalation <strong>an</strong>d ingestion of<br />

garlic. J Allergy Clin Immunol 69(5):448-454.<br />

Mitchell JC (1980) Contact sensitivity to garlic (Allium).<br />

Contact Dermatitis 6(5):356-357.<br />

Neves RG (1964) Dermatito de contacto por bulbo de Liliáceas.<br />

An Bras Derm Sifilogr 39(4):23-31.<br />

Pires G, Parg<strong>an</strong>a E, Loureiro V, et al. (2002) Allergy to garlic.<br />

Allergy 57(10):957-958.<br />

Pirogova EP, Katiukhina ZD (1970) [Artificial dermatitis<br />

caused by garlic.] Vestn Dermatol Venerol<br />

44(12):53-54.<br />

Rose KD, Croiss<strong>an</strong>t PD, Parliament CF, et al. (1990) Spont<strong>an</strong>eous<br />

spinal epidural hematoma with associated platelet<br />

dysfunction from excessive garlic ingestion: A case<br />

report. Neurosurgery 26:880-882.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Ketel WG, de Ha<strong>an</strong> P (1978) Occupational eczema from<br />

garlic <strong>an</strong>d onion. Contact Dermatitis 4(1):53-54.<br />

Note:<br />

Garlic is named Allium sativum L. sativum in some<br />

publications.<br />

a l l i u M s c h o e n o p r a s u M L. [Alliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chives; ezonegi<br />

Citations:<br />

Hjorth N, Roed-Petersen J (1976) Occupational protein<br />

contact dermatitis in food h<strong>an</strong>dlers. Contact Dermatitis<br />

2(1):28-42.<br />

Kobayashi T (1950) Studies on the histo-pathologic ch<strong>an</strong>ges<br />

of experimental cases of the “Ezonegi-poisoning” in<br />

horses. Jpn J Vet Sci 12(5):209-210.<br />

a l l i u M u r s i n u M L. [Alliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Bärenlauch; r<strong>an</strong>soms; Waldknoblauch; wild garlic;<br />


18 - Allium validum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Stevens H (1984) Suspected wild garlic poisoning in sheep.<br />

Vet Rec 115(14):363.<br />

a l l i u M va l i d u M S. Watson [Alliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Pacific onion; swamp onion; wild onion<br />

Citations:<br />

James LF, Binns W (1966) Effects of feeding wild onions<br />

(Allium validum) to bred ewes. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

149(5):512-514.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF, Johnson AE (1970) Hemolytic<br />

<strong>an</strong>emia in sheep fed wild onion (Allium validum). J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 156(3):328-332.<br />

allspice –see– Pimenta dioica (L.) Merr.<br />

almendro macho –see– Andira inermis (W. Wright) Kunth<br />

ex DC.<br />

almendro montes –see– Andira inermis (W. Wright) Kunth<br />

ex DC.<br />

almendro seal –see– Andira inermis (W. Wright) Kunth ex<br />

DC.<br />

almendron –see– Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.<br />

almond –see– Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb<br />

almortas –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

alocasia –see– Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott<br />

a l o c a s i a c u c u l l a Ta (Lour.) G. Don [Araceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

nai habarala; p<strong>an</strong>u habarala<br />

Citations:<br />

Deng JF, Lin TJ, Kao WF, et al. (1997) The difficulty in<br />

h<strong>an</strong>dling poisonings associated with Chinese traditional<br />

medicine: A poison control center experience for<br />

1991-1993. Vet Hum Toxicol 39(2):106-114.<br />

Goonasekera CD, Vas<strong>an</strong>thatkilake VW, Ratnatunga N, et<br />

al. (1993) Is Nai Habarala (Alocasia cucullata) a poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t? Toxicon 31(6):813-816.<br />

Alocasia denudata Engl. = Alocasia longiloba Miq.<br />

Alocasia indica (Lour.) Spach = Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.)<br />

G. Don<br />

a l o c a s i a l o n g i l ob a Miq. [Araceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a locasia denudata Engl.; a locasia lowii Hook. f.<br />

Common Names:<br />

keladi; keladi ch<strong>an</strong>dek<br />

Citations:<br />

Teck LK (1967) Keladi poisoning in Singapore children. J<br />

Singapore Paediat Soc 9(1):54-57.<br />

Alocasia lowii Hook. f. = Alocasia longiloba Miq.<br />

a l o c a s i a Ma c r o r r h i z o s (L.) G. Don<br />

[Araceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a locasia indica (Lour.) Spach; c olocasia indica (Lour.)<br />

Kunth; c olocasia macrorrhizos (L.) Schott & Endl.<br />

Common Names:<br />

ape; Australi<strong>an</strong> cabbage; biga; creek lily; cungevoi; cunjeboi;<br />

cunjeboy; cunjevoi; eleph<strong>an</strong>t’s-ear; gi<strong>an</strong>t eleph<strong>an</strong>t’sear;<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t taro; green arum; hai yu; ku<strong>an</strong>-yin-lien; l<strong>an</strong>g du;<br />

lao-hu-yu; Queensl<strong>an</strong>d maple; spoon lily; tu-chiao-lien<br />

Citations:<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> TY, Ch<strong>an</strong> LY, Tam LS, et al. (1995) Neurotoxicity following<br />

the ingestion of a Chinese medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>t, Alocasia<br />

macrorrhiza. Hum Exp Toxicol 14(9):727-728.<br />

Clel<strong>an</strong>d JB (1931) <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong>, including fungi, poisonous or otherwise<br />

injurious to m<strong>an</strong> in Australia. Series III. Med J<br />

Aust 2(Dec 19):775-778.<br />

Lin TJ, Hung DZ, Hu WH, et al. (1998) Calcium oxalate<br />

is the main toxic component in clinical presentations of<br />

Alocasia macrorrhiza (L) Schott <strong>an</strong>d Endl poisonings.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 40(2):93-95.<br />

T<strong>an</strong>g EW, Law RW, Lai JS (2006) Corneal injury by wild<br />

taro. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 34(9):895-896.<br />

a l o e a r b o r e s c e n s Mill. [Asphodelaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a loe arborescens Mill. var. natalensis (J. M. Wood &<br />

M. S. Ev<strong>an</strong>s) A. Berger<br />

Common Names:<br />

Barbados aloe; c<strong>an</strong>delabra aloe; medicinal aloe; octopus;<br />

torch pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Nakamura T, Kotajima S (1984) Contact dermatitis from<br />

Aloe arborescens. Contact Dermatitis 11(1):51.<br />

Shoji A (1982) Contact dermatitis to Aloe arborescens. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 8(3):164-167.<br />

Aloe arborescens Mill. var. natalensis (J. M. Wood & M. S.<br />

Ev<strong>an</strong>s) A. Berger = Aloe arborescens Mill.<br />

Aloe barbadensis Mill. = Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.<br />

aloe capensis –see– Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.<br />

aloe vera –see– Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.<br />

a l o e v e r a (L.) Burm. f. [Asphodelaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a loe barbadensis Mill.; a loe vulgaris Lam.<br />

Common Names:<br />

aloe capensis; aloe vera; Barbados aloe; curaco aloe;<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> aloe; medicinal aloe; Mediterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong> aloe; sempervivum;<br />

sinkle Bible; star cactus; zabila; zavila<br />

Citations:<br />

Bacis G, Moretti M, Chinaglia D, et al. (2004) Fatal lipoid<br />

pneumonitis after inhalation of Aloe vera extract. J Toxicol<br />

Clin Toxicol 42(4):559.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Amar<strong>an</strong>thus caudatus - 19<br />

Aloe vulgaris Lam. = Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.<br />

a l o y s i a c i Tr o d o r a Palau [Verbenaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a loysia triphylla (L’Her.) Britton; l ippia citriodora<br />

Kunth<br />

Common Names:<br />

lemon verbena<br />

Citations:<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2003) Herbal infusions used for<br />

induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(3):235-239.<br />

Aloysia triphylla (L’Her.) Britton = Aloysia citrodora Palau<br />

Alpendost –see– Adenostyles alliariae A. Kern.<br />

Alpenkreuzkraut –see– Senecio alpinus (L.) Scop.<br />

Alpenveilchen –see– Cyclamen persicum Mill.<br />

alpine golden-chain –see– Laburnum alpinum (Mill.) J. Presl<br />

alpine kalmia –see– Kalmia microphylla (Hook.) A. Heller<br />

alpine laurel –see– Kalmia microphylla (Hook.) A. Heller<br />

alpine violet –see– Cyclamen persicum Mill.<br />

a l p i n i a g a l a n g a (L.) Sw. [Zingiberaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Mar<strong>an</strong>ta gal<strong>an</strong>ga L.<br />

Citations:<br />

Hong SJ, Ch<strong>an</strong>g CH (2006) Erythema multiforme-like<br />

generalized allergic contact dermatitis caused by Alpinia<br />

gal<strong>an</strong>ga. Contact Dermatitis 54(2):118-120.<br />

Alraunwurzel –see– M<strong>an</strong>dragora officinarum L.<br />

Alsati<strong>an</strong> clover –see– Trifolium hybridum L.<br />

alsike clover –see– Trifolium hybridum L.<br />

alstonia –see– Alstonia constricta F. Muell.<br />

a ls To n i a c o n s Tr ic Ta F. Muell. [Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

alstonia; bitter bark; Peruvi<strong>an</strong> bark; quinine bush<br />

Citations:<br />

Copel<strong>an</strong>d HM, Seddon HR (1931) Poisoning of sheep by<br />

quinine bush or bitter bark (Alstonia constricta). Agric<br />

Gaz New South Wales 42:925-926.<br />

a ls Tr o e Me r i a l ig Tu L. [Alstroemeriaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Inca lily; Inkalilie<br />

Citations:<br />

Bjorkner, BE (1982) Contact allergy <strong>an</strong>d depigmentation<br />

from Alstroemeria. Contact Dermatitis 8:178-184.<br />

Hausen BM, Prater E, Schubert H (1983) The sensitizing<br />

capacity of Alstroemeria cultivars in m<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d guinea pig.<br />

Remarks on the occurrence, qu<strong>an</strong>tity <strong>an</strong>d irrit<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d<br />

sensitizing potency of their constituents tuliposide A <strong>an</strong>d<br />

tulipalin A <strong>an</strong>d (α-methylene-γ-butyrolactone). Contact<br />

Dermatitis 9(1):46-54.<br />

Illuminati R, Russo R, Guerra L, et al. (1988) Occupational<br />

airborne contact dermatitis in a florist. Contact Dermatitis<br />

18(4):246.<br />

Marks JG Jr (1988). Allergic contact dermatitis to Alstroemeria.<br />

Arch Dermatol 124: 914-916.<br />

Mascarenhas R, Robalo-Cordeiro M, Fern<strong>an</strong>des B, et al.<br />

(2001) Allergic <strong>an</strong>d irrit<strong>an</strong>t occupational contact dermatitis<br />

from alstroemeria. Contact Dermatitis 44(3):196-197.<br />

Rycroft RJ, Caln<strong>an</strong> CD (1981). Alstroemeria dermatitis.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 7(5): 284.<br />

alta fescue –see– Festuca arundinacea Schreb.<br />

altamisa –see– Artemisia vulgaris L.<br />

a l Te r n a n Th e r a p h i l o x e r o i d e s (Mart.)<br />

Griseb. [Amar<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

alligator weed<br />

Citations:<br />

Bourke CA, Rayward D (2003) Photosensitisation in dairy<br />

cattle grazing alligator weed (Altern<strong>an</strong>thera philoxeroides)<br />

infested pastures. Aust Vet J 81(6):361-362.<br />

Althaea rosea (L.) Cav. = Alcea rosea L.<br />

alui –see– Anacardium occidentale L.<br />

am<strong>an</strong>dier –see– Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb<br />

amapalo amarillo –see– Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl.<br />

amar<strong>an</strong>th –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus retroflexus L.<br />

a Ma r a n Th u s b l i To i d e s S. Watson<br />

[Amar<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

prostrate amar<strong>an</strong>th; prostrate pigweed; spreading<br />

pigweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Ramos JJ, Ferrer LM, García L, et al. (2005) Polioencephalomalacia<br />

in adult sheep grazing pastures with prostrate<br />

pigweed. C<strong>an</strong> Vet J 46(1):59-61.<br />

a Ma r a n Th u s b l i Tu M L. [Amar<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Cheeke PR, Carlsson R, Kohler GO (1981) Nutritive value<br />

of leaf protein concentrates prepared from amar<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

species. C<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 61:199-204.<br />

a Ma r a n Th u s c a u d a Tu s L. [Amar<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a mar<strong>an</strong>thus edulis Speg.<br />

Citations:<br />

Cheeke PR, Carlsson R, Kohler GO (1981) Nutritive value<br />

of leaf protein concentrates prepared from amar<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

species. C<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 61:199-204.

20 - Amar<strong>an</strong>thus cruentus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Takken A, Connor JK (1985) Some toxicological aspects<br />

of grain amar<strong>an</strong>th for pigs. In: Seawright AA, Hegarty<br />

MP, James LF, et al. (eds.) Pl<strong>an</strong>t toxicology. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d<br />

<strong>Poisonous</strong> Pl<strong>an</strong>t Committee. Yeerongpilly, Queensl<strong>an</strong>d.<br />

pp.170-177.<br />

a Ma r a n Th u s c r u e n Tu s L. [Amar<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a mar<strong>an</strong>thus p<strong>an</strong>iculatus L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

p<strong>an</strong>icle amar<strong>an</strong>th; redsh<strong>an</strong>k; wild amar<strong>an</strong>th<br />

Citations:<br />

Cheeke PR, Carlsson R, Kohler GO (1981) Nutritive value<br />

of leaf protein concentrates prepared from amar<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

species. C<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 61:199-204.<br />

Amar<strong>an</strong>thus edulis Speg = Amar<strong>an</strong>thus caudatus L.<br />

a Ma r a n Th u s f l a vu s L. [Amar<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Cheeke PR, Carlsson R, Kohler GO (1981) Nutritive value<br />

of leaf protein concentrates prepared from amar<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

species. C<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 61:199-204.<br />

Amar<strong>an</strong>thus g<strong>an</strong>geticus L. = Amar<strong>an</strong>thus tricolor L.<br />

Amar<strong>an</strong>thus gracilis Desf., nom. nud. = Amar<strong>an</strong>thus viridis<br />

L.<br />

a Ma r a n Th u s h y b r i d u s L. [Amar<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

carelessweed; green pigweed; pigweed; quelite morado;<br />

redroot; smooth pigweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Duckworth RH (1975) Poisoning of cattle by Amar<strong>an</strong>thus.<br />

N Z Vet J 23(7):154-155.<br />

Jeppesen QE (1966) Bovine perirenal disease associated with<br />

pigweed. J Am Vet Med Assoc 149(1):22.<br />

Amar<strong>an</strong>thus hybridus L. subsp. quitensis (Kunth) Costea &<br />

Carretero = Amar<strong>an</strong>thus quitensis Kunth<br />

a Ma r a n Th u s h y p o c h o n d r i a c u s L.<br />

[Amar<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Alfaro MA, Ramírez R, Martínez A, et al. (1987) Evaluacion<br />

de diferentes niveles de harina de amar<strong>an</strong>to (partes<br />

vegetativas), en sustitucion de harina de alfalfa para conejos<br />

en crecimiento. Arch Latinoam Nutr 37(1):174-185.<br />

Cheeke PR, Carlsson R (1978) Evaluation of several crops<br />

as sources of leaf meal: Composition, effect of drying<br />

procedure, <strong>an</strong>d rat growth response. Nutr Rep Int<br />

18(4):465-473.<br />

Cheeke PR, Carlsson R, Kohler GO (1981) Nutritive value<br />

of leaf protein concentrates prepared from amar<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

species. C<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 61:199-204.<br />

Amar<strong>an</strong>thus m<strong>an</strong>gost<strong>an</strong>us L. = Amar<strong>an</strong>thus tricolor L.<br />

a Ma r a n Th u s p a l Me r i S. Watson<br />

[Amar<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bledo; careless weed; Palmer’s-amar<strong>an</strong>th; Palmer’s-pigweed;<br />

pigweed; redroot<br />

Citations:<br />

Castle RB (1944) Successful therapy for cy<strong>an</strong>ogen poisoning<br />

in cattle. Vet Med 39:37-38.<br />

Thornber JJ (1919) Work on poison pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Arizona Agric<br />

Exp Sta Annu Rep 30:428-431.<br />

Amar<strong>an</strong>thus p<strong>an</strong>iculatus L. = Amar<strong>an</strong>thus cruentus L.<br />

a Ma r a n Th u s q u i Te n s is Kunth<br />

[Amar<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a mar<strong>an</strong>thus hybridus L. subsp. quitensis (Kunth)<br />

Costea & Carretero<br />

Common Names:<br />

pigweed; yuyo colorado<br />

Citations:<br />

Cursack HA, Rom<strong>an</strong>o LA (1967) Posible intoxicacion subaguda<br />

con nitratos y nitritos. El “yuyo colorado” (Amar<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

hybridus, var. quitensis) como especie sospechosa de<br />

ser tóxica para el g<strong>an</strong>ado vacuno. Gaceta Vet 29:69-74.<br />

Duffy SJ, León EA, Gavier MD, et al. (1985) Intoxicacion<br />

por Amar<strong>an</strong>thus quitensis (Yuyo colorado) en bovinos.<br />

Vet Argent 2(20):942, 944-949.<br />

Rodríguez Armesto R, Gr<strong>an</strong>de HA, de Baroni AC, et al.<br />

(1989) Intoxicacion por Amar<strong>an</strong>thus quitensis en vaquillonas<br />

Hol<strong>an</strong>do Argentino. Vet Argent 6(60):692, 694-700.<br />

Salles MS, Barros CS, Lemos RA, et al. (1991) Perirenal<br />

edema associated with Amar<strong>an</strong>thus spp poisoning in Brazili<strong>an</strong><br />

swine. Vet Hum Toxicol 33(6):616-617.<br />

a Ma r a n Th u s r e Tr o f l e x u s L.<br />

[Amar<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

amar<strong>an</strong>th; careless weed; green amar<strong>an</strong>thus; green<br />

pigweed; pigweed; Prince-of-Wales feather; quelite;<br />

redroot; redroot pigweed; reflexed amar<strong>an</strong>thus; rough<br />

pigweed; szörös disznóparéj<br />

Citations:<br />

Brakenridge DT (1956) Nitrate poisoning caused by turnips<br />

<strong>an</strong>d red root. N Z Vet J 4:165-166.<br />

Buck WB, Preston KS, Abel M, et al. (1965-1966) Common<br />

weeds associated with perirenal edema in swine. Proc Am<br />

Coll Vet Toxicol 1965:24-28.<br />

Buck WB, Preston KS, Abel M, et al. (1966) Perirenal edema<br />

in swine: A disease caused by common weeds. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 148(12):1525-1531.<br />

Buck WM [sic], Preston KS, Abel M (1965) Common weeds<br />

as a cause of perirenal edema in swine. Iowa State Univ<br />

Vet 27(3):105-108.<br />

Casteel SW, Johnson GC, Miller MA, et al. (1994) Amar<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

retroflexus (redroot pigweed) poisoning in cattle.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 204(7):1068-1070.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Ambrosia psilostachya - 21<br />

Cho SW, Lee CS (1984) [Histopathological observations of<br />

the natural case <strong>an</strong>d experimental occurrence of perirenal<br />

edema in pigs.] Kore<strong>an</strong> J Vet Res 24(2):173-182.<br />

Iv<strong>an</strong>a F, Georgescu C (1970) Observaţii asupra unor cazuri<br />

de intoxicaţie cu Amar<strong>an</strong>thus retroflexus la bovine. Rev<br />

Zootehnie Med Vet 20(11):64-66.<br />

Jeppesen QE (1966) Bovine perirenal disease associated with<br />

pigweed. J Am Vet Med Assoc 149(1):22.<br />

Kerr LA, Kelch WJ (1998) Pigweed (Amar<strong>an</strong>thus retroflexus)<br />

toxicosis in cattle. Vet Hum Toxicol 40(4):216-218.<br />

Osweiler GD, Buck WB, Bicknell EJ (1969) Production of<br />

perirenal edema in swine with Amar<strong>an</strong>thus retroflexus.<br />

Am J Vet Res 30(4):557-566.<br />

Rae CA, Binnington BD (1995) Amar<strong>an</strong>thus retroflexus (redroot<br />

pigweed) poisoning in lambs. C<strong>an</strong> Vet J 36(7):446.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>ko RE (1975) Perirenal edema in swine - Caused by<br />

ingestion of Amar<strong>an</strong>thus retroflexus (pigweed). Vet Med<br />

Small Anim Clin 70(1):42-43.<br />

Šenk L, Pogačnik M, Princes I, et al. (1985) Pojava perirenalnog<br />

edema (nefropatije) kod svinja u sr Sloveniji. Veterinarski<br />

Glasnik 39(12):1277-1282.<br />

Spearm<strong>an</strong> G, Johnson K (1989) Redroot pigweed toxicosis in<br />

cattle. C<strong>an</strong> Vet J 30(3):255-256.<br />

Stuart BP, Nicholson SS, Smith JB (1975) Perirenal edema<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxic nephrosis in cattle, associated with ingestion of<br />

pigweed. J Am Vet Med Assoc 167(10):949-950.<br />

Torres MB, Kommers GD, D<strong>an</strong>tas AF, et al. (1997) Redroot<br />

pigweed (Amar<strong>an</strong>thus retroflexus) poisoning of cattle in<br />

southern Brazil. Vet Hum Toxicol 39(2):94-96.<br />

Zhokovski N (1966) [Poisoning <strong>an</strong>d abortion caused by<br />

Amar<strong>an</strong>thus retroflexus in ewes.] Veterinarna Sbirka<br />

63(11):26.<br />

a Ma r a n Th u s s p i n o s u s L. [Amar<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hogweed; needle bur; quelite espinoso; spiny amar<strong>an</strong>th;<br />

spiny pigweed; stickerweed; thorny amar<strong>an</strong>thus; thorny<br />

pigweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Peixoto PV, Brust LA, Brito MF, et al. (2003) Intoxicação<br />

natural por Amar<strong>an</strong>thus spinsosus (Amar<strong>an</strong>thaceae)<br />

em ovinos no Sudeste do Brasil. Pesq Vet Bras<br />

23(4):179-184.<br />

a Ma r a n Th u s Tr ic o l o r L. [Amar<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a mar<strong>an</strong>thus g<strong>an</strong>geticus L.; a mar<strong>an</strong>thus m<strong>an</strong>gost<strong>an</strong>us<br />

L.<br />

Citations:<br />

Cheeke PR, Carlsson R, Kohler GO (1981) Nutritive value<br />

of leaf protein concentrates prepared from amar<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

species. C<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 61:199-204.<br />

a Ma r a n Th u s v i r i d is L. [Amar<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a mar<strong>an</strong>thus gracilis Desf., nom. nud.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bledo bl<strong>an</strong>co; chaulai; green amar<strong>an</strong>th; white<br />

amar<strong>an</strong>th<br />

Citations:<br />

Rivera M, Aguilo R, Lorenzo M, et al. (1984) Reporte de<br />

intoxicación en bovinos jóvenes por el Amar<strong>an</strong>thus viridis<br />

(bledo bl<strong>an</strong>co). Rev Cub<strong>an</strong>a Cienc Vet 15(3-4):335-338.<br />

Salles MS, Barros CS, Lemos RA, et al. (1991) Perirenal<br />

edema associated with Amar<strong>an</strong>thus spp poisoning in Brazili<strong>an</strong><br />

swine. Vet Hum Toxicol 33(6):616-617.<br />

Singh R, Siddiqui MA, Baruah MC (1978) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis<br />

in Delhi. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med Res 68(Oct):650-655.<br />

amargo –see– Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

amber –see– Hypericum perforatum L.<br />

ambroisie –see– Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin &<br />

Clem<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

a Mb r o s i a a r Te Mis i i f o l i a L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>nual ragweed; bitterweed; hogweed; low ragweed;<br />

short ragweed; western ragweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Brunsting LA, Anderson CR (1934) Ragweed dermatitis.<br />

A report <strong>based</strong> on eighteen cases. JAMA<br />

103(17):1285-1290.<br />

Brunsting LA, Williams DH (1936) Ragweed (contact) dermatitis.<br />

JAMA 106(18):1533-1535.<br />

Epstein S (1960) Role of dermal sensitivity in ragweed contact<br />

dermatitis. Arch Dermatol 82(Jul):48-55.<br />

Jordon JW, Campbell PC, Osborne ED (1942) Ragweed<br />

dermatitis among workers in the flour <strong>an</strong>d grain industries.<br />

Arch Derm Syphilol 46:721-724.<br />

Möller H, Spirén A, Svensson Å, et al. (2002) Contact<br />

allergy to the Asteraceae pl<strong>an</strong>t Ambrosia artemisiifolia<br />

L. (ragweed) in sesquiterpenelactone-sensitive patients in<br />

southern Sweden. Contact Dermatitis 47(3):157-160.<br />

a Mb r o s i a d e l To i d e a (Torr.) W. W. Payne<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

tri<strong>an</strong>gle-leaf bursage<br />

Citations:<br />

Schumacher MJ, Silvis NG (2003) Airborne contact dermatitis<br />

from Ambrosia deltoidea (tri<strong>an</strong>gle-leaf bursage).<br />

Contact Dermatitis 48(4):212-216.<br />

a Mb r o s i a e l a Tio r L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

short ragweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Sutton RL (1919) Ragweed dermatitis. JAMA<br />

73(19):1433-1437.<br />

a Mb r o s i a p s i l o s Ta c h y a DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

western ragweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Brunsting LA, Williams DH (1936) Ragweed (contact) dermatitis.<br />

JAMA 106(18):1533-1535.

22 - Ambrosia trifida D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Ford RM (1963) Ragweed pollinosis. Med J Aust 1(May<br />

11):712.<br />

a Mb r o s i a Tr i f i d a L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t ragweed; great ragweed; ironweed; tall ragweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Brunsting LA, Williams DH (1936) Ragweed (contact) dermatitis.<br />

JAMA 106(18):1533-1535.<br />

Sutton RL (1919) Ragweed dermatitis. JAMA<br />

73(19):1433-1437.<br />

amche –see– Toxicodendron striatum (Ruiz & Pav.) Kuntze<br />

a Me l a n c h i e r a l n i f o l i a (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M.<br />

Roem. [Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Saskatoon serviceberry; western serviceberry<br />

Citations:<br />

Majak W, Udenberg T, Clark LJ, et al. (1980) Toxicity of<br />

Saskatoon serviceberry to cattle. C<strong>an</strong> Vet J 21(3):74-76.<br />

Quinton DA (1985) Saskatoon serviceberry toxic to deer. J<br />

Wildl M<strong>an</strong>age 49(2):362-364.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> agave –see– Agave americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> aloe –see– Agave americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> arbor vitae –see– Thuja occidentalis L.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> arum –see– Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> beech –see– Fagus gr<strong>an</strong>difolia Ehrh.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> c<strong>an</strong>cer –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> cocklebur –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L. var.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>adense (Mill.) Torr. & A. Gray<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> coffeebe<strong>an</strong> –see– Gymnocladus dioicus (L.) K.<br />

Koch<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> coffeeberry –see– Gymnocladus dioicus (L.) K.<br />

Koch<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> custard apple –see– Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> dogweed –see– Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth.<br />

& Hook. f. ex A. Gray<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> ephedra –see– Ephedra viridis Coville<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> false hellebore –see– Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> fly poison –see– Ami<strong>an</strong>thium muscitoxicum<br />

(Walter) A. Gray<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> ginseng –see– P<strong>an</strong>ax ginseng C. A. Mey.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> hellebore –see– Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> hemp –see– Apocynum c<strong>an</strong>nabinum L.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> holly –see– Ilex opaca Aiton<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> ivy –see– Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> jute –see– Abutilon theophrasti Medik.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> laurel –see– Kalmia latifolia L.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> m<strong>an</strong>drake –see– Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> m<strong>an</strong>na grass –see– Glyceria gr<strong>an</strong>dis S. Watson<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> May apple –see– Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> mistletoe –see– Phoradendron leucarpum (Raf.)<br />

Reveal & M. C. Johnst.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> nightshade –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> papaw –see– Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> pennyroyal –see– Hedeoma pulegioides (L.) Pers.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> purging nut –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> rubber pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.<br />

Dietr.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> s<strong>an</strong>foin –see– Galega officinalis L.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> sassafras –see– Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> sneezeweed –see– Helenium amarum (Raf.) H.<br />

Rock<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> stinging nettle –see– Urtica dioica L.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> water hemlock –see– Cicuta maculata L.<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> white hellebore –see– Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> wormseed –see– Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia ambrosioides (L.)<br />

Mosyakin & Clem<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> wormwood –see– Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia ambrosioides (L.)<br />

Mosyakin & Clem<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

Amerik<strong>an</strong>ische Grenadill –see– Brya ebenus (L.) DC.<br />

Amerik<strong>an</strong>ischer Efeu –see– Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

Amerik<strong>an</strong>ischer Lebensbaum –see– Thuja occidentalis L.<br />

Amerik<strong>an</strong>isches Mahagoni –see– Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq.<br />

amerik<strong>an</strong>sk oliepl<strong>an</strong>te –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

a Mi a n Th i u M Mu s c i To x ic u M (Walter) A.<br />

Gray [Mel<strong>an</strong>thiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c hrosperma muscitoxicum (Walter) Kuntze; z igadenus<br />

muscitoxicum (Walter) Regel<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> fly poison; black snakeroot; crow poison;<br />

death camas; fall poison; fly poison; gray fly poison; St.<br />

Elmos’-feather; stagger grass; stagger pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1912) <strong>Poisonous</strong>-pl<strong>an</strong>t studies. U S Dep Agric<br />

Annu Rep 1911:61-62, 92, 277-280.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Marsh H (1918) Stagger grass<br />

(Chrosperma muscaetoxicum) as a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. U S<br />

Dep Agric Bull #710:4 pp.<br />

amila –see– Phyll<strong>an</strong>thus emblica L.<br />

a MMi Ma j u s L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

atarillal; bishop’s-weed; falsa visnaga; greater ammi;<br />

Knorpelmöhre; lace flower; meadow sweet; Queen<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Amsinckia intermedia - 23<br />

Citations:<br />

Cheymol J (1958) Ammi majus et brunissement épidérmique.<br />

Therapie 13(6):974-978.<br />

Dollahite JW, Younger RL, Hoffm<strong>an</strong> GO (1978) Photosensitization<br />

in cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep caused by feeding Ammi<br />

majus (greater Ammi; Bishop’s-Weed). Am J Vet Res<br />

39(1):193-197.<br />

Egyed MN, Malkinson M, Shlosberg A (1974) Observations<br />

on the experimental poisoning of young geese with<br />

Ammi majus. Avi<strong>an</strong> Pathol 3(2):79-87.<br />

Egyed MN, Shlosberg A, Eilat A (1977) Photosensitizing<br />

effects of furocoumarin containing weeds on domestic<br />

birds. Vet Hum Toxicol 19(1):11-13.<br />

Egyed MN, Shlosberg A, Eilat A, et al. (1974) Photosensitization<br />

in dairy cattle associated with the ingestion of<br />

Ammi majus. Refu Vet 31(3):128-131.<br />

Egyed MN, Shlosberg A, Eilat A, et al. (1975) Acute <strong>an</strong>d<br />

chronic m<strong>an</strong>ifestations of Ammi majus induced photosensitisation<br />

in ducks. Vet Rec 97(11):198-199.<br />

Egyed MN, Shlosberg A, Eilat A, et al. (1975) Chronic<br />

lesions in geese photosensitized by Ammi majus. Avi<strong>an</strong><br />

Dis 19(4):822-826.<br />

Egyed MN, Singer L, Eilat A, et al. (1975) Eye lesions in<br />

ducklings fed Ammi majus seeds. Zentralbl Veterinarmed<br />

A 22(9):764-768.<br />

Eilat A, Malkinson M, Shlosberg A, et al. (1974) A field<br />

outbreak of photosensitization in goslings caused by the<br />

ingestion of Ammi majus. Refu Vet 31(2):83-86.<br />

Kiistala R, Mäkinen-Kiljunen S, Heikkinen K, et al.<br />

(1999) Occupational allergic rhinitis <strong>an</strong>d contact urticaria<br />

caused by bishop’s weed (Ammi majus). Allergy<br />

54(6):635-639.<br />

Méndez MC, Riet-Correa F, Schild AL, et al. (1991) Fotossensibilização<br />

em bovinos causada por Ammi majus<br />

(Umbelliferae) no Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de do Sul. Pesq Vet Bras<br />

11(1-2):17-19.<br />

Odriozola E (1984) Fotosensibilizacion y queratoconjunctivitis<br />

en rumi<strong>an</strong>tes por consumo de semillas de falsa viznaga<br />

(Ammi majus). Vet Argent 1(7):684-688.<br />

Schild AC, Motta AC, Riet-Correa F, et al. (2004) Photosensitization<br />

in cattle in southern Brazil. In: Acamovic T,<br />

Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d<br />

related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp. 162-166.<br />

Shlosberg A, Egyed MN (1978) Ammi majus induced photosensitization<br />

in chickens <strong>an</strong>d turkey poults. Refu Vet<br />

35(4):159-161.<br />

Shlosberg A, Egyed MN, Eilat A (1974) The comparative<br />

photosensitizing properties of Ammi majus <strong>an</strong>d Ammi<br />

visnaga in goslings. Avi<strong>an</strong> Dis 18(4):544-550.<br />

Sidi E, Bourgeois-Gavardin J (1953) Mise au point du<br />

traitment du vitiligo par L’Ammi majus. Presse Med<br />

61(21):436-441.<br />

Witzel DA, Dollahite JW, Jones LP (1978) Photosensitization<br />

in sheep fed Ammi majus (Bishop’s weed) seed. Am<br />

J Vet Res 39(2):319-320.<br />

Yeruham I, Lemberg D, Nat<strong>an</strong> A, et al. (1988) Photosensitization<br />

in sheep due to ingestion of Vicia hay contaminated<br />

by Ammi majus. Isr J Vet Med 44(2):147.<br />

a MMi v is n ag a (L.) Lam. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bishop’s-weed; bisnaga; biznaga; khella; khilla; khillala;<br />

toothpick ammi<br />

Citations:<br />

Egyed MN, Shlosberg A, Eilat A (1975) The susceptibility<br />

of young chickens, ducks, <strong>an</strong>d turkeys to the photosensitizing<br />

effect of Ammi visnaga seeds. Avi<strong>an</strong> Dis<br />

19(4):830-833.<br />

Ibrahim IA, El Badwi SM, Gadir WS, et al. (2004) Susceptibility<br />

of Bov<strong>an</strong>s chicks to low dietary levels of Ammi<br />

visnaga <strong>an</strong>d Artemisia herba-alba. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

46(2):67-69.<br />

Shlosberg A, Egyed MN, Eilat A (1974) The comparative<br />

photosensitizing properties of Ammi majus <strong>an</strong>d Ammi<br />

visnaga in goslings. Avi<strong>an</strong> Dis 18(4):544-550.<br />

Trenchi H (1960) Ingestion of Ammi visnaga seeds <strong>an</strong>d<br />

photosensitization - The cause of vesicular dermatitis in<br />

fowls. Avi<strong>an</strong> Dis 4(3):275-280.<br />

Amomum cardamomum L. = Elettaria cardamomum (L.)<br />

Maton<br />

a Mo r p h o p h a l l u s k o n j a c K. Koch [Araceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a morphophallus rivieri Durieu ex Carrière; c onophallus<br />

konjak Schott<br />

Common Names:<br />

devil’s-tongue; konjac; leopard palm; snake palm;<br />

umbrella arum<br />

Citations:<br />

Yoshizawa K (1971) [Ocular injury caused by bulbs of Amorphophallus<br />

konjac K. Koch.] Acta Soc Ophthalmol Jpn<br />

75(1):50-58;134-142.<br />

Amorphophallus rivieri Durieu ex Carrière =<br />

Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch<br />

Ampelopsis quinquefolia Michx. = Parthenocissus<br />

quinquefolia (L.) Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

Amsinckia arizonica Suksd. = Amsinckia intermedia Fisch.<br />

& C. A. Mey.<br />

Amsinckia echinata A. Gray = Amsinckia intermedia Fisch.<br />

& C. A. Mey.<br />

Amsinckia intactilis J. F. Macbr. = Amsinckia intermedia<br />

Fisch. & C. A. Mey.<br />

a Ms i n c k i a i n Te r Me d i a Fisch. & C. A. Mey.<br />

[Boraginaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a msinckia arizonica Suksd.; a msinckia echinata A.<br />

Gray; a msinckia intactilis J. F. Macbr.; a msinkia<br />

microphylla Suksd.; a msinkia n<strong>an</strong>a Suksd.; a msinkia<br />

rigida Suksd.<br />

Common Names:<br />

buckthorn; coast buckthorn; coast fiddleneck; fiddleneck;<br />

finger weed; fireweed; ironweed; r<strong>an</strong>cher’s-fiddleneck;<br />

tarweed; yellow burweed; yellow forget-me-not;<br />

yellow tarweed

24 - Anabasis aphylla D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Fowler ME (1968) Pyrrolizidine alkaloid poisoning in calves.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 152(8):1131-1137.<br />

Kennedy PC (1957) Tarweed poisoning in swine. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 130(Apr 1):305-306.<br />

McCulloch EC (1940) Hepatic cirrhosis of horses, swine <strong>an</strong>d<br />

cattle due to the ingestion of seeds of the tarweed, Amsinkia<br />

intermedia. J Am Vet Med Assoc 96(754):5-18.<br />

McCulloch EC (1942) The use of grain containing tarweed<br />

(Amsinckia intermedia) seed as poultry feed. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 101(Dec):481-483.<br />

Muth OH (1941) An attempt to determine the toxicity of<br />

Amsinckia intermedia (tarweed) for fattening lambs. J<br />

Am Vet Med Assoc 99(773):145-146.<br />

Woolsey JH Jr, Jasper DE, Cordy DR, et al. (1952) Two outbreaks<br />

of hepatic cirrhosis in swine in California, with<br />

evidence incriminating the tarweed, Amsinckia intermedia.<br />

Vet Med 47:55-58.<br />

Amsinkia microphylla Suksd. = Amsinckia intermedia<br />

Fisch. & C. A. Mey.<br />

Amsinkia n<strong>an</strong>a Suksd. = Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. & C.<br />

A. Mey.<br />

Amsinkia rigida Suksd. = Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. &<br />

C. A. Mey.<br />

amte –see– Toxicodendron striatum (Ruiz & Pav.) Kuntze<br />

Amur River privet –see– Ligustrum obtusifolium Siebold &<br />

Zucc. subsp. suave (Kitag.) Kitag.<br />

amyroot –see– Apocynum c<strong>an</strong>nabinum L.<br />

<strong>an</strong>abasia –see– Anabasis aphylla L.<br />

a n a b a s is a p h y l l a L. [Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>abasia<br />

Citations:<br />

Shatrov AP (1962) [Poisoning of sheep with Anabasis aphylla<br />

<strong>an</strong>d A. solsa [sic].] Veterinariia Moscow 39(8):49-54.<br />

a n a b a s is s a ls a C. A. (Mey.) Benth. ex Volkens<br />

[Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Shatrov AP (1962) [Poisoning of sheep with Anabasis aphylla<br />

<strong>an</strong>d A. solsa [sic].] Veterinariia Moscow 39(8):49-54.<br />

a n a c a r d i u M o c c i d e n Ta l e L.<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c assuvium pomiferum Lam.<br />

Common Names:<br />

acajou; alui; balubad; cacahuil; cajú; cajuil; cashew;<br />

cashew apple; jocote marañón; marañón; noix d’acajou;<br />

palu-de-cashupete; pommier cajou; ului<br />

Citations:<br />

Aber R, Marks J, DeMelfi T, et al. (1983) Dermatitis associated<br />

with cashew nut consumption - Pennsylv<strong>an</strong>ia.<br />

MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 32(9):129-130.<br />

Bedello PG, Goitre M, C<strong>an</strong>e D, et al. (1985) Allergic contact<br />

dermatitis to cashew nut. Contact Dermatitis 12(4):235.<br />

Bedi BM (1971) Cashewnut dermatitis (report of two cases).<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> J Dermatol 16(3):63-64.<br />

Diogenes MJ, Morais SM, Cavalho FF (1996) Contact dermatitis<br />

among cashew nut workers. Contact Dermatitis<br />

35(2):114-115.<br />

Downing JG, Gurney SW (1940) Dermatitis from cashew<br />

nut shell oil. J Ind Hyg Toxicol 22(5):169-174.<br />

Hamilton TK, Zug KA (1998) Systemic contact dermatitis<br />

to raw cashew nuts in a pesto sauce. Am J Contact Dermat<br />

9(1):51-54.<br />

Kilburn SA, Warner JO (2001) Clinical features of cashew<br />

allergy. Allergy 56(3):252-253.<br />

Kligm<strong>an</strong> AM (1958) Cashew nut shell oil for hyposensitization<br />

against Rhus dermatitis. Arch Dermatol<br />

78(3):359-363.<br />

Lockey SD (1944) Cashew nut oil dermatitis. Ann Allergy<br />

2(1):22-25.<br />

Marks JG Jr, DeMelfi T, McCarthy MA, et al. (1984)<br />

Dermatitis from cashew nuts. J Am Acad Dermatol<br />

10(4):627-631.<br />

McNairy DJ (1959) Contact dermatitis from cashew nut shell<br />

novelties. Ariz Med 16(5):361-362.<br />

Orris L (1958) Cashew nut dermatitis. N Y State J Med 58(17<br />

part 1):2799-2800.<br />

Quercia O, Raf<strong>an</strong>elli S, Marsigli L, et al. (1999) Unexpected<br />

<strong>an</strong>aphylaxis to cashew nut. Allergy 54(8):895-897.<br />

Ratner JH, Spencer SK, Grainge JM (1974) Cashew nut<br />

dermatitis. An example of internal-external contact-type<br />

hypersensitivity. Arch Dermatol 110(6):921-923.<br />

Reginella RF, Fairfield JC, Marks JG Jr (1989) Hyposensitization<br />

to poison ivy after working in a cashew nut shell oil<br />

processing factory. Contact Dermatitis 20(12):274-279.<br />

Rosen T, Fordice DB (1994) Cashew nut dermatitis. South<br />

Med J 87(4):543-546.<br />

Schwartz L, Birmingham DJ, Campbell PC Jr, et al. (1945)<br />

Skin hazards - in the m<strong>an</strong>ufacture <strong>an</strong>d use of cashew nut<br />

shell liquid - formaldehyde resins. Indus Med 14:500-506.<br />

Srinivas CR, Pasricha JS (1990) Dermatological problems of<br />

workers employed in cashew nut factories. Contact Dermatitis<br />

22(5):192.<br />

Anacardium orientale auct. ex Steud. = Semecarpus<br />

<strong>an</strong>acardium L. f.<br />

a n a d e n a n Th e r a c o l u b r i n a (Vell.) Bren<strong>an</strong><br />

var. cebil (Griseb.) Altschul [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a naden<strong>an</strong>thera macrocarpa (Benth.) Bren<strong>an</strong>; p iptadenia<br />

macrocarpa Benth.<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>gico; cebil colorado<br />

Citations:<br />

Brito MF, Fr<strong>an</strong>ca TN, Oliveira KD, et al. (2000) Estudos<br />

experimentais em coelhos com pl<strong>an</strong>tas ci<strong>an</strong>ogênicas. Pesq<br />

Vet Bras 20(2):65-70.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Peixoto PV, Brito MF, et al. (1999) Estudos<br />

experimentais com pl<strong>an</strong>tas ci<strong>an</strong>ogênicas em bovinos. Pesq<br />

Vet Bras 19(2):84-90.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Anemone patens - 25<br />

Anaden<strong>an</strong>thera macrocarpa (Benth.) Bren<strong>an</strong> =<br />

Anaden<strong>an</strong>thera colubrina (Vell.) Bren<strong>an</strong> var. cebil<br />

(Griseb.) Altschul<br />

a n ag a l l is a rv e n s is L. [Myrsinaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a nagallis caerulea Lam.; a nagallis foemina Mill.;<br />

a nagallis orientalis hort. ex Fisch. Mey. & Avé-Lall.;<br />

a nagallis pulchella Salisb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bird’s-eye; blue pimpernel; dharati dhak; morgeline;<br />

mouron-des-champs; murajes; pimpernel; poison<br />

chickweed; poison weed; poor-m<strong>an</strong>’s-weatherglass; red<br />

chickweed; red pimpernel; roode muur; rooimuur; scarlet<br />

pimpernel; shepherd’s-calendar; shepherd’s-clock;<br />

shepherd’s-delight; shepherd’s-weatherglass<br />

Citations:<br />

Pullar EM (1939) Studies on five suspected poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Aust Vet J 15:19-23.<br />

Rivero R, Zabala A, Gi<strong>an</strong>neechini R, et al. (2001) Anagallis<br />

arvensis poisoning in cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep in Uruguay. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(1):27-30.<br />

Rothwell JT, Marshall DJ (1986) Suspected poisoning of<br />

sheep by Anagallis arvensis (scarlet pimpernel). Aust Vet<br />

J 63(9):316.<br />

Schneider DJ (1978) Fatal ovine nephrosis caused by Anagallis<br />

arvensis L. J S Afr Vet Assoc 49(4):321-324.<br />

Anagallis caerulea Lam. = Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

Anagallis foemina Mill. = Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

Anagallis orientalis hort. ex Fisch. Mey. & Avé-Lall. =<br />

Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

Anagallis pulchella Salisb. = Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

<strong>an</strong>amú –see– Petiveria alliacea L.<br />

a n a n a s c o Mo s u s (L.) Merr. [Bromeliaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a n<strong>an</strong>as sativus Schult. & Schult. f.; b romelia <strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>as<br />

L.; b romelia comosus L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

pineapple<br />

Citations:<br />

Kabir I, Speelm<strong>an</strong> P, Islam A (1993) Systemic allergic reaction<br />

<strong>an</strong>d diarrhoea after pineapple ingestion. Trop Geogr<br />

Med 45(2):77-79.<br />

Polunin I (1951) Pineapple dermatosis. Br J Dermatol<br />

63(12):441-455.<br />

Schilling R, Der Marderosi<strong>an</strong> A, Speaker J (1980) Incidence<br />

of pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings in Philadelphia noted as poison information<br />

calls. Vet Hum Toxicol 22(3):148-150.<br />

An<strong>an</strong>as sativus Schult. & Schult. f. = An<strong>an</strong>as comosus (L.)<br />

Merr.<br />

<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>beam –see– Euonymus europaeus L.<br />

<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>tamul –see– Hemidesmus indicus (L.) W. T. Aiton<br />

<strong>an</strong>da –see– Jo<strong>an</strong>nesia princeps Vell.<br />

<strong>an</strong>da assu –see– Jo<strong>an</strong>nesia princeps Vell.<br />

Anderson’s-larkspur –see– Delphinium <strong>an</strong>dersonii A. Gray<br />

a n d i r a i n e r Mis (W. Wright) Kunth ex DC.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a ndira jamaicensis Urb.; g eoffroea inermis W. Wright;<br />

g eoffroea jamaicensis W. Wright<br />

Common Names:<br />

almendro macho; almendro montes; almendro seal;<br />

bastard cabbage; bastard mahog<strong>an</strong>y; black blossom<br />

cherry; cabbagebark; carne asada; chaperno; cocu;<br />

cornwood; cuilinbaca; maca colorada; macallo; partridge;<br />

Rebhuhnholz<br />

Citations:<br />

Figueroa V, Sutherl<strong>an</strong>d TM (1972) “Muerte súbita” (sudden<br />

death) in cattle. 5. The role of toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Rev Cub<strong>an</strong>a<br />

Cienc Agric Eng Ed 6(1):53-59.<br />

Gl<strong>an</strong>der KE (1977) Poison in a monkey’s Garden of Eden.<br />

Nat Hist 86(Mar):35-41.<br />

Andira jamaicensis Urb. = Andira inermis (W. Wright)<br />

Kunth ex DC.<br />

<strong>an</strong>drachne –see– Andrachne decaisnei Benth.<br />

a n d r a c h n e d e c a is n e i Benth.<br />

[Phyll<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l eptopus decaisnei (Benth.) Pojark.<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>drachne<br />

Citations:<br />

Churchward RE, Gurney EH (1938) A pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonous to<br />

sheep. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d Agric J 50:180-184.<br />

Andromeda floribunda Pursh = Pieris floribunda (Pursh)<br />

Benth. & Hook. f.<br />

Andropogon arundinaceus Scop. = Sorghum halepense (L.)<br />

Pers.<br />

Andropogon citratus DC. = Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf<br />

Andropogon halepensis (L.) Brot. = Sorghum halepense (L.)<br />

Pers.<br />

Andropogon nardus L. = Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle<br />

Andropogon sorghum (L.) Brot. = Sorghum bicolor (L.)<br />

Moench<br />

a n e Mo n e p a Te n s L. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p ulsatilla hirsutissima Britton; p ulsatilla patens (L.)<br />

Mill.<br />

Common Names:<br />

pasqueflower; prairie crocus; pulsatilla

26 - Anemone sylvestris D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Aaron TH, Muttitt EL (1964) Vesic<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis due to<br />

prairie crocus (Anemone patens L.). Arch Dermatol<br />

90(Aug):168-171.<br />

V<strong>an</strong>ce JC (1982) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Minnesota: Skin toxicity<br />

of the prairie crocus (Anemone patens L.). Minn Med<br />

65(3):149-151, 188.<br />

a n e Mo n e s y l ve s Tr is L. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

snowdrop <strong>an</strong>emone<br />

Citations:<br />

Eikhler IN (1965) [Intoxication by “inebriating” poisonous<br />

honey.] Vopr Pit<strong>an</strong> 24(5):65-67.<br />

<strong>an</strong>ès estrella –see– Illicium verum Hook. f.<br />

a n e Th u M g r a ve o l e n s L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a nethum sowa Roxb. ex Fleming; p euced<strong>an</strong>um graveolens<br />

(L.) Benth. & Hook. f.<br />

Common Names:<br />

dill<br />

Citations:<br />

Knudson EA, Kroon S (1988) In vitro <strong>an</strong>d in vivo phototoxicity<br />

of furocoumarin-containing pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Clin Exp Dermatol<br />

13(2):92-96.<br />

Monteseirín J, Pérez-Formoso JL, Hérn<strong>an</strong>dez M, et al.<br />

(2003) Contact urticaria from dill. Contact Dermatitis<br />

48(5):275.<br />

Monteseirín J, Pérez-Formoso JL, Sánchez-Hernández MC,<br />

et al. (2002) Occupational contact dermatitis to dill.<br />

Allergy 57(9):866-867.<br />

Anethum sowa Roxb. ex Fleming = Anethum graveolens L.<br />

<strong>an</strong>gela –see– Moringa oleifera Lam.<br />

<strong>an</strong>gelica –see– Angelica arch<strong>an</strong>gelica L.<br />

a n g e l ic a a r c h a n g e l ic a L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a ngelica officinalis Moench<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>gelica; Engelwurz<br />

Citations:<br />

Knudson EA, Kroon S (1988) In vitro <strong>an</strong>d in vivo phototoxicity<br />

of furocoumarin-containing pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Clin Exp Dermatol<br />

13(2):92-96.<br />

Kuske H (1939) Experimentelle untersuchungen zur Photosensibilisierung<br />

der Haut durch pfl<strong>an</strong>zliche Wirkstoffe.<br />

1. Mitteilung. Lichtsensibilisierung durch Furocumarine<br />

als Ursache verschiedener phytogener Dermatosen. Arch<br />

Derm Syphilol 178:112-123.<br />

Kuske H (1940) Perkut<strong>an</strong>e Photosensibilisierung durch<br />

pfl<strong>an</strong>zliche Wirkstoffe. Dermatologica 82:273-338.<br />

Angelica officinalis Moench = Angelica arch<strong>an</strong>gelica L.<br />

<strong>an</strong>gel’s-tears –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia arborea (L.) Lagerh.<br />

<strong>an</strong>gel’s-trumpet –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia arborea (L.) Lagerh.;<br />

Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia ×c<strong>an</strong>dida Pers.; Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia suaveolens<br />

(Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Bercht. & J. Presl; Datura<br />

stramonium L.<br />

<strong>an</strong>gel’s-trumpet lily –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia arborea (L.) Lagerh.<br />

<strong>an</strong>gel’s-wings –see– Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Vent.<br />

<strong>an</strong>gico –see– Anaden<strong>an</strong>thera colubrina (Vell.) Bren<strong>an</strong> var.<br />

cebil (Griseb.) Altschul<br />

änglatrumpet –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia suaveolens (Humb. &<br />

Bonpl. ex Willd.) Bercht. & J. Presl<br />

<strong>an</strong>guna –see– Dregea volubilis (L. f.) Benth. ex Hook. f.<br />

<strong>an</strong>halonium –see– Lophophora williamsii (Lem. ex Salm-<br />

Dyck) J. M. Coult.<br />

<strong>an</strong>il indigo –see– Indigofera suffruticosa Mill.<br />

<strong>an</strong>ileira –see– Indigofera suffruticosa Mill.<br />

<strong>an</strong>inga para –see– Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott<br />

<strong>an</strong>is –see– Illicium <strong>an</strong>isatum L.; Pimpinella <strong>an</strong>isum L.<br />

<strong>an</strong>is hinono –see– Foeniculum vulgare Mill.<br />

<strong>an</strong>ise –see– Pimpinella <strong>an</strong>isum L.<br />

<strong>an</strong>kra –see– Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton<br />

Anna Maria –see– Hyacinthus orientalis L.<br />

a n n o n a c h e r i Mo l a Mill. [Annonaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cherimoya; sugar apple; sweet sop<br />

Citations:<br />

Sánchez-Guerrero IM, Escudero AI, Tortosa JA, et al. (2000)<br />

Anaphylaxis to cherimoya. Allergy 55(10):976-977.<br />

a n n o n a Mu r ic a Ta L. [Annonaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>onas; gu<strong>an</strong>áb<strong>an</strong>a; lagu<strong>an</strong>a; sorsaka; soursop<br />

Citations:<br />

Dunham LJ, Sheets RH, Morton JF (1974) Proliferative<br />

lesions in cheek pouch <strong>an</strong>d esophagus of hamsters treated<br />

with pl<strong>an</strong>ts from Curacao, Netherl<strong>an</strong>d Antilles. J Natl<br />

C<strong>an</strong>cer Instit 53(5):1259-1269.<br />

a n n o n a r e Tic u l a Ta L. [Annonaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bullock’s-heart; custard apple; Jamaica apple<br />

Citations:<br />

Gonzalo MA, Moneo I, Ventas P, et al. (1997) IgE-mediated<br />

hypersensitivity to custard-apple. Allergy 52(5):597.<br />

Sánchez-Morillas L, Moneo I, Sed<strong>an</strong>o E, et al. (2003) Oral<br />

allergic syndrome after ingestion of custard apple. Allergy<br />

58(3):260-261.<br />

a n n o n a s q u a Mo s a L. [Annonaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

atis; custard apple; sitaphal; sugar apple; sweet sop

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Anticlea eleg<strong>an</strong>s - 27<br />

Citations:<br />

Visweswariah K, Jayaram M, Krishnaprasad NK, et al.<br />

(1971) Toxicological studies of the seeds of Annona squamosa.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> J Exp Biol 9(4):519-521.<br />

Annona triloba L. = Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal<br />

<strong>an</strong>nual bitterweed –see– Hymenoxys odorata DC.<br />

<strong>an</strong>nual mercury –see– Mercurialis <strong>an</strong>nua L.<br />

<strong>an</strong>nual ragweed –see– Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.<br />

<strong>an</strong>nual rye –see– Secale cereale L.<br />

<strong>an</strong>nual ryegrass –see– Lolium multiflorum Lam.; Lolium<br />

rigidum Gaudin<br />

<strong>an</strong>nual sage –see– Salvia reflexa Hornem.<br />

<strong>an</strong>nual sunflower –see– Heli<strong>an</strong>thus <strong>an</strong>nuus L.<br />

<strong>an</strong>nual sweet pea –see– Lathyrus odoratus L.<br />

a n o e c To c h i l u s f o r Mo s a n u s Hayata<br />

[Orchidaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Deng JF, Lin TJ, Kao WF, et al. (1997) The difficulty in<br />

h<strong>an</strong>dling poisonings associated with Chinese traditional<br />

medicine: A poison control center experience for<br />

1991-1993. Vet Hum Toxicol 39(2):106-114.<br />

<strong>an</strong>onas –see– Annona muricata L.<br />

<strong>an</strong>tbush –see– Senna occidentalis (L.) Link<br />

a n Th e Mis a rv e n s is L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

corn chamomile; scentless chamomile<br />

Citations:<br />

Möslein P (1963) Pfl<strong>an</strong>zen als Kontakt-Allergene. Derm<br />

Beruf Umwelt 11:24-32.<br />

a n Th e Mis c o Tu l a L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Maruta cotula (L.) DC.<br />

Common Names:<br />

camomile; dog camomile; dog chamomile; dog daisy;<br />

dog fennel; Dorfpfl<strong>an</strong>ze; Hundskamille; stinking<br />

chamomile; stinking Mayweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Benner MH, Lee HJ (1973) Anaphylactic reaction to chamomile<br />

tea. J Allergy Clin Immunol 52(5):307-308.<br />

Kr<strong>an</strong>tz W (1938) Ueber eine bei Erntearbeitern beobachtete<br />

bullöse Dermatitis. Munch Med Wochenschr<br />

85(28):1057-1060.<br />

Rowe AH (1934) Camomile (Anthemis cotula) as a skin irrit<strong>an</strong>t.<br />

J Allergy 5:383-388.<br />

Sequeira JH (1921) A case of bullous eruption caused by<br />

May-weed. L<strong>an</strong>cet 2:560.<br />

Sternberg L (1937) Contact dermatitis. Cases caused by oil<br />

of cloves <strong>an</strong>d by oil of camomile tea (Anthemis cotula). J<br />

Allergy 8:185-186.<br />

Anthemis nobilis L. = Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All.<br />

a n Th o x a n Th u M o d o r a Tu M L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

sweet vernal grass<br />

Citations:<br />

Bartol JM, Thompson LJ, Minnier SM, et al. (2000)<br />

Hemorrhagic diathesis, mesenteric hematoma, <strong>an</strong>d<br />

colic associated with ingestion of sweet vernal grass<br />

in a cow. J Am Vet Med Assoc 216(10):1569-1570,<br />

1605-1608.<br />

Dwyer CJ, Downing GM, Gabor LJ (2003) Dicoumarol<br />

toxicity in neonatal calves associated with the feeding of<br />

sweet vernal (Anthox<strong>an</strong>thum odoratum) hay. Aust Vet J<br />

81(6):332-335.<br />

Pritchard DG, Markson LM, Brush PJ, et al. (1983) Haemorrhagic<br />

syndrome of cattle associated with the feeding of<br />

sweet vernal (Anthox<strong>an</strong>thum odoratum) hay containing<br />

dicoumarol. Vet Rec 113(4):78-84.<br />

Runcim<strong>an</strong> DJ, Lee AM, Reed KF, et al. (2002) Dicoumarol<br />

toxicity in cattle associated with ingestion of silage containing<br />

sweet vernal grass (Anthox<strong>an</strong>thum odoratum).<br />

Aust Vet J 80(1-2):28-32.<br />

a n Th r is c u s s y l ve s Tr is (L.) Hoffm.<br />

[Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cow parsley; Wiesenkerbel; wild chervil; wild parsley<br />

Citations:<br />

Bellringer HE (1949) Phyto-photo-dermatitis. Br Med J<br />

1(Jun 4):984-986.<br />

a n Ti a r is To x ic a r i a Lesch. [Moraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>tsjar; ches tennent; dart poison; hypo; ipoh tree;<br />

Jav<strong>an</strong>ischer Giftbaum; Malay<strong>an</strong> arrow poison; pohon<br />

upas; pohun ipoh; pokok ipoh; upas tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Fasal P (1945) Cut<strong>an</strong>eous diseases in the tropics. A clinical<br />

study <strong>based</strong> on observations in Malaya. Arch Derm<br />

Syphilol 51(3):163-171.<br />

Ho LM, Cheong I, Jalil HA (1996) Rhabdomyolysis <strong>an</strong>d<br />

acute renal failure following blowpipe dart poisoning.<br />

Nephron 72(4):676-678.<br />

a n Tic l e a e l e g a n s (Pursh) Rydb.<br />

[Mel<strong>an</strong>thiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

z igadenus coloradensis Rydb.; z igadenus eleg<strong>an</strong>s Pursh;<br />

z igadenus glaucus (Nutt.) Nutt.<br />

Common Names:<br />

alkali grass; crow poison; death camas; eleg<strong>an</strong>t death<br />

camas; glaucous zigadenus; meadow death camas;<br />

mountain death camas; swamp camas; white camas;<br />

white death camas; wild onion

28 - Apium graveolens D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB (1922) The death camas species,<br />

Zygadenus p<strong>an</strong>iculatus <strong>an</strong>d Z. eleg<strong>an</strong>s, as poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bull #1012:25 pp.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Marsh H (1915) Zygadenus, or<br />

death camas. U S Dep Agric Bull #125:46 pp.<br />

<strong>an</strong>tigopher pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Euphorbia lathyris L.<br />

<strong>an</strong>tler tree –see– Rhus typhina L.<br />

<strong>an</strong>tsjar –see– Antiaris toxicaria Lesch.<br />

apamarg –see– Achyr<strong>an</strong>thes aspera L.<br />

ape –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don<br />

ape nut –see– Gluta renghas L.<br />

Apfel –see– Malus domestica Borkh.<br />

Apfelsine –see– Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck<br />

apio –see– Apium graveolens L.<br />

a p i u M g r a ve o l e n s L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c eleri graveolens (L.) Britton<br />

Common Names:<br />

ache douce; ache olor<strong>an</strong>te; ache-des-marrais; apio;<br />

céleri; celeriac; celery; sed<strong>an</strong>o; selino; Sellerie; wild celery;<br />

Zeller<br />

Citations:<br />

Agathos M (1980) Occupational dermatitis from celeriac.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 6(3):225.<br />

Anonymous (1985) Phytophotodermatitis among grocery<br />

workers - Ohio. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep<br />

34(1):11-13.<br />

Austad J, Kavli G (1983) Phototoxic dermatitis caused by<br />

celery infected by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Contact Dermatitis<br />

9(6):448-451.<br />

Berkley SF, Hightower AW, Beier RC, et al. (1986) Dermatitis<br />

in grocery workers associated with high natural<br />

concentrations of fur<strong>an</strong>ocoumarins in celery. Ann Intern<br />

Med 105(3):351-355.<br />

Birmingham DJ, Key MM, Tubich GE, et al. (1961) Phototoxic<br />

bullae among celery harvesters. Arch Dermatol<br />

83(J<strong>an</strong>):127-141.<br />

Borghijs A, Roel<strong>an</strong>dts R (1984) Phototoxic dermatitis from<br />

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum infected celery. Contact Dermatitis<br />

11(1):59.<br />

Déchamp C, Michel J, Deviller P, et al. (1984) Choc <strong>an</strong>aphylactique<br />

au céleri et sensibilisation à l’ambroisie et<br />

à l’armoise. Allergie croisée ou allergie concomit<strong>an</strong>te?<br />

Presse Med 13(14):871-874.<br />

Forsbeck M, Ros AM (1979) Anaphylactoid reaction to celery.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 5(3):191.<br />

Gelf<strong>an</strong>d HH (1936) Hypersensitiveness to celery. Report of a<br />

case of celery dermatitis. J Allergy 7:590-593.<br />

Groot BJ, Belinf<strong>an</strong>te-V<strong>an</strong> Gelder ME, J<strong>an</strong>s HW (1992) Een<br />

epidemie v<strong>an</strong> dermatitis door bleekselderij. Ned Tijdschr<br />

Geneeskd 136(25):1210-1213.<br />

Henry SA (1933) Celery itch: Dermatitis due to celery in<br />

vegetable c<strong>an</strong>ning. Br J Dermatol Syph 45:301-309.<br />

Henry SA (1938) Further observations on dermatitis due<br />

to celery in vegetable c<strong>an</strong>ning. Br J Dermatol Syph<br />

50:342-351.<br />

Knudson EA, Kroon S (1988) In vitro <strong>an</strong>d in vivo phototoxicity<br />

of furocoumarin-containing pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Clin Exp Dermatol<br />

13(2):92-96.<br />

Kremser M, Lindemayr W (1983) Sellerieallergie (Selleriekontakturikariasyndrom)<br />

und Zusammenhänge mit<br />

Allergien gegen <strong>an</strong>dere Pfl<strong>an</strong>zen<strong>an</strong>tigene. Wien Klin<br />

Wochenschr 95(23):838-843.<br />

Ljunggren B (1990) Severe phototoxic burn following celery<br />

ingestion. Arch Dermatol 126(10):1334-1336.<br />

Montgomery JF, Oliver RE, Poole WS (1987) A vesiculobullous<br />

disease in pigs resembling foot <strong>an</strong>d mouth disease.<br />

1. Field cases. N Z Vet J 35:21-26.<br />

Montgomery JF, Oliver RE, Poole WS, et al. (1987) A vesiculo-bullous<br />

disease in pigs resembling foot <strong>an</strong>d mouth<br />

disease. 2. Experimental reproduction of the lesion. N Z<br />

Vet J 35:27-30.<br />

Pauli G, Bessot JC, Braun PA, et al. (1988) Celery allergy:<br />

Clinical <strong>an</strong>d biological study of 20 cases. Ann Allergy<br />

60(3):243-246.<br />

Pauli G, Bessot JC, Dietem<strong>an</strong>n-Molard A, et al. (1985) Celery<br />

sensitivity: Clinical <strong>an</strong>d immunological correlations<br />

with pollen allergy. Clin Allergy 15(3):273-279.<br />

Rose MH, Altm<strong>an</strong> LC (1985) Anaphylaxis after ingestion of<br />

raw celery. Ann Allergy 54(2):166.<br />

Seligm<strong>an</strong> PJ, Mathias CG, O’Malley MA, et al. (1987) Phytophotodermatitis<br />

from celery among grocery store workers.<br />

Arch Dermatol 123(11):1478-1482.<br />

Silverstein SR, Frommer DA, Dobozin B, et al. (1986)<br />

Celery-dependent exercise-induced <strong>an</strong>aphylaxis. J Emerg<br />

Med 4(3):195-199.<br />

Wiswell JG, Irwin JW, Guba EF, et al. (1948) Contact dermatitis<br />

of celery farmers. J Allergy 19:396-402.<br />

Wüthrich B, Dietschi R (1985) Das «Sellerie-Karotten-<br />

Beifuss-Gewürz-Syndrom»: Hauttest- und RAST-<br />

Ergebnisse. Schweiz Med Wochenschr 115(11):358-364.<br />

Note:<br />

Celery is named Apium graveolens L. var. dulce (Mill.)<br />

Pers. in some publications<br />

Apium petroselinum L. = Petroselinum crispum (Mill.)<br />

Nym<strong>an</strong> ex A. W. Hill<br />

Aplopappus heterophyllus (A. Gray) S. F. Blake = Isocoma<br />

plurifolia (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene<br />

a p o c y n u M c a n n a b i n u M L. [Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> hemp; amyroot; bitter root; black Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

hemp; bowm<strong>an</strong>’s-root; C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> hemp; ch<strong>an</strong>vre-de-<br />

C<strong>an</strong>ada; dogb<strong>an</strong>e; glabrous hemp; hemp dogb<strong>an</strong>e;<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> hemp; milkweed; rheumatism root; rheumatism<br />

weed; wild cotton<br />

Citations:<br />

B<strong>an</strong>ia T, Hoffm<strong>an</strong> RS, Howl<strong>an</strong>d MA, et al. (1993) Accidental<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> hemp (Apocyneacea [sic] c<strong>an</strong>nabinum) cardiac<br />

glycoside toxicity. Vet Hum Toxicol 35(4):328.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Arctium lappa - 29<br />

apple –see– Malus domestica Borkh.<br />

apple-of-Peru –see– Datura inoxia Mill.; Datura stramonium<br />

L.; Nic<strong>an</strong>dra physalodes (L.) Gaertn.<br />

apple-of-Sodom –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um <strong>an</strong>guivi Lam.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

carolinense L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um pseudocapsicum L.<br />

apple-of-the-tropics –see– M<strong>an</strong>gifera indica L.<br />

apple-of-Tolguacha –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

apricot –see– Prunus armeniaca L.<br />

apricot vine –see– Passiflora incarnata L.<br />

Aprikose –see– Prunus armeniaca L.<br />

Arabi<strong>an</strong> jasmine –see– Jasminum sambac (L.) Aiton<br />

Arabi<strong>an</strong> myrrh –see– Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl.<br />

a r a c h is h y p o g a e a L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

earthnut; Erdnuß; groundnut; monkey nut; pe<strong>an</strong>ut<br />

Citations:<br />

Bernard H, Paty E, Mondoulet L, et al. (2003) Serological<br />

characteristics of pe<strong>an</strong>ut allergy in children. Allergy<br />

58(12):1285-1292.<br />

Levy Y, Broides A, Segal N, et al. (2003) Pe<strong>an</strong>ut <strong>an</strong>d tree<br />

nut allergy in children: Role of pe<strong>an</strong>ut snacks in Israel?<br />

Allergy 58(11):1206-1207.<br />

McCarrison R (1934) The goitrogenic action of soya-be<strong>an</strong><br />

<strong>an</strong>d ground-nut. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med Res 21:179-181.<br />

Arachnoides adi<strong>an</strong>tiformis (Forst) Tindale = Rumohra<br />

adi<strong>an</strong>tiformis (G. Forst.) Ching<br />

Aragallus lambertii (Pursh) Greene = Oxytropis lambertii<br />

Pursh<br />

Aragallus sericeus (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Greene =<br />

Oxytropis sericea Nutt.<br />

Aragallus spicatus (Hook.) Rydb. = Oxytropis campestris<br />

(L.) DC. var. spicata Hook.<br />

aralia –see– Fatsia japonica (Thunb.) Decne. & Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.;<br />

Tetrap<strong>an</strong>ax papyrifer (Hook.) K. Koch<br />

Aralie –see– Fatsia japonica (Thunb.) Decne. & Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

aralu –see– Terminalia chebula Retz.<br />

ar<strong>an</strong> –see– Hypericum perforatum L.<br />

ar<strong>an</strong>di –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

ar<strong>an</strong>don –see– Wikstroemia ovata C. A. Mey.<br />

Araujia hortorum E. Fourn. = Araujia sericifera Brot.<br />

a r a u j i a s e r ic i f e r a Brot. [Apocynaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a raujia hortorum E. Fourn.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bladder flower; cruel vine; moth pl<strong>an</strong>t; Peruvi<strong>an</strong> creeper;<br />

rubber vine; white moth pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Gaig P, Gázquez V, Lombardero M, et al. (2005) Moth pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

(Araujia sericifera) allergy. Allergy 60(8):1092-1093.<br />

Hart L (1940) <strong>Poisonous</strong> to fowls. Seeds of the pl<strong>an</strong>t Araujia<br />

sericifera. Agric Gaz New South Wales 51:472-474.<br />

arbol-de-India –see– Aleurites molucc<strong>an</strong>us (L.) Willd.<br />

arbol-de-la-Muerte –see– Hippom<strong>an</strong>e m<strong>an</strong>cinella L.<br />

arbol-de-las-perlas –see– Moringa oleifera Lam.<br />

arbol-de-quitasol –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

árbol-del-paraíso –see– Elaeagnus <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

arbol s<strong>an</strong>to –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

arbor vitae –see– Thuja occidentalis L.; Thuja plicata Donn ex<br />

D. Don<br />

arbre-à-suif –see– Triadica sebifera (L.) Small<br />

arbre corail –see– Jatropha multifida L.<br />

a r c h i d e n d r o n j i r i n g a (Jack) I. C. Nielsen<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p ithecellobium jiringa (Jack) Prain; p ithecellobium<br />

lobatum Benth.<br />

Common Names:<br />

djaring; djengkol; djenkol; djenkol be<strong>an</strong>; Djenkolbohne;<br />

djering; genkol be<strong>an</strong>; jengkol be<strong>an</strong>; jenkol; jenkol be<strong>an</strong>;<br />

jering; kra ni<strong>an</strong>g; krakos; ma ni<strong>an</strong>g; ni<strong>an</strong>g<br />

Citations:<br />

Eiam-Ong S, Sitprija V, Saet<strong>an</strong>g P, et al. (1987) Djenkol be<strong>an</strong><br />

nephrotoxicity in Southern Thail<strong>an</strong>d. In: Gopalakrishnakone<br />

P, T<strong>an</strong> CK (eds.) Progress in venom <strong>an</strong>d toxin<br />

research. National Univ. Singapore. pp. 628-632.<br />

H’ng PK, Nayar SK, Lau WM, et al. (1991) Acute renal<br />

failure following jering ingestion. Singapore Med J<br />

32(2):148-149.<br />

Reim<strong>an</strong>n HA, Sukaton RU (1956) Djenkol be<strong>an</strong> poisoning<br />

(djenkolism): A cause of hematuria <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>uria. Am J Med<br />

Sci 232(2):172-174.<br />

Segasothy M, Swaminath<strong>an</strong> M, Kong NC, et al. (1995)<br />

Djenkol be<strong>an</strong> poisoning (djenkolism): An unusual cause<br />

of acute renal failure. Am J Kidney Dis 25(1):63-66.<br />

Vachv<strong>an</strong>ichs<strong>an</strong>ong P, Lebel L (1997) Djenkol be<strong>an</strong>s as a<br />

cause of hematuria in children. Nephron 76(1):39-42.<br />

Wirya IW, Muhidin TT, Alatas H, et al. (1987)<br />

β 2-microglobulin in renal function of patients with jengkol<br />

intoxication. Paediatr Indones 27(7-8):155-162.<br />

Yong M, Cheong I (1995) Jering-induced acute renal failure<br />

with blue urine. Trop Doct 25(1):31.<br />

Arctic poppy –see– Papaver nudicaule L.<br />

Arctic sweet clover –see– Melilotus albus Medik.<br />

a r c Ti u M l a p p a L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l appa major Gaertn.; l appa vulgaris Hill

30 - Arctium minus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Common Names:<br />

bard<strong>an</strong>a; beggar’s-buttons; burdock; great burdock;<br />

große Klette; harebur; Klettenhaare; lappa<br />

Citations:<br />

Bruhn AM (1938) Klinische und experimentelle Untersuchungen<br />

über Augenschädigungen durch Klettenhaare.<br />

Klin Monatsbl Augenheil Augenarztl Fortb<br />

101:730-741.<br />

a r c Ti u M Mi n u s (Hill) Bernh. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a rctium pubens Bab.<br />

Common Names:<br />

burdock; lesser burdock<br />

Citations:<br />

Havener WH, Falls HF, McReynolds WU (1955) Burdock<br />

bur ophthalmia. Arch Ophthalmol 53(2):260-263.<br />

Arctium pubens Bab. = Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh.<br />

a r c To Th e c a c a l e n d u l a (L.) Levyns<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c ryptostemma calendula (L.) Druce<br />

Common Names:<br />

Capeweed<br />

Citations:<br />

H<strong>an</strong>d EA (1944) Contact dermatitis due to Capeweed. Arch<br />

Derm Syphilol 49:331-332.<br />

Harris DJ, Rhodes HA (1969) Nitrate <strong>an</strong>d nitrite poisoning<br />

in cattle in Victoria. Aust Vet J 45(12):590-591.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1940) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa, X. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

15(1-2):261-277.<br />

a r e c a c a Te c h u L. [Arecaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

areca nut; betel nut; Betelkerne; cutch; noix d’arec;<br />

pin<strong>an</strong>g w<strong>an</strong>g; sorte-de-noix-d’arec<br />

Citations:<br />

Babu S, Bhat RV, Kumar PU, et al. (1996) A comparative<br />

clinico-pathological study of oral submucous fibrosis in<br />

habitual chewers of p<strong>an</strong> masala <strong>an</strong>d betel quid. J Toxicol<br />

Clin Toxicol 34(3):317-322.<br />

Chi<strong>an</strong>g WT, Y<strong>an</strong>g CC, Deng JF, et al. (1998) Cardiac<br />

arrhythmia <strong>an</strong>d betel nut chewing - Is there a causal<br />

effect? Vet Hum Toxicol 40(5):287-289.<br />

Deng JF, Ger J, Tsai WJ, et al. (2001) Acute toxicities of<br />

betel nut: Rare but probably overlooked events. J Toxicol<br />

Clin Toxicol 39(4):355-360.<br />

Hung DZ, Deng JF (1998) Acute myocardial infarction<br />

temporally related to betel nut chewing. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

40(1):25-28.<br />

LÖhrer F, Kaiser R (1999) Biogene Suchtmittel. Neue Konsumgewohnheiten<br />

bei jungen Abhängigen? Nervenarzt<br />

70(11):1029-1033.<br />

Merch<strong>an</strong>t A, Husain SS, Hosain M, et al. (2000) Pa<strong>an</strong> without<br />

tobacco: An independent risk factor for oral c<strong>an</strong>cer.<br />

Int J C<strong>an</strong>cer 86:128-131.<br />

Sarma AB, Chakrabarti J, Chakrabarti A, et al. (1992) Evaluation<br />

of p<strong>an</strong> masala for toxic effects on liver <strong>an</strong>d other<br />

org<strong>an</strong>s. Food Chem Toxicol 30(2):161-163.<br />

areca nut –see– Areca catechu L.<br />

arfoo –see– Acacia pennata (L.) Willd.<br />

argemone –see– Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

a r g e Mo n e Me x ic a n a L. [Papaveraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

argemone; briuma d<strong>an</strong>die; cardo s<strong>an</strong>to; chicalote; devil’s-fig;<br />

kateli; Mexic<strong>an</strong> poppy; Mexic<strong>an</strong> prickly-poppy;<br />

pila dhatura; poppy weed; prickly poppy; prickly yellow<br />

poppy; satay<strong>an</strong>ashi; saty<strong>an</strong>asi; thistle root; yellow<br />

prickly poppy; yellow thistle<br />

Citations:<br />

Brink AJ, Lewis CM, Weber HW (1965) Myocardiopathy<br />

in Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a poisoning. S Afr Med J<br />

39(1):108-114.<br />

Chaudhuri MN, Chaudhuri RN (1965) Epidemic dropsy<br />

in West Dinajpur. Bull Calcutta Sch Trop Med<br />

13(2):37-38.<br />

Dogra J, Sharma KC (1986) Epidemic dropsy: Atypical presentation.<br />

Am J Med 81(6):1115.<br />

Gomber S, Daral TS, Sharma PP, et al. (1994) Epidemic<br />

dropsy in Tr<strong>an</strong>s Yamuma areas of Delhi <strong>an</strong>d U.P. Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

Pediatr 31(6):671-674.<br />

Hakim SA, Jeh<strong>an</strong>gir RP (1977) Argemone oil poisoning. J<br />

Trop Med Hyg 80(7):149-151.<br />

Hart L (1941) The toxicity of seeds of Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a<br />

for fowls. Aust Vet J 17(Apr):69-71.<br />

Krishnamachari KA, Saty<strong>an</strong>aray<strong>an</strong>a K (1972) Epidemic<br />

dropsy in Andhra Pradesh. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med Res<br />

60(5):741-746.<br />

Kumar A, Husain F, Das M, et al. (1992) An out-break<br />

of epidemic dropsy in the Barab<strong>an</strong>ki District of Uttar<br />

Pradesh, India: A limited trial for the scope of <strong>an</strong>tioxid<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

in the m<strong>an</strong>agement of symptoms. Biomed Environ<br />

Sci 5:251-256.<br />

Kumar L, Chugh KS, Singhal PC, et al. (1975) Argemone<br />

mexic<strong>an</strong>a poisoning in north India. J Assoc Physici<strong>an</strong>s<br />

India 23(3):205-208.<br />

Misra NP, Varma P, Jain SC, et al. (1984) Clinico-pathological<br />

<strong>an</strong>d experimental study of epidemic dropsy. J Assoc<br />

Physici<strong>an</strong>s India 32(11):943-947.<br />

Moh<strong>an</strong> M, Sood NN, Dayal Y, et al. (1984) Ocular <strong>an</strong>d<br />

clinico-epidemiological study of epidemic dropsy. Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

J Med Res 80(Oct):449-456.<br />

Norton JH, O’Rourke PK (1980) Oedema disease in chickens<br />

caused by Mexic<strong>an</strong> poppy (Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a) seed.<br />

Aust Vet J 56(4):187-189.<br />

Pahwa R, Chatterjee VC (1989) The toxicity of Mexic<strong>an</strong><br />

poppy (Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a L.) seeds to rats. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 31(6):555-558.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Aristolochia bracteolata - 31<br />

Ramasastri BV, Babu S (1975) A study on toxicity of argemone<br />

oil in experimental <strong>an</strong>imals. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med Res<br />

63(9):1353-1356.<br />

Sain<strong>an</strong>i GS, Rajkondawar VL, Wechalekar MD, et al.<br />

(1972) Epidemic dropsy in Ch<strong>an</strong>drapur, Maharashtra:<br />

Epidemiological <strong>an</strong>d clinical study. J Assoc Physici<strong>an</strong>s<br />

India 20(4):301-306.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>dhu HS, Tiwari SC, Naik G, et al. (1982) An epidemiological<br />

study of <strong>an</strong> outbreak of epidemic dropsy in Itarsi<br />

(MP). Indi<strong>an</strong> J Public Health 26(1):10-15.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>ghvi LM, Misra SN, Bose TK (1960) Cardiovascular<br />

m<strong>an</strong>ifestations in Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a poisoning (epidemic<br />

dropsy). Circulation 21(Jun):1096-1106.<br />

Sharma KC, P<strong>an</strong>wogra J, B<strong>an</strong>erjee S, et al. (1986) Epidemic<br />

dropsy in Rajasth<strong>an</strong> (India) - A clinical study. Indi<strong>an</strong> J<br />

Nutr Diet 23(2):41-44.<br />

Shenolikar IS, Rukmini C, Krishnamachari KA, et al. (1974)<br />

S<strong>an</strong>guinarine in the blood <strong>an</strong>d urine of cases of epidemic<br />

dropsy. Food Cosmet Toxicol 12(5-6):699-702.<br />

Singh R, Faridi MM, Singh K, et al. (1999) Epidemic dropsy<br />

in the eastern region of Nepal. J Trop Pediatr 45(1):8-13.<br />

Sood NN, Sachdev MS, Moh<strong>an</strong> M, et al. (1985) Epidemic<br />

dropsy following tr<strong>an</strong>scut<strong>an</strong>eous absorption of<br />

Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a oil. Tr<strong>an</strong>s R Soc Trop Med Hyg<br />

79(4):510-512.<br />

T<strong>an</strong>don RK, Singh DS, Arora RR, et al. (1975) Epidemic<br />

dropsy in New Delhi. Am J Clin Nutr 28(8):883-887.<br />

T<strong>an</strong>don RK, T<strong>an</strong>don HD, Nayak NC, et al. (1976) Liver in<br />

epidemic dropsy. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med Res 64(7):1064-1069.<br />

Upreti KK, Das M, Kumar A, et al. (1989) Biochemical<br />

toxicology of argemone oil. IV. Short-term oral feeding<br />

response in rats. Toxicology 58:285-298.<br />

a r g y r a n Th e Mu M f r u Te s c e n s (L.) Sch.<br />

Bip. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

marguerite daisy<br />

Citations:<br />

Paulsen E (1998) Occupational dermatitis in D<strong>an</strong>ish gardeners<br />

<strong>an</strong>d greenhouse workers (II). Etiological factors. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 38(1):14-19.<br />

a r g y r e i a n e rv o s a (Burm. f.) Bojer<br />

[Convolvulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Hawaii<strong>an</strong> baby woodrose; woolly morning-glory<br />

Citations:<br />

Furbee RB, Curry SC, Kunkle DB (1991) Ingestion of<br />

Argyreia nervosa (Hawaii<strong>an</strong> baby woodrose) seeds. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 33(4):370.<br />

Hentschel H, Bergm<strong>an</strong>n I, Lampe J, et al. (2000) Two cases<br />

of ingestion of Hawaii<strong>an</strong> baby wood rose (Argyreia nervosa).<br />

J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 38(2):234.<br />

Hruby K (2002) Poisoning from natural drugs rediscovered<br />

for recreational abuse. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

40(3):276-277.<br />

a r io c a r p u s r e Tu s u s Scheidw. [Cactaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

false peyote<br />

Citations:<br />

Furst PT (1971) Ariocarpus retusus, the “false peyote” of<br />

Huichol tradition. Econ Bot 25(2):182-187.<br />

Arisaema acuminatum Small = Arisaema triphyllum (L.)<br />

Schott<br />

Arisaema atrorubens (Aiton) Blume = Arisaema triphyllum<br />

(L.) Schott<br />

Arisaema pusillum (Peck) Nash = Arisaema triphyllum (L.)<br />

Schott<br />

Arisaema quinatum (Nutt.) Schott = Arisaema triphyllum<br />

(L.) Schott<br />

Arisaema stewardsonii Britton = Arisaema triphyllum (L.)<br />

Schott<br />

a r is a e Ma Tr i p h y l l u M (L.) Schott [Araceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a risaema acuminatum Small; a risaema atrorubens<br />

(Aiton) Blume; a risaema pusillum (Peck) Nash;<br />

a risaema quinatum Nutt.; a risaema stewardsonii<br />

Britton; a rum atrorubens Aiton; a rum triphyllum<br />

L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bog onion; brown dragon; cuckoo pl<strong>an</strong>t; devil’s-ear;<br />

dragon turnip; dragonroot; Indi<strong>an</strong> jack-in-the-pulpit;<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> turnip; jack-in-the-pulpit; marsh turnip;<br />

meadow turnip; memory root; parson-in-the-pulpit;<br />

pepper turnip; priest’s-pentle; small jack-in-the-pulpit;<br />

starchwort; wake robin; wild pepper<br />

Citations:<br />

Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD (2001) Toxidromes<br />

associated with the most common pl<strong>an</strong>t ingestions. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(6):366-369.<br />

Schilling R, Der Marderosi<strong>an</strong> A, Speaker J (1980) Incidence<br />

of pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings in Philadelphia noted as poison information<br />

calls. Vet Hum Toxicol 22(3):148-150.<br />

aristolochia –see– Aristolochia debilis Siebold & Zucc.<br />

Aristolochia bracteata Retz. = Aristolochia bracteolata Lam.<br />

a r is To l o c h i a b r a c Te o l a Ta Lam.<br />

[Aristolochiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a ristolochia bracteata Retz.<br />

Common Names:<br />

worm killer<br />

Citations:<br />

Barakat SE, Wasfi IA, Adam SE (1983) The toxicity<br />

of Aristolochia bracteata in goats. Vet Pathol<br />

20(5):611-616.<br />

El Dirdiri NI, Barakat SE, Adam SE (1987) The combined<br />

toxicity of Aristolochia bracteata <strong>an</strong>d Cadaba rotundifolia<br />

to goats. Vet Hum Toxicol 29(2):133-137.

32 - Aristolochia debilis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

a r is To l o c h i a d e b i l is Siebold & Zucc.<br />

[Aristolochiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

aristolochia<br />

Citations:<br />

Levi M, Guchelaar HJ, Woerdenbag HJ, et al. (1998) Acute<br />

hepatitis in a patient using a Chinese herbal tea - A case<br />

report. Pharm World Sci 20(1):43-44.<br />

a r is To l o c h i a f a n g c h i Y. C. Wu ex L. D.<br />

Chow & S. M. Hw<strong>an</strong>g [Aristolochiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gu<strong>an</strong>g-f<strong>an</strong>g-ji<br />

Citations:<br />

Schmeiser HH, Bieler CA, Wiessler M, et al. (1996) Detection<br />

of DNA adducts formed by aristolochic acid in renal<br />

tissue from patients with Chinese herbs nephropathy.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>cer Res 56(9):2025-2028.<br />

Stengel B, Jones E (1998) Insuffis<strong>an</strong>ce rénale terminal associée<br />

à la consommation d’herbes chinoises en Fr<strong>an</strong>ce.<br />

Nephrologie 19(1):15-20.<br />

V<strong>an</strong>herweghem LJ (1998) Misuse of herbal remedies: The<br />

case of <strong>an</strong> outbreak of terminal renal failure in Belgium. J<br />

Altern Complement Med 4(1):9-13.<br />

V<strong>an</strong>herweghem JL, Tielem<strong>an</strong>s C, Simon J, et al. (1995)<br />

Chinese herbs nephropathy <strong>an</strong>d renal pelvic carcinoma.<br />

Nephrol Dial Tr<strong>an</strong>spl<strong>an</strong>t 10(2):270-273.<br />

a r is To l o c h i a Mo l l is s i Ma H<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

[Aristolochiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Lo SH, Wong KS, Arlt VM, et al. (2005) Detection of herba<br />

aristolochia mollissemae in a patient with unexplained<br />

nephropathy. Am J Kidney Dis 45(2):407-410.<br />

a r is To l o c h i a p is To l o c h i a L.<br />

[Aristolochiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Pena JM, Borras M, Ramos J, et al. (1996) Rapidly progressive<br />

interstitial renal fibrosis due to a chronic intake of<br />

a herb (Aristolochia pistolochia) infusion. Nephrol Dial<br />

Tr<strong>an</strong>spl<strong>an</strong>t 11(7):1359-1360.<br />

arka –see– Calotropis gig<strong>an</strong>tea (L.) W. T. Aiton; Calotropis<br />

procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton<br />

armoire –see– Artemisia herba-alba Asso<br />

armoire heche bl<strong>an</strong>che –see– Artemisia herba-alba Asso<br />

armoise –see– Artemisia absinthium L.<br />

armoise commune –see– Artemisia vulgaris L.<br />

Armoracia lapathifolia Gilib. ex Usteri = Armoracia<br />

rustic<strong>an</strong>a P. Gaertn. et al.<br />

a r Mo r a c i a r u s Tic a n a P. Gaertn. et al.<br />

[Brassicaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a rmoracia lapathifolia Gilib. ex Usteri; c ochlearia<br />

armoracea L.; n asturtium armoracia (L.) Fr.; r adicula<br />

armoracia (L.) B. L. Rob.; r orippa armoracia (L.)<br />

Hitchc.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Fleischkraut; horseradish; Kren; Mährrettig; Märek;<br />

Meerrettich; Pfefferwurzel; ráb<strong>an</strong>o magistro; ráb<strong>an</strong>o<br />

ragisco; ráb<strong>an</strong>o rustic<strong>an</strong>o; ráb<strong>an</strong>o silvestre; raiz forte;<br />

red cole<br />

Citations:<br />

Hackett W (1917) Poisoning of cattle with horse-radish. J<br />

Comp Pathol Ther 30:138.<br />

Rubin HR, Wu AW (1988) The bitter herbs of Seder: More<br />

on horseradish horrors. JAMA 259(13):1943.<br />

Spitzer DE (1988) Horseradish horrors: Sushi syncope.<br />

JAMA 259(2):218-219.<br />

arn tree –see– Sambucus nigra L.<br />

arnica –see– Arnica mont<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

a r n ic a l o n g i f o l i a D. C. Eaton [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Hausen BM, Herrm<strong>an</strong>n HD, Willuhn G (1978) The senstitizing<br />

capacity of compositae pl<strong>an</strong>ts. I. Occupational<br />

contact dermatitis from Arnica longifolia Eaton. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 4(1):3-10.<br />

a r n ic a Mo n Ta n a L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

arnica; Arnika; Bergwohlverleih; Fallkraut; leopardb<strong>an</strong>e;<br />

medicinal leopardb<strong>an</strong>e; mountain alk<strong>an</strong>et;<br />

mountain tobacco; Wohlverleih; wolfb<strong>an</strong>e<br />

Citations:<br />

Hausen BM (1978) Identification of the allergens of Arnica<br />

mont<strong>an</strong>a L. Contact Dermatitis 4(5):308.<br />

Hausen BM (1979) The sensitizing capacity of compositae<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. III. Test results <strong>an</strong>d cross-reactions in compositaesensitive<br />

patients. Dermatologica 159(1):1-11.<br />

Hausen BM (1980) Arnicaallergie. Hautarzt 31(1):10-17.<br />

Hausen BM, Herrm<strong>an</strong>n HD, Willuhn G (1978) The sensitizing<br />

capacity of compositae pl<strong>an</strong>ts. I. Occupational<br />

contact dermatitis from Arnica longifolia Eaton. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 4(1):3-10.<br />

Pirker C, Moslinger T, Koller DY, et al. (1992) Cross-reactivity<br />

with Tagetes in Arnica contact eczema. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 26(4):217-219.<br />

Reider N, Komericki P, Hausen BM, et al. (2001) The seamy<br />

side of natural medicines: Contact sensitization to arnica<br />

(Arnica mont<strong>an</strong>a L.) <strong>an</strong>d marigold (Calendula officinalis<br />

L.). Contact Dermatitis 45(5):269-272.<br />

Rudzki E, Grzywa Z (1977) Dermatitis from Arnica mont<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 3(5):281-282.<br />

Topliff A, Gr<strong>an</strong>de G (2000) Signific<strong>an</strong>t toxicity after the<br />

ingestion of arnica. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 38(5):518.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Artemisia herba-alba - 33<br />

a r n ic a s a c h a l i n e n s is (Regel) A. Gray<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Paßreiter CM, Florack M, Willuhn G, et al. (1988) Allergische<br />

Kontaktdermatitis auf Asteraceae. Identifizierung<br />

eines 8,9-epoxythymoldiesters als Kontakallergen von<br />

Arnica sachalinensis. Dermatosen 36(3):79-82.<br />

Arnika –see– Arnica mont<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

aroeira –see– Lithraea brasiliensis March<strong>an</strong>d; Schinus<br />

terebinthifolius Raddi<br />

a ro n i a spp. [Rosaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Lamminpaa A, Kinos M (1996) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings in<br />

children. Hum Exp Toxicol 15(3):245-249.<br />

Aronsbeer –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

Aronstab –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

Aronstaub –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

a r r a b i d a e a b i l a b i a Ta (Sprague) S<strong>an</strong>dwith<br />

[Bignoniaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chibata; gibata; xibata<br />

Citations:<br />

Döbereiner J, Peixoto PV, Tokarnia CH (1984) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Arrabidaea bilabiata (Bignoniaceae) em<br />

coelhos. Pesq Vet Bras 4(3):89-96.<br />

Döbereiner J, Tokarnia CH, Silva MF (1983) Intoxicação<br />

por Arrabidaea bilabiata (Bignoniaceae) em bovinos na<br />

Região Amazônica do Brasil. Pesq Vet Bras 3(1):17-24.<br />

Jabour FF, Seixas JN, Tokarnia CH, et al. (2006) Variação<br />

da toxidez de Arrabidaea bilabiata (Bignoniaceae) em<br />

coelhos. Pesq Vet Bras 26(3):171-176.<br />

a r r a b i d a e a e l e g a n s (Vell.) A. H. Gentry<br />

[Bignoniaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p seudocalymma eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Vell.) Kuhlm.<br />

Citations:<br />

Tavares MI, Rezende AM, Döbereiner J (1974) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Pseudocalymma eleg<strong>an</strong>s em coelhos e<br />

cobaios. Pesq Agric Bras Vet 9(7):91-94.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J, C<strong>an</strong>ella CF, et al. (1969) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Pseudocalymma eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Vell.)<br />

Kuhlm. em bovinos. Pesq Agric Bras 4:195-204.<br />

a r r a b i d a e a j a p u r e n s is (A. DC.) Bureau &<br />

K. Schum. [Bignoniaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Döbereiner J, Tokarnia CH (1983) Intoxicação experimental<br />

por Arrabidaea japurensis (Bignoniaceae) em coelhos.<br />

Pesq Vet Bras 3(3):95-97.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J (1981) Intoxicação por Arrabidaea<br />

japurensis (Bignoniaceae) em bovinos em Roraima.<br />

Pesq Vet Bras 1(1):7-17.<br />

arrebenta boi –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um aculeatissimum Jacq.<br />

arrow crotalaria –see– Crotalaria sagittalis L.<br />

arrow poison bush –see– Acok<strong>an</strong>thera oppositifolia (Lam.)<br />

Codd<br />

arrowgrass –see– Triglochin maritima L.<br />

arrowhead vine –see– Syngonium podophyllum Schott<br />

arrowroot –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

arrowroot-de-Floride –see– Zamia integrifolia L. f.<br />

arruda –see– Ruta graveolens L.<br />

arsenic bush –see– Senna ×floribunda (Cav.) H. S. Irwin &<br />

Barneby<br />

a r Te Mis i a a b s i n Th i u M L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

absinthe; absinthium; ajenjo; armoise; madderwort;<br />

Magenkraut; mingwort; mugwort; old wom<strong>an</strong>; warmot;<br />

Wermut; wermuth; wormwood<br />

Citations:<br />

Hamouda C, Amamou M, Thabet H, et al. (2000) Pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

poisonings from herbal medication admitted to a Tunisi<strong>an</strong><br />

toxicologic intensive care unit, 1983-1998. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 42(3):137-141.<br />

Lundh K, Hindsén M, Gruvberger B, et al. (2006) Contact<br />

allergy to herbal teas derived from Asteraceae pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 54(4):196-201.<br />

Palmer M, Haller C, McKinney P, et al. (1999) Bot<strong>an</strong>icals<br />

<strong>an</strong>d other dietary supplements: Adverse events by age. J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 37(5):609.<br />

Weisbord SD, Soule JB, Kimmel PL (1997) Poison<br />

on line - Acute renal failure caused by oil of wormwood<br />

purchased through the Internet. N Engl J Med<br />

337(12):825-827.<br />

Artemisia arbuscula Nutt. subsp. nova (A. Nelson) G. H.<br />

Ward = Artemisia nova A. Nelson<br />

a r Te Mis i a f i l i f o l i a Torr. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

old-m<strong>an</strong> sagebrush; s<strong>an</strong>d sagebrush; s<strong>an</strong>dsage<br />

Citations:<br />

Mathews FP (1941) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Davis Mountains.<br />

Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 54:93.<br />

a r Te Mis i a h e r b a -a l b a Asso [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

armoire; armoire heche bl<strong>an</strong>che; sheeh<br />

Citations:<br />

Al-Khazraji SM, Al-Shamaony LA, Twaij HA (1993) Hypoglycaemic<br />

effect of Artemisia herba alba. I. Effect of different<br />

parts <strong>an</strong>d influence of the solvent on hypoglycaemic<br />

activity. J Ethnopharmacol 40:163-166.<br />

Hamouda C, Amamou M, Thabet H, et al. (2000) Pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

poisonings from herbal medication admitted to a Tunisi<strong>an</strong><br />

toxicologic intensive care unit, 1983-1998. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 42(3):137-141.

34 - Artemisia ludovici<strong>an</strong>a D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Ibrahim IA, El Badwi SM, Gadir WS, et al. (2004) Susceptibility<br />

of Bov<strong>an</strong>s chicks to low dietary levels of Ammi<br />

visnaga <strong>an</strong>d Artemisia herba-alba. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

46(2):67-69.<br />

Artemisia incompta Nutt. = Artemisia ludovici<strong>an</strong>a Nutt.<br />

a r Te Mis i a l u d ov ic i a n a Nutt. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a rtemisia incompta Nutt.; a rtemisia ludovici<strong>an</strong>a Nutt.<br />

var. mexic<strong>an</strong>a (Willd. ex Spreng.) D. D. Keck; a rtemisia<br />

mexic<strong>an</strong>a Willd. ex Spreng.<br />

Common Names:<br />

estafiate; Louisi<strong>an</strong>a wormwood; prairie sage; romerillo;<br />

sagewort; western mugwort; white sage<br />

Citations:<br />

Mitchell JC, Geissm<strong>an</strong> TA, Dupuis C, et al. (1971) Allergic<br />

contact dermatitis caused by Artemisia <strong>an</strong>d Chrys<strong>an</strong>themum<br />

species. The role of sesquiterpene lactones. J Invest<br />

Dermatol 56(2):98-101.<br />

Artemisia ludovici<strong>an</strong>a Nutt. subsp. mexic<strong>an</strong>a (Willd. ex<br />

Spreng.) D. D. Keck = Artemisia ludovici<strong>an</strong>a Nutt.<br />

Artemisia mexic<strong>an</strong>a Willd. ex Spreng. = Artemisia<br />

ludovici<strong>an</strong>a Nutt.<br />

a r Te Mis i a n ov a A. Nelson [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a rtemisia arbuscula Nutt. subsp. nova (A. Nelson) G.<br />

H. Ward; a rtemisia tridentata Nutt. subsp. nova (A.<br />

Nelson) H. M. Hall & Clem.<br />

Common Names:<br />

black sagebrush<br />

Citations:<br />

Johnson AE (1978) Tetradymia toxicity - A new look at <strong>an</strong><br />

old problem. In: Keeler RF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF,<br />

et al. (eds.) Effects of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts on livestock. Academic<br />

Press. New York. pp. 209-216.<br />

a r Te Mis i a p o n Tic a L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Rom<strong>an</strong> wormwood<br />

Citations:<br />

Berlin R, Smilkstein M (1996) Wormwood oil@toxic.ing. J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 34:583.<br />

a r Te Mis i a Ta u r ic a Willd. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Gadzhiev KS (1989) [Poisoning of lambs with Artemisia<br />

taurica in Azerbaidzh<strong>an</strong>.] Veterinariia Moscow 6:13-14.<br />

a r Te Mis i a Tr i d e n Ta Ta Nutt. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s eriphidium tridentatum (Nutt.) W. A. Weber<br />

Common Names:<br />

big sagebrush; chamiso hediondo; sagebrush<br />

Citations:<br />

Johnson AE, James LF, Spillett J (1976) The abortifacient<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxic effects of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)<br />

<strong>an</strong>d juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) on domestic sheep. J<br />

R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag 29(4):278-280.<br />

Artemisia tridentata Nutt. subsp. nova (A. Nelson) H. M.<br />

Hall & Clem. = Artemisia nova A. Nelson<br />

a r Te Mis i a v u l g a r is L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

altamisa; armoise commune; Beifuß; California mugwort;<br />

Fliegenkraut; Flöhkraut; mugwort; tithw<strong>an</strong>;<br />

wormwood<br />

Citations:<br />

Hausen BM (1979) The sensitizing capacity of compositae<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. III. Test results <strong>an</strong>d cross-reactions in compositaesensitive<br />

patients. Dermatologica 159(1):1-11.<br />

Hausen BM, Schulz KH (1978) Polyvalente Kontaktallergie<br />

bei einer Floristin. Derm Beruf Umwelt 26(5):175-176.<br />

Jimeno L, Duffort O, Serr<strong>an</strong>o C, et al. (2004) Monoclonal<br />

<strong>an</strong>tibody-<strong>based</strong> ELISA to qu<strong>an</strong>tify the major<br />

allergen of Artemisia vulgaris pollen, Art v 1. Allergy<br />

59(9):995-1001.<br />

Kurz G, Rapaport MJ (1979) External/internal allergy to<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts (Artemisia). Contact Dermatitis 5(6):407-408.<br />

artichauts –see– Cynara cardunculus L.<br />

artichoke –see– Cynara cardunculus L.<br />

Artischocke –see– Cynara cardunculus L.<br />

arum –see– Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott<br />

Arum atrorubens Aiton = Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott<br />

arum lily –see– Z<strong>an</strong>tedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng.<br />

a r u M Ma c u l a Tu M L. [Araceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Aaron; Adam-<strong>an</strong>d-Eve; adder’s-meat; adder’s-root;<br />

Aronsbeer; Aronstab; Aronstaub; arrowroot; bloodym<strong>an</strong>’s-finger;<br />

bobbing Jo<strong>an</strong>; bobbins; bulls-<strong>an</strong>d-cows;<br />

calf’s-foot; cuckoopint; friar’s-cowl; Gefleckter Aronstab;<br />

kings-<strong>an</strong>d-queens; lamb-in-a-pulpit; lilygrass;<br />

lords-<strong>an</strong>d-ladies; m<strong>an</strong>drake; nightingales; pied-deveau;<br />

Portl<strong>an</strong>d sago; Portl<strong>an</strong>d starchroot; spotted arum;<br />

starchwort; wake robin; wild arum; Zehrwurz<br />

Citations:<br />

Dabija G, Domilescu C, Nemte<strong>an</strong>u S (1968) Über die Giftigkeit<br />

des Aronstabs (Arum maculatum) für Tiere. Arch<br />

Vet 4(1-2):157-168.<br />

K<strong>an</strong>ngiesser F (1916) Ueber die Giftigkeit der Aronsbeeren<br />

(Arum maculatum). Zeit Med 29:595-597.<br />

Kyle RA (1983) Poisoning of sheep by lords <strong>an</strong>d ladies. Vet<br />

Rec 113(1):23.<br />

O’Moore LB (1955) Arum maculatum poisoning in cattle.<br />

Ir Vet J 9:146-147.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Asclepias curassavica - 35<br />

Stahl E, Kaltenbach U (1965) Die basischen Inhaltsstoffe<br />

des Aronstabes (Arum maculatum L.). Arch Pharm Ber<br />

Dtsch Pharm Ges 298( 9):599-604.<br />

Wolfle J, Kowalewski S (1995) Epidemiology of ingestions<br />

in a regional poison control center over twenty years. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 37(4):367-368.<br />

arum-of-the-Antilles –see– Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.)<br />

Schott<br />

Arum triphyllum L. = Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott<br />

a r u n d o d o n a x L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

c<strong>an</strong>e reed<br />

Citations:<br />

Friedm<strong>an</strong> SJ, Connolly SM (1986) Clarinettist’s cheilitis.<br />

Cutis 38(3):183-184.<br />

Inoue A, Shoji A, Yashiro K (1998) Saxophonist’s c<strong>an</strong>e reed<br />

cheilitis. Contact Dermatitis 39(1):37.<br />

Ruiz-Hornillos FJ, Alonso E, Zapatero L, et al. (2007)<br />

Clarinetist’s cheilitis caused by immediate-type allergy to<br />

c<strong>an</strong>e reed. Contact Dermatitis 56(11):243-245.<br />

arvi –see– Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott<br />

Asaemia axillaris (Thunb.) Harv. ex O. Hoffm. = Asaemia<br />

minuta (L. f.) K. Bremer<br />

a s a e Mi a Mi n u Ta (L. f.) K. Bremer [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a saemia axillaris (Thunb.) Harv. ex O. Hoffm.<br />

Common Names:<br />

vuursiektebos<br />

Citations:<br />

Coetzer JA, Bergh T (1983) Photosensitivity in South Africa.<br />

IV. Pathological ch<strong>an</strong>ges in the liver in ovine photosensitivity<br />

caused by the pl<strong>an</strong>t Asaemia axillaris (Thunb.)<br />

Harv. ex Jackson. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 50(1):55-58.<br />

Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, Basson PA, Naudé TW, et al. (1973) Photosensitivity<br />

in South Africa. 1. A comparative study of<br />

Asaemia axillaris (Thunb.) Harv. ex Jackson <strong>an</strong>d Lasiospermum<br />

bipinnatum (Thunb.) Druce poisoning in sheep.<br />

Onderstepoort J Vet Res 40(3):115-126.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1939) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa. IX. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 12:335-366.<br />

asafetida –see– Ferula assa-foetida L.<br />

asafoetida –see– Ferula assa-foetida L.<br />

asarabacca –see– Asarum europaeum L.<br />

a s a r u M e u r o p a e u M L. [Aristolochiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

asarabacca; Brechwurz; cabaret; Europäische Haselwurz;<br />

Hafelkraut; Hafelmünch; Hafelührlein; Haselwurz;<br />

Hasenöhrlein; hazelwort; hazelwurz; Lederkraut;<br />

oreille d’homme; Rebelwurz; Schwarzkraut; Schwarzwurz;<br />

wild nard<br />

Citations:<br />

Brändle W, Gurtner B, Wegm<strong>an</strong>n T (1969) Hemiparese bei<br />

Abortversuch mit Haselwurtzteeabsud (Asarum europaeum).<br />

Praxis 58(27):868-869.<br />

Jaspersen-Schib R, Theus L, Quirguis-Oeschger M,<br />

et al. (1996) Wichtige Pfl<strong>an</strong>zenvergiftungen in der<br />

Schweiz 1966-1994. Schweiz Med Wochenschr<br />

126(25):1085-1098.<br />

asbos –see– Psilocaulon absimile N. E. Br.<br />

Asclepias asperula (Decne.) Woodson subsp. capricornu<br />

(Woodson) Woodson = Asclepias asperula (Decne.)<br />

Woodson var. decumbens (Nutt.) Shinners<br />

a s c l e p i a s a s p e r u l a (Decne.) Woodson var.<br />

decumbens (Nutt.) Shinners [Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a sclepias asperula (Decne.) Woodson subsp. capricornu<br />

(Woodson) Woodson; a sclepiodora decumbens<br />

(Nutt.) A. Gray<br />

Common Names:<br />

spider <strong>an</strong>telopehorn<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1935) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1935:39-40.<br />

a s c l e p i a s b r a c h y s Te p h a n a Engelm.<br />

[Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

short-crown milkweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Rowe LD, Ohlenbusch PD, Dollahite JW (1970) Toxicity<br />

of Asclepias brachysteph<strong>an</strong>a (shortcrown milkweed) for<br />

sheep. Southwestern Vet 23(Spring):219-221, 224.<br />

Asclepias cornuti Decne. = Asclepias syriaca L.<br />

a s c l e p i a s c u r a s s a vic a L. [Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blood flower; Kittie McW<strong>an</strong>ie; milkweed; oficial-desala;<br />

red cotton; redhead cottonbush; redtop; scarlet<br />

milkweed; silkweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Chakraborty S, Siegenthaler J, Buchi ER (1995) Corneal<br />

edema due to Asclepias curassavica. Arch Ophthalmol<br />

113(8):974-975.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Brito MF, Cunha BR (2001) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Asclepias curassavica (Asclepiadaceae)<br />

em bovinos. Dados complementares. Pesq Vet Bras<br />

21(1):1-4.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J, C<strong>an</strong>ella CF (1972) Intoxicação<br />

experimental em bovinos por Asclepias curassavica. Pesq<br />

Agric Bras Vet 7:31-39.

36 - Asclepias eriocarpa D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

a s c l e p i a s e r io c a r p a Benth. [Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

broad-leaf milkweed; California milkweed; Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

milkweed; woolly-pod milkweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Baxter CM (1944) Broadleaf milkweed poisoning. Cornell<br />

Vet 34(3):256-259.<br />

Benson JM, Seiber JN, Bagley CV, et al. (1979) Effects on<br />

sheep of the milkweeds Asclepias eriocarpa <strong>an</strong>d A. labriformis<br />

<strong>an</strong>d of cardiac glycoside-containing derivative<br />

material. Toxicon 17(2):155-165.<br />

Benson JM, Seiber JN, Keeler RF, et al. (1978) Studies on<br />

the toxic principle of Asclepias eriocarpa <strong>an</strong>d Asclepias<br />

labriformis. In: Keeler RF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF,<br />

et al. (eds.) Effects of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts on livestock. Academic<br />

Press. New York. pp. 273-284.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB (1923) Woolly-pod milkweed: A<br />

d<strong>an</strong>gerous stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>t. U S Dep Agric Circ<br />

#272:3 pp.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB (1924) The woolly-pod milkweed<br />

(Asclepias eriocarpa) as a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. U S Dep Agric<br />

Bull #1212:13 pp.<br />

Vail EL (1942) Woolly-pod or broad-leafed milkweed<br />

(Asclepias eriocarpa) poisoning of rabbits. North Am Vet<br />

23(Aug):539-542.<br />

Asclepias florida N. E. Br. = Gomphocarpus fruticosa (L.)<br />

W. T. Aiton<br />

Asclepias fruticosa L. = Gomphocarpus fruticosa (L.) W. T.<br />

Aiton<br />

Asclepias galioides auct. Amer. = Asclepias subverticillata<br />

(A. Gray) Vail<br />

a s c l e p i a s h i r Te l l a (Pennell) Woodson<br />

[Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Burrows GE, Ogden L, Tyrl RJ (1990) Intoxication due to<br />

Asclepias sp. (milkweeds). Toxicon 28(6):603-604.<br />

Ogden L, Burrows GE, Tyrl RJ, et al. (1992) Experimental<br />

intoxication in sheep by Asclepias. In: James LF, Keeler<br />

RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State<br />

Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp. 495-499.<br />

a s c l e p i a s i n c a r n a Ta L. [Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

rose silkweed; swamp milkweed; water nerveroot;<br />

white Indi<strong>an</strong> hemp<br />

Citations:<br />

Burrows GE, Ogden L, Tyrl RJ (1990) Intoxication due to<br />

Asclepias sp. (milkweeds). Toxicon 28(6):603-604.<br />

Ogden L, Burrows GE, Tyrl RJ, et al. (1992) Experimental<br />

intoxication in sheep by Asclepias. In: James LF, Keeler<br />

RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State<br />

Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp. 495-499.<br />

a s c l e p i a s l a b r i f o r Mis M. E. Jones<br />

[Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

labriform milkweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1936) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep. 1936:44-45.<br />

Anonymous (1939) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep. 1939:59-60.<br />

Benson JM, Seiber JN, Bagley CV, et al. (1979) Effects on<br />

sheep of the milkweeds Asclepias eriocarpa <strong>an</strong>d A. labriformis<br />

<strong>an</strong>d of cardiac glycoside-containing derivative<br />

material. Toxicon 17(2):155-165.<br />

Benson JM, Seiber JN, Keeler RF, et al. (1978) Studies on<br />

the toxic principle of Asclepias eriocarpa <strong>an</strong>d Asclepias<br />

labriformis. In: Keeler RF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF,<br />

et al. (eds.) Effects of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts on livestock. Academic<br />

Press. New York. pp. 273-284.<br />

Burrows GE, Ogden L, Tyrl RJ (1990) Intoxication due to<br />

Asclepias sp. (milkweeds). Toxicon 28(6):603-604.<br />

Ogden L, Burrows GE, Tyrl RJ, et al. (1992) Comparison of<br />

Asclepias species <strong>based</strong> on their toxic effects on chickens.<br />

In: James LF, Keeler RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp.<br />

500-505.<br />

Ogden L, Burrows GE, Tyrl RJ, et al. (1992) Experimental<br />

intoxication in sheep by Asclepias. In: James LF, Keeler<br />

RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State<br />

Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp. 495-499.<br />

a s c l e p i a s l a Ti f o l i a (Torr.) Raf.<br />

[Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

broad-leaf milkweed; le chones; milkweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Burrows GE, Ogden L, Tyrl RJ (1990) Intoxication due to<br />

Asclepias sp. (milkweeds). Toxicon 28(6):603-604.<br />

Mathews FP (1932) Miscell<strong>an</strong>eous poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas<br />

Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 45:11-12.<br />

Ogden L, Burrows GE, Tyrl RJ, et al. (1992) Experimental<br />

intoxication in sheep by Asclepias. In: James LF, Keeler<br />

RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State<br />

Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp. 495-499.<br />

Tunnicliff EA, Cory VL (1930) Broad-leafed milkweed<br />

(Asclepias latifolia) poisonous for sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 77:165-168.<br />

a s c l e p i a s Me x ic a n a Cav. [Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> whorled milkweed; narrow-leaf whorled<br />

milkweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Campbell HW (1931) Poisoning in chickens with whorled<br />

milkweed. J Am Vet Med Assoc 79:102-104.<br />

Campbell HW (1931) The whorled milkweed as a poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t for poultry. California Dep Agric Bull 20:577-582.<br />

Fleming CE (1920) <strong>Poisonous</strong> r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric<br />

Exp Sta Annu Rep 1919:39-43.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Asclepias verticillata - 37<br />

Fleming CE, Peterson NF, Miller MR, et al. (1920) The<br />

narrow-leaved milkweed (Asclepias mexic<strong>an</strong>a) <strong>an</strong>d the<br />

broad-leaved or showy milkweed (Asclepias speciosa),<br />

<strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> poisonous to livestock in Nevada. Nevada Agric<br />

Exp Sta Bull #99:32 pp.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB (1921) The Mexic<strong>an</strong> whorled milkweed<br />

(Asclepias mexic<strong>an</strong>a) as a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. U S Dep<br />

Agric Bull #969:16 pp.<br />

Asclepias phillipsiae N. E. Br. = Gomphocarpus fruticosa<br />

(L.) W. T. Aiton<br />

a s c l e p i a s p u Mi l a (A. Gray) Vail<br />

[Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

dwarf poison milkweed; Great Plains whorled milkweed;<br />

low whorled milkweed; plains whorled milkweed;<br />

whorled milkweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB (1921) <strong>Poisonous</strong> properties of the<br />

whorled milkweeds Asclepias pumila <strong>an</strong>d A. verticillata<br />

var. geyeri. U S Dep Agric Bull #942:14 pp.<br />

a s c l e p i a s s p e c io s a Torr. [Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

broad-leaf milkweed; showy milkweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Burrows GE, Ogden L, Tyrl RJ (1990) Intoxication due to<br />

Asclepias sp. (milkweeds). Toxicon 28(6):603-604.<br />

Fleming CE, Peterson NF, Miller MR, et al. (1920) The<br />

narrow-leaved milkweed (Asclepias mexic<strong>an</strong>a) <strong>an</strong>d the<br />

broad-leaved or showy milkweed (Asclepias speciosa),<br />

<strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> poisonous to livestock in Nevada. Nevada Agric<br />

Exp Sta Bull #99:32 pp.<br />

Ogden L, Burrows GE, Tyrl RJ, et al. (1992) Comparison of<br />

Asclepias species <strong>based</strong> on their toxic effects on chickens.<br />

In: James LF, Keeler RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp.<br />

500-505.<br />

Ogden L, Burrows GE, Tyrl RJ, et al. (1992) Experimental<br />

intoxication in sheep by Asclepias. In: James LF, Keeler<br />

RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State<br />

Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp. 495-499.<br />

a s c l e p i a s s u b ve r Tic i l l a Ta (A. Gray) Vail<br />

[Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a sclepias galioides auct. Amer.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bedstraw milkweed; beeweed; horsetail milkweed;<br />

narrow-leaf milkweed; western whorled milkweed;<br />

whorled milkweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Burrows GE, Ogden L, Tyrl RJ (1990) Intoxication due to<br />

Asclepias sp. (milkweeds). Toxicon 28(6):603-604.<br />

Clark JG (1979) Whorled milkweed poisoning. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 21(6):431.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Couch JF, et al. (1920) The whorled<br />

milkweed (Asclepias galioides) as a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. U S<br />

Dep Agric Bull #800:40 pp.<br />

May WL (1920) Whorled milkweed. The worst stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t in Colorado. Colorado Agric Exp Sta Bull<br />

#255:39 pp.<br />

Ogden L, Burrows GE, Tyrl RJ, et al. (1992) Comparison of<br />

Asclepias species <strong>based</strong> on their toxic effects on chickens.<br />

In: James LF, Keeler RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp.<br />

500-505.<br />

Ogden L, Burrows GE, Tyrl RJ, et al. (1992) Experimental<br />

intoxication in sheep by Asclepias. In: James LF, Keeler<br />

RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State<br />

Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp. 495-499.<br />

Robinson GH, Burrows GE, Holt EM, et al. (1998) Investigation<br />

of the neurotoxic compounds in Asclepias subverticillata,<br />

western-whorled milkweed. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr<br />

AC (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI.<br />

New York. pp. 435-439.<br />

Stiles GW (1942) Poisoning of turkey poults from<br />

whorled milkweed (Asclepias galioides). Poult Sci<br />

21(May):263-270.<br />

a s c l e p i a s s y r i a c a L. [Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a sclepias cornuti Decne.<br />

Common Names:<br />

selyemkóró; silkweed; summer milkweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Sályi G, Petri Á (1987) A szarvasmarhák selyemkóró -<br />

(Asclepias syriaca) mérgesése. Magyar Allator Lapja<br />

42(1):56-58.<br />

a s c l e p i a s Tu b e r o s a L. [Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

butterfly milkweed; butterfly weed; C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> root;<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> nosy; or<strong>an</strong>ge apocynum; or<strong>an</strong>ge milkweed;<br />

or<strong>an</strong>ge swallowwort; or<strong>an</strong>geroot; pleurisy root; rubberroot;<br />

silkweed; tuberroot; whiteroot; windroot; yellow<br />

milkweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Burrows GE, Ogden L, Tyrl RJ (1990) Intoxication due to<br />

Asclepias sp. (milkweeds). Toxicon 28(6):603-604.<br />

Ogden L, Burrows GE, Tyrl RJ, et al. (1992) Comparison of<br />

Asclepias species <strong>based</strong> on their toxic effects on chickens.<br />

In: James LF, Keeler RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp.<br />

500-505.<br />

Ogden L, Burrows GE, Tyrl RJ, et al. (1992) Experimental<br />

intoxication in sheep by Asclepias. In: James LF, Keeler<br />

RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State<br />

Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp. 495-499.<br />

a s c l e p i a s v e r Tic i l l a Ta L. [Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

dwarf milkweed; eastern whorled milkweed; horsetail<br />

milkweed; spider milkweed; whorled milkweed

38 - Asclepias viridis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Burrows GE, Ogden L, Tyrl RJ (1990) Intoxication due to<br />

Asclepias sp. (milkweeds). Toxicon 28(6):603-604.<br />

Glover GH (1917) The whorled milkweed. Am J Vet Med<br />

12:303-304, 308.<br />

Glover GH, Newsom IE, Robbins WW (1918) A new poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t, the whorled milkweed (Asclepias verticillata).<br />

Colorado Agric Exp Sta Bull #246:16 pp.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB (1921) <strong>Poisonous</strong> properties of the<br />

whorled milkweeds Asclepias pumila <strong>an</strong>d A. verticillata<br />

var. geyeri. U S Dep Agric Bull #942:14 pp.<br />

Ogden L, Burrows GE, Tyrl RJ, et al. (1992) Comparison of<br />

Asclepias species <strong>based</strong> on their toxic effects on chickens.<br />

In: James LF, Keeler RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp.<br />

500-505.<br />

Ogden L, Burrows GE, Tyrl RJ, et al. (1992) Experimental<br />

intoxication in sheep by Asclepias. In: James LF, Keeler<br />

RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State<br />

Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp. 495-499.<br />

Pammel LH (1919) The whorled milkweed. Am J Vet Med<br />

14:135-136.<br />

Sprowls RW (1982) Horsetail milkweed intoxications in<br />

horses <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Southwestern Vet 35(1):15.<br />

a s c l e p i a s v i r i d is Walter [Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

green milkweed; Ozark milkweed; spider milkweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Burrows GE, Ogden L, Tyrl RJ (1990) Intoxication due to<br />

Asclepias sp. (milkweeds). Toxicon 28(6):603-604.<br />

Ogden L, Burrows GE, Tyrl RJ, et al. (1992) Comparison of<br />

Asclepias species <strong>based</strong> on their toxic effects on chickens.<br />

In: James LF, Keeler RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp.<br />

500-505.<br />

Ogden L, Burrows GE, Tyrl RJ, et al. (1992) Experimental<br />

intoxication in sheep by Asclepias. In: James LF, Keeler<br />

RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State<br />

Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp. 495-499.<br />

Smith RA, Scharko P, Bolin D, et al. (2000) Intoxication<br />

of sheep exposed to Ozark milkweed (Asclepias viridis<br />

Walter). Vet Hum Toxicol 42(6):349-350.<br />

Asclepiodora decumbens (Nutt.) A. Gray = Asclepias<br />

asperula (Decne.) Woodson var. decumbens (Nutt.)<br />

Shinners<br />

ash tree –see– Fraxinus excelsior L.<br />

Asi<strong>an</strong> ginseng –see– P<strong>an</strong>ax ginseng C. A. Mey.<br />

Asiatische Alpenrose –see– Rhododendron ponticum L.<br />

a s i Mi n a Tr i l ob a (L.) Dunal [Annonaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a nnona triloba L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> custard apple; Americ<strong>an</strong> papaw; custard<br />

apple; dog apple; dunal; false b<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>a; fetid shrub;<br />

monim; papaw; pawpaw; poor-m<strong>an</strong>’s-b<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>a<br />

Citations:<br />

Barber MA (1905) Poisoning due to the papaw (Asimina triloba).<br />

JAMA 45(Dec 30):2013-2014.<br />

Douglass BW (1918) A case of papaw poisoning <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong> idiosyncrasy.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong>apolis Med J 21:120.<br />

Williams BG (1909) Case of dermatitis herpetiformis following<br />

papaw poisoning. JAMA 53(Dec 4):1916.<br />

asin asin –see– Sauropus <strong>an</strong>drogynus (L.) Merr.<br />

asparagus –see– Asparagus officinalis L.<br />

asparagus fern –see– Asparagus officinalis L.<br />

a s p a r ag u s o f f ic i n a l is L. [Asparagaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

asparagus; asparagus fern; Spargel<br />

Citations:<br />

Brenning (1920) Ein Fall von Dermatitis durch Spargelsaft.<br />

Dermatol Wochenschr 71:851.<br />

Escrib<strong>an</strong>o MM, Muñoz-Bellido FJ, Serr<strong>an</strong>o P, et al. (1998)<br />

Acute urticaria after ingestion of asparagus. Allergy<br />

53(6):622-623.<br />

Hajos B, Mohrm<strong>an</strong>n BH (1929) Spargelidiosyncrasie. Klin<br />

Wochenschr 8(22):1024-1027.<br />

aspidium –see– Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott<br />

a s p i d o s p e r Ma g o Me z i a n u M A. DC.<br />

[Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

peroba-da-campos<br />

Citations:<br />

de Jong JC, Lenstra JB, Vermeer DJ (1951) Eczema due to<br />

the wood of Peroba da Campos: Isolation of the allergen.<br />

Acta Derm Venereol 31:108-110.<br />

assacu –see– Hura crepit<strong>an</strong>s L.<br />

ass’s-parsley –see– Aethusa cynapium L.<br />

Aster simplex Willd. = Symphyotrichum l<strong>an</strong>ceolatum<br />

(Willd.) G. L. Nesom<br />

Aster umbellatus Mill. = Doellingeria umbellata (Mill.)<br />

Nees<br />

asthma herb –see– Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp.<br />

Asthmador –see– Atropa belladonna L.; Datura stramonium L.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s a d s u r g e n s Pall. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

st<strong>an</strong>ding milk vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Zuyu L, Xueqin F, Zihua Z, et al. (1987) [The effects of<br />

feeding diets containing Astragalus adsurgens Pall <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Coronilla varia L. on broiler chickens.] Acta Vet Zootech<br />

Sin 18(3):157-162.<br />

Astragalus amphidoxus Bl<strong>an</strong>k. = Astragalus miser Douglas<br />

ex Hook.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Astragalus cicer - 39<br />

Astragalus argillosus M. E. Jones = Astragalus flavus Nutt.<br />

ex Torr. & A. Gray<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s a Tr o p u b e s c e n s J. M. Coult. &<br />

Fisch. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Kelsey’s-milk vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Cronin EH, Williams MC, Olsen JD (1981) Toxicity <strong>an</strong>d control<br />

of Kelsey milkvetch. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag 34(3):181-183.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s b e r g i i Hieron. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

garb<strong>an</strong>cillo; yerba loca<br />

Citations:<br />

Giusti L (1934) Experiencias sobre la acciÓn fisiolÓgica de<br />

la Wedelia glauca y del Astragalus bergii. Rev Argent<br />

Agron 1:223-228.<br />

Astragalus bigelovii A. Gray = Astragalus mollissimus Torr.<br />

var. thompsoniae (S. Watson) Barneby<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s b is u l c a Tu s (Hook.) A. Gray<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a stragalus bisulcatus (Hook.) A. Gray var. bisulcatus;<br />

a stragalus bisulcatus (Hook.) A. Gray var. haydeni<strong>an</strong>us<br />

(A. Gray) Barneby; a stragalus diholcos Tidestr.;<br />

a stragalus haydeni<strong>an</strong>us A. Gray; d iholcos bisulcatus<br />

(Hook.) Rydb.; d iholcos micr<strong>an</strong>thus Rydb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Hayden’s-poison vetch; poison vetch; two-groove<br />

locoweed; two-groove milk vetch; two-groove poison<br />

vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Baker DC, James LF, Hartley WJ, et al. (1989) Toxicosis<br />

in pigs fed selenium-accumulating Astragalus<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t species or sodium selenate. Am J Vet Res<br />

50(8):1396-1399.<br />

Beath OA, Draize JH, Eppson HF (1932) Three poisonous<br />

vetches. Wyoming Agric Exp Sta Bull #189:23 pp.<br />

Beath OA, Lehnert EH (1917) The poisonous properties<br />

of the two-grooved milk vetch (Astragalus bisulcatus).<br />

Wyoming Agric Exp Sta Bull #112:59-65.<br />

Hartley WJ, James LF, Broquist H, et al. (1985) Pathology<br />

of experimental locoweed <strong>an</strong>d selenium poisoning in pigs.<br />

In: Seawright AA, Hegarty MP, James LF, et al. (eds.)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t toxicology. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d <strong>Poisonous</strong> Pl<strong>an</strong>t Committee.<br />

Yeerongpilly, Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. pp. 141-149.<br />

James LF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, Hartley WJ (1983) Astragalus<br />

bisulcatus - A cause of selenium or locoweed poisoning?<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 25(2):86-89.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Hartley WJ, James LF, et al. (1996) Comparative<br />

toxicity of selenium from sel<strong>an</strong>o-DL-ethionine, sodium<br />

selenate, <strong>an</strong>d Astragalus bisulcatus in pigs. Fundam Appl<br />

Toxicol 32:217-223.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF (1978) M<strong>an</strong>ifestation of intoxication<br />

by selenium-accumulating pl<strong>an</strong>ts. In: Keeler RF,<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF, et al. (eds.) Effects of poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts on livestock. Academic Press. New York.<br />

pp. 135-138.<br />

Astragalus bisulcatus (Hook.) A. Gray var. bisulcatus =<br />

Astragalus bisulcatus (Hook.) A. Gray<br />

Astragalus bisulcatus (Hook.) A. Gray var. haydeni<strong>an</strong>us (A.<br />

Gray) Barneby = Astragalus bisulcatus (Hook.) A. Gray<br />

Astragalus campestris (Torr. & A. Gray) A. Gray =<br />

Astragalus convallarius Greene<br />

Astragalus campestris L. var. diversifolius (A. Gray) J. F.<br />

Macbr. = Astragalus diversifolius A. Gray<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s c a n a d e n s is L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a stragalus carolini<strong>an</strong>us L.; p haca c<strong>an</strong>adensis (L.)<br />

MacMill.<br />

Common Names:<br />

C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> milk vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

James LF, Hartley WJ, Williams MC, et al. (1980) Field<br />

<strong>an</strong>d experimental studies in cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep poisoned by<br />

nitro-bearing Astragalus or their toxins. Am J Vet Res<br />

41(3):377-382.<br />

Williams MC, James LF (1975) Toxicity of nitro-containing<br />

Astragalus to sheep <strong>an</strong>d chicks. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag<br />

28(4):260-263.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s c a n a d e n s is L. var. brevidens<br />

(G<strong>an</strong>d.) Barneby [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Williams MC, James LF (1974) Toxicity of several nitritebearing<br />

Astragalus species. Proc West Soc Weed Sci 27:4.<br />

Astragalus carolini<strong>an</strong>us L. = Astragalus c<strong>an</strong>adensis L.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s c i b a r i u s E. Sheld. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

browse milk vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Williams MC, James LF (1974) Toxicity of several nitritebearing<br />

Astragalus species. Proc West Soc Weed Sci<br />

27:4.<br />

Williams MC, James LF (1975) Toxicity of nitro-containing<br />

Astragalus to sheep <strong>an</strong>d chicks. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag<br />

28(4):260-263.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s c ic e r L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cicer milk vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Marten GC, Ehle FR, Ristau EA (1987) Perform<strong>an</strong>ce <strong>an</strong>d<br />

photosensitization of cattle related to forage quality of<br />

four legumes. Crop Sci 27(J<strong>an</strong>-Feb):138-145.

40 - Astragalus convallarius D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Marten GC, Jord<strong>an</strong> RM, Ristau EA (1990) Perform<strong>an</strong>ce <strong>an</strong>d<br />

adverse response of sheep during grazing of four legumes.<br />

Crop Sci 30(Jul-Aug):860-866.<br />

Walter-H<strong>an</strong>sen K, Ruth G, Schwartz S, et al. (1986) Photosensitivity<br />

in calves <strong>an</strong>d sheep fed cicer milkvetch<br />

(Astragalus cicer). Proc Am Assoc Vet Lab Diagn<br />

29:209-220.<br />

Astragalus confertiflorus A. Gray = Astragalus flavus Nutt.<br />

ex Torr. & A. Gray<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s c o n va l l a r i u s Greene<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a stragalus campestris (Torr. & A. Gray) A. Gray;<br />

h omalobus campestris Torr. & A. Gray<br />

Common Names:<br />

lesser rushy milk vetch; timber milk vetch; timber poison<br />

vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Beath OA, Draize JH, Eppson HF (1932) Three poisonous<br />

vetches. Wyoming Agric Exp Sta Bull #189:23 pp.<br />

Williams MC, James LF (1974) Toxicity of several nitritebearing<br />

Astragalus species. Proc West Soc Weed Sci<br />

27:4.<br />

Williams MC, James LF (1975) Toxicity of nitro-containing<br />

Astragalus to sheep <strong>an</strong>d chicks. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag<br />

28(4):260-263.<br />

Astragalus decumbens (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) A. Gray<br />

var. serotinus (J. G. Cooper) M. E. Jones = Astragalus<br />

miser Douglas ex Hook. var. serotinus (A. Gray ex J. G.<br />

Cooper) Barneby<br />

Astragalus diholcos Tidestr. = Astragalus bisulcatus (Hook.)<br />

A. Gray<br />

Astragalus diphysus A. Gray = Astragalus lentiginosus<br />

Douglas ex Hook. var. diphysus (A. Gray) M. E. Jones<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s d i ve r s i f o l i u s A. Gray<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a stragalus campestris L. var. diversifolius (A. Gray) J.<br />

F. Macbr.<br />

Common Names:<br />

mesic milk vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Williams MC, James LF (1974) Toxicity of several nitritebearing<br />

Astragalus species. Proc West Soc Weed Sci<br />

27:4.<br />

Williams MC, James LF (1975) Toxicity of nitro-containing<br />

Astragalus to sheep <strong>an</strong>d chicks. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag<br />

28(4):260-263.<br />

Astragalus earlei Greene ex Rydb. = Astragalus mollissimus<br />

Torr. var. earlei (Greene ex Rydb.) Tidestr.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s e Mo r y a n u s (Rydb.) Cory<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a stragalus emory<strong>an</strong>us (Rydb.) Cory var. emory<strong>an</strong>us;<br />

a stragalus emory<strong>an</strong>us (Rydb.) Cory var. terlinguensis<br />

(Cory) Barneby<br />

Common Names:<br />

Emory’s-locoweed; Emory’s-milk vetch; peavine; redstem<br />

peavine<br />

Citations:<br />

James LF, Hartley WJ, Williams MC, et al. (1980) Field<br />

<strong>an</strong>d experimental studies in cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep poisoned by<br />

nitro-bearing Astragalus or their toxins. Am J Vet Res<br />

41(3):377-382.<br />

Mathews FP (1938) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Davis Mountains<br />

area. Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 51:13-14.<br />

Mathews FP (1940) The toxicity of red-stemmed peavine<br />

(=Astragalus emory<strong>an</strong>us) for cattle, sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 97:125-134.<br />

Mathews FP (1941) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Davis Mountains.<br />

Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 54:93.<br />

Williams MC, James LF (1975) Toxicity of nitro-containing<br />

Astragalus to sheep <strong>an</strong>d chicks. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag<br />

28(4):260-263.<br />

Williams MC, James LF (1976) Poisoning in sheep from<br />

emory milkvetch <strong>an</strong>d nitro compounds. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag<br />

29(2):165-167.<br />

Williams MC, James LF, Bond BO (1979) Emory milkvetch<br />

(Astragalus emory<strong>an</strong>us var emory<strong>an</strong>us) poisoning in<br />

chicks, sheep, <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Am J Vet Res 40(3):403-406.<br />

Astragalus emory<strong>an</strong>us (Rydb.) Cory var. emory<strong>an</strong>us =<br />

Astragalus emory<strong>an</strong>us (Rydb.) Cory<br />

Astragalus emory<strong>an</strong>us (Rydb.) Cory var. terlinguensis<br />

(Cory) Barneby = Astragalus emory<strong>an</strong>us (Rydb.) Cory<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s f a l c a Tu s Lam. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Russi<strong>an</strong>-sickle milk vetch; sicklepod milk vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

James LF, Hartley WJ, Williams MC, et al. (1980) Field<br />

<strong>an</strong>d experimental studies in cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep poisoned by<br />

nitro-bearing Astragalus or their toxins. Am J Vet Res<br />

41(3):377-382.<br />

Williams MC, James LF (1975) Toxicity of nitro-containing<br />

Astragalus to sheep <strong>an</strong>d chicks. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag<br />

28(4):260-263.<br />

Williams MC, James LF, Bleak AT (1976) Toxicity of introduced<br />

nitro-containing Astragalus to sheep, cattle, <strong>an</strong>d<br />

chicks. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag 29(1):30-33.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s f l a v u s Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a stragalus argillosus M. E. Jones; a stragalus confertiflorus<br />

A. Gray

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Astragalus lentiginosus - 41<br />

Common Names:<br />

yellow milk vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1935) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1935:39-40.<br />

Astragalus glaber Michx. = Astragalus michauxii (Kuntze)<br />

F. J. Herm.<br />

Astragalus haydeni<strong>an</strong>us A. Gray = Astragalus bisulcatus<br />

(Hook.) A. Gray<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s h o r n i i A. Gray [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Horn’s-milk vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Vasey G (1874) <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> poisonous to cattle in California. U S<br />

Dep Agric Rep 1874:159-160.<br />

Astragalus hylophilus (Rydb.) A. Nelson = Astragalus miser<br />

Douglas ex Hook. var. hylophilus (Rydb.) Barneby<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s l e n Tig i n o s u s Douglas ex Hook.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue locoweed; freckled milk vetch; speckled locoweed;<br />

spotted locoweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Balls LD, James LF (1973) Effect of locoweed (Astragalus<br />

spp.) on reproductive perform<strong>an</strong>ce of ewes. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 162(4):291-292.<br />

D<strong>an</strong>iel PF, Warren CD, James LF, et al. (1985) Characterization<br />

of oligosaccharides from locoweed-poisoned sheep<br />

<strong>an</strong>d comparison with bovine m<strong>an</strong>nosidosis. In: Seawright<br />

AA, Hegarty MP, James LF, et al. (eds.) Pl<strong>an</strong>t toxicology.<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d <strong>Poisonous</strong> Pl<strong>an</strong>t Committee. Yeerongpilly,<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. pp. 290-300.<br />

Ellis LC, James LF, McMullen RW, et al. (1985) Reduced<br />

progesterone <strong>an</strong>d altered cotyledonary prostagl<strong>an</strong>din<br />

values induced by locoweed (Astragalus lentiginosus) in<br />

sheep. Am J Vet Res 46(9):1903-1907.<br />

Hartley WJ, James LF (1973) Microscopic lesions in fetuses<br />

of ewes ingesting locoweed (Astragalus lentiginosus). Am<br />

J Vet Res 34(2):209-211.<br />

Hartley WJ, James LF (1975) Fetal <strong>an</strong>d maternal lesions in<br />

pregn<strong>an</strong>t ewes ingesting locoweed (Astragalus lentiginosus).<br />

Am J Vet Res 36(6):825-826.<br />

Hartley WJ, James LF (1978) Summary of experimental<br />

Astragalus lentiginosus intoxication in the pregn<strong>an</strong>t ewe.<br />

In: Keeler RF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF, et al. (eds.)<br />

Effects of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts on livestock. Academic Press.<br />

New York. pp. 368-369.<br />

Hartley WJ, James LF, Broquist H, et al. (1985) Pathology<br />

of experimental locoweed <strong>an</strong>d selenium poisoning in pigs.<br />

In: Seawright AA, Hegarty MP, James LF, et al. (eds.)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t toxicology. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d <strong>Poisonous</strong> Pl<strong>an</strong>t Committee.<br />

Yeerongpilly, Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. pp. 141-149.<br />

James LF (1971) Lesions in neonatal lambs resulting<br />

from maternal ingestion of locoweed. Cornell Vet<br />

61(4):667-670.<br />

James LF (1972) Effect of locoweed on fetal development:<br />

Preliminary study in sheep. Am J Vet Res 33(4):835-840.<br />

James LF (1976) Effect of locoweed (Astragalus lentiginosus)<br />

feeding on fetal lamb development. C<strong>an</strong> J Comp Med Vet<br />

Sci 40(4):380-384.<br />

James LF, Foote W, Nye W, et al. (1978) Effects of feeding<br />

Oxytropis <strong>an</strong>d Astragalus pollen to mice <strong>an</strong>d Astragalus<br />

seeds to rats. Am J Vet Res 39(4):711-712.<br />

James LF, Hartley WJ (1977) Effects of milk from <strong>an</strong>imals<br />

fed locoweed on kittens, calves, <strong>an</strong>d lambs. Am J Vet Res<br />

38(8):1263-1265.<br />

James LF, Olsen JD, Sharma RP (1977) Locoweed poisoning<br />

in sheep: Electroencephalographic <strong>an</strong>d brain amine<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges. Clin Toxicol 11(1):53-60.<br />

James LF, Shupe JL, Binns W, et al. (1967) Abortive <strong>an</strong>d<br />

teratogenic effects of locoweed on sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Am J<br />

Vet Res 28(126):1379-1388.<br />

James LF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR (1971) Effects of locoweed<br />

intoxication on the genital tract of the ram. Am J Vet Res<br />

32(8):1253-1256.<br />

James LF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR (1976) Effects of locoweed toxin<br />

on rats. Am J Vet Res 37(7):845-846.<br />

James LF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, Hartley WJ (1970) Comparative<br />

pathology of Astragalus (locoweed) <strong>an</strong>d Swainsona<br />

poisoning in sheep. Pathol Vet 7(2):116-125.<br />

James LF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, Johnson AE (1970) Physiopathologic<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in locoweed poisoning of livestock.<br />

Am J Vet Res 31(4):663-672.<br />

James LF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, Staker GR (1969) Locoweed<br />

(Astragalus lentiginosus) poisoning in cattle <strong>an</strong>d horses. J<br />

Am Vet Med Assoc 155(3):525-530.<br />

Keeler RF, James LF (1971) Experimental teratogenic<br />

lathyrism in sheep <strong>an</strong>d further comparative aspects<br />

with teratogenic locoism. C<strong>an</strong> J Comp Med Vet Sci<br />

35(4):332-337.<br />

Keeler RF, James LF (1971) Failure of dietary supplementation<br />

to prevent the abortions <strong>an</strong>d congenital malformations<br />

of lathyrism <strong>an</strong>d locoism in sheep. C<strong>an</strong> J Comp Med<br />

Vet Sci 35(4):342-345.<br />

Keeler RF, James LF, Binns W, et al. (1967) An apparent<br />

relationship between locoism <strong>an</strong>d lathyrism. C<strong>an</strong> J Comp<br />

Med Vet Sci 31(12):334-341.<br />

Nelson BK, James LF, Sharma RP, et al. (1977) Subtle postnatal<br />

effects of locoweed in rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol<br />

41(1):139-140.<br />

Nelson BK, James LF, Sharma RP, et al. (1980) Locoweed<br />

embryotoxicity in rats. Clin Toxicol 16(2):149-166.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, James LF, Hartley WJ (1989) Tr<strong>an</strong>sient testicular<br />

degeneration in rams fed locoweed (Astragalus lentiginosus).<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 31(1):42-46.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, James LF, Nielson D, et al. (1988) The relationship<br />

of Oxytropis sericea (green <strong>an</strong>d dry) <strong>an</strong>d Astragalus<br />

lentiginosus with high mountain disease in cattle. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 30(4):318-323.<br />

Pfister JA, Stegelmeier BL, Gardner DR, et al. (2003) Grazing<br />

of spotted locoweed (Astragalus lentiginosus) by cattle<br />

<strong>an</strong>d horses in Arizona. J Anim Sci 81(9):2285-2293.<br />

Rhees RW, James LF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR (1978) Ultrastructural<br />

observations following locoweed (Astragalus lentiginosus)<br />

poisoning in sheep. Fed Proc 37(3):501.<br />

Sharma RP, James LF, Molyneux RJ (1984) Effect of<br />

repeated locoweed feeding on peripheral lymphocytic<br />

function <strong>an</strong>d plasma proteins in sheep. Am J Vet Res<br />


42 - Astragalus lentiginosus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Stegelmeier BL, James LF, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, et al. (1995) Serum<br />

swainsonine concentration <strong>an</strong>d α-m<strong>an</strong>nosidase activity<br />

in cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep ingesting Oxytropis sericea <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Astragalus lentiginosus (locoweeds). Am J Vet Res<br />

56(2):149-154.<br />

Stegelmeier BL, Ralphs MH, Gardner DR, et al. (1994)<br />

Locoweed intoxication in r<strong>an</strong>ge cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep: Serum<br />

α-m<strong>an</strong>nosidase activity <strong>an</strong>d clinicopathologic alterations.<br />

In: Colegate SM, Dorling PR (eds.) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated toxins.<br />

Agricultural, phytochemical <strong>an</strong>d ecological aspects.<br />

CABI. New York. pp. 501-506.<br />

Stegelmeier BL, Snyder PW, James LF, et al. (1998) The<br />

immunologic <strong>an</strong>d toxic effects of chronic locoweed (Astragalus<br />

lentiginosus) intoxication in cattle. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T,<br />

Barr AC (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

CABI. New York. pp. 285-290.<br />

Tulsi<strong>an</strong>i DR, Broquist HP, James LF, et al. (1984) The<br />

similar effects of swainsonine <strong>an</strong>d locoweed on tissue<br />

glycosidases <strong>an</strong>d oligosaccharides of the pig indicate<br />

that the alkaloid is the principal toxin responsible<br />

for the induction of locoism. Arch Biochem Biophys<br />

224(2):594-600.<br />

Tulsi<strong>an</strong>i DR, Broquist HP, James LF, et al. (1988) Production<br />

of hybrid glycoproteins <strong>an</strong>d accumulation of<br />

oligosaccharides in the brain of sheep <strong>an</strong>d pigs administered<br />

swainsonine or locoweed. Arch Biochem Biophys<br />

264(2):607-617.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF (1969) Pathology of locoweed<br />

poisoning in sheep. Pathol Vet 6(5):413-423.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF (1970) Pathology of locoweed<br />

(Astragalus lentiginosus) poisoning in sheep. Sequential<br />

development of cytoplasmic vacuolation in tissues. Pathol<br />

Vet 7(6):503-508.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF (1971) Ovari<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d placental<br />

lesions in sheep from ingesting locoweed (Astragalus lentiginosus).<br />

Vet Pathol 8(3):193-199.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF (1972) Sequential development<br />

of the lesions in locoweed poisoning. Clin Toxicol<br />

5(4):575-580.<br />

V<strong>an</strong>sell GH (1934) Adult bees found dying on spotted loco. J<br />

Econ Entomol 27(3):635-637.<br />

Vasey G (1874) <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> poisonous to cattle in California. U S<br />

Dep Agric Rep 1874:159-160.<br />

Walkley SU, James LF (1984) Locoweed-induced neuronal<br />

storage disease characterized by meg<strong>an</strong>eurite formation.<br />

Brain Res 324(1):145-150.<br />

Warren CD, Bugge B, D<strong>an</strong>iel PF, et al. (1989) Locoweed<br />

toxicosis in sheep: Oligosaccharides accumulated in fetal<br />

<strong>an</strong>d maternal tissues. In: James LF, Elbein AD, Molyneux<br />

RJ, et al. (eds.) Swainsonine <strong>an</strong>d related glycosidase<br />

inhibitors. Iowa State Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp.<br />

344-359.<br />

Warren CD, Sadeh S, D<strong>an</strong>iel PF, et al. (1983) Induced<br />

m<strong>an</strong>nosidosis-excretion of oligosaccharides by locoweedintoxicated<br />

sheep. FEBS Lett 163(1):99-103.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s l e n Tig i n o s u s Douglas ex Hook.<br />

var. diphysus (A. Gray) M. E. Jones [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a stragalus diphysus A. Gray; a stragalus macdougali E.<br />

Sheld.; c ystium diphysum (A. Gray) Rydb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue locoweed; freckled milk vetch; rattleweed; speckled<br />

milk vetch; spotted locoweed; tall locoweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Marsh CD (1919) The locoweed disease. U S Dep Agric<br />

Farmers Bull #1054:24 pp.<br />

Pfister JA; Stegelmeier BL; Gardner DR; et al. (2003)<br />

Grazing of spotted locoweed (Astragalus lentiginosus)<br />

by cattle <strong>an</strong>d horses in Arizona. J Anim Sci<br />

81:2285-2293.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s l e n Tig i n o s u s Douglas ex Hook.<br />

var. wahweapensis S. L. Welsh [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

spotted locoweed; Wahweap milk vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Ralphs MH, James LF, Nielsen DB, et al. (1988) Cattle grazing<br />

Wahweap milkvetch in southeastern Utah. J Anim<br />

Sci 66(12):3124-3130.<br />

Astragalus lusit<strong>an</strong>icus Lam. = Erophaca baetica (L.)<br />

Boiss.<br />

Astragalus macdougali E. Sheld. = Astragalus lentiginosus<br />

Douglas ex Hook. var. diphysus (A. Gray) M. E. Jones<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s Mic h a u x i i (Kuntze) F. J. Herm.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a stragalus glaber Michx.; Tium michauxii (Kuntze)<br />

Rydb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Michaux’s-milk vetch; poison vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Dunc<strong>an</strong> WH, Piercy PL, Starling RJ (1955) Toxicological<br />

studies of southeastern pl<strong>an</strong>ts. I. Leguminosae. Econ Bot<br />

9(3):243-255.<br />

Williams MC, Yost GS, Stermitz FR (1977) Miserotoxin, a<br />

toxic compound in Astragalus michauxii. Phytochemistry<br />

16(9):1438-1439.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s Mis e r Douglas ex Hook.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a stragalus amphidoxus Bl<strong>an</strong>k.<br />

Common Names:<br />

timber milk vetch; weedy milk vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

James LF, Hartley WJ, Williams MC, et al. (1980) Field<br />

<strong>an</strong>d experimental studies in cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep poisoned by<br />

nitro-bearing Astragalus or their toxins. Am J Vet Res<br />

41(3):377-382.<br />

Williams MC, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, Norris FA (1969) Timber<br />

milkvetch poisoning in chickens, rabbits, <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Am<br />

J Vet Res 30(12):2185-2190.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Astragalus mollissimus - 43<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s Mis e r Douglas ex Hook. var.<br />

hylophilus (Rydb.) Barneby [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a stragalus hylophilus (Rydb.) A. Nelson<br />

Common Names:<br />

forest milk vetch; green timber milk vetch; timber milk<br />

vetch; Yellowstone milk vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1933) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1933:34-35.<br />

Newsom IE, Cross F, McCrory BR, et al. (1936) Timber<br />

milk vetch as a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. Colorado Agric Exp Sta<br />

Bull #425:42 pp.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s Mis e r Douglas ex Hook. var.<br />

oblongifolius (Rydb.) Cronquist [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

poison vetch; Rydberg’s-weedy milk vetch; timber milk<br />

vetch; Wasatch milk vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Williams MC (1989) Toxicological investigations on To<strong>an</strong>o,<br />

Wasatch, <strong>an</strong>d stinking milkvetches. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag<br />

42(5):366-368.<br />

Williams MC, Binns W (1967) Toxicity of Astragalus miser<br />

Dougl., var. oblongifolius (Rydb) Cronquist. Weeds<br />

15(4):359-362.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s Mis e r Douglas ex Hook. var.<br />

serotinus (A. Gray ex J. G. Cooper) Barneby<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a stragalus decumbens (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) A.<br />

Gray var. serotinus (A. Gray ex J. G. Cooper) M. E.<br />

Jones; a stragalus palliseri A. Gray; a stragalus serotinus<br />

A. Gray ex J. G. Cooper<br />

Common Names:<br />

Columbia milk vetch; Cooper’s-milk vetch; late locoweed;<br />

late milk vetch; Palliser poison vetch; timber<br />

milk vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Majak W, Neufeld R, Corner J (1980) Toxicity of Astragalus<br />

miser var. serotinus to the honeybee. J Agric Res<br />

19(3):196-199.<br />

Mosher GA, Krishnamurti CR, Kitts WD (1971) Physiological<br />

effects of timber milk vetch, Astragalus miser var.<br />

serotinus, on sheep. C<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 51(Aug):465-474.<br />

Nicholson HH (1963) The treatment of timber milk-vetch<br />

poisoning among cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep. C<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci<br />

43(2):237-240.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s Mo l l is s i Mu s Torr. var. earlei<br />

(Greene ex Rydb.) Tidestr. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a stragalus earlei Greene ex Rydb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Big Bend locoweed; Earle’s-locoweed; garb<strong>an</strong>cillo<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1931) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1931:56-57.<br />

Mathews FP (1932) Locoism in domestic <strong>an</strong>imals. Texas<br />

Agric Exp Sta Bull #456:28 pp.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s Mo l l is s i Mu s Torr. var.<br />

mollissimus [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a stragalus mollissimus Torr.; a stragalus simul<strong>an</strong>s<br />

Cockerell<br />

Common Names:<br />

crazyweed; locoweed; purple locoweed; Texas locoweed;<br />

woolly locoweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Crawford AC (1908) Laboratory work on loco-weed investigations.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Pl<strong>an</strong>t Indus Bull #121(Part<br />

3):39-40.<br />

James LF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR (1971) Acute <strong>an</strong>d residual lesions<br />

of locoweed poisoning in cattle <strong>an</strong>d horses. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 158(5):614-618.<br />

Kirkpatrick JG, Burrows GE (1990) Locoism in horses. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 32(2):168-169.<br />

Klench JP (1888) Rattleweed or loco-disease. Am Vet Rev<br />

12:395-402.<br />

Marsh CD (1908) Results of loco-weed investigations in<br />

the field. U S Dep Agric Bur Pl<strong>an</strong>t Indus Bull #121(Part<br />

3):37-38.<br />

Marsh CD (1909) The locoweed disease of the plains. U S<br />

Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Bull #112:130 pp.<br />

Marsh CD (1919) The locoweed disease. U S Dep Agric<br />

Farmers Bull #1054:24 pp.<br />

Marshall HT (1904) Loco-weed disease of sheep. Bull Johns<br />

Hopkins Hosp 15(158):181-182.<br />

McIlwraith CW, James LF (1982) Limb deformities in foals<br />

associated with ingestion of locoweed by mares. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 181(3):255-258.<br />

Oehme FW, Bailie WE, Hulbert LC (1968) Astragalus mollissimus<br />

(locoweed) toxicosis of horses in western K<strong>an</strong>sas.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 152(3):271-278.<br />

Peters AT, Sturdev<strong>an</strong>t LB (1908) Loco weed poisoning in<br />

horses. Nebraska Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 21:74-107.<br />

Stalker M (1886) The “Loco” pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d its effect on <strong>an</strong>imals.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Annu Rep<br />

3:271-276.<br />

Stegelmeier BL, Molyneux RJ, Elbein AD, et al. (1995)<br />

The lesions of locoweed (Astragalus mollissimus),<br />

swainsonine, <strong>an</strong>d cast<strong>an</strong>ospermine in rats. Vet Pathol<br />

32(3):289-298.<br />

Stegelmeier BL, Molyneux RJ, James LF (1994) The pathology<br />

of swainsonine <strong>an</strong>d locoweed (Astragalus mollissimus)<br />

in rodents. Vet Pathol 31:620.<br />

Stegelmeier BL, Ralphs MH, Gardner DR, et al. (1994)<br />

Locoweed intoxication in r<strong>an</strong>ge cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep: Serum<br />

α-m<strong>an</strong>nosidase activity <strong>an</strong>d clinicopathologic alterations.<br />

In: Colegate SM, Dorling PR (eds.) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated toxins.<br />

Agricultural, phytochemical <strong>an</strong>d ecological aspects.<br />

CABI. New York. pp. 501-506.

44 - Astragalus mollissimus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Stegelmeier BL, Ralphs MH, Gardner DR, et al. (1994)<br />

Serum α-m<strong>an</strong>nosidase activity <strong>an</strong>d the clinicopathologic<br />

alterations of locoweed (Astragalus mollissimus)<br />

intoxication in r<strong>an</strong>ge cattle. J Vet Diagn Invest<br />

6(4):473-479.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s Mo l l is s i Mu s Torr. var.<br />

thompsoniae (S. Watson) Barneby [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a stragalus bigelovii A. Gray; a stragalus thompsoniae<br />

S. Watson<br />

Common Names:<br />

Thompson’s-woolly locoweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Buck WB, James LF, Binns W (1961) Ch<strong>an</strong>ges in serum<br />

tr<strong>an</strong>saminase activities associated with pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d mineral<br />

toxicity in sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Proc Am Coll Vet Toxicol<br />

1961:13-24.<br />

Buck WB, James LF, Binns W (1961) Ch<strong>an</strong>ges in serum<br />

tr<strong>an</strong>saminase activities associated with pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d<br />

mineral toxicity in sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Cornell Vet<br />

51(Oct):568-585.<br />

Astragalus nigrescens (Hook.) A. Gray = Astragalus tenellus<br />

Pursh<br />

Astragalus palliseri A. Gray = Astragalus miser Douglas ex<br />

Hook. var. serotinus (A. Gray ex J. G. Cooper) Barneby<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s p r a e l o n g u s E. Sheld.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a stragalus recedens (Rydb.) Ced. Porter; j onesiella<br />

recedens Rydb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

stinking milk vetch; straight-stem locoweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Baker DC, James LF, Hartley WJ, et al. (1989) Toxicosis<br />

in pigs fed selenium-accumulating Astragalus<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t species or sodium selenate. Am J Vet Res<br />

50(8):1396-1399.<br />

Hartley WJ, James LF, Broquist H, et al. (1985) Pathology<br />

of experimental locoweed <strong>an</strong>d selenium poisoning<br />

in pigs. In: Seawright AA, Hegarty MP, James<br />

LF, et al. (eds.) Pl<strong>an</strong>t toxicology. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t Committee. Yeerongpilly. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. pp.<br />

141-149.<br />

James LF, Smart RA, Shupe JL, et al. (1982) Suspected<br />

phytogenic selenium poisoning in sheep. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 180(12):1478-1481.<br />

Williams MC (1989) Toxicological investigations on To<strong>an</strong>o,<br />

Wasatch, <strong>an</strong>d stinking milkvetches. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag<br />

42(5):366-368.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s p Te r o c a r p u s S. Watson<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

wing milk vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

James LF, Hartley WJ, Williams MC, et al. (1980) Field<br />

<strong>an</strong>d experimental studies in cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep poisoned by<br />

nitro-bearing Astragalus or their toxins. Am J Vet Res<br />

41(3):377-382.<br />

Williams MC, James LF (1974) Toxicity of several nitritebearing<br />

Astragalus species. Proc West Soc Weed Sci 27:4.<br />

Williams MC, James LF (1975) Toxicity of nitro-containing<br />

Astragalus to sheep <strong>an</strong>d chicks. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag<br />

28(4):260-263.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s p u b e n Tis s i Mu s Torr. & A. Gray<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Green River milk vetch; locoweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Balls LD, James LF (1973) Effect of locoweed (Astragalus<br />

spp.) on reproductive perform<strong>an</strong>ce of ewes. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 162(4):291-292.<br />

Buck WB, James LF, Binns W (1961) Ch<strong>an</strong>ges in serum<br />

tr<strong>an</strong>saminase activities associated with pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d mineral<br />

toxicity in sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Proc Am Coll Vet Toxicol<br />

1961:13-24.<br />

Buck WB, James LF, Binns W (1961) Ch<strong>an</strong>ges in serum<br />

tr<strong>an</strong>saminase activities associated with pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d<br />

mineral toxicity in sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Cornell Vet<br />

51(Oct):568-585.<br />

James LF, Bennett KL, Parker KG, et al. (1968) Loco pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

poisoning in sheep. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag 21(6):360-365.<br />

James LF, Binns W (1967) Blood ch<strong>an</strong>ges associated with<br />

locoweed poisoning. Am J Vet Res 28(125):1107-1110.<br />

James LF, Keeler RF, Binns W (1969) Sequence in the abortive<br />

<strong>an</strong>d teratogenic effects of locoweed fed to sheep. Am<br />

J Vet Res 30(3):377-380.<br />

James LF, Shupe JL, Binns W, et al. (1967) Abortive <strong>an</strong>d<br />

teratogenic effects of locoweed on sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Am J<br />

Vet Res 28(126):1379-1388.<br />

James LF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, Hartley WJ (1970) Comparative<br />

pathology of Astragalus (locoweed) <strong>an</strong>d Swainsona<br />

poisoning in sheep. Pathol Vet 7(2):116-125.<br />

James LF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, Johnson AE (1970) Physiopathologic<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in locoweed poisoning of livestock.<br />

Am J Vet Res 31(4):663-672.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF (1969) Pathology of locoweed<br />

poisoning in sheep. Pathol Vet 6(5):413-423.<br />

Astragalus recedens (Rydb.) Ced. Porter = Astragalus<br />

praelongus E. Sheld.<br />

Astragalus serotinus A. Gray ex J. G. Cooper = Astragalus<br />

miser Douglas ex Hook. var. serotinus (A. Gray ex J. G.<br />

Cooper) Barneby<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s s i l iq u o s u s Boiss. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Williams MC, James LF, Bleak AT (1976) Toxicity of introduced<br />

nitro-containing Astragalus to sheep, cattle, <strong>an</strong>d<br />

chicks. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag 29(1):30-33.<br />

Astragalus simul<strong>an</strong>s Cockerell = Astragalus mollissimus<br />

Torr. var. mollissimus

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Atalaya hemiglauca - 45<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s Te n e l l u s Pursh [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a stragalus nigrescens (Hook.) A. Gray; h omalobus<br />

clementis Rydb.; h omalobus multiflorus (Pursh) Torr.<br />

& A. Gray; h omalobus stipitatus Rydb.; h omalobus<br />

strigulosus Rydb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

pulse milk vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1934) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1934:38.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s Te Tr a p Te r u s A. Gray<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

four-wing milk vetch; poison vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB (1920) Astragalus tetrapterus, a<br />

new poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t of Utah <strong>an</strong>d Nevada. U S Dep Agric<br />

Circ #81:6 pp.<br />

Williams MC, James LF (1975) Toxicity of nitro-containing<br />

Astragalus to sheep <strong>an</strong>d chicks. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag<br />

28(4):260-263.<br />

Astragalus thompsoniae S. Watson = Astragalus<br />

mollissimus Torr. var. thompsoniae (S. Watson) Barneby<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s To a n u s M. E. Jones [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

To<strong>an</strong>o milk vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Williams MC (1989) Toxicological investigations on To<strong>an</strong>o,<br />

Wasatch, <strong>an</strong>d stinking milkvetches. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag<br />

42(5):366-368.<br />

Williams MC, James LF (1975) Toxicity of nitro-containing<br />

Astragalus to sheep <strong>an</strong>d chicks. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag<br />

28(4):260-263.<br />

a s Tr ag a l u s w o o To n i i E. Sheld. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bladderpod locoweed; garb<strong>an</strong>cillo; rattleweed; western<br />

locoweed; Wooton’s-milk vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1931) Investigation of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep<br />

1931:56-57.<br />

James LF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR (1974) Effect of protein <strong>an</strong>d<br />

mineral supplementation on potential locoweed (Astragalus<br />

spp.) poisoning in sheep. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

164(10):1042-1043.<br />

Mathews FP (1932) Locoism in domestic <strong>an</strong>imals. Texas<br />

Agric Exp Sta Bull #456:5-28.<br />

Nelson BK, James LF, Sharma RP, et al. (1977) Subtle postnatal<br />

effects of locoweed in rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol<br />

41(1):139-140.<br />

Nelson BK, James LF, Sharma RP, et al. (1980) Locoweed<br />

embryotoxicity in rats. Clin Toxicol 16(2):149-166.<br />

Staley EE (1978) An approach to treatment of locoism in<br />

horses. Vet Med Small Anim Clin 73(9):1205-1206.<br />

a s Tr o l e p is c o c h is e n s is (Goodd.) D. M.<br />

Benham & Windham [Pteridaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

n otholaena sinuata (Lag. ex Sw.) Kaulf. var. cochisensis<br />

(Goodd.) Weath<br />

Common Names:<br />

cloak fern; false cloak fern; jimmy fern<br />

Citations:<br />

Mathews FP (1941) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Davis Mountains.<br />

Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 54:93.<br />

Mathews FP (1942) Fern (Notholaena sinuata, var. crenata)<br />

poisoning in sheep, goats, <strong>an</strong>d cattle - The so-called<br />

“jimmies” of the Tr<strong>an</strong>s-Pecos. Texas Agric Exp Sta Bull<br />

#611:5-15.<br />

Mathews FP (1945) A comparison of the toxicity of Notholaena<br />

sinuata <strong>an</strong>d N. sinuata var. cochisensis. Rhodora<br />

47(564):393-395.<br />

a s Tr o n i u M u r u n d e u va (Allemão) Engl.<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Vilar MD, Diógenes MJ, Vilar JL, et al. (2004) Contact dermatitis<br />

associated with Astronium urundeuva (Allemão)<br />

Engl., a traditional medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>t from Brazil. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 51(5-6):311.<br />

a Ta l a y a h e Mig l a u c a (F. Muell.) F. Muell. ex<br />

Benth. [Sapindaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

whitewood<br />

Citations:<br />

McConnell JD, Barnes JE (1956) The toxicity of the fruits of<br />

Atalaya hemiglauca (“Whitewood”) for horses. Aust Vet<br />

J 32(Apr):74-76.<br />

Murn<strong>an</strong>e D (1927) “Walkabout,” or Kimberley horse disease.<br />

J CSIRO Aust 1:168-173.<br />

Murn<strong>an</strong>e D (1929) Kimberley horse disease. J CSIRO Aust<br />

2:110-111.<br />

Murn<strong>an</strong>e D (1953) The toxicity of Atalaya hemiglauca<br />

(whitewood) for horses. Aust Vet J 29(Jul):188-190.<br />

Murn<strong>an</strong>e D, Ewart AJ (1928) Kimberley horse disease (walkabout<br />

disease). Aust CSIRO Bull #36:61 pp.<br />

Rose AL, Gardner CA, McConnell JD, et al. (1957) Field<br />

<strong>an</strong>d experimental investigation of “walk-about” disease<br />

of horses (Kimberly horse disease) in Northern Australia.<br />

Crotalaria poisoning in horses. Part II. Aust Vet J<br />

33(Mar):49-62.<br />

Whittem JH (1968) Experimental whitewood, Atalaya<br />

hemiglauca, poisoning in the horse. Aust Vet J<br />

44(Sep):426.<br />

atarillal –see– Ammi majus L.

46 - Ateleia glaziove<strong>an</strong>a D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

a Te l e i a g l a z iov e a n a Baill. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

García y S<strong>an</strong>tos MC, Schild AL, Barros SS, et al. (2004)<br />

Lesões perinatais em bovinos na intoxicação experimental<br />

por Ateleia glaziovi<strong>an</strong>a (Leg. Papilionoideae). Pesq<br />

Vet Bras 24(4):178-184.<br />

Gava A, Barros CS (2001) Field observations of Atelia<br />

glaziovi<strong>an</strong>a poisoning in cattle in southern Brazil. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(1):37-41.<br />

Gava A, Barros CS, Pilati C, et al. (2001) Intoxicação por<br />

Ateleia glaziovi<strong>an</strong>a (Leg. Papilionoideae) em bovinos.<br />

Pesq Vet Bras 21(2):49-59.<br />

Raffi MB, Barros RR, Brag<strong>an</strong>ca JF, et al. (2004) The pathogenesis<br />

of reproductive failure induced in sheep by the<br />

ingestion of Ateleia Glaziovi<strong>an</strong>a. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

46(5):233-238.<br />

Stigger AL, Barros CS, L<strong>an</strong>gohr IM, et al. (2001) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Ateleia glaziovi<strong>an</strong>a (Leg. Papilionoideae)<br />

em ovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 21(3):98-108.<br />

a Th a n a s i a Tr i f u r c a Ta (L.) L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

klaaslouwbossie; kouterbossie<br />

Citations:<br />

Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, Coetzer JA, Schneider DJ, et al. (1983) Photosensitivity<br />

in South Africa. III. Ovine hepatogenous<br />

photosensitivity caused by the pl<strong>an</strong>t Ath<strong>an</strong>asia trifurcata<br />

L. (Asteraceae). Onderstepoort J Vet Res 50(1):45-53.<br />

atis –see– Annona squamosa L.<br />

Atlasholz –see– Chloroxylon swietenia DC.<br />

Atractylis gummifera L. Chamaeleon gummifera (L.) Cass.<br />

a Tr i pl e x c a n e s c e n s (Pursh) Nutt.<br />

[Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chamiza; four-wing saltbush; wingscale<br />

Citations:<br />

Fleming CE (1920) <strong>Poisonous</strong> r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric<br />

Exp Sta Annu Rep 1919:39-43.<br />

James LF, Smart RA, Shupe JL, et al. (1982) Suspected<br />

phytogenic selenium poisoning in sheep. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 180(12):1478-1481.<br />

a Tr i pl e x c o n f e r Ti f o l i a (Torr. & Frem.) S.<br />

Watson [Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

shadscale<br />

Citations:<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR, et al. (1931) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep<br />

#1928:21-22.<br />

a Tr i pl e x h o r Te n s is L. [Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

garden orache; Gartenmelde; mountain orach; orache;<br />

orashe; Wilder Spinat; Zuckermelde<br />

Citations:<br />

Cheeke PR, Carlsson R (1978) Evaluation of several crops<br />

as sources of leaf meal: Composition, effect of drying<br />

procedure, <strong>an</strong>d rat growth response. Nutr Rep Int<br />

18(4):465-473.<br />

Tyszlukiewicz D, Żelazowski K (1964) Zmi<strong>an</strong>y skórne<br />

wywoł<strong>an</strong>e spożyciem łobody ogrodowej. Pol Tyg Lek<br />

(Wars) 19(30):1166-1167.<br />

a Tr i pl e x p a Tu l a L. [Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

orache<br />

Citations:<br />

Scheuer-Karpin R (1948) Poisoning by food pl<strong>an</strong>ts. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

254(Apr 10):574-575.<br />

a Tr i pl e x r o s e a L. [Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

red orache; redscale; Rosenmelde<br />

Citations:<br />

Fleming CE (1920) <strong>Poisonous</strong> r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric<br />

Exp Sta Annu Rep 1919:39-43.<br />

a Tr o p a b e l l a d o n n a L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Asthmador; b<strong>an</strong>ewort; belladone; belladonna; black<br />

cherry; daftberry; deadly nightshade; death’s-herb;<br />

dwale; dwayberry; galnebaer; great morel; morelle<br />

furieuse; naughty-m<strong>an</strong>’s-cherry; nettleberry; poison<br />

blackcherry; sleeping nightshade; Tollkirsche; Waldnachtschatten;<br />

Wolfskirsche<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1846) Deaths from nightshade berries. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

2:251-252.<br />

Anonymous (1846) Poisoning with the deadly nightshade.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>cet 2:280.<br />

Anonymous (1948) Deadly nightshade poisoning. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

2(Sep 25):513-514.<br />

Anonymous (1948) Nightshade poisoning. L<strong>an</strong>cet 2(Sep<br />

11):438.<br />

Çaksen T, Odabaş D, Akbayram S, et al. (2003) Deadly<br />

nightshade (Atropa belladonna) intoxication: An <strong>an</strong>alysis<br />

of 49 children. Hum Exp Toxicol 22(12):665-668.<br />

Cummins BM, Obetz SW, Wilson MR Jr (1968) Belladonna<br />

poisoning as a facet of psychodelia. JAMA 204(11):1011.<br />

Firth D, Bentley JR (1921) Belladonna poisoning from eating<br />

rabbit. L<strong>an</strong>cet 2(Oct 29):901.<br />

Gabel MC (1968) Purposeful ingestion of belladonna for<br />

hallucinatory effects. J Pediatr 72(6):864-866.<br />

Galizia EJ (1983) Clinical curio: Hallucinations in elderly tea<br />

drinkers. Br Med J 287(Oct 1):979.<br />

Golwalla A (1965) Multiple extrasystoles: An unusual m<strong>an</strong>ifestation<br />

of belladonna poisoning. Dis Chest 48:83-84.<br />

Hartmeier SH, Steurer J (1996) Mydriasis, Tachykardie.<br />

Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax 85(15):495-498.<br />

Joll ME (1916) Three cases of belladonna poisoning. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

2(Oct 7):647.<br />

Joshi P, Wicks AC, Munshi SK (2003) Recurrent autumnal<br />

psychosis. Postgrad Med J 79(930):239-240.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Aucuba japonica - 47<br />

Koff M (1966) Poisoning from ingestion of asthma “powders.”<br />

JAMA 198(9):1034.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>ge A, Toft P (1990) Forgiftning med galnebær, Atropa<br />

belladonna. Ugeskr Laeger 152(15):1096.<br />

LÖhrer F, Kaiser R (1999) Biogene Suchtmittel. Neue Konsumgewohnheiten<br />

bei jungen Abhängigen? Nervenarzt<br />

70(11):1029-1033.<br />

Minors EH (1948) Five cases of belladonna poisoning. Br<br />

Med J 2(Sep 11):518-519.<br />

Muller DJ (1967) Unpublicized hallucinogens. The d<strong>an</strong>gerous<br />

belladonna alkaloids. JAMA 202(7):650-651.<br />

Northall FS, Dauncey EA, Butler JM (2003) An overview of<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d fungal poisonings in the UK, <strong>an</strong>d some interesting<br />

cases. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(4):518-519.<br />

Pestalozzi BC, Caduff F (1986) Gruppenvergiftung<br />

mit Tollkirschentee. Schweiz Med Wochenschr<br />

116(27-28):924-926.<br />

Plackova S, Cag<strong>an</strong>ova B (1998) Acute intoxications by<br />

mushrooms <strong>an</strong>d pl<strong>an</strong>ts in Slovakia. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

36(5):452-453.<br />

Schneider R, Lutum R, Kintz P, et al. (1996) Plasma <strong>an</strong>d<br />

urine concentrations of atropine after the ingestion of<br />

cooked deadly nightshade berries. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

34(1):113-117.<br />

Schvartsm<strong>an</strong> S, Marcondes E (1965) Intoxicações acidentais<br />

agudas na inf<strong>an</strong>cias. Revisão de 208 casos. Rev Paul Med<br />

66(1):24-39.<br />

Smith HC, Taussig RA, Peterson PC (1956) Deadly nightshade<br />

poisoning in swine. Case reports of two herds. J<br />

Am Vet Med Assoc 129(Aug 1):116-117.<br />

Southgate HJ, Egerton M, Dauncey EA (2000) Lessons to<br />

be learned: A case study approach. Unseasonal severe poisoning<br />

of two adults by deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna).<br />

J R Soc Health 120(2):127-130.<br />

Testasecca D, Caputi C, Pavoni PA (1978) Su di un caso<br />

di avvelenamento da bacche di belladonna. Clin Ter<br />

86(3):277-280.<br />

Tiossa GG, Pavliuk VT (1994) [Emergency care <strong>an</strong>d intensive<br />

therapy in acute poisonings by belladonna berries.]<br />

Voen Med Zh 2(2):38-39.<br />

Tita B, Bolle P, Martinoli L, et al. (1988) A comparative<br />

study of Atropa belladonna <strong>an</strong>d atropine on <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>imal<br />

model of urinary retention. Pharmacol Res Commun<br />

20(Suppl 5):55-58.<br />

Trabattoni G, Visintini D, Terz<strong>an</strong>o GM, et al. (1984) Accidental<br />

poisoning with deadly nightshade berries: A case<br />

report. Hum Toxicol 3(6):513-516.<br />

Wilcox WP Jr (1967) More cases of atropinism. N Engl J<br />

Med 277(22):1209.<br />

a TTa l e a s p e c io s a Mart. ex Spreng. [Arecaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

o rbignya phalerata Mart.<br />

Common Names:<br />

babassu<br />

Citations:<br />

Gait<strong>an</strong> E, Cooksey RC, Leg<strong>an</strong> J, et al. (1994) Antithyroid<br />

effects in vivo <strong>an</strong>d in vitro of babassu <strong>an</strong>d m<strong>an</strong>dioca: A<br />

staple food in goiter areas of Brazil. Eur J Endocrinol<br />

131(21):138-144.<br />

aubergine –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um melongena L.<br />

aucuba –see– Aucuba japonica Thunb.<br />

a u c u b a j a p o n ic a Thunb. [Garryaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

aucuba; blotch-leaf laurel; gold-dust pl<strong>an</strong>t; gold-leaf<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese aucuba; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese laurel; spotted laurel;<br />

variegated laurel<br />

Citations:<br />

Leveau AM, Dur<strong>an</strong>d M, Paris RR (1979) Sur la toxicite des<br />

fruits de l’Aucuba japonica (Cornacees). Pl<strong>an</strong>tes Med<br />

Phytotherap 13(3):199-204.<br />

aulne noir –see– Fr<strong>an</strong>gula alnus Mill.<br />

auricula –see– Primula auricula L.<br />

Ausdauerndes Bingelkraut –see– Mercurialis perennis L.<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> asthma herb –see– Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp.<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> flame tree –see– Sterculia foetida L.<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> be<strong>an</strong> tree –see– Cast<strong>an</strong>ospermum australe A.<br />

Cunn. & C. Fraser ex Hook.<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> black be<strong>an</strong> tree –see– Cast<strong>an</strong>ospermum australe A.<br />

Cunn. & C. Fraser ex Hook.<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> blackwood –see– Acacia mel<strong>an</strong>oxylon R. Br.<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> bush nut –see– Macadamia integrifolia Maiden &<br />

Betche; Macadamia tetraphylla L. A. S. Johnson<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> cabbage –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> finger cherry –see– Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa<br />

Benth.<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> indigo –see– Indigofera australis Willd.<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> ivy palm –see– Schefflera actinophylla (Endl.)<br />

Harms<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> nettle –see– Dendrocnide moroides (Wedd.) Chew<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> nut palm –see– Cycas revoluta Thunb.<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> phalaris –see– Phalaris aquatica L.<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> pine –see– Casuarina cristata Miq.; Casuarina<br />

equisetifolia L.<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> poison bush –see– Gastrolobium gr<strong>an</strong>diflorum F.<br />

Muell.<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> silk oak –see– Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. ex R.<br />

Br.<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> snakeweed –see– Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp.<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> tea tree –see– Melaleuca alternifolia (Maiden &<br />

Betche) Cheel<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> umbrella tree –see– Schefflera actinophylla (Endl.)<br />

Harms<br />

Australische Brennessel –see– Dendrocnide moroides (Wedd.)<br />

Chew<br />

Austri<strong>an</strong> pea –see– Pisum sativum L.<br />

autumn adonis –see– Adonis <strong>an</strong>nua L.<br />

autumn crocus –see– Colchicum autumnale L.

48 - Avena sativa D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

autumn sneezeweed –see– Helenium autumnale L.<br />

avasa –see– Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.<br />

ave grace –see– Ruta graveolens L.<br />

aveia –see– Avena sativa L.<br />

aveia louca –see– Phalaris <strong>an</strong>gusta Nees ex Trin.<br />

aveia-de-s<strong>an</strong>gue –see– Phalaris <strong>an</strong>gusta Nees ex Trin.<br />

avell<strong>an</strong>a-purg<strong>an</strong>te-de-S<strong>an</strong>to Domingo –see– Jatropha<br />

multifida L.<br />

a ve n a s a Ti va L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

aveia; Hafer; oats<br />

Citations:<br />

Allen AL, Townsend HG, Doige CE (1998) Ingestion of<br />

nitrate-containing pl<strong>an</strong>ts as a possible risk factor for congenital<br />

hypothyroidism in foals. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC<br />

(eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI.<br />

New York. pp. 334-338.<br />

Bradley WB, Beath OA, Eppson HF (1939) Oat hay poisoning.<br />

Science 89(Apr 21):365.<br />

de Paz Arr<strong>an</strong>z S, Pérez Montero A, Zapatero Remón L, et<br />

al. (2002) Allergic contact urticaria to oatmeal. Allergy<br />

57(12):1215.<br />

Dempster JG (1981) Contact dermatitis from br<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d oats.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 7(2):122.<br />

Newsom IE, Stout EN, Thorp F Jr, et al. (1937) Oat hay<br />

poisoning. J Am Vet Med Assoc 90(43):66-75.<br />

Sippel WL, Burnside JE (1954) Oat dermatitis. Georgia Vet<br />

6(2):3-4.<br />

Solomons B (1971) Sensitization to oats <strong>an</strong>d barley. Contact<br />

Dermatol Newsl 10(Jul):231.<br />

Thorp F Jr (1938) Further observations on oat hay poisoning.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 92:159-170.<br />

averil –see– Narcissus pseudonarcissus L.<br />

a ve r r h o a c a r a Mb o l a L. [Oxalidaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

star fruit<br />

Citations:<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>g CH, Yeh JH (2004) Non-convulsive status epilepticus<br />

<strong>an</strong>d consciousness disturb<strong>an</strong>ce after star fruit (Averrhoa<br />

carambola) ingestion in a dialysis patient. Nephrology<br />

(Carlton) 9(6):362-365.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>g CT, Chen YC, F<strong>an</strong>g JT, et al. (2002) Star fruit (Averrhoa<br />

carambola) intoxication: An import<strong>an</strong>t cause of consciousness<br />

disturb<strong>an</strong>ce in patients with renal failure. Ren<br />

Fail 24(3):379-382.<br />

Neto MM (1998) Intoxication by star fruit (Averrhoa carambola)<br />

in six dialysis patients? Nephrol Dial Tr<strong>an</strong>spl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

13(3):570-572.<br />

Neto MM, da Costa JA, Garcia-Cairasco N, et al. (2003)<br />

Intoxication by star fruit (Averrhoa carambola) in 32<br />

uraemic patients: Treatment <strong>an</strong>d outcome. Nephrol Dial<br />

Tr<strong>an</strong>spl<strong>an</strong>t 18(1):120-125.<br />

Tse KC, Yip PS, Lam MF, et al. (2003) Star fruit intoxication<br />

in uraemic patients: Case series <strong>an</strong>d review of the<br />

literature. Intern Med J 33(7):314-316.<br />

avocado –see– Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a Mill. var. americ<strong>an</strong>a<br />

avocado pear –see– Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a Mill. var. americ<strong>an</strong>a<br />

avordiré –see– Turrae<strong>an</strong>thus afric<strong>an</strong>us (Welw. ex C. DC.)<br />

Pellegr.<br />

awa –see– Piper methysticum G. Forst.<br />

axwort –see– Securigera varia (L.) Lassen<br />

ayahuasca –see– B<strong>an</strong>isteriopsis caapi (Spruce ex Griseb.) C.<br />

V. Morton<br />

ayahuasca roja –see– B<strong>an</strong>isteriopsis caapi (Spruce ex Griseb.)<br />

C. V. Morton<br />

ay<strong>an</strong> –see– Distemon<strong>an</strong>thus benthami<strong>an</strong>us Baill.<br />

a z a d i r a c h Ta i n d ic a A. Juss. [Meliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Chinese tallow tree; margosa tree; neem; neempathi;<br />

nim tree; nimb<br />

Citations:<br />

Ali BH (1987) The toxicity of Azadirachta indica leaves in<br />

goats <strong>an</strong>d guinea pigs. Vet Hum Toxicol 29(1):16-19.<br />

Ali BH, Salih AM (1982) Suspected Azadirachta indica toxicity<br />

in a sheep. Vet Rec 111(21):494.<br />

Bh<strong>an</strong>dari DS, Joshi MS (1974) The effect of feeding deoiled<br />

neem cake on health of sheep. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J 51(Sep-<br />

Oct):659-660.<br />

Christopher KJ, Ahmed MN, Sastry GA (1976) Effects of<br />

feeding deoiled neem seed cake to chicken. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Vet<br />

Pathol 1(1):27-30.<br />

Ibrahim IA, Omer SA, Ibrahim FH, et al. (1992) Experimental<br />

Azadirachta indica toxicosis in chicks. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 34(3):221-224.<br />

Joshi AR, Ahamed RN, Path<strong>an</strong> KM, et al. (1996) Effect<br />

of Azadirachta indica leaves on testis <strong>an</strong>d its recovery in<br />

albino rats. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Exp Biol 34(11):1091-1094.<br />

Lai SM, Lim KW, Cheng HK (1990) Margosa oil poisoning<br />

as a cause of toxic encephalopathy. Singapore Med J<br />

31:463-465.<br />

Rahm<strong>an</strong> MF, Siddiqui MK, Jamil K (2001) Effects of<br />

Vepacide (Azadirachta indica) on aspartate <strong>an</strong>d al<strong>an</strong>ine<br />

aminotr<strong>an</strong>sferase profiles in a subchronic study with rats.<br />

Hum Exp Toxicol 20:243-249.<br />

Sadagop<strong>an</strong> VR, Johri TS, Reddy V, et al. (1982) Feeding<br />

value of neem seed meal for starter chicks. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J<br />

59(Jun):462-465.<br />

Sinniah D, Baskar<strong>an</strong> G (1981) Margosa oil poisoning as a<br />

cause of Reye’s syndrome. L<strong>an</strong>cet 1(8218):487-489.<br />

Sinniah D, Baskar<strong>an</strong> G, Looi AH, et al. (1982) Reye-like<br />

syndrome due to margosa oil poisoning: Report of a<br />

case with postmortem findings. Am J Gastroenterol<br />

77(3):158-161.<br />

azafr<strong>an</strong> –see– Crocus sativus L.<br />

azalea –see– Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet;<br />

Rhododendron simsii Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

azobe tree –see– Lophira alata B<strong>an</strong>ks ex C. F. Gaertn.<br />

azufaifa –see– Ziziphus jujuba Mill.

a dau –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

babassu –see– Attalea speciosa Mart. ex Spreng.<br />

babul –see– Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd.<br />

baby rubber pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A. Dietr.<br />

baby’s-breath –see– Gypsophila p<strong>an</strong>iculata L.<br />

b a c c h a r i d a s Tr u M Tr i pl i n e rv i u M (Less.)<br />

Cabrera [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

L<strong>an</strong>gohr IM, Gava A, Barros CS (2005) Intoxicação por<br />

Baccharidastrum triplinervium (Asteraceae) em bovinos.<br />

Pesq Vet Bras 25(4):235-238.<br />

baccharis –see– Baccharis glomeruliflora Pers.<br />

b a c c h a r is c o r i d i f o l i a DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

mio mio; oromerillo; romerillo<br />

Citations:<br />

Döbereiner J, Rezende AM, Tokarnia CH (1976) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Baccharis coridifolia em coelhos.<br />

Pesq Agric Bras Vet 11(9):27-35.<br />

Rissi DR, Rech RR, Fighera RA, et al. (2005) Intoxicação<br />

espontânea por Baccharis coridifolia em bovinos. Pesq<br />

Vet Bras 25(2):111-114.<br />

Rozza DB, Raymundo DL, Corrêa AM, et al. (2006) Intoxicação<br />

espontânea por Baccharis coridifolia (Compositae)<br />

em ovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 26(1):21-25.<br />

Ruiz LF (1930) Tres pl<strong>an</strong>tas toxicas de la flora Argentina.<br />

Bol Minist Agric Nac Rep Argentina 29(Mar):45-55.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J (1975) Intoxicação experimental<br />

em bovinos por “Mio-Mio,” Baccharis coridifolia. Pesq<br />

Agric Bras Vet 10(8):79-97.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J (1976) Intoxicação experimental<br />

em ovinos por “Mio-Mio,” Baccharis coridifolia. Pesq<br />

Agric Bras Vet 11(9):19-26.<br />

Varaschin MS, Alessi AC (2003) Poisoning of mice by Baccharis<br />

coridifolia: An experimental model. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 45(1):42-44.<br />

Varaschin MS, Barros CS, Jarvis BB (1998) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Baccharis coridifolia (Compositae) em<br />

bovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 18(2):69-74.<br />

b a c c h a r is e r ig e r o i d e s DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Andrade SO, Camargo WV, Fern<strong>an</strong>des N (1963) II. Investigações<br />

sôbre pl<strong>an</strong>tas tóxicas no Estado de São Paulo. Arq<br />

Inst Biol (Sao Paulo) 30(Oct):189-203.<br />

B<br />

b a c c h a r is g l o Me r u l i f l o r a Pers.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

baccharis; groundsel bush; silverling; southern<br />

baccharis<br />

Citations:<br />

Dunc<strong>an</strong> WH, Piercy PL, Feurt SD, et al. (1957) Toxicological<br />

studies of southeastern pl<strong>an</strong>ts. II. Compositae. Econ<br />

Bot 11:75-85.<br />

b a c c h a r is h a l i Mi f o l i a L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

consumption weed; eastern baccharis; groundsel bush;<br />

groundsel tree; salt groundsel; sea myrtle; silverling<br />

Citations:<br />

Dunc<strong>an</strong> WH, Piercy PL, Feurt SD, et al. (1957) Toxicological<br />

studies of southeastern pl<strong>an</strong>ts. II. Compositae. Econ<br />

Bot 11:75-85.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>ley GD, Edds GT, Sundlof SF (1982) Cattle deaths<br />

from poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. Florida Vet J 11(Dec):20.<br />

Baccharis megapotamica Spreng. var. weirii (Baker) G. M.<br />

Barroso = Baccharis megapotamica Spreng.<br />

b a c c h a r is Me g a p o Ta Mic a Spreng.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b accharis megapotamica Spreng. var. weirii (Baker) G.<br />

M. Barroso<br />

Citations:<br />

Driemeier D, Cruz C, Loretti A (2000) Baccharis megapotamica<br />

var weirii poisoning in Brazili<strong>an</strong> cattle. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 42(4):220-221.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Peixoto PV, Gava A, et al. (1992) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Baccharis megapotamica var. megapotamica<br />

e var. weirii (Compositae) em bovinos. Pesq Vet<br />

Bras 12(1-2):19-31.<br />

b a c c h a r is p Te r o n io i d e s DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hierba-de-pasmo; yerba-de-pasmo; yerba m<strong>an</strong>za<br />

Citations:<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Eggleston WW (1920) Baccharis<br />

pteronioides as a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t of the Southwest. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 57:430-434.

50 - Baccharis stenocephala D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

b a c c h a r is s Te n o c e p h a l a Baker<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Andrade SO, Camargo WV, Fern<strong>an</strong>des N (1963) II. Investigações<br />

sôbre pl<strong>an</strong>tas tóxicas no Estado de São Paulo. Arq<br />

Inst Biol (Sao Paulo) 30(Oct):189-203.<br />

bachnag –see– Aconitum napellus L.<br />

Badekraut –see– Levisticum officinale W. D. J. Koch<br />

badoh –see– Ipomoea violacea L.; Turbina corymbosa (L.) Raf.<br />

badoh negro –see– Ipomoea tricolor Cav.<br />

bagin –see– Derris trifoliata Lour.<br />

bagpod –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia vesicaria (Jacq.) Elliott<br />

bagpod sesb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia vesicaria (Jacq.) Elliott<br />

bagpod sesb<strong>an</strong>ia –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia vesicaria (Jacq.) Elliott<br />

bagseed –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia vesicaria (Jacq.) Elliott<br />

bahera –see– Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb.<br />

Bahia –see– Picradeniopsis oppositifolia (Nutt.) Rydb.<br />

Bahia grass –see– Paspalum dilatatum Poir.; Paspalum<br />

notatum Flüggé<br />

Bahia oppositifolia (Nutt.) DC. = Picradeniopsis<br />

oppositifolia (Nutt.) Rydb.<br />

Bahia rosewood –see– Dalbergia nigra (Vell.) Allemão ex<br />

Benth.<br />

baijiaoli<strong>an</strong> –see– Podophyllum plei<strong>an</strong>thum H<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

baileya –see– Baileya multiradiata Harv. & A. Gray ex Torr.<br />

b a i l e y a Mu l Ti r a d i a Ta Harv. & A. Gray ex<br />

Torr. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

baileya; cloth-of-gold; desert baileya; desert marigold;<br />

m<strong>an</strong>y-ray Baileya; paper flower<br />

Citations:<br />

Dollahite JW (1960) Desert baileya poisoning in sheep,<br />

goats, <strong>an</strong>d rabbits. Texas Agric Exp Sta Prog Rep #2149:4<br />

pp.<br />

Mathews FP (1932) Miscell<strong>an</strong>eous poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas<br />

Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 45:11-12.<br />

Mathews FP (1933) The toxicity of Baileya multiradiata for<br />

sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 83(Nov):673-679.<br />

Mathews FP, Schmidt H (1934) Miscell<strong>an</strong>eous poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 47:12-13.<br />

bajiaoli<strong>an</strong> –see– Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

bajra –see– Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.<br />

bakarai bish –see– Ageratum conyzoides L.<br />

bakario –see– Indigofera linnaei Ali<br />

bakkain –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

balewort –see– Papaver somniferum L.<br />

b a l f o u r o d e n d r o n r i e d e l i a n u M (Engl.)<br />

Engl. [Rutaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Piquiá marfim<br />

Citations:<br />

Freise FW (1936) Vergiftungen durch brasili<strong>an</strong>ische<br />

Werkhölzer. II. Jacareúba-Holz und Seidenholz. Sammlung<br />

Vergiftungsfallen 7(C33):61-72.<br />

bali bali –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

ball nettle –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um carolinense L.<br />

ball nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um carolinense L.<br />

balloon cotton –see– Gomphocarpus fruticosa (L.) W. T.<br />

Aiton<br />

balsam –see– Euphorbia drummondii Boiss.<br />

balsam fir –see– Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.<br />

balsam-of-pine –see– Pinus sylvestris L.<br />

balsam-of-spruce –see– Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.<br />

balsam-of-tolu –see– Myroxylon balsamum (L.) Harms<br />

balsam pear –see– Momordica char<strong>an</strong>tia L.<br />

balsamino –see– Momordica char<strong>an</strong>tia L.<br />

balubad –see– Anacardium occidentale L.<br />

balugo –see– Entada phaseoloides (L.) Merr.<br />

bambatsi grass –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum coloratum L. var. makariense<br />

Gooss.<br />

bamboo –see– Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex J. C. Wendl.<br />

bambu –see– Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex J. C. Wendl.<br />

b a Mb u s a v u l g a r is Schrad. ex J. C. Wendl.<br />

[Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bamboo; bambu; caña brava<br />

Citations:<br />

Barbosa JD, Oliveira CM, Duarte MD, et al. (2006) Poisoning<br />

of horses by bamboo, Bambusa vulgaris. J Equine Vet<br />

Sci 26 (9):393-398.<br />

Schiff BL (1951) Contact dermatitis caused by bamboo. Arch<br />

Derm Syphilol 64(1):66-67.<br />

b<strong>an</strong> –see– Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus<br />

b<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>a –see– Musa ×paradisiaca L.<br />

B<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>e –see– Musa ×paradisiaca L.<br />

b<strong>an</strong>dera –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch<br />

b<strong>an</strong>djiebos –see– Tylecodon wallichii (Harv.) Toelken<br />

b<strong>an</strong>eberry –see– Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willd.<br />

b<strong>an</strong>ewort –see– Atropa belladonna L.<br />

B<strong>an</strong>gar nut –see– Sterculia foetida L.<br />

B<strong>an</strong>gkok teak –see– Tectona gr<strong>an</strong>dis L. f.<br />

b<strong>an</strong>gor nut –see– Sterculia foetida L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Barringtonia acut<strong>an</strong>gula - 51<br />

b a n is Te r io p s is c a a p i (Spruce ex Griseb.) C. V.<br />

Morton [Malpighiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b <strong>an</strong>isteriopsis inebri<strong>an</strong>s C. V. Morton<br />

Common Names:<br />

ayahuasca; ayahuasca roja; caapi; yage<br />

Citations:<br />

Flores FA, Lewis WH (1978) Drinking the South Americ<strong>an</strong><br />

hallucinogenic ayahuasca. Econ Bot 32(Apr-<br />

Jun):154-156.<br />

LÖhrer F, Kaiser R (1999) Biogene Suchtmittel. Neue Konsumgewohnheiten<br />

bei jungen Abhängigen? Nervenarzt<br />

70(11):1029-1033.<br />

B<strong>an</strong>isteriopsis inebri<strong>an</strong>s C. V. Morton = B<strong>an</strong>isteriopsis caapi<br />

(Spruce ex Griseb.) C. V. Morton<br />

b a n is Te r io p s is l o n g i a l a Ta (Nied.) B. Gates<br />

[Malpighiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b <strong>an</strong>isteriopsis rusby<strong>an</strong>a (Nied.) C. V. Morton<br />

Citations:<br />

Der Marderosi<strong>an</strong> AH, Pinkley HV, Dobbins MF 4th (1968)<br />

Native use <strong>an</strong>d occurrence of N,N-dimethyltryptamine<br />

in the leaves of B<strong>an</strong>isteriopsis rusby<strong>an</strong>a. Am J Pharm<br />

140(5):137-147.<br />

Flores FA, Lewis WH (1978) Drinking the South Americ<strong>an</strong><br />

hallucinogenic ayahuasca. Econ Bot 32(Apr-<br />

Jun):154-156.<br />

B<strong>an</strong>isteriopsis rusby<strong>an</strong>a (Nied.) C. V. Morton =<br />

B<strong>an</strong>isteriopsis longialata (Nied.) B. Gates<br />

B<strong>an</strong>k’s-grevillea –see– Grevillea b<strong>an</strong>ksii R. Br.<br />

b<strong>an</strong>ok –see– Sarcolobus globosus Wall.<br />

b<strong>an</strong>ucalad nut –see– Reutealis trisperma (Bl<strong>an</strong>co) Airy Shaw<br />

b a p Tis i a a l b a (L.) Vent. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

white wild indigo; wild indigo<br />

Citations:<br />

Dunc<strong>an</strong> WH, Piercy PL, Starling RJ (1955) Toxicological<br />

studies of southeastern pl<strong>an</strong>ts. I. Leguminosae. Econ Bot<br />

9(3):243-255.<br />

b a p Tis i a a u s Tr a l is (L.) R. Br. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue false indigo; blue wild indigo; false indigo<br />

Citations:<br />

Burrows GE, Schwab RP, Stein LE, et al. (1998) Comparison<br />

of the reproductive effects of Baptisia australis, Iva<br />

<strong>an</strong>nua <strong>an</strong>d Sophora nuttalli<strong>an</strong>a in rats. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T,<br />

Barr AC (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

CABI. New York. pp. 297-302.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1930) Indi<strong>an</strong>a pl<strong>an</strong>ts injurious to livestock.<br />

Purdue Agric Exp Sta Circ #175:38 pp.<br />

bar foot –see– Helleborus foetidus L.<br />

barba ursului –see– Equisetum arvense L.<br />

Barbados aloe –see– Aloe arborescens Mill.; Aloe vera (L.)<br />

Burm. f.<br />

Barbados purging nut –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

b a r b a r e a v u l g a r is R. Br. [Brassicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bitter water cress; winter cress; yellow rocket<br />

Citations:<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1930) Indi<strong>an</strong>a pl<strong>an</strong>ts injurious to livestock.<br />

Purdue Agric Exp Sta Circ #175:38 pp.<br />

barbasco - see - Deguelia ulilis (A.C.Sm.) A.M.G. Azevedo;<br />

Verbascum thapsus L.<br />

barbatimão –see– Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) <strong>an</strong>on.;<br />

Stryphnodendron coriaceum Benth.; Stryphnodendron<br />

obovatum Benth.<br />

Barbey’s-larkspur –see– Delphinium barbeyi (Huth) Huth<br />

bard<strong>an</strong>a –see– Arctium lappa L.<br />

Bärenfuß –see– Helleborus foetidus L.; Helleborus viridis<br />

L.<br />

Bärenklau –see– Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um Sommier &<br />

Levier<br />

Bärenlauch –see– Allium ursinum L.<br />

barilla –see– Halogeton glomeratus (M. Bieb.) C. A. Mey.<br />

barley –see– Hordeum vulgare L.<br />

baron’s-mercury –see– Mercurialis <strong>an</strong>nua L.<br />

barr tree –see– Sambucus nigra L.<br />

barra –see– Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb.<br />

b a r r i n g To n i a a c u Ta n g u l a (L.) Gaertn.<br />

[Lecythidaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

freshwater m<strong>an</strong>grove; Indi<strong>an</strong> oak<br />

Citations:<br />

Chakraborty DP, N<strong>an</strong>dy AC, Philipose MT (1972) Barringtonia<br />

acut<strong>an</strong>gula (L.) Gaertn. as a fish poison. Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

J Exp Biol 10(1):78-80.<br />

barseem –see– Trifolium alex<strong>an</strong>drinum L.<br />

baru –see– Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.<br />

Basin goldenrod –see– Solidago spectabilis (D. C. Eaton) A.<br />

Gray<br />

basket pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Callisia fragr<strong>an</strong>s (Lindl.) Woodson<br />

basora cora –see– Melochia tomentosa L.<br />

Bassia echinopsila (F. Muell.) F. Muell = Sclerolaena<br />

<strong>an</strong>isac<strong>an</strong>thoides (F. Muell.) Domin

52 - Bassia hyssopifolia D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

b a s s i a h y s so p i f o l i a (Pall.) Kuntze<br />

[Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

five-hook bassia; smother weed<br />

Citations:<br />

James LF, Williams MC, Bleak AT (1976) Toxicity of Bassia<br />

hyssopifolia to sheep. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag 29(4):284-285.<br />

b a s s i a s c o p a r i a (L.) A. J. Scott<br />

[Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

k ochia scoparia (L.) Schrad.<br />

Common Names:<br />

belvedere; burningbush; fireball; fireweed; kochia;<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> fireweed; morenita; poor-m<strong>an</strong>’s-alfalfa; summer<br />

cypress<br />

Citations:<br />

Coxworth EC, Salmon RE (1972) Kochia seed as a component<br />

of the diet of turkey poults: Effects of different<br />

methods of saponin removal or inactivation. C<strong>an</strong> J Anim<br />

Sci 52(Dec):721-729.<br />

Dickie CW, Berrym<strong>an</strong> JR (1979) Polioencephalomalacia<br />

<strong>an</strong>d photosensitization associated with Kochia scoparia<br />

consumption in r<strong>an</strong>ge cattle. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

175(5):463-465.<br />

Dickie CW, James LF (1983) Kochia scoparia poisoning in<br />

cattle. J Am Vet Med Assoc 183(7):765-768.<br />

Galitzer SJ, Oehme FW (1979) Studies of the comparative<br />

toxicity of Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad (fireweed). Toxicol<br />

Lett 3:43-49.<br />

Kirkpatrick JG, Helm<strong>an</strong> RG, Burrows GE, et al. (1998)<br />

Tr<strong>an</strong>sient hepatoxicity in sheep grazing Kochia scoparia.<br />

In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

<strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI. New York. pp.<br />

504-508.<br />

R<strong>an</strong>kins DL Jr, Smith GS (1991) Nutritional <strong>an</strong>d toxicological<br />

evaluations of Kochia hay (Kochia scoparia) fed to<br />

lambs. J Anim Sci 69(7):2925-2931.<br />

R<strong>an</strong>kins DL Jr, Smith GS, Hallford DM (1991) Altered<br />

metabolic hormones, impaired nitrogen retention, <strong>an</strong>d<br />

hepatotoxicosis in lambs fed Kochia scoparia hay. J Anim<br />

Sci 69(7):2932-2940.<br />

R<strong>an</strong>kins DL Jr, Smith GS, Hallford DM (1991) Effects<br />

of metoclopramide on steers fed Kochia scoparia hay. J<br />

Anim Sci 69(9):3699-3705.<br />

R<strong>an</strong>kins DL Jr, Smith GS, Hallford DM (1991) Serum constituents<br />

<strong>an</strong>d metabolic hormones in sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle fed<br />

Kochia scoparia hay. J Anim Sci 69(7):2941-2946.<br />

Sprowls RW (1981) Problems observed in horses, cattle, <strong>an</strong>d<br />

sheep grazing kochia. Proc Am Assoc Vet Lab Diagn<br />

24:397-405.<br />

Thilsted J, Hibbs C, Kiesling H, et al. (1989) Kochia (Kochia<br />

scoparia) toxicosis in cattle: Results of four experimental<br />

grazing trials. Vet Hum Toxicol 31(1):34-41.<br />

bastard <strong>an</strong>ise –see– Illicium <strong>an</strong>isatum L.<br />

bastard cabbage –see– Andira inermis (W. Wright) Kunth ex<br />

DC.<br />

bastard clover –see– Trifolium hybridum L.<br />

bastard feverfew –see– Parthenium hysterophorus L.<br />

bastard hellebore –see– Helleborus viridis L.<br />

bastard lentil –see– Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd.<br />

bastard mahog<strong>an</strong>y –see– Andira inermis (W. Wright) Kunth<br />

ex DC.; Dalbergia retusa Hemsl.<br />

bastard nigelle –see– Agrostemma githago L.<br />

Bastardklee –see– Trifolium hybridum L.<br />

Bathurst bur –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium spinosum L.; X<strong>an</strong>thium<br />

strumarium L.<br />

bat’s-wing fern –see– Histiopteris incisa (Thunb.) J. Sm.<br />

batu –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

baura –see– Tri<strong>an</strong>thema portulacastrum L.<br />

bay –see– Laurus nobilis L.<br />

bay laurel –see– Laurus nobilis L.<br />

be-still tree –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

beach apple –see– Hippom<strong>an</strong>e m<strong>an</strong>cinella L.<br />

beach be<strong>an</strong> –see– C<strong>an</strong>avalia rosea (Sw.) DC.<br />

beach laurel –see– Leucothoe davisiae Torr. ex A. Gray<br />

bead tree –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

beaked nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um rostratum Dunal<br />

be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

be<strong>an</strong> caper –see– Zygophyllum fabago L.<br />

be<strong>an</strong> tree –see– Cast<strong>an</strong>ospermum australe A. Cunn. & C.<br />

Fraser ex Hook.; Laburnum <strong>an</strong>agyroides Medik.<br />

be<strong>an</strong> trefoil –see– Laburnum <strong>an</strong>agyroides Medik.<br />

bear corn –see– Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

beargrass –see– Nolina microcarpa S. Watson; Nolina tex<strong>an</strong>a<br />

S. Watson<br />

bearded darnel –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

bear’s-ears –see– Primula auricula L.<br />

bear’s-foot –see– Aconitum napellus L.; Helleborus foetidus L.;<br />

Helleborus niger L.; Helleborus viridis L.<br />

bearwood –see– Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.<br />

beaver poison –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M. Coult. &<br />

Rose; Cicuta maculata L.; Cicuta virosa L.<br />

bedstraw milkweed –see– Asclepias subverticillata (A. Gray)<br />

Vail<br />

beech –see– Fagus sylvatica L.<br />

beech drops –see– Orob<strong>an</strong>che minor Sm.<br />

beechnut –see– Fagus gr<strong>an</strong>difolia Ehrh.; Fagus sylvatica L.<br />

beef wood tree –see– Casuarina equisetifolia L.<br />

beefsteak pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton<br />

beesbossie –see– Chrysocoma ciliata L.<br />

beeskaroo –see– Chrysocoma ciliata L.<br />

beet –see– Beta vulgaris L.<br />

beeweed –see– Asclepias subverticillata (A. Gray) Vail<br />

beggar’s-buttons –see– Arctium lappa L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Berkheyopsis echinus - 53<br />

beggar’s-lice –see– Cynoglossum officinale L.<br />

b e g o n i a a r g e n Te a Linden [Begoniaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD (2001) Toxidromes<br />

associated with the most common pl<strong>an</strong>t ingestions. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(6):366-369.<br />

behen –see– Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

Beifuß –see– Artemisia vulgaris L.<br />

Beinholz –see– Ligustrum vulgare L.<br />

Beinved –see– Ilex aquifolium L.<br />

Beinwell –see– Symphytum officinale L.<br />

Beißbeere –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

bejuco-de-estrella –see– Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus tithymaloides (L.) Poit.<br />

bejuco-de-p<strong>an</strong> –see– Dalechampia sc<strong>an</strong>dens L.<br />

bejuco-de-peonia –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

bejuco-de-S<strong>an</strong> Jose –see– Allam<strong>an</strong>da cathartica L.<br />

bejuco marrullero –see– Pentalinon luteum (L.) B. F. H<strong>an</strong>sen<br />

& Wunderlin<br />

belder root –see– Oen<strong>an</strong>the crocata L.<br />

beleño negro –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

beleric myrobal<strong>an</strong> –see– Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb.<br />

bell pepper –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.<br />

bell rose –see– Narcissus pseudonarcissus L.<br />

bella gutta tree –see– Semecarpus <strong>an</strong>acardium L. f.<br />

bella sombra –see– Phytolacca dioica L.<br />

belladone –see– Atropa belladonna L.<br />

belladonna –see– Atropa belladonna L.<br />

b e l l is p e r e n n is L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

English daisy<br />

Citations:<br />

Hausen BM (1979) The sensitizing capacity of compositae<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. III. Test results <strong>an</strong>d cross-reactions in compositaesensitive<br />

patients. Dermatologica 159(1):1-11.<br />

bellyache pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Jatropha gossypiifolia L.<br />

belvedere –see– Bassia scoparia (L.) A. J. Scott<br />

ben –see– Moringa oleifera Lam.<br />

ben dock –see– Oen<strong>an</strong>the crocata L.<br />

Bengal gam –see– Cicer arietinum L.<br />

Bengal gram –see– Caj<strong>an</strong>us caj<strong>an</strong> (L.) Millsp.; Cicer<br />

arietinum L.<br />

Bengal walnut –see– Aleurites molucc<strong>an</strong>us (L.) Willd.<br />

Benjamin tree –see– Ficus benjamina L.<br />

benweed –see– Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.<br />

bequilla –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia exaltata (Raf.) Rydb. ex A. W. Hill<br />

b e r b e r is a q u i f o l i u M Pursh [Berberidaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Mahonia aquifolium (Pursh) Nutt.<br />

Common Names:<br />

algerita; feuilles-de-houx; mahonia; Mahonie; mountain<br />

grape; mountain graperoot; Oregon grape; Oregon<br />

holly grape; racine-de-mahonia; trailing mahonia<br />

Citations:<br />

Lahde G (1973) Berberinvergiftung beim B<strong>an</strong>teng (Bos jav<strong>an</strong>icus<br />

jav<strong>an</strong>icus). In: Ippen R et al. (eds.) Erkr<strong>an</strong>k der Zoot<br />

XV. Int Symp, Kolmarden Akad Verlag. pp. 131-133.<br />

Spoerke DG, Temple AR (1978) One year’s experience with<br />

potential pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings reported to the Intermountain<br />

Regional Poison Control Center. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

20(2):85-89.<br />

b e r b e r is d a r w i n i i Hook. [Berberidaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Donov<strong>an</strong> D (1975) Barberri darwinii - A poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t? J<br />

Ir Med Assoc 68(16):414.<br />

b e r b e r is w i lso n i a e Hemsl. [Berberidaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Hopkinss TR (1926) Barberry poisoning. Florists Exch<strong>an</strong>ge<br />

& Horticultural Trade World 61:1485.<br />

berceaux-de-la-vierge –see– Clematis vitalba L.<br />

berenghenas –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um melongena L.<br />

berg sl<strong>an</strong>gkop –see– Drimia depressa (Baker) Jessop<br />

bergamot –see– Citrus bergamia Risso & Poit.<br />

bergamot mint –see– Mentha ×piperita L. nothosubsp.<br />

citrata (Ehrh.) Briq.<br />

Bergamotte –see– Citrus bergamia Risso & Poit.<br />

Berglorbeer –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

Bergpfeffer –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

Bergwohlverleih –see– Arnica mont<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

b e r k h e y o p s is b e c h u a n e n s is S. Moore<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1943) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XIII. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 18(1-2):207-224.<br />

b e r k h e y o p s is e c h i n u s (Less.) O. Hoffm.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1943) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XIII. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 18(1-2):207-224.<br />

berloque –see– Citrus bergamia Risso & Poit.<br />

Bermuda buttercup –see– Oxalis pes-caprae L.<br />

Bermuda oxalis –see– Oxalis pes-caprae L.

54 - Bersama abyssinica D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Bermudagrass –see– Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.<br />

berry rue –see– Cneoridium dumosum (Nutt. ex Torr. & A.<br />

Gray) Hook. f. ex Baill.<br />

b e r s a Ma a b y s s i n ic a Fresen. [Meli<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Gourlay RN, Harker KW (1960) Bersama abyssinica poisoning:<br />

The clinical <strong>an</strong>d pathological picture. J Comp Pathol<br />

70(Oct):464-474.<br />

Mugera GM (1970) Toxic <strong>an</strong>d medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of East<br />

Africa. II. Bull Epizootic Dis Afr 18(4):389-403.<br />

Verdcourt B, Trump EC (1969) Common poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

of East Africa. Collins. London.<br />

b e r s a Ma s w y n n e r To n i Baker f.<br />

[Meli<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Shone DK (1966) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part I. Rhodesia<br />

Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 4:81-94.<br />

berseem clover –see– Trifolium alex<strong>an</strong>drinum L.<br />

b e r Te r o a i n c a n a (L.) DC. [Brassicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hoary alyssum; hoary false alyssum<br />

Citations:<br />

Ellison SP (1992) Possible toxicity caused by hoary alyssum<br />

(Berteroa inc<strong>an</strong>a). Vet Med 87(May):473-475.<br />

Geor RJ, Becker RL, K<strong>an</strong>ara EW, et al. (1992) Toxicosis in<br />

horses after ingestion of hoary alyssum. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 201(1):63-67.<br />

Hovda LR, Rose ML (1993) Hoary alyssum (Berteroa<br />

inc<strong>an</strong>a) toxicity in a herd of broodmare horses. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 35(1):39-40.<br />

Pammel LH (1921) Hoary alyssum. Vet Med 16:45.<br />

b e r Th o l l e TTi a e x c e ls a Bonpl.<br />

[Lecythidaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Brazil nut; Para nut<br />

Citations:<br />

Asero R (2002) Birch <strong>an</strong>d ragweed pollinosis north of Mil<strong>an</strong>:<br />

A model to investigate the effects of exposure to “new”<br />

airborne allergens. Allergy 57(11):1063-1066.<br />

Borja JM, Bartolome B, Gomez E, et al. (1999) Anaphylaxis<br />

from Brazil nut. Allergy 54(9):1007-1008.<br />

Hjorth N, Roed-Petersen J (1976) Occupational protein<br />

contact dermatitis in food h<strong>an</strong>dlers. Contact Dermatitis<br />

2(1):28-42.<br />

Markson LS (1942) Dermatitis from seed <strong>an</strong>d oil of Bertholletia<br />

excelsa (Brazil nut). Arch Derm Syphilol 46:831-832.<br />

b e r u l a e r e c Ta (Huds.) Coville [Apiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b erula thunbergii (DC.) H. Wolff; s ium thunbergii DC.<br />

Common Names:<br />

cow cress; creeping cut-leaf water parsnip; creeping<br />

water parsnip; narrow-leaf water parsnip; water<br />

parsnip<br />

Citations:<br />

Fernández de Corres L, Corrales JL, Muñoz D, et al. (1984)<br />

Dermatitis alérgicas de contacto por pl<strong>an</strong>tas. Allergol<br />

Immunopathol (Madr) 12(4):313-319.<br />

Mogg AO (1927) Vlei poisoning. S Afr J Sci 24:269-277.<br />

Berula thunbergii (DC.) H. Wolff = Berula erecta (Huds.)<br />

Coville<br />

besedin palm –see– Caryota mitis Lour.<br />

Besenginster –see– Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link<br />

Besentrauch –see– Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link<br />

besom –see– Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link<br />

bessiboom –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

b e Ta v u l g a r is L. [Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

beet; beterraba; betteraves; chard; fodder beet; Futterrübe;<br />

m<strong>an</strong>gel; m<strong>an</strong>gel wurzel; m<strong>an</strong>gold; M<strong>an</strong>gold<br />

Rüben; remolacha; rote Bete; Rübe; Runkelrübe; silver<br />

beet; sugar beet; Swiss chard; Zuckerrübe<br />

Citations:<br />

Alexeyev NP (1976) [Parathyroid gl<strong>an</strong>ds in metabolism<br />

of mineral subst<strong>an</strong>ces in bulls fed pulp.] Selskok Biol<br />

11(1):96-102.<br />

Alibaşoğlu M, Ertürk E, Meriç I (1973) Kesif p<strong>an</strong>car posasiyla<br />

beslenen d<strong>an</strong>alarda görülen encephalo-ocular syndrome.<br />

Vet Fakul Dergisi Ankara Univ 20:239-255.<br />

Apostolov S, Toteshev I (1961) [Mass poisoning in cattle<br />

with beet.] Veterinarna Sbirka 58(6):14.<br />

Ertürk E, Tekeli O, Gürocak B, et al. (1978) Semirtme<br />

amaciyla yüksek or<strong>an</strong>da kuru p<strong>an</strong>car posasi kapsay<strong>an</strong><br />

rasyonlara beslenen Holstein-Friesi<strong>an</strong> d<strong>an</strong>alarinda sapt<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong><br />

sinirsel bozukluklar. Vet Fakul Dergisi Ankara<br />

Univ 25:99-104.<br />

Fritzsch R (1966) Beitrag zur Futterintoxikation beim Rind<br />

durch Giftstoffe obligater Futterpfl<strong>an</strong>zen. Monatsh Veterinarmed<br />

21(9):327-331.<br />

Fritzsch W (1960) Verdorbene Rübenblattsilage - Ursache<br />

einer akuten Erkr<strong>an</strong>kung in einem Rinderbest<strong>an</strong>d.<br />

Monatsh Veterinarmed 15:802-804.<br />

González-M<strong>an</strong>cebo E, Alfaya T, Pulido Z, et al. (2000)<br />

Swiss chard-induced asthma. Allergy 55(5):511-512.<br />

Gorb TV, Maksakov VY (1962) [Action of sugarbeet tops on<br />

cattle.] Veterinariia Moscow 39(2):66-68.<br />

Gorišek J (1960) O procesu z grušav<strong>an</strong>ja krviio kalciju u krvi<br />

i mokraći kod bolesti uzrokov<strong>an</strong>e lišćem šećerne repe. Vet<br />

Arch 30(11-12):300-306.<br />

Gorišek J (1963) Stoffwechselstörungen bei Milchkühen im<br />

Zusammenh<strong>an</strong>g mit der Verfütterung von Zuckerrübenblatt.<br />

Proc World Vet Cong 2:1343-1344.<br />

Gratzl E (1960) Eine durch M<strong>an</strong>gelfütterung (insbesondere<br />

Thiaminm<strong>an</strong>gel) bedingte Encephalomyelopathie<br />

bei Pferden in Österreich. Wien Tierarztl Monatsschr<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Bidens pilosa - 55<br />

Kachur MI (1972) [A case of cattle poisoning by sugar beets.]<br />

Veterinariia Moscow 49(10):106.<br />

Krasnov VA (1965) [Mass poisoning of cows with sugar<br />

beet.] Veterinariia Moscow 42(9):69-70.<br />

Lochkarev VA (1974) [Poisoning of cattle by sugar beet <strong>an</strong>d<br />

maize cobs.] Veterinariia Moscow 51(9):97-99.<br />

McIntosh IG, Nielson RL, Robinson WD (1943) M<strong>an</strong>gel<br />

poisoning in pigs. N Z J Agr 66:341-343.<br />

Nielsen K, Kroght P, Møller T (1975) Forgiftning hos<br />

kvæg, forårsaget af parti sukkerroeaffald. Nord Vet Med<br />

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Nový J (1960) K alimentárním intoxikacím vyvol<strong>an</strong>ým<br />

řepnou siláží u skotu. Vet Cas 9(5):439-446.<br />

O’Connor JG (1951) Sugar beet poisoning? Ir Vet J<br />

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Pammel LH (1919) Frozen beet tops. Am J Vet Med 14:244.<br />

Parkinson JG (1985) Fodder beet problems. Vet Rec<br />

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Penny RH (1954) Suspected poisoning by fodder-beet in the<br />

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Price EL (1954) Fodder-beet poisoning in cattle. Vet Rec<br />

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Williams VJ, Coup MR (1959) Preliminary studies on the<br />

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Worden AN, Buny<strong>an</strong> J, Pickup J (1954) A fatal hypocalcemia-like<br />

syndrome in dairy cows following the excess<br />

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Zdelar F, Mitin V, Bišć<strong>an</strong> J, et al. (1967) Istraživ<strong>an</strong>ja o<br />

gušavosti goveda u hrvatskoj. IV. Utjeca svježeg lišća<br />

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Zindler GA, Colovos GC (1950) Anthocy<strong>an</strong>inuria <strong>an</strong>d beet<br />

allergy. Ann Allergy 8(5):603-617, 694.<br />

Note:<br />

Beet <strong>an</strong>d other pl<strong>an</strong>ts of this taxon are named Beta vulgaris<br />

L. subsp. vulgaris in some publications.<br />

bété –see– M<strong>an</strong>sonia altissima (A. Chev.) A. Chev.<br />

betek –see– Carica papaya L.<br />

betel nut –see– Areca catechu L.<br />

Betelkerne –see– Areca catechu L.<br />

beterraba –see– Beta vulgaris L.<br />

beteta –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch<br />

Bethabara –see– Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl) G. Nicholson<br />

betoine aquatique –see– Scrophularia auriculata L.<br />

betteraves –see– Beta vulgaris L.<br />

b e Tu l a l e n Ta L. [Betulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

black birch; sweet birch<br />

Citations:<br />

Shelley WB (1964) Birch pollen <strong>an</strong>d aspirin psoriasis. JAMA<br />

189(13):985-988.<br />

bh<strong>an</strong>g –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

bhindi –see– Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench<br />

bibba nut –see– Semecarpus <strong>an</strong>acardium L. f.<br />

bibha –see– Semecarpus <strong>an</strong>acardium L. f.<br />

bichi nut –see– Semecarpus <strong>an</strong>acardium L. f.<br />

b i d e n s p i l o s a L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cobbler’s-pegs<br />

Citations:<br />

Mirvish SS, Salmasi S, Lawson TA, et al. (1985) Test of<br />

catechol, t<strong>an</strong>nic acid, Bidens pilosa, croton oil, <strong>an</strong>d phorbol<br />

for cocarcinogenesis of esophageal tumors induced in<br />

rats by methyl-n-amylnitrosamine. J Natl C<strong>an</strong>cer Instit<br />

74(6):1283-1290.<br />

Bicuculla c<strong>an</strong>adensis (Goldie) Millsp. = Dicentra c<strong>an</strong>adensis<br />

(Goldie) Walp.<br />

Bicuculla cucullaria (L.) Millsp. = Dicentra cucullaria (L.)<br />

Bernh.<br />

bidh-el-ghoul –see– M<strong>an</strong>dragora officinarum L.<br />

Big Bend locoweed –see– Astragalus mollissimus Torr. var.<br />

earlei (Greene ex Rydb.) Tidestr.<br />

Big Bend lupine –see– Lupinus sericeus Pursh<br />

big galleta –see– Pleuraphis rigida Thurb.<br />

big ivy –see– Kalmia latifolia L.<br />

big-leaf maple –see– Acer macrophyllum Pursh<br />

big-purge nut –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

big sagebrush –see– Artemisia tridentata Nutt.<br />

biga –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don<br />

Bigelowia hartwegi A. Gray = Isocoma plurifolia (Torr. &<br />

A. Gray) Greene<br />

bigfield fern –see– Bowenia serrulata (W. Bull) Chamb.<br />

Bikukulla c<strong>an</strong>adensis (Walp.) Druce = Dicentra c<strong>an</strong>adensis<br />

(Goldie) Walp.<br />

Bikukulla cucullaria Millsp. = Dicentra cucullaria (L.)<br />


56 - Bistorta officinalis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

billygoat weed –see– Ageratum conyzoides L.<br />

Bilsen –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

Bilsenbohne –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

Bilsenkraut –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

Bilsensee –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

bindii –see– Soliva sessilis Ruiz & Pav.<br />

bindweed –see– Convolvulus arvensis L.<br />

bindwith –see– Clematis vitalba L.<br />

bindy-eye –see– Soliva sessilis Ruiz & Pav.<br />

Bingelkraut –see– Mercurialis <strong>an</strong>nua L.<br />

bini-da-zugu –see– Jatropha curcas L.; Jatropha gossypiifolia<br />

L.<br />

binjai –see– M<strong>an</strong>gifera caesia Jack<br />

bird cherry –see– Prunus padus L.<br />

bird flower –see– Crotalaria laburnifolia L.<br />

bird-of-paradise –see– Caesalpinia gilliesii (Hook.) D. Dietr.<br />

bird pepper –see– Capsicum frutescens L.<br />

birdlime thistle –see– Chamaeleon gummifera (L.) Cass.<br />

bird’s-eye –see– Adonis <strong>an</strong>nua L.; Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

bird’s-foot indigo –see– Indigofera linnaei Ali<br />

bird’s-foot trefoil –see– Lotus corniculatus L.<br />

birdseedgrass –see– Phalaris c<strong>an</strong>ariensis L.<br />

Birdsville indigo –see– Indigofera linnaei Ali<br />

birdwoodgrass –see– Cenchrus setiger Vahl<br />

Birne –see– Pyrus communis L.<br />

bish poison –see– Aconitum ferox Wall. ex Ser.<br />

bishop’s-weed –see– Ammi majus L.; Ammi visnaga (L.)<br />

Lam.<br />

bisnaga –see– Ammi visnaga (L.) Lam.<br />

bistort –see– Bistorta officinalis Delarbre<br />

b is To r Ta o f f ic i n a l is Delarbre [Polygonaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p olygonum bistorta L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bistort<br />

Citations:<br />

Salgues R (1961) Le genre Polygonum L. (Polygonacées).<br />

Etudes chimiques et toxicologiques. Les faits nématologiques<br />

de l’empoisonnement expérimental. Qualitas<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t Mat Veg 8:367-395.<br />

bitamo –see– Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus tithymaloides (L.) Poit.<br />

biting clematis –see– Clematis vitalba L.<br />

biting persicaria –see– Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach<br />

Bittekonvall –see– Mai<strong>an</strong>themum bifolium (L.) F. W.<br />

Schmidt<br />

bitter actinea –see– Hymenoxys odorata DC.<br />

bitter almond –see– Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb<br />

bitter apple –see– Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad.; Cucumis<br />

myriocarpus Naudin; Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich.;<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>um inc<strong>an</strong>um L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um p<strong>an</strong>duriforme E. Mey.<br />

bitter bark –see– Alstonia constricta F. Muell.<br />

bitter bush –see– Chrysocoma ciliata L.<br />

bitter cassava –see– M<strong>an</strong>ihot esculenta Cr<strong>an</strong>tz<br />

bitter cucumber –see– Momordica char<strong>an</strong>tia L.<br />

bitter damsoe –see– Simarouba amara Aubl.<br />

bitter gourd –see– Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad.; Momordica<br />

char<strong>an</strong>tia L.; Momordica dioica Roxb. ex Willd.<br />

bitter lupin –see– Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius L.<br />

Bitter M<strong>an</strong>del –see– Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb<br />

bitter melon –see– Citrullus l<strong>an</strong>atus (Thunb.) Matsum. &<br />

Nakai; Momordica char<strong>an</strong>tia L.<br />

bitter nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

bitter or<strong>an</strong>ge –see– Citrus aur<strong>an</strong>tium L.<br />

bitter rubberweed –see– Hymenoxys odorata DC.; Helenium<br />

amarum (Raf.) H. Rock; Helenium autumnale L.<br />

bitter vetch –see– Lathyrus sativus L.; Vicia ervilia (L.)<br />

Willd.<br />

bitter water cress –see– Barbarea vulgaris R. Br.<br />

bitterappel –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um kwebense N. E. Br.<br />

bitterbos –see– Chrysocoma ciliata L.<br />

bitterbossie –see– Chrysocoma ciliata L.<br />

bitterkaroo –see– Chrysocoma ciliata L.<br />

Bitterklee –see– Meny<strong>an</strong>thes trifoliata L.<br />

bitterroot –see– Apocynum c<strong>an</strong>nabinum L.; Meny<strong>an</strong>thes<br />

trifoliata L.<br />

Bittersüß –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

Bittersüßer Nachtschatten –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

bittersweet –see– Hymenoxys odorata DC.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

dulcamara L.<br />

bittersweet nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

bitterweed –see– Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.; Helenium<br />

amarum (Raf.) H. Rock; Helenium autumnale L.;<br />

Hymenoxys odorata DC.; Senecio glabellus Poir.<br />

bitterweed actinea –see– Hymenoxys odorata DC.<br />

bitterwort –see– Genti<strong>an</strong>a lutea L.<br />

biznaga –see– Ammi visnaga (L.) Lam.<br />

blaargif –see– Dichapetalum cymosum (Hook.) Engl.<br />

blaasoppies –see– Gomphocarpus fruticosa (L.) W. T. Aiton<br />

black acacia –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

black alder –see– Fr<strong>an</strong>gula alnus Mill.<br />

black be<strong>an</strong> –see– Cast<strong>an</strong>ospermum australe A. Cunn. & C.<br />

Fraser ex Hook.; Erythrophleum chlorostachys (F. Muell.)<br />

Baill.; Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

black bindweed –see– Fallopia convolvulus (L.) Á. Löve

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Blighia sapida - 57<br />

black birch –see– Betula lenta L.<br />

black blossom cherry –see– Andira inermis (W. Wright)<br />

Kunth ex DC.<br />

black bryony –see– Dioscorea communis (L.) Caddick &<br />

Wilkin<br />

black catechu –see– Acacia catechu (L. f.) Willd.<br />

black chebulic –see– Terminalia chebula Retz.<br />

black cherry –see– Atropa belladonna L.; Prunus laurocerasus<br />

L.; Prunus serotina Ehrh.; Prunus virgini<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

black cohosh –see– Actaea racemosa L.<br />

black cumin –see– Nigella sativa L.<br />

black datura –see– Datura metel L.<br />

black dogwood –see– Fr<strong>an</strong>gula alnus Mill.<br />

black elderberry –see– Sambucus nigra L.<br />

black-eye root –see– Dioscorea communis (L.) Caddick &<br />

Wilkin<br />

black-eye pea –see– Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.<br />

black-eye Sus<strong>an</strong> –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

black greasewood –see– Sarcobatus vermiculatus (Hook.) Torr.<br />

black heart –see– Prunus myrtifolia (L.) Urb.<br />

black hellebore –see– Helleborus niger L.<br />

black henb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

black Indi<strong>an</strong> hemp –see– Apocynum c<strong>an</strong>nabinum L.<br />

black jack pine –see– Pinus ponderosa C. Lawson<br />

black kidney be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

black laurel –see– Leucothoe davisiae Torr. ex A. Gray<br />

black locust –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

black mercury –see– Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

black mulberry –see– Morus nigra L.<br />

black mustard –see– Brassica nigra (L.) W. D. J. Koch<br />

black nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

ptyc<strong>an</strong>thum Dunal<br />

black nut –see– Semecarpus <strong>an</strong>acardium L. f.<br />

black pea –see– Pisum sativum L.; Swainsona luteola F.<br />

Muell.<br />

black pepper –see– Piper nigrum L.<br />

black persimmon –see– Diospyros tex<strong>an</strong>a Scheele<br />

black pigweed –see– Tri<strong>an</strong>thema portulacastrum L.<br />

black poisonwood –see– Metopium brownei (Jacq.) Urb.;<br />

Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.<br />

black sagebrush –see– Artemisia nova A. Nelson<br />

black Sally wattle –see– Acacia salicina Lindl.<br />

black scours –see– Goodia lotifolia Salisb.; Goodia<br />

medicaginea F. Muell.<br />

black snakeroot –see– Actaea racemosa L.; Ami<strong>an</strong>thium<br />

muscitoxicum (Walter) A. Gray<br />

black-spine nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um <strong>an</strong>guivi Lam.<br />

black varnish tree –see– Gluta renghas L.<br />

black vomit nut –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

black walnut –see– Jugl<strong>an</strong>s nigra L.<br />

black wattle –see– Acacia salicina Lindl.<br />

black wild cherry –see– Prunus serotina Ehrh.<br />

blackberry nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.<br />

blackbrush –see– Flourensia cernua DC.<br />

blackthorn –see– Prunus spinosa L.<br />

blackwood –see– Acacia mel<strong>an</strong>oxylon R. Br.<br />

blackwort –see– Symphytum officinale L.<br />

bladder cottonbush –see– Gomphocarpus fruticosa (L.) W. T.<br />

Aiton<br />

bladder flower –see– Araujia sericifera Brot.<br />

bladder soapwort –see– Vaccaria hisp<strong>an</strong>ica (Mill.) Rauschert<br />

bladderpod –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia vesicaria (Jacq.) Elliott<br />

bladderpod locoweed –see– Astragalus wootonii E. Sheld.<br />

Blaue Ilge –see– Iris pseudoacorus L.<br />

Blaue Lupine –see– Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius L.<br />

Blauer Eisenhut –see– Aconitum napellus L.<br />

Blauer Sturmhut –see– Aconitum napellus L.<br />

Blauregen –see– Wisteria sinensis (Sims) DC.<br />

bledo –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus palmeri S. Watson<br />

bledo bl<strong>an</strong>co –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus viridis L.<br />

bleeding heart –see– Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh.;<br />

Lamprocapnos spectabilis (L.) Fukuhara<br />

blessed milk thistle –see– Silybum mari<strong>an</strong>um (L.) Gaertn.<br />

b l ig h i a s a p i d a K. D. Koenig [Sapindaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ackee; akee; akee apple; faux acajou; fisa; gw<strong>an</strong>ja kusa;<br />

heuvo vegetal; Ishin; isin; okpu; seso vegetal<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1992) Toxic hypoglycemic syndrome:<br />

Jamaica, 1989-1991. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep<br />

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Arnold LE (1944) Vomiting sickness (or ackee poisoning).<br />

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Barennes H, Valea I, Boudat AM, et al. (2004) Early glucose<br />

<strong>an</strong>d methylene blue are effective against unripe ackee<br />

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Belson M, Joskow R, Kaiser R, et al. (2001) An investigation<br />

of ackee fruit poisoning in Haiti. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

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Chambers HD (1953) The syndrome called “vomiting sickness.”<br />

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Connal A, Ralston W (1918) Some experiments with<br />

the fruit of Blighia sapida in Nigeria. J Trop Med Hyg<br />


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Doughty DD, Larson E (1960) Tissue ch<strong>an</strong>ges in experimental<br />

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Escoffery CT, Shirley SE (2004) Fatal poisoning in Jamaica:<br />

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the West Indies. Med Sci Law 44(2):116-120.<br />

Ev<strong>an</strong>s KL, Arnold LE (1938) Experimental studies of poisoning<br />

with ackee (Blighia sapida). Tr<strong>an</strong>s R Soc Trop<br />

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Fitzmaurice LW (1953) The vomiting sickness of Jamaica.<br />

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Ann Pharm Fr 44(6):509-515.<br />

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Jamaica, B. W. I. <strong>an</strong>d its relation to akee poisoning. Am<br />

J Hyg 25:520-545.<br />

Ke<strong>an</strong> BH (1943) Death due to akee poisoning in P<strong>an</strong>ama.<br />

Am J Trop Med 23:339-341.<br />

Larson E, Wynn MF, Lynch SJ, et al. (1953) Some further<br />

studies on the akee. Q J Florida Acad Sci 16(3):151-156.<br />

Larson J, Vender R, Camuto P (1994) Cholestatic jaundice<br />

due to ackee fruit poisoning. Am J Gastroenterol<br />

89(9):1577-1578.<br />

McIntosh RM, Andrews J (1971) Blighia sapida. Toxic<br />

effects on renal morphology <strong>an</strong>d function in rat. N Y State<br />

J Med 71(13):1639-1643.<br />

Meda HA, Diallo B, Buchet JP, et al. (1999) Epidemic of<br />

fatal encephalopathy in preschool children in Burkina<br />

Faso <strong>an</strong>d consumption of unripe ackee (Blighia sapida)<br />

fruit. L<strong>an</strong>cet 353(9152):536-540.<br />

Moya J (2001) Ackee (Blighia sapida) poisoning in the Northern<br />

Province, Haiti, 2001. Epidemiol Bull 22(2):8-9.<br />

Quere M, Ogouass<strong>an</strong>gni A, Bokossa A, et al. (1999) Methylene<br />

blue <strong>an</strong>d fatal encephalopathy from ackee fruit poisoning.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>cet 353(9164):1623.<br />

Resiere D, Megarb<strong>an</strong>e B, Gueye PN, et al. (2001) Acute poisoning<br />

with ackee fruit in Jamaica. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

39(3):311-312.<br />

Scott HH (1916) On the “vomiting sickness” of Jamaica.<br />

Ann Trop Med Parasitol 10:1-79.<br />

Stuart KL, Jelliffe DB, Hill KR (1955) Acute toxic hypoglycaemia<br />

occurring in the vomiting sickness of Jamaica<br />

(Clinical aspects). J Trop Pediatr 1(2):69-87.<br />

T<strong>an</strong>aka K (1973) Isovaleric acidaemia <strong>an</strong>d its induction in<br />

experimental <strong>an</strong>imals by hypoglycin A. In: Hommes FA,<br />

V<strong>an</strong> den Berg CJ (eds.) Inborn errors of metabolism. Academic<br />

Press. New York. pp. 269-289.<br />

T<strong>an</strong>aka K, Ke<strong>an</strong> EA, Johnson B (1976) Jamaic<strong>an</strong> vomiting<br />

sickness. Biochemical investigation of two cases. N Engl<br />

J Med 295(9):461-467.<br />

blind-eyes –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

blind-your-eyes –see– Excoecaria parvifolia Müll. Arg.<br />

blindgrass –see– –see– Styp<strong>an</strong>dra imbricata R. Br.<br />

blinkblaar –see– Dichapetalum cymosum (Hook.) Engl.<br />

blister buttercup –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus sceleratus L.<br />

blister pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus acris L.<br />

blister weed –see– Thamnosma tex<strong>an</strong>a (A. Gray) Torr.<br />

blood flower –see– Asclepias curassavica L.<br />

blood lily –see– Scadoxus multiflorus (Martyn) Raf.<br />

bloodroot –see– S<strong>an</strong>guinaria c<strong>an</strong>adensis L.<br />

bloodwort –see– S<strong>an</strong>guinaria c<strong>an</strong>adensis L.<br />

bloody finger –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

bloody-m<strong>an</strong>’s-finger –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

blotch-leaf laurel –see– Aucuba japonica Thunb.<br />

blou oliebloom –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

blou stinkblaar –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

blou tulp –see– Moraea setacea Ker-Gawl.<br />

bloubos –see– Diospyros lycioides Desf. subsp. lycioides<br />

blousaad –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum schinzii Hack.<br />

blousaadgras –see– Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B. K.<br />

Simon & S. W. L. Jacobs<br />

blue be<strong>an</strong> –see– Lupinus argenteus Pursh<br />

blue bells-of-Engl<strong>an</strong>d –see– Hyacinthoides non-scripta (L.)<br />

Chouard ex Rothm.<br />

blue billygoat weed –see– Ageratum houstoni<strong>an</strong>um Mill.<br />

blue bindweed –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

blue bottle –see– Hyacinthoides non-scripta (L.) Chouard ex<br />

Rothm.<br />

blue c<strong>an</strong>arygrass –see– Phalaris coerulescens Desf.<br />

blue chicory –see– Cichorium intybus L.<br />

blue cohosh –see– Caulophyllum thalictroides (L.) Michx.<br />

blue devil –see– Echium vulgare L.<br />

blue elderberry –see– Sambucus cerulea Raf.<br />

blue euphorbia –see– Euphorbia caerulescens Haw.<br />

blue false indigo –see– Baptisia australis (L.) R. Br.<br />

blue gum eucalyptus –see– Eucalyptus globulus Labill.<br />

blue heliotrope –see– Heliotropium amplexicaule Vahl<br />

blue jack oak –see– Quercus inc<strong>an</strong>a W. Bartram<br />

blue larkspur –see– Delphinium nuttalli<strong>an</strong>um Pritz.<br />

blue locoweed –see– Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas ex<br />

Hook. Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas ex Hook. var.<br />

diphysus (A. Gray) M. E. Jones<br />

blue lupin –see– Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius L.<br />

blue morning-glory –see– Ipomoea tricolor Cav.<br />

blue nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

blue oak –see– Quercus douglasii Hook. & Arn.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Boophone disticha - 59<br />

blue pea –see– Lupinus leucophyllus Douglas ex Lindl.<br />

blue periwinkle –see– Vinca major L.<br />

blue pimpernel –see– Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

blue rocket –see– Aconitum napellus L.<br />

blue sage –see– Salvia reflexa Hornem.<br />

blue sailors –see– Cichorium intybus L.<br />

blue-star morning-glory –see– Ipomoea violacea L.<br />

blue thistle –see– Echium vulgare L.<br />

blue tulip –see– Moraea setacea Ker Gawl.<br />

blue tulp –see– Moraea polystachya (Thunb.) Ker Gawl.<br />

blue vervain –see– Verbena officinalis L.<br />

blue water –see– Ipomoea tricolor Cav.<br />

blue wild indigo –see– Baptisia australis (L.) R. Br.<br />

bluebell –see– Hyacinthoides non-scripta (L.) Chouard ex<br />

Rothm.<br />

blueberry elderberry –see– Sambucus mexic<strong>an</strong>a C. Presl ex DC.<br />

blueweed –see– Drimia s<strong>an</strong>guinea (Schinz) Jessop; Echium<br />

vulgare L.; Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton<br />

Blumenkohl –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis L.<br />

Blutkraut –see– Chelidonium majus L.<br />

Blutschierling –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

boar’s-foot –see– Helleborus viridis L.<br />

bobbing Jo<strong>an</strong> –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

bobbins –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

b ob g u n n i a Ma d ag a s c a r i e n s is (Desv.) J.<br />

H. Kirkbr. & Wiersema [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s wartzia madagascariensis Desv.<br />

Common Names:<br />

snake be<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Kurki J, Gibson JD (1985) As a cause of red urine in cattle.<br />

Zimbabwe Vet J 16(1-2):23.<br />

Perchm<strong>an</strong> GE (1978) Toxicity of Swartzia madagascariensis<br />

Desv. J S Afr Vet Assoc 49(4):362.<br />

Bocksdorn –see– Lycium barbarum L.<br />

bodark –see– Maclura pomifera (Raf.) C. K. Schneid.<br />

bodh<strong>an</strong>gero –see– Lagerstroemia parviflora Roxb.<br />

bog arum –see– Calla palustris L.<br />

bog asphodel –see– Narthecium ossifragum (L.) Huds.<br />

bog be<strong>an</strong> –see– Meny<strong>an</strong>thes trifoliata L.<br />

bog laurel –see– Kalmia microphylla (Hook.) A. Heller<br />

bog onion –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott<br />

boggabri –see– Chenopodium carinatum R. Br.<br />

boh-gol-zhee –see– Cullen corylifolium (L.) Medik.<br />

Bohne –see– Phaseolus coccineus L.; Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

Bohnenbaum –see– Laburnum <strong>an</strong>agyroides Medik.<br />

Bohnenstrauch –see– Laburnum <strong>an</strong>agyroides Medik.<br />

boi –see– Sinomenium acutum (Thunb.) Rehder & E. H.<br />

Wilson<br />

bois d’arc –see– Maclura pomifera (Raf.) C. K. Schneid.<br />

bois-de-pav<strong>an</strong>a –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

bois-des-molluques –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

bois enior<strong>an</strong>t –see– Deguelia utilis (A. C. Sm.) A. M. G.<br />

Azevedo<br />

bois gentil –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

bois-gris-jaunàtre –see– Sarcocephalus diderrichii De Wild.<br />

bois joli –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

bois mulatre –see– Metopium brownei (Jacq.) Urb.<br />

bois purgatif –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

Bokhara Klee –see– Melilotus albus Medik.<br />

bokuintjie –see– Moraea setacea Ker Gawl.<br />

boldo –see– Peumus boldus Molina<br />

boldus –see– Peumus boldus Molina<br />

Bolmört –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

bolsa-de-pastor –see– Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik.<br />

b o Mb a x b r e vic u s p e Spreng. [Bombacaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Oleffe JA, Sporcq J, Hublet P (1975) Epidemiological study<br />

of the wood industry in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):315-316.<br />

b o Mb a x c h e va l i e r i Pellegr. [Bombacaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Oleffe JA, Sporcq J, Hublet P (1975) Epidemiological study<br />

of the wood industry in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):315-316.<br />

bomubomu –see– Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton<br />

bonduc –see– Gymnocladus dioicus (L.) K. Koch<br />

boneset –see– Ageratina altissima (L.) R. M. King & H.<br />

Rob.; Symphytum officinale L.<br />

Bongkrek –see– Cocos nucifera L.<br />

bonnet-de-prêtre –see– Euonymus europaeus L.<br />

boobialla –see– Myoporum acuminatum R. Br.; Myoporum<br />

tetr<strong>an</strong>drum (Labill.) Domin<br />

boobyalla –see– Myoporum insulare R. Br.<br />

boon tree –see– Sambucus nigra L.<br />

boonaree –see– Alectryon oleifolius (Desf.) S. T. Reynolds<br />

boonery –see– Alectryon oleifolius (Desf.) S. T. Reynolds<br />

b o o p h o n e d is Tic h a (L. f.) Herb.<br />

[Amaryllidaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b uph<strong>an</strong>e disticha (L. f.) Herb.; b uph<strong>an</strong>e toxicaria Herb.

60 - Borassus flabellifer D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Common Names:<br />

c<strong>an</strong>delabra flower; Cape poison bulb; gifbloom; gifbol;<br />

kafir onion; lesoma; oxkiller; seeroogblom; sore-eye flower<br />

Citations:<br />

du Plooy WJ, Swart L, v<strong>an</strong> Huysteen GW (2001) Poisoning<br />

with Booph<strong>an</strong>e disticha: A forensic case. Hum Exp<br />

Toxicol 20:277-278.<br />

Gordon I (1947) A case of fatal buph<strong>an</strong>ine poisoning. Clin<br />

Proc 6:90-93.<br />

Laing RO (1979) Three cases of poisoning by Booph<strong>an</strong>e disticha.<br />

Cent Afr J Med 25(12):265-266.<br />

Nyazema NZ (1986) Herbal toxicity in Zimbabwe. Tr<strong>an</strong>s R<br />

Soc Trop Med Hyg 80(3):448-450.<br />

Steyn DG (1934) Recent investigations into the toxicity<br />

of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union<br />

of South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

3(1):125-130.<br />

boor tree –see– Sambucus nigra L.<br />

booroo molie –see– Goodia lotifolia Salisb.<br />

bootlace pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Pimelea trichostachya Lindl.<br />

booty tree –see– Sambucus nigra L.<br />

bopple nut –see– Macadamia integrifolia Maiden & Betche;<br />

Macadamia tetraphylla L. A. S. Johnson<br />

b o r a s s u s f l a b e l l i f e r L. [Arecaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

palmyra palm<br />

Citations:<br />

Arseculeratne SN, Grieg JB, Sirisinha S (1984) The immunosuppressive<br />

effect of palmyrah (Borassus flabellifer)<br />

flour is not associated with its neurotoxic fraction. Asi<strong>an</strong><br />

Pac J Allergy Immunol 2(1):13-16.<br />

Arseculeratne SN, P<strong>an</strong>abokke RG, Tennekoon GE, et al.<br />

(1971) Toxic effects of Borassus flabellifer (palmyrah<br />

palm) in rats. Br J Exp Pathol 52(5):524-537.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>abokke RG, Arseculeratne SN (1976) Veno-occlusive<br />

lesions in the liver of rats after prolonged feeding with<br />

palmyrah (Borassus flabellifer) flour. Br J Exp Pathol<br />

57(2):189-199.<br />

Sumudunie KA, J<strong>an</strong>sz ER, Jayasekera S, et al. (2004) The<br />

neurotoxic effect of palmyrah (Borassus flabellifer) flour<br />

re-visited. Int J Food Sci Nutr 55(8):607-614.<br />

Borgia’s-bouquet –see– Pimelea trichostachya Lindl.<br />

borico –see– Plumbago sc<strong>an</strong>dens L.<br />

borrachero –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia ×c<strong>an</strong>dida Pers.<br />

borsteuphorbia –see– Euphorbia leuconeura Boiss.<br />

b o s c i a f o e Ti d a Schinz [Capparaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

noeniebossie; oumiedbos; stinkbossie<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1943) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XIII. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 18(1-2):207-224.<br />

b o s w e l l i a s e r r a Ta Roxb. ex Colebr.<br />

[Burseraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Acebo E, Ratón JA, Sautúa S, et al. (2004) Allergic contact<br />

dermatitis from Boswellia serrata extract in a naturopathic<br />

cream. Contact Dermatitis 51(2):91-92.<br />

bottle gourd –see– Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

bottlebrush –see– Crotalaria burke<strong>an</strong>a Benth.; Equisetum<br />

arvense L.<br />

botuje –see– Jatropha curcas L.; Jatropha multifida L.<br />

botuje papa –see– Jatropha gossypiifolia L.<br />

bouquet corail –see– Jatropha multifida L.<br />

bourdaine –see– Fr<strong>an</strong>gula alnus Mill.<br />

bourse-à-pasteur –see– Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik.<br />

bourtree –see– Sambucus nigra L.<br />

bouton d’or –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus acris L.<br />

bowwood –see– Maclura pomifera (Raf.) C. K. Schneid.<br />

b o w d ic h i a n i Ti d a Spruce ex Benth. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

sebipira; sicopira; sucupira<br />

Citations:<br />

Gonçalo, S (1992) Allergic contact dermatitis from Bowdichia<br />

nitida (sucupira) wood. Contact Dermatitis 26(3):205.<br />

Hausen BM, Simatup<strong>an</strong>g MH, Kingreen JC (1972) Untersuchungen<br />

zur Überempfindlichkeit gegen Sucupira - und<br />

Palis<strong>an</strong>derholz. Derm Beruf Umwelt 20(1):1-7.<br />

b o w e n i a s e r r u l a Ta (W. Bull) Chamb.<br />

[Zamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bigfield fern; Byfield fern<br />

Citations:<br />

Anderson JL, Hall WT (1964) Neurotoxic effects from cycad<br />

leaves. Fed Proc 23:1349.<br />

Hall WT, McGavin MD (1968) Clinical <strong>an</strong>d neuropathological<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in cattle eating the leaves of Macrozamia<br />

lucida or Bowenia serrulata (Family Zamiaceae). Pathol<br />

Vet 5(1):26-34.<br />

Seawright AA, Oelrichs PB, Ng JC, et al. (1998) The toxicity<br />

of the Australi<strong>an</strong> cycad Bowenia serrulata to cattle. In:<br />

Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural<br />

toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI. New York. pp. 447-452.<br />

bowm<strong>an</strong>’s-root –see– Apocynum c<strong>an</strong>nabinum L.<br />

box –see– Buxus sempervirens L.<br />

boxberry –see– Gaultheria procumbens L.<br />

boxchechem –see– Metopium brownei (Jacq.) Urb.<br />

boxthorn –see– Lycium barbarum L.<br />

boxwood –see– Buxus sempervirens L.<br />

boys-<strong>an</strong>d-girls –see– Mercurialis <strong>an</strong>nua L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Brassica napus - 61<br />

Brachiaria briz<strong>an</strong>tha (Hochst. ex A. Rich) Stapf = Urochloa<br />

briz<strong>an</strong>tha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) R. D Webster<br />

Brachiaria decumbens Stapf = Urochloa decumbens (Stapf)<br />

R. D. Webster<br />

Brachiaria purpurescens (Raddi) Henry = Urochloa mutica<br />

(Forssk.) T. Q. Nguyen<br />

Brachiaria radic<strong>an</strong>s Napper = Urochloa arrecta (Hack. ex T.<br />

Dur<strong>an</strong>d & Schinz) Morrone & Zuloaga<br />

Brachiaria ruziziensis R. Germ. & C. M. Evrard = Urochloa<br />

ruziziensis (R. Germ. & C. M. Evrard) Crins<br />

b r a c h y a c h n e c o n ve r g e n s (F. Muell.) Stapf<br />

[Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gulf stargrass; Kimberley couch; native couchgrass;<br />

spidergrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1940) A native couch grass d<strong>an</strong>gerous to stock.<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d Agric J 54:267.<br />

b r a c h y c h i To n p o p u l n e u s (Schott & Endl.)<br />

R. Br. [Malvaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s terculia diversifolia G. Don<br />

Common Names:<br />

kurrajong<br />

Citations:<br />

Setchell BP, McInnes P, Christie DG (1964) Poisoning of<br />

sheep with <strong>an</strong>thelmintic doses of carbon tetrachloride.<br />

IV. Effect of stinkwort (Inula graveolens). Aust Vet J<br />

40(J<strong>an</strong>):30-31.<br />

b r a c h y g l o TTis r e p a n d a J. R. Forst. & G.<br />

Forst. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

r<strong>an</strong>giora<br />

Citations:<br />

Mortimer PH, White EP (1967) Hepatotoxic subst<strong>an</strong>ce in<br />

Brachyglottis rep<strong>an</strong>da. Nature 214(5094):1255-1256.<br />

bracken fern –see– Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn<br />

brahmi –see– Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.<br />

brake fern –see– Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn<br />

braken fern –see– Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn<br />

br<strong>an</strong> –see– Triticum aestivum L.<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched larkspur –see– Consolida regalis Gray<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched onion weed –see– Trachy<strong>an</strong>dra divaricata (Jacq.)<br />

Kunth<br />

br<strong>an</strong>sbossie –see– Chrysocoma ciliata L.<br />

Brassaia actinophylla Endl. = Schefflera actinophylla (Endl.)<br />

Harms<br />

Brassica alba (L.) Rabenh. = Sinapis alba L.<br />

Brassica arvensis (L.) Rabenh. = Sinapis arvensis L.<br />

Brassica campestris L. = Brassica rapa L. subsp. campestris<br />

(L.) A. R. Clapham<br />

b r a s s ic a j u n c e a (L.) Czern. [Brassicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

brown mustard; Indi<strong>an</strong> mustard; leaf mustard; oriental<br />

mustard; sarson<br />

Citations:<br />

Katamoto H, Nishiguchi S, Harada K, et al. (2001) Suspected<br />

oriental mustard (Brassica juncea) intoxication in<br />

cattle. Vet Rec 149(7):215-216.<br />

Kernaleguen A, Smith RA, Yong CW (1989) Acute mustard<br />

seed toxicosis in beef cattle. C<strong>an</strong> Vet J 30(6):524.<br />

Poulsen E (1958) Forgiftning med myrosinasefri sennepsskrå<br />

hos kvæg. Nord Vet Med 10:487-497.<br />

Semalulu SS, Rousseaux CG (1989) Suspected oriental mustard<br />

seed (Brassica juncea) poisoning in cattle. C<strong>an</strong> Vet J<br />

30(7):595-596.<br />

Brassica kaber (DC.) L. C. Wheeler = Sinapis arvensis L.<br />

Brassica napus L. subsp. oleifera (Delile) Sinskaya = Brassica<br />

napus L. var. napus<br />

b r a s s ic a n a p u s L. var. napobrassica (L.) Rchb.<br />

[Brassicaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b rassica rutabaga DC. ex H. Lév.<br />

Common Names:<br />

rutabaga; Swede; Swede turnip<br />

Citations:<br />

Bobek S (1968) Właściwości wolotwórcze i przeciwwolotwórcze<br />

żółtej brukwi (Brassica rutabaga). Endokrynol Pol<br />

19(1):47-60.<br />

Debackere M, Hoorens J, Haustraete KH (1966) Vergiftiging<br />

door koolzaad - En raapzaadschroot. Vlaams Diergeneesk<br />

Tijdschr 35(9-10):393-399.<br />

Kennedy TH, Purves HD (1941) Studies on experimental<br />

goitre. I. The effect of Brassica seed diet on rats. Br J Exp<br />

Pathol 22(5):241-244.<br />

Simesen MG, Konggaard SP (1970) Eksperimentelle undersøgelser<br />

vedrørende roeforgiftning hos kvæg. Nord Vet<br />

Med 22(3):174-185.<br />

b r a s s ic a n a p u s L. var. napus [Brassicaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b rassica napus L. subsp. oleifera (Delile) Sinskaya<br />

Common Names:<br />

c<strong>an</strong>ola; cole; colza; green c<strong>an</strong>ola; rape; Raps; rapsfromel;<br />

winter rape<br />

Citations:<br />

Allen CE, Dow DS (1952) The biological assessment of the<br />

value of rapeseed oil meal as a dietary component. Sci<br />

Agric 32:403-410.

62 - Brassica napus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Allen JG, Creeper JH, Forshaw D, et al. (2004) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated<br />

diseases, either new or new to the state, encountered<br />

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publications.<br />

b r a s s ic a n a p u s L. var. pabularia (DC.) Rchb.<br />

[Brassicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

rape kale<br />

Citations:<br />

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its relation to thiocy<strong>an</strong>ate content. J Sci Food Agric<br />

25(3):329-337.<br />

b r a s s ic a n ig r a (L.) W. D. J. Koch [Brassicaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s inapis nigra L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

black mustard; brown mustard; moutarde noire; mustard;<br />

Schwarzer Senf; Senf<br />

Citations:<br />

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b r a s s ic a o l e r a c e a L. var. botrytis L.<br />

[Brassicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Blumenkohl; cauliflower; cavolfiore<br />

Citations:<br />

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Dermatol 113(6):776-779.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Ketel WG (1975) A cauliflower allergy. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):324-325.<br />

b r a s s ic a o l e r a c e a L. var. capitata L.<br />

[Brassicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cabbage; cavolo cappaccio; drumhead cabbage; Kohl;<br />

repolho; Weißkraut<br />

Citations:<br />

Blum F (1950) Studien zum Kropfproblem. IV. Mitteilung.<br />

Ueber pfl<strong>an</strong>zliche Kropferreger und Versuche zu ihrer<br />

Umzüchtung. Schweiz Med Wochenschr 80(6):142-144.

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Burrows GE, Morton DJ, Basudde CD (1990) The effects of<br />

feeding cabbage (Brassica oleracea) <strong>an</strong>d Rhodesi<strong>an</strong> ragwort<br />

(Senecio latifolius) on the disposition of <strong>an</strong>tipyrine<br />

<strong>an</strong>d acetaminophen in sheep. Toxicon 28(6):603.<br />

Caln<strong>an</strong> CD (1981) Contact urticaria from cabbage (Brassica).<br />

Contact Dermatitis 7(5):279.<br />

Clegg FG, Ev<strong>an</strong>s RK (1962) Haemoglobinaemia of cattle<br />

associated with the feeding of Brassicae species. Vet Rec<br />

74(44):1169-1176.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>ger P (1964) Study of chemical representatives of the<br />

goitrogenic activity of raw cabbage. Physiol Bohemoslov<br />

13(6):542-549.<br />

Moraga BL, Scheidegger A (1987) Intoxicacion de bovinos<br />

con repello (Brassica oleracea var. capitata). Agric Tec<br />

Chile 47(4):427-430.<br />

Parodi A, Guenet JL (1965) Goitre enzootique chez des<br />

chevreaux. Rec Med Vet Ec Alfort 141:57-61.<br />

Quirce S, Madero MF, Fernández-Nieto M, et al. (2005)<br />

Occupational asthma due to the inhalation of cauliflower<br />

<strong>an</strong>d cabbage vapors. Allergy 60(7):969-970.<br />

Taljaard TL (1993) Cabbage poisoning in rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. J S Afr<br />

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ve oğlaklarinda guvatr. Vet Fakul Dergisi Ankara Univ<br />

34(2):241-250.<br />

b r a s s ic a o l e r a c e a L. var. gemmifera Zenker<br />

[Brassicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Brussels sprouts; choux fourrager; couve-de-Bruxelas;<br />

Rosenkohl<br />

Citations:<br />

Clegg FG, Ev<strong>an</strong>s RK (1962) Haemoglobinaemia of cattle<br />

associated with the feeding of Brassicae species. Vet Rec<br />

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levels of Brussels sprouts in the diet of rats. Food Chem<br />

Toxicol 29(12):829-837.<br />

b r a s s ic a o l e r a c e a L. var. italica Plenck<br />

[Brassicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

broccoli<br />

Citations:<br />

Sánchez-Guerrero IM, Escudero AI (1998) Occupational<br />

contact dermatitis to broccoli. Allergy 53(6):621-622.<br />

b r a s s ic a o l e r a c e a L. var. medullosa Thell.<br />

[Brassicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

C<strong>an</strong>sons kale; chou moellier; chou moullier; Maris<br />

Kestrel kale; Markstammkohl; marrow stem kale<br />

Citations:<br />

Clegg FG, Ev<strong>an</strong>s RK (1962) Haemoglobinaemia of cattle<br />

associated with the feeding of Brassicae species. Vet Rec<br />

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induction of kale <strong>an</strong>aemia in lactating cows. Acta<br />

Vet Sc<strong>an</strong>d 9(2):126-140.<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t CA, Holtenius P, Jönsson G, et al. (1968) Kale <strong>an</strong>aemia<br />

in rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. II. Observations on kale-fed sheep.<br />

Acta Vet Sc<strong>an</strong>d 9(2):141-150.<br />

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II. Further factors concerned in the occurrence of the disease<br />

under experimental conditions. Res Vet Sci 11(3):232-238.<br />

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Hill FI, Ebbett PC (1997) Polioencephalomalacia in cattle<br />

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Z Vet J 45:37-39.<br />

Kennedy TH, Purves HD (1941) Studies on experimental<br />

goitre. I. The effect of Brassica seed diet on rats. Br J Exp<br />

Pathol 22(5):241-244.<br />

Mason RW, Lucas P (1983) Acute poisoning in cattle after<br />

eating old non-viable seed of chou moellier (Brassica oleracea<br />

convar. acephala). Aust Vet J 60(9):272-273.<br />

Paxm<strong>an</strong> PJ, Hill R (1974) The goitrogenicity of kale <strong>an</strong>d its relation<br />

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Piatkowski B, Steger H (1965) Der Einfluß verschiedener<br />

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Rindern. Arch Tierernahr 15(6):447-453.<br />

Pickard DW, Crighton DB (1967) An investigation into the<br />

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Tucker EM (1969) The onset of <strong>an</strong>aemia <strong>an</strong>d the production<br />

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Williams HL, Hill R, Alderm<strong>an</strong> G (1965) The effects of<br />

feeding kale to breeding ewes. Br Vet J 121(1):2-17.<br />

b r a s s ic a o l e r a c e a L. var. ramosa DC.<br />

[Brassicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

C<strong>an</strong>son kale; thous<strong>an</strong>d-head kale<br />

Citations:<br />

Greenhalgh JF, Sharm<strong>an</strong> GA, Aitken JN, et al. (1967) Haemolytic<br />

<strong>an</strong>aemia in cattle fed on kale. Anim Prod 9:286.<br />

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its relation to thiocy<strong>an</strong>ate content. J Sci Food Agric<br />

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Wright E, Sinclair DP (1958) The goitrogenic effect of thous<strong>an</strong>d-headed<br />

kale on adult sheep <strong>an</strong>d rabbits. N Z J Agric<br />

Res 1:477-485.<br />

b r a s s ic a o l e r a c e a L. var. viridis L.<br />

[Brassicaceae]<br />

Common names:<br />


66 - Brassica rapa D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

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b r a s s ic a r a p a L. subsp. campestris (L.) A. R.<br />

Clapham [Brassicaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b rassica campestris L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

c<strong>an</strong>ola; Chinese cabbage; nabo silvestre; novet; turnip<br />

rape<br />

Citations:<br />

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Yamashiro S, Umemura T, Bhatnagar MK, et al. (1977)<br />

Haemorrhagic liver syndrome of broiler chickens<br />

fed diets containing rapeseed products. Res Vet Sci<br />

23(2):179-184.<br />

Yule WJ, McBride RL (1978) Rapeseed meals in broiler<br />

diets: Effect on perform<strong>an</strong>ce <strong>an</strong>d sensory evaluation of<br />

carcasses. Br Poult Sci 19(4):543-548.<br />

Note:<br />

Rape is named Brassica napus L. var. napus or Brassica<br />

rapa L. subsp. campestris (L.) A. R. Clapham in some<br />

publications.<br />

b r a s s ic a r a p a L. subsp. rapa [Brassicaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b rassica rapa L. subsp. rapifera Metzg.<br />

Common Names:<br />

turnip; white turnip<br />

Citations:<br />

Brakenridge DT (1956) Nitrate poisoning caused by turnips<br />

<strong>an</strong>d red root. N Z Vet J 4:165-166.<br />

Debackere M, Hoorens J, Haustraete KH (1966) Vergiftiging<br />

door koolzaad - En raapzaadschroot. Vlaams Diergeneesk<br />

Tijdschr 35(9-10):393-399.

68 - Breynia vitis-idaea D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Kennedy TH, Purves HD (1941) Studies on experimental<br />

goitre. I. The effect of Brassica seed diet on rats. Br J Exp<br />

Pathol 22(5):241-244.<br />

Muñoz-Bellido FJ, Moy<strong>an</strong>o-Maza JC, Alvarez-Gonzalo M,<br />

et al. (2003) Occupational contact dermatitis to turnip<br />

(Brassica napa). Allergy 58(11):1198-1199.<br />

Brassica rapa L. subsp. rapifera Metzg. = Brassica rapa L.<br />

subsp. rapa<br />

Brassica rutabaga DC. ex H. Lév. = Brassica napus L.<br />

napobrassica (L.) Rchb.<br />

Brassica sinapis Vis. = Sinapis arvensis L.<br />

Brazil nut –see– Berthollettia excelsa Bonpl.<br />

Brazil rain tree –see– Brunfelsia australis Benth.<br />

Brazil rattlebox –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea (Cav.) Benth.<br />

Brazili<strong>an</strong> arrowroot –see– M<strong>an</strong>ihot esculenta Cr<strong>an</strong>tz<br />

Brazili<strong>an</strong> guar<strong>an</strong>a –see– Paullinia cup<strong>an</strong>a Kunth<br />

Brazili<strong>an</strong> jacar<strong>an</strong>da –see– Dalbergia nigra (Vell.) Allemão ex<br />

Benth.<br />

Brazili<strong>an</strong> pepper tree –see– Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi<br />

Brazili<strong>an</strong> physicnut –see– Cnidoscolus urens (L.) Arthur<br />

Brazili<strong>an</strong> rosebush –see– Dalbergia nigra (Vell.) Allemão ex<br />

Benth.<br />

Brazili<strong>an</strong> rosewood –see– Dalbergia nigra (Vell.) Allemão ex<br />

Benth.<br />

Brazili<strong>an</strong> walnut –see– Ocotea porosa (Nees & Mart.)<br />

Barroso<br />

Brechnuss –see– Strychnos nux-vomica L.<br />

Brechwurz –see– Asarum europaeum L.<br />

breeches flower –see– Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh.<br />

Brennessel –see– Urtica dioica L.<br />

Brennkraut –see– Clematis vitalba L.<br />

bretonica –see– Melochia tomentosa L.<br />

brewer’s-hop –see– Humulus lupulus L.<br />

Breynia officinalis Hemsl. = Breynia vitis-idaea (Burm. f.)<br />

C. E. C. Fisch.<br />

b r e y n i a v i Tis -i d a e a (Burm. f.) C. E. C. Fisch.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b reynia officinalis Hemsl.<br />

Citations:<br />

Lin TJ, Su CC, L<strong>an</strong> CK, et al. (2003) Acute poisonings with<br />

Breynia officinalis - An outbreak of hepatotoxicity. J Toxicol<br />

Clin Toxicol 41(4):513.<br />

Lin TJ, Su CC, L<strong>an</strong> CK, et al. (2003) Acute poisonings with<br />

Breynia officinalis - An outbreak of hepatotoxicity. J Toxicol<br />

Clin Toxicol 41(5):591-594.<br />

Lin TJ, Tsai MS, Chiou NM, et al. (2002) Hepatotoxicity<br />

caused by Breynia officinalis. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

44(2):87-88.<br />

brîcută –see– Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex Pr<strong>an</strong>tl<br />

bright-eyes –see– Cathar<strong>an</strong>thus roseus (L.) G. Don<br />

brinjal –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um melongena L.<br />

brionia –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

bristly foxtail –see– Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. &<br />

Schult.<br />

bristly mallow –see– Modiola carolini<strong>an</strong>a (L.) G. Don<br />

British m<strong>an</strong>drake –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

British nettle –see– Urtica dioica L.<br />

briuma d<strong>an</strong>die –see– Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

broad be<strong>an</strong> –see– Vicia faba L.<br />

broad cocklebur –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L.<br />

broad-leaf endive –see– Cichorium endivia L.<br />

broad-leaf laurel –see– Kalmia latifolia L.<br />

broad-leaf lupine –see– Lupinus latifolius J. Agardh<br />

broad-leaf milkweed –see– Asclepias eriocarpa Benth.;<br />

Asclepias latifolia (Torr.) Raf.; Asclepias speciosa Torr.<br />

broad-leaf wart spurge –see– Euphorbia platyphyllos L.<br />

broccoli –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck<br />

Bromelia <strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>as L. = An<strong>an</strong>as comosus (L.) Merr.<br />

Bromelia comosus L. = An<strong>an</strong>as comosus (L.) Merr.<br />

broom –see– Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link; Genista stenopetala<br />

Webb & Berthel.; Securigera varia (L.) Lassen;<br />

Templetonia egena (F. Muell.) Benth.<br />

broom bush –see– Pimelea trichostachya Lindl.<br />

broom corn –see– Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

broom groundsel –see– Senecio riddellii Torr. & A. Gray;<br />

Senecio spartioides Torr. & A. Gray<br />

broom millet –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum miliaceum L.; Sorghum bicolor<br />

(L.) Moench<br />

broom rape –see– Orob<strong>an</strong>che minor Sm.<br />

broom snakeweed –see– Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh)<br />

Britton & Rusby<br />

broomcorn millet –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum miliaceum L.<br />

broomcorn sorghum –see– Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

broomtops –see– Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link<br />

broomweed –see– Gutierrezia microcephala (DC.) A. Gray;<br />

Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton & Rusby<br />

brown corn –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum miliaceum L.<br />

brown dragon –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott<br />

brown mustard –see– Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.; Brassica<br />

nigra (L.) W. D. J. Koch<br />

Brown’s-larkspur –see– Delphinium glaucum S. Watson<br />

browse milk vetch –see– Astragalus cibarius E. Sheld.<br />

brugm<strong>an</strong>sia –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia arborea (L.) Lagerh.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia suaveolens - 69<br />

b r u g Ma n s i a a r b o r e a (L.) Lagerh.<br />

[Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d atura arborea L.; d atura cornigera Hook.<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>gel’s-tears; <strong>an</strong>gel’s-trumpet; <strong>an</strong>gel’s-trumpet lily;<br />

brugm<strong>an</strong>sia; camp<strong>an</strong>a; cornucopia; florifundia; floripondio;<br />

maikoa; reina-de-la-noche; saia bl<strong>an</strong>ca; tree<br />

datura; trombeta bl<strong>an</strong>ca; trombeteira; trumpet lily;<br />

trumpet vine<br />

Citations:<br />

Belton PA, Gibbons DO (1979) Datura intoxication in West<br />

Cornwall. Br Med J 1(6163):585-586.<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2003) Herbal infusions<br />

used for induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

41(3):235-239.<br />

Haym<strong>an</strong> J (1985) Datura poisoning - The <strong>an</strong>gel’s trumpet.<br />

Pathology 17(3):465-466.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Armién AG, Peixoto PV, et al. (1996) Estudo<br />

experimental sobre a toxidez de algumas pl<strong>an</strong>tas ornamentais<br />

em bovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 16(1):5-20.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1943) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XIII. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 18(1-2):207-224.<br />

Vieira RJ (1976) Intoxicação por folha de “Datura arborea”<br />

através da pele. Apresentação de um caso. Rev Assoc Med<br />

Bras 22(3):90.<br />

Wallm<strong>an</strong> JD (1963) An odd eye. Med J Aust 1(Feb<br />

3):153-154.<br />

b r u g Ma n s i a × c a n d i d a Pers. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d atura c<strong>an</strong>dida (Pers.) Saff.<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>gel’s-trumpet; borrachero; camp<strong>an</strong>a; cornucopia; floripondio;<br />

trompetero<br />

Citations:<br />

Finlay P (1998) Anticholinergic poisoning due to Datura<br />

c<strong>an</strong>dida. Trop Doct 28(3):183-184.<br />

Greene GS, Patterson SG, Warner E (1996) Ingestion of<br />

<strong>an</strong>gel’s trumpet: An increasingly common source of toxicity.<br />

South Med J 89(4):365-369.<br />

Shaw D, Pearn J (1979) Ole<strong>an</strong>der [sic] poisoning. Med J Aust<br />

2(5):267-269.<br />

b r u g Ma n s i a × i n s ig n is (Barb. Rodr.)<br />

Lockwood ex R. E. Schult. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Paetzold W, Schneider U, Emrich HM, et al. (1999)<br />

Engelstrompeten: Falldarstellung einer drogeninduzierten<br />

Psychose durch Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia insignis. Psychiatr<br />

Prax 26(3):147-148.<br />

b r u g Ma n s i a s a n g u i n e a (Ruiz & Pav.) D.<br />

Don [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d atura rosei Saff.<br />

Common Names:<br />

puca campuchu; red <strong>an</strong>gel’s-trumpet<br />

Citations:<br />

Hudson MJ (1973) Acute atropine poisoning from ingestion<br />

of Datura rosei. N Z Med J 77(491):245-248.<br />

b r u g Ma n s i a s u a ve o l e n s (Humb. & Bonpl.<br />

ex Willd.) Bercht. & J. Presl [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d atura suaveolens Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>gel’s-trumpet; änglatrumpet; devil’s-trumpet;<br />

Engelstrompete; floripon; moonflower<br />

Citations:<br />

Ahremark U, Björkqvist I, Olsson CG (1982) Intoxikation<br />

av änglatrumpet. Lakartidningen 79(19):1929-1930.<br />

Anonymous (1984) Datura poisoning from hamburger<br />

- C<strong>an</strong>ada. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep<br />

33(20):282-283.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>g SS, Wu ML, Deng JF, et al. (1999) Poisoning by<br />

Datura leaves used as edible wild vegetables. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 41(4):242-245.<br />

Fr<strong>an</strong>cis PD, Clarke CF (1999) Angel trumpet lily poisoning<br />

in five adolescents: Clinical findings <strong>an</strong>d m<strong>an</strong>agement. J<br />

Paediatr Child Health 35(1):93-95.<br />

Giess R, Müllges W (1999) Einseitige Mydriasis nach Rückschnitt<br />

einer Engelstrompete. Dtsch Med Wochenschr<br />

124(48):1456.<br />

Hall RC, Popkin MK, McHenry LE (1976) Angel’s trumpet:<br />

A call to the ER. Emerg Med 8(9):241-243.<br />

Hall RC, Popkin MK, McHenry LE (1976) Angel’s trumpet<br />

may herald psychosis. Med World News 17(18):19.<br />

Hall RC, Popkin MK, McHenry LE (1977) Angel’s trumpet<br />

psychosis: A central nervous system <strong>an</strong>ticholinergic syndrome.<br />

Am J Psychiatry 134(3):312-314.<br />

Havelius U, Asm<strong>an</strong> P (2002) Accidental mydriasis from<br />

exposure to <strong>an</strong>gel’s trumpet (Datura suaveolens). Acta<br />

Ophthalmol (Copenh) 80(3):332-335.<br />

Hornsby P (1969) A case of accidental mydriasis due to the<br />

bark of the moon flower. East Afr Med J 46(9):527.<br />

McHenry LE, Hall RC (1978) Angel ’s trumpet. Lethal <strong>an</strong>d<br />

psychogenic aspects. J Fla Med Assoc 65(3):192-196.<br />

Popkin MK (1976) “Angel’s trumpet” provides deadly thrills<br />

for youth. JAMA 236(3):249.<br />

Rauber Lüthy C, Guirguis M, Meier Abt AS, et al. (1999)<br />

Lethal poisoning after ingestion of a tea prepared from<br />

the <strong>an</strong>gel’s trumpet (Datura suaveolens). J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 37(1):414.<br />

Reichmuth D, Greene G, Matfin G, et al. (1997) A dazed<br />

<strong>an</strong>d disoriented m<strong>an</strong> found by the roadside. Hosp Pract<br />

(Off Ed) 32(5):37-40.<br />

Smith EA, Melo<strong>an</strong> CE, Pickell JA, et al. (1991) Scopolamine<br />

poisoning from homemade ‘moon flower’ wine. J<br />

Anal Toxicol 15(4):216-219.<br />

Voltz R, Hohlfeld R, Liebler M, et al. (1992) Gardener’s<br />

mydriasis. L<strong>an</strong>cet 339(8795):752.

70 - Brunfelsia australis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

b r u n f e ls i a a u s Tr a l is Benth. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Brazil rain tree; Fr<strong>an</strong>cissia; morning-noon-night; Paraguay<strong>an</strong><br />

jasmin; yesterday-today-tomorrow<br />

Citations:<br />

Neilson J, Burren V (1983) Intoxication of two dogs by fruit<br />

of Brunfelsia australis. Aust Vet J 60(12):379-380.<br />

Brunfelsia bonodora (Vell.) J. F. Macbr. = Brunfelsia latifolia<br />

(Pohl) Benth.<br />

Brunfelsia calycina Benth. = Brunfelsia pauciflora (Cham. &<br />

Schltdl.) Benth.<br />

b r u n f e ls i a g r a n d i f l o r a D. Don<br />

[Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Lloyd HA, Fales HM, Goldm<strong>an</strong> ME, et al. (1985) Brunfelsamidine:<br />

A novel convuls<strong>an</strong>t from the medicinal<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t Brunfelsia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora. Tetrahedron Lett 26<br />

(22):2623-2624.<br />

b r u n f e ls i a l a Ti f o l i a (Pohl) Benth.<br />

[Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b runfelsia bonodora (Vell.) J. F. Macbr.<br />

Common Names:<br />

kiss-me-quick; yesterday-today-tomorrow<br />

Citations:<br />

McBarron EJ, De Sarem W (1975) Poisoning of dogs by the<br />

fruits of the garden shrub Brunfelsia bonodora. Aust Vet<br />

J 51(5):280.<br />

b r u n f e ls i a p a u c i f l o r a (Cham. & Schltdl.)<br />

Benth. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b runfelsia calycina Benth.<br />

Common Names:<br />

morning-noon-night; yesterday-today; yesterdaytoday-tomorrow<br />

Citations:<br />

B<strong>an</strong>ton MI, Jowett PL, Renegar KR, et al. (1989) Brunfelsia<br />

pauciflora (“Yesterday, to-day <strong>an</strong>d tomorrow”) poisoning<br />

in a dog. Vet Hum Toxicol 31(5):496-497.<br />

Spainhour CB, Fiske RA, Flory W, et al. (1990) A toxicological<br />

investigation of the garden shrub Brunfelsia calycina<br />

var. floribunda (yesterday-today-<strong>an</strong>d-tomorrow) in three<br />

species. J Vet Diagn Invest 2:3-8.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Gava A, Stolf L, et al. (1991) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Brunfelsia pauciflora (Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae) em<br />

bovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 11(1-2):9-12.<br />

Brussels sprouts –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. gemmifera<br />

Zenker<br />

b r y a e b e n u s (L.) DC. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Amerik<strong>an</strong>ische Grenadill; cocus; green ebony; grenadil<br />

Citations:<br />

Hausen BM, Bruhn G, Koenig WA (1991) New hydroxyisoflav<strong>an</strong>s<br />

as contact sensitizers in cocus wood Brya ebenus<br />

DC (Fabaceae). Contact Dermatitis 25(3):149-155.<br />

bryone bl<strong>an</strong>che –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

Bryonia cretica L. subsp. dioica (Jacq.) Tutin = Bryonia<br />

dioica Jacq.<br />

b r y o n i a d io ic a Jacq. [Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b ryonia cretica L. subsp. dioica (Jacq.) Tutin; b ryonia<br />

lutea Bast. ex Ser.<br />

Common Names:<br />

brionia; British m<strong>an</strong>drake; bryone bl<strong>an</strong>che; bryony; devil’s-turnip;<br />

English m<strong>an</strong>drake; Gichtwurz; grapewort;<br />

Isle-of-Wight-vine; m<strong>an</strong>drake; murrainberry; navet-dediable;<br />

nueza bl<strong>an</strong>ca; red bryony; Rotbeerige Zaunrübe;<br />

Scheißwurz; Schl<strong>an</strong>genrübe; tetterberry; Teufelsrübe;<br />

tuca; white bryony; white wild vine; wild hop<br />

Citations:<br />

Anger AS (1900) Bryony poisoning. Am Vet Rev<br />

23:804-805.<br />

Blackwell WE (1931) Horses poisoned by bryony. Vet Rec<br />

11(9):911-912.<br />

Whur P (1986) White bryony poisoning in a dog. Vet Rec<br />

119(16):411.<br />

Bryonia lutea Bast. ex Ser. = Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

b r y o n o p s is l a c i n io s a (L.) Naudin<br />

[Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

native bryony; wild bryony<br />

Citations:<br />

Maiden JH (1896) A fatal case of poisoning by the fruits of a<br />

native climbing pl<strong>an</strong>t. Bryonia laciniosa, Linn. Agric Gaz<br />

New South Wales 7:424-426.<br />

White CT (1924) The native bryony (Bryonia laciniosa). A<br />

poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d Agric J 22(Dec):442-444.<br />

bryony –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

Bryophyllum daigremonti<strong>an</strong>um (Raym.-Hamet & H.<br />

Perrier) A. Berger = Kal<strong>an</strong>choe daigremonti<strong>an</strong>a Raym.-<br />

Hamet & H. Perrier<br />

Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken = Kal<strong>an</strong>choe pinnata<br />

(Lam.) Pers.<br />

Bryophyllum proliferum Bowie ex Hook. = Kal<strong>an</strong>choe<br />

prolifera (Bowie ex Hook.) Raym.-Hamet<br />

Bryophyllum tubiflorum Harv. = Kal<strong>an</strong>choe delagoensis<br />

Eckl. & Zeyh.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Burttia prunoides - 71<br />

Buche –see– Fagus sylvatica L.<br />

Buchsbaum –see– Buxus sempervirens L.<br />

Buchweizen –see– Fagopyrum esculentum Moench<br />

buckbe<strong>an</strong> –see– Meny<strong>an</strong>thes trifoliata L.<br />

buckeye –see– Aesculus flava Sol.; Aesculus glabra Willd.;<br />

Aesculus hippocast<strong>an</strong>um L.; Aesculus pavia L.<br />

buckle fern –see– Dryopteris carthusi<strong>an</strong>a (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs<br />

Buckley’s-centaury –see– Zeltnera calycosa (Buckley) G. M<strong>an</strong>s.<br />

buckthorn –see– Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. & C. A. Mey.;<br />

Fr<strong>an</strong>gula alnus Mill.; Karwinskia calderonii St<strong>an</strong>dl.;<br />

Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.; Rhamnus<br />

cathartica L.<br />

buckwheat –see– Fagopyrum esculentum Moench<br />

Buddha pea –see– Aeschynomene indica L.<br />

Buddhist rosary bead –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

budgeegrass –see– Cynodon nlemfuensis V<strong>an</strong>deryst; Cynodon<br />

plectostachyus (K. Schum.) Pilg.<br />

buena moza –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a glauca Graham<br />

Buena vista –see– Codiaeum variegatum (L.) A. Juss.<br />

buffalo be<strong>an</strong> –see– Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

buffalo bur –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um rostratum Dunal<br />

buffelgras –see– Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B. K. Simon<br />

& S. W. L. Jacobs<br />

buffelgrass –see– Cenchrus ciliaris L.<br />

bugb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Actaea racemosa L.; Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

buis –see– Buxus sempervirens L.<br />

buisson ardent –see– Pyrac<strong>an</strong>tha coccinea M. Roem.<br />

bul rose –see– Narcissus pseudonarcissus L.<br />

bulbous buttercup –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus bulbosus L.<br />

bull mallow –see– Malva nicaeensis All.<br />

bull nettle –see– Laportea c<strong>an</strong>adensis (L.) Wedd.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

aculeatissimum Jacq.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um carolinense L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

elaeagnifolium Cav.<br />

bull pine –see– Pinus ponderosa C. Lawson<br />

bull thistle –see– Silybum mari<strong>an</strong>um (L.) Gaertn.<br />

bullhead –see– Tribulus terrestris L.<br />

bullock bush –see– Alectryon oleifolius (Desf.) S. T. Reynolds<br />

bullock’s-heart –see– Annona reticulata L.<br />

bulls-<strong>an</strong>d-cows –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

b u l n e s i a s a r Mi e n To i Lorentz ex Griseb.<br />

[Zygophyllaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

guaiac; palo s<strong>an</strong>to<br />

Citations:<br />

Williams MC, Rodewijk JC, Olsen JD (1984) Intoxication<br />

in cattle, chicks <strong>an</strong>d hamsters from seed of the palo s<strong>an</strong>to<br />

tree (Bulnesia sarmientii). Vet Rec 115(25-26):646-648.<br />

bulrush millet –see– Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.<br />

bunchberry –see– L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara L.<br />

bunchgrass –see– Nolina tex<strong>an</strong>a S. Watson<br />

bunk –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

Buph<strong>an</strong>e disticha (L. f.) Herb. = Boophone distictia (L. f.)<br />

Herb.<br />

Buph<strong>an</strong>e toxicaria Herb. = Boophone distictia (L. f.) Herb.<br />

bur buttercup –see– Ceratocephala testiculata (Cr<strong>an</strong>tz) Roth<br />

bur clover –see– Medicago polymorpha L.<br />

bur medic –see– Medicago polymorpha L.<br />

bur nut –see– Tribulus terrestris L.<br />

bur thistle –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L.<br />

bur tree –see– Sambucus nigra L.<br />

bur trefoil –see– Medicago polymorpha L.<br />

bur<strong>an</strong>s –see– Rhododendron arboreum Sm.<br />

burdock –see– Arctium lappa L.; Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh.<br />

Burke’s-sl<strong>an</strong>gkop –see– Drimia s<strong>an</strong>guinea (Schinz) Jessop<br />

burley tobacco –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a tabacum L.<br />

Burma be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus lunatus L.<br />

Burma lac tree –see– Gluta usitata (Wall.) Ding Hou<br />

Burma teak –see– Tectona gr<strong>an</strong>dis L. f.<br />

Burmese lacquer tree –see– Gluta usitata (Wall.) Ding Hou<br />

burning be<strong>an</strong> –see– Calia secundiflora (Ortega) Yakovlev<br />

burningbush –see– Dictamnus albus L.; Bassia scoparia (L.)<br />

A. J. Scott<br />

burnwood –see– Metopium brownei (Jacq.) Urb.; Metopium<br />

toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.; Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi<br />

burraw<strong>an</strong>g –see– Macrozamia communis L. A. S. Johnson;<br />

Macrozamia lucida L. A. S. Johnson; Macrozamia spiralis<br />

(Salisb.) Miq.<br />

burraw<strong>an</strong>g palm –see– Macrozamia spiralis (Salisb.) Miq.<br />

burro weed –see– Isocoma plurifolia (Torr. & A. Gray)<br />

Greene<br />

Bursa bursa-pastoris (L.) Britton = Capsella bursa-pastoris<br />

(L.) Medik.<br />

b u r TTi a p r u n o i d e s Baker f. & Exell<br />

[Connaraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Msengi LM, Mosha RD, Matovelo JA, et al. (1987) The<br />

toxicity of Burttia prunoides in rats <strong>an</strong>d goats. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 29(5):398-400.<br />

Mugera GM, Jiwa SF (1970) Acute Burttia prunoides toxicity<br />

in livestock. Bull Epizootic Dis Afr 18(3):253-258.<br />

Musonera NA, Kindele N, Shukla RR (1979) Parasitic<br />

pneumonia <strong>an</strong>d toxic hepatitis in cattle from the Kundelungu<br />

R<strong>an</strong>ch - Shaba, Zaire. Bull Anim Health Prod Afr<br />

27:97-100.<br />

burweed –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L.

72 - Butea monosperma D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

burweed marsh elder –see– Cyclachaena x<strong>an</strong>thiifolia (Nutt.)<br />

Fresen.; Iva <strong>an</strong>nua L.<br />

bush tree –see– Buxus sempervirens L.<br />

bushi –see– Aconitum carmichaelii Debeaux<br />

bushm<strong>an</strong>’s-poison –see– Acok<strong>an</strong>thera oppositifolia (Lam.)<br />

Codd<br />

buta buta –see– Cerbera odollam Gaertn.<br />

b u Te a Mo n o s p e r Ma (Lam.) Taub. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

palas; palash<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

buti –see– L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara L.<br />

butón-de-oro –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus repens L.<br />

butter be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus lunatus L.<br />

butter daisy –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus acris L.; R<strong>an</strong>unculus bulbosus<br />

L.; Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex A.<br />

Gray<br />

butter print –see– Abutilon theophrasti Medik.<br />

butter weed –see– Senecio glabellus Poir.<br />

Butterblume –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus acris L.; Taraxacum officinale<br />

F. H. Wigg. aggr.<br />

buttercup –see– Allam<strong>an</strong>da cathartica L.; R<strong>an</strong>unculus acris<br />

L.; R<strong>an</strong>unculus bulbosus L.; R<strong>an</strong>unculus multifidus Forssk.;<br />

R<strong>an</strong>unculus sceleratus L.<br />

butterfly b<strong>an</strong>ners –see– Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh.<br />

butterfly flag –see– Diplarrhena moraea Labill.<br />

butterfly milkweed –see– Asclepias tuberosa L.<br />

butterfly pea –see– Clitoria ternatea L.<br />

butterfly weed –see– Asclepias tuberosa L.<br />

button print –see– Abutilon theophrasti Medik.<br />

button weed –see– Abutilon theophrasti Medik.; Ixiolaena<br />

brevicompta F. Muell.; Malva parviflora L.<br />

buttongrass –see– Dactyloctenium radul<strong>an</strong>s (R. Br.) P. Beauv.<br />

b u x u s s e Mp e rv i r e n s L. [Buxaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Abassi<strong>an</strong> boxwood; box; boxwood; Buchsbaum; buis;<br />

bush tree; cimisu; dudgeon; English boxwood; Europe<strong>an</strong><br />

boxwood; evergreen box; Ir<strong>an</strong>i<strong>an</strong> boxwood;<br />

Splintbaum; Turkey boxwood<br />

Citations:<br />

Bastien A, Grisvard M, Je<strong>an</strong>-Blain C, et al. (1973) Intoxication<br />

de jeunes bovins par le buis (Buxus sempervirens L.).<br />

Bull Soc Sci Vet Med Comp Lyon 75(5):289-290.<br />

Camy G, Leveille JL, Nevers B (1986) Cas clinique: Intoxication<br />

de bovins par le buis (Buxus sempervirens). Point<br />

Veterinaire 18(97):203-204.<br />

Krüger A, Matschullat G (1970) Buchsbaumvergiftung beim<br />

Schwein. Prakt Tierarzt 51:235-236.<br />

Markin LE (1930) Boxwood sensitiveness. J Allergy<br />

1:346-349.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Soest H, Gotink WM, v<strong>an</strong> der Vooren LJ (1965) Buxusvergiftiging<br />

bij varkens en runderen. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd<br />

90(6):387-389.<br />

Byfield fern –see– Bowenia serrulata (W. Bull) Chamb.<br />

Byrsocarpus coccineus Schumach. & Thonn. = Rourea<br />

coccinea (Schumach. & Thonn.) Hook. f.

caapi –see– B<strong>an</strong>isteriopsis caapi (Spruce ex Griseb.) C. V.<br />

Morton<br />

cabaret –see– Asarum europaeum L.<br />

cabbage –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.<br />

cabbage lettuce –see– Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata L.<br />

cabbagebark –see– Andira inermis (W. Wright) Kunth ex DC.<br />

cabinet cherry –see– Prunus serotina Ehrh.<br />

cacachilla –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.;<br />

Karwinskia calderonii St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

cacahuacuahuitl –see– Theobroma cacao L.<br />

cacahuil –see– Anacardium occidentale L.<br />

cacao –see– Theobroma cacao L.<br />

cacatsi –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.<br />

c a c h r y s l i b a n o Tis L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Ena P, Cerri R, Dessi G, et al. (1991) Phototoxicity due to<br />

Cachrys lib<strong>an</strong>otis. Contact Dermatitis 24(7):1-5.<br />

Ena P, Dessi G, Chiarolini F, et al. (1989) Phytophotodermatitis<br />

from a Cachrys species. Contact Dermatitis<br />

20(10):144-145.<br />

c a d a b a a p h y l l a (Thunb.) Wild [Capparaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c adaba juncea (Sparrm.) Harv. ex Hook. f. nom. illegit.<br />

Common Names:<br />

swartstorm<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1943) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XIII. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 18(1-2):207-224.<br />

Cadaba juncea (Sparrm.) Harv. ex Hook. f. nom. illegit. =<br />

Cadaba aphylla (Thunb.) Wild<br />

cade juniper –see– Juniperus oxycedrus L.<br />

cadia-del-perro –see– Krameria ixine L.<br />

cadjust –see– Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

c a e s a l p i n i a g i l l i e s i i (Hook.) D. Dietr.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p oinci<strong>an</strong>a gilliesii Hook.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bird-of-paradise; Mexic<strong>an</strong> bird-of-paradise; mimosadu-japon;<br />

paradise poinci<strong>an</strong>a; poinci<strong>an</strong>a; yellow birdof-paradise<br />

C<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1958) Toxicity studies of Arizona ornamental<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Ariz Med 15(7):512-514.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>n HM, Verhulst HL (1958) Bird of Paradise (Caesalpinia<br />

gilliesie (Hook), Fam. Leguminosae). Bull Natl<br />

Clgh Poison Control Cent 1958(Nov):3-5.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>n HM, Verhulst HL (1958) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Bull Natl<br />

Clgh Poison Control Cent 1958(Sep):2-5.<br />

Jouglard J, Airaudo CB Richardot R, (1973) Intoxications<br />

accidentelles par ingestion de graines de “Mimosa du<br />

Japon.” Bull Med Leg Toxicol Med 16(1):55-58.<br />

Shoemaker HA (1958) Bird of paradise seed poisoning. J<br />

Okla State Med Assoc 51(11):659-660.<br />

cafta –see– Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl.<br />

caixeta –see– Simarouba amara Aubl.<br />

c a j a n u s c a j a n (L.) Millsp. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Bengal gram; dhal arkar; gungo pea; pigeon pea; rahar<br />

dal; red gram<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

Montgomery RD (1964) Observations on the cy<strong>an</strong>ide content<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicity of tropical pulses. West Indi<strong>an</strong> Med J<br />

13(1):1-11.<br />

cajotillo –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.<br />

cajú –see– Anacardium occidentale L.<br />

cajuil –see– Anacardium occidentale L.<br />

caktrio –see– Tribulus terrestris L.<br />

calabash gourd –see– Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

Calabri<strong>an</strong> pine –see– Larix decidua Mill.<br />

caladio –see– Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Vent.<br />

caladium –see– Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Vent.<br />

c a l a d i u M b ic o l o r (Aiton) Vent. [Araceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>gel’s-wings; caladio; caladium; c<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>ga; capotillo;<br />

corazon-de-cabrito; couer saign<strong>an</strong>t; eleph<strong>an</strong>t’s-ear;<br />

f<strong>an</strong>cy-leaf caladium; Heart-of-Jesus; lagrimas-de-<br />

Maria; mother-in-law pl<strong>an</strong>t; paleta-de-pintor<br />

Citations:<br />

Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD (2001) Toxidromes<br />

associated with the most common pl<strong>an</strong>t ingestions. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(6):366-369.

74 - Calendula officinalis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Caladium seguinum (Jacq.) Vent. = Dieffenbachia seguine<br />

(Jacq.) Schott<br />

Calamity J<strong>an</strong>e –see– Echium pl<strong>an</strong>tagineum L.<br />

calamus –see– Acorus calamus L.<br />

calbachechem –see– Metopium brownei (Jacq.) Urb.<br />

calendula –see– Calendula officinalis L.<br />

c a l e n d u l a o f f ic i n a l is L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

calendula; marigold; pot marigold; Ringelblume<br />

Citations:<br />

Reider N, Komericki P, Hausen BM, et al. (2001) The seamy<br />

side of natural medicines: Contact sensitization to arnica<br />

(Arnica mont<strong>an</strong>a L.) <strong>an</strong>d marigold (Calendula officinalis<br />

L.). Contact Dermatitis 45(5):269-272.<br />

Caley pea –see– Lathyrus hirsutus L.<br />

calfkill –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

calf’s-foot –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

c a l i a s e c u n d i f l o r a (Ortega) Yakovlev<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s ophora secundiflora (Ortega) Lag. ex DC.<br />

Common Names:<br />

burning be<strong>an</strong>; coral be<strong>an</strong>; dry whiskey; Eve’s-necklace;<br />

frijolillo; frijolito; mescal be<strong>an</strong>; mescal Bohne; mountain<br />

laurel; red be<strong>an</strong>; Texas mountain laurel; western<br />

mountain laurel<br />

Citations:<br />

Boughton IB, Hardy WT (1935) Mescalbe<strong>an</strong> (Sophora<br />

secundiflora) poisonous for livestock. Texas Agric Exp<br />

Sta Bull #519:18 pp.<br />

Knauer KW, Reagor JC, Bailey EM Jr, et al. (1995) Mescalbe<strong>an</strong><br />

(Sophora secundiflora) toxicity in a dog. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 37(3):237-239.<br />

Wells SR (1993) Intentional ingestion of the mescal be<strong>an</strong><br />

(Sophora secundiflora). Vet Hum Toxicol 35(4):330.<br />

calico bush –see– Kalmia latifolia L.<br />

California buckeye –see– Aesculus californica (Spach) Nutt.<br />

California bur –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L. var.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>adense (Mill.) Torr. & A. Gray<br />

California false hellebore –see– Veratrum californicum<br />

Dur<strong>an</strong>d<br />

California fern –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

California filaree –see– Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Her.<br />

California hellebore –see– Veratrum californicum Dur<strong>an</strong>d<br />

California holly –see– Heteromeles salicifolia (C. Presl)<br />

Abrams<br />

California live oak –see– Quercus agrifolia Née<br />

California milkweed –see– Asclepias eriocarpa Benth.<br />

California mugwort –see– Artemisia vulgaris L.<br />

California poison ivy –see– Toxicodendron diversilobum<br />

(Torr. & A. Gray) Greene<br />

California poison oak –see– Toxicodendron diversilobum<br />

(Torr. & A. Gray) Greene<br />

California poison sumach –see– Toxicodendron diversilobum<br />

(Torr. & A. Gray) Greene<br />

California poison vine –see– Toxicodendron diversilobum<br />

(Torr. & A. Gray) Greene<br />

California privet –see– Ligustrum ovalifolium Hassk.<br />

California redwood –see– Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don)<br />

Endl.<br />

California rhododendron –see– Rhododendron macrophyllum<br />

D. Don ex G. Don<br />

California rosebay –see– Rhododendron macrophyllum D.<br />

Don ex G. Don<br />

California swamp hellebore –see– Veratrum californicum<br />

Dur<strong>an</strong>d<br />

California toyon –see– Heteromeles salicifolia (C. Presl)<br />

Abrams<br />

California water hemlock –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M.<br />

Coult. & Rose<br />

California white cedar –see– Calocedrus decurrens (Torr.)<br />

Florin<br />

calla lily –see– Z<strong>an</strong>tedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng.<br />

c a l l a p a l u s Tr is L. [Araceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bog arum; copo-de-leite; Drachenkraut; Kalla; Schl<strong>an</strong>genkraut;<br />

Schweinekraut; Schweinsohr; Sumpfdrachenwurz;<br />

Sumpfkalla; Sumpfkraut; water arum; water<br />

dragon; wild calla<br />

Citations:<br />

Airaksinen M, Peura P, Alaossi Salok<strong>an</strong>gas L, et al.<br />

(1986) Toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>t material used as emergency<br />

food during famines in Finl<strong>an</strong>d. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

18(3):273-296.<br />

Ramón MF, Ballesteros S, Martínez-Arrieta R, et al. (2003)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d herb exposures in Spain. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

41(4):514.<br />

c a l l i l e p is l a u r e o l a DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> oxeye daisy; impila; oxeye daisy; wildemagriet<br />

Citations:<br />

Laurens JB, Bekker LC, Steenkamp V, et al. (2001)<br />

Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric confirmation<br />

of atractyloside in a patient poisoned with Callilepis<br />

laureola. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl<br />

765(2):127-133.<br />

Seedat YK (1978) Acute renal failure among Blacks <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong>s in South Africa. S Afr Med J 54(11):427-431.<br />

Seedat YK, Hitchcock PJ (1971) Acute renal failure from<br />

Callilepis laureola. S Afr Med J 45(30):832-833.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Calotropis procera - 75<br />

Steenkamp PA, Harding NM, v<strong>an</strong> Heerden FR, et al.<br />

(2006) Identification of atractyloside by LC-ESI-<br />

MS in alleged herbal poisonings. Forensic Sci Int<br />

163(1-2):81-92.<br />

Steenkamp V, Stewart MJ, Zuckerm<strong>an</strong> M (1999) Detection<br />

of poisoning by impila (Callilepis laureola) in a mother<br />

<strong>an</strong>d child. Hum Exp Toxicol 18(10):594-597.<br />

Stewart MJ, Moar JJ, Mwesigwa J, et al. (2000) Forensic<br />

toxicology in urb<strong>an</strong> South Africa. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

38(4):415-419.<br />

Stewart MJ, Moar JJ, Steenkamp P, et al. (1999) Findings in<br />

fatal cases of poisoning attributed to traditional remedies<br />

in South Africa. Forensic Sci Int 101(3):177-183.<br />

Wainwright J, Schonl<strong>an</strong>d MM (1977) Toxic hepatitis in<br />

black patients in Natal. S Afr Med J 51(17):571-573.<br />

Watson AR, Coovadia HM, Bhoola KD (1979) The clinical<br />

syndrome of impila (Callilepis laureola) poisoning in<br />

children. S Afr Med J 55(8):290-292.<br />

c a l l is i a f r ag r a n s (Lindl.) Woodson<br />

[Commelinaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

basket pl<strong>an</strong>t; inch pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Lee SE, Mason KV (2006) Immediate hypersensitivity to<br />

leaf extracts of Callisia fragr<strong>an</strong>s (inch pl<strong>an</strong>t) in a dog. Vet<br />

Dermatol 17(1):70-80.<br />

callotrio –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.<br />

c a l o c e d r u s d e c u r r e n s (Torr.) Florin<br />

[Cupressaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l ibocedrus decurrens Torr.<br />

Common Names:<br />

California white cedar; incense cedar<br />

Citations:<br />

Caln<strong>an</strong> CD (1972) Dermatitis from cedar wood pencils.<br />

Tr<strong>an</strong>s St Johns Hosp Dermatol Soc 58(1):43-47.<br />

Cavagni G, Caffarelli C, Spattini A, et al. (2003) IgEmediated<br />

allergic rhinitis <strong>an</strong>d conjunctivitis caused<br />

by Calocedrus decurrens (incense cedar). Allergy<br />

58(11):1201-1202.<br />

c a l o p o g o n i u M Mu c u n o i d e s Desv.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Shenk JS (1976) The meadow vole as <strong>an</strong> experimental <strong>an</strong>imal.<br />

Lab Anim Sci 26(4):664-669.<br />

calotrope –see– Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton<br />

c a l o Tr o p is g ig a n Te a (L.) W. T. Aiton<br />

[Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ak<strong>an</strong>da; algodón-de-seda; arka; crown flower; gi<strong>an</strong>t<br />

milkweed; madar<br />

Citations:<br />

Crawford HE (1958) Crown flower keratoconjunctivitis.<br />

Hawaii Med J 17:244-245.<br />

Rao BS, Sarkar HB, Sheshadri HS (1969) Effect of latex<br />

of Calotropis gig<strong>an</strong>tea on pregn<strong>an</strong>cy in the albino rat. J<br />

Reprod Fertil 38:234.<br />

Rathnasabathy V, Rao KL, Krishnaswamy A, et al. (1949) A<br />

preliminary study of the toxicity of Calotropis gig<strong>an</strong>tea.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med Res 37(4):483-494.<br />

Wong WW (1949) Keratoconjunctivitis due to crownflower.<br />

Hawaii Med J 8:339-341.<br />

c a l o Tr o p is p r o c e r a (Aiton) W. T. Aiton<br />

[Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ak; akada; algodão-de-seda; <strong>an</strong>kra; arka; bomubomu;<br />

calotrope; crown flower; Dead Sea apple; French<br />

jasmine; gi<strong>an</strong>t milkweed; king’s-crown; madar;<br />

milkweed; mudar; rubber tree; Sodom apple; St.<br />

Thomas’-bush; swallowwort; wild cotton; wild<br />

down<br />

Citations:<br />

Angelo SJ, Misra SS (1978) Hypopyon in a goat (ulceration<br />

caused by sap from pl<strong>an</strong>ts of the genus Calotropis). Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

Vet Med J 2:219-221.<br />

Biedner B, Rothkoff L, Witztum A (1977) Calotropis procera<br />

(Sodom apple) latex keratoconjunctivitis. Isr J Med<br />

Sci 13(9):914-916.<br />

El Badwi SM, Adam SE, Shigidi MT, et al. (1998) Studies<br />

on laticiferous pl<strong>an</strong>ts: Toxic effects in goats of Calotropis<br />

procera latex given by different routes of administration.<br />

Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr 105(11):425-427.<br />

Faye B (1985) Contribution à l’étude de la toxité de Calotropis<br />

procera. Effet d’une alimentaion à base de Calotropis<br />

procera sur la mortalité embryonnaire et néonatale<br />

chez la souris de laboratoire. Rev Med Vet Pays Trop<br />

38(1):72-75.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>da F; Sad<strong>an</strong>a JK; Sharma PK (1984) Allergic contact<br />

dermatitis due to the pl<strong>an</strong>t Calotropis procera. A case<br />

report. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Dermatol 29:27-29.<br />

Mahmoud OM, Adam SE, Tartour G (1979) The effects<br />

of Calotropis procera on small rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. I. Effects<br />

of feeding sheep with the pl<strong>an</strong>t. J Comp Pathol<br />

89(2):241-250.<br />

Mahmoud OM, Adam SE, Tartour G (1979) The effects<br />

of Calotropis procera on small rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. II. Effects of<br />

administration of the latex to sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats. J Comp<br />

Pathol 89(2):251-263.<br />

Maria DL, P<strong>an</strong>se AD, Kulkarni TP (1973) Injury to the<br />

eye by sap of Calotropis procera. East Arch Ophthalmol<br />

1:296-297.<br />

Pahwa R, Chatterjee VC (1988) The toxicity of Indi<strong>an</strong> Calotropis<br />

procera R Br latex in the black rat, Rattus rattus<br />

Linn. Vet Hum Toxicol 30(4):305-308.<br />

Singh R, Siddiqui MA, Baruah MC (1978) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis<br />

in Delhi. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med Res 68(Oct):650-655.<br />

caltrops –see– Tribulus terrestris L.

76 - Calyc<strong>an</strong>thus floridus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

c a l y c a n Th u s f l o r i d u s L. [Calyc<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Common names:<br />

Carolina allspice<br />

Citations:<br />

Bradley RE, Jones TJ (1963) Strychnine-like toxicity in cattle.<br />

Case report. Southeastern Vet 14(2):40, 71, 73.<br />

camará –see– L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara L.<br />

camaray –see– Dioclea erecta Hoehne; Dioclea latifolia Benth.<br />

camasa –see– Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

camboatá –see– Guarea guidonia (L.) Sleumer<br />

camel bush –see– Trichodesma inc<strong>an</strong>um (Bunge) A. DC.<br />

camel melon –see– Citrullus l<strong>an</strong>atus (Thunb.) Matsum. &<br />

Nakai<br />

camel poison –see– Erythrophleum chlorostachys (F. Muell.)<br />

Baill.<br />

c a Me l l i a s i n e n s is (L.) Kuntze [Theaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c amellia thea Link<br />

Common Names:<br />

green tea; oolong tea; tea<br />

Citations:<br />

Bonkovsky HL (2006) Hepatotoxicity associated with supplements<br />

containing Chinese green tea (Camellia sinensis)<br />

Ann Intern Med 144(1):68-71.<br />

Kaiser HE, Bartone JC (1966) The carcinogenic activity<br />

of ordinary tea. A preliminary note. J Natl Med Assoc<br />

58:361.<br />

Kamijo Y, Soma K, Asari Y, et al. (1999) Severe rhabdomyolysis<br />

following massive ingestion of oolong tea: Caffeine<br />

intoxication with coexisting hyponatremia. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 41(6):381-383.<br />

Murphy KJ (1975) Liver dysfunction <strong>an</strong>d tea eating. Med J<br />

Aust 2(11):428-429.<br />

Segi M (1975) Tea-gruel as a possible factor for c<strong>an</strong>cer of the<br />

esophagus. G<strong>an</strong>n 66:199-202.<br />

Camellia thea Link = Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze<br />

camiri nut –see– Aleurites molucc<strong>an</strong>us (L.) Willd.<br />

cammock –see– Hypericum perforatum L.<br />

camomile –see– Anthemis cotula L.; Chamaemelum nobile (L.)<br />

All.; Matricaria recutita L.<br />

camotillo –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um tuberosum L.<br />

camp<strong>an</strong>a –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia ×c<strong>an</strong>dida Pers.; Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia<br />

arborea (L.) Lagerh.<br />

camp<strong>an</strong>illo amarillo –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K.<br />

Schum.<br />

camphor laurel –see– Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J. Presl<br />

camphor tree –see– Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J. Presl<br />

campo pea –see– Lathyrus splendens Kellogg<br />

c a Mp To Th e c a a c u Mi n a Ta Decne.<br />

[Nyssaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Cao GR, Gao JX, Du<strong>an</strong> DX, et al. (1992) Studies on Camptotheca<br />

acuminata leaves: Main toxic principle, poisoning,<br />

<strong>an</strong>d treatment in goats. In: James LF, Keeler RF,<br />

Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State<br />

Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp. 506-508.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>-ja-da –see– Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.<br />

caña brava –see– Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex J. C. Wendl.<br />

caña muda –see– Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott<br />

C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> field pea –see– Pisum sativum L.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> garlic –see– Allium c<strong>an</strong>adense L.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> hemp –see– Apocynum c<strong>an</strong>nabinum L.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> juniper –see– Juniperus communis L.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> milk vetch –see– Astragalus c<strong>an</strong>adensis L.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> poison ivy –see– Toxicodendron rydbergii (Small ex<br />

Rydb.) Greene<br />

C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> red cedar –see– Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don<br />

C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> root –see– Asclepias tuberosa L.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> thistle –see– Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> wood nettle –see– Laportea c<strong>an</strong>adensis (L.) Wedd.<br />

cáñamo silvestre –see– Galeopsis lad<strong>an</strong>um L.<br />

c<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>ga –see– Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Vent.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>ario –see– Allam<strong>an</strong>da cathartica L.<br />

c a n a r i u M i n d ic u M L. [Burseraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

n<strong>an</strong>gai<br />

Citations:<br />

Sten E, Stahl Skov P, Andersen SB, et al. (2002) Allergenic<br />

components of a novel food, Micronesi<strong>an</strong> nut n<strong>an</strong>gai<br />

(C<strong>an</strong>arium indicum), shows IgE cross-reactivity in pollen<br />

allergic patients. Allergy 57(5):398-404.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>ary Isl<strong>an</strong>d broom –see– Genista c<strong>an</strong>ariensis L.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>ary Isl<strong>an</strong>d ivy –see– Hedera helix L. subsp. c<strong>an</strong>ariensis<br />

(Willd.) Cout.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>arygrass –see– Phalaris aquatica L.; Phalaris c<strong>an</strong>ariensis<br />

L.; Phalaris minor Retz.<br />

c a n a va l i a c a Th a r Tic a Thouars [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c <strong>an</strong>avalia virosa (Roxb.) Wight & Arn.<br />

Common Names:<br />

sem<br />

Citations:<br />

Seena S, Sridhar KR (2004) Nutrient composition <strong>an</strong>d biological<br />

evaluation of <strong>an</strong> unconventional legume, C<strong>an</strong>avalia<br />

cathartica of m<strong>an</strong>groves. Int J Food Sci Nutr 55(8):615-625.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa - 77<br />

Singh NK, Srivastava PK, Singh DS, et al. (1984) Accidental<br />

poisoning by C<strong>an</strong>avalia virosa. J Assoc Physici<strong>an</strong>s India<br />

32(5):450-451.<br />

c a n a va l i a e n s i f o r Mis (L.) DC. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Chickasaw lima be<strong>an</strong>; cut-eye be<strong>an</strong>; gi<strong>an</strong>t stock be<strong>an</strong>;<br />

horsebe<strong>an</strong>; jack swort be<strong>an</strong>; jackbe<strong>an</strong>; Jackbohne; oneeye<br />

be<strong>an</strong>; overlook be<strong>an</strong>; sword be<strong>an</strong>; wonder be<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Affleck H (1961) Jack be<strong>an</strong> poisoning in cattle. Rhodesia<br />

Agric J 58:21.<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, More LJ, McKenzie NH, et al. (1995) Nutritional<br />

<strong>an</strong>d haemagglutination properties of several tropical<br />

seeds. J Agric Sci 124:437-445.<br />

Jayne Williams DJ (1973) Influence of dietary jack be<strong>an</strong>s<br />

(C<strong>an</strong>avalia ensiformis) <strong>an</strong>d of conc<strong>an</strong>avalin A on the<br />

growth of conventional <strong>an</strong>d gnotobiotic Jap<strong>an</strong>ese<br />

quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Nat New Biol<br />

243(126):150-151.<br />

Ologhobo A, Mosenthin R, Alaka OO (2003) Histological<br />

alterations in the internal org<strong>an</strong>s of growing chicks from<br />

feeding raw jackbe<strong>an</strong> or limabe<strong>an</strong> seeds. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

45(1):10-13.<br />

Risso JF, Montilla JJ (1992) Harina de gr<strong>an</strong>os de C<strong>an</strong>avalia<br />

ensiformis L (DC) cruda, almacenada en medio alcalino,<br />

autoclavada or extruída, en dietas para cerdos en crecimiento.<br />

Arch Latinoam Nutr 42(3):268-274.<br />

Shone DK (1961) Toxicity of the jack be<strong>an</strong>. Rhodesia Agric<br />

J 58:18-20.<br />

Tschiersch B (1962) Zur toxischen Wirkung der Jackbohne.<br />

Pharmazie 17:621-623.<br />

c a n a va l i a r o s e a (Sw.) DC. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

beach be<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, More LJ, McKenzie NH, et al. (1995) Nutritional<br />

<strong>an</strong>d haemagglutination properties of several tropical<br />

seeds. J Agric Sci 124:437-445.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>avalia virosa (Roxb.) Wight & Arn. = C<strong>an</strong>avalia<br />

cathartica Thouars<br />

c<strong>an</strong>cer jalap –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>cerroot –see– Orob<strong>an</strong>che minor Sm.; Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>delabra aloe –see– Aloe arborescens Mill.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>delabra cactus –see– Euphorbia ingens E. Mey. ex Boiss.;<br />

Euphorbia lactea Haw.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>delabra Euphorbia –see– Euphorbia ingens E. Mey. ex<br />

Boiss.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>delabra flower –see– Boophone disticha (L. f.) Herb.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>delabra tree –see– Euphorbia ingens E. Mey. ex Boiss.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>delaria –see– Verbascum thapsus L.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>dleberry –see– Aleurites molucc<strong>an</strong>us (L.) Willd.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>dlenut –see– Aleurites molucc<strong>an</strong>us (L.) Willd.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>dlenut tree –see– Vernicia mont<strong>an</strong>a Lour.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>dungo –see– Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>e reed –see– Arundo donax L.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>ela-de-veado –see– Sessea brasiliensis Toledo<br />

c<strong>an</strong>ker rose –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>nabis –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>nabis indica Lam. = C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

c a n n a b is s a Ti va L. [C<strong>an</strong>nabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c <strong>an</strong>nabis indica Lam.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bh<strong>an</strong>g; c<strong>an</strong>nabis; C<strong>an</strong>nabisharz; ch<strong>an</strong>cre indien; charas;<br />

dagga; fimble; gaja; g<strong>an</strong>ga; g<strong>an</strong>ja; grass; H<strong>an</strong>f;<br />

Haschisch; hashish; hemp; Indi<strong>an</strong> hemp; kif; maconha;<br />

marihu<strong>an</strong>a; mariju<strong>an</strong>a; Mary J<strong>an</strong>e; Mexic<strong>an</strong> dove pl<strong>an</strong>t;<br />

pot; reefer; siddi; weed<br />

Citations:<br />

Cardassis J (1951) Intoxication des équidés par C<strong>an</strong>nabis<br />

indica. Rec Med Vet Ec Alfort 127(Dec):971-973.<br />

Clarke EG, Greatorex JC, Potter R (1971) C<strong>an</strong>nabis poisoning<br />

in the dog. Vet Rec 88(Jun 26):694.<br />

Debray H, Vidal F, Enjolras M (1987) Intoxication au<br />

c<strong>an</strong>nabis chez une enf<strong>an</strong>t de 13 mois. Presse Med<br />

16(36):1807.<br />

Driemeier D (1997) Mariju<strong>an</strong>a (C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa) toxicosis in<br />

cattle. Vet Hum Toxicol 39(6):351-352.<br />

Freem<strong>an</strong> GL (1983) Allergic skin test reactivity to mariju<strong>an</strong>a<br />

in the southwest. West J Med 138(6):829-831.<br />

Frost RC (1983) Mariju<strong>an</strong>a toxaemia. Vet Rec 112(18):441.<br />

Frye FL (1968) Acute c<strong>an</strong>nabis intoxication in a pup. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 152(5):472.<br />

Ghorbal H, Hamouda C, Bousnina M, et al. (2003) Use<br />

of pl<strong>an</strong>ts to induce chemical submission in Tunisia. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 45(2):91-93.<br />

Gupta BD, J<strong>an</strong>i CB, Shah PH (2001) Fatal ‘bh<strong>an</strong>g’ poisoning.<br />

Med Sci Law 41(4):349-352.<br />

Henney SN, Colem<strong>an</strong> MJ (1984) C<strong>an</strong>ine c<strong>an</strong>nabis intoxication.<br />

Vet Rec 114(17):436.<br />

Hervás JA, Fiol M, Vidal C, et al. (1987) Intoxicación por<br />

ingestión de hachís en niños. Med Clin (Barc) 88:563.<br />

Jain MC, Arora N (1988) G<strong>an</strong>ja (C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa) refuse as<br />

cattle feed. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 58(7):865-867.<br />

J<strong>an</strong>czyk P, Donaldson CW, Gwaltney S (2004) Two hundred<br />

<strong>an</strong>d thirteen cases of mariju<strong>an</strong>a toxicoses in dogs.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 46(1):19-21.<br />

Jones DL (1978) A case of c<strong>an</strong>nabis ingestion. N Z Vet J<br />

26(5):135-136.<br />

Liskow B, Liss JL, Parker CW (1971) Allergy to marihu<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

Ann Intern Med 75(4):571-573.<br />

Majmudar V, Azam NA, Finch T (2006) Contact urticaria<br />

to C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa. Contact Dermatitis 54(2):127.<br />

Pizzi R (2002) C<strong>an</strong>nabis ingestion in a chinchilla. Vet Rec<br />

150(2):55.<br />

Smith RA (1988) Coma in a ferret after ingestion of c<strong>an</strong>nabis.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 30(5):486.<br />

Valentine J (1992) Unusual poisoning in a dog. Vet Rec<br />

130:307.<br />

Welshm<strong>an</strong> MD (1986) Doped Doberm<strong>an</strong>n. Vet Rec<br />


78 - Capparis tomentosa D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Note:<br />

Mariju<strong>an</strong>a is named C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L. subsp. indica<br />

(Lam.) E. Small & Cronquist in some publications.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>nabisharz –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>ning pea –see– Pisum sativum L.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>ola –see– Brassica napus L. var. napus; Brassica rapa L.<br />

subsp. campestris (L.) A. R. Clapham<br />

C<strong>an</strong>son kale –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. ramosa DC.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>sons kale –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. medullosa<br />

Thell.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>tiva –see– Allam<strong>an</strong>da cathartica L.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>udo –see– Ipomoea carnea Jacq. subsp. fistulosa (C. Mart.<br />

ex Choisy) D. F. Austin<br />

c<strong>an</strong>utillo –see– Plumbago sc<strong>an</strong>dens L.<br />

cao wu –see– Aconitum kusnezoffii Rchb.<br />

caoba –see– Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq.<br />

capa-de-la-reina –see– Clitoria ternatea L.<br />

Cape jasmine –see– Gardenia jasminoides J. Ellis<br />

Cape lilac –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

Cape poison bulb –see– Boophone disticha (L. f.) Herb.<br />

Cape sl<strong>an</strong>gkop –see– Ornithoglossum vulgare B. Nord.<br />

Cape syringa –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

caper bush –see– Euphorbia lathyris L.<br />

caper garden spurge –see– Euphorbia lathyris L.<br />

caper spurge –see– Euphorbia lathyris L.; Euphorbia peplus<br />

L.<br />

Capeweed –see– Arctotheca calendula (L.) Levyns<br />

Capnoides case<strong>an</strong>a auct. = Corydalis case<strong>an</strong>a A. Gray<br />

capotillo –see– Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Vent.<br />

Capparis persicifolia A. Rich = Capparis tomentosa Lam.<br />

c a p p a r is To Me n To s a Lam. [Capparaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c apparis persicifolia A. Rich.<br />

Common Names:<br />

haujeri<br />

Citations:<br />

Ahmed OM, Adam SE (1980) The toxicity of Capparis<br />

tomentosa in goats. J Comp Pathol 90(2):187-195.<br />

Ahmed OM, Adam SE, Edds GT (1981) The toxicity of<br />

Capparis tomentosa in sheep <strong>an</strong>d calves. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

23(6):403-409.<br />

Ahmed SA, Amin AE, Adam SE, et al. (1993) By toxic<br />

effects of the dried leaves <strong>an</strong>d stem of Capparis tomentosa<br />

on Nubi<strong>an</strong> goats. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr<br />

100(5):192-194.<br />

Salih YM, Idris OF, Wahbi AG, et al. (1980) Toxicity of<br />

Capparis tomentosa to sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats. Sud<strong>an</strong> J Vet Res<br />

2:13-21.<br />

c a p s e l l a b u r s a -p a s To r is (L.) Medik.<br />

[Brassicaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b ursa bursa-pastoris (L.) Britton<br />

Common Names:<br />

bolsa-de-pastor; bourse-à-pasteur; Hirtentäschel;<br />

shepherd’s-purse<br />

Citations:<br />

Kellerm<strong>an</strong> WA (1895) Poisoning by shepherd’s purse. Bot<br />

Gaz 20:325-326.<br />

Temperton H (1943) Some nutritional causes of discolourations<br />

in the internal contents of eggs. Harper Adams<br />

Utility Poultry J 28(3):71-76.<br />

capsicum –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.; Capsicum frutescens L.<br />

c a p s ic u M a n n u u M L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c apsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L. var. conoides (Mill.) Irish<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> bird pepper; bell pepper; capsicum; cayenne<br />

pepper; cherry pepper; chili; chili pepper; Christmas<br />

pepper; green pepper; guinea pepper; hot pepper; jalapeño;<br />

ornamental pepper; paprika; pepper; pod pepper;<br />

red pepper; Roter Pfeffer; spice pepper; sweet pepper<br />

Citations:<br />

Hoch-Ligeti C (1951) Production of liver tumours by dietary<br />

me<strong>an</strong>s: Effect of feeding chillies (Capsicum frutescens<br />

<strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>nuum (Linn.)) to rats. Acta Unio Int Contra C<strong>an</strong>crum<br />

7(3):606-611.<br />

Jones LA, T<strong>an</strong>dberg D, Troutm<strong>an</strong> WG (1986) A controlled<br />

evaluation of household treatments for “chile burns.” Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 28(5):486.<br />

Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD (2001) Toxidromes<br />

associated with the most common pl<strong>an</strong>t ingestions. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(6):366-369.<br />

Niinimäki A (1984) Delayed-type allergy to spices. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 11(1):34-40.<br />

Niinimäki A, H<strong>an</strong>nuksela M (1981) Immediate skin test<br />

reactions to spices. Allergy 36(7):487-493.<br />

Sastre J, Olmo M, Novalvos A, et al. (1996) Occupational<br />

asthma due to different spices. Allergy 51(2):117-120.<br />

Swami RH, Judge BS, Furbee RB (2003) Accidental ingestion<br />

of cayenne pepper sauce requiring prolonged ventilatory<br />

support. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(5):653-654.<br />

Weinberg RB (1981) Hun<strong>an</strong> h<strong>an</strong>d. N Engl J Med<br />

305(17):1020.<br />

Winograd HL (1977) Acute croup in <strong>an</strong> older child. An unusual<br />

toxic origin. Clin Pediatr (Phila) 16(10):884-887.<br />

Note:<br />

Bell pepper is named Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L. var. <strong>an</strong>nuum<br />

in some publications. There is considerable confusion<br />

in the pl<strong>an</strong>t toxicology literature in the naming of the<br />

Capsicum peppers.<br />

Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L. var. conoides (Mill.) Irish = Capsicum<br />

<strong>an</strong>nuum L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Carica papaya - 79<br />

c a p s ic u M f a s Tig i a Tu M Blume [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chilly<br />

Citations:<br />

Flecker H (1945) Injuries produced by pl<strong>an</strong>ts in tropical<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. Med J Aust 1(Jun 23):636-637.<br />

c a p s ic u M f r u Te s c e n s L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> chili; Afric<strong>an</strong> pepper; aji caballero; aji pic<strong>an</strong>te;<br />

bird pepper; capsicum; cayenne pepper; chile; chile pepper;<br />

chili bravo; chili pepper; Guinea pepper; hot pepper;<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> goat pepper; jalapeño; Louisi<strong>an</strong>a pepper;<br />

pepper; red cayenne; red chili; spur pepper; Tabasco<br />

pepper; wild pepper<br />

Citations:<br />

Al Qarawi AA, Adam SE (1999) Effects of red chili<br />

(Capsicum frutescens L) on rats. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

41(5):293-295.<br />

Cohen HS, Colette S (1984) “Tabasco throat.” Am Fam<br />

Physici<strong>an</strong> 29(6):47.<br />

Diehl AK, Bauer RL (1978) Jalaproctitis. N Engl J Med<br />

299(20):1137-1138.<br />

Hoch-Ligeti C (1951) Production of liver tumours by dietary<br />

me<strong>an</strong>s: Effect of feeding chillies (Capsicum frutescens<br />

<strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>nuum (Linn.)) to rats. Acta Unio Int Contra C<strong>an</strong>crum<br />

7(3):606-611.<br />

capulín tullidor –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.)<br />

Zucc.<br />

capulín tullidora –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.)<br />

Zucc.<br />

capulín tullidore –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.)<br />

Zucc.<br />

capulincillo –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.<br />

caracuha colorado –see– Plumeria rubra L.<br />

c a r ag a n a a r b o r e s c e n s Lam. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Erbsenstrauch<br />

Citations:<br />

Krienke EG (1976) Akzidentelle Vergiftungen durch Pfl<strong>an</strong>zen<br />

aus der Sicht einer Giftinformationszentrale. Internist<br />

(Berl) 17(8):399-410.<br />

caraotas rosadas –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

c a r a p ic h e a i p e c a c u a n h a (Brot.) L.<br />

Andersson [Rubiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ipecaagoene; ipecac; ipecacu<strong>an</strong>ha<br />

Citations:<br />

Robertson WO (1979) Syrup of ipecac associated fatality: A<br />

case report. Vet Hum Toxicol 21(2):87-89.<br />

caraway –see– Carum carvi L.<br />

cardamom –see– Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton<br />

cardo alazorado –see– Centaurea solstitialis L.<br />

cardo asnal –see– Silybum mari<strong>an</strong>um (L.) Gaertn.<br />

cardo cuco –see– Datura ferox L.<br />

cardo-de-la-liga –see– Chamaeleon gummifera (L.) Cass.<br />

cardo-de-Maria –see– Silybum mari<strong>an</strong>um (L.) Gaertn.<br />

cardo lechal –see– Silybum mari<strong>an</strong>um (L.) Gaertn.<br />

cardo lechero –see– Centaurea solstitialis L.<br />

cardo s<strong>an</strong>to –see– Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

cardoon –see– Cynara cardunculus L.<br />

Carduus mari<strong>an</strong>us L. = Silybum mari<strong>an</strong>um (L.) Gaertn.<br />

careless weed –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus hybridus L.; Amar<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

palmeri S. Watson; Amar<strong>an</strong>thus retroflexus L.; Cyclachaena<br />

x<strong>an</strong>thiifolia (Nutt.) Fresen.<br />

c a r e x b u e k i i Wimm. [Cyperaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Rosca V, Pavel A (1969) Observaţii privind intoxicaţia cu<br />

diferite specii de rogoz (Carex L.) la taurine. Rev Zootehnie<br />

Med Vet 19(11):81-85.<br />

c a r e x c o n Tig u a Hoppe [Cyperaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Rosca V, Pavel A (1969) Observaţii privind intoxicaţia cu<br />

diferite specii de rogoz (Carex L.) la taurine. Rev Zootehnie<br />

Med Vet 19(11):81-85.<br />

c a r e x v u l p i n a L. [Cyperaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Rosca V, Pavel A (1969) Observaţii privind intoxicaţia cu<br />

diferite specii de rogoz (Carex L.) la taurine. Rev Zootehnie<br />

Med Vet 19(11):81-85.<br />

c a r e y a a r b o r e a Roxb. [Lecythidaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal:<br />

Preliminary toxicity screening using grass carp<br />

(Ctenopharyngodon idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

21(1):1-9.<br />

cariaquito morado –see– Melochia tomentosa L.<br />

c a r ic a p a p a y a L. [Caricaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

betek; papaw; papaya; pawpaw<br />

Citations:<br />

Chakraborty P, Ghosh D, Chowdhury I, et al. (2005)<br />

Aerobiological <strong>an</strong>d immunochemical studies on Carica<br />

papaya L. pollen: An aeroallergen from India. Allergy<br />

60(7):920-926.<br />

Cordero-Moreno R (1973) Etiologic factors in tropical eye<br />

diseases. Am J Ophthalmol 75(3):349-364.

80 - Carthamus tinctorius D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Fasal P (1945) Cut<strong>an</strong>eous diseases in the tropics. A clinical<br />

study <strong>based</strong> on observations in Malaya. Arch Derm<br />

Syphilol 51(3):163-171.<br />

Osgood H (1945) Atopic sensitivity to caroid (papain).<br />

Report of a case with discussion of some of the properties<br />

<strong>an</strong>d uses of the drug. J Allergy 16:245-250.<br />

Carlina gummifera Less. = Chamaeleon gummifera (L.)<br />

Cass.<br />

carnation –see– Di<strong>an</strong>thus caryophyllus L.<br />

carnation poppy –see– Papaver somniferum L.<br />

carne asada –see– Andira inermis (W. Wright) Kunth ex<br />

DC.<br />

carob –see– Ceratonia siliqua L.<br />

carob be<strong>an</strong> –see– Ceratonia siliqua L.<br />

Carolina c<strong>an</strong>arygrass –see– Phalaris carolini<strong>an</strong>a Walter<br />

Carolina horse nettle –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um carolinense L.<br />

Carolina jasmine –see– Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) J. St.-<br />

Hil.<br />

Carolina jessamine –see– Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) J.<br />

St.-Hil.<br />

Carolina love nettle –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um pseudocapsicum L.<br />

Carolina maple –see– Acer rubrum L.<br />

Carolina modiola –see– Modiola carolini<strong>an</strong>a (L.) G. Don<br />

Carolina nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um carolinense L.<br />

Carolina wild woodbine –see– Gelsemium sempervirens (L.)<br />

J. St.-Hil.<br />

Carolina yellow jessamine –see– Gelsemium sempervirens (L.)<br />

J. St.-Hil.<br />

carotte-a-moreau –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M. Coult.<br />

& Rose<br />

carpetweed –see– Drymaria holosteoides Benth.; Kallstroemia<br />

hirsutissima Vail ex Small<br />

carrot –see– Daucus carota L.<br />

carrot bush –see– Eremophila deserti (A. Cunn. ex Benth.)<br />

Chinnock<br />

carrot fern –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

carrot weed –see– Parthenium hysterophorus L.; Trachymene<br />

glaucifolia (F. Muell.) Benth.<br />

carrotgrass –see– Parthenium hysterophorus L.<br />

c a r Th a Mu s Ti n c To r i u s L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hong hua; safflower<br />

Citations:<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> JC, Ch<strong>an</strong> TY, Ch<strong>an</strong> KL, et al. (1994) Anticholinergic<br />

poisoning from Chinese herbal medicines. Aust N Z J<br />

Med 24(3):317.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> der Willigen AH, v<strong>an</strong> Joost T, Stolz E, et al. (1987)<br />

Contact dermatitis to safflower. Contact Dermatitis<br />

17(11):184-186.<br />

c a r u M c a rv i L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

caraway; krisna jirak<br />

Citations:<br />

Niinimäki A, H<strong>an</strong>nuksela M (1981) Immediate skin test<br />

reactions to spices. Allergy 36(7):487-493.<br />

c a r y a i l l i n o i n e n s is (W<strong>an</strong>genh.) K. Koch<br />

[Jugl<strong>an</strong>daceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

pec<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Swinny B (1951) Periorbital dermatitis. Ann Allergy<br />

9(6):774-777.<br />

c a r y o Ta Mi Tis Lour. [Arecaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

besedin palm; clustered fishtail palm; fishtail palm;<br />

tufted fishtail palm<br />

Citations:<br />

Snyder DS, Hatfield GM, Lampe KF (1979) Examination<br />

of the itch response from the raphides of the fishtail palm<br />

Caryota mitis. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 48(2):287-292.<br />

c a r y o Ta u r e n s L. [Arecaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

fishtail palm; sago palm; toddy fishtail palm; wine<br />

palm<br />

Citations:<br />

Flecker H (1945) Injuries produced by pl<strong>an</strong>ts in tropical<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. Med J Aust 1(Jun 23):636-637.<br />

casca bark –see– Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guill. & Perr.)<br />

Bren<strong>an</strong><br />

cashes –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

cashew –see– Anacardium occidentale L.<br />

cashew apple –see– Anacardium occidentale L.<br />

cassada –see– M<strong>an</strong>ihot esculenta Cr<strong>an</strong>tz<br />

cassava –see– M<strong>an</strong>ihot esculenta Cr<strong>an</strong>tz<br />

cassia –see– Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees; Senna tora (L.)<br />

Roxb.<br />

Cassia acutifolia Delile. = Senna alex<strong>an</strong>drina Mill.<br />

Cassia didymobotrya Fresen. = Senna didymobotrya<br />

(Fresen.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby<br />

Cassia floribunda Cav. = Senna ×floribunda (Cav.) H. S.<br />

Irwin & Barneby<br />

Cassia italica (Mill.) Spreng. = Senna italica Mill.<br />

c a s s i a j a va n ic a L. subsp. nodosa (Buch.-Ham.<br />

ex Roxb.) K. Larsen & S. S. Larsen [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Catha edulis - 81<br />

Citations:<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, More LJ, McKenzie NH, et al. (1995) Nutritional<br />

<strong>an</strong>d haemagglutination properties of several tropical<br />

seeds. J Agric Sci 124:437-445.<br />

Cassia lindheimeri<strong>an</strong>a Scheele = Senna lindheimeri<strong>an</strong>a<br />

(Scheele) H. S. Irwin & Barneby<br />

Cassia obtusifolia L. = Senna obtusifolia (L.) H. S. Irwin &<br />

Barneby<br />

Cassia occidentalis L. = Senna occidentalis (L.) Link<br />

Cassia roemeri<strong>an</strong>a Scheele = Senna roemeri<strong>an</strong>a (Scheele) H.<br />

S. Irwin & Barneby<br />

Cassia senna L. = Senna alex<strong>an</strong>drina Mill.<br />

Cassia tora L. = Senna tora (L.) Roxb.<br />

c a s s i n e b u c h a n a n i i Loes. [Celastraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e laeodendron buch<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>ii (Loes.) Loes.; e laeodendron<br />

keniense Loes.<br />

Citations:<br />

Mugera GM (1970) Toxic <strong>an</strong>d medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of East<br />

Africa. I. Bull Epizootic Dis Afr 18(4):377-387.<br />

Cassuvium pomiferum Lam. = Anacardium occidentale L.<br />

c a s Ta n e a s a Ti va Mill. [Fagaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chestnut; Kast<strong>an</strong>ie; sweet chestnut<br />

Citations:<br />

Zapatero L, Baeza ML, Sierra Z, et al. (2005) Anaphylaxis<br />

by fruits of the Fagaceae family: Acorn <strong>an</strong>d chestnut.<br />

Allergy 60(12):1542.<br />

c a s Ta n o s p e r Mu M a u s Tr a l e A. Cunn. & C.<br />

Fraser ex Hook. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> be<strong>an</strong> tree; Australi<strong>an</strong> black be<strong>an</strong> tree; be<strong>an</strong><br />

tree; black be<strong>an</strong>; Meto; Moreton Bay chestnut<br />

Citations:<br />

Hindmarsh WL, Hart L (1938) Cast<strong>an</strong>ospermum australe<br />

(black be<strong>an</strong>, Moreton Bay chestnut). Green seeds poisonous<br />

to stock. New South Wales Dep Agric Vet Res Rep<br />

#7(1937):109-114.<br />

McKenzie RA, Reichm<strong>an</strong>n KG, Dimmock CK, et al. (1988)<br />

The toxicity of Cast<strong>an</strong>ospermum australe seeds for cattle.<br />

Aust Vet J 65(6):165-167.<br />

Reichm<strong>an</strong>n KG, Twist JO, McKenzie RA (1989) Inhibition<br />

of alpha-glucosidase in cattle by Cast<strong>an</strong>ospermum australe:<br />

An attempted phenocopy of Pompe’s disease. Aust<br />

Vet J 66(3):86-89.<br />

Shaw D, Pearn J (1979) Ole<strong>an</strong>der [sic] poisoning. Med J Aust<br />

2(5):267-269.<br />

castlebe<strong>an</strong> –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia vesicaria (Jacq.) Elliott<br />

castor be<strong>an</strong> –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

casuarina –see– Casuarina equisetifolia L.<br />

c a s u a r i n a c r is Ta Ta Miq. [Casuarinaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c asuarina lepidophloia F. Muell.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> pine<br />

Citations:<br />

Zivitz N (1942) Allergy to Australi<strong>an</strong> pine. J Allergy<br />

13:314-316.<br />

c a s u a r i n a e q u is e Ti f o l i a L. [Casuarinaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> pine; beef wood tree; casuarina; horsetail<br />

tree; she oak<br />

Citations:<br />

Zivitz N (1942) Allergy to Australi<strong>an</strong> pine. J Allergy<br />

13:314-316.<br />

Casuarina lepidopholia F. Muell. = Casuarina cristata Miq.<br />

cat mint –see– Nepeta cataria L.<br />

catalina –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch<br />

cataria –see– Nepeta cataria L.<br />

catawba rhododendron –see– Rhododendron catawbiense<br />

Michx.<br />

catayo –see– Persicaria punctata (Elliott) Small<br />

catechu –see– Acacia catechu (L. f.) Willd.<br />

caterpillar weed –see– Heliotropium europaeum L.<br />

c a Th a e d u l is (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl.<br />

[Celastraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c elastrus edulis Vahl<br />

Common Names:<br />

Abyssini<strong>an</strong> tea; cafta; chat; ciat; flower-of-paradise; gad;<br />

gat; inlonge; kat; khat; miraa; ol meraa; qat; tschat<br />

Citations:<br />

Alem A, Shibre T (1997) Khat induced psychosis <strong>an</strong>d its<br />

medico-legal implication: A case report. Ethiop Med J<br />

35(2):137-139.<br />

Carothers JC (1945) Miraa as a cause of ins<strong>an</strong>ity. East Afr<br />

Med J 22(23):4-6.<br />

El Guindy MK (1971) Effects of Catha edulis (khat) chewing<br />

on hum<strong>an</strong> body. J Egypt Med Assoc 54(4):230-234.<br />

Gi<strong>an</strong>nini AJ, Castell<strong>an</strong>i S (1982) A m<strong>an</strong>ic-like psychosis<br />

due to khat (Catha edulis Forssk.). Clin Toxicol<br />

19(5):455-459.<br />

Heisch RB (1945) A case of poisoning by Catha edulis. East<br />

Afr Med J 22(J<strong>an</strong>):7-9.<br />

Kennedy JG, Teague J, Rokaw W, et al. (1983) A medical<br />

evaluation of the use of qat in North Yemen. Soc Sci Med<br />

17(12):783-793.<br />

Maitai CK (1977) The toxicity of the pl<strong>an</strong>t Catha edulis in<br />

rats. Toxicon 15(4):363-366.

82 - Cathar<strong>an</strong>thus pusillus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Nencini P, Ahmed AM, Elmi AS (1986) Subjective effects<br />

of khat chewing in hum<strong>an</strong>s. Drug Alcohol Depend<br />

18(1):97-105.<br />

Roper JP (1986) The presumed neurotoxic effects of Catha<br />

edulis - An exotic pl<strong>an</strong>t now available in the United<br />

Kingdom. Br J Ophthalmol 70(10):779-781.<br />

c a Th a r a n Th u s p u s i l l u s (Murray) G. Don<br />

[Apocynaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l ochnera pusilla (Murray) K. Schum.; vinca pusilla<br />

Murray<br />

Citations:<br />

M<strong>an</strong>tramurti ID (1964) Let not Lochnera pussilus poison<br />

your livestock. Indi<strong>an</strong> Livestock 2(2):8, 43.<br />

Selva Raj VB, G<strong>an</strong>apathy MS (1967) Studies on the toxicity of<br />

Lochnera pusilla K. Schum. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J 44(10):871-876.<br />

c a Th a r a n Th u s r o s e u s (L.) G. Don<br />

[Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bright-eyes; cayenne jasmine; chichirica; Madagascar<br />

periwinkle; old maid; periwinkle; pink periwinkle; rose<br />

periwinkle; vinca<br />

Citations:<br />

Deng JF, Lin TJ, Kao WF, et al. (1997) The difficulty in<br />

h<strong>an</strong>dling poisonings associated with Chinese traditional<br />

medicine: A poison control center experience for<br />

1991-1993. Vet Hum Toxicol 39(2):106-114.<br />

Deng JF, Wu ML (2003) Severe bone marrow depression<br />

induced by <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>ti-c<strong>an</strong>cer herb “Cathar<strong>an</strong>thus roseus.” J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(4):518.<br />

Wu ML, Deng JF, Wu JC, et al. (2004) Severe bone marrow<br />

depression induced by <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>tic<strong>an</strong>cer herb Cathar<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

roseus. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 42(5):667-671.<br />

cathedral bells –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.<br />

catmint –see– Nepeta cataria L.<br />

catnep –see– Nepeta cataria L.<br />

catnip –see– Nepeta cataria L.<br />

cat’s-ear –see– Hypochaeris radicata L.<br />

cat’s-eggs –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L.<br />

cat’s-head –see– Tribulus terrestris L.<br />

cat’s-milk –see– Euphorbia helioscopia L.<br />

cat’s-tail –see– Equisetum arvense L.<br />

cat’s-tail grass –see– Equisetum arvense L.<br />

cat’s-valeri<strong>an</strong> –see– Valeri<strong>an</strong>a officinalis L.<br />

catuit –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

c a Tu n a r e g a M s p i n o s a (Thunb.) Tirveng.<br />

[Rubiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

catweed –see– Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) R. M. King &<br />

H. Rob.<br />

catwood –see– Euonymus europaeus L.<br />

c a u c a l is pl a Ty c a r p o s L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

o rlaya platycarpos (L.) W. D. J. Koch<br />

Citations:<br />

Sabboykides M (1966) [Poisoning of sheep by the pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Orlaya platycarpa (Umbelliferae).] Hellenike Kteniatrike<br />

9:160-166.<br />

cauliflower –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis L.<br />

caulophylle faux-pigamon –see– Caulophyllum thalictroides<br />

(L.) Michx.<br />

c a u l o p h y l l u M Th a l ic Tr o i d e s (L.)<br />

Michx. [Berberidaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue cohosh; caulophylle faux-pigamon; papooseroot;<br />

squawroot<br />

Citations:<br />

Jones TK, Lawson BM (1998) Profound neonatal congestive<br />

heart failure caused by maternal consumption<br />

of blue cohosh herbal medicine. J Pediatr 132(3 Part<br />

1):550-552.<br />

Rao RB, Hoffm<strong>an</strong> RS (2002) Nicotinic toxicity from tincture<br />

of blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) used as<br />

<strong>an</strong> abortifacient. Vet Hum Toxicol 44(4):221-222.<br />

Rao RB, Hoffm<strong>an</strong> RS, Desiderio R, et al. (1998) Nicotinic<br />

toxicity from tincture of blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides)<br />

used as <strong>an</strong> abortifacient. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

36(5):455.<br />

caustic bush –see– Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R. Br.<br />

caustic creeper –see– Euphorbia drummondii Boiss.<br />

caustic vine –see– Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R. Br.<br />

caustic weed –see– Euphorbia drummondii Boiss.<br />

caviúna –see– Dalbergia nigra (Vell.) Allemão ex Benth.<br />

caviuna vermelho –see– Machaerium scleroxylon Tul.<br />

cavolfiore –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis L.<br />

cavolo cappaccio –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.<br />

cayenne jasmine –see– Cathar<strong>an</strong>thus roseus (L.) G. Don<br />

cayenne pepper –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.; Capsicum<br />

frutescens L.<br />

cayote –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.<br />

cebil colorado –see– Anaden<strong>an</strong>thera colubrina (Vell.) Bren<strong>an</strong><br />

var. cebil (Griseb.) Altschul<br />

cebola –see– Allium cepa L.<br />

cebolla albarr<strong>an</strong>a –see– Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn<br />

cedar-of-Leb<strong>an</strong>on –see– Cedrus lib<strong>an</strong>i A. Rich.<br />

cédre –see– Thuja occidentalis L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Centaurea solstitialis - 83<br />

cedro prieto –see– Metopium brownei (Jacq.) Urb.; Metopium<br />

toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.<br />

cedron –see– Simaba cedron Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

c e d r u s d e o d o r a (Roxb. ex D. Don) G. Don<br />

[Pinaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

deodar cedar<br />

Citations:<br />

Rawat A, Singh A, Singh AB, et al. (2000) Clinical <strong>an</strong>d<br />

immunologic evaluation of Cedrus deodora pollen: A<br />

new allergen from India. Allergy 55(7):620-626.<br />

c e d r u s l i b a n i A. Rich. [Pinaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cedar-of-Leb<strong>an</strong>on<br />

Citations:<br />

Greenberg M (1972) Respiratory symptoms following brief<br />

exposure to cedar of Leb<strong>an</strong>on (Cedra lib<strong>an</strong>i) dust. Clin<br />

Allergy 2(3):219-224.<br />

cegadera –see– Heterophyllaea pustulata Hook. f.<br />

cel<strong>an</strong>dine –see– Chelidonium majus L.<br />

cel<strong>an</strong>dine poppy –see– Chelidonium majus L.<br />

Celastrus edulis Vahl = Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl.<br />

céleri –see– Apium graveolens L.<br />

Celeri graveolens (L.) Britton = Apium graveolens L.<br />

celeriac –see– Apium graveolens L.<br />

celery –see– Apium graveolens L.<br />

celery-leaf buttercup –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus sceleratus L.<br />

celery-leaf crowfoot –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus sceleratus L.<br />

celestina azul –see– Ageratum houstoni<strong>an</strong>um Mill.<br />

celestrum nigrum –see– Cestrum nocturnum L.<br />

celidonia mayor –see– Chelidonium majus L.<br />

c e l Tis b r i e y i De Wild. [Ulmaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Oleffe JA, Sporcq J, Hublet P (1975) Epidemiological study<br />

of the wood industry in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):315-316.<br />

c e n c h r u s c i l i a r is L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

buffelgrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Allen JG, Creeper JH, Forshaw D, et al. (2004) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated<br />

diseases, either new or new to the state, encountered over the<br />

last decade (1991-2001) in Western Australia. In: Acamovic<br />

T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d<br />

related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp. 540-547.<br />

McKenzie RA, Bell AM, Storie GJ, et al. (1988) Acute<br />

oxalate poisoning of sheep by buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris).<br />

Aust Vet J 65(1):26.<br />

c e n c h r u s i n c e r Tu s M. A. Curtis [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c enchrus pauciflorus Benth.<br />

Common Names:<br />

field s<strong>an</strong>dbur; s<strong>an</strong>dbur; southern s<strong>an</strong>dbur<br />

Citations:<br />

Sperry OE, Turk RD, Hoffm<strong>an</strong> GO, et al. (1955) Photosensitization<br />

of cattle in Texas. Texas Agric Exp Sta Bull<br />

#812:8 pp.<br />

Cenchrus pauciflorus Benth. = Cenchrus incertus M. A.<br />

Curtis<br />

c e n c h r u s s e Tig e r Vahl [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

birdwoodgrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Allen JG, Creeper JH, Forshaw D, et al. (2004) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated<br />

diseases, either new or new to the state, encountered over the<br />

last decade (1991-2001) in Western Australia. In: Acamovic<br />

T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d<br />

related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp. 540-547.<br />

Centaurea picris Pall. ex Willd. = Acroptilon repens (L.)<br />

DC.<br />

Centaurea repens L. = Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.<br />

c e n Ta u r e a so ls Ti Ti a l is L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

abrepuño; cardo alazorado; cardo lechero; knapweed;<br />

St. Barnaby’s-thistle; star thistle; yellow bur; yellow<br />

centaurea; yellow star thistle<br />

Citations:<br />

Cordy DR (1954) Nigro-pallidal encephalomalacia (chewing<br />

disease) in horses on rations high in yellow star thistle.<br />

Am Vet Med Assoc Annu Meet 1954:149-154.<br />

Cordy DR (1954) Nigropallidal encephalomalacia in horses<br />

associated with ingestion of yellow star thistle. J Neuropathol<br />

Exp Neurol 13(2):330-342.<br />

Fowler ME (1965) Nigropallidal encephalomalacia in the<br />

horse. J Am Vet Med Assoc 147(6):607-616.<br />

Gard GP, de Sarem WG, Ahrens PJ (1973) Nigropallidal<br />

encephalomalacia in horses in New South Wales. Aust<br />

Vet J 49(2):107-108.<br />

Martin AA, Y<strong>an</strong>arella FG, Maurel RA, et al. (1971) Nigropallidal<br />

encefalomalacia en equinos provocada por la<br />

intoxicacion cronica con “abrepuño” (Centaurea solstitialis<br />

L.). Analect Vet 3(1-3):43-53.<br />

Mettler FA, Stern GM (1963) Observations on the toxic<br />

effects of yellow star thistle. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol<br />

22(J<strong>an</strong>):164-169.<br />

Selfero NA, Merlassino JL, Audisio S (1989) Intoxicacion<br />

por abrepuños (Centaurea solstitialis) evaluacion terapeutica.<br />

Therios 13(61):42-44.<br />

Young S, Brown WW, Klinger B (1970) Nigropallidal<br />

encephalomalacia in horses caused by ingestion of<br />

weeds of the genus Centaurea. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />


84 - Centella asiatica D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Centaurium beyrichii (Torr. & A. Gray) B. L. Rob. =<br />

Zeltnera beyrichii (Torr. & A. Gray) G. M<strong>an</strong>s.<br />

Centaurium calycosum (Buckley) Fernald = Zeltnera<br />

calycosa (Buckley) G. M<strong>an</strong>s.<br />

c e n Te l l a a s i a Tic a (L.) Urb. [Araliaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h ydrocotyle asiatica L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

brahmi; fo-ti-tieng; gotu kola; Indi<strong>an</strong> pennywort;<br />

madecassol; pennywort; taquip-cohol<br />

Citations:<br />

Eun HC, Lee AY (1985) Contact dermatitis due to madecassol.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 13(5):310-313.<br />

Central Americ<strong>an</strong> walnut –see– Jugl<strong>an</strong>s ol<strong>an</strong>ch<strong>an</strong>a St<strong>an</strong>dl. &<br />

L. O. Williams<br />

c e n Tr o s e Ma p u b e s c e n s Benth. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Shenk JS (1976) The meadow vole as <strong>an</strong> experimental <strong>an</strong>imal.<br />

Lab Anim Sci 26(4):664-669.<br />

century pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Agave americ<strong>an</strong>a L.; Agave lechuguilla Torr.<br />

Cephaelis tomentosa (Aubl.) Vahl = Psychotria poeppigi<strong>an</strong>a<br />

Müll. Arg.<br />

c e r a To c e p h a l a Te s Tic u l a Ta (Cr<strong>an</strong>tz)<br />

Roth [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bur buttercup; hornseed buttercup; testiculate<br />

buttercup<br />

Citations:<br />

Olsen JD, Anderson TE, Madsen G (1982) Bur buttercup.<br />

It will get your sheep if you don’t watch out. Utah Sci<br />

43(Spring):10-13.<br />

Olsen JD, Anderson TE, Murphy JC, et al. (1983) Bur<br />

buttercup poisoning of sheep. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

183(5):538-543.<br />

c e r a To n i a s i l iq u a L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

carob; carob be<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Sil<strong>an</strong>ikove N, Gilboa N, Nir I, et al. (1996) Effect of a daily<br />

supplementation of polyethylene glycol on intake <strong>an</strong>d<br />

digestion of t<strong>an</strong>nin-containing leaves (Quercus calliprinos,<br />

Pistacia lentiscus, <strong>an</strong>d Ceratonia siliqua) by goats. J<br />

Agric Food Chem 44:199<br />

c e r b e r a o d o l l a M Gaertn. [Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

buta buta; fament<strong>an</strong>a; odallum; ordeal tree; pink-eye<br />

cerbera; pong pong; sam<strong>an</strong>ta; t<strong>an</strong>gena nut; yellow-eye<br />

cerbera<br />

Citations:<br />

Gaillard Y, Krishnamoorthy A, Bevalot F (2004) Cerbera<br />

odollam: A ‘suicide tree’ <strong>an</strong>d cause of death in the state of<br />

Kerala, India. J Ethnopharmacol 95(2-3):123-126.<br />

Iyer GV, Narendr<strong>an</strong>ath<strong>an</strong> M (1975) A preliminary report on<br />

the neurological m<strong>an</strong>ifestations of Cerbera odollam poisoning.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med Res 63(2):312-314.<br />

Kini PM, Pai KN (1965) Cardiotoxic effects of Cerbera<br />

odollam. Indi<strong>an</strong> Heart J 17(3):263-270.<br />

Narendr<strong>an</strong>ath<strong>an</strong> M, Das KV, Vijayaraghav<strong>an</strong> G (1975) Electrocardiographic<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in Cerbera odollam poisoning. J<br />

Assoc Physici<strong>an</strong>s India 23(11):757-762.<br />

Narendr<strong>an</strong>ath<strong>an</strong> M, Das KV, Vijayaraghav<strong>an</strong> G (1975)<br />

Prognostic factors in Cerbera odollam poisoning. Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

Heart J 27(4):283-286.<br />

Vijayaraghav<strong>an</strong> G, Kuruvilla A, Warrier NS, et al. (1974)<br />

Cardiovascular effects of cerebrin. Indi<strong>an</strong> Heart J<br />

26(2):79-83.<br />

Cerbera thevetia L. = Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

c e r c o c a r p u s Mo n Ta n u s Raf. [Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

alder-leaf mountain mahog<strong>an</strong>y; hairy mountain<br />

mahog<strong>an</strong>y; mountain mahog<strong>an</strong>y<br />

Citations:<br />

Nunez Hern<strong>an</strong>dez G, Wallace JD, Holechek JL, et al. (1991)<br />

Condensed t<strong>an</strong>nins <strong>an</strong>d nutrient utilization by lambs <strong>an</strong>d<br />

goats fed low-quality diets. J Anim Sci 69(3):1167-1177.<br />

cérim<strong>an</strong> –see– Monstera deliciosa Liebm.<br />

c e s Tr u M a u r a n Ti a c u M Lindl. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

night-blooming jasmine; or<strong>an</strong>ge bush; or<strong>an</strong>ge cestrum<br />

Citations:<br />

Edgar G (1933) “Or<strong>an</strong>ge bush” proved poisonous to stock.<br />

Agric Gaz New South Wales 44:785.<br />

Mugera GM, Nderito P (1968) Cestrum poisoning in Kenya<br />

livestock. Bull Epizootic Dis Afr 16(4):501-506.<br />

Shone DK (1966) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part I. Rhodesia<br />

Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 4:81-94.<br />

Shone DK (1967) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part II.<br />

Rhodesia Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 5:29-41.<br />

c e s Tr u M d i u r n u M L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Chinese inkberry; dama-de-dia; day-blooming jasmine;<br />

day-blooming jessamine; day cestrum; day jasmine;<br />

day jessamine; gal<strong>an</strong>-de-dia; jasmine; jessamine;<br />

king-of-the-day; tint<strong>an</strong>; wild jasmin; wild jasmine<br />

Citations:<br />

Dur<strong>an</strong>d R, Figueredo JM, Mendoza E (1999) Intoxication<br />

in cattle from Cestrum diurnum. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

41(1):26-27.<br />

Figueroa V, Sutherl<strong>an</strong>d TM (1972) “Muerte súbita” (sudden<br />

death) in cattle. 5. The role of toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Rev Cub<strong>an</strong>a<br />

Cienc Agric Eng Ed 6(1):53-59.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Chamaeleon gummifera - 85<br />

Kasali OB, Krook L, Pond WG, et al. (1977) Cestrum diurnum<br />

intoxication in normal <strong>an</strong>d hyperparathyroid pigs.<br />

Cornell Vet 67(2):190-221.<br />

Krook L, Wasserm<strong>an</strong> RH, McEntee K, et al. (1975) Cestrum<br />

diurnum poisoning in Florida cattle. Cornell Vet<br />

65(4):557-575.<br />

Krook L, Wasserm<strong>an</strong> RH, Shively JN, et al. (1975) Hypercalcemia<br />

<strong>an</strong>d calcinosis in Florida horses: Implication of<br />

the shrub, Cestrum diurnum, as the causative agent. Cornell<br />

Vet 65(1):26-56.<br />

Sarkar K, Narbaitz R, Pokrupa R, et al. (1981) The ultrastructure<br />

of nephrocalcinosis induced in chicks by Cestrum<br />

diurnum leaves. Vet Pathol 18(1):62-70.<br />

Simpson CF, Bruss ML (1979) Ectopic calcification in lambs<br />

from feeding the pl<strong>an</strong>t Cestrum diurnum. Calcif Tissue<br />

Int 29(3):245-250.<br />

c e s Tr u M l a e vig a Tu M Schltdl. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

coer<strong>an</strong>a; dominguinho; inkberry; wild potato<br />

Citations:<br />

Barros GC, Döbereiner J (1968) Experimentos com Cestrum<br />

laevigatum Schlecht. em <strong>an</strong>imais de laboratorio. Pesq<br />

Agric Bras 3:307-311.<br />

Döbereiner J, Tokarnia CH, C<strong>an</strong>ella CF (1965) Intoxicação por<br />

Cestrum laevigatum Schlecht. em bovinos no Estado do Rio<br />

de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Brasil. Proc Int Grassl<strong>an</strong>d Cong 2:1259-1263.<br />

Döbereiner J, Tokarnia CH, C<strong>an</strong>ella CF (1969) Intoxicação<br />

por Cestrum laevigatum Schlecht., a causa de mort<strong>an</strong>dades<br />

em bovinos no Estado do Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro. Pesq<br />

Agric Bras Vet 4:165-193.<br />

Peixoto PV, Brust LC, Duarte MD, et al. (2000) Cestrum<br />

laevigatum poisoning in goats in southeastern Brazil. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 42(1):13-14.<br />

Thorburn JA (1934) Chase Valley disease. Cestrum laevigatum<br />

Schlecht, its toxic effects on rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. Onderstepoort<br />

J Vet Sci Anim Indus 2(2):667-679.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> der Lugt JJ, Nel PW, Kitching JP (1991) The pathology<br />

of Cestrum laevigatum (Schlechtd.) poisoning in cattle.<br />

Onderstepoort J Vet Res 58(3):211-221.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> der Lugt JJ, Nel PW, Kitching JP (1992) Experimentally-induced<br />

Cestrum laevigatum (Schlechtd.) poisoning<br />

in sheep. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 59(2):135-144.<br />

c e s Tr u M n o c Tu r n u M L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

celestrum nigrum; Chinese inkberry; dama-de-noche;<br />

gal<strong>an</strong>-de-noche; huele-de-noche; jasmin-de-nuit; ladyof-the-night;<br />

lilas-de-nuit; night-blooming jasmine;<br />

night-blooming jessamine; poisonberry<br />

Citations:<br />

Fruthaler GJ (1955) Sol<strong>an</strong>ine poisoning. Ochsner Clin Rep<br />

1(2):50-52.<br />

c e s Tr u M p a r q u i L’Her. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Chile<strong>an</strong> cestrum; duraznillo; duraznillo negro; green<br />

cestrum; green poisonberry; iodine bush; la parquina;<br />

palque; willow-leaf jassamine<br />

Citations:<br />

Guercio V (1966) Su di un episodio da avvelenamento nei<br />

suini da «Cestrum parquii». Vet Itali<strong>an</strong>a 17:726-729.<br />

Kudo K, Kelly WR, Oelrichs PB (1985) Experimental poisoning<br />

of mice <strong>an</strong>d sheep with Cestrum parqui. In: Seawright<br />

AA, Hegarty MP, James LF, et al. (eds.) Pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

toxicology. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d <strong>Poisonous</strong> Pl<strong>an</strong>t Committee,<br />

Yeerongpilly, Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. pp. 533-540.<br />

Lopez TA, Spinelli R, Villar JA (1978) Efectos de la dosificacion<br />

de Cestrum parqui L’Herit en ovinos y bovinos.<br />

Gaceta Vet 40(334):642-650.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>riquez O, Varas J, Rios JC, et al. (2002) Analysis of<br />

156 cases of pl<strong>an</strong>t intoxication received in the toxicologic<br />

information center at Catholic University of Chile. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 44(1):31-32.<br />

McLenn<strong>an</strong> MW, Kelly WR (1984) Cestrum parqui (green<br />

cestrum) poisoning in cattle. Aust Vet J 61(9):289-291.<br />

Riet-Correa F, Schild AL, Méndez MC, et al. (1986) Intoxicação<br />

por Cestrum parqui (Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae) em bovinos no<br />

Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de do Sul. Pesq Vet Bras 6(4):111-115.<br />

Ruiz LF (1930) Tres pl<strong>an</strong>tas tóxicas de la flora Argentina.<br />

Bol Minist Agric Nac Rep Argentina 29(Mar):45-55.<br />

Ceylon rose –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

cha-de-figo –see– Ficus carica L.<br />

chacin –see– Metopium brownei (Jacq.) Urb.<br />

chacruna –see– Psychotria viridis Ruiz & Pav.<br />

c h a e r o p h y l l u M b u l b o s u M L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chervil<br />

Citations:<br />

Miedzobrodzki K, Bąk T, Lew<strong>an</strong>dowski L (1963) Zatrucia<br />

zwierząt swierząbkiem (Chaerophyllum). Med Weter<br />

19(6):309-310.<br />

chailletia –see– Dichapetalum cymosum (Hook.) Engl.<br />

chalice flower –see– Narcissus pseudonarcissus L.<br />

c h a Ma e c y Tis u s p r o l i f e r (L. f.) Link<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

tagasaste; tree lucerne<br />

Citations:<br />

Allen JG, Creeper JH, Forshaw D, et al. (2004) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated<br />

diseases, either new or new to the state, encountered over the<br />

last decade (1991-2001) in Western Australia. In: Acamovic<br />

T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d<br />

related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp. 540-547.<br />

c h a Ma e l e o n g u MMi f e r a (L.) Cass.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a tractylis gummifera L.; c arlina gummifera Less.<br />

Common Names:<br />

addad; birdlime thistle; cardo-de-la-liga; chameleon<br />

leukos; chardon-à-glu; edded; glue chard; glue thistle;

86 - Chamaelirium luteum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

ixia; lion-of-the-earth; mascarida; masticogna; Mediterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong><br />

thistle; sticky thistle; Vogelleimdistel; white<br />

chameleon<br />

Citations:<br />

Bellimam MA, Karni NE, Bouayoun T, et al. (2001) Study<br />

on cases of homicides by poisoning. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

43(4):244.<br />

Georgiou M, Si<strong>an</strong>idou L, Hatzis T, et al. (1988) Hepatotoxicity<br />

due to Atractylis gummifera L. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

26(7):487-493.<br />

Guercio V, R<strong>an</strong>dazzo V, Balbo SM (1971) Osservazioni su<br />

episodi di avvelenamento da Atractylis gummifera. Veterinaria<br />

(Mil<strong>an</strong>o) 20(6):311-318.<br />

Hamouda C, Amamou M, Thabet H, et al. (2000) Pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

poisonings from herbal medication admitted to a Tunisi<strong>an</strong><br />

toxicologic intensive care unit, 1983-1998. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 42(3):137-141.<br />

Lemaigre G, Tebbi Z, Galinsky R, et al. (1975) Hépatite fulmin<strong>an</strong>te<br />

par intoxication due au chardon à glu (Atractylis<br />

gummifera-L). Nouv Presse Med 4(40):2865-2868.<br />

Nogue S, S<strong>an</strong>g P, Botey A, et al. (1992) Insuffis<strong>an</strong>ce rénale<br />

aigüe due à une intoxication par le chardon à glu (Atractylis<br />

gummifera-L). Presse Med 21(3):130.<br />

Tocco L (1922) Sull’ avvelenamento per Carlina gummifera.<br />

Nota II - Ricerche farmacologiche sul principio attivo<br />

della Carlina gummifera (Atractylato di K). Arch Int<br />

Pharmacodyn Ther 26:171-186.<br />

c h a Ma e l i r i u M l u Te u M (L.) A. Gray<br />

[Mel<strong>an</strong>thiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

devil’s-bit; helonias; unicorn root<br />

Citations:<br />

Moir J (1899) Poisoned by devil’s-bit. Vet Rec 11:523-524.<br />

c h a Ma e Me l u M n ob i l e (L.) All. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a nthemis nobilis L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

camomile; chamomile; Hundskamille; Kamille; Rom<strong>an</strong><br />

camomille; sweet camomille<br />

Citations:<br />

Hausen BM (1979) The sensitizing capacity of compositae<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. III. Test results <strong>an</strong>d cross-reactions in compositaesensitive<br />

patients. Dermatologica 159(1):1-11.<br />

c h a Ma e s y c e h i r Ta (L.) Millsp.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e uphorbia hirta L.; e uphorbia pilulifera L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

asthma herb; Australi<strong>an</strong> asthma herb; Australi<strong>an</strong><br />

snakeweed; dudhi; gol<strong>an</strong>drina; golodrina; gr<strong>an</strong>de malnommée;<br />

hairy spurge; Je<strong>an</strong> Robert; milkweed; petite<br />

malnommée; Queensl<strong>an</strong>d asthma herb; snakeweed;<br />

spurge<br />

Citations:<br />

Singh R, Siddiqui MA, Baruah MC (1978) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis<br />

in Delhi. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med Res 68(Oct):650-655.<br />

c h a Ma e s y c e Ma c u l a Ta (L.) Small<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e uphorbia maculata L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

eyeb<strong>an</strong>e; milk pursl<strong>an</strong>e; nodding spurge; prostrate<br />

spurge; snow-on-the-mountain; spotted spurge<br />

Citations:<br />

Case AA (1957) Photosensitization syndrome in cattle,<br />

sheep, <strong>an</strong>d swine. North Am Vet 38(Jun):161-165.<br />

c h a Ma e s y c e p r o s Tr a Ta (Aiton) Small<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e uphorbia prostrata Aiton<br />

Common Names:<br />

prostrate euphorbia; prostrate spurge; red caustic<br />

creeper<br />

Citations:<br />

Sperry OE, Turk RD, Hoffm<strong>an</strong> GO, et al. (1955) Photosensitization<br />

of cattle in Texas. Texas Agric Exp Sta Bull<br />

#812:8 pp.<br />

chameleon leukos –see– Chamaeleon gummifera (L.) Cass.<br />

chamico –see– Datura ferox L.; Datura stramonium L.<br />

chamiso hediondo –see– Artemisia tridentata Nutt.<br />

chamiza –see– Atriplex c<strong>an</strong>escens (Pursh) Nutt.<br />

chamomile –see– Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All.; Matricaria<br />

recutita L.<br />

Champagnerwurz –see– Veratrum album L.<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ch<strong>an</strong>ote –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>cre indien –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>d<strong>an</strong> –see– S<strong>an</strong>talum album L.<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>delier pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe delagoensis Eckl. & Zeyh.<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>vre-de-C<strong>an</strong>ada –see– Apocynum c<strong>an</strong>nabinum L.<br />

chaparral –see– Larrea tridentata (DC.) Coville<br />

chaparral death camas –see– Toxicoscordion fremontii (Torr.)<br />

Rydb.<br />

chaperno –see– Andira inermis (W. Wright) Kunth ex DC.<br />

charas –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

chard –see– Beta vulgaris L.<br />

chardon-à-glu –see– Chamaeleon gummifera (L.) Cass.<br />

charlock –see– Sinapis alba L.; Sinapis arvensis L.<br />

chaste tree –see– Vitex agnus-castus L.<br />

chat –see– Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl.<br />

chaulai –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus viridis L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Chenopodium quinoa - 87<br />

chayote –see– Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw.<br />

cheat –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

chechém –see– Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.<br />

chechem negro –see– Metopium brownei (Jacq.) Urb.<br />

checkerberry –see– Gaultheria procumbens L.<br />

cheeky bugger –see– Isotoma petraea F. Muell.<br />

cheesebowl –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

cheeseweed –see– Malva parviflora L.<br />

c h e i l a n Th e s s i e b e r i Kunze [Pteridaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

mulga fern; rock fern<br />

Citations:<br />

Clark IA, Dimmock CK (1971) The toxicity of Cheil<strong>an</strong>thes<br />

sieberi to cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep. Aust Vet J 47(4):149-152.<br />

McKenzie RA (1978) Bovine enzootic haematuria in Queensl<strong>an</strong>d.<br />

Aust Vet J 54(2):61-64.<br />

Smith BL, Embling PP, Lauren DR, et al. (1989) Carcinogen<br />

in rock fern (Cheil<strong>an</strong>thes sieberi) from New Zeal<strong>an</strong>d<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Australia. Aust Vet J 66:154-155.<br />

c h e i l a n Th e s Te n u i f o l i a (Burm. f.) Sw.<br />

[Pteridaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

mulga fern; rock fern; rock lip fern<br />

Citations:<br />

Gordon HM (1936) Some field observations on various diseases<br />

of sheep. Aust Vet J 12(Feb):28-31.<br />

chekkarmenis –see– Sauropus <strong>an</strong>drogynus (L.) Merr.<br />

chekor m<strong>an</strong>is –see– Sauropus <strong>an</strong>drogynus (L.) Merr.<br />

chekurm<strong>an</strong>is –see– Sauropus <strong>an</strong>drogynus (L.) Merr.<br />

chela –see– Ficus amplissima Sm.<br />

chélidoine –see– Chelidonium majus L.<br />

c h e l i d o n i u M Ma j u s L. [Papaveraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Blutkraut; cel<strong>an</strong>dine; cel<strong>an</strong>dine poppy; celidonia mayor;<br />

chélidoine; cock foot; Gelbkraut; great cel<strong>an</strong>dine; rock<br />

poppy; Schellkraut; Schöllkraut; swallowwort; tetterwort;<br />

wartwort; Warzenkraut<br />

Citations:<br />

Benninger J, Schneider HT, Schupp<strong>an</strong> D, et al. (1999) Acute<br />

hepatitis induced by greater cel<strong>an</strong>dine (Chelidonium<br />

majus). Gastroenterology 117(5):1234-1237.<br />

Koopm<strong>an</strong>n H (1937) Tödliche Schöllkraut-Vergiftung<br />

(Chelidonium majus). Sammlung Vergiftungsfallen<br />

8(A682):93-98.<br />

Reeks HC (1903) Poisoning of cattle by common cel<strong>an</strong>dine.<br />

J Comp Pathol 16:367-371.<br />

Štĕrba B, Meissner V (1962) Sušené rostliny s obsahem<br />

srdečních glykosidů a alkaloidů jako příčina uhynuté<br />

hospodářských zvířat. Veterinarstvi 12:83-86.<br />

Stickel F, Pöschl G, Seitz HK, et al. (2003) Acute hepatitis<br />

induced by greater cel<strong>an</strong>dine (Chelidonium majus). Sc<strong>an</strong>d<br />

J Gastroenterol 38(5):565-568.<br />

Strahl S, Ehret V, Dahm HH, et al. (1998) Nekrotisierende<br />

Hepatitis nach Einnahme pfl<strong>an</strong>zlicher Heilmittel. Dtsch<br />

Med Wochenschr 123(47):1410-1414.<br />

chengki<strong>an</strong> –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

chenile –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

c h e n o p o d i u M a l b u M L. [Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

fat hen; goosefoot; lamb’s-quarter; nabo bl<strong>an</strong>co; patade-g<strong>an</strong>so;<br />

quelite cenizo; white goosefoot; wild spinach;<br />

witte g<strong>an</strong>zenrooet<br />

Citations:<br />

Buck WB, Preston KS, Abel M, et al. (1965-1966) Common<br />

weeds associated with perirenal edema in swine. Proc Am<br />

Coll Vet Toxicol 1965:24-28.<br />

Buck WB, Preston KS, Abel M, et al. (1966) Perirenal edema<br />

in swine: A disease caused by common weeds. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 148(12):1525-1531.<br />

Çalka Ö, Akdeniz N, Metin A, et al. (2005) Phototoxic dermatitis<br />

due to Chenopodium album in a mother <strong>an</strong>d son.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 53(1):58-60.<br />

Herweijer CH, Den Houter LF (1970) Vergiftiging bij<br />

schapen door witte g<strong>an</strong>zenvoet (Chenopodium album).<br />

Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 95(22):1134-1136.<br />

Herweijer CH, Den Houter LF (1971) Poisoning due to fat<br />

hen (Chenopodium album) in sheep. Netherl<strong>an</strong>ds J Vet Sci<br />

4(1):52-54.<br />

Ozmen O, Mor F, Unsal A (2003) Nitrate poisoning in cattle fed<br />

Chenopodium album hay. Vet Hum Toxicol 45(2):83-84.<br />

Chenopodium ambrosioides L. = Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia ambrosioides<br />

(L.) Mosyakin & Clem<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

Chenopodium atriplicinum (F. Muell.) F. Muell. =<br />

Scleroblitum atriplicinum (F. Muell.) Ulbr.<br />

Chenopodium carinatum R. Br. = Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia carinata (R.<br />

Br.) Mosyakin & Clem<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

Chenopodium graveolens Willd. = Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia graveolens<br />

(Willd.) Mosyakin & Clem<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

c h e n o p o d i u M h y b r i d u M L.<br />

[Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Iv<strong>an</strong>ov VV (1959) [A case of mass poisoning by Chenopodium<br />

hybridum L.] Bot Zh 44(2):198-199.<br />

c h e n o p o d i u M q u i n o a Willd.<br />

[Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

quinoa; quinua<br />

Citations:<br />

Cheeke PR, Carlsson R (1978) Evaluation of several crops as<br />

sources of leaf meal: Composition, effect of drying procedure,<br />

<strong>an</strong>d rat growth response. Nutr Rep Int 18(4):465-473.

88 - Chenopodium quinoa D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

cherimoya –see– Annona cherimola Mill.<br />

cherry –see– Prunus serotina Ehrh.; Prunus virgini<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

cherry ballart –see– Exocarpos cupressiformis Labill.<br />

cherry bay –see– Prunus laurocerasus L.<br />

cherry laurel –see– Prunus laurocerasus L.<br />

cherry pepper –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.<br />

cherry pie –see– Heliotropium europaeum L.; L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a<br />

camara L.<br />

chervil –see– Chaerophyllum bulbosum L.<br />

ches tennent –see– Antiaris toxicaria Lesch.<br />

chestnut –see– Cast<strong>an</strong>ea sativa Mill.<br />

cheta mona –see– Paspalum scrobiculatum L. var. bispicatum<br />

Hack.<br />

Chewing’s-fescue –see– Festuca rubra L. subsp. fallax<br />

(Thuill.) Nym<strong>an</strong><br />

chi gurunga –see– Senecio sceleratus Schweick.<br />

chibata –see– Arrabidaea bilabiata (Sprague) S<strong>an</strong>dwith<br />

chicalote –see– Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

chicharron –see– Metopium brownei (Jacq.) Urb.<br />

chichicaste –see– Cnidoscolus urens (L.) Arthur<br />

chichicaste-de-las-costas –see– Cnidoscolus urens (L.) Arthur<br />

chichirica –see– Cathar<strong>an</strong>thus roseus (L.) G. Don<br />

chick pea –see– Cicer arietinum L.; Lathyrus hirsutus L.;<br />

Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

Chickasaw lima be<strong>an</strong> –see– C<strong>an</strong>avalia ensiformis (L.) DC.<br />

chickling pea –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

chickling vetch –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

chickory –see– Cichorium intybus L.<br />

chico –see– Sarcobatus vermiculatus (Hook.) Torr.<br />

chicory –see– Cichorium endivia L.; Cichorium intybus L.<br />

chicot –see– Gymnocladus dioicus (L.) K. Koch<br />

chiguirera –see– Persicaria glabra (Willd.) M. Gómez<br />

chilamatillo –see– Euphorbia heterophylla L.<br />

chilbe –see– Trigonella foenum-graecum L.<br />

children’s-b<strong>an</strong>e –see– Cicuta maculata L.<br />

children’s-death –see– Cicuta maculata L.<br />

chile –see– Capsicum frutescens L.<br />

chile-de-perro –see– Persicaria punctata (Elliott) Small<br />

chile pepper –see– Capsicum frutescens L.<br />

Chile<strong>an</strong> cestrum –see– Cestrum parqui L’Her.<br />

chili –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.<br />

chili bravo –see– Capsicum frutescens L.<br />

chili pepper –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.; Capsicum frutescens<br />

L.<br />

Chillagoe horse poison –see– Crotalaria aridicola Domin<br />

chilly –see– Capsicum fastigiatum Blume<br />

chilquilla –see– Pascalia glauca Ortega<br />

China cockle –see– Vaccaria hisp<strong>an</strong>ica (Mill.) Rauschert<br />

China rose –see– Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.<br />

China tree –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

Chinaball tree –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

Chinaberry –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

Chinawood oil tree –see– Vernicia fordii (Hemsl.) Airy Shaw<br />

Chinese aconite root –see– Aconitum carmichaelii Debeaux<br />

var. truppeli<strong>an</strong>um (Ulbr.) W. T. W<strong>an</strong>g & P. K. Hsiao<br />

Chinese bastard <strong>an</strong>ise –see– Illicium <strong>an</strong>isatum L.<br />

Chinese boxthorn –see– Lycium barbarum L.<br />

Chinese cabbage –see– Brassica rapa L. subsp. campestris<br />

(L.) A. R. Clapham<br />

Chinese-cap larkspur –see– Delphinium glaucum S. Watson<br />

Chinese cinnamon –see– Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees<br />

Chinese ephedra –see– Ephedra sinica Stapf<br />

Chinese eupatorium –see– Eupatorium chinense L.<br />

Chinese forget-me-not –see– Cynoglossum officinale L.<br />

Chinese inkberry –see– Cestrum diurnum L.; Cestrum<br />

nocturnum L.<br />

Chinese juniper –see– Juniperus chinensis L.<br />

Chinese jute –see– Abutilon theophrasti Medik.<br />

Chinese kidney be<strong>an</strong> –see– Wisteria sinensis (Sims) DC.<br />

Chinese lacquer tree –see– Toxicodendron vernicifluum<br />

(Stokes) F. A. Barkley<br />

Chinese persimmon –see– Diospyros kaki Thunb.<br />

Chinese primrose –see– Primula obconica H<strong>an</strong>ce; Primula<br />

praenitens Ker Gawl.<br />

Chinese rhubarb –see– Rheum officinale Baill.<br />

Chinese-rice-paper-pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Tetrap<strong>an</strong>ax papyrifer<br />

(Hook.) K. Koch<br />

Chinese sacred bamboo –see– N<strong>an</strong>dina domestica Thunb.<br />

Chinese shellac –see– Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) F.<br />

A. Barkley<br />

Chinese star <strong>an</strong>ise –see– Illicium verum Hook. f.<br />

Chinese sumach –see– Ail<strong>an</strong>thus altissima (Mill.) Swingle<br />

Chinese tallow tree –see– Triadica sebifera (L.) Small<br />

Chinese tung oil tree –see– Vernicia fordii (Hemsl.) Airy<br />

Shaw<br />

Chinese umbrella tree –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

Chinese wisteria –see– Wisteria sinensis (Sims) DC.<br />

Chinese yam –see– Dioscorea polystachya Turcz.<br />

Chinesewood-oil tree –see– Vernicia fordii (Hemsl.) Airy<br />

Shaw<br />

Chinesische Glyzinie –see– Wisteria sinensis (Sims) DC.<br />

Chinesische Primel –see– Primula praenitens Ker Gawl.<br />

chingma –see– Abutilon theophrasti Medik.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Chondrilla juncea - 89<br />

chinkerinchee –see– Ornithogalum thyrsoides Jacq.;<br />

Ornithogalum toxicarium C. Archer & R. H. Archer<br />

chique chique –see– Crotalaria pallida Aiton<br />

c h i r o n i a b a c c i f e r a L. [Genti<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hum<strong>an</strong>sdorp<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1939) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa. IX. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 12:335-366.<br />

c h i r o n i a Tr a n s va a l e n s is Gilg<br />

[Genti<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Rhodesi<strong>an</strong> wild genti<strong>an</strong>; wild genti<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Shone DK (1966) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part I. Rhodesia<br />

Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 4:81-94.<br />

Shone DK (1967) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part II.<br />

Rhodesia Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 5:29-41.<br />

Steyn DG (1933) Recent investigations into the toxicity<br />

of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union<br />

of South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

1:173-182.<br />

chivalrygrass –see– Polygonum aviculare L.<br />

chives –see– Allium schoenoprasum L.<br />

c h l o r is g a y a n a Kunth [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Rhodesgrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Bargai U (1987) Incidence, etiology <strong>an</strong>d treatment of ovari<strong>an</strong><br />

follicular cysts in a large dairy herd over a ten-year period.<br />

Isr J Vet Med 43(1):56-61.<br />

Chlorophora excelsa (Welw.) Benth. = Milicia excelsa<br />

(Welw.) C. C. Berg<br />

c h l o r o x y l o n s w i e Te n i a DC. [Rutaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Atlasholz; East Indi<strong>an</strong> satinwood; Ostindisches Satinholz;<br />

Ostindisches Seidenholz; satin wood; Satinholz;<br />

Westindisches Atlasholz; Westindisches Satinholz;<br />

Zitronenholz<br />

Citations:<br />

Cash JT (1911) The dermatitis produced by East Indi<strong>an</strong> satinwood<br />

(Chloroxylon swietenia). Br Med J 2:784-790.<br />

chocho –see– Crotalaria grahami<strong>an</strong>a Wight & Arn.; Sechium<br />

edule (Jacq.) Sw.<br />

chocolate –see– Theobroma cacao L.<br />

chocon –see– Wig<strong>an</strong>dia urens (Ruiz & Pav.) Kunth var.<br />

caracas<strong>an</strong>a (Kunth) D. N. Gibson<br />

chokecherry –see– Prunus serotina Ehrh.; Prunus virgini<strong>an</strong>a<br />

L.<br />

c h o n d r i l l a j u n c e a L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

skeleton weed<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1954) Investigations into the etiology <strong>an</strong>d control<br />

of enzootic (toxaemic) jaundice of sheep. Report of<br />

the investigation committee for the year 1952-53. Aust<br />

Vet J 30(Jun):182-184.<br />

chongras –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

chopsui potato –see– Pachyrhizus erosus (L.) Urb.<br />

chota mona –see– Paspalum scrobiculatum L. var. bispicatum<br />

Hack.<br />

chou-de-chien –see– Mercurialis perennis L.<br />

chou moellier –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. medullosa Thell.<br />

chou moullier –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. medullosa Thell.<br />

choux fourrager –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. gemmifera<br />

Zenker<br />

Christblume –see– Helleborus niger L.<br />

Christdorn –see– Ilex aquifolium L.<br />

Christmas bells –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe daigremonti<strong>an</strong>a Raym.-<br />

Hamet & H. Perrier; Kal<strong>an</strong>choe delagoensis Eckl. & Zeyh.<br />

Christmas berry –see– Heteromeles salicifolia (C. Presl)<br />

Abrams; Lycium barbarum L.<br />

Christmas c<strong>an</strong>dle –see– Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus tithymaloides (L.) Poit.<br />

Christmas cherry –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um pseudocapsicum L.<br />

Christmas flower –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex<br />

Klotzsch<br />

Christmas holly –see– Ilex aquifolium L.; Ilex opaca Aiton<br />

Christmas mistletoe –see– Phoradendron leucarpum (Raf.)<br />

Reveal & M. C. Johnst.<br />

Christmas pepper –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

pseudocapsicum L.<br />

Christmas poinsettia –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex<br />

Klotzsch<br />

Christmas rose –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex<br />

Klotzsch; Helleborus niger L.<br />

Christmas star –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex<br />

Klotzsch<br />

Christmasberry tree –see– Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi<br />

Christrose –see– Helleborus niger L.<br />

Christ’s-thorn –see– Euphorbia milii Des Moul.<br />

Christ’s-wort –see– Helleborus niger L.<br />

Christusdorn –see– Euphorbia milii Des Moul.<br />

Christuspalme –see– Ricinus communis L.

90 - Chrozophora obliqua D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Christwurz –see– Helleborus niger L.<br />

Chrosperma muscaetoxicum (Walt.) Kuntze = Ami<strong>an</strong>thium<br />

muscitoxicum (Walter) A Gray<br />

c h r o z o p h o r a ob l iq u a (Vahl) A. Juss. ex<br />

Spreng. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

rein<br />

Citations:<br />

Adam SE, Al-Redhaim<strong>an</strong> KN, Al-Qarawi AA (1999)<br />

Toxicity of Chrozophora obliqua in rats. Phytother Res<br />

13(7):630-632.<br />

c h r o z o p h o r a pl ic a Ta (Vahl) A. Juss. ex<br />

Spreng. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

terba<br />

Citations:<br />

Galal M, Adam SE (1988) Experimental Chrozophora<br />

plicata poisoning in goats <strong>an</strong>d sheep. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

30(5):447-452.<br />

chrys<strong>an</strong>thème matricaire –see– T<strong>an</strong>acetum parthenium (L.)<br />

Sch. Bip.<br />

chrys<strong>an</strong>themum –see– Chrys<strong>an</strong>themum ×morifolium Ramat.<br />

Chrys<strong>an</strong>themum leuc<strong>an</strong>themum L. = Leuc<strong>an</strong>themum<br />

vulgare Lam.<br />

c h r y s a n Th e Mu M ×Mo r i f o l i u M Ramat.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chrys<strong>an</strong>themum; pot mum<br />

Citations:<br />

Bleumink E, Mitchell JC, Nater JP (1973) Contact<br />

dermatitis to chrys<strong>an</strong>themums. Arch Dermatol<br />

108(2):220-222.<br />

Campolmi P, Sertoli A, Fabbri P, et al. (1978) Al<strong>an</strong>tolactone<br />

sensitivity in chrys<strong>an</strong>themum contact dermatitis. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 4(2):93-102.<br />

Frain-Bell W, Hetherington A, Johnson BE (1979) Contact<br />

allergic sensitivity to chrys<strong>an</strong>themum <strong>an</strong>d the photosensitivity<br />

dermatitis <strong>an</strong>d actinic reticuloid syndrome. Br J<br />

Dermatol 101(5):491-501.<br />

Goldstein MB (1931) Dermatitis venenata due to chrys<strong>an</strong>themum<br />

leaves. JAMA 96(20):1680-1681.<br />

Hausen BM (1979) The sensitizing capacity of compositae<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. III. Test results <strong>an</strong>d cross-reactions in compositaesensitive<br />

patients. Dermatologica 159(1):1-11.<br />

Pilot I (1932) Dermatitis venenata due to chrys<strong>an</strong>themums.<br />

Report of a case in a florist. J Allergy 3:404-407.<br />

Schmidt RJ, Kingston T (1985) Chrys<strong>an</strong>themum dermatitis<br />

in South Wales; diagnosis by patch testing with feverfew<br />

(T<strong>an</strong>acetum parthenium) extract. Contact Dermatitis<br />

13(2):120-121.<br />

Sharma SC, T<strong>an</strong>war RC, Kaur S (1989) Contact dermatitis<br />

from chrys<strong>an</strong>themums in India. Contact Dermatitis<br />

21(2):69-71.<br />

Chrys<strong>an</strong>themum parthenium (L.) Bernh. = T<strong>an</strong>acetum<br />

parthenium (L.) Sch. Bip.<br />

Chrys<strong>an</strong>themum vulgare (L.) Bernh. = T<strong>an</strong>acetum vulgare<br />

L.<br />

c h r y so c o Ma c i l i a Ta L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c hrysocoma tenuifolia P. J. Bergius<br />

Common Names:<br />

beesbossie; beeskarroo; bitter bush; bitterbos; bitterbossie;<br />

bitterkaroo; br<strong>an</strong>sbossie<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG (1934) The toxicology of pl<strong>an</strong>ts in South Africa.<br />

Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus 3(2):359-473.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Vyver FH, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, Basti<strong>an</strong>ello SS, et al.<br />

(1985) Valsiekte (falling disease): A nervous disorder in<br />

lambs suspected of being caused by the pl<strong>an</strong>t Chrysocoma<br />

tenuifolia. J S Afr Vet Assoc 56(2):65-68.<br />

Chrysocoma tenuifolia P. J. Bergius = Chrysocoma ciliata L.<br />

chu –see– Euphorbia royle<strong>an</strong>a Boiss.<br />

chu<strong>an</strong>wu –see– Aconitum carmichaelii Debeaux<br />

chucho –see– Nierembergia hippom<strong>an</strong>ica Miers<br />

chucho-de-la-sierra –see– Nierembergia hippom<strong>an</strong>ica Miers<br />

chuen lin –see– Coptis chinensis Fr<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

chupa –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a tabacum L.<br />

churee –see– Euphorbia royle<strong>an</strong>a Boiss.<br />

churn staff –see– Euphorbia helioscopia L.<br />

chuschu –see– Nierembergia hippom<strong>an</strong>ica Miers<br />

chuu-ou-kou –see– Curcuma longa L.<br />

ciat –see– Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl.<br />

c ic e r a r i e Ti n u M L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Bengal gam; Bengal gram; chick pea; coffee pea; garb<strong>an</strong>zo;<br />

Idaho pea; Kichererbse<br />

Citations:<br />

Diaz C, Viv<strong>an</strong>co F (1949) Studies on cicerism. Bull Inst Med<br />

Res Univ Madr 2:95-102.<br />

cicer milk vetch –see– Astragalus cicer L.<br />

c ic h o r i u M e n d i vi a L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

broad-leaf endive; chicory; endive<br />

Citations:<br />

Friis B, Hjorth N, Vail JT Jr, et al. (1975) Occupational<br />

contact dermatitis from Cichorium (chicory, endive) <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Lactuca (lettuce). Contact Dermatitis 1(5):311-313.<br />

Krook G (1977) Occupational dermatitis from Lactuca<br />

sativa (lettuce) <strong>an</strong>d Cichorium (endive). Simult<strong>an</strong>eous<br />

occurrence of immediate <strong>an</strong>d delayed allergy as a cause of<br />

contact dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis 3(1):27-36.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Cicuta maculata - 91<br />

Vail JT Jr, Mitchell JC (1973) Occupational dermatitis from<br />

Cichorium intybus, C. endivia <strong>an</strong>d Lactuca sativa var.<br />

longifolia. Contact Dermatol Newsl 14(Aug):413-414.<br />

c ic h o r i u M i n Ty b u s L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c ichorium intybus L. var. sativum (Bisch.) J<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue chicory; blue sailors; chickory; chicory; H<strong>an</strong>sl-am-<br />

Weg; succory; Wegwarte; wild chicory; witloof<br />

Citations:<br />

Bubień Z, Wachnik Z, Żuchowski A (1962) Zatrucia jałówek<br />

korzeniami cykorii. Med Weter 18(10):603-605.<br />

Malten KE (1983) Chicory dermatitis from September to<br />

April. Contact Dermatitis 9(3):232.<br />

Vail JT Jr, Mitchell JC (1973) Occupational dermatitis from<br />

Cichorium intybus, C. endiva <strong>an</strong>d Lactuca sativa var.<br />

longifolia. Contact Dermatol Newsl 14(Aug):413-414.<br />

Wachnik Z (1962) Liście cykorii (Cichorium intybus) przyczyna<br />

zatrucia świń. Med Weter 18(8):493-495.<br />

Cichorium intybus L. var. sativum (Bisch.) J<strong>an</strong>ch. =<br />

Cichorium intybus L.<br />

cicuta –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M. Coult. & Rose<br />

Cicuta californica A. Gray = Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M.<br />

Coult. & Rose<br />

c ic u Ta d o u g l a s i i (DC.) J. M. Coult. & Rose<br />

[Apiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c icuta californica A. Gray; c icuta vag<strong>an</strong>s Greene<br />

Common Names:<br />

beaver poison; California water hemlock; carotte-amoreau;<br />

cicuta; cowb<strong>an</strong>e; Douglas’-water hemlock;<br />

false parsley; mock eel root; muskrat weed; musquash<br />

root; Oregon water hemlock; poison parsnip; snakeroot;<br />

snakeweed; spotted cowb<strong>an</strong>e; spotted hemlock; spotted<br />

parsley; tuber water hemlock; water hemlock; water parsnip;<br />

western water hemlock; wild carrot; wild parsnip<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1967) Water hemlock in production ponds.<br />

Progressive Fish Cult 29:181.<br />

Brodie DA (1901) Poison parsnip in Western Washington.<br />

Washington Agric Exp Sta Bull #45:12 pp.<br />

Hedrick UP (1897) A pl<strong>an</strong>t that poisons cattle. Cicuta (Cicuta<br />

vag<strong>an</strong>s Green.). Oregon Agric Exp Sta Bull #46:12 pp.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>ders D, Seppi K, Blauer W (1985) Seizures <strong>an</strong>d death on<br />

a white river float trip. Report of water hemlock poisoning.<br />

West J Med 142(5):637-640.<br />

Litovitz TL, Schmitz BF, Holm KC (1989) 1988 Annual<br />

report of the Americ<strong>an</strong> Association of Poison Control<br />

Centers National Data Collection System. Am J Emerg<br />

Med 7(5):495-545.<br />

Litovitz TL, Schmitz BF, Matyunas N, et al. (1988) 1987<br />

Annual report of the Americ<strong>an</strong> Association of Poison<br />

Control Centers National Data Collection System. Am J<br />

Emerg Med 6(5):479-515.<br />

Mutter L (1976) Poisoning by western water hemlock. C<strong>an</strong> J<br />

Public Health 67(5):386.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Baker DC, Kechele PO (1996) Water hemlock<br />

(Cicuta douglasii) toxicosis in sheep: Pathologic description<br />

<strong>an</strong>d prevention of lesions <strong>an</strong>d death. J Vet Diagn<br />

Invest 8(4):474-480.<br />

Withers LM, Cole FR, Nelson RB (1969) Water-hemlock<br />

poisoning. N Engl J Med 281(10):566-567.<br />

Cicuta mackenzi<strong>an</strong>a Raup = Cicuta virosa L.<br />

c ic u Ta Ma c u l a Ta L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> water hemlock; beaver poison; children’sb<strong>an</strong>e;<br />

children’s-death; cowb<strong>an</strong>e; death-of-m<strong>an</strong>; false<br />

parsley; muskrat weed; musquash; musquash poison;<br />

musquash root; poison parsley; poison parsnip; poison<br />

snakeweed; root poison; snakeweed; spotted cowb<strong>an</strong>e;<br />

spotted hemlock; spotted parsley; spotted water hemlock;<br />

Wasserchierling; water hemlock; wild carrot; wild<br />

hemlock; wild parsnip<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1899) A case of poisoning - Water hemlock.<br />

North Dakota Agric Exp Sta Bull #35:307-310.<br />

Applefeld JJ, Capl<strong>an</strong> ES (1979) A case of water hemlock poisoning.<br />

JACEP 8(10):401-403.<br />

Campbell EW (1966) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisoning Umbelliferae (parsley<br />

family). J Maine Med Assoc 57(2):40-42.<br />

Crozier AA (1889) Another death from eating Cicuta maculata.<br />

Bot Gaz 14(J<strong>an</strong>):17-18.<br />

Egdahl A (1911) A case of poisoning due to eating poisonhemlock<br />

(Cicuta maculata). Arch Intern Med 7:348-356.<br />

Fenton WN (1941) Iroquois suicide: A study in the stability<br />

of a culture pattern. Smithsoni<strong>an</strong> Bur Am Ethnology<br />

Bull #128:80-137.<br />

Gompertz LM (1926) Poisoning with poison hemlock<br />

(Cicuta maculata), Report of seventeen cases. JAMA<br />

87(16):1277-1278.<br />

Haggerty DR, Conway JA (1936) Report of poisoning<br />

by Cicuta maculata water hemlock. N Y State J Med<br />

36(20):1511-1514.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1928) Cicuta or water hemlock poisoning.<br />

North Am Vet 9(6):34-39.<br />

Heath KB (2001) A fatal case of apparent water hemlock<br />

poisoning. Vet Hum Toxicol 43(1):35-36.<br />

Ladd EF (1900) Water hemlock poisoning. North Dakota<br />

Agric Exp Sta Bull #44:563-569.<br />

Litovitz TL, Norm<strong>an</strong>n SA, Veltri JC (1986) 1985 Annual<br />

report of the Americ<strong>an</strong> Association of Poison Control<br />

Centers National Data Collection System. Am J Emerg<br />

Med 4(5):427-458.<br />

Majerus TC, Schwartz WK, Oderda GM (1978) Accidental<br />

ingestion of water hemlock - Report of a case <strong>an</strong>d review<br />

of the literature. Am Assoc Poison Control Centers<br />

1978:34.<br />

Miller MM (1933) Water hemlock poisoning. JAMA<br />

101(11):852-853.<br />

Pammel LH (1895) Poisoning from cowb<strong>an</strong>e (Cicuta maculata<br />

L.). Iowa Agric Exp Sta Bull #28:215-228.<br />

Pammel LH (1921) Cowb<strong>an</strong>e. Vet Med 16(Oct):48.

92 - Cicuta maculata D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Pammel LH (1928) Cowb<strong>an</strong>e - wild parsnip, Cicuta maculata.<br />

North Am Vet 9:25-26.<br />

Quinby CE (1979) Epidemic water hemlock poisoning associated<br />

occupationally: Five year follow-up for possible<br />

perm<strong>an</strong>ent brain damage. Clin Toxicol 15(4):489.<br />

Skidmore LV (1933) Water hemlock (Cicuta maculata L.)<br />

poisoning in swine. Vet J 89(2):76-80.<br />

Smith EF (1888) Death from eating Cicuta maculata. Bot<br />

Gaz 13(May):128-129.<br />

Starreveld E, Hope CE (1975) Cicutoxin poisoning (water<br />

hemlock). Neurology 25(8):730-734.<br />

Stockbridge J (1814) Account of the effects produced by eating<br />

a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t, called Cicuta maculata. New Engl<strong>an</strong>d<br />

J Med Surg 3:334-337.<br />

Sweeney K, Gensheimer KF, Knowlton-Field J, et al.<br />

(1994) Water hemlock poisoning - Maine, 1992. JAMA<br />

271(19):1475.<br />

Sweeney K, Gensheimer KF, Knowlton-Field J, et al. (1994)<br />

Water hemlock poisoning - Maine, 1992. MMWR Morb<br />

Mortal Wkly Rep 43(13):229-231.<br />

Undine CA (1938) Poisoning with Cicuta maculata or water<br />

hemlock. Minn Med 21:262, 296.<br />

c ic u Ta Ma c u l a Ta L. var. <strong>an</strong>gustifolia Hook.<br />

[Apiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c icuta occidentalis Greene<br />

Common Names:<br />

cowb<strong>an</strong>e; death-of-m<strong>an</strong>; musquash; peco; poison parsnip;<br />

snakeweed; spotted cowb<strong>an</strong>e; spotted parsley;<br />

water hemlock; water parsnip; western water hemlock;<br />

wild parsnip; Wyoming water hemlock<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1929) Investigation of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep<br />

1929:47-48.<br />

Fleming CE (1920) <strong>Poisonous</strong> r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric<br />

Exp Sta Annu Rep 1919:39-43.<br />

Fleming CE, Peterson NF, Miller MR, et al. (1920) The<br />

poison parsnip or water hemlock (Cicuta occidentalis). A<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t deadly to livestock in Nevada. Nevada Agric Exp<br />

Sta Bull #100:23 pp.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Marsh H (1914) Cicuta, or water<br />

hemlock. U S Dep Agric Bull #69:27 pp.<br />

Pammel LH (1921) Western poison cowb<strong>an</strong>e. Vet Med<br />

16(11):33-34.<br />

Stratton MR (1919) Water hemlock poisoning. Colo Med<br />

16(May):104-111.<br />

cicuta maggiore –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

cicuta mayor –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

Cicuta occidentalis Greene = Cicuta maculata L. var.<br />

<strong>an</strong>gustifolia Hook.<br />

Cicuta tenuifolia Schr<strong>an</strong>k = Cicuta virosa L.<br />

Cicuta vag<strong>an</strong>s Greene = Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M. Coult.<br />

& Rose<br />

c ic u Ta v i r o s a L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c icuta mackenzi<strong>an</strong>a Raup; c icuta tenuifolia Schr<strong>an</strong>k<br />

Common Names:<br />

beaver poison; cowb<strong>an</strong>e; cykuta; Europe<strong>an</strong> water hemlock;<br />

five-finger root; Giftwüterich; la ciguë vireuse;<br />

poison water hemlock; snakeweed; sprängört; szalej<br />

jadowity; Wasserschierling; water hemlock; Waterscheerling;<br />

wild carrot<br />

Citations:<br />

Bartel J, Gerber HU (1962) Ein Beitrag zur Vergiftung mit<br />

Wasserschierling (Cicuta virosa L.) bei Kindern. Kinderaerztl<br />

Prax 12:543-547.<br />

Berndt H (1947) Vergiftungen durch Cicuta virosa L., Wasserschierling.<br />

Pharmazie 2:521-523.<br />

Bubien MZ, Magat A, Delatour P (1970) Fréquence des<br />

intoxications des <strong>an</strong>imaux en Pologne. Bull Soc Vet Med<br />

Comp Lyon 72(2):167-173.<br />

Cederstam R (1976) Sprängörtsförgiftning. Sven Vet<br />

28(24):1114-1116.<br />

Cost<strong>an</strong>za DJ, Hoversten VW (1973) Accidental ingestion<br />

of water hemlock. Report of two patients with acute <strong>an</strong>d<br />

chronic effects. Calif Med 119(2):78-82.<br />

Czursiedel H (1937) Eine Wasserschierling-Vergiftung<br />

(Cicuta virosa). Sammlung Vergiftungsfallen<br />

8(A699):171-172.<br />

Dijkstra RG, Falkena R (1981) Een geval v<strong>an</strong> cicutoxine-intoxicatie<br />

bij pony’s. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd<br />

106(20):1037-1039.<br />

Knutsen OH, Paszkowski P (1984) New aspects in the treatment<br />

of water hemlock poisoning. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

22(2):157-166.<br />

Kozielec T, Nowotarska T (1973) Zatrucie szalejem jadowitym<br />

(Cicuta virosa) sześciorga dzieci. Pediatr Pol<br />

48(12):1519-1522.<br />

Laskowski S, Matyjek J, Koppicz M, et al. (1973) Zatrucie<br />

szalejem jadowitym (Cykutą). Pol Arch Med Wewn<br />

50(11):1237-1239.<br />

Laskowski S, Matyjek J, Koppicz M, et al. (1975) Zatrucie<br />

szalejem jadowitym (cykutą). Pol Tyg Lek (Wars)<br />

30(12):533-534.<br />

Marcinkowski T, Porawski R (1966) Zatrucie szalejem jadowitym<br />

(Cicuta virosa). Wiad Lek 19(2):139-141.<br />

Nilsson NG (1977) Sprängörtsförgiftning - än en gång. Sven<br />

Vet 29:725.<br />

Robson P (1965) Water hemlock poisoning. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

2(425):1274-1275.<br />

Schrader A, Schulz O, Volker H, et al. (2001) Aktuelle<br />

Vergiftungen durch Pfl<strong>an</strong>zen bei Wiederkäuern in Nord-<br />

und Ostdeutschl<strong>an</strong>d. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr<br />

114(5-6):218-221.<br />

Short J (2006) Water hemlock poisoning. Emerg Nurse<br />

14(7):18-19.<br />

Tatar A, Otłowski F (1967) Masowe zatrucie bydła szalejem<br />

jadowitym (Cicuta virosa L.). Zycie Weterynaryjne<br />

42(5):137-140.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Heijst AN, Pikaar SA, v<strong>an</strong> Kesteren RG, et al. (1983)<br />

Een vergiftiging door de waterscheeling (Cicuta virosa).<br />

Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 127(53):2411-2413.<br />

Volker H, Schulz O, Albrecht K, et al. (1983) Vergiftungen<br />

durch Wasserschierling (Cicuta virosa) bei Mastbullen.<br />

Monatsh Veterinarmed 38:11-13.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Cissus <strong>an</strong>tarctica - 93<br />

Vorokhobov LA, Katetnyi VM (1966) [Poisoning by Cicuta<br />

virosa in children.] Pediatriia 45(5):80-82.<br />

cicutilla –see– Parthenium hysterophorus L.<br />

cila –see– Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn<br />

cimicifuga –see– Actaea racemosa L.<br />

Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Nutt. = Actaea racemosa L.<br />

cimisu –see– Buxus sempervirens L.<br />

c i n n a Mo Mu M a r o Ma Tic u M Nees<br />

[Lauraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cassia; Chinese cinnamon; Saigon cinnamon<br />

Citations:<br />

De Benito V, Alzaga R (1999) Occupational allergic contact<br />

dermatitis from cassia (Chinese cinnamon) as a flavouring<br />

agent in coffee. Contact Dermatitis 40(3):165.<br />

c i n n a Mo Mu M c a Mp h o r a (L.) J. Presl<br />

[Lauraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

alc<strong>an</strong>for; camphor; camphor laurel; camphor tree;<br />

heuile-de-camphre<br />

Citations:<br />

Antm<strong>an</strong> E, Jacob G, Volpe B, et al. (1978) Camphor overdosage:<br />

Therapeutic considerations. N Y State J Med<br />

78:896-897.<br />

Craig JO (1953) Poisoning by the volatile oils in childhood.<br />

Arch Dis Child 28(142):475-483.<br />

Kopelm<strong>an</strong> R, Mitler S, Kelley R, et al. (1979) Camphor<br />

intoxication treated by resin hemoperfusion. JAMA<br />

241(7):727-728.<br />

Phel<strong>an</strong> WJ 3rd (1976) Camphor poisoning: Over-the-counter<br />

d<strong>an</strong>gers. Pediatrics 57(3):428-431.<br />

Seife M, Leon JL (1954) Camphor poisoning following<br />

ingestion of nose drops. JAMA 155(12):1059-1060.<br />

Smith JP (1962) These weeds c<strong>an</strong> poison your poultry. Agric<br />

Gaz New South Wales 73(Mar):136-142.<br />

Trestrail JH 3rd, Spartz ME (1977) Camphorated <strong>an</strong>d<br />

castor oil confusion <strong>an</strong>d its toxic results. Clin Toxicol<br />

11(2):151-158.<br />

c i n n a Mo Mu M Ta Ma l a (Buch.-Ham.) Nees &<br />

Eberm. [Lauraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> cassia<br />

Citations:<br />

Seetharam KA, Pasricha JS (1987) Condiments <strong>an</strong>d contact<br />

dermatitis of the finger-tips. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Dermatol Venereol<br />

Leprol 53:325-328.<br />

c i n n a Mo Mu M ve r u M J. Presl [Lauraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c innamomum zeyl<strong>an</strong>icum Blume<br />

Common Names:<br />

cinnamon; Zimt<br />

Citations:<br />

Caln<strong>an</strong> CD (1976) Cinnamon dermatitis from <strong>an</strong> ointment.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 2(3):167-170.<br />

Cummer CL (1940) Dermatitis due to oil of cinnamon. Arch<br />

Derm Syphilol 42:674-675.<br />

Epstein FW (1950) Contact dermatitis due to cinnamon.<br />

Ohio Med J 46(Jul):659.<br />

Farkas J (1981) Perioral dermatitis from marjoram, bay leaf<br />

<strong>an</strong>d cinnamon. Contact Dermatitis 7(2):121.<br />

García-Abujeta JL, de Larramendi HC, Pomares Berna J,<br />

et al. (2005) Mud bath dermatitis due to cinnamon oil.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 52(4):234.<br />

Goh CL, Ng SK (1988) Bullous contact allergy from cinnamon.<br />

Dermatosen 36(6):186-187.<br />

Kern AB (1960) Contact dermatitis from cinnamon. Arch<br />

Dermatol 81(Apr):599-600.<br />

Leifer W (1951) Contact dermatitis due to cinnamon. Arch<br />

Derm Syphilol 64(1):52-55.<br />

Miller J (1941) Cheilitis from sensitivity to oil of cinnamon<br />

present in bubble gum. JAMA 116(2):131-132.<br />

Niinimäki A (1984) Delayed-type allergy to spices. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 11(1):34-40.<br />

Perry PA, De<strong>an</strong> BS, Krenzelok EP (1990) Cinnamon oil<br />

abuse by adolescents. Vet Hum Toxicol 32(2):162-163.<br />

Pilapil VR (1989) Toxic m<strong>an</strong>ifestations of cinnamon oil<br />

ingestions in a child. Clin Pediatr (Phila) 28(6):276.<br />

Sparks T (1985) Cinnamon oil burn. West J Med<br />

142(6):835.<br />

Tulip<strong>an</strong> L (1932) Dermatitis from cinnamon. Arch Derm<br />

Syphilol 25:921-923.<br />

Cinnamomum zeyl<strong>an</strong>icum Blume = Cinnamomum verum<br />

J. Presl<br />

cinnamon –see– Cinnamomum verum J. Presl<br />

cinnamon vine –see– Dioscorea polystachya Turcz.<br />

cinnamon wood –see– Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees<br />

cipolle –see– Allium cepa L.<br />

Circassi<strong>an</strong> walnut –see– Jugl<strong>an</strong>s regia L.<br />

cirri amarillo –see– Mauria heterophylla Kunth<br />

c i r s i u M a rv e n s e (L.) Scop. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> thistle<br />

Citations:<br />

Bergeron JM, Jodoin L (1985) Fiabilité des mesures de<br />

poids et d’examens histopathologiques d<strong>an</strong>s les études<br />

d’intoxication du campagnol des champs (Microtus<br />

pennsylv<strong>an</strong>icus). C<strong>an</strong> J Zool 63(4):804-810.<br />

c is s u s a n Ta r c Tic a Vent. [Vitaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Hjorth N (1969) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis. Contact Dermatol Newsl<br />


94 - Cissus cuneifolia D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

c is s u s c u n e i f o l i a Eckl. & Zeyh. [Vitaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r hoicissus cuneifolia (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.; r hoicissus<br />

tridentata (L. f.) Wild & R. B. Drumm. subsp.<br />

cuneifolia (Eckl. & Zeyh.) N. R. Urton<br />

Common Names:<br />

wild grape; wilde dreuif<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG, Venter ID (1953) The toxicity of Rhoicissus cuneifolia<br />

(E. <strong>an</strong>d Z.) Pl<strong>an</strong>ch. (wild grape, “wilde druif”). S<br />

Afr Med J 27:64-66.<br />

c is s u s q u a d r a n g u l a r is L. [Vitaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

vigne-de-Bakel<br />

Citations:<br />

Barakat SE, Adam SE, Maglad MA, et al. (1985) Effects of<br />

Cissus quadr<strong>an</strong>gularis on goats <strong>an</strong>d sheep in Sud<strong>an</strong>. Rev<br />

Elev Med Vet Pays Trop 38(2):185-194.<br />

c is Tu s c r e Tic u s L. [Cistaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

English JS, Cronin E (1988) Allergic contact dermatitis from<br />

Cistus creticus. Contact Dermatitis 18(6):123.<br />

c is Tu s l a d a n i f e r L. [Cistaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

rockrose<br />

Citations:<br />

Ballesteros Moreno E (1965) Nota previa sobre la intoxicación<br />

experimental por “Cistus lad<strong>an</strong>iferus.” An Inst<br />

Invest Vet 14-15:77-81.<br />

García-González JJ, Crespo V, Barber D, et al. (2001) Cistus<br />

lad<strong>an</strong>ifer contact dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis<br />

45(4):238.<br />

c i Tr u l l u s c o l o c y n Th is (L.) Schrad.<br />

[Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c olocynthis vulgaris Schrad.; c ucumis colocynthis L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bitter apple; bitter gourd; colocinth; colocynth; coloquinte;<br />

coloquíntida; h<strong>an</strong>dal; tumin; wild cucumber<br />

Citations:<br />

Al Faraj S (1995) Haemorrhagic colitis induced by Citrullus<br />

colocynthis. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 89(6):695-696.<br />

Barri ME, Onsa TO, Elawad AA, et al. (1983) Toxicity of<br />

five Sud<strong>an</strong>ese pl<strong>an</strong>ts to young rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. J Comp Pathol<br />

93(4):559-575.<br />

Berrut C, Bisetti A, Widgren S, et al. (1987) Colite<br />

pseudomembr<strong>an</strong>euse causée par l’ingestion de coloquinte.<br />

Schweiz Med Wochenschr 117:135-138.<br />

Elawad AA, Abdel Bari EM, Mahmoud OM, et al. (1984)<br />

The effect of Citrullus colocynthis on sheep. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 26(6):481-485.<br />

Gálvez Contreras MD, LÓpez Gallardo A, Diez Garcia F, et<br />

al. (1996) Intoxicación por coloquíntida, una causa poco<br />

frecuente de síndrome diarreico agudo. Med Clin (Barc)<br />

106(15):599.<br />

Hamouda C, Amamou M, Thabet H, et al. (2000) Pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

poisonings from herbal medication admitted to a Tunisi<strong>an</strong><br />

toxicologic intensive care unit, 1983-1998. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 42(3):137-141.<br />

Patrick RL, Willey EN, Fetter BF (1960) Bitter apple (Citrullus<br />

colocynthis) poisoning. A discussion of its use as <strong>an</strong><br />

abortifacient. N C Med J 21(J<strong>an</strong>):23-26.<br />

Roe RB (1913) A case of colocynth poisoning. L<strong>an</strong>cet 1(May<br />

31):1527.<br />

Tidy CM (1868) On poisoning by colocynth (Cucumis colocynthis).<br />

L<strong>an</strong>cet 1(Feb 1):158-159.<br />

c i Tr u l l u s l a n a Tu s (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai<br />

[Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c itrullus vulgaris Schrad. ex Eckl. & Zeyh.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bitter melon; camel melon; melon; pie melon; round<br />

gourd; tarbuz; watermelon; wild watermelon<br />

Citations:<br />

Sinha SM, Pasricha JS, Sharma RC, et al. (1977) Vegetables<br />

responsible for contact dermatitis of the h<strong>an</strong>ds. Arch<br />

Dermatol 113(6):776-779.<br />

Steyn DG (1950) The toxicity of bitter-tasting cucurbitaceous<br />

vegetables - (vegetable marrow, watermelons, etc.)<br />

for m<strong>an</strong>. S Afr Med J 24:713-715.<br />

Citrullus vulgaris Schrad. ex Eckl. & Zeyh. = Citrullus<br />

l<strong>an</strong>atus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai<br />

c i Tr u s a u r a n Ti i f o l i a (Christm.) Swingle<br />

[Rutaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

lim; lime; Limette; Persi<strong>an</strong> lime; Tahiti<strong>an</strong> lime<br />

Citations:<br />

Cardullo AC, Ruszkowski AM, De Leo VA (1989) Allergic<br />

contact dermatitis resulting from sensitivity to<br />

citrus peel, ger<strong>an</strong>iol, <strong>an</strong>d citral. J Am Acad Dermatol<br />

21:395-397.<br />

Coffm<strong>an</strong> K, Boyce WT, H<strong>an</strong>sen RC (1985) Phytophotodermatitis<br />

simulating child abuse. Am J Dis Child<br />

139(3):239-240.<br />

Eg<strong>an</strong> CL, Sterling G (1993) Phytophotodermatitis: A visit to<br />

Margaritaville. Cutis 51(J<strong>an</strong>):41-42.<br />

Field WE, Roe FJ (1965) Tumor promotion in the forestomach<br />

epithelium of mice by oral administration of citrus<br />

oils. J Natl C<strong>an</strong>cer Instit 35(5):771-787.<br />

Gross TP, Ratner L, de Rodriguez O, et al. (1987) An outbreak<br />

of phototoxic dermatitis due to limes. Am J Epidemiol<br />

125(3):509-514.<br />

Israel E (1985) Outbreak of phototoxic dermatitis from<br />

limes - Maryl<strong>an</strong>d. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep<br />

34(30):462-463.<br />

Roe FJ, Peirce WE (1960) Tumor promotion by citrus oils:<br />

Tumors of the skin <strong>an</strong>d urethral orifice in mice. J Natl<br />

C<strong>an</strong>cer Instit 24:1389-1402.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Citrus sinensis - 95<br />

Sams WM (1941) Photodynamic action of lime oil (Citrus<br />

aur<strong>an</strong>tifolia). Arch Derm Syphilol 44:571-587.<br />

Stokes B (1986) The alarming case of the mysterious pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

disease. Chicago Tribune. Sec 5(Aug 7):2.<br />

c i Tr u s a u r a n Ti u M L. [Rutaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bitter or<strong>an</strong>ge; nar<strong>an</strong>jo amarga; petitgrain; Seville<br />

or<strong>an</strong>ge; sour or<strong>an</strong>ge<br />

Citations:<br />

Murray FA (1921) Dermatitis caused by bitter or<strong>an</strong>ge. Br<br />

Med J 1:739.<br />

c i Tr u s b e r g a Mi a Risso & Poit. [Rutaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bergamot; bergamotte; berloque<br />

Citations:<br />

Downing JG (1932) Pigmentation from perfume, “Berlock”<br />

dermatitis. N Engl J Med 207:660-662.<br />

Gross P, Robinson LB (1930) Berlock dermatitis: Unusual<br />

dermatitis <strong>an</strong>d pigmentation following use of perfume.<br />

Arch Derm Syphilol 21:637-641.<br />

Harber LC, Harris H, Leider M, et al. (1964) Berloque dermatitis.<br />

Arch Dermatol 90(Dec):572-576.<br />

Oppenheim M (1947) Local sensitization of the skin<br />

to Grenz rays by bergamot oil. J Invest Dermatol<br />

8(5):255-262.<br />

Rogin JR, Sheard C (1935) Factors affecting color of skin:<br />

Their signific<strong>an</strong>ce in berlock dermatitis. Arch Derm<br />

Syphilol 32:265-283.<br />

Zaynoun S, Hall I, Johnson BE, et al. (1974) A study of bergamot<br />

sensitivity. Br J Dermatol 91(Suppl 10):14-15.<br />

Zaynoun ST, Johnson BE, Frain-Bell W (1977) A study<br />

of oil of bergamot <strong>an</strong>d its import<strong>an</strong>ce as a phototoxic<br />

agent. I. Characterization <strong>an</strong>d qu<strong>an</strong>titation of the photoactive<br />

component. Br J Dermatol 96(5):475-482.<br />

c i Tr u s l i Mo n (L.) Burm. f. [Rutaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Eurecka lemon; lemon; Zitrone<br />

Citations:<br />

Audic<strong>an</strong>a M, Bernaola G (1994) Occupational contact dermatitis<br />

from citrus fruits: Lemon essential oil. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 31(3):183-185.<br />

Cardullo AC, Ruszkowski AM, De Leo VA (1989) Allergic<br />

contact dermatitis resulting from sensitivity to<br />

citrus peel, ger<strong>an</strong>iol, <strong>an</strong>d citral. J Am Acad Dermatol<br />

21:395-397.<br />

F<strong>an</strong>burg SJ, Kaufm<strong>an</strong> JG (1931) Eczema due to lemon peel.<br />

JAMA 97(Aug 8):390.<br />

Horner SG (1931) Dermatitis from or<strong>an</strong>ges <strong>an</strong>d lemons.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>cet 2(Oct 31):961-962.<br />

Nag<strong>an</strong>uma M, Hirose S, Nakayama Y, et al. (1985) A study<br />

of the phototoxicity of lemon oil. Arch Dermatol Res<br />

278(1):31-36.<br />

Roe FJ, Peirce WE (1960) Tumor promotion by citrus oils:<br />

Tumors of the skin <strong>an</strong>d urethral orifice in mice. J Natl<br />

C<strong>an</strong>cer Instit 24:1389-1402.<br />

c i Tr u s p a r a d is i Macfad. [Rutaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

grapefruit<br />

Citations:<br />

Beerm<strong>an</strong> H, Fondé GH, Callaway JL (1938) Citrus fruit<br />

dermatoses. Arch Derm Syphilol 38:225-234.<br />

Driggers JC, Davis GK, Mehrhof NR (1951) Toxic factor in<br />

citrus seed meal. Florida Agric Exp Sta Bull #476:36 pp.<br />

Roe FJ, Peirce WE (1960) Tumor promotion by citrus oils:<br />

Tumors of the skin <strong>an</strong>d urethral orifice in mice. J Natl<br />

C<strong>an</strong>cer Instit 24:1389-1402.<br />

c i Tr u s r e Tic u l a Ta Bl<strong>an</strong>co [Rutaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

m<strong>an</strong>darin; t<strong>an</strong>gerine<br />

Citations:<br />

Vilapl<strong>an</strong>a J, Romaguera C (2002) Contact dermatitis from<br />

the essential oil of t<strong>an</strong>gerine in fragr<strong>an</strong>ce. Contact Dermatitis<br />

46(2):108.<br />

c i Tr u s s i n e n s is (L.) Osbeck [Rutaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Apfelsine; or<strong>an</strong>ge; shamouti or<strong>an</strong>ge; sweet or<strong>an</strong>ge<br />

Citations:<br />

Beerm<strong>an</strong> H, Fondé GH, Callaway JL (1938) Citrus fruit<br />

dermatoses. Arch Derm Syphilol 38:225-234.<br />

Bendersky G, Lupas JA (1960) Anaphylactoid reaction to<br />

ingestion of or<strong>an</strong>ge. JAMA 173(3):255-256.<br />

Brun R (1978) Contact dermatitis to or<strong>an</strong>gewood in a m<strong>an</strong>icurist.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 4(5):315.<br />

Cardullo AC, Ruszkowski AM, De Leo VA (1989) Allergic<br />

contact dermatitis resulting from sensitivity to citrus peel,<br />

ger<strong>an</strong>iol, <strong>an</strong>d citral. J Am Acad Dermatol 21:395-397.<br />

Churchill C, Pendleton J, Maddy K, et al. (1986) Outbreak<br />

of severe dermatitis among or<strong>an</strong>ge pickers - California.<br />

MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 35(29):465-468.<br />

Driggers JC, Davis GK, Mehrhof NR (1951) Toxic factor in<br />

citrus seed meal. Florida Agric Exp Sta Bull #476:36 pp.<br />

Field WE, Roe FJ (1965) Tumor promotion in the forestomach<br />

epithelium of mice by oral administration of citrus<br />

oils. J Natl C<strong>an</strong>cer Instit 35(5):771-787.<br />

Horner SG (1931) Dermatitis from or<strong>an</strong>ges <strong>an</strong>d lemons.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>cet 2(Oct 31):961-962.<br />

Kesten B, Lyons R (1932) Dermatitis due to contact with<br />

or<strong>an</strong>ge peel. J Allergy 3(Nov):552-556.<br />

Roe FJ, Peirce WE (1960) Tumor promotion by citrus oils:<br />

Tumors of the skin <strong>an</strong>d urethral orifice in mice. J Natl<br />

C<strong>an</strong>cer Instit 24:1389-1402.<br />

Volden G, Krok<strong>an</strong> H, Kavli G, et al. (1983) Phototoxic <strong>an</strong>d<br />

contact toxic reactions of the exocarp of sweet or<strong>an</strong>ges:<br />

A common cause of cheilitis? Contact Dermatitis<br />

9(3):201-204.<br />

ciuma rea –see– Galega officinalis L.<br />

clavel amarillo –see– Pascalia glauca Ortega<br />

clavelitos –see– Pentalinon luteum (L.) B. F. H<strong>an</strong>sen &<br />

Wunderlin<br />

cleavers herb –see– Galium aparine L.

96 - Cleist<strong>an</strong>thus collinus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

c l e is Ta n Th u s c o l l i n u s (Roxb.) Hook. f.<br />

[Phyll<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

oduv<strong>an</strong>; oduv<strong>an</strong>thalai<br />

Citations:<br />

Eswarappa S, Chakraborty AR, Palatty BU, et al. (2003)<br />

Cleist<strong>an</strong>thus collinus poisoning: Case reports <strong>an</strong>d review<br />

of the literature. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(4):369-372.<br />

Rao RR (1978) Investigation of leukocytosis <strong>an</strong>d degeneration<br />

of skeletal muscles induced by pl<strong>an</strong>t toxins. Toxicon<br />

16:143.<br />

Thirumavalav<strong>an</strong> R (2004) Aggressive potassium correction<br />

may halt death in Cleist<strong>an</strong>thus collinus poisoning. J Toxicol<br />

Clin Toxicol 42(5):801.<br />

Thomas K, Dayal AK, Gijsbers A, et al. (1987) Oduv<strong>an</strong>thalai<br />

leaf poisoning. J Assoc Physici<strong>an</strong>s India 35(11):769-771.<br />

Thomas M, An<strong>an</strong>d<strong>an</strong> S, Kuruvilla PJ, et al. (2000) Profile<br />

of hospital admissions following acute poisoning – Experiences<br />

from a major teaching hospital in south India.<br />

Adverse Drug React Toxicol Rev 19(4):313-317.<br />

c l e Ma Tis l ig u s Tic i f o l i a Nutt.<br />

[R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

western virgin’s-bower<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1936) Investigations of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep.<br />

1936:44-45.<br />

c l e Ma Tis Mic r o p h y l l a DC. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

half creeper; old-m<strong>an</strong>’s-beard; small-leaf clematis<br />

Citations:<br />

Clel<strong>an</strong>d JB (1931) <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong>, including fungi, poisonous or otherwise<br />

injurious to m<strong>an</strong> in Australia. Series III. Med J<br />

Aust 2(Dec 19):775-778.<br />

c l e Ma Tis v i Ta l b a L. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

berceaux-de-la-vierge; bindwith; biting clematis;<br />

Brennkraut; erdei iszalag; hedge vine; herbe-auxgueux;<br />

hierba-de-los-pordioseros; lady’s-bower; maiden’s-honesty;<br />

old m<strong>an</strong>; old-m<strong>an</strong>’s-beard; smoke wood;<br />

traveler’s-joy; virgin’s-bower; Waldrebe<br />

Citations:<br />

Moore RH (1971) Poisoning by old m<strong>an</strong>’s beard (Clematis<br />

vitalba)? Vet Rec 89(21):569-570.<br />

c l e o Me s p i n o s a Jacq. [Cleomaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Kleopatra nadel; spider flower<br />

Citations:<br />

Szegö L, Maácz J (1968) Dermatitis als Berufskr<strong>an</strong>kheit,<br />

hervorgerufen durch die “Kleopatra-Nadel” (Cleome<br />

spinosa). Dermatol Wochenschr 154(3):49-56.<br />

c l i d e Mi a h i r Ta (L.) D. Don [Melastomataceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Murdiati TB, McSweeney CS, Campbell RS, et al. (1990)<br />

Prevention of hydrolysable t<strong>an</strong>nin toxicity in goats fed<br />

Clidemia hirta by calcium hydroxide supplementation. J<br />

Appl Toxicol 10(5):325-331.<br />

Murdiati TB, McSweeney CS, Campbell RS, et al. (1992)<br />

Prevention of hydrolysable t<strong>an</strong>nin toxicity by calcium<br />

hydroxide supplementation in goats fed Clidemia hirta.<br />

In: James LF, Keeler RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp.<br />

431-435.<br />

climath –see– Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

climbing buckwheat –see– Fallopia convolvulus (L.) Á. Löve<br />

climbing ivy –see– Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

climbing lily –see– Gloriosa superba L.<br />

climbing nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

climbing sumach –see– Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

c l i To r i a Te r n a Te a L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

butterfly pea; capa-de-la-reina; erg elagrab; gokarni;<br />

paokeke; wing-leaf clitoria<br />

Citations:<br />

Piala JJ, Madissoo H, Rubin B (1962) Diuretic activity of<br />

roots of Clitoria ternatea L. in dogs. Experientia 18(Feb<br />

15):89.<br />

clivers –see– Galium aparine L.<br />

c l i vi a Mi n i a Ta (Lindl.) Regel [Amaryllidaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

kafir lily; klivie<br />

Citations:<br />

Ramón MF, Ballesteros S, Martínez-Arrieta R, et al. (2003)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d herb exposures in Spain. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

41(4):514.<br />

cloak fern –see– Astrolepis cochisensis (Goodd.) D. M.<br />

Benham & Windham<br />

clotbur –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium spinosum L.; X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium<br />

L.; X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L. var. c<strong>an</strong>adense (Mill.) Torr.<br />

& A. Gray<br />

cloth-of-gold –see– Baileya multiradiata Harv. & A. Gray ex<br />

Torr.<br />

clove –see– Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L. M. Perry<br />

clover broomrape –see– Orob<strong>an</strong>che minor Sm.<br />

clover dodder –see– Cuscuta epithymum (L.) L.<br />

clover-leaf poison –see– Goodia lotifolia Salisb.<br />

clover tree –see– Goodia lotifolia Salisb.<br />

cloves –see– Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L. M. Perry<br />

cluster be<strong>an</strong> –see– Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Cocos nucifera - 97<br />

cluster-leaf blindgrass –see– Styp<strong>an</strong>dra imbricata R. Br.<br />

cluster pine –see– Pinus pinaster Aiton<br />

clustered fishtail palm –see– Caryota mitis Lour.<br />

c’nenta –see– Tylecodon ventricosa (Burm. f.) Toelken<br />

c n e o r i d i u M d u Mo s u M (Nutt. ex Torr. & A.<br />

Gray) Hook. f. ex Baill. [Rutaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

berry rue; coast spice bush<br />

Citations:<br />

Tunget CL, Turchen SG, M<strong>an</strong>oguerra AS, et al. (1993)<br />

Cneoridium dumosum exposure resulting in severe phytophotodermatitis.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 35(4):330.<br />

Tunget CL, Turchen SG, M<strong>an</strong>oguerra AS, et al. (1994)<br />

Sunlight <strong>an</strong>d the pl<strong>an</strong>t: A toxic combination: Severe phytophotodermatitis<br />

from Cneoridium dumosum. Cutis<br />

54(6):400-402.<br />

c n e s Tis c o r n ic u l a Ta Lam. [Connaraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Vickery B, Vickery ML (1974) The toxicity of some members<br />

of the Connaraceae family. Br Vet J 130(2):41-43.<br />

c n e s Tis f e r r u g i n e a DC. [Connaraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Vickery B, Vickery ML (1974) The toxicity of some members<br />

of the Connaraceae family. Br Vet J 130(2):41-43.<br />

c n i d o s c o l u s a n g u s Ti d e n s Torr.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Schem<strong>an</strong> AJ, Conde A (2001) Contact dermatitis from Cnidoscolus<br />

<strong>an</strong>gustidens. Contact Dermatitis 45(1):39.<br />

c n i d o s c o l u s u r e n s (L.) Arthur<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

j atropha urens L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Brazili<strong>an</strong> physicnut; chichicaste; chichicaste-de-lascostas;<br />

güaritoto; mala mujer; nettle; ortiga; ortiga<br />

brava; physicnut; pringamoza<br />

Citations:<br />

Lutz O (1914) The poisonous nature of the stinging hairs of<br />

Jatropha urens. Am J Pharm 86:527-529.<br />

coada calului –see– Equisetum arvense L.<br />

coakum –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

coal oil brush –see– Tetradymia glabrata Torr. & A. Gray<br />

coast buckthorn –see– Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. & C. A.<br />

Mey.<br />

coast fiddleneck –see– Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. & C. A.<br />

Mey.<br />

coast m<strong>an</strong>root –see– Marah oregonus (Torr. & S. Watson) J.<br />

T. Howell<br />

coast myall –see– Acacia binervia (J. C. Wendl.) J. F.<br />

Macbr.<br />

coast spice bush –see– Cneoridium dumosum (Nutt. ex Torr.<br />

& A. Gray) Hook. f. ex Baill.<br />

cobbler’s-pegs –see– Bidens pilosa L.<br />

coca –see– Erythroxylum coca Lam.<br />

cocabolla –see– Dalbergia retusa Hemsl.<br />

cocão –see– Erythroxylum deciduum A. St.-Hil.<br />

cocco –see– Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott<br />

cochinilla –see– Metopium brownei (Jacq.) Urb.<br />

cochinillio –see– Metopium brownei (Jacq.) Urb.<br />

Cochlearia armoracia L. = Armoracia rustic<strong>an</strong>a P. Gaertn.<br />

et al.<br />

cock foot –see– Chelidonium majus L.<br />

cock rose –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

cockle –see– Agrostemma githago L.; Vaccaria hisp<strong>an</strong>ica<br />

(Mill.) Rauschert<br />

cocklebur –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium sibericum Patrin; X<strong>an</strong>thium<br />

spinosum L.; X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L.; X<strong>an</strong>thium<br />

strumarium L. var. c<strong>an</strong>adense (Mill.) Torr. & A. Gray<br />

cockroachberry –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um aculeatissimum Jacq.<br />

coco-de-mono –see– Lecythis ollaria Loefl.<br />

cocoa –see– Theobroma cacao L.<br />

cocobolo –see– Dalbergia retusa Hemsl.<br />

coconut –see– Cocos nucifera L.<br />

coconut palm –see– Cocos nucifera L.<br />

c o c o s n u c i f e r a L. [Arecaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Bongkrek; coconut; coconut palm; Palmkernen<br />

Citations:<br />

Srinivas CR, Balach<strong>an</strong>dr<strong>an</strong> C, Singh KK (1987) Occupational<br />

dermatosis <strong>an</strong>d allergic contact dermatitis in a<br />

toddy tapper. Contact Dermatitis 16(5):294-295.<br />

Tella R, Gaig P, Lombardero M, et al. (2003) A case of coconut<br />

allergy. Allergy 58(8):825-826.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Veen AG, Martens WK (1934) Die Giftstoffe der sogen<strong>an</strong>nten<br />

Bongkrek-Vergiftungen auf Java. Rec Trav Chim<br />

53:257-268.<br />

Wittczak T, Pas-Wyroslak A, Palczynski C (2005) Occupational<br />

allergic conjunctivitis due to coconut fibre dust.<br />

Allergy 60(7):970-971.<br />

cocoyam –see– Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott; X<strong>an</strong>thosoma<br />

atrovirens K. Koch & C. D. Bouche; X<strong>an</strong>thosoma<br />

sagittifolium (L.) Schott<br />

cocu –see– Andira inermis (W. Wright) Kunth ex DC.<br />

cocus –see– Brya ebenus (L.) DC.

98 - Codiaeum variegatum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

c o d i a e u M va r i e g a Tu M (L.) A. Juss.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Buena vista; croton; lestun; periqueto; S<strong>an</strong> Fr<strong>an</strong>cisco;<br />

Wunderstrauch<br />

Citations:<br />

Hausen BM, Schulz KH (1977) Occupational contact dermatitis<br />

due to croton (Codiaeum variegatum (L.) A. Juss<br />

var. pictum (Lodd.) Muell. Arg.). Sensitization by pl<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

of the Euphorbiaceae. Contact Dermatitis 3(6):289-292.<br />

Paulsen E (1998) Occupational dermatitis in D<strong>an</strong>ish gardeners<br />

<strong>an</strong>d greenhouse workers (II). Etiological factors. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 38(1):14-19.<br />

Schmidt H, Olholm Larsen P (1977) Allergic contact dermatitis<br />

from croton (Codiaeum). Contact Dermatitis<br />

3(2):100.<br />

Tafelkruyer J, V<strong>an</strong> Ketel WG (1976) Sensitivity to Codiaeum<br />

variegatum. Contact Dermatitis 2(3):288.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Ketel WG (1979) Occupational contact dermatitis due<br />

to Codiaeum variegatum <strong>an</strong>d possibly to Aeschyn<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

pulcher. Dermatosen 27(5):141-142.<br />

coer<strong>an</strong>a –see– Cestrum laevigatum Schltdl.<br />

c o f f e a a r a b ic a L. [Rubiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

coffee; coffeebe<strong>an</strong>; Kaffee; Kaffeebohne<br />

Citations:<br />

Bernton HS (1973) On occupational sensitization - A hazard<br />

to the coffee industry. JAMA 223(10):1146-1147.<br />

Hammond JC (1944) Dried coffee grounds unsuitable for use<br />

in diet of growing chickens. Poult Sci 23(5):454-455.<br />

Karr RM, Lehrer SB, Butcher BT, et al. (1978) Coffee worker’s<br />

asthma: A clinical appraisal using the radioallergosorbent<br />

test. J Allergy Clin Immunol 62(3):143-148.<br />

Kaye M, Freedm<strong>an</strong> SO (1961) Allergy to raw coffee -<br />

An occupational disease. C<strong>an</strong> Med Assoc J 84(Mar<br />

4):469-471.<br />

Lupton ES (1953) Cheilitis due to coffee. Arch Derm Syphilol<br />

68(3):333-334.<br />

Mori H, Hirono I (1977) Effect of coffee on carcinogenicity<br />

of cycasin. Br J C<strong>an</strong>cer 35(3):369-371.<br />

Osterm<strong>an</strong> K, Zetterström O, Joh<strong>an</strong>sson SG (1982) Coffee<br />

worker’s allergy. Allergy 37(5):313-322.<br />

coffee –see– Coffea arabica L.<br />

coffee pea –see– Cicer arietinum L.<br />

coffee pod –see– Senna obtusifolia (L.) H. S. Irwin &<br />

Barneby<br />

coffee senna –see– Senna occidentalis (L.) Link<br />

coffee tree –see– Gymnocladus dioicus (L.) K. Koch; Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia<br />

punicea (Cav.) Benth.<br />

coffeebe<strong>an</strong> –see– Coffea arabica L.; Gymnocladus dioicus<br />

(L.) K. Koch; Senna occidentalis (L.) Link; Senna tora<br />

(L.) Roxb.; Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia drummondii (Rydb.) Cory; Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia<br />

longifolia DC.; Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea (Cav.) Benth.; Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia<br />

vesicaria (Jacq.) Elliott<br />

coffeeweed –see– Senna obtusifolia (L.) H. S. Irwin &<br />

Barneby; Senna tora (L.) Roxb.; Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia exaltata (Raf.)<br />

Rydb. ex A. W. Hill; Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea (Cav.) Benth.;<br />

Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia vesicaria (Jacq.) Elliott<br />

coiron –see– Festuca argentina (Speg.) Parodi<br />

cola-de-caballo –see– Equisetum arvense L.; Equisetum<br />

fluviatile L.<br />

cola-de-quirquincho –see– Huperzia saururus (Lam.) Trevis.<br />

colchico –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

colchicum –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

c o l c h ic u M a u Tu Mn a l e L. [Colchicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

autumn crocus; colchico; colchicum; colchique; fall<br />

crocus; fog crocus; Herbstblume; Herbstzeitlose; Lichtblume;<br />

meadow crocus; meadow saffron; Michaelmas<br />

crocus; mysteria; naked lady; purple crocus; safr<strong>an</strong>des-prés;<br />

son-before-the-father; Wiesensafr<strong>an</strong>; wild<br />

saffron; Winterhaube; wonder bulb<br />

Citations:<br />

Adameşte<strong>an</strong>u I, Adameşte<strong>an</strong>u C, Sal<strong>an</strong>tiu V, et al. (1966)<br />

Cercetări <strong>an</strong>atomoclinice în intoxicaţia cu Colchicum<br />

autumnale la taurine. Rev Zootehnie Med Vet 16(7):58-61.<br />

Brnčić N, Višković I, Perić R, et al. (2001) Accidental pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

poisoning with Colchicum autumnale: Report of two<br />

cases. Croat Med J 42(6):673-675.<br />

Chareyre S, Meram D, Pulce C, et al. (1989) Acute poisoning<br />

of cows by autumnal crocus. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

31(3):261-262.<br />

Chmir ON, Karmilov VA (1979) [Poisoning with Colchicum<br />

autumnale.] Vrach Delo 9:81-82.<br />

D<strong>an</strong>el VC, Wiart JF, Hardy GA, et al. (2001) Self-poisoning<br />

with Colchicum autumnale L. flowers. J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 39(4):409-411.<br />

Flesch F, Krencker E, Mootien E, et al. (2002) Diagnosis<br />

w<strong>an</strong>dering in a case of accidental poisoning by Colchicum<br />

autumnale. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 40(3):375-376.<br />

Gabrscek L, Lesnicar G, Krivec B, et al. (2004) Accidental<br />

poisoning with autumn crocus. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

42(1):85-88.<br />

Hitzig WH, Illig R (1958) Colchiumvergiftung bei einem<br />

Kleinkind. 1. Klinisches Bild. Helv Paediatr Acta<br />

13(2):117-130.<br />

Jaspersen-Schib R, Theus L, Quirguis-Oeschger M, et al. (1996)<br />

Wichtige Pfl<strong>an</strong>zenvergiftungen in der Schweiz 1966-1994.<br />

Schweiz Med Wochenschr 126(25):1085-1098.<br />

Kamphues J, Meyer H (1990) Herbstzeitlose (Colchicum<br />

autumnale) in Heu und Kolikerkrungen bei Pferden.<br />

Tierarztl Prax 18(3):273-275.<br />

Klintschar M, Beham-Schmidt C, Radner H, et al. (1999)<br />

Colchicine poisoning by accidental ingestion of meadow<br />

saffron (Colchicum autumnale): Pathological <strong>an</strong>d medicolegal<br />

aspects. Forensic Sci Int 106(3):191-200.<br />

Lohner E, Gindele HR (1989) Kolchizinvergiftung beim<br />

Schwein. Tierarztl Umsch 44(5):314-317.<br />

Mayer H, Wacker R, Dalchow W (1986) Phytotoxikosen<br />

durch Kast<strong>an</strong>ien, Ole<strong>an</strong>der, Eicheln und Herbstzeitlose<br />

bei verschiedenen Zoo- und Wildtieren. Tierarztl Umsch<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Colocasia esculenta - 99<br />

Meier PJ, Gossweiler B, Jaspersen-Schib, JR et al. (1992)<br />

Vergiftungen mit Arzneimitteln, Haushaltprodukten und<br />

Pfl<strong>an</strong>zen in der Kasusistik des Schweizerischen Toxikologischen<br />

Informationszentrums. Ther Umsch 49(2):79-85.<br />

Mezger O, Heess W (1932) Herbstzeitlosensamen-Giftmordversuch.<br />

Sammlung Vergiftungsfallen 3:47-48.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ariti E (1996) Meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale)<br />

intoxication in a nomadic Alb<strong>an</strong>i<strong>an</strong> sheep flock. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 38(3):227-228.<br />

Plackova S, Cag<strong>an</strong>ova B (1998) Acute intoxications by<br />

mushrooms <strong>an</strong>d pl<strong>an</strong>ts in Slovakia. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

36(5):452-453.<br />

Rauber-Lüthy C, Baer W, Rentsch K, et al. (2003) Misdiagnosed<br />

fatal meadow saffron poisoning in a toddler. J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(5):728.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>nohe S, Makino Y, Kita T, et al. (2002) Colchicine poisoning<br />

resulting from accidental ingestion of meadow saffron<br />

(Colchicum autumnale). J Forensic Sci 47(6):1391-1396.<br />

Schrader A, Schulz O, Volker H, et al. (2001) Aktuelle<br />

Vergiftungen durch Pfl<strong>an</strong>zen bei Wiederkäuern in Nord-<br />

und Ostdeutschl<strong>an</strong>d. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr<br />

114(5-6):218-221.<br />

Schulz O, Hommel H (1975) Herbstzeitlose as Ursache<br />

einer Rindervergiftung. Monatsh Veterinarmed<br />

30(9):333-334.<br />

Shergin IK, Tribunskii MP (1971) [Pathomorphologic characteristics<br />

of lambs poisoned by meadow saffron.] Veterinariia<br />

Moscow 48(5):88-89.<br />

Tovo S (1967) Un caso di avvelenamento mortale da colchico.<br />

Minerva Medicoleg 87(6):283-287.<br />

Yamada M, Matsui T, Kobayashi Y, et al. (1999) Supplementary<br />

report on experimental autumn crocus (Colchicum<br />

autumnale L.) poisoning in cattle: Morphological evidence<br />

of apoptosis. J Vet Med Sci 61(7):823-825.<br />

Yamada M, Nakagawa M, Harit<strong>an</strong>i M, et al. (1998) Histopathological<br />

study of experimental acute poisoning of<br />

cattle by autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale L.). J Vet<br />

Med Sci 60(8):949-952.<br />

Yoneda Y, Hayashi Y, Shiroishi M, et al. (1984) [High<br />

perform<strong>an</strong>ce liquid chromatographic determination<br />

of colchicine alkaloid from the tissues <strong>an</strong>d biological<br />

fluid of bovine poisoned by the corm of autumn crocus<br />

(Colchicum autumnale L.).] Shokuhin Eiseiglku Zasshi<br />

25(5):401-409.<br />

Zoelen GA, Vries I, Meulenbelt J (2002) Colchicine poisoning:<br />

Ingestion of Colchicum autumnale flowers. J Toxicol<br />

Clin Toxicol 40(3):376-377.<br />

colchique –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

cole –see– Brassica napus L. var. napus<br />

c o l e b r o o k e a o p p o s i Ti f o l i a Sm.<br />

[Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

dhursulo<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

coleus –see– Solenostemon scutellarioides (L.) Codd<br />

Coleus blumei Benth. = Solenostemon scutellarioides (L.)<br />

Codd<br />

colicweed –see– Achyr<strong>an</strong>thes aspera L.; Dicentra c<strong>an</strong>adensis<br />

(Goldie) Walp.<br />

c o l l i n so n i a c a n a d e n s is L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hardtack, heal all; horse weed; horsebalm; stoneroot<br />

Citations:<br />

Corwin GE (1905) Collinsonia (hardhack) poisoning. Am<br />

Vet Rev 29:394.<br />

colocasia –see– Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott<br />

Colocasia <strong>an</strong>tiquorum Schott = Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott<br />

c o l o c a s i a e s c u l e n Ta (L.) Schott [Araceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c olocasia <strong>an</strong>tiquorum Schott<br />

Common Names:<br />

alocasia; arvi; cocco; cocoyam; colocasia; dasheen;<br />

eddo; eddoe; eleph<strong>an</strong>t’s-ear; gabi; mal<strong>an</strong>ga; suni; taro;<br />

taro dasheen; wild taro<br />

Citations:<br />

Mihailidou H, Gal<strong>an</strong>akis E, Paspalaki P, et al. (2002) Pica<br />

<strong>an</strong>d the eleph<strong>an</strong>t’s ear. J Child Neurol 17(11):855-856.<br />

Murillo B, Olivares M, Silva LA, et al. (1981) Valor nutritivo<br />

del tuberculo de mal<strong>an</strong>ga (Colocasia esculenta) para cerdos<br />

y pollos. Arch Latinoam Nutr 31(1):27-43.<br />

Osisiogu IU, Uzo JO, Ugochukwu EN (1974) The irrit<strong>an</strong>t<br />

effect of cocoyams. Pl<strong>an</strong>ta Med 26(2):166-169.<br />

Sinha SM, Pasricha JS, Sharma RC, et al. (1977) Vegetables<br />

responsible for contact dermatitis of the h<strong>an</strong>ds. Arch<br />

Dermatol 113(6):776-779.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Armién AG, Peixoto PV, et al. (1996) Estudo<br />

experimental sobre a toxidez de algumas pl<strong>an</strong>tas ornamentais<br />

em bovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 16(1):5-20.<br />

Colocasia indica (Lour.) Kunth = Alocasia macrorrhizos<br />

(L.) G. Don<br />

Colocasia macrorrhizos (L.) Schott & Endl. = Alocasia<br />

macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don<br />

colocinth –see– Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad.<br />

colocynth –see– Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad.<br />

Colocynthis vulgaris Schrad. = Citrullus colocynthis (L.)<br />

Schrad.<br />

coloquinte –see– Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad.<br />

coloquíntida –see– Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad.<br />

Colorado bur –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um rostratum Dunal<br />

Colorado loco vetch –see– Oxytropis lambertii Pursh<br />

Colorado rubber weed –see– Hymenoxys richardsonii (Hook.)<br />

Cockerell<br />

colt’s-foot –see– Petasites japonicus (Siebold & Zucc.)<br />

Maxim.; Tussilago farfara L.

100 - Columnea spp. D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

colt’s-tail –see– Equisetum arvense L.<br />

Columbia milk vetch –see– Astragalus miser Douglas<br />

ex Hook. var. serotinus (A. Gray ex J. G. Cooper)<br />

Barneby<br />

Columbusgrass –see– Sorghum ×almum Parodi<br />

c o l u Mn e a s p p . [Gesneriaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

goldfish pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Paulsen E (1998) Occupational dermatitis in D<strong>an</strong>ish gardeners<br />

<strong>an</strong>d greenhouse workers (II). Etiological factors. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 38(1):14-19.<br />

colza –see– Brassica napus L. var. napus<br />

c o Mb r e Tu M l o n g is p ic a Tu M (Engl.) Engl.<br />

& Diels [Combretaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Verdcourt B, Trump EC (1969) Common poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

of East Africa. Collins. London.<br />

c o Mb r e Tu M pl a Ty p e Ta l u M Welw. ex Laws.<br />

[Combretaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

red wings<br />

Citations:<br />

Shone DK (1966) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part I. Rhodesia<br />

Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 4:81-94.<br />

comfrey –see– Symphytum officinale L.<br />

comida-de-culebra –see– Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.)<br />

Schott<br />

comigo ninguém pode –see– Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.)<br />

Schott<br />

Commiphora molmol (Engl.) Engl. = Commiphora myrrha<br />

(Nees) Engl.<br />

c o MMi p h o r a My r r h a (Nees) Engl.<br />

[Burseraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c ommiphora molmol (Engl.) Engl.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Arabi<strong>an</strong> myrrh; karam; mirra; myrrh; myrrh gum<br />

Citations:<br />

Al Suwaind<strong>an</strong> SN, Gad El Rab MO, Al Fakhiry S, et al.<br />

(1998) Allergic contact dermatitis from myrrh, a topical<br />

herbal medicine used to promote healing. Contact Dermatitis<br />

39(3):137.<br />

Gallo R, Rivara G, Cattarini G, et al. (1999) Allergic<br />

contact dermatitis from myrrh. Contact Dermatitis<br />

41(4):230-231.<br />

Omer SA, Adam SE (1999) Toxicity of Commiphora myrrha<br />

to goats. Vet Hum Toxicol 41(5):299-301.<br />

c o Mo c l a d i a d e n Ta Ta Jacq. [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

guao; guao-de-sab<strong>an</strong>a; guao hediondo; guao prieto;<br />

guao real; huao; maiden plum<br />

Citations:<br />

Lunin MM (1969) [Burns induced by the tropical pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

huao.] Vestn Khir Im I I Grek 102(6):96-100.<br />

comptie –see– Zamia integrifolia L. f.<br />

conapi –see– Deguelia utilis (A. C. Sm.) A. M. G. Azevedo<br />

concombre d’âne –see– Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich.<br />

concombre sauvage –see– Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich.<br />

coneflower –see– Rudbeckia laciniata L.<br />

confrei –see– Symphytum officinale L.<br />

congress weed –see– Parthenium hysterophorus L.<br />

congressgrass –see– Parthenium hysterophorus L.<br />

c o n i u M Ma c u l a Tu M L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Blutschierling; bunk; California fern; carrot fern;<br />

cashes; cicuta maggiore; cicuta mayor; deadly hemlock;<br />

Erdschierling; false parsley; fool’s-parsley; gefleckter<br />

Schierling; gr<strong>an</strong>de ciguë; hemlock; herb bennet; Mauerschierling;<br />

Mäuseschierling; Nebraska fern; poison<br />

fool’s-parsley; poison hemlock; poison parsley; poison<br />

snakeweed; poisonroot; spotted cowb<strong>an</strong>e; spotted<br />

hemlock; spotted parsley; St. Bennet’s-herb; stinkweed;<br />

wild carrot; wild hemlock; winter fern; wode<br />

whistle; Wutschierling<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1941) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1941:62-63.<br />

Anonymous (1951) Unusual case of hemlock poisoning in<br />

swine. California Vet 5(2):26.<br />

Biberci E, Altuntas Y, Cob<strong>an</strong>oglu A, et al. (2002) Acute<br />

respiratory arrest following hemlock (Conium maculatum)<br />

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Brenet O, Roy PM, Harry P, et al. (1996) Intoxication à<br />

la ciguë: Une évolution parfois bénigne. Presse Med<br />

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Buckingham JL (1936) Poisoning in a pig by hemlock<br />

(Conium maculatum). Vet J 92:301-302.<br />

Bunch TD, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, James LF (1990) Effects of certain<br />

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in livestock. J Anim Sci 68(Suppl 1):406.<br />

Copithorne B (1937) Suspected poisoning of goats by hemlock<br />

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Drummer OH, Roberts AN, Bedford PJ, et al. (1995)<br />

Three deaths from hemlock poisoning. Med J Aust<br />

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Dyson DA, Wrathall AE (1977) Congenital deformities<br />

in pigs possibly associated with exposure to hemlock<br />

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tr<strong>an</strong>spl<strong>an</strong>tation of donor org<strong>an</strong>s from a hemlock poisoning<br />

victim. Tr<strong>an</strong>spl<strong>an</strong>tation 76(5):874-876.<br />

Fr<strong>an</strong>k AA, Reed WM (1987) Conium maculatum (poison<br />

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Galey FD, Holstege DM, Fisher EG (1992) Toxicosis in<br />

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<strong>an</strong>d urine. J Vet Diagn Invest 4(1):60-64.<br />

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G Clin Med 71(1):65-67.<br />

Gunn A (1881) Cattle poisoned by hemlock. Vet J Ann<br />

Comp Pathol 13(Oct):233-235.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>nam DA (1985) Hemlock (Conium maculatum) poisoning<br />

in the pig. Vet Rec 116(12):322.<br />

Jessup DA, Boerm<strong>an</strong>s HJ, Kock ND (1986) Toxicosis in tule<br />

elk caused by ingestion of poison hemlock. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 189(9):1173-1175.<br />

Keeler RF, Balls LD (1978) Teratogenic effects in cattle of<br />

Conium maculatum <strong>an</strong>d conium alkaloids <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>alogs.<br />

Clin Toxicol 12(1):49-64.<br />

Keeler RF, Balls LD, Shupe JL, et al. (1980) Teratogenicity<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicity of coniine in cows, ewes, <strong>an</strong>d mares. Cornell<br />

Vet 70(1):19-26.<br />

Lüüs A (1927) Zwei selten Fälle aus der Kinderpraxis. Z<br />

Kinderheilkd 45:594-596.<br />

MacDonald H (1937) Hemlock poisoning in horses. Vet Rec<br />

49(38):1211-1212.<br />

Markham K (1985) Hemlock poisoning in piglets. Vet Rec<br />

116(1):27.<br />

McKinney P, Gomez HF, Phillips S, et al. (1992) The fax<br />

machine: A new method in pl<strong>an</strong>t identification. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 34(4):353.<br />

Palmer S, Feltham W (1984) Accidental poisoning. Nurs<br />

Times 80(19):40-43.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Bunch TD, Keeler RF (1988) Maternal <strong>an</strong>d<br />

fetal toxicity of poison hemlock (Conium maculatum) in<br />

sheep. Am J Vet Res 49(2):281-283.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Bunch TD, Keeler RF, et al. (1988) Radio ultrasound<br />

observations of the fetotoxic effects in sheep from<br />

ingestion of Conium maculatum (poison-hemlock). J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 26(3-4):175-187.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Bunch TD, Keeler RF, et al. (1990) Multiple<br />

congenital contractures (MCC) <strong>an</strong>d cleft palate induced<br />

in goats by ingestion of piperidine alkaloid-containing<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts: Reduction in fetal movements as the probable<br />

cause. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 28(1):69-83.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, James LF, Keeler RF, et al. (1992) Radio-ultrasound<br />

observations of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced fetotoxicity<br />

in livestock. In: James LF, Keeler RF, Bailey JM Jr, et<br />

al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State Univ Press. Ames,<br />

Iowa. pp. 481-488.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Keeler RF, Buck WB (1985) Congenital skeletal<br />

malformations induced by maternal ingestion of Conium<br />

maculatum (poison hemlock) in newborn pigs. Am J Vet<br />

Res 46(10):2064-2066.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Keeler RF, Buck WB (1985) Induction of<br />

cleft palate in newborn pigs by maternal ingestion of<br />

poison hemlock (Conium maculatum). Am J Vet Res<br />

46(6):1368-1371.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Keeler RF, Buck WB, et al. (1983) Toxicity <strong>an</strong>d<br />

teratogenicity of Conium maculatum in swine. Toxicon<br />

Suppl 3:333-336.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Keeler RF, Bunch TD, et al. (1990) Congenital<br />

skeletal malformations <strong>an</strong>d cleft palate induced in goats<br />

by ingestion of Lupinus, Conium <strong>an</strong>d Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a species.<br />

Toxicon 28(12):1377-1386.<br />

Penny RH (1953) Hemlock poisoning in cattle. Vet Rec<br />

65(42):699-670.<br />

Plotti GB (1900) Poisoning by virulent hemlock. Am Vet<br />

Rev 23:717.<br />

Richter HE (1964) Vergiftung durch Conium maculatum<br />

L., Flecken-Schierling. Wien Tierarztl Monatsschr<br />

51:404-407.<br />

Rizzi D, Basile C, Di Maggio A, et al. (1989) Rhabdomyolysis<br />

<strong>an</strong>d acute tubular necrosis in coniine (hemlock) poisoning.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>cet 2(Dec 16):1461-1462.<br />

Rizzi D, Basile C, Di Maggio A, et al. (1991) Clinical spectrum<br />

of accidental hemlock poisoning: Neurotoxic m<strong>an</strong>ifestations,<br />

rhabdomyolysis <strong>an</strong>d acute tubular necrosis.<br />

Nephrol Dial Tr<strong>an</strong>spl<strong>an</strong>t 6(12):939-943.<br />

Rizzi D, Introna F Jr, C<strong>an</strong>dela RG, et al. (1988) Rabdiomiolisi<br />

tossica e tubulonecrosi nell’avvelenamento da cicuta.<br />

Osservazion di quattro casi. Clin Ter 124(3):193-201.<br />

Rubaj B, Zimowski A (1971) Zatrucie nutrii szczwołem<br />

plamistym (Conium maculatum L.). Med Weter<br />

27(10):622-623.<br />

Scatizzi A, Di Maggio A, Rizzi D, et al. (1993) Acute renal<br />

failure due to tubular necrosis caused by wildfowl-mediated<br />

hemlock poisoning. Ren Fail 15(1):93-96.<br />

Short SB, Edwards WC (1989) Accidental Conium maculata<br />

poisoning in the rabbit. Vet Hum Toxicol 31(1):54-57.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J, Peixoto PV (1985) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Conium maculatum (Umbeliferae) em<br />

bovinos e ovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 5(1):15-25.<br />

Tudor G, Anton E, Diaconescu G (1969) Observaţii asupra<br />

intoxicaţiei cu Conium maculatum (cucuta) la ovine. Rev<br />

Zootehnie Med Vet 19(11):74-80.<br />

Widmer WR (1984) Poison hemlock in swine. Vet Med<br />

Small Anim Clin 79(3):405-408.<br />

Conophallus konjak Schott = Amorphophallus konjac K.<br />

Koch<br />

c o n so l i d a r e g a l is Gray [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d elphinium consolida L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Ackerrittersporn; Adlerblume; br<strong>an</strong>ched larkspur;<br />

dolphin flower; Feldrittersporn; field larkspur; king’sconsound;<br />

knight’s-spur; larkspur; mezei szarkaláb;<br />

Ottilienkraut; wild larkspur<br />

Citations:<br />

Elphick EE (1931) Sheep poisoned as a result of eating larkspur<br />

(Delphinium consolidum). Vet Rec 11(18):512-513.<br />

consuelda –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.

102 - Convallaria majalis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

consumption bush –see– Crotalaria bertero<strong>an</strong>a DC.<br />

consumption weed –see– Baccharis halimifolia L.<br />

conval lily –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

convallaria –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

c o n va l l a r i a Ma j a l is L. [Ruscaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

conval lily; convallaria; Eischaupe; Jacob’s-ladder;<br />

lady’s-tears; lèrio-do-vale; liljekonvall; lily-of-the-valley;<br />

liricon f<strong>an</strong>cy; Maiblume; Maiglöckchen; Maischellchen;<br />

májusi gyöngyvirág; May blossom; May lily;<br />

Mayflower; mugget; muguet; muguet-de-mai; Nieskraut;<br />

our-lady’s-tears; Zauke<br />

Citations:<br />

Edgerton PH (1989) Symptoms of digitalis-like toxicity in a<br />

family after accidental ingestion of lily of the valley pl<strong>an</strong>t.<br />

J Emerg Nurs 15:220-223.<br />

Falk W, Weikm<strong>an</strong>n E (1969) Vergiftungen im Kindesalter<br />

- Eine Analyse von 642 stationär beh<strong>an</strong>delten<br />

kindlichen Vergiftungsfällen. Wien Klin Wochenschr<br />

81(48):867-873.<br />

Haugen S, Bryne E, Falke M, et al. (2001) Grade I-II atrioventricular<br />

block following lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria<br />

majalis) intake: A report of three cases. J Toxicol<br />

Clin Toxicol 39(3):303-304.<br />

Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD, Aronis JM (1996) Lily-of-the-valley<br />

(Convallaria majalis) exposures: Are the outcomes consistent<br />

with the reputation? J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 34:601.<br />

Lamminpaa A, Kinos M (1996) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings in children.<br />

Hum Exp Toxicol 15(3):245-249.<br />

Moxley RA, Schneider NR, Steinegger DH, et al. (1989)<br />

Apparent toxicosis associated with lily-of-the-valley<br />

(Convallaria majalis) ingestion in a dog. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 195(4):485-487.<br />

Štĕrba B, Meissner V (1962) Sušené rostliny s obsahem<br />

srdečních glykosidů a alkaloidů jako příčina uhynuté<br />

hospodářských zvířat. Veterinarstvi 12:83-86.<br />

convolvulus –see– Ipomoea muelleri Benth.<br />

c o n vo l vu l u s a rv e n s is L. [Convolvulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Ackerwinde; bindweed; correhuela menor; Europe<strong>an</strong><br />

bindweed; Europe<strong>an</strong> morning-glory; field bindweed;<br />

laplove; morning-glory; obsession vine<br />

Citations:<br />

Olver H (1872) Supposed poisoning of pigs by convolvulus.<br />

The Vet 45(49):727-729.<br />

Pammel LH (1920) Europe<strong>an</strong> morning glory suspected of<br />

being poisonous. Am J Vet Med 15:439.<br />

Schultheiss PC, Knight AP, Traub Dargatz JL, et al. (1995)<br />

Toxicity of field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) to mice.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 37(5):452-454.<br />

c o n y z a b o n a r i e n s is (L.) Cronquist<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

fleab<strong>an</strong>e; horseweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Sertoli A, Fabbri P, Campolmi P, et al. (1978) Allergic contact<br />

dermatitis to Salvia officinalis, Inula viscosa <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Conyza bonariensis. Contact Dermatitis 4(5):314-315.<br />

Conyza coulteri A. Gray = Laennecia coulteri (A. Gray) G.<br />

L. Nesom<br />

conyzav –see– Laennecia coulteri (A. Gray) G. L. Nesom<br />

cooby –see– Acacia salicina Lindl.<br />

Cook tree –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

Cooktown ironwood –see– Erythrophleum chlorostachys (F.<br />

Muell.) Baill.<br />

Cooktown loquat –see– Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa Benth.<br />

coolahgrass –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum coloratum L.<br />

coontie –see– Zamia integrifolia L. f.<br />

c o o p e r i a p e d u n c u l a Ta Herb.<br />

[Amaryllidaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

evening-star rain lily; gi<strong>an</strong>t rain lily; prairie lily; rain<br />

lily<br />

Citations:<br />

Casteel SW, Rowe LD, Bailey EM, et al. (1988) Experimentally<br />

induced photosensitization in cattle with Cooperia<br />

pedunculata. Vet Hum Toxicol 30(2):101-104.<br />

Rowe LD, Norm<strong>an</strong> JO, Corrier DE, et al. (1987) Photosensitization<br />

of cattle in southeast Texas: Identification<br />

of phototoxic activity associated with Cooperia pedunculata.<br />

Am J Vet Res 48(11):1658-1661.<br />

Rowe LD, Rector BS, Bailey EM, et al. (1986) Mammali<strong>an</strong><br />

photosensitization associated with ingestion of Cooperia<br />

pedunculata (rain lily). Proc Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

1986:102.<br />

Cooper’s milk vetch –see– Astragalus miser Douglas ex<br />

Hook. var. serotinus (A. Gray ex J. G. Cooper) Barneby<br />

cop rose –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

copa –see– Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi<br />

copel tree –see– Ail<strong>an</strong>thus altissima (Mill.) Swingle<br />

copo-de-leite –see– Calla palustris L.<br />

copper rose –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

copperweed –see– Oxytenia acerosa Nutt.<br />

c o p Tis c h i n e n s is Fr<strong>an</strong>ch. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chuen lin<br />

Citations:<br />

Deng JF, Lin TJ, Kao WF, et al. (1997) The difficulty in<br />

h<strong>an</strong>dling poisonings associated with Chinese traditional<br />

medicine: A poison control center experience for<br />

1991-1993. Vet Hum Toxicol 39(2):106-114.<br />

coquelicot –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

coquillo –see– Jatropha curcas L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Coriaria ruscifolia - 103<br />

coquito –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

coração negro –see– Prunus myrtifolia (L.) Urb.<br />

coral –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um pseudocapsicum L.<br />

coral bead pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

coral be<strong>an</strong> –see– Calia secundiflora (Ortega) Yakovlev<br />

coral pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Jatropha multifida L.; Jatropha podagrica<br />

Hook.<br />

coral sumach –see– Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.;<br />

Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi<br />

coralberry –see– Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willd.<br />

coralillo –see– Dur<strong>an</strong>ta erecta L.<br />

corazon-de-cabrito –see– Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Vent.<br />

c o r c h o r u s o l i To r i u s L. [Malvaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

juta; jute<br />

Citations:<br />

Curjel DF, Acton HW (1924) Jute dermatitis. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med<br />

Res 12:257-260.<br />

Johnson SJ (1985) The effects on pigs <strong>an</strong>d chickens of feeding<br />

grain contaminated with seeds of Corchorus olitorius.<br />

In: Seawright AA, Hegarty MP, James LF, et al. (eds.)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t toxicology. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d <strong>Poisonous</strong> Pl<strong>an</strong>t Committee.<br />

Yeerongpilly, Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. pp. 165-169.<br />

Johnson SJ, Tolem<strong>an</strong> MA (1982) The toxicity of jute (Corchorus<br />

olitorius) seed to pigs. Aust Vet J 58(6):264-265.<br />

McKenzie RA, Callin<strong>an</strong> RB, Unger DB, et al. (1992) Suspected<br />

jute seed (Corchorus olitorius) poisoning of cattle.<br />

Aust Vet J 69(5):117-118.<br />

cordatum –see– Philodendron hederaceum (Jacq.) Schott<br />

cori<strong>an</strong>der –see– Cori<strong>an</strong>drum sativum L.<br />

c o r i a n d r u M s a Ti vu M L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cori<strong>an</strong>der; Kori<strong>an</strong>der<br />

Citations:<br />

Bock SA (1993) Anaphylaxis to cori<strong>an</strong>der: A sleuthing story.<br />

J Allergy Clin Immunol 91(6):1232-1233.<br />

K<strong>an</strong>erva L, Soini M (2001) Occupational protein contact<br />

dermatitis from cori<strong>an</strong>der. Contact Dermatitis<br />

45(6):354-355.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>edo L, Bl<strong>an</strong>co J, Fuentes M, et al. (2004) Anaphylactic<br />

reaction in a patient sensitized to cori<strong>an</strong>der seed.<br />

Allergy 59(3):362-363.<br />

Stäger J, Wüthrich B, Joh<strong>an</strong>sson SG (1991) Spice allergy in<br />

celery-sensitive patients. Allergy 46(6):475-478.<br />

Suhonen R, Keskinen H, Björkstén F, et al. (1979) Allergy to<br />

cori<strong>an</strong>der. A case report. Allergy 34(5):327-330.<br />

coriaria –see– Coriaria myrtifolia L.<br />

c o r i a r i a a r b o r e a Linds. [Coriariaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

toot; tree tutu; tupakiki; tutu; Tutubaum<br />

Citations:<br />

Anderson IL (1968) Tutu poisoning in two circus eleph<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

N Z Vet J 16(8):146-147.<br />

Chilvers CD (1972) Tutu poisoning in <strong>an</strong> elderly Maori lady.<br />

N Z Med J 75(477):85-86.<br />

Clinch PG, Turner JC (1968) Estimation of tutin <strong>an</strong>d<br />

hyen<strong>an</strong>chin in honey. 2. The toxicity of honey samples<br />

from test hives during the period 1962-67. N Z J Sci<br />

11:346-351.<br />

Graham JM, Cartridge ME (1961) Tutu poisoning in dogs.<br />

N Z Vet J 9:45.<br />

Palmer-Jones T (1947) A recent outbreak of honey poisoning.<br />

Part I. Historical <strong>an</strong>d descriptive. N Z J Sci Technol<br />

A 29(3):107-114.<br />

Palmer-Jones T (1965) <strong>Poisonous</strong> honey overseas <strong>an</strong>d in New<br />

Zeal<strong>an</strong>d. N Z Med J 64(399):631-637.<br />

Palmer-Jones T, White EP (1947) A recent outbreak of<br />

honey poisoning. Part VII. Observations on the toxicity<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxin of tutu (Coriaria arborea Lindsay). N Z J Sci<br />

Technol A 29(Aug):107-143.<br />

Paterson CR (1947) A recent outbreak of honey poisoning.<br />

Part IV. The source of the toxic honey - Field observations.<br />

N Z J Sci Technol A 29(Oct):125-129.<br />

c o r i a r i a My r Ti f o l i a L. [Coriariaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

coriaria; emborrachacabras; Gerbermyrte; Gerberstrauch;<br />

Lederbaum; masooriberry; Myrtensumach;<br />

redoul; roldón; sumach<br />

Citations:<br />

Alonso Casteel P, Moreno Galdó A, Sospedro Martínez E,<br />

et al. (1997) Intoxicación grave por Coriaria myrtifolia: A<br />

propósito de un caso. An Esp Pediatr 46(1):81-82.<br />

Cahen O, Floras P, Guerineau JM, et al. (1978) Intoxication<br />

par les fruits de redoul. Cah Anesthesiol 26(5):693-698.<br />

de Haro L, Pommier P, Tichadou L, et al. (2005) Poisoning<br />

by Coriaria myrtifolia Linnaeus: A new case report <strong>an</strong>d<br />

review of the literature. Toxicon 46(6):600-603.<br />

Garcia Martin A, Masvidal Aliberch RM, Bofill Bernaldo<br />

AM, et al. (1983) Intoxicación por ingesta de Coriaria<br />

myrtifolia. Estudio de 25 casos. An Esp Pediatr<br />

19(5):366-370.<br />

Obach R, Pl<strong>an</strong>s P (1949) Intoxicacion por la Coriaria myrtifolia.<br />

Med Clin (Barc) 13(4):220-222.<br />

Poyen P, Raibaudi R, Bloch C, et al. (1970) Une intoxication<br />

aiguë grave par le redoul. Eur J Toxicol 3(6):386-391.<br />

Rimbaud L, Serre H, Passou<strong>an</strong>t P (1943) L’intoxication par<br />

le redoul (Coriaria myrtifolia). Gaz Hop 8(Apr):117-118.<br />

Vargas M (1926) Envenenamiento de cinco niños por el<br />

roldón (Coriaria myrtifolia). Intensa toxicidad de la coriamirtina.<br />

Higiene escolar. El Siglo Medico. pp. 355-359.<br />

c o r i a r i a r u s c i f o l i a L. [Coriariaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

dol diablo; New Zeal<strong>an</strong>d toot pl<strong>an</strong>t; tutu<br />

Citations:<br />

M<strong>an</strong>riquez O, Varas J, Rios JC, et al. (2002) Analysis of<br />

156 cases of pl<strong>an</strong>t intoxication received in the toxicologic<br />

information center at Catholic University of Chile. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 44(1):31-32.

104 - Coriaria sinica D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

c o r i a r i a s i n ic a Maxim. [Coriariaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Gao M, T<strong>an</strong>g G (1991) [Emergency treatment <strong>an</strong>d care of<br />

acute Coriaria sinica Maxim poisoning.] Chung Hua Hu<br />

Li Tsa Chih 26(7):295-296.<br />

cork dust –see– Quercus suber L.<br />

cork oak –see– Quercus suber L.<br />

corkwood –see– Duboisia myoporoides R. Br.; Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia<br />

gr<strong>an</strong>diflora (L.) Pers.<br />

corky-fruit water dropwart –see– Oen<strong>an</strong>the pimpinelloides L.<br />

corn –see– Zea mays L.<br />

corn campion –see– Agrostemma githago L.<br />

corn chamomile –see– Anthemis arvensis L.<br />

corn cockle –see– Agrostemma githago L.; Vaccaria hisp<strong>an</strong>ica<br />

(Mill.) Rauschert<br />

corn lily –see– Veratrum californicum Dur<strong>an</strong>d<br />

corn millet –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum miliaceum L.<br />

corn mustard –see– Sinapis arvensis L.<br />

corn poppy –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

corn rose –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

corn vetch –see– Securigera varia (L.) Lassen<br />

corn woundwort –see– Stachys arvensis (L.) L.<br />

cornbind –see– Fallopia convolvulus (L.) Á. Löve<br />

cornflower –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

cornucopia –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia ×c<strong>an</strong>dida Pers.; Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia<br />

arborea (L.) Lagerh.<br />

c o r n u s o b l o n g a Wall. [Cornaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c ornus p<strong>an</strong>iculata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don<br />

Common Names:<br />

dogwood; silky dogwood<br />

Citations:<br />

Pammel LH (1925) Dogwood may be poisonous. North Am<br />

Vet Nov:62.<br />

Cornus p<strong>an</strong>iculata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don = Cornus<br />

oblonga Wall.<br />

cornwood –see– Andira inermis (W. Wright) Kunth ex<br />

DC.<br />

coroa-de-cristo –see– Euphorbia milii Des Moul.<br />

corona –see– Mascagnia pubiflora (A. Juss.) Griseb.<br />

coronilla –see– Securigera varia (L.) Lassen<br />

Coronilla varia L. = Securigera varia (L.) Lassen<br />

Coronopus didymus (L.) sm. = Lepidium didymum L.<br />

correhuela menor –see– Convolvulus arvensis L.<br />

Corsic<strong>an</strong> pine –see– Larix decidua Mill.<br />

cortes quillajas –see– Quillaja saponaria Molina<br />

c o r y d a l is a u r e a Willd. [Fumariaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

golden corydalis; golden fumeroot; golden smoke;<br />

scrambled eggs<br />

Citations:<br />

Smith RA, Lewis D (1990) Apparent Corydalis aurea intoxication<br />

of cattle. Vet Hum Toxicol 32(1):63-64.<br />

c o r y d a l is c a s e a n a A. Gray [Fumariaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c apnoides casaena auct.<br />

Common Names:<br />

fitweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR (1931) The fitweed<br />

(Capnoides case<strong>an</strong>a), a poisonous r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>t of the<br />

northern Sierra Nevada Mountains. Nevada Agric Exp<br />

Sta Bull #121:8-29.<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR, et al. (1931) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep<br />

1930:12-13.<br />

c o r y l u s a ve l l a n a L. [Betulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> hazel<br />

Citations:<br />

Skamstrup H<strong>an</strong>sen K, Ballmer-Weber BK, Lüttkopf D, et<br />

al. (2003) Roasted hazelnuts - Allergenic activity evaluated<br />

by double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenge.<br />

Allergy 58(2):132-138.<br />

Wensing M, Koppelm<strong>an</strong> SJ, Penninks AH, et al. (2001)<br />

Hidden hazelnut is a threat to allergic patients. Allergy<br />

56(2):191-192.<br />

coryn<strong>an</strong>the –see– Pausinystalia johimbe (K. Schum.) Pierre<br />

ex Beille<br />

Coryn<strong>an</strong>the johimbe K. Schum. = Pausinystalia johimbe (K.<br />

Schum.) Pierre ex Beille<br />

c o r y n o c a r p u s l a e vig a Tu s J. R. Forst. & G.<br />

Forst. [Corynocarpaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

karaka<br />

Citations:<br />

Bell ME (1974) Toxicology of karaka kernel, karakin <strong>an</strong>d<br />

β-nitropropionic acid. N Z J Sci 17:327-334.<br />

Palmer-Jones T, Line LJ (1962) Poisoning of honey bees by<br />

nectar from the karaka tree (Corynocarpus laevigata J. R.<br />

et G. Forst.). N Z J Agric Res 5(5-6):433-436.<br />

Shaw SD, Billing T (2006) Karaka (Corynocarpus laevigatus)<br />

toxicosis in North Isl<strong>an</strong>d brown kiwi (Apteryx m<strong>an</strong>telli).<br />

Vet Clin North Am Exot Anim Pract 9(3):545-549.<br />

costus –see– Saussurea costus (Falc.) Lipsch.<br />

cotieira –see– Jo<strong>an</strong>nesia princeps Vell.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Coutoubea ramosa - 105<br />

cotón –see– Gossypium hirsutum L.<br />

cotton –see– Gossypium herbaceum L.; Gossypium hirsutum L.<br />

cotton fireweed –see– Senecio quadridentatus Labill.<br />

cotton-leaf physicnut –see– Jatropha gossypiifolia L.<br />

cottonbush –see– Gomphocarpus fruticosa (L.) W. T. Aiton<br />

cottonweed –see– Abutilon theophrasti Medik.<br />

cotyledon –see– Cotyledon orbiculata L.<br />

Cotyledon corusc<strong>an</strong>s Haw. = Cotyledon orbiculata L. var.<br />

oblonga (Haw.) DC.<br />

c o Ty l e d o n o r b ic u l a Ta L. [Crassulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cotyledon; honde oor; krimpsiektebossie; pig’s-ear<br />

Citations:<br />

Anderson LA, Schultz RA, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, et al. (1985)<br />

Isolation <strong>an</strong>d characterization of <strong>an</strong>d some observations<br />

on poisoning by bufadienolides from Cotyledon<br />

orbiculata L. var. orbiculata. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

52(1):21-24.<br />

Terbl<strong>an</strong>che M, Adelaar TF (1965) A note on the toxicity<br />

of Cotyledon orbiculata L. J S Afr Vet Assoc<br />

36(4):555-559.<br />

Tustin RC, Thornton DJ, Kleu CB (1984) An outbreak of<br />

Cotyledon orbiculata L. poisoning in a flock of Angora<br />

goat rams. J S Afr Vet Assoc 55(4):181-184.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1939) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa. IX. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 12:335-366.<br />

c o Ty l e d o n o r b ic u l a Ta L. var. oblonga<br />

(Haw.) DC. [Crassulaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c otyledon corusc<strong>an</strong>s Haw.<br />

Common Names:<br />

plakkies<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1939) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa. IX. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 12:335-366.<br />

couchgrass –see– Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.<br />

couer saign<strong>an</strong>t –see– Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Vent.<br />

c o u l a e d u l is Baill. [Olacaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ecue; eugomo<br />

Citations:<br />

D<strong>an</strong>tin-Gallego J, Armayor AF, Riesco J (1952) Some new<br />

toxic woods: Some new m<strong>an</strong>ifestations of toxicity. Ind<br />

Med Surg 21(2):41-46.<br />

Coulter’s conyza –see– Laennecia coulteri (A. Gray) G. L.<br />

Nesom<br />

country walnut –see– Aleurites molucc<strong>an</strong>us (L.) Willd.<br />

countrym<strong>an</strong>’s-treacle –see– Ruta graveolens L.<br />

c o u To u b e a r a Mo s a Aubl. [Genti<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J (1981) Intoxicação experimental<br />

por Coutoubea ramosa (Genti<strong>an</strong>aceae) em bovinos. Pesq<br />

Vet Bras 1(2):55-60.<br />

couve-de-Bruxelas –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. gemmifera<br />

Zenker<br />

cow cabbage –see– Veratrum californicum Dur<strong>an</strong>d<br />

cow cockle –see– Agrostemma githago L.; Vaccaria hisp<strong>an</strong>ica<br />

(Mill.) Rauschert<br />

cow cress –see– Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville<br />

cow parsley –see– Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm.;<br />

Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um Sommier & Levier<br />

cow parsnip –see– Heracleum sosnowskyi M<strong>an</strong>den.; Heracleum<br />

sphondylium L.; Heracleum stevenii M<strong>an</strong>den.<br />

cow poison –see– Delphinium barbeyi (Huth) Huth<br />

cow sorrel –see– Rumex acetosella L.<br />

cow wheat –see– Scrophularia maril<strong>an</strong>dica L.<br />

cowage –see– Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

cowb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M. Coult. & Rose;<br />

Cicuta maculata L.; Cicuta maculata L. var. <strong>an</strong>gustifolia<br />

Hook.; Cicuta virosa L.<br />

cowbush –see– Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit<br />

cowgrass –see– Trifolium pratense L.<br />

cowhage –see– Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

cowherb –see– Vaccaria hisp<strong>an</strong>ica (Mill.) Rauschert<br />

cowitch –see– Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

cowpea –see– Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.<br />

cowpen daisy –see– Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth. &<br />

Hook. f. ex A. Gray<br />

coyote tobacco –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a attenuata Torr. ex S.<br />

Watson<br />

coyotillo –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.;<br />

Karwinskia parvifolia Rose<br />

coyotillo-de-Texas –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.)<br />

Zucc.<br />

coyotio –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.<br />

crabapple –see– Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill.<br />

crabgrass –see– Digitaria s<strong>an</strong>guinalis (L.) Scop.<br />

crab’s-eye –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

crake feet –see– Hyacinthoides non-scripta (L.) Chouard ex<br />

Rothm.<br />

crambe –see– Crambe abyssinica Hochst. ex R. E. Fr.

106 - Crambe abyssinica D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

c r a Mb e a b y s s i n ic a Hochst. ex R. E. Fr.<br />

[Brassicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Abyssini<strong>an</strong> kale; crambe<br />

Citations:<br />

Lambert JL, Cl<strong>an</strong>ton DC, Wolff IA, et al. (1970) Crambe<br />

meal protein <strong>an</strong>d hulls in beef cattle rations. J Anim Sci<br />

31(3):601-607.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Etten CH, Gagne WE, Robbins DJ, et al. (1969) Biological<br />

evaluation of crambe seed meals <strong>an</strong>d derived products<br />

by rat feeding. Cereal Chem 46(Mar):145-155.<br />

c r a Ta e g u s l a e vig a Ta (Poir) DC. [Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hawthorn; May tree; Weißdorn; white thorn<br />

Citations:<br />

Smith FP (1940) Eye injuries in agriculture. Tr<strong>an</strong>s Ophthalmol<br />

Soc U K 60:252-257.<br />

c r a Ta e g u s Mo n o g y n a Jacq. [Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hawthorn; single-seed hawthorn; Weißdorn<br />

Citations:<br />

Steinm<strong>an</strong> HK, Lovell CR, Cronin E (1984) Immediate-type<br />

hypersensitivity to Crataegus monogyna (hawthorn).<br />

Contact Dermatitis 11(5):321.<br />

crazy pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Scopolia carniolica Jacq.<br />

crazyweed –see– Astragalus mollissimus Torr. var.<br />

mollissimus; Oxytropis lambertii Pursh<br />

creek lily –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don<br />

creeping buttercup –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus repens L.<br />

creeping caustic –see– Euphorbia drummondii Boiss.<br />

creeping Charlie –see– Glechoma hederacea L.<br />

creeping Croftonweed –see– Ageratina riparia (Regel) R. M.<br />

King & H. Rob.<br />

creeping crowfoot –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus repens L.<br />

creeping cut-leaf water parsnip –see– Berula erecta (Huds.)<br />

Coville<br />

creeping fig –see– Ficus pumila L.<br />

creeping indigo –see– Indigofera hendecaphylla Jacq.;<br />

Indigofera spicata Forssk.<br />

creeping knapweed –see– Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.<br />

creeping lily –see– Gloriosa superba L.<br />

creeping mallow –see– Modiola carolini<strong>an</strong>a (L.) G. Don<br />

creeping pimelea –see– Pimelea prostrata (J. R. Forst. & G.<br />

Forst.) Willd.<br />

creeping spurge –see– Euphorbia myrsinites L.<br />

creeping sumach –see– Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

creeping water parsnip –see– Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville<br />

creosote bush –see– Larrea tridentata (DC.) Coville<br />

cress-leaf groundsel –see– Senecio glabellus Poir.<br />

crested goosefoot –see– Chenopodium carinatum R. Br.<br />

crimson clover –see– Trifolium incarnatum L.<br />

c r o c u s s a Ti v u s L. [Iridaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

azafr<strong>an</strong>; Krokus; saffron; saffron crocus; saffron spice;<br />

true saffron<br />

Citations:<br />

Feo F, Martinez J, Martinez A, et al. (1997) Occupational<br />

allergy in saffron workers. Allergy 52(6):633-641.<br />

Wüthrich B, Schmid-Grendelmeyer P, Lundberg M (1997)<br />

Anaphylaxis to saffron. Allergy 52(4):476-477.<br />

Crofton weed –see– Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) R. M.<br />

King & H. Rob.<br />

croix-de-malte –see– Tribulus terrestris L.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a a l a Ta Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Williams MC, Molyneux RJ (1987) Occurrence, concentration,<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Crotalaria<br />

seeds. Weed Sci 35(4):476-481.<br />

Crotalaria <strong>an</strong>agyroides Kunth = Crotalaria mic<strong>an</strong>s Link<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a a r g y r o l ob io i d e s Baker<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Williams MC, Molyneux RJ (1987) Occurrence, concentration,<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Crotalaria<br />

seeds. Weed Sci 35(4):476-481.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a a r i d ic o l a Domin [Fabaceae]<br />

Common names:<br />

Chillagoe horse poison<br />

Citations:<br />

Cory AH (1920) Report of the chief inspector of<br />

stock, Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. Annu Rep Dep Agric Stock.<br />

1919-1920:64.<br />

Legg J (1951) Oesophageal <strong>an</strong>d stomach ulceration. Report<br />

of the chief inspector of stock, Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. Annu Rep<br />

Dep Agric Stock. 1950-1951:59.<br />

Newton LG (1962) Oesophageal disease. Report of the chief<br />

inspector of stock, Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. Annu Rep Dep Agric<br />

Stock. 1961-1962:35.<br />

Tucker G (1911) Chillagoe horse disease. Report of the chief<br />

inspector of stock, Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. Annu Rep Dep Agric<br />

Stock. 1910-1911:24.<br />

Tucker G (1912) Chillagoe horse disease <strong>an</strong>d pink-eye.<br />

Report of the chief inspector of stock, Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. Annu<br />

Rep Dep Agric Stock. 1911-1912:32.<br />

White CT (1932) Report of the Government Bot<strong>an</strong>ist,<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. Annu Rep Dep Agric Stock.<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Crotalaria laburnifolia - 107<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a a s s a Mic a Benth. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> MY, Zhao XL, Ogle CW (1989) A comparative study on<br />

the hepatic toxicity <strong>an</strong>d metabolism of Crotalaria assamica<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Eupatorium species. Am J Chin Med 17(3-4):165-170.<br />

Crotalaria bagamoyoensis Baker f. = Crotalaria laburnoides<br />

Klotzsch<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a b a r k a e Schweinf. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c rotalaria geminiflora Dinter ex Baker f.<br />

Citations:<br />

Jackson JJ, Needham AJ, Lawrence JA (1968) Some recent<br />

investigations into Rhodesi<strong>an</strong> toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Proc Tr<strong>an</strong>s<br />

Rhodesia Sci Assoc 53:9-12.<br />

Lewis AR, Wilson VJ, Hill RR (1973) Crotalariosis in the common<br />

duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia). Rhodesia Vet J 4:29-33.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a b e r Te r o a n a DC. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c rotalaria fulva Roxb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

consumption bush; ragwort; rattlebox; white back;<br />

white luck<br />

Citations:<br />

Berry DM, Bras G (1957) Venous occlusion of the liver<br />

in crotalaria <strong>an</strong>d senecio poisoning. North Am Vet<br />

38(Nov):323-326, 328.<br />

Bras G, Berry DM, György P (1957) <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> as aetiological<br />

factor in veno-occlusive disease of the liver. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

272(May 11):960-962.<br />

Bras G, McLe<strong>an</strong> E (1963) Toxic factors in veno-occlusive<br />

disease. Ann N Y Acad Sci 111(Dec 30):392-398.<br />

Lindo V, Bras G (1966) Further investigations on the toxicity<br />

of Crotalaria fulva in Jamaica. West Indi<strong>an</strong> Med J<br />

15:34-39.<br />

McLe<strong>an</strong> E, Bras G, GyÖrgy P (1964) Veno-occlusive lesions<br />

in livers of rats fed Crotalaria fulva. Br J Exp Pathol<br />

45(Jun):242-247.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a b u r k e a n a Benth. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bottlebrush; klapperbos; rattlebush; stiff sickness bush;<br />

stywesiekte bossie; stywesiektebos<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG (1936) Recent investigations into the toxicity<br />

of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union<br />

of South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

7(1):169-178.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a c r is p a Ta F. Muell. ex Benth.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Gardiner MR, Royce R, Bokor A (1965) Studies on Crotalaria<br />

crispata, a newly recognised cause of Kimberley<br />

horse disease. J Pathol Bact 89(1):43-55.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a d u r a J. M. Wood & M. S. Ev<strong>an</strong>s<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

jaagsiektebossie; wild lucerne<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG (1937) Recent investigations into the toxicity of<br />

known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union of<br />

South Africa. VII. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

9(1):111-124.<br />

Crotalaria fulva Roxb. = Crotalaria bertero<strong>an</strong>a DC.<br />

Crotalaria geminiflora Dinter ex Baker f. = Crotalaria<br />

barkae Schweinf.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a g o r e e n s is Guill. & Perr.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

crotalaria; gamba pea; rattlebox<br />

Citations:<br />

Norton JH, O’Rourke PK (1979) Toxicity of Crotalaria goreensis<br />

for chickens. Aust Vet J 55(4):173-174.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a g r a h a Mi a n a Wight & Arn.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cho cho<br />

Citations:<br />

Arzt J, Mount ME (1999) Hepatotoxicity associated with<br />

pyrrolizidine alkaloid (Crotalaria spp) ingestion in a horse<br />

on Easter Isl<strong>an</strong>d. Vet Hum Toxicol 41(2):96-99.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a j u n c e a L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gergellim bravo; maracá-de-cobra; rattlepod; s<strong>an</strong>ka;<br />

sunn hemp<br />

Citations:<br />

Arseculeratne SN, Gunatilaka AA, P<strong>an</strong>abokke RG (1985)<br />

Studies on medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka. Part 14. Toxicity<br />

of some traditional medicinal herbs. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

13:323-335.<br />

Nobre D, Dagli ML, Haraguchi M (1994) Crotalaria juncea<br />

intoxication in horses. Vet Hum Toxicol 36(5):445-448.<br />

Payet M, Camain R, Miege J, et al. (1967) Etude comparée<br />

de la toxicité de différentes espèces de Crotalaria. Bull<br />

Mem Fac Mixte Med Pharm Dakar 15:266-269.<br />

Steyn DG, v<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ (1945) Jaagsiekte in horses, <strong>an</strong>d<br />

sunn-hemp poisoning in stock. Farming South Africa<br />

Jul:1-3.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a l a b u r n i f o l i a L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bird flower<br />

Citations:<br />

Schoental R, Coady A (1968) The hepatotoxicity of some<br />

Ethiopi<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d East Afric<strong>an</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts, including some used<br />

in traditional medicines. East Afr Med J 45(8):577-580.

108 - Crotalaria laburnoides D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a l a b u r n o i d e s Klotzsch<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c rotalaria bagamoyoensis Baker f.<br />

Citations:<br />

Heath D, Shaba J, Williams A, et al. (1975) A pulmonary<br />

hypertension-producing pl<strong>an</strong>t from T<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>ia. Thorax<br />

30(4):399-404.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a Ma u e n s is Baker f. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Mugera GM (1970) Toxic <strong>an</strong>d medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of East<br />

Africa. II. Bull Epizootic Dis Afr 18(4):389-403.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a Mic a n s Link [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c rotalaria <strong>an</strong>agyroides Kunth<br />

Citations:<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J (1983) Intoxicação experimental<br />

por Crotalaria <strong>an</strong>agyroides (Leg. Papilionoideae) em<br />

bovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 3(4):115-123.<br />

Crotalaria mucronata Desv. = Crotalaria pallida Aiton<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a n a n a Burm f. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

jhunjhunia<br />

Citations:<br />

Arora RR, Pyarelal, Ghosh TK, et al. (1981) Epidemiology<br />

of veno-occlusive disease in tribal population of Madhya<br />

Pradesh <strong>an</strong>d Bihar. J Commun Dis 13(3):147-151.<br />

Shrivastava AB, Kolte GN, Vegad JL, et al. (1985) Haematological<br />

study on toxicity of Crotalaria n<strong>an</strong>a in rats.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 55(4):255-258.<br />

Shrivastava AB, Kolte GN, Vegad JL, et al. (1986) Pathological<br />

alterations in lungs in Crotalaria n<strong>an</strong>a toxicity in<br />

rat. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 56(9):901-906.<br />

T<strong>an</strong>don BN, Puri BK, T<strong>an</strong>don HD, et al. (1978) Ultra-structure<br />

of liver in veno-occlusive disease due to Crotalaria<br />

n<strong>an</strong>a Burm. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med Res 68(Nov):790-797.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a n ov a e -h o l l a n d i a e DC.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

New Holl<strong>an</strong>d rattlepod<br />

Citations:<br />

Rose AL, Gardner CA, McConnell JD, et al. (1957) Field<br />

<strong>an</strong>d experimental investigation of “walk-about” disease<br />

of horses (Kimberly horse disease) in Northern Australia.<br />

Crotalaria poisoning in horses. Part II. Aust Vet J<br />

33(Mar):49-62.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a o c h r o l e u c a G. Don [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

marejea; sunn hemp<br />

Citations:<br />

Mkiwa FE, Lwoga AB, Mosha RD, et al. (1994) Antinutritional<br />

effects of Crotalaria ochroleuca (marejea) in <strong>an</strong>imal<br />

feed supplements. Vet Hum Toxicol 36(2):96-100.<br />

Mosha RD, Matovelo JA (1994) Toxicity of Crotalaria ochroleuca<br />

seeds in mice. In: Colegate SM, Dorling PR (eds.)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated toxins. Agricultural, phytochemical <strong>an</strong>d<br />

ecological aspects. CABI. New York. pp. 303-306.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a p a l l i d a Aiton [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c rotalaria mucronata Desv.; c rotalaria striata DC.<br />

Common Names:<br />

chique chique; crotalaria; gergellim bravo; gi<strong>an</strong>t striata<br />

crotalaria; guizo-de-cascavel; maracá-de-cobra; rattlebox;<br />

rattleweed; smooth crotalaria; streaked rattlepod<br />

Citations:<br />

Arzt J, Mount ME (1999) Hepatotoxicity associated with<br />

pyrrolizidine alkaloid (Crotalaria spp) ingestion in a horse<br />

on Easter Isl<strong>an</strong>d. Vet Hum Toxicol 41(2):96-99.<br />

Bierer BW, Vickers CL, Rhodes WH, et al. (1960) Comparison<br />

of the toxic effects of Crotalaria spectabilis <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Crotalaria gi<strong>an</strong>t striata as complete feed contamin<strong>an</strong>ts. J<br />

Am Vet Med Assoc 136(7):318-322.<br />

Diaz GJ, Rold<strong>an</strong> LP, Cortes A (2003) Intoxication of Crotalaria<br />

pallida seeds to growing broiler chicks. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 45(4):187-189.<br />

Kelly JW, Barber CW, Pate DD, et al. (1961) Effect of feeding<br />

crotalaria seed to young chickens. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 139(11):1215-1217.<br />

Laws L (1968) Toxicity of Crotalaria mucronata to sheep.<br />

Aust Vet J 44(10):453-455.<br />

Payet M, Camain R, Miege J, et al. (1967) Etude comparée<br />

de la toxicité de différentes espèces de Crotalaria. Bull<br />

Mem Fac Mixte Med Pharm Dakar 15:266-269.<br />

Smith FH, Osborne JC (1962) Toxic effects of crotalaria<br />

seed. Vet Med 57(Mar):234-237.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a p o l y s p e r Ma Kotschy ex<br />

Schweinf. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Andrew HR (1987) An outbreak of laminitic crotalariosis in<br />

the Chegutu district. Zimbabwe Vet J 18(1-2):23-26.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a q u i n q u e f o l i a L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Appelm<strong>an</strong> H, Dirven JG, Kuil H (1962) Giftigheid v<strong>an</strong> Crotalaria<br />

quinquefolia als veevoer. Surinaamse, L<strong>an</strong>dbouw<br />

10:67-70.<br />

Williams MC, Molyneux RJ (1987) Occurrence, concentration,<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Crotalaria<br />

seeds. Weed Sci 35(4):476-481.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a r e c Ta Steud. ex A. Rich.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Schoental R, Coady A (1968) The hepatotoxicity of some<br />

Ethiopi<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d East Afric<strong>an</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts, including some used<br />

in traditional medicines. East Afr Med J 45(8):577-580.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Crotalaria spectabilis - 109<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a r e Tu s a L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

earring pl<strong>an</strong>t; gergellim bravo; koropo; maracá-decobra;<br />

rattlebox; rattlepod; rattleweed; shack shack;<br />

sonnette; wedge-leaf rattlepod<br />

Citations:<br />

Alfonso HA, Figueredo MA, Rodríguez J, et al. (1986)<br />

Intoxicación por Crotalaria retusa y C. spectabilis en pollos<br />

y g<strong>an</strong>sos. Primer reporte en Cuba. Rev Salud Anim<br />

8(2):201-202.<br />

Alfonso HA, S<strong>an</strong>chez LM, Figeurdo MA, et al. (1993)<br />

Intoxication due to Crotalaria retusa <strong>an</strong>d C. spectabilis in<br />

chickens <strong>an</strong>d geese. Vet Hum Toxicol 35(6):539.<br />

Emmel MW (1937) The toxicity of Crotalaria retusa L. seeds<br />

for the domestic fowl. J Am Vet Med Assoc 91:205-206.<br />

Figueredo M, Rodriguez J, Alfonso HA (1987) Patomorfología<br />

de la intoxicación experimental aguda por Crotalaria<br />

retusa y C. spectabilis en pollos. Rev Cub<strong>an</strong>a Cienc<br />

Vet 18(1-2):63-71.<br />

Hooper PT, Sc<strong>an</strong>l<strong>an</strong> WA (1977) Crotalaria retusa poisoning<br />

of pigs <strong>an</strong>d poultry. Aust Vet J 53(3):109-114.<br />

Nobre VM, D<strong>an</strong>tas AF, Riet-Correa F, et al. (2005) Acute<br />

intoxication by Crotalaria retusa in sheep. Toxicon<br />

45(3):347-352.<br />

Nobre VM, Riet-Correa F, Barbosa Filho JM, et al. (2004)<br />

Intoxicação por Crotalaria retusa (Fabaceae) em eqüideos<br />

no semi-árido da Paraíba. Pesq Vet Bras 24(3):132-143.<br />

Nobre VM, Riet-Correa F, D<strong>an</strong>tas AF, et al. (2004) Intoxication<br />

by Crotalaria retusa in rumin<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d Equidae in<br />

the state of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil. In: Acamovic T,<br />

Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d<br />

related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp. 275-279.<br />

Rose AL, Gardner CA, McConnell JD, et al. (1957) Field<br />

<strong>an</strong>d experimental investigations of “walk-about” disease<br />

of horses (Kimberly horse disease) in Northern Australia.<br />

Crotalaria poisoning in horses Part I. Aust Vet J<br />

33(Feb):25-33.<br />

Rose AL, Gardner CA, McConnell JD, et al. (1957) Field<br />

<strong>an</strong>d experimental investigation of “walk-about” disease<br />

of horses (Kimberly horse disease) in Northern Australia.<br />

Crotalaria poisoning in horses. Part II. Aust Vet J<br />

33(Mar):49-62.<br />

Ross AJ (1977) Effects of feeding diets containing Crotalaria<br />

retusa L. seed to growing pigs. J Agric Sci (Cambridge)<br />

89(1):101-105.<br />

Ross AJ, Tucker JW (1977) Effects of feeding diets containing<br />

Crotalaria retusa L. seed to broiler chickens. J Agric<br />

Sci (Cambridge) 89(1):95-99.<br />

Williams MC, Molyneux RJ (1987) Occurrence, concentration,<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Crotalaria<br />

seeds. Weed Sci 35(4):476-481.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a s ag i TTa l is L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

arrow crotalaria; rattlebox; rattlesnake weed; rattleweed;<br />

weedy rattlebox; wild pea<br />

Citations:<br />

Gibbons WJ, Hok<strong>an</strong>son JF, Wiggins AM, et al. (1950)<br />

Cirrhosis of the liver in horses. North Am Vet<br />

31(Apr):229-233.<br />

Seibold HR (1957) Crotalaria poisoning in a horse. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 130(Apr 15):336.<br />

Stalker M (1884) A new disease among horses - Results of<br />

investigation made at the veterinary college at Ames. Am<br />

Vet Rev 8:342-345.<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a s a l Ti a n a Andrews [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

safari<br />

Citations:<br />

Barri ME, Adam SE (1981) The toxicity of Crotalaria salti<strong>an</strong>a<br />

to calves. J Comp Pathol 91(4):621-627.<br />

Barri ME, Adam SE, Omer OH (1984) Effects of Crotalaria<br />

salti<strong>an</strong>a on Nubi<strong>an</strong> goats. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

26(6):476-480.<br />

Barri ME, Adam SE, Omer OH (1988) Toxic effects of Crotalaria<br />

salti<strong>an</strong>a in mice. Vet Hum Toxicol 30(5):429-431.<br />

Crotalaria sericea Retz. = Crotalaria spectabilis Roth<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a s p e c Ta b i l is Roth [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c rotalaria sericea Retz.<br />

Common Names:<br />

gergellim bravo; maracá-de-cobra; rattlebox; rattlepod;<br />

rattleweed; showy crotalaria; wild pea<br />

Citations:<br />

Alfonso HA, Figueredo MA, Rodríguez J, et al. (1986)<br />

Intoxicación por Crotalaria retusa y C. spectabilis en pollos<br />

y g<strong>an</strong>sos. Primer reporte en Cuba. Rev Salud Anim<br />

8(2):201-202.<br />

Alfonso HA, S<strong>an</strong>chez LM, Figeurdo MI, et al. (1993)<br />

Intoxication due to Crotalaria retusa <strong>an</strong>d C. spectabilis in<br />

chickens <strong>an</strong>d geese. Vet Hum Toxicol 35(6):539.<br />

Allen JR (1963) Crotalaria spectabilis toxicity studies in turkeys.<br />

Avi<strong>an</strong> Dis 7(3):318-324.<br />

Allen JR, Carstens LA (1970) Clinical signs <strong>an</strong>d pathologic<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in Crotalaria spectabilis-intoxicated rats. Am J<br />

Vet Res 31(6):1059-1070.<br />

Allen JR, Carstens LA, Knezevic AL (1965) Crotalaria<br />

spectabilis intoxication in rhesus monkeys. Am J Vet Res<br />

26(112):753-757.<br />

Allen JR, Carstens LA, Norback DH, et al. (1970) Ultrastructural<br />

<strong>an</strong>d biochemical ch<strong>an</strong>ges associated with<br />

pyrrolizidine-induced hepatic megalocytosis. C<strong>an</strong>cer Res<br />

30(6):1857-1866.<br />

Allen JR, Childs GR, Cravens WW (1960) Crotalaria<br />

spectabilis toxicity in chickens. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med<br />

104(Jul):434-436.<br />

Allen JR, Lalich JJ (1963) Crotalaria spectabilis induced cirrhosis<br />

in turkeys. Fed Proc 22:546.<br />

Allen JR, Lalich JJ, Schmittle SC (1963) Crotalaria<br />

spectabilis-induced cirrhosis in turkeys. Lab Invest<br />

12(4):512-517.<br />

Becker HN, Bennett WW, Simpson CF (1976) Crotalaria<br />

poisoning in swine in Florida (clinical signs, necropsy<br />

lesions <strong>an</strong>d microscopic pathology). Proc Int Pig Vet<br />

Cong. 1976:S12.

110 - Crotalaria spectabilis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Becker RB, Neal WM, Arnold PT (1941) Crotalaria for forage.<br />

Part II. Value of Crotalaria as feed. Florida Agric<br />

Exp Sta Bull #361:33-71.<br />

Becker RB, Neal WM, Arnold PT, et al. (1935) A study<br />

of the palatability <strong>an</strong>d possible toxicity of 11 species of<br />

crotalaria, especially of C. spectabilis Roth. J Agric Res<br />

50(11):911-922.<br />

Bierer BW, Vickers CL, Rhodes WH, et al. (1960) Comparison<br />

of the toxic effects of Crotalaria spectabilis <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Crotalaria gi<strong>an</strong>t striata as complete feed contamin<strong>an</strong>ts. J<br />

Am Vet Med Assoc 136(7):318-322.<br />

Carlton WW (1967) Crotalaria intoxication in guinea pigs. J<br />

Am Vet Med Assoc 151(7):845-855.<br />

Caylor JF, Laurent CK (1961) Effect of level of Crotalaria<br />

spectabilis on egg production of White Leghorn hens.<br />

Poult Sci 40:818.<br />

Cox DH, Harris DL, Richard TA (1958) Chemical identification<br />

of crotalaria poisoning in horses. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 133(Oct 15):425-426.<br />

D’Agu<strong>an</strong>no W, Geiling EM, Davis KJ (1961) Toxicity of<br />

Crotalaria spectabilis. Fed Proc 20(1 Pt 1):432.<br />

Emmel MW (1937) The pathology of Crotalaria spectabilis<br />

Roth seed poisoning in the domestic fowl. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 90(May):627-634.<br />

Emmel MW (1948) Crotalaria poisoning in cattle. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 113:164.<br />

Emmel MW, S<strong>an</strong>ders DA, Henley WW (1935) Additional<br />

observations on the toxicity of Crotalaria spectabilis<br />

(Roth) for swine. J Am Vet Med Assoc 87:175-176.<br />

Emmel MW, S<strong>an</strong>ders DA, Henley WW (1935) Crotalaria<br />

spectabilis Roth seed poisoning in swine. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 86:43-54.<br />

Figueredo M, Rodriguez J, Alfonso HA (1987) Patomorfología<br />

de la intoxicación experimental aguda por Crotalaria<br />

retusa y C. spectabilis en pollos. Rev Cub<strong>an</strong>a Cienc<br />

Vet 18(1-2):63-71.<br />

Gibbons WJ, Durr EH, Cox SA (1953) An outbreak<br />

of cirrhosis of the liver in horses. North Am Vet<br />

34(Aug):556-558.<br />

Himes JA, Bruss ML, Simpson CF, et al. (1976) Hypercholeresis<br />

in turkeys following the ingestion of Crotalaria<br />

spectabilis seeds. Cornell Vet 66(4):551-565.<br />

Kay JM, Gillund TD, Heath D (1967) Mast cells in the lungs<br />

of rats fed on Crotalaria spectabilis seeds. Am J Pathol<br />

51(6):1031-1044.<br />

Kay JM, Harris P, Heath D (1967) Pulmonary hypertension<br />

produced in rats by ingestion of Crotalaria spectabilis<br />

seeds. Thorax 22(2):176-179.<br />

Kay JM, Heath D (1966) Observations on the pulmonary<br />

arteries <strong>an</strong>d heart weight of rats fed on Crotalaria spectabilis<br />

seeds. J Pathol Bact 92(2):385-394.<br />

Kay JM, Smith P, Heath D (1969) Electron microscopy<br />

of Crotalaria pulmonary hypertension. Thorax<br />

24(5):511-526.<br />

Kelly JW, Barber CW, Pate DD, et al. (1961) Effect of feeding<br />

crotalaria seed to young chickens. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 139(11):1215-1217.<br />

Lalich JJ, Merkow LP (1961) Pulmonary arteritis produced<br />

in rats by feeding Crotalaria spectabilis. Lab Invest<br />

10(4):744-750.<br />

Lalich JJ, Merkow LP (1961) Pulmonary arteritis produced in<br />

rats by feeding Crotalaria spectabilis. Fed Proc 20:118.<br />

Masugi Y, Oami H, Aihara K, et al. (1965) Renal <strong>an</strong>d pulmonary<br />

vascular ch<strong>an</strong>ges induced by Crotalaria spectabilis<br />

in rats. Acta Pathol Jpn 15(4):407-415.<br />

McGrath JP, Dunc<strong>an</strong> JR, Munnell JF (1975) Crotalaria<br />

spectabilis toxicity in swine: Characterization of the renal<br />

glomerular lesion. J Comp Pathol 85(2):185-194.<br />

Meyrick B, Reid L (1979) Development of pulmonary arterial<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in rats fed Crotalaria spectabilis. Am J Pathol<br />

94(1):37-50.<br />

Payet M, Camain R, Miege J, et al. (1967) Etude comparée<br />

de la toxicité de différentes espèces de Crotalaria. Bull<br />

Mem Fac Mixte Med Pharm Dakar 15:266-269.<br />

Peckham JC, S<strong>an</strong>gster LT, Jones OH Jr (1974) Crotalaria<br />

spectabilis poisoning in swine. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

165(7):633-638.<br />

Piercy PL, Rusoff LL (1946) Crotalaria spectabilis poisoning<br />

in Louisi<strong>an</strong>a livestock. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

108(827):69-73.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>ders DA, Shealy AL, Emmel MW (1936) The pathology<br />

of Crotalaria spectabilis Roth poisoning in cattle. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 89(2):150-156.<br />

Schmittle SC, Richey DJ, Tumlin JT (1959) Toxicity of Crotalaria<br />

spectabilis seed in poultry. Poult Sci 38:1244-1245.<br />

Seawright AA, Kelly WR, Hrdlicka J, et al. (1991) Pyrrolizidine<br />

alkaloidosis in cattle due to Senecio species in Australia.<br />

Vet Rec 129(9):198-199.<br />

Simpson CF, Waldroup PW, Harms RH (1963) Pathologic<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges associated with feeding various levels of Crotalaria<br />

spectabilis seed to poultry. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

142(3):264-271.<br />

Smith FH, Osborne JC (1962) Toxic effects of crotalaria<br />

seed. Vet Med 57(Mar):234-237.<br />

Smith P, Heath D (1978) Evagination of vascular smooth<br />

muscle cells during the early stages of Crotalaria pulmonary<br />

hypertension. J Pathol 124(3):177-183.<br />

Smith P, Kay JM, Heath D (1970) Hypertensive pulmonary<br />

vascular disease in rats after prolonged feeding with Crotalaria<br />

spectabilis seeds. J Pathol 102(2):97-106.<br />

Souza AC, Hatayde MR, Bechara GH (1997) Aspectos<br />

patológicos da intoxicação de suínos por sementes de Crotalaria<br />

spectabilis (Fabaceae). Pesq Vet Bras 17(1):12-18.<br />

Stötzer H, Herbst M, Reichl R, et al. (1972) Zur Pathogenese<br />

der experimentellen pulmonalen Hypertonie. Modellversuche<br />

mit Crotalaria spectabilis <strong>an</strong> Ratten. Virchows<br />

Arch A 356(4):331-342.<br />

Thomas EF (1934) The toxicity of certain species of crotalaria<br />

seed for the chicken, quail, turkey <strong>an</strong>d dove. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 85(Mar):617-622.<br />

Turner JH, Lalich JJ (1965) Experimental cor pulmonale in<br />

the rat. Arch Pathol 79(4):409-418.<br />

Wallace HD, Combs GE (1965) Effect of Crotalaria spectabilis<br />

seed on swine. Florida Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep.<br />

1965:84-85.<br />

Wiggins AM (1959) Crotalaria poisoning in cattle. A case<br />

report. Auburn Vet 15(Winter):84-85.<br />

Williams MC, Molyneux RJ (1987) Occurrence, concentration,<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Crotalaria<br />

seeds. Weed Sci 35(4):476-481.<br />

Young DE (1963) Cardiovascular, hepatic, <strong>an</strong>d renal lesions<br />

in rats fed Crotalaria spectabilis. Fed Proc 22:254.<br />

Crotalaria striata DC. = Crotalaria pallida Aiton

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Cryptostegia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora - 111<br />

c r o Ta l a r i a Tr ic h o To Ma Bojer [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c rotalaria usaramoensis Baker f.<br />

Citations:<br />

Payet M, Camain R, Miege J, et al. (1967) Etude comparée<br />

de la toxicité de différentes espèces de Crotalaria. Bull<br />

Mem Fac Mixte Med Pharm Dakar 15:266-269.<br />

Crotalaria usaramoensis Baker f. = Crotalaria trichotoma<br />

Bojer<br />

crotin –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

croton –see– Codiaeum variegatum (L.) A. Juss.; Croton<br />

tiglium L.<br />

c r o To n Me g a l ob o Tr y s Müll. Arg.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Nyazema NZ (1986) Herbal toxicity in Zimbabwe. Tr<strong>an</strong>s R<br />

Soc Trop Med Hyg 80(3):448-450.<br />

croton tiglio –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

c r o To n Tig l i u M L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ba dau; batu; bois purgatif; bois-de-pav<strong>an</strong>a; bois-desmolluques;<br />

chengki<strong>an</strong>; crotin; croton; croton tiglio;<br />

d<strong>an</strong>d; datun; graine-de-moluques; graine-de-tilly;<br />

gr<strong>an</strong>a tiglio; habbussalatin; jayapala; kamaisa; pa-teouseou;<br />

petit pignon d’ Inde; purging croton; tilly; tuba<br />

Citations:<br />

Babu N (1965) Observations on the toxicity of the seed of<br />

Croton tiglium Linn. on predatory <strong>an</strong>d weed fishes. Sci<br />

Cult 31(6):308-310.<br />

croton weed –see– Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) R. M.<br />

King & H. Rob.<br />

crow bells –see– Hyacinthoides non-scripta (L.) Chouard ex<br />

Rothm.; Narcissus pseudonarcissus L.<br />

crow fig –see– Strychnos nux-vomica L.<br />

crow leek –see– Hyacinthoides non-scripta (L.) Chouard ex<br />

Rothm.<br />

crow poison –see– Ami<strong>an</strong>thium muscitoxicum (Walter) A.<br />

Gray; Anticlea eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Pursh) Rydb.; Veratrum viride<br />

Aiton<br />

crowberry –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

crowflower –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus acris L.; R<strong>an</strong>unculus bulbosus<br />

L.<br />

crowfoot –see– Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Her.; R<strong>an</strong>unculus<br />

bulbosus L.; R<strong>an</strong>unculus repens L.; R<strong>an</strong>unculus sceleratus<br />

L.; Toxicoscordion venenosum (S. Watson) Rydb.<br />

crown flower –see– Calotropis gig<strong>an</strong>tea (L.) W. T. Aiton;<br />

Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton<br />

crown-of-the-field –see– Agrostemma githago L.<br />

crown-of-thorns –see– Euphorbia milii Des Moul.<br />

crownbeard –see– Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth. &<br />

Hook. f. ex A. Gray<br />

crownvetch –see– Securigera varia (L.) Lassen<br />

crozier cycad –see– Cycas circinalis L.<br />

crucifixion pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Euphorbia milii Des Moul.<br />

cruel vine –see– Araujia sericifera Brot.<br />

crunchweed –see– Sinapis arvensis L.<br />

crusader’s-spears –see– Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn<br />

crying tree –see– Synadenium cupulare (Boiss.) L. C.<br />

Wheeler<br />

c r y p To l e p is d e c i d u a (Pl<strong>an</strong>ch. ex Benth.) N.<br />

E. Br. [Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1940) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa, X. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

15(1-2):261-277.<br />

c r y p To Me r i a j a p o n ic a (L. f.) D. Don<br />

[Cupressaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese cedar<br />

Citations:<br />

Kondo Y, Ipsen H, Løwenstein H, et al. (1997) Comparison<br />

of concentrations of Cry j 1 <strong>an</strong>d Cry j 2 in diploid<br />

<strong>an</strong>d triploid Jap<strong>an</strong>ese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) pollen<br />

extracts. Allergy 52(4):455-459.<br />

Yokozeki H, Satoh T, Katayama I, et al. (2007) Airborne<br />

contact dermatitis due to Jap<strong>an</strong>ese cedar pollen. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 56(7):224-228.<br />

c r y p To s Te g i a g r a n d i f l o r a R. Br.<br />

[Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

garuda palai; pala; Palay rubber vine; pink allam<strong>an</strong>da;<br />

purple allam<strong>an</strong>da; rubber vine; ruber-ki-bal<br />

Citations:<br />

Brain C, Fox VE (1994) Suspected cardiac glycoside poisoning<br />

in eleph<strong>an</strong>ts (Loxodonta afric<strong>an</strong>a). J S Afr Vet Assoc<br />

65(4):173-174.<br />

Cook DR, Campbell GW, Meldrum AR (1990) Suspected<br />

Cryptostegia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora (rubber vine) poisoning in<br />

horses. Aust Vet J 67(9):344.<br />

Mathur KS, Dube BK, Kumar P (1964) Cryptostegia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora<br />

poisoning simulating digitalis toxicity. J Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

Med Assoc 42(8):381-385.<br />

McGavin MD (1969) Rubber-vine (Cryptostegia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora)<br />

toxicity for rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d J Agric Anim<br />

Sci 26(1):9-19.<br />

Cryptostemma calendula (L.) Druce = Arctotheca calendula<br />

(L.) Levyns

112 - Cryptotaenia japonica D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

c r y p To Ta e n i a j a p o n ic a Hassk. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

mitsuba<br />

Citations:<br />

K<strong>an</strong>zaki T (1989) Contact dermatitis due to Cryptotaenia<br />

japonica Makino. Contact Dermatitis 20(6):60-61.<br />

Cub<strong>an</strong> physicnut –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

cubé –see– Deguelia utilis (A. C. Sm.) A. M. G. Azevedo<br />

cubé root –see– Deguelia utilis (A. C. Sm.) A. M. G.<br />

Azevedo<br />

cuca –see– Erythroxylum coca Lam.<br />

cuckoo pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott<br />

cuckoopint –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

cucumber –see– Cucumis sativus L.<br />

c u c u Mis a c u l e a Tu s Cogn. [Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Raymond WD (1947) Notes on a poisonous East Afric<strong>an</strong><br />

species of wild cucumber (Cucumis aculeatus). East Afr<br />

Med J 24(Dec):450-451.<br />

c u c u Mis a f r ic a n u s L. f. [Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

wild cucumber; wild gherkin; wilde Komkommer<br />

Citations:<br />

Raymond WD (1947) Notes on a poisonous East Afric<strong>an</strong><br />

species of wild cucumber (Cucumis aculeatus). East Afr<br />

Med J 24(Dec):450-451.<br />

Steyn DG (1950) The toxicity of bitter-tasting cucurbitaceous<br />

vegetables (vegetable marrow, watermelons, etc.) for m<strong>an</strong>.<br />

S Afr Med J 24:713-715.<br />

Cucumis colocynthis L. = Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad.<br />

c u c u Mis Me l o L. [Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

melon<br />

Citations:<br />

García S, Lombardero M, Serra-Baldrich E, et al. (2004)<br />

Occupational protein contact dermatitis due to melon.<br />

Allergy 59(5):558-559.<br />

c u c u Mis Me l o L. subsp. agrestis (Naudin)<br />

P<strong>an</strong>galo [Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Common names:<br />

ulcardo melon<br />

Citations:<br />

Jubb TF, Creeper JH, McKenzie RA (1995) Poisoning of<br />

cattle attributed to Cucumis melo ssp agrestis (ulcardo<br />

melon). Aust Vet J 72(7):274-275.<br />

c u c u Mis My r io c a r p u s Naudin<br />

[Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bitter apple; Gifappel; gooseberry melon; paddy melon;<br />

prickly cucumber; prickly melon; prickly paddymelon;<br />

squash melon; wild cucumber<br />

Citations:<br />

Carter GI (1990) Prickly paddy melon (Cucumis myriocarpus)<br />

poisoning of cattle. Aust Vet J 67(7):276.<br />

McKenzie RA, Newm<strong>an</strong> RD, Rayner AC, et al. (1988)<br />

Prickly paddy melon (Cucumis myriocarpus) poisoning<br />

of cattle. Aust Vet J 65(6):167-170.<br />

Quin JI (1928) The toxicity of Cucumis myriocarpus Naud. S<br />

Afr J Sci 25:242-245.<br />

c u c u Mis s a Ti v u s L. [Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cucumber<br />

Citations:<br />

Edwards EK Jr, Edwards EK (1984) Contact urticaria provoked<br />

by pickles. Cutis 33(2):230.<br />

Hjorth N, Roed-Petersen J (1976) Occupational protein<br />

contact dermatitis in food h<strong>an</strong>dlers. Contact Dermatitis<br />

2(1):28-42.<br />

Sinha SM, Pasricha JS, Sharma RC, et al. (1977) Vegetables<br />

responsible for contact dermatitis of the h<strong>an</strong>ds. Arch<br />

Dermatol 113(6):776-779.<br />

Note:<br />

Cucumber is named Cucumis sativus L. var. sativus in<br />

some publications.<br />

c u c u r b i Ta Ma x i Ma Duchesne [Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gourd; pumpkin<br />

Citations:<br />

Sinha SM, Pasricha JS, Sharma RC, et al. (1977) Vegetables<br />

responsible for contact dermatitis of the h<strong>an</strong>ds. Arch<br />

Dermatol 113(6):776-779.<br />

c u c u r b i Ta p e p o L. [Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gem squash; marrow; pumpkin; squash; zucchini<br />

Citations:<br />

Herrington ME (1983) Intense bitterness in commercial<br />

zucchini. Cucurbit Genetics Coop Rep 6:75-76.<br />

Houston TM (1972) A food illness with a difference. Health<br />

People 6(4):8-9.<br />

Steyn DG (1950) The toxicity of bitter-tasting cucurbitaceous<br />

vegetables (vegetable marrow, watermelons, etc.) for m<strong>an</strong>.<br />

S Afr Med J 24:713-715.<br />

cudweed paper flower –see– Psilostrophe gnaphalodes DC.<br />

cuenta-de-oro –see– Dur<strong>an</strong>ta erecta L.<br />

cuilinbaca –see– Andira inermis (W. Wright) Kunth ex DC.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Curcuma longa - 113<br />

c u l l e n c o r y l i f o l i u M (L.) Medik.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p soralea corylifolia L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

boh-gol-zhee; Drüsenklee; Malay<strong>an</strong> tea; scurfy-pea<br />

Citations:<br />

Maurice PD, Cream JJ (1989) The d<strong>an</strong>gers of herbalism. Br<br />

Med J 299(6709):1204.<br />

Nam SW, Baek JT, Lee DS, et al. (2005) A case of<br />

acute cholestatic hepatitis associated with the seeds<br />

of Psoralea corylifolia (boh-gol-zhee). Clin Toxicol<br />

43(6):589-591.<br />

Perharic L, Shaw D, Colbridge M, et al. (1994) Toxicological<br />

problems resulting from exposure to traditional remedies<br />

<strong>an</strong>d food supplements. Drug Saf 11(4):284-294.<br />

c u l l e n d r u p a c e u M (Bunge) C. H. Stirt.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p soralea drupacea Bunge<br />

Common names:<br />

scurfy pea<br />

Citations:<br />

Arutyuny<strong>an</strong>ts SI, Baimuradov TB, Rogozhin PS (1972)<br />

[Poisoning of pigs with Psoralea drupacea.] Veterinariia<br />

Moscow 49(8):95-96.<br />

Ibadullaev FI, Turdiev I (1973) [Signs of scurfy pea poisoning<br />

in swine (experimental data).] Veterinariia Moscow<br />

50(7):92-94.<br />

culver keep –see– Hyacinthoides non-scripta (L.) Chouard ex<br />

Rothm.<br />

culverkeys –see– Hyacinthoides non-scripta (L.) Chouard ex<br />

Rothm.<br />

cumin –see– Cuminum cyminum L.<br />

c u Mi n u M c y Mi n u M L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cumin; kamoon<br />

Citations:<br />

Haroun EM, Mahmoud OM, Adam SE (2002) Effect<br />

of feeding Cuminum cyminum fruits, Thymus vulgaris<br />

leaves or their mixture to rats. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

44(2):67-69.<br />

Seetharam KA, Pasricha JS (1987) Condiments <strong>an</strong>d contact<br />

dermatitis of the finger-tips. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Dermatol Venereol<br />

Leprol 53:325-328.<br />

cungevoi –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don<br />

cunjeboi –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don<br />

cunjeboy –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don<br />

cunjevoi –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don<br />

cup<strong>an</strong>a –see– Paullinia cup<strong>an</strong>a Kunth<br />

c u p r e s s u s a r i z o n ic a Greene [Cupressaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

smoothwood<br />

Citations:<br />

Agea E, Bistoni O, Russ<strong>an</strong>o A, et al. (2002) The biology of<br />

cypress allergy. Allergy 57(10):959-960.<br />

Corteg<strong>an</strong>o I, Civ<strong>an</strong>tos E, Aceituno E, et al. (2004) Cloning<br />

<strong>an</strong>d expression of a major allergen from Cupressus arizonica<br />

pollen, Cup a 3, a PR-5 protein expressed under<br />

polluted environment. Allergy 59(5):485-490.<br />

c u p r e s s u s Ma c r o c a r p a Hartw. ex Gordon<br />

[Cupressaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cypress; macrocarpa; macrocarpa pine; Monterey<br />

cypress<br />

Citations:<br />

Alex<strong>an</strong>der RE (1943) Abortion <strong>an</strong>d premature calving. N Z<br />

J Agr 67:279.<br />

Gilder RP (1943) Effect of macrocarpa cypress on pregn<strong>an</strong>t<br />

cows. N Z J Agr 67:278-279.<br />

MacDonald J (1956) Macrocarpa poisoning. N Z Vet J 4:30.<br />

MacLeod AM (1948) Macrocarpa poisoning in dairy herd.<br />

Abortions <strong>an</strong>d deaths following eating of green br<strong>an</strong>ches.<br />

N Z J Agr 76(1):178.<br />

Mason RW (1974) Foetal cerebral leucomalacia associated<br />

with Cupressus macrocarpa abortion in cattle. Aust Vet<br />

J 50(9):419.<br />

O’Sc<strong>an</strong>aill T (1986) Suspected cypress poisoning in a cow. Ir<br />

Vet J 40(9):156.<br />

Sloss V, Brady JW (1983) Abnormal births in cattle following<br />

ingestion of Cupressus macrocarpa foliage. Aust Vet<br />

J 60(7):223.<br />

c u p r e s s u s s e Mp e rv i r e n s L. [Cupressaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cypress; Itali<strong>an</strong> cypress<br />

Citations:<br />

Agea E, Bistoni O, Russ<strong>an</strong>o A, et al. (2002) The biology of<br />

cypress allergy. Allergy 57(10):959-960.<br />

Dubus JC, Melluso JP, Bodiou AC, et al. (2000) Allergy to<br />

cypress pollen. Allergy 55(4):410-411.<br />

Fiorina A, Scordamaglia A, Guerra L, et al. (2002) Prevalence<br />

of allergy to Cypress. Allergy 57(9):861-862.<br />

Gould CM (1962) Cypress poisoning. Vet Rec 74(26):743.<br />

curaco aloe –see– Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.<br />

curage –see– Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach<br />

curamaguey –see– Pentalinon luteum (L.) B. F. H<strong>an</strong>sen &<br />

Wunderlin<br />

curcas be<strong>an</strong> –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

c u r c u Ma l o n g a L. [Zingiberaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chuu-ou-kou; curcumin; haldi; turmeric

114 - Curcuma zedoaria D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Bille N, Larsen JC, H<strong>an</strong>sen EV, et al. (1985) Subchronic oral<br />

toxicity of turmeric oleoresin in pigs. Food Chem Toxicol<br />

23(11):967-973.<br />

Deshp<strong>an</strong>de SS, Lalitha VS, Ingle AD, et al. (1998) Subchronic<br />

oral toxicity of turmeric <strong>an</strong>d eth<strong>an</strong>olic turmeric<br />

extract in female mice <strong>an</strong>d rats. Toxicol Lett<br />

95(3):183-193.<br />

Goh CL, Ng SK (1987) Allergic contact dermatitis to Curcuma<br />

longa (turmeric). Contact Dermatitis 17(3):186.<br />

Hata M, Sasaki E, Ota M, et al. (1997) Allergic contact<br />

dermatitis from curcumin (turmeric). Contact Dermatitis<br />

36(2):107-108.<br />

Ilsley SE, Miller HM, Kamel C (2005) Effects of<br />

dietary quillaja saponin <strong>an</strong>d curcumin on the perform<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

<strong>an</strong>d immune status of we<strong>an</strong>ed pigs. J Anim Sci<br />

83(1):82-88.<br />

K<strong>an</strong>darkar SV, Saw<strong>an</strong>t SS, Ingle AD, et al. (1998) Subchronic<br />

oral hepatotoxicity of turmeric in mice - Histopathological<br />

<strong>an</strong>d ultrastructural studies. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Exp<br />

Biol 36(7):675-679.<br />

c u r c u Ma z e d o a r i a (Christm.) Roscoe<br />

[Zingiberaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> arrowroot; shoti<br />

Citations:<br />

Latif MA, Morris TR, Miah AM, et al. (1979) Toxicity of<br />

shoti (Indi<strong>an</strong> arrowroot: Curcuma zedoaria) for rats <strong>an</strong>d<br />

chicks. Br J Nutr 41(1):57-63.<br />

curcumin –see– Curcuma longa L.<br />

curled dock –see– Rumex crispus L.<br />

curly dock –see– Rumex crispus L.<br />

curr<strong>an</strong>t –see– Vitis vinifera L.<br />

currybush –see– Hypericum revolutum Vahl<br />

cursed buttercup –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus sceleratus L.<br />

cursed crowfoot –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus sceleratus L.<br />

Cuscuta arvensis Beyr. ex Engelm. = Cuscuta pentagona<br />

Engelm.<br />

c u s c u Ta c a Mp e s Tr is Yunck. [Convolvulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

dodder<br />

Citations:<br />

Morsesy<strong>an</strong> TB (1971) [Pathological ch<strong>an</strong>ges in cattle poisoned<br />

by the dodder Cuscuta campestris Yuncker.] Biol<br />

Zh Armenii 24(7):67-70.<br />

c u s c u Ta e p i Th y Mu M (L.) L. [Convolvulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

alfalfa dodder; clover dodder; dodder; small dodder<br />

Citations:<br />

Pammel LH (1921) Alfalfa dodder. Vet Med 16:48-49.<br />

c u s c u Ta p e n Tag o n a Engelm. [Convolvulaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c uscuta arvensis Beyr. ex Engelm.<br />

Common Names:<br />

field dodder<br />

Citations:<br />

Pammel LH (1921) Alfalfa dodder. Vet Med 16:48-49.<br />

custard apple –see– Annona reticulata L.; Annona squamosa<br />

L.; Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal<br />

custard day lily –see– Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus L.<br />

cut-eye be<strong>an</strong> –see– C<strong>an</strong>avalia ensiformis (L.) DC.<br />

cut finger –see– Valeri<strong>an</strong>a officinalis L.<br />

cut-leaf coneflower –see– Rudbeckia laciniata L.<br />

cut-leaf nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um triflorum Nutt.<br />

cut-leaf philodendron –see– Monstera deliciosa Liebm.<br />

cutch –see– Areca catechu L.<br />

cutch tree –see– Acacia catechu (L. f.) Willd.<br />

Cyamopsis psoraloides (Lam.) DC. = Cyamopsis<br />

tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.<br />

c y a Mo p s is Te Tr ag o n o l ob a (L.) Taub.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c yamopsis psoraloides (Lam.) DC.<br />

Common Names:<br />

cluster be<strong>an</strong>; guar be<strong>an</strong>; guar gum; guara<br />

Citations:<br />

Bakshi Y, Creger CR, Couch JR (1964) Studies on guar<br />

meal. Poult Sci 43:1302.<br />

Malik MY, Sheikh AA (1967) Studies on the nature of<br />

chick-growth inhibiting factor in guar meal. West Pakist<strong>an</strong><br />

J Agric Res 5(1):116-124.<br />

Malik MY, Sheikh AA (1967) Studies on the use of guar<br />

meal in poultry ration. West Pakist<strong>an</strong> J Agric Res<br />

5(1):107-115.<br />

cycad –see– Cycas circinalis L.; Cycas media R. Br.; Cycas<br />

revoluta Thunb.; Macrozamia riedlei (Fisch. ex Gaudich.)<br />

C. A. Gardner; Macrozamia spiralis (Salisb.) Miq.; Zamia<br />

integrifolia L. f.<br />

c y c a s c i r c i n a l is L. [Cycadaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

crozier cycad; cycad; fad<strong>an</strong>g; false sago; false sago palm;<br />

federico; fern palm; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese sago; sago palm; zamia<br />

Citations:<br />

Albretsen JC, Safdar AK, Richardson JA (1998) Cycad palm<br />

toxicosis in dogs: 60 cases (1987-1997). J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 213(1):99-101.<br />

Anderson JL, Hall WT (1964) Neurotoxic effects from cycad<br />

leaves. Fed Proc 23:1349.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Cyclamen persicum - 115<br />

Anonymous (1965) Cycas circinalis poisoning. Papua New<br />

Guinea Dep Agric Annu Rep 1963-1964:18.<br />

Campbell ME, Mickelsen O, Y<strong>an</strong>g MG, et al. (1966) Effects<br />

of strain, age <strong>an</strong>d diet on the response of rats to the ingestion<br />

of Cycas circinalis. J Nutr 88(1):115-124.<br />

Hoch-Ligeti C, Stutzm<strong>an</strong> E, Arvin JM (1968) Cellular composition<br />

during tumor induction in rats by cycad husk. J<br />

Natl C<strong>an</strong>cer Instit 41(2):605-614.<br />

Kurl<strong>an</strong>d LT (1988) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis <strong>an</strong>d Parkinson’s<br />

disease complex on Guam linked to <strong>an</strong> environmental<br />

neurotoxin. Trends Neurosci 11(2):51-54.<br />

Kurl<strong>an</strong>d LT, Mulder DW (1954) Epidemiologic investigations<br />

of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Neurology<br />

4:355-378.<br />

Laqueur GL (1964) Carcinogenic effects of cycad meal<br />

<strong>an</strong>d cycasin, methylazoxymeth<strong>an</strong>ol glycoside, in rats<br />

<strong>an</strong>d effects of cycasin in germfree rats. Fed Proc 23(6<br />

Part):1386-1388.<br />

Laqueur GL, Mickelsen O, Whiting MG, et al. (1963)<br />

Carcinogenic properties of nuts from Cycas circinalis<br />

L. indigenous to Guam. J Natl C<strong>an</strong>cer Instit<br />

31(4):919-951.<br />

Mickelsen O, Campbell E, Y<strong>an</strong>g M, et al. (1964) Studies<br />

with cycad. Fed Proc 23(Nov-Dec):1363-1365.<br />

Mugera GM, Whitehair CK, Mickelsen O (1964) Pathology<br />

of cycad toxicity in <strong>an</strong>imals. Fed Proc 23:106.<br />

Newberne PM (1976) Biologic effects of pl<strong>an</strong>t toxins <strong>an</strong>d<br />

aflatoxins in rats. J Natl C<strong>an</strong>cer Instit 56(3):551-555.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>ger VL, Y<strong>an</strong>g MG, Mickelsen O (1969) Cycad toxicosis<br />

in chickens. J Natl C<strong>an</strong>cer Instit 43(2):391-395.<br />

Spatz M (1964) Carcinogenic effect of cycad meal in guinea<br />

pigs. Fed Proc 23(Nov-Dec):1384-1385.<br />

Spatz M, Laqueur GL (1967) Tr<strong>an</strong>splacental induction of<br />

tumors in Sprague-Dawley rats with crude cycad material.<br />

J Natl C<strong>an</strong>cer Instit 38(2):233-245.<br />

Spencer PS, Nunn PB, Hugon J, et al. (1987) Guam amyotrophic<br />

lateral sclerosis-parkinsonism-dementia linked to<br />

a pl<strong>an</strong>t excitement neurotoxin. Science 237:517-522.<br />

Whiting MG (1964) Food practices in ALS foci in Jap<strong>an</strong>,<br />

the Mari<strong>an</strong>as, <strong>an</strong>d New Guinea. Fed Proc 23(Nov-<br />

Dec):1343-1345.<br />

Y<strong>an</strong>g MG, Mickelsen O (1968) Cycad husk from Guam: Its<br />

toxicity to rats. Econ Bot 22:149-154.<br />

Y<strong>an</strong>g MG, Mickelsen O, Campbell ME, et al. (1966) Cycad<br />

flour used by Guam<strong>an</strong>i<strong>an</strong>s: Effects produced in rats by<br />

long-term feeding. J Nutr 90(2):153-156.<br />

Y<strong>an</strong>g MG, Mickelsen O, Laqueur GL, et al. (1966) Irreversibility<br />

of damage caused by the ingestion of toxic cycad by<br />

rats. Fed Proc 25:661.<br />

Y<strong>an</strong>g MG, Mickelsen O, S<strong>an</strong>ger VL, et al. (1967) Feeding<br />

toxic cycads to rats of various ages. Fed Proc 26:322.<br />

Y<strong>an</strong>g MG, S<strong>an</strong>ger VL, Mickelsen O, et al. (1968) Carcinogenicity<br />

of long-term feeding of cycad husk to rats. Proc<br />

Soc Exp Biol Med 127(4):1171-1175.<br />

c y c a s Me d i a R. Br. [Cycadaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cycad; rickety bush; tree zamia; zamia; zamia palm<br />

Citations:<br />

Hooper PT, Best SM, Campbell A (1974) Axonal dystrophy<br />

in the spinal cords of cattle consuming the cycad palm,<br />

Cycas media. Aust Vet J 50(4):146-149.<br />

c y c a s r e vo l u Ta Thunb. [Cycadaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> nut palm; cycad; false sago palm; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese<br />

fern palm; leatherleaf palm; sago cycas; sago palm;<br />

sotetsu<br />

Citations:<br />

Albretsen JC, Safdar AK, Richardson JA (1998) Cycad palm<br />

toxicosis in dogs: 60 cases (1987-1997). J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 213(1):99-101.<br />

Botha CJ, Naudé TW, Sw<strong>an</strong> GE, et al. (1991) Suspected<br />

cycad (Cycas revoluta) intoxication in dogs. J S Afr Vet<br />

Assoc 62(4):189-190.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>g SS, Ch<strong>an</strong> YL, Wu ML, et al. (2004) Acute Cycas seed<br />

poisoning in Taiw<strong>an</strong>. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 42(1):49-54.<br />

Deng JF, Lin TJ, Kao WF, et al. (1997) The difficulty in<br />

h<strong>an</strong>dling poisonings associated with Chinese traditional<br />

medicine: A poison control center experience for<br />

1991-1993. Vet Hum Toxicol 39(2):106-114.<br />

Iwami O, Niki Y, Wat<strong>an</strong>abe T, et al. (1993) Motor neuron<br />

disease on the Kii Peninsula of Jap<strong>an</strong>: Cycad exposure.<br />

Neuroepidemiology 12(6):307-312.<br />

Kobayashi A, Tadera K, Yagi F, et al. (1984) [Studies on poisoning<br />

of grazing cattle due to ingestion of Cycas revoluta<br />

Thunb.] Bull Fac Agric Kagoshima Univ 34:119-129.<br />

Reagor JC, Ray AC, Dubuisson L, et al. (1986) Sago palm<br />

(Cycas revoluta) poisoning in the c<strong>an</strong>ine. Southwestern<br />

Vet 37(1):20.<br />

Spatz M, Laqueur GL (1967) Tr<strong>an</strong>splacental induction of<br />

tumors in Sprague-Dawley rats with crude cycad material.<br />

J Natl C<strong>an</strong>cer Instit 38(2):233-245.<br />

Whiting MG (1964) Food practices in ALS foci in Jap<strong>an</strong>,<br />

the Mari<strong>an</strong>as, <strong>an</strong>d New Guinea. Fed Proc 23(Nov-<br />

Dec):1343-1345.<br />

Yasuda N, Kono I, Shimizu T, et al. (1984) [Pathological<br />

studies on poisoning of grazing cattle due to ingestion of<br />

Cycas revoluta Thunb.] Bull Fac Agric Kagoshima Univ<br />

34:131-136.<br />

Yasuda N, Shimizu T (1998) Cycad poisoning in cattle in<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>: Studies on spont<strong>an</strong>eous <strong>an</strong>d experimental cases. J<br />

Toxicol Sci 23(Suppl 2):126-128.<br />

c y c l a c h a e n a x a n Th i i f o l i a (Nutt.) Fresen.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

iva x<strong>an</strong>thiifolia Nutt.<br />

Common Names:<br />

burweed marsh elder; careless weed; false ragweed;<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t poverty weed; half breed weed; marsh elder<br />

Citations:<br />

Huber HL, Harsh GF (1932) A summer dermatitis caused<br />

by a common weed. J Allergy 3:578-582.<br />

cyclamen –see– Cyclamen persicum Mill.<br />

c y c l a Me n p e r s ic u M Mill. [Myrsinaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Alpenveilchen; alpine violet; cyclamen; Persi<strong>an</strong> violet;<br />

sowbread; wild cyclamen

116 - Cymbopogon citratus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Hepper FN (2004) Two pl<strong>an</strong>t fish-poisons in Leb<strong>an</strong>on. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 46(6):338-339.<br />

Jaspersen-Schib R, Theus L, Quirguis-Oeschger M,<br />

et al. (1996) Wichtige Pfl<strong>an</strong>zenvergiftungen in der<br />

Schweiz 1966-1994. Schweiz Med Wochenschr<br />

126(25):1085-1098.<br />

cykuta –see– Cicuta virosa L.<br />

c y Mb o p o g o n c i Tr a Tu s (DC.) Stapf [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a ndropogon citratus DC.<br />

Common Names:<br />

lemongrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Mendelsohn HV (1944) Dermatitis from lemon grass oil<br />

(Cymbopogon citratus or Andropogon citratus). Arch<br />

Derm Syphilol 50:34-35.<br />

Mendelsohn HV (1946) Lemon grass oil. A primary irrit<strong>an</strong>t<br />

<strong>an</strong>d sensitizing agent. Arch Derm Syphilol 53:94-98.<br />

c y Mb o p o g o n n a r d u s (L.) Rendle [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a ndropogon nardus L.<br />

Citations:<br />

Keil H (1947) Contact dermatitis due to oil of citronella. J<br />

Invest Dermatol 8:327-334.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>e CG (1922) Dermatitis caused by oil of citronella. Arch<br />

Derm Syphilol 5:589-590.<br />

Temple WA, Smith NA, Beasley M (1991) M<strong>an</strong>agement<br />

of oil of citronella poisoning. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

29(2):257-262.<br />

c y Mo p Te r u s i b a p e n s is M. E. Jones [Apiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c ymopterus watsonii (J. M. Coult. & Rose) M. E.<br />

Jones<br />

Common Names:<br />

desert parsley; spring parsley; wild carrot<br />

Citations:<br />

Binns W, James LF, Brooksby W (1964) Cymopterus watsoni:<br />

A photosensitizing pl<strong>an</strong>t for sheep. Vet Med Small<br />

Anim Clin 59(4):375-379.<br />

Egyed MN, Williams MC (1977) Photosensitizing effects of<br />

Cymopterus watsonii <strong>an</strong>d Cymopterus longipes in chickens<br />

<strong>an</strong>d turkey poults. Avi<strong>an</strong> Dis 21(4):566-575.<br />

Shlosberg A, Egyed MN (1978) Photosensitization in ducklings<br />

induced by seeds of Cymopterus watsonii <strong>an</strong>d C.<br />

longipes. Avi<strong>an</strong> Dis 22(4):576-582.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, Williams MC, Binns W (1969) Deformities<br />

in chickens photosensitized by feeding spring parsley<br />

(Cymopterus watsonii). Am J Vet Res 30(9):1663-1665.<br />

Williams MC (1968) Effects of herbicides on the capacity<br />

of spring parsley to photosensitize chickens. Weed Sci<br />

16(3):350-352.<br />

Williams MC, Binns W (1968) Experimental photosensitization<br />

by spring parsley (Cymopterus watsonii) in chicks.<br />

Am J Vet Res 29(1):111-115.<br />

c y Mo p Te r u s l o n g i p e s S. Watson [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

sprawling cymopterus<br />

Citations:<br />

Egyed MN, Williams MC (1977) Photosensitizing effects of<br />

Cymopterus watsonii <strong>an</strong>d Cymopterus longipes in chickens<br />

<strong>an</strong>d turkey poults. Avi<strong>an</strong> Dis 21(4):566-575.<br />

Shlosberg A, Egyed MN (1978) Photosensitization in ducklings<br />

induced by seeds of Cymopterus watsonii <strong>an</strong>d C.<br />

longipes. Avi<strong>an</strong> Dis 22(4):576-582.<br />

Cymopterus watsonii (J. M. Coult. & Rose) M. E. Jones =<br />

Cymopterus ibapensis M. E. Jones<br />

c y n a n c h u M ob Tu s i f o l i u M L. f.<br />

[Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

klimop<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1939) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa. IX. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 12:335-366.<br />

c y n a r a c a r d u n c u l u s L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c ynara scolymus L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

artichauts; artichoke; Artischocke; cardoon; globe artichoke;<br />

wild artichoke<br />

Citations:<br />

Burry JN, Kuchel R, Reid JG, et al. (1973) Australi<strong>an</strong> bush<br />

dermatitis: Compositae dermatitis in South Australia.<br />

Med J Aust 1(3):110-116.<br />

Meding B (1983) Allergic contact dermatitis from artichoke,<br />

Cynara scolymus. Contact Dermatitis 9(4):314.<br />

Sidi E, Morrill Dobkevitch S, Godechot R (1950) Les<br />

dermites provoquees par les artichauts. Presse Med<br />

58:382-383.<br />

Turner T (1980) Compositae dermatitis in South Australia:<br />

Contact dermatitis from Ixodia achillaeoides <strong>an</strong>d Cynara<br />

cardunculus or the tribulations of a dry flower arr<strong>an</strong>ger.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 6(6):444.<br />

Cynara scolymus L. = Cynara cardunculus L.<br />

c y n o d o n a e Th io p ic u s Clayton & J. R. Harl<strong>an</strong><br />

[Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Ethiopi<strong>an</strong> dog’s-tooth grass; gi<strong>an</strong>t stargrass; stargrass

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Cynoglossum officinale - 117<br />

Citations:<br />

Rodel MG (1972) Effects of different grasses on the incidence<br />

of neonatal goitre <strong>an</strong>d skeletal deformities in autumn born<br />

lambs. Rhodesia Agric J 69:59-60.<br />

Rudert CP, O’Donov<strong>an</strong> WM (1974) Iodine supplementation<br />

of ewes grazing Cynodon aethiopicus Clayton et Harl<strong>an</strong>.<br />

Rhodesia J Agric Res 12(2):141-148.<br />

c y n o d o n d a c Ty l o n (L.) Pers. [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p <strong>an</strong>icum dactylon L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> stargrass; Bermudagrass; couchgrass; doggrass;<br />

doob; doubgrass; grama común; gramilla; gramilla colorada;<br />

green couch; Indi<strong>an</strong> couch; Indi<strong>an</strong> doab; patade-perdis;<br />

quickgrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Allen JG, Creeper JH, Forshaw D, et al. (2004) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated<br />

diseases, either new or new to the state, encountered<br />

over the last decade (1991-2001) in Western Australia. In:<br />

Acamovic T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK.<br />

pp. 540-547.<br />

Atwood MB (1953) A paralysis of cows of unknown etiology<br />

(“Downer cows,” “Bermuda grass poisoning”). Georgia<br />

Vet 5(1):11-12.<br />

Kidder RW, Beardsley DW, Erwin TC (1961) Photosensitization<br />

in cattle grazing frosted common Bermudagrass.<br />

Florida Agric Exp Sta Bull #630:21 pp.<br />

Sch<strong>an</strong>g PJ, Aramendi MC (1944) IntoxicaciÓn de novillos<br />

por Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. “Bermuda grass,” “Gramilla<br />

colorada.” Gaceta Vet 6(31):264-276.<br />

Singh R, Siddiqui MA, Baruah MC (1978) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis<br />

in Delhi. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med Res 68(Oct):650-655.<br />

Strain GM, Seger CL, Flory W (1982) Toxic Bermuda grass<br />

tremor in the goat: An electroencephalographic study.<br />

Am J Vet Res 43(1):158-162.<br />

Whitehair CK, Young HC Jr, Gibson ME, et al. (1951) A<br />

nervous disturb<strong>an</strong>ce in cattle caused by a toxic subst<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

associated with mature Bermuda grass. Oklahoma Agric<br />

Exp Sta Misc Publ #MP22:57-59.<br />

Williams GD, Hatkin J, Jones LP (1977) Acute respiratory<br />

distress syndrome occurring in Texas pastured cattle.<br />

Proc Am Assoc Vet Lab Diagn 20:327-338.<br />

c y n o d o n n l e Mf u e n s is V<strong>an</strong>deryst [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> Bermudagrass; Afric<strong>an</strong> stargrass; budgeegrass;<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t stargrass; reuse kweekgrass; stargrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Rodel MG (1972) Effects of different grasses on the incidence<br />

of neonatal goitre <strong>an</strong>d skeletal deformities in autumn born<br />

lambs. Rhodesia Agric J 69:59-60.<br />

c y n o d o n pl e c To s Ta c h y u s (K. Schum.) Pilg.<br />

[Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

budgeegrass; estrella; gi<strong>an</strong>t couch; gi<strong>an</strong>t stargrass;<br />

Naivashagrass; stargrass; summer stargrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Herrington MD, Elliott RC, Brown JE (1971) Diagnosis<br />

<strong>an</strong>d treatment of thyroid dysfunction occurring in sheep<br />

fed on Cynodon plectostachyus. Rhodesia J Agric Res<br />

9(2):87-93.<br />

c y n o g l o s s u M c a e r u l e u M Hochst. ex A. DC.<br />

[Boraginaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Schoental R, Coady A (1968) The hepatotoxicity of some<br />

Ethiopi<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d East Afric<strong>an</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts, including some used<br />

in traditional medicines. East Afr Med J 45(8):577-580.<br />

Note:<br />

This pl<strong>an</strong>t name could not be found in the consulted<br />

databases.<br />

c y n o g l o s s u M g e o Me Tr ic u M Baker & C.<br />

H. Wright [Boraginaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Schoental R, Coady A (1968) The hepatotoxicity of some<br />

Ethiopi<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d East Afric<strong>an</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts, including some used<br />

in traditional medicines. East Afr Med J 45(8):577-580.<br />

c y n o g l o s s u M o f f ic i n a l e L. [Boraginaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

beggar’s-lice; Chinese forget-me-not; dog bur; dog’st<strong>an</strong>gere;<br />

glovewort; gypsy flower; hound’s-tongue; Hundszunge;<br />

l<strong>an</strong>gue-de-chien; sheep lice; sticktight; woolmat<br />

Citations:<br />

Baker DC, Pfister JA, Molyneux RJ, et al. (1991) Cynoglossum<br />

officinale toxicity in calves. J Comp Pathol<br />

104(4):403-410.<br />

Baker DC, Smart RA, Ralphs M, et al. (1989) Hound’stongue<br />

(Cynoglossum officinale) poisoning in a calf. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 194(7):929-930.<br />

Greatorex JC (1966) Some unusual cases of pl<strong>an</strong>t poisoning<br />

in <strong>an</strong>imals. Vet Rec 78(21):725-727.<br />

Knight AP, Kimberling CV, Stermitz FR, et al. (1984) Cynoglossum<br />

officinale (hound’s-tongue) - A cause of pyrrolizidine<br />

alkaloid poisoning in horses. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 185(6):647-650.<br />

Stegelmeier BL, Gardner DR, James LF, et al. (1996) Pyrrole<br />

detection <strong>an</strong>d the pathologic progression of Cynoglossum<br />

officinale (houndstongue) poisoning in horses. J<br />

Vet Diagn Invest 8(1):81-90.<br />

Stegelmeier BL, Gardner DR, Molyneux RJ, et al. (1994)<br />

Cynoglossum officinale (houndstongue) poisoning in<br />

horses. Vet Pathol 31:621.<br />

Stegelmeier BL, Gardner DR, Molyneux RJ, et al. (1994)<br />

The clinicopathologic ch<strong>an</strong>ges of Cynoglossum officinale<br />

(houndstongue) intoxication in horses. In: Colegate SM,

118 - Cyperus rotundus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Dorling PR (eds.) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated toxins. Agricultural,<br />

phytochemical <strong>an</strong>d ecological aspects. CABI. New York.<br />

pp. 297-302.<br />

Stein GH (1963) Zur Giftwirkung von Cynoglossum officinale<br />

L. auf kleine Nagetiere. Naturwissenschaften<br />

50(16):554.<br />

Zentek J, Aboling S, Kamphues J, et al. (1999) Fallbericht:<br />

Tierernährung für Tierärzte - Aktuelle Fälle: Hundszunge<br />

(Cynoglossum officinale) im Weide aufwuchs<br />

- ein Risiko für die Gesundheit von Pferden. Dtsch Tierarztl<br />

Wochenschr 106(11):475-477.<br />

c y p e r u s r o Tu n d u s L. [Cyperaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Aston BC (1909) Researches on poisonous <strong>an</strong>d other pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

N Z Dep Agric Annu Rep 17:178-184.<br />

cypress –see– Cupressus macrocarpa Hartw. ex Gordon;<br />

Cupressus sempervirens L.<br />

cypress spurge –see– Euphorbia cyparissias L.<br />

c y p r i p e d i u M a c a u l e Aiton [Orchidaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

pink lady’s-slipper<br />

Citations:<br />

Jennings OE (1907) A note on the poisonous qualities of the<br />

yellow ladies’ slipper. Pl<strong>an</strong>t World 10:189-191.<br />

Cypripedium hirsutum Mill. = Cypripedium reginae Walter<br />

c y p r i p e d i u M r e g i n a e Walter [Orchidaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c ypripedium hirsutum Mill.<br />

Common Names:<br />

female nervine; lady’s-slipper; large lady’s-slipper;<br />

nerveroot; showy lady’s-slipper; whip-poor-will-shoes;<br />

yellow lady’s-slipper<br />

Citations:<br />

Burnham SH (1915) Poison oak <strong>an</strong>d soap pl<strong>an</strong>t. Am Bot<strong>an</strong>ist<br />

21:46-49.<br />

Jennings OE (1907) A note on the poisonous qualities of the<br />

yellow ladies’ slipper. Pl<strong>an</strong>t World 10:189-191.<br />

c y p r i p e d i u M s p e c Ta b i l e Salisb.<br />

[Orchidaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

showy mocassin flower<br />

Citations:<br />

Bacon AE (1902) Some cases of poisoning by Cypripedium<br />

spectabile in Vermont. Rhodora 4(May):94-97.<br />

De<strong>an</strong>e W (1893) Is Cypripedium spectabile poisonous to the<br />

touch? Bot Gaz 1893(Apr):143-144.<br />

Jesup HG (1893) Is Cypripedium spectabile poisonous to the<br />

touch? Bot Gaz 1893(Apr):142-143.<br />

Cystium diphysum (A. Gray) Rydb. = Astragalus<br />

lentiginosus Douglas ex Hook. var diphysus (A. Gray)<br />

M. E. Jones<br />

cytise –see– Laburnum <strong>an</strong>agyroides Medik.<br />

Cytisus laburnum L. = Laburnum <strong>an</strong>agyroides Medik.<br />

Cytisus racemosus Marnock = Genista stenopetala Webb &<br />

Berthel.<br />

c y Tis u s s c o p a r i u s (L.) Link [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s arothamnus scoparius (L.) Wimm. ex W. D. J. Koch<br />

Common Names:<br />

Besenginster; Besentrauch; besom; broom; broomtops;<br />

English broom; Galster; Ginster; Irish broom; laburnum;<br />

Scotch broom; spartium<br />

Citations:<br />

Perharic L, Shaw D, Colbridge M, et al. (1994) Toxicological<br />

problems resulting from exposure to traditional remedies<br />

<strong>an</strong>d food supplements. Drug Saf 11(4):284-294.<br />

Czar Pater –see– Hyacinthus orientalis L.<br />

Czar Peter –see– Hyacinthus orientalis L.

dabdabey –see– L<strong>an</strong>nea corom<strong>an</strong>delica (Houtt.) Merr.<br />

dactyle –see– Dactylis glomerata L.<br />

d a c Ty l is g l o Me r a Ta L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

dactyle; Knaulgras; orchardgrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Ćirković TD, Bukilica MN, Gavrović MD, et al. (1999)<br />

Physicochemical <strong>an</strong>d immunologic characterization of<br />

low-molecular-weight allergoids of Dactylis glomerata<br />

pollen proteins. Allergy 54(2):128-134.<br />

d a c Ty l o c Te n i u M r a d u l a n s (R. Br.) P.<br />

Beauv. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

buttongrass<br />

Citations:<br />

McKenzie RA, Rayner AC, Thompson GK, et al. (2004)<br />

Nitrate-nitrite toxicity in cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep grazing Dactyloctenium<br />

radul<strong>an</strong>s (button grass) in stockyards. Aust<br />

Vet J 82(10):630-634.<br />

daffidowndilly –see– Narcissus pseudonarcissus L.<br />

daffodil –see– Narcissus poeticus L.; Narcissus pseudonarcissus<br />

L.<br />

daftberry –see– Atropa belladonna L.<br />

dagga –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

dahlbergia –see– Dalbergia nigra (Vell.) Allemão ex Benth.;<br />

Dalbergia retusa Hemsl.<br />

dahlia –see– Dahlia pinnata Cav.<br />

d a h l i a p i n n a Ta Cav. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d ahlia variabilis (Willd.) Desf.<br />

Common Names:<br />

dahlia<br />

Citations:<br />

Sharma SC, Kaur S (1989) Airborne contact dermatitis from<br />

Compositae pl<strong>an</strong>ts in northern India. Contact Dermatitis<br />

21(1):1-5.<br />

Dahlia variabilis (Willd.) Desf. = Dahlia pinnata Cav.<br />

dairy pink –see– Vaccaria hisp<strong>an</strong>ica (Mill.) Rauschert<br />

daisy –see– Leuc<strong>an</strong>themum vulgare Lam.<br />

daisy primrose –see– Primula praenitens Ker Gawl.<br />

D<br />

d a l b e r g i a l a Ti f o l i a Roxb. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

East Indi<strong>an</strong> rosewood; Indi<strong>an</strong> rosewood; Indisches<br />

Rosenholz; Ostindisches Palis<strong>an</strong>der; Palis<strong>an</strong>der;<br />

rosewood<br />

Citations:<br />

Athavale PN, Shum KW, Gasson P, et al. (2003) Occupational<br />

h<strong>an</strong>d dermatitis in a wood turner due to rosewood<br />

(Dalbergia latifolia). Contact Dermatitis 48(6):345-346.<br />

Cronin E, Caln<strong>an</strong> CD (1975) Rosewood knife h<strong>an</strong>dle. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 1(2):121.<br />

Estl<strong>an</strong>der T, Jol<strong>an</strong>ki R, Al<strong>an</strong>ko K, et al. (2001) Occupational<br />

allergic contact dermatitis caused by wood dusts. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 44(4):213-217.<br />

F<strong>an</strong>cal<strong>an</strong>ci S, Giorgini S, Gola M, et al. (1984) Occupational<br />

dermatitis in a butcher. Contact Dermatitis<br />

11(5):320-321.<br />

Findley LJ (1972) An unusual case of rosewood dermatitis<br />

of the genus Dalbergia (East Indi<strong>an</strong> rosewood). Br J Ind<br />

Med 29(3):343-344.<br />

Gallo R, Guarrera M, Hausen BM (1996) Airborne contact<br />

dermatitis from East Indi<strong>an</strong> rosewood (Dalbergia latifolia<br />

Roxb.). Contact Dermatitis 35(1):60-61.<br />

Hausen BM, Dohn W (1986) Epoxidharz - und Palis<strong>an</strong>derholzallergie<br />

durch Freizeitbeschäftigung. Aktuelle Derm<br />

12(2):47-48.<br />

Hausen BM, Mau HH (1979) Kontaktallergie durch einer<br />

Geigen-Kinnkalter aus Palis<strong>an</strong>der. Derm Beruf Umwelt<br />

27(1):18-20.<br />

Haustein UF (1982) Violin chin rest eczema due to East-<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> rosewood (Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.). Contact<br />

Dermatitis 8(1):77-78.<br />

d a l b e r g i a n ig r a (Vell.) Allemão ex Benth.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Bahia rosewood; Brazili<strong>an</strong> jacar<strong>an</strong>da; Brazili<strong>an</strong> rosebush;<br />

Brazili<strong>an</strong> rosewood; caviúna; dahlbergia; jacar<strong>an</strong>da;<br />

paliss<strong>an</strong>dre bresic; rio palis<strong>an</strong>der; rio rosewood;<br />

tree rosewood<br />

Citations:<br />

Estl<strong>an</strong>der T, Jol<strong>an</strong>ki R, Al<strong>an</strong>ko K, et al. (2001) Occupational<br />

allergic contact dermatitis caused by wood dusts. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 44(4):213-217.<br />

Fisher AA (1986) Erythema multiforme-like eruptions<br />

due to exotic woods <strong>an</strong>d ordinary pl<strong>an</strong>ts: Part I. Cutis<br />

37(2):101-104.<br />

Fisher AA, Bikowski J Jr (1981) Allergic contact dermatitis<br />

due to a wooden cross made of Dalbergia nigra. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 7(1):45-46.<br />

Hausen BM (1985) Chin rest allergy in a violinist. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 12(3):178-180.

120 - Dalbergia retusa D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Hausen BM, Dohn W (1986) Epoxidharz - und Palis<strong>an</strong>derholzallergie<br />

durch Freizeitbeschäftigung. Aktuelle Derm<br />

12(2):47-48.<br />

Hausen BM, Simatup<strong>an</strong>g MH, Kingreen JC (1972) Untersuchungen<br />

zur Überempfindlichkeit gegen Sucupira - und<br />

Palis<strong>an</strong>derholz. Derm Beruf Umwelt 20(1):1-7.<br />

Holst R, Kirby J, Magnusson B (1976) Sensitization to tropical<br />

woods giving erythema multiforme-like eruptions.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 2(11):295-296.<br />

Schulz KH, Dietrichs HH (1962) Chinone als sensibilisierende<br />

Best<strong>an</strong>dteile von Rio-Palis<strong>an</strong>der- (Dalbergia nigra)<br />

und Cocobolo - (Dalbergia retusa) Holz. Allerg Asthma<br />

(Leipz) 8(3):125-131.<br />

Tottie M (1938) Jacar<strong>an</strong>da als Ursache von Dermatitiden.<br />

Acta Derm Venereol 19:235-245.<br />

d a l b e r g i a r e Tu s a Hemsl. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bastard mahog<strong>an</strong>y; cocabolla; cocobolo; dahlbergia;<br />

East Indi<strong>an</strong> rosewood<br />

Citations:<br />

Abramowitz EW, Swarts WB (1938) Dermatitis due to<br />

cocobolo wood. Arch Derm Syphilol 37:441-443.<br />

Eaton KK (1973) Respiratory allergy to exotic wood dust.<br />

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Freise FW (1936) Vergiftungen durch brasili<strong>an</strong>ische<br />

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Hausen BM, Münster G (1983) Cocobolo-Holz, ein vergessenes<br />

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Leider M, Schwartzfeld HK (1950) Allergic eczematous<br />

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Levin SJ (1941) Cocobolo wood dermatitis: Report of a<br />

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Schulz KH, Dietrichs HH (1962) Chinone als sensibilisierende<br />

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(Leipz) 8(3):125-131.<br />

d a l e c h a Mp i a s c a n d e n s L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bejuco-de-p<strong>an</strong>; mashasha<br />

Citations:<br />

Reed B, Wilson RC (2001) Voodoo powder as <strong>an</strong> etiology of<br />

leg ulcers. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 91(6):324-325.<br />

Dallisgrass –see– Paspalum dilatatum Poir.<br />

Dalmati<strong>an</strong> chrys<strong>an</strong>themum –see– T<strong>an</strong>acetum cinerariifolium<br />

(Trevir.) Sch. Bip.<br />

Dalmati<strong>an</strong> sage –see– Salvia officinalis L.<br />

dama-de-dia –see– Cestrum diurnum L.<br />

dama-de-noche –see– Cestrum nocturnum L.<br />

d<strong>an</strong>d –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

d<strong>an</strong>delion –see– Hypochaeris radicata L.; Taraxacum officinale<br />

F. H. Wigg. aggr.<br />

D<strong>an</strong>’s-cabbage –see– Senecio isatideus DC.; Senecio retrorsus<br />

DC.<br />

d<strong>an</strong>shen –see– Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge<br />

daphne –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

d a p h n e Me z e r e u M L. [Thymelaeaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Beißbeere; Bergpfeffer; bois gentil; bois joli; daphne;<br />

dwarf bay; February daphne; flax olive; Kellerhals;<br />

lady laurel; laureola hembra; leño gentil; mezereon;<br />

mezereum; mysterious pl<strong>an</strong>t; Seidelbast; spurge flax;<br />

spurge laurel; spurge olive; Wiel<strong>an</strong>dbeere; wild pepper;<br />

Wolfsbast; Ziegelbeeren<br />

Citations:<br />

Eagar FS (1887) Case of poisoning by berries of Daphne<br />

mezereon. Br Med J 2(Jul 30):239.<br />

Lamminpaa A, Kinos M (1996) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings in children.<br />

Hum Exp Toxicol 15(3):245-249.<br />

d a p h n i p h y l l u M h u Mi l e Maxim. ex Fr<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

& Sav. [Daphniphyllaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d aphniphyllum macropodum Miq. var. humile (Maxim.<br />

ex Fr<strong>an</strong>ch. & Sav.) K. Rosenthal<br />

Citations:<br />

Sonoda M, Tasaka M, Takahashi K, et al. (1978) [Daphniphyllum<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t poisoning in grazing cattle in southern<br />

Hokkaido.] J Jpn Vet Med Assoc 31(3):140-144.<br />

Daphniphyllum macropodum Miq. var. humile (Maxim. ex<br />

Fr<strong>an</strong>ch. & Sav.) K. Rosenthal = Daphniphyllum humile<br />

Maxim. ex Fr<strong>an</strong>ch. & Sav.<br />

Darling pea –see– Swainsona galegifolia (Andrews) R. Br.;<br />

Swainsona luteola F. Muell.<br />

darnel –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

dart poison –see– Antiaris toxicaria Lesch.<br />

dasheen –see– Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott<br />

dashin yawo –see– Ac<strong>an</strong>thospermum hispidum DC.<br />

date –see– Phoenix dactylifera L.<br />

date palm –see– Phoenix dactylifera L.<br />

d a Tis c a g l o Me r a Ta (C. Presl) Baill.<br />

[Datiscaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Dur<strong>an</strong>go root

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Datura stramonium - 121<br />

Citations:<br />

Galey FD, Johnson BJ, Bruce R, et al. (1990) A case of<br />

Datisca glomerata poisoning in beef cattle. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 32(6):575-576.<br />

Wagnon KA, Hart GH (1945) Dur<strong>an</strong>go root (Datisca glomerata)<br />

poisoning of r<strong>an</strong>ge stock. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

107(Jul):3-5.<br />

datun –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

datura –see– Datura inoxia Mill.; Datura metel L.; Datura<br />

stramonium L.<br />

Datura alba Nees = Datura metel L.<br />

Datura arborea L. = Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia arborea (L.) Lagerh.<br />

Datura c<strong>an</strong>dida (Pers.) Saff. = Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia ×c<strong>an</strong>dida Pers.<br />

Datura cornigera Hook. = Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia arborea (L.) Lagerh.<br />

Datura fastuosa L. = Datura metel L.<br />

d a Tu r a f e r o x L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cardo cuco; chamico; estramonio chino; false castor;<br />

fierce thorn apple; long-spine thorn apple; long-spur<br />

thorn apple; thorn apple<br />

Citations:<br />

Steenkamp PA, Harding NM, v<strong>an</strong> Heerden FR, et al.<br />

(2004) Fatal Datura poisoning: Identification of atropine<br />

<strong>an</strong>d scopolamine by high perform<strong>an</strong>ce liquid chromatography/photodiode<br />

array/mass spectrometry. Forensic Sci<br />

Int 145(1):31-39.<br />

d a Tu r a i n o x i a Mill. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

apple-of-Peru; datura; dhatura; downy thorn apple;<br />

green thorn apple; hairy thorn apple; Indi<strong>an</strong> apple; jimson<br />

weed; moonflower; nongue; purple <strong>an</strong>gel’s-trumpet;<br />

recurved thorn apple; sacred datura<br />

Citations:<br />

De Frates LJ, Hoehns JD, Sakornbut EL, et al. (2005)<br />

Antimuscarinic intoxication resulting from the<br />

ingestion of moonflower seeds. Ann Pharmacother<br />

39(1):173-176.<br />

Goetz R, Siegel E, Scaglione J, et al. (2003) Suspected<br />

moonflower intoxication - Ohio, 2002. MMWR Morb<br />

Mortal Wkly Rep 52(33):788-791.<br />

Goetz RJ, Siegel EG, Scaglione JM (2003) Moonflower<br />

abuse <strong>an</strong>d intoxication in Northern Ohio. J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 41(5):744.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>na JP, Schmidley JW, Braselton WE Jr (1992) Datura<br />

delirium. Clin Neuropharmacol 15(2):109-113.<br />

Marciniak J, Sikorski M (1972) Zatrucie alkaloidami bielunia<br />

indiańskiego i bielunia dziędzierzawy po spożyciu miodu<br />

pszczelego. Pol Tyg Lek (Wars) 27(26):1002-1003.<br />

Meng K, Graetz DK (2004) Moonflower-induced <strong>an</strong>isocoria.<br />

Ann Emerg Med 44(6):665-666.<br />

Ramad<strong>an</strong> M (2005) Moonflower intoxication in K<strong>an</strong>sas. Am<br />

J Addict 14(4):399-400.<br />

Ram<strong>an</strong> SV, Jacob J (2005) Mydriasis due to Datura inoxia.<br />

Emerg Med J 22(4):310-311.<br />

Ramirez M, Rivera E, Ereu C (1999) Fifteen cases of atropine<br />

poisoning after honey ingestion. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

41(1):19-20.<br />

d a Tu r a Me Te l L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d atura alba Nees; d atura fastuosa L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

black datura; datura; devil’s-trumpet; downy thorn<br />

apple; hairy thorn apple; Hindu datura; jimson weed;<br />

ketjubung; metel; mondzo; thorn apple; y<strong>an</strong>gjinhua;<br />

zakami<br />

Citations:<br />

But PP (1994) Herbal poisoning caused by adulter<strong>an</strong>ts or<br />

erroneous substitutes. J Trop Med Hyg 97(6):371-374.<br />

Johnston TF (1972) Datura fastuosa: Its use in Tsongo girls’<br />

initiation. Econ Bot 26(4):340-351.<br />

Quek KC, Cheah JS (1974) Poisoning due to ingestion of the<br />

seeds of kechubong (Datura fastuosa) for its g<strong>an</strong>ja-like<br />

effect in Singapore. J Trop Med Hyg 77(5):111-112.<br />

Schvartsm<strong>an</strong> S, Marcondes E (1965) Intoxicações acidentais<br />

agudas na inf<strong>an</strong>cia. Revisão de 208 casos. Rev Paul Med<br />

66(1):24-39.<br />

Testa P, Font<strong>an</strong>elli G (1988) Intossicazione acuta da<br />

alcaloidi atropinosimili della Datura metel. Clin Ter<br />

125(3):203-211.<br />

Zuidema PJ (1985) Vergiftiging door Datura fastuosa<br />

(ketjubung). Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 129(29):1386-1388.<br />

Datura meteloides auct. = Datura wrightii Regel<br />

Datura rosei Saff. = Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia s<strong>an</strong>guinea (Ruiz & Pav.) D.<br />

Don<br />

d a Tu r a s Tr a Mo n i u M L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d atura tatula L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>gel’s-trumpet; apple-of-Peru; apple-of-Tolguacha;<br />

Asthmador; blou oliebloom; blou stinkblaar; chamico;<br />

datura; devil’s-apple; devil’s-trumpet; devil’s-weed;<br />

dewtry; dhatura; Doornappel; Dornapfel; estramonio<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong>o; fireweed; flor-de-la-trompeta; green<br />

dragon; herbe-à-sorcier; herbe-des-démoniaques;<br />

herbe-du-diable; higuera-del-infierno; higuera loca;<br />

Jamestown lily; Jamestown weed; jimson weed; loco<br />

seed; mad apple; mad seeds; malpitte; moonflower;<br />

olieboon; Peru apple; pigaeble; piggeple; pomme-dupoison;<br />

pomme épineuse; purple jimson weed; purple<br />

stinkweed; purple stramonium; purple thorn apple;<br />

Stechapfel; stink weed; stinkblaar; stinkwort; stramoine;<br />

stramonium; teasel bur; thorn apple; tolguacha;<br />

Tollkraut; toloache; white-m<strong>an</strong>’s-pl<strong>an</strong>t; white<br />

stramonium<br />

Citations:<br />

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Datura suaveolens Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. = Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia<br />

suaveolens (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Bercht. & J.<br />

Presl<br />

Datura tatula L. = Datura stramonium L.<br />

d a Tu r a w r ig h Ti i Regel [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d atura meteloides auct.<br />

Common Names:<br />

hairy thorn apple; Indi<strong>an</strong> apple; jimson weed; moonflower;<br />

recurved thorn apple; sacred datura; Wright’sdatura

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Delphinium <strong>an</strong>dersonii - 125<br />

Citations:<br />

Reader AL 3rd (1977) Mydriasis from Datura wrightii. Am<br />

J Ophthalmol 84(2):263-264.<br />

daubentonia –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia drummondii (Rydb.) Cory;<br />

Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea (Cav.) Benth.<br />

Daubentonia drummondii Rydb. = Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia drummondii<br />

(Rydb.) Cory<br />

Daubentonia longifolia (Cav.) DC. = Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia longifolia DC.<br />

Daubentonia punicea (Cav.) DC. = Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea (Cav.)<br />

Benth.<br />

d a u c u s c a r o Ta L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

carrot; Karotte; Möhre<br />

Citations:<br />

Fernández-Rivas M, González-M<strong>an</strong>cebo E, v<strong>an</strong> Leeuwen<br />

WA, et al. (2004) Anaphylaxis to raw carrot not linked to<br />

pollen allergy. Allergy 59(11):1239-1240.<br />

Klauder JV, Kimmich JM (1956) Sensitization dermatitis to<br />

carrots. Arch Dermatol 74(2):149-158.<br />

Meynadier J, Meynadier JM, Guilhou JJ (1982) L’urticaire<br />

de contact chez l’atopique. A propos de deux observations.<br />

Ann Dermatol Venereol 109(10):871-874.<br />

Muñoz D, Le<strong>an</strong>izbarrutia I, Lobera T, et al. (1985) Anaphylaxis<br />

from contact with carrot. Contact Dermatitis<br />

13(5):345-346.<br />

Peck SM, Spolyar LW, Mason HS (1944) Dermatitis from<br />

carrots. Arch Derm Syphilol 49:266-269.<br />

Vickers HR (1941) The carrot as a cause of dermatitis. Br J<br />

Dermatol 53:52-57.<br />

Note:<br />

Carrot is named Daucus carota L. subsp. sativus (Hoffm.)<br />

Arc<strong>an</strong>g. var. sativus Hoffm. in some publications.<br />

d a vi d so n i a p r u r i e n s F. Muell. [Unoniaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Davidsoni<strong>an</strong> plum<br />

Citations:<br />

Flecker H (1945) Injuries produced by pl<strong>an</strong>ts in tropical<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. Med J Aust 1(Jun 23):636-637.<br />

Davidsoni<strong>an</strong> plum –see– Davidsonia pruriens F. Muell.<br />

day-blooming jasmine –see– Cestrum diurnum L.<br />

day-blooming jessamine –see– Cestrum diurnum L.<br />

day cestrum –see– Cestrum diurnum L.<br />

day jasmine –see– Cestrum diurnum L.<br />

day jessamine –see– Cestrum diurnum L.<br />

day lily –see– Hemerocallis dumortieri C. Morren;<br />

Hemerocallis fulva (L.) L.; Hemerocallis minor Mill.; Hosta<br />

sieboldii (Paxton) J. W. Ingram<br />

day’s-leek –see– Hyacinthoides non-scripta (L.) Chouard ex<br />

Rothm.<br />

dazao –see– Ziziphus jujuba Mill.<br />

dead nettle –see– Lamium amplexicaule L.; Stachys arvensis<br />

(L.) L.<br />

Dead Sea apple –see– Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T.<br />

Aiton; Sol<strong>an</strong>um <strong>an</strong>guivi Lam.<br />

dead tongue –see– Oen<strong>an</strong>the crocata L.<br />

deadly hemlock –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

deadly nightshade –see– Atropa belladonna L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

dulcamara L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.<br />

dead-m<strong>an</strong>’s-bell –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

dead-m<strong>an</strong>’s-fingers –see– Oen<strong>an</strong>the crocata L.<br />

dead-m<strong>an</strong>’s-tree –see– Synadenium cupulare (Boiss.) L. C.<br />

Wheeler<br />

death camas –see– Ami<strong>an</strong>thium muscitoxicum (Walter)<br />

A. Gray; Anticlea eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Pursh) Rydb.; Toxicoscordion<br />

fremontii (Torr.) Rydb.; Toxicoscordion intermedium Rydb.;<br />

Toxicoscordion nuttallii (A. Gray) Rydb.; Toxicoscordion<br />

p<strong>an</strong>iculatum (Nutt.) Rydb.; Toxicoscordion venenosum (S.<br />

Watson) Rydb.<br />

death-of-m<strong>an</strong> –see– Cicuta maculata L. var. <strong>an</strong>gustifolia<br />

Hook.; Cicuta maculata L.<br />

death’s-herb –see– Atropa belladonna L.<br />

deciduous holly –see– Ilex decidua Walter<br />

dedalera –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

deerwort –see– Ageratina altissima (L.) R. M. King & H.<br />

Rob.<br />

deerberry –see– Gaultheria procumbens L.<br />

deflah –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

d e g u e l i a u Ti l is (A. C. Sm.) A. M. G. Azevedo<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l onchocarpus nicou auct.<br />

Common Names:<br />

barbasco; bois enior<strong>an</strong>t; conapi; cubé; cubé root; nicou;<br />

real heirri; timbó; timbó legitimo; timbó macaquinho;<br />

white hairare<br />

Citations:<br />

Dorne M, Friedm<strong>an</strong> TB (1940) Derris root dermatitis.<br />

JAMA 115(Oct 12):1268-1270.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen WH, Davis KJ, Fitzhugh OG (1965) Chronic toxicity<br />

of cubé. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 7(4):535-542.<br />

deli bat bat –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

d e l p h i n i u M a n d e r so n i i A. Gray<br />

[R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Anderson’s-larkspur; desert larkspur; low larkspur<br />

Citations:<br />

Fleming CE (1920) <strong>Poisonous</strong> r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric<br />

Exp Sta Annu Rep 1919:39-43.

126 - Delphinium barbeyi D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR (1923) The low larkspur<br />

(Delphinium <strong>an</strong>dersoni), A pl<strong>an</strong>t of the spring r<strong>an</strong>ge, poisonous<br />

to cattle. Nevada Agric Exp Sta Bull #105:22 pp.<br />

d e l p h i n i u M b a r b e y i (Huth) Huth<br />

[R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Barbey’s-larkspur; cow poison; larkspur; peco; poison<br />

weed; tall larkspur; western larkspur<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1933) Investigation of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep<br />

1933:34-35.<br />

Anonymous (1934) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1934:38.<br />

Anonymous (1935) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1935:39-40.<br />

Anonymous (1936) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep. 1936:44-45.<br />

Anonymous (1937) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep. 1937:47-48.<br />

Buck WB, Binns W, James L, et al. (1961) Results of feeding<br />

of herbicide-treated pl<strong>an</strong>ts to calves <strong>an</strong>d sheep. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 138(6):320-323.<br />

Cronin EH, Nielsen DB, Madson N (1976) Cattle losses,<br />

tall larkspur, <strong>an</strong>d their control. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag<br />

29(5):364-367.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Marsh H (1916) Larkspur poisoning<br />

of livestock. U S Dep Agric Bull #365:91 pp.<br />

Olsen JD (1977) Unlocking the secrets of larkspur. Utah Sci<br />

38(2):35-38.<br />

Olsen JD (1978) Tall larkspur poisoning in cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 173(6):762-765.<br />

Olsen JD (1982) Mineral supplement c<strong>an</strong> reduce the lethal<br />

effect of larkspur poisoning in cattle. Annu Meet Soc<br />

R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag. p. 13.<br />

Pfister JA, Cheney CD, Gardner DR, et al. (1998) Mineralsalt<br />

supplement does not attenuate tall larkspur (Delphinium<br />

barbeyi) toxicosis in cattle. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag<br />

51(5):566-569.<br />

Pfister JA, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, M<strong>an</strong>ners GD, et al. (1994) Reversal<br />

of tall larkspur (Delphinium barbeyi) poisoning in cattle<br />

with physostigmine. Vet Hum Toxicol 36(6):511-514.<br />

d e l p h i n i u M b ic o l o r Nutt. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

flathead larkspur; little larkspur; low larkspur; mountain<br />

larkspur; purple larkspur<br />

Citations:<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Marsh H (1916) Larkspur poisoning<br />

of livestock. U S Dep Agric Bull #365:91 pp.<br />

Delphinium brownii Rydb. = Delphinium glaucum S.<br />

Watson<br />

Delphinium camporum Greene = Delphinium carolini<strong>an</strong>um<br />

Walter subsp. virescens (Nutt.) R. E. Brooks<br />

d e l p h i n i u M c a r o l i n i a n u M Walter subsp.<br />

virescens (Nutt.) R. E. Brooks [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d elphinium camporum Greene; d elphinium virescens<br />

Nutt.<br />

Common Names:<br />

larkspur; low larkspur; plains larkspur; poison weed;<br />

prairie larkspur<br />

Citations:<br />

Crawford AC (1907) The larkspurs as poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S<br />

Dep Agric Bur Pl<strong>an</strong>t Indus Bull #111(Part 1):12 pp.<br />

Sizelove W, McIlvaim EH, Burrows GE (1992) Possible<br />

larkspur intoxications responsible for acute deaths in cattle.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 34(5):458-459.<br />

Delphinium consolida L. = Consolida regalis Gray<br />

Delphinium cucullatum A. Nelson = Delphinium glaucum<br />

S. Watson<br />

d e l p h i n i u M e l a Tu M L. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hoher Rittersporn; larkspur<br />

Citations:<br />

Puschner B, Booth MC, Tor ER, et al. (2002) Diterpenoid<br />

alkaloid toxicosis in cattle in the Swiss Alps. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 44(1):8-10.<br />

Puschner B, Booth MC, Tor ER, et al. (2004) Delphinium<br />

alkaloid toxicosis in cattle from Switzerl<strong>an</strong>d. In: Acamovic<br />

T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp.<br />

38-43.<br />

d e l p h i n i u M g l a u c u M S. Watson<br />

[R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d elphinium brownii Rydb.; d elphinium cucullatum A.<br />

Nelson<br />

Common Names:<br />

Brown’s-larkspur; Chinese-cap larkspur; gi<strong>an</strong>t larkspur;<br />

Hooker’s-larkspur; large larkspur; mountain<br />

larkspur; pale larkspur; tall larkspur; tall mountain<br />

larkspur; waxy larkspur; western larkspur<br />

Citations:<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Marsh H (1916) Larkspur poisoning<br />

of livestock. U S Dep Agric Bull #365:91 pp.<br />

Delphinium hybridum Steph<strong>an</strong> ex Willd. = Delphinium<br />

schmalhausenii Albov<br />

d e l p h i n i u M Me n z i e s i i DC. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

field larkspur; little larkspur; low larkspur; Menzies’larkspur;<br />

poison weed; purple larkspur; small larkspur;<br />

spring larkspur; western purple larkspur

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Dendrop<strong>an</strong>ax trifidus - 127<br />

Citations:<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Marsh H (1916) Larkspur poisoning<br />

of livestock. U S Dep Agric Bull #365:91 pp.<br />

Wilcox EV (1897) Larkspur poisoning of sheep. Mont<strong>an</strong>a<br />

Agric Exp Sta Bull #15:37-51.<br />

Wilcox EV (1898) Larkspur poisoning of sheep. U S Dep<br />

Agric Bur Anim Indus Annu Rep 15:473-479.<br />

Delphinium nelsonii Greene = Delphinium nuttalli<strong>an</strong>um<br />

Pritz.<br />

d e l p h i n i u M n u TTa l l i a n u M Pritz.<br />

[R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d elphinium nelsonii Greene<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue larkspur; dwarf larkspur; low larkspur; meadow<br />

larkspur; Nelson’s-larkspur; purple larkspur; slim larkspur;<br />

upl<strong>an</strong>d larkspur<br />

Citations:<br />

Glover GH (1906) Larkspur <strong>an</strong>d other poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Colorado Agric Exp Sta Bull #113:24 pp.<br />

Pfister JA, Gardner DR, Stegelmeier BL (2003) Catastrophic<br />

cattle loss to low larkspur (Delphinium nuttalli<strong>an</strong>um) in<br />

Idaho. Vet Hum Toxicol 45(3):137-139.<br />

d e l p h i n i u M ×o c c i d e n Ta l e (S. Watson) S.<br />

Watson [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

duncecap larkspur; poison weed; tall larkspur<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1934) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1934:38.<br />

Anonymous (1935) Investigation of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep<br />

1935:39-40.<br />

Anonymous (1936) Investigations of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep.<br />

1936:44-45.<br />

Anonymous (1937) Investigations of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep.<br />

1937:47-48.<br />

Olsen JD (1983) Relationship of relative total alkaloid concentration<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicity of duncecap larkspur during<br />

growth. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag 36(5):550-552.<br />

Shupe JL, Balls LD, James LF (1968) Ch<strong>an</strong>ges in blood<br />

serum tr<strong>an</strong>saminase associated with lupine <strong>an</strong>d larkspur<br />

poisoning in cattle. Cornell Vet 58(1):129-135.<br />

d e l p h i n i u M r ob u s Tu M Rydb.<br />

[R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

robust larkspur<br />

Citations:<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Marsh H (1916) Larkspur poisoning<br />

of livestock. U S Dep Agric Bull #365:91 pp.<br />

d e l p h i n i u M s c h Ma l h a u s e n i i Albov<br />

[R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d elphinium hybridum Steph<strong>an</strong> ex Willd.<br />

Common Names:<br />

delphinium; larkspur<br />

Citations:<br />

Milne JA (1966) A case of delphinium poisoning in rams. N<br />

Z Vet J 14(8):127.<br />

d e l p h i n i u M s c o p u l o r u M A. Gray<br />

[R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Rocky Mountain larkspur; tall larkspur; tall mountain<br />

larkspur<br />

Citations:<br />

Wilcox EV (1899) Cattle poisoning by the tall larkspur.<br />

Mont<strong>an</strong>a Agric Exp Sta Bull #22:45-47.<br />

d e l p h i n i u M Tr ic o r n e Michx.<br />

[R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

dwarf larkspur; low larkspur; staggerweed<br />

Citations:<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1924) The poison pl<strong>an</strong>t situation in Indi<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

III. <strong>Poisonous</strong> trees. J Am Vet Med Assoc 66:351-362.<br />

Delphinium virescens Nutt. = Delphinium carolini<strong>an</strong>um<br />

Walter subsp. virescens (Nutt.) R. E. Brooks<br />

d e n d r o c n i d e Mo r o i d e s (Wedd.) Chew<br />

[Urticaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l aportea moroides Wedd.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> nettle; Australische Brennessel; gi<strong>an</strong>t nettle;<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t stinging tree; gympie bush; gympie gympie;<br />

gympie nettle; gympie tree; Nessel<br />

Citations:<br />

Robertson PA, MacFarl<strong>an</strong>e WV (1957) Pain-producing subst<strong>an</strong>ces<br />

from the stinging bush Laportea moroides. Aust J<br />

Exp Biol Med Sci 35(4):381-394.<br />

d e n d r o p a n a x Tr i f i d u s (Thunb.) Makino<br />

[Araliaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Oka K, Saito F, Yasuhara T, et al. (1997) The major allergen<br />

of Dendrop<strong>an</strong>ax trifidus Makino. Contact Dermatitis<br />

36(5):252-255.<br />

Oka K, Saito F, Yasuhara T, et al. (1999) The allergens<br />

of Dendrop<strong>an</strong>ax trifidus Makino <strong>an</strong>d Fatsia japonica<br />

Decne. et Pl<strong>an</strong>ch. <strong>an</strong>d evaluation of cross-reactions with<br />

other pl<strong>an</strong>ts of the Araliaceae family. Contact Dermatitis<br />


128 - Derris trifoliata D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

deodar cedar –see– Cedrus deodora (Roxb. ex D. Don) G.<br />

Don<br />

derris –see– Paraderris elliptica (Wall.) Adema<br />

Derris elliptica (Wall.) Benth. = Paraderris elliptica (Wall.)<br />

Adema<br />

d e r r is Tr i f o l i a Ta Lour. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bagin; sila sila<br />

Citations:<br />

Chakraborty DP, N<strong>an</strong>dy AC, Philipose MT (1972) Barringtonia<br />

acut<strong>an</strong>gula (L.) Gaertn. as a fish poison. Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

J Exp Biol 10(1):78-80.<br />

d e s c u r a i n i a p i n n a Ta (Walter) Britton<br />

[Brassicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

t<strong>an</strong>sy mustard<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1981) T<strong>an</strong>sy mustard poisoning in a mare. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 23(3):163.<br />

Pfister JA, Lacey JR, Baker DC, et al. (1990) Is t<strong>an</strong>sy mustard<br />

causing photosensitization of cattle in Mont<strong>an</strong>a?<br />

R<strong>an</strong>gel<strong>an</strong>ds 12(3):170-172.<br />

Staley E (1976) A treatment for t<strong>an</strong>sy mustard poisoning.<br />

Bovine Pract 11:35.<br />

Staley E (1976) A treatment for t<strong>an</strong>sy mustard poisoning.<br />

Oklahoma Vet 28(2):74.<br />

d e s c u r a i n i a so p h i a (L.) Webb ex Pr<strong>an</strong>tl<br />

[Brassicaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s isymbrium sophia L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

brîcută; flixweed; tornel; voinicel<br />

Citations:<br />

Contiu I, Rîpe<strong>an</strong>u M (1971) Îmbolnăviri Ia <strong>an</strong>imale în urma<br />

consumului pl<strong>an</strong>tei Sisymbrium sofia L. Rev Zootehnie<br />

Med Vet 21(8):54-56.<br />

Pfister JA, Lacey JR, Baker DC, et al. (1990) Is t<strong>an</strong>sy mustard<br />

causing photosensitization of cattle in Mont<strong>an</strong>a?<br />

R<strong>an</strong>gel<strong>an</strong>ds 12(3):170-172.<br />

desert baileya –see– Baileya multiradiata Harv. & A. Gray<br />

ex Torr.<br />

desert crowfoot –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus cymbalaria Pursh<br />

desert heliotrope –see– Phacelia crenulata Torr. ex S. Watson<br />

desert larkspur –see– Delphinium <strong>an</strong>dersonii A. Gray<br />

desert marigold –see– Baileya multiradiata Harv. & A. Gray<br />

ex Torr.<br />

desert parsley –see– Cymopterus ibapensis M. E. Jones<br />

desert poisonbush –see– Gastrolobium gr<strong>an</strong>diflorum F. Muell.<br />

desert potato –see– Jatropha macrorhiza Benth.<br />

desert rice flower –see– Pimelea simplex F. Muell.<br />

desert tea –see– Ephedra viridis Coville<br />

desert tobacco –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a obtusifolia M. Martens &<br />

Galeotti<br />

desert velvet –see– Psathyrotes <strong>an</strong>nua (Nutt.) A. Gray<br />

d e s Ma n Th u s l e p Ta l ob u s Torr. & A. Gray<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

prairie bundleflower; prairie mimosa; slender<br />

bundleflower<br />

Citations:<br />

Harvey RB, Rowe LD, Reagor JC (1986) Suspected<br />

toxicity of Desm<strong>an</strong>thus leptalobus (prairie bundleflower,<br />

prairie mimosa) to horses. Southwestern Vet<br />

37(2):143-144.<br />

d e s Ma n Th u s v i r g a Tu s (L.) Willd. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Figueroa V, Sutherl<strong>an</strong>d TM (1972) “Muerte súbita” (sudden<br />

death) in cattle. 5. The role of toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Rev Cub<strong>an</strong>a<br />

Cienc Agric Eng Ed 6(1):53-59.<br />

Desmodium c<strong>an</strong>um Schinz & Thell = Desmodium inc<strong>an</strong>um<br />

DC.<br />

d e s Mo d i u M i n c a n u M DC. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d esmodium c<strong>an</strong>um Schinz & Thell; Meibomia c<strong>an</strong>a S.<br />

F. Blake<br />

Citations:<br />

Shenk JS (1976) The meadow vole as <strong>an</strong> experimental <strong>an</strong>imal.<br />

Lab Anim Sci 26(4):664-669.<br />

d e Ta r i u M s e n e g a l e n s e J. F. Gmel.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ditakh<br />

Citations:<br />

Berthelot PG, N’Diaye M, Diatta B, et al. (2000) Acute<br />

intoxication after ditakh fruit ingestion. Intensive Care<br />

Med 26(10):1587.<br />

Burgel QR, Camara P, Collet-Burgel C, et al. (1998)<br />

L’intoxication au ditakh: Une intoxication tropicale<br />

méconnue - 2 observations. Presse Med 27(30):1528.<br />

Imbert P, Teyssier J (1986) Intoxication aigue par ingestion<br />

de ditakh - A propos de 8 observations. Med Trop<br />

46(1):79-83.<br />

Deutsche Kamille –see– Matricaria recutita L.<br />

Deutsche Schwertlilie –see– Iris ×germ<strong>an</strong>ica L.<br />

Deutscher Rhabarber –see– Rheum ×hybridum Murray<br />

Deutsches Weidelgras –see– Lolium perenne L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Dichapetalum barteri - 129<br />

d e ve r r a Tr i r a d i a Ta Hochst. ex Boiss.<br />

[Apiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p itur<strong>an</strong>thos triradiatus (Hochst. ex Boiss.) Asch. &<br />

Schweinf<br />

Citations:<br />

Ashkenazy D, Friedm<strong>an</strong> J, Kashm<strong>an</strong> Y, et al. (1984) Photosensitization<br />

in ducklings induced by Pitur<strong>an</strong>thos triradiatus.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 26(2):118-120.<br />

Nyska A, Bar Ishak YR, Ashkenazy D, et al. (1984) Retinal<br />

atrophy in albino rats associated with Pitur<strong>an</strong>thos triradiatus<br />

(Umbelliferae)-induced photosensitization. Vet<br />

Pathol 21(5):551-552.<br />

devil’s-apple –see– Datura stramonium L.; M<strong>an</strong>dragora<br />

officinarum L.; Podophyllum peltatum L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

aculeatissimum Jacq.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um <strong>an</strong>guivi Lam.<br />

devil’s-backbone –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe daigremonti<strong>an</strong>a Raym.-<br />

Hamet & H. Perrier; Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus tithymaloides (L.) Poit.<br />

devil’s-bit –see– Chamaelirium luteum (L.) A. Gray<br />

devil’s-bite –see– Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

devil’s-dung –see– Ferula assa-foetida L.<br />

devil’s-ear –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott<br />

devil’s-eye –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

devil’s-fig –see– Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um torvum Sw.<br />

devil’s-herb –see– M<strong>an</strong>dragora officinarum L.<br />

devil’s-ivy –see– Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl.<br />

devil’s-lily –see– Lilium l<strong>an</strong>cifolium Thunb.<br />

devil’s-thorn –see– Tribulus terrestris L.<br />

devil’s-tongue –see– Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch<br />

devil’s-trumpet –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia suaveolens (Humb. &<br />

Bonpl. ex Willd.) Bercht. & J. Presl; Datura metel L.;<br />

Datura stramonium L.<br />

devil’s-turnip –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

devil’s-weed –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

dewdrops –see– Dur<strong>an</strong>ta erecta L.<br />

dewtry –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

dhal arkar –see– Caj<strong>an</strong>us caj<strong>an</strong> (L.) Millsp.<br />

dharati dhak –see– Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

dhatura –see– Datura inoxia Mill.; Datura stramonium L.<br />

dhobi nut –see– Semecarpus <strong>an</strong>acardium L. f.<br />

dhrek –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

dhurra wheat –see– Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

dhursulo –see– Colebrookea oppositifolia Sm.<br />

Dialiopsis afric<strong>an</strong>a Radlk. = Z<strong>an</strong>ha afric<strong>an</strong>a (Radlk.) Exell<br />

d i a n Th u s c a r y o p h y l l u s L.<br />

[Caryophyllaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

carnation<br />

Citations:<br />

Sánchez-Fernández C, González-Gutiérrez ML, Esteb<strong>an</strong>-<br />

López MI, et al. (2004) Occupational asthma caused<br />

by carnation (Di<strong>an</strong>thus caryophyllus) with simult<strong>an</strong>eous<br />

IgE-mediated sensitization to Tetr<strong>an</strong>ychus urticae.<br />

Allergy 59(1):114-115.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Grutten M (1980) Carnation dermatitis in a flower<br />

seller. Contact Dermatitis 6(4):289.<br />

Vidal C, Polo F (1998) Occupational allergy caused by Di<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

caryophillus, Gypsophila p<strong>an</strong>iculata, <strong>an</strong>d Lilium<br />

longiflorum. Allergy 53(10):995-998.<br />

d ic e n Tr a c a n a d e n s is (Goldie) Walp.<br />

[Fumariaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b icuculla c<strong>an</strong>adensis (Goldie) Millsp.; b ikukulla<br />

c<strong>an</strong>adensis (Walp.) Druce<br />

Common Names:<br />

colicweed; Dutchm<strong>an</strong>’s-breeches; little blue stagger;<br />

staggerweed; trembling stagger; turkey corn; turkey<br />

pea<br />

Citations:<br />

Black OF, Eggleston WW, Kelly JW, et al. (1923) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

properties of Bikukulla cucullaria (Dutchm<strong>an</strong>’s<br />

breeches) <strong>an</strong>d B. c<strong>an</strong>adensis (squirrel corn). J Agric Res<br />

23(2):69-78.<br />

d ic e n Tr a c u c u l l a r i a (L.) Bernh.<br />

[Fumariaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b icuculla cucullaria (L.) Millsp.; b ikukulla cucullaria<br />

Millsp.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bleeding heart; breeches flower; butterfly b<strong>an</strong>ners; ear<br />

drops; kitten breeches; little staggerweed; pearl harlequin;<br />

soldier’s-cap; squirrel corn; staggerweed; white<br />

hearts; wild bleeding heart<br />

Citations:<br />

Black OF, Eggleston WW, Kelly JW, et al. (1923) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

properties of Bikukulla cucullaria (Dutchm<strong>an</strong>’s<br />

breeches) <strong>an</strong>d B. c<strong>an</strong>adensis (squirrel corn). J Agric Res<br />

23(2):69-78.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1924) Dutchm<strong>an</strong>’s breeches. A recent addition<br />

to the poison pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Better Crops 2(4):26-27, 41.<br />

Dicentra spectabilis (L.) Lem. = Lamprocapnos spectabilis<br />

(L.) Fukuhara<br />

d ic h a p e Ta l u M b a r Te r i Engl.<br />

[Dichapetalaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

akwuosa; goat killer<br />

Citations:<br />

Adaudi AO (1975) Dichapetalum barteri poisoning in goats.<br />

Trop Anim Health Prod 7(1):56-57.

130 - Dichapetalum cymosum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Nwude N, Parsons LE, Adaudi AO (1977) Acute toxicity of<br />

the leaves <strong>an</strong>d extracts of Dichapetalum barteri (Engl.) in<br />

mice, rabbits <strong>an</strong>d goats. Toxicology 7(1):23-29.<br />

d ic h a p e Ta l u M c y Mo s u M (Hook.) Engl.<br />

[Dichapetalaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d ichapetalum venenatum Engl. & Gilg<br />

Common Names:<br />

blaargif; blinkblaar; chailletia; gifblaar; giftblaar; giftblad;<br />

makaon; makoeu; poison leaf<br />

Citations:<br />

Basson PA (1988) Acute <strong>an</strong>d chronic cardiomyopathies<br />

caused by monofluoroacetic acid in giftblaar (Dichapetalum<br />

cymosum) <strong>an</strong>d cardiac glycosides in sl<strong>an</strong>gkop<br />

(Urginea s<strong>an</strong>guinea). J S Afr Vet Assoc 59(2):100.<br />

Dunphy JT (1906) Report of experiments carried out to<br />

observe effects of certain poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts on sheep <strong>an</strong>d<br />

goats. Tr<strong>an</strong>svaal Agric J 4(14):315-323.<br />

Egyed MN (1986) The therapy of experimental poisoning in<br />

sheep caused by a pl<strong>an</strong>t containing monofluoroacetic acid,<br />

Dichapetalum cymosum. Isr J Vet Med 42(1):54.<br />

Egyed MN, Schultz RA (1986) The efficacy of acetamide for<br />

the treatment of experimental Dichapetalum cymosum<br />

(gifblaar) poisoning in sheep. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

53(4):231-234.<br />

Schultz RA, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, V<strong>an</strong> den Berg H (2005) The<br />

role of fluorescence polarization immuno-assay in the<br />

diagnosis of pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced cardiac glycoside poisoning<br />

livestock in South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

72(3):189-201.<br />

Steyn DG (1934) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisoning in stock <strong>an</strong>d the development<br />

of toler<strong>an</strong>ce. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

3(1):119-123.<br />

Steyn DG (1934) Recent investigations into the toxicity<br />

of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union<br />

of South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

3(1):125-130.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1946) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XV. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 21(1):45-55.<br />

d ic h a p e Ta l u M Mic h e ls o n i i Haum<strong>an</strong><br />

[Dichapetalaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

umutambasha<br />

Citations:<br />

Thienpont D, V<strong>an</strong>dervelden M (1961) Dichapetalum<br />

michelsonii Haum<strong>an</strong>. Novelle pl<strong>an</strong>te toxique pour bétail<br />

du Ru<strong>an</strong>da-Burundi. Rev Elev Med Vet Pays Trop<br />

14(2):209-211.<br />

d ic h a p e Ta l u M Mo s s a Mb ic e n s e (Klotzsch)<br />

Engl. [Dichapetalaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Msami HM (1999) An outbreak of suspected poisoning<br />

of cattle by Dichapetalum sp. in T<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>ia. Trop Anim<br />

Health Prod 31(1):1-7.<br />

d ic h a p e Ta l u M r u h l a n d i i Engl.<br />

[Dichapetalaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Kamau JA, Gachuhi DM, Gyrd-H<strong>an</strong>sen N, et al. (1978) A<br />

study of the toxicity of Dichapetalum ruhl<strong>an</strong>dii (Ludi).<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J 55(8):626-630.<br />

d ic h a p e Ta l u M s Tu h l Ma n i i Engl.<br />

[Dichapetalaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

karati<br />

Citations:<br />

Msami HM (1999) An outbreak of suspected poisoning<br />

of cattle by Dichapetalum sp. in T<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>ia. Trop Anim<br />

Health Prod 31(1):1-7.<br />

d ic h a p e Ta l u M To x ic a r i u M (G. Don) Baill.<br />

[Dichapetalaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

rat’s-b<strong>an</strong>e<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Dijk C, Vickery B, Vickery ML (1974) The toxicity of<br />

Dichapetalum toxicarium for Ndama cattle. Trop Anim<br />

Health Prod 6(2):117-118.<br />

Dichapetalum venenatum Engl. & Gilg = Dichapetalum<br />

cymosum (Hook.) Engl.<br />

d ic h r o c e p h a l a c h r y s a n Th e Mi f o l i a<br />

(Blume) DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Mugera GM (1970) Toxic <strong>an</strong>d medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of East<br />

Africa. II. Bull Epizootic Dis Afr 18(4):389-403.<br />

Dichternarzisse –see– Narcissus poeticus L.<br />

d ic Ta Mn u s a l b u s L. [Rutaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

burning bush; Diptam; dittamo; ditt<strong>an</strong>y; fraxinella; gas<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t; lemon-scented gas pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Cummer CL, Dexter R (1937) Dermatitis caused by Dictamnus<br />

albus (gas pl<strong>an</strong>t). JAMA 109(7):495-497.<br />

Engel S, Horn K (1972) Phytodermatosen durch Dictamnus<br />

alba, S<strong>an</strong>icula europaea und Phyllodendron cons<strong>an</strong>guineum.<br />

Dermatol Monatsschr 158(1):22-27.<br />

Henderson JA, Des Groseilliers JP (1984) Gas pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

(Dictamnus albus) phytophotodermatitis simulating poison<br />

ivy. C<strong>an</strong> Med Assoc J 130(7):889-891.<br />

Knüchel M, Luderschmidt C (1986) Bullöse phototoxische<br />

Kontaktdermatitis durch Dictamnus albus. der Bibel? Dtsch Med Wochenschr<br />

111(38):1445-1447.<br />

Marchi AG, Trevis<strong>an</strong> G, Kokelj F, et al. (1982) Fitofotodermatite<br />

da dittamo - Segnalazione di 49 casi. Minerva<br />

Pediatr 34(17):691-694.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Dieffenbachia seguine - 131<br />

Moller H (1978) Phototoxicity of Dictamnus alba. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 4(5):264-269.<br />

Suhonen R (1977) Phytophotodermatitis: An experimental<br />

study using the chamber method. Contact Dermatitis<br />

3(3):127-132.<br />

d ic Ta Mn u s d a s y c a r p u s Turcz. [Rutaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Stekhun FI, Kyrnakov BA (1962) [Dermatitis caused<br />

by Dictamnus dasycarpus.] Vestn Dermatol Venerol<br />

36(1):67-70.<br />

dictamo –see– Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus tithymaloides (L.) Poit.<br />

Didiscus glaucifolius F. Muell. = Trachymene glaucifolia (F.<br />

Muell.) Benth.<br />

dieffenbachia –see– Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott<br />

Dieffenbachia amoena hort. = Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.)<br />

Schott<br />

d i e f f e n b a c h i a b a u s e i Regel [Araceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

dumb c<strong>an</strong>e<br />

Citations:<br />

Der Marderosi<strong>an</strong> AH, Giller FB, Roia FC Jr (1976) Phytochemical<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicological screening of household<br />

ornamental pl<strong>an</strong>ts potentially toxic to hum<strong>an</strong>s. I. J Toxicol<br />

Environ Health 1(6):939-953.<br />

Dieffenbachia exotica hort. = Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.)<br />

Schott<br />

Dieffenbachia maculata (G. Lodd.) G. Don = Dieffenbachia<br />

seguine (Jacq.) Schott<br />

Dieffenbachia picta Schott = Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.)<br />

Schott<br />

d i e f f e n b a c h i a p i TTi e r i i Engl. & K. Krause<br />

[Araceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Cumpston KL, Vogel SN, Leikin JB, et al. (2003) Acute airway<br />

compromise after brief exposure to a Dieffenbachia<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t. J Emerg Med 25(4):391-397.<br />

d i e f f e n b a c h i a s e g u i n e (Jacq.) Schott<br />

[Araceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c aladium seguinum (Jacq.) Vent.; d ieffenbachia<br />

amoena hort.; d ieffenbachia exotica hort.; d ieffenbachia<br />

maculata (G. Lodd.) G. Don; d ieffenbachia picta<br />

Schott<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> arum; <strong>an</strong>inga para; arum; arum-of-the-<br />

Antilles; caña muda; comida-de-culebra; comigoninguém-pode;<br />

dieffenbachia; dumb c<strong>an</strong>e; leopard lily;<br />

lluvia-del-plata; mother-in-law-pl<strong>an</strong>t; mother-in-law’s-<br />

tongue; oto-de-lagarto; poison arum; prickblad; Schierling<br />

Caladium; Schweigrohr; spotted dumbc<strong>an</strong>e<br />

Citations:<br />

Arai M, Stauber E, Shropshire CM (1992) Evaluation of<br />

selected pl<strong>an</strong>ts for their toxic effects on c<strong>an</strong>aries. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 200(9):1329-1331.<br />

Bogd<strong>an</strong>owski T, Rubisz-Brzezińska J (1984) Dieffenbachia<br />

picta - Zmi<strong>an</strong>y toksyczno - alergiczne na błonie śluzowej<br />

jamy ustnej i języka. Przegl Dermatol 71(1):61-63.<br />

Corazza M, Rom<strong>an</strong>i I, Poli F, et al. (1998) Irrit<strong>an</strong>t contact<br />

dermatitis due to Dieffenbachia spp. J Eur Acad Dermatol<br />

Venereol 10(1):87-89.<br />

Costa de Pasquale R, Ragusa S, Circosta C, et al. (1984)<br />

Investigations on Dieffenbachia amoena Gentil. I. Endocrine<br />

effects <strong>an</strong>d contraceptive activity. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

12(3):293-303.<br />

Der Marderosi<strong>an</strong> AH, Giller FB, Roia FC Jr (1976) Phytochemical<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicological screening of household<br />

ornamental pl<strong>an</strong>ts potentially toxic to hum<strong>an</strong>s. I. J Toxicol<br />

Environ Health 1(6):939-953.<br />

Drach G, Maloney WH (1963) Toxicity of the common<br />

housepl<strong>an</strong>t Dieffenbachia. Report of a case. JAMA<br />

184(13):1047-1048.<br />

Ellis W, Barfort P, Mastm<strong>an</strong> GJ (1973) Keratoconjunctivitis<br />

with corneal crystals caused by the Dieffenbachia pl<strong>an</strong>t.<br />

Am J Ophthalmol 76(1):143-147.<br />

Faivre M, Barral C (1974) Un cas d’intoxication par Dieffenbachia<br />

picta. Nouv Presse Med 3(20):1313-1314.<br />

Flecker H (1945) Injuries produced by pl<strong>an</strong>ts in tropical<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. Med J Aust 1(Jun 23):636-637.<br />

Fochtm<strong>an</strong> FW, M<strong>an</strong>no JE, Winek CL, et al. (1969) Toxicity<br />

of the genus Dieffenbachia. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol<br />

15(1):38-45.<br />

Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD, Aronis JM (1996) A review<br />

of 96,659 Dieffenbachia <strong>an</strong>d Philodendron exposures. J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 34:601.<br />

Kuballa B, Lugnier AA, Anton R (1981) Study of Dieffenbachia-induced<br />

edema in mouse <strong>an</strong>d rat hindpaw: Respective<br />

role of oxalate needles <strong>an</strong>d trypsin-like protease.<br />

Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 58(3):444-451.<br />

Ladeira AM, Andrade SO, Sawaya P (1975) Studies on<br />

Dieffenbachia picta Schott: Toxic effects in guinea pigs.<br />

Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 34(3):363-373.<br />

Lim KH (1977) External eye allergy from sap of Dieffenbachia<br />

picta. Singapore Med J 18(3):176-177.<br />

Loretti AP, Ilha MR (2003) Accidental fatal poisoning of a<br />

dog by Dieffenbachia picta (dumb c<strong>an</strong>e). Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

45(5):233-239.<br />

Louhija A, Luom<strong>an</strong>mäki K (1968) Kirjovehk<strong>an</strong> aiheuttama<br />

myrkytys. Duodecim 84(3):219-220.<br />

Madaus G, Koch FE (1941) Tierexperimentelle Studien zur<br />

Frage der medikamentösen Sterilisierung (durch Caladium<br />

seguinum [Dieffenbachia seguina]). Z Gesamte<br />

Exp Med 109:68-87.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>no JE, Fochtm<strong>an</strong> FW, Winek CL, et al. (1967) Toxicity<br />

of pl<strong>an</strong>ts of the genus Dieffenbachia. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol<br />

10:405-406.<br />

Martin H, Martin C (1977) Accident caustique buccopharyngé<br />

provoqué par le Dieffenbachia picta. J Fr<br />

Otorhinolaryngol 26(9):715-719.<br />

Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD (2001) Toxidromes<br />

associated with the most common pl<strong>an</strong>t ingestions. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(6):366-369.

132 - Digitalis l<strong>an</strong>ata D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Napier A (1912) Irrit<strong>an</strong>t poisoning from chewing the shoots<br />

<strong>an</strong>d leaves of Dieffenbachia seguina. L<strong>an</strong>cet 182(Apr<br />

20):1058.<br />

Neves L, Carneiro CM, Pereira NA (1988) Estudo do<br />

mec<strong>an</strong>ismo tóxico em Dieffenbachia picta. Acta Amazonica<br />

18(1-2 Suppl):171-174.<br />

Occhioni P, Rizzini CT (1958) Ação tóxica de duas sp. de<br />

Dieffenbachia. Rev Bras Med 15(J<strong>an</strong>):10-16.<br />

Pedaci L, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD, et al (1999 Dieffenbachia<br />

species exposure: An evidence-<strong>based</strong> assessment<br />

of symptom presentation. Vet Hum Toxicol 41:335-338.<br />

Riede B (1971) Augenverletzung mit dem Saft der<br />

Pfl<strong>an</strong>ze “Dieffenbachia seguine.” Dtsch Gesundheitsw<br />

26(2):73-76.<br />

Rizzini CT, Occhioni P (1957) Ação tóxica das Dieffenbachia<br />

picta e D. seguine. Rodriguesia 32:5-19.<br />

Wiese M, Kruszewska S, Kolacinski Z (1996) Acute poisoning<br />

with Dieffenbachia picta. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

38(5):356-358.<br />

diente-de-ajo –see– Allium sativum L.<br />

Digitale pourprée –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

digitalis –see– Digitalis l<strong>an</strong>ata Ehrh.; Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

d ig i Ta l is l a n a Ta Ehrh. [Pl<strong>an</strong>taginaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

digitalis; Fingerhut; foxglove; Greci<strong>an</strong> foxglove; white<br />

foxglove; Wollfingerhut; yellow foxglove<br />

Citations:<br />

Barnikol H, Hofm<strong>an</strong>n W (1973) Digitalisvergiftung beim<br />

Schwein. Tierarztl Umsch 28(12):612-614, 616.<br />

Lo Vecchio F, Seby MV, Johnson D (1998) Digitalis poisoning<br />

following the ingestion of <strong>an</strong> herbal dietary supplement.<br />

J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 36(5):457.<br />

Slifm<strong>an</strong> NR, Obermeyer WR, Musser SM, et al. (1998)<br />

Contamination of bot<strong>an</strong>ical supplements by Digitalis<br />

l<strong>an</strong>ata. N Engl J Med 339(12):806-811.<br />

d ig i Ta l is p u r p u r e a L. [Pl<strong>an</strong>taginaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bloody finger; dead-m<strong>an</strong>’s-bell; dedalera; digitale pourprée;<br />

digitalis; fairy bells; fairy caps; fairy fingers; fairy<br />

gloves; fairy thimbles; finger flower; Fingerhut; flap<br />

dock; folk’s-glove; foxes glofa; foxglove; lady’s-thimble;<br />

lion’s-mouth; lusmore; pop dock; purple digitalis;<br />

purple foxglove; revebjelle; Roter Fingerhut; thimbles;<br />

throatwort; Waldschelle<br />

Citations:<br />

Arai M, Stauber E, Shropshire CM (1992) Evaluation of<br />

selected pl<strong>an</strong>ts for their toxic effects on c<strong>an</strong>aries. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 200(9):1329-1331.<br />

Bain RJ (1985) Accidental digitalis poisoning due to drinking<br />

herbal tea. Br Med J 290(6482):1624.<br />

Brauner GJ, Greene MH (1972) Digitalis allergy: Digoxininduced<br />

vasculitis. Cutis 10(Oct):441-445.<br />

Brustbauer R, Wenisch C (1997) Bradykardes Vorhofflimmern<br />

nach Genuß von Kräutertee. Dtsch Med Wochenschr<br />

122(3):930-932.<br />

Carmichael MA (1987) Suspected foxglove poisoning. Vet<br />

Rec 120(15):375.<br />

Corrigall W, Moody RR, Forbes JC (1978) Foxglove (Digitalis<br />

purpurea) poisoning in farmed red deer (Cervus elaphus).<br />

Vet Rec 102(6):119-122.<br />

Der Marderosi<strong>an</strong> AH, Giller FB, Roia FC Jr (1976) Phytochemical<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicological screening of household<br />

ornamental pl<strong>an</strong>ts potentially toxic to hum<strong>an</strong>s. I. J Toxicol<br />

Environ Health 1(6):939-953.<br />

Dickstein ES, Kunkel FW (1980) Foxglove tea poisoning.<br />

Am J Med 69(1):167-169.<br />

Jowett NI (2002) Foxglove poisoning. Hosp Med<br />

63(12):758-759.<br />

Lacassie E, Marquet P, Martin-Dupont S, et al. (2000) A<br />

non-fatal case of intoxication with foxglove, documented<br />

by me<strong>an</strong>s of liquid chromatography-electrospray-mass<br />

spectrometry. J Forensic Sci 45(5):1154-1158.<br />

MacLe<strong>an</strong> A (1966) Suspected foxglove poisoning in sheep.<br />

Vet Rec 79(25):817-818.<br />

Newm<strong>an</strong> LS, Feinberg MW, LeWine HE (2004) A bitter<br />

tale. N Engl J Med 351(6):594-599.<br />

Omvik P (1981) Revebjelleforgiftning. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen<br />

101(15):949-950.<br />

Parker WH (1951) Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) poisoning<br />

in turkeys. Vet Rec 63(24):416.<br />

Porter R, Schultz D, Robertson WO (1999) Alternative<br />

medicine toxicology: Digitalis poisoning. J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 37(5):617.<br />

Simpkiss M, Holt D (1983) Digitalis poisoning due to the<br />

accidental ingestion of foxglove leaves. Ther Drug Monit<br />

5(2):217.<br />

Stillm<strong>an</strong> AE, Huxtable RJ, Fox DW, et al. (1977) Poisoning<br />

associated with herbal teas - Arizona, Washington.<br />

MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 26(32):257-259.<br />

Thierry S, Blot F, Lachérade JC, et al. (2000) Poisoning with<br />

foxglove extract: Favorable evolution without Fab fragments.<br />

Intensive Care Med 26(10):1586.<br />

Thomas DL, Quick MP, Morg<strong>an</strong> RP (1987) Suspected foxglove<br />

(Digitalis purpurea) poisoning in a dairy cow. Vet<br />

Rec 120(13):300-301.<br />

Zimowski A (1973) Zatrucie nutrii naparstnicq purpurowq<br />

(Digitalis purpurea). Med Weter 29(4):226.<br />

d ig i Ta r i a s a n g u i n a l is (L.) Scop. [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s yntherisma s<strong>an</strong>guinalis (L.) Dulac<br />

Common Names:<br />

crabgrass; summergrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Pickens EM, Welch HF, Shivers CC (1920) A disease of<br />

cattle due to crab grass (Digitaria s<strong>an</strong>guinalis). Cornell<br />

Vet 10(1):8-16.<br />

Diholcos bisulcatus (Hook.) Rydb. = Astragalus bisulcatus<br />

(Hook.) A. Gray<br />

Diholcos micr<strong>an</strong>thus Rydb. = Astragalus bisulcatus (Hook.)<br />

A. Gray<br />

dikkopbos –see– Hertia pallens (DC.) Kuntze<br />

dill –see– Anethum graveolens L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Dioscorea convolvulacea - 133<br />

d i Mo r p h a n d r a g a r d e r i a n a Tul.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

fava d’<strong>an</strong>ta<br />

Citations:<br />

Döbereiner J, Tokarnia CH (1985) Giftpfl<strong>an</strong>zenbedingte<br />

Nierenschädigungen bei Rindern in Brasilien. Dtsch<br />

Tierarztl Wochenschr 92(10):411-415.<br />

Döbereiner J, Tokarnia CH, Gava A, et al. (1985) Intoxicação<br />

experimental em bovinos pela fava de Dimorph<strong>an</strong>dra<br />

gardneri<strong>an</strong>a (Leg. Caesalpinoideae). Pesq Vet Bras<br />

5(2):47-51.<br />

d i Mo r p h a n d r a Mol l is Benth. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

faveira<br />

Citations:<br />

Döbereiner J, Tokarnia CH (1985) Giftpfl<strong>an</strong>zenbedingte<br />

Nierenschädigungen bei Rindern in Brasilien. Dtsch<br />

Tierarztl Wochenschr 92(10):411-415.<br />

Menezes Filho JA (1985) Intoxicação experimental pela fava<br />

de Dimorph<strong>an</strong>dra mollis Benth. (Leg. Caesalpinoideae)<br />

em bovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 5(3):93-96.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>tos FC (1979) Intoxicação experimental em bovinos pela<br />

“Faveira”- Dimorph<strong>an</strong>dra mollis Benth. Arq Esc Vet<br />

Univ Fed Minas Gerais 31:476-477.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>tos FC, Couto ES, S<strong>an</strong>tos HL (1974) Intoxicação<br />

experimental em bovinos pela “Faveira”- Dimorph<strong>an</strong>dra<br />

mollis Benth. Arq Esc Vet Univ Fed Minas Gerais<br />

26(3):319-329.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J (1967) Intoxicação experimental<br />

pela fava da “Faveira” (Dimorph<strong>an</strong>dra mollis Benth.) em<br />

bovinos. Pesq Agric Bras 2:367-373.<br />

d i Mo r p h o Th e c a c u n e a Ta (Thunb.) Less.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Marais JS, Rimington C (1934) Isolation of the poisonous<br />

principle of Dimorphotheca cuneata Less. Onderstepoort<br />

J Vet Sci Anim Indus 3(1):111-117.<br />

d io c l e a e r e c Ta Hoehne [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

camaray; mucun<strong>an</strong>; tatu; tehetu; toti<br />

Citations:<br />

Pinto NR, Baruzzi RG (1991) Male pubertal seclusion <strong>an</strong>d<br />

risk of death in Indi<strong>an</strong>s from Alto Xingu, central Brazil.<br />

Hum Biol 63(6):821-834.<br />

d io c l e a g r a n d i f l o r a Mart. ex Benth.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, More LJ, McKenzie NH, et al. (1995) Nutritional<br />

<strong>an</strong>d haemagglutination properties of several tropical<br />

seeds. J Agric Sci 124:437-445.<br />

d io c l e a l a Ti f o l i a Benth. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

camaray; mucun<strong>an</strong>; tatu; tehetu; toti<br />

Citations:<br />

Pinto NR, Baruzzi RG (1991) Male pubertal seclusion <strong>an</strong>d<br />

risk of death in Indi<strong>an</strong>s from Alto Xingu, central Brazil.<br />

Hum Biol 63(6):821-834.<br />

d io c l e a s c l e r o c a r p a Ducke [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, More LJ, McKenzie NH, et al. (1995) Nutritional<br />

<strong>an</strong>d haemagglutination properties of several tropical<br />

seeds. J Agric Sci 124:437-445.<br />

d io s c o r e a a l a Ta L. [Dioscoreaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

renta yam; white yam; wing-stalk yam<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1992) Toxic hypoglycemic syndrome:<br />

Jamaica, 1989-1991. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep<br />

41(4):53-55.<br />

Lawrence AW (1977) Cases of poisoning presenting in the<br />

Casualty Department of the Cornwall Regional Hospital,<br />

Jamaica. West Indi<strong>an</strong> Med J 26(4):211-215.<br />

Dioscorea batatas Decne. = Dioscorea polystachya Turcz.<br />

d io s c o r e a c o MMu n is (L.) Caddick & Wilkin<br />

[Dioscoreaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Tamus communis L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

black bryony; black-eye root; Isle-of-Wight-vine; lady’sseal;<br />

m<strong>an</strong>drake; murrainberry; nueza negra; oxberry;<br />

Schmerwurz; Schwarze Zaunrübe; tamier<br />

Citations:<br />

Schmidt RJ, Moult SP (1983) The dermatitic properties of<br />

black bryony (Tamus communis L.). Contact Dermatitis<br />

9(5):390-396.<br />

d io s c o r e a c o n vo l v u l a c e a Schltdl. &<br />

Cham. [Dioscoreaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d ioscorea hirsuta M. Martens & Galeotti<br />

Common Names:<br />

gadong; tuber yam<br />

Citations:<br />

Pruis GW (1941) Gadoenvergiftiging? Genesk Tijdschr<br />

Nederl Indie 81(16):864-873.<br />

Dioscorea hirsuta M. Martens & Galeotti = Dioscorea<br />

convolvulacea Schltdl. & Cham.

134 - Dioscorea polystachya D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

d io s c o r e a p o l y s Ta c h y a Turcz.<br />

[Dioscoreaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d ioscorea batatas Decne.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Chinese yam; cinnamon vine<br />

Citations:<br />

Kubo Y, Nonaka S, Yoshida H (1988) Allergic contact dermatitis<br />

from Dioscorea batatas Decaisne. Contact Dermatitis<br />

18(5):111-112.<br />

d io s c o r e a q u a r Ti n i a n a A. Rich.<br />

[Dioscoreaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG (1965) An investigation into cases of suspected<br />

poisoning in Afric<strong>an</strong>s in northern Rhodesia. S Afr Med<br />

J 39(16):344-350.<br />

d io s c o r e a s i Mu l a n s Prain & Burkill<br />

[Dioscoreaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Zh<strong>an</strong>g YG, Hu<strong>an</strong>g GZ (1988) Poisoning by toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

China. Report of 19 autopsy cases. Am J Forensic Med<br />

Pathol 9(4):313-319.<br />

d io s p y r o s k a k i Thunb. [Ebenaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Chinese persimmon; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese date plum; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese persimmon;<br />

kaki; persimmon<br />

Citations:<br />

Benharroch D, Krugliak P, Porath A, et al. (1993) Pathogenetic<br />

aspects of persimmon bezoars, A case-control retrospective<br />

study. J Clin Gastroenterol 17(2):149-152.<br />

Chisholm EM, Leong HT, Chung SC, et al. (1992) Phytobezoar:<br />

An uncommon cause of small bowel obstruction.<br />

Ann R Coll Surg Engl 74:342-344.<br />

Choi SO, K<strong>an</strong>g JS (1988) Gastrointestinal phytobezoars in<br />

childhood. J Pediatr Surg 23(4):338-341.<br />

Chont LK (1942) Phytobezoar <strong>an</strong>d its formation in vitro.<br />

Radiology 38(J<strong>an</strong>):14-21.<br />

Krausz MM, Moriel EZ, Ayalon A, et al. (1986) Surgical<br />

aspects of gastrointestinal persimmon phytobezoar treatment.<br />

Am J Surg 152(5):526-530.<br />

Morey DA, Me<strong>an</strong>s RL, Hirsley EL (1955) Diospyrobezoar in<br />

the postgastrectomy stomach. Arch Surg 71(6):946-948.<br />

Moriel EZ, Ayalon A, Eid A, et al. (1983) An unusually high<br />

incidence of gastrointestinal obstruction by persimmon<br />

bezoars in Israeli patients after ulcer surgery. Gastroenterology<br />

84:752-755.<br />

Pr<strong>an</strong>dini M, Marchesi S (1999) Anaphylaxis to persimmon.<br />

Allergy 54(8):897.<br />

Verst<strong>an</strong>dig AG, Klin B, Bloom RA, et al. (1989) Small bowel<br />

phytobezoars: Detection with radiography. Radiology<br />

172:705-707.<br />

d io s p y r o s l y c io i d e s Desf. [Ebenaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r oyena decidua Burch.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bloubos<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ (1944) Recent investigations into the toxicity<br />

of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. in the Union of South Africa. Onderstepoort<br />

J Vet Sci Anim Indus 20(1):75-83.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1946) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XV. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 21(1):45-55.<br />

Diospyros macassar A. Chev. = Diospyros Rumphii Bakh.<br />

d io s p y r o s r u Mp h i i Bakh. [Ebenaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d iospyros macassar A. Chev.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Macasszar; Makassarholz<br />

Citations:<br />

Buschke A, Joseph A (1927) Ueber Hautentzündung, hervorgerufen<br />

durch Makassarholz, mit Berücksichtigung<br />

gewerbehygienischer Fragen. Dtsch Med Wochenschr<br />

23(Sep 23):1641-1642.<br />

d io s p y r o s Te x a n a Scheele [Ebenaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

black persimmon; Mexic<strong>an</strong> persimmon; Texas<br />

persimmon<br />

Citations:<br />

Chont LK (1942) Phytobezoar <strong>an</strong>d its formation in vitro.<br />

Radiology 38(J<strong>an</strong>):14-21.<br />

d io s p y r o s v i r g i n i a n a L. [Ebenaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

eastern persimmon; persimmon; possum wood; wild<br />

persimmon<br />

Citations:<br />

Chont LK (1942) Phytobezoar <strong>an</strong>d its formation in vitro.<br />

Radiology 38(J<strong>an</strong>):14-21.<br />

Cummings CA, Copedge KJ, Confer AW (1997) Equine<br />

gastric impaction, ulceration, <strong>an</strong>d perforation due to persimmon<br />

(Diospyros virgini<strong>an</strong>a) ingestion. J Vet Diagn<br />

Invest 9:311-313.<br />

Honnas CM, Schumacher J (1985) Primary gastric impaction<br />

in a pony. J Am Vet Med Assoc 187:501-502.<br />

Kellam LL, Johnson PJ, Kramer J, et al. (2000) Gastric<br />

impaction <strong>an</strong>d obstruction of the small intestine associated<br />

with persimmon phytobezoar in a horse. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 216:1279-1281.<br />

Morg<strong>an</strong> SE, Bellamy J (1994) Persimmon colic in a mare.<br />

Equine Pract 16:8-10.<br />

Wilson, RB, Scruggs DW (1992) Duodenal obstruction<br />

associated with persimmon fruit ingestion by two horses.<br />

Equine Vet Sci 12:26-27.<br />

Dipcadi glaucum (Burch. ex Ker Gawl.) Baker =<br />

Ornithogalum magnum (Baker) J. C. M<strong>an</strong>ning &<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Dittrichia viscosa - 135<br />

d i pl a r r h e n a Mo r a e a Labill. [Iridaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

butterfly flag; native lily; white lily<br />

Citations:<br />

Seddon HR, Carne HR (1926) Diplarrhena moraea, Labill.<br />

A pl<strong>an</strong>t harmful to stock. New South Wales Dep Agric<br />

Sci Bull #26:44-45.<br />

d i pl a z i u M e s c u l e n Tu M (Retz.) Sw.<br />

[Dryopteridaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Devi S, Yasmeem, Singh J, et al. (1989) Patch testing <strong>an</strong>imals<br />

to allergenic fern spores. J Toxicol Cut<strong>an</strong>eous Ocul Toxicol<br />

8(2):167-172.<br />

Prasad B (1977) Role of fern Diplazium esculentum in<br />

chronic bovine haematuria. P<strong>an</strong>tnagar J Res 2:265.<br />

Prasad B, Joshi HC, Choudhuri PC (1977) Role of fern Diplazium<br />

esculentum in chronic bovine haematuria. I. Some<br />

clinical <strong>an</strong>d biochemical studies. P<strong>an</strong>tnagar J Res 2:69-73.<br />

d i pl o c y c l o s p a l Ma Tu s (L.) C. Jeffrey<br />

[Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

native bryony; wild bryony<br />

Citations:<br />

Mugera GM (1970) Toxic <strong>an</strong>d medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of East<br />

Africa. II. Bull Epizootic Dis Afr 18(4):389-403.<br />

d i pl o Ta x is e r u c o i d e s DC. [Brassicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

white wall rocket<br />

Citations:<br />

García-Ortega P, Bartolomé B, Enrique E, et al. (2001)<br />

Allergy to Diplotaxis erucoides pollen: Occupational<br />

sensitization <strong>an</strong>d cross-reactivity with other common<br />

pollens. Allergy 56(7):679-683.<br />

Diptam –see– Dictamnus albus L.<br />

d i p Te r y x o d o r a Ta (Aubl.) Willd. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

fava tonka; fève Tonka; tonga be<strong>an</strong>; tonka be<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Hog<strong>an</strong> RP 3rd (1983) Hemorrhagic diathesis caused by<br />

drinking <strong>an</strong> herbal tea. JAMA 249(19):2679-2680.<br />

dishwatergrass –see– Polygonum aviculare L.<br />

d is Te Mo n a n Th u s b e n Th a Mi a n u s Baill.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ay<strong>an</strong>; movingui<br />

Citations:<br />

Morg<strong>an</strong> JW, Thomson J (1967) Ay<strong>an</strong> dermatitis. Br J Ind<br />

Med 24(2):156-158.<br />

ditakh –see– Detarium senegalense J. F. Gmel.<br />

d i Ta x is d e s e r To r u M (Müll. Arg.) Pax & K.<br />

Hoffm. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Tokarnia CH, Chagas BR, Chagas AD, et al. (1997) Anemia<br />

hemolítica causada por Ditaxis desertorum (Euphorbiaceae)<br />

em bovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 17(3-4):112-116.<br />

ditch crowfoot –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus sceleratus L.<br />

ditchbur –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L.<br />

dittamo –see– Dictamnus albus L.<br />

ditt<strong>an</strong>y –see– Dictamnus albus L.<br />

d i TTr ic h i a g r a ve o l e n s (L.) Greuter<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

inula graveolens (L.) Desf.<br />

Common Names:<br />

stinkwort<br />

Citations:<br />

MacPherson J (1932) <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> injurious to m<strong>an</strong> in Australia.<br />

Med J Aust 1(Feb 20):281.<br />

Setchell BP, McInnes P, Christie DG (1964) Poisoning of<br />

sheep with <strong>an</strong>thelmintic doses of carbon tetrachloride.<br />

IV. Effect of stinkwort (Inula graveolens). Aust Vet J<br />

40(J<strong>an</strong>):30-31.<br />

d i TTr ic h i a v is c o s a (L.) Greuter [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

inula viscosa (L.) Aiton<br />

Common Names:<br />

sticky elecamp<strong>an</strong>e<br />

Citations:<br />

Pinedo JM, Gonzalez de C<strong>an</strong>ales F, Hinojosa JL, et al.<br />

(1987) Contact dermatitis to sesquiterpene lactones in<br />

Inula viscosa Aiton. Contact Dermatitis 17(5):322-323.<br />

Sertoli A, Fabbri P, Campolmi P, et al. (1978) Allergic contact<br />

dermatitis to Salvia officinalis, Inula viscosa <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Conyza bonariensis. Contact Dermatitis 4(5):314-315.<br />

djaring –see– Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I. C. Nielsen<br />

djengkol –see– Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I. C. Nielsen<br />

djenkol –see– Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I. C. Nielsen<br />

djenkol be<strong>an</strong> –see– Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I. C. Nielsen<br />

Djenkolbohne –see– Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I. C.<br />

Nielsen<br />

djering –see– Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I. C. Nielsen<br />

dock –see– Rumex acetosella L.<br />

doctor gum –see– Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.;<br />

Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi<br />

dodder –see– Cuscuta campestris Yunck.; Cuscuta epithymum<br />

(L.) L.

136 - Dodonaea viscosa D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

doddies –see– Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.<br />

d o d o n a e a v is c o s a Jacq. [Sapindaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Colodel EM, Traverso SD, Seitz AL, et al. (2003) Spont<strong>an</strong>eous<br />

poisoning by Dodonaea viscosa (Sapindaceae) in<br />

cattle. Vet Hum Toxicol 45(3):147-148.<br />

d o e l l i n g e r i a u Mb e l l a Ta (Mill.) Nees<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a ster umbellatus Mill.<br />

Common Names:<br />

umbellate aster<br />

Citations:<br />

Bergeron JM, Jodoin L (1985) Fiabilité des mesures de<br />

poids et d’examens histopathologiques d<strong>an</strong>s les études<br />

d’intoxication du campagnol des champs (Microtus<br />

pennsylv<strong>an</strong>icus). C<strong>an</strong> J Zool 63(4):804-810.<br />

dog apple –see– Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal<br />

dog bur –see– Cynoglossum officinale L.<br />

dog camomile –see– Anthemis cotula L.<br />

dog chamomile –see– Anthemis cotula L.<br />

dog daisy –see– Anthemis cotula L.<br />

dog fennel –see– Anthemis cotula L.<br />

dog flea weed –see– Parthenium hysterophorus L.<br />

dog leek –see– Hyacinthoides non-scripta (L.) Chouard ex<br />

Rothm.<br />

dog mercury –see– Mercurialis perennis L.<br />

dog parsley –see– Aethusa cynapium L.<br />

dog poison –see– Aethusa cynapium L.<br />

dogb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Apocynum c<strong>an</strong>nabinum L.<br />

dog’s-t<strong>an</strong>gere –see– Cynoglossum officinale L.<br />

dogweed –see– Eremophila deserti (A. Cunn. ex Benth.)<br />

Chinnock<br />

dogwood –see– Cornus oblonga Wall.; Euonymus europaeus<br />

L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

dohány –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a tabacum L.<br />

dol diablo –see– Coriaria ruscifolia L.<br />

Dolichos axillaris E Mey. = Macrotyloma axillare (E. Mey.)<br />

Verdc.<br />

Dolichos lablab L. = Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet<br />

Dolichos pruriens L. = Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

doll’s-eyes –see– Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willd.<br />

dolphin flower –see– Consolida regalis Gray<br />

dome-d’onze-heures –see– Ornithogalum umbellatum L.<br />

dominguinho –see– Cestrum laevigatum Schltdl.<br />

Don Ju<strong>an</strong> –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a glauca Graham<br />

donkey tail –see– Euphorbia myrsinites L.<br />

doob –see– Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.<br />

dool<strong>an</strong> –see– Acacia salicina Lindl.<br />

doom bark –see– Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guill. & Perr.)<br />

Bren<strong>an</strong><br />

Doornappel –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

doorweed –see– Polygonum aviculare L.<br />

dooryard knotweed –see– Polygonum aviculare L.<br />

dopnit –see– Wikstroemia ovata C. A. Mey.<br />

Dorfpfl<strong>an</strong>ze –see– Anthemis cotula L.<br />

dormilión –see– Rudbeckia laciniata L.<br />

Dornapfel –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

Dornfarn –see– Dryopteris carthusi<strong>an</strong>a (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs<br />

doss cabbage –see– Senecio latifolius DC.<br />

doubgrass –see– Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.<br />

double be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus lunatus L.; Vicia faba L.<br />

douce amère –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

Douglas’-spur lupine –see– Lupinus argenteus Pursh var.<br />

argenteus<br />

Douglas’-water hemlock –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M.<br />

Coult. & Rose<br />

downy sartwellia –see– Sartwellia flaveriae A. Gray<br />

downy spurge –see– Euphorbia pilosa L.<br />

downy thorn apple –see– Datura inoxia Mill.; Datura metel L.<br />

drabok –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

d r a c a e n a f r ag r a n s (L.) Ker Gawl<br />

[Ruscaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Ramón MF, Ballesteros S, Martínez-Arrieta R, et al. (2003)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d herb exposures in Spain. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

41(4):514.<br />

Drachenkraut –see– Calla palustris L.<br />

dragon arum –see– Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Makino<br />

dragon bone tree –see– Euphorbia lactea Haw.<br />

dragon bones –see– Euphorbia lactea Haw.<br />

dragon turnip –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott<br />

dragonroot –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott<br />

drake –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

drav<strong>an</strong>ti –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

d r e g e a v o l u b i l is (L. f.) Benth. ex Hook. f.<br />

[Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>guna<br />

Citations:<br />

Tennekoon KH, Jeevathayapar<strong>an</strong> S, Kurukulasooriya AP,<br />

et al. (1991) Possible hepatotoxicity of Nigella sativa<br />

seeds <strong>an</strong>d Dregea volubilis leaves. J Ethnopharmacol<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Drimia s<strong>an</strong>guinea - 137<br />

drilgras –see– Equisetum ramosissimum Desf.<br />

Drimia alta R. A. Dyer = Drimia robusta Baker<br />

d r i Mi a a l Tis s i Ma (L. f.) Ker Gawl.<br />

[Hyacinthaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

u rginea altissima (L. f.) Baker<br />

Common Names:<br />

maerm<strong>an</strong>; sl<strong>an</strong>gkop<br />

Citations:<br />

Shone DK (1966) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part I. Rhodesia<br />

Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 4:81-94.<br />

Shone DK (1967) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part II.<br />

Rhodesia Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 5:29-41.<br />

Steyn DG (1936) Recent investigations into the toxicity<br />

of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union<br />

of South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

7(1):169-178.<br />

d r i Mi a d e p r e s s a (Baker) Jessop [Hyacinthaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

u rginea capitata (Hook.) Baker<br />

Common Names:<br />

berg sl<strong>an</strong>gkop<br />

Citations:<br />

Mitchell DT, C<strong>an</strong>h<strong>an</strong> AS, Bayer AJ (1934) Urginea capitata<br />

Baker - the berg sl<strong>an</strong>gkop. Its toxic effect on rumin<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus 2(2):681-689.<br />

d r i Mi a Ma c r o c e n Tr a (Baker) Jessop<br />

[Hyacinthaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

u rginea macrocentra Baker<br />

Common Names:<br />

Natal sl<strong>an</strong>gkop<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1943) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XIII. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 18(1-2):207-224.<br />

d r i Mi a Ma r i Ti Ma (L.) Stearn [Hyacinthaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

u rginea maritima (L.) Baker<br />

Common Names:<br />

albariã; cebolla albarr<strong>an</strong>a; cila; crusader’s-spears;<br />

Mäasezwiebel; medicinal squill; Mediterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong> squill;<br />

Meerzweibel; mouse onion; onion-de-mer; red squill;<br />

scille maritime; scille officinale; sea onion; sea squill;<br />

squill; Steinheil; white squill<br />

Citations:<br />

Hamouda C, Amamou M, Thabet H, et al. (2000) Pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

poisonings from herbal medication admitted to a Tunisi<strong>an</strong><br />

toxicologic intensive care unit, 1983-1998. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 42(3):137-141.<br />

Lebl<strong>an</strong>c FJ, Lee CO (1939) A study of the toxic properties of<br />

red squill. J Am Pharm Assoc. Mar:151-154.<br />

Nagle AC (1948) Red squill poisoning in a dog. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 112:139.<br />

Rietz JH, Moore EN (1943) Red squill (raticide) poisoning<br />

in swine. J Am Vet Med Assoc 102(791):120-121.<br />

Tuncok Y, Koz<strong>an</strong> O, Cavdar C, et al. (1995) Urginea maritima<br />

(squill) toxicity. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 33(1):83-86.<br />

Ward JC, Barber CW, Garlough FE, et al. (1937) Susceptibility<br />

of hogs to red squill. J Am Pharm Assoc<br />

26(2):137-139.<br />

d r i Mi a p h y so d e s (Jacq.) Jessop [Hyacinthaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

u rginea physodes (Jacq.) Baker<br />

Common Names:<br />

sl<strong>an</strong>gkop<br />

Citations:<br />

Nel PW, Schultz RA, Jorda<strong>an</strong> P, et al. (1987) Cardiac glycoside<br />

poisoning in sheep caused by Urginea physodes<br />

(Jacq.) Bak. <strong>an</strong>d the isolated physodine A. Onderstepoort<br />

J Vet Res 54(4):641-644.<br />

d r i Mi a r ob u s Ta Baker [Hyacinthaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d rimia alta R. A. Dyer<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1943) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XIII. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 18(1-2):207-224.<br />

d r i Mi a s a n g u i n e a (Schinz) Jessop<br />

[Hyacinthaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

u rginea burkei Baker; u rginea s<strong>an</strong>guinea Schinz<br />

Common Names:<br />

blueweed; Burke’s-sl<strong>an</strong>gkop; sl<strong>an</strong>gkop; Tr<strong>an</strong>svaal<br />

sl<strong>an</strong>gkop<br />

Citations:<br />

Basson PA (1988) Acute <strong>an</strong>d chronic cardiomyopathies<br />

caused by monofluoroacetic acid in giftblaar (Dichapetalum<br />

cymosum) <strong>an</strong>d cardiac glycosides in sl<strong>an</strong>gkop<br />

(Urginea s<strong>an</strong>guinea). J S Afr Vet Assoc 59(2):100.<br />

Dunphy JT (1906) Report of experiments carried out to<br />

observe effects of certain poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts on sheep <strong>an</strong>d<br />

goats. Tr<strong>an</strong>svaal Agric J 4(14):315-323.<br />

Joubert JP, Schultz RA (1982) The treatment of Urginea s<strong>an</strong>guinea<br />

Schinz poisoning in sheep with activated charcoal<br />

<strong>an</strong>d potassium chloride. J S Afr Vet Assoc 53(1):25-28.<br />

McV<strong>an</strong>n A, Havlik I, Joubert PH, et al. (1992) Cardiac<br />

glycoside poisoning involved in deaths from traditional<br />

medicines. S Afr Med J 81(3):139-141.<br />

Schultz RA, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, V<strong>an</strong> den Berg H (2005) The role<br />

of fluorescence polarization immuno-assay in the diagnosis<br />

of pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced cardiac glycoside poisoning livestock<br />

in South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 72(3):189-201.

138 - Dros<strong>an</strong>themum floribundum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

dronkgras –see– Equisetum ramosissimum Desf.<br />

d r o s a n Th e Mu M f l o r i b u n d u M (Haw.)<br />

Schw<strong>an</strong>tes [Aizoaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d ros<strong>an</strong>themum hispidum (L.) Schw<strong>an</strong>tes<br />

Common Names:<br />

vygie<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1939) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa. IX. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 12:335-366.<br />

Dros<strong>an</strong>themum hispidum (L.) Schw<strong>an</strong>tes = Dros<strong>an</strong>themum<br />

floribundum (Haw.) Schw<strong>an</strong>tes<br />

Drosselkirschbaum –see– Fr<strong>an</strong>gula alnus Mill.<br />

drumhead cabbage –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata<br />

L.<br />

Drummond’s-rattlebush –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia drummondii (Rydb.)<br />

Cory<br />

Drummond’s-sesb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia drummondii (Rydb.)<br />

Cory<br />

drumstick tree –see– Moringa oleifera Lam.<br />

drunk –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

Drüsenklee –see– Cullen corylifolium (L.) Medik.<br />

dry whiskey –see– Calia secundiflora (Ortega) Yakovlev<br />

drymaria –see– Drymaria pachyphylla Wooton & St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

d r y Ma r i a a r e n a r io i d e s Humb. & Bonpl. ex<br />

Schult. [Caryophyllaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

alfombrilla; drymary<br />

Citations:<br />

Dollahite JW (1959) Toxicity of Drymaria arenarioides for<br />

cattle, sheep, <strong>an</strong>d goats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 135(Jul<br />

15):125-127.<br />

Dollahite JW, Anthony WV (1956) Toxicity of Drymaria<br />

arenarioides for cattle, sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats. Texas Agric Exp<br />

Sta Prog Rep #1911:4 pp.<br />

Larios F, Jabalera J (1983) Toxicidad de alfombrilla (Drymaria<br />

arenarioides) em bovinos alimentados experimentalmente.<br />

Tecnica Pecuaria en Mexico 44:86-91.<br />

Larios MV, Javalera J (1976) Alteraciones <strong>an</strong>atomopatologicas,<br />

hemograma, y quimica s<strong>an</strong>guinea en el intoxicacion<br />

experimental aguda por alfombrilla (Drymaria<br />

arenarioides) en bovinos. Tecnica Pecuaria en Mexico<br />

30:111.<br />

Ocampo MV (1972) Investigaciones biomédicas de los efectos<br />

tóxicos y abortivos de las saponinas de Drymaria<br />

arenarioides, en ratonas gest<strong>an</strong>tes. Veterinaria (Mexico)<br />

3(4):94-97.<br />

Williams MC (1978) Toxicity of saponins in alfombrilla<br />

(Drymaria arenarioides). J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag<br />

31(3):182-184.<br />

d r y Ma r i a h o l o s Te o i d e s Benth.<br />

[Caryophyllaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

carpet weed; drymary; thick-leaf drymary<br />

Citations:<br />

Pammel LH (1922) Carpet weed suspected of being poisonous.<br />

Vet Med 17:36.<br />

d r y Ma r i a p a c h y p h y l l a Wooton & St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

[Caryophyllaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

drymaria; drymary; inkweed; thick-leaf drymary<br />

Citations:<br />

L<strong>an</strong>tow JL (1929) The poisoning of livestock by Drymaria<br />

pachyphylla. New Mexico Agric Exp Sta Bull #173:13<br />

pp.<br />

Mathews FP (1933) The toxicity of Drymaria pachyphylla<br />

for cattle, sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

83:255-260.<br />

Mathews FP (1938) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Davis Mountains<br />

area. Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 51:13-14.<br />

drymary –see– Drymaria arenarioides Humb. & Bonpl.<br />

ex Schult.; Drymaria holosteoides Benth.; Drymaria<br />

pachyphylla Wooton & St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

d r y o p Te r is a f f i n is (Lowe) Fraser-Jenk. subsp.<br />

borreri (Newm<strong>an</strong>) Fraser-Jenk. [Dryopteridaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d ryopteris borreri Newm<strong>an</strong><br />

Common names:<br />

trusty male fern<br />

Citations:<br />

MacLeod NS, Greig A, Bonn JM, et al. (1978) Poisoning in<br />

cattle associated with Dryopteris filix-mas <strong>an</strong>d D borreri.<br />

Vet Rec 102(11):239-240.<br />

Dryopteris borreri Newm<strong>an</strong> = Dryopteris affinis (Lowe)<br />

Fraser-Jenk. subsp. borreri (Newm<strong>an</strong>) Fraser-Jenk.<br />

d r y o p Te r is c a r Th u s i a n a (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs<br />

[Dryopteridaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

buckle fern; Dornfarn<br />

Citations:<br />

Murray V (1966) Suspected poisoning by common buckle<br />

fern (Dryopteris family). Ir Vet J 20:122-124.<br />

d r y o p Te r is f i l i x -Ma s (L.) Schott<br />

[Dryopteridaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

aspidium; Farnkraut; felce maschia; filis mas; filix mas;<br />

fougère mâle; helecho macho; male fern; Wurmfarn

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Durio zibethinus - 139<br />

Citations:<br />

Balaščák J, Gdovin T, Stiko M (1968) Über das auftreten<br />

von Haematuria vesicalis bovis chronica in der Slowakei.<br />

Folia Vet Kosice 12(2):111.<br />

Edgar JT, Thin IM (1968) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisoning involving male<br />

fern. Vet Rec 82:33-34.<br />

Greiner H (1952-1954) Wurmfarnvergiftung. Sammlung<br />

Vergiftungsfallen 14:124-125.<br />

Hall MC (1914) Unusual case of fatal poisoning from administration<br />

of male-fern as vermifuge. JAMA 63(3):242-243.<br />

Houtzagers JJ (1965) Nierinsufficiëntie na toediening v<strong>an</strong><br />

filix mas. Tijdschr Geneeskd 109(4):178-179.<br />

MacLeod NS, Greig A, Bonn JM, et al. (1978) Poisoning in<br />

cattle associated with Dryopteris filix-mas <strong>an</strong>d D borreri.<br />

Vet Rec 102(11):239-240.<br />

Mitchell GB, Wain EB (1983) Suspected male fern poisoning<br />

in cattle. Vet Rec 113(8):188.<br />

Rosen ES, Edgar JT, Smith JL (1969) Male fern retro-bulbar<br />

neuropathy in cattle. Ophthalmol Soc UK 89:285-299.<br />

Rosen ES, Edgar JT, Smith JL (1970) Male fern retrobulbar<br />

neuropathy in cattle. J Small Anim Pract<br />

10(11):619-625.<br />

Smyth PJ (1968) An outbreak of male fern (Dryopteris filixmas)<br />

poisoning. Ir Vet J 22:69-71.<br />

Stryczek J (1984) Paproć przyczynq dyskwalifikacji jelit<br />

bydła. Med Weter 40(8):488-489.<br />

Valtonen EJ, Takki S (1968) Acute hepatocellular damage<br />

caused by oleoresin of the male fern in the rat: An electron<br />

microscope study. Acta Pharmacol Toxicol (Copenh)<br />

26(2):169-176.<br />

d r y o p Te r is j u x Ta p o s i Ta H. Christ<br />

[Dryopteridaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Gounal<strong>an</strong> S, Somv<strong>an</strong>shi R, Kataria M, et al. (1999) Effect of<br />

bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) <strong>an</strong>d dryopteris (Dryopteris<br />

juxtaposita) fern toxicity in laboratory rabbits. Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

J Exp Biol 37(10):980-985.<br />

Kataria M, Somv<strong>an</strong>shi R, Dash S (1998) Biochemical <strong>an</strong>d<br />

histological ch<strong>an</strong>ges in blood, erythrocytes <strong>an</strong>d tissue of<br />

rats on feeding Dryopteris juxtaposita fern. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Exp<br />

Biol 36(5):510-513.<br />

dubbelljie –see– Tribulus terrestris L.<br />

d u b o is i a My o p o r o i d e s R. Br. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

corkwood<br />

Citations:<br />

Barnes R, Jones T, Simpson G, et al. (1971) An unusual<br />

occupational hazard. Med J Aust 2(20):1018-1020.<br />

Biersteker K, Koning C, v<strong>an</strong> Lith GH, et al. (1970) An airborne<br />

epidemic of one-sided mydriasis. Arch Environ<br />

Health 20(3):410-411.<br />

Pearn J (1981) Corked up: Clinical hyoscine poisoning with<br />

alkaloids of the native corkwood, Duboisia. Med J Aust<br />

2(8):422-423.<br />

duckbush –see– Gomphocarpus fruticosa (L.) W. T. Aiton<br />

duckretter –see– Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

duck’s-foot –see– Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

dudgeon –see– Buxus sempervirens L.<br />

dudhi –see– Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp.<br />

Dugaldia hoopesii (A. Gray) Rydb. = Hymenoxys hoopesii<br />

(A. Gray) Bierner<br />

Duke-of-Argyll’s-tea-tree –see– Lycium barbarum L.<br />

dumb c<strong>an</strong>e –see– Dieffenbachia bausei Regel; Dieffenbachia<br />

seguine (Jacq.) Schott<br />

dunal –see– Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal<br />

duncecap larkspur –see– Delphinium barbeyi (Huth) Huth<br />

Dur<strong>an</strong>d’s-false hellebore –see– Veratrum californicum<br />

Dur<strong>an</strong>d<br />

Dur<strong>an</strong>go root –see– Datisca glomerata (C. Presl) Baill.<br />

dur<strong>an</strong>ta –see– Dur<strong>an</strong>ta erecta L.<br />

d u r a n Ta e r e c Ta L. [Verbenaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d ur<strong>an</strong>ta repens L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

adonis morado; coralillo; cuenta-de-oro; dewdrops;<br />

dur<strong>an</strong>ta; espina-de-palma; garb<strong>an</strong>cillo; geisha girl;<br />

golden dewdrop; pigeonberry; sky flower; yellow hat<br />

tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Sc<strong>an</strong>l<strong>an</strong> SN, Eagles DA, Vacher NE, et al. (2006) Dur<strong>an</strong>ta<br />

erecta poisoning in nine dogs <strong>an</strong>d a cat. Aust Vet J<br />

84(10):367-370.<br />

Dur<strong>an</strong>ta repens L. = Dur<strong>an</strong>ta erecta L.<br />

duras milk bl<strong>an</strong>co –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um glaucophyllum Desf.<br />

duraznillo –see– Cestrum parqui L’Her.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um rostratum<br />

Dunal<br />

duraznillo bl<strong>an</strong>co –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um glaucophyllum Desf.;<br />

X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L. var. c<strong>an</strong>adense (Mill.) Torr. &<br />

A. Gray<br />

duraznillo negro –see– Cestrum parqui L’Her.<br />

duri<strong>an</strong> –see– Durio zibethinus L.<br />

d u r io z i b e Th i n u s L. [Malvacaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

duri<strong>an</strong>; house m<strong>an</strong>go; n<strong>an</strong>as<br />

Citations:<br />

Fasal P (1945) Cut<strong>an</strong>eous diseases in the tropics. A clinical<br />

study <strong>based</strong> on observations in Malaya. Arch Derm<br />

Syphilol 51(3):163-171.<br />

Olivieri J, Quiliquini-Chambard AM, Hauser C (2002)<br />

Allergy to duri<strong>an</strong>. Allergy 57(3):263.<br />

durra –see– Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

Dürrwurz –see– Inula conyzae (Griess.) Meikle<br />

duscle –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.

140 - Dyera costulata D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Dutch clover –see– Trifolium repens L.<br />

Dutch hyacinth –see– Hyacinthus orientalis L.<br />

Dutchm<strong>an</strong>’s-breeches –see– Dicentra c<strong>an</strong>adensis (Goldie)<br />

Walp.; Thamnosma tex<strong>an</strong>a (A. Gray) Torr.<br />

duwweljie –see– Tribulus terrestris L.<br />

dwale –see– Atropa belladonna L.<br />

dwarf bay –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

dwarf Darling pea –see– Swainsona luteola F. Muell.<br />

dwarf elder –see– Sambucus nigra L.<br />

dwarf juniper –see– Juniperus communis L.<br />

dwarf larkspur –see– Delphinium nuttalli<strong>an</strong>um Pritz.;<br />

Delphinium tricorne Michx.<br />

dwarf laurel –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

dwarf milkweed –see– Asclepias verticillata L.<br />

dwarf nettle –see– Urtica dioica L.<br />

dwarf poison milkweed –see– Asclepias pumila (A. Gray)<br />

Vail<br />

dwarf sheep laurel –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

dwarf silky oak –see– Grevillea b<strong>an</strong>ksii R. Br.<br />

dwarf sumach –see– Rhus typhina L.<br />

dwarf yellow day lily –see– Hemerocallis minor Mill.<br />

dwayberry –see– Atropa belladonna L.<br />

d y e r a c o s Tu l a Ta (Miq.) Hook. f.<br />

[Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

jelutong<br />

Citations:<br />

Siregar RS (1975) Occupational dermatoses among foresters.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 1(1):33-37.<br />

d y e r a l o w i i Hook. f. [Apocynaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Siregar RS (1975) Occupational dermatoses among foresters.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 1(1):33-37.<br />

Dysosma plei<strong>an</strong>tha (H<strong>an</strong>ce) Woodson = Podophyllum<br />

plei<strong>an</strong>thum H<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

d y s p h a n i a a Mb r o s io i d e s (L.) Mosyakin &<br />

Clem<strong>an</strong>ts [Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c henopodium ambrosioides L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

ambroisie; Americ<strong>an</strong> wormseed; Americ<strong>an</strong> wormwood;<br />

epazote; epazote-de-comer; hipazote; Jerusalem<br />

oak; Mexic<strong>an</strong> goosefoot; Mexic<strong>an</strong> tea; pasote; pazote;<br />

sagrado; Sp<strong>an</strong>ish tea; stinkweed; wormseed; wormseed<br />

goosefoot<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1934) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1934:38.<br />

Farquharson J (1938) Deafness due to toxicity of oil of Chenopodium.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 46(6):329.<br />

Guirola L, Garcia G, Torrealba A, et al. (1992) Acute renal<br />

failure from the ingestion of toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

34(6):548.<br />

Kinsley AT (1936) Chenopodium intoxication in swine. Vet<br />

Med 31(Jun):253.<br />

Nyazema NZ (1986) Herbal toxicity in Zimbabwe. Tr<strong>an</strong>s R<br />

Soc Trop Med Hyg 80(3):448-450.<br />

Pammel LH (1923) Worm seed or Mexic<strong>an</strong> tea poisonous to<br />

geese. Vet Med 18:736.<br />

d y s p h a n i a c a r i n a Ta (R. Br.) Mosyakin &<br />

Clem<strong>an</strong>ts [Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c henopodium carinatum R. Br.<br />

Common Names:<br />

boggabri; crested goosefoot; green crumbweed; keel<br />

crumbweed; keel goosefoot; ridged goosefoot; scented<br />

goosefoot<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1929) The poison pl<strong>an</strong>ts committee. J CSIRO<br />

Aust 2:40-48.<br />

Seddon HR (1932) Chenopodium carinatum. (“crested<br />

goosefoot” or boggabri.”) <strong>Poisonous</strong> to stock under certain<br />

circumst<strong>an</strong>ces. Agric Gaz New South Wales 43:763-764.<br />

d y s p h a n i a g r a ve o l e n s (Willd.) Mosyakin &<br />

Clem<strong>an</strong>ts [Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c henopodium graveolens Willd.<br />

Common names:<br />

epazote<br />

Citations:<br />

Montoya-Cabrera MA, Escal<strong>an</strong>te-Galindo P, Meckes-<br />

Fisher M, et al. (1996) Envenenmiento mortal causado<br />

por el aceite de epazote, Chenopodium graveolens. Gac<br />

Med Mex 132(4):433-437.

eagle fern –see– Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn; Pteridium<br />

aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. latiusculum (Desf.) Underw. ex<br />

A. Heller<br />

ear drops –see– Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh.<br />

Earle’s locoweed –see– Astragalus mollissimus Torr. var. earlei<br />

(Greene ex Rydb.) Tidestr.<br />

earring pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Crotalaria retusa L.<br />

earth gall –see– Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

earthnut –see– Arachis hypogaea L.<br />

East Coast rengas –see– Gluta renghas L.<br />

East Indi<strong>an</strong> ginger –see– Zingiber officinale Roscoe<br />

East Indi<strong>an</strong> rosewood –see– Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.;<br />

Dalbergia retusa Hemsl.<br />

East Indi<strong>an</strong> satinwood –see– Chloroxylon swietenia DC.<br />

Easter flower –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex<br />

Klotzsch<br />

Easter lily –see– Lilium longiflorum Thunb.<br />

Easter rose –see– Helleborus niger L.<br />

eastern baccharis –see– Baccharis halimifolia L.<br />

eastern bitterweed –see– Helenium amarum (Raf.) H. Rock<br />

eastern black nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um ptyc<strong>an</strong>thum Dunal<br />

eastern chokecherry –see– Prunus virgini<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

eastern mistletoe –see– Phoradendron leucarpum (Raf.)<br />

Reveal & M. C. Johnst.<br />

eastern oakleaf –see– Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torr. & A.<br />

Gray) Greene<br />

eastern oakleaf poison ivy –see– Toxicodendron pubescens<br />

Mill.<br />

eastern persimmon –see– Diospyros virgini<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

eastern poison oak –see– Toxicodendron pubescens Mill.<br />

eastern whorled milkweed –see– Asclepias verticillata L.<br />

easy tree philodendron –see– Philodendron bipinnatifidum<br />

Schott ex Endl.<br />

Ebenbaum –see– Taxus baccata L.<br />

e<br />

e c b a l l i u M e l a Te r i u M (L.) A. Rich.<br />

[Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bitter apple; concombre d’âne; concombre sauvage; elaterium;<br />

momordique; Spritzgurke; squirting cucumber;<br />

wild cucumber<br />

Citations:<br />

Raikhlin B, Bentur Y (1999) Ecballium elaterium - Medicine<br />

or poison? J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 37:415.<br />

Raikhlin B, Bentur Y (2000) Ecballium elaterium (squirting<br />

cucumber) - Remedy or poison? J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

38(3):305-308.<br />

Satar S, Gokel Y, Toprak N, et al. (2001) Life-threatening<br />

uvular <strong>an</strong>gioedema caused by Ecballium elaterium. Eur J<br />

Emerg Med 8(4):337-339.<br />

Vlachos P, K<strong>an</strong>itsakis NN, Kokonas N (1994) Fatal cardiac<br />

<strong>an</strong>d renal failure due to Ecballium elaterium (squirting<br />

cucumber). J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 32(6):737-738.<br />

e c h i n o c h l o a c o l o n a (L.) Link [Poaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Sperry OE, Turk RD, Hoffm<strong>an</strong> GO, et al. (1955) Photosensitization<br />

of cattle in Texas. Texas Agric Exp Sta Bull<br />

#812:8 pp.<br />

e c h i n o c h l o a f r u Me n Ta c e a Link [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese barnyard millet; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese millet; samak;<br />

s<strong>an</strong>wa millet<br />

Citations:<br />

Allen JG, Creeper JH, Forshaw D, et al. (2004) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated<br />

diseases, either new or new to the state, encountered<br />

over the last decade (1991-2001) in Western Australia. In:<br />

Acamovic T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK.<br />

pp. 540-547.<br />

Echinop<strong>an</strong>ax elatus Nakai = Oplop<strong>an</strong>ax elatus (Nakai)<br />

Nakai<br />

e c h i n o p o g o n ov a Tu s (G. Forst.) P. Beauv.<br />

[Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hedgehoggrass; rough beardedgrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Seddon HR, Carne HR (1926) Staggers in stock due to<br />

rough-bearded grass (Echinopogon ovatus). New South<br />

Wales Dep Agric Sci Bull #26:34-40.<br />

echium –see– Echium pl<strong>an</strong>tagineum L.; Echium vulgare L.<br />

Echium lycopsis auct. = Echium pl<strong>an</strong>tagineum L.<br />

e c h i u M pl a n Tag i n e u M L. [Boraginaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e chium lycopsis auct.

142 - Echium vulgare D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Common Names:<br />

Calamity J<strong>an</strong>e; echium; Lady Campbell’s-weed; Paterson’s-curse;<br />

purple bugloss; purple viper’s-bugloss; Riverina<br />

bluebell; Salvation J<strong>an</strong>e; viper’s-bugloss<br />

Citations:<br />

Culvenor CC, Jago MV, Peterson JE, et al. (1984) Toxicity<br />

of Echium pl<strong>an</strong>tagineum (Paterson’s curse). I. Marginal<br />

toxic effects in Merino wethers from long-term feeding.<br />

Aust J Agric Res 35(2):293-304.<br />

Méndez MC, Riet-Correa F, Schild AL, et al. (1985) Intoxicação<br />

por Echium pl<strong>an</strong>tagineum (Boraginaceae) em bovinos<br />

no Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de do Sul. Pesq Vet Bras 5(2):57-64.<br />

Peterson JE, Jago MV (1984) Toxicity of Echium pl<strong>an</strong>tagineum<br />

(Paterson’s curse). II. Pyrrolizidine alkaloid poisoning<br />

in rats. Aust J Agric Res 35(2):305-315.<br />

Schild AC, Motta AC, Riet-Correa F, et al. (2004) Photosensitization<br />

in cattle in southern Brazil. In: Acamovic T,<br />

Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d<br />

related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp. 162-166.<br />

Seam<strong>an</strong> JT (1978) Pyrrolizidine alkaloid poisoning of horses.<br />

Aust Vet J 54(3):150.<br />

Seam<strong>an</strong> JT (1985) Hepatogenous chronic copper poisoning<br />

in sheep associated with grazing Echium pl<strong>an</strong>tagineum.<br />

Aust Vet J 62(7):247-248.<br />

Seam<strong>an</strong> JT (1987) Pyrrolizidine alkaloid poisoning of sheep<br />

in New South Wales. Aust Vet J 64(6):164-167.<br />

Seam<strong>an</strong> JT, Dellow JJ (1987) A survey of l<strong>an</strong>dholder attitudes<br />

to Echium pl<strong>an</strong>tagineum L. in three shires in the<br />

central west of New South Wales. J Aust Inst Agric Sci<br />

53(4):296-301.<br />

Seam<strong>an</strong> JT, Dixon RJ (1989) Investigations into the toxicity<br />

of Echium pl<strong>an</strong>tagineum in sheep. 2. Pen feeding experiments.<br />

Aust Vet J 66(9):286-292.<br />

Seam<strong>an</strong> JT, Turvey WS, Ottaway SJ, et al. (1989) Investigations<br />

into the toxicity of Echium pl<strong>an</strong>tagineum in sheep.<br />

1. Field grazing experiments. Aust Vet J 66(9):279-285.<br />

Sharrock AG (1969) Pyrrolizidine alkaloid poisoning in a<br />

horse in New South Wales. Aust Vet J 45(8):388.<br />

St. George-Grambauer TD, Rac R (1962) Hepatogenous<br />

chronic copper poisoning in sheep in South Australia due<br />

to the consumption of Echium pl<strong>an</strong>tagineum L. (Salvation<br />

J<strong>an</strong>e). Aust Vet J 38(May):288-293.<br />

e c h i u M vu l g a r e L. [Boraginaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue devil; blue thistle; blue-weed; echium; viper’sbugloss<br />

Citations:<br />

Moy<strong>an</strong>o MR, García A, Rueda A, et al. (2006) Echium vulgare<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Senecio vulgaris poisoning in fighting bulls. J<br />

Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med 53(1):24-25.<br />

Echte Kamille –see– Matricaria recutita L.<br />

Echter Eisenhut –see– Aconitum napellus L.<br />

Echter Steinklee –see– Melilotus officinalis Lam.<br />

Echter Sturmhut –see– Aconitum napellus L.<br />

Echtes Mahagoni –see– Swietenia macrophylla King;<br />

Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq.<br />

ecue –see– Coula edulis Baill.<br />

edded –see– Chamaeleon gummifera (L.) Cass.<br />

eddo –see– Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott<br />

eddoe –see– Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott<br />

Edelteak –see– Madhuca longifolia (L.) J. F. Macbr.<br />

Edelwicke –see– Lathyrus odoratus L.<br />

Efeu –see– Hedera helix L.<br />

Efeutute –see– Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl.<br />

eggpl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um melongena L.<br />

egynyári szélfü –see– Mercurialis <strong>an</strong>nua L.<br />

Egypti<strong>an</strong> clover –see– Trifolium alex<strong>an</strong>drinum L.<br />

Eibe –see– Taxus baccata L.<br />

Eibenbaum –see– Taxus baccata L.<br />

Eibennadeln –see– Taxus baccata L.<br />

Eichel –see– Quercus robur L.<br />

Eichenbaum –see– Quercus robur L.<br />

e ic h h o r n i a c r a s s i p e s (Mart.) Solms<br />

[Pontederiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

water hyacinth<br />

Citations:<br />

Babu NS (1987) Studies on the pathology of ovine <strong>an</strong>d caprine<br />

kidneys with special reference to the effect of feeding<br />

water hyacinth to sheep. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Vet Pathol 11:86-87.<br />

Babu NS, Paliwal OP, Char<strong>an</strong> K, et al. (1988) Effects of<br />

water hyacinth feeding in sheep with special reference to<br />

renal lesion. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Vet Pathol 12:33-36.<br />

Singh KP (1987) Studies on the pathology of ovine <strong>an</strong>d<br />

caprine liver with particular reference to feeding of water<br />

hyacinth in sheep. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Vet Pathol 11:92-93.<br />

Einjährige Bingelkraut –see– Mercurialis <strong>an</strong>nua L.<br />

Eischaupe –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

Eisenhut –see– Aconitum napellus L.<br />

Eisensäbelholz –see– Mesua ferrea L.<br />

el halouk –see– Orob<strong>an</strong>che minor Sm.<br />

e l a e ag n u s a n g u s Ti f o l i a L. [Elaeagnaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

árbol-del-paraíso; matapolilla; oleaster; olivo-de-Bohemia;<br />

Russi<strong>an</strong> olive; silverberry<br />

Citations:<br />

Sastre J, Lluch-Bernal M, Bustillo AM, et al. (2004) Allergenicity<br />

<strong>an</strong>d cross-reactivity of Russi<strong>an</strong> olive pollen<br />

(Elaeagnus <strong>an</strong>gustifolia). Allergy 59(11):1118-1186.<br />

Elaeodendron buch<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>ii (Loes.) Loes. = Cassine<br />

buch<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>ii Loes.<br />

Elaeodendron keniense Loes. = Cassine buch<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>ii Loes.<br />

elaterium –see– Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich.<br />

elderberry –see– Sambucus cerulea Raf.; Sambucus nigra L.<br />

eléboro bl<strong>an</strong>co –see– Veratrum album L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Encephalartos horridus - 143<br />

eléboro fetido –see– Helleborus foetidus L.<br />

elecamp<strong>an</strong>e –see– Inula helenium L.<br />

eleg<strong>an</strong>t death camas –see– Anticlea eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Pursh) Rydb.<br />

eleph<strong>an</strong>t grass –see– Pennisetum purpureum Schumach.<br />

eleph<strong>an</strong>t’s-ear –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don;<br />

Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Vent.; Colocasia esculenta (L.)<br />

Schott; Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl.; M<strong>an</strong>dragora<br />

officinarum L.; Podophyllum peltatum L.; X<strong>an</strong>thosoma<br />

sagittifolium (L.) Schott<br />

eleph<strong>an</strong>t’s-scratch wort –see– Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

e l e TTa r i a c a r d a Mo Mu M (L.) Maton<br />

[Zingiberaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a momum cardamomum L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

cardamom; lesser cardamom; small cardamon<br />

Citations:<br />

Hjorth N, Roed-Petersen J (1976) Occupational protein<br />

contact dermatitis in food h<strong>an</strong>dlers. Contact Dermatitis<br />

2(1):28-42.<br />

Mobacken H, Fregert S (1975) Allergic contact dermatitis<br />

from cardamon. Contact Dermatitis 1(3):175-176.<br />

Niinimäki A (1984) Delayed-type allergy to spices. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 11(1):34-40.<br />

Seetharam KA, Pasricha JS (1987) Condiments <strong>an</strong>d contact<br />

dermatitis of the finger-tips. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Dermatol Venereol<br />

Leprol 53:325-328.<br />

eleuthero ginseng –see– Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr. &<br />

Maxim.) Maxim.<br />

e l e u Th e r o c o c c u s s e n Tic o s u s (Rupr. &<br />

Maxim.) Maxim. [Araliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

eleuthero ginseng; Siberi<strong>an</strong> ginseng<br />

Citations:<br />

Koren G, R<strong>an</strong>dor S, Martin S, et al. (1990) Maternal ginseng<br />

use associated with neonatal <strong>an</strong>drogenization. JAMA<br />

264(22):2866.<br />

Siegel RK (1980) Ginseng <strong>an</strong>d high blood pressure. JAMA<br />

243(1):32.<br />

Ell<strong>an</strong>gow<strong>an</strong> –see– Eremophila deserti (A. Cunn. ex Benth.)<br />

Chinnock<br />

Ell<strong>an</strong>gow<strong>an</strong> poison bush –see– Eremophila deserti (A. Cunn.<br />

ex Benth.) Chinnock<br />

e l l io TTi a p a n ic u l a Ta (Siebold & Zucc.)<br />

Benth. & Hook. f. [Ericaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Tripetaleia p<strong>an</strong>iculata Siebold & Zucc.<br />

Common Names:<br />

hotsutsuji<br />

Citations:<br />

Tokuda Y, Sumita E (1925) Studies on poisonous honey in<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>. I. On the source of poisonous honey. Bee World<br />

7(1):4-5.<br />

Elsebaum –see– Prunus padus L.<br />

e Mb e l i a r i b e s Burm. f. [Myrsinaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

embilia; enkoko; umkoko; vid<strong>an</strong>ga<br />

Citations:<br />

Kholkute SD, Kekare MB, Jathar VS, et al. (1978) Antifertility<br />

effects of Embelia ribes Burm. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Exp Biol<br />

16(10):1035-1037.<br />

Low G, Rogers LJ, Brumley SP, et al. (1985) Visual deficits<br />

<strong>an</strong>d retinotoxicity caused by the naturally occurring<br />

<strong>an</strong>thelmintics, Embelia ribes <strong>an</strong>d Hagenia abyssinica.<br />

Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 81(2):220-230.<br />

Pur<strong>an</strong>dare TV, Kholkute SD, Gurjar A, et al. (1979)<br />

Semen <strong>an</strong>alysis <strong>an</strong>d hormonal levels in bonnet macaques<br />

administered Embelia ribes berries, <strong>an</strong> indigenous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t having contraceptive activity. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Exp Biol<br />

17(9):935-936.<br />

embilia –see– Embelia ribes Burm. f.<br />

Emblica officinalis Gaertn. = Phyll<strong>an</strong>thus emblica L.<br />

emborrachacabras –see– Coriaria myrtifolia L.<br />

emetico –see– Jatropha multifida L.<br />

Emory’s-locoweed –see– Astragalus emory<strong>an</strong>us (Rydb.) Cory<br />

Emory’s-milk vetch –see– Astragalus emory<strong>an</strong>us (Rydb.)<br />

Cory<br />

emu bush –see– Eremophila latrobei F. Muell.<br />

e n c e l i a c a l i f o r n ic a Nutt. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Webber HJ (1932) Dermatitis produced by Encelia californica<br />

Nutt. Science 76(1971):324-325.<br />

e n c e p h a l a r To s h i l d e b r a n d Ti i A. Braun<br />

& C. D. Bouché [Zamiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Mugera GM (1969) Induction of kidney tumours in the rat<br />

by feeding Encephalartos hildebr<strong>an</strong>dtii for short periods.<br />

Br J C<strong>an</strong>cer 23(4):755-756.<br />

Mugera GM, Nderito P (1968) Toxic properties of Encephalartos<br />

hildebr<strong>an</strong>dtii. East Afr Med J 45(12):732-741.<br />

Mugera GM, Nderito P (1968) Tumours of the liver, kidney,<br />

<strong>an</strong>d lungs in rats fed Encephalartos hildebr<strong>an</strong>dtii. Br J<br />

C<strong>an</strong>cer 22(3):563-568.<br />

e n c e p h a l a r To s h o r r i d u s (Jacq.) Lehm.<br />

[Zamiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ (1944) Recent investigations into the toxicity<br />

of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. in the Union of South Africa. Onderstepoort<br />

J Vet Sci Anim Indus 20(1):75-83.

144 - Encephalartos laevifolius D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

e n c e p h a l a r To s l a e vi f o l i u s Stapf & Burtt<br />

Davy [Zamiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Tustin RC (1974) Toxicity <strong>an</strong>d carcinogenicity of some<br />

South Afric<strong>an</strong> cycad (Encephalartos) species. S Afr Med<br />

J 48(57):2369-2373.<br />

e n c e p h a l a r To s l a n a Tu s Stapf & Burtt<br />

Davy [Zamiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Tustin RC (1983) Notes on the toxicity <strong>an</strong>d carcinogenicity<br />

of some South Afric<strong>an</strong> cycad species with special reference<br />

to that of Encephalartos l<strong>an</strong>atus. J S Afr Vet Assoc<br />

54(1):33-42.<br />

e n c e p h a l a r To s l e b o Mb o e n s is I. Verd.<br />

[Zamiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Tustin RC (1974) Toxicity <strong>an</strong>d carcinogenicity of some<br />

South Afric<strong>an</strong> cycad (Encephalartos) species. S Afr Med<br />

J 48(57):2369-2373.<br />

e n c e p h a l a r To s l e h Ma n n i i Lehm.<br />

[Zamiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1946) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XV. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 21(1):45-55.<br />

e n c e p h a l a r To s u Mb e l u z i e n s is R. A.<br />

Dyer [Zamiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Tustin RC (1974) Toxicity <strong>an</strong>d carcinogenicity of some<br />

South Afric<strong>an</strong> cycad (Encephalartos) species. S Afr Med<br />

J 48(57):2369-2373.<br />

e n c e p h a l a r To s v i l l o s u s Lem. [Zamiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Tustin RC (1974) Toxicity <strong>an</strong>d carcinogenicity of some<br />

South Afric<strong>an</strong> cycad (Encephalartos) species. S Afr Med<br />

J 48(57):2369-2373.<br />

ench<strong>an</strong>ter’s-herb –see– Verbena officinalis L.<br />

endive –see– Cichorium endivia L.<br />

Endymion nonscripta (L.) Garcke = Hyacinthoides nonscripta<br />

(L.) Chouard ex Rothm.<br />

Engelstrompete –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia suaveolens (Humb. &<br />

Bonpl. ex Willd.) Bercht. & J. Presl<br />

Engelwurz –see– Angelica arch<strong>an</strong>gelica L.<br />

Englem<strong>an</strong> ivy –see– Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

English be<strong>an</strong> –see– Vicia faba L.<br />

English bluebell –see– Hyacinthoides non-scripta (L.)<br />

Chouard ex Rothm.<br />

English boxwood –see– Buxus sempervirens L.<br />

English broom –see– Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link<br />

English daisy –see– Bellis perennis L.<br />

English holly –see– Ilex aquifolium L.; Ilex opaca Aiton<br />

English ivy –see– Hedera helix L.<br />

English laurel –see– Prunus laurocerasus L.<br />

English m<strong>an</strong>drake –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

English oak –see– Quercus robur L.<br />

English pl<strong>an</strong>tage –see– Pl<strong>an</strong>tago l<strong>an</strong>ceolata L.<br />

English pl<strong>an</strong>tain –see– Pl<strong>an</strong>tago l<strong>an</strong>ceolata L.<br />

English ryegrass –see– Lolium perenne L.<br />

English walnut –see– Jugl<strong>an</strong>s regia L.<br />

English yew –see– Taxus baccata L.<br />

enkoko –see– Embelia ribes Burm. f.<br />

e n Ta d a p h a s e o l o i d e s (L.) Merr. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

balugo; gila be<strong>an</strong>; godogo; matchbox be<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, More LJ, McKenzie NH, et al. (1995) Nutritional<br />

<strong>an</strong>d haemagglutination properties of several tropical<br />

seeds. J Agric Sci 124:437-445.<br />

e n Ta n d r o p h r ag Ma a n g o l e n s e (Welw.)<br />

C. DC. [Meliaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Oleffe JA, Sporcq J, Hublet P (1975) Epidemiological study<br />

of the wood industry in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):315-316.<br />

e n Ta n d r o p h r ag Ma c a n d o l l e i Harms<br />

[Meliaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Oleffe JA, Sporcq J, Hublet P (1975) Epidemiological study<br />

of the wood industry in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):315-316.<br />

e n Ta n d r o p h r ag Ma c y l i n d r ic u M<br />

(Sprague) Sprague [Meliaceae]<br />

Common Name:<br />

sapele<br />

Citations:<br />

Álvarez-Cuesta C, Gala Ortiz G, Rodríguez Díaz E, et<br />

al. (2004) Occupational asthma <strong>an</strong>d IgE-mediated contact<br />

dermatitis from sapele wood. Contact Dermatitis<br />

51(2):88-89.<br />

Correia O, Barros MA, Mesquita-Guimarães J, (1992) Airborne<br />

contact dermatitis from the woods Acacia mel<strong>an</strong>oxylon<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Ent<strong>an</strong>drophragma cylindricum. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 27(5):343-344.<br />

Estl<strong>an</strong>der T, Jol<strong>an</strong>ki R, Al<strong>an</strong>ko K, et al. (2001) Occupational<br />

allergic contact dermatitis caused by wood dusts. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 44(4):213-217.<br />

Halpin B (1961) Toxicity in fowl due to hardwood litter. Vet<br />

Rec 73(18):454-455.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Ephedra sinica - 145<br />

e n Ta n d r o p h r ag Ma u Ti l e (Dawe &<br />

Sprague) Sprague [Meliaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Oleffe JA, Sporcq J, Hublet P (1975) Epidemiological study<br />

of the wood industry in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):315-316.<br />

e n Te r o l o b i u M c o n To r Tis i l iq u u M (Vell.)<br />

Morong [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

tamboril; timbaúba<br />

Citations:<br />

Grecco FB, D<strong>an</strong>tas AF, Riet-Correa F, et al. (2002) Cattle<br />

intoxication from Enterolobium contortisiliquum pods.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 44(3):160-162.<br />

Marques DC, S<strong>an</strong>tos HL, Couto ES, et al. (1974) Intoxicação<br />

experimental pelo tamboril Enterolobium contortisiliquum<br />

Vell. Morong em bovinos. Arq Esc Vet Univ<br />

Fed Minas Gerais 26(3):283-286.<br />

Schild AC, Motta AC, Riet-Correa F, et al. (2004) Photosensitization<br />

in cattle in southern Brazil. In: Acamovic<br />

T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp.<br />

162-166.<br />

Tokarnia CH, C<strong>an</strong>ella CF, Döbereiner J (1960) Intoxicação<br />

experimental pela fava da “Timbaúba” (Enterolobium<br />

contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong) em bovinos. Arq Inst<br />

Biol Anim (Rio J<strong>an</strong>eiro) 3:73-81.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J, Dutra IS, et al. (1999) Experimentos<br />

em bovinos com as favas de Enterolobium<br />

contortisiliquum e E. timbouva para verificar propriedades<br />

fotosensibiliz<strong>an</strong>tes e/ou abortivas. Pesq Vet Bras<br />

19(1):39-45.<br />

e n Te r o l o b i u M c y c l o c a r p u M (Jacq.)<br />

Griseb. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, More LJ, McKenzie NH, et al. (1995) Nutritional<br />

<strong>an</strong>d haemagglutination properties of several tropical<br />

seeds. J Agric Sci 124:437-445.<br />

e n Te r o l o b i u M e l l i p Tic u M Benth.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Andrade SO, Lee JM, Sartori C, et al. (1970) Estudos<br />

sôbre os efeitos tóxicos do Enterolobium ellipticum<br />

Benth (Leguminosae). Arq Inst Biol (Sao Paulo)<br />

37(Suppl 1):38.<br />

e n Te r o l o b i u M g u MMi f e r u M (Mart.) J. F.<br />

Macbr. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

tamboril-do-campo<br />

Citations:<br />

Deutsch J, Döbereiner J, Tokarnia CH (1965) Fotossensibilidade<br />

hepatogénica em bovinos na intoxicação pela fava<br />

de Enterolobium gummiferum (Mart.) Macbr. Proc Int<br />

Grassl<strong>an</strong>d Cong 2:1279-1282.<br />

e n Te r o l o b i u M Ti Mb o u va Mart. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

orelha-de-preto; timborá<br />

Citations:<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J, Dutra IS, et al. (1999) Experimentos<br />

em bovinos com as favas de Enterolobium<br />

contortisiliquum e E. timbouva para verificar propriedades<br />

fotosensibiliz<strong>an</strong>tes e/ou abortivas. Pesq Vet Bras<br />

19(1):39-45.<br />

entjiebos –see– Hertia cluytiifolia (DC.) Kuntze<br />

Epaltes alata (Sond.) Steetz = Epaltes gariepina (DC.)<br />

Steetz<br />

e p a l Te s g a r i e p i n a (DC.) Steetz [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e paltes alata (Sond.) Steetz<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG (1934) Recent investigations into the toxicity<br />

of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union<br />

of South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

3(1):1205-130.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1943) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XIII. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 18(1-2):207-224.<br />

epazote –see– Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin &<br />

Clem<strong>an</strong>ts; Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia graveolens (Willd.) Mosyakin &<br />

Clem<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

epazote-de-comer –see– Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia ambrosioides (L.)<br />

Mosyakin & Clem<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

epena –see– Virola calophylloidea Markgr.<br />

ephedra –see– Ephedra sinica Stapf<br />

e p h e d r a s i n ic a Stapf [Ephedraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Chinese ephedra; ephedra; guar<strong>an</strong>a; ma hu<strong>an</strong>g<br />

Citations:<br />

Liu Y, Wolf LR, Zhu W (1997) Epidemiology of adult poisoning<br />

at China Medical University. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

35(2):175-180.<br />

Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD (2001) Toxidromes<br />

associated with the most common pl<strong>an</strong>t ingestions. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(6):366-369.<br />

Ooms TG, Kh<strong>an</strong> SA, Me<strong>an</strong>s C (2001) Suspected caffeine <strong>an</strong>d<br />

ephedrine toxicosis resulting from ingestion of <strong>an</strong> herbal<br />

supplement containing guar<strong>an</strong>a <strong>an</strong>d ma hu<strong>an</strong>g in dogs: 47<br />

cases (1997-1999). J Am Vet Med Assoc 218(2):225-229.<br />

Pace S (1996) Ma hu<strong>an</strong>g food supplement toxicity in two<br />

adolescents. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 34:598.<br />

Palmer M, Haller C, McKinney P, et al. (1998) A gap in<br />

the safety net: A multi-center prospective study of herbals<br />

<strong>an</strong>d other dietary supplements. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

36(5):454.<br />

Palmer M, Haller C, McKinney P, et al. (1999) Bot<strong>an</strong>icals<br />

<strong>an</strong>d other dietary supplements: Adverse events by age. J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 37(5):609.

146 - Ephedra viridis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Perrotta DM, Goody G, Culmo C, (1996) Adverse events<br />

associated with ephedrine-containing products - Texas,<br />

December 1993 - September 1995. MMWR Morb Mortal<br />

Wkly Rep 45(32):689-692.<br />

Sawyers B, LoVecchio F (2002) Tr<strong>an</strong>sient ischemic attack<br />

associated with metabolife use. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

40(5):644-645.<br />

Sharma AN, Cinci PM, Hoffm<strong>an</strong> RS (2000) Ma hu<strong>an</strong>ginduced<br />

myocardial infarction with normal coronary<br />

arteries. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 38(5):521.<br />

Zaacks SM, Klein L, T<strong>an</strong> CD, et al. (1999) Hypersensitivity<br />

myocarditis associated with ephedra use. J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 37(4):485-489.<br />

e p h e d r a v i r i d is Coville [Ephedraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> ephedra; desert tea; joint fir; Mexic<strong>an</strong> tea;<br />

Mormon tea; popotillo; teamster’s-tea; whorehouse tea<br />

Citations:<br />

Keeler RF (1989) Investigation of maternal <strong>an</strong>d embryo/fetal<br />

toxicity of Ephedra viridis <strong>an</strong>d Ephedra nevadensis in<br />

sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag 42(1):31-35.<br />

Epheu –see– Hedera helix L.<br />

Epheublättrige Gundelrebe –see– Glechoma hederacea L.<br />

epile ole<strong>an</strong>der –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

e p i Me d i u M g r a n d i f l o r u M C. Morren<br />

[Berberidaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Tuckler V, Peck C, Nesbitt C, et al. (2003) Intractable priapism<br />

associated with herbal stimul<strong>an</strong>ts. J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 41(5):671-672.<br />

Epipremnum aureum (Lindenl. & André) G. S. Bunting =<br />

Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl.<br />

e p i p r e Mn u M p i n n a Tu M (L.) Engl. [Araceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e pipremnum aureum (Linden & André) G. S. Bunting;<br />

s cindapsus aureus (Linden & André) Engl.<br />

Common Names:<br />

amapalo amarillo; devil’s-ivy; Efeutute; eleph<strong>an</strong>t’s-ear;<br />

golden Ceylon creeper; golden hunter’s-robe; golden<br />

pothos; hunter’s-robe; ivy arum; mal<strong>an</strong>ga; mal<strong>an</strong>ga trepadora;<br />

marble queen; pothos; Solomon Isl<strong>an</strong>d ivy; taro<br />

vine; variegated philodendron<br />

Citations:<br />

Krenzelok EP, Mrvos R, Jacobsen TD (2002) Contrary<br />

to the literature, vomiting is not a common m<strong>an</strong>ifestation<br />

with pl<strong>an</strong>t exposures. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

44(5):298-300.<br />

Mobacken H (1975) Allergic pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis from Scindapsus<br />

aureus. Contact Dermatitis 1(1):60-61.<br />

Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD (2001) Toxidromes<br />

associated with the most common pl<strong>an</strong>t ingestions. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(6):366-369.<br />

Paulsen E (1998) Occupational dermatitis in D<strong>an</strong>ish gardeners<br />

<strong>an</strong>d greenhouse workers (II). Etiological factors. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 38(1):14-19.<br />

eppich –see– Hedera helix L.<br />

e q u is e Tu M a rv e n s e L. [Equisetaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

barba ursului; bottlebrush; cat’s-tail; cat’s-tail grass;<br />

coada calului; cola-de-caballo; colt’s-tail; false horsetail;<br />

field horsetail; foxtail rush; horsepipe; horsetail;<br />

joint rush; Kleiner Schachtelhalm; mare’s-tail; meadow<br />

pine; pine top; pinegrass; prêle; scouring rush; shavegrass;<br />

snakegrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Agustìn-Ubide MP, Martinez-Cócera C, Alonso-Llamazares<br />

A, et al. (2004) Diagnostic approach to <strong>an</strong>aphylaxis<br />

by carrot, related vegetables <strong>an</strong>d horsetail (Equisetum<br />

arvense) in a homemaker. Allergy 59(7):786-787.<br />

Bocoş EI (1971) Observaţii asupra intoxicaţiei cu Equisetum<br />

la <strong>an</strong>imale. Rev Zootehnie Med Vet 21(8):57-59.<br />

Bubien MZ, Magat A, Delatour P (1970) Fréquence des<br />

intoxications des <strong>an</strong>imaux en Pologne. Bull Soc Vet Med<br />

Comp Lyon 72(2):167-173.<br />

Henderson JA, Ev<strong>an</strong>s EV, McIntosh RA (1952) The <strong>an</strong>tithiamine<br />

action of Equisetum. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

120(903):375-378.<br />

Hudson R (1924) Poisoning by horsetail (Equisetum<br />

arvense). Vet J 80:40.<br />

Jones LR (1901) Are our native horsetails or ferns poisonous?<br />

Proc Soc Promot Agric Sci 22:70-74.<br />

Maeda H, Miyamoto K, S<strong>an</strong>o T (1997) Occurrence of dermatitis<br />

in rats fed a cholesterol diet containing field horsetail<br />

(Equisetum arvense L.). J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo)<br />

43(5):553-563.<br />

Pammel LH (1919) Poisoning from horsetail. Am J Vet Med<br />

14:245-246.<br />

Rich FA (1902) Equisetum poisoning. Am Vet Rev<br />

26:944-954.<br />

Rich FA, Jones LR (1902) A poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. The common<br />

horsetail (Equisetum arvense). Vermont Agric Exp Sta<br />

Bull #95:187-190.<br />

Sud<strong>an</strong> BJ (1985) Seborrhoeic dermatitis induced by nicotine<br />

of horsetails (Equisetum arvense L.). Contact Dermatitis<br />

13(3):201-202.<br />

e q u is e Tu M f l u vi a Ti l e L. [Equisetaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cola-de-caballo; horsetail; swamp horsetail; water<br />

horsetail<br />

Citations:<br />

Klebesadel LJ, Mitchell WW (1964) An outbreak of horse<br />

poisoning from swamp horsetail (Equisetum fluviatile<br />

L.). J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag 17(6):333-334.<br />

e q u is e Tu M p a l u s Tr e L. [Equisetaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

erba cavalina; gli equiseti; herbe-aux-grenouilles;<br />

horsetail; marsh horsetail; marsh weed; mocsári

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Erodium cicutarium - 147<br />

zsurló; myrsnelle; prêle commune; queue-de-cheval;<br />

Sumpfschachtelhalm<br />

Citations:<br />

Butkus J, Čepulevičius M (1972) Apsinuodijimas asiūkliais ar<br />

babezielioze? Trudy Litovskii Vet Akademii 10:181-184.<br />

Kamphues J (1990) Verweigerung der Aufnahme von Heu<br />

bei Zuchtbullen dedingt durch eine Kontamination mit<br />

Sumpfschachtelhalm (Equisetum palustre). Tierarztl<br />

Prax 18(4):349-351.<br />

Khoteev VS, Chevguz FK (1970) [Large outbreak of Equisetum<br />

palustre poisoning in horses.] Veterinariia Moscow<br />

47(8):68-69.<br />

Lindt S (1959) Über eine Schachtelhalmvergiftung bei Kälbern.<br />

Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd 101:461-464.<br />

Richter HE (1961) Neuerlicher Vergiftungsfall durch Equisetum<br />

palustre L., Sumpfschachtelhalm. Wien Tierarztl<br />

Monatsschr 48(9):761-762.<br />

e q u is e Tu M r a Mo s is s i Mu M Desf.<br />

[Equisetaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

drilgras; dronkgras; horsetail; mare’s-tail; perde stert<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG (1933) Recent investigations into the toxicity of<br />

known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union of South<br />

Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus 1:173-182.<br />

e q u is e Tu M Te l Ma Te i a Ehrh. [Equisetaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t horsetail<br />

Citations:<br />

Miró O, Pedrol E, Nogué S, et al. (1996) Hiponatremia e<br />

hipopotasemia graves inducidas por el consumo de Equisetum<br />

telmateia. Med Clin (Barc) 106(6):639.<br />

eramusu –see– Hemidesmus indicus (L.) W. T. Aiton<br />

er<strong>an</strong>d –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

erba cavalina –see– Equisetum palustre L.<br />

Erbse –see– Lathyrus odoratus L.; Pisum sativum L.<br />

Erbsenstrauch –see– Carag<strong>an</strong>a arborescens Lam.<br />

Erdapfel –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um tuberosum L.<br />

Erdbeere –see– Fragaria ×<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>assa Duchesne ex Rozier<br />

erdei iszalag –see– Clematis vitalba L.<br />

erdei szélfü –see– Mercurialis perennis L.<br />

Erdepheu –see– Glechoma hederacea L.<br />

Erdklee –see– Trifolium subterr<strong>an</strong>eum L.<br />

Erdnuß –see– Arachis hypogaea L.<br />

Erdschierling –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

e r e Mo p h i l a d e s e r Ti (A. Cunn. ex Benth.)<br />

Chinnock [Scrophulariaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Myoporum deserti A. Cunn. ex Benth.<br />

Common Names:<br />

carrot bush; dogweed; Ell<strong>an</strong>gow<strong>an</strong>; Ell<strong>an</strong>gow<strong>an</strong> poison<br />

bush; ngaione; pencil bush; poison bush; turkey<br />

bush<br />

Citations:<br />

Allen JG, Seawright AA (1973) The effect of prior treatment<br />

with phenobarbitone, dicoph<strong>an</strong>e (DDT) <strong>an</strong>d<br />

β-diethylaminoethyl phenylpropyl acetate (SKF 525A) on<br />

experimental intoxication of sheep with the pl<strong>an</strong>t Myoporum<br />

deserti Cunn. Res Vet Sci 15(2):167-179.<br />

Johnstone IL, Allen GH (1944) Observations on the poisoning<br />

of sheep by Myoporum deserti (turkey-brush or<br />

Ell<strong>an</strong>gow<strong>an</strong>-brush). Aust Vet J 20:227-230.<br />

e r e Mo p h i l a Ma c u l a Ta (Ker Gawl.) F. Muell.<br />

[Scrophulariaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

fuchsia bush; native fuchsia; spotted emubush; spotted<br />

fuchsia<br />

Citations:<br />

Finnemore H (1931) The poisoning of stock on the Georgina<br />

River. The native fuchsia <strong>an</strong>d gidgea. J CSIRO Aust<br />

4:220-224.<br />

Ramsay AA, Henry M (1929) Rosewood (Heterodendrum<br />

oleaefolium) <strong>an</strong>d native fuchsia (Eremophila maculata)<br />

two poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Agric Gaz New South Wales<br />

40:834-837.<br />

Seddon HR, King RO (1930) The fatal dose for sheep of<br />

cy<strong>an</strong>ogenetic pl<strong>an</strong>ts containing sambunigrin or prunasin.<br />

J CSIRO Aust 3:14-24.<br />

erg elagrab –see– Clitoria ternatea L.<br />

e r io c h l o a c o n Tr a c Ta Hitchc. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

prairie cupgrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Sperry OE, Turk RD, Hoffm<strong>an</strong> GO, et al. (1955) Photosensitization<br />

of cattle in Texas. Texas Agric Exp Sta Bull<br />

#812:8 pp.<br />

e r iob o Tr y a j a p o n ic a (Thunb.) Lindl.<br />

[Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese plum; loquat; loquat plum<br />

Citations:<br />

Weber MA, Garner M (2002) Cy<strong>an</strong>ide toxicosis in Asi<strong>an</strong><br />

small-clawed otters (Amblonyx cinereus) secondary to<br />

ingestion of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica). J Zoo Wildl<br />

Med 33(2):145-146.<br />

e r o d i u M c ic u Ta r i u M (L.) L’Her.<br />

[Ger<strong>an</strong>iaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

alfilaria; alfilerillo; California filaree; pingrass; redstem<br />

filaree; stork’s-bill

148 - Erophaca baetica D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Ford GE (1965) Photosensitivity due to Erodium spp. Aust<br />

Vet J 41(Feb):56.<br />

e r o p h a c a b a e Tic a (L.) Boiss. [Fabaceae]<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a stragalus lusit<strong>an</strong>icus Lam.<br />

Common Names:<br />

garb<strong>an</strong>cillo; garb<strong>an</strong>zuelos<br />

Citations:<br />

Abdennebi EH, Quazz<strong>an</strong>i N, Joss<strong>an</strong>g A, et al. (2001)<br />

Inhibition of glycosidases by Astragalus lusit<strong>an</strong>icus<br />

<strong>an</strong>d correlation with toxicity. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

43(5):266-269.<br />

Abdennebi EH, Quazz<strong>an</strong>i NE, Lamnaouer D (1998) Clinical<br />

<strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>alytical studies of sheep dosed with various<br />

preparations of Astragalus lusit<strong>an</strong>icus. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

40(6):327-331.<br />

El Hamidi M, Leipold HW (1989) Poisoning of sheep by<br />

Astragalus lusit<strong>an</strong>icus in Morocco: Field <strong>an</strong>d experimental<br />

studies. Zentralbl Veterinarmed A 36(2):115-121.<br />

Garcia Rom<strong>an</strong> A, Moy<strong>an</strong>o Salvago MR, Soler Rodriguez<br />

F, et al. (1987) Physiopathologic ch<strong>an</strong>ges in lambs<br />

fed with Astragalus lusit<strong>an</strong>icus Lam. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

29(5):387-389.<br />

Moy<strong>an</strong>o Salvago R, Gázquez Ortíz A, García Román A, et<br />

al. (1989) Alteraciones <strong>an</strong>atomopatológicas producidas en<br />

la intoxicación experimental por Astragalus lusit<strong>an</strong>icus<br />

Lam. Medicina Vet 6(9):491-494.<br />

Soler F, Pedrera JD, Roncero V, et al. (1991) Description of<br />

a field case of Astragalus lusit<strong>an</strong>icus intoxication in goat.<br />

Acta Vet Sc<strong>an</strong>d Suppl 87:351-353.<br />

Soler Rodriguez F, García Román A, Moy<strong>an</strong>o Salvago<br />

MR, et al. (1990) Effect of Astragalus lusit<strong>an</strong>icus Lam<br />

in experimental subchronic neurotoxicity of lambs. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 32(6):551-554.<br />

ers –see– Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd.<br />

ers ervillier –see– Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd.<br />

erun –see– Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guill. & Perr.) Bren<strong>an</strong><br />

erva-de-passarinho –see– Phoradendron piperoides (Kunth)<br />

Trel.<br />

erva-de-rato –see– Palicourea marcgravii A. St.-Hil.;<br />

Psychotria poeppigi<strong>an</strong>a Müll. Arg.<br />

ervilhaca –see– Vicia sativa L.<br />

Ervum ervilia L. = Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd.<br />

Ervum lens L. = Lens culinaris Medik.<br />

e r y c i b e h e n r y i Prain [Convolvulaceae]<br />

Common names:<br />

ting-kung-teng<br />

Citations:<br />

Lin CC, Chen JC (2002) Medicinal herb Erycibe henri<br />

Prain (“ting kung teng”) resulting in acute cholinergic<br />

syndrome. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 40(2):185-187.<br />

e r y c i b e ob Tu s i f o l i a Benth. [Convolvulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

lei-gong-teng<br />

Citations:<br />

Hsu HY, Lin CC, Chen JY, et al. (1998) Toxic effects of<br />

Erycibe obtusifolia, a Chinese medicinal herb, in mice. J<br />

Ethnopharmacol 62(2):101-105.<br />

e r y Th r o p h l e u M a f r ic a n u M (Welw. ex<br />

Benth.) Harms [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ordeal tree; samburu<br />

Citations:<br />

Nwude N, Chineme CN (1981) Toxic effects of the leaves of<br />

Erythrophleum afric<strong>an</strong>um Harms in sheep. Bull Anim<br />

Health Prod Afr 29(4):349-354.<br />

e r y Th r o p h l e u M c h l o r o s Ta c h y s (F.<br />

Muell.) Baill. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e rythrophleum laboucheri F. Muell. ex Benth.<br />

Common Names:<br />

black be<strong>an</strong>; camel poison; Cooktown ironwood; ironweed;<br />

ironwood; northern ironwood<br />

Citations:<br />

Petrie JM, Priestly H (1921) Physiological activity of<br />

Erythrophloeum laboucherii. Proc Linn Soc N S W<br />

46:340-348.<br />

Erythrophleum guineense G. Don = Erythrophleum<br />

suaveolens (Guill. & Perr.) Bren<strong>an</strong><br />

Erythrophleum laboucheri F. Muell. ex Benth. =<br />

Erythrophleum chlorostachys (F. Muell.) Baill.<br />

e r y Th r o p h l e u M s u a ve o l e n s (Guill. &<br />

Perr.) Bren<strong>an</strong> [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e rythrophleum guineense G. Don<br />

Common Names:<br />

casca bark; doom bark; erun; marcona bark; ordeal<br />

bark; ordeal tree; red-water bark; sasswood; sassy bark;<br />

saucy bark<br />

Citations:<br />

Akinlade NO (1967) A case of sasswood poisoning. West<br />

Afr Med J 16(2):63-64.<br />

Nwude N, Chineme CN (1980) Investigations into the toxicity<br />

of the leaves of Erythrophleum guineense Don. in<br />

sheep. Res Vet Sci 28(1):112-115.<br />

e r y Th r o p h l e u M s u c c i r u b r u M Gagnep.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ph<strong>an</strong> saat; saat; tria

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Eucomis undulata - 149<br />

Citations:<br />

Echeverria P, Taylor DN, Bodhidatta L, et al. (1986) Deaths<br />

following ingestion of a cardiotoxic pl<strong>an</strong>t in Kampuche<strong>an</strong><br />

children in Thail<strong>an</strong>d. Southeast Asi<strong>an</strong> J Trop Med Public<br />

Health 17(4):601-603.<br />

e r y Th r o x y l u M a r g e n Ti n u M O. E. Schulz<br />

[Erythroxylaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Barros RR, Teixeira FR, Oliveira FN, et al. (2004) Poisoning<br />

in sheep from the ingestion of fruits of Erythroxylum<br />

argentinum. Vet Hum Toxicol 46(4):173-175.<br />

e r y Th r o x y l u M c o c a Lam. [Erythroxylaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

coca; cuca; spadic bush<br />

Citations:<br />

Valentine JL, Fremming BD, Chappell RH, et al. (1988)<br />

Effects of extended feeding of decocainized Erythroxylon<br />

coca leaves on growth <strong>an</strong>d selected org<strong>an</strong>s in rats <strong>an</strong>d<br />

rabbits. Hum Toxicol 7:21-26.<br />

e r y Th r o x y l u M d e c i d u u M A. St.-Hil.<br />

[Erythroxylaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cocão<br />

Citations:<br />

Colodel EM, Seitz AL, Schmitz M, et al. (2004) Intoxicação<br />

por Erythroxylum deciduum (Erythroxylaceae) em ovinos.<br />

Pesq Vet Bras 24(3):165-168.<br />

e s e n b e c k i a l e io c a r p a Engl. [Rutaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Guar<strong>an</strong>tã<br />

Citations:<br />

Freise FW (1936) Vergiftungen durch brasili<strong>an</strong>ische<br />

Werkhölzer. II. Jacareúba-Holz und Seidenholz. Sammlung<br />

Vergiftungsfallen 7(C33):61-72.<br />

esparto –see– Macrochloa tenacissima (Loefl. ex L.) Kunth<br />

esparto grass –see– Nassella tenuissima (Trin.) Barkworth<br />

espigon –see– Tribulus terrestris L.<br />

espina colorado –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um sisymbriifolium Lam.<br />

espina-de-palma –see– Dur<strong>an</strong>ta erecta L.<br />

espinafre –see– Spinacia oleracea L.<br />

espirradeira –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

Essigbaum –see– Rhus typhina L.<br />

estafiate –see– Artemisia ludovici<strong>an</strong>a Nutt.<br />

estramonio Americ<strong>an</strong>o –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

estramonio chino –see– Datura ferox L.<br />

estrella –see– Cynodon plectostachyus (K. Schum.) Pilg.<br />

estrella federal –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex<br />

Klotzsch<br />

esula redonda –see– Euphorbia peplus L.<br />

esura –see– Agelaea pentagyna (Lam.) Baill.<br />

Ethiopi<strong>an</strong> dog’s-toothgrass –see– Cynodon aethiopicus<br />

Clayton & J. R. Harl<strong>an</strong><br />

e u c a l y p Tu s c a Ma l d u l e n s is Dehnh.<br />

[Myrtaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

red gum<br />

Citations:<br />

Hughes RJ (1973) Abnormal yolk color <strong>an</strong>d mottling<br />

caused by dietary t<strong>an</strong>nic acid <strong>an</strong>d ‘t<strong>an</strong>nins’. J Poultry Sci<br />

52(5):1784-1786.<br />

e u c a l y p Tu s c l a d o c a l y x F. Muell.<br />

[Myrtaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

sugar gum<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1929) The poison pl<strong>an</strong>ts committee. J CSIRO<br />

Aust 2:40-48.<br />

Reece RL, H<strong>an</strong>dson P (1982) Observations on the accidental<br />

poisoning of birds by org<strong>an</strong>ophosphate insecticides <strong>an</strong>d<br />

other toxic subst<strong>an</strong>ces. Vet Rec 111(20):453-455.<br />

Steyn DG (1948) The toxicity of various species of Eucalyptus<br />

trees (blue gum, blougom, bloekom). J S Afr Vet<br />

Assoc 19(Mar):25-29.<br />

Webber JJ, Roycroft CR, Callin<strong>an</strong> JD (1985) Cy<strong>an</strong>ide poisoning<br />

of goats from sugar gums (Eucalyptus cladocalyx).<br />

Aust Vet J 62(1):28.<br />

e u c a l y p Tu s g l ob u l u s Labill. [Myrtaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue gum eucalyptus; gum tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Krenzelok EP, Mrvos R, Jacobsen TD (2002) Contrary to<br />

the literature, vomiting is not a common m<strong>an</strong>ifestation<br />

with pl<strong>an</strong>t exposures. Vet Hum Toxicol 44(5):298-300.<br />

Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD (2001) Toxidromes<br />

associated with the most common pl<strong>an</strong>t ingestions. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(6):366-369.<br />

Ramón MF, Ballesteros S, Martínez-Arrieta R, et al. (2003)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d herb exposures in Spain. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

41(4):514.<br />

e u c a l y p Tu s s a l ig n a Sm. [Myrtaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Holst R, Kirby J, Magnusson B (1976) Sensitization to tropical<br />

woods giving erythema multiforme-like eruptions.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 2(11):295-296.<br />

e u c o Mis u n d u l a Ta Aiton [Hyacinthaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ (1944) Recent investigations into the toxicity<br />

of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. in the Union of South Africa. Onderstepoort<br />

J Vet Sci Anim Indus 20(1):75-83.

150 - Eugenia myrtifolia D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb. = Syzygium aromaticum (L.)<br />

Merr. & L. M. Perry<br />

e u g e n i a My r Ti f o l i a Salisb. [Myrtaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Anderson CR (1944) Contact dermatitis from alfalfa <strong>an</strong>d bur<br />

clover. Arch Derm Syphilol 50:201.<br />

Eugenia smithii Poir. = Acmena smithii (Poir.) Merr. & L.<br />

M. Perry<br />

eugomo –see– Coula edulis Baill.<br />

e u o n y Mu s e u r o p a e u s L. [Celastraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>beam; bonnet-de-prêtre; catwood; dogwood;<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> euonymus; Europe<strong>an</strong> spindle tree; fusain;<br />

gatter; louse berry tree; pegwood; Pfaffenhütchen; pigwood;<br />

prickwood; skewerwood; Spillbaum; Spindelbaum;<br />

spindle tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Hermkes L (1941) Eine seltene Vergiftung mit den Früchten<br />

des Spindelbaumes (Pfaffenhütchen). Munch Med<br />

Wochenschr 88(37):1011-1012.<br />

Herold DA, Wahl R, Maasch HJ, et al. (1991) Occupational<br />

wood-dust sensitivity from Euonymus europaeus (spindle<br />

tree) <strong>an</strong>d investigation of cross reactivity between<br />

E. e. <strong>an</strong>d Artemisia vulgaris pollen (mugwort). Allergy<br />

46(3):186-190.<br />

Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng. = Ageratina adenophora<br />

(Spreng.) R. M. King & H. Rob.<br />

Eupatorium ageratoides L. f. = Ageratina altissima (L.) R.<br />

M. King & H. Rob.<br />

e u p a To r i u M a l Tis s i Mu M L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

thoroughwort<br />

Citations:<br />

Brier AJ (1939-1940) Contact dermatitis from thurowort<br />

(Eupatorium altissimum). J Allergy 11:402-406.<br />

e u p a To r i u M c h i n e n s e L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Chinese eupatorium; l<strong>an</strong> tsao<br />

Citations:<br />

Pak C, Read BE (1937) Chinese eupatorium. Chin J Physiol<br />

12(3):263-274.<br />

Eupatorium gl<strong>an</strong>dulosum Michx. = Ageratina adenophora<br />

(Spreng.) R. M. King & H. Rob.<br />

Eupatorium riparium Regel = Ageratina riparia (Regel) R.<br />

M. King & H. Rob.<br />

Eupatorium rugosum Houtt. = Ageratina altissima (L.) R.<br />

M. King & H. Rob.<br />

Eupatorium urticaefolium Reichard = Ageratina altissima<br />

(L.) R. M. King & H. Rob.<br />

Eupatorium wrightii A. Gray = Ageratina wrightii (A.<br />

Gray) R. M. King & H. Rob.<br />

e u p h o r b i a a b y s s i n ic a J. F. Gmel.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Abebe W (1992) Adverse effects of traditional drug preparations.<br />

J Ethnopharmacol 36:93-94.<br />

e u p h o r b i a a n Tiq u o r u M L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e uphorbia trigona Haw.<br />

Common Names:<br />

fleshy spurge; Malay<strong>an</strong> spurge; milkbush; spurge<br />

cactus<br />

Citations:<br />

Hallén L (1986) Sprättivägpl<strong>an</strong>ta och high chapparall<br />

- Modekrukväxter med risker. Lakartidningen<br />

83(34):2756.<br />

Euphorbia bigl<strong>an</strong>dulosa Desf. = Euphorbia rigida M. Bieb.<br />

e u p h o r b i a c a e r u l e s c e n s Haw.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue euphorbia; sweet noors<br />

Citations:<br />

Ev<strong>an</strong>s FJ (1978) The irrit<strong>an</strong>t toxins of blue euphorbia<br />

(Euphorbia caerulescens Haw.). Toxicon 16(1):51-57.<br />

e u p h o r b i a c h a r a c i a s L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

phlomos; tántago-de-Valencia; tárago mayor<br />

Citations:<br />

Eke T, Al-Husainy S, Raynor MK (2000) The spectrum of<br />

ocular inflammation caused by euphorbia pl<strong>an</strong>t sap. Arch<br />

Ophthalmol 118(1):13-16.<br />

e u p h o r b i a c o o p e r i N. E. Br. ex A. Berger<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Ev<strong>an</strong>s FJ (1978) The irrit<strong>an</strong>t toxins of blue euphorbia<br />

(Euphorbia caerulescens Haw.). Toxicon 16(1):51-57.<br />

e u p h o r b i a c y p a r is s i a s L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cypress spurge; farkas kutyatej; Glelskraut; Krötengraß;<br />

lechetrezna; spurge; Warzengraß; Zypressen-<br />

Wolfsmilch<br />

Citations:<br />

Asili<strong>an</strong> A, Faghihi G (2004) Severe irrit<strong>an</strong>t contact dermatitis<br />

from cypress spurge. Contact Dermatitis 51(1):37-39.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Euphorbia hermenti<strong>an</strong>a - 151<br />

Lisch K (1980) Die Wirkung des Milchsaftes von Euphorbiazeen<br />

auf das Auge. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd<br />

176(3):469-471.<br />

Ritter S (1985) Vergiftungen durch Pfl<strong>an</strong>zen. Dtsch Apoth<br />

Ztg 125(37):1834-1836.<br />

Rössler G (1985) Keratoconjunctivitis Euphorbiae. Klin<br />

Monatsbl Augenheilkd 186(5):380-381.<br />

Euphorbia dallachy<strong>an</strong>a Baill. = Euphorbia drummondii<br />

Boiss.<br />

e u p h o r b i a d e n d r o i d e s L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

titimalo<br />

Citations:<br />

Biom<strong>an</strong> P, Savir H (1974) [Chemical ocular injury by Euphorbia<br />

dendroides.] Harefuah 87(Oct):308-309.<br />

e u p h o r b i a d r u MMo n d i i Boiss.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e uphorbia dallachy<strong>an</strong>a Baill.<br />

Common Names:<br />

balsam; caustic creeper; caustic weed; creeping caustic;<br />

mat balsam; mat spurge; milk spurge; milkweed; onat<br />

spurge; poison weed; red soldier<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1929) The poison pl<strong>an</strong>ts committee. J CSIRO<br />

Aust 2:40-48.<br />

Seddon HR (1927) Euphorbia drummondii, “milk weed,” a<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonous to sheep. J CSIRO Aust 1:268-273.<br />

Seddon HR (1928) Milk weed (Euphorbia drummondii)<br />

proved poisonous to sheep. Agric Gaz New South Wales<br />

39:777-782.<br />

e u p h o r b i a e s u l a L.<br />

Common names:<br />

leafy spurge<br />

Citations:<br />

Heemstra JM, Kronberg SL, Neiger RD, et al. (1999) Behavioral,<br />

nutritional, <strong>an</strong>d toxicological responses of cattle to<br />

ensiled leafy spurge. J Anim Sci 77(3):600-610.<br />

Johnson A, Peake RW (1960) Effect of selective grazing by<br />

sheep on the control of leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.).<br />

J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag 12:192-195.<br />

e u p h o r b i a f r a n c k i a n a A. Berger<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Ev<strong>an</strong>s FJ (1978) The irrit<strong>an</strong>t toxins of blue euphorbia<br />

(Euphorbia caerulescens Haw.). Toxicon 16(1):51-57.<br />

e u p h o r b i a f u l g e n s Karw. ex Klotzsch<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

scarlet plume<br />

Citations:<br />

Hausen BM, Ketels-Harken H, Schulz KH (1976)<br />

Berufsbedingte Inhalationsallergie durch Pollen von<br />

Euphorbia fulgens Karw. Dtsch Med Wochenschr<br />

101(15):567-570.<br />

Euphorbia geniculata Ortega = Euphorbia heterophylla L.<br />

e u p h o r b i a g e r a r d i a n a Jacq.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Wolfsmilch<br />

Citations:<br />

Geßner O (1936) Gewerbliche Dermatitis durch Wolfsmilcharten<br />

(Euphorbiaceen). Sammlung Vergiftungsfallen<br />

7(A651):217-218.<br />

e u p h o r b i a g r a n d ic o r n is Goebel ex N. E.<br />

Br. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Likes K, Chavez M, Picchioni A, et al. (undated) Keratoconjunctivitis<br />

<strong>an</strong>d contact dermatitis from exposure to the<br />

sap from Euphorbia spp. Unpublished m<strong>an</strong>uscript from<br />

the Arizona Poison Control <strong>an</strong>d Drug Information Center,<br />

Tucson.<br />

e u p h o r b i a g r a n Ti i Oliv. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Likes K, Chavez M, Picchioni A, et al. (undated) Keratoconjunctivitis<br />

<strong>an</strong>d contact dermatitis from exposure to the<br />

sap from Euphorbia spp. Unpublished m<strong>an</strong>uscript from<br />

the Arizona Poison Control <strong>an</strong>d Drug Information Center,<br />

Tucson.<br />

e u p h o r b i a h e l io s c o p i a L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cat’s-milk; churn staff; Hundswolfkraut; ibby<br />

dalegrass; irby dalegrass; lecheruela; lechetrezna;<br />

little good; little goody; mamona; Milchkraut; Sonnenwolfsmilch;<br />

spurge; sun spurge; wartwort; Wolfsmilch;<br />

wortgrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Clel<strong>an</strong>d JB (1931) <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong>, including fungi, poisonous or otherwise<br />

injurious to m<strong>an</strong> in Australia. Series III. Med J<br />

Aust 2(Dec 19):775-778.<br />

Guggenheim I (1926) Bindehaut- und Hornhautentzündung<br />

durch Saft der Euphorbia helioscopia (Wolfsmilch). Klin<br />

Monatsbl Augenheilkd 77:521-523.<br />

Rössler G (1985) Keratoconjunctivitis Euphorbiae. Klin<br />

Monatsbl Augenheilkd 186(5):380-381.<br />

Vlachos P, Poulos L, Koutselinis A, et al. (1978) Euphorbia<br />

poisoning (case reports). Environ Biol Med 6:104.<br />

e u p h o r b i a h e r Me n Ti a n a Lem.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

milk bush

152 - Euphorbia heterophylla D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Worobec SM, Hickey TA, Kinghorn AD, et al. (1981) Irrit<strong>an</strong>t<br />

contact dermatitis from <strong>an</strong> ornamental Euphorbia.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 7(1):19-22.<br />

e u p h o r b i a h e Te r o p h y l l a L.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e uphorbia geniculata Ortega<br />

Common Names:<br />

chilamatillo; fiddler’s-spurge; golondrina; green<br />

euphorb; hierba-del-duende; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese poinsettia;<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> fire pl<strong>an</strong>t; painted leaf; painted spurge; wild<br />

poinsettia<br />

Citations:<br />

Deodikar GB, Thakar CV, Phadke RP, et al. (1958) Poisoning<br />

of honeybees foraging on Euphorbia geniculata. Bee<br />

World 39(5):118-120.<br />

Euphorbia hirta L. = Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp.<br />

e u p h o r b i a i n g e n s E. Mey. ex Boiss.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

c<strong>an</strong>delabra cactus; c<strong>an</strong>delabra Euphorbia; c<strong>an</strong>delabra<br />

tree; k<strong>an</strong>kerbos; naboom<br />

Citations:<br />

Nyazema NZ (1986) Herbal toxicity in Zimbabwe. Tr<strong>an</strong>s R<br />

Soc Trop Med Hyg 80(3):448-450.<br />

e u p h o r b i a l a c Te a Haw. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

c<strong>an</strong>delabra cactus; dragon bone tree; dragon bones; false<br />

cactus; hatrack cactus; milkstripe euphorbia; monkey<br />

puzzle; mottled spurge<br />

Citations:<br />

Cordero-Moreno R (1973) Etiologic factors in tropical eye<br />

diseases. Am J Ophthalmol 75(3):349-364.<br />

Crowder JI, Sexton RR (1964) Keratoconjunctivitis resulting<br />

from the sap of c<strong>an</strong>delebra cactus <strong>an</strong>d the pencil tree.<br />

Arch Ophthalmol 72(Oct):476-484.<br />

e u p h o r b i a l a Th y r is L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>tigopher pl<strong>an</strong>t; caper bush; caper garden spurge; caper<br />

spurge; garden spurge; gopher pl<strong>an</strong>t; Kreuzblättrige Wolfsmilch;<br />

Maulwurfskraut; milkweed; mole pl<strong>an</strong>t; myrtle<br />

spurge; Pillenbaum; sassy jack; Springkraut; Springwolfsmilch;<br />

springwort; tártago; wild caper; wolf’s-milk<br />

Citations:<br />

Antcliff RJ (1994) Euphorbia lathyris latex keratoconjunctivitis.<br />

Eye 8(Part 6):696-698.<br />

Dietze U, Heydenreich A (1982) Augenschädigung durch<br />

eine zur Wühlmausbekämpfung eigensetzte Wolfsmilchpfl<strong>an</strong>ze<br />

(Euphorbia lathyris). Fol Ophthalmol 7:261-264.<br />

Frohn A, Frohn C, Steuhl KP, et al. (1993) Wolfsmilchverätzung.<br />

Ophthalmologe 90(1):58-61.<br />

Geidel K (1962) Klinische Beobachtung und tierexperimentelle<br />

Untersuchungen über die Wirkung von Saft der<br />

Euphorbia lathyris (Springwolfsmilch) am Auge. Klin<br />

Monatsbl Augenheilkd 141(Sep):374-379.<br />

Pullar EM (1939) Studies on five suspected poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Aust Vet J 15:19-23.<br />

e u p h o r b i a l e d i e n i i A. Berger [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Ev<strong>an</strong>s FJ (1978) The irrit<strong>an</strong>t toxins of blue euphorbia<br />

(Euphorbia coerulescens Haw.). Toxicon 16(1):51-57.<br />

e u p h o r b i a l e u c o n e u r a Boiss.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

borsteuphorbia<br />

Citations:<br />

Hallén L (1986) Sprättivägpl<strong>an</strong>ta och high chapparall -<br />

Modekrukväxter med risker. Lakartidningen 83(34):2756.<br />

Euphorbia maculata L. = Chamaesyce maculata (L.) Small<br />

e u p h o r b i a Ma r g i n a Ta Pursh [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ghostweed; lepadena; ostromlecza paskow<strong>an</strong>y; snow-onthe-mountain;<br />

variegated spurge; white margin spurge<br />

Citations:<br />

Agersborg G (1882) Poisoning in a cow by Euphorbia marginata.<br />

Am Vet Rev 6:353.<br />

Eke T, Al-Husainy S, Raynor MK (2000) The spectrum of<br />

ocular inflammation caused by euphorbia pl<strong>an</strong>t sap. Arch<br />

Ophthalmol 118(1):13-16.<br />

Pinedo JM, Saavedra V, Gonzalez-de-C<strong>an</strong>ales F, et al. (1985)<br />

Irrit<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis due to Euphorbia marginata. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 13(1):44.<br />

Szafr<strong>an</strong> L (1967) Ostre zapalenie spojówek i rogówki<br />

wywoł<strong>an</strong>e sokiem ostromlecza paskow<strong>an</strong>ego (Euphorbia<br />

marginata). Pol Tyg Lek (Wars) 22(18):671-672.<br />

e u p h o r b i a Ma Ta b e l e n s is Pax<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Gundidza M, Sorg B, Hecker E (1993) A skin irrit<strong>an</strong>t principle<br />

from Euphorbia matabelensis Pax. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

39(3):209-212.<br />

e u p h o r b i a Ma u r i Ta n ic a L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

geelmelkbos<br />

Citations:<br />

Terbl<strong>an</strong>che M, Adelaar TF, v<strong>an</strong> Straten AM (1966) Euphorbia<br />

maurit<strong>an</strong>ica L. as a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t in South Africa. J<br />

S Afr Vet Assoc 37(3):311-315.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Euphorbia pulcherrima - 153<br />

e u p h o r b i a Mi l i i Des Moul. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Christ’s-thorn; Christusdorn; coroa-de-cristo; crownof-thorns;<br />

crucifixion pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Eke T, Al-Husainy S, Raynor MK (2000) The spectrum of<br />

ocular inflammation caused by euphorbia pl<strong>an</strong>t sap. Arch<br />

Ophthalmol 118(1):13-16.<br />

McKinney P, Gomez HF, Phillips S, et al. (1992) The fax<br />

machine: A new method in pl<strong>an</strong>t identification. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 34(4):353.<br />

e u p h o r b i a My r s i n i Te s L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

creeping spurge; donkey tail; spurge<br />

Citations:<br />

Lisch K (1980) Die Wirkung des Milchsaftes von Euphorbiazeen<br />

auf das Auge. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd<br />

176(3):469-471.<br />

Sierputowska M, Sliwinska M (1968) Dermatitis toxica<br />

bullosa phytogenes wywoł<strong>an</strong>e przez Euphorbia myrsinites.<br />

Przegl Dermatol 55(6):787-790.<br />

Spoerke DG, Temple AR (1979) Dermatitis after exposure<br />

to a garden pl<strong>an</strong>t (Euphorbia myrsinites). Am J Dis Child<br />

133(1):28-29.<br />

e u p h o r b i a p ag a n o r u M A. Chev.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Croizat L (1935) <strong>Poisonous</strong> Euphorbiae. Desert Pl<strong>an</strong>t Life<br />

7:130.<br />

e u p h o r b i a p a l u s Tr is L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Sumpfwolfsmilch<br />

Citations:<br />

Eke T, Al-Husainy S, Raynor MK (2000) The spectrum of<br />

ocular inflammation caused by euphorbia pl<strong>an</strong>t sap. Arch<br />

Ophthalmol 118(1):13-16.<br />

e u p h o r b i a p e pl u s L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

caper spurge; esula redonda; Gartenwolfsmilch; lechetrezna;<br />

milkweed; mole pl<strong>an</strong>t; petty spurge; Stierkraut;<br />

wartweed; Wolfsmilch<br />

Citations:<br />

Biedner BZ, Sachs U, Witztum A (1981) Euphorbia<br />

peplus latex keratoconjunctivitis. Ann Ophthalmol<br />

13(6):739-740.<br />

Caln<strong>an</strong> CD (1975) Petty spurge (Euphorbia peplus L.). Contact<br />

Dermatitis 1(2):128.<br />

Eke T (1994) Acute kerato-uveitis associated with topical<br />

self-administration of the sap of the petty spurge<br />

(Euphorbia peplus). Eye 8(Part 6):694-696.<br />

Hartm<strong>an</strong>n K (1940) Augenschädigung durch den Saft der<br />

Euphorbia peplus (Wolfsmilch). Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd<br />

104:324-326.<br />

Nawito M, Ahmed YF, Zayed SM (1998) Dietary c<strong>an</strong>cer<br />

risk from conditional c<strong>an</strong>cerogens in produce of<br />

livestock fed on species of spurge (Euphorbiaceae). 2.<br />

Pathophysiological investigations in lactating goats<br />

fed on the skin irrit<strong>an</strong>t herb Euphorbia peplus <strong>an</strong>d<br />

in their milk-raised kids. J C<strong>an</strong>cer Res Clin Oncol<br />

124(3-4):179-185.<br />

Seddon HR (1929) Feeding experiments with Euphorbia<br />

peplus (“petty spurge”). New South Wales Dep Agric Sci<br />

Bull 33:99-101.<br />

Zayed SM, Farghaly M, Taha H (1998) Dietary c<strong>an</strong>cer<br />

risk from conditional c<strong>an</strong>cerogens in produce of livestock<br />

fed on species of spurge (Euphorbiaceae). 3.<br />

Milk of lactating goats fed on the skin irrit<strong>an</strong>t herb<br />

Euphorbia peplus is polluted by tumor promoters of<br />

the ingen<strong>an</strong>e diterpene ester type. J C<strong>an</strong>cer Res Clin<br />

Oncol 124(6):301-306.<br />

e u p h o r b i a p i l o s a L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

downy spurge; hairy spurge; Wolfsmilch<br />

Citations:<br />

Geßner O (1936) Gewerbliche Dermatitis durch Wolfmilcharten<br />

(Euphorbiaceen). Sammlung Vergiftungsfallen<br />

7(A651):217-218.<br />

Euphorbia pilulifera L. = Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp.<br />

e u p h o r b i a pl a Ty p h y l l o s L.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

broad-leaf wart spurge<br />

Citations:<br />

Eke T, Al-Husainy S, Raynor MK (2000) The spectrum of<br />

ocular inflammation caused by euphorbia pl<strong>an</strong>t sap. Arch<br />

Ophthalmol 118(1):13-16.<br />

Euphorbia prostrata Aiton = Chamaesyce prostrata (Aiton)<br />

Small<br />

e u p h o r b i a p u l c h e r r i Ma Willd. ex Klotzsch<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p oinsettia pulcherrima (Willd. ex Klotzsch) Graham<br />

Common Names:<br />

b<strong>an</strong>dera; beteta; catalina; Christmas flower; Christmas<br />

poinsettia; Christmas rose; Christmas star; Easter<br />

flower; estrella federal; flor-de-fuego; flor-de-navidad;<br />

flor-de-nochebuena; flor-de-pascua; flor-de-S<strong>an</strong>ta-<br />

Caterina; lobster flower; paño-de-hol<strong>an</strong>da; papagallo;<br />

pastora; poinsettia; Weihnachtsstern<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1980) Tabulations of 1977 case reports. Bull<br />

Natl Clgh Poison Control Cent 24(6):1-4.<br />

D’Arcy WG (1974) Severe contact dermatitis from poinsettia.<br />

Arch Dermatol 109(6):909-910.

154 - Euphorbia rigida D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Der Marderosi<strong>an</strong> AH, Giller FB, Roia FC Jr (1976) Phytochemical<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicological screening of household<br />

ornamental pl<strong>an</strong>ts potentially toxic to hum<strong>an</strong>s. I. J Toxicol<br />

Environ Health 1(6):939-953.<br />

Edwards N (1983) Local toxicity from a poinsettia pl<strong>an</strong>t: A<br />

case report. J Pediatr 102(3):404-405.<br />

Gock K, Schlatter C, Jenny E (1974) Akute Hundevergiftungen.<br />

Analyse der im Schweizerischen Toxikologischen<br />

Informationszentrum registrierten Fälle. Schweiz<br />

Arch Tierheilkd 116(11):565-585.<br />

Ibáñez MD, Fernández-Nieto M, Martínez J, et al. (2004)<br />

Asthma induced by latex from ‘Christmas flower’<br />

(Euphorbia pulcherrima). Allergy 59(10):1127-1128.<br />

Klug S, Saleem G, Honcharuk L, et al. (1990) Toxicity<br />

potential of poinsettia, is the pl<strong>an</strong>t really toxic? Am Assoc<br />

Poison Control Cent 1990:112.<br />

Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD, Aronis JM (1996) Poinsettia<br />

exposures have good outcomes. Just as we thought. Am J<br />

Emerg Med 14(7):671-674.<br />

Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD, Aronis M (1998) The most<br />

prevalent symptoms associated with common pl<strong>an</strong>t exposures.<br />

J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 36(5):453.<br />

Krenzelok EP, Mrvos R, Jacobsen TD (2002) Contrary to<br />

the literature, vomiting is not a common m<strong>an</strong>ifestation<br />

with pl<strong>an</strong>t exposures. Vet Hum Toxicol 44(5):298-300.<br />

Massm<strong>an</strong>i<strong>an</strong> A (1998) Contact dermatitis due to Euphorbia<br />

pulcherrima Willd, simulating a phototoxic reaction.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 38(2):113-114.<br />

Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD (2001) Toxidromes<br />

associated with the most common pl<strong>an</strong>t ingestions. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(6):366-369.<br />

Paulsen E (1998) Occupational dermatitis in D<strong>an</strong>ish gardeners<br />

<strong>an</strong>d greenhouse workers (II). Etiological factors. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 38(1):14-19.<br />

Runyon R (1980) Toxicity of fresh poinsettia (Euphorbia<br />

pulcherrima) to Sprague-Dawley rats. Clin Toxicol<br />

16:167-173.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>tucci B, Picardo M, Cristaudo A (1985) Contact dermatitis<br />

from Euphorbia pulcherrima. Contact Dermatitis<br />

12(5):285-286.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Armién AG, Peixoto PV, et al. (1996) Estudo<br />

experimental sobre a toxidez de algumas pl<strong>an</strong>tas ornamentais<br />

em bovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 16(1):5-20.<br />

e u p h o r b i a r ig i d a M. Bieb. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e uphorbia bigl<strong>an</strong>dulosa Desf.<br />

Citations:<br />

Frohn A, Frohn C, Steuhl KP, et al. (1993) Wolfsmilchverätzung.<br />

Ophthalmologe 90(1):58-61.<br />

Lisch K (1980) Die Wirkung des Milchsaftes von Euphorbiazeen<br />

auf das Auge. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd<br />

176(3):469-471.<br />

Smirnow LD, Efremov AI (1970) [Dermatitis due to Euphorbia<br />

rigida M.B.] Vestn Dermatol Venerol 44(6):67-69.<br />

e u p h o r b i a r ob b i a e Turrill [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Eke T, Al-Husainy S, Raynor MK (2000) The spectrum of<br />

ocular inflammation caused by euphorbia pl<strong>an</strong>t sap. Arch<br />

Ophthalmol 118(1):13-16.<br />

e u p h o r b i a r o y l e a n a Boiss. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chu; churee; tord<strong>an</strong>da<br />

Citations:<br />

Sofat BK, Sood GC, Ch<strong>an</strong>del RD, et al. (1972) Euphorbia<br />

royle<strong>an</strong>a latex keratitis. Am J Ophthalmol 74(4):634-637.<br />

Sood GC, Sofat BK, Ch<strong>an</strong>del RD (1971) Injury to the<br />

eye by the sap of Euphorbia royle<strong>an</strong>a. Br J Ophthalmol<br />

55(12):856-857.<br />

e u p h o r b i a s a l ic i f o l i a Host [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Wolfsmilch<br />

Citations:<br />

Geßner O (1936) Gewerbliche Dermatitis durch Wolfmilcharten<br />

(Euphorbiaceen). Sammlung Vergiftungsfallen<br />

7(A651):217-218.<br />

e u p h o r b i a Ti r u c a l l i L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bali bali; catuit; consuelda; finger tree; gaton; Geraldton<br />

carnation weed; Indi<strong>an</strong> spurge tree; Indi<strong>an</strong> tree;<br />

Malabar tree; milk bush; milk hedge; milk tree; minyara;<br />

monkey fiddle; naked lady; pencil cactus; pencil<br />

tree; rubber euphorbia; sapu; solsoldong; soro soro;<br />

sosueldo; spurge tree; suel-da-con-suelda; suerda-consuerda;<br />

utupa<br />

Citations:<br />

Cordero-Moreno R (1973) Etiologic factors in tropical eye<br />

diseases. Am J Ophthalmol 75(3):349-364.<br />

Crowder JI, Sexton RR (1964) Keratoconjunctivitis resulting<br />

from the sap of c<strong>an</strong>delebra cactus <strong>an</strong>d the pencil tree.<br />

Arch Ophthalmol 72(Oct):476-484.<br />

Uich<strong>an</strong>co JB, Aquino AR (1962) Euphorbia tirucalli as a systemic<br />

poison <strong>an</strong>d its possible use for euth<strong>an</strong>asia. Philippine<br />

J Vet Med 1:161-167.<br />

Euphorbia tithymaloides L. = Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus tithymaloides<br />

(L.) Poit.<br />

Euphorbia trigona Haw. = Euphorbia <strong>an</strong>tiquorum L.<br />

e u p h o r b i a Tr i a n g u l a r is Desf. ex A. Berger<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Gschwendt M, Hecker E (1974) Über die Wirkstoffe der<br />

Euphorbiaceen II. Hautreizende und cocarcinogene Faktoren<br />

aus Euphorbia tri<strong>an</strong>gularis Desf. Z Krebsforsch<br />

81:193-210.<br />

Euphorbia viminale L. = Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R. Br.<br />

Eurecka lemon –see– Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f.<br />

Europäische Haselwurz –see– Asarum europaeum L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> aconite –see– Aconitum napellus L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> beech –see– Fagus sylvatica L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> bindweed –see– Convolvulus arvensis L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Excoecaria parvifolia - 155<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> bittersweet –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> boxwood –see– Buxus sempervirens L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> cherry laurel –see– Prunus laurocerasus L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> dog mercury –see– Mercurialis perennis L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> elder –see– Sambucus nigra L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> euonymus –see– Euonymus europaeus L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> hazel –see– Corylus avell<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> heliotrope –see– Heliotropium europaeum L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> hop –see– Humulus lupulus L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> horse chestnut –see– Aesculus hippocast<strong>an</strong>um L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> laurel –see– Laurus nobilis L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> m<strong>an</strong>drake –see– M<strong>an</strong>dragora officinarum L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> May Day tree –see– Prunus padus L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> mistletoe –see– Viscum album L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> morning-glory –see– Convolvulus arvensis L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> oak –see– Quercus robur L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> pennyroyal –see– Mentha pulegium L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> pine –see– Pinus pinaster Aiton<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> privet –see– Ligustrum vulgare L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> spindle tree –see– Euonymus europaeus L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> vervain –see– Verbena officinalis L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> water hemlock –see– Cicuta virosa L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> white hellebore –see– Veratrum album L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> white lupin –see– Lupinus albus L.<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> yew –see– Taxus baccata L.<br />

e u x y l o p h o r a p a r a e n s is Huber [Rutaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Páo amarello; Páo setim; Perobas<br />

Citations:<br />

Freise FW (1936) Vergiftungen durch brasili<strong>an</strong>ische<br />

Werkhölzer. II. Jacareúba-Holz und Seidenholz. Sammlung<br />

Vergiftungsfallen 7(C33):61-72.<br />

evening-star rain lily –see– Cooperia pedunculata Herb.<br />

evening trumpet flower –see– Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) J.<br />

St.-Hil.<br />

evening trumpet vine –see– Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) J.<br />

St.-Hil.<br />

evergreen box –see– Buxus sempervirens L.<br />

evergreen holm oak –see– Quercus ilex L.<br />

everlasting pea –see– Lathyrus hirsutus L.; Lathyrus latifolius<br />

L.; Lathyrus pusillus Elliott; Lathyrus sylvestris L.<br />

everlasting thorn –see– Pyrac<strong>an</strong>tha coccinea M. Roem.<br />

Eve’s-necklace –see– Calia secundiflora (Ortega) Yakovlev<br />

ewe-ar<strong>an</strong> –see– Spigelia <strong>an</strong>thelmia L.<br />

ewon agogo –see– L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara L.<br />

e x a c u M a f f i n e Balf. f. [Genti<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Paulsen E (1998) Occupational dermatitis in D<strong>an</strong>ish gardeners<br />

<strong>an</strong>d greenhouse workers (II). Etiological factors. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 38(1):14-19.<br />

e x c o e c a r i a p a rv i f o l i a Müll. Arg.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blind-your-eyes; gutta percha tree; poison tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Log<strong>an</strong> DA (1925) Gutta percha tree (Excoecaria parvifolia)<br />

<strong>an</strong>d its effects on sheep. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d Agric J 24(Sep<br />

1):232-233.<br />

exile ole<strong>an</strong>der –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

exile tree –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

eyeb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Chamaesyce maculata (L.) Small<br />

ezonegi –see– Allium schoenoprasum L.

faba be<strong>an</strong> –see– Vicia faba L.<br />

fabismo –see– Vicia faba L.<br />

fad<strong>an</strong>g –see– Cycas circinalis L.<br />

f a d o g i a h o Mb l e i De Wild. [Rubiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

f adogia monticola Robyns<br />

Common Names:<br />

wild date<br />

Citations:<br />

Adelaar TF, Terbl<strong>an</strong>che M, Smit JD (1966) A report on negative<br />

experiments with ferric chloride as a prophylactic<br />

agent against gousiekte. J S Afr Vet Assoc 37(2):199-201.<br />

Fourie N, Schultz RA, Prozesky L, et al. (1989) Clinical<br />

pathological ch<strong>an</strong>ges in gousiekte, a pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced<br />

cardiotoxicosis of rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

56(1):73-80.<br />

Hurter LR, Naudé TW, Adelaar TF, et al. (1972) Ingestion<br />

of the pl<strong>an</strong>t Fadogia monticola Robyns as <strong>an</strong> additional<br />

cause of gousiekte in rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

39(1):71-81.<br />

Prozesky L, Basti<strong>an</strong>ello SS, Fourie N, et al. (2005) A study<br />

of the pathology <strong>an</strong>d pathogenesis of the myocardial<br />

lesions in gousiekte, a pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced cardiotoxicosis of<br />

rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 72(3):219-230.<br />

Fadogia monticola Robyns = Fadogia homblei De Wild.<br />

Fagara flava (Vahl) Krug & Urb. = Z<strong>an</strong>thoxylum flavum Vahl<br />

f ag a r a h e i Tz i i Aubrév. & Pellegr. [Rutaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

linoncillo; olon<br />

Citations:<br />

Condé-Salazar L, Guimaraens D, Romero LV, et al. (1987)<br />

Allergic contact dermatitis to olonwood. Contact Dermatitis<br />

16(4):231-232.<br />

fagopyrisme –see– Fagopyrum esculentum Moench<br />

f ag o p y r u M e s c u l e n Tu M Moench<br />

[Polygonaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

f agopyrum sagittatum Gilib.; p olygonum fagopyrum<br />

L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Buchweizen; buckwheat; fagopyrisme; hainkorn;<br />

Heidegrütze; Heidekorn; trigo sarracero; wild<br />

buckwheat<br />

f<br />

Citations:<br />

Bichlmaier H (1912) Experimentelle Untersuchungen<br />

über Buchweizenerkr<strong>an</strong>ckung. Monatsh Prakt Tierheil<br />

23:305-318.<br />

Blumstein GI (1935) Buckwheat sensitivity. J Allergy<br />

7:74-79.<br />

Bruce EA (1917) Fagopyrismus (buckwheat poisoning)<br />

<strong>an</strong>d similar affections. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

52(Nov):189-194.<br />

Collet P, Henry E (1952) Photosensibilisation du Dindon par<br />

le Sarrazin. Bull Soc Vet Lyon 54-55(1):437-442.<br />

Göhte CJ, Wiesl<strong>an</strong>der G, Ancker K, et al. (1983) Buckwheat<br />

allergy: Health food, <strong>an</strong> inhalation health risk. Allergy<br />

38(3):155-159.<br />

Horesh AJ (1972) Buckwheat sensitivity in children. Ann<br />

Allergy 30(12):685-689.<br />

Kubo H, Fujimoto H, Nakayama H (1938) Über die Leberver<strong>an</strong>derungen<br />

durch die Zufuhr von Buchweizen,<br />

gewöhnlicher Nahrungsmittel, bei K<strong>an</strong>inchen, Ratten<br />

und Mausen. (I. Mitteilung). Acta Pathol Jpn<br />

28:325-336.<br />

Lee SY, Lee KS, Hong CH, et al. (2001) Three cases of<br />

childhood nocturnal asthma due to buckwheat allergy.<br />

Allergy 56(8):763-766.<br />

Park JW, K<strong>an</strong>g DB, Kim CW, et al. (2000) Identification<br />

<strong>an</strong>d characterization of the major allergens of buckwheat.<br />

Allergy 55(11):1035-1041.<br />

Priouzeau MM (1942) Fagopyrisme chez les bovidés. Rec<br />

Med Vet Ec Alfort 118:160-168.<br />

Schiffner R, Przybilla B, Burgdorff T, et al. (2001) Anaphylaxis<br />

to buckwheat. Allergy 56(10):1020-1021.<br />

Sheard C, Caylor HD, Schlotthauer C (1928) Photosensitization<br />

of <strong>an</strong>imals after the ingestion of buckwheat. J Exp<br />

Med 47:1013-1028.<br />

Valdivieso R, Moneo I, Pola J, et al. (1989) Occupational<br />

asthma <strong>an</strong>d contact urticaria caused by buckwheat flour.<br />

Ann Allergy 63(2):149-152.<br />

Fagopyrum sagittatum Gilib. = Fagopyrum esculentum<br />

Moench<br />

f ag u s g r a n d i f o l i a Ehrh. [Fagaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> beech; beechnut<br />

Citations:<br />

Morton JF (1979) Pl<strong>an</strong>t t<strong>an</strong>nins <strong>an</strong>d esophageal c<strong>an</strong>cer. In:<br />

Deichm<strong>an</strong>n WB (ed.) Toxicology <strong>an</strong>d occupational medicine.<br />

Elsevier. New York. pp. 129-137.<br />

f ag u s s y l va Tic a L. [Fagaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

beech; beechnut; Buche; Europe<strong>an</strong> beech; Rotbuche

158 - Faidherbia albida D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Hayes MJ, Turner M (1990) Beechmast poisoning. Vet Rec<br />

127(20):508.<br />

Morton JF (1979) Pl<strong>an</strong>t t<strong>an</strong>nins <strong>an</strong>d esophageal c<strong>an</strong>cer. In:<br />

Deichm<strong>an</strong>n WB (ed.) Toxicology <strong>an</strong>d occupational medicine.<br />

Elsevier. New York. pp. 129-137.<br />

Räsänen L, Jol<strong>an</strong>ki R, Estl<strong>an</strong>der T, et al. (1998) Occupational<br />

contact allergy from beechwood. Contact Dermatitis<br />

38(1):55.<br />

Wilkens WM, Cr<strong>an</strong>well MP (1990) Beechmast poisoning in<br />

ponies. Vet Rec 127(17):435.<br />

f a i d h e r b i a a l b i d a (Delile) A. Chev.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG (1965) An investigation into cases of suspected<br />

poisoning in Afric<strong>an</strong>s in northern Rhodesia. S Afr Med<br />

J 39(16):344-350.<br />

fairy bells –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

fairy caps –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

fairy fingers –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

fairy gloves –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

fairy thimbles –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

fakete nadálytö –see– Symphytum officinale L.<br />

falaris –see– Phalaris aquatica L.<br />

fall crocus –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

fall p<strong>an</strong>icgrass –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum dichotomiflorum Michx.<br />

fall p<strong>an</strong>icum –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum dichotomiflorum Michx.<br />

fall poison –see– Ageratina altissima (L.) R. M. King & H.<br />

Rob.; Ami<strong>an</strong>thium muscitoxicum (Walter) A. Gray<br />

Fallkraut –see– Arnica mont<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

f a l l o p i a c o n vo l vu l u s (L.) Á. Löve<br />

[Polygonaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p olygonum convolvulus L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

black bindweed; climbing buckwheat; cornbind; ivy<br />

bindweed; knot bindweed; Windenknöterich<br />

Citations:<br />

Salgues R (1961) Le genre Polygonum L. (Polygonacées)<br />

Etudes chimiques et toxicologiques. Les faits hématologiques<br />

de l’empoisonnement expérimental. Qualitas<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t Mat Veg 8:367-395.<br />

Wilsdorf G, Heckel R, Juhrke J (1991) Orientierende<br />

toxikologische Untersuchungen <strong>an</strong> Wistar-Ratten zur<br />

Bewertung von Windenknöterich - (Polygonum convolvulus)<br />

samen. Arch Exp Veterinarmed 45(1):123-129.<br />

f a l l o p i a Mu l Ti f l o r a (Thunb.) Haraldson<br />

[Polygonaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p olygonum multiflorum Thunb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

ho-shou-wu; shou-wu-pi<strong>an</strong>; shouwu<br />

Citations:<br />

Battinelli L, D<strong>an</strong>iele C, Mazz<strong>an</strong>ti G, et al. (2004) New case<br />

of acute hepatitis following the consumption of shou wu<br />

pi<strong>an</strong>, a Chinese herbal product derived from Polygonum<br />

multiflorum. Ann Intern Med 140(7):E589-E590.<br />

But PP, Tomlinson B, Lee KL (1996) Hepatitis related<br />

to the Chinese medicine shou-wu-pi<strong>an</strong> m<strong>an</strong>ufactured<br />

from Polygonum multiflorum. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

38(4):280-282.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> TY, Ch<strong>an</strong> JC, Tomlinson B, et al. (1994) Poisoning<br />

by Chinese herbal medicines in Hong Kong: A hospital<strong>based</strong><br />

study. Vet Hum Toxicol 36(6):546-547.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>is B, Wong DR, Hooym<strong>an</strong>s PM, et al. (2005) Recurrent<br />

toxic hepatitis in a Caucasi<strong>an</strong> girl related to the use<br />

of shou-wu-pi<strong>an</strong>, a Chinese herbal preparation. J Pediatr<br />

Gastroenterol Nutr 41(2):256-258.<br />

f a l l o p i a s a c h a l i n e n s is (F. Schmidt) Ronse<br />

Decr. [Polygonaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Lamminpaa A, Kinos M (1996) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings in children.<br />

Hum Exp Toxicol 15(3):245-249.<br />

falsa visnaga –see– Ammi majus L.<br />

Falsche Akazie –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

falsche Efparfette –see– Securigera varia (L.) Lassen<br />

Falscher Kalmus –see– Iris pseudoacorus L.<br />

false acacia –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

false <strong>an</strong>gustura bark –see– Strychnos ignatii P. J. Bergius<br />

false b<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>a –see– Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal<br />

false cactus –see– Euphorbia lactea Haw.<br />

false castor –see– Datura ferox L.<br />

false chamomile –see– Matricaria recutita L.<br />

false coffeebe<strong>an</strong> –see– Gymnocladus dioicus (L.) K. Koch<br />

false d<strong>an</strong>delion –see– Hypochaeris radicata L.<br />

false ebony –see– Laburnum <strong>an</strong>agyroides Medik.<br />

false heliotrope –see– Phacelia crenulata Torr. ex S. Watson<br />

false hellebore –see– Veratrum album L.; Veratrum<br />

californicum Dur<strong>an</strong>d; Veratrum japonicum (Baker) Loes.;<br />

Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

false horsetail –see– Equisetum arvense L.<br />

false indigo –see– Baptisia australis (L.) R. Br.<br />

false jessamine –see– Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) J. St.-Hil.<br />

false lupine –see– Thermopsis mont<strong>an</strong>a Nutt.<br />

false mistletoe –see– Phoradendron leucarpum (Raf.) Reveal<br />

& M. C. Johnst.<br />

false parsley –see– Aethusa cynapium L.; Cicuta douglasii<br />

(DC.) J. M. Coult. & Rose; Cicuta maculata L.; Conium<br />

maculatum L.<br />

false pennyroyal –see– Hedeoma pulegioides (L.) Pers.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Ferula communis - 159<br />

false pepper –see– Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi<br />

false peyote –see– Ariocarpus retusus Scheidw.<br />

false poinci<strong>an</strong>a –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia drummondii (Rydb.) Cory;<br />

Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea (Cav.) Benth.<br />

false ragweed –see– Cyclachaena x<strong>an</strong>thiifolia (Nutt.) Fresen.; Iva<br />

<strong>an</strong>gustifolia Nutt. ex DC.; Parthenium hysterophorus L.<br />

false sago palm –see– Cycas circinalis L.; Cycas revoluta<br />

Thunb.; Cycas circinalis L.<br />

false sunflower –see– Helenium autumnale L.; Helenium<br />

microcephalum DC.<br />

false sycamore –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

false tragac<strong>an</strong>th –see– Sterculia urens Roxb.<br />

false upas tree –see– Strychnos ignatii P. J. Bergius<br />

false white cedar –see– Thuja occidentalis L.<br />

false white hellebore –see– Veratrum californicum Dur<strong>an</strong>d<br />

false wormwood –see– Parthenium hysterophorus L.<br />

falso perejil –see– Aethusa cynapium L.<br />

fament<strong>an</strong>a –see– Cerbera odollam Gaertn.<br />

f<strong>an</strong>cy-leaf caladium –see– Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Vent.<br />

f<strong>an</strong>weed –see– Thlaspi arvense L.<br />

farfara –see– Tussilago farfara L.<br />

f a r f u g i u M j a p o n ic u M (L.) Kitam.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

tsuwabuki<br />

Citations:<br />

Hirono I, Ueno I, Aiso S, et al. (1983) Carcinogenic activity<br />

of Farfugium japonicum <strong>an</strong>d Senecio c<strong>an</strong>nabifolius. C<strong>an</strong>cer<br />

Lett 20(2):191-198.<br />

farkas kutyatej –see– Euphorbia cyparissias L.<br />

farkasölö sisakvirág –see– Aconitum lycoctonum L. subsp.<br />

vulparia (Rchb.) Nym<strong>an</strong><br />

Farn –see– Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn<br />

Farnkraut –see– Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott; Pteridium<br />

aquilinum (L.) Kuhn<br />

fat hen –see– Chenopodium album L.<br />

fatarita –see– Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

fatberry –see– Rhodotypos sc<strong>an</strong>dens (Thunb.) Makino<br />

f a Ts i a j a p o n ic a (Thunb.) Decne. & Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

[Araliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

aralia; Aralie<br />

Citations:<br />

Oka K, Saito F, Yasuhara T, et al. (1999) The allergens of Dendrop<strong>an</strong>ax<br />

trifidus Makino <strong>an</strong>d Fatsia japonica Decne. et<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>ch. <strong>an</strong>d evaluation of cross-reactions with other pl<strong>an</strong>ts of<br />

the Araliaceae family. Contact Dermatitis 40(4):209-213.<br />

Faulbaum –see– Fr<strong>an</strong>gula alnus Mill.; Prunus padus L.<br />

faux acajou –see– Blighia sapida K. D. Koenig<br />

faux gui américain –see– Phoradendron leucarpum (Raf.)<br />

Reveal & M. C. Johnst.<br />

faux thuya –see– Thuja occidentalis L.<br />

fava –see– Vicia faba L.<br />

fava be<strong>an</strong> –see– Vicia faba L.<br />

fava d’<strong>an</strong>ta –see– Dimorph<strong>an</strong>dra garderi<strong>an</strong>a Tul.<br />

fava tonka –see– Dipteryx odorata (Aubl.) Willd.<br />

Favabohne –see– Vicia faba L.<br />

faveira –see– Dimorph<strong>an</strong>dra mollis Benth.<br />

favismo –see– Vicia faba L.<br />

feathergrass –see– Stipa pennata L.<br />

February daphne –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

fedegoso –see– Senna occidentalis (L.) Link<br />

federico –see– Cycas circinalis L.<br />

fehér zászpa –see– Veratrum album L.<br />

Feige –see– Ficus carica L.<br />

Feigenbaum –see– Ficus carica L.<br />

fekete bodza –see– Sambucus nigra L.<br />

felce maschia –see– Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott<br />

Feldmohn –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

Feldrittersporn –see– Consolida regalis Gray<br />

felonwood –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

felonwort mortal –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

female nervine –see– Cypripedium reginae Walter<br />

fennel –see– Foeniculum vulgare Mill.<br />

Fensterblatt –see– Monstera deliciosa Liebm.<br />

fenugreek –see– Trigonella foenum-graecum L.<br />

fern palm –see– Cycas circinalis L.<br />

Ferula abyssinica A. Rich. = Ferula communis L.<br />

f e r u l a a s s a -f o e Ti d a L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

asafetida; asafoetida; devil’s-dung; Stinkas<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Bottei EM, DuMont CM, Otten EJ (1999) Methemoglobinemia<br />

caused by cut<strong>an</strong>eously absorbed asafoetida. J Toxicol<br />

Clin Toxicol 41(5):620-621.<br />

Seetharam KA, Pasricha JS (1987) Condiments <strong>an</strong>d contact<br />

dermatitis of the finger-tips. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Dermatol Venereol<br />

Leprol 53:325-328.<br />

f e r u l a c o MMu n is L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

f erula abyssinica A. Rich.<br />

Common Names:<br />

fessoukh; gi<strong>an</strong>t fennel

160 - Ferula hermonis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Aragno M, Tagliapietra S, N<strong>an</strong>o GM, et al. (1988) Experimental<br />

studies on the toxicity of Ferula communis<br />

in the rat. Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol<br />

59(3):399-402.<br />

Colella G, Marocchio L, Palermo D, et al. (1987) La tossicita’<br />

di Ferula communis in Puglia. Rilievi ematologici,<br />

chimico-tossicologici ed <strong>an</strong>atomo-istopatologici. Acta<br />

Med Vet (Napoli) 33(3):237-250.<br />

Corticelli B, Dei<strong>an</strong>a S (1957) Sul comportamento elettroforetico<br />

dei protidi serici e plasmatici del coniglio intossicato<br />

con Ferula communis. Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper<br />

33(5):625-628.<br />

Corticelli B, Dei<strong>an</strong>a S, Palmas G (1957) Azione protettiva<br />

ed azione <strong>an</strong>tiemorragica della vitamina K1 nella intossicazione<br />

da Ferula communis. Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper<br />

33(5):629-631.<br />

Gil MC, Gomez L, Roy TJ, et al. (2002) Testicular <strong>an</strong>d<br />

epididymal ch<strong>an</strong>ges in rams following intoxication by<br />

Ferula communis. Vet Rec 150(1):24-25.<br />

Inf<strong>an</strong>te Mir<strong>an</strong>da F (1965) Intoxicación por Ferula communis<br />

L. Arch Zootecnia 14(53):1-30.<br />

Shlosberg A, Egyed MN (1985) Experimental Ferula communis<br />

(gi<strong>an</strong>t fennel) toxicosis in sheep. Zentralbl Veterinarmed<br />

A 32(10):778-784.<br />

Shlosberg A, Egyed MN (1986) Stability of prothrombin<br />

times in sheep dosed with natural <strong>an</strong>d synthetic <strong>an</strong>ticoagul<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Res Vet Sci 40(2):141-143.<br />

Tligui N, El Haouzi M, El Himer H (1998) Vitamin K1<br />

therapy of Ferula communis variety brevifolia toxicosis<br />

in sheep. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

<strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI. New York. pp.<br />

159-164.<br />

f e r u l a h e r Mo n is Boiss. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

zallouh<br />

Citations:<br />

El Thaher TS, Matalka KZ, Taha HA, et al. (2001) Ferula<br />

hermonis ‘zallouh’ <strong>an</strong>d enh<strong>an</strong>cing erectile function<br />

in rats: Efficacy <strong>an</strong>d toxicity study. Int J Impot Res<br />

13(4):247-251.<br />

fescue –see– Festuca arundinacea Schreb.<br />

fessoukh –see– Ferula communis L.<br />

f e s Tu c a a r g e n Ti n a (Speg.) Parodi [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

coiron; pampasgrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Jones FS, Arnold JF (1917) Staggers in sheep in Patagonia. J<br />

Exp Med 26(6):805-823.<br />

Uzal FA, Woodm<strong>an</strong> MP, Giraudo CG, et al. (1996) An<br />

attempt to reproduce ‘mal seco’ in horses by feeding them<br />

Festuca argentina. Vet Rec 139(3):68-70.<br />

f e s Tu c a a r u n d i n a c e a Schreb. [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

f estuca elatior L. subsp. arundinacea (Schreb.) Celak.<br />

Common Names:<br />

alta fescue; fescue; fétaque roseau; reed fescue; tall fescue;<br />

tall meadow fescue; William’s-grass<br />

Citations:<br />

Anas K, Cross DL, Poling R, et al. (1998) A survey concerning<br />

the equine fescue toxicosis malady. J Equine Vet Sci<br />

18(10):631-637.<br />

Ashley G (1958) Fescue poisoning of cattle on Florida muck<br />

l<strong>an</strong>d. J Am Vet Med Assoc 132:493-494.<br />

Breuhaus BA (2003) Thyroid function in mature horses<br />

ingesting endophyte-infected fescue seed. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 223(4):340-345.<br />

Browning R Jr (2004) Effects of endophyte-infected tall fescue<br />

on indicators of thermal status <strong>an</strong>d growth in Hereford<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Senepol steers. J Anim Sci 82(2):634-643.<br />

Dougherty CT, Lauriault LM, Bradley NW, et al. (1991)<br />

Induction of tall fescue toxicosis in heat-stressed cattle <strong>an</strong>d<br />

its alleviation with thiamin. J Anim Sci 69(3):1008-1018.<br />

Farnell DR, Futrell MC, Watson VH, et al. (1975) Field<br />

studies on etiology <strong>an</strong>d control of fescue toxicosis. J Environ<br />

Quality 4(1):120-122.<br />

Fr<strong>an</strong>co DA, Taylor LA (1971) G<strong>an</strong>grenous fescue lameness<br />

in a Charolais heifer. Vet Med Small Anim Clin<br />

66(10):1012-1015.<br />

Jackson JA Jr, Hemken RW, Boling JA, et al. (1984) Summer<br />

fescue toxicity in dairy steers fed tall fescue seed. J Anim<br />

Sci 58(5):1057-1061.<br />

Jensen R, Deem AW, Knaus D (1956) Fescue lameness in<br />

cattle. I. Experimental production of the disease. Am J<br />

Vet Res 17(63):196-201.<br />

Jones KL, King SS, Griswold KE, et al. (2003) Domperidone<br />

c<strong>an</strong> ameliorate deleterious reproductive effects <strong>an</strong>d<br />

reduced weight gain associated with fescue toxicosis in<br />

heifers. J Anim Sci 81(10):2568-2574.<br />

Oliver JW, Schultze AE, Rohrbach BW, et al. (2000) Alterations<br />

in hemograms <strong>an</strong>d serum biochemical <strong>an</strong>alytes of<br />

steers after prolonged consumption of endophyte-infected<br />

tall fescue. J Anim Sci 78(4):1029-1035.<br />

Parish JA, McC<strong>an</strong>n MA, Watson RH, et al. (2003) Use of<br />

nonergot alkaloid-producing endophytes for alleviating tall<br />

fescue toxicosis in sheep. J Anim Sci 81(5):1316-1322.<br />

Poppenga RH, Mostrom MS, Haschek WM, et al. (1984)<br />

Mare agalactia, placental thickening, <strong>an</strong>d high foal mortality<br />

associated with the grazing of tall fescue: A case<br />

report. Proc Am Assoc Vet Lab Diagn 27:325-336.<br />

Pulsford MF (1950) A note on lameness in cattle grazing on<br />

tall meadow fescue (Festuca arundinacea) in South Australia.<br />

Aust Vet J 26:87-88.<br />

Shlosberg A, Hermes JC, Smith Wood L, et al. (2004) The<br />

effect of feeding broilers tall fescuegrass (Arundinacea)<br />

seeds containing the endophyte toxin ergovaline on ascites<br />

syndrome. In: Acamovic T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW<br />

(eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford,<br />

UK. pp. 558-563.<br />

Watson DF, Rooney JR, Hoag WG (1957) Fescue foot lameness<br />

in cattle - Some observations on the disease in Virginia.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 130(Mar 1):217-219.<br />

Wolfe BA, Bush M, Monfort SL, et al. (1998) Abdominal<br />

lipomatosis attributed to tall fescue toxicosis in deer. J<br />

Am Vet Med Assoc 213(12):1783-1786.<br />

Festuca elatior subsp. arundinacea (Schreb.) Celak. =<br />

Festuca arundinacea Schreb.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Ficus ingens - 161<br />

f e s Tu c a r u b r a L. subsp. fallax (Thuill.) Nym<strong>an</strong><br />

[Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

f estuca rubra L. var. commutata Gaudin<br />

Common Names:<br />

Chewing’s-fescue; red fescue<br />

Citations:<br />

Haag JR (1954) Toxicity of nematode infested Chewings fescue<br />

seed. Science 102(2651):406-407.<br />

Shaw JN, Muth OH (1949) Some types of forage poisoning<br />

in Oregon cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

114(866):315-317.<br />

Festuca rubra L. var. commutata Gaudin = Festuca rubra L.<br />

subsp. fallax (Thuill.) Nym<strong>an</strong><br />

fétaque roseau –see– Festuca arundinacea Schreb.<br />

fetid buckeye –see– Aesculus glabra Willd.<br />

fetid nightshade –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

fetid sterculia –see– Sterculia foetida L.<br />

fetterbush –see– Pieris floribunda (Pursh) Benth. & Hook.<br />

f.<br />

fèves –see– Vicia faba L.<br />

Feuerblume –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

Feuerbohne –see– Phaseolus coccineus L.<br />

Feuerdorn –see– Pyrac<strong>an</strong>tha coccinea M. Roem.<br />

feuilles-de-houx –see– Berberis aquifolium Pursh<br />

fève-du-loup –see– Lupinus albus L.<br />

fève Tonka –see– Dipteryx odorata (Aubl.) Willd.<br />

fever twig –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

feverfew –see– Parthenium hysterophorus L.; T<strong>an</strong>acetum<br />

cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Sch. Bip.; T<strong>an</strong>acetum parthenium<br />

(L.) Sch. Bip.<br />

Fichte –see– Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.<br />

fico –see– Ficus carica L.<br />

Ficus –see– Ficus carica L.<br />

f ic u s a Mpl is s i Ma Sm. [Moraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

f icus tsiela Roxb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

chela<br />

Citations:<br />

Nair ND, Valsala KV, Ramach<strong>an</strong>dr<strong>an</strong> KM, et al. (1985)<br />

Experimental studies on chela leaf (Ficus tsiela Roxb.)<br />

poisoning in calves. Kerala J Vet Sci 16(2):94-99.<br />

Raj<strong>an</strong> A, Nair ND, Valsala KV, et al. (1986) Pathology<br />

of a nervous disorder in cattle caused by the toxicity<br />

of the leaves of the tree Ficus tsiela Roxb. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J<br />

63(3):184-186.<br />

f ic u s b e n j a Mi n a L. [Moraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Benjamin tree; ficus maqui; fig; Java willow; small-leaf<br />

rubber pl<strong>an</strong>t; weeping ficus; weeping fig<br />

Citations:<br />

Axelsson G, Skedinger M, Zetterström O (1985) Allergy<br />

to weeping fig - A new occupational disease. Allergy<br />

40(6):461-464.<br />

Axelsson IG, Joh<strong>an</strong>sson SG, Zetterström O (1987) A new<br />

indoor allergen from a common non-flowering pl<strong>an</strong>t.<br />

Allergy 42(8):604-611.<br />

Axelsson IG, Joh<strong>an</strong>sson SG, Zetterström O (1987) Occupational<br />

allergy to weeping fig in pl<strong>an</strong>t keepers. Allergy<br />

42(3):161-167.<br />

K<strong>an</strong>erva L, Estl<strong>an</strong>der T, Petm<strong>an</strong> L, et al. (2001) Occupational<br />

allergic contact urticaria to yucca (Yucca aloifolia),<br />

weeping fig (Ficus benjamina), <strong>an</strong>d spathe flower (Spathiphyllum<br />

wallisii). Allergy 56(10):1008-1011.<br />

Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD (2001) Toxidromes<br />

associated with the most common pl<strong>an</strong>t ingestions. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(6):366-369.<br />

f ic u s c a r ic a L. [Moraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cha-de-figo; Feige; Feigenbaum; fico; Ficus; fig; figues<br />

Citations:<br />

Andreichuk IE (1984) [Fig dermatitis.] Vestn Dermatol<br />

Venerol 4(Apr):67-68.<br />

G<strong>an</strong>dolfo M, Baeza M, De Barrio M (2001) Anaphylaxis<br />

after eating figs. Allergy 56(5):462-463.<br />

Goitre M, Bedello PG, C<strong>an</strong>e D, et al. (1984) Fitofotodermatite<br />

da fico. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 119(6):435-436.<br />

Ippen H (1982) Phototoxische Reaktion auf Feigen. Hautarzt<br />

33(6):337-339.<br />

Kitchevatz MM (1934) Etiologie et pathogénèse de la dermatite<br />

des figues. Bull Soc Fr Dermatol Syphiligr 41:1751-1759.<br />

Kuske H (1939) Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Photosensibilisierung<br />

der Haut durch pfl<strong>an</strong>zliche Wirkstoffe.<br />

1. Mitteilung. Lichtsensibilisierung durch Furocumarine<br />

als Ursache verschiedener phytogener Dermatosen. Arch<br />

Derm Syphilol 178:112-123.<br />

Lembo G, Lo Presti M, Balato N (1985) Phytophotodermatitis<br />

due to Ficus carica. Photodermatol 2(2):119-120.<br />

Londoño F, Rueda LA (1968) Fotodermatitis por “Ficus carica”<br />

en gest<strong>an</strong>tes. Med Cut<strong>an</strong>ea 11(6):573-580.<br />

f ic u s c o r d a Ta Thunb. subsp. salicifolia (Vahl) C.<br />

C. Berg [Moraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Myburgh JG, Fournie N, V<strong>an</strong> der Lugt JJ, et al. (1994) A<br />

nervous disorder in cattle, caused by the pl<strong>an</strong>ts Ficus<br />

ingens var. ingens <strong>an</strong>d Ficus cordata subsp. salicifolia.<br />

Onderstepoort J Vet Res 61(2):171-176.<br />

f ic u s i n g e n s (Miq.) Miq. [Moraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Myburgh JG, Fournie N, V<strong>an</strong> der Lugt JJ, et al. (1994) A<br />

nervous disorder in cattle, caused by the pl<strong>an</strong>ts Ficus<br />

ingens var. ingens <strong>an</strong>d Ficus cordata subsp. salicifolia.<br />

Onderstepoort J Vet Res 61(2):171-176.

162 - Ficus macrophylla D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

f ic u s Ma c r o p h y l l a Desf. ex Pers. [Moraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Schultz RA, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, V<strong>an</strong> den Berg H (2005) The role<br />

of fluorescence polarization immuno-assay in the diagnosis<br />

of pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced cardiac glycoside poisoning livestock<br />

in South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 72(3):189-201.<br />

ficus maqui –see– Ficus benjamina L.<br />

f ic u s p u Mi l a L. [Moraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

creeping fig; wild fig<br />

Citations:<br />

English PB, Grey LP (1943) Sap dermatitis <strong>an</strong>d conjunctivitis<br />

caused by the wild fig (Ficus pumila). Med J Aust<br />

1(Jun 26):578-579.<br />

Ficus tsiela Roxb. = Ficus amplissima Sm.<br />

fiddle flower –see– Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus tithymaloides (L.) Poit.<br />

fiddleneck –see– Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. & C. A. Mey.<br />

fiddler’s-spurge –see– Euphorbia heterophylla L.<br />

Fieberklee –see– Meny<strong>an</strong>thes trifoliata L.<br />

field balm –see– Glechoma hederacea L.<br />

field be<strong>an</strong> –see– Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet; Phaseolus<br />

vulgaris L.; Vicia faba L.<br />

field bindweed –see– Convolvulus arvensis L.<br />

field dodder –see– Cuscuta pentagona Engelm.<br />

field hedge nettle –see– Stachys arvensis (L.) L.<br />

field horsetail –see– Equisetum arvense L.<br />

field larkspur –see– Consolida regalis Gray; Delphinium<br />

menziesii DC.<br />

field mustard –see– Sinapis arvensis L.<br />

field pea –see– Pisum sativum L.<br />

field pennycress –see– Thlaspi arvense L.<br />

field poppy –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

field s<strong>an</strong>dbur –see– Cenchrus incertus M. A. Curtis<br />

field soapwort –see– Vaccaria hisp<strong>an</strong>ica (Mill.) Rauschert<br />

field sorrel –see– Rumex acetosella L.<br />

field woundwort –see– Stachys arvensis (L.) L.<br />

fierce thorn apple –see– Datura ferox L.<br />

fiery thorn –see– Pyrac<strong>an</strong>tha coccinea M. Roem.<br />

Fiesenkerbel –see– Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um Sommier &<br />

Levier<br />

fig –see– Ficus benjamina L.; Ficus carica L.<br />

figuera infernal –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

figues –see– Ficus carica L.<br />

filis mas –see– Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott<br />

filix mas –see– Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott<br />

fimble –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

fine-leaf sneezeweed –see– Helenium amarum (Raf.) H.<br />

Rock<br />

fine-leaf water dropwort –see– Oen<strong>an</strong>the aquatica (L.) Poir.<br />

finger cherry –see– Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa Benth.<br />

finger cherry loquat –see– Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa Benth.<br />

finger flower –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

finger tree –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

finger weed –see– Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. & C. A.<br />

Mey.<br />

Fingerhut –see– Digitalis l<strong>an</strong>ata Ehrh.; Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

fir club moss –see– Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schr<strong>an</strong>k<br />

& Mart.<br />

fireball –see– Bassia scoparia (L.) A. J. Scott<br />

firecracker pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Aesculus pavia L.<br />

firesticks –see– Gomphocarpus fruticosa (L.) W. T. Aiton<br />

firethorn –see– Pyrac<strong>an</strong>tha coccinea M. Roem.<br />

fireweed –see– Bassia scoparia (L.) A. J. Scott; Datura<br />

stramonium L.; Gaillardia pulchella Foug.; Senecio<br />

linearifolius A. Rich; Senecio madagascariensis Poir.<br />

fireweed fiddleneck –see– Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. & C.<br />

A. Mey.<br />

fisa –see– Blighia sapida K. D. Koenig<br />

Fischerkappe –see– Aconitum napellus L.<br />

fishtail palm –see– Caryota mitis Lour.; Caryota urens L.<br />

fitweed –see– Corydalis case<strong>an</strong>a A. Gray<br />

f i Tz r o y a c u p r e s so i d e s (Molina) I. M.<br />

Johnst. [Cupressaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

f itzroya patagonica Hook. f. ex Lindl.<br />

Common Names:<br />

alerce; l’alerce<br />

Citations:<br />

Oleffe JA, Dedeken H, Sporcq J (1975) Occupational dermatitis<br />

from alerce (Fitzroya cupressoides). Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):319.<br />

Oleffe J, Dedeken H, Sporcq J, et al. (1975) Allergie cut<strong>an</strong>ée<br />

professionnelle à l’alerce (Fitzroya cupressoides). Berufsdermatosen<br />

23(6):196-207.<br />

Oleffe JA, Sporcq J, Hublet P (1975) Epidemiological study<br />

of the wood industry in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):315-316.<br />

Fitzroya patagonica Hook. f. ex Lindl. = Fitzroya<br />

cupressoides (Molina) I. M. Johnst.<br />

five-finger root –see– Cicuta virosa L.<br />

five-hook bassia –see– Bassia hyssopifolia (Pall.) Kuntze<br />

Flachs –see– Linum usitatissimum L.<br />

flag iris –see– Iris ×germ<strong>an</strong>ica L.<br />

flag lily –see– Iris ×germ<strong>an</strong>ica L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Flourensia cernua - 163<br />

flame lily –see– Gloriosa superba L.<br />

flame tree –see– Sterculia foetida L.<br />

Fl<strong>an</strong>ders poppy –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

fl<strong>an</strong>nel mullein –see– Verbascum thapsus L.<br />

flap dock –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

flat billy button –see– Ixiolaena brevicompta F. Muell.<br />

flat cedar –see– Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don<br />

flat pea –see– Lathyrus sylvestris L.<br />

flathead larkspur –see– Delphinium bicolor Nutt.<br />

flatweed –see– Hypochaeris radicata L.<br />

flax –see– Linum rigidum Pursh; Linum usitatissimum L.<br />

flax olive –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

flaxweed –see– Pimelea simplex F. Muell.; Pimelea<br />

trichostachya Lindl.<br />

fleab<strong>an</strong>e –see– Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist<br />

Fleischkraut –see– Armoracia rustic<strong>an</strong>a P. Gaertn. et al.<br />

fleshy spurge –see– Euphorbia <strong>an</strong>tiquorum L.<br />

fleur-de-lis –see– Iris ×germ<strong>an</strong>ica L.<br />

fleur-de-luce –see– Iris pseudoacorus L.<br />

Flieder –see– Sambucus nigra L.<br />

Fliegenkraut –see– Artemisia vulgaris L.<br />

Flinders poppy –see– Pimelea decora Domin<br />

flixweed –see– Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex Pr<strong>an</strong>tl<br />

Flökraut –see– Artemisia vulgaris L.; Persicaria maculosa<br />

Gray<br />

floppers –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.<br />

flor-de-barbero –see– Allam<strong>an</strong>da cathartica L.<br />

flor-de-coral –see– Jatropha multifida L.<br />

flor-de-fuego –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex<br />

Klotzsch<br />

flor-de-la-pascua –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex<br />

Klotzsch<br />

flor-de-la-trompeta –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

flor-de-mayo –see– Plumeria rubra L.<br />

flor-de-navidad –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex<br />

Klotzsch<br />

flor-de-nochebuena –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex<br />

Klotzsch<br />

flor-de-pascua –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex<br />

Klotzsch<br />

flor-de-S<strong>an</strong>ta-Caterina –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd.<br />

ex Klotzsch<br />

flor-de-sapo –see– Pascalia glauca Ortega<br />

Florentine iris –see– Iris ×germ<strong>an</strong>ica L. nothovar. florentina<br />

Dykes<br />

florestina –see– Florestina tripteris DC.<br />

f l o r e s Ti n a Tr i p Te r is DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

florestina; sticky florestin; sticky palafoxia<br />

Citations:<br />

Boughton IB, Hardy WT (1939) Hard yellow livers of sheep<br />

<strong>an</strong>d cattle <strong>an</strong>d feeding trials of suspected pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas<br />

Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 52:238-240.<br />

Florida arrowroot –see– Zamia integrifolia L. f.<br />

Florida coffee –see– Senna occidentalis (L.) Link<br />

Florida coontie –see– Zamia integrifolia L. f.<br />

Florida holly –see– Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi<br />

Florida poison tree –see– Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug &<br />

Urb.<br />

florifundia –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia arborea (L.) Lagerh.<br />

floripon –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia suaveolens (Humb. & Bonpl. ex<br />

Willd.) Bercht. & J. Presl<br />

floripondio –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia ×c<strong>an</strong>dida Pers.; Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia<br />

arborea (L.) Lagerh.<br />

floss flower –see– Ageratum conyzoides L.; Ageratum<br />

houstoni<strong>an</strong>um Mill.<br />

f l o u r e n s i a c e r n u a DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blackbrush; hojase; tarbush; varnish bush<br />

Citations:<br />

Dollahite JW, Allen TJ (1975) The toxicity of the fruit of<br />

Flourensia cernua (tarbush) (blackbrush). Southwestern<br />

Vet 28(2):113-117.<br />

Fredrickson E, Thilsted J, Estell R, et al. (1994) Effect of<br />

chronic ingestion of tarbush (Flourensia cernua) on ewe<br />

lambs. Vet Hum Toxicol 35(5):409-415.<br />

Hailey TL, Thomas JW, Robinson RM (1966) Pronghorn<br />

die-off in Tr<strong>an</strong>s-Pecos Texas. J Wildl M<strong>an</strong>age<br />

30(3):488-496.<br />

Mathews FP (1941) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Davis Mountains.<br />

Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 54:93.<br />

Mathews FP (1944) The toxicity of the ripe fruit of blackbrush<br />

or tarbrush (Flourensia cernua) for sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats.<br />

Texas Agric Exp Sta Bull #664:5-16.<br />

Rick E , Tellez M, Fredrickson E, et al. (2001) Extracts of<br />

Flourensia cernua reduce consumption of alfalfa pellets<br />

by sheep. J Chem Ecol 27(11):2275-2285.<br />

flower-of-paradise –see– Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex<br />

Endl.<br />

flux weed –see– Hypericum punctatum Lam.<br />

fly poison –see– Ami<strong>an</strong>thium muscitoxicum (Walter) A.<br />

Gray<br />

flying saucers –see– Ipomoea tricolor Cav.; Ipomoea violacea L.<br />

fo-ti-tieng –see– Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.<br />

fo tzu –see– Aconitum carmichaelii Debeaux<br />

fodder beet –see– Beta vulgaris L.<br />

fodder radish –see– Raph<strong>an</strong>us sativus L.

164 - Foeniculum vulgare D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

f o e n ic u l u M vu l g a r e Mill. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>is hinono; fennel<br />

Citations:<br />

Levy SB (1948) Bronchial asthma due to ingestion of fennel<br />

<strong>an</strong>d fennel seed. Ann Allergy 6:415-416.<br />

Seetharam KA, Pasricha JS (1987) Condiments <strong>an</strong>d contact<br />

dermatitis of the finger-tips. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Dermatol Venereol<br />

Leprol 53:325-328.<br />

foenugreek –see– Trigonella foenum-graecum L.<br />

fog crocus –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

foirolle –see– Mercurialis <strong>an</strong>nua L.<br />

foironde –see– Mercurialis <strong>an</strong>nua L.<br />

folk’s-glove –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

fool’s-cicely –see– Aethusa cynapium L.<br />

fool’s-parsley –see– Aethusa cynapium L.; Conium maculatum<br />

L.<br />

foothill death camas –see– Toxicoscordion p<strong>an</strong>iculatum<br />

(Nutt.) Rydb.<br />

forest grasstree –see– X<strong>an</strong>thorrhoea media R. Br.<br />

forest milk vetch –see– Astragalus miser Douglas ex Hook.<br />

var. hylophilus (Rydb.) Barneby<br />

forest primrose –see– Hypericum revolutum Vahl<br />

forest vetchling –see– Lathyrus sylvestris L.<br />

fougère aigle –see– Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn<br />

fougère gr<strong>an</strong>d aigle –see– Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn<br />

fougère mâle –see– Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott<br />

four-seed vetch –see– Vicia tetrasperma (L.) Schreb.<br />

four-wing milk vetch –see– Astragalus tetrapterus A. Gray<br />

four-wing saltbush –see– Atriplex c<strong>an</strong>escens (Pursh) Nutt.<br />

foxes glofa –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

foxglove –see– Digitalis l<strong>an</strong>ata Ehrh.; Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

foxtail –see– Hordeum jubatum L.<br />

foxtail barley –see– Hordeum jubatum L.<br />

foxtail millet –see– Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult.<br />

subsp. pumila<br />

foxtail rush –see– Equisetum arvense L.<br />

foxtailgrass –see– Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult.<br />

subsp. pumila<br />

f r ag a r i a × a n a n a s s a Duchesne ex Rozier<br />

[Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Erdbeere; strawberry; wild strawberry<br />

Citations:<br />

Gratt<strong>an</strong> CE, Harm<strong>an</strong> RR (1985) Contact urticaria to strawberry.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 13(3):191-192.<br />

Fr<strong>an</strong>cisco Alvarez –see– Luehea divaricata Mart.<br />

Fr<strong>an</strong>cissia –see– Brunfelsia australis Benth.<br />

fr<strong>an</strong>gip<strong>an</strong>i –see– Plumeria rubra L.<br />

fr<strong>an</strong>gula –see– Fr<strong>an</strong>gula alnus Mill.<br />

f r a n g u l a a l n u s Mill. [Rhamnaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r hamnus fr<strong>an</strong>gula L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

alder buckthorn; aulne noir; black alder; black dogwood;<br />

bourdaine; buckthorn; Drosselkirschbaum;<br />

Faulbaum; fr<strong>an</strong>gula; glossy buckthorn; Pulverholz;<br />

trollhegg; vuilboom; Wegdorn<br />

Citations:<br />

v<strong>an</strong> den Dikkenberg MI, Holtkamp BM (1987) Vuilboomintoxicatie<br />

bij paarden. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd<br />

112(6):340-341.<br />

Fr<strong>an</strong>zösisher Spinat –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

fraxinella –see– Dictamnus albus L.<br />

f r a x i n u s e x c e ls io r L. [Oleaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ash tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Fernández-Rivas M, Pérez-Carral C, Senent CJ (1997)<br />

Occupational asthma <strong>an</strong>d rhinitis caused by ash (Fraxinus<br />

excelsior) wood dust. Allergy 52(2):196-199.<br />

Hemmer W, Focke M, W<strong>an</strong>tke F, et al. (2000) Ash (Fraxinus<br />

excelsior)-pollen allergy in central Europe: Specific<br />

role of pollen p<strong>an</strong>allergens <strong>an</strong>d the major allergen of ash<br />

pollen, Fra e 1. Allergy 55(10):923-930.<br />

freckled milk vetch –see– Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas<br />

ex Hook.; Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas ex Hook. var.<br />

diphysus (A. Gray) M. E. Jones<br />

French be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

French honeysuckle –see– Galega officinalis L.<br />

French hydr<strong>an</strong>gea –see– Hydr<strong>an</strong>gea macrophylla (Thunb.)<br />

Ser.<br />

French jasmine –see– Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton<br />

French lilac –see– Galega officinalis L.<br />

French marigold –see– Tagetes patula L.<br />

French maritime pine tree –see– Pinus pinaster Aiton<br />

French millet –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum miliaceum L.<br />

French physicnut –see– Jatropha multifida L.<br />

Frenchberry –see– Rhamnus cathartica L.<br />

Frenchweed –see– Thlaspi arvense L.<br />

freshwater m<strong>an</strong>grove –see– Barringtonia acut<strong>an</strong>gula (L.)<br />

Gaertn.<br />

friar’s-cap –see– Aconitum napellus L.<br />

friar’s-cowl –see– Arum maculatum L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Furcraea cabuya - 165<br />

frijolillo –see– Calia secundiflora (Ortega) Yakovlev<br />

frijolito –see– Calia secundiflora (Ortega) Yakovlev<br />

fringe-leaf paspalum –see– Paspalum setaceum Michx. var.<br />

ciliatifolium (Michx.) Vasey<br />

Froschkraut –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus sceleratus L.<br />

fruit-of-heaven –see– M<strong>an</strong>gifera indica L.<br />

fruit salad pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Monstera deliciosa Liebm.<br />

fu tse –see– Aconitum carmichaelii Debeaux<br />

fuchsia bush –see– Eremophila maculata (Ker Gawl.) F.<br />

Muell.<br />

fuh –see– Onychium contiguum Wall. ex C. Hope<br />

f u r c r a e a c a b u y a Trel. [Agavaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Robledo Clavijo A, C<strong>an</strong>o Puerta G (1963) Agavosis, un sindrome<br />

provocado por el contacto con fibras de las pl<strong>an</strong>tas<br />

de la familia Agavaceae. Estudio clinico y farmacolÓgico.<br />

Antioquia Medica 13(6):405-448.<br />

fusain –see– Euonymus europaeus L.<br />

Futtererbse –see– Pisum sativum L.<br />

Futterrübe –see– Beta vulgaris L.<br />

Futterwicke –see– Vicia sativa L.

gabi –see– Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott<br />

gad –see– Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl.<br />

gadalin kura –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe l<strong>an</strong>ceolata (Forssk.) Pers.<br />

gadon machiji –see– Tri<strong>an</strong>thema portulacastrum L.<br />

gadong –see–Dioscorea convolvulacea Schltdl. & Cham.<br />

gaillardia –see– Gaillardia pulchella Foug. var. picta (Sweet)<br />

A. Gray<br />

g a i l l a r d i a a r is Ta Ta Pursh [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Burry JN (1980) Dermatitis from Gaillardia aristata: Compositae<br />

dermatitis in South Australia. Contact Dermatitis<br />

6(2):157.<br />

Gaillardia picta D. Don = Gaillardia pulchella Foug. var.<br />

picta (Sweet) A. Gray<br />

g a i l l a r d i a p u l c h e l l a Foug. var. picta<br />

(Sweet) A. Gray [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

g aillardia picta D. Don<br />

Common Names:<br />

gaillardia; Kokardenblume<br />

Citations:<br />

Zschunke E (1955) Allergische Dermatitis durch Gaillardia<br />

picta (Kokardenblume). Dermatol Wochenschr<br />

132(51):1321-1323.<br />

gaja –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

gal<strong>an</strong>-de-dia –see– Cestrum diurnum L.<br />

gal<strong>an</strong>-de-noche –see– Cestrum nocturnum L.<br />

galega –see– Galega officinalis L.<br />

g a l e g a o f f ic i n a l is L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> s<strong>an</strong>foin; ciuma rea; French honeysuckle;<br />

French lilac; galega; Geißraute; goat’s-rue; lav<strong>an</strong>éserue-de-chèvre;<br />

scrintioare cosita<br />

Citations:<br />

Durieux M (1968) Intoxication de moutons par . Bull Soc Vet Pratique 52(6):383-385.<br />

Gresham AC, Booth K (1991) Poisoning of sheep by goat’s<br />

rue. Vet Rec 129(9):197-198.<br />

Keeler RF, Baker DC, Ev<strong>an</strong>s JO (1988) Individual <strong>an</strong>imal<br />

susceptibility <strong>an</strong>d its relationship to induced adaptation<br />

or toler<strong>an</strong>ce in sheep to Galega officinalis L. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 30(5):420-423.<br />

G<br />

Keeler RF, Baker DC, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE (1992) Concentration of<br />

galegine in Verbesina encelioides <strong>an</strong>d Galega officinalis<br />

<strong>an</strong>d the toxic <strong>an</strong>d pathologic effects induced by the pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol 11(2):75-81.<br />

Keeler RF, Johnson AE, Stuart LD, et al. (1986) Toxicosis<br />

from <strong>an</strong>d possible adaptation to Galega officinalis in<br />

sheep <strong>an</strong>d the relationship to Verbesina encelioides toxicosis.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 28(4):309-315.<br />

Le Souef HD (1950) Poisoning of sheep by goat’s rue. N Z<br />

J Agr 80:580.<br />

Predoiu I (1966) O intoxicaţie la ovine cu fîn de Galega officinalis.<br />

Rev Zootehnie Med Vet 16(6):73-75.<br />

Puyt JD, Faliu L, Keck G, et al. (1981) Fatal poisoning of<br />

sheep by Galega officinalis (French honeysuckle). Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 23(6):410-411.<br />

Williams MC (1978) Toxicological investigations on goatsrue.<br />

Proc West Soc Weed Sci 31:156-157.<br />

g a l e n i a a f r ic a n a L. [Aizoaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

geelbos; kraalbos<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Lugt JJ, Fourie N, Schultz RA (1988) Galenia afric<strong>an</strong>a<br />

L. (Aizoaceae) poisoning in sheep. J S Afr Vet Assoc<br />

59(2):100.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Lugt JJ, Schultz RA, Fourie N, et al. (1992) Galenia<br />

afric<strong>an</strong>a L. poisoning in sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats: Hepatic <strong>an</strong>d<br />

cardiac ch<strong>an</strong>ges. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 59(4):323-333.<br />

g a l e n i a p u b e s c e n s (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Druce<br />

[Aizoaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

green galenia<br />

Citations:<br />

Williams MC (1979) Toxicological investigations on Galenia<br />

pubescens. Weed Sci 27(5):506-508.<br />

g a l e o p s is l a d a n u M L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cáñamo silvestre; red hemp nettle<br />

Citations:<br />

Aparicio R, Onate JM, Arizcun A, et al. (1999) Rabdomiólisis<br />

epidémica por ingestión de codornices. Estudio<br />

clínico, epidemiológico y experimental. Medica Clinica<br />

112(4):143-146.<br />

g a l i n so g a p a rv i f l o r a Cav. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Hausen BM (1979) The sensitizing capacity of compositae<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. III. Test results <strong>an</strong>d cross-reactions in compositaesensitive<br />

patients. Dermatologica 159(1):1-11.

168 - Galium aparine D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

g a l i u M a p a r i n e L. [Rubiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cleavers herb; clivers; goosegrass<br />

Citations:<br />

J<strong>an</strong>uszewski J, Lew<strong>an</strong>dowski L, Mazurkiewicz M (1988)<br />

Wpływ skarmi<strong>an</strong>ia paszy z<strong>an</strong>ieczyszczonej nasionami<br />

przytulii czepnej (Galium aparine L.) na st<strong>an</strong> zdrowotny<br />

kurczqt typu nieśnego. Med Weter 44(6):365-367.<br />

g a l i u M o d o r a Tu M (L.) Scop. [Rubiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

sweet woodruff; szagos müge; Waldmeister; woodruff<br />

Citations:<br />

Hog<strong>an</strong> RP 3rd (1983) Hemorrhagic diathesis caused by<br />

drinking <strong>an</strong> herbal tea. JAMA 249(19):2679-2680.<br />

Ridker PM (1989) Health hazards of unusual herbal teas.<br />

Am Fam Physici<strong>an</strong> 39(5):153-156.<br />

galletagrass –see– Pleuraphis rigida Thurb.<br />

gallinazo –see– Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet<br />

gallita bush –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.<br />

galnebaer –see– Atropa belladonna L.<br />

galster –see– Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link<br />

gamba pea –see– Crotalaria goreensis Guill. & Perr.<br />

Gambel’s-oak –see– Quercus gambelii Nutt.<br />

gamboge –see– Garcinia h<strong>an</strong>buryi Hook. f.<br />

g<strong>an</strong>-di-hu<strong>an</strong>g –see– Rehm<strong>an</strong>ni glutinosa (Gaertn.) Steud.<br />

g<strong>an</strong>ga –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

g<strong>an</strong>ja –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

Gänseblume –see– Leuc<strong>an</strong>themum vulgare Lam.<br />

g<strong>an</strong>skweek –see– Lasiospermum bipinnatum (Thunb.) Druce<br />

garb<strong>an</strong>cillo –see– Astragalus bergii Hieron.; Astragalus<br />

mollissimus Torr. var. earlei (Greene ex Rydb.) Tidestr.;<br />

Astragalus wootonii E. Sheld.; Dur<strong>an</strong>ta erecta L.; Erophaca<br />

baetica (L.) Boiss.<br />

garb<strong>an</strong>zo –see– Cicer arietinum L.<br />

garb<strong>an</strong>zuelos –see– Erophaca baetica (L.) Boiss.<br />

g a r c i n i a h a n b u r y i Hook. f. [Clusiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gamboge<br />

Citations:<br />

Kong L, Ye D, W<strong>an</strong>g S, et al. (1996) [Acute toxicity <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>tiinflammatory<br />

effect of processed products of gamboge.]<br />

Chung Kuo Chung Yao Tsa Chih 21(4):214-216, 255.<br />

garden heliotrope –see– Valeri<strong>an</strong>a officinalis L.<br />

garden huckleberry –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.<br />

garden nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.<br />

garden orache –see– Atriplex hortensis L.<br />

garden pea –see– Pisum sativum L.<br />

garden sage –see– Salvia officinalis L.<br />

garden sorrel –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

garden spurge –see– Euphorbia lathyris L.<br />

gardener’s-garters –see– Phalaris arundinacea L.<br />

gardenia –see– Gardenia jasminoides J. Ellis<br />

g a r d e n i a j a s Mi n o i d e s J. Ellis [Rubiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Cape jasmine; gardenia; sokujikoh<br />

Citations:<br />

Chung MS, Hong CB, Yeh CH, et al. (1976) [Gardenia<br />

poisoning in pigs. II. Clinical <strong>an</strong>d clinico-pathological<br />

observations.] J Chin Soc Vet Sci 2(1):30-34.<br />

Hong CB, Chung MS, Y<strong>an</strong>g CH, et al. (1976) [Gardenia<br />

poisoning in pigs. I. Reproduction of a black discoloration<br />

of the viscera in <strong>an</strong>imals with the seed-pods of Gardenia<br />

jasminoides Ellis. f. gr<strong>an</strong>diflora Makino.] J Chin Soc Vet<br />

Sci 2(1):26-29.<br />

Kubo Y, Nonaka S, Yoshida H (1990) Allergic contact<br />

dermatitis from gardenia fruit. Contact Dermatitis<br />

22(3):65-67.<br />

garget –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

gari –see– M<strong>an</strong>ihot esculenta Cr<strong>an</strong>tz<br />

garlic –see– Allium sativum L.<br />

garlic guineahen weed –see– Petiveria alliacea L.<br />

Garry’s-oak –see– Quercus garry<strong>an</strong>a Douglas ex Hook.<br />

Gartenbohne –see– Phaseolus coccineus L.; Phaseolus vulgaris<br />

L.<br />

Gartenmelde –see– Atriplex hortensis L.<br />

Gartenraute –see– Ruta graveolens L.<br />

Gartenschierling –see– Aethusa cynapium L.<br />

Gartenwolfsmilch –see– Euphorbia peplus L.<br />

garuda palai –see– Cryptostegia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora R. Br.<br />

gas pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Dictamnus albus L.<br />

g a s Tr o l ob i u M g r a n d i f l o r u M F. Muell.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> poison bush; desert poisonbush; heart-leaf;<br />

heart-leaf poison bush; poison bush; wallflower poison;<br />

York Road poison<br />

Citations:<br />

Campbell GW, Kingston GC (1992) Heart leaf poison bush<br />

(Gastrolobium gr<strong>an</strong>diflorum) toxicity in a western Queensl<strong>an</strong>d<br />

sheep flock. Vet Hum Toxicol 34(3):265-266.<br />

Mahoney DF (1956) Heart-leaf poisoning of cattle. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d<br />

Agric J 82(Jun 1):361-362<br />

gat –see– Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl.<br />

gaton –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

gatter –see– Euonymus europaeus L.<br />

gauge pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Senecio integerrimus Nutt.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Gelsemium sempervirens - 169<br />

g a u l Th e r i a p r o c u Mb e n s L. [Ericaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

boxberry; checkerberry; deerberry; mountain tea;<br />

partridgeberry; Scheinbeere; teaberry; winterberry;<br />

wintergreen<br />

Citations:<br />

Craig JO (1953) Poisoning by the volatile oils in childhood.<br />

Arch Dis Child 28(142):475-483.<br />

Hofm<strong>an</strong> M, Diaz JE, Martella C (1996) Massive oil of wintergreen<br />

overdose from oriental herbal medication. J Toxicol<br />

Clin Toxicol 34:596-597.<br />

Litovitz TL, Norm<strong>an</strong>n SA, Veltri JC (1986) 1985 Annual<br />

report of the Americ<strong>an</strong> Association of Poison Control<br />

Centers National Data Collection System. Am J Emerg<br />

Med 4(5):427-458.<br />

Litovitz TL, Schmitz BF, Bailey KM (1990) 1989 Annual<br />

report of the Americ<strong>an</strong> Association of Poison Control<br />

Centers National Data Collection System. Am J Emerg<br />

Med 8(5):394-442.<br />

gaut<strong>an</strong> kura –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um inc<strong>an</strong>um L.<br />

geel tulp –see– Moraea pallida (Baker) Goldblatt<br />

geelbos –see– Galenia afric<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

geelmelkbos –see– Euphorbia maurit<strong>an</strong>ica L.<br />

Gefleckter Aronstab –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

Gefleckter Schierling –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

g e ig e r i a a s p e r a Harv. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

vermeerbos; vermeerbosie; vomiting bush<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG (1936) Recent investigations into the toxicity of<br />

known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union of South<br />

Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus 7(1):169-178.<br />

g e ig e r i a b u r k e i Harv. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Botha CJ, Gous TA, Penrith ML, et al. (1997) Vermeersiekte<br />

caused by Geigeria burkei Harv. subsp. burkei var.<br />

hirtella Merxm. in the northern province of South Africa.<br />

J S Afr Vet Assoc 68(3):97-101.<br />

g e ig e r i a f i l i f o l i a Mattf. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

vermeerbos<br />

Citations:<br />

Joubert JP (1983) Attempted prevention <strong>an</strong>d treatment of<br />

Geigeria filifolia Mattf. poisoning (vermeersiekte) in<br />

sheep. J S Afr Vet Assoc 54(4):255-258.<br />

g e ig e r i a o r n a Ti va O. Hoffm. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Pienaar JG, Kriek NP, Naudé TW, et al. (1973) Lesions in<br />

sheep skeletal <strong>an</strong>d oesophageal muscle in vermeersiekte<br />

(Geigeria ornativa O. Hoffm. poisoning). Onderstepoort<br />

J Vet Res 40(3):127-137.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Lugt JJ, V<strong>an</strong> Heerden J (1993) Experimental vermeersiekte<br />

(Geigeria ornativa O. Hoffm. poisoning) in<br />

sheep. II. Histological <strong>an</strong>d ultrastructural lesions. J S Afr<br />

Vet Assoc 64(2):82-88.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Heerden J, V<strong>an</strong> der Lugt JJ, Dur<strong>an</strong>te E, et al. (1993)<br />

Experimental vermeersiekte (Geigeria O. Hoffm. poisoning)<br />

in sheep. I. An evaluation of diagnostic aids <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong><br />

assessment of the preventive effect of ethoxyquin. J S Afr<br />

Vet Assoc 64(2):76-81.<br />

geisha girl –see– Dur<strong>an</strong>ta erecta L.<br />

Geißklee –see– Laburnum <strong>an</strong>agyroides Medik.<br />

Geißraute –see– Galega officinalis L.<br />

Gelbe Alpenrose –see– Rhododendron aureum Georgi<br />

Gelbe Lupine –see– Lupinus luteus L.<br />

Gelbe Narzisse –see– Narcissus pseudonarcissus L.<br />

Gelbe Schneerose –see– Rhododendron aureum Georgi<br />

Gelbe Schwertlilie –see– Iris ×germ<strong>an</strong>ica L.; Iris pseudoacorus<br />

L.<br />

Gelbe Wolfsbohne –see– Lupinus luteus L.<br />

Gelber Eisenhut –see– Aconitum lycoctonum L. subsp.<br />

vulparia (Rchb.) Nym<strong>an</strong><br />

Gelber Jasmin –see– Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) J. St.-Hil.<br />

Gelber Sturmhut –see– Aconitum lycoctonum L. subsp.<br />

vulparia (Rchb.) Nym<strong>an</strong><br />

Gelbkraut –see– Chelidonium majus L.<br />

gelsemium –see– Gelsemium eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Gardner & Champ.)<br />

Benth.; Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) J. St.-Hil.<br />

g e ls e Mi u M e l e g a n s (Gardner & Champ.)<br />

Benth. [Gelsemiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gelsemium<br />

Citations:<br />

Chao TC, Lo DS, Bloodworth BC (1992) Common poisons<br />

in Singapore – Past <strong>an</strong>d present. Med Sci Law<br />

32(2):139-147.<br />

Zh<strong>an</strong>g YG, Hu<strong>an</strong>g GZ (1988) Poisoning by toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

China. Report of 19 autopsy cases. Am J Forensic Med<br />

Pathol 9(4):313-319.<br />

g e ls e Mi u M s e Mp e rv i r e n s (L.) J. St.-Hil.<br />

[Gelsemiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Carolina jasmine; Carolina jessamine; Carolina wild<br />

woodbine; Carolina yellow jessamine; evening trumpet<br />

flower; evening trumpet vine; false jessamine; Gelber<br />

Jasmin; gelsemium; jasmine; jasmin-de-Caroline; jessamine;<br />

wild jessamine; woodbine; yellow jasmine; yellow<br />

jessamine<br />

Citations:<br />

Blaw ME, Adkisson MA, Levin D, et al. (1979) Poisoning<br />

with Carolina jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens [L.]<br />

Ait.). J Pediatr 94(6):998-1001.

170 - Genista c<strong>an</strong>ariensis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Craig FR, Williamson H (1963) Poultry sickness traced to<br />

yellow jessamine. North Carolina Res Farming 22(1):3.<br />

Freem<strong>an</strong> JN (1873) Gelsemium. L<strong>an</strong>cet 2(Sep 27):475.<br />

Ringer S, Murrell W (1876) On Gelsemium sempervirens.<br />

Action on m<strong>an</strong>. L<strong>an</strong>cet 1(May 6):661-663.<br />

Ringer S, Murrell W (1878) On Gelsemium sempervirens.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>cet 1(Jun 22):892-894.<br />

Thompson LJ, Frazier K, Stiver S, et al. (2002) Multiple<br />

<strong>an</strong>imal intoxications associated with Carolina jessamine<br />

(Gelsemium sempervirens) ingestions. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

44(5):272-273.<br />

Williamson JH, Craig FR, Barber CW, et al. (1964) Some<br />

effects of feeding Gelsemium sempervirens (yellow jessamine)<br />

to young chickens <strong>an</strong>d turkeys. Avi<strong>an</strong> Dis<br />

8(2):183-190.<br />

gem squash –see– Cucurbita pepo L.<br />

genda –see– Tagetes patula L.<br />

genièvre –see– Juniperus communis L.<br />

g e n is Ta c a n a r i e n s is L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

C<strong>an</strong>ary Isl<strong>an</strong>d broom<br />

Citations:<br />

Fadim<strong>an</strong> J (1965) Genista c<strong>an</strong>ariensis: A minor psychedelic.<br />

Econ Bot 19:383.<br />

g e n is Ta s Te n o p e Ta l a Webb & Berthel.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c ytisus racemosus Marnock<br />

Common Names:<br />

broom<br />

Citations:<br />

Meier-Abt PJ (2002) Swiss Toxicologial Information Centre<br />

Annual Report 2002. www.toxi.ch.<br />

genkol be<strong>an</strong> –see– Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I. C. Nielsen<br />

genti<strong>an</strong> –see– Genti<strong>an</strong>a lutea L.<br />

g e n Ti a n a l u Te a L. [Genti<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bitterwort; genti<strong>an</strong>; genti<strong>an</strong>e jaune; gr<strong>an</strong>de genti<strong>an</strong>e<br />

Citations:<br />

Perharic L, Shaw D, Colbridge M, et al. (1994) Toxicological<br />

problems resulting from exposure to traditional remedies<br />

<strong>an</strong>d food supplements. Drug Saf 11(4):284-294.<br />

genti<strong>an</strong>e jaune –see– Genti<strong>an</strong>a lutea L.<br />

Geoffroea inermis W. Wright = Andira inermis (W.<br />

Wright) Kunth ex DC.<br />

Geoffroea jamaicensis W. Wright = Andira inermis (W.<br />

Wright) Kunth ex DC.<br />

Geraldton carnation weed –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

ger<strong>an</strong>ium –see– Pelargonium ×domesticum L. H. Bailey<br />

Gerbermyrte –see– Coriaria myrtifolia L.<br />

Gerberstrauch –see– Coriaria myrtifolia L.<br />

gergellim bravo –see– Crotalaria spectabilis Roth; Crotalaria<br />

juncea L.; Crotalaria pallida Aiton; Crotalaria retusa L.<br />

Germ<strong>an</strong> camomille –see– Matricaria recutita L.; Matricaria<br />

recutita L.<br />

Germ<strong>an</strong> primrose –see– Primula obconica H<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

germ<strong>an</strong>der –see– Teucrium chamaedrys L.<br />

germ<strong>an</strong>drée petit chêne –see– Teucrium chamaedrys L.<br />

Gerste –see– Hordeum vulgare L.<br />

gesse pourpre –see– Lathyrus clymenum L.<br />

ghostweed –see– Euphorbia marginata Pursh<br />

ghw<strong>an</strong>obos –see– Senecio ilicifolius L.<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t arbor vitae –see– Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t buttercup –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus acris L.<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t couch –see– Cynodon plectostachyus (K. Schum.) Pilg.<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t cow parsnip –see– Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um<br />

Sommier & Levier<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t eleph<strong>an</strong>t’s-ear –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G.<br />

Don<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t fennel –see– Ferula communis L.<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t hogweed –see– Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um Sommier<br />

& Levier<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t horsetail –see– Equisetum telmateia Ehrh.<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t larkspur –see– Delphinium glaucum S. Watson<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t milkweed –see– Calotropis gig<strong>an</strong>tea (L.) W. T. Aiton;<br />

Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t nettle –see– Dendrocnide moroides (Wedd.) Chew;<br />

Urtica ferox G. Forst.<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t p<strong>an</strong>icum –see– Urochloa mutica (Forssk.) T. Q. Nguyen<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t parsnip –see– Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um Sommier &<br />

Levier<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t pigweed –see– Tri<strong>an</strong>thema portulacastrum L.<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t poverty weed –see– Cyclachaena x<strong>an</strong>thiifolia (Nutt.)<br />

Fresen.<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t ragweed –see– Ambrosia trifida L.<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t rain lily –see– Cooperia pedunculata Herb.<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t Russi<strong>an</strong> hogweed –see– Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um<br />

Sommier & Levier<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t stargrass –see– Cynodon aethiopicus Clayton & J.<br />

R. Harl<strong>an</strong>; Cynodon nlemfuensis V<strong>an</strong>deryst; Cynodon<br />

plectostachyus (K. Schum.) Pilg.<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t stinging tree –see– Dendrocnide moroides (Wedd.)<br />

Chew<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t stock be<strong>an</strong> –see– C<strong>an</strong>avalia ensiformis (L.) DC.<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t striata crotalaria –see– Crotalaria pallida Aiton<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t taro –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don<br />

gibata –see– Arrabidaea bilabiata (Sprague) S<strong>an</strong>dwith

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Gl<strong>an</strong>dularia eleg<strong>an</strong>s - 171<br />

Gichtrose –see– Rhododendron aureum Georgi<br />

Gichtwurz –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

gidee gidee –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

gidyea tree –see– Acacia georginae F. M. Bailey<br />

Gifappel –see– Cucumis myriocarpus Naudin; Pachystigma<br />

pygmaeum (Schltr.) Robyns<br />

gifblaar –see– Dichapetalum cymosum (Hook.) Engl.<br />

gifbloom –see– Boophone disticha (L. f.) Herb.<br />

gifbol –see– Boophone disticha (L. f.) Herb.<br />

gifboom –see– Acok<strong>an</strong>thera oppositifolia (Lam.) Codd<br />

gifbossie –see– Thesium namaquense Schltr.<br />

Giftbaum –see– Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

Giftbeere –see– Nic<strong>an</strong>dra physalodes (L.) Gaertn.<br />

giftblad –see– Dichapetalum cymosum (Hook.) Engl.<br />

Giftefeu –see– Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

Gifteiche –see– Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

Gifthahnenfuß –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus sceleratus L.<br />

Giftige Rebendolde –see– Oen<strong>an</strong>the crocata L.<br />

Giftprimel –see– Primula obconica H<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

Giftsumach –see– Toxicodendron pubescens Mill.;<br />

Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

Giftwicke –see– Securigera varia (L.) Lassen<br />

Giftwüterich –see– Cicuta virosa L.<br />

gila be<strong>an</strong> –see– Entada phaseoloides (L.) Merr.<br />

gilisztaüzö varádics –see– T<strong>an</strong>acetum vulgare L.<br />

gill-over-the-ground –see– Glechoma hederacea L.<br />

gin n<strong>an</strong> –see– Ginkgo biloba L.<br />

gingali –see– Sesamum indicum L.<br />

ginger –see– Zingiber officinale Roscoe<br />

gingibre –see– Zingiber officinale Roscoe<br />

ginigawat –see– Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B. K. Simon<br />

& S. W. L. Jacobs<br />

ginkgo –see– Ginkgo biloba L.<br />

g i n k g o b i l ob a L. [Ginkgoaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ginkgo; Ginkgobaum; ginko; ginkyo; gin n<strong>an</strong>; kew<br />

tree; maidenhair tree; silver apricot<br />

Citations:<br />

Becker LE, Skipworth GB (1975) Ginkgo-tree dermatitis,<br />

stomatitis, <strong>an</strong>d proctitis. JAMA 231(11):1162-1163.<br />

Bilbert GJ (1997) Ginkgo biloba. Neurology 48(4):1137.<br />

Bolus M (1939) Dermatitis venenata due to ginkgo berries.<br />

Arch Derm Syphilol 39:530.<br />

Castelli D, Colin L, Camel E, et al. (1998) Pretreatment of<br />

skin with a Ginkgo biloba extract/sodium carboxymethylβ-1,3-gluc<strong>an</strong><br />

formulation appears to inhibit the elicitation<br />

of allergic contact dermatitis in m<strong>an</strong>. Contact Dermatitis<br />

38(3):123-126.<br />

Fujisawa M, Hori Y, Nakajima M, et al. (2002) Gas chromatography-mass<br />

spectrometry <strong>an</strong>alysis of 4-O-methylpyridoxine<br />

(MPN) in the serum of patients with ginkgo seed<br />

poisoning. J Anal Toxicol 26(3):138-143.<br />

Hori Y, Fujisawa M, Shimada K, et al. (2004) Rapid <strong>an</strong>alysis<br />

of 4-O-methylpyridoxine in the serum of patients with<br />

Ginkgo biloba seed poisoning by ion-pair high-perform<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

liquid chromatography. Biol Pharm Bull 27(4):486-491.<br />

Kajiyama Y, Fujii K, Takeuchi H, et al. (2002) Ginkgo seed<br />

poisoning. Pediatrics 109(2):325-327.<br />

Nakamura T (1985) Gingko tree dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis<br />

12(5):281-282.<br />

Rowin J, Lewis SL (1996) Spont<strong>an</strong>eous bilateral subdural<br />

hematomas associated with chronic Ginkgo biloba ingestion.<br />

Neurology 46(Jun):1775-1776.<br />

Saito J (1929) Klinische und experimentelle Untersuchung<br />

der durch Ginkgofrucht verursachten Dermatitis und<br />

ihrer hautreizenden Best<strong>an</strong>dteile. Jpn J Dermatol Urol<br />

29:105-129.<br />

Saito J (1930) Klinische und experimentelle Untersuchung<br />

der durch Ginkgofrucht verursachten Dermatitis und<br />

ihrer hautreizenden Best<strong>an</strong>dteile. Tohoku J Exp Med<br />

16:385-412.<br />

Sowers WF, Weary PE, Collins OD, et al. (1965) Ginkgotree<br />

dermatitis. Arch Dermatol 91(May):452-456.<br />

Starr AM (1913) Poisoning by Ginkgo. Bot Gaz 55:251.<br />

Tabayashi T (1927) [Experimental study of dermatitis owing<br />

to fruits of the Gingko.] Nippon Hifuka Gakkai Zasshi<br />

27(A):962-963.<br />

Tomb RR, Foussereau J, Sell Y (1988) Mini-epidemic of<br />

contact dermatitis from ginkgo tree fruit (Ginkgo biloba<br />

L.). Contact Dermatitis 19(8):281-283.<br />

Vale S (1998) Subarachnoid haemorrhage associated with<br />

Ginkgo biloba. L<strong>an</strong>cet 352(9121):36.<br />

Vollmer H, Halter K (1938) Dermatitis durch Früchte<br />

von Ginkgo biloba. Sammlung Vergiftungsfallen<br />

9(A721):17-20.<br />

Vollmer H, Halter K (1939) Dermatitis durch Früchte von<br />

Ginkgo biloba. Z Haut Geschlechtskr 62:208.<br />

Yagi M, Wada K, Sakata M, et al. (1993) [Studies on the<br />

constituents of edible <strong>an</strong>d medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts. IV. Determination<br />

of 4-O-methylpyridoxine in serum of the<br />

patient with gin-n<strong>an</strong> food poisoning.] J Pharm Soc Jpn<br />

113(8):596-599.<br />

Ginkgobaum –see– Ginkgo biloba L.<br />

ginko –see– Ginkgo biloba L.<br />

ginkyo –see– Ginkgo biloba L.<br />

ginseng –see– P<strong>an</strong>ax ginseng C. A. Mey.<br />

ginster –see– Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link<br />

giraffe thorn –see– Acacia ×giraffae Willd.<br />

glabrous hemp –see– Apocynum c<strong>an</strong>nabinum L.<br />

glacier ivy –see– Hedera helix L.<br />

gl<strong>an</strong>ds –see– Quercus robur L.<br />

g l a n d u l a r i a e l e g a n s (Kunth) Umber<br />

[Verbenaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

verbena eleg<strong>an</strong>s Kunth

172 - Gl<strong>an</strong>dularia ×hybrida D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Potter PC, Mather S, Lockey P, et al. (1995) Immediate <strong>an</strong>d<br />

delayed contact hypersensitivity to verbena pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 33(5):343-346.<br />

g l a n d u l a r i a × h y b r i d a (hort. ex Groenl. &<br />

Rümpler) G. L. Nesom & Pruski [Verbenaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

verbena ×hybrida hort. ex Groenl. & Rümpler<br />

Citations:<br />

Potter PC, Mather S, Lockey P, et al. (1995) Immediate <strong>an</strong>d<br />

delayed contact hypersensitivity to verbena pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 33(5):343-346.<br />

Gl<strong>an</strong>zpeterlein –see– Aethusa cynapium L.<br />

Gl<strong>an</strong>zpetersilie –see– Aethusa cynapium L.<br />

glaucous zygadenus –see– Anticlea eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Pursh) Rydb.<br />

g l e c h o Ma h e d e r a c e a L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

n epeta hederacea (L.) Trev.<br />

Common Names:<br />

alefoot; alehoof; creeping Charlie; Epheublättrige<br />

Gündelrebe; Erdepheu; field balm; gill-over-theground;<br />

ground ivy; kerek repkény; lierre tenestre; runaway<br />

robin<br />

Citations:<br />

Bergeron JM, Jodoin L (1985) Fiabilité des mesures de<br />

poids et d’examens histopathologiques d<strong>an</strong>s les études<br />

d’intoxication du campagnol des champs (Microtus<br />

pennsylv<strong>an</strong>icus). C<strong>an</strong> J Zool 63(4):804-810.<br />

Hazslinszky B (1935) Ueber Vergiftung bei Pferden durch<br />

Glechoma. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr 43(Nov<br />

9):708-709.<br />

Nicolau A, Bârză H, Duca H, et al. (1956) Vergiftungen<br />

durch die Pfl<strong>an</strong>ze Glechoma hederacea beim Pferde.<br />

Monatsh Veterinarmed 11(20):534-538.<br />

Glelskraut –see– Euphorbia cyparissias L.<br />

gli equiseti –see– Equisetum palustre L.<br />

g l i n u s o p p o s i Ti f o l i u s (L.) Aug. DC.<br />

[Molluginaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

kaipajia<br />

Citations:<br />

Alikutty KM (1975) A field report on the occurrence of<br />

certain cases of weed toxicity in cattle. Kerala J Vet Sci<br />

6(1-2):149-150.<br />

Alikutty KM, Aleyas NM (1978) Experimental weed (Glinus<br />

oppositifolius) toxicity in cattle. Kerala J Vet Sci<br />

9(1):145-148.<br />

g l i r ic i d i a Ma c u l a Ta (Kunth) Kunth ex Walp.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1943) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XIII. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 18(1-2):207-224.<br />

g l i r ic i d i a s e p i u M (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

lengua-de-perico; madera negra; madre; madre-decacao;<br />

madriado; mata ratón; mother-of-cocoa; piñon<br />

amoroso; piñon florido; raton; s<strong>an</strong>gre-de-drago<br />

Citations:<br />

Gl<strong>an</strong>der KE (1977) Poison in a monkey’s Garden of Eden.<br />

Nat Hist 86(Mar):35-41.<br />

globe artichoke –see– Cynara cardunculus L.<br />

g l o c h i d io n h e y n e a n u M (Wight & Arn.)<br />

Wight [Phyll<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

g lochidion velutinum Wight.<br />

Common Names:<br />

lattighat<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal:<br />

Preliminary toxicity screening using grass carp<br />

(Ctenopharyngodon idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

21(1):1-9.<br />

Glochidion velutinum Wight = Glochidion heyne<strong>an</strong>um<br />

(Wight & Arn.) Wight<br />

Glockenbilsenkraut –see– Scopolia carniolica Jacq.<br />

gloriosa lily –see– Gloriosa superba L.<br />

Gloriosa rothschildi<strong>an</strong>a O’Brien = Gloriosa superba L.<br />

Gloriosa simplex auct. = Gloriosa superba L.<br />

g l o r io s a s u p e r b a L. [Colchicaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

g loriosa rothschildi<strong>an</strong>a O’Brien; g loriosa simplex auct.<br />

Common Names:<br />

climbing lily; creeping lily; flame lily; gloriosa lily; karihari;<br />

Malabar glory lily; mora; Rothschild’s-glory lily;<br />

superb lily; Turk’s-cap<br />

Citations:<br />

Aleem HM (1992) Gloriosa superba poisoning. J Assoc Physici<strong>an</strong>s<br />

India 40(8):541-542.<br />

Angunawela RM, Fern<strong>an</strong>do HA (1971) Acute ascending<br />

polyneuropathy <strong>an</strong>d dermatitis following poisoning by<br />

tubers of Gloriosa superba. Ceylon Med J 16(4):233-235.<br />

Fern<strong>an</strong>do R (2002) The national poisons information centre<br />

in Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka: The first ten years. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Glycine max - 173<br />

Fern<strong>an</strong>do R, Fern<strong>an</strong>do DN (1990) Poisoning with pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d<br />

mushrooms in Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka: A retrospective hospital <strong>based</strong><br />

study. Vet Hum Toxicol 32(6):579-581.<br />

Gooneratne BW (1966) Massive generalized alopecia<br />

after poisoning by Gloriosa superba. Br Med J<br />

1(5494):1023-1024.<br />

Jose J, Ravindr<strong>an</strong> M (1988) A rare case of poisoning by Gloriosa<br />

superba. J Assoc Physici<strong>an</strong>s India 36(7):451-452.<br />

Lucas GN (1997) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisoning: A hospital-<strong>based</strong> study in<br />

Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Pediatr 64(4):495-502.<br />

Mendis S (1989) Colchicine cardiotoxicity following<br />

ingestion of Gloriosa superba tubers. Postgrad Med J<br />

65(768):752-755.<br />

Nagaratnam N, De Silva DP, De Silva N (1973) Colchicine<br />

poisoning following ingestion of Gloriosa superba tubers.<br />

Trop Geogr Med 25(1):15-17.<br />

Sen<strong>an</strong>ayake N, Karalliedde L (1988) Patterns of acute poisoning<br />

in a medical unit in central Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka. Forensic<br />

Sci Int 36:101-104.<br />

Senewiratne B, Thambipillai S (1974) Pattern of poisoning<br />

in a developing agricultural country. Br J Prev Soc Med<br />

28(1):32-36.<br />

glory lily –see– Gloriosa superba L.<br />

glossy buckthorn –see– Fr<strong>an</strong>gula alnus Mill.<br />

glottidium –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia vesicaria (Jacq.) Elliott<br />

Glottidium vesicarium (Jacq.) R. M. Harper = Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia<br />

vesicaria (Jacq.) Elliott<br />

glovewort –see– Cynoglossum officinale L.<br />

glue chard –see– Chamaeleon gummifera (L.) Cass.<br />

glue thistle –see– Chamaeleon gummifera (L.) Cass.<br />

g l u Ta r e n g h a s L. [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s tagmaria vermiciflua Jack<br />

Common Names:<br />

ape nut; black varnish tree; East Coast rengas; Jav<strong>an</strong>ese<br />

lac tree; jitong; rengas; renghas<br />

Citations:<br />

Fasal P (1945) Cut<strong>an</strong>eous diseases in the tropics. A clinical<br />

study <strong>based</strong> on observations in Malaya. Arch Derm<br />

Syphilol 51(3):163-171.<br />

Grevenstuk A (1937) Vergiftung durch Renghas und<br />

durch Jap<strong>an</strong>lack. Sammlung Vergiftungsfallen<br />

8(A664):35-38.<br />

g l u Ta u s i Ta Ta (Wall.) Ding Hou [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Mel<strong>an</strong>orrhoea usitata Wall.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Burma lac tree; Burmese lacquer tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Kullav<strong>an</strong>ijaya P, Ophaswongse S (1997) A study of dermatitis<br />

in the lacquerware industry. Contact Dermatitis<br />

36(5):244-246.<br />

Glyceria aquatica (L.) Wahlb. = Glyceria maxima (Hartm.)<br />

Holmb.<br />

g l y c e r i a g r a n d is S. Watson [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> m<strong>an</strong>nagrass; tall m<strong>an</strong>nagrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Puls R, Newschw<strong>an</strong>der FP, Greenway JA (1978) Cy<strong>an</strong>ide<br />

poisoning from Glyceria gr<strong>an</strong>dis S. Wats. ex Gray (tall<br />

m<strong>an</strong>nagrass) in a British Columbia beef herd. C<strong>an</strong> Vet J<br />

19(9):264-265.<br />

g l y c e r i a Ma x i Ma (Hartm.) Holmb. [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

g lyceria aquatica (L.) Wahlb.; p oa aquatica L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

reed sweetgrass; vizi harmatkása; water gromwells<br />

Citations:<br />

Barton NJ, McOrist S, McQueen DS, et al. (1983) Poisoning<br />

of cattle by Glyceria maxima. Aust Vet J 60(7):220-221.<br />

Fritzsch R (1966) Beitrag zur Futterintoxikation beim Rind<br />

durch Giftstoffe obligater Futterpfl<strong>an</strong>zen. Monatsh Veterinarmed<br />

21(9):327-331.<br />

Guilhon J (1988) L’enseignement de la bot<strong>an</strong>ique et la mort<br />

subite au pré. Bull Acad Vet Fr 61(3):267-271.<br />

Rainey JW (1946) Hydrocy<strong>an</strong>ic acid poisoning from Poa<br />

aquatica. Aust Vet J 22:187.<br />

Sharm<strong>an</strong> JR (1967) Cy<strong>an</strong>ide poisoning of cattle grazing “reed<br />

sweet-grass.” N Z Vet J 15:7-8.<br />

Shulakov MG, Vorob Eva FD (1977) [Toxicity of hay containing<br />

Glyceria maxima (reed sweet-grass).] Veterinariia<br />

Moscow 54(8):103-105.<br />

glicine –see– Wisteria sinensis (Sims) DC.<br />

glycine chinensis –see– Wisteria sinensis (Sims) DC.<br />

g l y c i n e Ma x (L.) Merr. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

soja; Sojabohne; soy; soya be<strong>an</strong>; soybe<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Almquist HJ, Merritt JB (1952) Effect of raw soybe<strong>an</strong><br />

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on growth of the chick. Arch Biochem<br />

35(2):352-354.<br />

Anderson DW, Howard HW (1959) Feeding of soybe<strong>an</strong><br />

products <strong>an</strong>d development of goiter. Pediatrics<br />

24(5):854-855.<br />

Av<strong>an</strong>zi CF (1972) Effetti tireostatici della soia. Agric Ital<br />

72(4):293-296.<br />

Balloun SL, Johnson EL (1953) Anticoagul<strong>an</strong>t properties<br />

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42(2):355-359.<br />

Booth AN, Robbins DJ, Ribelin WE, et al. (1960) Effect of<br />

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fed raw soybe<strong>an</strong> meal. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116(Aug-<br />

Sep):1067-1069.<br />

Bornstein S, Lipstein B (1963) The influence of age of chicks<br />

on their sensitivity to raw soybe<strong>an</strong> oil meal. Poult Sci<br />

42:61-70.<br />

Bray DJ (1964) P<strong>an</strong>creatic hypertrophy in laying pullets<br />

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Clarke E, Wisem<strong>an</strong> J (2004) Effect of varying trypsin inhibitor<br />

activity of full fat soya on nutritional value for broiler<br />

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Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 38:166-168.<br />

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<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Gnidia polycephala - 175<br />

Glycine wightii (Wight & Arn.) Verdc. = Neonotonia<br />

wightii (Wight & Arn.) J. A. Lackey<br />

g l y c y r r h i z a g l a b r a L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Lakritze; licorice; licorise; liksidsrod; liquorice;<br />

réglisse<br />

Citations:<br />

Barrella M, Lauria G, Quatrale R, et al. (1997) Hypokaliemic<br />

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Delcroix C, Poncin E, Pourrat O, et al. (1985) Tubulopathie<br />

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worsening of hypokalemia <strong>an</strong>d neuromuscular paralysis<br />

associated with the use of glucose solutions for potassium<br />

replacement in a young wom<strong>an</strong> with licorice intoxication<br />

<strong>an</strong>d furosemide abuse. Acad Emerg Med 6(9):960-964.<br />

Minaire Y, Baltassat P, Gouezo F, et al. (1964) A propos de deux<br />

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Morell F, Orriols R, Lucas A, et al. (1983) Seudohiperaldosteronismo<br />

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Rausch Stroom<strong>an</strong>n JG (1968) Reversible severe hypertension<br />

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Yoshida S, Takayama Y (2003) Licorice-induced hypokalemia<br />

as a treatable cause of dropped head syndrome. Clin Neurol<br />

Neurosurg 105(4):286-287.<br />

Glyzinie –see– Wisteria sinensis (Sims) DC.<br />

gnawed c<strong>an</strong>arygrass –see– Phalaris paradoxa L.<br />

g n i d i a a n Th y l l o i d e s Gilg [Thymelaeaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l asiosiphon <strong>an</strong>thylloides (L. f.) Meisn.<br />

Citations:<br />

Alex<strong>an</strong>der R (1928) Lasiosiphon <strong>an</strong>thylloides as a poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t. Rep Director Vet Educ Res South Africa<br />

13:233-240.<br />

g n i d i a b u r c h e l l i i Gilg [Thymelaeaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l asiosiphon burchellii Meisn.<br />

Common Names:<br />

harpuisbar; harpuisbos<br />

Citations:<br />

Terbl<strong>an</strong>che M, Pieterse MJ, Adelaar TF, et al. (1966) Further<br />

studies of the toxicology of Lasiosiphon burchellii<br />

Meisn. J S Afr Vet Assoc 37(2):185-189.<br />

g n i d i a k r a u s s i a n a Meisn. [Thymelaeaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l asiosiphon kraussi<strong>an</strong>us (Meisn.) Burtt Davy<br />

Common Names:<br />

yellow heads<br />

Citations:<br />

Nwude N, Parsons LE (1978) Haematological <strong>an</strong>d biochemical<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in Lasiosiphon kraussi<strong>an</strong>us (Meisn.) poisoning<br />

in cattle. Bull Anim Health Prod Afr 26(1):73-77.<br />

Nwude N, Parsons LE (1978) Toxicity of Lasiosiphon kraussi<strong>an</strong>us<br />

(Meisn.) in livestock. Bull Anim Health Prod Afr<br />

26(1):67-72.<br />

Nyazema NZ (1986) Herbal toxicity in Zimbabwe. Tr<strong>an</strong>s R<br />

Soc Trop Med Hyg 80(3):448-450.<br />

g n i d i a l a Ti f o l i a (Oliv.) Gilg [Thymelaeaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l asiosiphon latifolius (Oliv.) Bren<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Kiptoon JC, Mugera GM, Waiyaki PG (1982) Haematological<br />

<strong>an</strong>d biochemical ch<strong>an</strong>ges in cattle poisoned by Gnidia<br />

latifolia syn. Lasiosiphon latifolius (Thymelaeaceae). Toxicology<br />

25(2-3):129-139.<br />

Mugera GM, Kiptoon JC, Waiyaki PG (1982) Studies on<br />

the toxicity of Gnidia latifolia (Meisn) in cattle. Bull<br />

Anim Health Prod Afr 30(3):251-256.<br />

g n i d i a p o l y c e p h a l a Gilg [Thymelaeaceae]<br />

Common names:<br />

j<strong>an</strong>uariebos<br />

Citations:<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t R, Booker HH, Basson PA, et al. (1988) Cardiomyopathies<br />

caused by j<strong>an</strong>uariebos (Gnidia polycephala) <strong>an</strong>d<br />

avocado (Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a) leaves. J S Afr Vet Assoc<br />

59(2):101.<br />

goabe<strong>an</strong> –see– Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.<br />

goat head –see– Tribulus terrestris L.<br />

goat killer –see– Dichapetalum barteri Engl.<br />

goat nut –see– Simmondsia chinensis (Link) C. K. Schneid.<br />

goat weed –see– Ageratum conyzoides L.; Hypericum<br />

perforatum L.; Tribulus terrestris L.<br />

goat’s-rue –see– Galega officinalis L.<br />

gobernadora –see– Larrea tridentata (DC.) Coville<br />

gobu –see– Stipa sibirica (L.) Lam.<br />

godogo –see– Entada phaseoloides (L.) Merr.<br />

gogu –see– Stipa sibirica (L.) Lam.<br />

gokharu –see– Tribulus terrestris L.<br />

gokarni –see– Clitoria ternatea L.<br />

gol<strong>an</strong>drina –see– Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp.<br />

gold-dust pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Aucuba japonica Thunb.<br />

gold-leaf pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Aucuba japonica Thunb.<br />

golden b<strong>an</strong>ner –see– Thermopsis mont<strong>an</strong>a Nutt.

176 - Gomphocarpus fruticosa D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

golden Ceylon creeper –see– Epipremnum pinnatum (L.)<br />

Engl.<br />

golden chain –see– Laburnum <strong>an</strong>agyroides Medik.<br />

golden corn –see– Semecarpus <strong>an</strong>acardium L. f.<br />

golden corydalis –see– Corydalis aurea Willd.<br />

golden crownbeard –see– Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth.<br />

& Hook. f. ex A. Gray<br />

golden dewdrop –see– Dur<strong>an</strong>ta erecta L.<br />

golden feather –see– T<strong>an</strong>acetum cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Sch.<br />

Bip.<br />

golden fumeroot –see– Corydalis aurea Willd.<br />

golden germ<strong>an</strong>der –see– Teucrium polium L.<br />

golden glow –see– Rudbeckia laciniata L.<br />

golden hunter’s-robe –see– Epipremnum pinnatum (L.)<br />

Engl.<br />

golden oats –see– Trisetum flavescens (L.) P. Beauv.<br />

golden pothos –see– Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl.<br />

golden privet –see– Ligustrum ovalifolium Hassk.<br />

golden rail –see– Laburnum <strong>an</strong>agyroides Medik.<br />

golden rain –see– Laburnum <strong>an</strong>agyroides Medik.<br />

golden smoke –see– Corydalis aurea Willd.<br />

golden tip –see– Goodia lotifolia Salisb.<br />

golden trumpet –see– Allam<strong>an</strong>da cathartica L.<br />

goldenrod –see– Ageratina altissima (L.) R. M. King & H.<br />

Rob.; Solidago speciosa Nutt.; Solidago spectabilis (D. C.<br />

Eaton) A. Gray<br />

goldfish pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Columnea spp.<br />

Goldhafer –see– Trisetum flavescens (L.) P. Beauv.<br />

Goldregen –see– Laburnum <strong>an</strong>agyroides Medik.<br />

golio –see– Malva parviflora L.<br />

golodrina –see– Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp.<br />

golondrina –see– Euphorbia heterophylla L.<br />

g o Mp h o c a r p u s f r u Tic o s a (L.) W. T. Aiton<br />

[Apocynaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a sclepias florida N. E. Br.; a sclepias fruticosa L.; a sclepias<br />

phillipsiae N. E. Br.<br />

Common Names:<br />

balloon cotton; blaasoppies; bladder cottonbush; cottonbush;<br />

duckbush; firesticks; melkbos; milkweed;<br />

narrow-leaf cottonbush; sw<strong>an</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>t; tontelbos; wild<br />

cotton; wild cottonbush; wildekapok<br />

Citations:<br />

Schultz RA, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, V<strong>an</strong> den Berg H (2005) The<br />

role of fluorescence polarization immuno-assay in the<br />

diagnosis of pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced cardiac glycoside poisoning<br />

livestock in South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

72(3):189-201.<br />

g o Mp h r e n a c e l o s io i d e s Mart.<br />

[Amar<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gomphrena weed; soft khaki weed; white eye<br />

Citations:<br />

Newton LG (1952) Gomphrena celosioides - A pl<strong>an</strong>t causing<br />

ataxia in horses. Aust Vet J 28(Jun):151-154.<br />

Gomphrena decumbens Jacq. = Gomphrena serrata L.<br />

g o Mp h r e n a s e r r a Ta L. [Amar<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

g omphrena decumbens Jacq.<br />

Common Names:<br />

gomphrena weed<br />

Citations:<br />

Clay AL (1944) Gomphrena poisoning. Aust Vet J<br />

20(2):211-212.<br />

gomphrena weed –see– Gomphrena celosioides Mart.;<br />

Gomphrena serrata L.<br />

gonde –see– Oen<strong>an</strong>the palustris (Chiov.) C. Norm<strong>an</strong><br />

g o n io l i Mo n Ta Ta r ic u M (L.) Boiss.<br />

[Plumbaginaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l imonium tataricum (L.) Mill.<br />

Common Names:<br />

sea lavender<br />

Citations:<br />

Quirce S, Garcia Figueroa B, Olaguibel JM, et al.<br />

(1993) Occupational asthma <strong>an</strong>d contact urticaria<br />

from dried flowers of Limonium tataricum. Allergy<br />

48(4):285-290.<br />

g o n y s Ty l u s b a n c a n u s (Miq.) Kurz<br />

[Thymelaeaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ramin<br />

Citations:<br />

Beck MH, Roberts MM (1982) A case of ramin wood sensitivity.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 8(1):74-75.<br />

Bruynzeel DP, de Ha<strong>an</strong> P (1987) Sensitivity to ramin wood.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 17(12):318-319.<br />

Hinojosa M, Losada E, Moneo I, et al. (1986) Occupational<br />

asthma caused by Afric<strong>an</strong> maple (obeche) <strong>an</strong>d ramin: <strong>Evidence</strong><br />

of cross reactivity between these two woods. Clin<br />

Allergy 16(2):145-153.<br />

Howie AD, Boyd G, Mor<strong>an</strong> F (1976) Pulmonary hypersensitivity<br />

to ramin (Gonystylus b<strong>an</strong>c<strong>an</strong>us). Thorax<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Gossypium hirsutum - 177<br />

g o o d i a l o Ti f o l i a Salisb. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

black scours; booroo molie; clover-leaf poison; clover<br />

tree; golden tip<br />

Citations:<br />

Maiden JH (1895) Is Goodia poisonous to stock? Agric Gaz<br />

New South Wales 6:306-307.<br />

g o o d i a Me d ic ag i n e a F. Muell. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

black scours; small golden tip<br />

Citations:<br />

Maiden JH (1895) Is Goodia poisonous to stock? Agric Gaz<br />

New South Wales 6:306-307.<br />

gooseberry –see– Nic<strong>an</strong>dra physalodes (L.) Gaertn.<br />

gooseberry melon –see– Cucumis myriocarpus Naudin<br />

goosefoot –see– Chenopodium album L.<br />

goosegrass –see– Galium aparine L.; Triglochin maritima L.<br />

gopher pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Euphorbia lathyris L.<br />

gordolobo –see– Senecio flaccidus Less. var. flaccidus;<br />

Verbascum thapsus L.<br />

gordolobo yerba –see– Senecio flaccidus Less. var. flaccidus;<br />

Verbascum thapsus L.<br />

gosmore –see– Hypochaeris radicata L.<br />

g o s s w e i l e r o d e n d r o n b a ls a Mi f e r u M<br />

(Vermoesen) Harms [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

agba<br />

Citations:<br />

Oleffe JA, Sporcq J, Hublet P (1975) Epidemiological study<br />

of the wood industry in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):315-316.<br />

g o s s y p i u M h i r s u Tu M L. [Malvaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

algodón; cotón; cotton; ngodoncillo; upl<strong>an</strong>d cotton;<br />

wild cotton<br />

Citations:<br />

Akhmedov MN, Arutyuny<strong>an</strong>ts SI, Lavrova AD, et al. (1975)<br />

[Toxicity of cottonseed meal for poultry.] Veterinariia<br />

Moscow 52(11):80-83.<br />

Ambož M (1964) Případ ortravy bavlníkovými pokrutinami.<br />

Veterinarstvi 14:41-42.<br />

Ambrose AM, Robbins DJ (1951) Studies on the chronic<br />

oral toxicity of cottonseed meal <strong>an</strong>d cottonseed pigment<br />

gl<strong>an</strong>ds. J Nutr 43:357-370.<br />

Binns HR (1938) Cottonseed poisoning of pigs. J Comp<br />

Pathol Exp Ther 51:296-304.<br />

Boyd EM, Boul<strong>an</strong>ger MA (1969) Acute oral toxicity of cottonseed<br />

oil. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 14:432-438.<br />

Boyd EM, Krijnen CJ (1971) Intoler<strong>an</strong>ce to cottonseed<br />

oil in rats fed a low protein diet. Food Cosmet Toxicol<br />

9(3):389-394.<br />

Brown GT (1929) Cotton seed <strong>an</strong>d kapok sensitization.<br />

JAMA 93(5):370-374.<br />

Carruth FE (1917) Methods for approximating the relative<br />

toxicity of cottonseed products. J Biol Chem 32:87-90.<br />

Coppock CE, West JW, Moya JR, et al. (1985) Effects of amount<br />

of whole cottonseed on intake, digestibility, <strong>an</strong>d physiological<br />

responses of dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 68(9):2248-2258.<br />

Cummins KA, Russell RW (1985) Effects of feeding whole<br />

cottonseed to lactating dairy cows on glucose <strong>an</strong>d palmitate<br />

metabolism. J Dairy Sci 68(8):2009-2015.<br />

De Peters EJ, Taylor SJ, Fr<strong>an</strong>ke AA, et al. (1985) Effects of<br />

feeding whole cottonseed on composition of milk. J Dairy<br />

Sci 68(4):897-902.<br />

Dinwiddie RR (1903) Pig feeding experiments with cotton<br />

seed meal. Ark<strong>an</strong>sas Agric Exp Sta Bull #76:133-148.<br />

East NE, Anderson M, Lowenstine LJ (1994) Apparent<br />

gossypol-induced toxicosis in adult dairy goats. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 204(4):642-643.<br />

Ev<strong>an</strong>s RJ, Bauer DH, Vaghefi SB, et al. (1969) Influence of<br />

feeding cottonseed oil to laying hens on the low density<br />

lipoproteins of their eggs. J Nutr 99(4):485-490.<br />

Fitzsimmons RC, Newcombe M, Moul IE (1989) The longterm<br />

effects of feeding ground <strong>an</strong>d whole cottonseed to<br />

laying hens. C<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 69(2):425-431.<br />

Fulmer E (1905) Tests in feeding cotton seed products. Part<br />

III. Effect of feeding cottonseed meal upon the health of<br />

<strong>an</strong>imals. Washington Agric Exp Sta Bull #67:28-42.<br />

Gallup WD (1926) Eliminating the toxicity of cottonseed<br />

meal. J Dairy Sci 9(4):359-372.<br />

Gao H, Y<strong>an</strong>g ZS, Jin SX (1985) [Primary observations on<br />

distal renal tubule acidosis in 177 cases caused by gossypol<br />

intoxication.] Chung Hua Nei Ko Tsa Chih<br />

24(7):419-421, 447.<br />

Goldberg SA, Maynard LA (1922-) Studies of cottonseed<br />

poisoning. I. The pathological tissue ch<strong>an</strong>ges resulting<br />

from continuous feed of cottonseed meal. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 62:450-457.<br />

Graham GG, Morales E, Acevedo G, et al. (1970) Dietary<br />

protein quality in inf<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d children. III. Prolonged feeding<br />

of cottonseed flour. Am J Clin Nutr 23(2):165-169.<br />

Hale F, Lym<strong>an</strong> CM (1962) Effective utilization of cottonseed<br />

meal in swine rations. J Anim Sci 21:998.<br />

Hale WH, Lambeth C, Theurer B, et al. (1969) Digestibility<br />

<strong>an</strong>d utilization of cottonseed hulls by cattle. J Anim Sci<br />

29(5):773-776.<br />

Halverson JO, Sherwood FW (1930) Investigations in the<br />

feeding of cottonseed meal to cattle. North Carolina<br />

Agric Exp Sta Tech Bull #39:158 pp.<br />

Haschek WM, Beasley VR, Buck WB, et al. (1989) Cottonseed<br />

meal (gossypol) toxicosis in a swine herd. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 195(5):613-615.<br />

Hawkins GE, Cummins KA, Silverio M, et al. (1985) Physiological<br />

effects of whole cottonseed in the diet of lactating<br />

dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 68(10):2608-2614.<br />

Hendricks JD, Sinnhuber RO, Lovel<strong>an</strong>d PM, et al. (1980)<br />

Hepatocarcinogenicity of gl<strong>an</strong>dless cottonseeds <strong>an</strong>d cottonseed<br />

oil to rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii). Science<br />

208(4441):309-311.<br />

Heyw<strong>an</strong>g BW, Bird HR (1952) Failure of several amino<br />

compounds <strong>an</strong>d of sardine meal to inactivate gossypol in<br />

diets of breeding chickens. Poult Sci 31:805-809.<br />

Heyw<strong>an</strong>g BW, Bird HR (1955) Relationship between the<br />

weight of chicks <strong>an</strong>d levels of dietary free gossypol supplied<br />

by different cottonseed products. Poult Sci 34(1):1239-1247.

178 - Gossypium hirsutum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Heyw<strong>an</strong>g BW, Denton CA, Bird HR (1949) The effect of<br />

the dietary level of cottonseed meal on hatchability. Poult<br />

Sci 28:610-617.<br />

Heyw<strong>an</strong>g BW, Kemmerer AR (1966) Effect of gossypol source<br />

<strong>an</strong>d level on chick growth. Poult Sci 45:1429-1430.<br />

Hotis RP, Woodward TE (1935) Heavy cottonseed meal<br />

feeding in relation to udder troubles in dairy cows. U S<br />

Dep Agric Tech Bull #473:15 pp.<br />

Hudson LM, Kerr LA, Maslin WR (1988) Gossypol<br />

toxicosis in a herd of beef calves. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

192(9):1303-1305.<br />

Jarrett JA (1983) Too much cottonseed led to poisoning.<br />

Hoards Dairym<strong>an</strong> 128(8):568-570.<br />

Kemmerer AR, Heyw<strong>an</strong>g BW, Vavich MG, et al. (1965)<br />

Effect of cottonseed oil on egg hatchability. Poult Sci<br />

44(5):1315-1318.<br />

Kramer RY, Garner DL, Ericson SA, et al. (1991) The effect<br />

of cottonseed components on testicular development in<br />

pubescent rams. Vet Hum Toxicol 33(1):11-16.<br />

Leighton RE, Anthony WB, Huff JS, et al. (1953) Relation<br />

of breed <strong>an</strong>d free gossypol levels to cottonseed meal toxicity<br />

in dairy calves. J Dairy Sci 36:601-602.<br />

Lindsey TO, Hawkins GE, Guthrie LD (1980) Physiological<br />

responses of lactating cows to gossypol from cottonseed<br />

meal rations. J Dairy Sci 63(4):562-573.<br />

Lorenz FW (1939) Egg deterioration due to ingestion by<br />

hens of malvaceous materials. Poult Sci 18:295-300.<br />

Macy IG, Mendel LB (1920) Comparative studies on the<br />

physiological value <strong>an</strong>d toxicity of cotton seed <strong>an</strong>d some<br />

of its products. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 16:345-390.<br />

Naber EC, Morg<strong>an</strong> CL (1957) Studies on a hatchability<br />

depressing factor in cottonseed oil. Poult Sci 36:429-431.<br />

Nagalakshmi D, Sharma AK, Sastry VR (2000) Pathological<br />

lesions in lambs fed raw or processed cottonseed meal.<br />

Vet Res Commun 24(5):349-359.<br />

Neser JA, Grimbeek PJ, L<strong>an</strong>gford MJ, et al. (1988) Gossipol<br />

poisoning in pigs. J S Afr Vet Assoc 59(2):104.<br />

Orgad Klopfer U, Adler H (1986) Gossypol poisoning in<br />

calves. Isr J Vet Med 42(1):16-18.<br />

Osborne TB, Mendel LB (1917) The use of cotton seed as<br />

food. J Biol Chem 29(2):289-317.<br />

Patton CS, Legendre AM, Gompf RE, et al. (1985) Heart<br />

failure caused by gossypol poisoning in two dogs. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 187(6):625-627.<br />

Pérez-Buriel J, Watts AB (1973) Av<strong>an</strong>ces sobre la inactivacion<br />

del gosipol en la harina de algodon. Agron Trop<br />

(Ven) 23(3):323-331.<br />

Ringrose RC, Morg<strong>an</strong> CL, Lease EJ (1941) The effect<br />

of cottonseed oil on the hatchability of eggs. Poult Sci<br />

20:57-61.<br />

Rogers PA, Henagh<strong>an</strong> TP, Wheeler B (1975) Gossypol poisoning<br />

in young calves. Ir Vet J 29(1):9-13.<br />

Rojas SW, Scott ML (1969) Factors affecting the nutritive<br />

value of cottonseed meal as a protein source in chick diets.<br />

Poult Sci 48(3):819-835.<br />

Rommel GM, Vedder EB (1915) Beriberi <strong>an</strong>d cottonseed<br />

poisoning in pigs. J Agric Res 5(11):489-493.<br />

Schaible PJ, Moore LA, Moore JM (1933) Gossypol a cause<br />

of discoloration in egg yolks from hens fed cottonseed<br />

meal. Poult Sci 12:334.<br />

Schwartze EW, Alsberg CL (1924) Relation between toxicity<br />

of cottonseed <strong>an</strong>d its gossypol content. J Agric Res<br />

28(2):173-189.<br />

Smith FH (1963) Isolation of gossypol from tissue of porcine<br />

livers. J Am Oil Chem Soc 40(2):60-61.<br />

Smith FH, Clawson AJ (1970) The effects of dietary gossypol<br />

on <strong>an</strong>imals. J Am Oil Chem Soc 47(11):443-447.<br />

Taub SJ (1934) Cottonseed allergy. JAMA 103(5):334-335.<br />

Tone JN, Jensen DR (1970) Effect of ingested gossypol on the<br />

growth perform<strong>an</strong>ce of rats. Experientia 26(9):970-971.<br />

Tone JN, Jensen DR (1976) The accumulation pattern of<br />

ingested gossypol in selected org<strong>an</strong>s of rats. Experientia<br />

32(3):369-371.<br />

Wells CA, Ewing PV (1916) Cottonseed meal as <strong>an</strong> incomplete<br />

food. J Biol Chem 27(1):15-25.<br />

West JL (1939) Lesions of gossypol poisoning in dogs fed<br />

cottonseed meal. Vet Med 34(10):603.<br />

Wilde JK (1944) Post-mortem lesions noted in pigs used in<br />

cottonseed feeding trials. Vet J 100:209-213.<br />

Withers WA, Carruth FE (1918) Comparative toxicity of<br />

cottonseed products. J Agric Res 14(10):425-452.<br />

Withers WA, Carruth FE (1918) Gossypol, the toxic subst<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

in cottonseed. J Agric Res 12(2):83-102.<br />

Note:<br />

Cottonseed in most toxicity reports is probably from<br />

Gossypium hirsµtum L. but some may come from other<br />

Gossypium species.<br />

gotu kola –see– Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.<br />

goudronnier –see– Semecarpus ater (G. Forst.) Vieill.<br />

gourd –see– Cucurbita maxima Duchesne; Lagenaria siceraria<br />

(Molina) St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

gousiektebossie –see– Pachystigma pygmaeum (Schltr.)<br />

Robyns<br />

gout stalk –see– Jatropha podagrica Hook.<br />

graceful narrowgrass –see– Triglochin maritima L.<br />

grain sorghum –see– Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

graine-de-moluques –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

graine-de-tilly –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

graines-d’arrow-root-de-Floride –see– Zamia integrifolia L. f.<br />

graines-de-Ricin –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

grama común –see– Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.<br />

gramilla –see– Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.<br />

gramilla colorada –see– Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.<br />

gr<strong>an</strong>a tiglio –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

gr<strong>an</strong>d trèfle rouge –see– Trifolium pratense L.<br />

gr<strong>an</strong>de berce –see– Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um Sommier &<br />

Levier<br />

gr<strong>an</strong>de ciguë –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

gr<strong>an</strong>de consoude –see– Symphytum officinale L.<br />

gr<strong>an</strong>de genti<strong>an</strong>e –see– Genti<strong>an</strong>a lutea L.<br />

gr<strong>an</strong>de malnommée –see– Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp.<br />

gr<strong>an</strong>de ortie –see– Urtica dioica L.<br />

gr<strong>an</strong>diúva –see– Trema micr<strong>an</strong>tha (L.) Blume<br />

grape –see– Vitis labrusca L.; Vitis vinifera L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Grevillea b<strong>an</strong>ksii - 179<br />

grapewort –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

grapefruit –see– Citrus paradisi Macfad.<br />

Graserich –see– Allium sativum L.<br />

grass –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

grass-leaf day lily –see– Hemerocallis minor Mill.<br />

grass pea –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

grass vetchling –see– Lathyrus nissolia L.<br />

grassl<strong>an</strong>d lupin –see– Lupinus arbustus Douglas ex Lindl.<br />

grassl<strong>an</strong>d lupine –see– Lupinus arbustus Douglas ex Lindl.;<br />

Lupinus argenteus Pursh Lupinus; argenteus Pursh var.<br />

holosericeus (Nutt.) Barneby; Lupinus formosus Greene<br />

grassy death camas –see– Toxicoscordion nuttallii (A. Gray)<br />

Rydb.; Toxicoscordion venenosum (S. Watson) Rydb.<br />

graveyard flower –see– Plumeria rubra L.<br />

graveyard plumeria –see– Plumeria rubra L.<br />

gray fly poison –see– Ami<strong>an</strong>thium muscitoxicum (Walter) A.<br />

Gray<br />

gray fuchsia bush –see– Eremophila latrobei F. Muell.<br />

gray oak –see– Quercus grisea Liebm.; Quercus rubra L.<br />

gray Swainsona pea –see– Swainsona c<strong>an</strong>escens (Benth.) F.<br />

Muell.<br />

g r a y i a s p i n o s a (Hook.) Moq. [Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hop sage<br />

Citations:<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR, et al. (1931) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep<br />

#1928:21-22.<br />

greasewood –see– Larrea tridentata (DC.) Coville;<br />

Sarcobatus vermiculatus (Hook.) Torr.<br />

Great Basin lupine –see– Lupinus argenteus Pursh var.<br />

holosericeus (Nutt.) Barneby<br />

great burdock –see– Arctium lappa L.<br />

great cel<strong>an</strong>dine –see– Chelidonium majus L.<br />

great laurel –see– Kalmia latifolia L.<br />

great millet –see– Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

great morel –see– Atropa belladonna L.<br />

great mullein –see– Verbascum thapsus L.<br />

great nettle –see– Urtica dioica L.<br />

Great Plains whorled milkweed –see– Asclepias pumila (A.<br />

Gray) Vail<br />

great ragweed –see– Ambrosia trifida L.<br />

greater ammi –see– Ammi majus L.<br />

greater periwinkle –see– Vinca major L.<br />

Greci<strong>an</strong> foxglove –see– Digitalis l<strong>an</strong>ata Ehrh.<br />

Greci<strong>an</strong> laurel –see– Laurus nobilis L.<br />

Greek hay seed –see– Trigonella foenum-graecum L.<br />

green amar<strong>an</strong>th –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus viridis L.<br />

green amar<strong>an</strong>thus –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus retroflexus L.<br />

green arum –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don<br />

green be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

green bristle grass –see– Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.<br />

green c<strong>an</strong>ola –see– Brassica napus L. var. napus<br />

green cestrum –see– Cestrum parqui L’Her.<br />

green couch –see– Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.<br />

green crumbweed –see– Chenopodium carinatum R. Br.<br />

green dragon –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

green ebony –see– Brya ebenus (L.) DC.<br />

green euphorb –see– Euphorbia heterophylla L.<br />

green galenia –see– Galenia pubescens (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Druce<br />

green hellebore –see– Helleborus viridis L.; Veratrum album<br />

L.; Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

green milkweed –see– Asclepias viridis Walter<br />

green p<strong>an</strong>ic –see– Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B. K. Simon<br />

& S. W. L. Jacobs<br />

green pea –see– Pisum sativum L.<br />

green pepper –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.<br />

green pigweed –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus hybridus L.; Amar<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

retroflexus L.<br />

green poisonberry –see– Cestrum parqui L’Her.<br />

green potato –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um tuberosum L.<br />

Green River milk vetch –see– Astragalus pubentissimus Torr.<br />

& A. Gray<br />

green saure –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

green sorrel –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

green tea –see– Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze<br />

green thorn apple –see– Datura inoxia Mill.<br />

green timber milk vetch –see– Astragalus miser Douglas ex<br />

Hook. var. hylophilus (Rydb.) Barneby<br />

green-head coneflower –see– Rudbeckia laciniata L.<br />

green-stem paper flower –see– Psilostrophe sparsiflora (A.<br />

Gray) A. Nelson<br />

Greiskraut –see– Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.<br />

grenadil –see– Brya ebenus (L.) DC.<br />

grerm<strong>an</strong>drée-petit-chêne –see– Teucrium chamaedrys L.<br />

g r e vi l l e a b a n k s i i R. Br. [Proteaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

B<strong>an</strong>k’s-grevillea; dwarf silky oak; kahili flower; rain<br />

flower; red silky oak; silky oak tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Arnold HL (1941) Kahili flower (Grevillea b<strong>an</strong>ksii) dermatitis<br />

- A preliminary report. Hawaii Med J 1(1):15-18.<br />

Arnold HL Jr (1942) Dermatitis due to the blossom of Grevillea<br />

b<strong>an</strong>ksii. A newly recognized <strong>an</strong>d common entity in<br />

Hawaii. Arch Derm Syphilol 45(6):1037-1051.

180 - Grevillea juniperina D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

g r e vi l l e a j u n i p e r i n a R. Br. [Proteaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Apted J (1988) Acute contact urticaria from Grevillea juniperina.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 18(2):126.<br />

g r e vi l l e a r ob u s Ta A. Cunn. ex R. Br.<br />

[Proteaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> silk oak; silky oak; silver oak<br />

Citations:<br />

Hoffm<strong>an</strong> TE, Hausen BM, Adams RM (1985) Allergic contact<br />

dermatitis to “silver oak” wooden arm bracelets. J Am<br />

Acad Dermatol 13(5 Part 1):778-779.<br />

May SB (1960) Dermatitis due to Grevillea robusta (Australi<strong>an</strong><br />

silk oak). Report of a case. Arch Dermatol<br />

82(Dec):1006.<br />

gringging –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

Große Brennessel –see– Urtica dioica L.<br />

Große Klette –see– Arctium lappa L.<br />

Großer Sauerampfer –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

ground cherry –see– Physalis longifolia Nutt.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

aculeatissimum Jacq.<br />

ground hemlock –see– Taxus baccata L.<br />

ground ivy –see– Glechoma hederacea L.; Modiola carolini<strong>an</strong>a<br />

(L.) G. Don<br />

ground lemon –see– Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

groundnut –see– Arachis hypogaea L.<br />

groundsel –see– Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.; Senecio<br />

eremophilus Richardson var. kingii Greenm.; Senecio<br />

flaccidus Less. var. flaccidus; Senecio latifolius DC.; Senecio<br />

riddellii Torr. & A. Gray; Senecio spartioides Torr. & A.<br />

Gray<br />

groundsel bush –see– Baccharis glomeruliflora Pers.; Baccharis<br />

halimifolia L.<br />

groundsel tree –see– Baccharis halimifolia L.<br />

Grüne Bohne –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

Grüne Christwurz –see– Helleborus viridis L.<br />

Grüne Nieswurz –see– Helleborus viridis L.<br />

Grüner Salat –see– Lactuca sativa L.<br />

Grünmais –see– Zea mays L. subsp. mays<br />

guacis –see– Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit<br />

guaiac –see– Bulnesia sarmienti Lorentz ex Griseb.<br />

guajillo –see– Acacia berl<strong>an</strong>dieri Benth.<br />

gu<strong>an</strong>áb<strong>an</strong>a –see– Annona muricata L.<br />

gu<strong>an</strong>g-f<strong>an</strong>g-ji –see– Aristolochia f<strong>an</strong>gchi Y. C. Wu ex L. D.<br />

Chow & S. M. Hw<strong>an</strong>g<br />

gu<strong>an</strong>go –see– Sam<strong>an</strong>ea sam<strong>an</strong> (Jacq.) Merr.<br />

gu<strong>an</strong>o bos –see– Senecio ilicifolius L.<br />

guao –see– Comocladia dentata Jacq.; Metopium brownei<br />

(Jacq.) Urb.<br />

guao-de-costa –see– Metopium brownei (Jacq.) Urb.;<br />

Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.<br />

guao-de-sab<strong>an</strong>a –see– Comocladia dentata Jacq.<br />

guao hediondo –see– Comocladia dentata Jacq.<br />

guao prieto –see– Comocladia dentata Jacq.<br />

guao real –see– Comocladia dentata Jacq.<br />

guar be<strong>an</strong> –see– Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.<br />

guar gum –see– Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.<br />

guara –see– Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.<br />

guar<strong>an</strong>a –see– Ephedra sinica Stapf; Paullinia cup<strong>an</strong>a Kunth<br />

guar<strong>an</strong>tã –see– Esenbeckia leiocarpa Engl.<br />

g u a r e a g u i d o n i a (L.) Sleumer [Meliaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

g uarea rusbyi (Britton) Rusby; g uarea trichilioides L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

camboatá<br />

Citations:<br />

Saad AD, Linardi MC (1970) Aspectos histopatológicos<br />

da intoxicação de cobaias (Cavia porcellus) pela Guarea<br />

trichilioides L. (Meliaceae). Arq Inst Biol (Sao Paulo)<br />

37(4):239-250.<br />

Guarea rusbyi (Britton) Rusby = Guarea guidonia (L.)<br />

Sleumer<br />

Guarea trichilioides L. = Guarea guidonia (L.) Sleumer<br />

güaritoto –see– Cnidoscolus urens (L.) Arthur<br />

Guatamal<strong>an</strong> rhubarb –see– Jatropha podagrica Hook.<br />

guava –see– Psidium guajava L.<br />

guaya –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

guaycur –see– Limonium brasiliense (Boiss.) Kuntze<br />

guayiga –see– Zamia debilis L. f.; Zamia integrifolia L. f.<br />

guayule –see– Parthenium argentatum A. Gray<br />

guijiu –see– Podophyllum hex<strong>an</strong>drum Royle<br />

Guinae corn –see– Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

Guinea pepper –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.; Capsicum<br />

frutescens L.<br />

Guineagrass –see– Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B. K. Simon<br />

& S. W. L. Jacobs<br />

guineahen weed –see– Petiveria alliacea L.<br />

guizo-de-cascavel –see– Crotalaria pallida Aiton<br />

gulf stargrass –see– Brachyachne convergens (F. Muell.) Stapf<br />

gum acacia –see– Acacia senegal (L.) Willd.<br />

gum arabic –see– Acacia senegal (L.) Willd.<br />

gum karaya –see– Sterculia urens Roxb.<br />

gum tree –see– Eucalyptus globulus Labill.<br />

gumai –see– Stipa sibirica (L.) Lam.<br />

gumbo –see– Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Gymnocladus dioicus - 181<br />

gungo pea –see– Caj<strong>an</strong>us caj<strong>an</strong> (L.) Millsp.<br />

gur ghas –see– Stipa sibirica (L.) Lam.<br />

g u Ti e r r e z i a Mic r o c e p h a l a (DC.) A. Gray<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

broomweed; perennial broomweed; perennial threadleaf<br />

snakeweed; slinkweed; small-head matchbush;<br />

snakeweed; sticky snakeweed; stinkweed; threadleaf<br />

broomweed; threadleaf snakeweed; turpentine weed<br />

Citations:<br />

Dollahite JW, Allen TJ (1959) Feeding perennial broomweed<br />

to cattle, swine, sheep, goats, rabbits, guinea pigs<br />

<strong>an</strong>d chickens. Texas Agric Exp Sta Prog Rep #2105:6<br />

pp.<br />

Dollahite JW, Anthony WV (1955) Experimental production<br />

of premature calves <strong>an</strong>d retained placentas by feeding<br />

perennial broomweed. Texas Agric Exp Sta Prog Rep<br />

#1825:6 pp.<br />

Dollahite JW, Anthony WV (1956) Experimental production<br />

of abortion, premature calves <strong>an</strong>d retained placentas<br />

by feeding a species of perennial broomweed. Texas Agric<br />

Exp Sta Prog Rep #1884:3 pp.<br />

Dollahite JW, Anthony WV (1957) Experimental production<br />

of abortion, premature calves <strong>an</strong>d retained placentas<br />

by feeding a species of perennial broomweed. Southwestern<br />

Vet 10(Winter):128-131.<br />

Dollahite JW, Anthony WV (1957) Poisoning of cattle with<br />

Gutierrezia microcephala, a perennial broomweed. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 130(Jun 15):525-530.<br />

Edrington TS, Flores-Rodriguez GI, Smith GS (1990)<br />

Effects of ingested snakeweed (Gutierrezia microcephala)<br />

herbage on size of testes <strong>an</strong>d seminal vesicals <strong>an</strong>d on<br />

semen quality in rats. Proc West Sec Am Soc Anim Sci<br />

41:88-90.<br />

Edrington TS, Flores-Rodriguez GI, Smith GS, et al.<br />

(1993) Effect of ingested snakeweed (Gutierrezia<br />

microcephala) foliage on reproduction, semen quality,<br />

<strong>an</strong>d serum clinical profiles of male rats. J Anim Sci<br />

71(6):1520-1525.<br />

Edrington TS, Smith GS, Reynolds PR, et al. (1991) Comparative<br />

toxicity of snakeweed (Gutierrezia microcephala)<br />

collected from two sites. Proc West Sec Am Soc Anim<br />

Sci 42:173-175.<br />

Edrington TS, Smith GS, Ross TT, et al. (1992) Toxicity of<br />

new growth <strong>an</strong>d whole pl<strong>an</strong>t foliage of snakeweed (Gutierrezia<br />

microcephala) as ch<strong>an</strong>ged by drying. Proc West<br />

Sec Am Soc Anim Sci 43:414-417.<br />

Edrington TS, Smith GS, Ross TT, et al. (1993) Embryonic<br />

mortality in Sprague-Dawley rats induced by<br />

snakeweed (Gutierrezia microcephala). J Anim Sci<br />

71(8):2193-2198.<br />

Edrington TS, Smith GS, Samford MD, et al. (1991)<br />

Ingested snakeweed (Gutierrezia microcephala) foliage<br />

related to embryonic <strong>an</strong>d fetal mortality of albino rats.<br />

Proc West Sec Am Soc Anim Sci 42:12-14.<br />

Flores-Rodriguez GI, Smith GS, McD<strong>an</strong>iel KC (1989)<br />

Effects of ingested snakeweed (Gutierrezia microcephala)<br />

herbage on reproduction, serum progesterone, <strong>an</strong>d blood<br />

constituents of female albino rats. Proc West Sec Am Soc<br />

Anim Sci 40:217-221.<br />

Mathews FP (1936) The toxicity of broomweed (Gutierrezia<br />

microcephala) for sheep, cattle <strong>an</strong>d goats. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 88:55-61.<br />

Mathews FP, Schmidt H (1934) Miscell<strong>an</strong>eous poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 47:12-13.<br />

Oetting BC, Ross TT, Walraven K, et al. (1990) Effects of<br />

ingested snakeweed herbage on estrual activity, blood<br />

progesterone, <strong>an</strong>d serum clinical profiles of fine-wool<br />

ewes. Proc West Sec Am Soc Anim Sci 41:23-26.<br />

Smith GS, Ross TT, Hallford DM, et al. (1994) Toxicology<br />

of snakeweeds (Gutierrezia microcephala, G. sarothrae).<br />

J Anim Sci 72(Suppl 2):102.<br />

Staley EC, Smith GS, Greenberg JA (1995) Effects on reproduction<br />

in female offspring from Sprague-Dawley rats fed<br />

10% snakeweed (Gutierrezia microcephala) throughout<br />

pregn<strong>an</strong>cy <strong>an</strong>d concurrent treatment with safflower oil.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 37(5):440-442.<br />

Staley EC, Smith GS, Greenberg JA (1996) Decreased reproductive<br />

effects from snakeweed (Gutierrezia microcephala)<br />

in Sprague-Dawley rats with increased dietary snakeweed<br />

consumption. Vet Hum Toxicol 38(4):259-264.<br />

Williams JL, Campos D, Ross TT, et al. (1992) Snakeweed<br />

(Gutierrezia spp.) toxicosis in beef heifers. Proc West Sec<br />

Am Soc Anim Sci 43:67-69.<br />

g u Ti e r r e z i a s a r o Th r a e (Pursh) Britton &<br />

Rusby [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

broom snakeweed; broomweed; hierba-de-S<strong>an</strong> Nicolas;<br />

hierba-de-vibora; matchbrush; matchweed; perennial<br />

broomweed; perennial snakeweed; slinkweed; snakeweed;<br />

turpentine broomweed; turpentine weed; yellow<br />

weed<br />

Citations:<br />

Oetting BC, Ross TT, Walraven K, et al. (1990) Effects of<br />

ingested snakeweed herbage on estrual activity, blood<br />

progesterone, <strong>an</strong>d serum clinical profiles of fine-wool<br />

ewes. Proc West Sec Am Soc Anim Sci 41:23-26.<br />

Smith GS, Ross TT, Hallford DM, et al. (1994) Toxicology<br />

of snakeweeds (Gutierrezia microcephala, G. sarothrae).<br />

J Anim Sci 72(Suppl 2):102.<br />

gutka –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a tabacum L.<br />

gutta percha tree –see– Excoecaria parvifolia Müll. Arg.<br />

gw<strong>an</strong>ja kusa –see– Blighia sapida K. D. Koenig<br />

g y Mn o c l a d u s d io ic u s (L.) K. Koch<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> coffeebe<strong>an</strong>; Americ<strong>an</strong> coffeeberry; bonduc;<br />

chicot; coffee tree; coffeebe<strong>an</strong>; false coffeebe<strong>an</strong>;<br />

Kentucky coffee tree; Kentucky coffeebe<strong>an</strong>; Kentucky<br />

mahog<strong>an</strong>y; nicker tree; stump tree<br />

Citations:<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1928) Toxic trees. North Am Vet 9(10):49-53.<br />

Troxel MT, Poppenga RH (2005) Kentucky coffee tree<br />

intoxication in a dog with cerebellovestibular signs, bradycardia,<br />

hypotension, <strong>an</strong>d hypoglycemia. J Vet Intern<br />

Med 19(4):599-601.

182 - Gymnosporia spinosa D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

g y Mn o s p o r i a s p i n o s a (Bl<strong>an</strong>co) Merr. & Rolfe<br />

[Celastraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

k<strong>an</strong>kera<br />

Citations:<br />

Singh AN, Pachalag SV, Rathore BL, et al. (1973) The effect<br />

of k<strong>an</strong>kera (Gymnosporia spinosa Forssk) leaves on health<br />

of sheep. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J 50(7):722-723.<br />

gympie bush –see– Dendrocnide moroides (Wedd.) Chew<br />

gympie gympie –see– Dendrocnide moroides (Wedd.) Chew<br />

gympie nettle –see– Dendrocnide moroides (Wedd.) Chew<br />

gympie tree –see– Dendrocnide moroides (Wedd.) Chew<br />

g y p so p h i l a p a n ic u l a Ta L. [Caryophyllaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

baby’s-breath; tall gysophyl<br />

Citations:<br />

Twiggs JT, Yunginger JW, Agarwal MK, et al. (1982) Occupational<br />

asthma in a florist caused by the dried pl<strong>an</strong>t,<br />

baby’s breath. J Allergy Clin Immunol 69(5):474-477.<br />

Vidal C, Polo F (1998) Occupational allergy caused by Di<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

caryophillus, Gypsophila p<strong>an</strong>iculata, <strong>an</strong>d Lilium<br />

longiflorum. Allergy 53(10):995-998.<br />

Gypsophila vaccaria Sibth. & Sm. = Vaccaria hisp<strong>an</strong>ica<br />

(Mill.) Rauschert<br />

gypsy flower –see– Cynoglossum officinale L.

habb-el-meluk –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

habbussalatin –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

habet-el-arus –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

Haem<strong>an</strong>thus multiflorus Martyn = Scadoxus multiflorus<br />

(Martyn) Raf.<br />

Hafelkraut –see– Asarum europaeum L.<br />

Hafelmünch –see– Asarum europaeum L.<br />

Hafelührlein –see– Asarum europaeum L.<br />

Hafer –see– Avena sativa L.<br />

Hagedorn –see– Securigera varia (L.) Lassen<br />

Hagenburger’s-ivy –see– Hedera helix L. subsp. c<strong>an</strong>ariensis<br />

(Willd.) Cout.<br />

h ag e n i a a b y s s i n ic a (Bruce) J. F. Gmel.<br />

[Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

kosso; kousso<br />

Citations:<br />

Abebe W (1992) Adverse effects of traditional drug preparations.<br />

J Ethnopharmacol 36:93-94.<br />

Low G, Rogers LJ, Brumley SP, et al. (1985) Visual deficits<br />

<strong>an</strong>d retinotoxicity caused by the naturally occurring<br />

<strong>an</strong>thelmintics, Embelia ribes <strong>an</strong>d Hagenia abyssinica.<br />

Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 81(2):220-230.<br />

Hahnenfuß –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus bulbosus L.<br />

hai yu –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don<br />

Hain Sauerklee –see– Oxalis acetosella L.<br />

Hainkorn –see– Fagopyrum esculentum Moench<br />

hair bell –see– Hyacinthoides non-scripta (L.) Chouard ex<br />

Rothm.<br />

hairy caltrop –see– Kallstroemia hirsutissima Vail ex Small<br />

hairy cat’s-ear –see– Hypochaeris radicata L.<br />

hairy indigo –see– Indigofera hirsuta L.<br />

hairy lupine –see– Lupinus argenteus Pursh<br />

hairy medic –see– Medicago polymorpha L.<br />

hairy mountain mahog<strong>an</strong>y –see– Cercocarpus mont<strong>an</strong>us Raf.<br />

hairy nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um sarrachoides Sendtn.<br />

hairy spurge –see– Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp.; Euphorbia<br />

pilosa L.<br />

hairy thorn apple –see– Datura inoxia Mill.; Datura metel<br />

L.; Datura wrightii Regel<br />

hairy vetch –see– Vicia hirsuta (L.) Gray; Vicia villosa Roth<br />

hairy vetchling –see– Lathyrus hirsutus L.<br />

H<br />

hairy wild lettuce –see– Hypochaeris radicata L.<br />

h a k e a d r u p a c e a (C. F. Gaertn.) Roem. &<br />

Schult. [Proteaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Apted J (1988) Acute contact urticaria from Hakea suaveolens.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 18(8):126.<br />

haldi –see– Curcuma longa L.<br />

h a l d i n a c o r d i f o l i a (Roxb.) Ridsdale<br />

[Rubiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a dina cordifolia (Roxb.) Hook. f. ex Br<strong>an</strong>dis<br />

Common Names:<br />

karam<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

h a l e s i a Te Tr a p Te r a J. Ellis [Styracaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

silver bill; snow drop<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1906) Poisoning of horses by “Snow Drop.” Am<br />

Vet Rev 30:298.<br />

half breed weed –see– Cyclachaena x<strong>an</strong>thiifolia (Nutt.)<br />

Fresen.<br />

half creeper –see– Clematis microphylla DC.<br />

halogeton –see– Halogeton glomeratus (M. Bieb.) C. A. Mey.<br />

h a l o g e To n g l o Me r a Tu s (M. Bieb.) C. A.<br />

Mey. [Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

barilla; halogeton<br />

Citations:<br />

Anderson WA, Huffm<strong>an</strong> WT (1957) Halogeton poisoning<br />

in a ewe. J Am Vet Med Assoc 130(Apr 15):330-331.<br />

Cook CW, Stoddart LA (1953) The halogeton problem in<br />

Utah. Utah Agric Exp Sta Bull #364:1-44.<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR, et al. (1948) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts - Halogeton glomeratus. A desert r<strong>an</strong>ge<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonous to sheep in Nevada. Nevada Agric Exp<br />

Sta Annu Rep 1947:16-18.<br />

James LF (1968) Serum electrolyte, acid-base bal<strong>an</strong>ce, <strong>an</strong>d<br />

enzyme ch<strong>an</strong>ges in acute Halogeton glomeratus poisoning<br />

in sheep. C<strong>an</strong> J Comp Med Vet Sci 32(4):539-543.

184 - Hedeoma pulegioides D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

James LF (1970) Locomotor disturb<strong>an</strong>ce of cattle grazing<br />

Halogeton glomeratus. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

156(9):1310-1312.<br />

James LF, Johnson AE (1970) Prevention of fatal Halogeton<br />

glomeratus poisoning in sheep. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

157(4):437-442.<br />

Lincoln SD, Black B (1980) Halogeton poisoning in r<strong>an</strong>ge<br />

cattle. J Am Vet Med Assoc 176(8):717-718.<br />

Littledike ET, James LF, Cook H (1976) Oxalate (Halogeton)<br />

poisoning of sheep: Certain physiopathologic<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges. Am J Vet Res 37(6):661-666.<br />

Shupe JL, James LF (1969) Additional physiopathologic<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in Halogeton glomeratus (oxalate) poisoning in<br />

sheep. Cornell Vet 59(1):41-55.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF (1969) Acute halogeton poisoning<br />

of sheep: Pathogenesis of lesions. Am J Vet Res<br />

30(10):1779-1783.<br />

h<strong>an</strong>dal –see– Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad.<br />

h<strong>an</strong>f –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

h<strong>an</strong>gon so –see– Senecio c<strong>an</strong>nabifolius Less.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sl-am-Weg –see– Cichorium intybus L.<br />

Haplopappus heterophyllus (A. Gray) S. F. Blake = Isocoma<br />

plurifolia (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene<br />

hard heads –see– Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.<br />

hardhack –see– Collinsonia c<strong>an</strong>adensis L.<br />

Hardinggrass –see– Phalaris aquatica L.<br />

harebell –see– Hyacinthoides non-scripta (L.) Chouard ex<br />

Rothm.<br />

harebur –see– Arctium lappa L.<br />

haricot be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

haricot-de-lima –see– Phaseolus lunatus L.<br />

haricot-du-Cap –see– Phaseolus lunatus L.<br />

harmal –see– Peg<strong>an</strong>um harmala L.; Rhazya stricta Decne.<br />

harmel –see– Peg<strong>an</strong>um harmala L.; Rhazya stricta Decne.<br />

harmel peg<strong>an</strong>um –see– Peg<strong>an</strong>um harmala L.<br />

harpuis bos –see– Gnidia burchellii Gilg<br />

harpuisbar –see– Gnidia burchellii Gilg<br />

harro –see– Terminalia chebula Retz.<br />

Hartheu –see– Hypericum perforatum L.<br />

Hartriegel –see– Ligustrum vulgare L.<br />

hart’s-thorn –see– Rhamnus cathartica L.<br />

Haschisch –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

Haselwurz –see– Asarum europaeum L.<br />

Hasenöhrlein –see– Asarum europaeum L.<br />

hashish –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

hathisunda –see– Heliotropium ellipticum Ledeb.<br />

hatrack cactus –see– Euphorbia lactea Haw.<br />

haujeri –see– Capparis tomentosa Lam.<br />

haute bois –see– Sambucus nigra L.<br />

heavenwood –see– Ail<strong>an</strong>thus altissima (Mill.) Swingle<br />

Hawaii<strong>an</strong> baby woodrose –see– Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.)<br />

Bojer<br />

hawthorn –see– Crataegus laevigata (Poir) DC.; Crataegus<br />

monogyna Jacq.<br />

Hayden’s-poison vetch –see– Astragalus bisulcatus (Hook.)<br />

A. Gray<br />

hazelwort –see– Asarum europaeum L.<br />

hazelwurz –see– Asarum europaeum L.<br />

he broom –see– Laburnum <strong>an</strong>agyroides Medik.<br />

headache –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

heal all –see– Collinsonia c<strong>an</strong>adensis L.<br />

heart ivy –see– Hedera helix L.; Schefflera actinophylla (Endl.)<br />

Harms<br />

heart-leaf –see– Gastrolobium gr<strong>an</strong>diflorum F. Muell.<br />

heart-leaf cocklebur –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L.<br />

heart-leaf ivy –see– Philodendron hederaceum (Jacq.) Schott<br />

heart-leaf nettle –see– Urtica chamaedryoides Pursh<br />

heart-leaf philodendron –see– Philodendron hederaceum<br />

(Jacq.) Schott<br />

heart-leaf poison bush –see– Gastrolobium gr<strong>an</strong>diflorum F.<br />

Muell.<br />

Heart-of-Jesus –see– Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Vent.<br />

heart’s-ease –see– Persicaria maculosa Gray<br />

heartweed –see– Persicaria maculosa Gray<br />

heavenly bamboo –see– N<strong>an</strong>dina domestica Thunb.<br />

heavenly blue –see– Ipomoea tricolor Cav.; Ipomoea violacea<br />

L.<br />

Hecke –see– Prunus laurocerasus L.<br />

hedegar –see– Silybum mari<strong>an</strong>um (L.) Gaertn.<br />

h e d e o Ma p u l e g io i d e s (L.) Pers. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> pennyroyal; false pennyroyal; hédéome;<br />

huile d’hédéome; mosquito pl<strong>an</strong>t; North Americ<strong>an</strong><br />

pennyroyal; pennyroyal; poleo chino; squaw mint<br />

Citations:<br />

Anderson IB, Mullen WH, Meeker JE, et al. (1996) Pennyroyal<br />

toxicity: Measurement of toxic metabolite levels<br />

in two cases <strong>an</strong>d review of the literature. Ann Intern Med<br />

124(8):726-734.<br />

Early DF (1961) Pennyroyal: A rare cause of epilepsy. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

2(Sep 9):580-581.<br />

Sudekum M, Poppenga RH, Raju N, et al. (1992) Pennyroyal<br />

oil toxicosis in a dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

200(6):817-818.<br />

hédéome –see– Hedeoma pulegioides (L.) Pers.<br />

Hedera c<strong>an</strong>ariensis Willd. = Hedera helix L. subsp.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>ariensis (Willd.) Cout.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Helenium autumnale - 185<br />

h e d e r a h e l i x L. [Araliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Efeu; English ivy; Epheu; Eppich; glacier ivy; heart<br />

ivy; hiedra; ivy; lierre; lierre grimp<strong>an</strong>t; needlepoint ivy;<br />

poet’s-ivy; ripple ivy<br />

Citations:<br />

Boyle J, Harm<strong>an</strong> RM (1985) Contact dermatitis to Hedera<br />

helix (common ivy). Contact Dermatitis 12(2):111-112.<br />

Brömel J, Zettl K (1986) Efeuvergiftung bei Rehwild. Prakt<br />

Tierarzt 67(11):967-968.<br />

García M, Fernández E, Navarro JA, et al. (1995) Allergic<br />

contact dermatitis from Hedera helix L. Contact Dermatitis<br />

33(9):133-134.<br />

Goldm<strong>an</strong> L, Preston RH, Muegel HR (1956) Dermatitis<br />

venenata from English Ivy (Hedera helix). Arch Dermatol<br />

74(3):311-312.<br />

Hausen BM, Broh<strong>an</strong> J, Konig WA, et al. (1987) Allergic <strong>an</strong>d<br />

irrit<strong>an</strong>t contact dermatitis from falcarinol <strong>an</strong>d didehydrofalcarinol<br />

in common ivy (Hedera helix L.). Contact<br />

Dermatitis 17(7):1-9.<br />

Highm<strong>an</strong> WJ (1924) The pathogenesis of dermatitis, including<br />

eczema. A case of English ivy poisoning. Arch Derm<br />

Syphilol 9:344-354.<br />

Jøhnke H, Bjarnason B (1994) Allergisk kontakdermatitis<br />

over for efeu (Hedera helix L.). Ugeskr Laeger<br />

156(25):3778-3779.<br />

Mahe-Quinio M, Rossinyol G, Foucaud A (1975) Empoisonnement<br />

mortel de poulets par les graines de lierre.<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>tes Med Phytotherap 9(3):182-186.<br />

Mitchell JC (1981) Allergic contact dermatitis from Hedera<br />

helix <strong>an</strong>d Brassaia actinophylla (Araliaceae). Contact<br />

Dermatitis 7(3):158-159.<br />

Paulsen E (1998) Occupational dermatitis in D<strong>an</strong>ish gardeners<br />

<strong>an</strong>d greenhouse workers (II). Etiological factors. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 38(1):14-19.<br />

Ramón MF, Ballesteros S, Martínez-Arrieta R, et al. (2003)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d herb exposures in Spain. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

41(4):514.<br />

Roed-Petersen J (1975) Allergic contact hypersensitivity to<br />

ivy (Hedera helix). Contact Dermatitis 1(1):57.<br />

Rynes SE (1949) House ivy dermatitis. Ann Allergy<br />

7:62-64.<br />

Sánchez-Pérez J, Córdoba S, Hausen BM, et al. (1998)<br />

Allergic contact dermatitis from common ivy confirmed<br />

with stored allergens. Contact Dermatitis 39(5):259-260.<br />

Turton PH (1925) Poisoning by ivy. Br Med J 2:294.<br />

Yesudi<strong>an</strong> PD, Fr<strong>an</strong>ks A (2002) Contact dermatitis from<br />

Hedera helix in a husb<strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>d wife. Contact Dermatitis<br />

46(2):125-126.<br />

h e d e r a h e l i x L. subsp. c<strong>an</strong>ariensis (Willd.)<br />

Cout. [Araliaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h edera c<strong>an</strong>ariensis Willd.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Algeri<strong>an</strong> ivy; C<strong>an</strong>ary Isl<strong>an</strong>d ivy; Hagenburger’s-ivy;<br />

ivy; Madeira ivy; variegated ivy<br />

Citations:<br />

Caln<strong>an</strong> CD (1981) Dermatitis from ivy (Hedera c<strong>an</strong>ariensis<br />

variegata). Contact Dermatitis 7(2):124-125.<br />

Dorsey CS (1957) Contact dermatitis from Algeri<strong>an</strong> ivy.<br />

Arch Dermatol 75(5):671-675.<br />

Dorsey CS (1959) Algeri<strong>an</strong> ivy dermatitis. A California disease.<br />

Calif Med 90(2):155-159.<br />

Hambly EM, Wilkinson DS (1978) Sensitivity to variegated<br />

ivy (Hedera c<strong>an</strong>ariensis). Contact Dermatitis<br />

4(4):239-240.<br />

Massm<strong>an</strong>i<strong>an</strong> A, Valcuende Cavero F, Ramirez Bosca A, et<br />

al. (1988) Contact dermatitis from variegated ivy (Hedera<br />

helix subsp. c<strong>an</strong>ariensis Willd.). Contact Dermatitis<br />

18(7):247-248.<br />

Hederich –see– Raph<strong>an</strong>us raph<strong>an</strong>istrum L.<br />

hedge apple –see– Maclura pomifera (Raf.) C. K. Schneid.<br />

hedge nettle –see– Lamium amplexicaule L.<br />

hedge pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Ligustrum vulgare L.<br />

hedge vine –see– Clematis vitalba L.<br />

hedgehoggrass –see– Echinopogon ovatus (G. Forst.) P.<br />

Beauv.<br />

hediondilla –see– Larrea tridentata (DC.) Coville<br />

hedlock –see– Sinapis arvensis L.<br />

Hedrich –see– Raph<strong>an</strong>us sativus L.<br />

Heidegrütze –see– Fagopyrum esculentum Moench<br />

Heidekorn –see– Fagopyrum esculentum Moench<br />

Heidewacholder –see– Juniperus communis L.<br />

Heilkraut –see– Heracleum sphondylium L.<br />

heléboro –see– Helleborus foetidus L.<br />

helecho –see– Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn<br />

helecho macho –see– Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott<br />

h e l e n i u M a Ma r u M (Raf.) H. Rock<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h elenium tenuifolium Nutt.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> sneezeweed; bitter sneezeweed; bitterweed;<br />

eastern bitterweed; fine-leaf sneezeweed; sneezeweed;<br />

southeastern bitterweed; Sp<strong>an</strong>ish daisy<br />

Citations:<br />

Dollahite JW, Rowe LD, Kim HL, et al. (1973) Toxicity of<br />

Helenium amarum (bitter sneezeweed) to sheep. Southwestern<br />

Vet 26(Winter):135-137.<br />

h e l e n i u M a u Tu Mn a l e L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

autumn sneezeweed; bitter sneezeweed; bitterweed;<br />

false sunflower; narrow-leaf sneezeweed; oxeye; poison<br />

sneezeweed; sneezeweed; sneezewort; staggerweed;<br />

staggerwort; swamp sunflower; yellow oxeye; yellow<br />

star<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1896) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Annu<br />

Rep 1896:99.

186 - Helenium integrifolium D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Pammel LH (1917) Young sneezeweed poisonous. Am J Vet<br />

Med 12:461-462.<br />

Phares DL (1889) Helenium autumnale. Mississippi Agric<br />

Exp Sta Bull #9(12):11-14.<br />

Helenium hoopesii A. Gray = Hymenoxys hoopesii (A.<br />

Gray) Bierner<br />

h e l e n i u M i n Te g r i f o l i u M (Kunth) Benth.<br />

& Hook. f. ex Hemsl. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

de Aluja AS, Paasch L (1973) Intoxicación de borregos con<br />

la pl<strong>an</strong>ta Helenium integrifolium. Veterinaria (Mexico)<br />

4(3):214-222.<br />

h e l e n i u M Mic r o c e p h a l u M DC.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

false sunflower; small-head sneezeweed; sneezeweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Boughton IB, Hardy WT (1939) Hard yellow livers of sheep<br />

<strong>an</strong>d cattle <strong>an</strong>d feeding trials of suspected pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas<br />

Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 52:238-240.<br />

Boughton IB, Hardy WT (1940) Feeding trials of suspected<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 53:236-237.<br />

Dollahite JW, Hardy WT, Henson JB (1964) Toxicity of<br />

Helenium microcephalum (smallhead sneezeweed). J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 145(7):694-696.<br />

h e l e n i u M q u a d r i d e n Ta Tu M Labill.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

rosilla<br />

Citations:<br />

Alfonso HA, Figueredo MA, Rodriguez J, et al. (1986) Toxicidad<br />

de Helenium quadridentatum en terneros y ratones<br />

albino macho. Primer reporte en Cuba. Rev Salud Anim<br />

8(3):295-296.<br />

Helenium tenuifolium Nutt. = Helenium amarum (Raf.) H.<br />

Rock<br />

h e l i a n Th u s a n n u u s L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>nual sunflower; Sonnenblume; sunflower; wild artichoke;<br />

wild sunflower<br />

Citations:<br />

Atis S, Tutluoglu B, Sahin K, et al. (2002) Sensitization to<br />

sunflower pollen <strong>an</strong>d lung functions in sunflower processing<br />

workers. Allergy 57(1):35-39.<br />

Hausen BM (1979) The sensitizing capacity of compositae<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. III. Test results <strong>an</strong>d cross-reactions in compositaesensitive<br />

patients. Dermatologica 159(1):1-11.<br />

V<strong>an</strong>denplas O, V<strong>an</strong> der Borght T, Delwiche JP (1998) Occupational<br />

asthma caused by sunflower-seed dust. Allergy<br />

53(9):907-908.<br />

h e l ic h r y s u M a r g y r o s p h a e r u M DC.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Basson PA, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, Albl P, et al. (1975) Blindness<br />

<strong>an</strong>d encephalopathy caused by Helichrysum argyrosphaerum<br />

DC. (Compositae) in sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Onderstepoort<br />

J Vet Res 42(4):135-147.<br />

h e l ic h r y s u M b l a n d o w s k i a n u M Steetz ex<br />

Sond. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

woolly everlasting; woolly everlasting daisy<br />

Citations:<br />

McAuliffe PR, White WE (1976) “Woolly everlasting daisy”<br />

(Helichrysum bl<strong>an</strong>dowski<strong>an</strong>um) toxicity in cattle <strong>an</strong>d<br />

sheep. Aust Vet J 52(8):366-368.<br />

h e l ic h r y s u M c e p h a l o i d e u M DC.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1940) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa, X. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

15(1-2):261-277.<br />

Helichrysum diosmifolium (Vent.) Sweet = Ozothamnus<br />

diosmifolius (Vent.) DC.<br />

heliotrope –see– Heliotropium europaeum L.; Heliotropium<br />

lasiocarpum Fisch. & C. A. Mey.<br />

h e l io Tr o p i u M a e g y p Ti a c u M Lehm.<br />

[Boraginaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h eliotropium cinerascens Steud. ex DC. & A. DC.<br />

Citations:<br />

Schoental R, Coady A (1968) The hepatotoxicity of<br />

some Ethiopi<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d East Afric<strong>an</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts, including<br />

some used in traditional medicines. East Afr Med J<br />

45(8):577-580.<br />

h e l io Tr o p i u M a Mpl e x ic a u l e Vahl<br />

[Boraginaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue heliotrope; violet heliotrope; wild verbena<br />

Citations:<br />

Ketterer PJ, Glover PE, Smith LW (1987) Blue heliotrope<br />

(Heliotropium amplexicaule) poisoning in cattle. Aust<br />

Vet J 64(4):115-117.<br />

Heliotropium cinerascens Steud. ex DC. & A. DC. =<br />

Heliotropium aegyptiacum Lehm.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Heliotropium lasiocarpum - 187<br />

h e l io Tr o p i u M c i r c i n a Tu M Griseb.<br />

[Boraginaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Eroksuz H, Eroksuz Y, Ozer H, et al. (2003) Toxicity of<br />

dietary Heliotropium circinatum to rats. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

45(4):198-201.<br />

h e l io Tr o p i u M d o l o s u M De Not.<br />

[Boraginaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Eroksuz H, Eroksuz Y, Ozer H, et al. (2001) Toxicity of<br />

dietary Heliotropium dolosum seed to mice. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 43(3):152-155.<br />

Eroksuz H, Eroksuz Y, Ozer H, et al. (2001) Toxicity of<br />

dietary Heliotropium dolosum seeds to broiler chickens.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 43(6):334-338.<br />

Eroksuz H, Eroksuz Y, Ozer H, et al. (2002) Toxicity of<br />

dietary Heliotropium dolosum seed to Jap<strong>an</strong>ese quail. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 44(5):264-268.<br />

Heliotropium eichwaldii Steud. = Heliotropium ellipticum<br />

Ledeb.<br />

h e l io Tr o p i u M e l l i p Tic u M Ledeb.<br />

[Boraginaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h eliotropium eichwaldii Steud.<br />

Common Names:<br />

hathisunda; khalibui<br />

Citations:<br />

Datta DV, Khuroo MS, Mattocks AR, et al. (1978) Herbal<br />

medicines <strong>an</strong>d veno-occlusive disease in India. Postgrad<br />

Med J 54(634):511-515.<br />

Datta DV, Khuroo MS, Mattocks AR, et al. (1978) Venoocclusive<br />

disease of liver due to heliotropium pl<strong>an</strong>t, used<br />

as medicinal herb (report of 6 cases with review of literature).<br />

J Assoc Physici<strong>an</strong>s India 26(5):383-393.<br />

h e l io Tr o p i u M e u r o p a e u M L.<br />

[Boraginaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

caterpillar weed; cherry pie; Europe<strong>an</strong> heliotrope;<br />

heliotrope; herbe-aux-verrues; herbe-de-St. Fiacre;<br />

potato weed; tournesol; toursole; w<strong>an</strong>dary curse; wild<br />

heliotrope<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1951) Investigations into the etiology <strong>an</strong>d control<br />

of enzootic (toxaemic) jaundice of sheep. Report of<br />

the investigation committee for the year 1950-51. Aust<br />

Vet J 27(Aug):203-206.<br />

Anonymous (1954) Investigations into the etiology <strong>an</strong>d control<br />

of enzootic (toxaemic) jaundice of sheep. Report of<br />

the investigation committee for the year 1952-53. Aust<br />

Vet J 30(Jun):182-184.<br />

Bull LB, Dick AT, Keast JC, et al. (1956) An experimental<br />

investigation of the hepatotoxic <strong>an</strong>d other effects on sheep<br />

of consumption of Heliotropium europaeum L.: Heliotrope<br />

poisoning of sheep. Aust J Agric Res 7:281-332.<br />

Bull LB, Rogers ES, Keast JC, et al. (1961) Heliotropium<br />

poisoning in cattle. Aust Vet J 37(Feb):37-43.<br />

Edgar G, Albiston HE, Bull LB (1949) Investigations into<br />

the etiology <strong>an</strong>d control of enzootic (toxaemic) jaundice of<br />

sheep. Aust Vet J 25(Sep):202-208.<br />

Gaul KL, Gallagher PF, Reyes D, et al. (1994) Poisoning<br />

of pigs <strong>an</strong>d poultry by stock feed contaminated with<br />

heliotrope seed. In: Colegate SM, Dorling PR (eds.)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated toxins. Agricultural, phytochemical <strong>an</strong>d<br />

ecological aspects. CABI. New York. pp. 137-142.<br />

Gregory TS (1963) Trial of cobalt administration for the prevention<br />

of Heliotropium poisoning. Aust Vet J 39(Feb):64.<br />

Harper PA, Walker KH, Krahenbuhl RE, et al. (1985) Pyrrolizidine<br />

alkaloid poisoning in calves due to contamination<br />

of straw by Heliotropium europeum. Aust Vet J<br />

62(11):382-383.<br />

Harris DJ, Nowara G (1995) The characteristics <strong>an</strong>d causes<br />

of sheep losses in the Victori<strong>an</strong> Mallee. Aust Vet J<br />

72(9):331-340.<br />

Hill BD, Gaul KL, Noble JW (1997) Poisoning of feedlot<br />

cattle by seeds of Heliotropium europaeum. Aust Vet J<br />

75(5):360-361.<br />

Howell JM, Deol HS, Dorling PR, et al. (1991) Experimental<br />

copper <strong>an</strong>d heliotrope intoxication in sheep: Morphological<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges. J Comp Pathol 105(1):49-74.<br />

Jones RT, Drummond GR, Chatham RO (1981) Heliotropium<br />

europaeum poisoning of pigs. Aust Vet J 57(8):396.<br />

Kinnaird PJ, Ch<strong>an</strong> P, Leaver DD (1968) Heliotrope poisoning<br />

in cattle. Aust Vet J 44(1):39.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>ig<strong>an</strong> GW, Payne AL, Peterson JE (1978) Antimeth<strong>an</strong>ogenic<br />

drugs <strong>an</strong>d Heliotropium europaeum poisoning in<br />

penned sheep. Aust J Agric Res 29:1281-1292.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>ig<strong>an</strong> GW, Peterson JE (1979) Bromosulphophthalein<br />

clear<strong>an</strong>ce rates in sheep with pyrrolizidine liver damage.<br />

Aust Vet J 55(5):220-224.<br />

McKenna CT, Orchard HE (1949) Heliotrope poisoning in<br />

sheep. J Agric South Aust 52:436-437.<br />

McLenn<strong>an</strong> MW, Dodson ME, Rac R (1972) Heliotropium<br />

poisoning in cattle. Aust Vet J 48(8):480.<br />

Pass DA, Hogg GG, Russell RG, et al. (1979) Poisoning of<br />

chickens <strong>an</strong>d ducks by pyrrolizidine alkaloids of Heliotropium<br />

europaeum. Aust Vet J 55(6):284-288.<br />

Peterson JE, Payne AL, Culvenor CC (1992) Heliotropium<br />

europaeum poisoning of sheep with low liver copper concentrations<br />

<strong>an</strong>d the preventive efficacy of cobalt <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>timeth<strong>an</strong>ogen.<br />

Aust Vet J 69(3):51-56.<br />

h e l io Tr o p i u M i n d ic u M L. [Boraginaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Weeren PR, Morales JA, Rodriguez LL, et al. (1999)<br />

Mortality supposedly due to intoxication by pyrrolizidine<br />

alkaloids from Heliotropium indicum in a horse population<br />

in Costa Rica: A case report. Vet Q 21(2):59-62.<br />

h e l io Tr o p i u M l a s io c a r p u M Fisch. & C.<br />

A. Mey. [Boraginaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

heliotrope<br />

Citations:<br />

Chauvin P, Dillon JC, Moren A (1994) Épidémie<br />

d’intoxication alimentaire à l’héliotrope. Tadjikist<strong>an</strong>,<br />

Novembre 1992 - Mars 1993. S<strong>an</strong>te 4(4):263-268.

188 - Heliotropium ovalifolium D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Chauvin P, Dillon JC, Moren A, et al. (1993) Heliotrope<br />

poisoning in Tadjikist<strong>an</strong>. L<strong>an</strong>cet 341:1663.<br />

Culvenor CC, Edgar JA, Smith LW, et al. (1986) Heliotropium<br />

lasiocarpum Fisch <strong>an</strong>d Mey identified as cause of<br />

veno-occlusive disease due to a herbal tea. L<strong>an</strong>cet 1:978.<br />

Levin GS, Mal’tsev VM, Kalugina VI, et al. (1970) [Reproduction<br />

of chronic affection of the liver in dogs by<br />

feeding seeds of Heliotropium.] Patol Fiziol Eksp Ter<br />

14(6):41-45.<br />

h e l io Tr o p i u M ov a l i f o l i u M Forssk.<br />

[Boraginaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Abu Damir H, Adam SE, Tartour G (1982) The effects of<br />

Heliotropium ovalifolium on goats <strong>an</strong>d sheep. Br Vet J<br />

138(6):463-472.<br />

Creeper JH, Mitchell AA, Jubb TF, et al. (1999) Pyrrolizidine<br />

alkaloid poisoning of horses grazing a native heliotrope<br />

(Heliotropium ovalifolium). Aust Vet J 77(6):401-402.<br />

h e l io Tr o p i u M s c o TTe a e Rendle<br />

[Boraginaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Wahome WM, Muchiri DJ, Mugera GM (1994) An acute<br />

toxicity study of Heliotropium scotteae Rendle in mice.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 38(4):295-297.<br />

h e l io Tr o p i u M s u p i n u M L. [Boraginaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Schoental R, Coady A (1968) The hepatotoxicity of some<br />

Ethiopi<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d East Afric<strong>an</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts, including some used<br />

in traditional medicines. East Afr Med J 45(8):577-580.<br />

Wiltjer JC, Walker CE (1974) Rectal prolapse in cattle associated<br />

with pyrrolizidine alkaloid poisoning. Aust Vet J<br />

50(12):579-580.<br />

h e l io Tr o p i u M Te r n a Tu M Vahl<br />

[Boraginaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

sali<br />

Citations:<br />

Dunham LJ, Sheets RH, Morton JF (1974) Proliferative<br />

lesions in cheek pouch <strong>an</strong>d esophagus of hamsters treated<br />

with pl<strong>an</strong>ts from Curacao, Netherl<strong>an</strong>d Antilles. J Natl<br />

C<strong>an</strong>cer Instit 53(5):1259-1269.<br />

h e l i p Te r u M c h a r s l e y a e F. Muell.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Burry JN, Kuchel R, Reid JG, et al. (1973) Australi<strong>an</strong> bush<br />

dermatitis: Compositae dermatitis in South Australia.<br />

Med J Aust 1(3):110-116.<br />

hellebore –see– Helleborus foetidus L.; Helleborus niger<br />

L.; Veratrum album L.; Veratrum californicum Dur<strong>an</strong>d;<br />

Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

hellebore bl<strong>an</strong>c –see– Veratrum album L.<br />

hellébore noir –see– Helleborus niger L.<br />

h e l l e b o r u s f o e Ti d u s L. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bar foot; Bärenfuß; bear’s-foot; eléboro fetido; heléboro;<br />

hellebore; hierba ballestera; hierba-de-los-ballesteros;<br />

hierba llavera; ox heel; pie-de-grifo; setterwort;<br />

Stinkende Nieswurz; stinking hellebore; stinkwort;<br />

wilde Christwurz<br />

Citations:<br />

Hollim<strong>an</strong> A, Milton D (1990) Helleborus foetidus poisoning<br />

of cattle. Vet Rec 127(13):339-340.<br />

h e l l e b o r u s n ig e r L. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bear’s-foot; black hellebore; Christblume; Christmas<br />

rose; Christrose; Christ’s-wort; Christwurz; Easter<br />

rose; hellebore; hellébore noir; Nieswurz; rose-de-nöel;<br />

Schneerose; Schwarze Neiswurz<br />

Citations:<br />

Fürth E (1905) Ueber eine Vergiftung mit Helleborus niger.<br />

Med Klin 1(14):330-331.<br />

h e l l e b o r u s v i r i d is L. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Bärenfuß; bastard hellebore; bear’s-foot; boar’s-foot;<br />

green hellebore; Grüne Christwurz; Grüne Nieswurz;<br />

Nieswurz<br />

Citations:<br />

Berselli L (1936) Contributo alla casistica degli avvelenamenti<br />

da elleboro verde nei bovini. Nuova Vet<br />

14(7):21-22.<br />

Bossi M, Brambilla G, Cavalli A, et al. (1981) Aritmia<br />

minacciosa da non comune intossicazione alimentaire. G<br />

Ital Cardiol 11(12):2254-2257.<br />

Johnson CT, Routledge JK (1971) Suspected Helleborus<br />

viridis poisoning of cattle. Vet Rec 89(7):202.<br />

Hellerkraut –see– Thlaspi arvense L.<br />

helmet flower –see– Aconitum napellus L.; Scutellaria<br />

lateriflora L.<br />

helonias –see– Chamaelirium luteum (L.) A. Gray<br />

h e Me r o c a l l is d u Mo r Ti e r i C. Morren<br />

[Hemerocallidaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

day lily<br />

Citations:<br />

Hadley RM, Richardson JA, Gwaltney-Br<strong>an</strong>t SM (2003) A<br />

retrospective study of daylily toxicosis in cats. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 45(1):38-39.<br />

Hemerocallis flava (L.) L. = Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus<br />

L.<br />

Hemerocallis graminea Andrews = Hemerocallis minor<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um - 189<br />

h e Me r o c a l l is l i l io a s p h o d e l u s L.<br />

[Hemerocallidaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h emerocallis flava (L.) L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

custard day lily; day lily; or<strong>an</strong>ge day lily; pale day lily;<br />

tawny day lily; tawny lily; lemon day lily; tall yellow<br />

day lily<br />

Citations:<br />

Der Marderosi<strong>an</strong> AH, Giller FB, Roia FC Jr (1976) Phytochemical<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicological screening of household<br />

ornamental pl<strong>an</strong>ts potentially toxic to hum<strong>an</strong>s. I. J Toxicol<br />

Environ Health 1(6):939-953.<br />

h e Me r o c a l l is Mi n o r Mill.<br />

[Hemerocallidaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h emerocallis graminea Andrews<br />

Common Names:<br />

day lily; dwarf yellow day lily; grass-leaf day lily<br />

Citations:<br />

Chen HT, Jing PM, Y<strong>an</strong> XY (1987) [Poisoning by roots<br />

of Hemerocallis minor Mill. in sheep: Ch<strong>an</strong>ges in the<br />

optic tract <strong>an</strong>d pathogenesis.] Acta Vet Zootech Sin<br />

18(4):256-261.<br />

Hadley RM, Richardson JA, Gwaltney-Br<strong>an</strong>t SM (2003) A<br />

retrospective study of daylily toxicosis in cats. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 45(1):38-39.<br />

Hemerocallis sieboldii Paxton = Hosta sieboldii (Paxton) J.<br />

W. Ingram<br />

h e Mi d e s Mu s i n d ic u s (L.) W. T. Aiton<br />

[Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>tamul; eramusu; Indi<strong>an</strong> sarsaparilla<br />

Citations:<br />

Arseculeratne SN, Gunatilaka AA, P<strong>an</strong>abokke RG (1985)<br />

Studies on medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka. Part 14. Toxicity<br />

of some traditional medicinal herbs. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

13:323-335.<br />

h e Mi p o g o n s e Ta c e u s Decne. [Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Andrade SO, Camargo WV, Fern<strong>an</strong>des N (1963) II. Investigações<br />

sôbre pl<strong>an</strong>tas tóxicas no Estado de São Paulo. Arq<br />

Inst Biol (Sao Paulo) 30(Oct):189-203.<br />

hemlock –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

hemlock dropwort –see– Oen<strong>an</strong>the crocata L.<br />

hemlock water dropwort –see– Oen<strong>an</strong>the crocata L.<br />

hemlock water parsnip –see– Sium suave Walter<br />

hemp –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

hemp agrimony –see– Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) R. M.<br />

King & H. Rob.<br />

hemp dogb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Apocynum c<strong>an</strong>nabinum L.<br />

hemp sesb<strong>an</strong>ia –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia exaltata (Raf.) Rydb. ex A. W.<br />

Hill<br />

henb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

henbit –see– Lamium amplexicaule L.<br />

henbit dead-nettle –see– Lamium amplexicaule L.<br />

henna –see– Lawsonia inermis L.<br />

henneb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

h e r a c l e u M d u l c e Fisch. [Apiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Efremov IA (1961) [Photodermatitis caused by Heracleum<br />

dulce.] Vestn Dermatol Venerol 35(3):64-66.<br />

Heracleum gig<strong>an</strong>teum auct. = Heracleum stevenii M<strong>an</strong>den.<br />

Heracleum laciniatum auct. = Heracleum stevenii M<strong>an</strong>den.<br />

h e r a c l e u M Ma n Te g a z z i a n u M Sommier<br />

& Levier [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Bärenklau; cow parsley; Fiesenkerbel; gi<strong>an</strong>t cow<br />

parsnip; gi<strong>an</strong>t hogweed; gi<strong>an</strong>t parsnip; gi<strong>an</strong>t Russi<strong>an</strong><br />

hogweed; gr<strong>an</strong>de berce; Herkuleskraut; Herkulesstaude;<br />

hogweed; M<strong>an</strong>tegazzis Bärenklau; Riesenbärenklau;<br />

Riesenherkulestaude; wild parsnip; wild<br />

rhubarb<br />

Citations:<br />

Alderfligel C (1974) Cas d’intoxication par la berce ge<strong>an</strong>te.<br />

Bull Med Leg Toxicol Med 17(4):278-279.<br />

Andrews AH, Giles CJ, Thomsett LR (1985) Suspected<br />

poisoning of a goat by gi<strong>an</strong>t hogweed. Vet Rec<br />

116(8):205-207.<br />

Camm E, Buck HW, Mitchell JC (1976) Phytophotodermatitis<br />

from Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um. Contact Dermatitis<br />

2(2):68-72.<br />

Dolowy WC (1996) Gi<strong>an</strong>t hogweed photodermatitis in two<br />

dogs in Bellevue, Washington. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

209(4):722.<br />

Drever JC, Hunter JA (1970) Gi<strong>an</strong>t hogweed dermatitis.<br />

Scott Med J 15(9):315-319.<br />

Fr<strong>an</strong>cis H (1970) M<strong>an</strong> against the gi<strong>an</strong>t hogweed. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

2(666):269.<br />

Harwood DG (1985) Gi<strong>an</strong>t hogweed <strong>an</strong>d ducklings. Vet Rec<br />

116(11):300.<br />

Hinterm<strong>an</strong>n J (1967) Dermatose chez une chienne due a<br />

. Schweiz<br />

Arch Tierheilkd 109(12):654-656.<br />

Jones JG, Russell DG (1968) Gi<strong>an</strong>t hogweed dermatitis.<br />

Practitioner 200(199):704-706.<br />

Kosenow W, Kneiknecht A, Schürm<strong>an</strong>n C (1983) Phytophototoxische<br />

Dermatitis durch Riesenbarenklau bzw.<br />

Herkulesstaude (Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um). Pädiat<br />

Prax 29:115-123.<br />

Miescher G, Burckhardt W (1937) Herakleumdermatitis.<br />

Schweiz Med Wochenschr 67:82-83.

190 - Heracleum sosnowskyi D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Prinz L, Köstler H (1976) Ein Bericht über 3 Fälle von toxischer<br />

Phytophotodermatitis durch Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um<br />

(Riesenherkulesstaude). Dermatol Monatsschr<br />

162(11):881-886.<br />

Sauter C (2001) Heracléum m<strong>an</strong>tegázzi<strong>an</strong>um: Photosensibilisierung.<br />

Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax 90(1-2):73-74.<br />

Schulz KH, Spier HW (1951) Pfl<strong>an</strong>zendermatitis infolge<br />

Photosensibilisierung durch Bärenklau (Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um).<br />

Hautarzt 2:77-78.<br />

Smellie JH (1968) Gi<strong>an</strong>t hogweed. Br Med J 3(5610):123.<br />

Tiedem<strong>an</strong>n A, Schultze H (1987) Bullöse Fotodermatitis<br />

nach Kontakt mit Stengelsaft des Riesenbärenklau<br />

(Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um). Z Arztl Fortbild (Jena)<br />

81(5):235-236.<br />

h e r a c l e u M so s n o w s k y i M<strong>an</strong>den. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cow parsnip; Sosnovsky’s-cow parsnip<br />

Citations:<br />

Maksakova GP (1978) [A case of contact dermatitis caused<br />

by Sosnovsky’s-cow parsnip.] Vestn Dermatol Venerol<br />

8:48-49.<br />

h e r a c l e u M s p h o n d y l i u M L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cow parsnip; Heilkraut; hogweed; Wiesenbärenklau<br />

Citations:<br />

Kunkel O (1954) Dermatitis durch Heracleum sphondylium.<br />

Med Welt 31-32:1050.<br />

Michon P, Dornier R, Metz J, et al. (1956) Dermatite purpurique<br />

d’origine végétale par Heracleum sphondylium.<br />

Rev Med N<strong>an</strong>cy 81(Nov):924-929.<br />

h e r a c l e u M s Te ve n i i M<strong>an</strong>den. [Apiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h eracleum gig<strong>an</strong>teum auct.; h eracleum laciniatum<br />

auct.<br />

Common Names:<br />

cow parsnip; tromso palm<br />

Citations:<br />

Kavli G, Midelfart K, Raa J, et al. (1983) Phototoxicity from<br />

furocoumarins (psoralens) of Heracleum laciniatum in<br />

a patient with vitiligo. Action spectrum studies on bergapten,<br />

pimpinellin, <strong>an</strong>gelicin <strong>an</strong>d sphondin. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 9(5):364-366.<br />

Kavli G, Volden G, Midelfart K, et al. (1983) In vivo <strong>an</strong>d in<br />

vitro phototoxicity of different parts of Heracleum laciniatum.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 9(4):269-273.<br />

Kavli G, Volden G, Midelfart K, et al. (1983) Phototoxicity<br />

of Heracleum laciniatum. Case reports <strong>an</strong>d experimental<br />

studies. Contact Dermatitis 9(1):27-32.<br />

Kavli G, Volden G, Raa J (1982) Accidental induction of<br />

photocontact allergy to Heracleum laciniatum. Acta<br />

Derm Venereol 62(5):435-438.<br />

Pátková V (1984) Dermatitida po bolševníku. Cesk Pediatr<br />

39(2):118-119.<br />

herb bennett –see– Conium maculatum L.; Valeri<strong>an</strong>a<br />

officinalis L.<br />

herb John –see– Hypericum perforatum L.<br />

herb mercury –see– Mercurialis <strong>an</strong>nua L.; Mercurialis<br />

perennis L.<br />

herb-of-grace –see– Ruta graveolens L.; Verbena officinalis L.<br />

herb-of-repent<strong>an</strong>ce –see– Ruta graveolens L.<br />

herb-of-the-cross –see– Verbena officinalis L.<br />

herbe-à-sorcier –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

herbe-aux-grenouilles –see– Equisetum palustre L.<br />

herbe-aux-gueux –see– Clematis vitalba L.<br />

herbe-aux-magiciens –see– M<strong>an</strong>dragora officinarum L.<br />

herbe-aux-verrues –see– Heliotropium europaeum L.<br />

herbe-de-bicho –see– Persicaria punctata (Elliott) Small<br />

herbe-de-grace –see– Ruta graveolens L.<br />

herbe-de-St. Fiacre –see– Heliotropium europaeum L.<br />

herbe-de-St. Innocent –see– Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach<br />

Herbe-de-St. Jacques –see– Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.<br />

herbe-des-démoniaques –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

herbe-du-diable –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

herbe-du-siège –see– Scrophularia auriculata L.<br />

Herbstblume –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

Herbstzeitlose –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

Herkuleskraut –see– Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um Sommier<br />

& Levier<br />

Herkulesstaude –see– Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um Sommier<br />

& Levier<br />

h e r Ti a c l u y Ti i f o l i a (DC.) Kuntze<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

o thonna cluytiifolia (DC.) Sch. Bip<br />

Common Names:<br />

entjiebos<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1943) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XIII. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 18(1-2):207-224.<br />

h e r Ti a p a l l e n s (DC.) Kuntze [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

o thonna pallens DC.<br />

Common Names:<br />

dikkopbos; springbokbos; springbokbossie; Vaalbos<br />

Citations:<br />

Prozesky L, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, Jorda<strong>an</strong> P, et al. (1985) An<br />

ovine hepatotoxicosis caused by the pl<strong>an</strong>t Hertia pallens<br />

(DC.) Kuntze (Asteraceae). Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Hibiscus rosa-sinensis - 191<br />

Steyn DG (1937) Recent investigations into the toxicity of<br />

known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union of<br />

South Africa. VII. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

9(1):111-124.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1943) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XIII. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 18(1-2):207-224.<br />

Heterodendrum oleifolium Desf. = Alectryon oleifolius<br />

(Desf.) S. T. Reynolds<br />

Heteromeles arbutifolia M. Roem = Heteromeles salicifolia<br />

(C. Presl) Abrams<br />

h e Te r o Me l e s s a l ic i f o l i a (C. Presl)<br />

Abrams [Rosaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h eteromeles arbutifolia M. Roem<br />

Common Names:<br />

California holly; California toyon; Christmas berry;<br />

tollon; toyon<br />

Citations:<br />

Tegzes JH, Puschner B, Melton LA (2003) Cy<strong>an</strong>ide toxicosis<br />

in goats after ingestion of California holly (Heteromeles<br />

arbutifolia). J Vet Diagn Invest 15(5):478-480.<br />

h e Te r o p h y l l a e a p u s Tu l a Ta Hook. f.<br />

[Rubiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cegadera<br />

Citations:<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen EW, Martiarena CA (1967) Contribución al estudio<br />

de la toxicidad de Heterophyllaea pustulata Hook<br />

“Cegadera” en el g<strong>an</strong>ado dermatitis. Queratoconjunctivitis<br />

tóxica experimental en especies <strong>an</strong>imales receptivas.<br />

Rev Inv Ag 4th Ser 4(7):81-113.<br />

heuile-de-camphre –see– Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J.<br />

Presl<br />

heuvo vegetal –see– Blighia sapida K. D. Koenig<br />

h e ve a b r a s i l i e n s is (Willd. ex A. Juss.) Müll.<br />

Arg. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

rubber<br />

Citations:<br />

Rihs HP, Dumont B, Rozynek P, et al. (2003) Molecular<br />

cloning, purification, <strong>an</strong>d IgE-binding of a recombin<strong>an</strong>t<br />

class I chitinase from Hevea brasiliensis leaves (rHev b<br />

11.0102). Allergy 58(3):246-251.<br />

Hexham scent –see– Melilotus indicus (L.) All.<br />

hibbert be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus lunatus L.<br />

Hibiscus esculentus L. = Abelmoschus esculentus (L.)<br />

Moench<br />

h i b is c u s r o s a -s i n e n s is L. [Malvaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

China rose; japa; shoe flower<br />

Citations:<br />

Paulsen E (1998) Occupational dermatitis in D<strong>an</strong>ish gardeners<br />

<strong>an</strong>d greenhouse workers (II). Etiological factors. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 38(1):14-19.<br />

Hicks yew –see– Taxus ×media Rehder<br />

hiedra –see– Hedera helix L.; Toxicodendron diversilobum<br />

(Torr. & A. Gray) Greene<br />

hierba ballestera –see– Helleborus foetidus L.; Veratrum album<br />

L.<br />

hierba-de-c<strong>an</strong>cer –see– Acalypha indica L.<br />

hierba-de-la-India –see– Ipomoea carnea Jacq.<br />

hierba-de-los-ballesteros –see– Helleborus foetidus L.<br />

hierba-de-los-pordioseros –see– Clematis vitalba L.<br />

hierba-de-pasmo –see– Baccharis pteronioides DC.<br />

hierba-de-S<strong>an</strong> Nicolas –see– Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh)<br />

Britton & Rusby<br />

hierba-de-s<strong>an</strong>tiago –see– Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.<br />

hierba-de-vibora –see– Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton<br />

& Rusby<br />

hierba-de-Zorro –see– L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara L.<br />

hierba-del-duende –see– Euphorbia heterophylla L.<br />

hierba-des-pescado –see– Plumbago sc<strong>an</strong>dens L.<br />

hierba llavera –see– Helleborus foetidus L.<br />

hierba mora –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.<br />

hierbe-de-la-flecha –see– Sapium biloculare (S. Watson)<br />

Pax<br />

hierbe mala –see– Sapium biloculare (S. Watson) Pax<br />

high laurel –see– Kalmia latifolia L.<br />

higuera-del-infierno –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

higuera loca –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

higuerilla –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

hikamas –see– Pachyrhizus erosus (L.) Urb.<br />

Hilaria rigida (Thurb.) Benth. ex Scribn. = Pleuraphis rigida<br />

Thurb.<br />

hills-of-snow –see– Hydr<strong>an</strong>gea macrophylla (Thunb.) Ser.<br />

Himmelschwertel –see– Iris ×germ<strong>an</strong>ica L.; Iris pseudoacorus<br />

L.<br />

hinchador –see– Toxicodendron striatum (Ruiz & Pav.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

hinchahuevos –see– Toxicodendron striatum (Ruiz & Pav.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

Hindu datura –see– Datura metel L.<br />

hipazote –see– Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin &<br />


192 - Hippom<strong>an</strong>e m<strong>an</strong>cinella D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

h i p p o Ma n e Ma n c i n e l l a L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

arbol-de-la-muerte; beach apple; le m<strong>an</strong>cenilier; m<strong>an</strong>cenillier;<br />

m<strong>an</strong>chineal; m<strong>an</strong>chineel; m<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>illa; M<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>illabaum;<br />

m<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>illo; m<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>illo-de-la-costa;<br />

m<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>illo-de-playa; pinipiniche; shore apple<br />

Citations:<br />

Botterel F, Brun S, Bourée P (2000) Dermite du m<strong>an</strong>cenillier.<br />

Presse Med 29(2):81.<br />

Bygbjerg IC, Joh<strong>an</strong>sen HK (1991) M<strong>an</strong>zinellaforgiftning<br />

kompliceret med streptokokpharyngytis og impetigo.<br />

Ugeskr Laeger 154(1):27-28.<br />

Caddy DJ (1894) Poisoning by m<strong>an</strong>chineel. L<strong>an</strong>cet 2(Dec<br />

22):1478-1479.<br />

Chareyre S, Meram D, Descotes J (1991) Intoxication par<br />

le m<strong>an</strong>cenillier. A propos d’un cas. J Toxicol Clin Exp<br />

11(1):59-61.<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>a PC (1946) Conjunctivitis <strong>an</strong>d dermatitis due to<br />

“Beach Apple.” Report of thirteen cases. Arch Ophthalmol<br />

35:421-422.<br />

Lowe NJ (1974) Primary irrit<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis from the m<strong>an</strong>chineel<br />

tree (Hippom<strong>an</strong>e m<strong>an</strong>cinella) in the eastern<br />

Caribbe<strong>an</strong>. J R Nav Med Serv 60:133-136.<br />

Mauze J, Arnaud G (1953) A propos des accidents provoques<br />

par le m<strong>an</strong>cenilier des Antilles. Bull Soc Pathol Exot<br />

46(4):496-498.<br />

Pitts JF, Barker NH, Gibbons DC, et al. (1993) M<strong>an</strong>chineel<br />

keratoconjunctivitis. Br J Ophthalmol 77(5):284-288.<br />

Satulsky EM (1943) Dermatitis venenata caused by the m<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>illo<br />

tree. Arch Derm Syphilol 47(36):36-38.<br />

Satulsky EM, Wirts CA (1943) Dermatitis venenata caused<br />

by the m<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>illo tree. Further observations <strong>an</strong>d report<br />

of sixty cases. Arch Derm Syphilol 47:797-798.<br />

Snow JS, Harley RD (1944) Dermatitis venenata <strong>an</strong>d keratoconjunctivitis<br />

caused by the m<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>illo tree. Arch Derm<br />

Syphilol 49:236-239.<br />

Hirschdorn –see– Rhamnus cathartica L.<br />

h i r s c h f e l d i a i n c a n a (L.) Lagr.- Foss.<br />

[Brassicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

mustard<br />

Citations:<br />

L<strong>an</strong>son RK, Abdulla A (1963) Effects of feeding mustard<br />

seed to immature chickens <strong>an</strong>d laying hens. Poult Sci<br />

42:1283-1284.<br />

Hirtentäschel –see– Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik.<br />

h is Tio p Te r is i n c is a (Thunb.) J. Sm.<br />

[Dennstaedtiaceae]<br />

Common names:<br />

bat’s-wing fern; water fern<br />

Citations:<br />

Saito K, Nagao T, Takatsuki S, et al. (1990) The sesquiterpenoid<br />

carcinogen of bracken fern, <strong>an</strong>d some <strong>an</strong>alogues,<br />

from the Pteridaceae. Phytochemistry 29:1475-1479.<br />

ho-shou-wu –see– Fallopia multiflora (Thunb.) Haraldson<br />

hoary alyssum –see– Berteroa inc<strong>an</strong>a (L.) DC.<br />

hoary cress –see– Lepidium draba L. var. draba<br />

hoary false alyssum –see– Berteroa inc<strong>an</strong>a (L.) DC.<br />

hoary nettle –see– Urtica dioica L.<br />

hog apple –see– Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

hog brake –see– Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn<br />

hog gum –see– Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.<br />

hog millet –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum miliaceum L.<br />

hogb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

hogbe<strong>an</strong> –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

hogweed –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus spinosus L.; Ambrosia<br />

artemisiifolia L.; Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um Sommier &<br />

Levier; Heracleum sphondylium L.<br />

Hoher Rittersporn –see– Delphinium elatum L.<br />

hoja-de-S<strong>an</strong> Pablo –see– Wig<strong>an</strong>dia urens (Ruiz & Pav.)<br />

Kunth var. caracas<strong>an</strong>a (Kunth) D. N. Gibson<br />

hojase –see– Flourensia cernua DC.<br />

hoko –see– Phytolacca dodec<strong>an</strong>dra L’Her.<br />

Holcus halepense L. = Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.<br />

Holcus sorghum L. = Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

Holcus sud<strong>an</strong>ensis (Piper) L. H. Bailey = Sorghum<br />

×drummondii (Steud.) Millsp. & Chase<br />

Holder –see– Sambucus nigra L.<br />

h o l ig a r n a f e r r u g i n e a March<strong>an</strong>d<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulkarni SB, Srinivas CR, Krupash<strong>an</strong>kar DS, et al. (1987)<br />

Chemical characterization <strong>an</strong>d clinical studies on the<br />

allergenic principles of Holigarna ferruginea March<br />

(Anacardiaceae). Indi<strong>an</strong> Drugs 24(4):180-182.<br />

Srinivas CR, Kulkarni SB, Menon SK, et al. (1987) Allergenic<br />

agent in contact dermatitis from Holigarna ferruginea.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 17(4):219-222.<br />

holly –see– Ilex aquifolium L.; Ilex opaca Aiton<br />

hollyhock –see– Alcea rosea L.<br />

holm oak –see– Quercus ilex L.<br />

h o l o c a l y x b a l a n s a e Micheli [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h olocalyx glaziovii Taub. ex Glaz.<br />

Common Names:<br />

alecrim; alecrim-de-campinas<br />

Citations:<br />

Bicudo PL (1978) Intoxicação experimental de bovinos pelo<br />

“Alecrim de Campinas,” Holocalyx glaziovii, Taub. Arq<br />

Esc Vet Univ Fed Minas Gerais 30:369-370.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Hordeum vulgare - 193<br />

Souza JA, Martins EO, Zezza Neto L (1972) Ação da<br />

hidroxocobalamina na intoxicação aguda do coelho pelo<br />

Holocalix bal<strong>an</strong>sae Mich. Rev Fac Med Vet Zootec Univ<br />

Sao Paulo 9(1):159-164.<br />

Souza JA, Muelier SB, Martins EO (1971) Ação da hidroxocobalamina<br />

na intoxicação aguda do coelho pelo Holocalix<br />

bal<strong>an</strong>sae, Mich. Rev Fac Med Vet Sao Paulo<br />

8(3):721-727.<br />

Holocalyx glaziovii Taub. ex Glaz. = Holocalyx bal<strong>an</strong>sae<br />

Micheli<br />

holy herb –see– Verbena officinalis L.<br />

holy thistle –see– Silybum mari<strong>an</strong>um (L.) Gaertn.<br />

holy tree –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

Homalobus campestris Torr. & A. Gray = Astragalus<br />

convallarius Greene<br />

Homalobus clementis Rydb. = Astragalus tenellus Pursh<br />

Homalobus multiflorus (Pursh) Torr. & A. Gray =<br />

Astragalus tenellus Pursh<br />

Homalobus stipitatus Rydb. = Astragalus tenellus Pursh<br />

Homalobus strigulosus Rydb. = Astragalus tenellus Pursh<br />

Homeria glauca (Wood & Ev<strong>an</strong>s) N. E. Br. = Moraea<br />

pallida (Baker) Goldblatt<br />

Homeria miniata (Andrews) Sweet = Moraea miniata Andrews<br />

Homeria pallida Baker = Moraea pallida (Baker) Goldblatt<br />

Homeria pura N. E. Br. = Moraea pallida (Baker) Goldblatt<br />

hondala –see– Adenia hondala (Gaertn.) W. J. de Wilde<br />

honde oor –see– Cotyledon orbiculata L.<br />

Hondur<strong>an</strong> mahog<strong>an</strong>y –see– Swietenia macrophylla King<br />

Hondur<strong>an</strong> walnut –see– Metopium brownei (Jacq.) Urb.<br />

honey mesquite –see– Prosopis gl<strong>an</strong>dulosa Torr.; Prosopis<br />

juliflora (Sw.) DC.<br />

honey-of-Trebizond –see– Rhododendron ponticum L.<br />

honey pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Scrophularia maril<strong>an</strong>dica L.<br />

hong hua –see– Carthamus tinctorius L.<br />

hoodwort –see– Scutellaria lateriflora L.<br />

Hooker’s-larkspur –see– Delphinium glaucum S. Watson<br />

hop –see– Humulus lupulus L.<br />

hop sage –see– Grayia spinosa (Hook.) Moq.<br />

hop tree –see– Ptelea trifoliata L. subsp. <strong>an</strong>gustifolia<br />

(Benth.) V. L. Bailey<br />

Hopfen –see– Humulus lupulus L.<br />

hophorn be<strong>an</strong> –see– Ostrya virgini<strong>an</strong>a (Mill.) K. Koch<br />

hops –see– Humulus lupulus L.<br />

h o r d e u M j u b a Tu M L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

foxtail; foxtail barley; skunkgrass; squirreltail; squirreltail<br />

barley; squirreltailgrass; ticklegrass; wild barley;<br />

wild foxtail<br />

Citations:<br />

Fleming CE, Peterson NF (1919) Don’t feed foxtail hay to<br />

lambing ewes! Nevada Agric Exp Sta Bull #97:18 pp.<br />

h o r d e u M v u l g a r e L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

barley; Gerste<br />

Citations:<br />

Chinn WT (1963) Pneumonia in barley-fed cattle. Vet Rec<br />

75(9):256-257.<br />

Cronin E (1979) Contact dermatitis from barley dust. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 5(3):196.<br />

Harris AH (1962) Apparent hazards of high barley feeding<br />

to cattle. Vet Rec 74(49):1434.<br />

Hickey TF (1963) Mortality in barley-fed cattle. Vet Rec<br />

75(8):210-211.<br />

Horrox MA (1962) Mortality in barley-fed cattle. Vet Rec<br />

74(52):1551.<br />

Martin B (1963) Mortality in barley-fed cattle. Vet Rec<br />

75(3):78-79.<br />

Nisbet A, Beddows AC, Jones NA (1963) Over-feeding of<br />

barley to sheep. Vet Rec 75(6):152.<br />

Nol<strong>an</strong> FJ (1962) Mortality in barley-fed cattle. Vet Rec<br />

74(48):1376-1377.<br />

Pereira F, Rafael M, Lacerda MH (1998) Contact dermatitis<br />

from barley. Contact Dermatitis 39(5):261-262.<br />

Phillips GD (1963) Better British beef <strong>an</strong>d barley feed. Vet<br />

Rec 75(22):578-579.<br />

Preston TR (1963) Symposium: Recent innovations<br />

in calf-rearing. II. Barley-beef production. Vet Rec<br />

75(51):1399-1402.<br />

Rix JC (1966) Poisoning from excess intake of moist stored<br />

barley. Vet Rec 78(16):574.<br />

Simonsson A, Bjorklund NE (1978) Some effects of the fineness<br />

of ground barley on gastric lesions <strong>an</strong>d gastric contents<br />

in growing pigs. Swedish J Agric Res 8:97-106.<br />

Solomons B (1971) Sensitization to oats <strong>an</strong>d barley. Contact<br />

Dermatol Newsl 10(Jul):231.<br />

Thompson AG (1925) Barley itch. Br Med J 1:71.<br />

Wills WK (1909) Barley-itch. Br J Dermatol 21:249-252.<br />

Note:<br />

Barley is named Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. vulgare in<br />

some publications.<br />

horehound –see– Marrubium vulgare L.<br />

Hornklee –see– Lotus corniculatus L.<br />

hornseed buttercup –see– Ceratocephala testiculata (Cr<strong>an</strong>tz)<br />

Roth<br />

Horn’s-milk vetch –see– Astragalus hornii A. Gray<br />

horse apple –see– Maclura pomifera (Raf.) C. K. Schneid.<br />

horse balm –see– Collinsonia c<strong>an</strong>adensis L.<br />

horse chestnut –see– Aesculus californica (Spach) Nutt.;<br />

Aesculus glabra Willd.; Aesculus hippocast<strong>an</strong>um L.; Aesculus<br />

pavia L.<br />

horse gam –see– Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet<br />

horse m<strong>an</strong>go –see– M<strong>an</strong>gifera foetida Lour.<br />

horse millet –see– Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.

194 - Hoslundia opposita D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

horse mint –see– Mentha ×piperita L. nothosubsp. citrata<br />

(Ehrh.) Briq.<br />

horse nettle –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um carolinense L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

dimidiatum Raf.<br />

horse pipe –see– Equisetum arvense L.<br />

horse pursl<strong>an</strong>e –see– Tri<strong>an</strong>thema portulacastrum L.<br />

horse sorrel –see– Rumex acetosella L.<br />

horse tamarind –see– Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit<br />

horseb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Oen<strong>an</strong>the aquatica (L.) Poir.<br />

horsebe<strong>an</strong> –see– C<strong>an</strong>avalia ensiformis (L.) DC.; Lablab<br />

purpureus (L.) Sweet; Lupinus leucophyllus Douglas ex<br />

Lindl.; Strychnos ignatii P. J. Bergius; Vicia faba L.<br />

horsebrush –see– Tetradymia c<strong>an</strong>escens DC.; Tetradymia<br />

glabrata Torr. & A. Gray<br />

horseradish –see– Armoracia rustic<strong>an</strong>a P. Gaertn. et al.<br />

horseradish tree –see– Moringa oleifera Lam.<br />

horsetail –see– Equisetum arvense L.; Equisetum fluviatile L.;<br />

Equisetum palustre L.; Equisetum ramosissimum Desf.<br />

horsetail milkweed –see– Asclepias subverticillata (A. Gray)<br />

Vail; Asclepias verticillata L.<br />

horsetail tree –see– Casuarina equisetifolia L.<br />

horseweed –see– Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist;<br />

Collinsonia c<strong>an</strong>adensis L.<br />

hortensia –see– Hydr<strong>an</strong>gea macrophylla (Thunb.) Ser.<br />

h o s l u n d i a o p p o s i Ta Vahl [Lamiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Verdcourt B, Trump EC (1969) Common poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

of East Africa. Collins. London.<br />

h o s Ta s i e b o l d i i (Paxton) J. W. Ingram<br />

[Aguacaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h emerocallis sieboldii Paxton<br />

Common Names:<br />

day lily<br />

Citations:<br />

Hadley RM, Richardson JA, Gwaltney-Br<strong>an</strong>t SM (2003) A<br />

retrospective study of daylily toxicosis in cats. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 45(1):38-39.<br />

hot pepper –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.; Capsicum frutescens<br />

L.<br />

hotsutsuji –see– Elliottia p<strong>an</strong>iculata (Siebold & Zucc.)<br />

Benth. & Hook. f.<br />

Hottentot poison bush –see– Acok<strong>an</strong>thera oppositifolia (Lam.)<br />

Codd; Acok<strong>an</strong>thera schimperi (A. DC.) Oliv.<br />

houndberry –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.<br />

hound’s-tongue –see– Cynoglossum officinale L.<br />

houx –see– Ilex aquifolium L.<br />

hoya –see– Hoya carnosa (L. f.) R. Br.<br />

h o y a a u s Tr a l is R. Br. ex J. Traill [Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

wax flower<br />

Citations:<br />

Legg J, White CT (1939) Hoya australis (wax flower): A<br />

native pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonous to stock. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d Agric J<br />

51:17-19.<br />

Legg J, White CT (1939) Hoya australis: A pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonous<br />

to stock. Aust Vet J 15:34-36.<br />

h o y a c a r n o s a (L. f.) R. Br. [Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hoya; wax flower; waxpl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Kuliszkiewicz-J<strong>an</strong>us M, Klinger M (1987) Przełom<br />

hemolityczny powikł<strong>an</strong>y ostrą niewydolnością nerek u<br />

heterozygotycznej kobiety z niedoborem dehydrogenazy<br />

glukozo-6-fosforamowej wywoł<strong>an</strong>y nadwrazliwością<br />

na woskownicę mięsistą (Hoya carnosa). Pol Arch Med<br />

Wewn 78(1):43-47.<br />

Kuliszkiewicz-J<strong>an</strong>us M, Tyr<strong>an</strong> W, Szajerka G (1992) Haemolytic<br />

crises caused by Hoya carnosa in a patient with<br />

G6PD deficiency. Acta Haematol Pol 23(1):63-67.<br />

Rothe A (1986) Hoya carnosa - Is it allergenic? Contact Dermatitis<br />

14(4):250-252.<br />

hualtaco tree –see– Loxopterygium huas<strong>an</strong>go Spruce ex Engl.<br />

huao –see– Comocladia dentata Jacq.; Metopium brownei<br />

(Jacq.) Urb.; Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.<br />

huas<strong>an</strong>go tree –see– Loxopterygium huas<strong>an</strong>go Spruce ex Engl.<br />

hubam –see– Melilotus albus Medik.<br />

huckleberry –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.<br />

huele-de-noche –see– Cestrum nocturnum L.<br />

huevil –see– Vestia foetida (Ruiz & Pav.) Hoffm<strong>an</strong>ns.; Vestia<br />

lycioides Willd.<br />

Huflattich –see– Tussilago farfara L.<br />

hug melose –see– Achyr<strong>an</strong>thes aspera L.<br />

Hühnertod –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

huile-de-menthe-pouliot –see– Mentha pulegium L.<br />

huile-de-persil-sauvage –see– Petroselinum crispum (Mill.)<br />

Nym<strong>an</strong> ex A. W. Hill<br />

huile-de-sassafras-américain –see– Sassafras albidum (Nutt.)<br />

Nees<br />

huile-de-sauge –see– Salvia officinalis L.<br />

huile d’hédéome –see– Hedeoma pulegioides (L.) Pers.<br />

huilihuiste –see– Karwinskia calderonii St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

Hülse –see– Ilex aquifolium L.<br />

hulst –see– Ilex aquifolium L.<br />

hum<strong>an</strong>sdorp –see– Chironia baccifera L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Hyacinthus orientalis - 195<br />

h u Mu l u s l u p u l u s L. [C<strong>an</strong>nabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

brewer’s-hop; Europe<strong>an</strong> hop; hop; Hopfen; hops<br />

Citations:<br />

Cookson JS, Lawton A (1953) Hop dermatitis in Herefordshire.<br />

Br Med J 2(4832):376-379.<br />

Dunc<strong>an</strong> KL, Hare WR, Buck WB (1997) Malign<strong>an</strong>t hyperthermia-like<br />

reaction secondary to ingestion of hops in<br />

five dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 210(1):51-54.<br />

Estrada JL, Gozalo F, Cecchini C, et al. (2002) Contact<br />

urticaria from hops (Humulus lupulus) in a patient with<br />

previous urticaria–<strong>an</strong>gioedema from pe<strong>an</strong>ut, chestnut<br />

<strong>an</strong>d b<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>a. Contact Dermatitis 46(2):127.<br />

Galbraith SN (1924) Occupational diseases of hop-picking.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>cet 2:885.<br />

Newmark FM (1978) Hops allergy <strong>an</strong>d terpene sensitivity:<br />

An occupational disease. Ann Allergy 41(5):311-312.<br />

O’Donov<strong>an</strong> WJ (1924) Hop dermatitis. L<strong>an</strong>cet 2:597-598.<br />

Raith L, Jager K (1984) Hop allergy. Contact Dermatitis<br />

11(1):53.<br />

Smithies BM (1929) The occupational diseases of hop-picking.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>cet 2:494-495.<br />

Streich CJ (1924) Hop dermatitis. L<strong>an</strong>cet 2:727.<br />

Hundsdill –see– Aethusa cynapium L.<br />

Hundskamille –see– Anthemis cotula L.; Chamaemelum nobile<br />

(L.) All.<br />

Hundskraut –see– Mercurialis perennis L.<br />

Hundspetersilie –see– Aethusa cynapium L.<br />

Hundswolfkraut –see– Euphorbia helioscopia L.<br />

Hundszunge –see– Cynoglossum officinale L.<br />

hunter’s-robe –see– Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl.<br />

h u p e r z i a s a u r u r u s (Lam.) Trevis.<br />

[Lycopodiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l ycopodium saururus Lam.<br />

Common Names:<br />

cola-de-quirquincho<br />

Citations:<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2001) Herbal infusions used for<br />

induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 39(3):318-319.<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2003) Herbal infusions used for<br />

induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(3):235-239.<br />

h u p e r z i a s e l ag o (L.) Bernh. ex Schr<strong>an</strong>k &<br />

Mart. [Lycopodiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l ycopodium selago L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

fir club moss<br />

Citations:<br />

Felgenhauer N, Zilker T, Worek F, et al. (2000) Intoxication<br />

with huperzine A, a potent <strong>an</strong>ticholinesterase found in<br />

the fir club moss. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 38(7):803-808.<br />

Laborde A, Cig<strong>an</strong>da C (1998) Poisoning by herbal infusions<br />

ingested as abortifacient agents. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

36(5):454-455.<br />

h u p e r z i a s e r r a Ta (Thunb.) Trevis.<br />

[Lycopodiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l ycopodium serratum Thunb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

jin-bu-hu<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Picciotto A, Campo N, Brizzolara R, et al. (1998)<br />

Chronic hepatitis induced by jin bu hu<strong>an</strong>. J Hepatol<br />

28(1):165-167.<br />

Woolf GM, Petrovic LM, Rojter SE, et al. (1994) Acute<br />

hepatitis associated with the Chinese herbal product jin<br />

bu hu<strong>an</strong>. Ann Intern Med 121(10):729-735.<br />

h u r a c r e p i Ta n s L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

assacu; javillo; molinillo; monkey dinner bell; monkey<br />

pistol; possumwood; s<strong>an</strong>dbox; tronador; West Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

s<strong>an</strong>dbox tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Swaddiwudhipong W, Kunasol P, S<strong>an</strong>gw<strong>an</strong>loy O, et al.<br />

(1989) Foodborne disease outbreaks of chemical etiology<br />

in Thail<strong>an</strong>d, 1981-1987. Southeast Asi<strong>an</strong> J Trop Med<br />

Public Health 20(1):125-132.<br />

hurab ekhowsa –see– Ac<strong>an</strong>thospermum hispidum DC.<br />

husk tomato –see– Physalis longifolia Nutt.<br />

hyacinth –see– Hyacinthus orientalis L.<br />

hyacinth be<strong>an</strong> –see– Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet<br />

h y a c i n Th o i d e s n o n -s c r i p Ta (L.) Chouard<br />

ex Rothm. [Hyacinthaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e ndymion non-scriptus (L.) Garcke; s cilla non-scripta<br />

(L.) Hoffm<strong>an</strong>ns. & Link<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue bells-of-Engl<strong>an</strong>d; blue bottle; bluebell; crake feet;<br />

crow bells; crow leek; culver keep; culverkeys; day’sleek;<br />

dog leek; English bluebell; hair bell; harebell;<br />

wild hyacinth<br />

Citations:<br />

Thursby-Pelham RH (1967) Suspected Scilla non-scripta<br />

(bluebell) poisoning in cattle. Vet Rec 80(24):709-710.<br />

h y a c i n Th u s o r i e n Ta l is L. [Hyacinthaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Anna Maria; Czar Pater; Czar Peter; Dutch hyacinth;<br />

hyacinth; Hyazinthe; oriental hyacinth; Rom<strong>an</strong><br />


196 - Hydr<strong>an</strong>gea macrophylla D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Lamminpaa A, Estl<strong>an</strong>der J, Jol<strong>an</strong>ki K, et al. (1996) Occupational<br />

allergic contact dermatitis caused by decorative<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Contact Dermatitis 34(5):330-335.<br />

Muñoz D, Urrutia I, Le<strong>an</strong>izbarrutia I, et al. (1989) Contact<br />

dermatitis from pl<strong>an</strong>ts in a geriatric nurse. Contact Dermatitis<br />

20(13):227-228.<br />

Piirilä P, H<strong>an</strong>nu T, Keskinen H, et al. (1998) Occupational<br />

asthma to hyacinth. Allergy 53(3):328-329.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> der Werff PJ (1959) Occupational diseases among workers<br />

in the bulb industries. Acta Allergol 14:338-355.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Dongen K (1945) Twee doodelijke vergiftigingen door<br />

het eten v<strong>an</strong> hyacinthenbollen. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd<br />

89:223-225.<br />

Hyazinthe –see– Hyacinthus orientalis L.<br />

hybrid vetch –see– Vicia villosa Roth subsp. varia (Host) Corb.<br />

Hybridklee –see– Trifolium hybridum L.<br />

hydr<strong>an</strong>gea –see– Hydr<strong>an</strong>gea macrophylla (Thunb.) Ser.<br />

Hydr<strong>an</strong>gea hortensia Siebold = Hydr<strong>an</strong>gea macrophylla<br />

(Thunb.) Ser.<br />

h y d r a n g e a Ma c r o p h y l l a (Thunb.) Ser.<br />

[Hydr<strong>an</strong>gaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h ydr<strong>an</strong>gea hortensia Siebold<br />

Common Names:<br />

hills-of-snow; French hydr<strong>an</strong>gea; hortensia; hydr<strong>an</strong>gea;<br />

Popo-hau; sevenbark hydr<strong>an</strong>gea<br />

Citations:<br />

Avenel-Audr<strong>an</strong> M, Hausen BM, le Sellin J, et al. (2000)<br />

Allergic contact dermatitis from hydr<strong>an</strong>gea – is it so rare?<br />

Contact Dermatitis 43(4):189-191.<br />

Bruce EA (1920) Hydr<strong>an</strong>gea poisoning. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 58:313-315.<br />

Bruynzeel DP (1986) Allergic contact dermatitis to hydr<strong>an</strong>gea.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 14(2):128.<br />

De Rooij J, Bruynzeel DP, Rustemeyer T (2006) Occupational<br />

allergic contact dermatitis from hydr<strong>an</strong>gea. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 54(1):65-66.<br />

Kuligowski ME, Ch<strong>an</strong>g A, Leemreize JH (1992) Allergic<br />

contact h<strong>an</strong>d dermatitis from hydr<strong>an</strong>gea: Report of a 10th<br />

case. Contact Dermatitis 26(4):269-270.<br />

Note:<br />

Hydr<strong>an</strong>gea is named Hydr<strong>an</strong>gea macrophylla (Thunb.)<br />

Ser. subsp. macrophylla in some publications.<br />

Hydrocotyle asiatica L. = Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.<br />

h y l o Te l e p h i u M s p e c Ta b i l e (Boreau) H.<br />

Ohba [Crassulaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s edum spectabile Boreau<br />

Citations:<br />

Végh E (1985) Dísznövény okozta mérgezés esete sertéseken.<br />

Magyar Allator Lapja 40(8):505-506.<br />

Hymenocyclus smithii L. Bolus = Malephora smithii (L.<br />

Bolus) H. E. K. Hartm<strong>an</strong>n<br />

Hymenoxys floribunda (A. Gray) Cockerell = Hymenoxys<br />

richardsonii (Hook.) Cockerell<br />

h y Me n o x y s h o o p e s i i (A. Gray) Bierner<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d ugaldia hoopesii (A. Gray) Rydb.; h elenium hoopesii<br />

A. Gray<br />

Common Names:<br />

mountain sneezeweed; or<strong>an</strong>ge sneezeweed; sneezeweed;<br />

sunflower; western sneezeweed; yellow weed;<br />

yerba-del-lobo<br />

Citations:<br />

Buck WB, Binns W, James L, et al. (1961) Results of feeding<br />

of herbicide-treated pl<strong>an</strong>ts to calves <strong>an</strong>d sheep. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 138(6):320-323.<br />

Buck WB, James L, Binns W (1961) Ch<strong>an</strong>ges in serum tr<strong>an</strong>saminase<br />

activities associated with pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d mineral toxicity in<br />

sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Proc Am Coll Vet Toxicol 1961:13-24.<br />

Buck WB, James LF, Binns W (1961) Ch<strong>an</strong>ges in serum<br />

tr<strong>an</strong>saminase activities associated with pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d<br />

mineral toxicity in sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Cornell Vet<br />

51(Oct):568-585.<br />

Marsh CD (1916) Cause of spewing sickness of sheep. U S<br />

Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Doc. Oct 25:1-4.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Couch JF, et al. (1921) Western<br />

sneezeweed (Helenium hoopesii) as a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. U<br />

S Dep Agric Bull #947:46 pp.<br />

h y Me n o x y s l e MMo n i i (Greene) Cockerell<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

alkali hymenoxys; Lemmon’s-hymenoxys<br />

Citations:<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR, et al. (1934) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 1933:10-13.<br />

h y Me n o x y s o d o r a Ta DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a ctinea odorata (DC.) Kuntze<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>nual bitterweed; bitter actinea; bitter rubberweed;<br />

bittersweet; bitterweed; bitterweed actinea; limonillo;<br />

rubberweed; western bitterweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1931) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1931:56-57.<br />

Anonymous (1932) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1932:44.<br />

Anonymous (1933) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1933:34-35.<br />

Boughton IB, Hardy WT (1937) Toxicity of bitterweed<br />

(Actinea odorata) for sheep. Texas Agric Exp Sta Bull<br />

#552:15 pp.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Hypericum aethiopicum - 197<br />

Bridges GW, Bailey EM Jr, Camp BJ (1980) Prevention<br />

of bitterweed intoxication of sheep. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

22(2):87-90.<br />

Calhoun MC, Ueckert DN, Livingston CW Jr, et al. (1981)<br />

Effects of bitterweed (Hymenoxys odorata) on voluntary<br />

feed intake <strong>an</strong>d serum constituents of sheep. Am J Vet<br />

Res 42(10):1713-1717.<br />

Calhoun MC, Ueckert DN, Livingston CW Jr, et al. (1982)<br />

Effect of 2,4-D on hymenoxon concentration <strong>an</strong>d toxicity<br />

of bitterweed (Hymenoxys odorata) force-fed to sheep. J<br />

R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag 35(4):489-492.<br />

Clawson AB (1931) “Bitterweed” poisoning of livestock. U S<br />

Dep Agric Mimeo Rep. Apr:1-3.<br />

Clawson AB (1931) A preliminary report on the poisonous<br />

effects of bitter rubber weed (Actinea odorata) on sheep. J<br />

Agric Res 43(8):693-701.<br />

Hardy WT, Cory VL, Schmidt H, et al. (1931) Bitterweed<br />

poisoning in sheep. Texas Agric Exp Sta Bull #433:18 pp.<br />

Kim HL, Anderson AC, Herrig BW, et al. (1982) Protective<br />

effects of <strong>an</strong>tioxid<strong>an</strong>ts on bitterweed (Hymenoxys odorata<br />

DC) toxicity in sheep. Am J Vet Res 43(11):1945-1950.<br />

Kim HL, Anderson AC, Terry MK, et al. (1981) Protective<br />

effect of butylated hydroxy<strong>an</strong>isole on acute hymenoxon<br />

<strong>an</strong>d bitterweed poisoning. Res Commun Chem Pathol<br />

Pharmacol 33(2):365-368.<br />

Poage GW 3rd, Scott CB, Bisson MG, et al. (2000) Activated<br />

charcoal attenuates bitterweed toxicosis in sheep. J<br />

R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag 53(1):73-78.<br />

Steel EG, Witzel DA, Bl<strong>an</strong>ks A (1976) Acquired coagulation<br />

factor X activity deficiency connected with Hymenoxys<br />

odorata DC (Compositae), bitterweed poisoning in sheep.<br />

Am J Vet Res 37(12):1383-1386.<br />

Taylor CA, Ralphs MH (1992) Reducing livestock losses<br />

from poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts through grazing m<strong>an</strong>agement. J<br />

R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag 45(1):9-12.<br />

Terry MK, Kim HL, Corrier DE, et al. (1981) The acute<br />

oral toxicity of hymenoxon in sheep. Res Commun Chem<br />

Pathol Pharmacol 31(1):181-184.<br />

Witzel DA, Jones LP, Ivie GW (1977) Pathology of subacute<br />

bitterweed (Hymenoxys odorata) poisoning in sheep. Vet<br />

Pathol 14(1):73-78.<br />

Witzel DA, Rowe LD, Clark DE (1974) Physiopathologic<br />

studies on acute Hymenoxys odorata (bitterweed) poisoning<br />

in sheep. Am J Vet Res 35(7):931-934.<br />

h y Me n o x y s r ic h a r d so n i i (Hook.) Cockerell<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a ctinea richardsonii (Hook.) Kuntze; h ymenoxys floribunda<br />

(A. Gray) Cockerell<br />

Common Names:<br />

Colorado rubber weed; pingree; pingue; rubberweed<br />

Citations:<br />

A<strong>an</strong>es WA (1961) Pingue (Hymenoxys richardsonii) poisoning<br />

in sheep. Am J Vet Res 22:47-52.<br />

Anonymous (1936) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep. 1936:44-45.<br />

Pammel LH (1919) Pingue poisoning in Arizona. Am J Vet<br />

Med 14:32.<br />

hyoscyamus –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

h y o s c y a Mu s a l b u s L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

saccharine bl<strong>an</strong>che; white henb<strong>an</strong>e; white saccharin<br />

Citations:<br />

Selmi H, Hezmiri H, Tabarki B, et al. (1996) Intoxication<br />

aigue par la saccharine bl<strong>an</strong>che. A propos de 5 observations<br />

pédiatriques. Tunis Med 74(1):45-47.<br />

h y o s c y a Mu s n ig e r L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

beleño negro; Bilsen; Bilsenbohne; Bilsenkraut;<br />

Bilsensee; black henb<strong>an</strong>e; Bolmört; chenile; deli-batbat;<br />

devil’s-eye; fetid nightshade; henb<strong>an</strong>e; henneb<strong>an</strong>e;<br />

hogb<strong>an</strong>e; hogbe<strong>an</strong>; Hühnertod; hyoscyamus; infidel<br />

opium; ins<strong>an</strong>e root; jusquiame; jusquiame noire;<br />

poison tobacco; Saukraut; Schwarzes Bilsenkraut;<br />

stinking nightshade; stinky nightshade; Teufelsauge;<br />

Zahnkraut<br />

Citations:<br />

Betz P, J<strong>an</strong>zen J, Roider G, et al. (1991) Psychopathologische<br />

Befunde nach oraler Aufnahme von Inhaltstoffen<br />

heimischer Nachtschattengewächse. Arch Kriminol<br />

188(5-6):175-182.<br />

Bubien MZ, Magat A, Delatour P (1970) Fréquence des<br />

intoxications des <strong>an</strong>imaux en Pologne. Bull Soc Vet Med<br />

Comp Lyon 72(2):167-173.<br />

D<strong>an</strong>eshvar S, Mirhossaini ME, Balali M (1992) Hyoscyamus<br />

poisoning in Mashhad. Toxicon 30:501.<br />

Graev M, Fall<strong>an</strong>i M (1960) Avvelenamento collettivo da<br />

ingestione da Hyoscyamus niger (Con un caso mortale).<br />

Minerva Medicoleg 80(Nov-Dec):225-230.<br />

Kurkcuoglu M (1970) Henb<strong>an</strong>e (Hyoscyamus niger) poisonings<br />

in the vicinity of Erzurum. Turk J Pediatr<br />

12(1):48-56.<br />

Nagy L, Sipos I (1980) A beléndek, mint kábítószerpótló.<br />

Morphol Igazsagugyi Orv Sz 20(4):312.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>ds JM, S<strong>an</strong>ds R (1976) Henb<strong>an</strong>e chewing. Med J Aust<br />

2(2):55, 58.<br />

Spoerke DG, Hall AH, Dodson CD, et al. (1987) Mystery<br />

root ingestion. J Emerg Med 5(5):385-388.<br />

Tugrul L (1985) Abuse of henb<strong>an</strong>e by children in Turkey.<br />

Bull Narc 37(2-3):75-78.<br />

Welsby JR (1903) Henb<strong>an</strong>e poisoning. Vet Rec 16(794):181.<br />

h y o s c y a Mu s r e Tic u l a Tu s L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Tugrul L (1985) Abuse of henb<strong>an</strong>e by children in Turkey.<br />

Bull Narc 37(2-3):75-78.<br />

hypericum –see– Hypericum perforatum L.<br />

h y p e r ic u M a e Th io p ic u M Thunb. var<br />

glaucescens Sonder [Hypericaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Quin JI (1933) Studies on the photosensitisation of <strong>an</strong>imals<br />

in South Africa. 3. The photodynamic action of Hypericum<br />

ethiopicum var. glaucescens Sond. <strong>an</strong>d Hypericum<br />

leucoptychodes (Syn. H. l<strong>an</strong>ceolatum Lam.). Onderstepoort<br />

J Vet Sci Anim Indus 1(2):491-496

198 - Hypericum perforatum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Note:<br />

This pl<strong>an</strong>t name could not be found in the databases<br />

searched.<br />

Hypericum crispum L. = Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra<br />

Hypericum l<strong>an</strong>ceolatum auct. = Hypericum revolutum Vahl<br />

Hypericum leucoptychodes Steud. ex A. Rich. = Hypericum<br />

revolutum Vahl<br />

Hypericum maculatum Walter = Hypericum punctatum<br />

Lam.<br />

h y p e r ic u M p e r f o r a Tu M L. [Hypericaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

amber; ar<strong>an</strong>; cammock; goat weed; Hartheu; herb<br />

John; hypericum; Joh<strong>an</strong>niskraut; Klamath weed; lyukaslevelü<br />

orbáncfü; millepertuis; penny John; rosin<br />

rose; St. John’s-wort; Tipton weed<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1929) The poison pl<strong>an</strong>ts committee. J CSIRO<br />

Aust 2:40-48.<br />

Araya OS, Ford EJ (1981) An investigation of the type of<br />

photosensitization caused by the ingestion of St John’s<br />

Wort (Hypericum perforatum) by calves. J Comp Pathol<br />

91(1):135-141.<br />

Bourke CA (2000) Sunlight associated hyperthermia as a<br />

consistent <strong>an</strong>d rapidly developing clinical sign in sheep<br />

intoxicated by St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum).<br />

Aust Vet J 78(7):483-488.<br />

Bourke CA (2003) The effect of shade, shearing <strong>an</strong>d wool<br />

type in the protection of Merino sheep from Hypericum<br />

perforatum (St John’s wort) poisoning. Aust Vet J<br />

81(8):494-498.<br />

Bourke CA, White JG (2004) Reassessment of the toxicity<br />

of Hypericum perforatum (St John’s wort) for cattle. Aust<br />

Vet J 82(11):707-710.<br />

Brown TM (2000) Acute St. John’s wort toxicity. Am J<br />

Emerg Med 18(2):231-232.<br />

Cunningham IJ (1947) Photosensitivity diseases in New Zeal<strong>an</strong>d.<br />

V. Photosensitisation by St. John’s wort (Hypericum<br />

perforatum). N Z J Sci Technol A 29:207-213.<br />

Dodd S (1920) St. John’s wort <strong>an</strong>d its action on live stock. J<br />

Comp Pathol 33:105-114.<br />

Dodd S (1920) St. John’s wort <strong>an</strong>d its effects on livestock.<br />

Agric Gaz New South Wales 31:265-272.<br />

Henry M (1922) Feeding <strong>an</strong>d contact experiments with St.<br />

Johnswort. Agric Gaz New South Wales 33:205-207.<br />

Kako MD, Al-Sult<strong>an</strong> II, Saleem AN (1993) Studies of sheep<br />

experimentally poisoned with Hypericum perforatum.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 35(4):298-300.<br />

Kümper H (1989) Hypericismus bei Schafen. Tierarztl Prax<br />

17(3):257-261.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB (1930) Toxic effect of St. Johnswort<br />

(Hypericum perforatum) on cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep. U S Dep<br />

Agric Tech Bull #202:23 pp.<br />

Pace N (1942) The etiology of hypericism, A photosensitivity<br />

produced by St. Johnswort. Am J Physiol<br />

136:650-656.<br />

Palmer M, Haller C, McKinney P, et al. (1999) Bot<strong>an</strong>icals<br />

<strong>an</strong>d other dietary supplements: Adverse events by age. J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 37(5):609.<br />

Rogers TB (1914) On the action of St. John’s wort as a<br />

sensitizing agent for non-pigmented skin. Am Vet Rev<br />

46:145-162.<br />

Schrader A, Schulz O, Völker H, et al. (2001) Aktuelle<br />

Vergiftungen durch Pfl<strong>an</strong>zen bei Wiederkäuern in Nord-<br />

und Ostdeutschl<strong>an</strong>d. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr<br />

114(5-6):218-221.<br />

Seddon HR, Belschner HG (1929) The effect of immature St.<br />

John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) on sheep. J CSIRO<br />

Aust 2(4):229-231.<br />

Seddon HR, White HC (1928) Some observations on the<br />

toxic principle of St. Johnswort (Hypericum perforatum).<br />

New South Wales Dep Agric Vet Res Rep 5:106-111.<br />

Waksm<strong>an</strong> JC, Heard K, Jolliff H, et al. (2000) Serotonin<br />

syndrome associated with the use of St. John’s wort<br />

(Hypericum perforatum) <strong>an</strong>d paroxetine. J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 38(5):521.<br />

h y p e r ic u M p u n c Ta Tu M Lam. [Hypericaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h ypericum maculatum Walter<br />

Common Names:<br />

flux weed; spotted St. John’s-wort; St. John’s-wort<br />

Citations:<br />

Vind R (1957) Equine photodermatitis. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

131(Dec 1):529.<br />

h y p e r ic u M r e vo l u Tu M Vahl [Hypericaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h ypericum l<strong>an</strong>ceolatum auct.; h ypericum leucoptychodes<br />

Steud. ex A. Rich.<br />

Common Names:<br />

currybush; forest primrose; kerriebos; St. John’s-wort<br />

Citations:<br />

Quin JI (1933) Studies on the photosensitisation of <strong>an</strong>imals<br />

in South Africa. 3. The photodynamic action of Hypericum<br />

ethiopicum var. glaucescens Sond. <strong>an</strong>d Hypericum<br />

leucoptychodes (Syn. H. l<strong>an</strong>ceolatum Lam.). Onderstepoort<br />

J Vet Sci Anim Indus 1(2):491-496<br />

h y p e r ic u M Tr iq u e Tr i f o l i u M Turra<br />

[Hypericaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h ypericum crispum L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

St. John’s-wort<br />

Citations:<br />

Bale S (1978) Poisoning of sheep, goats <strong>an</strong>d cows by the weed<br />

Hypericum triquetrifolium. Refu Vet 35:36-37.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>g E, Sendil C (1971) Hypericum crispum, die Ursache<br />

einer be Pfl<strong>an</strong>zenfressern in der Türkei beobachteten<br />

Lichtkr<strong>an</strong>kheit. Tierarztl Umsch 26:73-76.<br />

Ray G (1914) Note sur les effets toxiques du Millepertuis à<br />

feuilles crispées (Hypericum crispum). Rec Med Vet Ec<br />

Alfort 68:39-42.<br />

hypo –see– Antiaris toxicaria Lesch.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Hyssopus officinalis - 199<br />

h y p o c h a e r is r a d ic a Ta L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cat’s-ear; d<strong>an</strong>delion; false d<strong>an</strong>delion; flatweed; gosmore;<br />

hairy cat’s-ear; hairy wild lettuce; rough cat’sear;<br />

spotted cat’s-ear; summer d<strong>an</strong>delion<br />

Citations:<br />

Cahill JI, Goulden BE, Pearce HG (1985) A review <strong>an</strong>d some<br />

observations on stringhalt. N Z Vet J 33(7):101-104.<br />

Galey FD, Hullinger PJ, McCaskill J (1991) Outbreaks<br />

of stringhalt in Northern California. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

33(2):176-177.<br />

Gay CC, Fr<strong>an</strong>sen S, Richards J, et al. (1993) Hypochaerisassociated<br />

stringhalt in North America. Equine Vet J<br />

25(5):456-457.<br />

Huntington PJ, Jeffcott LB, Friend SC, et al. (1989) Australi<strong>an</strong><br />

stringhalt - Epidemiological, clinical <strong>an</strong>d neurological<br />

investigations. Equine Vet J 21(4):266-273.<br />

Torre F (2005) Clinical diagnosis <strong>an</strong>d results of surgical<br />

treatment of 13 cases of acquired bilateral stringhalt<br />

(1991-2003). Equine Vet J 37(2):181-183.<br />

hyssop –see– Hyssopus officinalis L.<br />

h y s so p u s o f f ic i n a l is L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hyssop<br />

Citations:<br />

Millet Y, Jouglard J, Steinmetz MD, et al. (1981) Toxicity of<br />

some essential pl<strong>an</strong>t oils. Clinical <strong>an</strong>d experimental study.<br />

Clin Toxicol 18(12):1485-1498.<br />

Millet Y, Tognetti P, Lavaire-Pierlovisi M, et al. (1979)<br />

Étude expérimentale des propriétés toxiques convulsiv<strong>an</strong>tes<br />

des essences de sauge et d’hysope du commerce.<br />

Rev Electroencephalogr Neurophysiol Clin 9(1):12-18.

ibby dalegrass –see– Euphorbia helioscopia L.<br />

Ibe –see– Taxus baccata L.<br />

ibogaine –see– Tabern<strong>an</strong>the iboga Baill.<br />

Iboza riparia (Hochst.) N. E. Br. = Tetradenia riparia<br />

(Hochst.) Codd<br />

iceberg lettuce –see– Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata L.<br />

Icel<strong>an</strong>d poppy –see– Papaver nudicaule L.<br />

Idaho pea –see– Cicer arietinum L.<br />

If –see– Taxus baccata L.<br />

Ignatius be<strong>an</strong> –see– Strychnos ignatii P. J. Bergius<br />

i l e x a q u i f o l i u M L. [Aquifoliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

acebo; Beinved; Christdorn; Christmas holly; English<br />

holly; holly; houx; Hülse; hulst; kristkorn; Stecheiche;<br />

Stechhulsen; Stechpalme; Walddistelstrauch<br />

Citations:<br />

Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD (2001) Toxidromes<br />

associated with the most common pl<strong>an</strong>t ingestions. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(6):366-369.<br />

Ramón MF, Ballesteros S, Martínez-Arrieta R, et al. (2003)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d herb exposures in Spain. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

41(4):514.<br />

i l e x d e c i d u a Walter [Aquifoliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

deciduous holly; meadow holly; possum haw; swamp<br />

holly; winterberry<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1936) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep. 1936:44-45.<br />

i l e x My r Ti f o l i a Walter [Aquifoliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

myrtle-leaf holly<br />

Citations:<br />

Pence M, Frazier KS, Hawkins L, et al. (2001) The potential<br />

toxicity of Ilex myrtifolia in beef cattle. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

43(3):172-174.<br />

i l e x o p a c a Aiton [Aquifoliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> holly; Christmas holly; English holly; holly;<br />

white holly<br />

Citations:<br />

Rodrigues TD, Johnson PN, Jeffrey LP (1984) Holly berry<br />

ingestion: Case report. Vet Hum Toxicol 26(2):157-158.<br />

I<br />

i l e x p a r ag u a r i e n s is A. St.-Hil.<br />

[Aquifoliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

maté; Paraguay<strong>an</strong> tea; South Americ<strong>an</strong> tea; yerba<br />

maté<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1995) Anticholinergic poisoning associated<br />

with <strong>an</strong> herbal tea - New York City, 1994. MMWR Morb<br />

Mortal Wkly Rep 44(11):193-195.<br />

De Annuntis GJ, Fill S, Meggs WJ, et al. (1994) Anticholinergic<br />

poisoning from Paraguay tea: A need for further<br />

regulation. Vet Hum Toxicol 36(4):359.<br />

McGee JO, Patrick RS, Wood CB, et al. (1976) A case of venoocclusive<br />

disease of the liver in Britain associated with<br />

herbal tea consumption. J Clin Pathol 29(9):788-794.<br />

i l l ic i u M a n is a Tu M L. [Illiciaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

i llicium religiosum Siebold & Zucc.<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>is; bastard <strong>an</strong>ise; Chinese bastard <strong>an</strong>ise; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese<br />

<strong>an</strong>ise; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese star <strong>an</strong>ise; m<strong>an</strong> t’sao; poison bay; shum<strong>an</strong>g-tsao;<br />

star <strong>an</strong>ise<br />

Citations:<br />

Read BE, Ki<strong>an</strong>g PC (1927) Bastard <strong>an</strong>ise poisoning <strong>an</strong>d its<br />

<strong>an</strong>tidotal measures. Chin J Physiol 1:15-21.<br />

Wijn<strong>an</strong>ds-Kleukers AP, Joh<strong>an</strong>ns ES, Vries I, et al. (2002)<br />

Intensive search for the cause of <strong>an</strong> epidemic of seizures<br />

after drinking herbal tea (star <strong>an</strong>ise toxicity). J Toxicol<br />

Clin Toxicol 40(3):263-264.<br />

Illicium religiosum Siebold & Zucc. = Illicium <strong>an</strong>isatum L.<br />

i l l ic i u M ve r u M Hook. f. [Illiciaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>ès estrella; Chinese star <strong>an</strong>ise; star <strong>an</strong>ise<br />

Citations:<br />

Deng JF, Lin TJ, Kao WF, et al. (1997) The difficulty in<br />

h<strong>an</strong>dling poisonings associated with Chinese traditional<br />

medicine: A poison control center experience for<br />

1991-1993. Vet Hum Toxicol 39(2):106-114.<br />

Ize Ludlow D, Ragone S, Bernstein JN, et al. (2004) Chemical<br />

composition of Chinese star <strong>an</strong>ise (Illicium verum)<br />

<strong>an</strong>d neurotoxicity in inf<strong>an</strong>ts. JAMA 291(5):562-563.<br />

Martínez-Arrieta R, Ballesteros S (2001) A case of severe<br />

consequences after mislabeling herbal preparations. J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 39(5):548.<br />

Ramón MF, Ballesteros S, Martínez-Arrieta R, et al. (2003)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d herb exposures in Spain. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />


202 - Indigastrum parviflorum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Ramón MF, Martínez-Arrieta R, Ballesteros S, et al. (2002)<br />

Star <strong>an</strong>ise toxicity. An outbreak of pediatric poisoning. J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 40(3):328.<br />

Rudzki E, Grzywa Z (1976) Sensitizing <strong>an</strong>d irritating properties<br />

of star <strong>an</strong>ise oil. Contact Dermatitis 2(5):305-308.<br />

imperial ginseng –see– P<strong>an</strong>ax ginseng C. A. Mey.<br />

impila –see– Callilepis laureola DC.<br />

Inca lily –see– Alstroemeria ligtu L.<br />

incense cedar –see– Calocedrus decurrens (Torr.) Florin<br />

inch pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Callisia fragr<strong>an</strong>s (Lindl.) Woodson<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> acalypha –see– Acalypha indica L.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> aconite –see– Aconitum ferox Wall. ex Ser.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> aloe –see– Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> apple –see– Datura inoxia Mill.; Datura wrightii<br />

Regel; Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> arrowroot –see– Curcuma zedoaria (Christm.) Roscoe<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> bead –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> cassia –see– Cinnamomum tamala (Buch.-Ham.)<br />

Nees & Eberm.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> clover –see– Melilotus indicus (L.) All.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> corn –see– Veratrum californicum Dur<strong>an</strong>d; Zea mays L.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> couch –see– Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> cress –see– Tropaeolum majus L.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> doab –see– Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> fig –see– Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> fig cactus –see– Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> goat pepper –see– Capsicum frutescens L.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> gum –see– Sterculia urens Roxb.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> hellebore –see– Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> hemp –see– Apocynum c<strong>an</strong>nabinum L.; C<strong>an</strong>nabis<br />

sativa L.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> horse chestnut –see– Aesculus indica (Wall. ex<br />

Cambess.) Hook.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> ink tree –see– Semecarpus <strong>an</strong>acardium L. f.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> jack-in-the-pulpit –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.)<br />

Schott<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> laurel –see– Terminalia elliptica Willd.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> licorice –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> lilac –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> mallow –see– Abutilon theophrasti Medik.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> m<strong>an</strong>drake –see– Podophyllum hex<strong>an</strong>drum Royle<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> marking nut –see– Semecarpus <strong>an</strong>acardium L. f.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> melilot –see– Melilotus indicus (L.) All.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> milkweed –see– Asclepias eriocarpa Benth.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> millet –see– Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.; Sorghum<br />

bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> mustard –see– Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> mutters –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> nosy –see– Asclepias tuberosa L.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> oak –see– Barringtonia acut<strong>an</strong>gula (L.) Gaertn.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> pea –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> pennywort –see– Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> podophyllum –see– Podophyllum hex<strong>an</strong>drum Royle<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> poke –see– Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> red –see– S<strong>an</strong>guinaria c<strong>an</strong>adensis L.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> rosewood –see– Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> s<strong>an</strong>icle –see– Ageratina altissima (L.) R. M. King &<br />

H. Rob.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> sarsaparilla –see– Hemidesmus indicus (L.) W. T. Aiton<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> senna –see– Senna alex<strong>an</strong>drina Mill.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> snakeroot –see– Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex<br />

Kurz<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> spurge tree –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> teak –see– Tectona gr<strong>an</strong>dis L. f.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> tragac<strong>an</strong>th –see– Sterculia urens Roxb.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> tree –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> turnip –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> uncus –see– Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> walnut –see– Aleurites molucc<strong>an</strong>us (L.) Willd.<br />

i n d ig a s Tr u M p a rv i f l o r u M (B. Heyne ex<br />

Wight & Arn.) Schrire [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Aylward JH, Court RD, Haydock KP, et al. (1987) Indigofera<br />

species with agronomic potential in the tropics. Rat<br />

toxicity studies. Aust J Agric Res 38(1):177-186.<br />

indigo –see– Indigofera australis Willd.; Indigofera suffruticosa<br />

Mill.; Indigofera tinctoria L.<br />

indigo pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Swainsona galegifolia (Andrews) R. Br.<br />

i n d ig o f e r a a l Te r n a n s DC. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Aylward JH, Court RD, Haydock KP, et al. (1987) Indigofera<br />

species with agronomic potential in the tropics. Rat<br />

toxicity studies. Aust J Agric Res 38(1):177-186.<br />

i n d ig o f e r a a n Tu n e s i a n a Harms [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Aylward JH, Court RD, Haydock KP, et al. (1987) Indigofera<br />

species with agronomic potential in the tropics. Rat<br />

toxicity studies. Aust J Agric Res 38(1):177-186.<br />

i n d ig o f e r a a r r e c Ta Hochst. ex A. Rich<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Java indigo

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Indigofera linnaei - 203<br />

Citations:<br />

Aylward JH, Court RD, Haydock KP, et al. (1987) Indigofera<br />

species with agronomic potential in the tropics. Rat<br />

toxicity studies. Aust J Agric Res 38(1):177-186.<br />

Rosenberg MM, Zoebisch OC (1952) A chick test for toxicity<br />

in forage legumes. Agron J 44:315-318.<br />

i n d ig o f e r a a s Tr ag a l i n a DC. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Aylward JH, Court RD, Haydock KP, et al. (1987) Indigofera<br />

species with agronomic potential in the tropics. Rat<br />

toxicity studies. Aust J Agric Res 38(1):177-186.<br />

i n d ig o f e r a a u s Tr a l is Willd. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> indigo; indigo; native indigo; southern<br />

indigo; wild indigo<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1929) The poison pl<strong>an</strong>ts committee. J CSIRO<br />

Aust 2:40-48.<br />

i n d ig o f e r a c r y p Ta n Th a Benth. ex Harv.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Aylward JH, Court RD, Haydock KP, et al. (1987) Indigofera<br />

species with agronomic potential in the tropics. Rat<br />

toxicity studies. Aust J Agric Res 38(1):177-186.<br />

Indigofera dominii H. Eichler = Indigofera linnaei Ali<br />

Indigofera endecaphylla Jacq. ex Poir., orth. var. =<br />

Indigofera hendecaphylla Jacq.<br />

Indigofera enneaphylla L. = Indigofera linnaei Ali<br />

i n d ig o f e r a h e n d e c a p h y l l a Jacq.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

indigofera endecaphylla Jacq. ex Poir., orth. var.<br />

Common Names:<br />

creeping indigo; prostrate indigo; trailing indigo<br />

Citations:<br />

Britten EJ, Matsumoto H, Palafox AL (1959) Comparative<br />

toxic effects of 3-nitropropionic acid, sodium nitrite <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Indigofera endecaphylla on chicks. Agron J 51:462-464.<br />

Emmel MW, Ritchey GE (1941) The toxicity of Indigofera<br />

endecaphylla Jacq. for rabbits. J Am Soc Agron 33:675-677.<br />

Hutton EM, Windrum GM, Kratzing CC (1958) Studies<br />

on the toxicity of Indigofera endecaphylla. I. Toxicity for<br />

rabbits. J Nutr 64(3):321-337.<br />

Hutton EM, Windrum GM, Kratzing CC (1958) Studies<br />

on the toxicity of Indigofera endecaphylla. II. Toxicity for<br />

mice. J Nutr 65(3):429-440.<br />

Jeg<strong>an</strong>ath<strong>an</strong> P (1953) Toxic effects of feeding Indigofera endecaphylla<br />

(Jacq) to calves. Ceylon Vet J 1(Dec):83-85.<br />

Nordfeldt S, Henke LA, Morita K, et al. (1952) Feeding tests<br />

with Indigofera endecaphylla Jacq. (creeping Indigo) <strong>an</strong>d<br />

some observations on its poisonous effects on domestic<br />

<strong>an</strong>imals. Hawaii Agric Exp Sta Tech Bull #15:23 pp.<br />

Nordfeldt S, Younge OR (1949) Toxicity of creeping Indigo<br />

to livestock. Hawaii Agric Exp Sta Prog Note #55:2 pp.<br />

Payne WJ, Naidu RK (1955) The toxicity of creeping indigo<br />

(Indigofera endecaphylla). Agric J Fiji 26:1-3.<br />

Rosenberg MM, Palafox AL (1950) The effect of creeping<br />

indigo (Indigofera endecaphylla) when fed to growing<br />

chickens. World Poultry Sci J 6:284-291.<br />

Rosenberg MM, Palafox AL (1951) The effect of creeping<br />

indigo (Indigofera endecaphylla) on laying chickens.<br />

World Poultry Sci J 7:9-15.<br />

Rosenberg MM, Zoebisch OC (1952) A chick test for toxicity<br />

in forage legumes. Agron J 44:315-318.<br />

Yelf JD (1959) The toxicity of creeping indigo in Fiji. Fiji<br />

Agric J 29:9.<br />

i n d ig o f e r a h i r s u Ta L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hairy indigo; wild indigo<br />

Citations:<br />

Aylward JH, Court RD, Haydock KP, et al. (1987) Indigofera<br />

species with agronomic potential in the tropics. Rat<br />

toxicity studies. Aust J Agric Res 38(1):177-186.<br />

Rosenberg MM, Zoebisch OC (1952) A chick test for toxicity<br />

in forage legumes. Agron J 44:315-318.<br />

i n d ig o f e r a h o c h s Te TTe r i Baker [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Sulim<strong>an</strong> HB, Wasfi IA, Tartour G, et al. (1983) The effects<br />

of Indigofera hochstetteri on goats. Rev Elev Med Vet<br />

Pays Trop 36(4):393-402.<br />

i n d ig o f e r a l i n n a e i Ali [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

indigofera dominii H. Eichler; indigofera enneaphylla<br />

L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bakario; bird’s-foot indigo; Birdsville indigo; nine-leaf<br />

indigo<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1950) Birdsville disease of horses. Aust Vet J<br />

26(Sep):261.<br />

Bell AT, Everist SL (1951) Indigofera enneaphylla: A<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t toxic to horses (Birdsville disease). Aust Vet J<br />

27(Aug):185-188.<br />

Bell AT, Hall WT (1952) Birdsville disease of horses.<br />

Feeding trials with Indigofera enneaphylla. Aust Vet J<br />

28(Jun):141-144.<br />

Hegarty MP, Kelly WR, McEw<strong>an</strong> D, et al. (1988) Hepatotoxicity<br />

to dogs of horse meat contaminated with indospicine.<br />

Aust Vet J 65(11):337-340.<br />

Murray LF, Moore T, Sharm<strong>an</strong> IM (1965) The toxicity<br />

of Indigofera enneaphylla L. in rats. Aust J Agric Res<br />

16(4):713-720.<br />

Rose AL, B<strong>an</strong>ks AW, McConnell JD (1951) Birdsville disease<br />

in the Northern Territory. Aust Vet J 27(8):189-196.<br />

Indigofera mucronata Spreng. ex DC = Indigofera trita L. f.<br />

subsp. scabra (Roth) de Kort & G. Thijsse

204 - Indigofera nigrit<strong>an</strong>a D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

i n d ig o f e r a n ig r i Ta n a Hook. f. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Aylward JH, Court RD, Haydock KP, et al. (1987) Indigofera<br />

species with agronomic potential in the tropics. Rat<br />

toxicity studies. Aust J Agric Res 38(1):177-186.<br />

Indigofera patens Eckl. & Zeyh. = Indigofera sessilifolia<br />

DC.<br />

i n d ig o f e r a s c h i Mp e r i Jaub. & Spach<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Aylward JH, Court RD, Haydock KP, et al. (1987) Indigofera<br />

species with agronomic potential in the tropics. Rat<br />

toxicity studies. Aust J Agric Res 38(1):177-186.<br />

i n d ig o f e r a s e s s i l i f o l i a DC. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

indigofera patens Eckl. & Zeyh.<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1939) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa. IX. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 12:335-366.<br />

i n d ig o f e r a s p ic a Ta Forssk. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

creeping indigo; trailing indigo<br />

Citations:<br />

Aylward JH, Court RD, Haydock KP, et al. (1987) Indigofera<br />

species with agronomic potential in the tropics. Rat<br />

toxicity studies. Aust J Agric Res 38(1):177-186.<br />

Bindon BM, Lamond DR (1966) Examination of tropical<br />

legumes for deleterious effects on <strong>an</strong>imal reproduction.<br />

Proc Aust Soc Anim Prod 6:109-116.<br />

Britten EJ, Palafox AL, Frodyma MM, et al. (1963) Level of<br />

3-nitroprop<strong>an</strong>oic acid in relation to toxicity of Indigofera<br />

spicata in chicks. Crop Sci 3(5):415-416.<br />

Christie GS, Wilson M, Hegarty MP (1975) Effects on the<br />

liver in the rat of ingestion of Indigofera spicata, a legume<br />

containing <strong>an</strong> inhibitor of arginine metabolism. J Pathol<br />

117(4):195-205.<br />

i n d ig o f e r a s u f f r u Tic o s a Mill. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>il indigo; <strong>an</strong>ileira; indigo; timbe mirim<br />

Citations:<br />

Aylward JH, Court RD, Haydock KP, et al. (1987) Indigofera<br />

species with agronomic potential in the tropics. Rat<br />

toxicity studies. Aust J Agric Res 38(1):177-186.<br />

Barbosa Neto JD, Oliveira CM, Peixoto PV, et al. (2001)<br />

Anemia hemolítica causda por Indigofera suffruticosa<br />

(Leg. Papilionoideae) em bovinos. Pesq Vet Bras<br />

21(1):18-22.<br />

Indigofera teysm<strong>an</strong>nii Miq. = Indigofera zollingeri<strong>an</strong>a Miq.<br />

i n d ig o f e r a Ti n c To r i a L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

indigo<br />

Citations:<br />

Aylward JH, Court RD, Haydock KP, et al. (1987) Indigofera<br />

species with agronomic potential in the tropics. Rat<br />

toxicity studies. Aust J Agric Res 38(1):177-186.<br />

i n d ig o f e r a Tr i Ta L. f. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

tipsywood<br />

Citations:<br />

Aylward JH, Court RD, Haydock KP, et al. (1987) Indigofera<br />

species with agronomic potential in the tropics. Rat<br />

toxicity studies. Aust J Agric Res 38(1):177-186.<br />

i n d ig o f e r a Tr i Ta L. f. subsp. scabra (Roth) de<br />

Kort & G. Thijsse [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

indigofera mucronata Spreng. ex DC.<br />

Citations:<br />

Aylward JH, Court RD, Haydock KP, et al. (1987) Indigofera<br />

species with agronomic potential in the tropics. Rat<br />

toxicity studies. Aust J Agric Res 38(1):177-186.<br />

i n d ig o f e r a Tr u x i l l e n s is Kunth [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Carvalho FS (1985) Aspectos clínicos, laboratoriais e <strong>an</strong>átomo-histológicos<br />

na intoxicação experimental pela<br />

Indigofera truxillensis H.B.K. em bovinos. Arq Bras<br />

Med Vet Zootecnia 37(5):519-523.<br />

Carvalho FS, Pessoa JM, Souza R, et al. (1986) Níveis<br />

s<strong>an</strong>güíneos de TGO, TGP, fósforo, câlcio, uréia e dextrose<br />

na intoxicação experimental de ovinos pela Indigofera<br />

truxillensis H.B.K. Arq Bras Med Vet Zootecnia<br />

38(2):137-146.<br />

i n d ig o f e r a z o l l i n g e r i a n a Miq.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

indigofera teysm<strong>an</strong>nii Miq.<br />

Citations:<br />

Krishna L, Vaid J, Singh B (1986) Pathological study on<br />

Indigofera teysm<strong>an</strong>ni toxicity in sheep. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Comp<br />

Microbiol Immunol Infect Dis 7(1):14-17.<br />

Singh B, Negi SS, Vaid J, et al. (1985) Palatability, voluntary<br />

intake <strong>an</strong>d nutritive value of Indigofera teysm<strong>an</strong>ni in<br />

sheep. Cheiron 14(6):315-318.<br />

Indisches Rosenholz –see– Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.<br />

Indochinese lacquer –see– Toxicodendron succed<strong>an</strong>eum (L.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

indoor linden –see– Sparrm<strong>an</strong>nia afric<strong>an</strong>a L. f.<br />

infidel opium –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

Inkalilie –see– Alstroemeria ligtu L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Ipomoea carnea - 205<br />

Inkarnatklee –see– Trifolium incarnatum L.<br />

inkberry –see– Cestrum laevigatum Schltdl.; Phytolacca<br />

americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

inkweed –see– Drymaria pachyphylla Wooton & St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

inl<strong>an</strong>d pigweed –see– Portulaca oleracea L.<br />

inlonge –see– Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl.<br />

ins<strong>an</strong>e root –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

insect flower –see– T<strong>an</strong>acetum cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Sch. Bip.<br />

interior live oak –see– Quercus wislizeni DC.<br />

i n u l a b r i Ta n n ic a L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Hegyi E (1967) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis (Inula brit<strong>an</strong>nica L.). Contact<br />

Dermatol Newsl 2(Jul):4.<br />

i n u l a c o n y z a e (Griess.) Meikle [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Dürrwurz<br />

Citations:<br />

Reinboth W (1967) Vergiftungen durch Inula conyza<br />

(Dürrwurz) bei Rindern. Monatsh Veterinarmed<br />

22(15):611-612.<br />

Ulbrich M, Lorenz H, Rittenbach P, et al. (1966) Inula<br />

conyza (Dürrwurz) als Ursache einer Massenvergiftung<br />

bei Rindern. Monatsh Veterinarmed 21(23):896-902.<br />

Vockrodt H (1973) Vergiftungen l<strong>an</strong>dwirtschaftlicher Nutztiere<br />

durch Schadpfl<strong>an</strong>zen und deren Vorbeuge. Monatsh<br />

Veterinarmed 28(2):59-62.<br />

Inula graveolens (L.) Desf. = Dittrichia graveolens (L.)<br />

Greuter<br />

i n u l a h e l e n i u M L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

al<strong>an</strong>t; elecamp<strong>an</strong>e<br />

Citations:<br />

Lamminpaa A, Estl<strong>an</strong>der J, Jol<strong>an</strong>ki K, et al. (1996) Occupational<br />

allergic contact dermatitis caused by decorative<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Contact Dermatitis 34(5):330-335.<br />

Mateo MP, Velasco M, Miquel FJ, et al. (1995) Erythemamultiforme-like<br />

eruption following contact dermatitis<br />

from sesquiterpene lactones in herbal medicine. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 33(6):449-450.<br />

Pi<strong>an</strong>kova ZP, Nugm<strong>an</strong>ova ML (1975) [Dermatitis caused by<br />

elecamp<strong>an</strong>e.] Vestn Dermatol Venerol 12:52-54.<br />

Inula viscosa (L.) Aiton = Dittrichia viscosa (L.) Greuter<br />

iodine bush –see– Cestrum parqui L’Her.<br />

Ioxylon pomiferum Raf. = Maclura pomifera (Raf.) C. K.<br />

Schneid.<br />

Ipé –see– Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl) G. Nicholson<br />

ipecaagoene –see– Carapichea ipecacu<strong>an</strong>ha (Brot.) L.<br />

Andersson<br />

ipecac –see– Carapichea ipecacu<strong>an</strong>ha (Brot.) L. Andersson<br />

ipecacu<strong>an</strong>ha –see– Carapichea ipecacu<strong>an</strong>ha (Brot.) L.<br />

Andersson<br />

ipil ipil –see– Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit<br />

ipoh akar –see– Strychnos ignatii P. J. Bergius<br />

ipoh tree –see– Antiaris toxicaria Lesch.<br />

i p o Mo e a a s a r i f o l i a (Desr.) Roem. & Schult.<br />

[Convolvulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

salsa<br />

Citations:<br />

Barbosa JD, Oliveira CM, Duarte MD, et al. (2005) Intoxicações<br />

experimental e natural por Ipomoea asarifolia<br />

(Convolvulaceae) em búfalos e outros rumin<strong>an</strong>tes. Pesq<br />

Vet Bras 25(4):231-234.<br />

Döbereiner J, Tokarnia CH, C<strong>an</strong>ella CF (1960) Intoxicação<br />

experimental pela “salsa” (Ipomoea asarifolia R. et<br />

Schult.) em rumin<strong>an</strong>tes. Arq Inst Biol Anim (Rio J<strong>an</strong>eiro)<br />

3:39-57.<br />

Medeiros RM, Barbosa RC, Riet-Correa F, et al. (2003)<br />

Tremorgenic syndrome in goats caused by Ipomoea asarifolia<br />

in northeastern Brazil. Toxicon 41:933-935.<br />

i p o Mo e a b a Ta Ta s (L.) Lam. [Convolvulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Süßkartoffel; sweet potato<br />

Citations:<br />

Hill BD, Wright HF (1992) Acute interstitial pneumonia in<br />

cattle associated with consumption of mould-damaged<br />

sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas). Aust Vet J 69(2):36-37.<br />

Medeiros RM, Simoes SV, Tabosa IM, et al. (2001) Bovine<br />

atypical interstitial pneumonia associated with the ingestion<br />

of damaged sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) in<br />

northeastern Brazil. Vet Hum Toxicol 43(4):205-207.<br />

Peckham JC, Mitchell FE, Jones OH Jr, et al. (1972) Atypical<br />

interstitial pneumonia in cattle fed moldy sweet potatoes.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 160(2):169-172.<br />

Rogers GM, Poore MH, Ferko BL, et al. (1999) Dental wear<br />

<strong>an</strong>d growth perform<strong>an</strong>ce in steers fed sweetpotato c<strong>an</strong>nery<br />

waste. J Am Vet Med Assoc 214(5):681-686.<br />

Stephens C (1941) Black rot sweet potato poisoning in cattle.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 98(769):317.<br />

Note:<br />

Sweet potato is named Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. var.<br />

batatas in some publications.<br />

i p o Mo e a c a r n e a Jacq. [Convolvulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

awier; baros; besharam; hierba-de-la-India; palo-s<strong>an</strong>tode-castilla;<br />

shrubby morning-glory; tree morningglory<br />

Citations:<br />

Adam SE, Tartour G, Obeid HM, et al. (1973) Effects of<br />

Ipomoea carnea on the liver <strong>an</strong>d on serum enzymes in<br />

young rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. J Comp Pathol 83(4):531-542.

206 - Ipomoea carnea D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Damir HA, Adam SE, Tartour G (1987) The effects of<br />

Ipomoea carnea on goats <strong>an</strong>d sheep. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

29(4):316-319.<br />

de Balogh KK, Dim<strong>an</strong>de AP, v<strong>an</strong> der Lugt JJ, et al. (1998)<br />

Ipomoea carnea: The cause of a lysosomal storage disease<br />

in goats in Mozambique. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC (eds.)<br />

Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI. New<br />

York. pp. 428-434.<br />

de Balogh KK, Dim<strong>an</strong>de AP, v<strong>an</strong> der Lugt JJ, et al. (1999) A<br />

lysosomal storage disease induced by Ipomoea carnea in<br />

goats in Mozambique. J Vet Diagn Invest 11(3):266-273.<br />

Hueza IM, Dagli SL, Górniak SL (2003) Toxic effects of<br />

prenatal Ipomoea carnea administration to rats. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 45(6):298-302.<br />

Hueza IM, Fonseca ES, Paulino CA, et al. (2004) Ipomoea<br />

carnea induced enh<strong>an</strong>ced macrophage activity (phagocytosis<br />

<strong>an</strong>d peroxide production) in immunocompetent<br />

rats. In: Acamovic T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.)<br />

<strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford,<br />

UK. pp. 316-321.<br />

Idris OF, Tartour G, Adam SE, et al. (1973) Toxicity to<br />

goats of Ipomoea carnea. Trop Anim Health Prod<br />

5(2):119-123.<br />

Misra A, Misra SN (1965) Study on the toxic effect of Ipomoea<br />

carnea in sheep, goats <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J<br />

42(9):703-707.<br />

Schumaher-Henrique B, Górniak SL, Dagli ML, et al. (2003)<br />

The clinical, biochemical, haematological <strong>an</strong>d pathological<br />

effects of long-term administration of Ipomoea carnea<br />

to growing goats. Vet Res Commun 27(4):311-319.<br />

Schumaher-Henrique B, Górniak SL, Dagli ML, et al.<br />

(2004) Evaluation of Ipomoea carnea toxicity to growing<br />

goats: Clinical, biochemical, haematological <strong>an</strong>d<br />

pathological alterations. In: Acamovic T, Stewart CS,<br />

Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins.<br />

CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp. 90-97.<br />

Srilatha CH, Naidu NR, Rao PR (1997) Pathology of<br />

Ipomoea carnea toxicity in goats. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci<br />

67(3):253-254.<br />

Tartour G, Adam SE, Obeid HM, et al. (1974) Development<br />

of <strong>an</strong>aemia in goats fed with Ipomoea carnea. Br Vet J<br />

130(3):271-279.<br />

Tartour G, Adam SE, Obeid HM, et al. (1974) Serum iron,<br />

total iron-binding capacity <strong>an</strong>d bilirubin concentrations<br />

in young rumin<strong>an</strong>ts fed Ipomoea carnea. Acta Vet (Beogr)<br />

24(6):261-268.<br />

Tartour G, Obeid HM, Adam SE, et al. (1973) Haematological<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in sheep <strong>an</strong>d calves following prolonged oral<br />

administration of Ipomoea carnea. Trop Anim Health<br />

Prod 5(4):284-292.<br />

Tirkey K, Yadava KP, Jha GJ, et al. (1987) Effect of feeding<br />

of Ipomoea carnea leaves on goats. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci<br />

57(8):863-866.<br />

Zakir MD, Vadlamudi VP, More PR (1989) Some blood biochemical<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in Ipomoea carnea toxicity in Osm<strong>an</strong>abadi<br />

goats. J Maharashtra Agric Univ 14(1):126-127.<br />

i p o Mo e a c a r n e a Jacq. subsp. fistulosa (Mart. ex<br />

Choisy) D. F. Austin [Convolvulaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

ipomoea fistulosa Mart. ex Choisy<br />

Common Names:<br />

c<strong>an</strong>udo; mata-bode; morning-glory; shrubby morningglory<br />

Citations:<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J, C<strong>an</strong>ella CF (1960) Estudo<br />

experimental sôbre a toxidex do “C<strong>an</strong>udo” (Ipomoea fistulosa<br />

Mart.) em rumin<strong>an</strong>tes. Arq Inst Biol Anim (Rio<br />

J<strong>an</strong>eiro) 3:59-71.<br />

Ipomoea fistulosa Mart. ex Choisy = Ipomoea carnea Jacq.<br />

subsp. fistulosa (Mart. ex Choisy) D. F. Austin<br />

i p o Mo e a h e d e r a c e a Jacq. [Convolvulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ivy-leaf morning-glory; morning-glory<br />

Citations:<br />

Dug<strong>an</strong> GM, Gumbm<strong>an</strong>n MR (1990) Toxicological evaluation<br />

of morning glory seed: Subchronic 90-day feeding<br />

study. Food Chem Toxicol 28(8):553-559.<br />

i p o Mo e a l a c u n o s a L. [Convolvulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

white morning-glory<br />

Citations:<br />

Dug<strong>an</strong> GM, Gumbm<strong>an</strong>n MR (1990) Toxicological evaluation<br />

of morning glory seed: Subchronic 90-day feeding<br />

study. Food Chem Toxicol 28(8):553-559.<br />

i p o Mo e a Mu e l l e r i Benth. [Convolvulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

convolvulus; lamb poison; morning-glory<br />

Citations:<br />

Gardiner MR, Royce R, Oldroyd B (1965) Ipomoea muelleri<br />

intoxication of sheep in Western Australia. Br Vet J<br />

121:272-277.<br />

i p o Mo e a r i e d e l i i Meissn. [Convolvulaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Barbosa RC, Riet-Correa F, Medeiros RM, et al. (2006)<br />

Intoxication by Ipomoea sericophylla <strong>an</strong>d Ipomoea riedelii<br />

in goats in the state of Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil.<br />

Toxicon 47(4):371-379.<br />

i p o Mo e a s e r ic o p h y l l a Meisn.<br />

[Convolvulaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Barbosa RC, Riet-Correa F, Medeiros RM, et al. (2006)<br />

Intoxication by Ipomoea sericophylla <strong>an</strong>d Ipomoea riedelii<br />

in goats in the state of Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil.<br />

Toxicon 47(4):371-379.<br />

i p o Mo e a Tr ic o l o r Cav. [Convolvulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

badoh negro; blue morning-glory; blue water; flying<br />

saucers; heavenly-blue; morning-glory; summer skies;<br />

wedding bells; woodrose

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Isotoma petraea - 207<br />

Citations:<br />

Ingram AL Jr (1964) Morning glory seed reaction. JAMA<br />

190(13):1133-1134.<br />

i p o Mo e a v io l a c e a L. [Convolvulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

badoh; blue-star morning-glory; flying saucers; heavenly-blue;<br />

morning-glory; pearly gates; pearly gates<br />

morning-glory; summer skies; wedding bells<br />

Citations:<br />

Cohen S (1964) Suicide following morning glory seed ingestion.<br />

Am J Psychiatry 120(Apr):1024-1025.<br />

Fink PJ, Goldm<strong>an</strong> MJ, Lyons I (1966) Morning glory seed<br />

psychosis. Arch Gen Psychiatry 15:209-213.<br />

Ir<strong>an</strong>i<strong>an</strong> boxwood –see– Buxus sempervirens L.<br />

irby dalegrass –see– Euphorbia helioscopia L.<br />

iris desmarais –see– Iris pseudoacorus L.<br />

i r is × g e r Ma n ic a L. [Iridaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Deutsche Schwertlilie; flag iris; flag lily; fleurde-lis;<br />

Gelbe Schwertlilie; Himmelschwertel;<br />

Vielchenwurzel<br />

Citations:<br />

Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD (2001) Toxidromes<br />

associated with the most common pl<strong>an</strong>t ingestions. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(6):366-369.<br />

Ramón MF, Ballesteros S, Martínez-Arrieta R, et al. (2003)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d herb exposures in Spain. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

41(4):514.<br />

i r is × g e r Ma n ic a L. nothovar. florentina Dykes<br />

[Iridaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Florentine iris; orris root<br />

Citations:<br />

Winter GR (1948) Allergic m<strong>an</strong>ifestations caused by the use<br />

of a dentifrice containing orris root powder. J Periodont<br />

19:108.<br />

iris jaune –see– Iris pseudoacorus L.<br />

i r is p s e u d o a c o r u s L. [Iridaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

acoro bastardo; Blaue Ilge; Falscher Kalmus; fleurde-luce;<br />

Gelbe Schwertlilie; Himmelsschwertel; iris<br />

desmarais; iris jaune; Jacob’s-sword; lirio amarillo;<br />

Teichlilie; Veilchenwurzel; Wasserschwertlilie; water<br />

flag; yellow flag; yellow iris; yellow water iris<br />

Citations:<br />

Boddie GF (1947) Toxicological problems in veterinary<br />

medicine. Vet Rec 59(37):470-486.<br />

Caln<strong>an</strong> CD (1970) Iris pseudacorus L. Contact Dermatol<br />

Newsl 8(Aug):171.<br />

Irish broom –see– Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link<br />

Irish potato –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um tuberosum L.<br />

Irish yew –see– Taxus baccata L.<br />

iroko –see– Milicia excelsa (Welw.) C. C. Berg<br />

iroko teak –see– Milicia excelsa (Welw.) C. C. Berg<br />

iron oak –see– Quercus douglasii Hook. & Arn.; Quercus<br />

stellata W<strong>an</strong>genh.<br />

ironweed –see– Ambrosia trifida L.; Amsinckia intermedia<br />

Fisch. & C. A. Mey.; Erythrophleum chlorostachys (F.<br />

Muell.) Baill.<br />

ironwood –see– Erythrophleum chlorostachys (F. Muell.)<br />

Baill.<br />

ironwood tree –see– Machaerium scleroxylon Tul.<br />

Ishin –see– Blighia sapida K. D. Koenig<br />

isin –see– Blighia sapida K. D. Koenig<br />

Isle-of-Wight-vine –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.; Dioscorea<br />

communis (L.) Caddick & Wilkin<br />

Isocoma heterophylla (A. Gray) Greene = Isocoma plurifolia<br />

(Torr. & A. Gray) Greene<br />

iso c o Ma pl u r i f o l i a (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a plopappus heterophyllus (A. Gray) S. F. Blake;<br />

b igelowia coronopifolia A. Gray; h aplopappus heterophyllus<br />

(A. Gray) S. F. Blake; i socoma heterophylla<br />

(A. Gray) Greene; i socoma wrightii (A. Gray)<br />

Rydb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

alkali weed; burro weed; jimmy weed; rayless goldenrod;<br />

sick weed; woody aster<br />

Citations:<br />

Couch JF (1941) Trembles (milk sickness) produced by toxic<br />

butter. Vet Med 36(5):244-245.<br />

Jord<strong>an</strong> EO, Harris NM (1908) The cause of milksickness or<br />

trembles. JAMA 50(21):1665-1673.<br />

Marsh CD, Roe GC (1921) The “alkali disease” of livestock<br />

in the Pecos Valley. U S Dep Agric Circ #180:8 pp.<br />

Marsh CD, Roe GC, Clawson AB (1926) Rayless goldenrod<br />

(Aplopappus heterophyllus) as a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. U S<br />

Dep Agric Bull #1391:24 pp.<br />

Isocoma wrightii (A. Gray) Rydb. = Isocoma plurifolia<br />

(Torr. & A. Gray) Greene<br />

iso To Ma p e Tr a e a F. Muell. [Camp<strong>an</strong>ulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cheeky bugger; rock isotome<br />

Citations:<br />

Higginson AR (1957) Further notes on pl<strong>an</strong>ts injurious to<br />

m<strong>an</strong>. South Australia Naturalist 32(Dec):26.

208 - Isotropis cuneifolia D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

iso Tr o p is c u n e i f o l i a (Sm.) Domin [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

lambpoison; pea blossom poison<br />

Citations:<br />

Gardiner MR, Royce RD (1967) Poisoning of sheep <strong>an</strong>d<br />

cattle in Western Australia due to species of Isotropis<br />

(Papilionaceae). Aust J Agric Res 18:505-513.<br />

iso Tr o p is d r u MMo n d i i Meisn. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Gardiner MR, Royce RD (1967) Poisoning of sheep <strong>an</strong>d<br />

cattle in Western Australia due to species of Isotropis<br />

(Papilionaceae). Aust J Agric Res 18:505-513.<br />

iso Tr o p is f o r r e s Ti i F. Muell. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Colegate SM, Dorling PR, Huxtable CR, et al. (1992)<br />

Nephrotoxicity of Isotropis forrestii: Pathology of intoxication<br />

<strong>an</strong>d the structural determination of (+)-forrestine,<br />

a neurotoxic alkaloid isolated from the pl<strong>an</strong>t. In: James<br />

LF, Keeler RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Iowa State Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp. 414-417.<br />

Cooper TB, Huxtable CR, Vogel P (1986) The nephrotoxicity<br />

of Isotropis forrestii in sheep. Aust Vet J 63(6):178-182.<br />

Itali<strong>an</strong> be<strong>an</strong> –see– Vicia faba L.<br />

Itali<strong>an</strong> clover –see– Trifolium incarnatum L.<br />

Itali<strong>an</strong> cocklebur –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L. var.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>adense (Mill.) Torr. & A. Gray<br />

Itali<strong>an</strong> cypress –see– Cupressus sempervirens L.; Lolium<br />

multiflorum Lam.<br />

Itali<strong>an</strong> ryegrass –see– Lolium perenne L.<br />

itamo –see– Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus tithymaloides (L.) Poit.<br />

itchweed –see– Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

itsit –see– Tri<strong>an</strong>thema portulacastrum L.<br />

i va a n g u s Ti f o l i a Nutt. ex DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

false ragweed; marsh elder; narrow-leaf marsh elder;<br />

narrow-leaf sumpweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Murphy MJ, Reagor JC, Ray AC, et al. (1983) Bovine abortion<br />

associated with ingestion of Iva <strong>an</strong>gustifolia (narrowleaf<br />

sumpweed). Proc Am Assoc Vet Lab Diagn<br />

26:161-166.<br />

Smith WA, Prince HE, Cole ML (1941-1942) Contact dermatitis<br />

from the narrow leaf marsh elder (Iva <strong>an</strong>gustifolia).<br />

J Allergy 13:371-379.<br />

i va a n n u a L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

iva ciliata Willd.<br />

Common Names:<br />

burweed marsh elder; marsh elder; rough marsh elder<br />

Citations:<br />

Brunsting LA, Williams DH (1936) Ragweed (contact) dermatitis.<br />

JAMA 106(18):1533-1535.<br />

Burrows GE, Schwab RP, Stein LE, et al. (1998) Comparison<br />

of the reproductive effects of Baptisia australis, Iva<br />

<strong>an</strong>nua <strong>an</strong>d Sophora nuttalli<strong>an</strong>a in rats. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T,<br />

Barr AC (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

CABI. New York. pp. 297-302.<br />

Iva ciliata Willd. = Iva <strong>an</strong>nua L.<br />

i va Mic r o c e p h a l a Nutt. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

marsh elder<br />

Citations:<br />

Williams O, Speairs R, Boggs HW (1960) Hypersensitivity<br />

to marsh elder: Difficulties encountered in patch testing.<br />

J La State Med Soc 112(Jun):216-219.<br />

Iva x<strong>an</strong>thiifolia Nutt. = Cyclachaena x<strong>an</strong>thiifolia (Nutt.)<br />

Fresen.<br />

ivraie –see– Lolium perenne L.<br />

ivray –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

ivy –see– Hedera helix L.; Hedera helix L. subsp. c<strong>an</strong>ariensis<br />

(Willd.) Cout.<br />

ivy arum –see– Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl.<br />

ivy bindweed –see– Fallopia convolvulus (L.) Á. Löve<br />

ivy bush –see– Kalmia latifolia L.<br />

ivy-leaf morning-glory –see– Ipomoea hederacea Jacq.<br />

ivywood –see– Kalmia latifolia L.<br />

ixia –see– Chamaeleon gummifera (L.) Cass.<br />

i x io l a e n a b r e vic o Mp Ta F. Muell.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

button weed; flat billy button<br />

Citations:<br />

Walker KH, Thompson DR, Seam<strong>an</strong> JT (1980) Suspected<br />

poisoning of sheep by Ixiolaena brevicompta. Aust Vet J<br />

56(2):64-66.<br />

i x o d i a a c h i l l io i d e s R. Br. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Turner T (1980) Compositae dermatitis in South Australia:<br />

Contact dermatitis from Ixodia achillaeoides <strong>an</strong>d Cynara<br />

cardunculus or the tribulations of a dry flower arr<strong>an</strong>ger.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 6(6):444.

jaagsiektebossie –see– Crotalaria dura J. M. Wood & M. S.<br />

Ev<strong>an</strong>s<br />

jacar<strong>an</strong>da –see– Dalbergia nigra (Vell.) Allemão ex Benth.<br />

jack-in-the-pulpit –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott;<br />

Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Makino<br />

jack swort be<strong>an</strong> –see– C<strong>an</strong>avalia ensiformis (L.) DC.<br />

jackbe<strong>an</strong> –see– C<strong>an</strong>avalia ensiformis (L.) DC.<br />

Jackbohne –see– C<strong>an</strong>avalia ensiformis (L.) DC.<br />

j a c ob a e a a q u a Tic a (Hill) P. Gaertn. et al. var.<br />

aquatica [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s enecio aquaticus Hill; s enecio barbariefolius Rchb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

marsh ragwort<br />

Citations:<br />

Dybing O, Erichsen S (1959) Liver ch<strong>an</strong>ges in rats after<br />

administration of Senecio aquaticus. Acta Pathol Microbiol<br />

Sc<strong>an</strong>d 47:1-8.<br />

Ev<strong>an</strong>s WC, Ev<strong>an</strong>s ET (1949) Poisoning of farm <strong>an</strong>imals by<br />

the marsh ragwort (Senecio aquaticus Huds.). Nature<br />

164(4157):30-31.<br />

j a c ob a e a a q u a Tic a (Hill) P. Gaertn. et al. var.<br />

erratica (Bertol.) Pelser & Meijden [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s enecio erraticus Bertol.; s enecio erraticus Bertol.<br />

subsp. barbareifolius (Fiori) Beger<br />

Common Names:<br />

ragwort<br />

Citations:<br />

Araya O, Fuentealba IC (1990) Chronic hepato-toxicity<br />

of Senecio erraticus in calves from two 50-day feeding<br />

periods in consecutive years. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

32(6):555-557.<br />

Araya O, Hern<strong>an</strong>dez JR, Espinoza AE, et al. (1983) Serum<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges <strong>an</strong>d histologic liver lesions due to experimental<br />

ingestion of ragwort (Senecio erraticus) in sheep. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 25(1):4-7.<br />

Araya O, Ill<strong>an</strong>es O, Wittwer F (1986) Seneciosis en novillos<br />

despues de la exposicion natural a la ingestion de Senecio<br />

erraticus. Vet Argent 3(21):62, 64-67.<br />

Sova Z, V<strong>an</strong>ĕk J, Jicha J (1974) [Experimental production<br />

of liver fibrosis in horses by feeding them on groundsel<br />

(Senecio erraticus subsp. barbaraeifolius).] Sbornik Pro<br />

Ekon Fak Cesk Budejovicich Biol Rada 12:123-140.<br />

V<strong>an</strong>ĕk J (1958) Vergiftung mit Kreuzkraut (Senecio) als Ursache<br />

der Ždárer Pferdeseuche. Schweiz Z Pathol Bakteriol<br />

21(4):821-848.<br />

J<br />

j a c ob a e a r a p h a n i f o l i a (Wall. ex DC.) B.<br />

Nord. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s enecio diversifolius Wall. ex DC.<br />

Citations:<br />

Winter H, Seawright AA, Hrdlicka J, et al. (1993) Pyrrolizidine<br />

alkaloid poisoning of yaks: Diagnosis of pyrrolizidine<br />

alkaloid exposure by the demonstration of<br />

sulphur-conjugated pyrrolic metabolites of the alkaloid in<br />

circulating haemoglobin. Aust Vet J 70(8):312-313.<br />

j a c ob a e a v u l g a r is Gaertn. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s enecio jacobaea L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

benweed; doddies; Greiskraut; groundsel; Herbe-de-St.<br />

Jacques; hierba-de-s<strong>an</strong>tiago; jacobée; Jacobskreuzkraut;<br />

Jacobskruiskruid; Jakobskraut; ragwort; seggrum; staggerwort;<br />

stinking Willy; suzon; t<strong>an</strong>sy ragwort<br />

Citations:<br />

Betty RW, Markson LM (1954) Liver biopsy in the diagnosis<br />

of ragwort (Senecio jacobea) poisoning in a herd of<br />

cattle. Vet Rec 66(28):398-400.<br />

Brodrick T (1997) Ragwort poisoning in a pedigree cow. Vet<br />

Rec 141(18):480.<br />

Brüggem<strong>an</strong>n RJ (2003) Jacobskruiskruid. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd<br />

128:123.<br />

Burns J (1972) The heart <strong>an</strong>d pulmonary arteries in rats on<br />

Senecio jacobaea. J Pathol 106(3):187-194.<br />

Cheeke PR, Garm<strong>an</strong> GR (1973) Protein effect on t<strong>an</strong>sy ragwort<br />

toxicity in rats. J Anim Sci 37(1):276.<br />

Cheeke PR, Garm<strong>an</strong> GR (1974) Influence of dietary protein<br />

<strong>an</strong>d sulfur amino acid levels on the toxicity of Senecio jacobaea<br />

(t<strong>an</strong>sy ragwort) to rats. Nutr Rep Int 9(3):197-207.<br />

Cheeke PR, Pierson-Goeger ML (1983) Toxicity of Senecio<br />

jacobaea <strong>an</strong>d pyrrolizidine alkaloids in various laboratory<br />

<strong>an</strong>imals <strong>an</strong>d avi<strong>an</strong> species. Toxicol Lett 18(3):343-349.<br />

Cheeke PR, Schmitz JA, Lassen ED, et al. (1985) Effects<br />

of dietary supplementation with ethoxyquin, magnesium<br />

oxide, methionine hydroxy <strong>an</strong>alog, <strong>an</strong>d B vitamins on<br />

t<strong>an</strong>sy ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) toxicosis in beef cattle.<br />

Am J Vet Res 46(10):2179-2183.<br />

Cockburn RS, Eaton G, Hudson JR, et al. (1955) Acute poisoning<br />

of cattle by common ragwort (Senecio jacobaea<br />

L.). Vet Rec 67(Aug 20):640.<br />

Craig AM, Pearson EG, Meyer C, et al. (1991) Clinicopathologic<br />

studies of t<strong>an</strong>sy ragwort toxicosis in ponies:<br />

Sequential serum <strong>an</strong>d histopathological ch<strong>an</strong>ges. J Equine<br />

Vet Sci 11(5):261-271.<br />

Craig AM, Pearson EG, Meyer C, et al. (1991) Serum<br />

liver enzyme <strong>an</strong>d histopathologic ch<strong>an</strong>ges in calves with<br />

chronic <strong>an</strong>d chronic-delayed Senecio jacobaea toxicosis.<br />

Am J Vet Res 52(12):1969-1978.

210 - Jacobaea vulgaris D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

De<strong>an</strong> RE, Winward AH (1974) An investigation into the<br />

possibility of t<strong>an</strong>sy ragwort poisoning of black-tailed<br />

deer. J Wildl Dis 10(2):166-169.<br />

Dewes HF, Lowe MD (1985) Haemolytic crisis associated<br />

with ragwort poisoning <strong>an</strong>d rail chewing in two thoroughbred<br />

fillies. N Z Vet J 33(9):159-160.<br />

Ford EJ, Ritchie HE, Thorpe E (1968) Serum ch<strong>an</strong>ges following<br />

the feeding of ragwort (Senecio jacobea) to calves.<br />

J Comp Pathol 78(2):207-218.<br />

Garrett BJ, Holt<strong>an</strong> DW, Cheeke PR, et al. (1984) Effects of<br />

dietary supplementation with butylated hydroxy<strong>an</strong>isole,<br />

cysteine, <strong>an</strong>d vitamins B on t<strong>an</strong>sy ragwort (Senecio jacobaea)<br />

toxicosis in ponies. Am J Vet Res 45(3):459-464.<br />

Giles CJ (1983) Outbreak of ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) poisoning<br />

in horses. Equine Vet J 15(3):248-250.<br />

Goeger DE, Cheeke PR, Buhler DR (1979) Effect of dietary<br />

t<strong>an</strong>sy ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) on dairy goats <strong>an</strong>d toxicity<br />

of their milk. J Anim Sci 49(Suppl 1):370.<br />

Goeger DE, Cheeke PR, Ramsdell HS, et al. (1983) Comparison<br />

of the toxicities of Senecio jacobaea, Senecio vulgaris<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Senecio glabellus in rats. Toxicol Lett 15(1):19-23.<br />

Goeger DE, Cheeke PR, Schmitz JA, et al. (1982) Toxicity<br />

of t<strong>an</strong>sy ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) to goats. Am J Vet<br />

Res 43(2):252-254.<br />

Gopinath C, Ford EJ (1977) The effect of ragwort (Senecio<br />

jacobaea) on the liver of the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus):<br />

A histopathological <strong>an</strong>d enzyme histochemical<br />

study. Br Poult Sci 18(2):137-141.<br />

Harding JD, Lewis G, Done JT, et al. (1964) Experimental<br />

poisoning by Senecio jacobaea in pigs. Pathol Vet<br />

1:204-220.<br />

Hooper PT (1974) The pathology of Senecio jacobaea poisoning<br />

of mice. J Pathol 113(4):227-230.<br />

Johnson AE (1978) Toler<strong>an</strong>ce of cattle to t<strong>an</strong>sy ragwort<br />

(Senecio jacobaea). Am J Vet Res 39(9):1542-1544.<br />

Johnson AE (1982) Failure of mineral-vitamin supplements<br />

to prevent t<strong>an</strong>sy ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) toxicosis in<br />

cattle. Am J Vet Res 43(4):718-723.<br />

Johnson AE, Smart RA (1983) Effects on cattle <strong>an</strong>d their<br />

calves of t<strong>an</strong>sy ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) fed in early gestation.<br />

Am J Vet Res 44(7):1215-1219.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>ux-V<strong>an</strong> Gorder V (2000) T<strong>an</strong>sy ragwort poisoning in a<br />

horse in southern Ontario. C<strong>an</strong> Vet J 41(5):409-410.<br />

Markson LM (1960) The pathogenesis of the hepatic lesion<br />

in calves poisoned experimentally with Senecio jacobaea.<br />

Proc R Soc Med 53(Apr):283-284.<br />

Mir<strong>an</strong>da CL, Buhler DR, Cheeke PR (1979) Toxicity of<br />

t<strong>an</strong>sy ragwort in rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 48:A192.<br />

Mir<strong>an</strong>da CL, Cheeke PR, Schmitz JA, et al. (1980) Toxicity<br />

of Senecio jacobaea (t<strong>an</strong>sy ragwort) in rats. Toxicol Appl<br />

Pharmacol 56(3):432-442.<br />

Palfrey GD, MacLe<strong>an</strong> KS, L<strong>an</strong>gille WM (1967) Correlation<br />

between incidence of ragwort (Senecio jacobaea<br />

L.) poisoning <strong>an</strong>d lack of mineral in cattle. Weed Res<br />

7(2):171-175.<br />

Pearson EG (1977) Clinical m<strong>an</strong>ifestations of t<strong>an</strong>sy ragwort<br />

poisoning. Mod Vet Pract 58(5):421-424.<br />

St<strong>an</strong>dley HP (1924) Poisoning by ragwort (Senecio jacobaea).<br />

Vet J 80:35-36.<br />

Swick RA, Cheeke PR, Goeger DE, et al. (1982) Effect<br />

of dietary Senecio jacobaea <strong>an</strong>d injected Senecio alkaloids<br />

<strong>an</strong>d monocrotaline on guinea pigs. J Anim Sci<br />

55(6):1411-1416.<br />

Swick RA, Cheeke PR, Mir<strong>an</strong>da CL, et al. (1984) The<br />

effect of consumption of the pyrrolizidine alkaloidcontaining<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t Senecio jacobaea on iron <strong>an</strong>d copper<br />

metabolism in the rat. J Environ Pharmacol Toxicol<br />

5(4-5):59-69.<br />

Thorpe E, Ford EJ (1968) Development of hepatic lesions<br />

in calves fed with ragwort (Senecio jacobaea). J Comp<br />

Pathol 78(2):195-205.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Wuijckhuise L, Mars MH (2003) Antwoord auteurs:<br />

Nogmaals Jacobskruiskruidvergiftiging. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd<br />

128(4):123-124.<br />

Vockrodt H (1973) Vergiftungen l<strong>an</strong>dwirtschaftlicher Nutztiere<br />

durch Schadpfl<strong>an</strong>zen und deren Vorbeuge. Monatsh<br />

Veterinarmed 28(2):59-62.<br />

Vos JH, Geerts AA, Borgers JW, et al. (2002) Jacobskruiskruid:<br />

Bedrieglijke schoonheid. Vergifting met Senecio jacobaea.<br />

Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 127(24):753-756.<br />

White RD, Swick RA, Cheeke PR (1984) Effects of<br />

dietary copper <strong>an</strong>d molybdenum on t<strong>an</strong>sy ragwort<br />

(Senecio jacobaea) toxicity in sheep. Am J Vet Res<br />

45(1):159-161.<br />

jacobée –see– Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.<br />

Jacob’s-ladder –see– Convallaria majalis L.; Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

tithymaloides (L.) Poit.<br />

Jacob’s-sword –see– Iris pseudoacorus L.<br />

Jakobskraut –see– Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.<br />

Jacobskreuzkraut –see– Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.<br />

Jacobskruikruid –see– Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.<br />

jaggery –see– Saccharum officinarum L.<br />

jalap –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

jalapa –see– Allam<strong>an</strong>da cathartica L.<br />

jalapeño –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.; Capsicum frutescens L.<br />

Jamaic<strong>an</strong> apple –see– Annona reticulata L.<br />

Jamaic<strong>an</strong> sumach –see– Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug &<br />

Urb.<br />

Jamestown lily –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

Jamestown weed –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

jamuna –see– Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels<br />

j<strong>an</strong>ca tree –see– Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.<br />

j<strong>an</strong>uariebos –see– Gnidia polycephala Gilg<br />

japa –see– Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese <strong>an</strong>ise –see– Illicium <strong>an</strong>isatum L.<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese aucuba –see– Aucuba japonica Thunb.<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese barnyard millet –see– Echinochloa frumentacea Link<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese black pine –see– Pinus thunbergii Parl.<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese cedar –see– Cryptomeria japonica (L. f.) D. Don<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese daisy –see– T<strong>an</strong>acetum cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Sch.<br />

Bip.<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese date plum –see– Diospyros kaki Thunb.<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese fern palm –see– Cycas revoluta Thunb.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Jatropha curcas - 211<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese lacquer tree –see– Toxicodendron vernicifluum<br />

(Stokes) F. A. Barkley<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese laurel –see– Aucuba japonica Thunb.<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese millet –see– Echinochloa frumentacea Link<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese pepper –see– Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese persimmon –see– Diospyros kaki Thunb.<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese pieris –see– Pieris japonica (Thunb.) D. Don ex G.<br />

Don<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese plum –see– Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese poinsettia –see– Euphorbia heterophylla L.<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese sago –see– Cycas circinalis L.<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese shellac –see– Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) F.<br />

A. Barkley<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese show lily –see– Lilium l<strong>an</strong>cifolium Thunb.<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese star <strong>an</strong>ise –see– Illicium <strong>an</strong>isatum L.<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese sumach –see– Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes)<br />

F. A. Barkley<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese tallow tree –see– Triadica sebifera (L.) Small<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese varnish –see– Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes)<br />

F. A. Barkley<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese wax tree –see– Toxicodendron succed<strong>an</strong>eum (L.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese wisteria –see– Wisteria floribunda (Willd.) DC.<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese yew –see– Taxus cuspidata Siebold & Zucc.<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ische Lackbaum –see– Toxicodendron vernicifluum<br />

(Stokes) F. A. Barkley<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ische Primel –see– Primula obconica H<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>lack –see– Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) F. A.<br />

Barkley<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>sk idegr<strong>an</strong> –see– Taxus cuspidata Siebold & Zucc.<br />

jarak bl<strong>an</strong>da –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

jaramago bl<strong>an</strong>co –see– Raph<strong>an</strong>us raph<strong>an</strong>istrum L.<br />

jar<strong>an</strong>jinha –see– Polygala klotzschii Chodat<br />

jasmin –see– Jasminum officinale L.; Jasminum sambac (L.)<br />

Aiton<br />

jasmin amarillo –see– Allam<strong>an</strong>da cathartica L.<br />

jasmin-de-Caroline –see– Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) J.<br />

St.-Hil.<br />

jasmin-de-nuit –see– Cestrum nocturnum L.<br />

jasmin fr<strong>an</strong>ces –see– Moringa oleifera Lam.<br />

jasmine –see– Cestrum diurnum L.; Gelsemium sempervirens<br />

(L.) J. St.-Hil.; Jasminum officinale L.<br />

j a s Mi n u M a n g u l a r e Vahl [Oleaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1943) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XIII. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 18(1-2):207-224.<br />

j a s Mi n u M o f f ic i n a l e L. [Oleaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

jasmin; jasmine; poet’s-jasmine; white jasmine; yasmin<br />

Citations:<br />

Bedi BM (1971) Jasmine flower - Contact dermatitis (report<br />

of a case). Indi<strong>an</strong> J Dermatol 16(3):61-62.<br />

j a s Mi n u M s a Mb a c (L.) Aiton [Oleaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Arabi<strong>an</strong> jasmine; jasmin<br />

Citations:<br />

Singh R, Siddiqui MA, Baruah MC (1978) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis<br />

in Delhi. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med Res 68(Oct):650-655.<br />

Jatropha aceroides (Pax & K. Hoffm.) Hutch. = Jatropha<br />

lobata (Forssk.) Müll. Arg. subsp. aceroides Pax & K.<br />

Hoffm.<br />

j a Tr o p h a c u r c a s L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> purging nut; arbol s<strong>an</strong>to; Barbados purging<br />

nut; big-purge nut; bini-da-zugu; black vomit<br />

nut; botuje; coquillo; coquito; Cub<strong>an</strong> physicnut; curcas<br />

be<strong>an</strong>; drav<strong>an</strong>ti; habb-el-meluk; jarak bl<strong>an</strong>da; kukai<br />

haole; physicnut; pinhão-de-purga; piñoncillo; purge<br />

nut; purgeerboontjie; purging nut; ramjada; Schwarze<br />

Brechnuß; tártago; tempate; tuba; tuba tuba; wild castor<br />

seed<br />

Citations:<br />

Abdu Aguye I, S<strong>an</strong>nusi A, Alafiya Tayo RA, et al. (1986)<br />

Acute toxicity studies with Jatropha curcas L. Hum Toxicol<br />

5(4):269-274.<br />

Adam SE (1974) Toxic effects of Jatropha curcas in mice.<br />

Toxicology 2(1):67-76.<br />

Adam SE, Magzoub M (1975) Toxicity of Jatropha curcas<br />

(Euphorbiaceae) for goats. Toxicology 4(3):347-354.<br />

Ahmed OM, Adam SE (1979) Effects of Jatropha curcas on<br />

calves. Vet Pathol 16(4):476-482.<br />

Ahmed OM, Adam SE (1979) Toxicity of Jatropha curcas in<br />

sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats. Res Vet Sci 27(1):89-96.<br />

el Badwi SM, Adam SE, Hapke HJ (1992) Toxic effects of<br />

low levels of dietary Jatropha curcas seed on brown Hisex<br />

chicks. Vet Hum Toxicol 34(2):112-115.<br />

el Badwi SM, Mousa HM, Adam SE, et al. (1992) Response<br />

of brown Hisex chicks to low levels of Jatropha curcas,<br />

Ricinus communis or their mixture. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

34(4):304-306.<br />

Ho RK (1960) Acute poisoning from the ingestion of seeds<br />

of Jatropha curcas. Report of five cases. Hawaii Med J<br />

19(4):421-423.<br />

Joubert PH, Brown JM, Hay IT, et al. (1984) Acute poisoning<br />

with Jatropha curcas (purging nut tree) in children. S<br />

Afr Med J 65(18):729-730.<br />

Liberalino AA, Bambirra EA, Moraes S<strong>an</strong>tos T, et al. (1988)<br />

Jatropha curcas L. seeds: Chemical <strong>an</strong>alysis <strong>an</strong>d toxicity.<br />

Arq Biol Tecnologia 31(4):539-550.

212 - Jatropha dioica D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Makkar HP, Becker K (1998) Jatropha curcas toxicity: Identification<br />

of toxic principle(s). In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC<br />

(eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI.<br />

New York. pp. 554-558.<br />

Mamp<strong>an</strong>e KJ, Joubert PH, Hay IT (1987) Jatropha curcas:<br />

Use as a traditional tsw<strong>an</strong>a medicine <strong>an</strong>d its role as a cause<br />

of acute poisoning. Phytother Res 1(1):50-51.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>igrahi S, Fr<strong>an</strong>cis BJ, C<strong>an</strong>o LA, et al. (1984) Toxicity of<br />

Jatropha curcas seeds from Mexico to rats <strong>an</strong>d mice. Nutr<br />

Rep Int 29(5):1089-1099.<br />

R<strong>an</strong>dall JA (1914) Twenty-two cases of poisoning by the seed<br />

of Jatropha curcas. U S Nav Med Bull 8:290-291.<br />

Taufa T (1973) Poisoning of school children with physic<br />

nuts. Papua New Guinea Med J 16(1):60-61.<br />

j a Tr o p h a d io ic a Sessé [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

leather pl<strong>an</strong>t; leatherstem; rubber pl<strong>an</strong>t; rubber stem;<br />

s<strong>an</strong>gre-de-drago<br />

Citations:<br />

Boughton IB, Hardy WT (1939) Hard yellow livers of sheep<br />

<strong>an</strong>d cattle <strong>an</strong>d feeding trials of suspected pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas<br />

Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 52:238-240.<br />

j a Tr o p h a g l a u c a Griseb. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Barri ME, Onsa TO, Elawad AA, et al. (1983) Toxicity of<br />

five Sud<strong>an</strong>ese pl<strong>an</strong>ts to young rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. J Comp Pathol<br />

93(4):559-575.<br />

j a Tr o p h a g o s s y p i i f o l i a L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bellyache pl<strong>an</strong>t; bini-da-zugu; botuje papa; cottonleaf<br />

physicnut; physicnut; tuá tuá; wild cassava; wild<br />

physicnut<br />

Citations:<br />

Guirola L, Garcia G, Torrealba A, et al. (1992) Acute renal<br />

failure from the ingestion of toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

34(6):548.<br />

j a Tr o p h a l ob a Ta (Forssk.) Müll. Arg. subsp.<br />

aceroides Pax & K. Hoffm. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

j atropha aceroides (Pax & K. Hoffm.) Hutch.<br />

Citations:<br />

Barri ME, Onsa TO, Elawad AA, et al. (1983) Toxicity of<br />

five Sud<strong>an</strong>ese pl<strong>an</strong>ts to young rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. J Comp Pathol<br />

93(4):559-575.<br />

j a Tr o p h a Ma c r o r h i z a Benth.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

desert potato; jicamilla<br />

Citations:<br />

Consroe PF, Glow DE (1975) Clinical toxicology of the<br />

“Desert potato”: Two case reports of acute Jatropha macrorhiza<br />

root ingestion. Ariz Med 32(6):475-477.<br />

Jatropha m<strong>an</strong>ihot L. = M<strong>an</strong>ihot esculenta Cr<strong>an</strong>tz<br />

j a Tr o p h a Mu l Ti f i d a L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

arbre corail; avell<strong>an</strong>a-purg<strong>an</strong>te-de-S<strong>an</strong>to Domingo;<br />

botuje; bouquet corail; coral pl<strong>an</strong>t; emetico; flor-decoral;<br />

French physicnut; médicinier bâtard; médicinier<br />

d’espagne; noisetier purgatif; petit médicinier;<br />

physicnut; pinhoen; pino-de-coral; piñol-de-cumaña;<br />

purg<strong>an</strong>te-de-España; purging nut; S<strong>an</strong>ta Ana; small<br />

physicnut; tartago<br />

Citations:<br />

Baruffa G (1964) Avvelenamento da semi di Jatropha<br />

multifida (L). Arch Ital Sci Med Trop Parassitol<br />

45(May):261-264.<br />

Fawcett NP (1978) Pediatric facets of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts. J Fla<br />

Med Assoc 65(3):199-204.<br />

Flecker H (1945) Injuries produced by pl<strong>an</strong>ts in tropical<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. Med J Aust 1(Jun 23):636-637.<br />

Levin Y, Sherer Y, Bibi H, et al. (2000) Rare Jatropha<br />

multifida intoxication in two children. J Emerg Med<br />

19(2):173-175.<br />

Swaddiwudhipong W, Kunasol P, S<strong>an</strong>gw<strong>an</strong>loy O, et al.<br />

(1989) Foodborne disease outbreaks of chemical etiology<br />

in Thail<strong>an</strong>d, 1981-1987. Southeast Asi<strong>an</strong> J Trop Med<br />

Public Health 20(1):125-132.<br />

j a Tr o p h a p o d ag r ic a Hook. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

coral pl<strong>an</strong>t; gout stalk; Guatamal<strong>an</strong> rhubarb; physicnut;<br />

podagrica<br />

Citations:<br />

Swaddiwudhipong W, Kunasol P, S<strong>an</strong>gw<strong>an</strong>loy O, et al.<br />

(1989) Foodborne disease outbreaks of chemical etiology<br />

in Thail<strong>an</strong>d, 1981-1987. Southeast Asi<strong>an</strong> J Trop Med<br />

Public Health 20(1):125-132.<br />

Jatropha urens L. = Cnidoscolus urens (L.) Arthur<br />

Java be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus lunatus L.<br />

Java indigo –see– Indigofera arrecta Hochst. ex A. Rich<br />

Java olive –see– Sterculia foetida L.<br />

Java teak –see– Tectona gr<strong>an</strong>dis L. f.<br />

Java willow –see– Ficus benjamina L.<br />

Javabohne –see– Phaseolus lunatus L.<br />

Jav<strong>an</strong>ese lac tree –see– Gluta renghas L.<br />

Jav<strong>an</strong>ischer Giftbaum –see– Antiaris toxicaria Lesch.<br />

javillo –see– Hura crepit<strong>an</strong>s L.<br />

jayapala –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

Je<strong>an</strong> Robert –see– Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp.<br />

jelutong –see– Dyera costulata (Miq.) Hook. f.<br />

jengkol be<strong>an</strong> –see– Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I. C. Nielsen<br />

jenkol –see– Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I. C. Nielsen<br />

jenkol be<strong>an</strong> –see– Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I. C. Nielsen

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Jugl<strong>an</strong>s regia - 213<br />

jequirity be<strong>an</strong> –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

jequirity pea –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

jering –see– Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I. C. Nielsen<br />

Jerusalem berry –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um pseudocapsicum L.<br />

Jerusalem cherry –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um pseudocapsicum L.<br />

Jerusalem oak –see– Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin<br />

& Clem<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

Jerusalemkirsche –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um pseudocapsicum L.<br />

jessamine –see– Cestrum diurnum L.; Gelsemium<br />

sempervirens (L.) J. St.-Hil.<br />

jetbead –see– Rhodotypos sc<strong>an</strong>dens (Thunb.) Makino<br />

jetberry bush –see– Rhodotypos sc<strong>an</strong>dens (Thunb.) Makino<br />

Jewbush –see– Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus tithymaloides (L.) Poit.<br />

jhunjhunia –see– Crotalaria n<strong>an</strong>a Burm f.<br />

jicama –see– Pachyrhizus erosus (L.) Urb.<br />

jicamilla –see– Jatropha macrorhiza Benth.<br />

jimãozinho –see– Polygala klotzschii Chodat<br />

jimbey –see– Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit<br />

jimmy fern –see– Astrolepis cochisensis (Goodd.) D. M.<br />

Benham & Windham<br />

jimmy weed –see– Isocoma plurifolia (Torr. & A. Gray)<br />

Greene<br />

jimson weed –see– Datura inoxia Mill.; Datura metel L.;<br />

Datura stramonium L.; Datura wrightii Regel<br />

jin-bu-hu<strong>an</strong> –see– Polygala chinensis L.; Huperzia serrata<br />

(Thunb.) Trevis.<br />

jitong –see– Gluta renghas L.<br />

jiv<strong>an</strong>ti –see– Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.) Wight & Arn.<br />

jo jo –see– Soliva sessilis Ruiz & Pav.<br />

joá-preto –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um fastigiatum Willd.<br />

Jo<strong>an</strong> Silverpin –see– Papaver somniferum L.<br />

j o a n n e s i a p r i n c e p s Vell. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>da; <strong>an</strong>da assu; cotieira<br />

Citations:<br />

Nishioka SA, Escal<strong>an</strong>te RD (1997) Poisoning by the ingestion<br />

of seeds of the fruit of the “cotieira” (Jo<strong>an</strong>nesia princeps).<br />

Rev Paul Med 115(1):1366-1367.<br />

jocote marañon –see– Anacardium occidentale L.<br />

joggemscholtzbossie –see– Pteronia pallens L. f.<br />

Joh<strong>an</strong>niskraut –see– Hypericum perforatum L.<br />

Johnsongrass –see– Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.<br />

joint charlock –see– Raph<strong>an</strong>us raph<strong>an</strong>istrum L.<br />

joint fir –see– Ephedra viridis Coville<br />

joint rush –see– Equisetum arvense L.; Juncus holoschoenus R.<br />

Br.<br />

jojoba –see– Simmondsia chinensis (Link) C. K. Schneid.<br />

Jonesiella recedens Rydb. = Astragalus praelongus E. Sheld.<br />

jonquil –see– Narcissus jonquilla L.<br />

jorro jorro –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

Joseph’s-coat –see– Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton<br />

jowar –see– Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

juar –see– Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

jugl<strong>an</strong>s –see– Jugl<strong>an</strong>s nigra L.<br />

j u g l a n s n ig r a L. [Jugl<strong>an</strong>daceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

black walnut; jugl<strong>an</strong>s; walnut<br />

Citations:<br />

Eaton SA, Allen D, Eades SC, et al. (1995) Digital Starling<br />

forces <strong>an</strong>d hemodynamics during early laminitis induced<br />

by <strong>an</strong> aqueous extract of black walnut (Jugl<strong>an</strong>s nigra) in<br />

horses. Am J Vet Res 56(10):1338-1344.<br />

Galey FD, Twardock AR, Goetz TE, et al. (1990)<br />

Gamma scintigraphic <strong>an</strong>alysis of the distribution of<br />

perfusion of blood in the equine foot during black walnut<br />

(Jugl<strong>an</strong>s nigra)-induced laminitis. Am J Vet Res<br />

51(4):688-695.<br />

McConnico R, Stokes AM, Eades SC, et al. (2005) Investigation<br />

of the effect of black walnut extract on in vitro<br />

tr<strong>an</strong>sport <strong>an</strong>d structure of equine colonic mucosa. Am J<br />

Vet Res 66(3):443-449.<br />

Peterson DE (1984) Equine laminitis associated with black<br />

walnut toxicity. Minnesota Vet 24(1):38-43.<br />

Ralston SL, Rich VA (1983) Black walnut toxicosis in horses.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 183(10):1095.<br />

Siegel JM (1954) Dermatitis due to black walnut juice. Arch<br />

Derm Syphilol 70(4):511-513.<br />

Uhlinger C (1989) Black walnut toxicosis in ten horses. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 195(3):343-344.<br />

j u g l a n s o l a n c h a n a St<strong>an</strong>dl. & L. O. Williams<br />

[Jugl<strong>an</strong>daceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Central Americ<strong>an</strong> walnut<br />

Citations:<br />

Bush RK, Clayton D (1983) Asthma due to Central Americ<strong>an</strong><br />

walnut (Jugl<strong>an</strong>s ol<strong>an</strong>ch<strong>an</strong>a) dust. Clin Allergy<br />

13(4):389-394.<br />

j u g l a n s r e g i a L. [Jugl<strong>an</strong>daceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Circassi<strong>an</strong> walnut; English walnut; Madeira walnut;<br />

nogal; Persi<strong>an</strong> walnut; Walnuß<br />

Citations:<br />

Bonamonte D, Foti C, Angelini G (2001) Hyperpigmentation<br />

<strong>an</strong>d contact dermatitis due to Jugl<strong>an</strong>s regia. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 44(2):101-102.<br />

Mendonca C, Mad<strong>an</strong> V, Austin S, et al. (2005) Occupational<br />

contact urticaria from walnut associated with h<strong>an</strong>d<br />

eczema. Contact Dermatitis 53(3):173-174.<br />

Neri I, Bi<strong>an</strong>chi F, Giacomini F, et al. (2006) Acute irrit<strong>an</strong>t<br />

contact dermatitis due to Jugl<strong>an</strong>s regia. Contact Dermatitis<br />


214 - Juncus holoschoenus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

juhsóska –see– Rumex acetosella L.<br />

jujube –see– Ziziphus jujuba Mill.<br />

jumbee bead –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

jumbey –see– Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit<br />

j u n c u s h o l o s c h o e n u s R. Br. [Juncaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

joint rush<br />

Citations:<br />

Albiston HE (1937) The joint leaf rush (Juncus holoschoenus):<br />

A cy<strong>an</strong>ogenetic pl<strong>an</strong>t. Aust Vet J 13(Oct):200.<br />

j u n e l l i a l ig u s Tr i n a (Lag.) Moldenke<br />

[Verbenaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l ippia ligustrina (Lag.) Britton<br />

Common Names:<br />

whitebrush<br />

Citations:<br />

Mathews FP (1941) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Davis Mountains.<br />

Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 54:93.<br />

Mathews FP (1942) Whitebrush (Lippia ligustrina) poisoning<br />

in horses. J Am Vet Med Assoc 101(784):35-38.<br />

juniper –see– Juniperus communis L.; Juniperus osteosperma<br />

(Torr.) Little; Juniperus oxycedrus L.<br />

j u n i p e r u s c h i n e n s is L. [Cupressaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Chinese juniper<br />

Citations:<br />

Dooms-Goossens A, Maertens M, v<strong>an</strong> Lint L, et al. (1984)<br />

Colophony-induced sensitivity to Juniperus chinensis L.<br />

‘Hetzii’? Contact Dermatitis 10(3):185-187.<br />

j u n i p e r u s c o MMu n is L. [Cupressaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> juniper; dwarf juniper; genièvre; Heidewacholder;<br />

juniper; közöbséges boróka; Kr<strong>an</strong>baum; little<br />

juniper; Mach<strong>an</strong>delbaum; mineur; mountain juniper;<br />

pétron; vulgaire; Wacholder<br />

Citations:<br />

Gardner DR, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, James LF, et al. (1998) Abortifacient<br />

effects of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) <strong>an</strong>d common<br />

juniper (Juniperus communis) on cattle. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 40(5):260-263.<br />

j u n i p e r u s Mo n o s p e r Ma (Engelm.) Sarg.<br />

[Cupressaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

one-seed juniper<br />

Citations:<br />

Holechek JL, Munshikpu AV, Saiw<strong>an</strong>a L, et al. (1990)<br />

Influences of six shrub diets varying in phenol content on<br />

intake <strong>an</strong>d nitrogen retention by goats. Trop Grassl<strong>an</strong>ds<br />

24(2):93-98.<br />

j u n i p e r u s o s Te o s p e r Ma (Torr.) Little<br />

[Cupressaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

juniper; little Utah juniper; Utah juniper<br />

Citations:<br />

Johnson AE, James LF, Spillett J (1976) The abortifacient<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxic effects of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)<br />

<strong>an</strong>d juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) on domestic sheep. J<br />

R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag 29(4):278-280.<br />

j u n i p e r u s o x y c e d r u s L. [Cupressaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cade juniper; juniper<br />

Citations:<br />

Grolnick M (1938) Dermatitis due to haemorrhoidal ointment<br />

containing Krameria <strong>an</strong>d oil of cade. JAMA<br />

110(13):951-953.<br />

Lord LW (1933) Oil of cadeberry. A little known drug that<br />

is valuable in certain dermatoses. Arch Derm Syphilol<br />

28:29-31.<br />

Nelson T (1932) Contact dermatitis to oil of cade. J Allergy<br />

3:319.<br />

Rahm<strong>an</strong>i H, Leonhardt S, Beladdale D, et al. (2004) Severe<br />

acute lung oedema after rectal enema with cade oil. J Toxicol<br />

Clin Toxicol 42(4):487.<br />

j u n i p e r u s p i n c h o Ti i Sudw. [Cupressaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

red-berry juniper<br />

Citations:<br />

Straka E, Scott CB, Taylor CA Jr, et al. (2004) Biological<br />

control of the toxic shrub juniper. In: Acamovic T, Stewart<br />

CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related<br />

toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp. 436-442.<br />

Juno’s-tears –see– Verbena officinalis L.<br />

jusquiame –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

jusquiame noire –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

juta –see– Corchorus capsularis L.<br />

jute –see– Corchorus capsularis L.

Kaffee –see– Coffea arabica L.<br />

Kaffeebohne –see– Coffea arabica L.<br />

kafferkoring –see– Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

kafir corn –see– Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

kafir lily –see– Clivia miniata (Lindl.) Regel<br />

kafir onion –see– Boophone disticha (L. f.) Herb.<br />

kahili flower –see– Grevillea b<strong>an</strong>ksii R. Br.<br />

kaipajua –see– Glinus oppositifolius (L.) Aug. DC.<br />

kaki –see– Diospyros kaki Thunb.<br />

kal<strong>an</strong>choe –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe daigremonti<strong>an</strong>a Raym.-Hamet<br />

& H. Perrier; Kal<strong>an</strong>choe delagoensis Eckl. & Zeyh.;<br />

Kal<strong>an</strong>choe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.; Kal<strong>an</strong>choe prolifera<br />

(Bowie ex Hook.) Raym.-Hamet<br />

k a l a n c h o e d a ig r e Mo n Ti a n a Raym.-<br />

Hamet & H. Perrier [Crassulaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b ryophyllum daigremonti<strong>an</strong>um (Raym.-Hamet & H.<br />

Perrier) A. Berger<br />

Common Names:<br />

air pl<strong>an</strong>t; Christmas bells; devil’s-backbone; kal<strong>an</strong>choe;<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> hat pl<strong>an</strong>t; mission bells; mother-of-millions;<br />

mother-of-thous<strong>an</strong>ds<br />

Citations:<br />

McKenzie RA, Dunster PJ (1986) Hearts <strong>an</strong>d flowers: Bryophyllum<br />

poisoning of cattle. Aust Vet J 63(7):222-227.<br />

McKenzie RA, Fr<strong>an</strong>ke FP, Dunster PJ (1987) The toxicity to<br />

cattle <strong>an</strong>d bufadienolide content of six Bryophyllum species.<br />

Aust Vet J 64(10):298-301.<br />

Williams MC, Smith MC (1984) Toxicity of Kal<strong>an</strong>choe spp<br />

to chicks. Am J Vet Res 45(3):543-546.<br />

k a l a n c h o e d e l ag o e n s is Eckl. & Zeyh.<br />

[Crassulaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b ryophyllum tubiflorum Harv.; k al<strong>an</strong>choe tubiflora<br />

(Harv.) Raym.-Hamet<br />

Common Names:<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>delier pl<strong>an</strong>t; Christmas bells; kal<strong>an</strong>choe; mission<br />

bells; mother-of-millions<br />

Citations:<br />

McKenzie RA, Dunster PJ (1986) Hearts <strong>an</strong>d flowers: Bryophyllum<br />

poisoning of cattle. Aust Vet J 63(7):222-227.<br />

McKenzie RA, Dunster PJ (1987) Curing experimental Bryophyllum<br />

tubiflorum poisoning of cattle with activated<br />

carbon, electrolyte replacement solution <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>tiarrhythmic<br />

drugs. Aust Vet J 64(7):211-214.<br />

K<br />

Williams MC, Smith MC (1984) Toxicity of Kal<strong>an</strong>choe spp<br />

to chicks. Am J Vet Res 45(3):543-546.<br />

k a l a n c h o e f e d Ts c h e n k o i Raym.-Hamet &<br />

H. Perrier [Crassulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

lavender scallops; South Americ<strong>an</strong> air pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

McKenzie R (1987) Mother-of-millions. In: Covacevich et<br />

al. (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>imals. A guide for Australia.<br />

pp. 51-55.<br />

Williams MC, Smith MC (1984) Toxicity of Kal<strong>an</strong>choe spp<br />

to chicks. Am J Vet Res 45(3):543-546.<br />

k a l a n c h o e i n Te g r a (Medik.) Kuntze<br />

[Crassulaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Varma RK (1986) Antidotal treatment of experimental Kal<strong>an</strong>choe<br />

integra poisoning. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 56(4):411.<br />

Varma RK, Garg BD, Kharole MU, et al. (1981) Chronic<br />

toxicity studies on Kal<strong>an</strong>choe integra in sheep. Indi<strong>an</strong> J<br />

Anim Sci 51(5):522-526.<br />

k a l a n c h o e l a n c e o l a Ta (Forssk.) Pers.<br />

[Crassulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gadalin kura<br />

Citations:<br />

Anderson LA, Schultz RA, Joubert JP, et al. (1983)<br />

Krimpsiekte <strong>an</strong>d acute cardiac glycoside poisoning in<br />

sheep caused by bufadienolides from the pl<strong>an</strong>t Kal<strong>an</strong>choe<br />

l<strong>an</strong>ceolata Forsk. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

50(4):295-300.<br />

Masvingwe C, Mavenyengwa M (1997) Kal<strong>an</strong>choe l<strong>an</strong>ceolata<br />

poisoning in Brahm<strong>an</strong> cattle in Zimbabwe: The first<br />

field outbreak. J S Afr Vet Assoc 68(1):18-20.<br />

Schultz RA, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, V<strong>an</strong> den Berg H (2005) The<br />

role of fluorescence polarization immuno-assay in the<br />

diagnosis of pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced cardiac glycoside poisoning<br />

livestock in South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

72(3):189-201.<br />

k a l a n c h o e p i n n a Ta (Lam.) Pers.<br />

[Crassulaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b ryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken<br />

Common Names:<br />

air pl<strong>an</strong>t; cathedral bells; floppers; kal<strong>an</strong>choe; life pl<strong>an</strong>t;<br />

live forever; live leaf; Mexic<strong>an</strong> love pl<strong>an</strong>t; resurrection<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t; sinalo todo

216 - Kal<strong>an</strong>choe prolifera D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

McKenzie R (1987) Mother-of-millions. In: Covacevich et<br />

al. (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>imals. A guide for Australia.<br />

pp. 51-55.<br />

McKenzie RA, Dunster PJ (1986) Hearts <strong>an</strong>d flowers:<br />

Bryophyllum poisoning of cattle. Aust Vet J<br />

63(7):222-227.<br />

Reppas GP (1995) Byophyllum pinnatum poisoning of cattle.<br />

Aust Vet J 72(11):425-427.<br />

k a l a n c h o e p r o l i f e r a (Bowie ex Hook.)<br />

Raym.-Hamet [Crassulaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b ryophyllum proliferum Bowie ex Hook.<br />

Common Names:<br />

kal<strong>an</strong>choe<br />

Citations:<br />

McKenzie R (1987) Mother-of-millions. In: Covacevich et<br />

al. (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>imals. A guide for Australia.<br />

pp. 51-55.<br />

McKenzie RA, Dunster PJ (1986) Hearts <strong>an</strong>d flowers:<br />

Bryophyllum poisoning of cattle. Aust Vet J<br />

63(7):222-227.<br />

Shone DK (1966) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part I. Rhodesia<br />

Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 4:81-94.<br />

Shone DK (1967) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part II.<br />

Rhodesia Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 5:29-41.<br />

Kal<strong>an</strong>choe tubiflora (Harv.) Raym.-Hamet = Kal<strong>an</strong>choe<br />

delagoensis Eckl. & Zeyh.<br />

kale –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. viridis L.<br />

kali mona –see– Paspalum scrobiculatum L. var. bispicatum<br />

Hack.<br />

kaliphool –see– Salvia coccinea Buc’hoz ex Etl.<br />

Kalla –see– Calla palustris L.<br />

k a l ls Tr o e Mi a h i r s u Tis s i Ma Vail ex Small<br />

[Zygophyllaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

carpetweed; hairy caltrop<br />

Citations:<br />

Mathews FP (1944) The toxicity of Kallstroemia hirsutissima<br />

(carpet weed) for cattle, sheep, <strong>an</strong>d goats. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 105(810):152-155.<br />

Wilson RD, Witzel DA, Verl<strong>an</strong>der JM (1982) Somatosensory-evoked<br />

response of ataxic Angora goats in suspected<br />

haloxon-delayed neurotoxicity. Am J Vet Res<br />

43(12):2224-2226.<br />

Kallstroemia intermedia Rydb. = Kallstroemia parviflora<br />

Norton<br />

k a l ls Tr o e Mi a p a rv i f l o r a Norton<br />

[Zygophyllaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

k allstroemia intermedia Rydb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

warty caltrop<br />

Citations:<br />

Dollahite JW (1975) Toxicity of Kallstroemia parviflora<br />

(warty caltrop) to sheep, goats <strong>an</strong>d rabbits. Southwestern<br />

Vet 28(2):135-139.<br />

k a l Mi a a n g u s Ti f o l i a L. [Ericaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Berglorbeer; calfkill; dwarf laurel; dwarf sheep laurel;<br />

kidkill; lamb laurel; lambkill; lambkill Kalmia; laurel;<br />

Lorbeerose; low laurel; narrow-leaf laurel; sheep laurel;<br />

sheep poison; sheep poison laurel; sheepkill; small laurel;<br />

spoonwood; spoonwood ivy; wicky; wintergreen<br />

Citations:<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB (1930) Mountain-laurel (Kalmia<br />

latifolia) <strong>an</strong>d sheep laurel (Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia) as stockpoisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Tech Bull #219:22 pp.<br />

Pritchard WR (1956) Laurel (Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia) poisoning<br />

of sheep. North Am Vet 37(Jun):461-462.<br />

Wasserm<strong>an</strong> B (1959) Sheep laurel poisoning in the cat. A<br />

case report. J Am Vet Med Assoc 135(Dec 1):569.<br />

k a l Mi a l a Ti f o l i a L. [Ericaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> laurel; big ivy; broad-leaf laurel; calico bush;<br />

great laurel; high laurel; ivy bush; ivywood; laurel;<br />

mountain ivy; mountain laurel; poison laurel; rose laurel;<br />

round-leaf laurel; spoon hunt; spoon hutch; spoonwood;<br />

wicky; wintergreen; wood laurel<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1922) The problem of poisonous r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Nevada Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 1921:10-12.<br />

Anonymous (1969) Pl<strong>an</strong>t toxin poisoned the honey. New Sci<br />

(1956) 41(J<strong>an</strong> 30):218.<br />

Crawford AC (1908) Mountain laurel, a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. U S<br />

Dep Agric Bur Pl<strong>an</strong>t Indus Bull #121(2):21-35.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB (1930) Mountain-laurel (Kalmia<br />

latifolia) <strong>an</strong>d sheep laurel (Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia) as stockpoisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Tech Bull #219:22 pp.<br />

Rusby HH (1902) The poisonous properties of mountain laurel.<br />

Druggists Circ Chem Gaz 46(Feb):27.<br />

k a l Mi a Mic r o p h y l l a (Hook.) A. Heller<br />

[Ericaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

alpine kalmia; alpine laurel; bog laurel; pale laurel;<br />

small-leaf laurel; western laurel; western swamp kalmia;<br />

western swamp laurel<br />

Citations:<br />

Clawson AB (1933) Alpine kalmia (Kalmia microphylla) as<br />

a stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>t. U S Dep Agric Tech Bull #391:9<br />

pp.<br />

Fleming CE (1920) <strong>Poisonous</strong> r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric<br />

Exp Sta Annu Rep 1919:39-43.<br />

Kalmus –see– Acorus calamus L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a - 217<br />

kalo nut –see– Vernicia fordii (Hemsl.) Airy Shaw<br />

kaluduru –see– Nigella sativa L.<br />

kamaisa –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

kamala –see– Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) Müll. Arg.<br />

Kamalindo –see– Tamarindus indica L.<br />

kambala –see– Milicia excelsa (Welw.) C. C. Berg<br />

kambala teak –see– Milicia excelsa (Welw.) C. C. Berg<br />

kameelboom –see– Acacia ×giraffae Willd.<br />

kameeldoring –see– Acacia ×giraffae Willd.<br />

Kamille –see– Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All.; Matricaria<br />

recutita L.<br />

kamoon –see– Cuminum cyminum L.<br />

k<strong>an</strong>-to-ka –see– Tussilago farfara L.<br />

K<strong>an</strong>adische Rebe –see– Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

k<strong>an</strong>dlaarbos –see– Tylecodon wallichii (Harv.) Toelken<br />

k<strong>an</strong>er –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

k<strong>an</strong>ir –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

k<strong>an</strong>ja –see– Millettia pinnata (L.) P<strong>an</strong>igrahi<br />

k<strong>an</strong>kera –see– Gymnosporia spinosa (Bl<strong>an</strong>co) Merr. &<br />

Rolfe<br />

k<strong>an</strong>kerbos –see– Euphorbia ingens E. Mey. ex Boiss.<br />

K<strong>an</strong>sas thistle –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um rostratum Dunal<br />

Kapuziner Bohne –see– Phaseolus coccineus L.<br />

Kapuzinerkresse –see– Tropaeolum majus L.<br />

karaka –see– Corynocarpus laevigatus J. R. Forst. & G.<br />

Forst.<br />

karam –see– Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl.; Haldina<br />

cordifolia (Roxb.) Ridsdale<br />

kar<strong>an</strong>ja –see– Milletia pinnata (L.) P<strong>an</strong>igrahi<br />

karar –see– Terminalia chebula Retz.<br />

karara –see– Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

karati –see– Dichapetalum stuhlm<strong>an</strong>ii Engl.<br />

karaya gum –see– Sterculia urens Roxb.<br />

karayu gum –see– Sterculia urens Roxb.<br />

karela –see– Momordica char<strong>an</strong>tia L.<br />

karihari –see– Gloriosa superba L.<br />

Karotte –see– Daucus carota L.<br />

Kartoffel –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um tuberosum L.<br />

k a r w i n s k i a c a l d e r o n i i St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

[Rhamnaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

buckthorn; cacachilla; huilihuiste; tullidora<br />

Citations:<br />

Ascherio A, Bermudez CS, Garcia D (1992) Outbreak<br />

of buckthorn paralysis in Nicaragua. J Trop Pediatr<br />

38(2):87-89.<br />

k a r w i n s k i a h u Mb o l d Ti a n a (Schult.) Zucc.<br />

[Rhamnaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

buckthorn; cacachilla; cacatsi; cajotillo; callotrio;<br />

capulín tullidor; capulín tullidore; capulincillo; cayote;<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ch<strong>an</strong>ote; coyotillo; coyotillo-de-Texas; coyotio;<br />

gallita bush; la tullidora; margarita; palo negrito; pimientillo;<br />

riventdore; t<strong>an</strong>glefoot; tullidora; wild cherry<br />

Citations:<br />

Arreola Nava ME, Vázquez Castellaños JL, González Castañeda<br />

ME (2000) Factores geográficos en la epidemiología<br />

de la intoxicación por Karwinskia (tullidora) en Mexico.<br />

Cad Saude Publica 16(1):255-260.<br />

Bermúdez-De Rocha MV, Loz<strong>an</strong>o-Meléndez FE, Tamez<br />

Rodríguez VA, et al. (1995) Frecuencia da intoxicación<br />

con Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a en México. Salud Publica<br />

Mex 37(1):57-62.<br />

Bermúdez MV, Gonzalez Spencer D, Guerrero M, et al.<br />

(1986) Experimental intoxication with fruit <strong>an</strong>d purified<br />

toxins of buckthorn (Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a). Toxicon<br />

24(11-12):1091-1097.<br />

Bermúdez MV, Martinez FJ, Salazar ME, et al. (1992)<br />

Experimental acute intoxication with ripe fruit of Karwinskia<br />

humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (tullidora) in rat, guinea-pig, hamster,<br />

<strong>an</strong>d dog. Toxicon 30(11):1493-1496.<br />

Bustam<strong>an</strong>te-Sarabia J, Olvera-Rabiela JE, Correa Nieto-<br />

C<strong>an</strong>edo L (1978) Intoxication fatal por tullidora (Karwinskia<br />

humboldti<strong>an</strong>a). Comunicacion de un caso. Gac<br />

Med Mex 114(5):241-244.<br />

Calderon-Gonzalez R, Rizzi-Hern<strong>an</strong>dez H (1967) Buckthorn<br />

polyneuropathy. N Engl J Med 277(2):69-71.<br />

Carrada-Bravo T, López-Leal H, Vázquez-Arias G, et al.<br />

(1983) Brote epidémico de polirradiculoneuritis por tullidora<br />

Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a. Bol Med Hosp Inf<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Mex 40(3):139-147.<br />

Charlton KM, Claborn LD, Pierce KR (1971) A neuropathy<br />

in goats caused by experimental coyotillo (Karwinskia<br />

humboldti<strong>an</strong>a) poisoning: Clinical <strong>an</strong>d neurophysiologic<br />

studies. Am J Vet Res 32(9):1381-1389.<br />

Charlton KM, Pierce KR (1969) Peripheral neuropathy in<br />

experimental coyotillo poisoning in goats. Tex Rep Biol<br />

Med 27(2):389-399.<br />

Charlton KM, Pierce KR (1970) A neuropathy in goats<br />

caused by experimental coyotillo (Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a)<br />

poisoning. 2. Lesions in the peripheral nervous<br />

system: Teased fiber <strong>an</strong>d acid phosphatase studies. Pathol<br />

Vet 7(5):385-407.<br />

Charlton KM, Pierce KR (1970) A neuropathy in goats<br />

caused by experimental coyotillo (Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a)<br />

poisoning. 3. Distribution of lesions in peripheral<br />

nerves. Pathol Vet 7(5):408-419.<br />

Charlton KM, Pierce KR (1970) A neuropathy in goats<br />

caused by experimental coyotillo (Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a)<br />

poisoning. 4. Light <strong>an</strong>d electron microscopic lesions<br />

in peripheral nerves. Pathol Vet 7(5):420-434.<br />

Charlton KM, Pierce KR, Storts RW, et al. (1970) A neuropathy<br />

in goats caused by experimental coyotillo (Karwinskia<br />

humboldti<strong>an</strong>a) poisoning. 5. Lesions in the central<br />

nervous system. Pathol Vet 7(5):435-447.<br />

Del Pozo EC (1965) Los effectos paraliz<strong>an</strong>tes de la “tullidora”<br />

estudios clinícos y experimentales. Gac Med Mex<br />


218 - Karwinskia johnstonii D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Dew<strong>an</strong> ML, Henson JB, Dollahite JW, et al. (1965) Toxic<br />

myodegeneration in goats produced by feeding mature<br />

fruits from the coyotillo pl<strong>an</strong>t (Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a).<br />

Am J Pathol 46(2):215-226.<br />

Escobar Izquierdo A, Nieto D (1965) Aspectos neuropatologicos<br />

de la intoxicación con Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a<br />

intoxication. Estudio experimental. Gac Med Mex<br />

95(2):163-177.<br />

Espinola C<strong>an</strong>tÓn JJ (1972) Estudio preliminar, con el<br />

microscopio electrónico, de las alteraciones estructurales<br />

de las células hepáticas, renales, musculares y en las vainas<br />

de mielina de ratones intoxicados con Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

Veterinaria 3(1):12-17.<br />

Flores Otero G, Cueva J, Muñoz Martinez EJ, et al. (1987)<br />

Spectrophotometric <strong>an</strong>d chromatographic detection of<br />

Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (tullidora) toxin in rat serum<br />

after tullidora ingestion. Toxicon 25(4):419-426.<br />

Jarmillo-Juárez F, Ortiz GG, Vázquez ML, et al. (1995)<br />

Renal failure during acute toxicity produced by tullidora<br />

ingestion (Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a). Gen Pharmacol<br />

26(3):649-653.<br />

Jaramillo-Juárez F, Rodríguez-Vázquez ML, Muñoz-<br />

Martínez J, et al. (2005) The ATP levels in kidneys<br />

<strong>an</strong>d blood are mainly decreased by acute ingestion<br />

of tullidora (Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a). Toxicon<br />

46(1):99-103.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Roe GC (1928) Coyotillo (Karwinskia<br />

humboldti<strong>an</strong>a) as a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. U S Dep<br />

Agric Tech Bull #29:26 pp.<br />

Martinez HR, Bermudez MV, R<strong>an</strong>gel Guerra RA, et al.<br />

(1998) Clinical diagnosis in Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a<br />

polyneuropathy. J Neurol Sci 154(1):49-54.<br />

Muñoz-Martínez EJ, Cueva J, Joseph-Nath<strong>an</strong> P (1983) Denervation<br />

caused by tullidora (Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a).<br />

Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol 9(2):121-134.<br />

Ortiz GG, Gonzalez Burgos I, Feria Velasco A (1992) Structural<br />

study of the acute effect of Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a<br />

on cerebral motor cortex, hippocampus, <strong>an</strong>d caudate<br />

nucleus of the rat. Gen Pharmacol 23(3):543-547.<br />

Padron Puyou F (1951) Estudio clinico-experimental de la<br />

paralisis por Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (“Tullidora”) en<br />

niños. Gac Med Mex 81(2-3-4):299-311.<br />

Puértolas Márquez MA, Nava Jiménez O, Medina Lopéz<br />

HA, et al. (1984) Polirradiculoneuritis por Karwinskia<br />

humboldti<strong>an</strong>a. Informe de seis casos. Rev Med Inst Mex<br />

Seguro Soc 22(1):25-27.<br />

k a r w i n s k i a jo h n s To n i i R. Fernández<br />

[Rhamnaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Arreola Nava ME, Vázquez Castell<strong>an</strong>os JL, González Cast<strong>an</strong>eda<br />

ME (2000) Factores geográficos en la epidemiología<br />

de la intoxicación por Karwinskia (tullidora) en<br />

Mexico. Cad Saude Publica 16(1):255-260.<br />

k a r w i n s k i a Mo l l is Schltdl. [Rhamnaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Arreola Nava ME, Vázquez Castell<strong>an</strong>os JL, González Cast<strong>an</strong>eda<br />

ME (2000) Factores geográficos en la epidemiología<br />

de la intoxicación por Karwinskia (tullidora) en<br />

Mexico. Cad Saude Publica 16(1):255-260.<br />

k a r w i n s k i a p a rv i f o l i a Rose [Rhamnaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

coyotillo<br />

Citations:<br />

Arreola Nava ME, Vázquez Castell<strong>an</strong>os JL, González Cast<strong>an</strong>eda<br />

ME (2000) Factores geográficos en la epidemiología<br />

de la intoxicación por Karwinskia (tullidora) en<br />

Mexico. Cad Saude Publica 16(1):255-260.<br />

k a r w i n s k i a r z e d o w s k i i R. Fernández<br />

[Rhamnaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Arreola Nava ME, Vázquez Castell<strong>an</strong>os JL, González Cast<strong>an</strong>eda<br />

ME (2000) Factores geográficos en la epidemiología<br />

de la intoxicación por Karwinskia (tullidora) en<br />

Mexico. Cad Saude Publica 16(1):255-260.<br />

Kast<strong>an</strong>ie –see– Aesculus glabra Willd.; Cast<strong>an</strong>ea sativa Mill.<br />

kat –see– Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl.<br />

kateli –see– Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

katzimelk –see– Prosopis gl<strong>an</strong>dulosa Torr.<br />

kaunch –see– Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

kava –see– Piper methysticum G. Forst.<br />

kava kava –see– Piper methysticum G. Forst.<br />

kava<strong>an</strong>uo bos –see– Senecio ilicifolius L.<br />

kawa –see– Piper methysticum G. Forst.<br />

k e d r o s Tis n a n a Cogn. [Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1940) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa, X. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

15(1-2):261-277.<br />

keel crumbweed –see– Chenopodium carinatum R. Br.<br />

keel goosefoot –see– Chenopodium carinatum R. Br.<br />

kejaat –see– Pterocarpus <strong>an</strong>golensis DC.<br />

keladi –see– Alocasia longiloba Miq.<br />

keladi ch<strong>an</strong>dek –see– Alocasia longiloba Miq.<br />

Kellerhals –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

Kellogg’s-spur lupine –see– Lupinus argenteus Pursh var.<br />

heter<strong>an</strong>thus (S. Watson) Barneby<br />

Kelsey’s-milk vetch –see– Astragalus atropubescens J. M.<br />

Coult. & Fisch.<br />

Kentish balsam –see– Mercurialis perennis L.<br />

Kentucky coffee tree –see– Gymnocladus dioicus (L.) K. Koch<br />

Kentucky coffeebe<strong>an</strong> –see– Gymnocladus dioicus (L.) K.<br />

Koch<br />

Kentucky mahog<strong>an</strong>y –see– Gymnocladus dioicus (L.) K. Koch<br />

kerek repkény –see– Glechoma hederacea L.<br />

Kermesbeere –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Khaya senegalensis - 219<br />

kerriebos –see– Hypericum revolutum Vahl<br />

kesari dal –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

ketjubung –see– Datura metel L.<br />

kew –see– Piper methysticum G. Forst.<br />

kew tree –see– Ginkgo biloba L.<br />

khair –see– Acacia catechu (L. f.) Willd.<br />

khalibui –see– Heliotropium ellipticum Ledeb.<br />

kh<strong>an</strong>dai –see– Melilotus albus Medik.<br />

khat –see– Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl.<br />

khaya –see– Khaya <strong>an</strong>thotheca (Welw.) C. DC.<br />

k h a y a a n Th o Th e c a (Welw.) C. DC.<br />

[Meliaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

k haya nyasica Stapf ex Baker f.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> mahog<strong>an</strong>y; khaya<br />

Citations:<br />

Estl<strong>an</strong>der T, Jol<strong>an</strong>ki R, Al<strong>an</strong>ko K, et al. (2001) Occupational<br />

allergic contact dermatitis caused by wood dusts. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 44(4):213-217.<br />

Morg<strong>an</strong> JW, Orsler RJ, Wilkinson DS (1968) Dermatitis due<br />

to the wood dusts of Khaya <strong>an</strong>thotheca <strong>an</strong>d Machaerium<br />

scleroxylon. Br J Ind Med 25(2):119-125.<br />

Morg<strong>an</strong> JW, Wilkinson DS (1965) Sensitization to Khaya<br />

<strong>an</strong>thotheca. Nature 207(5001):1101.<br />

Wilkinson DS (1968) Wood dermatitis. Sensitization to<br />

Khaya <strong>an</strong>thotheca (Afric<strong>an</strong> mahog<strong>an</strong>y). Br J Dermatol<br />

80(3):195-196.<br />

Wilkinson DS (1971) Tests with different species of Khaya<br />

woods. Contact Dermatol Newsl 9(J<strong>an</strong>):216.<br />

k h a y a e u r y p h y l l a Harms [Meliaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Wilkinson DS (1971) Tests with different species of Khaya<br />

woods. Contact Dermatol Newsl 9(J<strong>an</strong>):216.<br />

k h a y a i vo r e n s is A. Chev. [Meliaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

k haya klainei Pierre ex Pellegr.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> mahog<strong>an</strong>y; Afrik<strong>an</strong>isches Mahagoni;<br />

sam<strong>an</strong>guilla<br />

Citations:<br />

D<strong>an</strong>tin-Gallego J, Armayor AF, Riesco J (1952) Some new<br />

toxic woods: Some new m<strong>an</strong>ifestations of toxicity. Ind<br />

Med Surg 21(2):41-46.<br />

Estl<strong>an</strong>der T, Jol<strong>an</strong>ki R, Al<strong>an</strong>ko K, et al. (2001) Occupational<br />

allergic contact dermatitis caused by wood dusts. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 44(4):213-217.<br />

Wilkinson DS (1968) Wood dermatitis. Sensitization to<br />

Khaya <strong>an</strong>thotheca (Afric<strong>an</strong> mahog<strong>an</strong>y). Br J Dermatol<br />

80(3):195-196.<br />

Wilkinson DS (1971) Tests with different species of Khaya<br />

woods. Contact Dermatol Newsl 9(J<strong>an</strong>):216.<br />

Khaya klainei Pierre ex Pellegr. = Khaya ivorensis A. Chev.<br />

k h a y a Ma d ag a s c a r i e n s is Jum. & H. Perrier<br />

[Meliaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Wilkinson DS (1971) Tests with different species of Khaya<br />

woods. Contact Dermatol Newsl 9(J<strong>an</strong>):216.<br />

Khaya nyasica Stapf ex Baker f. = Khaya <strong>an</strong>thotheca (Welw.)<br />

C. DC.<br />

k h a y a s e n e g a l e n s is (Desr.) A. Juss.<br />

[Meliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afrik<strong>an</strong>isches Mahagoni; Mahagoni<br />

Citations:<br />

D<strong>an</strong>tin-Gallego J, Armayor AF, Riesco J (1952) Some new<br />

toxic woods: Some new m<strong>an</strong>ifestations of toxicity. Ind<br />

Med Surg 21(2):41-46.<br />

khella –see– Ammi visnaga (L.) Lam.<br />

khesara dahl –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

khesari –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

khesari dahl –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

khesari del –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

khilla –see– Ammi visnaga (L.) Lam.<br />

khillala –see– Ammi visnaga (L.) Lam.<br />

Kiawe be<strong>an</strong> –see– Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC.<br />

Kichererbse –see– Cicer arietinum L.; Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

kidkill –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

kidney be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

Kiefer –see– Pinus sylvestris L.<br />

kif –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

kikar –see– Acacia jacquemontii Benth.; Acacia leucophloea<br />

(Roxb.) Willd.<br />

kikuyagrass –see– Pennisetum cl<strong>an</strong>destinum Hochst. ex<br />

Chiov.<br />

Kikuyugrass –see– Pennisetum cl<strong>an</strong>destinum Hochst. ex<br />

Chiov.<br />

kimbar mahalba –see– Rourea coccinea (Schumach. &<br />

Thonn.) Hook. f.<br />

Kimberley couch –see– Brachyachne convergens (F. Muell.)<br />

Stapf<br />

King Edward daisy –see– Leuc<strong>an</strong>themum vulgare Lam.<br />

King Isl<strong>an</strong>d melilot –see– Melilotus indicus (L.) All.<br />

king-of-fruits –see– M<strong>an</strong>gifera indica L.<br />

king-of-the-day –see– Cestrum diurnum L.<br />

kings-<strong>an</strong>d-queens –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

king’s-consound –see– Consolida regalis Gray<br />

king’s-crown –see– Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton

220 - Krameria ixine D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Kirschlorbeer –see– Prunus laurocerasus L.<br />

kiss-me-quick –see– Brunfelsia latifolia (Pohl) Benth.<br />

kissieblaaren –see– Malva parviflora L.<br />

kitten-breeches –see– Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh.<br />

Kittie McW<strong>an</strong>ie –see– Asclepias curassavica L.<br />

kiwach –see– Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

kiwachi –see– Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

kiwash –see– Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

kiwi –see– Actinidia chinensis Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.; Actinidia deliciosa (A.<br />

Chev.) C. F. Li<strong>an</strong>g & A. R. Ferguson<br />

klaaslouwbossie –see– Ath<strong>an</strong>asia trifurcata (L.) L.<br />

Klamath weed –see– Hypericum perforatum L.<br />

klapperbos –see– Crotalaria burke<strong>an</strong>a Benth.<br />

Klappermohn –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

Klatschmohn –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

Klatschrose –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

Kleebaum –see– Laburnum <strong>an</strong>agyroides Medik.<br />

kleiner Ampfer –see– Rumex acetosella L.<br />

Kleingrass –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum coloratum L.<br />

kleiner Sauerampfer –see– Rumex acetosella L.<br />

kleiner Schachtelhalm –see– Equisetum arvense L.<br />

Kleopatra nadel –see– Cleome spinosa Jacq.<br />

klesari dal –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

Klettenhaare –see– Arctium lappa L.<br />

klimop –see– Cyn<strong>an</strong>chum obtusifolium L. f.<br />

Klivie –see– Clivia miniata (Lindl.) Regel<br />

Knallerbsenstrauch –see– Symphoricarpos albus (L.) S. F.<br />

Blake<br />

knapweed –see– Centaurea solstitialis L.<br />

Knaulgras –see– Dactylis glomerata L.<br />

knight’s-spur –see– Consolida regalis Gray<br />

knitbone –see– Symphytum officinale L.<br />

Knoblauch –see– Allium sativum L.<br />

Knobleig –see– Allium sativum L.<br />

Knoflack –see– Allium sativum L.<br />

Knorpelmöhre –see– Ammi majus L.<br />

Knospen –see– Tussilago farfara L.<br />

knot bindweed –see– Fallopia convolvulus (L.) Á. Löve<br />

knotweed –see– Polygonum aviculare L.<br />

koa haole –see– Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit<br />

kochia –see– Bassia scoparia (L.) A. J. Scott<br />

Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad. = Bassia scoparia (L.) A. J.<br />

Scott<br />

kocsányos tölgy –see– Quercus robur L.<br />

Kohl –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.<br />

koibos –see– Tetragonia schenkii (Schinz) Engl.<br />

Kokardenblume –see– Gaillardia pulchella Foug. var. picta<br />

(Sweet) A. Gray<br />

konjac –see– Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch<br />

konti –see– Zamia integrifolia L. f.<br />

Kopfsalat –see– Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata L.<br />

Korallenstrauch –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um pseudocapsicum L.<br />

Kore<strong>an</strong> ginseng –see– P<strong>an</strong>ax ginseng C. A. Mey.<br />

Kore<strong>an</strong> lespedeza –see– Kummerowia stipulacea (Maxim.)<br />

Makino<br />

Kore<strong>an</strong> pine –see– Pinus koraiensis Siebold & Zucc.<br />

Kore<strong>an</strong> red ginseng –see– P<strong>an</strong>ax ginseng C. A. Mey.<br />

Kori<strong>an</strong>der –see– Cori<strong>an</strong>drum sativum L.<br />

Kornrade –see– Agrostemma githago L.<br />

koro –see– Mauria heterophylla Kunth<br />

koropo –see– Crotalaria retusa L.<br />

kosso –see– Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce) J. F. Gmel.<br />

koto –see– Pterygota bequaertii De Wild.; Pterygota<br />

macrocarpa K. Schum.<br />

kousso –see– Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce) J. F. Gmel.<br />

kouterbossie –see– Ath<strong>an</strong>asia trifurcata (L.) L.<br />

kov<strong>an</strong>na bos –see– Senecio burchellii DC.; Senecio ilicifolius L.<br />

kowhai –see– Sophora microphylla Aiton<br />

közöbséges boróka –see– Juniperus communis L.<br />

kraalbos –see– Galenia afric<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

kra ni<strong>an</strong>g –see– Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I. C. Nielsen<br />

krakos –see– Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I. C. Nielsen<br />

k r a Me r i a i x i n e L. [Krameriaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cadia-del-perro<br />

Citations:<br />

Dunham LJ, Sheets RH, Morton JF (1974) Proliferative<br />

lesions in cheek pouch <strong>an</strong>d esophagus of hamsters treated<br />

with pl<strong>an</strong>ts from Curacao, Netherl<strong>an</strong>d Antilles. J Natl<br />

C<strong>an</strong>cer Instit 53(5):1259-1269.<br />

Morton JF (1979) Pl<strong>an</strong>t t<strong>an</strong>nins <strong>an</strong>d esophageal c<strong>an</strong>cer. In:<br />

Deichm<strong>an</strong>n WB (ed.) Toxicology <strong>an</strong>d occupational medicine.<br />

Elsevier. New York. pp. 129-137.<br />

k r a Me r i a l a p p a c e a (Dombey) Burdet & B. B.<br />

Simpson [Krameriaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Peruvi<strong>an</strong> rhat<strong>an</strong>y; red rhat<strong>an</strong>y; rhat<strong>an</strong>hia; rhat<strong>an</strong>ia<br />

Citations:<br />

Grolnick M (1938) Studies in contact dermatitis. III. Active<br />

sensitization with Krameria in m<strong>an</strong>. J Invest Dermatol<br />

1:179-189.<br />

Kr<strong>an</strong>baum –see– Juniperus communis L.<br />

Krätzraute –see– Ruta graveolens L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Kummerowia stipulacea - 221<br />

Kren –see– Armoracia rustic<strong>an</strong>a P. Gaertn. et al.<br />

Kreuzblättrige Wolfsmilch –see– Euphorbia lathyris L.<br />

Kreuzdorn –see– Rhamnus cathartica L.<br />

Kreuzkraut –see– Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.<br />

Kriechender Hahnenfuß –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus repens L.<br />

krimpsiektebos –see– Tylecodon wallichii (Harv.) Toelken<br />

krimpsiektebossie –see– Cotyledon orbiculata L.<br />

krisna jirak –see– Carum carvi L.<br />

kristkorn –see– Ilex aquifolium L.<br />

kristpalme –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

Krokus –see– Crocus sativus L.<br />

Kronenschütchen –see– Securigera varia (L.) Lassen<br />

Kronwicke –see– Securigera varia (L.) Lassen<br />

Krötengraß –see– Euphorbia cyparissias L.<br />

Krötenpeterlein –see– Aethusa cynapium L.<br />

Kruiskruid –see– Senecio vulgaris L.<br />

ku<strong>an</strong>-yin-lien –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don<br />

kubabul –see– Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit<br />

kukai haole –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

kukui nut –see– Aleurites molucc<strong>an</strong>us (L.) Willd.<br />

k u MMe r o w i a s Ti p u l a c e a (Maxim.) Makino<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l espedeza stipulacea Maxim.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Kore<strong>an</strong> lespedeza; lespedeza<br />

Citations:<br />

Muhrer ME, Gentry RF (1948) A hemorrhagic factor in<br />

moldy Lespedeza hay. Missouri Agric Exp Sta Res Bull<br />

#429:11 pp.<br />

kunde –see– Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.<br />

kundur laut –see– Sarcolobus globosus Wall.<br />

kurrajong –see– Brachychiton populneus (Schott & Endl.) R.<br />

Br.<br />

kusth –see– Saussurea costus (Falc.) Lipsch.

la ciguë vireuse –see– Cicuta virosa L.<br />

la-nielle-des-blés –see– Agrostemma githago L.<br />

la parquina –see– Cestrum parqui L’Her.<br />

la tullidora –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.<br />

la yedra –see– Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torr. & A. Gray)<br />

Greene<br />

lablab –see– Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet<br />

l a b l a b p u r p u r e u s (L.) Sweet [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d olichos lablab L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

field be<strong>an</strong>; gallinazo; horse gam; horsebe<strong>an</strong>; hyacinth<br />

be<strong>an</strong>; lablab<br />

Citations:<br />

Jaffé WG (1950) Estudio sobre la inhibición del crecimeniento<br />

de ratas causado por algunas semillas de leguminosas.<br />

Acta Cient Venez 1(2):62-64.<br />

Jaffé WG (1950) La toxicidad de las caraotas crudas para<br />

conejos. Acta Cient Venez 1(1):16-17.<br />

labriform milkweed –see– Asclepias labriformis M. E. Jones<br />

laburnum –see– Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link; Laburnum<br />

<strong>an</strong>agyroides Medik.<br />

l a b u r n u M a l p i n u M (Mill.) J. Presl [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

alpine golden-chain; Scotch laburnum; Scottish<br />

laburnum<br />

Citations:<br />

Mitchell RG (1951) Laburnum poisoning in children. Report<br />

on ten cases. L<strong>an</strong>cet 261(2):57-58.<br />

l a b u r n u M a n ag y r o i d e s Medik. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c ytisus laburnum L.; l aburnum vulgare J. Presl<br />

Common Names:<br />

be<strong>an</strong> tree; be<strong>an</strong> trefoil; Bohnenbaum; Bohnenstrauch;<br />

cytise; false ebony; Geißklee; golden chain; golden rail;<br />

golden rain; Goldregen; he broom; Kleebaum; laburnum;<br />

rain tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Auchterlonie L (1948) Laburnum poisoning. Vet Rec<br />

60(48):633-634.<br />

Biggs MG (1883) Case of poisoning by laburnum. Br Med J<br />

1(Jun 9):1117-1118.<br />

L<br />

Bramley A, Goulding R (1981) Laburnum “poisoning.” Br<br />

Med J 283(6301):1220-1221.<br />

Bramley A, Goulding R (1982) Laburnum “poisoning.” Br<br />

Med J 284(6309):116.<br />

Clarke ML, Clarke EG, King T (1971) Fatal laburnum poisoning<br />

in a dog. Vet Rec 88(7):199-200.<br />

Furet Y, Ernouf D, Brechot JF, et al. (1986) Intoxication<br />

collective aux fleurs de cytise. Presse Med<br />

15(23):1103-1104.<br />

Honegger RE, Furrer J (1975) Einige bemerkenswerte<br />

Todesfälle bei Reptilien. Salam<strong>an</strong>dra 11(3-4):179-181.<br />

Keeler RF, Baker DC (1990) Myopathy in cattle induced<br />

by alkaloid extracts from Thermopsis mont<strong>an</strong>a, Laburnum<br />

<strong>an</strong>agyroides, <strong>an</strong>d a Lupinus sp. J Comp Pathol<br />

103:169-182.<br />

Leyl<strong>an</strong>d A (1981) Laburnum (Cytisus laburnum) poisoning<br />

in two dogs. Vet Rec 109(13):287.<br />

Mitchell RG (1951) Laburnum poisoning in children. Report<br />

on ten cases. L<strong>an</strong>cet 261(2):57-58.<br />

Mořkovský O, Kučera J (1980) Hromadná otrava dĕtí v<br />

kolektivním zařízení semeny štĕdřence. Cesk Pediatr<br />

35(5-6):284-285.<br />

Richards HG, Stephens A (1970) A fatal case of laburnum<br />

seed poisoning. Med Sci Law 10(4):260-266.<br />

Roberts AM (1877) A case of Laburnum poisoning. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

2(Sep 1):341.<br />

V<strong>an</strong>ce J (1877) Poisoning by Laburnum seeds. L<strong>an</strong>cet 2(Sep<br />

15):414.<br />

Wheelhouse CG (1870) Laburnum poisoning. Br Med J<br />

1(J<strong>an</strong> 22):79.<br />

Laburnum vulgare J. Presl = Laburnum <strong>an</strong>agyroides Medik.<br />

lace flower –see– Ammi majus L.<br />

lace-tree Philodendron –see– Philodendron bipinnatifidum<br />

Schott ex Endl.<br />

lacquer –see– Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) F. A.<br />

Barkley<br />

lacquer tree –see– Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) F. A.<br />

Barkley<br />

l a c Tu c a s a Ti va L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Grüner Salat; lettuce; Salat; wild lettuce<br />

Citations:<br />

Friis B, Hjorth N, Vail JT Jr, et al. (1975) Occupational<br />

contact dermatitis from Cichorium (chicory, endive) <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Lactuca (lettuce). Contact Dermatitis 1(5):311-313.<br />

Gregory M (1997) Lettuce as a suspected cause of narcosis in<br />

a duckling. Vet Rec 141(12):316.<br />

Hel<strong>an</strong>der I (1984) Contact dermatitis to lettuce. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 11(4):249.

224 - Lactuca sativa D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Krook G (1977) Occupational dermatitis from Lactuca<br />

sativa (lettuce) <strong>an</strong>d Cichorium (endive). Simult<strong>an</strong>eous<br />

occurrence of immediate <strong>an</strong>d delayed allergy as a cause of<br />

contact dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis 3(1):27-36.<br />

Mitchell D, Beck MH, Hausen BM (1989) Contact sensitivity<br />

to lettuce in a chef. Contact Dermatitis 20(9):398-399.<br />

Rinkel HJ, Balyeat RM (1932) Occupational dermatitis due<br />

to lettuce. JAMA 98(2):137-138.<br />

l a c Tu c a s a Ti va L. var. capitata L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cabbage lettuce; iceberg lettuce; Kopfsalat<br />

Citations:<br />

Hausen BM (1979) The sensitizing capacity of compositae<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. III. Test results <strong>an</strong>d cross-reactions in compositaesensitive<br />

patients. Dermatologica 159(1):1-11.<br />

l a c Tu c a s a Ti va L. var. longifolia Lam.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

romaine lettuce<br />

Citations:<br />

Vail JT Jr, Mitchell JC (1973) Occupational dermatitis from<br />

Cichorium intybus, C. endiva <strong>an</strong>d Lactuca sativa var.<br />

longifolia. Contact Dermatol Newsl 14(Aug):413-414.<br />

ladino clover –see– Trifolium repens L.<br />

Ladinoklee –see– Trifolium repens L.<br />

Lady Campbell’s-weed –see– Echium pl<strong>an</strong>tagineum L.<br />

lady laurel –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

lady-of-the-night –see– Cestrum nocturnum L.<br />

lady’s-bower –see– Clematis vitalba L.<br />

lady’s-finger –see– Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench<br />

lady’s-seal –see– Dioscorea communis (L.) Caddick & Wilkin<br />

lady’s-slipper –see– Cypripedium reginae Walter;<br />

Paphiopedilum haynaldi<strong>an</strong>um (Rchb. f.) Stein<br />

lady’s-sorrel –see– Oxalis acetosella L.<br />

lady’s-tears –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

lady’s-thimble –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

lady’s-thistle –see– Silybum mari<strong>an</strong>um (L.) Gaertn.<br />

lady’s-thumb –see– Persicaria maculosa Gray<br />

l a e n n e c i a c o u l Te r i (A. Gray) G. L. Nesom<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c onyza coulteri A. Gray<br />

Common Names:<br />

conyza; Coulter’s-conyza<br />

Citations:<br />

Boughton IB, Hardy WT (1941) Feeding trials of suspected<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 54:159.<br />

l ag e n a r i a s ic e r a r i a (Molina) St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

[Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

amargo; bottle gourd; calabash gourd; camasa; c<strong>an</strong>dungo;<br />

caracho; gourd; maracos; marimbas; marimbo;<br />

tula-de-mate<br />

Citations:<br />

Barri ME, Onsa TO, Elawad AA, et al. (1983) Toxicity of<br />

five Sud<strong>an</strong>ese pl<strong>an</strong>ts to young rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. J Comp Pathol<br />

93(4):559-575.<br />

l ag e r s Tr o e Mi a p a rv i f l o r a Roxb.<br />

[Lythraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bodh<strong>an</strong>gero<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

lagrimas-de-Maria –see– Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Vent.<br />

lagu<strong>an</strong>a –see– Annona muricata L.<br />

lakh –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

lakh dahl –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

lakhori –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

Lakritze –see– Glycyrrhiza glabra L.<br />

lal burass –see– Rhododendron arboreum Sm.<br />

lal champa –see– Plumeria rubra L.<br />

l’alerce –see– Fitzroya cupressoides (Molina) I. M. Johnst.<br />

lamb-in-a-pulpit –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

lamb laurel –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

Lambert’s-crazyweed –see– Oxytropis lambertii Pursh<br />

Lambert’s-locoweed –see– Oxytropis lambertii Pursh<br />

Lambert’s-point locoweed –see– Oxytropis lambertii Pursh<br />

lambkill –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

lambkill Kalmia –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

lambpoison –see– Ipomoea muelleri Benth.; Isotropis cuneifolia<br />

(Sm.) Domin<br />

lamb’s-quarter –see– Chenopodium album L.<br />

lamb’s-tongue –see– Scleroblitum atriplicinum (F. Muell.)<br />

Ulbr.<br />

lamb’s-tongue groundsel –see– Senecio integerrimus Nutt.<br />

l a Mi u M a Mpl e x ic a u l e L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

dead nettle; hedge nettle; henbit; henbit dead nettle;<br />

Citations:<br />

Dodd S, Henry M (1921) Staggers or shivers in live stock.<br />

Agric Gaz New South Wales 32:327-329.<br />

White CT (1921) Two pl<strong>an</strong>ts poisonous to stock. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d<br />

Agric J New Series 16(Sep):194-196.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara - 225<br />

l a Mp r o c a p n o s s p e c Ta b i l is (L.) Fukuhara<br />

[Fumariaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d icentra spectabilis (L.) Lem.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bleeding heart<br />

Citations:<br />

Harville CH (1933) Contact dermatitis due to a common<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t. J Allergy 4:527-529.<br />

lamtoro –see– Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit<br />

l<strong>an</strong> tsao –see– Eupatorium chinense L.<br />

l<strong>an</strong>ce-leaf sage –see– Salvia reflexa Hornem.<br />

l<strong>an</strong>d cress –see– Lepedium didymum L.<br />

l<strong>an</strong>g –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

l<strong>an</strong>g du –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don<br />

l<strong>an</strong>gue-de-chien –see– Cynoglossum officinale L.<br />

l<strong>an</strong>gwort –see– Veratrum album L.<br />

l a n n e a c o r o Ma n d e l ic a (Houtt.) Merr.<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

dabdabey<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

l<strong>an</strong>oline bush –see– Zieria smithii Andrews<br />

l<strong>an</strong>sina –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

l<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a –see– L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara L.<br />

l a n Ta n a c a Ma r a L. [Verbenaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l <strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a tiliifolia Cham.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bunchberry; buti; camará; cherry pie; ewon agogo;<br />

hierba-de-Zorro; l<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a; large-leaf l<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a; latina;<br />

p<strong>an</strong>ch; pasarín; racha; red sage; S<strong>an</strong> Rafaelito; shrub<br />

verbena; tickberry; wild sage; yellow sage<br />

Citations:<br />

Agarwala ON, Negi SS, Mahadev<strong>an</strong> V (1962) Serum bilirubin<br />

<strong>an</strong>d icteric index values in cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep in experimental<br />

L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a poisoning. Curr Sci 31(12):506-507.<br />

Aguilera R, Zaldívar V, Margolles E, et al. (1986) Indicadores<br />

del funcionamiento hepático en la intoxicación experimental<br />

aguda de vacas por L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara. Rev Salud<br />

Anim 8(3):211-220.<br />

Black H, Carter RG (1985) L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a poisoning of cattle <strong>an</strong>d<br />

sheep in New Zeal<strong>an</strong>d. N Z Vet J 33(8):136-137.<br />

Brito MF, Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J (2004) A toxidez de<br />

diversas l<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>as para bovinos e ovinos no Brasil. Pesq<br />

Vet Bras 24(3):153-159.<br />

de Aluja AS (1970) L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara poisoning in cattle in<br />

Mexico. Vet Rec 86(21):628.<br />

de Aluja AS, S<strong>an</strong>z R, Espinosa F (1970) El mal de playa -<br />

Intoxicación del g<strong>an</strong>ado bovino con L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara. Veterinaria<br />

(Mexico) 1(4):7-13.<br />

de Aluja AS, Skewes HR (1971) Further investigation<br />

regarding the toxicity of members of the genus L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a<br />

in Mexico. Proc World Vet Cong 1:327-331.<br />

Dhillon KS, Paul BS (1971) Clinical studies of L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a<br />

camara (L.) poisoning in buffalo calves, with special reference<br />

to its effect on rumen motility. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci<br />

41(10):945-948.<br />

Dhillon KS, Paul BS, Garg BD (1970) Some haematological<br />

aspects in L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara poisoning in buffalo calves. J<br />

Res Punjab Agric Univ 7(2):262-266.<br />

Dhillon SS, Singh B (1965) Pathology of L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara<br />

poisoning in buffalo calves. J Res Punjab Agric Univ<br />

2(1):39-42.<br />

Dwivedi SK, Shivn<strong>an</strong>i GA, Joshi HC (1971) Clinical <strong>an</strong>d<br />

biochemical studies in L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a poisoning in rumin<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 41(10):948-953.<br />

Fourie N, V<strong>an</strong> der Lugt JJ, Newsholme SJ, et al. (1987)<br />

Acute L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara toxicity in cattle. J S Afr Vet<br />

Assoc 58(4):173-178.<br />

Frisch JE, O’Neill CJ, Burrow HM (1984) The incidence<br />

<strong>an</strong>d effect of poisoning with L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara in different<br />

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Gemmell RT, Pass MA (1978) Effect of ingestion of L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a<br />

camara L. on the ultrastructure of the liver cells of<br />

the sheep. J Anat 126:630.<br />

Gopinath C, Ford EJ (1969) The effect of L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara on<br />

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Hunt S, McCosker PJ (1970) Observations on serum adenosine<br />

deaminase activity in experimentally produced<br />

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carbon tetrachloride <strong>an</strong>d chronic copper poisoning. Br<br />

Vet J 126(2):74-81.<br />

Ide A, Tutt CL (1998) Acute L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara poisoning in a<br />

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Johnson JH, Jensen JM (1998) Hepatotoxicity <strong>an</strong>d secondary<br />

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composition of the extracellular fluid of sheep. Vet Hum<br />

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McSweeney CS, Pass MA (1983) The mech<strong>an</strong>ism of ruminal<br />

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L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara Linn. in sheep. Hary<strong>an</strong>a Vet 9(2):91-92.<br />

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Verhulst HL, Page LA (1962) L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a. Bull Natl Clgh Poison<br />

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Wolfson SL (1963) Acute poisoning in children from ingestion<br />

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Wolfson SL, Solomons TW (1964) Poisoning by fruit of<br />

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Citations:<br />

Riet-Correa F, Mendéz MC, Schild AL, et al. (1984) Intoxicação<br />

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Estado de S<strong>an</strong>ta Catarina. Pesq Vet Bras 4(4):147-153.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a tiliifolia Cham. = L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara L.<br />

lao-hu-yu –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don<br />

lapacho –see– Tabebuia impetiginosa (Mart. ex DC.) St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

laplove –see– Convolvulus arvensis L.<br />

l a p o r Te a c a n a d e n s is (L.) Wedd. [Urticaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

u rticastrum divaricatum (L.) Kuntze

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Lasiospermum bipinnatum - 227<br />

Common Names:<br />

bull nettle; C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> wood nettle; nettle; stinging nettle;<br />

wood nettle<br />

Citations:<br />

Masias MA, Posit<strong>an</strong>o RG (1990) Urticaceae poisoning. J<br />

Am Podiatr Med Assoc 80(11):613-616.<br />

Laportea moroides Wedd. = Dendrocnide moroides (Wedd.)<br />

Chew<br />

lappa –see– Arctium lappa L.<br />

Lappa major Gaertn. = Arctium lappa L.<br />

Lappa vulgaris Hill = Arctium lappa L.<br />

larch –see– Larix decidua Mill.<br />

larch pine –see– Larix decidua Mill.<br />

larcha –see– Citrus aur<strong>an</strong>tium L.<br />

large lady’s-slipper –see– Cypripedium reginae Walter<br />

large larkspur –see– Delphinium glaucum S. Watson<br />

large-leaf l<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a –see– L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara L.<br />

large poison bride bush –see– Pavetta schum<strong>an</strong>ni<strong>an</strong>a F.<br />

Hoffm. ex K. Schum.<br />

large watergrass –see– Paspalum dilatatum Poir.<br />

l a r i x d e c i d u a Mill. [Pinaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Calabri<strong>an</strong> pine; Corsic<strong>an</strong> pine; larch; larch pine<br />

Citations:<br />

Karlberg AT, Lidén C (1985) Clinical experience <strong>an</strong>d patch<br />

testing using colophony (rosin) from different sources. Br<br />

J Dermatol 113(4):475-481.<br />

larkspur –see– Consolida regalis Gray; Delphinium barbeyi<br />

(Huth) Huth; Delphinium carolini<strong>an</strong>um Walter subsp.<br />

virescens (Nutt.) R. E. Brooks; Delphinium elatum L.;<br />

Delphinium glaucum S. Watson; Delphinium menziesii<br />

DC.; Delphinium schmalhausenii Albov<br />

l a r r e a Tr i d e n Ta Ta (DC.) Coville<br />

[Zygophyllaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chaparral; creosote bush; gobernadora; greasewood;<br />

hediondilla<br />

Citations:<br />

Alderm<strong>an</strong> S, Kailas S, Goldfarb S (1994) Cholestatic hepatitis<br />

after ingestion of chaparral leaf: Confirmation by<br />

endoscopic retrograde chol<strong>an</strong>giop<strong>an</strong>creatography <strong>an</strong>d<br />

liver biopsy. J Clin Gastroenterol 19(3):242-247.<br />

Anonymous (1992) Chaparral-induced toxic hepatitis - California<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Texas, 1992. JAMA 268(23):3295, 3298.<br />

Batchelor WB, Heathcote J, W<strong>an</strong>less IR (1995) Chaparral-induced<br />

hepatic injury. Am J Gastroenterol<br />

90(5):831-833.<br />

Bl<strong>an</strong>c PD, Trainor WD, Lim DT (1986) Herbal tea asthma.<br />

Br J Ind Med 43(2):137-138.<br />

Caldwell SH, Feeley JW, Wieboldt TF, et al. (1994) Acute<br />

hepatitis with use of over-the-counter herbal remedies. Va<br />

Med Q 121(1):31-33.<br />

Clark F, Reed DR (1992) Chaparral-induced toxic hepatitis<br />

- California <strong>an</strong>d Texas, 1992. MMWR Morb Mortal<br />

Wkly Rep 41(43):812-814.<br />

Estes JD, Stolpm<strong>an</strong> D, Olyaei A, et al. (2003) High prevalence<br />

of potentially hepatotoxic herbal supplement use in patients<br />

with fulmin<strong>an</strong>t hepatic failure. Arch Surg 138(8):852-858.<br />

Gordon DW, Rosenthal G, Hart J, et al. (1995) Chaparral<br />

ingestion. The broadening spectrum of liver injury caused<br />

by herbal medications. JAMA 273(6):489-490.<br />

Holechek JL, Munshikpu AV, Saiw<strong>an</strong>a L, et al. (1990)<br />

Influences of six shrub diets varying in phenol content on<br />

intake <strong>an</strong>d nitrogen retention by goats. Trop Grassl<strong>an</strong>ds<br />

24(2):93-98.<br />

Katz M, Saibil F (1990) Herbal hepatitis: Subacute hepatic<br />

necrosis secondary to chaparral leaf. J Clin Gastroenterol<br />

12(2):203-206.<br />

Kauma H, Koskela R, Mäkisalo H, et al. (2004) Toxic acute<br />

hepatitis <strong>an</strong>d hepatic fibrosis after consumption of chaparral<br />

tablets. Sc<strong>an</strong>d J Gastroenterol 39(11):1168-1171.<br />

Leonforte JF (1986) Contact dermatitis from Larrea (creosote<br />

bush). J Am Acad Dermatol 14:202-207.<br />

Shasky DR (1986) Contact dermatitis from Larrea tridentata<br />

(creosote bush). J Am Acad Dermatol 15:302.<br />

Sheikh NM, Philen RM, Love LA (1997) Chaparral-associated<br />

hepatotoxicity. Arch Intern Med 157(8):913-919.<br />

Smart CR, Hogle HH, Robins RK, et al. (1969) Interesting<br />

observation on nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NSC-4291;<br />

NDGA) <strong>an</strong>d a patient with malign<strong>an</strong>t mel<strong>an</strong>oma. A preliminary<br />

report. C<strong>an</strong>cer Chemother Rep 53(2):147-151.<br />

Smith LM (1937) Dermatitis caused by creosote bush. J<br />

Allergy 8:187-188.<br />

Lasiosiphon <strong>an</strong>thylloides (L. f.) Meisn. = Gnidia<br />

<strong>an</strong>thylloides Gilg<br />

Lasiosiphon burchellii Meisn. = Gnidia burchellii Gilg<br />

Lasiosiphon kraussi<strong>an</strong>us (Meisn.) Burtt Davy = Gnidia<br />

kraussi<strong>an</strong>a Meisn.<br />

Lasiosiphon latifolius (Oliv.) Bren<strong>an</strong> = Gnidia latifolia<br />

(Oliv.) Gilg<br />

l a s io s p e r Mu M b i p i n n a Tu M (Thunb.) Druce<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

g<strong>an</strong>skweek<br />

Citations:<br />

Adelaar TF, Terbl<strong>an</strong>che M, Smit JD, et al. (1964) A hitherto<br />

unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t: Lasiospermum bipinnatum<br />

(Thunb.) Druce. Preliminary communication. J S Afr Vet<br />

Assoc 35(1):11-16.<br />

Fair AE, Tustin RC, Adelaar TF (1970) Poisoning of cattle<br />

by g<strong>an</strong>skweek (Lasiospermum bipinnatum (Thunb.)<br />

Druce). J S Afr Vet Assoc 41(3):231-232.<br />

Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, Basson PA, Naudé TW, et al. (1973) Photosensitivity<br />

in South Africa. 1. A comparative study of<br />

Asaemia axillaris (Thunb.) Harv. ex Jackson <strong>an</strong>d Lasiospermum<br />

bipinnatum (Thunb.) Druce poisoning in sheep.<br />

Onderstepoort J Vet Res 40(3):115-126.

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Penrith ML, V<strong>an</strong> Vollenhoven E (1994) Pulmonary <strong>an</strong>d<br />

hepatic lesions associated with suspected g<strong>an</strong>skweek<br />

(Lasiospermum bipinnatum) poisoning in cattle. J S Afr<br />

Vet Assoc 65(3):122-124.<br />

Thornton DJ (1977) G<strong>an</strong>skweek (Lasiospermum bipinnatum)<br />

poisoning in cattle. J S Afr Vet Assoc 48(3):210-211.<br />

Williams MC (1990) The pathology of experimental Lasiospermum<br />

bipinnatum (Thunb.) Druce (Asteraceae) poisoning<br />

in sheep. I. Hepatic lesions. Onderstepoort J Vet<br />

Res 57(4):249-261.<br />

Williams MC (1990) The pathology of experimental Lasiospermum<br />

bipinnatum (Thunb.) Druce (Asteraceae) poisoning<br />

in sheep. II. Pulmonary <strong>an</strong>d miscell<strong>an</strong>eous lesions.<br />

Onderstepoort J Vet Res 57(4):263-268.<br />

late locoweed –see– Astragalus miser Douglas ex Hook. var.<br />

serotinus (A. Gray ex J. G. Cooper) Barneby<br />

late milk vetch –see– Astragalus miser Douglas ex Hook. var.<br />

serotinus (A. Gray ex J. G. Cooper) Barneby<br />

late yellow locoweed –see– Oxytropis campestris (L.) DC.<br />

var. spicata Hook.<br />

l a Th y r u s a p h a c a L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

yellow flower pea; yellow vetchling<br />

Citations:<br />

Lewis HB, Faj<strong>an</strong>s RS, Esterer MB, et al. (1948) The nutritive<br />

values of some legumes, Lathyrism in the rat. The<br />

sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus), Lathyrus sativus, Lathyrus<br />

cicera <strong>an</strong>d some other species of Lathyrus. J Nutr<br />

36:537-559.<br />

l a Th y r u s c l y Me n u M L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gesse pourpre; Sp<strong>an</strong>ish vetch; Sp<strong>an</strong>ish vetchling<br />

Citations:<br />

Schribaux E (1895) Nombreux empoisonnements causés par<br />

la gesse pourpre. Agric Pratique 59(2):52-55.<br />

l a Th y r u s h i r s u Tu s L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Caley pea; chick pea; everlasting pea; hairy vetchling;<br />

red vetch; rough pea; singletary pea; vetchling; wild<br />

winter pea<br />

Citations:<br />

Burrows GE, Tate LH, Tripp ML, et al. (1993) Suspected<br />

intoxications due to Lathyrus. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

35(3):262-263.<br />

Lewis HB, Faj<strong>an</strong>s RS, Esterer MB, et al. (1948) The nutritive<br />

values of some legumes, Lathyrism in the rat. The sweet<br />

pea (Lathyrus odoratus), Lathyrus sativus, Lathyrus cicera<br />

<strong>an</strong>d some other species of Lathyrus. J Nutr 36:537-559.<br />

Sugg RS, Simms BT, Baker KG (1944) Studies of toxicity of<br />

wild winter peas (Lathyrus hirsutus) for cattle. Vet Med<br />

39(4):308-311.<br />

Turney DM, Copel<strong>an</strong>d DH, Salmon WD (1943) Lathyrism<br />

in relation to the use of Caley peas (Lathyrus hirsutus) for<br />

livestock. Alabama Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 54-55:18.<br />

Turney DM, Salmon WD, Copel<strong>an</strong>d DH (1944) Lathyrism<br />

in relation to the use of Lathyrus hirsutus for livestock.<br />

Alabama Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 56-57:18-19.<br />

l a Th y r u s l a Ti f o l i u s L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

everlasting pea; perennial pea; perennial sweet pea<br />

Citations:<br />

Burrows GE, Tate LH, Tripp ML, et al. (1993) Suspected<br />

intoxications due to Lathyrus. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

35(3):262-263.<br />

Lewis HB, Schulert AR (1949) Experimental lathyrism<br />

in the white rat <strong>an</strong>d mouse. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med<br />

71:440-441.<br />

Schulert AR, Lewis HB (1952) Experimental lathyrism.<br />

Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 81(1):86-89.<br />

l a Th y r u s n is so l i a L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

grass vetchling<br />

Citations:<br />

Greatorex JC (1966) Some unusual cases of pl<strong>an</strong>t poisoning<br />

in <strong>an</strong>imals. Vet Rec 78(21):725-727.<br />

l a Th y r u s o d o r a Tu s L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>nual sweet pea; Edelwicke; Erbse; Platterbse; sweet<br />

pea<br />

Citations:<br />

Abramovich A, Devoto FC (1969) Comparison entre fentes<br />

palatines provoquées par hypervitaminose A et Lathyrus<br />

odoratus. C R Soc Biol 162(10):1853-1854.<br />

Bachhuber TE, Lalich JJ (1954) Production of dissecting<br />

<strong>an</strong>eurysms in rats fed Lathyrus odoratus. Science 120(Oct<br />

29):712-713.<br />

Bachhuber TE, Lalich JJ (1955) Effect of sweet pea meal on<br />

the rat aorta. Arch Pathol 59(2):247-253.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>g CY, Witschi E, Ponseti IV (1954) Teratogenic development<br />

in Xenopus larvae caused by sweet pea seeds (Lathyrus<br />

odoratus) <strong>an</strong>d their extracts. Anat Rec 120:816.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>g CY, Witschi E, Ponseti IV (1955) Teratogenic effects<br />

of Lathyrus odoratus seeds on development <strong>an</strong>d regeneration<br />

of vertebrate limbs. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med<br />

90(1):45-50.<br />

Churchill DW, Gelf<strong>an</strong>t S, Lalich JJ, et al. (1955) Alterations<br />

in the polysaccharides <strong>an</strong>d elastic fibers in the aortas of<br />

rats fed toxic Lathyrus factor. Lab Invest 4(1):1-8.<br />

Dasler W (1954) Incisor ash versus femur ash in sweet pea<br />

lathyrism (odoratism). J Nutr 54:397-402.<br />

Dasler W (1954) Observations on odoratism (sweet pea<br />

lathyrism) in the rat. J Nutr 53:105-113.<br />

Dasler W (1954) Partial protection against odoratism (sweet<br />

pea lathyrism) by diets high in gelatin or casein. Proc Soc<br />

Exp Biol Med 85:485-488.<br />

Dasler W, Milliser RV (1957) Experimental lathyrism in<br />

mice fed diets containing sweet peas or ß-aminopropionitrile.<br />

Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 96:171-174.<br />

Gardner AF (1960) Morphologic <strong>an</strong>d histochemical studies<br />

of skeletal lesions in rats fed sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)<br />

seeds. Am J Vet Res 21(Mar):298-305.

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Geiger BJ, Steenbock H, Parsons HT (1933) Lathyrism in<br />

the rat. J Nutr 6(5):427-442.<br />

Geiger BJ, Steenbock H, Parsons HT (1976) Lathyrism in<br />

the rat. Nutr Rev 34(8):240-241.<br />

Gillm<strong>an</strong> T (1958) Mast cell increases after calciferol intoxication<br />

<strong>an</strong>d in experimental odoratism. Acta Haematol<br />

19(3):179-186.<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t RA, Hathorn M, Gillm<strong>an</strong> T (1960) Aortic, serum,<br />

connective tissue <strong>an</strong>d osseous chemistry in lathyritic rats.<br />

Nature 186(4719):164-165.<br />

Lewis HB, Esterer MB (1943) Experimental lathyrism in<br />

the white rat. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 53:263-264.<br />

Lewis HB, Faj<strong>an</strong>s RS, Esterer MB, et al. (1948) The nutritive<br />

values of some legumes, Lathyrism in the rat. The<br />

sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus), Lathyrus sativus, Lathyrus<br />

cicera <strong>an</strong>d some other species of lathyrus. J Nutr<br />

36:537-559.<br />

Okuyama S (1963) [Biochemical, histological <strong>an</strong>d roentgenological<br />

studies on skeletal lesions in rats fed with<br />

Lathyrus odoratus (sweet pea) seeds.] Fukushima Med J<br />

11:77-104.<br />

Ponseti IV, Baird WA (1952) Scoliosis <strong>an</strong>d dissecting <strong>an</strong>eurysm<br />

of the aorta in rats fed with Lathyrus odoratus seeds.<br />

Am J Pathol 28(6):1059-1077.<br />

Ponseti IV, Shepard RS (1954) Lesions of mesodermal<br />

tissues in rats fed Lathyrus odoratus seeds. Fed Proc<br />

13(Mar):473.<br />

Ponseti IV, Wawzonek S, Shepard RS, et al. (1956) Further<br />

studies on lathyrism in the rat. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med<br />

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Raharjo YC, Cheeke PR, Arscott GH (1988) Effects of<br />

dietary butylated hydroxy<strong>an</strong>isole <strong>an</strong>d cysteine on toxicity<br />

of Lathyrus odoratus to broiler <strong>an</strong>d Jap<strong>an</strong>ese quail chicks.<br />

Poult Sci 67(1):153-155.<br />

Robinson JJ, Bast TH (1934) Bone ch<strong>an</strong>ges due to lathyrism<br />

in rats. Anat Rec 59(3):283-295.<br />

Ruth EB (1954) Lathyrism in the rat: A gross study of skeletal<br />

lesions. Anat Rec 118:406-407.<br />

Schulert AR, Lewis HB (1952) Experimental lathyrism.<br />

Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 81(1):86-89.<br />

Selye H (1957) Über die humorale Beeinflussung des experimentellen<br />

Lathyrismus. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch<br />

Exp Pathol Pharmakol 230(2):155-160.<br />

Stamler FW (1955) Reproduction in rats fed Lathyrus peas<br />

or aminonitriles. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 90(1):294-298.<br />

Steffek AJ, Verrusio AC, Watkins CA (1972) Cleft palate<br />

in rodents after maternal treatment with various lathyrogenic<br />

agents. Teratology 5(1):33-40.<br />

Viv<strong>an</strong>co F, Jimenez Diaz C (1951) Further studies on the<br />

toxic effects of the leguminous proteins (leguminism).<br />

Lathyrus odoratus (lathyrism). Bull Inst Med Res Univ<br />

Madr 4(1):1-13.<br />

Walker DG (1957) Elastic fiber alterations in rats treated<br />

with Lathyrus odoratus. Histopathologic study of<br />

elastic cartilage <strong>an</strong>d of elastic fibers in arteries <strong>an</strong>d<br />

membr<strong>an</strong>es, with special reference to the occurrence<br />

of extra-aortic dissecting <strong>an</strong>eurysms. Arch Pathol<br />

64(4):434-435.<br />

Walker DG, Wirtschafter ZT (1956) Histopathogenesis of<br />

aortic <strong>an</strong>eurysms in the Lathyrus-fed rat. Arch Pathol<br />

61(2):125-135.<br />

Walker DG, Wirtschafter ZT (1956) Resorption of embryos<br />

in rats on Lathyrus odoratus diet. J Nutr 58:147-159.<br />

l a Th y r u s p u s i l l u s Elliott [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

everlasting pea; singletary pea; vetchling<br />

Citations:<br />

Lee JG (1950) Experimental lathyrism produced by feeding<br />

singletary pea (Lathyrus pusillus) seed. J Nutr<br />

40:587-594.<br />

Lee JG, Dupuy HP, Rolfs HE (1956) Dietary protein <strong>an</strong>d the<br />

development of rat lathyrism. J Nutr 58:433-442.<br />

l a Th y r u s s a Ti v u s L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

almortas; bitter vetch; chick pea; chickling pea; chickling<br />

vetch; grass pea; guaya; Indi<strong>an</strong> mutters; Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

pea; kesari dal; khesara dahl; khesari; khesari dahl;<br />

khesari del; kichererbse; klesari dal; lakh; lakh dahl;<br />

lakhori; l<strong>an</strong>g; matra; pulse; Saatplatterbse; sweet pea;<br />

teora dahl; teswa; tochina; vetchling; white vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Bhagvat K (1946) Toxic effects in guinea pigs of diet containing<br />

large proportion of Lathyrus sativus. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med<br />

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Voelcker JA (1925) Lathyrus poisoning in the horse. Br Vet<br />

J 81:134-135.<br />

Weintroub S, Cohen DF, Salama R, et al. (1980) Skeletal<br />

findings in hum<strong>an</strong> neurolathyrism. Is there a hum<strong>an</strong> osteolathyrism?<br />

Eur Neurol 19(2):121-127.<br />

Zagami V (1931) Sugli effetti dell’alimentazione esclusiva<br />

con semi di «Lathyrus sativus L.» nei ratti albini. Atti<br />

Acad Naz Lincei 14:218.<br />

l a Th y r u s s p h a e r ic u s Retz. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Lewis HB, Faj<strong>an</strong>s RS, Esterer MB, et al. (1948) The nutritive<br />

values of some legumes, Lathyrism in the rat. The<br />

sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus), Lathyrus sativus, Lathyrus<br />

cicera <strong>an</strong>d some other species of lathyrus. J Nutr<br />

36:537-559.<br />

l a Th y r u s s pl e n d e n s Kellogg [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

campo pea; pride-of-California<br />

Citations:<br />

Schulert AR, Lewis HB (1952) Experimental lathyrism.<br />

Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 81(1):86-89.<br />

Lathyrus strictus Nutt. = Lathyrus vestitus Nutt. subsp.<br />

alefeldii (T. G. White) Broich<br />

l a Th y r u s s y l ve s Tr is L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

everlasting pea; flat pea; forest vetchling; narrow-leaf<br />

everlasting pea; vetch; wood pea<br />

Citations:<br />

D<strong>an</strong>iel TW, Wolberg FB, Miller VL, et al. (1946) Chemical<br />

composition <strong>an</strong>d digestibility of flat pea forage in three<br />

states of maturity. J Anim Sci 5:80-86.<br />

Hu<strong>an</strong>g TC, Cunha TJ, Ham WE (1950) The deleterious<br />

effects of flat pea seed for rats. Am J Vet Res<br />

11(39):217-220.<br />

Lewis HB, Faj<strong>an</strong>s RS, Esterer MB, et al. (1948) The nutritive<br />

values of some legumes, Lathyrism in the rat. The<br />

sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus), Lathyrus sativus, Lathyrus<br />

cicera <strong>an</strong>d some other species of lathyrus. J Nutr<br />

36:537-559.<br />

Rasmussen MA, Allison MJ, Foster JG (1993) Flatpea<br />

intoxication in sheep <strong>an</strong>d indications of ruminal adaptation.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 35(2):123-127.<br />

Rowe LD, Ivie GW, DeLoach JR, et al. (1993) The toxic<br />

effects of mature flatpea (Lathyrus sylvestris L cv lathco)<br />

on sheep. Vet Hum Toxicol 35(2):127-133.<br />

l a Th y r u s Ti n g i Ta n u s L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Platterbse; T<strong>an</strong>gier pea<br />

Citations:<br />

Griebel C (1950) Erkr<strong>an</strong>kungen durch Bohnenflocken<br />

(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) und Platterbsen (Lathyrus tingit<strong>an</strong>us<br />

L.). Z Lebensm Unters Forsch 90:191-197.<br />

Lewis HB, Faj<strong>an</strong>s RS, Esterer MB, et al. (1948) The nutritive<br />

values of some legumes, Lathyrism in the rat. The<br />

sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus), Lathyrus sativus, Lathyrus<br />

cicera <strong>an</strong>d some other species of lathyrus. J Nutr<br />

36:537-559.<br />

l a Th y r u s v e s Ti Tu s Nutt. subsp. alefeldii (T. G.<br />

White) Broich [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l athyrus strictus Nutt.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Lecythis ollaria - 231<br />

Citations:<br />

Schulert AR, Lewis HB (1952) Experimental lathyrism.<br />

Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 81(1):86-89.<br />

latina –see– L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara L.<br />

lattighat –see– Glochidion heyne<strong>an</strong>um (Wight & Arn.) Wight<br />

Lauchpfl<strong>an</strong>ze –see– Allium porrum L.<br />

laureal real –see– Prunus laurocerasus L.<br />

laurel –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.; Kalmia latifolia L.;<br />

Laurus nobilis L.; Prunus laurocerasus L.<br />

laurel bl<strong>an</strong>co –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

laurel cherry –see– Prunus laurocerasus L.<br />

laurel colorado –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

laurel rosa –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

laurel rosado –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

laurel rose –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

laureola hembra –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

laurier rose –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

laurierkers –see– Prunus laurocerasus L.<br />

l a u r u s n o b i l is L. [Lauraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bay; bay laurel; Europe<strong>an</strong> laurel; Greci<strong>an</strong> laurel; laurel;<br />

Lorbeer; sweet bay<br />

Citations:<br />

Farkas J (1981) Perioral dermatitis from marjoram, bay leaf<br />

<strong>an</strong>d cinnamon. Contact Dermatitis 7(2):121.<br />

Foussereau J, Muller JC, Benezra C (1975) Contact allergy<br />

to Frull<strong>an</strong>ia <strong>an</strong>d Laurus nobilis: Cross-sensitization <strong>an</strong>d<br />

chemical structure of the allergens. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(4):223-230.<br />

Hausen BM (1985) Lorbeer Allergie. Dtsch Med Wochenschr<br />

110(6):634-638.<br />

Özden MG, Öztaş P, Öztaş MO, et al. (2001) Allergic contact<br />

dermatitis from Laurus nobilis (laurel) oil. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 45(3):178.<br />

l a va n d u l a a n g u s Ti f o l i a Mill. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

lavender<br />

Citations:<br />

Br<strong>an</strong>dão FM (1986) Occupational allergy to lavender oil.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 15(4):249-250.<br />

Coulson IH, Ali Kh<strong>an</strong> AS (1999) Facial ‘pillow’ dermatitis<br />

due to lavender oil allergy. Contact Dermatitis 41(2):111.<br />

Sugiura M, Hayakawa R, Kato Y, et al. (2000) Results of<br />

patch testing with lavender oil in Jap<strong>an</strong>. Contact Dermatitis<br />

43(3):157-160.<br />

lavender –see– Lav<strong>an</strong>dula <strong>an</strong>gustifolia Mill.<br />

lavender scallops –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe fedtschenkoi Raym.-Hamet<br />

& H. Perrier<br />

lav<strong>an</strong>ése-rue-de-chèvre –see– Galega officinalis L.<br />

l a w so n i a i n e r Mis L. [Lythraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

henna<br />

Citations:<br />

Cronin E (1980) Immediate-type hypersensitivity to henna.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 5(3):198-199.<br />

Nigam PK, Saxena AK (1988) Allergic contact dermatitis<br />

from henna. Contact Dermatitis 18(4):55-56.<br />

Pasricha JS, Gupta R, P<strong>an</strong>jw<strong>an</strong>i S (1980) Contact dermatitis<br />

to henna (Lawsonia). Contact Dermatitis 6(15):288-289.<br />

Singh R, Siddiqui MA, Baruah MC (1978) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis<br />

in Delhi. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med Res 68(Oct):650-655.<br />

le chones –see– Asclepias latifolia (Torr.) Raf.<br />

le m<strong>an</strong>cenilier –see– Hippom<strong>an</strong>e m<strong>an</strong>cinella L.<br />

lead tree –see– Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit<br />

leadwort –see– Plumbago sc<strong>an</strong>dens L.<br />

leaf flower –see– Phyll<strong>an</strong>thus abnormis Baill.<br />

leaf mustard –see– Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.<br />

leafless milkweed –see– Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R. Br.<br />

leafy spurge –see– Euphorbia esula L.<br />

leather pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Jatropha dioica Sessé<br />

leatherleaf fern –see– Rumohra adi<strong>an</strong>tiformis (G. Forst.)<br />

Ching<br />

leatherleaf palm –see– Cycas revoluta Thunb.<br />

leatherstem –see– Jatropha dioica Sessé<br />

lebbeck tree –see– Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth.<br />

Lebensbaum –see– Platycladus orientalis (L.) Fr<strong>an</strong>co; Thuja<br />

occidentalis L.<br />

Leberstockkraut –see– Levisticum officinale W. D. J. Koch<br />

leche-de-gallina –see– Ornithogalum umbellatum L.<br />

lecheguilla –see– Agave lechuguilla Torr.<br />

lecheruela –see– Euphorbia helioscopia L.<br />

lechetrezna –see– Euphorbia cyparissias L.; Euphorbia<br />

helioscopia L.; Euphorbia peplus L.<br />

lechuguilla –see– Agave lechuguilla Torr.<br />

Lecythis elliptica Kunth = Lecythis minor Jacq.<br />

l e c y Th is Mi n o r Jacq. [Lecythidaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l ecythis elliptica Kunth<br />

Common Names:<br />

sapucaia nut<br />

Citations:<br />

Dickson JD (1969) Notes on hair <strong>an</strong>d nail loss after ingesting<br />

sapucaia nuts (Lecythis elliptica). Econ Bot 23:133-134.<br />

l e c y Th is o l l a r i a Loefl. [Lecythidaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

coco-de-mono; monkey nut; monkey pod; monkey’scoconut;<br />


232 - Ledebouria cooperi D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Kerdel-Vegas F (1964) Generalized hair loss due to the<br />

ingestion of “Coco de Mono” (Lecythis ollaria). J Invest<br />

Dermatol 42(J<strong>an</strong>):91-94.<br />

Kerdel-Vegas F, Aronow L (1966) Epilating effect <strong>an</strong>d cytotoxic<br />

principle of Lecythis ollaria. Dermatol Iber Lat Am<br />

1:57-69.<br />

l e d e b o u r i a c o o p e r i (Hook. f.) Jessop<br />

[Hyacinthaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s cilla cooperi Hook. f.<br />

Common Names:<br />

squill<br />

Citations:<br />

Crossley A, Gelf<strong>an</strong>d M (1959) Poisoning by Scilla cooperi: A<br />

description of a case. Cent Afr J Med 5(10):537-539.<br />

Steyn DG (1933) Recent investigations into the toxicity<br />

of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union<br />

of South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

1:173-182.<br />

Lederbaum –see– Coriaria myrtifolia L.<br />

Lederfarn –see– Rumohra adi<strong>an</strong>tiformis (G. Forst.) Ching<br />

Lederkraut –see– Asarum europaeum L.<br />

Ledum columbi<strong>an</strong>um Piper = Rhododendron<br />

×columbi<strong>an</strong>um (Piper) Harmaja<br />

leek –see– Allium porrum L.<br />

lei-gong-teng –see– Erycibe obtusifolia Benth.; Tripterygium<br />

wilfordii Hook. f.<br />

Lein –see– Linum usitatissimum L.<br />

Lemmon’s-hymenoxys –see– Hymenoxys lemmonii (Greene)<br />

Cockerell<br />

lemon –see– Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f.<br />

lemon day lily –see– Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus L.<br />

lemon-scented gas pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Dictamnus albus L.<br />

lemon verbena –see– Aloysia citrodora Palau<br />

lemongrass –see– Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf<br />

len –see– Linum usitatissimum L.<br />

lengua-de-perico –see– Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex<br />

Walp.<br />

lengua-de-vaca –see– Rumex crispus L.<br />

leño gentil –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

l e n s c u l i n a r is Medik. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

lentil; Linse<br />

Citations:<br />

Ibáñez S<strong>an</strong>dín D, Martínez S<strong>an</strong> Ireneo M, Marañón Liz<strong>an</strong>a<br />

F, et al. (1999) Specific IgE determinations to crude <strong>an</strong>d<br />

boiled lentil (Lens culinaris) extracts in lentil-sensitive<br />

children <strong>an</strong>d controls. Allergy 54(11):1209-1214.<br />

Lent lily –see– Narcissus pseudonarcissus L.<br />

Lent rose –see– Narcissus pseudonarcissus L.<br />

lentil –see– Lens culinaris Medik.<br />

lentille bâtarde –see– Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd.<br />

lentille ers –see– Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd.<br />

l e o n To d o n a u Tu Mn a l is L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Hausen BM (1979) The sensitizing capacity of compositae<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. III. Test results <strong>an</strong>d cross-reactions in compositaesensitive<br />

patients. Dermatologica 159(1):1-11.<br />

leopard lily –see– Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott<br />

leopard palm –see– Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch<br />

leopardb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Arnica mont<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

lepadena –see– Euphorbia marginata Pursh<br />

l e p i d i u M d i d y Mu M l . [Brassicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

l<strong>an</strong>d cress; lesser swine’s-cress<br />

Citations:<br />

Park RJ (1965) Benzyl thiocy<strong>an</strong>ate taint in the milk of<br />

dairy cattle ingesting Coronopus didymus Sm. Nature<br />

207:640.<br />

l e p i d i u M d r a b a L. [Brassicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hoary cress; whitetop<br />

Citations:<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR, et al. (1934) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 1933:10-13.<br />

l e p i d o z a Mi a p e r o f f s k y a n a Regel<br />

[Zamiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Cook RW, Gill PA, Boulton JG, et al. (2003) Hepatic lesions<br />

in bovine cycad toxicosis. Proc Annu Conf Aust Soc Vet<br />

Pathol pp. 27-28.<br />

Gobé GC (1994) Apoptosis in brain <strong>an</strong>d gut tissue of<br />

mice fed a seed preparation of the cycad Lepidozamia<br />

peroffsky<strong>an</strong>a. Biochem Biophys Res Commun<br />

205(1):327-333.<br />

Gobé GC, Pound AW (1985) Toxic properties of the Australi<strong>an</strong><br />

cycad, Lepidozamia peroffsky<strong>an</strong>a. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d Agric<br />

J 111(5):261-262.<br />

l e p Ta d e n i a r e Tic u l a Ta (Retz.) Wight &<br />

Arn. [Apocynaceae]<br />

Common names:<br />

jiv<strong>an</strong>ti<br />

Citations:<br />

Anjaria JV, Gupta I (1970) Preliminary observations on toxic<br />

effects of Leptadenia reticulata (jiv<strong>an</strong>ti) <strong>an</strong>d leptaden.<br />

Gujvet 4(1):16-18.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Leucaena leucocephala - 233<br />

Leptopus decaisnei (Benth.) Pojark. = Andrachne decaisnei<br />

Benth.<br />

lèrio-do-vale –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

lesoma –see– Boophone disticha (L. f.) Herb.<br />

lespedeza –see– Kummerowia stipulacea (Maxim.) Makino<br />

Lespedeza stipulacea Maxim. = Kummerowia stipulacea<br />

(Maxim.) Makino<br />

lesser broomrape –see– Orob<strong>an</strong>che minor Sm.<br />

lesser burdock –see– Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh.<br />

lesser cardamom –see– Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton<br />

lesser cel<strong>an</strong>dine –see– Chelidonium majus L.<br />

lesser hemlock –see– Aethusa cynapium L.<br />

lesser loosestrife –see– Lythrum hyssopifolia L.<br />

lesser rushy milk vetch –see– Astragalus convallarius Greene<br />

lesser swine’s-cress –see– Lepidium didymum L.<br />

lestun –see– Codiaeum variegatum (L.) A. Juss.<br />

lettuce –see– Lactuca sativa L.<br />

leucaena –see– Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit<br />

Leucaena glauca auct. = Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de<br />

Wit<br />

l e u c a e n a l e u c o c e p h a l a (Lam.) de Wit<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l eucaena glauca auct.<br />

Common Names:<br />

cowbush; guacis; horse tamarind; ipil ipil; jimbey;<br />

jumbey; koa haole; kubabul; lamtoro; lead tree; leucaena;<br />

subabul; t<strong>an</strong> t<strong>an</strong> tree; t<strong>an</strong>g<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>g<strong>an</strong>; vi vi;<br />

virvi; West Indi<strong>an</strong> lead tree; white popinac; wild<br />

tamarind<br />

Citations:<br />

Acamovic T, D’Mello JP (1994) Influence of Leucaena seed<br />

<strong>an</strong>d leaf meal diets on young chicks. In: Colegate SM,<br />

Dorling PR (eds.) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated toxins. Agricultural,<br />

phytochemical <strong>an</strong>d ecological aspects. CABI. New York.<br />

pp. 189-194.<br />

Akpokodje JU, Otesile EB (1987) Leucaena leucocephala<br />

toxicity in Ndama cattle. Bull Anim Health Prod Afr<br />

35(1):77-78.<br />

Almeida AP, Kommers GD, Nogueira AP, et al. (2006)<br />

Avaliação do efeito tóxico de Leucaena leucocephala (Leg.<br />

Mimosoideae) em ovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 26(3):190-194.<br />

Anderson RC, Anderson TJ, Nisbet DJ, et al. (2001) Drought<br />

associated poisoning of cattle in South Texas by the high<br />

quality forage legume Leucaena leucocephala. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 43(2):95-96.<br />

Bindon BM, Lamond DR (1966) Examination of tropical<br />

legumes for deleterious effects on <strong>an</strong>imal reproduction.<br />

Proc Aust Soc Anim Prod 6:109-116.<br />

Blunt CG, Jones RJ (1977) Steer liveweight gains in relation<br />

to the proportion of time on Leucaena leucocephala pastures.<br />

Trop Grassl<strong>an</strong>ds 11(2):159-164.<br />

Compère R (1959) Etude toxicologique du Leucaena glauca<br />

chez les bovins. Bull Agric Congo Belg Ru<strong>an</strong>da Urundi<br />

50:1311-1320.<br />

Damseaux J (1956) Etude de trois légumineuses fourragères<br />

introduites au Congo Belge en vue de l’alimentation du<br />

bétail. Bull Agric Congo Belg 47(1):93-111.<br />

D’Mello JP, Thomas D (1978) The nutritive value of dried<br />

leucaena leaf meal from Malawi: Studies with young<br />

chicks. Trop Agric 55:45-50.<br />

Donaldson LE, Hamilton RI, Lambourne LJ, et al. (1970)<br />

Assessing Leucaena leucocephala for deleterious effects in<br />

cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep. Proc Int Grassl<strong>an</strong>d Cong. pp. 780-782.<br />

Falvey L (1976) The effects of Leucaena leucocephala on cattle<br />

in the Northern Territory. Aust Vet J 52(5):243.<br />

Fr<strong>an</strong>zolin Neto R, Velloso L (1986) Leucaena leucocephala<br />

(Lam.) de Wit en raçõeas para ovinos. 2. Toxicidade. Rev<br />

Soc Bras Zootec 15(5):415-424.<br />

Gloria LA, Gerpacio AL, Aglibut FB, et al. (1966) Leucaena<br />

glauca Benth for poultry <strong>an</strong>d livestock. III. Protein<br />

<strong>an</strong>d energy levels <strong>an</strong>d minerals in minimizing toxic effects<br />

of mimosine in chick rations. Philippine Agriculturist<br />

50:235-246.<br />

Hamilton RI, Donaldson LE, Lambourne LJ (1968) Enlarged<br />

thyroid gl<strong>an</strong>ds in calves born to heifers fed a sole diet of<br />

Leucaena leucocephala. Aust Vet J 44(Oct):484.<br />

Hamilton RI, Donaldson LE, Lambourne LJ (1971) Leucaena<br />

leucocephala as a feed for dairy cows: Direct effect<br />

on reproduction <strong>an</strong>d residual effect on the calf <strong>an</strong>d lactation.<br />

Aust J Agric Res 22:681-692.<br />

Hathcock JN, Labad<strong>an</strong> MM, Mateo JP (1975) Effects of<br />

dietary protein level on toxicity of Leucaena leucocephala<br />

to chicks. Nutr Rep Int 11(1):55-62.<br />

Hegarty MP, Schinckel PG, Court RD (1964) Reaction<br />

of sheep to the consumption of Leucaena glauca Benth.<br />

<strong>an</strong>d to its toxic principle mimosine. Aust J Agric Res<br />

15:153-165.<br />

Holmes JH (1979) Toxicity of Leucaena leucocephala.<br />

I. Equal toxic effects of two Leucaena strains on two<br />

breeds of tropical cattle. Papua New Guinea Agric J<br />

30(4):65-69.<br />

Holmes JH (1981) Toxicity of Leucaena leucocephala<br />

for steers in the wet tropics. Trop Anim Health Prod<br />

13(2):94-100.<br />

Holmes JH, Humphrey JD, Walton EA, et al. (1981) Cataracts,<br />

goitre <strong>an</strong>d infertility in cattle grazed on <strong>an</strong> exclusive<br />

diet of Leucaena leucocephala. Aust Vet J 57(6):257-261.<br />

Iw<strong>an</strong>aga II, Otagaki KK, Waym<strong>an</strong> O (1957) Dehydrated koa<br />

haole (Leucaena glauca) in rations for growing <strong>an</strong>d fattening<br />

swine. Proc West Sec Am Soc Anim Prod 8(25):1-5.<br />

Jones RJ, Blunt CG, Holmes JH (1976) Enlarged thyroid<br />

gl<strong>an</strong>ds in cattle grazing Leucaena pastures. Trop Grassl<strong>an</strong>ds<br />

10:113-116.<br />

Jones RJ, Blunt CG, Nurnberg BI (1978) Toxicity of Leucaena<br />

leucocephala. The effect of iodine <strong>an</strong>d mineral<br />

supplements on penned steers fed a sole diet of Leucaena.<br />

Aust Vet J 54(8):387-392.<br />

Jones RJ, Hegarty MP (1984) The effect of different proportions<br />

of Leucaena leucocephala in the diet of cattle on<br />

growth, feed intake, thyroid function <strong>an</strong>d urinary excretion<br />

of 3-hydroxy-4(1H)-pyridone. Aust J Agric Res<br />

35(2):317-325.<br />

Joshi HS (1968) The effect of feeding Leucaena leucocephala<br />

(Lam.) De Wit on reproduction in rats. Aust J Agric Res<br />


234 - Leuc<strong>an</strong>themum ×superbum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Labad<strong>an</strong> MM (1969) The effects of various treatments <strong>an</strong>d<br />

additives on the feeding value of ipil-ipil leaf meal in<br />

poultry. Philippine Agriculturist 53:392-401.<br />

Labad<strong>an</strong> MM, Abilay TA, Alejar AS, et al. (1969) The<br />

effects of feeding high levels of ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala)<br />

leaf meal on comb <strong>an</strong>d testes growth of single<br />

comb White Leghorn cockerels. Philippine Agriculturist<br />

53:402-410.<br />

Letts GA (1963) Leucaena glauca <strong>an</strong>d rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. Aust Vet J<br />

39(Jul):287-288.<br />

Little DA, Hamilton RI (1971) Leucaena leucocephala<br />

<strong>an</strong>d thyroid function of newborn lambs. Aust Vet J<br />

47(9):457-458.<br />

Malynicz G (1974) The effect of adding Leucaena leucocephala<br />

meal to commercial rations for growing pigs.<br />

Papua New Guinea Agric J 25:12-14.<br />

Martinez MA, Seifert HS (1991) Untersuchungen zur<br />

Giftigkeit von L. leucocephala für Ziegen im Nord-<br />

Osten Mexikos. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr<br />

104(8):257-262.<br />

Montagna W, Yun JS (1963) The effects of the seeds of Leucaena<br />

glauca on the hair follicles of the mouse. J Invest<br />

Dermatol 40:325-332.<br />

Prasad J (1988) Clinico-pathological aspects of experimental<br />

Leucaena toxicity in lambs. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci<br />

58(10):1181-1182.<br />

Prasad J (1989) A note on toxic effects of Leucaena leucocephala<br />

in goats: A clinical study. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Vet Med<br />

9(2):151-152.<br />

Prasad J (1989) Toxic syndrome in calves given a Leucaena<br />

mixed forage diet. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Vet Med 9(2):149-150.<br />

Prasad J, Paliwal OP (1989) Pathological ch<strong>an</strong>ges in experimentally<br />

induced Leucaena toxicity in lambs. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet<br />

J 66(8):711-714.<br />

Ram JJ, Atreja PP, Chopra RC, et al. (1994) Mimosine<br />

degradation in calves fed a sole diet of Leucaena<br />

leucocephala in India. Trop Anim Health Prod<br />

26(4):199-206.<br />

Singh N, Singh SV, Sinha NK, et al. (1989) Ovine wool<br />

shedding syndrome in subabool toxicity. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Vet<br />

Med 9(1):67-68.<br />

Szyszka M, Meulen U (1984) Der „acceptable daily intake”<br />

für Mimosin bei l<strong>an</strong>dwirtschaftlichen Nutztieren und<br />

seine Bedeutung für die Einsetzbarkeit von Leucaena<br />

leucocephala in der Tierernährung. Dtsch Tierarztl<br />

Wochenschr 91(7-8):260-262.<br />

Vohradsky F (1972) Observations on influence of feeding<br />

horse tamarind (Leucaena glauca Benth.) on the<br />

health of cattle in Gh<strong>an</strong>a. Gh<strong>an</strong>a J Agric Sci 5(Part<br />

2):153-156.<br />

Waym<strong>an</strong> O, Iw<strong>an</strong>aga II, Hugh WI (1970) Fetal resorption in<br />

swine caused by Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit. in<br />

the diet. J Anim Sci 30(4):583-588.<br />

l e u c a n Th e Mu M ×s u p e r b u M (Bergm<strong>an</strong>s ex<br />

J. W. Ingram) D. H. Kent [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Shasta daisy<br />

Citations:<br />

Burry JN, Kuchel R, Reid JG, et al. (1973) Australi<strong>an</strong> bush<br />

dermatitis: Compositae dermatitis in South Australia.<br />

Med J Aust 1(3):110-116.<br />

l e u c a n Th e Mu M v u l g a r e Lam. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c hrys<strong>an</strong>themum leuc<strong>an</strong>themum L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

daisy; Gänseblume; King Edward daisy; Margarite;<br />

marguerite daisy; Orakelblume; oxeye daisy; pyrethrum;<br />

whiteweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Kren O (1925) Ein Beitrag zur Pfl<strong>an</strong>zendermatitis. Arch<br />

Derm Syphilol 149:96-98.<br />

l e u c o Th o e d a vis i a e Torr. ex A. Gray<br />

[Ericaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

beach laurel; black laurel; mountain laurel; Sierra<br />

laurel<br />

Citations:<br />

Fowler ME (1985) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisoning in two pack llamas. California<br />

Vet 39(3):17-20.<br />

l e u c o Th o e g r a y a n a Maxim. [Ericaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Koh<strong>an</strong>awa M, Shoya S, Ikeda K, et al. (1970) Experimental<br />

Leucothoe gray<strong>an</strong>a poisoning in goats. Natl Inst Anim<br />

Health Q (Tokyo) 10(3):160-170.<br />

lever wood –see– Ostrya virgini<strong>an</strong>a (Mill.) K. Koch<br />

l e vis Tic u M o f f ic i n a l e W. D. J. Koch<br />

[Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Badekraut; Leberstockkraut; Liebstöckel; lovage;<br />

Saukraut<br />

Citations:<br />

Aswood-Smith MJ, Ceska O, Teom<strong>an</strong> A, et al. (1992) Photosensitivity<br />

from harvesting lovage (Levisticum officinale).<br />

Contact Dermatitis 26(5):356-357.<br />

Caln<strong>an</strong> CD (1969) Lovage sensitivity. Contact Dermatol<br />

Newsl 5(Feb):99.<br />

Libesafpel –see– Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.<br />

Libocedrus decurrens Torr. = Calocedrus decurrens (Torr.)<br />

Florin<br />

licheta –see– Agrostemma githago L.<br />

Lichtblume –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

licorice –see– Glycyrrhiza glabra L.<br />

licorise –see– Glycyrrhiza glabra L.<br />

Liebstöckel –see– Levisticum officinale W. D. J. Koch<br />

lierre –see– Hedera helix L.<br />

lierre grimp<strong>an</strong>t –see– Hedera helix L.<br />

lierre tenestre –see– Glechoma hederacea L.<br />

l’if –see– Taxus baccata L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Limonium brasiliense - 235<br />

life pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.<br />

light-yellow sophora –see– Sophora flavescens Aiton<br />

Liguster –see– Ligustrum vulgare L.<br />

ligustrum –see– Ligustrum vulgare L.<br />

Ligustrum amurense Carrière = Ligustrum obtusifolium<br />

Siebold & Zucc. subsp. suave (Kitag.) Kitag.<br />

l ig u s Tr u M ob Tu s i f o l i u M Siebold & Zucc.<br />

subsp. suave (Kitag.) Kitag. [Oleaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l igustrum amurense Carrière<br />

Common Names:<br />

Amur River privet; northern privet; privet<br />

Citations:<br />

Kerr LA, Kelch WJ (1999) Fatal privet (Ligustrum amurease)<br />

toxicosis in Tennessee cows. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

41(6):391-392.<br />

l ig u s Tr u M ov a l i f o l i u M Hassk. [Oleaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

California privet; golden privet; oval-leaf privet; privet<br />

Citations:<br />

Parkinson SC (1986) Suspected privet poisoning. Vet Rec<br />

119(19):483-484.<br />

l ig u s Tr u M vu l g a r e L. [Oleaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

aligustre; Beinholz; Europe<strong>an</strong> privet; Hartriegel; hedge<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t; Liguster; ligustrum; prim; primaryvet; privet;<br />

Rainweide; Tintenbeerstrauch; Tintenbeertraube;<br />

troène; wax-leaf privet; Zaunriegel<br />

Citations:<br />

Arai M, Stauber E, Shropshire CM (1992) Evaluation of<br />

selected pl<strong>an</strong>ts for their toxic effects on c<strong>an</strong>aries. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 200(9):1329-1331.<br />

Geßner O (1943-1944) Tödliche Vergiftung durch<br />

Früchte des Ligusterstrauches (Ligustrum vulgare L.)<br />

bei einem 5-jährigen Kinde. Sammlung Vergiftungsfallen<br />

13:1-2.<br />

Kozlov VA, Guliaeva TN (1983) [Poisoning by the fruit<br />

of the privet (Ligustrum vulgare).] Sud Med Ekspert<br />

26(3):56-57.<br />

Turner TW (1904) Some interesting cases. Vet Rec<br />

17:319-320.<br />

liksidsrod –see– Glycyrrhiza glabra L.<br />

lilas-de-nuit –see– Cestrum nocturnum L.<br />

l i l i u M l a n c i f o l i u M Thunb. [Liliaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l ilium tigrinum Ker Gawl.<br />

Common Names:<br />

devil’s-lily; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese show lily; tiger lily<br />

Citations:<br />

Gathings AM (1991) Acute renal failure in a cat, was it the<br />

tiger lily? Napinet Rep 3(2):2.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>gston CE (2002) Acute renal failure caused by lily ingestion<br />

in six cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 220(1):49-52.<br />

l i l i u M l o n g i f l o r u M Thunb. [Liliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Easter lily; trumpet lily<br />

Citations:<br />

Hall JO (1990) Are Easter lilies toxic to cats? Napinet Rep<br />

3(2):1.<br />

Lahti A (1986) Contact urticaria <strong>an</strong>d respiratory symptoms<br />

from tulips <strong>an</strong>d lilies. Contact Dermatitis 14(5):317-319.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>gston CE (2002) Acute renal failure caused by lily ingestion<br />

in six cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 220(1):49-52.<br />

Piirilä P, K<strong>an</strong>erva L, Al<strong>an</strong>ko K, et al. (1999) Occupational<br />

IgE-mediated asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, <strong>an</strong>d contact<br />

urticaria caused by Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum) <strong>an</strong>d<br />

tulip. Allergy 54(3):273-277.<br />

Vidal C, Polo F (1998) Occupational allergy caused by Di<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

caryophillus, Gypsophila p<strong>an</strong>iculata, <strong>an</strong>d Lilium<br />

longiflorum. Allergy 53(10):995-998.<br />

Volmer PA (2002) How d<strong>an</strong>gerous are winter <strong>an</strong>d spring<br />

holiday pl<strong>an</strong>ts to pets? Vet Med (Dec):879-884.<br />

Lilium tigrinum Ker Gawl. = Lilium l<strong>an</strong>cifolium Thunb.<br />

liljekonvall –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

lily-of-the-Nile –see– Z<strong>an</strong>tedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng.<br />

lily-of-the-valley –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

lily-of-the-valley bush –see– Pieris japonica (Thunb.) D. Don<br />

ex G. Don<br />

lily pilly –see– Acmena smithii (Poir.) Merr. & L. M. Perry<br />

lilygrass –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

lim –see– Citrus aur<strong>an</strong>tiifolia (Christm.) Swingle<br />

lima be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus lunatus L.<br />

limber pine –see– Pinus contorta Douglas ex Loudon<br />

lime –see– Citrus aur<strong>an</strong>tiifolia (Christm.) Swingle; Tilia<br />

×europaea L.<br />

Limette –see– Citrus aur<strong>an</strong>tiifolia (Christm.) Swingle<br />

limonillo –see– Hymenoxys odorata DC.<br />

l i Mo n i u M b r a s i l i e n s e (Boiss.) Kuntze<br />

[Plumbaginaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s tatice brasiliensis Boiss.<br />

Common Names:<br />

guaycur<br />

Citations:<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2001) Herbal infusions used for<br />

induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 39(3):318-319.<br />

Limonium tataricum (L.) Mill. = Goniolimon tataricum<br />

(L.) Boiss.

236 - Linum neomexic<strong>an</strong>um D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

lin –see– Linum usitatissimum L.<br />

linden –see– Tilia cordata Mill.; Tilia ×europaea L.<br />

Lindheimer’s-senna –see– Senna lindheimeri<strong>an</strong>a (Scheele) H.<br />

S. Irwin & Barneby<br />

linen flax –see– Linum usitatissimum L.<br />

ling l<strong>an</strong>g –see– Sophora flavescens Aiton<br />

linho –see– Linum usitatissimum L.<br />

linoncillo –see– Fagara heitzii Aubrév. & Pellegr.<br />

Linse –see– Lens culinaris Medik.<br />

linseed –see– Linum usitatissimum L.<br />

Linsen –see– Linum usitatissimum L.<br />

l i n u M n e o Me x ic a n u M Greene [Linaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

yellow pine flax<br />

Citations:<br />

Eggleston WW, Black OF, Kelly JW (1930) Linum neomexic<strong>an</strong>um<br />

(yellow pine flax) <strong>an</strong>d one of its poisonous constituents.<br />

J Agric Res 41(10):715-718.<br />

l i n u M r ig i d u M Pursh [Linaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

flax; stiff-stem flax; stiff-stem yellow flax; yellow flax<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1896) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Annu<br />

Rep 1896:99.<br />

l i n u M u s i Ta Tis s i Mu M L. [Linaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Flachs; flax; Lein; Leinsamen; len; lin; linen flax; linho;<br />

linseed; Linsen; Saatlein<br />

Citations:<br />

Auld SJ (1912) The formation of prussic acid from linseed<br />

cake <strong>an</strong>d other feeding stuffs. J Bd Agric 19:446-460.<br />

Bakhiet AO, Adam SE (1995) Response of Bov<strong>an</strong>s chicks<br />

to low dietary levels of Linum usitatissimum seeds. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 37(6):534-535.<br />

Barnes MH (1931) Linseed dermatitis. J Indus Hyg<br />

13(2):49-55.<br />

Blood DC, Steel JD (1944) Observations on the cy<strong>an</strong>ogenetic<br />

properties of linseed “nuts.” II. Clinical syndrome in<br />

sheep. Aust Vet J 20:338-343.<br />

Brioux C, Richart A (1928) L’acide cy<strong>an</strong>hydrique des tourteaux<br />

de lin. Toxicité de certains de ces tourteaux. Bull<br />

Acad Vet Fr I New Series:134-146.<br />

Care AD (1954) Goitrogenic activity in linseed. N Z J Sci<br />

Technol A 36(Dec):321-327.<br />

Care AD (1954) Goitrogenic properties of linseed. Nature<br />

173(4395):172-173.<br />

Debackere M, Hoorens J, Haustraete KH (1966) Vergiftiging<br />

door koolzaad - En raapzaadschroot. Vlaams Diergeneesk<br />

Tijdschr 35(9-10):393-399.<br />

Dunne GT (1924) Poisoning in calves by nascent hydrocy<strong>an</strong>ic<br />

acid evolved by cake in solution. Vet J 80:40-42.<br />

Enge EH (1933) Flax straw poisoning in the horse. Vet Med<br />

28(Apr):161.<br />

Fr<strong>an</strong>klin MC, Reid RL (1944) Observations of the cy<strong>an</strong>ogenetic<br />

properties of linseed “nuts.” I. Feeding trials with<br />

sheep. Aust Vet J 20(Dec):332-337.<br />

Kratzer FH, Williams DE (1948) The effect of pyridoxine<br />

upon growth of chicks fed linseed oil meal. Poult Sci<br />

27:671.<br />

Kratzer FH, Williams DE (1948) The improvement of linseed<br />

oil meal for chick feeding by the addition of synthetic<br />

vitamins. Poult Sci 27:236-238.<br />

Kratzer FH, Williams DE, Marshall B, et al. (1954) Some<br />

properties of the chick growth inhibitor in linseed oil<br />

meal. J Nutr 52:555-563.<br />

Ladd EF, Johnson AK (1911) Are flaxseed screenings poisonous<br />

to stock? North Dakota Agric Exp Sta Special<br />

Bull #1:316-317.<br />

Lezaun A, Fraj J, Colás C, et al. (1998) Anaphylaxis from<br />

linseed. Allergy 53(1):105-106.<br />

MacGregor HI, McGinnis J (1948) Toxicity of linseed meal<br />

for chicks. Poult Sci 27:141-145.<br />

Montgomerie RF (1924) Hydrocy<strong>an</strong>ic acid generated from<br />

linseed cake meal. A case of poisoning in calves. Vet J<br />

80:311-314.<br />

Nicholson D (1927) Cut<strong>an</strong>eous reactions to flax <strong>an</strong>d linen in<br />

five cases of bronchial asthma <strong>an</strong>d two of hayfever with<br />

poor results from specific treatment. C<strong>an</strong> Med Assoc J<br />

17:552-554.<br />

Perrot M (1928) Intoxication des moutons par des tourteaux<br />

de lin. Rec Med Vet Ec Alfort 104:15-18.<br />

Phipps WR, Martini MC, Lampe JW, et al. (1993) Effect of<br />

flax seed ingestion on the menstrual cycle. J Clin Endocrinol<br />

Metab 77(5):1215-1219.<br />

Potteau B, Cluz<strong>an</strong> R (1966) Incidences nutritionnelles et<br />

toxicologiques de l’ingestion d’huile de lin chauffée.<br />

I. Effets généraux et action sur l’utilisation des protéines<br />

de la ration. Ann Biol Anim Biochim Biophys<br />

6(1):47-64.<br />

Potteau B, Leclerc J (1966) Incidences nutritionnelles et toxicologiques<br />

de l’ingestion d’huile de lin chauffée. II. Effet<br />

sur l’efficacité biologique du calcium alimentaire. Ann<br />

Biol Anim Biochim Biophys 6(1):65-71.<br />

Tou JC, Chen J, Thompson LU (1999) Dose, timing, <strong>an</strong>d<br />

duration of flaxseed exposure affect reproductive indices<br />

<strong>an</strong>d sex hormone levels in rats. J Toxicol Environ Health<br />

A 56:555-570.<br />

Vokoun FJ (1927) Linseed oil dermatitis. JAMA<br />

89(1):20-21.<br />

lion-of-the-earth –see– Chamaeleon gummifera (L.) Cass.<br />

lion’s-mouth –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

Lippia citriodora Kunth = Aloysia citrodora Palau<br />

Lippia ligustrina (Lag.) Britton = Junellia ligustrina (Lag.)<br />

Moldenke<br />

l i p p i a p r e To r i e n s is H. Pearson [Verbenaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Quin JI (1933) Studies on the photosensitization of <strong>an</strong>imals<br />

in South Africa. V. The toxicity of Lippia rehm<strong>an</strong>nii<br />

(Pears) <strong>an</strong>d Lippia pretoriensis (Pears). Onderstepoort J<br />

Vet Sci Anim Indus 1(2):501-504.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Lolium multiflorum - 237<br />

l i p p i a r e h Ma n n i i H. Pearson [Verbenaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Quin JI (1933) Studies on the photosensitization of <strong>an</strong>imals<br />

in South Africa. V. The toxicity of Lippia rehm<strong>an</strong>nii<br />

(Pears) <strong>an</strong>d Lippia pretoriensis (Pears). Onderstepoort J<br />

Vet Sci Anim Indus 1(2):501-504.<br />

liquorice –see– Glycyrrhiza glabra L.<br />

liricon f<strong>an</strong>cy –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

lirio amarillo –see– Iris pseudoacorus L.<br />

lirio cala –see– Z<strong>an</strong>tedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng.<br />

l i Th r a e a b r a s i l i e n s is March<strong>an</strong>d<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

aroeira<br />

Citations:<br />

Oliveira Lima A (1953) Über das <strong>an</strong>tigene Verhalten der<br />

Ölharze einiger Gattungen der Familie Anacardiaceae.<br />

Int Arch Allergy 4:169-174.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>tos OL, Filgueira AL (1994) “Aroeira”-induced photosensitization.<br />

Int J Dermatol 33(3):222.<br />

l i Th r a e a c a u s Tic a (Molina) Hook. & Arn.<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

litre tree<br />

Citations:<br />

M<strong>an</strong>riquez O, Varas J, Rios JC, et al. (2002) Analysis of<br />

156 cases of pl<strong>an</strong>t intoxication received in the toxicologic<br />

information center at Catholic University of Chile. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 44(1):31-32.<br />

Oliveira Lima A (1953) Über das <strong>an</strong>tigene Verhalten der<br />

Ölharze einiger Gattungen der Familie Anacardiaceae.<br />

Int Arch Allergy 4:169-174.<br />

l i Th r a e a Mo l l e o i d e s (Vell.) Engl.<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Oliveira Lima A (1953) Über das <strong>an</strong>tigene Verhalten der<br />

Ölharze einiger Gattungen der Familie Anacardiaceae.<br />

Int Arch Allergy 4:169-174.<br />

litre tree –see– Lithraea caustica (Molina) Hook. & Arn.<br />

little blue stagger –see– Dicentra c<strong>an</strong>adensis (Goldie) Walp.<br />

little-flower lupine –see– Lupinus argenteus Pursh var.<br />

holosericeus (Nutt.) Barneby<br />

little good –see– Euphorbia helioscopia L.<br />

little goody –see– Euphorbia helioscopia L.<br />

little juniper –see– Juniperus communis L.<br />

little larkspur –see– Delphinium bicolor Nutt.; Delphinium<br />

menziesii DC.<br />

little lettuce –see– Agave lechuguilla Torr.<br />

little mallow –see– Malva parviflora L.<br />

little peach –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um glaucophyllum Desf.<br />

little-seed C<strong>an</strong>arygrass –see– Phalaris minor Retz.<br />

little staggerweed –see– Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh.<br />

little Utah juniper –see– Juniperus osteosperma (Torr.)<br />

Little<br />

live forever –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.<br />

live leaf –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.<br />

live oak –see– Quercus virgini<strong>an</strong>a Mill.<br />

l’ivraie –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

lluvia-del-plata –see– Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott<br />

Loasa vulc<strong>an</strong>ica André = Nasa triphylla (Juss.) Weig<strong>an</strong>d<br />

lobelia –see– Lobelia berl<strong>an</strong>dieri A. DC.<br />

l ob e l i a b e r l a n d i e r i A. DC.<br />

[Camp<strong>an</strong>ulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Berl<strong>an</strong>dier lobelia; lobelia<br />

Citations:<br />

Dollahite JW, Allen TJ (1962) Poisoning of cattle, sheep,<br />

<strong>an</strong>d goats with Lobezla [Lobelia] <strong>an</strong>d Centarium species.<br />

Southwestern Vet 15(Winter):126-130.<br />

Lopez R, Martinez-Burnes J, Vargas G, et al. (1994) Taxonomical,<br />

clinical <strong>an</strong>d pathological findings in moradilla<br />

(lobelia-like) poisoning in sheep. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

36(3):195-198.<br />

lobster flower –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex<br />

Klotzsch<br />

Lochnera pusilla (Murray) K. Schum. = Cathar<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

pusillus (Murray) G. Don<br />

loco seed –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

locoweed –see– Astragalus mollissimus Torr. var. mollissimus;<br />

Astragalus pubentissimus Torr. & A. Gray; Oxytropis<br />

lambertii Pursh; Oxytropis sericea Nutt.<br />

locust tree –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

lodgepole pine –see– Pinus contorta Douglas ex Loudon<br />

løg –see– Allium cepa L.<br />

lolch –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

l o l i u M Mu l Ti f l o r u M Lam. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>nual ryegrass; Itali<strong>an</strong> ryegrass; Welches Weidelgras<br />

Citations:<br />

Norris RT, Richards IS, Petterson DS (1981) Treatment of<br />

ovine <strong>an</strong>nual ryegrass toxicity with chlordiazepoxide: A<br />

field evaluation. Aust Vet J 57(6):302-303.<br />

Richards IS, Petterson DS, Purcell DA (1979) Treatment<br />

of ovine <strong>an</strong>nual ryegrass toxicity with chlordiazepoxide.<br />

Aust Vet J 55(6):282-283.

238 - Lolium perenne D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

l o l i u M p e r e n n e L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Deutsches Weidelgras; English ryegrass; Itali<strong>an</strong><br />

ryegrass; ivraie; perennial ryegrass; raigras perenne;<br />

ryegrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Blythe LL, Andreason CB, Pearson EG, et al. (1998)<br />

Atypical pneumonia associated with ryegrass staggers<br />

in calves. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

<strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI. New York. pp.<br />

69-72.<br />

Clegg FG, Watson WA (1960) Ryegrass staggers in sheep.<br />

Vet Rec 72(36):731-733.<br />

Galey FD, Tracy ML, Craigmill AL, et al. (1991) Staggers<br />

induced by consumption of perennial ryegrass in cattle<br />

<strong>an</strong>d sheep from northern California. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

199(4):466-470.<br />

Keogh RG (1973) Induction <strong>an</strong>d prevention of ryegrass staggers<br />

in grazing sheep. N Z J Exp Agr 1(1):55-57.<br />

Mackintosh CG, Orr MB, Gallagher RT, et al. (1982)<br />

Ryegrass staggers in C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> wapiti deer. N Z Vet J<br />

30:106-107.<br />

Mitchell PJ, McCaugh<strong>an</strong> CJ (1992) Perennial ryegrass<br />

staggers in fallow deer (Dama dama). Aust Vet J<br />

69(10):258-259.<br />

Pearson EG, Andreasen CB, Blythe LL, et al. (1996) Atypical<br />

pneumonia associated with ryegrass staggers in calves.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 209(6):1137-1142.<br />

Peterson AJ, Bass JJ, Byford MJ (1978) Decreased plasma<br />

testosterone concentrations in rams affected by ryegrass<br />

staggers. Res Vet Sci 25(3):266-268.<br />

Wheatley WM (1998) M<strong>an</strong>agement, environmental <strong>an</strong>d<br />

livestock interactions impact on perennial ryegrass/Neotyphodium/livestock<br />

associations. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr<br />

AC (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI.<br />

New York. pp. 45-48.<br />

l o l i u M r ig i d u M Gaudin [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>nual ryegrass; Wimmera ryegrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Berry PH, Cook RD, McHowell J, et al. (1976) Lesions in<br />

sheep <strong>an</strong>d guinea pigs pen fed parasitised <strong>an</strong>nual ryegrass<br />

(Lolium rigidum). Aust Vet J 52(11):540-541.<br />

Berry PH, Howell JM, Cook RD (1980) Morphological<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in the central nervous system of sheep affected<br />

with experimental <strong>an</strong>nual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) toxicity.<br />

J Comp Pathol 90(4):603-617.<br />

Berry PH, Howell JM, Cook RD, et al. (1980) Central nervous<br />

system ch<strong>an</strong>ges in sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle affected with<br />

natural or experimental <strong>an</strong>nual ryegrass toxicity. Aust Vet<br />

J 56(8):402-403.<br />

Berry PH, Richards RB, Howell JM, et al. (1982) Hepatic<br />

damage in sheep fed <strong>an</strong>nual ryegrass, Lolium rigidum,<br />

parasitised by Anguina agrostis <strong>an</strong>d Corynebacterium<br />

rathayi. Res Vet Sci 32(2):148-156.<br />

Berry PH, Wise JL (1975) Wimmera rye grass toxicity in<br />

Western Australia. Aust Vet J 51(11):525-530.<br />

Creeper JH, Vale W, Walsh R (1996) Annual ryegrass toxicosis<br />

in horses. Aust Vet J 74(6):465-467.<br />

Gwynn R, Hadlow AJ (1971) Toxicity syndrome in sheep<br />

grazing Wimmera ryegrass in Western Australia. Aust<br />

Vet J 47(Aug):408.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>ig<strong>an</strong> GW, Payne AL, Frahn JL (1976) Origin of toxicity<br />

in parasitised <strong>an</strong>nual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum). Aust Vet<br />

J 52(5):244-246.<br />

McIntosh GH, Thomas MR (1967) Toxicity of parasitised<br />

Wimmera ryegrass, Lolium rigidum, for sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle.<br />

Aust Vet J 43(9):349-353.<br />

l o l i u M Te Mu l e n Tu M L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bearded darnel; cheat; darnel; drabok; drake; drunk;<br />

ivray; l’ivraie; lolch; poison darnel; poison ryegrass;<br />

Schwindelhafer; sturdy rye; tares; Taumelhafer; Taumelkorn;<br />

Taumelloch; Tollkorn; Tollkraut; winter<br />

ryegrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Tait J (1842) A case of poisoning in pigs. Veterinari<strong>an</strong><br />

15:212-213.<br />

Urbain A, Nouvel J (1939) Cas d’intoxication alimentaire dus<br />

à l’ivraie observés chez des <strong>an</strong>imaux sauvages en captivité.<br />

Bull Acad Vet Fr 12:77-82.<br />

London pl<strong>an</strong>e tree –see– Plat<strong>an</strong>us ×acerifolia (Aiton) Willd.<br />

long-spine thorn apple –see– Datura ferox L.<br />

long-spur lupine –see– Lupinus arbustus Douglas ex Lindl.<br />

long-spur thorn apple –see– Datura ferox L.<br />

l o n ic e r a Ta Ta r ic a L. [Caprifoliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Tatari<strong>an</strong> honeysuckle; Tatarische Heckenkirsche;<br />

Tatarisches Geißblatt<br />

Citations:<br />

Lamminpaa A, Kinos M (1996) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings in children.<br />

Hum Exp Toxicol 15(3):245-249.<br />

Schurno A (1958) Beobachtung einer Vergiftung durch<br />

Beeren der tatarischen Heckenkirsche. Kinderaerztl Prax<br />

26(8):357-360.<br />

loogbos –see– Psilocaulon absimile N. E. Br.<br />

look –see– Allium sativum L.<br />

l o p h i r a a l a Ta B<strong>an</strong>ks ex C. F. Gaertn.<br />

[Ochnaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l ophira procera A. Chev.<br />

Common Names:<br />

azobe tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1977) Paralysis posterior bij zeugen en Azobézaagsel.<br />

Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 102(9):582.<br />

Lophira procera A. Chev. = Lophira alata B<strong>an</strong>ks ex C. F.<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Luehea divaricata - 239<br />

l o p h o l a e n a c o r i i f o l i a (Sond.) Phill. & C.<br />

A. Sm. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l opholaena r<strong>an</strong>dii S. Moore<br />

Citations:<br />

Quin JI (1933) Studies on the photosensitization of <strong>an</strong>imals<br />

in South Africa. 4. The toxicity of Lopholaena coriifolia<br />

(Harv.) Phill. & C. A. Sm. (= L. r<strong>an</strong>dii sp. Moore).<br />

Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus 1(2):497-499.<br />

Lopholaena r<strong>an</strong>dii S. Moore = Lopholaena coriifolia (Sond.)<br />

Phill. & C. A. Sm.<br />

l o p h o p e Ta l u M d u b i u M M. A. Lawson<br />

[Celastraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

perupok<br />

Citations:<br />

T<strong>an</strong>aka S, Matsumoto Y, Tamada Y (2003) Allergic contact<br />

dermatitis due to perupok wood. Contact Dermatitis<br />

48(5):273.<br />

l o p h o p e Ta l u M f l o r i b u n d u M Wight<br />

[Celastraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

perupok<br />

Citations:<br />

T<strong>an</strong>aka S, Matsumoto Y, Tamada Y (2003) Allergic contact<br />

dermatitis due to perupok wood. Contact Dermatitis<br />

48(5):273.<br />

l o p h o p h o r a w i l l i a Ms i i (Lem. ex Salm-<br />

Dyck) J. M. Coult. [Cactaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>halonium; mescal; mescal be<strong>an</strong>; mescal button; Peyolylkaktus;<br />

peyote; peyote cactus; peyote muscal; thebad-seed<br />

Citations:<br />

Blum K, Futterm<strong>an</strong> SL, Pascarosa P (1977) Peyote, a potential<br />

ethnopharmacologic agent for alcoholism <strong>an</strong>d other<br />

drug dependencies: Possible biochemical rationale. Clin<br />

Toxicol 11(4):459-472.<br />

loquat –see– Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.;<br />

Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa Benth.<br />

loquat plum –see– Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.<br />

Lorbeer –see– Laurus nobilis L.<br />

Lorbeerkirsche –see– Prunus laurocerasus L.<br />

Lorbeerose –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.; Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der<br />

L.<br />

lords-<strong>an</strong>d-ladies –see– Arum maculatum L.; Z<strong>an</strong>tedeschia<br />

aethiopica (L.) Spreng.<br />

lorier bol –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

l o Tu s c o r n ic u l a Tu s L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bird’s-foot trefoil; Hornklee; P<strong>an</strong>toffeln; szarvas kerep;<br />

Taubenkröpferl<br />

Citations:<br />

Dougherty RW, Christensen RB (1953) In vivo absorption<br />

studies of hydrocy<strong>an</strong>ic acid of pl<strong>an</strong>t juice origin. Cornell<br />

Vet 43(3):481-486.<br />

Stafford KJ, West DM, Alley MR, et al. (1995) Suspected<br />

photosensitisation in lambs grazing birdsfoot trefoil<br />

(Lotus corniculatus). N Z Vet J 43:114-117.<br />

louco –see– Plumbago sc<strong>an</strong>dens L.<br />

Louisi<strong>an</strong>a pepper –see– Capsicum frutescens L.<br />

Louisi<strong>an</strong>a wormwood –see– Artemisia ludovici<strong>an</strong>a Nutt.<br />

louseberry tree –see– Euonymus europaeus L.<br />

lovage –see– Levisticum officinale W. D. J. Koch<br />

love apple –see– Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

aculeatissimum Jacq.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um carolinense L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

pseudocapsicum L.<br />

love be<strong>an</strong> –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

love pea –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

low arrowgrass –see– Triglochin maritima L.<br />

low larkspur –see– Delphinium <strong>an</strong>dersonii A. Gray;<br />

Delphinium bicolor Nutt.; Delphinium carolini<strong>an</strong>um Walter<br />

subsp. virescens (Nutt.) R. E. Brooks; Delphinium<br />

menziesii DC.; Delphinium nuttalli<strong>an</strong>um Pritz.;<br />

Delphinium tricorne Michx.<br />

low laurel –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

low ragweed –see– Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.<br />

low senna –see– Senna tora (L.) Roxb.<br />

low-whorled milkweed –see– Asclepias pumila (A. Gray) Vail<br />

Löwenzahn –see– Taraxacum officinale F. H. Wigg. aggr.<br />

l o x o p Te r y g i u M h u a s a n g o Spruce ex Engl.<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hualtaco tree; huas<strong>an</strong>go tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Paulson GA (1941-1943) M<strong>an</strong>go <strong>an</strong>d hualtaco dermatitis.<br />

Med Bull St<strong>an</strong>dard Oil Co 5:197-200.<br />

lucerne –see– Medicago sativa L.<br />

lucky be<strong>an</strong> –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

lucky nut –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

l u e h e a d i va r ic a Ta Mart. [Malvaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Fr<strong>an</strong>cisco Alvarez<br />

Citations:<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2001) Herbal infusions used for<br />

induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 39(3):318-319.

240 - Luffa acut<strong>an</strong>gula D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2003) Herbal infusions used for<br />

induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(3):235-239.<br />

l u f f a a c u Ta n g u l a (L.) Roxb. [Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

kali-tori; ridge gourd; smooth luffa<br />

Citations:<br />

Sinha SM, Pasricha JS, Sharma RC, et al. (1977) Vegetables<br />

responsible for contact dermatitis of the h<strong>an</strong>ds. Arch<br />

Dermatol 113(6):776-779.<br />

lumbán –see– Aleurites molucc<strong>an</strong>us (L.) Willd.<br />

lumb<strong>an</strong>g –see– Aleurites molucc<strong>an</strong>us (L.) Willd.<br />

lumb<strong>an</strong>g nut –see– Reutealis trisperma (Bl<strong>an</strong>co) Airy Shaw<br />

lunara lupine –see– Lupinus formosus Greene<br />

lupin –see– Lupinus albus L.; Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius L.<br />

lupin bl<strong>an</strong>c –see– Lupinus albus L.<br />

lupin bleu –see– Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius L.<br />

lupin jaune –see– Lupinus luteus L.<br />

lupine –see– Lupinus albus L.; Lupinus albus L. var. albus;<br />

Lupinus argenteus Pursh; Lupinus diffusus Nutt.; Lupinus<br />

leucophyllus Douglas ex Lindl.<br />

l u p i n u s a l b u s L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> white lupin; fève-du-loup; lupin; lupin bl<strong>an</strong>c;<br />

lupine; pois-de-loup; sweet lupin; white lupin; white<br />

lupine<br />

Citations:<br />

Agid Y, Pertuiset B, Dubois B (1988) Motoneuron disease<br />

as m<strong>an</strong>ifestation of lupin seed toxicity. L<strong>an</strong>cet 1(Jun<br />

11):1347.<br />

Anonymous (1934) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1934:38.<br />

Cast<strong>an</strong>on JI, Perez-L<strong>an</strong>zac, J (1990) Substitution of fixed<br />

amounts of soybe<strong>an</strong> meal for field be<strong>an</strong>s (Vicia faba),<br />

sweet lupines (Lupinus albus), cull peas (Pisum sativum)<br />

<strong>an</strong>d vetches (Vicia sativa) in diets for high perform<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

laying Leghorn hens. Br Poult Sci 31(1):173-184.<br />

Cubillos V, Cubillos A, Guerra J (1982) Estudio histopatológico<br />

en hígados de Gallus gallus alimentados con<br />

semilla de lupin (altramuz) dulce (L. albus var. multolupa).<br />

Zentralbl Veterinarmed A 29(3):215-222.<br />

Guillaume J, Chenieux JC, Rideau M (1979) Feeding value<br />

of Lupinus albus L. in chicken diets (with emphasis on<br />

the role of alkaloids). Nutr Rep Int 20(1):57-65.<br />

Hove EL, King S, Hill GD (1978) Composition, protein<br />

quality, <strong>an</strong>d toxins of seeds of the grain legumes Glycine<br />

max, Lupinus spp., Phaseolus spp., Pisum sativum, <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Vicia faba. N Z J Agric Res 21:457-462.<br />

Litkey J, Dailey MW (2007) Anticholinergic toxicity associated<br />

with the ingestion of lupini be<strong>an</strong>s. Am J Emerg Med<br />

25(2):215-217.<br />

Perez-Escamilla R, Vohra P, Klasing K (1988) Lupins (Lupinus<br />

albus var. ultra) as a replacement for soybe<strong>an</strong> meal in<br />

diets for growing chickens <strong>an</strong>d turkey poults. Nutr Rep<br />

Int 38(3):583-593.<br />

Ruiz LP Jr, White SF, Hove EL (1977) The alkaloid content<br />

of sweet lupin seed used in feeding trials on pigs <strong>an</strong>d rats.<br />

Anim Feed Sci Technol 2(1):59-66.<br />

Watkins BA, M<strong>an</strong>ning B, Al-Athari AK (1988) The effects<br />

of Lupinus albus cultivar ultra on broiler perform<strong>an</strong>ce.<br />

Nutr Rep Int 38(1):173-181.<br />

Wittenburg H, Nehring, K (1965) Untersuchungen über<br />

die Wirkung reiner Lupinenalkaloide auf den tierischen<br />

Org<strong>an</strong>ismus. Die Wirkung von Lup<strong>an</strong>in auf Ratten.<br />

Pharmazie 20:156-158.<br />

l u p i n u s a l b u s L. var. albus [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l upinus termis Forssk.<br />

Common Names:<br />

lupine; turmus<br />

Citations:<br />

Lavy R (1964) Thrombocytopenic purpura due to Lupinus<br />

termis be<strong>an</strong>. J Allergy 35(5):386-389.<br />

T<strong>an</strong>nous RI, Nayfeh SN (1969) Effect of feeding lupine<br />

seeds on spermatogenesis in the rat. Aust J Biol Sci<br />

22(4):1071-1075.<br />

T<strong>an</strong>nous RI, Shadarevi<strong>an</strong> S, Cow<strong>an</strong> JW (1968) Rat studies on<br />

quality of protein <strong>an</strong>d growth-inhibiting action of alkaloids<br />

of lupine (Lupinus termis). J Nutr 94(2):161-165.<br />

l u p i n u s a n g u s Ti f o l i u s L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l upinus varius L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bitter lupin; Blaue Lupine; blue lupin; lupin; lupin bleu;<br />

narrow-leaf lupin; narrow-leaf lupine; New Zeal<strong>an</strong>d<br />

blue lupine; New Zeal<strong>an</strong>d lupin; Western Australi<strong>an</strong><br />

blue lupin; wild lupin<br />

Citations:<br />

Allen JG (1981) An evaluation of lupinosis in cattle in Western<br />

Australia. Aust Vet J 57(5):212-215.<br />

Allen JG, Tudor GD, Petterson DS (1998) The feeding of<br />

lupin grain c<strong>an</strong> cause rumen acidosis <strong>an</strong>d rumenitis. In:<br />

Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural<br />

toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI. New York. pp. 143-148.<br />

Arnold GW, Hill JL, Maller RA, et al. (1976) Comparison<br />

of lupin varieties for nutritive value as dry st<strong>an</strong>ding feed<br />

for we<strong>an</strong>er sheep <strong>an</strong>d for incidence of lupinosis. Aust J<br />

Agric Res 27(3):423-435.<br />

Brash AG (1943) Lupin poisoning of sheep. N Z J Agr<br />

67:83-84.<br />

Gardiner MR (1965) Mineral metabolism in sheep lupinosis.<br />

I. Iron <strong>an</strong>d cobalt. J Comp Pathol 75(4):397-408.<br />

Gardiner MR (1965) The pathology of lupinosis of sheep.<br />

Gross- <strong>an</strong>d histo-pathology. Pathol Vet 2(5):417-445.<br />

Gardiner MR (1967) Cattle lupinosis. A clinical <strong>an</strong>d pathological<br />

study. J Comp Pathol 77(1):63-69.<br />

Godfrey NW, Mercy AR, Emms Y, et al. (1984) Toler<strong>an</strong>ce of<br />

growing pigs to lupine (Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius) alkaloids.<br />

Aust J Exp Agric 25(4):791-795.<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, Dorward PM, Buch<strong>an</strong> W (1995) Consumption of<br />

diets containing raw soya be<strong>an</strong>s (Glycine max), kidney<br />

be<strong>an</strong>s (Phaseolus vulgaris), cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata)

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Lupinus argenteus - 241<br />

or lupin seeds (Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius) by rats up to 700<br />

days: Effects on body composition <strong>an</strong>d org<strong>an</strong> weights. Br<br />

J Nutr 73(1):17-29.<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, Dorward PM, Pusztai A (1993) P<strong>an</strong>creatic enlargement<br />

is evident in rats fed diets containing raw soybe<strong>an</strong>s<br />

(Glycine max) or cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata) for 800<br />

days but not in those fed diets <strong>based</strong> on kidney be<strong>an</strong>s<br />

(Phaseolus vulgaris) or lupinseed (Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius).<br />

J Nutr 123(12):2207-2215.<br />

Karasinski D, Bednarczyk M, Peretiatkowicz M, et al. (1988)<br />

The influence of alkaloids in seeds of Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius<br />

on the growth <strong>an</strong>d some meat features of ducks. Bull<br />

Pol Acad Sci Biol Sci 36(10-12):215-224.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Marsh H (1916) Lupines as poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bull #405:45 pp.<br />

Olver MD, Jonker A (1997) Effect of sweet, bitter <strong>an</strong>d soaked<br />

micronised bitter lupins on broiler perform<strong>an</strong>ce. Br Poult<br />

Sci 38(2):203-208.<br />

Olver MD, Jonker A (1998) Effects of sweet, bitter <strong>an</strong>d<br />

soaked micronised bitter lupins on duckling perform<strong>an</strong>ce.<br />

Br Poult Sci 39(5):622-626.<br />

l u p i n u s a r b u s Tu s Douglas ex Lindl. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l upinus laxiflorus auct.<br />

Common Names:<br />

grassl<strong>an</strong>d lupin; grassl<strong>an</strong>d lupine; long-spur lupine;<br />

spur lupine<br />

Citations:<br />

Clawson AB (1931) Two lupines shown to be poisonous<br />

to livestock. U S Dep Agric Official Record<br />

10(Feb26):71.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Gardner DR, Molyneux RJ (1998) Teratogenic<br />

<strong>an</strong>d fetotoxic effects of two piperidine alkaloid-containing<br />

lupines (L. formosus <strong>an</strong>d L. arbustus) in cows. J Nat<br />

Toxins 7(2):131-140.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Gardner DR, Shea RE, et al. (1998) Toxic <strong>an</strong>d<br />

teratogenic piperidine alkaloids from Lupinus, Conium<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a species. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC (eds.)<br />

Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI. New<br />

York. pp. 345-350.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Keeler RF (1991) Toxicologic <strong>an</strong>d teratogenic<br />

comparison of Lupinus formosus, L. arbustus <strong>an</strong>d L. caudatus<br />

in goats. J Anim Sci 69(Suppl 1):393.<br />

l u p i n u s a r g e n Te u s Pursh [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue be<strong>an</strong>; grassl<strong>an</strong>d lupine; hairy lupine; lupine; silver<br />

lupine; silvery be<strong>an</strong>; silvery lupine; tailcup lupine; wild<br />

be<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

James LF, Binns W, Shupe JL (1968) Blood ch<strong>an</strong>ges in cattle<br />

<strong>an</strong>d sheep fed lupine. Am J Vet Res 29(3):557-560.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Marsh H (1916) Lupines as poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bull #405:45 pp.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Mayl<strong>an</strong>d HF, Gardner DR, et al. (2001) Beef<br />

cattle losses after grazing Lupinus argenteus (silvery<br />

lupine). Vet Hum Toxicol 43(5):279-282.<br />

l u p i n u s a r g e n Te u s Pursh var. argenteus<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l upinus laxiflorus Douglas ex Lindl.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Douglas’-spur lupine<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1929) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1929:47-48.<br />

l u p i n u s a r g e n Te u s Pursh var. heter<strong>an</strong>thus (S.<br />

Watson) Barneby [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Kellogg’s-spur lupine; tailcup lupine; tailspur lupine<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1929) Investigation of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep<br />

1929:47-48.<br />

Anonymous (1932) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1932:44.<br />

Anonymous (1933) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1933:34-35.<br />

Binns W, James LF, Keeler RF, et al. (1968) Effects<br />

of teratogenic agents in r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. C<strong>an</strong>cer Res<br />

28(11):2323-2326.<br />

Gardner DR, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE (1993) Comparison of blood plasma<br />

alkaloid levels in cattle, sheep, <strong>an</strong>d goats fed Lupinus caudatus.<br />

J Nat Toxins 2(1):1-11.<br />

Gardner DR, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE (1994) Anagyrine <strong>an</strong>d ammodendrine<br />

alkaloid levels in the blood of cattle, sheep <strong>an</strong>d<br />

goats fed teratogenic lupin species. In: Colegate SM,<br />

Dorling PR (eds.) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated toxins. Agricultural,<br />

phytochemical <strong>an</strong>d ecological aspects. CABI. New York.<br />

pp. 173-177.<br />

Keeler RF, Binns W, James LF, et al. (1969) Preliminary<br />

investigation of the relationship between bovine congenital<br />

lathyrism induced by aminoacetonitrile <strong>an</strong>d the lupine<br />

induced crooked calf disease. C<strong>an</strong> J Comp Med Vet Sci<br />

33(1):89-92.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, James LF, Keeler RF, et al. (1992) Radio-ultrasound<br />

observations of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced fetotoxicity<br />

in livestock. In: James LF, Keeler RF, Bailey JM Jr, et<br />

al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State Univ Press. Ames,<br />

Iowa. pp. 481-488.<br />

Shupe JL, Balls LD, James LF (1968) Ch<strong>an</strong>ges in blood<br />

serum tr<strong>an</strong>saminase associated with lupine <strong>an</strong>d larkspur<br />

poisoning in cattle. Cornell Vet 58(1):129-135.<br />

Shupe JL, Binns W, James LF, et al. (1967) Crooked calf<br />

syndrome, A pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced congenital deformity. Zuchthygiene<br />

2:145-152.<br />

Shupe JL, Binns W, James LF, et al. (1968) A congenital<br />

deformity in calves induced by the maternal consumption<br />

of lupin. Aust J Agric Res 19(2):335-340.<br />

l u p i n u s a r g e n Te u s Pursh var. holosericeus<br />

(Nutt.) Barneby [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l upinus holosericeus Nutt.

242 - Lupinus argenteus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Common Names:<br />

grassl<strong>an</strong>d lupine; Great Basin lupine; little-flower<br />

lupine; silky lupine; spur lupine; tailcup lupine<br />

Citations:<br />

Binns W, James LF (1961) A congenital deformity in calves,<br />

similar to “crooked calf disease,” has been experimentally<br />

produced by feeding heifers lupine <strong>an</strong>d lead. Proc Am Soc<br />

Anim Prod Western Sect 12(66):1-3.<br />

Binns W, James LF, Shupe JL, et al. (1962) Crooked calf<br />

disease produced experimentally. Utah Farm Home Sci<br />

23(2):35-37.<br />

l u p i n u s a r g e n Te u s Pursh var. rubricaulis<br />

(Greene) S. L. Welsh [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

mountain silvery lupine<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1934) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1934:38.<br />

l u p i n u s c o s e n Ti n i i Guss. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

s<strong>an</strong>dhill lupin; s<strong>an</strong>dplain lupin; West Australi<strong>an</strong> blue<br />

lupin<br />

Citations:<br />

Arnold GW, Hill JL, Maller RA, et al. (1976) Comparison<br />

of lupin varieties for nutritive value as dry st<strong>an</strong>ding feed<br />

for we<strong>an</strong>er sheep <strong>an</strong>d for incidence of lupinosis. Aust J<br />

Agric Res 27(3):423-435.<br />

Croker KP, Allen JG, Gittins SP, et al. (1998) The development<br />

of lupinosis in we<strong>an</strong>er sheep grazed on s<strong>an</strong>dplain<br />

lupins. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC (eds.) Toxic<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI. New York.<br />

pp. 459-463.<br />

Hawkins CD (1994) “Acorn” calves <strong>an</strong>d retained placentae<br />

following grazing on s<strong>an</strong>dplain lupins (Lupinus cosentinii).<br />

In: Colegate SM, Dorling PR (eds.) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated<br />

toxins. Agricultural, phytochemical <strong>an</strong>d ecological<br />

aspects. CABI. New York. 351-356.<br />

Lupinus crucksh<strong>an</strong>ksii Hook. = Lupinus mutabilis Sweet<br />

Lupinus cumulicola Small = Lupinus diffusus Nutt.<br />

Lupinus cy<strong>an</strong>us Rydb. = Lupinus leucophyllus Douglas ex<br />

Lindl.<br />

l u p i n u s d i f f u s u s Nutt. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l upinus cumulicola Small<br />

Common Names:<br />

lupine; s<strong>an</strong>dhill lupine; sky-blue lupine<br />

Citations:<br />

Dunc<strong>an</strong> WH, Piercy PL, Starling RJ (1955) Toxicological<br />

studies of southeastern pl<strong>an</strong>ts. I. Leguminosae. Econ Bot<br />

9(3):243-255.<br />

l u p i n u s d ig i Ta Tu s Forssk. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Western Australi<strong>an</strong> blue lupin<br />

Citations:<br />

Gardiner MR (1967) The role of copper in the pathogenesis<br />

of subacute <strong>an</strong>d chronic lupinosis of sheep. Aust Vet J<br />

43(Jul):243-248.<br />

l u p i n u s f o r Mo s u s Greene [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

grassl<strong>an</strong>d lupine; lunara lupine; summer lupine<br />

Citations:<br />

Gardner DR, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE (1994) Ammodendrine <strong>an</strong>d related<br />

piperidine alkaloid levels in the blood plasma of cattle,<br />

sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats fed Lupinus formosus. J Nat Toxins<br />

3(2):107-116.<br />

Gardner DR, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE (1994) Anagyrine <strong>an</strong>d ammodendrine<br />

alkaloid levels in the blood of cattle, sheep <strong>an</strong>d<br />

goats fed teratogenic lupin species. In: Colegate SM,<br />

Dorling PR (eds.) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated toxins. Agricultural,<br />

phytochemical <strong>an</strong>d ecological aspects. CABI. New York.<br />

pp. 173-177.<br />

Keeler RF, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE (1989) Piperidine alkaloid composition<br />

<strong>an</strong>d relation to crooked calf disease-inducing potential<br />

of Lupinus formosus. Teratology 40(5):423-432.<br />

Keeler RF, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE (1992) Induction of crooked calf disease<br />

by the piperidine alkaloid-containing pl<strong>an</strong>t Lupinus<br />

formosus. In: James LF, Keeler RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al.<br />

(eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State Univ Press. Ames,<br />

Iowa. pp. 239-244.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Gardner DR, Molyneux RJ (1994) Comparison<br />

of toxic <strong>an</strong>d teratogenic effects of Lupinus formosus,<br />

L. arbustus <strong>an</strong>d L. caudatus in goats. J Nat Toxins<br />

3(2):83-93.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Gardner DR, Molyneux RJ (1998) Teratogenic<br />

<strong>an</strong>d fetotoxic effects of two piperidine alkaloid-containing<br />

lupines (L. formosus <strong>an</strong>d L. arbustus) in cows. J Nat<br />

Toxins 7(2):131-140.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Keeler RF (1991) Toxicologic <strong>an</strong>d teratogenic<br />

comparison of Lupinus formosus, L. arbustus <strong>an</strong>d L. caudatus<br />

in goats. J Anim Sci 69(Suppl 1):393.<br />

Lupinus holosericeus Nutt. = Lupinus argenteus Pursh var.<br />

holosericeus (Nutt.) Barneby<br />

l u p i n u s l a Ti f o l i u s J. Agardh [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

broad-leaf lupine<br />

Citations:<br />

Craigmill AL, Crosby D, Kilgore W (1983) The tr<strong>an</strong>sfer of<br />

teratogenic lupine alkaloids to hum<strong>an</strong> beings through<br />

milk. J Am Vet Med Assoc 183:351.<br />

Kilgore WW, Crosby DG, Craigmill AL, et al. (1981) Toxic<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts as possible hum<strong>an</strong> teratogens. Calif Agric 35(Nov-<br />

Dec):6.<br />

Lupinus laxiflorus auct. = Lupinus arbustus Douglas ex<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Lupinus simul<strong>an</strong>s - 243<br />

Lupinus laxiflorus Douglas ex Lindl. = Lupinus argenteus<br />

Pursh var. argenteus<br />

l u p i n u s l e u c o p h y l l u s Douglas ex Lindl.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l upinus cy<strong>an</strong>eus Rydb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue pea; horsebe<strong>an</strong>; lupine; poison lupine; velvet lupine;<br />

western lupine; white-leaf lupine; wild pea; woolly-leaf<br />

lupine; woolly lupine<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1933) Investigation of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep<br />

1933:34-35.<br />

Anonymous (1936) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep. 1933:44-45.<br />

Knowles AD (1915) Lupinosis of horses <strong>an</strong>d the treatment. J<br />

Am Vet Med Assoc 48:286-303.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Marsh H (1916) Lupines as poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bull #405:45 pp.<br />

Lupinus leucopsis J. Agardh = Lupinus sericeus Pursh<br />

l u p i n u s l u Te u s L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Gelbe Lupine; Gelbe Wolfsbohne; lupin jaune; yellow<br />

lupin; yellow lupine<br />

Citations:<br />

Arnold GW, Hill JL, Maller RA, et al. (1976) Comparison<br />

of lupin varieties for nutritive value as dry st<strong>an</strong>ding feed<br />

for we<strong>an</strong>er sheep <strong>an</strong>d for incidence of lupinosis. Aust J<br />

Agric Res 27(3):423-435.<br />

Gardiner MR (1965) The pathology of lupinosis of sheep.<br />

Gross- <strong>an</strong>d histo-pathology. Pathol Vet 2(5):417-445.<br />

Soler Rodriguez F, Miguez S<strong>an</strong>tiy<strong>an</strong> MP, Pedrera Zamor<strong>an</strong>o<br />

JD, et al. (1991) An outbreak of lupinosis in sheep.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 33(5):492-494.<br />

Turska R (1977) Pathological ch<strong>an</strong>ges of bile c<strong>an</strong>aliculi of<br />

chicken fed with lupine. Acta Med Pol 18(4):363-364.<br />

Turska R, Jamroz D, Czarna Z, et al. (1976) Ultrastructural<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in hepatocytes of chicken fed with lupine. Anat<br />

Histol Embryol 5:96-97.<br />

l u p i n u s Mu Ta b i l is Sweet [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l upinus crucksh<strong>an</strong>ksii Hook.<br />

Common Names:<br />

tallhue<br />

Citations:<br />

Hove EL, King S, Hill GD (1978) Composition, protein<br />

quality, <strong>an</strong>d toxins of seeds of the grain legumes Glycine<br />

max, Lupinus spp., Phaseolus spp., Pisum sativum, <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Vicia faba. N Z J Agric Res 21:457-462.<br />

Ruiz MA, Sotelo A (2001) Chemical composition, nutritive<br />

value, <strong>an</strong>d toxicology evaluation of Mexic<strong>an</strong> wild lupins. J<br />

Agric Food Chem 49(11):5336-5339.<br />

Lupinus ornatus Douglas = Lupinus sericeus Pursh<br />

l u p i n u s r e f l e x u s Rose [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Ruiz MA, Sotelo A (2001) Chemical composition, nutritive<br />

value, <strong>an</strong>d toxicology evaluation of Mexic<strong>an</strong> wild lupins. J<br />

Agric Food Chem 49(11):5336-5339.<br />

l u p i n u s r o Tu n d i f l o r u s M. E. Jones<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Ruiz MA, Sotelo A (2001) Chemical composition, nutritive<br />

value, <strong>an</strong>d toxicology evaluation of Mexic<strong>an</strong> wild lupins. J<br />

Agric Food Chem 49(11):5336-5339.<br />

l u p i n u s s e r ic e u s Pursh [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l upinus leucopsis J. Agardh; l upinus ornatus Douglas<br />

Common Names:<br />

Big Bend lupine; Pursh’s-silky lupine; silky lupine; silvery<br />

lupine; sink lupine<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1935) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1935:39-40.<br />

Binns W, James LF (1961) A congenital deformity in calves,<br />

similar to “crooked calf disease,” has been experimentally<br />

produced by feeding heifers lupine <strong>an</strong>d lead. Proc Am Soc<br />

Anim Prod Western Sect 12(66):1-3.<br />

Binns W, James LF, Keeler RF, et al. (1968) Effects<br />

of teratogenic agents in r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. C<strong>an</strong>cer Res<br />

28(11):2323-2326.<br />

Binns W, James LF, Shupe JL, et al. (1962) Crooked calf<br />

disease produced experimentally. Utah Farm Home Sci<br />

23(2):35-37.<br />

James LF, Binns W, Shupe JL (1968) Blood ch<strong>an</strong>ges in cattle<br />

<strong>an</strong>d sheep fed lupine. Am J Vet Res 29(3):557-560.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Marsh H (1916) Lupines as poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bull #405:45 pp.<br />

Nelson SB (1906) Feeding wild pl<strong>an</strong>ts to sheep. Washington<br />

Agric Exp Sta Bull #73:64 pp.<br />

Shupe JL, Balls LD, James LF (1968) Ch<strong>an</strong>ges in blood<br />

serum tr<strong>an</strong>saminase associated with lupine <strong>an</strong>d larkspur<br />

poisoning in cattle. Cornell Vet 58(1):129-135.<br />

Shupe JL, Binns W, James LF, et al. (1967) Crooked calf<br />

syndrome, A pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced congenital deformity. Zuchthygiene<br />

2:145-152.<br />

Shupe JL, Binns W, James LF, et al. (1967) Lupine, a<br />

cause of crooked calf disease. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

151(2):198-203.<br />

Shupe JL, Binns W, James LF, et al. (1968) A congenital<br />

deformity in calves induced by the maternal consumption<br />

of lupin. Aust J Agric Res 19(2):335-340.<br />

l u p i n u s s i Mu l a n s Rose [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Ruiz MA, Sotelo A (2001) Chemical composition, nutritive<br />

value, <strong>an</strong>d toxicology evaluation of Mexic<strong>an</strong> wild lupins. J<br />

Agric Food Chem 49(11):5336-5339.

244 - Lupinus splendens D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

l u p i n u s s pl e n d e n s Rose [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Ruiz MA, Sotelo A (2001) Chemical composition, nutritive<br />

value, <strong>an</strong>d toxicology evaluation of Mexic<strong>an</strong> wild lupins. J<br />

Agric Food Chem 49(11):5336-5339.<br />

l u p i n u s s u l p h u r e u s Douglas ex Hook.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

sulfur lupine; yellow lupine<br />

Citations:<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Gardner DR, Gay CC, et al. (1997) Observations<br />

of Lupinus sulphureus-induced “crooked calf disease.”<br />

J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag 50:587-592.<br />

Lupinus termis Forssk. = Lupinus albus L. var. albus<br />

Lupinus varius L. = Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius L.<br />

lusmore –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

luya –see– Zingiber officinale Roscoe<br />

luzerne –see– Medicago sativa L.<br />

Lychnis githago (L.) Scop. = Agrostemma githago L.<br />

l y c i u M b a r b a r u M L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l ycium halimifolium Mill.; l ycium vulgare Dunal<br />

Common Names:<br />

Bocksdorn; boxthorn; Chinese boxthorn; Christmas<br />

berry; Duke-of-Argyll’s-tea-tree; marriage vine; matrimony<br />

vine; morali; Teufelszwirn<br />

Citations:<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1927) Stock poisoning by pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the nightshade<br />

family. J Am Vet Med Assoc 71:221-227.<br />

Lycium halimifolium Mill. = Lycium barbarum L.<br />

Lycium vulgare Dunal = Lycium barbarum L.<br />

l y c o p e r s ic o n e s c u l e n Tu M Mill.<br />

[Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Libesafpel; love apple; Tomate; tomaten Düsche;<br />

tomates halent<strong>an</strong>o; tomato<br />

Citations:<br />

Hjorth N, Roed-Petersen J (1976) Occupational protein<br />

contact dermatitis in food h<strong>an</strong>dlers. Contact Dermatitis<br />

2(1):28-42.<br />

Lain ES (1918) Dermatitis Lycopersicum esculentum<br />

(tomato pl<strong>an</strong>t). JAMA 71(14):1114-1117.<br />

Sinha SM, Pasricha JS, Sharma RC, et al. (1977) Vegetables<br />

responsible for contact dermatitis of the h<strong>an</strong>ds. Arch<br />

Dermatol 113(6):776-779.<br />

Note:<br />

Tomato is named Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. var.<br />

esculentum in some publications.<br />

l y c o p o d i u M c l a va Tu M L. [Lycopodiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Salén EB (1951) Lycopodium allergy. Acta Allergol<br />

4:308-319.<br />

Lycopodium saururus Lam. = Huperzia saurus (Lam.)<br />

Trevis.<br />

Lycopodium selago L. = Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex<br />

Schr<strong>an</strong>k & Mart.<br />

Lycopodium serratum Thunb. = Huperzia serrata (Thunb.)<br />

Trevis.<br />

l y g o d e s Mi a Te x a n a (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene<br />

ex Small [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Texas skeleton pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Sperry OE, Turk RD, Hoffm<strong>an</strong> GO, et al. (1955) Photosensitization<br />

of cattle in Texas. Texas Agric Exp Sta Bull<br />

#812:8 pp.<br />

lyngwort –see– Veratrum album L.<br />

l y Th r u M h y s so p i f o l i a L. [Lythraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

lesser loosestrife<br />

Citations:<br />

Allen JG, Creeper JH, Forshaw D, et al. (2004) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated<br />

diseases, either new or new to the state, encountered<br />

over the last decade (1991-2001) in Western Australia. In:<br />

Acamovic T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK.<br />

pp. 540-547.<br />

Glastonbury JR, Walker RI, Links IJ, et al. (1991) Nephrosis<br />

in sheep associated with the ingestion of Lythrum<br />

hyssopifolia L., “lesser loosestrife.” Proc Annu Conf Aust<br />

Soc Vet Path pp. 65-66.<br />

lyukaslevelü orbáncfü –see– Hypericum perforatum L.

ma hu<strong>an</strong>g –see– Ephedra sinica Stapf<br />

ma ni<strong>an</strong>g –see– Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I. C. Nielsen<br />

ma-qi<strong>an</strong>-zi –see– Strychnos nux-vomica L.<br />

Mäasezwiebel –see– Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn<br />

mabola persimmon –see– Prunus myrtifolia (L.) Urb.<br />

maca colorada –see– Andira inermis (W. Wright) Kunth ex<br />

DC.<br />

Ma c a d a Mi a i n Te g r i f o l i a Maiden & Betche<br />

[Proteaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> bush nut; bopple nut; macadamia nut; popple<br />

nut; Queensl<strong>an</strong>d nut<br />

Citations:<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen SR, Buck WB, Meerdink G, et al. (2000) Weakness,<br />

tremors, <strong>an</strong>d depression associated with macadamia<br />

nuts in dogs. Vet Hum Toxicol 42(1):18-21.<br />

Hornfeldt CS, Borys DJ (1985) Review of veterinary cases<br />

received by the Hennepin Poison Center in 1984. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 27(6):525-528.<br />

Lerch M, Egger C, Bircher AJ (2005) Allergic reactions to<br />

macadamia nut. Allergy 60(1):130-131.<br />

McKenzie RA, Purvis-Smith GR, All<strong>an</strong> SJ, et al. (2000)<br />

Macadamia nut poisoning of dogs. Aust Vet Pract<br />

30:6-9.<br />

macadamia nut –see– Macadamia integrifolia Maiden &<br />

Betche; Macadamia tetraphylla L. A. S. Johnson<br />

Ma c a d a Mi a Te Tr a p h y l l a L. A. S. Johnson<br />

[Proteaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> bush nut; bopple nut; macadamia nut; popple<br />

nut; Queensl<strong>an</strong>d nut<br />

Citations:<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen SR, Buck WB, Meerdink G, et al. (2000) Weakness,<br />

tremors, <strong>an</strong>d depression associated with macadamia<br />

nuts in dogs. Vet Hum Toxicol 42(1):18-21.<br />

Lerch M, Egger C, Bircher AJ (2005) Allergic reactions to<br />

macadamia nut. Allergy 60(1):130-131.<br />

macallo –see– Andira inermis (W. Wright) Kunth ex DC.<br />

macasszar –see– Diospyros macassar A. Chev.<br />

macaw tree –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea (Cav.) Benth.<br />

macca –see– Zea mays L.<br />

mace –see– Myristica fragr<strong>an</strong>s Houtt.<br />

M<br />

Ma c h a e r i u M s c l e r o x y l o n Tul. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

caviuna vermelha; ironwood tree; pao ferro; pao ferro<br />

rosewood; S<strong>an</strong>tos Palis<strong>an</strong>der; S<strong>an</strong>tos rosewood<br />

Citations:<br />

Condé-Salazar L, Garcia Diez A, Rafeensperger F, et al.<br />

(1980) Contact allergy to the Brazili<strong>an</strong> rosewood substitute<br />

Machaerium scleroxylon Tul. (pao ferro). Contact<br />

Dermatitis 6(13):246-250.<br />

Estl<strong>an</strong>der T, Jol<strong>an</strong>ki R, Al<strong>an</strong>ko K, et al. (2001) Occupational<br />

allergic contact dermatitis caused by wood dusts. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 44(4):213-217.<br />

Hausen BM (1982) Häufigkeit und Bedeutung toxischer und<br />

allergischer Kontaktdermatitiden durch Machaerium<br />

scleroxylum Tul. (pao ferro), einem Ersatzholz für Palis<strong>an</strong>der<br />

(Dalbergia nigra All.). Hautarzt 33(6):321-328.<br />

Hausen BM, Simatup<strong>an</strong>g MH, Kingreen JC (1972) Untersuchungen<br />

zur Überempfindlichkeit gegen Sucupira - und<br />

Palis<strong>an</strong>derholz. Derm Beruf Umwelt 20(1):1-7.<br />

Hjorth N (1974) Occupational dermatitis from pao ferro<br />

(synonyms: Caviuna vermelha, Machaerium scleroxylon).<br />

Contact Dermatol Newsl 16(Aug):473, 521.<br />

Holst R, Kirby J, Magnusson B (1976) Sensitization to tropical<br />

woods giving erythema multiforme-like eruptions.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 2(11):295-296.<br />

Irvine C, Reynolds A, Finlay AY (1988) Erythema multiforme-like<br />

reaction to “rosewood.” Contact Dermatitis<br />

19(9):224-225.<br />

Morg<strong>an</strong> JW, Orsler RJ, Wilkinson DS (1968) Dermatitis due<br />

to the wood dusts of Khaya <strong>an</strong>thotheca <strong>an</strong>d Machaerium<br />

scleroxylon. Br J Ind Med 25(2):119-125.<br />

Roed-Petersen J, Menné T, Nielsen KM, et al. (1987) Is it<br />

possible to work with pao ferro (Machaerium scleroxylon<br />

Tul.)? Arch Dermatol Res 279(Suppl):S108-S110.<br />

Rojas-Hijazo B, Lezaun A, Hausen BM, et al. (2007) Airborne<br />

contact dermatitis in gaitas (flageolets) constructors<br />

after exposure to sawdust of caviuna. Contact Dermatitis<br />

56(9):274-277.<br />

Mach<strong>an</strong>delbaum –see– Juniperus communis L.<br />

mach<strong>an</strong>deuse –see– Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.<br />

mach<strong>an</strong>oise –see– Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.<br />

macheliko<strong>an</strong>e –see– Acalypha indica L.<br />

machineel –see– Hippom<strong>an</strong>e m<strong>an</strong>cinella L.<br />

Ma c l u r a p o Mi f e r a (Raf.) C. K. Schneid.<br />

[Moraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

ioxylon pomiferum Raf.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bodark; bois d’arc; bowwood; hedge apple; horse apple;<br />

Osage apple; Osage or<strong>an</strong>ge

246 - Macrochloa tenacissima D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Pullar EM (1939) Studies on five suspected poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Aust Vet J 15:19-23.<br />

Schur A (1932) Dermatitis venenata. Report of a case due to<br />

the Osage or<strong>an</strong>ge. Arch Dermatol 26:312-313.<br />

maconha –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

macrocarpa pine –see– Cupressus macrocarpa Hartw. ex<br />

Gordon<br />

Ma c r o c h l o a Te n a c is s i Ma (Loefl. ex L.)<br />

Kunth [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

esparto<br />

Citations:<br />

Zamarron C, Del Campo F, Paredos C (1992) Extrinsic<br />

allergic alveolitis to exposure to esparto dust. J Intern<br />

Med 232(2):177-179.<br />

Ma c r o Ty l o Ma a x i l l a r e (E. Mey.) Verdc.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d olichos axillaris E. Mey.<br />

Citations:<br />

Shenk JS (1976) The meadow vole as <strong>an</strong> experimental <strong>an</strong>imal.<br />

Lab Anim Sci 26(4):664-669.<br />

macrotys –see– Actaea racemosa L.<br />

Ma c r o z a Mi a c o MMu n is L. A. S. Johnson<br />

[Zamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

burraw<strong>an</strong>g; wild pineapple; zamia<br />

Citations:<br />

Healy PJ (1969) Studies on poisoning by Macrozamia communis.<br />

I. Biochemical disturb<strong>an</strong>ces in the liver. Biochem<br />

Pharmacol 18(1):85-92.<br />

Healy PJ (1969) Studies on poisoning by Macrozamia communis.<br />

II. Effects of modifying agents upon ch<strong>an</strong>ges<br />

induced in the liver by Macrozamia communis. Biochem<br />

Pharmacol 18(1):93-99.<br />

Ma c r o z a Mi a d o u g l a s i i W. Hill ex F. M.<br />

Bailey [Zamiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Hall WT (1954) Zamia staggers in cattle. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d Agric<br />

J 79:173-177.<br />

Hall WT (1957) Toxicity of the leaves of Macrozamia spp.<br />

for cattle. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d J Agric Sci 14(2):41-52.<br />

Ma c r o z a Mi a l u c i d a L. A. S. Johnson<br />

[Zamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

burraw<strong>an</strong>g; wild pineapple; Zamia<br />

Citations:<br />

Hall WT, McGavin MD (1968) Clinical <strong>an</strong>d neuropathological<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in cattle eating the leaves of Macrozamia<br />

lucida or Bowenia serrulata (Family Zamiaceae). Pathol<br />

Vet 5(1):26-34.<br />

Ma c r o z a Mi a Miq u e l i i (F. Muell.) A. DC.<br />

[Zamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

wild pineapple; zamia; zamia palm<br />

Citations:<br />

Turner F (1893) The zamia palm (Macrozamia miquelii, F.<br />

v. M.) <strong>an</strong>d its relation to the disease known as rickets in<br />

cattle. Agric Gaz New South Wales 4:158-161.<br />

Ma c r o z a Mi a p a u l i-g u i l i e l Mi W. Hill &<br />

F. Muell. [Zamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

zamia<br />

Citations:<br />

Hall WT (1954) Zamia staggers in cattle. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d Agric<br />

J 79:173-177.<br />

Hall WT (1957) Toxicity of the leaves of Macrozamia spp.<br />

for cattle. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d J Agric Sci 14(2):41-52.<br />

Ma c r o z a Mi a r i e d l e i (Fisch. ex Gaudich.) C.<br />

A. Gardner [Zamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cycad; zamia; zamia palm<br />

Citations:<br />

Gabbedy BJ, Meyer EP, Dickson J (1975) Zamia palm<br />

(Macrozamia riedlei) poisoning of sheep. Aust Vet J<br />

51(6):303-305.<br />

Gardiner MR (1970) Chronic ovine hepatosis following<br />

feeding of Macrozamia riedlei nuts. Aust J Agric Res<br />

21(3):519-526.<br />

Ma c r o z a Mi a s p i r a l is (Salisb.) Miq.<br />

[Zamiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

z amia fraseri V<strong>an</strong> Houtte ex Regel<br />

Common Names:<br />

burraw<strong>an</strong>g; burraw<strong>an</strong>g palm; cycad; wild pineapple;<br />

zamia; zamia palm<br />

Citations:<br />

Edwards HH (1894) The disease known as “rickets” or “wobbles.”<br />

J Agric West Aust 1(18):225-234.<br />

Hall WT (1954) Zamia staggers in cattle. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d Agric<br />

J 79:173-177.<br />

Hall WT (1957) Toxicity of the leaves of Macrozamia spp.<br />

for cattle. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d J Agric Sci 14(2):41-52.<br />

Seddon HR, Belschner HG (1930) Poisoning of sheep by<br />

the seeds of burraw<strong>an</strong>g (Macrozamia spiralis). Agric Gaz<br />

New South Wales 41:451-457.<br />

mad apple –see– Datura stramonium L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Malephora smithii - 247<br />

mad seeds –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

Madagascar periwinkle –see– Cathar<strong>an</strong>thus roseus (L.) G.<br />

Don<br />

madar –see– Calotropis gig<strong>an</strong>tea (L.) W. T. Aiton; Calotropis<br />

procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton<br />

madársóska –see– Oxalis acetosella L.<br />

madderwort –see– Artemisia absinthium L.<br />

madecassol –see– Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.<br />

Madeira ivy –see– Hedera helix L. subsp. c<strong>an</strong>ariensis<br />

(Willd.) Cout.<br />

Madeira walnut –see– Jugl<strong>an</strong>s regia L.<br />

Madeira winter cherry –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um pseudocapsicum L.<br />

madera negra –see– Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp.<br />

Ma d h u c a l o n g i f o l i a (L.) J. F. Macbr.<br />

[Sapotaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Edelteak; ilpa oil pl<strong>an</strong>t; mahua; Moah; Moah Holz<br />

Citations:<br />

Arseculeratne SN, Gunatilaka AA, P<strong>an</strong>abokke RG (1985)<br />

Studies on medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka. Part 14. Toxicity<br />

of some traditional medicinal herbs. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

13:323-335.<br />

madre –see– Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp.<br />

madre-de-cacao –see– Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex<br />

Walp.<br />

madriado –see– Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp.<br />

madweed –see– Scutellaria lateriflora L.<br />

maerm<strong>an</strong> –see– Drimia altissima (L. f.) Ker Gawl.<br />

Ma e s a l a n c e o l a Ta Forssk. [Maesaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ol odoa<br />

Citations:<br />

Mugera GM (1970) Toxic <strong>an</strong>d medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of East<br />

Africa. II. Bull Epizootic Dis Afr 18(4):389-403.<br />

Magenkraut –see– Artemisia absinthium L.<br />

Magot –see– Sapium biloculare (S. Watson) Pax<br />

maguey –see– Agave americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

Mahagoni –see– Khaya senegalensis (Desr.) A. Juss.<br />

mahog<strong>an</strong>y –see– Swietenia macrophylla; Swietenia mahagoni<br />

(L.) Jacq.; Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum.<br />

mahonia –see– Berberis aquifolium Pursh<br />

Mahonia aquifolium (Pursh) Nutt. = Berberis aquifolium<br />

Pursh<br />

Mahonie –see– Berberis aquifolium Pursh<br />

Mährrettig –see– Armoracia rustic<strong>an</strong>a P. Gaertn. et al.<br />

mahua –see– Madhuca longifolia (L.) J. F. Macbr.<br />

mai-meu-dong-t<strong>an</strong>g –see– Ophiopogon japonicus (Thunb.)<br />

Ker Gawl.<br />

Ma i a n Th e Mu M b i f o l i u M (L.) F. W. Schmidt<br />

[Ruscaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Bittekonvall; Maiblom; May lily; Schattenblume<br />

Citations:<br />

Lamminpaa A, Kinos M (1996) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings in children.<br />

Hum Exp Toxicol 15(3):245-249.<br />

Maiblom –see– Mai<strong>an</strong>themum bifolium (L.) F. W. Schmidt<br />

Maiblume –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

maiden apple –see– Momordica char<strong>an</strong>tia L.<br />

maiden plum –see– Comocladia dentata Jacq.<br />

maidenhair tree –see– Ginkgo biloba L.; Moringa oleifera<br />

Lam.<br />

maiden’s-honesty –see– Clematis vitalba L.<br />

Maiglöckchen –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

maigoya –see– Plectr<strong>an</strong>thus barbatus Andrews<br />

maikoa –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia arborea (L.) Lagerh.<br />

Maischellchen –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

maize –see– Zea mays L.<br />

Major<strong>an</strong> –see– Orig<strong>an</strong>um major<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

májusi gyöngyvirág –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

makaon –see– Dichapetalum cymosum (Hook.) Engl.<br />

makoi –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.<br />

makoré –see– Tieghemella heckelii Pierre ex A. Chev.<br />

mala mujer –see– Cnidoscolus urens (L.) Arthur; Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

rostratum Dunal; Toxicodendron striatum (Ruiz & Pav.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

Malabar glory lily –see– Gloriosa superba L.<br />

Malabar tree –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

mal<strong>an</strong>ga –see– Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott; Epipremnum<br />

pinnatum (L.) Engl.; X<strong>an</strong>thosoma sagittifolium (L.)<br />

Schott<br />

mal<strong>an</strong>ga trepadora –see– Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl.<br />

malasampaga –see– Wikstroemia ovata C. A. Mey.<br />

Malay<strong>an</strong> arrow poison –see– Antiaris toxicaria Lesch.<br />

Malay<strong>an</strong> spurge –see– Euphorbia <strong>an</strong>tiquorum L.<br />

Malay<strong>an</strong> tea –see– Cullen corylifolium (L.) Medik.<br />

male fern –see– Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott<br />

Ma l e p h o r a s Mi Th i i (L. Bolus) H. E. K.<br />

Hartm<strong>an</strong>n [Aizoaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h ymenocyclus smithii L. Bolus<br />

Common Names:<br />


248 - Mallotus philippensis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1939) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa. IX. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 12:335-366.<br />

malkop ui –see– Ornithogalum magnum (Baker) J. C.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>ning & Goldblatt<br />

Ma l l o Tu s p h i l i p p e n s is (Lam.) Müll. Arg.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r ottlera tinctoria Roxb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

kamala; monkey face tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal:<br />

Preliminary toxicity screening using grass carp<br />

(Ctenopharyngodon idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

21(1):1-9.<br />

mallow –see– Malva parviflora L.<br />

malpitte –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

maluie –see– Ornithogalum magnum (Baker) J. C. M<strong>an</strong>ning<br />

& Goldblatt<br />

Ma l u s d o Me s Tic a Borkh. [Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Apfel; apple<br />

Citations:<br />

Duboucher C, Escamilla R, Rocchiccioli F, et al. (1986) Pulmonary<br />

lipogr<strong>an</strong>ulomatosis due to excessive consumption<br />

of apples. Chest 90(4):611-612.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1928) Stock poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Hydrocy<strong>an</strong>ic<br />

poisoning. North Am Vet 9(5):24-27.<br />

Kammerer M, Sachot E, Bl<strong>an</strong>chot D (2001) Eth<strong>an</strong>ol toxicosis<br />

from the ingestion of rotten apples by a dog. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 43(6):349-350.<br />

Merrill SD (1952) Apple poisoning in dairy cows. Vet Med<br />

47(Oct):405-406.<br />

Meynadier J, Meynadier JM, Guilhou JJ (1982) L’urticaire<br />

de contact chez l’atopique. A propos de deux observations.<br />

Ann Dermatol Venereol 109(10):871-874.<br />

Skamstrup H<strong>an</strong>sen K, Vestergaard H, Stahl Skov P, et al.<br />

(2001) Double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenge<br />

with apple. Allergy 56(2):109-117.<br />

Teli AA, Chauh<strong>an</strong> HV, Gupta BS, et al. (1986) Acidosis in<br />

ewes caused by feeding of damaged apple (Malus sylvestris)<br />

diet. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J 63(Jul):591-593.<br />

Ma l u s s y l ve s Tr is (L.) Mill. [Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

crabapple<br />

Citations:<br />

Shaw JM (1986) Suspected cy<strong>an</strong>ide poisoning in two goats<br />

caused by ingestion of crab apple leaves <strong>an</strong>d fruits. Vet<br />

Rec 119(10):242-243.<br />

malva –see– Malva pusilla Sm.<br />

Malva borealis Wallm<strong>an</strong> = Malva pusilla Sm.<br />

Ma l va n ic a e e n s is All. [Malvaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bull mallow<br />

Citations:<br />

Shlosberg A, Egyed MN, Efron Y (1975) Malva nicaeensis<br />

- A potentially poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t for cattle. Refu Vet<br />

32(4):155-156.<br />

Ma l va p a rv i f l o r a L. [Malvaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

alkali mallow; button weed; cheeseweed; golio; kissieblaaren;<br />

little mallow; mallow; marshmallow; smallflower<br />

mallow<br />

Citations:<br />

Allen JG, Creeper JH, Forshaw D, et al. (2004) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated<br />

diseases, either new or new to the state, encountered<br />

over the last decade (1991-2001) in Western Australia. In:<br />

Acamovic T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK.<br />

pp. 540-547.<br />

Anonymous (2005) Marshmallow toxicity in young sheep.<br />

South Australi<strong>an</strong> state report. Animal Health Surveill<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

10 (4):14.<br />

Dodd S, Henry M (1921) Staggers or shivers in live stock.<br />

Agric Gaz New South Wales 32:327-329.<br />

Lorenz FW (1939) Egg deterioration due to ingestion by<br />

hens of malvaceous materials. Poult Sci 18:295-300.<br />

Main DC, Butler AR (2006) Probable Malva parviflora<br />

(small flowered mallow) intoxication in sheep in Western<br />

Australia. Aust Vet J 84(4):134-135.<br />

Ma l va p u s i l l a Sm. [Malvaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Malva borealis Wallm<strong>an</strong><br />

Common Names:<br />

malva; round-leaf mallow; running mallow<br />

Citations:<br />

Hester JH (1906) The injurious effects of malva pl<strong>an</strong>t. Am<br />

Vet Rev 30:106-108.<br />

mamona –see– Euphorbia helioscopia L.; Ricinus communis L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>-in-the-ground –see– Marah oregonus (Torr. & S.<br />

Watson) J. T. Howell<br />

m<strong>an</strong>-better-m<strong>an</strong> –see– Achyr<strong>an</strong>thes aspera L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong> t’sao –see– Illicium <strong>an</strong>isatum L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>cenillier –see– Hippom<strong>an</strong>e m<strong>an</strong>cinella L.; Metopium<br />

toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>chineal –see– Hippom<strong>an</strong>e m<strong>an</strong>cinella L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>darin –see– Citrus reticulata Bl<strong>an</strong>co<br />

M<strong>an</strong>delbaum –see– Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb<br />

m<strong>an</strong>dioc –see– M<strong>an</strong>ihot esculenta Cr<strong>an</strong>tz

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> M<strong>an</strong>gifera indica - 249<br />

m<strong>an</strong>dioca –see– M<strong>an</strong>ihot esculenta Cr<strong>an</strong>tz<br />

m<strong>an</strong>dragora –see– M<strong>an</strong>dragora officinarum L.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>dragora autumnalis Bertol. = M<strong>an</strong>dragora officinarum L.<br />

Ma n d r ag o r a o f f ic i n a r u M L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

M<strong>an</strong>dragora autumnalis Bertol.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Alraunwurzel; bidh-el-ghoul; devil’s-apple; devil’sherb;<br />

eleph<strong>an</strong>t’s-ear; Europe<strong>an</strong> m<strong>an</strong>drake; herbeaux-magiciens;<br />

m<strong>an</strong>dragora; M<strong>an</strong>dragore d’Europe;<br />

m<strong>an</strong>drake; medicinal m<strong>an</strong>drake; Sat<strong>an</strong>’s-apple<br />

Citations:<br />

De Salvo R, Sinardi AU, S<strong>an</strong>tamaria LB, et al. (1980) Su un raro<br />

caso di intossicazione acuta da m<strong>an</strong>dragora. Criteri diagnostici<br />

e terapeutici. Minerva Anestesiol 46(12):1265-1272.<br />

Ghorbal H, Hamouda C, Bousnina M, et al. (2003) Use<br />

of pl<strong>an</strong>ts to induce chemical submission in Tunisia. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 45(2):91-93.<br />

Jiménez Mejías ME, Montaño Díaz M, López Pardo F, et al.<br />

(1990) Intoxicación atropinica por M<strong>an</strong>dragora autumnalis.<br />

Descripción de quince casos. Med Clin (Barc)<br />

95(18):689-692.<br />

Piccillo GA, Miele L, Mondati E, et al. (2006) Anticholinergic<br />

syndrome due to ‘Devil’s herb’: When risks come<br />

from the <strong>an</strong>cient time. Int J Clin Pract 60(4):492-494.<br />

Piccillo GA, Mondati EG, Moro PA (2002) Six clinical<br />

cases of M<strong>an</strong>dragora autumnalis poisoning: Diagnosis<br />

<strong>an</strong>d treatment. Eur J Emerg Med 9(4):342-347.<br />

Vlachos P, Poulos L (1982) A case of m<strong>an</strong>drake poisoning. J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 19(5):521-522.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>dragore d’Amerique –see– Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>dragore d’Europe –see– M<strong>an</strong>dragora officinarum L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>drake –see– Arum maculatum L.; Bryonia dioica Jacq.;<br />

Dioscorea communis (L.) Caddick & Wilkin; M<strong>an</strong>dragora<br />

officinarum L.; Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Makino;<br />

Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>ga –see– M<strong>an</strong>gifera indica L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>g<strong>an</strong>illo-de-cerro –see– Toxicodendron striatum (Ruiz &<br />

Pav.) Kuntze<br />

m<strong>an</strong>gel –see– Beta vulgaris L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>gel wurzel –see– Beta vulgaris L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>gga –see– M<strong>an</strong>gifera indica L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>ggaboom –see– M<strong>an</strong>gifera indica L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>ggom –see– M<strong>an</strong>gifera indica L.<br />

Ma n g i f e r a c a e s i a Jack [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

binjai<br />

Citations:<br />

Fasal P (1945) Cut<strong>an</strong>eous diseases in the tropics. A clinical<br />

study <strong>based</strong> on observations in Malaya. Arch Derm<br />

Syphilol 51(3):163-171.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>dor JV (1943) Dermatitis venenata caused by smoke. Br J<br />

Dermatol 55:17-19.<br />

Ma n g i f e r a f o e Ti d a Lour. [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

horse m<strong>an</strong>go<br />

Citations:<br />

Fasal P (1945) Cut<strong>an</strong>eous diseases in the tropics. A clinical<br />

study <strong>based</strong> on observations in Malaya. Arch Derm<br />

Syphilol 51(3):163-171.<br />

Ma n g i f e r a i n d ic a L. [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

aam; apple-of-the-tropics; fruit-of-heaven; king-offruits;<br />

m<strong>an</strong>ga; m<strong>an</strong>gga; m<strong>an</strong>ggaboom; m<strong>an</strong>ggom;<br />

m<strong>an</strong>go; m<strong>an</strong>got; m<strong>an</strong>gotine; m<strong>an</strong>gue; m<strong>an</strong>guier; pied<br />

m<strong>an</strong>go; skin m<strong>an</strong>go<br />

Citations:<br />

Brown A, Brown FR (1940) M<strong>an</strong>go dermatitis. J Allergy<br />

12:310-311.<br />

D<strong>an</strong>g RW, Bell DB 2nd (1967) Anaphylactic reaction to<br />

the ingestion of m<strong>an</strong>go. Case report. Hawaii Med J<br />

27(2):149-150.<br />

Fasal P (1945) Cut<strong>an</strong>eous diseases in the tropics. A clinical<br />

study <strong>based</strong> on observations in Malaya. Arch Derm<br />

Syphilol 51(3):163-171.<br />

Geller M (1989) Poison ivy, m<strong>an</strong>goes, cashews, <strong>an</strong>d dermatitis.<br />

Ann Intern Med 110(12):1036-1037.<br />

Geroso AM, Elpern DJ (1992) Some observations on m<strong>an</strong>go<br />

<strong>an</strong>d mokih<strong>an</strong>a dermatitis from Hawaii. Contact Dermatitis<br />

26(5):346-347.<br />

Goldberg LC (1954) M<strong>an</strong>go dermatitis. JAMA 156(Nov<br />

6):954.<br />

Goldstein N (1968) The ubiquitous urushiols. Contact dermatitis<br />

from m<strong>an</strong>go, poison ivy, <strong>an</strong>d other “poison” pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Cutis 4(6):679-685.<br />

Hammerstein CP (1959) M<strong>an</strong>go dermatitis experiences.<br />

Proc Florida M<strong>an</strong>go Forum. pp. 14-16.<br />

Hershko K, Weinberg I, Ingber A (2005) Exploring the<br />

m<strong>an</strong>go-poison ivy connection: The riddle of discriminative<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis 52(1):3-5.<br />

Keil H, Wasserm<strong>an</strong> D, Dawson CR (1946) M<strong>an</strong>go dermatitis<br />

<strong>an</strong>d its relationship to poison ivy hypersensitivity. Ann<br />

Allergy 4(Jul-Aug):268-281.<br />

Kirby-Smith JL (1938) M<strong>an</strong>go dermatitis. Am J Trop Med<br />

18:373-384.<br />

Lindenbaum S (1962) [Allergic reactions to M<strong>an</strong>gifera indica<br />

(m<strong>an</strong>go).] Harefuah 62:422-423.<br />

Paschke A, Kinder H, Zunker K, et al. (2001) Characterization<br />

of cross-reacting allergens in m<strong>an</strong>go fruit. Allergy<br />

56(3):237-242.<br />

Paulson GA (1941-1943) M<strong>an</strong>go <strong>an</strong>d hualtaco dermatitis.<br />

Med Bull St<strong>an</strong>dard Oil Co 5:197-200.<br />

Rubin JM, Shapiro J, Muehlbauer P, et al. (1965) Shock<br />

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Simmons JS, Bolin ZE (1921) Dermatitis venenata produced<br />

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Tucker MO, Sw<strong>an</strong> CR (1998) Images in clinical medicine:<br />

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Weinstein S, Bassiri-Tehr<strong>an</strong>i S, Cohen DE (2004) Allergic<br />

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Zakon SJ (1939) Contact dermatitis due to m<strong>an</strong>go. JAMA<br />

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m<strong>an</strong>go –see– M<strong>an</strong>gifera indica L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>gold –see– Beta vulgaris L.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>gold Rübe –see– Beta vulgaris L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>got –see– M<strong>an</strong>gifera indica L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>gotine –see– M<strong>an</strong>gifera indica L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>gue –see– M<strong>an</strong>gifera indica L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>guier –see– M<strong>an</strong>gifera indica L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>içoba –see– M<strong>an</strong>ihot carthagenensis (Jacq.) Müll. Arg.<br />

subsp. glaziovii (Müll. Arg.) Allem<br />

m<strong>an</strong>içoba-do-ceará –see– M<strong>an</strong>ihot carthagenensis (Jacq.)<br />

Müll. Arg. subsp. glaziovii (Müll. Arg.) Allem<br />

m<strong>an</strong>ihot –see– M<strong>an</strong>ihot esculenta Cr<strong>an</strong>tz<br />

M<strong>an</strong>ihot aipi Pohl = M<strong>an</strong>ihot esculenta Cr<strong>an</strong>tz<br />

Ma n i h o T c a r Th ag e n e n s is (Jacq.) Müll. Arg.<br />

subsp. glaziovii (Müll. Arg.) Allem [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

M<strong>an</strong>ihot glaziovii Müll. Arg.<br />

Common Names:<br />

m<strong>an</strong>içoba; m<strong>an</strong>içoba-do-ceará<br />

Citations:<br />

Amorim SL, Medeiros RM, Riet-Correa F (2005) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por M<strong>an</strong>ihot glaziovii (Euphorbiaceae)<br />

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Vet Bras 19(2):84-90.<br />

Ma n i h o T e s c u l e n Ta Cr<strong>an</strong>tz [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

j atropha m<strong>an</strong>ihot L.; M<strong>an</strong>ihot aipi Pohl; M<strong>an</strong>ihot utilissima<br />

Pohl<br />

Common Names:<br />

akpu; bitter cassava; Brazili<strong>an</strong> arrowroot; cassada;<br />

cassava; gari; m<strong>an</strong>dioc; m<strong>an</strong>dioca; m<strong>an</strong>ihot; m<strong>an</strong>ioc;<br />

M<strong>an</strong>iok; simaltarul; sweet cassava; tapioca; ubi kayu;<br />

yuca<br />

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252 - Marah oregonus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

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Salamone L, di Blasi S, Coniglio L (1969) Rilievi sulla patologia<br />

da legno di m<strong>an</strong>sonia. Folia Medica 52:427-449.<br />

Vacirca G, Agosti M, Crotti S (1970) Osservazioni clinicosperimentali<br />

sull’intossicazione da M<strong>an</strong>sonia altissima<br />

nel vitello. Atti Soc Ital Sci Vet 24:461-463.<br />

Ventruoli M, Quadri E (1969) Intossicazione da «M<strong>an</strong>sonia» nel<br />

c<strong>an</strong>e. Contributo clinico e spermitale. Nuova Vet 45:71-81.<br />

Note:<br />

The synonym Sterculiacea altissima could not be found<br />

in the databases searched.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>tegazzis Bärenklau –see– Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um<br />

Sommier & Levier<br />

m<strong>an</strong>y-ray Baileya –see– Baileya multiradiata Harv. & A.<br />

Gray ex Torr.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>illa –see– Hippom<strong>an</strong>e m<strong>an</strong>cinella L.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>illabaum –see– Hippom<strong>an</strong>e m<strong>an</strong>cinella L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>illo –see– Hippom<strong>an</strong>e m<strong>an</strong>cinella L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>illo-de-la-costa –see– Hippom<strong>an</strong>e m<strong>an</strong>cinella L.<br />

m<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>illo-de-playa –see– Hippom<strong>an</strong>e m<strong>an</strong>cinella L.<br />

maracá-de-cobra –see– Crotalaria juncea L.; Crotalaria pallida<br />

Aiton; Crotalaria retusa L.; Crotalaria spectabilis Roth<br />

Ma r a h o r e g o n u s (Torr. & S. Watson) J. T.<br />

Howell [Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Micrampelis oregona (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene<br />

Common Names:<br />

coast m<strong>an</strong>root; m<strong>an</strong>-in-the-ground; old m<strong>an</strong>; wild<br />

cucumber<br />

Citations:<br />

Hugelmeyer CD, Putnam TS, Burton BT, et al. (1987) Fatal<br />

poisoning due to ingestion of wild cucumber seed tea. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 29(6):462-463.<br />

Litovitz TL, Martin TG, Schmitz B (1987) 1986 Annual<br />

report of the Americ<strong>an</strong> Association of Poison Control<br />

Centers National Data Collection System. Am J Emerg<br />

Med 5(6):405-445.<br />

mar<strong>an</strong>ga calalu –see– Moringa oleifera Lam.<br />

mar<strong>an</strong>guey –see– Zamia integrifolia L. f.; Zamia portoricensis<br />

Urb.<br />

marañón –see– Anacardium occidentale L.<br />

Mar<strong>an</strong>ta gal<strong>an</strong>ga L. = Alpinia gal<strong>an</strong>ga (L.) Sw.<br />

marble queen –see– Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl.<br />

marcona bark –see– Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guill. &<br />

Perr.) Bren<strong>an</strong><br />

marejea –see– Crotalaria ochroleuca G. Don<br />

Märek –see– Armoracia rustic<strong>an</strong>a P. Gaertn. et al.<br />

mare’s-tail –see– Equisetum arvense L.; Equisetum<br />

ramosissimum Desf.<br />

margarita –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.<br />

Margarite –see– Leuc<strong>an</strong>themum vulgare Lam.<br />

margosa tree –see– Azadirachta indica A. Juss.<br />

marguerite daisy –see– Argyr<strong>an</strong>themum frutescens (L.) Sch.<br />

Bip.; Leuc<strong>an</strong>themum vulgare Lam.<br />

Ma r g y r ic a r p u s p i n n a Tu s (Lam.) Kuntze<br />

[Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

yerba-de-la-perdiz<br />

Citations:<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2001) Herbal infusions used for<br />

induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 39(3):318-319.<br />

Laborde A, Cig<strong>an</strong>da C (1998) Poisoning by herbal infusions<br />

ingested as abortifacient agents. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

36(5):454-455.<br />

mari<strong>an</strong> thistle –see– Silybum mari<strong>an</strong>um (L.) Gaertn.<br />

marigold –see– Calendula officinalis L.; Tagetes erecta L.<br />

marigold paper flower –see– Psilostrophe tagetina (Nutt.)<br />

Greene<br />

marihu<strong>an</strong>a –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

mariju<strong>an</strong>a –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

Maris Kestrel kale –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. medullosa<br />

Thell.<br />

marjoram –see– Orig<strong>an</strong>um major<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

markery –see– Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

marking nut –see– Semecarpus <strong>an</strong>acardium L. f.; Semecarpus<br />

australiensis Engl.<br />

Markstammkohl –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. medullosa<br />

Thell.<br />

markweed –see– Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

marmeleiro bravo –see– Prunus myrtifolia (L.) Urb.<br />

marriage vine –see– Lycium barbarum L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

marronier d’Inde –see– Aesculus hippocast<strong>an</strong>um L.<br />

marrow –see– Cucurbita pepo L.<br />

marrow stem kale –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. medullosa<br />

Thell.<br />

marrube bl<strong>an</strong>c –see– Marrubium vulgare L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Mascagnia rigida - 253<br />

Ma r r u b i u M vu l g a r e L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

horehound; marrube bl<strong>an</strong>c; white horehound<br />

Citations:<br />

Kchouk M, Chadli A (1963) Sur les propriétés abortives du<br />

marrube bl<strong>an</strong>c (Marrubium vulgare L.). Arch Inst Pasteur<br />

Tunis 40(Jun):129-132.<br />

Ma r s d e n i a r o s Tr a Ta R. Br. [Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

milk vine; poison vine<br />

Citations:<br />

Seddon HR, Carne HR (1925) A vine poisonous to stock<br />

(Marsdenia rostrata). Agric Gaz New South Wales<br />

36:99-103.<br />

Seddon HR, Carne HR (1925) Marsdenia rostrata: A vine<br />

poisonous to stock. New South Wales Dep Agric Sci Bull<br />

#24:34-43.<br />

marsh arrowgrass –see– Triglochin maritima L.<br />

marsh buttercup –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus cymbalaria Pursh<br />

marsh crowfoot –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus sceleratus L.<br />

marsh elder –see– Cyclachaena x<strong>an</strong>thiifolia (Nutt.) Fresen.;<br />

Iva <strong>an</strong>gustifolia Nutt. ex DC.; Iva <strong>an</strong>nua L.; Iva<br />

microcephala Nutt.<br />

marsh horsetail –see– Equisetum palustre L.<br />

marsh pepper –see– Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach<br />

marsh ragwort –see– Jacobaea aquatica (Hill) P. Gaertn. et<br />

al. var. aquatica<br />

marsh trefoil –see– Meny<strong>an</strong>thes trifoliata L.<br />

marsh turnip –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott<br />

marsh weed –see– Equisetum palustre L.<br />

marshmallow –see– Malva parviflora L.<br />

Ma r s i l e a d r u MMo n d i i A. Braun<br />

[Marsileaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

nardoo fern<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1976) Nardoo poisoning. Agric Gaz New South<br />

Wales 87:44.<br />

Pritchard D, Eggleston GW, Macadam JF (1978) Nardoo fern<br />

<strong>an</strong>d polioencephalomalacia. Aust Vet J 54(4):204-205.<br />

marton d’Inde –see– Aesculus hippocast<strong>an</strong>um L.<br />

marupá –see– Simarouba amara Aubl.<br />

Maruta cotula DC. = Anthemis cotula L.<br />

Mary J<strong>an</strong>e –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

Ma s c ag n i a p u b i f l o r a (A. Juss.) Griseb.<br />

[Malpighiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

corona; timbó<br />

Citations:<br />

Döbereiner J, Gava A, Consorte LB, et al. (1986) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Mascagnia pubiflora [Malpighiaceae]<br />

em coelhos. Pesq Vet Bras 6(2):51-57.<br />

Fern<strong>an</strong>des NS, Macruz R (1964) Toxicidade de “corona” -<br />

Mascagnia pubiflora (Juss) Griseb. [Malpighiaceae]. Arq<br />

Inst Biol (Sao Paulo) 31(1):1-4.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>tos FC, Fischer P, Jardim EC (1976) Intoxicação experimental<br />

em bovinos por “Timbó” Mascagnia pubiflora.<br />

An Esc Agron Vet 6(1):97-103.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J (1973) Intoxicação por Mascagnia<br />

pubiflora em bovinos no Estado de Mato Grosso.<br />

Pesq Agric Bras Vet 8(6):61-68.<br />

Ma s c ag n i a r ig i d a (A. Juss.) Griseb.<br />

[Malpighiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

tingui<br />

Citations:<br />

Batatinha MJ, Spinosa HS, Bernardi MM (1988) Toxic<br />

effects of Mascagnia rigida in laboratory <strong>an</strong>imals. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 30(3):259.<br />

Medeiros RM, Neto SA, Barbosa RC, et al. (2002) Sudden<br />

bovine death from Mascagnia rigida in northeastern Brazil.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 44(5):286-288.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>tos HL (1975) Aspectos clínicos, laboratoriais e <strong>an</strong>átomohistopatológicos,<br />

na intoxicação experimental de bovinos<br />

pela Mascagnia rigida (Juss) Gr. Arq Esc Vet Univ Fed<br />

Minas Gerais 27:398-399.<br />

Tokarnia CH, C<strong>an</strong>ella CF, Döbereiner J (1961) Intoxicação<br />

por um “tingui” (Mascagnia rigida Griseb.) em bovinos<br />

no nordeaste do Brasil. Arq Inst Biol Anim (Rio J<strong>an</strong>eiro)<br />

4:203-215.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J, C<strong>an</strong>ella CF (1987) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Mascagnia rigida (Malpighiaceae) em<br />

coelhos. Pesq Vet Bras 7(1):11-16.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J, Peixoto PV (1985) Intoxicação<br />

por Mascagnia aff. rigida (Malpighiaceae) em bovinos no<br />

norte do Espírito S<strong>an</strong>to. Pesq Vet Bras 5(3):77-91.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Peixoto PV, Döbereiner J (1985) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Mascagnia aff. rigida (Malpighiaceae)<br />

em coelhos. Pesq Vet Bras 5(4):121-128.<br />

mascarida –see– Chamaeleon gummifera (L.) Cass.<br />

mashasha –see– Dalechampia sc<strong>an</strong>dens L.<br />

masooriberry –see– Coriaria myrtifolia L.<br />

mastic –see– Pistacia lentiscus L.<br />

mastic gum –see– Pistacia lentiscus L.<br />

mastich –see– Pistacia lentiscus L.<br />

mastiche –see– Pistacia lentiscus L.<br />

masticogna –see– Chamaeleon gummifera (L.) Cass.<br />

mastis –see– Pistacia lentiscus L.<br />

mastix –see– Pistacia lentiscus L.<br />

mat balsam –see– Euphorbia drummondii Boiss.<br />

mat spurge –see– Euphorbia drummondii Boiss.<br />

mata bode –see– Ipomoea carnea Jacq. subsp. fistulosa Mart.<br />

ex Choisy) D. F. Austin

254 - Matricaria nigellifolia D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

mata pasto –see– Senna occidentalis (L.) Link<br />

mata ratón –see– Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp.<br />

matalahuga <strong>an</strong>iseed –see– Pimpinella <strong>an</strong>isum L.<br />

matapolilla –see– Elaeagnus <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

matar –see– Pisum sativum L.<br />

matchbox be<strong>an</strong> –see– Entada phaseoloides (L.) Merr.<br />

matchbrush –see– Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton &<br />

Rusby<br />

matchweed –see– Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton &<br />

Rusby<br />

maté –see– Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.<br />

matra –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

Matricaria chamomilla auct. = Matricaria recutita L.<br />

Ma Tr ic a r i a n ig e l l i f o l i a DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

rivierals; staggers weed; stootsiektebossie; water<br />

kerwal<br />

Citations:<br />

Newsholme SJ, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, Welm<strong>an</strong> WG (1984) Pathology<br />

of a nervous disorder (pushing disease or “stootsiekte”)<br />

in cattle caused by the pl<strong>an</strong>t Matricaria nigellifolia DC.<br />

(Asteraceae). Onderstepoort J Vet Res 51(2):119-127.<br />

Ma Tr ic a r i a r e c u Ti Ta L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Matricaria chamomilla auct.<br />

Common Names:<br />

camomile; chamomile; Deutsche Kamille; Echte<br />

Kamille; false chamomile; Germ<strong>an</strong> camomille; Germ<strong>an</strong><br />

chamomile; Kamille<br />

Citations:<br />

Casterline CL, Bonita L (1980) Allergy to chamomile tea.<br />

JAMA 244(4):330-331.<br />

Hausen BM (1979) The sensitizing capacity of compositae<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. III. Test results <strong>an</strong>d cross-reactions in compositaesensitive<br />

patients. Dermatologica 159(1):1-11.<br />

Hausen BM, Schulz KH (1978) Polyvalente Kontaktallergie<br />

bei einer Floristin. Derm Beruf Umwelt 26(5):175-176.<br />

Lipsitz DJ (1984) Herbal teas <strong>an</strong>d water intoxication in a<br />

young child. J Fam Pract 18(6):933-937.<br />

Lundh K, Hindsén M, Gruvberger B, et al. (2006) Contact<br />

allergy to herbal teas derived from Asteraceae pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 54(4):196-201.<br />

Rodríguez-Serna M, Sánchez-Motilla JM, Ramón R,<br />

et al. (1998) Allergic <strong>an</strong>d systemic contact dermatitis<br />

from Matricaria chamomilla tea. Contact Dermatitis<br />

39(4):192-193.<br />

Rudzki E, Rapiejko P, Reb<strong>an</strong>del P (2003) Occupational<br />

contact dermatitis, with asthma <strong>an</strong>d rhinitis, from camomile<br />

in a cosmetici<strong>an</strong> also with contact urticaria from<br />

both camomile <strong>an</strong>d lime flowers. Contact Dermatitis<br />

49(3):162.<br />

Rycroft RJ (2003) Recurrent facial dermatitis from chamomile<br />

tea. Contact Dermatitis 48(4):229.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Ketel WG (1982) Allergy to Matricaria chamomilla.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 8(2):143.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Ketel WG (1987) Allergy to Matricaria chamomilla.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 16(1):50-51.<br />

matrimony vine –see– Lycium barbarum L.<br />

Ma TTe u c c i a s Tr u Th io p Te r is (L.) Tod.<br />

[Dryopteridaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ostrich fern<br />

Citations:<br />

Bills D, Arias L, Const<strong>an</strong>tine P, et al. (1994) Ostrich fern<br />

poisoning - New York <strong>an</strong>d Western C<strong>an</strong>ada, 1994. JAMA<br />

273(12):912-913.<br />

Bills D, Arias L, Const<strong>an</strong>tine P, et al. (1994) Ostrich fern<br />

poisoning - New York <strong>an</strong>d Western C<strong>an</strong>ada, 1994.<br />

MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 43(37):677, 683, 684.<br />

Bruneau A, Lummis W, Ramsay D (2000) Food poisoning<br />

associated with the ingestion of fiddleheads - Quebec<br />

1999. C<strong>an</strong> Commun Dis Rep 26(20):165-170.<br />

Morg<strong>an</strong> P, Morton T, Iverson F, et al. (1994) Ostrich fern<br />

poisoning - Western C<strong>an</strong>ada <strong>an</strong>d New York, 1994. C<strong>an</strong><br />

Commun Dis Rep 20(18):160-163.<br />

Mauerschierling –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

Maulwurfskraut –see– Euphorbia lathyris L.<br />

Ma u r i a h e Te r o p h y l l a Kunth<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Mauria puberula Tul.<br />

Common Names:<br />

cirri amarillo; koro; pepeo tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Hurtado I, Medina JD, Dao L, et al. (1982) Studies on the<br />

skin-sensitizing properties of the “pepeo” tree, Mauria<br />

puberula (Anacardiaceae). J Am Acad Dermatol<br />

7(3):341-345.<br />

Mauria puberula Tul. = Mauria heterophylla Kunth<br />

Mäuseschierling –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

May apple –see– Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

May blossom –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

May lily –see– Convallaria majalis L.; Mai<strong>an</strong>themum<br />

bifolium (L.) F. W. Schmidt<br />

May tree –see– Crataegus laevigata (Poir) DC.<br />

Mayflower –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

Maygrass –see– Phalaris carolini<strong>an</strong>a Walter<br />

Maypop –see– Passiflora incarnata L.<br />

mays –see– Zea mays L.<br />

Mayweed –see– Anthemis cotula L.<br />

meadow buttercup –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus acris L.<br />

meadow cone –see– Rudbeckia laciniata L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Medicago sativa - 255<br />

meadow crocus –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

meadow death camas –see– Anticlea eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Pursh) Rydb.;<br />

Toxicoscordion venenosum (S. Watson) Rydb.<br />

meadow fern –see– Onoclea sensibilis L.<br />

meadow garlic –see– Allium c<strong>an</strong>adense L.<br />

meadow holly –see– Ilex decidua Walter<br />

meadow larkspur –see– Delphinium nuttalli<strong>an</strong>um Pritz.<br />

meadow leek –see– Allium c<strong>an</strong>adense L.<br />

meadow maple –see– Acer rubrum L.<br />

meadow pine –see– Equisetum arvense L.<br />

meadow poke –see– Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

meadow r<strong>an</strong>unculus –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus acris L.<br />

meadow saffron –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

meadow sorrel –see– Rumex acetosa L.; Rumex acetosella L.<br />

meadow sweet –see– Ammi majus L.<br />

meadow turnip –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott<br />

mealie –see– Zea mays L.<br />

mealy rosettes –see– Psathyrotes <strong>an</strong>nua (Nutt.) A. Gray<br />

medic –see– Medicago polymorpha L.<br />

Medicago denticulata Willd. = Medicago polymorpha L.<br />

Medicago hispida Gaertn. = Medicago polymorpha L.<br />

Me d ic ag o p o l y Mo r p h a L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Medicago denticulata Willd.; Medicago hispida<br />

Gaertn.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bur clover; bur medic; bur trefoil; hairy medic; medic;<br />

trefoil<br />

Citations:<br />

Anderson CR (1944) Contact dermatitis from alfalfa <strong>an</strong>d bur<br />

clover. Arch Derm Syphilol 50:201.<br />

Bull LB, MacIndoe RH (1926) Photosensitization in sheep:<br />

Trefoil dermatitis. Aust Vet J 2(Sep):85-91.<br />

Byrne KV (1937) Dermatitis in white pigs due to photosensitization.<br />

Aust Vet J 13(Apr):74-75.<br />

Byrne KV (1937) Dermatitis of white pigs associated with<br />

lucerne <strong>an</strong>d trefoil grazing. Agric Gaz New South Wales<br />

48(Apr 1):214.<br />

Dodd S (1916) Trefoil dermatitis or the sensitization of<br />

unpigmented skin to the sun’s rays by the ingestion of trefoil.<br />

J Comp Pathol Ther 29:47-62.<br />

Donaldson LE (1983) Clover disease in two Mississippi cattle<br />

herds. J Am Vet Med Assoc 182(4):412-413.<br />

Me d ic ag o s a Ti va L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

alfalfa; lucerne; luzerne; razha; trefoil<br />

Citations:<br />

Adler JH, Trainin D (1962) The apparent effect of alfalfa<br />

on the reproductive perform<strong>an</strong>ce of dairy cattle. Proc Int<br />

Cong Anim Reprod 3:451-456.<br />

Allen JG, Creeper JH, Forshaw D, et al. (2004) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated<br />

diseases, either new or new to the state, encountered<br />

over the last decade (1991-2001) in Western Australia. In:<br />

Acamovic T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK.<br />

pp. 540-547.<br />

Anderson CR (1944) Contact dermatitis from alfalfa <strong>an</strong>d bur<br />

clover. Arch Derm Syphilol 50:201.<br />

Bornstein S, Adler JH (1963) The oestrogenic effect of alfalfa<br />

meal on the growing chicken. Refu Vet 20:184-175.<br />

Bozhilov K (1961) [Dermatitis in cows caused by fresh<br />

lucerne.] Veterinarna Sbirka 58(6):11-12.<br />

Byrne KV (1937) Dermatitis of white pigs associated with<br />

lucerne <strong>an</strong>d trefoil grazing. Agric Gaz New South Wales<br />

48(Apr 1):214.<br />

Casteel SW, Rotinghaus GE, Johnson GC, et al. (1994)<br />

Hepatotoxicosis in cattle induced by consumption of<br />

alfalfa-grass hay. In: Colegate SM, Dorling PR (eds.)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated toxins. Agricultural, phytochemical <strong>an</strong>d<br />

ecological aspects. CABI. New York. pp. 307-312.<br />

Coop IE (1977) Depression of lambing percentage<br />

from mating on lucerne. Proc NZ Soc Anim Prod<br />

37:149-151.<br />

Coop IE, Clark VR (1960) The reproductive perform<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

of ewes mated on lucerne. N Z J Agric Res<br />

3(Dec):922-933.<br />

Gumbrell RC, Jagusch KT (1973) “Red gut” syndrome in<br />

lambs grazing lucerne. N Z Vet J 21(8):178-179.<br />

Hall JW, Walker I, Majak W (1994) Evaluation of two<br />

supplements for the prevention of alfalfa bloat. C<strong>an</strong> Vet<br />

J 35(11):702-705.<br />

House JK, George LW, Oslund KL, et al. (1996) Primary<br />

photosensitization related to ingestion of alfalfa silage by<br />

cattle. J Am Vet Med Assoc 209(9):1604-1607.<br />

Jagusch KT, Gumbrell RC, Dellow DW (1976) Red gut<br />

in lamb lucerne grazing trials at Lincoln. Proc NZ Soc<br />

Anim Prod 36:190-197.<br />

Jagusch KT, Gumbrell RC, Mobley MC, et al. (1977) Effect<br />

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256 - Megathyrsus maximus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Scales GH, Moss RA, Kelly RW (1977) Reproductive perform<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

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Stifel FB, Vetter RL (1967) Effects of feed intake upon<br />

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Sudarić F, Nevjestić A, Rukavina L, et al. (1976) Trov<strong>an</strong>je<br />

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bei Milchkühen nach Aufnahme hämolysinhaltiger<br />

Luzerne. Monatsh Veterinarmed 23(22):871-877.<br />

medicinal aloe –see– Aloe arborescens Mill.; Aloe vera (L.)<br />

Burm. f.<br />

medicinal leopardb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Arnica mont<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

medicinal m<strong>an</strong>drake –see– M<strong>an</strong>dragora officinarum L.<br />

medicinal rhubarb –see– Rheum officinale Baill.<br />

medicinal squill –see– Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn<br />

medicinal valeri<strong>an</strong> –see– Valeri<strong>an</strong>a officinalis L.<br />

médicinier bâtard –see– Jatropha multifida L.<br />

médicinier d’espagne –see– Jatropha multifida L.<br />

Mediterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong> aloe –see– Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.<br />

Mediterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong> c<strong>an</strong>arygrass –see– Phalaris minor Retz.<br />

Mediterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong> squill –see– Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn<br />

Mediterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong> thistle –see– Chamaeleon gummifera (L.)<br />

Cass.<br />

Meerrettich –see– Armoracia rustic<strong>an</strong>a P. Gaertn. et al.<br />

Meerzweibel –see– Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn<br />

Me g a Th y r s u s Ma x i Mu s (Jacq.) B. K. Simon<br />

& S. W. L. Jacobs [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p <strong>an</strong>icum maximum Jacq.<br />

Common Names:<br />

blousaadgras; buffelgras; ginigawat; green p<strong>an</strong>ic;<br />

Guineagrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Döbereiner J, Rosa IV, Lazzari AA (1976) “Cara inchada”<br />

(doença peridentária) em bezerros m<strong>an</strong>tidos em pastos de<br />

P<strong>an</strong>icum maximum. Pesq Agric Bras Vet 11(9):43-47.<br />

Mehldorn –see– Securigera varia (L.) Lassen<br />

Meibomia c<strong>an</strong>a S. F. Blake = Desmodium inc<strong>an</strong>um DC.<br />

meir<strong>an</strong> –see– Orig<strong>an</strong>um major<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

mejor<strong>an</strong>a –see– Salvia coccinea Buc’hoz ex Etl.<br />

melaleuca –see– Melaleuca alternifolia (Maiden & Betche)<br />

Cheel<br />

Me l a l e u c a a l Te r n i f o l i a (Maiden &<br />

Betche) Cheel [Myrtaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> tea tree; melaleuca; tea oil tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Bischoff K, Guale F (1998) Australi<strong>an</strong> tea tree (Melaleuca<br />

alternifolia) oil poisoning in three purebred cats. J Vet<br />

Diagn Invest 10(2):208-210.<br />

Elliott C (1993) Tea tree oil poisoning. Med J Aust<br />

159:830-831.<br />

Hornfeldt CS (1993) Melaleuca oil poisoning: A case report.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 35(4):329.<br />

Jacobs MR, Hornfeldt CS (1994) Melaleuca oil poisoning. J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 32(4):461-464.<br />

Kaluzienski M (2000) Partial paralysis <strong>an</strong>d altered behavior<br />

in dogs treated with melaleuca oil. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

38(5):518-519.<br />

Knight TE, Hausen BM (1994) Melaleuca oil (tea tree oil)<br />

dermatitis. J Am Acad Dermatol 30(3):423-427.<br />

Palmer M, Haller C, McKinney P, et al. (1999) Bot<strong>an</strong>icals<br />

<strong>an</strong>d other dietary supplements: Adverse events by age. J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 37(5):609.<br />

Veien NK, Rosner K, Skovgaard GL (2004) Is tea tree oil<br />

<strong>an</strong> import<strong>an</strong>t contact allergen? Contact Dermatitis<br />

50(6):378-379.<br />

Villar D, Knight MJ, H<strong>an</strong>sen SR, et al. (1994) Toxicity of<br />

melaleuca oil <strong>an</strong>d related essential oils applied topically<br />

on dogs <strong>an</strong>d cats. Vet Hum Toxicol 36(2):139-142.<br />

Melampyrum cristatum L. = Scrophularia maril<strong>an</strong>dica L.<br />

Mel<strong>an</strong>orrhoea usitata Wall. = Gluta usitata (Wall.) Ding Hou<br />

Me l i a a z e d a r a c h L. [Meliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> lilac tree; arbol-de-quitasol; bakkain; bead<br />

tree; bessiboom; Cape lilac; Cape syringa; China tree;<br />

Chinaball tree; Chinaberry; Chinese umbrella tree;<br />

dhrek; false sycamore; gringging; holy tree; Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

lilac; paraíso; paraíso vegetal; Persi<strong>an</strong> lilac; pride-of-<br />

China; pride-of-India; sering; syringa; Texas umbrella<br />

tree; umbrella tree; white cedar<br />

Citations:<br />

Bahri S, S<strong>an</strong>i Y, Hooper PT (1992) Myodegeneration in rats<br />

fed Melia azedarach. Aust Vet J 69(2):33.<br />

Brown JH (1939) China berry poisoning in hogs. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 95(Jul):448.<br />

Carratala RE (1939) Intoxicacion mortal por frutos de<br />

Melia azedarach L. Rev Asoc Med Argent 53(May<br />

15):338-340.<br />

Hare WR, Schutzm<strong>an</strong> H, Lee BR, et al. (1997) Chinaberry<br />

poisoning in two dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 210(11):<br />

1638-1640.<br />

Hothi DS, Balw<strong>an</strong>t Singh, Kwatra MS, et al. (1976) A note<br />

on the comparative toxicity of Melia azedarach (Dhrek)<br />

berries to piglets, buffalo-calves, rabbits <strong>an</strong>d fowls. J Res<br />

Punjab Agric Univ 13:232-234.<br />

Kiat TK (1969) Melia azedarach poisoning. Singapore Med<br />

J 10(1):24-28.<br />

Kwatra MS, Singh B, Hothi DS, et al. (1974) Poisoning by<br />

Melia azedarach in pigs. Vet Rec 95(18):421.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Melochia tomentosa - 257<br />

Méndez MC, Aragao M, Elias F, et al. (2002) Experimental<br />

intoxication by the leaves of Melia azedarach (Meliaceae)<br />

in cattle. Pesq Vet Bras 22(1):19-24.<br />

Méndez MC, Elias F, Aragao M, et al. (2002) Intoxication<br />

of cattle by the fruits of Melia azedarach. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

44(3):145-148.<br />

Pammel LH (1921) China tree poisonous. Vet Med<br />

16(10):47.<br />

Seddon HR (1931) Toxicity of Melia azedarach, “white<br />

cedar.” Med J Aust 1(Jun 27):778.<br />

Steyn DG, Rindl M (1929) Preliminary report on the toxicity<br />

of the fruit of Melia azedarach (syringa berries). Tr<strong>an</strong>s<br />

R Soc South Africa 17(part 4):295-308.<br />

White CT (1920) The white cedar (Melia azedarach var australasica):<br />

A pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonous to pigs. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d Agric J<br />

14:146-147.<br />

Me l ic o p e a n is a Ta (H. M<strong>an</strong>n) T. G. Hartley &<br />

B. C. Stone [Rutaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p elea <strong>an</strong>isata H. M<strong>an</strong>n<br />

Common Names:<br />

mokih<strong>an</strong>a<br />

Citations:<br />

Elpern DJ, Mitchell JC (1984) Phytophotodermatitis from<br />

mokih<strong>an</strong>a fruits (Pelea <strong>an</strong>isata H. M<strong>an</strong>n, fam. Rutaceae)<br />

in Hawaii<strong>an</strong> lei. Contact Dermatitis 10(4):224-226.<br />

Geroso AM, Elpern DJ (1992) Some observations on m<strong>an</strong>go<br />

<strong>an</strong>d mokih<strong>an</strong>a dermatitis from Hawaii. Contact Dermatitis<br />

26(5):346-347.<br />

Me l i e n Th a s u a vis Pierre [Opiliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

pak w<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Kerr AF (1931) Poisoning by pak w<strong>an</strong> (Melientha suavis) in<br />

Siam. Tr<strong>an</strong>s R Soc Trop Med Hyg 25(2):141-143.<br />

melilot –see– Melilotus officinalis Lam.<br />

meliloto –see– Melilotus albus Medik.<br />

melilotus –see– Melilotus indicus (L.) All.<br />

Me l i l o Tu s a l b u s Medik. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Arctic sweet clover; Bokhara Klee; hubam; kh<strong>an</strong>dai;<br />

meliloto; méliot bl<strong>an</strong>c; Steinklee; sweet clover; trébol<br />

dulce; trébol locoweed; Weißer Steinklee; white<br />

melilot; white sweet clover<br />

Citations:<br />

C<strong>an</strong>non CY, Greenwood D (1930) Effect of diet of sweet<br />

clover on the calcium in the blood serum. J Dairy Sci<br />

13:424-431.<br />

Dotta U, Ferraudo M (1969) Particolari aspetti clinici di un<br />

episodio de intossicazione alimentaire da meliloto nei<br />

bovini. Atti Soc Ital Buiatria 1:153-166.<br />

Meads EB, Taylor PA, Pallister WA (1964) An unusual<br />

outbreak of sweet clover poisoning in cattle. C<strong>an</strong> Vet J<br />

5(3):65-71.<br />

Pra AR (1984) Intoxicacion por henificacion de Melilotus<br />

alba (trebol dulce). Vet Argent 1(8):800, 802-806.<br />

Smith WK, Brink RA (1938) Relation of bitterness to the<br />

toxic principle in sweetclover. J Agric Res 57(2):145-154.<br />

Wiesner E, Rex JO, Wiesner B (1968) Gerinnungsuntersuchungen<br />

<strong>an</strong> gesunden Rindern nach Verfütterung von<br />

Steinklee. 2. Mittleilung: Fütterungsversuche. Monatsh<br />

Veterinarmed 23(20):788-791.<br />

Me l i l o Tu s i n d ic u s (L.) All. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Hexham scent; Indi<strong>an</strong> clover; Indi<strong>an</strong> melilot; King<br />

Isl<strong>an</strong>d melilot; melilotus; soup clover; sour clover; sour<br />

sweet clover; sweet clover<br />

Citations:<br />

Wignall WN, B<strong>an</strong>ks AW, Hackett E, et al. (1961) Dicoumarol<br />

poisoning of cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep in South Australia. Aust<br />

Vet J 37(Dec):456-459.<br />

Me l i l o Tu s o f f ic i n a l is (L.) Lam. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Trifolium officinale L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Echter Steinklee; melilot; méliot jaune; orvosi somkóró;<br />

Steinklee; sweet clover; trevo doce amnelo; yellow<br />

sweet clover<br />

Citations:<br />

Edmondson P, Loeffler DG, Burrows GE (1988) Subcut<strong>an</strong>eous<br />

swelling in a cow. Vet Hum Toxicol 30(3):265.<br />

Wiesner E, Rex JO, Wiesner B (1965) Gerinnungsuntersuchungen<br />

<strong>an</strong> gesunden Rindern nach Verfütterung von<br />

Steinklee. 1. Mitteilung: Normalwerte. Monatsh Veterinarmed<br />

20(11-12):469-475.<br />

méliot bl<strong>an</strong>c –see– Melilotus albus Medik.<br />

méliot jaune –see– Melilotus officinalis Lam.<br />

melkbos –see– Gomphocarpus fruticosa (L.) W. T. Aiton<br />

melktou –see– Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R. Br.<br />

Me l o c h i a p y r a Mi d a Ta L. [Sterculiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Palmer AC, Woodham CB (1975) Derrengue, a paralysis of<br />

cattle in El Salvador ascribed to ingestion of Melochia<br />

pyramidata. Vet Rec 96(25):547-548.<br />

Me l o c h i a To Me n To s a L. [Sterculiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

basora corra; bretonica; cariaquito morado<br />

Citations:<br />

Morton JF (1979) Pl<strong>an</strong>t t<strong>an</strong>nins <strong>an</strong>d esophageal c<strong>an</strong>cer. In:<br />

Deichm<strong>an</strong>n WB (ed.) Toxicology <strong>an</strong>d occupational medicine.<br />

Elsevier. New York. pp. 129-137.

258 - Mentha ×piperita D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

melon –see– Citrullus l<strong>an</strong>atus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai;<br />

Cucumis melo L.<br />

memory root –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott<br />

Menispermum acutum Thunb. = Sinomenium acutum<br />

(Thunb.) Rehder & E. H. Wilson<br />

Mentha citrata Ehrh. = Mentha ×piperita L. nothosubsp.<br />

citrata (Ehrh.) Briq.<br />

Me n Th a × p i p e r i Ta L. nothosubsp. citrata<br />

(Ehrh.) Briq. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Mentha citrata Ehrh.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bergamot mint; horse mint; mint; or<strong>an</strong>ge mint<br />

Citations:<br />

Sams WM (1940) Occupational dermatitis due to mint.<br />

Report of two cases. Arch Derm Syphilol 41:503-505.<br />

Me n Th a × p i p e r i Ta L. nothosubsp. piperita<br />

[Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

peppermint; Pfefferminze; yerba buena<br />

Citations:<br />

Eickholt TH, Box RH (1965) Toxicities of peppermint <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Pycn<strong>an</strong>themum albescens oils, fam. Labiateae. J Pharm<br />

Sci 54(7):1071-7072.<br />

Lipsitz DJ (1984) Herbal teas <strong>an</strong>d water intoxication in a<br />

young child. J Fam Pract 18(6):933-937.<br />

Parys BT (1983) Chemical burns resulting from contact with<br />

peppermint oil mar; a case report. Burns 9(5):374-375.<br />

mentha pouliot –see– Mentha pulegium L.<br />

Me n Th a p u l e g i u M L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> pennyroyal; huile-de-menthe-pouliot; mentha<br />

pouliot; mosquito pl<strong>an</strong>t; pennyroyal; póleo; squaw<br />

mint<br />

Citations:<br />

Anderson IB, Mullen WH, Meeker JE, et al. (1996) Pennyroyal<br />

toxicity: Measurement of toxic metabolite levels<br />

in two cases <strong>an</strong>d review of the literature. Ann Intern Med<br />

124(8):726-734.<br />

Bakerink JA, Gospe JM Jr, Dim<strong>an</strong>d RJ, et al. (1996) Multiple<br />

org<strong>an</strong> failure after ingestion of pennyroyal oil from<br />

herbal tea in two inf<strong>an</strong>ts. Pediatrics 98(5):944-947.<br />

Cienki JJ, Connolly HV, Nelson SA, et al. (1994) Hepatoxicity<br />

<strong>an</strong>d death after treatment with Broncodin herbal tea.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 36(4):359.<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2001) Herbal infusions used for<br />

induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 39(3):318-319.<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2003) Herbal infusions used for<br />

induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(3):235-239.<br />

Early DF (1961) Pennyroyal: A rare cause of epilepsy. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

2(Sep 9):580-581.<br />

Laborde A, Cig<strong>an</strong>da C (1998) Poisoning by herbal infusions<br />

ingested as abortifacient agents. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

36(5):454-455.<br />

Litovitz TL, Felberg L, Soloway RA, et al. (1995) 1994<br />

Annual report of the Americ<strong>an</strong> Association of Poison<br />

Control Centers Toxic Exposure Surveill<strong>an</strong>ce System.<br />

Am J Emerg Med 12(5):551-597.<br />

Litovitz TL, Felberg L, White S, et al. (1996) 1995 Annual<br />

report of the Americ<strong>an</strong> Association of Poison Control<br />

Centers Toxic Exposure Surveill<strong>an</strong>ce System. Am J<br />

Emerg Med 14(5):487-537.<br />

McCormick MA, M<strong>an</strong>oguerra AS (1988) Toxicity of pennyroyal<br />

oil: A case report <strong>an</strong>d review. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

30(4):347.<br />

Roé E, Serra-Baldrich E, Dalmau J, et al. (2005) Mentha<br />

pulegium contact dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis<br />

53(6):355.<br />

Sudekum M, Poppenga RH, Raju N, et al. (1992) Pennyroyal<br />

oil toxicosis in a dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

200(6):817-818.<br />

Sulliv<strong>an</strong> JB Jr, Rumack BH, Thomas H Jr, et al. (1979)<br />

Pennyroyal oil poisoning <strong>an</strong>d hepatotoxicity. JAMA<br />

242(26):2873-2874.<br />

Sulliv<strong>an</strong> JB, Rumack BH, Thomas H Jr, et al. (1979) Pennyroyal<br />

oil: Review of toxicity <strong>an</strong>d report of a fatal case with<br />

massive hepatic necrosis. Clin Toxicol 15(4):489.<br />

Vall<strong>an</strong>ce WB (1955) Pennyroyal poisoning. A fatal case.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>cet 269(Oct 22):850-851.<br />

Me n Th a s a Tu r e io i d e s R. Br. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common names:<br />

native pennyroyal, squeejit<br />

Citations:<br />

White CT (1934) Annual Report of the Government Bot<strong>an</strong>ist,<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d 1933-34.<br />

White CT (1936) Annual Report of the Government Bot<strong>an</strong>ist,<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d 1935-36.<br />

Me n Th a s p ic a Ta L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Mentha viridis (L.) L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

spearmint<br />

Citations:<br />

Akdog<strong>an</strong> M, Kilinc I, Oncu M, et al. (2003) Investigation<br />

of biochemical <strong>an</strong>d histopathological effects of Mentha<br />

piperita L. <strong>an</strong>d Mentha spicata L. on kidney tissue in rats.<br />

Hum Exp Toxicol 22:213-219.<br />

Bonamonte D, Mundo L, Daddabbo M, et al. (2001) Allergic<br />

contact dermatitis from Mentha spicata (spearmint).<br />

Contact Dermatitis 45(5):298.<br />

Clayton R, Orton D (2004) Contact allergy to spearmint oil<br />

in a patient with oral lichen pl<strong>an</strong>us. Contact Dermatitis<br />

51(5-6):314-315.<br />

Skrebova N, Brocks K, Karlsmark T (1998) Allergic contact<br />

cheilitis from spearmint oil. Contact Dermatitis<br />

39(1):35-36.<br />

Tomson N, Murdoch S, Finch TM (2004) The d<strong>an</strong>gers of<br />

making mint sauce. Contact Dermatitis 51(2):92-93.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Mesembry<strong>an</strong>themum nodiflorum - 259<br />

Mentha viridis (L.) L. = Mentha spicata L.<br />

Me n y a n Th e s Tr i f o l i a Ta L.<br />

[Meny<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Bitterklee; bitterroot; bogbe<strong>an</strong>; buckbe<strong>an</strong>; Fieberklee;<br />

marsh trefoil; water shamrock<br />

Citations:<br />

Airaksinen M, Peura P, Alaossi Salok<strong>an</strong>gas L, et al.<br />

(1986) Toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>t material used as emergency<br />

food during famines in Finl<strong>an</strong>d. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

18(3):273-296.<br />

Menzies’-larkspur –see– Delphinium menziesii DC.<br />

mercurial perenne –see– Mercurialis perennis L.<br />

mercuriale-du-bois –see– Mercurialis perennis L.<br />

Me r c u r i a l is a n n u a L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>nual mercury; baron’s-mercury; Bingelkraut; boys<strong>an</strong>d-girls;<br />

egynyári szélfü; Einjährige Bingelkraut;<br />

foirolle; foironde; herb mercury; mercury; Schutt Bingelkraut;<br />

vignette<br />

Citations:<br />

Bizzeti M, De Lucia PG, Corazza M, et al. (1987) Intossicazione<br />

da Mercurialis <strong>an</strong>nua nella pecora. Ann Fac Med<br />

Vet Pisa 60:165-175.<br />

Bokori J, Kovács F, Haraszti E (1955) Lovak egynyáriszélfü<br />

(Mercurialis <strong>an</strong>nua) mérgezése. Magyar Allator Lapja<br />

10:191-196.<br />

Durieux J, Durieux M (1973) Quelques intoxications vegetales.<br />

Bull Mens Soc Vet Prat Fr 57(2):71-76.<br />

Guilhon J (1988) L’enseignement de la bot<strong>an</strong>ique et la mort<br />

subite au pré. Bull Acad Vet Fr 61(3):267-271.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>dau M, Egyed MN, Flesh D (1973) Mercurialis <strong>an</strong>nua<br />

poisoning in housed sheep. Refu Vet 30(3-4):131-135.<br />

Polidori F, Maggi M (1954) Problemi di alimentazione degli<br />

<strong>an</strong>imali su alcuni casi di avvelenamento da «Mercurialis<br />

<strong>an</strong>nua» nei bovini. Ricerche sperimentali sulla differente<br />

tossicita’ della pi<strong>an</strong>ta allo stato fresco e dopo essiccamento.<br />

Nuova Vet 30:146-150.<br />

Sendil C (1978) Koyun ve buzağilarda deneysel Mercurialis<br />

<strong>an</strong>nua zehirlenmesinde klinik bulgular ve sağitim<br />

üzerinde araştirmalar. Vet Fakul Dergisi Ankara Univ<br />

25:480-499.<br />

Senf W, Seffner W (1965) Beitrag zur Bingelkrautvergiftung<br />

beim Schaf. Monatsh Veterinarmed 20(15):622-625.<br />

Welchm<strong>an</strong> DB, Gibbens JC, Giles N, et al. (1995) Suspected<br />

<strong>an</strong>nual mercury (Mercurialis <strong>an</strong>nua) poisoning<br />

of lambs grazing fallow arable l<strong>an</strong>d. Vet Rec<br />

137(23):592-593.<br />

Me r c u r i a l is p e r e n n is L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Ausdauerndes Bingelkraut; chou-de-chien; dog’s-mercury;<br />

erdei szélfü; Europe<strong>an</strong> dog mercury; herb mercury;<br />

Hundskraut; Kentish balsam; mercurial perenne;<br />

mercuriale-du-bois; mercury; Stinkerich; Waldbingelkraut;<br />

wild spinach<br />

Citations:<br />

Baker JR, Faull WB (1968) Dog’s mercury (Mercurialis<br />

perennis L.) poisoning in sheep. Vet Rec 82:485-489.<br />

Bismarck R, Floehr W (1974) Über Bingelkrautvergiftungen<br />

in einer weidenden Kuhherde. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr<br />

81(18):433-434.<br />

Eaton G (1941) A series of cases of poisoning in cattle. Vet<br />

Rec 53(10):145-146.<br />

Mortensen OS (1999) Ikke alt grønt er sundt! Ugeskr Laeger<br />

161(16):2384.<br />

Rugm<strong>an</strong> F, Meecham J, Edmondson J (1983) Mercurialis<br />

perennis (dog’s mercury) poisoning: A case of mistaken<br />

identity. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 287(6409):1924.<br />

Watson PJ (1998) Suspected dog’s mercury (Mercurialis<br />

perennis) poisoning in cattle. Vet Rec 142(5):116-117.<br />

mercury –see– Mercurialis <strong>an</strong>nua L.; Mercurialis perennis L.;<br />

Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

Me r r e Mi a Tu b e r o s a (L.) Rendle<br />

[Convolvulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

wood rose<br />

Citations:<br />

Hruby K (2002) Poisoning from natural drugs rediscovered<br />

for recreational abuse. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

40(3):276-277.<br />

Me r w i l l a pl u Mb e a (Lindl.) Speta [Liliaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s cilla natalensis Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1943) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XIII. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 18(1-2):207-224.<br />

mescal –see– Lophophora williamsii (Lem. ex Salm-Dyck) J.<br />

M. Coult.<br />

mescal be<strong>an</strong> –see– Calia secundiflora (Ortega) Yakovlev;<br />

Lophophora williamsii (Lem. ex Salm-Dyck) J. M. Coult.<br />

mescal Bohne –see– Calia secundiflora (Ortega) Yakovlev<br />

mescal button –see– Lophophora williamsii (Lem. ex Salm-<br />

Dyck) J. M. Coult.<br />

Me s e Mb r y a n Th e Mu M n o d i f l o r u M L.<br />

[Azioaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

slender ice pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Jacob RH, Peet RL (1989) Acute oxalate toxicity of sheep<br />

associated with slender icepl<strong>an</strong>t (Mesembry<strong>an</strong>themum<br />

nodiflorum). Aust Vet J 66(3):91-92.<br />

mesic milk vetch –see– Astragalus diversifolius A. Gray

260 - Mesona chinensis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Me so n a c h i n e n s is Benth. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Goh CL (1988) Occupational dermatitis from Mesonia chinensis.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 18(7):113.<br />

mesquite –see– Prosopis gl<strong>an</strong>dulosa Torr.; Prosopis juliflora<br />

(Sw.) DC.<br />

mesquite be<strong>an</strong> –see– Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC.<br />

Me s u a f e r r e a L. [Clusiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Eisensäbelholz; Tagayas<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Iwakawa K (1911) Über das entzündungserregende Pulver<br />

des jap<strong>an</strong>ischen Nutzholzes “Tagayas<strong>an</strong>.” Naunyn<br />

Schmiedebergs Arch Exp Pathol Pharmakol 65:315-324.<br />

meswak –see– Salvadora persica L.<br />

metel –see– Datura metel L.<br />

methi –see– Trigonella foenum-graecum L.<br />

methika –see– Trigonella foenum-graecum L.<br />

meto –see– Cast<strong>an</strong>ospermum australe A. Cunn. & C. Fraser<br />

ex Hook.<br />

Me To p i u M b r o w n e i (Jacq.) Urb.<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r hus metopium L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

black poisonwood; bois mulatre; boxchechem; burnwood;<br />

calbachechem; cedro prieto; chacin; chechem<br />

negro; chicharron; cochinilla; cochinillio; guao;<br />

guao-de-costa; Hondur<strong>an</strong> walnut; huao; palo-derosa<br />

Citations:<br />

Lunin MM (1969) [Burns induced by the tropical pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

huao.] Vestn Khir Im I I Grek 102(6):96-100.<br />

Me To p i u M To x i f e r u M (L.) Krug & Urb.<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

almendron; bearwood; black poisonwood; burnwood;<br />

cedro prieto; chechém; coral sumach; doctor gum;<br />

Florida poison tree; guao-de-costa; hog gum; huao;<br />

Jamaic<strong>an</strong> sumach; j<strong>an</strong>ca tree; mach<strong>an</strong>deuse; mach<strong>an</strong>oise;<br />

m<strong>an</strong>cenillier; mountain m<strong>an</strong>chineel; papayo;<br />

poison tree; poison weed; poisonwood<br />

Citations:<br />

Grabham M (1899) Acute dermatitis caused by h<strong>an</strong>dling<br />

Rhus. Br Med J 1(May 5):1140.<br />

Jackson WP (1946) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis in the Bahamas. Br Med<br />

J 2(Aug 31):298.<br />

Lunin MM (1969) [Burns induced by the tropical pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

huao.] Vestn Khir Im I I Grek 102(6):96-100.<br />

Wahlberg JE, Lovell CR (1996) Poison wood dermatitis in a<br />

future prime minister. Contact Dermatitis 34(5):363.<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> bird-of-paradise –see– Caesalpinia gilliesii (Hook.)<br />

D. Dietr.<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> bird seed –see– Parthenium hysterophorus L.<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> breadfruit –see– Monstera deliciosa Liebm.<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> devil –see– Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) R. M.<br />

King & H. Rob.<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> dove pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> elder –see– Sambucus mexic<strong>an</strong>a C. Presl ex DC.<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> fire pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Euphorbia heterophylla L.<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> fireweed –see– Bassia scoparia (L.) A. J. Scott<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> goosefoot –see– Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia ambrosioides (L.)<br />

Mosyakin & Clem<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> hat pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe daigremonti<strong>an</strong>a Raym.-<br />

Hamet & H. Perrier<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> jumping be<strong>an</strong> –see– Sapium biloculare (S. Watson)<br />

Pax<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> love pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> marigold –see– Tagetes minuta L.<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> persimmon –see– Diospyros tex<strong>an</strong>a Scheele<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> poppy –see– Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> prickly poppy –see– Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> rubber pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Parthenium argentatum A. Gray<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> s<strong>an</strong>dbur –see– Tribulus terrestris L.<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> sleepygrass –see– Achnatherum robustum (Vasey)<br />

Barkworth<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> tea –see– Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin &<br />

Clem<strong>an</strong>ts; Ephedra viridis Coville<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> weed –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> whorled milkweed –see– Asclepias mexic<strong>an</strong>a Cav.<br />

mezei sóska –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

mezei szarkaláb –see– Consolida regalis Gray<br />

mezereon –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

mezereum –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

Michaelmas crocus –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

Michaux’s-milk vetch –see– Astragalus michauxii (Kuntze)<br />

F. J. Herm.<br />

Micrampelis oregona (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene = Marah<br />

oregonus (Torr. & S. Watson) J. T. Howell<br />

Milchkraut –see– Euphorbia helioscopia L.<br />

milfoil –see– Achillea millefolium L.<br />

Mi l ic i a e x c e ls a (Welw.) C. C. Berg [Moraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c hlorophora excelsa (Welw.) Benth.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Millettia stuhlm<strong>an</strong>nii - 261<br />

Common Names:<br />

ab<strong>an</strong>g; Afric<strong>an</strong> teak; iroko; iroko teak; kambala; kambala<br />

teak; odum<br />

Citations:<br />

Azofra J, Olaguibel JM (1989) Occupational asthma caused<br />

by iroko wood. Allergy 44(2):156-158.<br />

Beer WE (1970) Sensitivity to iroko wood in a wood machinist.<br />

Contact Dermatol Newsl 7(J<strong>an</strong>):159.<br />

Davidson JM (1941) Toxic effects of iroko. An Afric<strong>an</strong> wood.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>cet 1:38-39.<br />

Fernández de Corres L, Corrales JL, Muñoz D, et al. (1984)<br />

Dermatitis alérgicas de contacto por pl<strong>an</strong>tas. Allergol<br />

Immunopathol (Madr) 12(4):313-319.<br />

Hinnen U, Willa-Craps C, Elsner P (1995) Allergic contact<br />

dermatitis from iroko <strong>an</strong>d pine wood dust. Contact Dermatitis<br />

33(6):428.<br />

Oleffe JA, Sporcq J, Hublet P (1975) Epidemiological study<br />

of the wood industry in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):315-316.<br />

Ordm<strong>an</strong> D (1949) Bronchial asthma caused by the inhalation<br />

of wood dust. Ann Allergy 7:492-496,505.<br />

Schulz KH (1957) Allergische Kontaktdermatitis durch exotische<br />

Hölzer, insbesondere durch Kambala-Teakholz.<br />

Berufsdermatosen 5:238-244.<br />

Stingeni L, Mariotti M, Lisi P (1998) Airborne allergic contact<br />

dermatitis from iroko (Chlorophora excelsa). Contact<br />

Dermatitis 38(5):287-288.<br />

Thienem<strong>an</strong>n K (1941) Kambala-Teakholz-Dermatosen. Arch<br />

Derm Syphilol 182:551-570.<br />

Whiting DA (1971) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis in the southern Tr<strong>an</strong>svaal.<br />

S Afr Med J 45(7):163-167.<br />

Wilkinson DS (1969) Sensitivity to iroko wood in a boatbuilder.<br />

Contact Dermatol Newsl 6(Jul):142.<br />

Mi l i u s a v e l u Ti n a Hook.f. & Thomson<br />

[Annonaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

milk bush –see– Euphorbia <strong>an</strong>tiquorum L.; Euphorbia<br />

hermenti<strong>an</strong>a Lem.; Euphorbia tirucalli L.; Sarcostemma<br />

viminale (L.) R. Br.<br />

milk hedge –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

milk pursl<strong>an</strong>e –see– Chamaesyce maculata (L.) Small<br />

milk spurge –see– Euphorbia drummondii Boiss.<br />

milk thistle –see– Silybum mari<strong>an</strong>um (L.) Gaertn.<br />

milk tree –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.; Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a<br />

(Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

milk vine –see– Marsdenia rostrata R. Br.<br />

milkstripe euphorbia –see– Euphorbia lactea Haw.<br />

milkweed –see– Apocynum c<strong>an</strong>nabinum L.; Asclepias<br />

curassavica L.; Asclepias latifolia (Torr.) Raf.; Calotropis<br />

procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton; Chamaesyce hirta (L.)<br />

Millsp.; Euphorbia drummondii Boiss.; Euphorbia lathyris<br />

L.; Euphorbia peplus L.; Gomphocarpus fruticosa (L.) W. T.<br />

Aiton; Pratia erecta Gaudich.<br />

milkwort –see– Polygala s<strong>an</strong>guinea L.<br />

millepertuis –see– Hypericum perforatum L.<br />

millet –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum miliaceum L.; Sorghum bicolor (L.)<br />

Moench<br />

Mi l l e TTi a l a u r e n Ti i De Wild. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

wengé<br />

Citations:<br />

Oleffe JA, Sporcq J, Hublet P (1975) Epidemiological study<br />

of the wood industry in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):315-316.<br />

Mi l l e TTi a p a c h y c a r p a Benth. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Chakraborty DP, N<strong>an</strong>dy AC, Philipose MT (1972) Barringtonia<br />

acut<strong>an</strong>gula (L.) Gaertn. as a fish poison. Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

J Exp Biol 10(1):78-80.<br />

Mi l l e TTi a p i n n a Ta (L.) P<strong>an</strong>igrahi [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p ongamia glabra Vent.<br />

Common Names:<br />

k<strong>an</strong>ja; kar<strong>an</strong>ja<br />

Citations:<br />

Nat<strong>an</strong>am R, Kadirvel R, Ravi R (1989) The toxic effects of<br />

kar<strong>an</strong>ja (Pongamia glabra Vent) oil <strong>an</strong>d cake on growth<br />

<strong>an</strong>d feed efficiency in broiler chicks. Anim Feed Sci Technol<br />

27(1-2):95-100.<br />

Mi l l e TTi a s Tu h l Ma n n i i Taub. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

p<strong>an</strong>ga p<strong>an</strong>ga; partidge<br />

Citations:<br />

Oleffe JA, Sporcq J, Hublet P (1975) Epidemiological study<br />

of the wood industry in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):315-316.<br />

Ordm<strong>an</strong> D (1949) Bronchial asthma caused by the inhalation<br />

of wood dust. Ann Allergy 7:492-496,505.<br />

milo –see– Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

mimosa –see– Acacia ×giraffae Willd.; Albizia julibrissin<br />

Durazz.<br />

mimosa-du-japon –see– Caesalpinia gilliesii (Hook.) D.<br />

Dietr.<br />

Mimosa sirissa Roxb. = Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth.<br />

mineur –see– Juniperus communis L.<br />

mingwort –see– Artemisia absinthium L.<br />

minnie minnies –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

mint –see– Mentha ×piperita L. nothosubsp. citrata (Ehrh.)<br />


262 - Modiola carolini<strong>an</strong>a D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

mint pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton<br />

mintweed –see– Salvia reflexa Hornem.; Stachys arvensis (L.)<br />

L.<br />

minyara –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

mio mio –see– Baccharis coridifolia DC.<br />

mioga –see– Zingiber mioga (Thunb.) Roscoe<br />

miraa –see– Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl.<br />

mirra –see– Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl.<br />

mission bells –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe daigremonti<strong>an</strong>a Raym.-Hamet<br />

& H. Perrier; Kal<strong>an</strong>choe delagoensis Eckl. & Zeyh.<br />

mist flower –see– Ageratina riparia (Regel) R. M. King &<br />

H. Rob.<br />

Mistel –see– Viscum album L.<br />

mistletoe –see– Phoradendron leucarpum (Raf.) Reveal & M.<br />

C. Johnst.; Phoradendron piperoides (Kunth) Trel.; Viscum<br />

album L.<br />

mitsuba –see– Cryptotaenia japonica Hassk.<br />

mnyala –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

Moah –see– Madhuca longifolia (L.) J. F. Macbr.<br />

mock eel root –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M. Coult. &<br />

Rose<br />

mocsári zsurló –see– Equisetum palustre L.<br />

Modecca palmata Lam. = Adenia hondala (Gaertn.) W. J.<br />

de Wilde<br />

Mo d io l a c a r o l i n i a n a (L.) G. Don<br />

[Malvaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Modiola multifida Moench<br />

Common Names:<br />

bristly mallow; Carolina modiola; creeping mallow;<br />

ground ivy; red mallow; red willow; wheel mallow<br />

Citations:<br />

King ED Jr (1920) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of the south. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 57:302-313.<br />

Modiola multifida Moench = Modiola carolini<strong>an</strong>a (L.) G.<br />

Don<br />

Möhre –see– Daucus carota L.<br />

mokih<strong>an</strong>a –see– Melicope <strong>an</strong>isata (H. M<strong>an</strong>n) T. G. Hartley<br />

& B. C. Stone<br />

mole be<strong>an</strong> –see– Ricinus communis L.; Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia vesicaria<br />

(Jacq.) Elliott<br />

mole pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Euphorbia lathyris L.; Euphorbia peplus L.<br />

molinillo –see– Hura crepit<strong>an</strong>s L.<br />

Molten disease pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Senecio retrorsus DC.<br />

momchina –see– Triadica sebifera (L.) Small<br />

Mo Mo r d ic a c h a r a n Ti a L. [Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> cucumber; balsam pear; balsamino; bitter<br />

cucumber; bitter gourd; bitter melon; karela; maiden<br />

apple; wild balsam apple; wild cucumber<br />

Citations:<br />

Foley RH (1976) Acute poisoning in a puppy caused by the<br />

balsam pear (Momordica char<strong>an</strong>tia). Vet Med Small<br />

Anim Clin 71(6):761-762.<br />

Tennekoon KH, Jeevathayapar<strong>an</strong> S, Angunawala P, et al.<br />

(1994) Effect of Momordica char<strong>an</strong>tia on key hepatic<br />

enzymes. J Ethnopharmacol 44:93-97.<br />

Mo Mo r d ic a d io ic a Roxb. ex Willd.<br />

[Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bitter gourd<br />

Citations:<br />

Sinha SM, Pasricha JS, Sharma RC, et al. (1977) Vegetables<br />

responsible for contact dermatitis of the h<strong>an</strong>ds. Arch<br />

Dermatol 113(6):776-779.<br />

momordique –see– Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich.<br />

monagrass –see– Paspalum scrobiculatum L. var. bispicatum<br />

Hack.<br />

Mondbohne –see– Phaseolus lunatus L.<br />

mondzo –see– Datura metel L.<br />

monim –see– Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal<br />

monkey dinner bell –see– Hura crepit<strong>an</strong>s L.<br />

monkey face tree –see– Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) Müll. Arg.<br />

monkey fiddle –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

monkey nut –see– Arachis hypogaea L.; Lecythis ollaria Loefl.<br />

monkey pistol –see– Hura crepit<strong>an</strong>s L.<br />

monkey pod –see– Lecythis ollaria Loefl.<br />

monkey puzzle –see– Euphorbia lactea Haw.<br />

monkey’s-coconut –see– Lecythis ollaria Loefl.<br />

monk’s-cowl –see– Aconitum napellus L.<br />

monkshood –see– Aconitum lycoctonum L. subsp. vulparia<br />

(Rchb.) Nym<strong>an</strong>; Aconitum napellus L.<br />

monstera –see– Monstera deliciosa Liebm.<br />

Mo n s Te r a d e l ic io s a Liebm. [Araceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cérim<strong>an</strong>; cut-leaf philodendron; Fensterblatt; fruit salad<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t; Mexic<strong>an</strong> breadfruit; monstera; piñ<strong>an</strong>ona; splitleaf<br />

philodendron; Swiss-cheese pl<strong>an</strong>t; windowleaf<br />

Citations:<br />

Der Marderosi<strong>an</strong> AH, Giller FB, Roia FC Jr (1976) Phytochemical<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicological screening of household<br />

ornamental pl<strong>an</strong>ts potentially toxic to hum<strong>an</strong>s. I. J Toxicol<br />

Environ Health 1(6):939-953.<br />

Whiting DA (1971) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis in the southern Tr<strong>an</strong>svaal.<br />

S Afr Med J 45(7):163-167.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Moraea thomsonii - 263<br />

Mo n Ta n o a To Me n To s a Cerv. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

yucuyahui; zoapatle<br />

Citations:<br />

Montoya-Cabrera MA, Simental-Toba A, Sánchez-<br />

Rodríguez S, et al. (1998) Depresión cardiorrespiratoria<br />

en ocho recién nacidos cuyas madres ingirieron infusiones<br />

de yucuyahui (zoapatle-Mont<strong>an</strong>oa tomentosa) dur<strong>an</strong>te el<br />

trabajo de parto. Gac Med Mex 134(5):611-615.<br />

Monterey cypress –see– Cupressus macrocarpa Hartw. ex<br />

Gordon<br />

Monterey pine –see– Pinus radiata D. Don<br />

moonflower –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia suaveolens (Humb. & Bonpl.<br />

ex Willd.) Bercht. & J. Presl; Datura inoxia Mill.; Datura<br />

stramonium L.; Datura wrightii Regel<br />

Moorbeere –see– Vaccinium uliginosum L.<br />

mora –see– Gloriosa superba L.<br />

Mo r a e a e r ic i-r o s e n i i R. E. Fr. [Iridaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Shone DK (1966) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part I. Rhodesia<br />

Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 4:81-94.<br />

Shone DK (1967) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part II.<br />

Rhodesia Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 5:29-41.<br />

Mo r a e a Mi n i a Ta Andrews [Iridaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h omeria miniata (Andrews) Sweet<br />

Common Names:<br />

tulp; two-leaf Cape-tulip<br />

Citations:<br />

Filmer JF (1926) Cape tulip (Homeria miniata). A poison<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t. J Agric West Aust 3:240-243.<br />

Mo r a e a p a l l i d a (Baker) Goldblatt [Iridaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h omeria glauca (Wood & Ev<strong>an</strong>s) N. E. Br.; h omeria<br />

pallida Baker; h omeria pura N. E. Br.<br />

Common Names:<br />

geel tulp; Natal yellow tulp; Tr<strong>an</strong>svaal yellow tulp;<br />

tulp; yellow tulip; yellow tulp<br />

Citations:<br />

Aw<strong>an</strong> GE, Schultz RA, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, et al. (1995) In vivo<br />

effects of a novel calcium <strong>an</strong>tagonist (R56865) against<br />

induced epoxyscillirosidin <strong>an</strong>d tulp poisoning in sheep.<br />

Onderstepoort J Vet Res 62(3):163-166.<br />

Button C, Mulders MS (1984) Further physiopathological<br />

features of experimental Homeria glauca (Wood <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Ev<strong>an</strong>s) N. E. Br. poisoning in Merino sheep. Onderstepoort<br />

J Vet Res 51(2):95-96.<br />

Button C, Reyers F, Meltzer DG, et al. (1983) Some physiopathological<br />

features of experimental Homeria glauca<br />

(Wood & Ev<strong>an</strong>s) N. E. Br. poisoning in Merino sheep.<br />

Onderstepoort J Vet Res 50(3):191-196.<br />

Schultz RA, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, V<strong>an</strong> den Berg H (2005) The role<br />

of fluorescence polarization immuno-assay in the diagnosis<br />

of pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced cardiac glycoside poisoning livestock<br />

in South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 72(3):189-201.<br />

Snym<strong>an</strong> LD, Schultz RA, Joubert JP, et al. (2003) Conditioned<br />

feed aversion as a me<strong>an</strong>s to prevent tulp (Homeria<br />

pallida) poisoning in cattle. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

70(1):43-48.<br />

Mo r a e a p o l y s Ta c h y a (Thunb.) Ker Gawl.<br />

[Iridaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue tulp; tulip<br />

Citations:<br />

Joubert JP, Schultz RA (1982) The minimal effective dose of<br />

activated charcoal in the treatment of sheep poisoned with<br />

the cardiac glycoside containing pl<strong>an</strong>t Moraea polystachya<br />

(Thunb) Ker Gawl. J S Afr Vet Assoc 53(4):265-266.<br />

Joubert JP, Schultz RA (1982) The treatment of Moraea<br />

polystachya (Thunb) Ker-Gawl (cardiac glycoside) poisoning<br />

in sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle with activated charcoal <strong>an</strong>d<br />

potassium chloride. J S Afr Vet Assoc 53(4):249-253.<br />

Schultz RA, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, V<strong>an</strong> den Berg H (2005) The role<br />

of fluorescence polarization immuno-assay in the diagnosis<br />

of pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced cardiac glycoside poisoning livestock<br />

in South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 72(3):189-201.<br />

Mo r a e a s e Ta c e a Ker Gawl. [Iridaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blou tulp; blue tulip; bokuintjie; tulp<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1940) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa, X. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

15(1-2):261-277.<br />

Mo r a e a s p a Th u l a Ta (L. f.) Klatt [Iridaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

yellow tulp<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1939) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa. IX. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 12:335-366.<br />

Mo r a e a Th o Mso n i i Baker [Iridaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Moraea trita N. E. Br. var. foliata N. E. Br.<br />

Common Names:<br />

tulp<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1946) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XV. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 21(1):45-55.<br />

Moraea trita N. E. Br. var. foliata N. E. Br. = Moraea<br />

thomsonii Baker

264 - Morinda citrifolia D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

morali –see– Lycium barbarum L.<br />

morella douce-amère –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

morelle furieuse –see– Atropa belladonna L.<br />

morelle noire –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.<br />

morelle noire-de-l’est –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um ptyc<strong>an</strong>thum Dunal<br />

morenita –see– Bassia scoparia (L.) A. J. Scott<br />

Moreton Bay chestnut –see– Cast<strong>an</strong>ospermum australe A.<br />

Cunn. & C. Fraser ex Hook.<br />

morgeline –see– Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

Mo r i n d a c i Tr i f o l i a L. [Rubiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

noni<br />

Citations:<br />

Mueller BA, Scott MK, Sowinski KM, et al. (2000) Noni<br />

juice (Morinda citrifolia): Hidden potential for hyperkalemia?<br />

Am J Kidney Dis 35(2):310-312.<br />

Stadlbauer V, Fickert P, Lackner C, et al. (2005) Hepatotoxicity<br />

of noni juice: Report of two cases. World J Gastroenterol<br />

11(30):4758-4760.<br />

Mo r i n g a c o n c a n e n s is Nimmo [Moringaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Shukla S, Mathur R, Prakash AO (1988) Anti-impl<strong>an</strong>tation<br />

efficacy of Moringa oleifera Lam. <strong>an</strong>d Moringa conc<strong>an</strong>ensis<br />

Nimmo in rats. Int J Crude Drug Res 26(Mar):29-32.<br />

Mo r i n g a o l e i f e r a Lam. [Moringaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>gela; arbol-de-las-perlas; ben; drumstick tree; horseradish<br />

tree; jasmin fr<strong>an</strong>ces; maidenhair tree; mar<strong>an</strong>ga calalu;<br />

paraiso; paraíso bl<strong>an</strong>co; paraiso-de-España; paraiso fr<strong>an</strong>ces;<br />

paraist estr<strong>an</strong>jaro; perlas-del-oriente; sahaj<strong>an</strong>a<br />

Citations:<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, More LJ, McKenzie NH, et al. (1995) Nutritional<br />

<strong>an</strong>d haemagglutination properties of several tropical<br />

seeds. J Agric Sci 124:437-445.<br />

Shukla S, Mathur R, Prakash AO (1988) Anti-impl<strong>an</strong>tation<br />

efficacy of Moringa oleifera Lam. <strong>an</strong>d Moringa conc<strong>an</strong>ensis<br />

Nimmo in rats. Int J Crude Drug Res 26(Mar):29-32.<br />

Mormon tea –see– Ephedra viridis Coville<br />

morning-glory –see– Convolvulus arvensis L.; Ipomoea carnea<br />

Jacq. subsp. fistulosa (Mart. ex Choisy) D. F. Austin;<br />

Ipomoea hederacea Jacq.; Ipomoea muelleri Benth.; Ipomoea<br />

tricolor cav.; Ipomoea violacea L.; Turbina corymbosa (L.)<br />

Raf.<br />

morning-noon-night –see– Brunfelsia australis Benth.;<br />

Brunfelsia pauciflora (Cham. & Schltdl.) Benth.<br />

Mo r u s a l b a L. [Moraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Weißer Maulbeerbaum<br />

Citations:<br />

Navarro AM, Orta JC, S<strong>an</strong>chez MC, et al. (1997) Primary<br />

sensitization to Morus alba. Allergy 52(11):1144-1145.<br />

Mo r u s n ig r a L. [Moraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

black mulberry; mulberry; Schwarzer Maulbeerbaum<br />

Citations:<br />

James T (1961) Mulberry sickness. S Afr Med J 35:1086.<br />

mosquito pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Hedeoma pulegioides (L.) Pers.; Mentha<br />

pulegium L.<br />

mostarda bl<strong>an</strong>ca –see– Sinapis alba L.<br />

mostaza campestre –see– Sinapis arvensis L.<br />

mostaza silvestre –see– Sinapis arvensis L.<br />

moth mullein –see– Verbascum thapsus L.<br />

moth pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Araujia sericifera Brot.<br />

mother-in-law pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Vent.;<br />

Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott<br />

mother-in-law’s-tongue –see– Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.)<br />

Schott; S<strong>an</strong>sevieria trifasciata Prain<br />

mother-of-cocoa –see– Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex<br />

Walp.<br />

mother-of-millions –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe daigremonti<strong>an</strong>a Raym.-<br />

Hamet & H. Perrier; Kal<strong>an</strong>choe delagoensis Eckl. & Zeyh.<br />

mother-of-thous<strong>an</strong>ds –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe daigremonti<strong>an</strong>a<br />

Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier<br />

mottled spurge –see– Euphorbia lactea Haw.<br />

moulmain teak –see– Tectona gr<strong>an</strong>dis L. f.<br />

mountain alk<strong>an</strong>et –see– Arnica mont<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

mountain death camas –see– Anticlea eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Pursh) Rydb.<br />

mountain fetterbush –see– Pieris floribunda (Pursh) Benth.<br />

& Hook. f.<br />

mountain grape –see– Berberis aquifolium Pursh<br />

mountain graperoot –see– Berberis aquifolium Pursh<br />

mountain ivy –see– Kalmia latifolia L.<br />

mountain juniper –see– Juniperus communis L.<br />

mountain larkspur –see– Delphinium bicolor Nutt.;<br />

Delphinium glaucum S. Watson<br />

mountain laurel –see– Calia secundiflora (Ortega) Yakovlev;<br />

Kalmia latifolia L.; Leucothoe davisiae Torr. ex A. Gray<br />

mountain mahog<strong>an</strong>y –see– Cercocarpus mont<strong>an</strong>us Raf.<br />

mountain m<strong>an</strong>chineel –see– Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug<br />

& Urb.; Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi<br />

mountain orach –see– Atriplex hortensis L.<br />

mountain pieris –see– Pieris floribunda (Pursh) Benth. &<br />

Hook. f.<br />

mountain pink –see– Zeltnera beyrichii (Torr. & A. Gray) G.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>s.; Zeltnera calycosa (Buckley) G. M<strong>an</strong>s.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Musa ×paradisiaca - 265<br />

mountain rosebay –see– Rhododendron catawbiense Michx.<br />

mountain silvery lupine –see– Lupinus argenteus Pursh var.<br />

rubricaulis (Greene) S. L. Welsh<br />

mountain sneezeweed –see– Hymenoxys hoopesii (A. Gray)<br />

Bierner<br />

mountain sorrel –see– Rumex acetosella L.<br />

mountain tea –see– Gaultheria procumbens L.<br />

mountain thermopsis –see– Thermopsis mont<strong>an</strong>a Nutt.<br />

mountain tobacco –see– Arnica mont<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

mountain white oak –see– Quercus douglasii Hook. & Arn.<br />

mouron-des-champs –see– Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

mouse onion –see– Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn<br />

moutarde bl<strong>an</strong>che –see– Sinapis alba L.<br />

moutarde-des-champs –see– Sinapis arvensis L.<br />

moutarde jaune –see– Sinapis alba L.<br />

moutarde noire –see– Brassica nigra (L.) W. D. J. Koch<br />

movingui –see– Distemon<strong>an</strong>thus benthami<strong>an</strong>us Baill.<br />

mu oil tree –see– Vernicia mont<strong>an</strong>a Lour.<br />

mucuna –see– Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

Mu c u n a p r u r i e n s (L.) DC. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d olichos pruriens L.; s tizolobium pruriens (L.)<br />

Medik.<br />

Common Names:<br />

buffalo be<strong>an</strong>; cadjust; cowage; cowhage; cowitch; eleph<strong>an</strong>t’s-scratch<br />

wort; karara; kaunch; kiwach; kiwachi;<br />

kiwash; mucuna; pica pica; pois-a-gratter; stinging<br />

be<strong>an</strong>; velvet be<strong>an</strong>; vine gungo pea; voodoo be<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Broadbent JL (1953) Observations on itching produced by<br />

cowhage, <strong>an</strong>d on the part played by histamine as a mediator<br />

in itch sensation. Br J Pharmacol 8(3):263-270.<br />

Fairbrothers D, Kirby E, Lester RM, et al. (1985) Mucuna<br />

pruriens-associated pruritus - New Jersey. MMWR<br />

Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 34(48):732-734.<br />

Fairbrothers D, Kirby E, Lester RM, et al. (1986) Mucuna<br />

pruriens-associated pruritus - New Jersey. JAMA<br />

255(3):313.<br />

Harms RH, Simpson CF, Waldroup PW (1961) Influence of<br />

feeding various levels of velvet be<strong>an</strong>s to chicks <strong>an</strong>d laying<br />

hens. J Nutr 75(Sep):127-131.<br />

Miller ER, Massengale ON, Barnes MA (1925) Some effects<br />

resulting from eating velvet be<strong>an</strong>s. J Am Pharm Assoc<br />

14:1113-1114.<br />

Shelley WB, Arthur RP (1955) Studies on cowhage (Mucuna<br />

pruriens) <strong>an</strong>d its pruritogenic proteinase, mucunain. Arch<br />

Dermatol 72(5):399-406.<br />

Note:<br />

Velvet be<strong>an</strong> is named Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

var. utilis (Wall. ex Wight) Baker ex Burck in some<br />

publications.<br />

mucun<strong>an</strong> –see– Dioclea erecta Hoehne; Dioclea latifolia<br />

Benth.<br />

mudar –see– Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton<br />

mugget –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

muguet –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

muguet-de-mai –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

mugwort –see– Artemisia absinthium L.; Artemisia vulgaris<br />

L.; Parthenium hysterophorus L.<br />

mulberry –see– Morus nigra L.<br />

mulga fern –see– Cheil<strong>an</strong>thes sieberi Kunze; Cheil<strong>an</strong>thes<br />

tenuifolia (Burm. f.) Sw.<br />

mullein –see– Verbascum thapsus L.<br />

mullein pink –see– Agrostemma githago L.<br />

murajes –see– Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

murrainberry –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.; Dioscorea communis<br />

(L.) Caddick & Wilkin<br />

Mu s a × p a r a d is i a c a L. [Musaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Musa ×sapientum L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

b<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>a; B<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>e; pl<strong>an</strong>tain<br />

Citations:<br />

Cordero-Moreno R (1973) Etiologic factors in tropical eye<br />

diseases. Am J Ophthalmol 75(3):349-364.<br />

McKinney B, Crawford MA (1965) Fibrosis in guineapig<br />

heart produced by pl<strong>an</strong>tain diet. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

2(418):880-882.<br />

Meynadier J, Meynadier JM, Guilhou JJ (1982) L’urticaire<br />

de contact chez l’atopique. A propos de deux observations.<br />

Ann Dermatol Venereol 109(10):871-874.<br />

Tokuyama K, Takei K, Arakawa H, et al. (1997) B<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>a<br />

allergy in inf<strong>an</strong>ts. Allergy 52(3):350-351.<br />

Musa ×sapientum L = Musa ×paradisiaca L.<br />

Muskatnuß –see– Myristica fragr<strong>an</strong>s Houtt.<br />

muskrat weed –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M. Coult. &<br />

Rose; Cicuta maculata L.<br />

musquash –see– Cicuta maculata L.; Cicuta maculata L. var.<br />

<strong>an</strong>gustifolia Hook.<br />

musquash poison –see– Cicuta maculata L.<br />

musquashroot –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M. Coult. &<br />

Rose; Cicuta maculata L.<br />

mustard –see– Brassica nigra (L.) W. D. J. Koch; Hirschfeldia<br />

inc<strong>an</strong>a (L.) Lagr.- Foss.; Sinapis alba L.; Sinapis arvensis<br />

L.<br />

mustard tree –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a glauca Graham<br />

Mutterkraut –see– T<strong>an</strong>acetum parthenium (L.) Sch. Bip.<br />

myall –see– Acacia pendula A. Cunn. ex G. Donn<br />

myoporum –see– Myoporum laetum G. Forst.

266 - Myoporum acuminatum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

My o p o r u M a c u Mi n a Tu M R. Br.<br />

[Scrophulariaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

boobialla; strychnine bush; water bush<br />

Citations:<br />

Legg J, White CT (1941) Myoporum acuminatum (strychnine<br />

bush). A pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonous to stock. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d Agric<br />

J 56:124-125.<br />

Legg J, White CT (1941) Myoporum acuminatum: A pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

poisonous to stock. Aust Vet J 17:104-105.<br />

Myoporum deserti A. Cunn. ex Benth. = Eremophila<br />

deserti (A. Cunn. ex Benth.) Chinnock<br />

My o p o r u M i n s u l a r e R. Br. [Scrophulariaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

boobyalla; Tasm<strong>an</strong>i<strong>an</strong> ngaio<br />

Citations:<br />

Jerrett IV, Chinnock RJ (1983) Outbreaks of photosensitisation<br />

<strong>an</strong>d deaths in cattle due to Myoporum aff. insulare<br />

R. Br. toxicity. Aust Vet J 60(6):183-186.<br />

My o p o r u M l a e Tu M G. Forst.<br />

[Scrophulariaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

myoporum; ngaio<br />

Citations:<br />

Bonel-Raposo JB, Méndez MC, Andrade GB, et al. (1998)<br />

Experimental intoxication by Myoporum laetum in cattle.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 40(5):275-277.<br />

Bonel-Raposo JB, Méndez MC, Riet-Correa F, et al. (1998)<br />

Experimental intoxication by Myoporum laetum in sheep.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 40(3):132-135.<br />

Bonel-Raposo J, Driemeier D, Barros SS, et al. (2003)<br />

Evolução das lesões histológicas e ultra-estruturais no<br />

fígado de ovinos e bovinos experimentalmente intoxicados<br />

por Myoporum laetum. Pesq Vet Bras 23(4):149-155.<br />

Denz FA, H<strong>an</strong>ger WG (1961) The liver toxin in Myoporum<br />

laetum. J Pathol Bact 81(J<strong>an</strong>):91-99.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>kin TH (1940) Pigs poisoned by eating ngaio leaves. N<br />

Z J Agr 61:360-361.<br />

McC<strong>an</strong>n PJ (1946) Ngaio poisoning of cattle. N Z J Agr<br />

72:139-140.<br />

Webster WM (1926) Two recent cases of pl<strong>an</strong>t poisoning<br />

among stock. N Z J Agr 33:102-105.<br />

My o p o r u M Te Tr a n d r u M (Labill.) Domin<br />

[Scrophulariaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

boobialla<br />

Citations:<br />

Allen JG, Seawright AA, Hrdlicka J (1978) The toxicity<br />

of Myoporum tetr<strong>an</strong>drum (Boobialla) <strong>an</strong>d myoporaceous<br />

fur<strong>an</strong>oid essential oils for rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. Aust Vet J<br />

54(6):287-292.<br />

myristica –see– Myristica fragr<strong>an</strong>s Houtt.<br />

My r is Tic a f r ag r a n s Houtt. [Myristicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

mace; Muskatnuß; myristica; nutmeg; nutmet; nux<br />

moshata<br />

Citations:<br />

Abernethy MK, Becker LB (1992) Acute nutmeg intoxication.<br />

Am J Emerg Med 10(5):429.<br />

Ahmad A, Thompson HS (1975) Nutmeg mydriasis. JAMA<br />

234(3):274.<br />

Åkesson HO, Wålinder J (1965) Nutmeg intoxication. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

1(Jun 12):1271-1272.<br />

Bartlett BF (1911) Nutmeg poisoning. Br Med J. Aug 5:269.<br />

Beck R (1914) Zwei Fälle von Muskatnussvergiftung. Munch<br />

Med Wochenschr 61(16):878.<br />

Dale HH (1909) Note on nutmeg-poisoning. Proc R Soc<br />

Med Therap Pharm Sect 2 Part 1(4):69-73.<br />

Demetriades AK, Wallm<strong>an</strong> PD, McGuiness A, et al. (2005)<br />

Low cost, high risk: Accidental nutmeg intoxication.<br />

Emerg Med J 22(3):223-225.<br />

Dinakar HS (1978) Nutmeg abuse. Am J Psychiatry<br />

135(12):1571.<br />

Dodge WT (1887) Nutmeg poisoning. Med Rec 32(Nov<br />

12):624.<br />

Faguet RA, Rowl<strong>an</strong>d KF (1978) “Spice cabinet” intoxication.<br />

Am J Psychiatry 135(7):860-861.<br />

Forrester MB (2005) Nutmeg intoxication in Texas,<br />

1998-2004. Hum Exp Toxicol 24(11):563-566.<br />

Fras I, Friedm<strong>an</strong> JJ (1969) Hallucinogenic effects of nutmeg<br />

in adolescent. N Y State J Med 69(Feb 1):463-465.<br />

Green RC Jr (1959) Nutmeg poisoning. JAMA<br />

171(10):1342-1344.<br />

Green RC Jr (1959) Nutmeg poisoning. Va Med Monthly<br />

86(Oct):586-590.<br />

Hamilton J (1906) Nutmeg poisoning. Br Med J Oct 6:900.<br />

Hentschel H, Greyer H, Stein U (2000) Ingestion of nutmeg<br />

(Myristica fragr<strong>an</strong>s). J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 38(2):234.<br />

Hruby K (2002) Poisoning from natural drugs rediscovered<br />

for recreational abuse. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

40(3):276-277.<br />

Jacobziner H, Raybin HW (1965) Poisonings due to mace<br />

(nutmeg), furniture polish, <strong>an</strong>d lead. N Y State J Med<br />

65(Sep 1):2270-2279.<br />

Johnson J (1906) Nutmeg poisoning. Br Med J 2(Oct<br />

13):984.<br />

Löhrer F, Kaiser R (1999) Biogene Suchtmittel. Neue Konsumgewohnheiten<br />

bei jungen Abhängigen? Nervenarzt<br />

70(11):1029-1033.<br />

McCord JA, Jervey LP (1962) Nutmeg (myristicin) poisoning.<br />

J S C Med Assoc 58:436-439.<br />

Mendelsohn G (1907) Zwei Fälle von Vergiftung mit<br />

Muskatnuß. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 33:2001.<br />

Messiha FS, Zaki NN (1984) Behavioral <strong>an</strong>d histological<br />

adverse reactions of nutmeg. Vet Hum Toxicol 26(5):410.<br />

Painter JC, Sh<strong>an</strong>or SP, Winek CL (1971) Nutmeg poisoning<br />

- A case report. Clin Toxicol 4(1):1-4.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ayotopoulos DJ, Chisholm DD (1970) Hallucinogenic<br />

effect of nutmeg. Br Med J 1(5698):754.<br />

Payne RB (1963) Nutmeg intoxication. N Engl J Med<br />

269(1):36-38.<br />

Pitter RA (1902) A case of nutmeg poisoning. L<strong>an</strong>cet 1(Apr<br />

12):1035.<br />

Pytte M, Rygnestad T (1998) Muskatnøtt - Mer enn et krydder.<br />

Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 118(28):4346-4347.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Myroxylon balsamum - 267<br />

Reekie JS (1909) Nutmeg poisoning. JAMA 52(J<strong>an</strong> 2):62.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>galli BC, Chi<strong>an</strong>g W (2000) Toxicology of nutmeg abuse.<br />

J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 38(6):671-678.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>galli BC, Enser B, De Tino M (1999) Recipe for nutmeg<br />

(Myristica fragr<strong>an</strong>s) abuse. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

37(5):618.<br />

Simpson TG (1895) Case of poisoning by nutmeg. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

1(J<strong>an</strong> 19):150.<br />

Smith SM (1902) Nutmeg poisoning. L<strong>an</strong>cet 1(Jun<br />

21):1798.<br />

Weiss G (1960) Hallucinogenic <strong>an</strong>d narcotic-like<br />

effects of powdered myristica (nutmeg). Psychiatr Q<br />

34(Apr):346-356.<br />

Wilkinson AN (1906) Poisoning by nutmeg. Br Med J 1(Mar<br />

3):539.<br />

Wilkinson KD (1911) Nutmeg poisoning. Br Med J 1(Apr<br />

29):993.<br />

myrobal<strong>an</strong> –see– Terminalia chebula Retz.<br />

My r o x y l o n b a ls a Mu M (L.) Harms [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

balsam-of-tolu; tolu balsam<br />

Citations:<br />

Bjarnason B, Flosadóttir E, Fischer T (2000) Assessment<br />

of balsam of Peru patch tests. Contact Dermatitis<br />

42(6):326-329.<br />

Caln<strong>an</strong> CD (1975) Active sensitization to para <strong>an</strong>d balsam of<br />

Peru. Contact Dermatitis 1(2):126-127.<br />

Cummer CL (1927) Dermatitis produced by balsam of Peru.<br />

Arch Derm Syphilol 16:44-50.<br />

Forsbeck M, Skog E (1977) Immediate reactions to patch tests<br />

with balsam of Peru. Contact Dermatitis 3(4):201-205.<br />

Fregert S, Rorsm<strong>an</strong> H (1963) Simult<strong>an</strong>eous hypersensitivity<br />

to balsam of pine <strong>an</strong>d to balsam of Peru. Acta Derm<br />

Venereol 42:21-22.<br />

Mitchell JC (1975) Patch testing with some components of<br />

balsam of Peru. Contact Dermatitis 1(6):391-392.<br />

T<strong>an</strong>aka S, Matsumoto Y, Dlova N, et al. (2004) Immediate<br />

contact reactions to fragr<strong>an</strong>ce mix constituents<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Myroxylon pereirae resin. Contact Dermatitis<br />

51(1):20-21.<br />

Temesvári E, Soos G, Podányi B, et al. (1978) Contact urticaria<br />

provoked by balsam of Peru. Contact Dermatitis<br />

4(2):65-68.<br />

Trattner A, David M (2003) Patch testing with fine fragr<strong>an</strong>ces:<br />

Comparison with fragr<strong>an</strong>ce mix, balsam of Peru <strong>an</strong>d a<br />

fragr<strong>an</strong>ce series. Contact Dermatitis 49(6):287-289.<br />

Veien NK, Hattel T, Justesen O, et al. (1983) Oral challenge<br />

with balsam of Peru in patients with eczema: A preliminary<br />

study. Contact Dermatitis 9(1):75-76.<br />

Veien NK, Hattel T, Justesen O, et al. (1985) Reduction of<br />

intake of balsams in patients sensitive to balsam of Peru.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 13(5):270-273.<br />

Note:<br />

Balsam-of-Peru is named Myroxylon balsamum<br />

(L.) Harms var. pereirae (Royle) Harms in some<br />

publications.<br />

myrrh –see– Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl.<br />

myrrh gum –see– Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl.<br />

myrsnelle –see– Equisetum palustre L.<br />

Myrtensumach –see– Coriaria myrtifolia L.<br />

myrtle laurelcherry –see– Prunus myrtifolia (L.) Urb.<br />

myrtle-leaf holly –see– Ilex myrtifolia Walter<br />

myrtle spurge –see– Euphorbia lathyris L.<br />

mysteria –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

mysterious pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

mysterygrass –see– Toxicoscordion venenosum (S. Watson)<br />


nabo bl<strong>an</strong>co –see– Chenopodium album L.<br />

nabo-del-diablo –see– Oen<strong>an</strong>the crocata L.<br />

nabo silvestre –see– Brassica rapa L. subsp. campestris (L.)<br />

A. R. Clapham<br />

naboom –see– Euphorbia ingens E. Mey. ex Boiss.<br />

nai habarala –see– Alocasia cucullata (Lour.) G. Don<br />

Naivashagrass –see– Cynodon plectostachyus (K. Schum.)<br />

Pilg.<br />

naked lady –see– Colchicum autumnale L.; Euphorbia tirucalli<br />

L.<br />

n a Ma p a r r y i A. Gray [Hydrophyllaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Saunders GF (1903) <strong>Poisonous</strong> effects of a California shrub.<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t World 6:245-246.<br />

n<strong>an</strong>as –see– Durio zibethinus L.<br />

N<strong>an</strong>cy –see– Vaccaria hisp<strong>an</strong>ica (Mill.) Rauschert<br />

n<strong>an</strong>dina –see– N<strong>an</strong>dina domestica Thunb.<br />

n a n d i n a d o Me s Tic a Thunb. [Berberidaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Chinese sacred bamboo; heavenly bamboo; n<strong>an</strong>dina;<br />

sacred bamboo<br />

Citations:<br />

Bradley M, Neim<strong>an</strong> LJ, Burrows GE (1988) Seizures in a<br />

puppy. Vet Hum Toxicol 30(2):121.<br />

n<strong>an</strong>gai –see– C<strong>an</strong>arium indicum L.<br />

nap-at-noon –see– Ornithogalum umbellatum L.<br />

napiergrass –see– Pennisetum purpureum Schumach.<br />

nar<strong>an</strong>jillo –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um bonariense L.<br />

nar<strong>an</strong>jo amarga –see– Citrus aur<strong>an</strong>tium L.<br />

narcisco –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

narcisse –see– Narcissus poeticus L.<br />

narcisse-des-poées –see– Narcissus poeticus L.<br />

narcissus –see– Narcissus poeticus L.; Narcissus pseudonarcissus<br />

L.<br />

n a r c is s u s jo n q u i l l a L. [Amaryllidaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

jonquil<br />

Citations:<br />

Stryker GV (1936) Contact dermatitis caused by the jonquil<br />

(Narcissus jonquilla). J Ind Hyg Toxicol 18:462-465.<br />

N<br />

Vigneau CH, Tsao J, Chamaillard C, et al. (1982) Accidental<br />

absorption of daffodils (Narcissus jonquilla): Two common<br />

intoxications. Vet Hum Toxicol 24(Suppl):133-135.<br />

n a r c is s u s p o e Tic u s L. [Amaryllidaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

daffodil; Dichternarzisse; narcisse; narcisse-des-poées;<br />

narcissus; Narzisse; poet’s-daffodil; poet’s-narcissus;<br />

Sternblume; white sun lily; whitsun lily<br />

Citations:<br />

Derbes VJ (1942) Occupational, seasonal hay fever <strong>an</strong>d asthma<br />

due to narcissus bulbs. South Med J 35(10):912-913.<br />

Jacobziner H, Raybin HW (1962) Poisonings due to mistaken<br />

identities of products. N Y State J Med 62:3460-3461.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> der Werff PJ (1959) Occupational diseases among workers<br />

in the bulb industries. Acta Allergol 14:338-355.<br />

n a r c is s u s p s e u d o n a r c is s u s L.<br />

[Amaryllidaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

averil; bell rose; bul rose; chalice flower; crow bells;<br />

daffidowndilly; daffodil; Gelbe Narzisse; Lent lily;<br />

Lent rose; narcissus; Narzisse; Osterglocke; paciencia;<br />

trumpet narcissus<br />

Citations:<br />

Bleumink E, Nater JP (1974) Contact dermatitis in a gardener<br />

caused by daffodils. Derm Beruf Umwelt 22(3):123-126.<br />

Gonçalo S, Freitas JD, Sousa I (1987) Contact dermatitis<br />

<strong>an</strong>d respiratory symptoms from Narcissus pseudonarcissus.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 16(10):115-116.<br />

Hausen BM, Oestm<strong>an</strong>n G (1988) Untersuchungen über die<br />

Häufigkeit berufsbedingter allergischer Hauterkr<strong>an</strong>gungen<br />

auf einem Blumengroßmarkt. Derm Beruf Umwelt<br />

36(4):117-124.<br />

Litovitz TL, Fahey BA (1982) Please don’t eat the daffodils.<br />

N Engl J Med 306(9):547.<br />

Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD (2001) Toxidromes<br />

associated with the most common pl<strong>an</strong>t ingestions. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(6):366-369.<br />

Muñoz D, Urrutia I, Le<strong>an</strong>izbarrutia I, et al. (1989) Contact<br />

dermatitis from pl<strong>an</strong>ts in a geriatric nurse. Contact Dermatitis<br />

20(13):227-228.<br />

Saxon-Buri S (2004) Daffodil toxicosis in <strong>an</strong> adult cat. C<strong>an</strong><br />

Vet J 45(3):248-250.<br />

Walsh D (1910) Investigation of a dermatitis amongst flowerpickers<br />

in the Scilly Isl<strong>an</strong>ds, the so-called “lily rash.” Br<br />

Med J 2(Sep 24):854-856.<br />

Wilson T (1924) Poisoning caused by eating daffodil bulbs.<br />

Missouri Bot Garden Bull 12:52.<br />

Wilson T (1924) The common daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus)<br />

as a poison. Pharm J Pharmacist 112(Feb<br />


270 - Narthecium asiaticum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

nardoo fern –see– Marsilea drummondii A. Braun<br />

Narrawa bur –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um cinereum R. Br.<br />

narrow dock –see– Rumex crispus L.<br />

narrow-leaf butterweed –see– Senecio spartioides Torr. & A.<br />

Gray<br />

narrow-leaf cottonbush –see– Gomphocarpus fruticosa (L.)<br />

W. T. Aiton<br />

narrow-leaf everlasting pea –see– Lathyrus sylvestris L.<br />

narrow-leaf laurel –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

narrow-leaf lupin –see– Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius L.<br />

narrow-leaf lupine –see– Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius L.<br />

narrow-leaf marsh elder –see– Iva <strong>an</strong>gustifolia Nutt. ex<br />

DC.<br />

narrow-leaf milkweed –see– Asclepias mexic<strong>an</strong>a Cav.<br />

narrow-leaf sage –see– Salvia reflexa Hornem.<br />

narrow-leaf sneezeweed –see– Helenium autumnale L.<br />

narrow-leaf sumpweed –see– Iva <strong>an</strong>gustifolia Nutt. ex DC.<br />

narrow-leaf water parsnip –see– Berula erecta (Huds.)<br />

Coville<br />

narrow-leaf whorled milkweed –see– Asclepias mexic<strong>an</strong>a Cav.<br />

n a r Th e c i u M a s i a Tic u M Maxim.<br />

[Nartheciaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Suzuki K, Kobayashi M, Ito A, et al. (1985) Narthecium<br />

asiaticum Maxim. poisoning of grazing cattle: Observations<br />

on spont<strong>an</strong>eous <strong>an</strong>d experimental cases. Cornell Vet<br />

75(2):348-365.<br />

n a r Th e c i u M o s s i f r ag u M (L.) Huds.<br />

[Nartheciaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bog asphodel<br />

Citations:<br />

Dishington IW, Laksesvela B (1976) Alveldsykens etiologi<br />

belyst ved BSP-test. Nord Vet Med 28(11):547-549.<br />

Ender F (1955) Undersøkelser over alveldsykens etiologi.<br />

Nord Vet Med 7:329-377.<br />

Flåøyen A (1991) A difference in susceptibility of two<br />

breeds of sheep to the “Alveld toxin.” Vet Res Commun<br />

15(6):455-457.<br />

Flåøyen A, Binde M, Bratberg B, et al. (1995) Nephrotoxicity<br />

of Narthecium ossifragum in cattle in Norway. Vet<br />

Rec 137(11):259-263.<br />

Flåøyen A, Bratberg B, Fjølstad M, et al. (1994) A pasturerelated<br />

nephrotoxicosis of cattle in Norway: Clinical<br />

signs <strong>an</strong>d pathological findings. In: Colegate SM, Dorling<br />

PR (eds.) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated toxins. Agricultural, phytochemical<br />

<strong>an</strong>d ecological aspects. CABI. New York. pp.<br />

557-560.<br />

Flåøyen A, Bratberg B, Frøslie A, et al. (1995) Nephrotoxicity<br />

<strong>an</strong>d hepatotoxicity in calves apparently caused by<br />

experimental feeding with Narthecium ossifragum. Vet<br />

Res Commun 19(1):63-73.<br />

Flåøyen A, Bratberg B, Frøslie A, et al. (1997) Further<br />

studies on the presence, qualities <strong>an</strong>d effects of the toxic<br />

principles from Narthecium ossifagum pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Vet Res<br />

Commun 21(2):137-148.<br />

Flåøyen A, Bratberg B, Grønstol H (1995) Nephrotoxicity<br />

in lambs apparently caused by experimental feeding with<br />

Narthecium ossifragum. Vet Res Commun 19(1):75-79.<br />

Flåøyen A, H<strong>an</strong>del<strong>an</strong>d K, Stuve G, et al. (1999) Experimental<br />

Narthecium ossifragum nephrotoxicity in cervids<br />

from Norway. J Wildl Dis 35(1):24-30.<br />

Flåøyen A, Joh<strong>an</strong>sen J, Olsen J (1995) Narthecium ossifragum<br />

associated photosensitization in sheep in the<br />

Faroe Isl<strong>an</strong>ds. Acta Vet Sc<strong>an</strong>d 36(2):277-278.<br />

Laksesvela B, Dishington IW (1983) Bog asphodel (Narthecium<br />

ossifragum) as a cause of photosensitisation in lambs<br />

in Norway. Vet Rec 112(16):375-378.<br />

Malone FE, Kennedy S, Reilly GA, et al. (1992) Bog asphodel<br />

(Narthecium ossifragum) poisoning in cattle. Vet Rec<br />

131(5):100-103.<br />

Malone FE, Kennedy S, Reilly GA, et al. (1998) Bog asphodel<br />

(Narthecium ossifragum) poisoning in cattle. In:<br />

Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural<br />

toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI. New York. pp. 564-568.<br />

Scheie E, Ryste EV, Flåøyen A (2003) Measurement of phylloeryththrin<br />

(phytoporthyrin) in plasma or serum <strong>an</strong>d<br />

skin from sheep photosensitised after ingestion of Narthecium<br />

ossifragum. N Z Vet J 51(3):99-103.<br />

Wisløff T, Flåøyen A, Ottesen N, et al. (2003) Narthecium<br />

ossifragum (L.) Huds. causes kidney damage in<br />

goats: Morphologic <strong>an</strong>d functional effects. Vet Pathol<br />

40(3):317-327.<br />

Narzisse –see– Narcissus poeticus L.; Narcissus pseudonarcissus<br />

L.<br />

n a s a Tr i p h y l l a (Juss.) Weigend [Loasaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l oasa vulc<strong>an</strong>ica André<br />

Citations:<br />

Mitchell JC, Rook AJ (1979) Bot<strong>an</strong>ical dermatology. <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong><br />

<strong>an</strong>d pl<strong>an</strong>t products injurious to the skin. Greengrass.<br />

V<strong>an</strong>couver.<br />

nasgaal –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.<br />

n a s s e l l a Te n u is s i Ma (Trin.) Barkworth<br />

[Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s tipa tenacissima Trin.<br />

Common names:<br />

esparto grass<br />

Citations:<br />

Baz G, Hinojosa M, Quirce S, et al. (1999) Occupational<br />

asthma caused by esparto grass (Stipa tenacissima) fibers.<br />

Allergy 54(1):86-87.<br />

nastergal –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.<br />

nasturium –see– Tropaeolum majus L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der - 271<br />

Nasturtium armoracia (L.) Fr. = Armoracia rustic<strong>an</strong>a P.<br />

Gaertn. et al.<br />

Natal camel thorn –see– Acacia lasiopetala Oliv.<br />

Natal cherry –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um pseudocapsicum L.<br />

Natal round yellow be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

Natal sl<strong>an</strong>gkop –see– Drimia macrocentra (Baker) Jessop<br />

Natal yellow tulp –see– Moraea pallida (Baker) Goldblatt<br />

native bryony –see– Bryonopsis laciniosa (L.) Naudin;<br />

Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) C. Jeffrey<br />

native couchgrass –see– Brachyachne convergens (F. Muell.)<br />

Stapf<br />

native fuchsia –see– Eremophila latrobei F. Muell.;<br />

Eremophila maculata (Ker Gawl.) F. Muell.<br />

native indigo –see– Indigofera australis Willd.<br />

native lily –see– Diplarrhena moraea Labill.<br />

native loquat –see– Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa Benth.<br />

native parsnip –see– Trachymene glaucifolia (F. Muell.) Benth.<br />

native tobacco –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a suaveolens Lehm.<br />

naughty-m<strong>an</strong>’s-cherry –see– Atropa belladonna L.<br />

navet-de-diable –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

navy be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

nea –see– Stroph<strong>an</strong>thus gratus (Wall. & Hook.) Baill.<br />

Nebraska fern –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

needle bur –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus spinosus L.<br />

needlepoint ivy –see– Hedera helix L.<br />

neem –see– Azadirachta indica A. Juss.<br />

neempathi –see– Azadirachta indica A. Juss.<br />

negroés olive tree –see– Terminalia chebula Retz.<br />

neguillon –see– Agrostemma githago L.<br />

Nelson’s-larkspur –see– Delphinium nuttalli<strong>an</strong>um Pritz.<br />

nenta –see– Tylecodon wallichii (Harv.) Toelken<br />

n e ob a s s i a p r o c e r i f l o r a (F. Muell.) A. J.<br />

Scott [Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Threlkeldia proceriflora F. Muell.<br />

Common Names:<br />

soda bush<br />

Citations:<br />

Legg J, Fr<strong>an</strong>cis WD (1939) Threlkeldia proceriflora: A pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

poisonous to stock. Aust Vet J 15:168-171.<br />

Mathams RH, Sutherl<strong>an</strong>d AK (1952) The oxalate content of<br />

some Queensl<strong>an</strong>d pasture pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d J Agric Sci<br />

9:317-334.<br />

n e o n o To n i a w ig h Ti i (Wight & Arn.) J. A.<br />

Lackey [Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

g lycine wightii (Wight & Arn.) Verdc.<br />

Citations:<br />

Shenk JS (1976) The meadow vole as <strong>an</strong> experimental <strong>an</strong>imal.<br />

Lab Anim Sci 26(4):664-669.<br />

n e o r a u Ta n e n i a c o r i a c e a C. A. Sm.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG (1962) The toxicity of (A) Neoraut<strong>an</strong>enia ficifolia<br />

(Benth.) C. A. Smith <strong>an</strong>d (B) Neoraut<strong>an</strong>enia coriacea C.<br />

A. Smith. S Afr Med J 36(Nov 3):922-923.<br />

n e o r a u Ta n e n i a f ic i f o l i u s (Benth.) C. A.<br />

Sm. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG (1962) The toxicity of (A) Neoraut<strong>an</strong>enia ficifolia<br />

(Benth.) C. A. Smith <strong>an</strong>d (B) Neoraut<strong>an</strong>enia coriacea C.<br />

A. Smith. S Afr Med J 36(Nov 3):922-923.<br />

Nepaul aconite –see– Aconitum ferox Wall. ex Ser.<br />

n e p e Ta c a Ta r i a L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cataria; catmint; catnep; catnip<br />

Citations:<br />

Bailey RL (1970) Tropical pl<strong>an</strong>ts prove fatal. Mod Vet Pract<br />

51(6):42, 46.<br />

Hatch RC (1972) Effect of drugs on catnip (Nepeta<br />

cataria)-induced pleasure behavior in cats. Am J Vet Res<br />

33(1):143-155.<br />

Jackson B, Reed A (1969) Catnip <strong>an</strong>d alteration of consciousness.<br />

JAMA 207(7):1349-1350.<br />

Massoco CO, Silva MR, Gorniak SL, et al. (1995) Behavioral<br />

effects of acute <strong>an</strong>d long-term administration<br />

of catnip (Nepeta cataria) in mice. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

37(6):530-533.<br />

Osterhoudt KC, Lee SK, Callah<strong>an</strong> JM, et al. (1997) Catnip<br />

<strong>an</strong>d the alteration of hum<strong>an</strong> consciousness. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 39(6):373-375.<br />

Nepeta hederacea (L.) Trev. = Glechoma hederacea L.<br />

n e p h r o l e p is e x a l Ta Ta (L.) Schott<br />

[Nephrolepidaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Stoof TJ, Bruynzeel DP (1989) Contact allergy to Nephrolepsis<br />

ferns. Contact Dermatitis 20(8):234-235.<br />

nerium –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

Nerium indicum Mill. = Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

Nerium odorum Aiton = Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

n e r i u M o l e a n d e r L. [Apocynaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

n erium indicum Mill.; n erium odorum Aiton<br />

Common Names:<br />

adelfa; Ceylon rose; deflah; espirradeira; k<strong>an</strong>er; laurel<br />

bl<strong>an</strong>co; laurel colorado; laurel rosa; laurel rosado; lau-

272 - Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

rel rose; laurier rose; Lorbeerose; lorier bol; narcisco;<br />

nerium; ole<strong>an</strong>der; pink ole<strong>an</strong>der; rosa laurel; rose laurel;<br />

rosebay; Rosenlorbeer; South Sea rose; yee tho<br />

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nerprun –see– Rhamnus cathartica L.<br />

nerveroot –see– Cypripedium reginae Walter<br />

Nessel –see– Dendrocnide moroides (Wedd.) Chew<br />

nettle –see– Cnidoscolus urens (L.) Arthur; Laportea<br />

c<strong>an</strong>adensis (L.) Wedd.; Urtica chamaedryoides Pursh;<br />

Urtica dioica L.<br />

nettle tree –see– Urtica ferox G. Forst.<br />

nettleberry –see– Atropa belladonna L.<br />

Nevada goldenrod –see– Solidago spectabilis (D. C. Eaton) A.<br />

Gray<br />

New Holl<strong>an</strong>d rattlepod –see– Crotalaria novae-holl<strong>an</strong>diae<br />

DC.<br />

New York ironweed –see– Vernonia noveboracensis (L.)<br />

Michx.<br />

New Zeal<strong>an</strong>d blue lupine –see– Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius L.<br />

New Zeal<strong>an</strong>d lupin –see– Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius L.<br />

New Zeal<strong>an</strong>d stinging nettle –see– Urtica ferox G. Forst.<br />

New Zeal<strong>an</strong>d toot pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Coriaria ruscifolia L.<br />

ngaio –see– Myoporum laetum G. Forst.<br />

ngaione –see– Eremophila deserti (A. Cunn. ex Benth.)<br />

Chinnock<br />

ngodoncillo –see– Gossypium hirsutum L.<br />

ni<strong>an</strong>g –see– Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I. C. Nielsen<br />

ni<strong>an</strong>g yai –see– Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I. C. Nielsen<br />

n ic a n d r a p h y s a l o d e s (L.) Gaertn.<br />

[Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

apple-of-Peru; Giftbeere; gooseberry; shoofly pl<strong>an</strong>t;<br />

wild gooseberry<br />

Citations:<br />

Cohen RD (1970) Bloat in sheep grazing wild gooseberry,<br />

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nicker tree –see– Gymnocladus dioicus (L.) K. Koch<br />

n ic o Ti a n a a TTe n u a Ta Torr. ex S. Watson<br />

[Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

coyote tobacco; wild tobacco

274 - Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a glauca D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

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Torrey) as stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Tech<br />

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n ic o Ti a n a g l a u c a Graham [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

buena moza; Don Ju<strong>an</strong>; mustard tree; smooth tobacco;<br />

tobacco; tree tobacco; wild tobacco; wild tree tobacco;<br />

wildetabak<br />

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after ingestions of tree tobacco. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

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blockade after ingestion of tree tobacco (Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a<br />

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Mizrachi N, Levy S, Goren Z (2000) Fatal poisoning from<br />

Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a glauca leaves: Identification of <strong>an</strong>abasine by<br />

gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry. J Forensic Sci<br />

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P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Bunch TD, Keeler RF, et al. (1990) Multiple<br />

congenital contractures (MCC) <strong>an</strong>d cleft palate induced<br />

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Galeotti [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

n icoti<strong>an</strong>a trigonophylla Dunal<br />

Common Names:<br />

desert tobacco; tabaquillo; wild tobacco<br />

Citations:<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Roe GC (1927) Wild tobaccos<br />

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Torrey) as stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Tech<br />

Bull #22:22 pp.<br />

n ic o Ti a n a s u a ve o l e n s Lehm. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

native tobacco<br />

Citations:<br />

Seddon HR, McGrath TT (1933) Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a suaveolens<br />

(native tobacco) proved poisonous to stock. New South<br />

Wales Dep Agric Vet Res Rep 6:119-121.<br />

n ic o Ti a n a Ta b a c u M L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

burley tobacco; chupa; dohány; Gutka; p<strong>an</strong> masala;<br />

punche; shammah; tabac; tabaco; Tabak; tobacci; tobacco<br />

Citations:<br />

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Carl P, Crawford M, Ravlo O (1984) Tobaksforgiftning hos<br />

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Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a trigonophylla Dunal = Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a obtusifolia M.<br />

Martens & Galeotti

276 - Nidorella foetida D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

nicou –see– Deguelia utilis (A. C. Sm.) A. M. G. Azevedo<br />

n i d o r e l l a f o e Ti d a (L.) DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Schneider DJ, Green JR, Collett MG (1987) Ovine hepatogenous<br />

photosensitivity caused by the pl<strong>an</strong>t Nidorella foetida<br />

(Thunb.) DC. (Asteraceae). Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

54(1):53-57.<br />

nielle –see– Agrostemma githago L.<br />

n i e r e Mb e r g i a h i p p o Ma n ic a Miers<br />

[Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chucho; chucho-de-la-sierra; chuschu<br />

Citations:<br />

Botha CJ, Schultz RA, v<strong>an</strong> der Lugt JJ, et al. (1999) Neurotoxicity<br />

in calves induced by the pl<strong>an</strong>t, Nierembergia<br />

hippom<strong>an</strong>ica Miers var. violacea Mill<strong>an</strong> in South Africa.<br />

Onderstepoort J Vet Res 66(3):237-244.<br />

n i e r e Mb e r g i a v e i Tc h i i Hook. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Riet-Correa F, Schild AL, Méndez MC, et al. (1987) Enzootic<br />

calcinosis in sheep caused by the ingestion of Nierembergia<br />

veitchii (Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae). Pesq Vet Bras 7(3):85-95.<br />

Nieskraut –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

Niespulver –see– Veratrum album L.<br />

Nieswurz –see– Helleborus niger L.; Helleborus viridis L.;<br />

Veratrum album L.<br />

n ig e l l a s a Ti va L. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

black cumin; kaluduru<br />

Citations:<br />

Tennekoon KH, Jeevathayapar<strong>an</strong> S, Kurukulasooriya AP,<br />

et al. (1991) Possible hepatotoxicity of Nigella sativa<br />

seeds <strong>an</strong>d Dregea volubilis leaves. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

31:283-289.<br />

Zedlitz S, Kaufm<strong>an</strong>n R, Boehncke WH (2002) Allergic<br />

contact dermatitis from black cumin (Nigella sativa) oilcontaining<br />

ointment. Contact Dermatitis 46(3):188.<br />

night-blooming jasmine –see– Cestrum aur<strong>an</strong>tiacum Lindl.;<br />

Cestrum nocturnum L.<br />

night-blooming jessamine –see– Cestrum nocturnum L.<br />

nightingales –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

nightshade –see– Pentalinon luteum (L.) B. F. H<strong>an</strong>sen &<br />

Wunderlin; Sol<strong>an</strong>um carolinense L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara<br />

L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um glaucophyllum Desf.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.;<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>um pseudocapsicum L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um triflorum Nutt.<br />

nim tree –see– Azadirachta indica A. Juss.<br />

nimb –see– Azadirachta indica A. Juss.<br />

nine-leaf indigo –see– Indigofera linnaei Ali<br />

ningpo varnish –see– Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) F.<br />

A. Barkley<br />

nilphulia –see– Ageratum conyzoides L.<br />

nipple fruit –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um pseudocapsicum L.<br />

Noah Holz –see– Madhuca longifolia (L.) J. F. Macbr.<br />

nodding blue lily –see– Styp<strong>an</strong>dra glauca R. Br.<br />

nodding spurge –see– Chamaesyce maculata (L.) Small<br />

noeniebossie –see– Boscia foetida Schinz<br />

nogal –see– Jugl<strong>an</strong>s regia L.<br />

nogal-de-la-India –see– Aleurites molucc<strong>an</strong>us (L.) Willd.<br />

noisetier purgatif –see– Jatropha multifida L.<br />

noix d’acajou –see– Anacardium occidentale L.<br />

noix d’arec –see– Areca catechu L.<br />

noix vomique –see– Strychnos nux-vomica L.<br />

nole –see– Semecarpus ater (G. Forst.) Vieill.<br />

n o l i n a Mic r o c a r p a S. Watson [Ruscaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

beargrass; sacahuista; sacahuiste; small-seed nolina<br />

Citations:<br />

R<strong>an</strong>kins DL Jr, Smith GS, Ross TT (1986) Rat study of<br />

beargrass (sacahuiste) toxicity. Proc West Sec Am Soc<br />

Anim Sci 37:224-226.<br />

R<strong>an</strong>kins DL Jr, Smith GS, Ross TT, et al. (1988) Nolina<br />

microcarpa toxicosis in sheep. Proc West Sec Am Soc<br />

Anim Sci 39:218-221.<br />

R<strong>an</strong>kins DL Jr, Smith GS, Ross TT, et al. (1993) Characterization<br />

of toxicosis in sheep dosed with blossoms<br />

of sacahuiste (Nolina microcarpa). J Anim Sci<br />

71(9):2489-2498.<br />

Samford MD, Ross TT, Edrington TS, et al. (1991) Toxicity<br />

of beargrass blossoms diminished during storage. Proc<br />

West Sec Am Soc Anim Sci 42:54-57.<br />

Smith GS, Zornes ML, Schemnitz SD, et al. (1992) Toxicity<br />

of seeds of Nolina microcarpa (sacahuiste, beargrass) to<br />

chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar). Proc West Sec Am<br />

Soc Anim Sci 43:394-396.<br />

n o l i n a Te x a n a S. Watson [Ruscaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

beargrass; bunchgrass; sacahuista; sacahuiste; Texas<br />

sacahuista; Texas sacahuiste<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1933) Investigation of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep<br />

1933:34-35.<br />

Mathews FP (1932) Miscell<strong>an</strong>eous poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas<br />

Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 45:11-12.<br />

Mathews FP (1938) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Davis Mountains<br />

area. Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 51:13-14.<br />

Mathews FP (1940) Poisoning in sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats by sacahuiste<br />

(Nolina tex<strong>an</strong>a) buds <strong>an</strong>d blooms. Texas Agric Exp<br />

Sta Bull #585:5-19.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Nymphaea odorata - 277<br />

n o l l e Ti a g a r i e p i n a (DC.) Mattf. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

du Plessis EC, Joubert JP, Prozesky L, et al. (2004) Nephrotic<br />

syndrome in cattle caused by the shrub Nolletia<br />

gariepina in the Kalahari s<strong>an</strong>dveld of southern Africa. In:<br />

Acamovic T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK.<br />

pp. 76-78.<br />

Meintjes RA, Botha CJ, Prozesky L (2005) Toxicity,<br />

pathophysiology <strong>an</strong>d pathology in sheep following dosing<br />

of the nephrotoxic pl<strong>an</strong>t Nolletia gariepina (DC) Mattf.<br />

Onderstepoort J Vet Res 72(1):39-53.<br />

n o l Te a a f r ic a n a (L.) Endl. [Rhamnaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

seepbossie<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1939) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa. IX. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 12:335-366.<br />

nonclimbing poison ivy –see– Toxicodendron rydbergii (Small<br />

ex Rydb.) Greene<br />

nongue –see– Datura inoxia Mill.<br />

noni –see– Morinda citrifolia L.<br />

Noogoora bur –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L.; X<strong>an</strong>thium<br />

strumarium L. var. glabratum (DC.) Cronquist<br />

North Americ<strong>an</strong> pennyroyal –see– Hedeoma pulegioides (L.)<br />

Pers.<br />

northern grasstree –see– X<strong>an</strong>thorrhoea media R. Br.<br />

northern ironwood –see– Erythrophleum chlorostachys (F.<br />

Muell.) Baill.<br />

northern poison ivy –see– Toxicodendron rydbergii (Small ex<br />

Rydb.) Greene<br />

northern privet –see– Ligustrum obtusifolium Siebold &<br />

Zucc. subsp. suave (Kitag.) Kitag.<br />

northern red oak –see– Quercus rubra L.<br />

nosebleed –see– Achillea millefolium L.<br />

novet –see– Brassica rapa L. subsp. campestris (L.) A. R.<br />

Clapham<br />

Nubi<strong>an</strong> senna –see– Senna alex<strong>an</strong>drina Mill.<br />

nueza bl<strong>an</strong>ca –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

nueza negra –see– Dioscorea communis (L.) Caddick &<br />

Wilkin<br />

nuez-de-India –see– Aleurites molucc<strong>an</strong>us (L.) Willd.<br />

n u p h a r l u Te a (L.) Sm. [Nymphaeaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Airaksinen M, Peura P, Alaossi Salok<strong>an</strong>gas L, et al. (1986)<br />

Toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>t material used as emergency food during<br />

famines in Finl<strong>an</strong>d. J Ethnopharmacol 18(3):273-296.<br />

nutmeg –see– Myristica fragr<strong>an</strong>s Houtt.<br />

nutmet –see– Myristica fragr<strong>an</strong>s Houtt.<br />

Nuttall’s-death camas –see– Toxicoscordion nuttallii (A.<br />

Gray) Rydb.<br />

nux moshata –see– Myristica fragr<strong>an</strong>s Houtt.<br />

nux vomica –see– Strychnos nux-vomica L.<br />

nyári hérics –see– Adonis aestivalis L.<br />

n y Mp h a e a o d o r a Ta Aiton subsp. tuberosa<br />

(Paine) Wiersema & Hellq. [Nymphaeaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

n ymphaea tuberosa Paine<br />

Common Names:<br />

water lily; white water lily<br />

Citations:<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1930) Indi<strong>an</strong>a pl<strong>an</strong>ts injurious to livestock.<br />

Purdue Agric Exp Sta Circ #175:38 pp.<br />

Nymphaea tuberosa Paine = Nymphaea odorata Aiton<br />

subsp. tuberosa (Paine) Wiersema & Hellq.

oak-leaf poison ivy –see– Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torr.<br />

& A. Gray) Greene; Toxicodendron pubescens Mill.<br />

oakbrush –see– Quercus gambelii Nutt.<br />

oatgrass –see– Trisetum flavescens (L.) P. Beauv.<br />

oats –see– Avena sativa L.<br />

obeche –see– Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum.<br />

obsession vine –see– Convolvulus arvensis L.<br />

o c o Te a p o r o s a (Nees & Mart.) Barroso<br />

[Lauraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Brazili<strong>an</strong> walnut<br />

Citations:<br />

Schwartz L (1931) Dermatitis venenata due to contact with<br />

Brazili<strong>an</strong> walnut wood. Public Health Rep 46(Aug<br />

14):1938-1943.<br />

octopus –see– Aloe arborescens Mill.<br />

octopus tree –see– Schefflera actinophylla (Endl.) Harms<br />

odallum –see– Cerbera odollam Gaertn.<br />

odum –see– Milicia excelsa (Welw.) C. C. Berg<br />

oduv<strong>an</strong> –see– Cleist<strong>an</strong>thus collinus (Roxb.) Hook. f.<br />

oduv<strong>an</strong>thalai –see– Cleist<strong>an</strong>thus collinus (Roxb.) Hook. f.<br />

oen<strong>an</strong>the –see– Oen<strong>an</strong>the aquatica (L.) Poir.; Oen<strong>an</strong>the<br />

crocata L.<br />

o<br />

o e n a n Th e a q u a Tic a (L.) Poir. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

fine-leaf water dropwort; horseb<strong>an</strong>e; oen<strong>an</strong>the; rizi<br />

mételykóró<br />

Citations:<br />

Bubien MZ, Magat A, Delatour P (1970) Fréquence des<br />

intoxications des <strong>an</strong>imaux en Pologne. Bull Soc Vet Med<br />

Comp Lyon 72(2):167-173.<br />

o e n a n Th e c r o c a Ta L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

belder root; ben dock; dead-m<strong>an</strong>’s-fingers; dead tongue;<br />

giftige Rebendolde; hemlock dropwort; hemlock water<br />

dropwort; nabo-del-diablo; oen<strong>an</strong>the; perreil; Safr<strong>an</strong>rebendolde;<br />

water dropwort; water dropwort hemlock<br />

Citations:<br />

Anger JP, Anger F, Chauvel Y, et al. (1976) Intoxication<br />

mortellepar Oen<strong>an</strong>the safr<strong>an</strong>ée (Oen<strong>an</strong>the crocata). Eur<br />

J Toxicol Environ Hyg 9(2):119-125.<br />

Ball MJ, Flather ML, Forfar JC (1987) Hemlock water dropwort<br />

poisoning. Postgrad Med J 63:363-365.<br />

Boyle JG (1958) Water dropwort poisoning. State Vet J<br />

13(Sep):17-18.<br />

Downs C, Phillips J, R<strong>an</strong>ger A, et al. (2002) A hemlock<br />

water dropwort curry: A case of multiple poisoning.<br />

Emerg Med J 19(5):472-473.<br />

Fitzgerald P, Moss N, O’Mahony S, et al. (1987) Accidental<br />

hemlock poisoning. Br Med J 295(6613):1657.<br />

Guilhon J (1988) L’enseignement de la bot<strong>an</strong>ique et la mort<br />

subite au pré. Bull Acad Vet Fr 61(3):267-271.<br />

King LA, Lewis MJ, Parry D, et al. (1985) Identification of<br />

oen<strong>an</strong>thotoxin <strong>an</strong>d related compounds in hemlock water<br />

dropwort poisoning. Hum Toxicol 4(4):355-364.<br />

Marras G (1965) Su di un caso di avvelenamento acuto<br />

mortale da «Oen<strong>an</strong>the crocata». Minerva Medicoleg<br />

85(3):83-85.<br />

McGrath J (1937) Notes on a case of poisoning by Oen<strong>an</strong>the<br />

crocata (water dropwort). Ir J Med Sci Jul:309-311.<br />

Milne J (1945) Fatal poisoning in a horse by Oen<strong>an</strong>the crocata.<br />

Vet Rec 57(3):30.<br />

Mitchell MI, Routledge PA (1977) Poisoning by hemlock<br />

water dropwort. L<strong>an</strong>cet 1(8008):423-424.<br />

Mitchell MI, Routledge PA (1978) Hemlock water dropwort<br />

poisoning: A review. Clin Toxicol 12(4):417-426.<br />

Northall FS, Dauncey EA, Butler JM (2003) An overview of<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d fungal poisonings in the UK, <strong>an</strong>d some interesting<br />

cases. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(4):518-519.<br />

O’Connor TM (1966) Treatment for poisoning by Oen<strong>an</strong>the<br />

crocata. Vet Rec 79(5):157-158.<br />

O’Mahony S, Fitzgerald P, Whelton MJ (1987) Poisoning by<br />

hemlock water dropwort. Ir J Med Sci 156(8):241.<br />

Pallares JM, Sab<strong>an</strong> J, Bouza C, et al. (1985) Reversible autonomic<br />

dysfunction in Oen<strong>an</strong>the crocata poisoning evaluated<br />

by simple bedside tests. Hum Toxicol 4:521-526.<br />

Swinscow D (1953) Accidental poisoning of young children.<br />

Arch Dis Child 28(137):26-29.<br />

Thomas WE (1937) Water dropwort poisoning. Br Med J<br />

1(May 15):1045-1046.<br />

Wilson AL, Johnston WG, McCusker HB, et al. (1958)<br />

Hemlock water dropwort (Oen<strong>an</strong>the crocata) poisoning<br />

in cattle. Vet Rec 70:587-590.<br />

o e n a n Th e p a l u s Tr is (Chiov.) C. Norm<strong>an</strong><br />

[Apiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s teph<strong>an</strong>orossia palustris Chiov.<br />

Common Names:<br />

gonde<br />

Citations:<br />

Mugera GM (1970) Toxic <strong>an</strong>d medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of East<br />

Africa. I. Bull Epizootic Dis Afr 18(4):377-387.

280 - Oen<strong>an</strong>the pimpinelloides D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

o e n a n Th e p i Mp i n e l l o i d e s L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

corky-fruit water dropwart<br />

Citations:<br />

Forsyth AA (1966) Treatment for poisoning by Oen<strong>an</strong>the<br />

crocata. Vet Rec 79(2):55.<br />

o e n a n Th e s i l a i f o l i a M. Bieb. [Apiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Aspiotis N, Lavrentiades G, Andreou C (1960) Etude pharmacodynamique<br />

de la pl<strong>an</strong>te toxique Oen<strong>an</strong>the silaifolia.<br />

Bull Acad Vet Fr 33(1):75-80.<br />

oficial-de-sala –see– Asclepias curassavica L.<br />

Ohio buckeye –see– Aesculus glabra Willd.<br />

okpu –see– Blighia sapida K. D. Koenig<br />

okra –see– Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench<br />

ol dewo –see– Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R. Br.<br />

ol meraa –see– Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl.<br />

ol odoa –see– Maesa l<strong>an</strong>ceolata Forssk.<br />

old maid –see– Cathar<strong>an</strong>thus roseus (L.) G. Don<br />

old maid’s-pink –see– Agrostemma githago L.<br />

old m<strong>an</strong> –see– Clematis vitalba L.; Marah oregonus (Torr. &<br />

S. Watson) J. T. Howell<br />

old-m<strong>an</strong>-in-the-spring –see– Senecio vulgaris L.<br />

old-m<strong>an</strong> rosemary –see– Rosmarinus officinalis L.<br />

old-m<strong>an</strong> sagebrush –see– Artemisia filifolia Torr.<br />

old-m<strong>an</strong>’s-beard –see– Clematis microphylla DC.; Clematis<br />

vitalba L.<br />

old wom<strong>an</strong> –see– Artemisia absinthium L.<br />

o l e a e u r o p a e a L. [Oleaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

olive<br />

Citations:<br />

Azofra J (2004) Olive allergy. Allergy 59(5):559.<br />

Carnés Sánchez J, Iraola VM, Sastre J, et al. (2002) Allergenicity<br />

<strong>an</strong>d immunochemical characterization of six varieties<br />

of Olea europaea. Allergy 57(4):313-318.<br />

Hausen BM, Rothenborg HW (1981) Allergic contact dermatitis<br />

caused by olive wood jewelry. Arch Dermatol<br />

117(11):732-734.<br />

Pajarón MJ, Vila L, Prieto I, et al. (1997) Cross-reactivity<br />

of Olea europaea with other Oleaceae species in allergic<br />

rhinitis <strong>an</strong>d bronchial asthma. Allergy 52(8):829-835.<br />

Quiralte J, Florido F, Arias de Saavedra JM, et al. (2002)<br />

Olive allergen-specific IgE responses in patients with<br />

Olea europaea pollinosis. Allergy 57(Suppl 71):47-52.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Joost T, Smitt JH, v<strong>an</strong> Ketel WG (1981) Sensitization<br />

to olive oil (Olea europeae). Contact Dermatitis<br />

7(6):309-310.<br />

Williams J, Roberts H, Tate B (2007) Contact urticaria to<br />

olives. Contact Dermatitis 56(1):52-53.<br />

Williams JD, Tate BJ (2006) Occupational allergic contact<br />

dermatitis from olive oil. Contact Dermatitis<br />

55(4):251-252.<br />

ole<strong>an</strong>der –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.; Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a<br />

(Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

o l e a r i a a x i l l a r is F. Muell. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Burry JN, Kuchel R, Reid JG, et al. (1973) Australi<strong>an</strong> bush<br />

dermatitis: Compositae dermatitis in South Australia.<br />

Med J Aust 1(3):110-116.<br />

oleaster –see– Elaeagnus <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

olieblom –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

olieboon –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

olive –see– Olea europaea L.<br />

olivo-de-Bohemia –see– Elaeagnus <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

oloiuqui –see– Turbina corymbosa (L.) Raf.<br />

ololiuqui –see– Turbina corymbosa (L.) Raf.<br />

olomiojo –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

olon –see– Fagara heitzii Aubrév. & Pellegr.<br />

onat spurge –see– Euphorbia drummondii Boiss.<br />

one-eye be<strong>an</strong> –see– C<strong>an</strong>avalia ensiformis (L.) DC.<br />

one-seed juniper –see– Juniperus monosperma (Engelm.)<br />

Sarg.<br />

one-stem butterweed –see– Senecio integerrimus Nutt.<br />

onehunga weed –see– Soliva sessilis Ruiz & Pav.<br />

ongaonga –see– Urtica ferox G. Forst.<br />

onion –see– Allium cepa L.<br />

onion-de-mer –see– Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn<br />

o n o c l e a s e n s i b i l is L. [Dryopteridaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

meadow fern; sensitive fern<br />

Citations:<br />

Waller EF, Prince FS, Hodgdon AR, et al. (1944) Sensitivefern<br />

poisoning of horses. New Hampshire Agric Sta Tech<br />

Bull #83:8 pp.<br />

o n y c h i u M c o n Tig u u M Wall. ex C. Hope<br />

[Pteridiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

fuh<br />

Citations:<br />

Dawra RK, Sharma OP, Somv<strong>an</strong>shi R (2001) A preliminary<br />

study on the carcinogenicity of the common<br />

fern Onychium contiguum. Vet Res Commun<br />

25(5):413-420.<br />

oolong tea –see– Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Orig<strong>an</strong>um major<strong>an</strong>a - 281<br />

o p h io p o g o n j a p o n ic u s (Thunb.) Ker Gawl.<br />

[Ruscaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

mai-meu-dong-t<strong>an</strong>g; ophiopogonics<br />

Citations:<br />

Mochitomi Y, Inoue A, Kawabata H, et al. (1998) Stevens-<br />

Johnson syndrome caused by a health drink (Eberu) containing<br />

ophiopogonis tuber. J Dermatol 25(10):662-665.<br />

ophiopogonics –see– Ophiopogon japonicus (Thunb.) Ker<br />

Gawl.<br />

opium poppy –see– Papaver somniferum L.<br />

o pl o p a n a x e l a Tu s (Nakai) Nakai [Araliaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e chinop<strong>an</strong>ax elatus Nakai<br />

Citations:<br />

Lopatin AI, Kolesnikova NP (1975) [On skin lesions caused<br />

by the use of Echinop<strong>an</strong>ax elatum Nakai.] Vestn Dermatol<br />

Venerol 12:83-85.<br />

o p u n Ti a f ic u s -i n d ic a (L.) Mill. [Cactaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> fig; Indi<strong>an</strong> fig cactus; prickly pear; sabbara;<br />

sabra<br />

Citations:<br />

Sh<strong>an</strong>on J, Sagher F (1956) Sabra dermatitis. An occupational<br />

dermatitis due to prickly pear h<strong>an</strong>dling simulating scabies.<br />

Arch Dermatol 74(3):269-275.<br />

Sh<strong>an</strong>on Y, Sagher F (1965) Sabra dermatitis. Dermatite<br />

professionale causata da contatto con Fico d’India che<br />

assomiglia alla scabbia. Dermatol Int 4:125-127.<br />

Yoon HJ, Won CH, Moon SE (2004) Allergic contact dermatitis<br />

due to Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 51(5-6):311-312.<br />

o p u n Ti a r ob u s Ta H. L. Wendl. ex Pfeiff.<br />

[Cactaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Mitchell JC, Rook AJ (1979) Bot<strong>an</strong>ical Dermatology. <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong><br />

<strong>an</strong>d pl<strong>an</strong>t products injurious to the skin. Greengrass.<br />

V<strong>an</strong>couver.<br />

orache –see– Atriplex hortensis L.; Atriplex patula L.<br />

Orakelblume –see– Leuc<strong>an</strong>themum vulgare Lam.<br />

or<strong>an</strong>ge –see– Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck<br />

or<strong>an</strong>ge apocynum –see– Asclepias tuberosa L.<br />

or<strong>an</strong>ge cestrum –see– Cestrum aur<strong>an</strong>tiacum Lindl.<br />

or<strong>an</strong>ge day lily –see– Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus L.<br />

or<strong>an</strong>ge milkweed –see– Asclepias tuberosa L.<br />

or<strong>an</strong>ge mint –see– Mentha ×piperita L. nothosubsp. citrata<br />

(Ehrh.) Briq.<br />

or<strong>an</strong>ge sneezeweed –see– Hymenoxys hoopesii (A. Gray)<br />

Bierner<br />

or<strong>an</strong>ge swallowwort –see– Asclepias tuberosa L.<br />

or<strong>an</strong>geroot –see– Asclepias tuberosa L.<br />

orashe –see– Atriplex hortensis L.<br />

Orbignya phalerata Mart. = Attalea speciosa Mart. ex<br />

Spreng.<br />

orchardgrass –see– Dactylis glomerata L.<br />

ordeal bark –see– Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guill. & Perr.)<br />

Bren<strong>an</strong><br />

ordeal nut –see– Strychnos nux-vomica L.<br />

ordeal tree –see– Cerbera odollam Gaertn.; Erythrophleum<br />

afric<strong>an</strong>um (Welw. ex Benth.) Harms; Erythrophleum<br />

suaveolens (Guill. & Perr.) Bren<strong>an</strong><br />

oreg<strong>an</strong>o –see– Orig<strong>an</strong>um vulgare L.<br />

Oregon grape –see– Berberis aquifolium Pursh<br />

Oregon holly grape –see– Berberis aquifolium Pursh<br />

Oregon maple –see– Acer macrophyllum Pursh<br />

Oregon oak –see– Quercus garry<strong>an</strong>a Douglas ex Hook.<br />

Oregon water hemlock –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M.<br />

Coult. & Rose<br />

Oregon white oak –see– Quercus garry<strong>an</strong>a Douglas ex Hook.<br />

oreille d’homme –see– Asarum europaeum L.<br />

orelha-de-preto –see– Enterolobium timbouva Mart.<br />

Orelia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora Aubl. = Allam<strong>an</strong>da cathartica L.<br />

oriental arbor vitae –see– Platycladus orientalis (L.) Fr<strong>an</strong>co<br />

oriental cashew –see– Semecarpus <strong>an</strong>acardium L. f.<br />

oriental ginseng –see– P<strong>an</strong>ax ginseng C. A. Mey.<br />

oriental hyacinth –see– Hyacinthus orientalis L.<br />

oriental lacquer tree –see– Toxicodendron vernicifluum<br />

(Stokes) F. A. Barkley<br />

oriental mustard –see– Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.<br />

oriental poppy –see– Papaver somniferum L.<br />

oriental sumach –see– Toxicodendron succed<strong>an</strong>eum (L.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

oriental wax tree –see– Toxicodendron succed<strong>an</strong>eum (L.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

o r ig a n u M c o Mp a c Tu M Benth. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Verrept H, Schillem<strong>an</strong>s L (1994) Ziektegedrag v<strong>an</strong> Marokka<strong>an</strong>se<br />

migr<strong>an</strong>ten met vak<strong>an</strong>tie in Marokko. Ned Tijdschr<br />

Geneeskd 138(7):337-339.<br />

o r ig a n u M Ma jo r a n a L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Major<strong>an</strong>; marjoram; Meir<strong>an</strong>; Wurstkraut<br />

Citations:<br />

Farkas J (1981) Perioral dermatitis from marjoram, bay leaf<br />

<strong>an</strong>d cinnamon. Contact Dermatitis 7(2):121.

282 - Orig<strong>an</strong>um vulgare D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

o r ig a n u M vu l g a r e L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

oreg<strong>an</strong>o<br />

Citations:<br />

Benito M, Jorro G, Morales C, et al. (1996) Labiatae allergy:<br />

Systemic reactions due to oreg<strong>an</strong>o <strong>an</strong>d thyme. Ann<br />

Allergy Asthma Immunol 76(5):416-418.<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2001) Herbal infusions used for<br />

induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 39(3):318-319.<br />

oris root –see– Iris ×germ<strong>an</strong>ica L. nothovar. florentina Dykes<br />

Orlaya platycarpos (L.) W. D. J. Koch = Caucalis<br />

platycarpos L.<br />

ornamental French be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

ornamental pepper –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.<br />

Ornithogalum caudatum Jacq. = Ornithogalum<br />

longebracteatum Jacq.<br />

o r n i Th o g a l u M l o n g e b r a c Te a Tu M Jacq.<br />

[Hyacinthaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

o rnithogalum caudatum Jacq.<br />

Citations:<br />

Mugera GM (1970) Toxic <strong>an</strong>d medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of East<br />

Africa. II. Bull Epizootic Dis Afr 18(4):389-403.<br />

Pohl RW (1965) Contact dermatitis from the juice of Ornithogalum<br />

caudatum. Toxicon 3(2):167-168.<br />

o r n i Th o g a l u M Mag n u M (Baker) J. C.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>ning & Goldblatt [Hyacinthaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d ipcadi glaucum (Burch. ex Ker Gawl.) Baker<br />

Common Names:<br />

malkop ui; maluie; poison onion; wild onion; wilde ui<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG (1936) Recent investigations into the toxicity<br />

of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union<br />

of South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

7(1):169-178.<br />

o r n i Th o g a l u M n a n o d e s F. M. Leight.<br />

[Hyacinthaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Bamhare C (1998) Suspected cardiac glycoside intoxication<br />

in sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats in Namibia due to Ornithogalum<br />

n<strong>an</strong>odes (Leighton). Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

65(1):25-30.<br />

o r n i Th o g a l u M Th y r so i d e s Jacq.<br />

[Hyacinthaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chinkerinchee; star-of-Bethlehem; viooltje; wonder<br />

flower; zuidewindlelie<br />

Citations:<br />

Allen JG, Creeper JH, Forshaw D, et al. (2004) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated<br />

diseases, either new or new to the state, encountered<br />

over the last decade (1991-2001) in Western Australia. In:<br />

Acamovic T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK.<br />

pp. 540-547.<br />

Breukink HJ (1963) Ornithogalosis of Zuidewindlelie<br />

- vergiftiging bij schapen. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd<br />

88(10):653-658.<br />

o r n i Th o g a l u M To x ic a r i u M C. Archer &<br />

R. H. Archer [Hyacinthaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chinkerinchee<br />

Citations:<br />

Botha CJ, Schultz RA, v<strong>an</strong> der Lugt JJ, et al. (2000) A<br />

krimpsiekte-like syndrome in small stock poisoned by<br />

Ornithogalum toxicarium Archer & Archer. J S Afr Vet<br />

Assoc 71(1):6-9.<br />

o r n i Th o g a l u M u Mb e l l a Tu M L.<br />

[Hyacinthaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

dome-d’onze-heures; leche-de-gallina; nap-at-noon;<br />

snowdrop; star flower; star-of-Bethlehem; summer<br />

snowflake<br />

Citations:<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1924) The poison pl<strong>an</strong>t situation in Indi<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

III. <strong>Poisonous</strong> trees. J Am Vet Med Assoc 66:351-362.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1930) Indi<strong>an</strong>a pl<strong>an</strong>ts injurious to livestock.<br />

Purdue Agric Exp Sta Circ #175:38 pp.<br />

Ornithoglossum glaucum Salisb. = Ornithoglossum vulgare<br />

B. Nord.<br />

o r n i Th o g l o s s u M v u l g a r e B. Nord.<br />

[Liliaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

o rnithoglossum glaucum Salisb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Cape sl<strong>an</strong>gkop<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG (1933) Recent investigations into the toxicity<br />

of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union<br />

of South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

1:173-182.<br />

o r ob a n c h e Mi n o r Sm. [Orob<strong>an</strong>chaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

beech drops; broom rape; c<strong>an</strong>cerroot; clover broomrape;<br />

el halouk; lesser broomrape; zobb elkeh<br />

Citations:<br />

Kamel SH (1956) Étude chimique et toxicologique d’une<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>te égyptienne: Orob<strong>an</strong>che minor Sutton. Rev Elev<br />

Med Vet Pays Trop 9:43-48.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Oxalis pes-caprae - 283<br />

oromerillo –see– Baccharis coridifolia DC.<br />

orris root –see– Iris ×germ<strong>an</strong>ica L. nothovar. florentina<br />

Dykes<br />

ortiga –see– Cnidoscolus urens (L.) Arthur; Wig<strong>an</strong>dia urens<br />

(Ruiz & Pav.) Kunth var. caracas<strong>an</strong>a (Kunth) D. N.<br />

Gibson<br />

ortiga brava –see– Cnidoscolus urens (L.) Arthur<br />

ortiguilla –see– Urtica chamaedryoides Pursh<br />

orvosi somkóró –see– Melilotus officinalis Lam.<br />

o r y z a s a Ti va L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Reis; rice<br />

Citations:<br />

Alderson HE, Rawlins AG (1925) Rice workers’ dermatitis.<br />

Cal West Med 23(1):42-45.<br />

González-Mendiola R, Martín-García C, Carnés J, et al.<br />

(2003) Asthma induced by the inhalation of vapours during<br />

the process of boiling rice. Allergy 58(11):1202-1203.<br />

Joseph T (1968) Paddy grain injury of the eye. Br J Ophthalmol<br />

52(2):191-197.<br />

Nakamura T (1983) Contact dermatitis to Oryza. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 9(1):80.<br />

Orh<strong>an</strong> F, Sekerel BE (2003) A case of isolated rice allergy.<br />

Allergy 58(5):456-457.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> den Hoogenb<strong>an</strong>d HM, v<strong>an</strong> Ketel WG (1983) Allergy to<br />

rice. Contact Dermatitis 9(6):527-528.<br />

Wüthrich B, Scheitlin T, Ballmer-Weber B (2002) Isolated<br />

allergy to rice. Allergy 57(3):263-264.<br />

Yamakawa Y, Ohsuna H, Aihara M, et al. (2001) Contact<br />

urticaria from rice. Contact Dermatitis 44(2):91-93.<br />

Y<strong>an</strong>g KL, Tschou TK, T’<strong>an</strong>g CC, et al. (1965) A study on<br />

dermatitis in rice farmers. Chin Med J 84(3):143-160.<br />

os gras –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum schinzii Hack.<br />

Osage apple –see– Maclura pomifera (Raf.) C. K. Schneid.<br />

Osage or<strong>an</strong>ge –see– Maclura pomifera (Raf.) C. K. Schneid.<br />

oseille-de-bûcheron –see– Oxalis acetosella L.<br />

oseille longue –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

Osterglocke –see– Narcissus pseudonarcissus L.<br />

Ostindisches Palis<strong>an</strong>der –see– Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.<br />

Ostindisches Satinholz –see– Chloroxylon swietenia DC.<br />

Ostindisches Seidenholz –see– Chloroxylon swietenia DC.<br />

ostrich fern –see– Matteuccia struthiopteris (L.) Tod.<br />

ostromlecza paskow<strong>an</strong>y –see– Euphorbia marginata Pursh<br />

o s Tr y a vi r g i n i a n a (Mill.) K. Koch [Betulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hophorn be<strong>an</strong>; lever wood<br />

Citations:<br />

Meeham J (1889) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Garden Forest<br />

2(57):154.<br />

otaheite walnut –see– Aleurites molucc<strong>an</strong>us (L.) Willd.<br />

Othonna cluytiifolia (DC.) Sch. Bip = Hertia cluytiifolia<br />

(DC.). Kuntze<br />

Othonna pallens DC. = Hertia pallens (DC.) Kuntze<br />

oto-de-lagarto –see– Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott<br />

Ottilienkraut –see– Consolida regalis Gray<br />

ouabaia –see– Stroph<strong>an</strong>thus gratus (Wall. & Hook.) Baill.<br />

ouabain –see– Acok<strong>an</strong>thera oppositifolia (Lam.) Codd;<br />

Acok<strong>an</strong>thera schimperi (A. DC.) Oliv.<br />

oumiedos –see– Boscia foetida Schinz<br />

our lady’s-tears –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

our lady’s-thistle –see– Silybum mari<strong>an</strong>um (L.) Gaertn.<br />

oval-leaf privet –see– Ligustrum ovalifolium Hassk.<br />

oven –see– Afzelia afric<strong>an</strong>a Sm. ex Pers.<br />

overlook be<strong>an</strong> –see– C<strong>an</strong>avalia ensiformis (L.) DC.<br />

ox heel –see– Helleborus foetidus L.<br />

o x a l is a c e To s e l l a L. [Oxalidaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

o xalis mont<strong>an</strong>a Raf.<br />

Common Names:<br />

acederilla; alleluia; hain Sauerklee; lady’s-sorrel;<br />

madársóska; oseille-de-bûcheron; pain-de-coucou;<br />

sarelle; sauerblec; sourgrass; trébol acedo; trèfle aigrelet;<br />

wood sorrel<br />

Citations:<br />

Lamminpaa A, Kinos M (1996) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings in children.<br />

Hum Exp Toxicol 15(3):245-249.<br />

Volmer PA (2002) How d<strong>an</strong>gerous are winter <strong>an</strong>d spring<br />

holiday pl<strong>an</strong>ts to pets? Vet Med (Dec):879-884.<br />

Oxalis cernua Thunb. = Oxalis pes-caprae L.<br />

Oxalis mont<strong>an</strong>a Raf. = Oxalis acetosella L.<br />

o x a l is p e s -c a p r a e L. [Oxalidaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

o xalis cernua Thunb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Bermuda buttercup; Bermuda oxalis; sorrel; soursob;<br />

wood sorrel<br />

Citations:<br />

Bull LB (1929) Poisoning of sheep by soursobs (Oxalis<br />

cernua): Chronic oxalic acid poisoning. Aust Vet J<br />

5(Jun):60-69.<br />

Cosseddu AM (1967) Rilievi <strong>an</strong>alitici sul latte prodotto da<br />

bovine alimentate con “Oxalis cernua Thunb.” Agric Ital<br />

67:3-11.<br />

Di Domizio G (1962) Nefropatia ossalica in bovini alimentati<br />

con «Oxalis cernua Thumb». II. Riproduzione sperimentale<br />

dell’ossalopatia. Arch Vet Ital 13(2):97-126.<br />

Lai P, Cosseddu AM (1967) Bovine alimentate con «Oxalis<br />

cernua»: Contenuto in acido ossalico del latte e stato s<strong>an</strong>itario<br />

dei vitelli allattati. Arch Vet Ital 18(3):171-189.

284 - Oxytenia acerosa D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

M<strong>an</strong>unta G, Floris B (1984) Ossalosi alimentare sperimentale<br />

degli ovini: Quadro elettroforetico e riserva alcalina<br />

ematici. Atti Soc Ital Sci Vet 38(Sep):224-227.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>unta G, Nait<strong>an</strong>a S (1984) Ossalosi alimentare degli<br />

ovini: Variazioni ormono-ematochimiche ed urinarie.<br />

Atti Soc Ital Sci Vet 38(Sep):221-224.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>unta G, Nait<strong>an</strong>a S, Floris B, et al. (1985) Ormone paratiroideo,<br />

tirocalciotonina, calcio, fosforo, magnesio, zinco,<br />

rame, fosfatasi alcalina, cloruri ematici e modificazioni<br />

ossee in ovini con ossalidosi sperimentale alimentare.<br />

Clin Vet (Mil<strong>an</strong>o) 108(3):185-206.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>unta G, Nait<strong>an</strong>a S, Floris B, et al. (1985) Quadro elettroforetico<br />

ematico, stato alcalotico, deposizione renale di<br />

sali di calcio e loro lisi in ovine alimentati con acetosella o<br />

con mais. Clin Vet (Mil<strong>an</strong>o) 108(3):207-218.<br />

oxberry –see– Dioscorea communis (L.) Caddick & Wilkin<br />

oxeye –see– Helenium autumnale L.<br />

oxeye daisy –see– Callilepis laureola DC.; Leuc<strong>an</strong>themum<br />

vulgare Lam.<br />

oxkiller –see– Boophone disticha (L. f.) Herb.<br />

oxytenia –see– Oxytenia acerosa Nutt.<br />

o x y Te n i a a c e r o s a Nutt. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

copperweed; oxytenia<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1936) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep. 1936:44-45.<br />

Anonymous (1937) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep. 1937:47-48.<br />

Anonymous (1939) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep. 1939:59-60.<br />

Schwartz L, Warren LH (1940) Dermatitis caused by contact<br />

with copperweed (Oxytenia acerosa). J Allergy 12:63-68.<br />

Thorp F Jr, Durrell LW, Harshfield GS, et al. (1940) Oxytenia<br />

found to be poisonous to livestock. Colorado Agric<br />

Exp Sta Farm Bull #2(2):18-19.<br />

Thorp F Jr, Harshfield GS, Durrell LW, et al. (1940) Oxytenia<br />

acerosa - A pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonous to livestock. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 96(J<strong>an</strong>):97.<br />

Oxytropis albiflora (A. Nelson) K. Schum. = Oxytropis<br />

sericea Nutt.<br />

o x y Tr o p is c a Mp e s Tr is (L.) DC. var. spicata<br />

Hook. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a ragallus spicatus (Hook.) Rydb.; o xytropis campestris<br />

(L.) DC. var. gracilis (A. Nelson) Barneby<br />

Common Names:<br />

late yellow locoweed; white locoweed; woolly<br />

locoweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Harries WN, Baker FP, Johnston A (1972) Case report. An<br />

outbreak of locoweed poisoning in horses in southwestern<br />

Alberta. C<strong>an</strong> Vet J 13(6):141-145.<br />

Oxytropis campestris (L.) DC. var. gracilis (A. Nelson)<br />

Barneby = Oxytropis campestris (L.) DC. var. spicata<br />

Hook.<br />

o x y Tr o p is l a Mb e r Ti i Pursh [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a ragallus lambertii (Pursh) Greene; s piesia lambertii<br />

(Pursh) Kuntze<br />

Common Names:<br />

Colorado loco vetch; crazyweed; Lambert’s-crazyweed;<br />

Lambert’s-locoweed; Lambert’s-point locoweed; locoweed;<br />

pink locoweed; point locoweed; purple locoweed;<br />

rattleweed; stemless locoweed; white locoweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1907) Studies of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep<br />

Agric Annu Rep 1906:46, 207-209.<br />

Anonymous (1909) <strong>Poisonous</strong>-pl<strong>an</strong>t investigations. U S Dep<br />

Agric Annu Rep 1908:57-58, 306-308, 430.<br />

Crawford AC (1908) Laboratory work on loco-weed investigations.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Pl<strong>an</strong>t Indus Bull #121(Part<br />

3):39-40.<br />

Klench JP (1888) Rattleweed or loco-disease. Am Vet Rev<br />

12:395-402.<br />

Marsh CD (1908) Results of loco-weed investigations in<br />

the field. U S Dep Agric Bur Pl<strong>an</strong>t Indus Bull #121(Part<br />

3):37-38.<br />

Marsh CD (1909) The locoweed disease of the plains. U S<br />

Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Bull #112:130 pp.<br />

Marsh CD (1919) The locoweed disease. U S Dep Agric<br />

Farmers Bull #1054:24 pp.<br />

McEachr<strong>an</strong> W (1889) The loco disease. Colorado Agric Exp<br />

Sta Annu Rep 1889:78-79.<br />

Peters AT, Sturdev<strong>an</strong>t LB (1908) Loco weed poisoning in<br />

horses. Nebraska Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 21:74-107.<br />

Stalker M (1886) The “Loco” pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d its effect on <strong>an</strong>imals.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Annu Rep 3:271-276.<br />

o x y Tr o p is o c h r o c e p h a l a Bunge [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Cao GR, Du<strong>an</strong> DX, Li SJ, et al. (1990) [A study on the toxicity<br />

of Oxytropis ochrocephala in goats.] Acta Vet Zootech<br />

Sin 21(1):80-86.<br />

Cao GR, Li SJ, Du<strong>an</strong> DX, et al. (1992) The toxic principle<br />

of Chinese locoweeds (Oxytropis <strong>an</strong>d Astragalus): Toxicity<br />

in goats. In: James LF, Keeler RF, Bailey JM Jr, et<br />

al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State Univ Press. Ames,<br />

Iowa. pp. 117-121.<br />

o x y Tr o p is p u b e r u l a Boriss. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Moldagulov MA (1989) [Poisoning of <strong>an</strong>imals by Oxytropis<br />

puberula, a pl<strong>an</strong>t of Kazakhst<strong>an</strong>.] Veterinariia Moscow<br />

1:56-57.<br />

o x y Tr o p is s e r ic e a Nutt. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a ragallus sericeus (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Greene;<br />

o xytropis albiflora (A. Nelson) K. Schum.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Ozothamnus diosmifolius - 285<br />

Common Names:<br />

locoweed; point locoweed; rattleweed; silky crazyweed;<br />

white locoweed; white-point locoweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Bachm<strong>an</strong> SE, Galye<strong>an</strong> ML, Smith GS, et al. (1992) Early<br />

aspects of locoweed toxicosis <strong>an</strong>d evaluation of a mineral<br />

supplement or clinoptilolite as dietary treatments. J Anim<br />

Sci 70(10):3125-3132.<br />

Dugarte-Stav<strong>an</strong>ja M, Smith GS, Edrington TS, et al. (1997)<br />

Failure of dietary bentonite clay, Silent Herder mineral<br />

supplement, or parenteral B<strong>an</strong>amine to alleviate locoweed<br />

toxicosis in rats. J Anim Sci 75(7):1867-1875.<br />

James LF, Hartley WJ, Nielsen D, et al. (1986) Locoweed<br />

(Oxytropis sericea) poisoning <strong>an</strong>d congestive heart failure<br />

in cattle. J Am Vet Med Assoc 189(12):1549-1556.<br />

James LF, Hartley WJ, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, et al. (1985) Relationship<br />

of locoweed to congestive right heart failure in cattle.<br />

In: Seawright AA, Hegarty MP, James LF, et al. (eds.)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t toxicology. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d <strong>Poisonous</strong> Pl<strong>an</strong>t Committee,<br />

Yeerongpilly. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. pp. 438-445.<br />

James LF, Hartley WJ, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, et al. (1983) Relationship<br />

between ingestion of the locoweed Oxytropis<br />

sericea <strong>an</strong>d congestive right-sided heart failure in cattle.<br />

Am J Vet Res 44(2):254-259.<br />

James LF, Nielsen DB, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE (1983) Too much<br />

heart: Locoweed <strong>an</strong>d heart failure in cattle. Utah Sci<br />

44(4):118-119.<br />

James LF, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Broquist HP, et al. (1991) Swainsonine-induced<br />

high mountain disease in calves. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 33(3):217-219.<br />

James LF, Shupe JL, Binns W, et al. (1967) Abortive <strong>an</strong>d<br />

teratogenic effects of locoweed on sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Am J<br />

Vet Res 28(126):1379-1388.<br />

James LF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, Johnson AE (1970) Physiopathologic<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in locoweed poisoning of livestock.<br />

Am J Vet Res 31(4):663-672.<br />

Ortiz AR, Hallford DM, Galye<strong>an</strong> ML, et al. (1997) Effects<br />

of locoweed (Oxytropis sericea) on growth, reproduction,<br />

<strong>an</strong>d serum hormone profile in young rams. J Anim Sci<br />

75(12):3229-3234.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, James LF, Nielson D, et al. (1988) The relationship<br />

of Oxytropis sericea (green <strong>an</strong>d dry) <strong>an</strong>d Astragalus<br />

lentiginosus with high mountain disease in cattle. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 30(4):318-323.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Ralphs MH, James LF, et al. (1999) Effects of<br />

locoweed (Oxytropis sericea) on reproduction in cows<br />

with a history of locoweed consumption. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

41(5):282-286.<br />

Pfister JA, Astorga JB, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, et al. (2006) Maternal<br />

ingestion of locoweed. I. Effects on ewe-lamb bonding<br />

<strong>an</strong>d behaviour. Small Rumin<strong>an</strong>t Res 65:51-63.<br />

Pfister J, Davidson T, P<strong>an</strong>ter K, et al. (2006) Maternal ingestion<br />

of locoweed. III. Effects on lamb behaviour at birth.<br />

Small Rumin<strong>an</strong>t Res 65(1-2):70-78.<br />

Pfister JA, Stegelmeier BL, Cheney CD, et al. (1996) Oper<strong>an</strong>t<br />

<strong>an</strong>alysis of chronic locoweed intoxication in sheep. J<br />

Anim Sci 74 (11): 2622-2632.<br />

Pulsipher GD, Galye<strong>an</strong> ML, Hallford DM, et al. (1994)<br />

Effects of graded levels of bentonite on serum clinical<br />

profiles, metabolic hormones, <strong>an</strong>d serum swainsonine<br />

concentrations in lambs fed locoweed (Oxytropis sericea).<br />

J Anim Sci 72(6):1561-1569.<br />

Richards JB, Hallford DM, Duff GC, et al. (1999) Serum<br />

luteinizing hormone, testosterone, <strong>an</strong>d thyroxine <strong>an</strong>d<br />

growth responses of ram lambs fed locoweed (Oxytropis<br />

sericea) <strong>an</strong>d treated with vitamin E/selenium. Theriogenology<br />

52(6):1055-1066.<br />

Stegelmeier BL, James LF, Gardner DR, et al. (2005) Locoweed<br />

(Oxytropis sericea)-induced lesions in mule deer<br />

(Odocoileius hemionus). Vet Pathol 42(5):566-578.<br />

Stegelmeier BL, James LF, Hall JO, et al. (2001) Neurologic<br />

disease in r<strong>an</strong>ge goats associated with Oxytropis sericea<br />

(locoweed) poisoning <strong>an</strong>d water deprivation. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 43(5):302-304.<br />

Stegelmeier BL, James LF, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, et al. (1995) Serum<br />

swainsonine concentration <strong>an</strong>d α-m<strong>an</strong>nosidase activity<br />

in cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep ingesting Oxytropis sericea <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Astragalus lentiginosus (locoweeds). Am J Vet Res<br />

56(2):149-154.<br />

Stegelmeier BL, James LF, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, et al. (1999) Dose<br />

response of sheep poisoned with locoweed (Oxytropis<br />

sericea). J Vet Diagn Invest 11:448-456.<br />

Stegelmeier BL, James LF, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, et al. (2004) The clinical<br />

<strong>an</strong>d morphological ch<strong>an</strong>ges of intermittent locoweed<br />

(Oxytropis sericea) poisoning in sheep. In: Acamovic T,<br />

Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d<br />

related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp. 431-435.<br />

Taylor JB, Strickl<strong>an</strong>d J, May T, et al. (2000) Effect of subacute<br />

swainsonine (locoweed; Oxytropis sericea) consumption<br />

or immunocompetence <strong>an</strong>d serum constituents<br />

of sheep in a nutrient-restricted state. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

42(4):199-204.<br />

Ozark milkweed –see– Asclepias viridis Walter<br />

o z o Th a Mn u s d io s Mi f o l i u s (Vent.) DC.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h elichrysum diosmifolium (Vent.) Sweet<br />

Common Names:<br />

sage bush<br />

Citations:<br />

McMahon R, Freem<strong>an</strong> S (1986) Allergic contact dermatitis<br />

to Helichrysum diosmifolium. Australas J Dermatol<br />


pa-teou-seou –see– Croton tiglium L.; Triadica sebifera (L.)<br />

Small<br />

Pachystigma pygmaeum (Schltr.) Robyns = V<strong>an</strong>gueria<br />

pygmae Schltr.<br />

Pachystigma thamnus Robyns = V<strong>an</strong>gueria thamnus<br />

(Robyns) L<strong>an</strong>tz<br />

p a c h y r h i z u s e r o s u s (L.) Urb. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chopsui potato; hikamas; jicama; yam be<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Amarasingham RD, Lee H (1969) A review of poisoning<br />

cases examined by the Department of Chemistry, Malaysia,<br />

from 1963 to 1967. Med J Malaysia 23(3):220-227.<br />

Hung YM, Hung SY, Olson KR, et al. (2007) Yam be<strong>an</strong><br />

seed poisoning mimicking cy<strong>an</strong>ide intoxication. Intern<br />

Med J 37(2):130-132.<br />

Zh<strong>an</strong>g YG, Hu<strong>an</strong>g GZ (1988) Poisoning by toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

China. Report of 19 autopsy cases. Am J Forensic Med<br />

Pathol 9(4):313-319.<br />

paciencia –see– Narcissus pseudonarcissus L.<br />

Pacific Labrador tea –see– Rhododendron ×columbi<strong>an</strong>um<br />

(Piper) Harmaja<br />

Pacific onion –see– Allium validum S. Watson<br />

Pacific poison oak –see– Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torr. &<br />

A. Gray) Greene<br />

Pacific rhododendron –see– Rhododendron macrophyllum D.<br />

Don ex G. Don<br />

Pacific yew –see– Taxus brevifolia Nutt.<br />

packalacca –see– Phytolacca dioica L.<br />

p a c k e r a g l a b e l l a (Poir.) C. Jeffrey<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s enecio glabellus Poir.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bitterweed; butter weed; cress-leaf groundsel;<br />

yellowtop<br />

Citations:<br />

Goeger DE, Cheeke PR, Ramsdell HS, et al. (1983) Comparison<br />

of the toxicities of Senecio jacobaea, Senecio vulgaris<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Senecio glabellus in rats. Toxicol Lett 15(1):19-23.<br />

P<br />

p a c k e r a pl a TTe n s is (Nutt.) W. A. Weber &<br />

Á. Löve [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s enecio plattensis Nutt.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Platte groundsel; prairie groundsel; prairie ragwort;<br />

squaw weed<br />

Citations:<br />

Lilley CW (1980) Pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicosis Senecio<br />

plattensis. Equine Pract 2(2):6.<br />

p a c k e r a s a n g u iso r b a e (DC.) C. Jeffrey<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Rosiles MR, Paasch LH (1982) Megalocitosis hepática en<br />

ovinos. Veterinaria (Mexico) 13:151-153.<br />

paddy melon –see– Cucumis myriocarpus Naudin<br />

padauk –see– Pterocarpus dalbergioides DC.; Pterocarpus<br />

soyauxii Taub.<br />

pagoda tree –see– Plumeria rubra L.<br />

pain-de-coucou –see– Oxalis acetosella L.<br />

painted leaf –see– Euphorbia heterophylla L.<br />

painted spurge –see– Euphorbia heterophylla L.<br />

pak w<strong>an</strong> –see– Melientha suavis Pierre<br />

pala –see– Cryptostegia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora R. Br.<br />

palas –see– Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub.<br />

palash –see– Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub.<br />

Palay rubber vine –see– Cryptostegia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora R. Br.<br />

pale day lily –see– Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus L.<br />

pale larkspur –see– Delphinium glaucum S. Watson<br />

pale laurel –see– Kalmia microphylla (Hook.) A. Heller<br />

paleta-de-pintor –see– Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Vent.<br />

p a l ic o u r e a a e n e o f u s c a (Müll. Arg.) St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

[Rubiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J, Couceiro JE, et al. (1983) Intoxicação<br />

por Palicourea aeneofusca (Rubiaceae), a causa de<br />

“mortes súbitas” em bovinos na zona da mata de Pernambuco.<br />

Pesq Vet Bras 3(3):75-79.

288 - Palicourea gr<strong>an</strong>diflora D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

p a l ic o u r e a g r a n d i f l o r a (Kunth) St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

[Rubiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Döbereiner J, Tokarnia CH (1982) Intoxicação experimental<br />

por Palicourea gr<strong>an</strong>diflora (Rubiaceae) em coelhos. Pesq<br />

Vet Bras 2(3):121-124.<br />

p a l ic o u r e a j u r u a n a Krause [Rubiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J (1982) Intoxicação experimental<br />

por Palicourea juru<strong>an</strong>a (Rubiaceae) em bovinos e coelhos.<br />

Pesq Vet Bras 2(1):17-26.<br />

p a l ic o u r e a Ma r c g r a vi i A. St.-Hil.<br />

[Rubiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

erva-de-rato<br />

Citations:<br />

Barbosa JD, Oliveira CM, Tokarnia CH, et al. (2003) Comparação<br />

da sensibilidade de bovinos e búfalos à intoxicação<br />

por Palicourea marcgravii (Rubiaceae). Pesq Vet Bras<br />

23(4):167-172.<br />

Camargo W (1962) Uma nova “erva-de-rato” tóxico para<br />

bovinos Palicourea barbiflora (?), Rubiaceae, comparação<br />

com a Palicourea marcgravii var. pubescens e com a Psychotria<br />

officinalis, Rubiaceae. Arq Inst Biol (Sao Paulo)<br />

29(1):1-11.<br />

Costa MV, Pessoa JM, Nascimento EF, et al. (1984) Lesões<br />

em bovinos intoxicados pela Palicourea marcgravii St.<br />

Hill. Arq Bras Med Vet Zootecnia 36(5):571-580.<br />

Döbereiner J, Tokarnia CH (1959) Intoxicação de bovinos<br />

pela “erva de rato” (Palicourea marcgravii St. Hil.) no<br />

Vale do Itapicuru, Mar<strong>an</strong>hão. Arq Inst Biol Anim (Rio<br />

J<strong>an</strong>eiro) 2:83-91.<br />

Górniak SL, Palermo-Neto J, Spinosa HS (1989) Effects of<br />

Palicourea marcgravii on laboratory rodents. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

25(1989):221-226.<br />

Gorniak SL, Palermo-Neto J, Spinosa HS (1993) Effect<br />

of CNS depress<strong>an</strong>t drugs on acute intoxication from<br />

Palicourea marcgravii St Hill in rats. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

35(1):19-21.<br />

Gorniak SL, Palermo-Neto J, Spinosa HS (1994) Effects<br />

of acetamide on experimentally-induced Palicourea<br />

marcgravii (St Hill) poisoning in rats. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

36(2):101-102.<br />

Peixoto PV, Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J, et al. (1987) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Palicourea marcgravii (Rubiaceae)<br />

em coelhos. Pesq Vet Bras 7(4):117-129.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J (1986) Intoxicação por Palicourea<br />

marcgravii (Rubiaceae) em bovinos no Brasil. Pesq<br />

Vet Bras 6(3):73-92.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Peixoto PV, Döbereiner J (1986) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Palicourea marcgravii (Rubiaceae) em<br />

ovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 6(4):121-131.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Peixoto PV, Döbereiner J (1991) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Palicourea marcgravii (Rubiaceae) em<br />

caprinos. Pesq Vet Bras 11(3-4):65-70.<br />

Palicourea longipedunculata Gardner = Psychotria<br />

longipedunculata (Gardner) Müll. Arg.<br />

Palis<strong>an</strong>der –see– Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.<br />

paliss<strong>an</strong>dre bresic –see– Dalbergia nigra (Vell.) Allemão ex<br />

Benth.<br />

Palliser poison vetch –see– Astragalus miser Douglas ex<br />

Hook. var. serotinus (A. Gray ex J. G. Cooper) Barneby<br />

palma christi –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

palma-de-Cristo –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

Palmer’s-amar<strong>an</strong>th –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus palmeri S. Watson<br />

Palmer’s-pigweed –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus palmeri S. Watson<br />

Palmkernen –see– Cocos nucifera L.<br />

palmyra palm –see– Borassus flabellifer L.<br />

palo-de-compadre –see– Toxicodendron striatum (Ruiz &<br />

Pav.) Kuntze<br />

palo-de-la-cruz –see– Plumeria rubra L.<br />

palo-de-rosa –see– Metopium brownei (Jacq.) Urb.<br />

palo-de-S<strong>an</strong> Pablo –see– Wig<strong>an</strong>dia urens (Ruiz & Pav.)<br />

Kunth var. caracas<strong>an</strong>a (Kunth) D. N. Gibson<br />

palo-de-sarna –see– Toxicodendron striatum (Ruiz & Pav.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

palo-de-viruela –see– Toxicodendron striatum (Ruiz & Pav.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

palo negrito –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.<br />

palo s<strong>an</strong>to –see– Bulnesia sarmienti Lorentz ex Griseb.<br />

palo-s<strong>an</strong>to-de-castilla –see– Ipomoea carnea Jacq.<br />

palo sarno –see– Toxicodendron striatum (Ruiz & Pav.) Kuntze<br />

palque –see– Cestrum parqui L’Her.<br />

palu-de-cashupete –see– Anacardium occidentale L.<br />

pampagrass –see– Festuca argentina (Speg.) Parodi<br />

p<strong>an</strong> masala –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a tabacum L.<br />

p a n a x g i n s e n g C. A. Mey. [Araliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

all heal; Americ<strong>an</strong> ginseng; Asi<strong>an</strong> ginseng; ginseng;<br />

imperial ginseng; Kore<strong>an</strong> ginseng; Kore<strong>an</strong> red ginseng;<br />

oriental ginseng<br />

Citations:<br />

Palmer M, Haller C, McKinney P, et al. (1999) Bot<strong>an</strong>icals<br />

<strong>an</strong>d other dietary supplements: Adverse events by age. J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 37(5):609.<br />

Siegel RK (1979) Ginseng abuse syndrome. Problems with<br />

the p<strong>an</strong>acea. JAMA 241(15):1614-1615.<br />

Siegel RK (1980) Ginseng <strong>an</strong>d high blood pressure. JAMA<br />

243(1):32.<br />

p<strong>an</strong>ch –see– L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara L.<br />

p<strong>an</strong>ga p<strong>an</strong>ga –see– Millettia stuhlm<strong>an</strong>nii Taub.<br />

p<strong>an</strong>icgrass –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum coloratum L.; P<strong>an</strong>icum schinzii<br />

Hack.<br />

p<strong>an</strong>ic millet –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum miliaceum L.<br />

p<strong>an</strong>icle amar<strong>an</strong>th –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus cruentus L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Papaver nudicaule - 289<br />

p<strong>an</strong>icle death camas –see– Toxicoscordion p<strong>an</strong>iculatum (Nutt.)<br />

Rydb.<br />

p a n ic u M c o l o r a Tu M L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

coolahgrass; Kleingrass; p<strong>an</strong>icgrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Bridges CH, Camp BJ, Livingston CW, et al. (1987) Kleingrass<br />

(P<strong>an</strong>icum coloratum L.) poisoning in sheep. Vet<br />

Pathol 24(6):525-531.<br />

Cornick JL, Carter GK, Bridges CH (1988) Kleingrassassociated<br />

hepatotoxicosis in horses. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

193(8):932-935.<br />

Muchiri DJ, Bridges CH, Ueckert DN, et al. (1980) Photosensitization<br />

of sheep on kleingrass pasture. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 177(Aug 15):353-354.<br />

p a n ic u M c o l o r a Tu M L. var. makarikariense<br />

Gooss. [Poaceae]<br />

Common names:<br />

bambatsi grass<br />

Citations:<br />

Regnault TR (1990) Secondary photosensitisation of sheep<br />

grazing bambatsi grass (P<strong>an</strong>icum coloratum var makarikariense).<br />

Aust Vet J 67(11):419.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>icum dactylon L. = Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.<br />

p a n ic u M d ic h o To Mi f l o r u M Michx.<br />

[Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

fall p<strong>an</strong>icgrass; fall p<strong>an</strong>icum; smooth witchgrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Miles CO, Munday SC, Holl<strong>an</strong>d PT, et al. (1991) Identification<br />

of sapogenin glucuronide in the bile of sheep<br />

affected by P<strong>an</strong>icum dichotomiflorum toxicosis. N Z Vet<br />

J 39:150-152.<br />

Miles CO, Wilkins AL, Munday SC, et al. (1992) Identification<br />

of the calcium salt of epismilagenin β-D-glucuronide<br />

in the bile crystals of sheep affected by P<strong>an</strong>icum dichotomiflorum<br />

<strong>an</strong>d P<strong>an</strong>icum schinizii toxicoses. J Agric Food<br />

Chem 40:1606-1609.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>icum laevifolium Hack. = P<strong>an</strong>icum schinzii Hack.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>icum maximum Jacq. = Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B.<br />

K. Simon & S. W. L. Jacobs<br />

p a n ic u M Mi l i a c e u M L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

broom millet; broomcorn millet; brown corn; corn millet;<br />

French millet; hog millet; millet; p<strong>an</strong>ic millet; proso<br />

millet; Russi<strong>an</strong> millet; sonwa millet; white millet<br />

Citations:<br />

Allen JG, Creeper JH, Forshaw D, et al. (2004) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated<br />

diseases, either new or new to the state, encountered<br />

over the last decade (1991-2001) in Western Australia. In:<br />

Acamovic T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK.<br />

pp. 540-547.<br />

Bajmócy E, Glávits R (1988) Növendék juhok zöles legeltetésével<br />

kapscolatos fotoszenzibilizációs megbetegedése.<br />

Magyar Allator Lapja 43(8):471-477.<br />

Bohle B, Hirt W, Nachbargauer P, et al. (2003) Allergy<br />

to millet: Another risk for atopic bird keepers. Allergy<br />

58(4):325-328.<br />

Hinebauch TD (1893) Millet disease. J Comp Med Vet Arch<br />

14:313-322.<br />

Hinebauch TD (1894) Millet disease in horses. Vet J Ann<br />

Comp Pathol 38:1-10.<br />

Olivieri J, Hauser C (1998) Anaphylaxis to millet. Allergy<br />

53(1):109-110.<br />

Stuck BA, Blum A, Klimek L, et al. (2001) Millet, a potentially<br />

life-threatening allergen. Allergy 56(4):350.<br />

p a n ic u M s c h i n z i i Hack. [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p <strong>an</strong>icum laevifolium Hack.<br />

Common Names:<br />

blousaad; os gras; p<strong>an</strong>icgrass; sweetgrass<br />

Citations:<br />

L<strong>an</strong>caster MJ, Vit I, Lyford RL (1991) Analysis of the crystals<br />

from sheep grazing P<strong>an</strong>icum schinzii (sweet grass).<br />

Aust Vet J 68(8):281.<br />

Miles CO, Wilkins AL, Munday SC, et al. (1992) Identification<br />

of the calcium salt of epismilagenin β-D-glucuronide<br />

in the bile crystals of sheep affected by P<strong>an</strong>icum dichotomiflorum<br />

<strong>an</strong>d P<strong>an</strong>icum schinizii toxicoses. J Agric Food<br />

Chem 40:1606-1609.<br />

paño-de-hol<strong>an</strong>da –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex<br />

Klotzsch<br />

P<strong>an</strong>toffeln –see– Lotus corniculatus L.<br />

p<strong>an</strong>u habarala –see– Alocasia cucullata (Lour.) G. Don<br />

páo amarello –see– Euxylophora paraensis Huber<br />

páo br<strong>an</strong>co –see– Z<strong>an</strong>thoxylum flavum Vahl<br />

pao d’arco –see– Tabebuia impetiginosa (Mart. ex DC.)<br />

St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

pao ferro –see– Machaerium scleroxylon Tul.<br />

pao ferro rosewood –see– Machaerium scleroxylon Tul.<br />

páo setim –see– Euxylophora paraensis Huber<br />

paokeke –see– Clitoria ternatea L.<br />

papa –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um tuberosum L.<br />

papagallo –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch<br />

p a p a ve r n u d ic a u l e L. [Papaveraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Arctic poppy; Icel<strong>an</strong>d poppy<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1960) Poisoning with Icel<strong>an</strong>d poppies (Papaver<br />

nudicaule). N Z Dep Agric Annu Rep 1960:190.

290 - Papaver rhoeas D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Malm<strong>an</strong>che ID (1970) Suspected Papaver nudicaule (Icel<strong>an</strong>d<br />

poppy) poisoning in two horses. N Z Vet J 18(5):96-97.<br />

McLenn<strong>an</strong> GC (1929) Poisoning of sheep by ingestion of Icel<strong>an</strong>d<br />

poppies (Papaver nudicaule). Aust Vet J 5(Sep):117.<br />

McLenn<strong>an</strong> GC (1930) Icel<strong>an</strong>d poppy poisoning. Aust Vet J<br />

6(Mar):40.<br />

Terbl<strong>an</strong>che M, Adelaar TF (1964) A note on the toxicity of<br />

Papaver nudicaule L. (Icel<strong>an</strong>d poppy). J S Afr Vet Assoc<br />

35(3):383-384.<br />

p a p a ve r r h o e a s L. [Papaveraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> rose; blind-eyes; c<strong>an</strong>ker rose; cheesebowl; cock<br />

rose; cop rose; copper rose; coquelicot; corn poppy;<br />

corn rose; cornflower; Feldmohn; Feuerblume; field<br />

poppy; Fl<strong>an</strong>ders poppy; headache; Klappermohn;<br />

Klatschmohn; Klatschrose; pavot coq; red poppy;<br />

redweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Barbe ME (1882) Effects of the Papaver rhoeas (coquelicot)<br />

upon two cows. Am Vet Rev 5:513-514.<br />

Trasbot ML (1888) Narcotism simulating typhoid fever -<br />

Produced by Papaver rhoeas. Am Vet Rev 12:83-84.<br />

p a p a ve r so Mn i f e r u M L. [Papaveraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

balewort; carnation poppy; Jo<strong>an</strong> Silverpin; opium<br />

poppy; oriental poppy; peony poppy; Saatmohn;<br />

Schlafmohn; white poppy<br />

Citations:<br />

Chao TC, Lo DS, Bloodworth BC (1992) Common poisons<br />

in Singapore – Past <strong>an</strong>d present. Med Sci Law<br />

32(2):139-147.<br />

Dutta AK, Seth A, Goyal PK, et al. (1998) Poisoning in children:<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> scenario. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Pediatr 65(3):365-370.<br />

Ekins BR, Rubio EL, Carson RS, et al. (1986) Hmong opiate<br />

folk remedy toxicity in two inf<strong>an</strong>ts. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

28(5):481.<br />

Gupta S, Govil YC, Misra PK, et al. (1998) Trends in poisoning<br />

in children: Experience at a large referral teaching<br />

hospital. Natl Med J India 11(4):166-168.<br />

Lagneau F, Gallard P (1946) Intoxication de Bovins par<br />

d’œillette. Rec Med Vet Ec Alfort 122:310-313.<br />

Lézy (1946) Intoxication de Bovins par des capsules d’œillette.<br />

Rec Med Vet Ec Alfort 122:23-24.<br />

Odendaal JS (1986) Verdagte opiumvergiftiging in twee jong<br />

honde. J S Afr Vet Assoc 57(Jun):113-114.<br />

Rubio EL, Ekins BR, Singh PD, et al. (1987) Hmong opiate<br />

folk remedy toxicity in three inf<strong>an</strong>ts. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

29(4):323-325.<br />

papaw –see– Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal; Carica papaya L.<br />

papaya –see– Carica papaya L.<br />

papayo –see– Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.<br />

paper flower –see– Baileya multiradiata Harv. & A. Gray ex<br />

Torr.; Psilostrophe gnaphalodes DC.; Psilostrophe tagetina<br />

(Nutt.) Greene<br />

p a p h io p e d i l u M h a y n a l d i a n u M (Rchb. f.)<br />

Stein [Orchidaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

lady’s-slipper<br />

Citations:<br />

Hausen BM (1980) Allergic contact dermatitis to quinones<br />

in Paphiopedilum haynaldi<strong>an</strong>um (Orchidaceae). Arch<br />

Dermatol 116(3):327-328.<br />

papooseroot –see– Caulophyllum thalictroides (L.) Michx.<br />

paprika –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.<br />

para nut –see– Berthollettia excelsa Bonpl.<br />

paragrass –see– Urochloa mutica (Forssk.) T. Q. Nguyen<br />

p a r a d e r r is e l l i p Tic a (Wall.) Adema<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d erris elliptica (Wall.) Benth.<br />

Common Names:<br />

derris; tuba root<br />

Citations:<br />

Ambrose AM, Haag HB (1938) Toxicological studies of derris.<br />

Indus Engineer Chem 30(5):592-595.<br />

Dorne M, Friedm<strong>an</strong> TB (1940) Derris root dermatitis.<br />

JAMA 115(Oct 12):1268-1270.<br />

Haag HB, Taliaferro I (1940) Toxicologic studies on cubé. J<br />

Pharmacol Exp Ther 69:13-20.<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal:<br />

Preliminary toxicity screening using grass carp<br />

(Ctenopharyngodon idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

21(1):1-9.<br />

Rickard PP, Cox PA (1986) Use of derris as a fish poison in<br />

Guadalc<strong>an</strong>al, Solomon Isl<strong>an</strong>ds. Econ Bot 40(4):479-484.<br />

paradise poinci<strong>an</strong>a –see– Caesalpinia gilliesii (Hook.) D.<br />

Dietr.<br />

paradise tree –see– Ail<strong>an</strong>thus altissima (Mill.) Swingle<br />

paradoxagrass –see– Phalaris paradoxa L.<br />

Paraguay<strong>an</strong> jasmin –see– Brunfelsia australis Benth.<br />

Paraguay<strong>an</strong> tea –see– Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.<br />

paraíso –see– Melia azedarach L.; Moringa oleifera Lam.<br />

paraíso bl<strong>an</strong>co –see– Moringa oleifera Lam.<br />

paraíso-de-España –see– Moringa oleifera Lam.<br />

paraíso fr<strong>an</strong>ces –see– Moringa oleifera Lam.<br />

paraíso vegetal –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

paraist estr<strong>an</strong>jaro –see– Moringa oleifera Lam.<br />

parietaria –see– Parietaria judaica L.<br />

p a r i e Ta r i a j u d a ic a L. [Urticaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

parietaria; pellitory

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Parthenium hysterophorus - 291<br />

Citations:<br />

Andri L, Senna GE, Betteli C, et al. (1992) Local nasal<br />

immunotherapy in allergic rhinitis to Parietaria. A double-blind<br />

study. Allergy 47(4 Pt 1):318-323.<br />

Bass D, Baldo BA (1984) Parietaria as a cause of asthma.<br />

Med J Aust 114:511.<br />

Costa MA, Duro G, Izzo V, et al. (2000) The IgE-binding<br />

epitopes of rPar j 2, a major allergen of Parietaria judaica<br />

pollen, are heterogeneously recognized among allergic<br />

subjects. Allergy 55(3):246-250.<br />

Kaufm<strong>an</strong> HS (1990) Parietaria: An unrecognized cause of<br />

respiratory allergy in the United States. Ann Allergy<br />

64(3):293-296.<br />

Ortol<strong>an</strong>i C, Pastorello EA, Incorvaia C, et al. (1994) A<br />

double-blind, placebo-controlled study of immunotherapy<br />

with <strong>an</strong> alginate-conjugated extract of Parietaria<br />

judaica in patients with Parietaria hay fever. Allergy<br />

49(1):13-21.<br />

Paj<strong>an</strong>o GB, Passalacqua G, Vita D, et al. (2004) Sublingual<br />

immunotherapy abrogates seasonal bronchial hyperresponsiveness<br />

in children with Parietaria-induced respiratory<br />

allergy: A r<strong>an</strong>domized controlled trial. Allergy<br />

59(8):883-887.<br />

Purello-D’Ambrosio F, G<strong>an</strong>gemi S, Isola S, et al. (1999)<br />

Sublingual immunotherapy: A double-blind, placebocontrolled<br />

trial with Parietaria judaica extract st<strong>an</strong>dardized<br />

in mass units in patients with rhinoconjunctivitis,<br />

asthma, or both. Allergy 54(9):968-973.<br />

parlor ivy –see– Philodendron hederaceum (Jacq.) Schott<br />

parlour primula –see– Primula obconica H<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

paroba d’água –see– Sessea brasiliensis Toledo<br />

parrot flower –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora (L.) Pers.<br />

Parry’s-aster –see– Xylorhiza glabriuscula Nutt.<br />

parsley –see– Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nym<strong>an</strong> ex A. W.<br />

Hill<br />

parsnip –see– Pastinaca sativa L.; Trachymene ochracea L. A.<br />

S. Johnson<br />

parson-in-the-pulpit –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott<br />

parthenium –see– Parthenium hysterophorus L.<br />

p a r Th e n i u M a r g e n Ta Tu M A. Gray<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

guayule; Mexic<strong>an</strong> rubber pl<strong>an</strong>t; rubber pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Smith LM, Hughes RP (1938) Dermatitis caused by Mexic<strong>an</strong><br />

rubber pl<strong>an</strong>t. Arch Derm Syphilol 38:780.<br />

p a r Th e n i u M h y s Te r o p h o r u s L.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bastard feverfew; carrot weed; carrotgrass; cicutilla;<br />

congress weed; congressgrass; dog-flea weed; false ragweed;<br />

false wormwood; feverfew; Mexic<strong>an</strong> bird seed;<br />

mugwort; parthenium; poundcake bush; S<strong>an</strong>ta Maria<br />

feverfew; scourge-of-India; white broomweed; whitehead;<br />

wild feverfew; wild wormwood<br />

Citations:<br />

Ahmed MN, Rao PR, Mahendar M, et al. (1988) Experimental<br />

introduction of acute toxicity in buffalo calves by<br />

feeding Parthenium hysterophorus Linn. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Anim<br />

Sci 58(6):731-734.<br />

Ahmed NN, Rao PR, Mahendar M, et al. (1988) A study<br />

on ch<strong>an</strong>ges in blood chemistry in Parthenium toxicity in<br />

buffalo calves. Cheiron 17(2):57-60.<br />

Bhut<strong>an</strong>i LK, Rao DS (1978) Photocontact dermatitis<br />

caused by Parthenium hysterophorus. Dermatologica<br />

157(4):206-209.<br />

Dutta RK, Babu BV (1985) A study of parthenium dermatitis.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> J Dermatol 30(1):1-6.<br />

Fisher AA (1979) Contact dermatitis due to Americ<strong>an</strong><br />

parthenium weed in India. Cutis 23(1):20-21, 32, 36.<br />

French SW (1930) A case of skin sensitivity to Parthenium<br />

hysterophorus. Mil Surg 66:673-676.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>da S, Sahoo B, Sharma VK (2001) Oral hyposensitization<br />

in patients with contact dermatitis from Parthenium<br />

hysterophorus. Contact Dermatitis 44(5):279-282.<br />

Kahn IS, Grothaus EM (1936) Parthenium hysterophorus:<br />

Antigenic properties, respiratory <strong>an</strong>d cut<strong>an</strong>eous. Tex<br />

State J Med 32(Aug):284-288.<br />

Mahaj<strong>an</strong> VK, Sharma NL, Sharma RC (2004) Parthenium<br />

dermatitis: Is it a systemic contact dermatitis or<br />

<strong>an</strong> airborne contact dermatitis? Contact Dermatitis<br />

51(5-6):231-234.<br />

More PR, Vadlamudi VP, Qureshi MI (1982) Note on the<br />

toxicity of Parthenium hysterophorus in livestock. Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

J Anim Res 52(6):456-457.<br />

More PR, Vadlamudi VP, Qureshi MI (1982) Toxicity of<br />

Parthenium hysterophorus Linn. in bovines: Ch<strong>an</strong>ges<br />

in some biochemical constituents of blood. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J<br />

59(7):515-517.<br />

Narasimh<strong>an</strong> TR, An<strong>an</strong>th M, Swamy MN, et al. (1977) Toxicity<br />

of Parthenium hysterophorus L. to cattle <strong>an</strong>d buffaloes.<br />

Experientia 33(10):1358-1359.<br />

Narasimh<strong>an</strong> TR, An<strong>an</strong>th M, Swamy MN, et al. (1980) Toxicity<br />

of Parthenium hysterophorus: Partheniosis in cattle<br />

<strong>an</strong>d buffaloes. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 50(2):173-178.<br />

Ogden HD (1957) Diagnosis <strong>an</strong>d treatment of Parthenium<br />

dermatitis. J La State Med Soc 109(10):378-379.<br />

Rao PV, M<strong>an</strong>gala A, Rao BS, et al. (1977) Clinical <strong>an</strong>d<br />

immunological studies on persons exposed to Parthenium<br />

hysterophorus L. Experientia 33(10):1387-1388.<br />

Sahoo B, H<strong>an</strong>da S, Kumar B (2001) Eczema herpeticum<br />

in parthenium dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis<br />

44(2):106-107.<br />

Sharma VK, Sethuram<strong>an</strong> G, Bhat R (2005) Evolution of<br />

clinical pattern of parthenium dermatitis: A study of 74<br />

cases. Contact Dermatitis 53(2):84-88.<br />

Sharma VK, Sethuram<strong>an</strong> G, Tejasvi T (2004) Comparison<br />

of patch test contact sensitivity to acetone <strong>an</strong>d aqueous<br />

extracts of Parthenium hysterophorus in patients<br />

with airborne contact dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis<br />

50(4):230-232.<br />

Siddiqui MA, Singh R, Sharma RC (1978) Contact dermatitis<br />

due to Parthenium hysterophorus. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med Res<br />


292 - Parthenocissus quinquefolia D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Singh KK, Srinivas CR, Balach<strong>an</strong>dr<strong>an</strong> C, et al. (1987)<br />

Parthenium dermatitis sparing vitiliginous skin. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 16(9):174.<br />

Singh R, Siddiqui MA, Baruah MC (1978) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis<br />

in Delhi. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med Res 68(Oct):650-655.<br />

Srinivas CR, Balach<strong>an</strong>dr<strong>an</strong> C, Shenoi SD, et al. (1991) Azathioprine<br />

in the treatment of parthenium dermatitis. Br J<br />

Dermatol 124(4):394-395.<br />

Srinivas CR, Krupash<strong>an</strong>kar DS, Singh KK, et al. (1988)<br />

Oral hyposensitization in parthenium dermatitis. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 18(6):242-243.<br />

Verma KK, Sirka CS, Ramam M, et al. (2002) Parthenium<br />

dermatitis presenting as photosensitive lichenoid<br />

eruption. A new clinical vari<strong>an</strong>t. Contact Dermatitis<br />

46(5):286-289.<br />

Wedner HJ, Wilson P, Lewis WH (1989) Allergic reactivity<br />

to Parthenium hysterophorus pollen: An ELISA study of<br />

582 sera from the United States Gulf Coast. J Allergy<br />

Clin Immunol 84(Aug):263-271.<br />

p a r Th e n o c is s u s q u i n q u e f o l i a (L.)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>ch. [Vitaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a mpelopsis quinquefolia (L.) Michx.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> ivy; Amerik<strong>an</strong>ischer Efeu; Englem<strong>an</strong> ivy;<br />

K<strong>an</strong>adische Rebe; Virginia creeper; Virginia ivy;<br />

woodbine<br />

Citations:<br />

Bernays HL (1876) Poisoning by Virginia creeper. Br Med<br />

J 2(Jul 1):32.<br />

Bernays HL (1876) Poisoning by Virginia creeper. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

2(Jul 15):105.<br />

Shropshire CM, Stauber E, Arai A (1992) Evaluation of<br />

selected pl<strong>an</strong>ts for acute toxicosis in budgerigars. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 200(7):936-939.<br />

Warren LE (1923) Poisoning from Virginia creeper. Hygeia<br />

1(7):459-460.<br />

partidge –see– Andira inermis (W. Wright) Kunth ex DC.;<br />

Millettia stuhlm<strong>an</strong>nii Taub.<br />

partridgeberry–see– Gaultheria procumbens L.<br />

pas-d’Ane-commun –see– Tussilago farfara L.<br />

pasarín –see– L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara L.<br />

p a s c a l i a g l a u c a Ortega [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

wedelia glauca (Ortega) O. Hoffm. ex Hicken<br />

Common Names:<br />

chilquilla; clavel amarillo; flor-de-sapo; seca tierra;<br />

sunchillo; suncho; yerba-de-sapo; yuyo-de-sapo<br />

Citations:<br />

Collazo L, Riet-Correa F (1996) Experimental intoxication<br />

of sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle with Wedelia glauca. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

38(3):200-203.<br />

Giusti L (1934-1936) Experiencias sobre la acción fisiológica<br />

de la Wedelia glauca y del Astragalus bergii. Rev Argentina<br />

Agron 1:223-228.<br />

Morán BL, Kosic CV (1965) Intoxicacion de cerdos por<br />

Wedelia glauca. Gaceta Vet 27:461-462.<br />

pasote –see– Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin &<br />

Clem<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

paspalum –see– Paspalum dilatatum Poir.<br />

Paspalum ciliatifolium Michx. = Paspalum setaceum Michx.<br />

var. ciliatifolium (Michx.) Vasey<br />

Paspalum commersonii Lam. = Paspalum scrobiculatum L.<br />

var. bispicatum Hack.<br />

p a s p a l u M d i l a Ta Tu M Poir. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Bahiagrass; Dallisgrass; large watergrass; paspalum<br />

Citations:<br />

Hayes WF (1948) Probable Dallis grass poisoning. Texas Vet<br />

Bull #10(1):5-6.<br />

Horne CH (1948) Dallis grass poisoning. Texas Vet Bull<br />

10(3):1.<br />

p a s p a l u M n o Ta Tu M Flüggé [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Bahiagrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Davies JM, Bright ML, Roll<strong>an</strong>d JM, et al. (2005) Bahia<br />

grass pollen specific IgE is common in seasonal rhinitis<br />

patients but has limited cross-reactivity with ryegrass.<br />

Allergy 60(2):251-255.<br />

p a s p a l u M s c r ob ic u l a Tu M L. var. bispicatum<br />

Hack. [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p aspalum commersonii Lam.<br />

Common Names:<br />

cheta mona; chota mona; kali mona; monagrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Mia B (1960) Probable “Mona” grass Paspalum commersonii<br />

poisoning. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J 37:31-34.<br />

p a s p a l u M s e Ta c e u M Michx. var. ciliatifolium<br />

(Michx.) Vasey [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p aspalum ciliatifolium Michx.<br />

Common Names:<br />

fringe-leaf paspalum<br />

Citations:<br />

Sperry OE, Turk RD, Hoffm<strong>an</strong> GO, et al. (1955) Photosensitization<br />

of cattle in Texas. Texas Agric Exp Sta Bull<br />

#812:8 pp.<br />

pasqueflower –see– Anemone patens L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Pavetta harborii - 293<br />

p a s s i f l o r a a d e n o p o d a DC. [Passifloraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Saenz JA, Nassar M (1972) Toxic effect of the fruit of Passiflora<br />

adenopoda DC. on hum<strong>an</strong>s: Phytochemical determination.<br />

Rev Biol Trop 20(1):137-140.<br />

Passiflora alba Link & Otto = Passiflora subpeltata Ortega<br />

p a s s i f l o r a i n c a r n a Ta L. [Passifloraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

apricot vine; Maypop; passionflower; passionvine; purple<br />

passionflower<br />

Citations:<br />

Fisher AA, Purcell P, Le Couteur DG (2000) Toxicity of Passiflora<br />

incarnata L. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 38(1):63-66.<br />

Solbakken AM, Rørbakken G, Gunderson T (1997)<br />

Naturmedisin som rusmiddel. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen<br />

117(8):1140-1141.<br />

p a s s i f l o r a s u b p e l Ta Ta Ortega<br />

[Passifloraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p assiflora alba Link & Otto<br />

Common Names:<br />

white passion vine; wild passion fruit; wild passionvine<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1929) The poison pl<strong>an</strong>ts committee. J CSIRO<br />

Aust 2:40-48.<br />

Dodd S (1910) Report on experiments with the wild passionflower<br />

vine in connection with the death of cattle in the<br />

Beaudesert district (Queensl<strong>an</strong>d). J Comp Pathol Ther<br />

23:205-212.<br />

passion vine –see– Passiflora incarnata L.<br />

passionflower –see– Passiflora incarnata L.<br />

p a s Ti n a c a s a Ti va L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

parsnip; Pastinak; wild parsnip<br />

Citations:<br />

Aberer W (1992) Occupational dermatitis from org<strong>an</strong>ically<br />

grown parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L). Contact Dermatitis<br />

26(1):62.<br />

Belisario JC (1952) Parsnip dermatitis in the tropics under<br />

active service conditions. Aust J Dermatol 1(3):183-193.<br />

Campbell AN, Cooper CE, Dahl MG (1982) “Non-accidental<br />

injury” <strong>an</strong>d wild parsnips. Br Med J 284(6317):708.<br />

Fernández de Corres L, Corrales JL, Muñoz D, et al. (1984)<br />

Dermatitis alérgicas de contacto por pl<strong>an</strong>tas. Allergol<br />

Immunopathol (Madr) 12(4):313-319.<br />

Jensen T, H<strong>an</strong>sen KG (1939) Active spectral r<strong>an</strong>ge for phytogenic<br />

photodermatosis produced by Pastinaca sativa<br />

(dermatitis bullosa striata pratensis, Oppenheim). Arch<br />

Derm Syphilol 40:566-577.<br />

Pedersen NB, Arlés UB (1997) Phototoxic reaction to parsnip<br />

<strong>an</strong>d UVA sunbed. Contact Dermatitis 39(2):97.<br />

Picardo M, Cristaudo A, de Luca C, et al. (1986) Contact<br />

dermatitis to Pastinaca sativa. Contact Dermatitis<br />

15(6):98-99.<br />

Poniecka H (1990) Rośliny jako przyczyna alergii kontaktowej<br />

w materiale kliniki dermatologicznej am w<br />

białymstoku. Przegl Dermatol 77(4):262-265.<br />

Starck V (1945) Percut<strong>an</strong>eous photosensitization due to h<strong>an</strong>dling<br />

of parsnips. Acta Derm Venereol 25:179-188.<br />

Note:<br />

Parsnip is named Pastinaca sativa L. subsp. sativa in<br />

some publications.<br />

Pastinak –see– Pastinaca sativa L.<br />

pastora –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch<br />

pata-de-g<strong>an</strong>so –see– Chenopodium album L.<br />

pata-de-perdis –see– Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.<br />

Paternostererbse –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

Paterson’s-curse –see– Echium pl<strong>an</strong>tagineum L.<br />

p a u l l i n i a c u p a n a Kunth [Sapindaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Brazili<strong>an</strong> guar<strong>an</strong>a; cup<strong>an</strong>a; guar<strong>an</strong>a<br />

Citations:<br />

Ooms TG, Kh<strong>an</strong> SA, Me<strong>an</strong>s C (2001) Suspected caffeine<br />

<strong>an</strong>d ephedrine toxicosis resulting from ingestion of <strong>an</strong><br />

herbal supplement containing guar<strong>an</strong>a <strong>an</strong>d ma hu<strong>an</strong>g<br />

in dogs: 47 cases (1997-1999). J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

218(2):225-229.<br />

Sawyers B, LoVecchio F (2002) Tr<strong>an</strong>sient ischemic attack<br />

associated with metabolife use. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

40(5):644-645.<br />

p a u s i n y s Ta l i a jo h i Mb e (K. Schum.) Pierre ex<br />

Beille [Rubiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c oryn<strong>an</strong>the johimbe K. Schum.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> yohimbine; coryn<strong>an</strong>the; yo yo; yohimbé<br />

Citations:<br />

Linden CH, Vellm<strong>an</strong> WP, Rumack B (1985) Yohimbine: A<br />

new street drug. Ann Emerg Med 14(10):1002-1004.<br />

Palmer M, Haller C, McKinney P, et al. (1998) A gap in<br />

the safety net: A multi-center prospective study of herbals<br />

<strong>an</strong>d other dietary supplements. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

36(5):454.<br />

p a ve TTa h a r b o r i i S. Moore [Rubiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

small poison bride bush<br />

Citations:<br />

Adelaar TF, Terbl<strong>an</strong>che M, Smit JD (1966) A report on<br />

negative experiments with ferric chloride as a prophylactic<br />

agent against gousiekte. J S Afr Vet Assoc<br />


294 - Pavetta schum<strong>an</strong>ni<strong>an</strong>a D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Pretorius PJ, Terbl<strong>an</strong>che M (1967) A preliminary study on<br />

the symptomatology <strong>an</strong>d cardiodynamics of gousiekte in<br />

sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats. J S Afr Vet Assoc 38(1):29-53.<br />

Pretorius PJ, Terbl<strong>an</strong>che M, V<strong>an</strong> der Walt JD, et al. (1973)<br />

Cardiac failure in rumin<strong>an</strong>ts caused by gousiekte. Recent<br />

Adv Stud Cardiac Struct Metab 2:385-397.<br />

Prozesky L, Basti<strong>an</strong>ello SS, Fourie N, et al. (2005) A study<br />

of the pathology <strong>an</strong>d pathogenesis of the myocardial<br />

lesions in gousiekte, a pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced cardiotoxicosis of<br />

rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 72(3):219-230.<br />

p a ve TTa s c h u Ma n n i a n a F. Hoffm. ex K.<br />

Schum. [Rubiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

large poison bride bush<br />

Citations:<br />

Jackson JJ, Needham AJ, Lawrence JA (1968) Some recent<br />

investigations into Rhodesi<strong>an</strong> toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Proc Tr<strong>an</strong>s<br />

Rhodesia Sci Assoc 53:9-12.<br />

Pavia glabra Spach = Aesculus glabra Willd.<br />

pavot coq –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

pawpaw –see– Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal; Carica papaya L.<br />

pazote –see– Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin &<br />

Clem<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

pea –see– Pisum sativum L.<br />

pea blossom poison –see– Isotropis cuneifolia (Sm.) Domin<br />

pea bush –see– Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.<br />

peach –see– Prunus persica (L.) Batsch<br />

peach-leaf poison bush –see– Trema tomentosa (Roxb.) H.<br />

Hara<br />

peachwort –see– Persicaria maculosa Gray<br />

pe<strong>an</strong>ut –see– Arachis hypogaea L.<br />

pear –see– Pyrus communis L.<br />

pearl harlequin –see– Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh.<br />

pearl millet –see– Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.<br />

pearly gates –see– Ipomoea violacea L.<br />

peas –see– Pisum sativum L.<br />

peavine –see– Astragalus emory<strong>an</strong>us (Rydb.) Cory<br />

peavine clover –see– Trifolium pratense L.<br />

pec<strong>an</strong> –see– Carya illinoinensis (W<strong>an</strong>genh.) K. Koch<br />

peco –see– Cicuta maculata L. var. <strong>an</strong>gustifolia Hook.;<br />

Delphinium barbeyi (Huth) Huth<br />

p e d i l a n Th u s Ti Th y Ma l o i d e s (L.) Poit.<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e uphorbia tithymaloides L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bejuco-de-estrella; bitamo; Christmas c<strong>an</strong>dle; devil’sbackbone;<br />

dictamo; fiddle flower; itamo; Jacob’s-ladder;<br />

Jewbush; pie-de-niño; pinipini; poison halip<strong>an</strong>; redbird<br />

cactus; ribbon cactus; slipper flower; slipper pl<strong>an</strong>t; zigzag<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Lim TK, Soepadmo E (1984) Eye injury from pl<strong>an</strong>t sap<br />

of Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus tithymaloides Poit. Singapore Med J<br />

25(6):412-419.<br />

pedunculate oak –see– Quercus robur L.<br />

peg<strong>an</strong>um –see– Peg<strong>an</strong>um harmala L.<br />

p e g a n u M h a r Ma l a L. [Nitraraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> rue; harmal; harmel peg<strong>an</strong>um; peg<strong>an</strong>um; Syri<strong>an</strong><br />

rue; wild rue<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1936) Investigations of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep.<br />

1936:44-45.<br />

Anonymous (1937) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep. 1937:47-48.<br />

Anonymous (1942) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1942:29.<br />

Ben Salah N, Amamou M, Jerbi Z, et al. (1986) Un cas de<br />

surdosage en Peg<strong>an</strong>um harmala L. J Toxicol Clin Exp<br />

6(5):319-322.<br />

Black WL, Parker KW (1936) Toxicity tests on Afric<strong>an</strong> rue<br />

(Peg<strong>an</strong>um harmala L.). New Mexico Agric Exp Sta Bull<br />

#240:14 pp.<br />

Boughton IB, Hardy WT (1939) Hard yellow livers of sheep<br />

<strong>an</strong>d cattle <strong>an</strong>d feeding trials of suspected pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas<br />

Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 52:238-240.<br />

Hamouda C, Amamou M, Thabet H, et al. (2000) Pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

poisonings from herbal medication admitted to a Tunisi<strong>an</strong><br />

toxicologic intensive care unit, 1983-1998. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 42(3):137-141.<br />

Mathews FP (1941) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Davis Mountains.<br />

Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 54:93.<br />

Mor<strong>an</strong> EA, Couch JF, Clawson AB (1940) Peg<strong>an</strong>um harmala,<br />

a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t in the Southwest. Vet Med<br />

35(4):234-235.<br />

pegwood –see– Euonymus europaeus L.<br />

p e l a r g o n i u M ×d o Me s Tic u M L. H. Bailey<br />

[Ger<strong>an</strong>iaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ger<strong>an</strong>ium<br />

Citations:<br />

Hjorth N (1969) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis. Contact Dermatol Newsl<br />

6(Jul):126-127.<br />

Oehme FW (1978) The hazard of pl<strong>an</strong>t toxicities to the<br />

hum<strong>an</strong> population. In: Keeler RF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR,<br />

James LF, et al. (eds.) Effects of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts on livestock.<br />

Academic Press. New York. pp. 67-80.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Pentalinon luteum - 295<br />

p e l a r g o n i u M g r a ve o l e n s L’Her.<br />

[Ger<strong>an</strong>iaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Hjorth N (1969) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis. Contact Dermatol Newsl<br />

6(Jul):126-127.<br />

p e l a r g o n i u M ×h o r To r u M L. H. Bailey<br />

[Ger<strong>an</strong>iaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Hjorth N (1969) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis. Contact Dermatol Newsl<br />

6(Jul):126-127.<br />

Pelea <strong>an</strong>isata H. M<strong>an</strong>n = Melicope <strong>an</strong>isata (H. M<strong>an</strong>n) T. G.<br />

Hartley & B. C. Stone<br />

pellitory –see– Parietaria judaica L.; T<strong>an</strong>acetum<br />

cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Sch. Bip.<br />

pencil bush –see– Eremophila deserti (A. Cunn. ex Benth.)<br />

Chinnock<br />

pencil cactus –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

pencil caustic –see– Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R. Br.<br />

pencil tree –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

Pennisetum americ<strong>an</strong>um (L.) Leeke = Pennisetum glaucum<br />

(L.) R. Br.<br />

p e n n is e Tu M c l a n d e s Ti n u M Hochst. ex<br />

Chiov. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

kikuyugrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Bryson RW, Newsholme SJ (1978) Kikuyu grass poisoning<br />

of cattle in Natal. J S Afr Vet Assoc 49(1):19-21.<br />

Busch J, Harris GH, Coup MR, et al. (1969) Acute ruminal<br />

indigestion, alkalosis <strong>an</strong>d death of cattle grazing kikuyu.<br />

N Z Vet J 17(9):182-183.<br />

Cordes DO, Coup MR, Harris GH, et al. (1969) Acute<br />

ruminal indigestion, alkalosis <strong>an</strong>d death of cattle grazing<br />

Kikuyu grass. N Z Vet J 17(5):77-81.<br />

Gabbedy BJ, Gwynn R, Hopkinson WI, et al. (1974) Kikuyu<br />

poisoning of cattle in Western Australia. Aust Vet J<br />

50(8):369-370.<br />

Martinovich D, Mortimer PH, di Menna ME (1972)<br />

Similarities between so-called kikuyu poisoning of<br />

cattle <strong>an</strong>d two experimental mycotoxicoses. N Z Vet J<br />

20(4):57-58.<br />

Martinovich D, Smith B (1972) Kikuyu poisoning in sheep.<br />

N Z Vet J 20(9):169.<br />

Martinovich D, Smith B (1973) Kikuyu poisoning of cattle.<br />

1. Clinical <strong>an</strong>d pathological findings. N Z Vet J<br />

21(4):55-63.<br />

Peet RL, Dickson J, Hare M (1990) Kikuyu poisoning in<br />

goats <strong>an</strong>d sheep. Aust Vet J 67(6):229-230.<br />

Smith B, Martinovich D (1973) Kikuyu poisoning of cattle.<br />

2. Epizootiological aspects. N Z Vet J 21(5):85-89.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Heerden J, Williams MC, V<strong>an</strong> Rensburg IB, et al. (1978)<br />

An outbreak of “kikuyu poisoning” in western Tr<strong>an</strong>svaal.<br />

J S Afr Vet Assoc 49(1):27-30.<br />

Wells AW (1958) Nitrite poisoning in pigs on kikuyu (Pennisetum<br />

cl<strong>an</strong>destinum). Aust Vet J 34(Nov):402.<br />

Wong PT, Roth IJ, Jackson AR (1987) Kikuyu poisoning of<br />

cattle in New South Wales <strong>an</strong>d its relationship to pasture<br />

fungi on kikuyu grass (Pennisetum cl<strong>an</strong>destinum). Aust<br />

Vet J 64(8):229-232.<br />

p e n n is e Tu M g l a u c u M (L.) R. Br. [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p ennisetum americ<strong>an</strong>um (L.) Leeke; p ennisetum<br />

typhoides (Burm. f.) Stapf & C. E. Hubb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bajra; bulrush millet; horse millet; Indi<strong>an</strong> millet; pearl<br />

millet; spiked millet<br />

Citations:<br />

Gadir WS, Adam SE (2000) Effects of pearl millet (Pennisetum<br />

typhoides), <strong>an</strong>d fermented <strong>an</strong>d processed<br />

fermented millet on Nubi<strong>an</strong> goats. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

42(3):133-136.<br />

Klopfenstein CF, Hoseney RC, Leipold HW (1983) Further<br />

studies on the goitrogenic effects of pearl millet diets.<br />

Nutr Rep Int 28(5):1137-1144.<br />

p e n n is e Tu M p u r p u r e u M Schumach.<br />

[Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

eleph<strong>an</strong>t grass; Napiergrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Dhillon KS, Paul BS, Bajwa RS, et al. (1971) A preliminary<br />

report on a peculiar type of Napier grass (Pennisetum<br />

purpureum, ‘Pusa Gi<strong>an</strong>t’) poisoning in buffalo calves.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 41(11):1034-1036.<br />

Seiler RJ, Omar AR, Salim N (1979) Nitrate poisoning in<br />

cattle fed napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum). Kaji<strong>an</strong><br />

Veterinar 11:10-13.<br />

Pennisetum typhoides (Burm. f.) Stapf & C. E. Hubb. =<br />

Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.<br />

penny John –see– Hypericum perforatum L.<br />

pennycress –see– Thlaspi arvense L.<br />

pennycress mustard –see– Thlaspi arvense L.<br />

pennyroyal –see– Hedeoma pulegioides (L.) Pers.; Mentha<br />

pulegium L.<br />

pennywort –see– Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.<br />

p e n Ta l i n o n l u Te u M (L.) B. F. H<strong>an</strong>sen &<br />

Wunderlin [Apocynaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

u rechites lutea (L.) Britton<br />

Common Names:<br />

bejuco marrullero; clavelitos; curamaguey; nightshade;<br />

wild allam<strong>an</strong>da; yellow nightshade<br />

Citations:<br />

Inf<strong>an</strong>te JF, Perdomo J, Merino N, et al. (1984) Estudio<br />

morfopatologico en bovinos intoxicados experimentale<br />

con bejuco marrullero (Urechites lutea) en la provincia<br />

Gramma. Rev Salud Anim 6(2):193-204.

296 - Peperomia obtusifolia D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Joa R, Merino N, Marrero E, et al. (1985) Estudio <strong>an</strong>atomopatológico<br />

en bovinos intoxicados experimentalmente<br />

con glicósidos aislados de Urechites lutea (L) Britton. Rev<br />

Cub<strong>an</strong>a Cienc Vet 16(1):41-52.<br />

Marrero E, Fern<strong>an</strong>dez O, Pompa A, et al. (1984) Alteraciones<br />

electrocardiográficas en terneros intoxicados con<br />

glicósidos de Urechites lutea (L) Britton. Rev Cub<strong>an</strong>a<br />

Cienc Vet 15(2):179-189.<br />

Marrero Faz E (1996) Urechites lutea (L) Britton toxicity in<br />

cattle. Vet Hum Toxicol 38(4):313-314.<br />

peonia –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

peony poppy –see– Papaver somniferum L.<br />

pepeo tree –see– Mauria heterophylla Kunth<br />

p e p e r o Mi a ob Tu s i f o l i a (L.) A. Dietr.<br />

[Piperaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> rubber pl<strong>an</strong>t; baby rubber pl<strong>an</strong>t; pepper face<br />

Citations:<br />

Der Marderosi<strong>an</strong> AH, Giller FB, Roia FC Jr (1976) Phytochemical<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicological screening of household<br />

ornamental pl<strong>an</strong>ts potentially toxic to hum<strong>an</strong>s. I. J Toxicol<br />

Environ Health 1(6):939-953.<br />

pepper –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.; Capsicum frutescens L.;<br />

Piper nigrum L.<br />

pepper face –see– Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A. Dietr.<br />

pepper pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Piper methysticum G. Forst.<br />

pepper tree –see– Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi<br />

pepper turnip –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott<br />

peppermint –see– Mentha ×piperita L. nothosubsp. piperita<br />

perde stert –see– Equisetum ramosissimum Desf.<br />

perennial broomweed –see– Gutierrezia microcephala (DC.)<br />

A. Gray; Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton & Rusby<br />

perennial nettle –see– Urtica dioica L.<br />

perennial pea –see– Lathyrus latifolius L.<br />

perennial ryegrass –see– Lolium perenne L.<br />

perennial snakeweed –see– Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh)<br />

Britton & Rusby<br />

perennial sweet pea –see– Lathyrus latifolius L.<br />

perennial threadleaf snakeweed –see– Gutierrezia<br />

microcephala (DC.) A. Gray<br />

p e r g u l a r i a g a r i e p e n s is N. E. Br.<br />

[Asclepiadaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG (1937) Recent investigations into the toxicity of<br />

known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union of<br />

South Africa. VII. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

9(1):111-124.<br />

p e r ic o p s is e l a Ta (Harms) Meeuwen [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a frormosia elata Harms<br />

Common Names:<br />

afrormosia<br />

Citations:<br />

Oleffe JA, Sporcq J, Hublet P (1975) Epidemiological study<br />

of the wood industry in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):315-316.<br />

p e r i l l a f r u Te s c e n s (L.) Britton<br />

[Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

beefsteak pl<strong>an</strong>t; blueweed; Joseph’s-coat; mint pl<strong>an</strong>t;<br />

perilla mint; purple mint pl<strong>an</strong>t; rattlesnake weed; wild<br />

coleus<br />

Citations:<br />

Kerr LA, Burrows GE (1985) Perilla frutescens toxicity in<br />

cattle. Toxicon 23:31.<br />

Kerr LA, Johnson BJ, Burrows GE (1986) Intoxication of<br />

cattle by Perilla frutescens (purple mint). Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

28(5):412-416.<br />

Linnabary RD, Warren J, Wilson BJ, et al. (1978) Acute<br />

bovine pulmonary emphysema produced by Perilla frutescens.<br />

Mod Vet Pract 59(9):684-686.<br />

perilla mint –see– Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton<br />

periqueto –see– Codiaeum variegatum (L.) A. Juss.<br />

periwinkle –see– Cathar<strong>an</strong>thus roseus (L.) G. Don; Vicia<br />

villosa Roth subsp. varia (Host) Corb.; Vinca major L.<br />

perlas-del-oriente –see– Moringa oleifera Lam.<br />

peroba-da-campos –see– Aspidosperma gomezi<strong>an</strong>um A. DC.<br />

peroba d’aqua –see– Sessea brasiliensis Toledo<br />

Perobas –see– Euxylophora paraensis Huber<br />

perreil –see– Oen<strong>an</strong>the crocata L.<br />

p e r s e a a Me r ic a n a Mill. var. americ<strong>an</strong>a<br />

[Lauraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

aguacate; alligator pear; avocado; avocado pear<br />

Citations:<br />

Applem<strong>an</strong> D (1944) Preliminary report on toxicity of avocado<br />

leaves. Calif Avocado Soc Yearb 1944:37.<br />

Bee JG (1968) Suspected avocado poisoning of a horse. Mod<br />

Vet Pract 49(11):52-53.<br />

Buoro IB, Nyamw<strong>an</strong>ge SB, Chai D, et al. (1994) Putative<br />

avocado toxicity in two dogs. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

61(1):107-109.<br />

Burger WP, Naudé TW, v<strong>an</strong> Rensburg IB, et al. (1994)<br />

Avocado (Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a) poisoning in ostriches. In:<br />

Colegate SM, Dorling PR (eds.) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated toxins.<br />

Agricultural, phytochemical <strong>an</strong>d ecological aspects.<br />

CABI. New York. pp. 546-551.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Persicaria maculosa - 297<br />

Craigmill AL, Seawright AA, Mattila T, et al. (1989) Pathological<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in the mammary gl<strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>d biochemical<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in milk of the goat following oral dosing<br />

with leaf of the avocado (Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a). Aust Vet J<br />

66(7):206-211.<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t R, Basson PA, Booker HH, et al. (1991) Cardiomyopathy<br />

caused by avocado (Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a Mill) leaves. J<br />

S Afr Vet Assoc 62(1):21-22.<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t R, Booker HH, Basson PA, et al. (1988) Cardiomyopathies<br />

caused by j<strong>an</strong>uariebos (Gnidia polycephala) <strong>an</strong>d<br />

avocado (Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a) leaves. J S Afr Vet Assoc<br />

59(2):101.<br />

Hargis AM, Stauber E, Casteel S, et al. (1989) Avocado<br />

(Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a) intoxication in caged birds. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 194(1):64-66.<br />

McKenzie RA, Brown OP (1991) Avocado (Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a)<br />

poisoning of horses. Aust Vet J 68(2):77-78.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>i Y, Atwell RB, Seawright AA (1991) The cardiotoxicity<br />

of avocado leaves. Aust Vet J 68(4):150-151.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>i Y, Seawright AA, Ng JC, et al. (1994) The toxicity of<br />

avocado leaves (Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a) for the heart <strong>an</strong>d lactating<br />

mammary gl<strong>an</strong>d of the mouse. In: Colegate SM,<br />

Dorling PR (eds.) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated toxins. Agricultural,<br />

phytochemical <strong>an</strong>d ecological aspects. CABI. New York.<br />

pp. 552-556.<br />

Shlosberg A, Ohad DG, Bellaiche M, et al. (1998) Monitoring<br />

of physiological <strong>an</strong>d pathological ch<strong>an</strong>ges in turkey<br />

poults fed leaves of potentially cardiomyotoxic Nerium<br />

ole<strong>an</strong>der <strong>an</strong>d Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC<br />

(eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI.<br />

New York. pp. 131-136.<br />

Shropshire CM, Stauber E, Arai A (1992) Evaluation of<br />

selected pl<strong>an</strong>ts for acute toxicosis in budgerigars. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 200(7):936-939.<br />

Stadler P, V<strong>an</strong> Rensburg IB, Naudé TE (1991) Suspected<br />

avocado (Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a) poisoning in goats. J S Afr<br />

Vet Assoc 62(4):186-188.<br />

Valeri H, Gimeno F (1953) Estudio fito-quimico toxicologico<br />

de los frutos de aguacate (Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a - C.<br />

Bauhin, Pinax 441, 1623). Rev Med Vet y Parasit Caracas<br />

12(1 & 4):131-165.<br />

Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a Mill. var. guatemalensis (L. O. Williams)<br />

Scora = Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a Mill. var. nubigena (L. O.<br />

Williams) L. E. Kopp<br />

p e r s e a a Me r ic a n a Mill. var. nubigena (L. O.<br />

Williams) L. E. Kopp [Lauraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p ersea americ<strong>an</strong>a Mill. var. guatemalensis (L. O. Williams)<br />

Scora<br />

Citations:<br />

Burger WP, Naudé TW, V<strong>an</strong> Rensburg IB, et al. (1994) Cardiomyopathy<br />

in ostriches (Struthio camelus) due to avocado<br />

(Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a var. guatemalensis) intoxication. J<br />

S Afr Vet Assoc 65(3):113-118.<br />

Craigmill AL, Eide RN, Shultz TA, et al. (1984) Toxicity<br />

of avocado (Persea americ<strong>an</strong>a (Guatamal<strong>an</strong> var))<br />

leaves: Review <strong>an</strong>d preliminary report. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

26(5):381-383.<br />

Persi<strong>an</strong> lilac –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

Persi<strong>an</strong> lime –see– Citrus aur<strong>an</strong>tiifolia (Christm.) Swingle<br />

Persi<strong>an</strong> violet –see– Cyclamen persicum Mill.<br />

Persi<strong>an</strong> walnut –see– Jugl<strong>an</strong>s regia L.<br />

persicaria –see– Persicaria maculosa Gray<br />

p e r s ic a r i a a Mp h i b i a (L.) Delarbre<br />

[Polygonaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p olygonum amphibium L.<br />

Citations:<br />

Salgues R (1961) Le genre Polygonum L. (Polygonacées)<br />

Etudes chimiques et toxicologiques. Les faits hématologiques<br />

de l’empoisonnement expérimental. Qualitas<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t Mat Veg 8:367-395.<br />

p e r s ic a r i a g l a b r a (Willd.) M. Gómez<br />

[Polygonaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p olygonum glabrum Willd.<br />

Common Names:<br />

chiguirera<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

p e r s ic a r i a h y d r o p i p e r (L.) Spach<br />

[Polygonaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p olygonum hydropiper L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

biting persicaria; curage; herbe-de-St. Innocent; marsh<br />

pepper; Pfeffer Knöterich; pirae; poivre d’eau; renonée<br />

âcre; smartweed; Wasserpfeffer; water pepper; water<br />

smartweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

Salgues R (1961) Le genre Polygonum L. (Polygonacées)<br />

Etudes chimiques et toxicologiques. Les faits hématologiques<br />

de l’empoisonnement expérimental. Qualitas<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t Mat Veg 8:367-395.<br />

p e r s ic a r i a Ma c u l o s a Gray [Polygonaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p olygonum persicaria L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Flöhkraut; heart’s-ease; heartweed; lady’s-thumb;<br />

peachwort; persicaria; Pfirsichblättriger Knöterich;<br />

redsh<strong>an</strong>k; spotted smartweed; willow weed

298 - Persicaria nepalensis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Salgues R (1961) Le genre Polygonum L. (Polygonacées)<br />

Etudes chimiques et toxicologiques. Les faits hématologiques<br />

de l’empoisonnement expérimental. Qualitas<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t Mat Veg 8:367-395.<br />

p e r s ic a r i a n e p a l e n s is (Meisn.) H. Gross<br />

[Polygonaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p olygonum nepalense Meisn.<br />

Common Names:<br />

pirae<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

p e r s ic a r i a p u n c Ta Ta (Elliott) Small<br />

[Polygonaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p olygonum punctatum Elliott<br />

Common Names:<br />

catayo; chile-de-perro; herbe-de-bicho; poor-m<strong>an</strong>’spepper;<br />

smartweed; tabaquillo-de-los-rios; water<br />

smartweed; yerba-del-diablo; yerba pic<strong>an</strong>ta<br />

Citations:<br />

Salgues R (1961) Le genre Polygonum L. (Polygonacées)<br />

Etudes chimiques et toxicologiques. Les faits fématologiques<br />

de l’empoisonnement expérimental. Qualitas<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t Mat Veg 8:367-395.<br />

persil sauvage –see– Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nym<strong>an</strong> ex<br />

A. W. Hill<br />

persimmon –see– Diospyros kaki Thunb.; Diospyros<br />

virgini<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

Peru apple –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

perupok –see– Lophopetalum dubium M. Laws.;<br />

Lophopetalum floribundum Wight<br />

Peruvi<strong>an</strong> bark –see– Alstonia constricta F. Muell.<br />

Peruvi<strong>an</strong> creeper –see– Araujia sericifera Brot.<br />

Peruvi<strong>an</strong> rhat<strong>an</strong>y –see– Krameria lappacea (Dombey) Burdet<br />

& B. B. Simpson<br />

pessegueiro bravo –see– Prunus myrtifolia (L.) Urb.<br />

petasites –see– Petasites japonicus (Siebold & Zucc.) Maxim.<br />

p e Ta s i Te s j a p o n ic u s (Siebold & Zucc.) Maxim.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

colt’s-foot; petasites<br />

Citations:<br />

Fushimi K, Kato K, Kato T, et al. (1978) Carcinogenicity of<br />

flower stalks of Petasites japonicus Maxim. in mice <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Syri<strong>an</strong> golden hamsters. Toxicol Lett 1(1978):201-294.<br />

Hirono I, Shimizu M, Fushimi K, et al. (1973) Carcinogenic<br />

activity of Petasites japonicus Maxim., a kind of coltsfoot.<br />

G<strong>an</strong>n 64(Oct):527-528.<br />

Petersilie –see– Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nym<strong>an</strong> ex A.<br />

W. Hill<br />

Petersilienschierling –see– Aethusa cynapium L.<br />

petit médicinier –see– Jatropha multifida L.<br />

petit pignon d’ Inde –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

petite ciguë –see– Aethusa cynapium L.<br />

petite malnommée –see– Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp.<br />

petitgrain –see– Citrus aur<strong>an</strong>tium L.<br />

p e Ti ve r i a a l l i a c e a L. [Phytolaccaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>amú; garlic guineahen weed; guineahen weed<br />

Citations:<br />

Nuñez Bello V, V<strong>an</strong>egas Díaz LA, Torres Gamez JE, et al.<br />

(1983) Caquexia muscular distrofica y su relacion clinico-patologica<br />

con la neurotoxicidad retardada. Rev Inst<br />

Colombi<strong>an</strong>o Agropecuario 18(4):345-353.<br />

pétron –see– Juniperus communis L.<br />

p e Tr o s e l i n u M c r is p u M (Mill.) Nym<strong>an</strong> ex A.<br />

W. Hill [Apiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a pium petroselinum L.; p etroselinum hortense auct.;<br />

p etroselinum sativum Hoffm., nom. nud.<br />

Common Names:<br />

huile-de-persil-sauvage; parsley; persil sauvage;<br />

Petersilie<br />

Citations:<br />

Arai M, Stauber E, Shropshire CM (1992) Evaluation of<br />

selected pl<strong>an</strong>ts for their toxic effects on c<strong>an</strong>aries. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 200(9):1329-1331.<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2001) Herbal infusions used for<br />

induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 39(3):318-319.<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2003) Herbal infusions used for<br />

induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(3):235-239.<br />

Laborde A, Cig<strong>an</strong>da C (1998) Poisoning by herbal infusions<br />

ingested as abortifacient agents. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

36(5):454-455.<br />

Mele V (1968) Sulla intossicazione de prezzemolo usato come<br />

mezzo abortivo. Folia Med (Napoli) 51(8):601-613.<br />

Perelm<strong>an</strong> B, Kuttin ES (1988) Parsley-induced photosensitivity<br />

in ostriches <strong>an</strong>d ducks. Avi<strong>an</strong> Pathol 17(1):183-192.<br />

Str<strong>an</strong>sky L, Ts<strong>an</strong>kov N (1980) Contact dermatitis from parsley<br />

(Petroselinum). Contact Dermatitis 6(17):233-234.<br />

Petroselinum hortense auct. = Petroselinum crispum (Mill.)<br />

Nym<strong>an</strong> ex A. W. Hill<br />

Petroselinum sativum Hoffm., nom. nud. = Petroselinum<br />

crispum (Mill.) Nym<strong>an</strong> ex A. W. Hill<br />

petty morel –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Phalaris aquatica - 299<br />

petty spurge –see– Euphorbia peplus L.<br />

Peuced<strong>an</strong>um graveolens (L.) Benth. & Hook. f. = Anethum<br />

graveolens L.<br />

p e u Mu s b o l d u s Molina [Monimiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

boldo; boldus<br />

Citations:<br />

Piscaglia F, Leoni S, Venturi A, et al. (2005) Caution in the<br />

use of boldo in herbal laxatives: A case of hepatotoxicity.<br />

Sc<strong>an</strong>d J Gastroenterol 40(2):236-239.<br />

Peyolylkaktus –see– Lophophora williamsii (Lem. ex Salm-<br />

Dyck) J. M. Coult.<br />

peyote –see– Lophophora williamsii (Lem. ex Salm-Dyck) J.<br />

M. Coult.<br />

peyote muscal –see– Lophophora williamsii (Lem. ex Salm-<br />

Dyck) J. M. Coult.<br />

Pfaffenhütchen –see– Euonymus europaeus L.<br />

Pfeffer Knöterich –see– Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach<br />

Pfefferminze –see– Mentha ×piperita L. nothosubsp. piperita<br />

Pfefferwurzel –see– Armoracia rustic<strong>an</strong>a P. Gaertn. et al.<br />

Pferdebohne –see– Vicia faba L.<br />

Pferdekast<strong>an</strong>ie –see– Aesculus hippocast<strong>an</strong>um L.<br />

Pfirsich –see– Prunus persica (L.) Batsch<br />

Pfirsichblättriger Knöterich –see– Persicaria maculosa Gray<br />

Pflaume –see– Prunus domestica L.<br />

Phaca c<strong>an</strong>adensis MacMill. = Astragalus c<strong>an</strong>adensis L.<br />

p h a c e l i a b r a c h y l ob a (Benth.) A. Gray<br />

[Boraginaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Munz PA (1932) Dermatitis produced by Phacelia (Hydrophyllaceae).<br />

Science 76(1965):194.<br />

p h a c e l i a c a Mp a n u l a r i a A. Gray<br />

[Boraginaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Munz PA (1932) Dermatitis produced by Phacelia (Hydrophyllaceae).<br />

Science 76(1965):194.<br />

p h a c e l i a c r e n u l a Ta Torr. ex S. Watson<br />

[Boraginaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

desert heliotrope; false heliotrope; rama zorilla; scorpion<br />

weed; skunk bush<br />

Citations:<br />

Berry CZ, Shapiro SI, Dahlen RF (1962) Dermatitis<br />

venenata from Phacelia crenulata. Arch Dermatol<br />

85(Jun):737-739.<br />

Munz PA (1932) Dermatitis produced by Phacelia (Hydrophyllaceae).<br />

Science 76(1965):194.<br />

p h a c e l i a g r a n d i f l o r a (Benth.) A. Gray<br />

[Boraginaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Munz PA (1932) Dermatitis produced by Phacelia (Hydrophyllaceae).<br />

Science 76(1965):194.<br />

p h a c e l i a Mi n o r (Harv.) Thell. [Boraginaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Munz PA (1932) Dermatitis produced by Phacelia (Hydrophyllaceae).<br />

Science 76(1965):194.<br />

p h a c e l i a p e d ic e l l a Ta A. Gray<br />

[Boraginaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Munz PA (1932) Dermatitis produced by Phacelia (Hydrophyllaceae).<br />

Science 76(1965):194.<br />

phalaris –see– Phalaris aquatica L.<br />

p h a l a r is a n g u s Ta Nees ex Trin. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

aveia louca; aveia-de-s<strong>an</strong>gue; timothy c<strong>an</strong>arygrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Gava A, Sousa RS, de Deus MS, et al. (1999) Phalaris<br />

<strong>an</strong>gusta (Gramineae) como causa de enfermidade neurológica<br />

em bovinos no Estado de S<strong>an</strong>ta Catarina. Pesq<br />

Vet Bras 19(1):35-38.<br />

Odriozola E, Campero C, Lopez T, et al. (1991) Neuropathological<br />

effects <strong>an</strong>d deaths of cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep in Argentina<br />

from Phalaris <strong>an</strong>gusta. Vet Hum Toxicol 33(5):465-467.<br />

Sousa RS, Irigoyen LF (1999) Intoxicação experimental por<br />

Phalaris <strong>an</strong>gusta (Gramineae) em bovinos. Pesq Vet Bras<br />

19(3-4):116-122.<br />

p h a l a r is a q u a Tic a L. [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p halaris tuberosa L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> phalaris; c<strong>an</strong>arygrass; falaris; Hardinggrass;<br />

phalaris; ronphagrass; Toowoomba c<strong>an</strong>arygrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Bourke CA, Carrig<strong>an</strong> MJ, Seam<strong>an</strong> JT, et al. (1987) Delayed<br />

development of clinical signs in sheep affected by Phalaris<br />

aquatica staggers. Aust Vet J 64(1):31-32.<br />

Bourke CA, Colegate SM, Rendell D, et al. (2005) Peracute<br />

ammonia toxicity: A consideration in the pathogenesis<br />

of Phalaris aquatica ‘Polioencephalomalacia-like<br />

sudden death’ poisoning of sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Aust Vet J<br />

83(3):168-171.<br />

Bourke CA, Rendell D, Colegate SM (2003) Clinical<br />

observations <strong>an</strong>d differentiation of the peracute<br />

Phalaris aquatica poisoning syndrome in sheep known<br />

as ‘polioencephalomalacia-like sudden death’. Aust Vet J<br />

81(11):698-700.<br />

Del Potro DH, Odriozola ER, Odeon A, et al. (1984) Intoxicacion<br />

de ovinos con falaris. Vet Argent 1(8):763-766.

300 - Phalaris arundinacea D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Gaggino OP, Carrillo BJ (1965) Tembleque del falaris<br />

(Phalaris staggers). IV. Su observación en terneros de<br />

tambo. Idia 206:31-32.<br />

Gaggino OP, Carrillo BJ, Frontera AR (1963) “Phalaris<br />

staggers” su observacion en el sudeste de la provincia de<br />

Buenos Aires. Gaceta Vet 25(150):51-56.<br />

Gaggino OP, Carrillo BJ, Frontera AR (1963) “Tembleque<br />

del falaris” en el sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires.<br />

Idia 182(Feb):10-14.<br />

Gallagher CH, Koch JH, Hoffm<strong>an</strong> H (1967) Deaths of<br />

rumin<strong>an</strong>ts grazing Phalaris tuberosa in Australia. Aust<br />

Vet J 43(Nov):495-500.<br />

Gallagher CH, Koch JH, Moore RM, et al. (1964) Toxicity of<br />

Phalaris tuberosa for sheep. Nature 204(4958):542-545.<br />

Kennedy DJ, Creg<strong>an</strong> PD, Glastonbury JR, et al. (1986)<br />

Poisoning of cattle grazing of a low-alkaloid cultivar of<br />

Phalaris aquatica, Sirol<strong>an</strong>. Aust Vet J 63(3):88-89.<br />

Kerr DR (1972) Rapid death of cattle grazing recently irrigated<br />

Phalaris tuberosa. Aust Vet J 48(7):421.<br />

Lee HJ, Kuchel RE (1953) The aetiology of Phalaris staggers<br />

in sheep. 1. Preliminary observations on the preventative<br />

role of cobalt. Aust J Agric Res 4:88-99.<br />

Lee HJ, Kuchel RE, Trowbridge RF (1956) The aetiology<br />

of Phalaris staggers in sheep. II. The toxicity to sheep of<br />

three types of pasture containing Phalaris tuberosa. Aust<br />

J Agric Res 7:333-344.<br />

Le Souef HD (1948) Poisoning of sheep by Phalaris tuberosa.<br />

Vet J 24(J<strong>an</strong>):12-13.<br />

McDonald IW (1942) A “staggers” syndrome in sheep <strong>an</strong>d<br />

cattle associated with grazing on Phalaris tuberosa. Aust<br />

Vet J 18(Oct):182-189.<br />

Milne JA (1955) The occurrence of Phalaris staggers in sheep.<br />

N Z Vet J 3:119-121.<br />

Monteseirín J, Pérez-Formoso JL, Sánchez-Hernández<br />

MC, et al. (2002) Occupational contact dermatitis from<br />

c<strong>an</strong>ary-grass seed. Contact Dermatitis 47(4):247.<br />

Moore RM, Arnold GW, Hutchings RJ, et al. (1961) Poisoning<br />

of Merino sheep on Phalaris tuberosa L. pastures.<br />

Aust J Sci 24:88-89.<br />

Moore RM, Hutchings RJ (1967) Mortalities among sheep<br />

grazing Phalaris tuberosa. Aust J Exp Agric Anim Husb<br />

7(24):17-21.<br />

Southcott WH (1956) Observations on Phalaris staggers in<br />

sheep. Aust Vet J 32(9):225-228.<br />

Watson ER (1956) An outbreak of Phalaris staggers in sheep<br />

at Kojonuj, Western Australia. J Aust Inst Agric Sci<br />

22:209-211.<br />

p h a l a r is a r u n d i n a c e a L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gardener’s-garters; reed c<strong>an</strong>arygrass; reed phalaris; ribbongrass;<br />

str<strong>an</strong>drøyr<br />

Citations:<br />

Bergeron JM, Jodoin L (1985) Fiabilité des mesures de<br />

poids et d’examens histopathologiques d<strong>an</strong>s les études<br />

d’intoxication du campagnol des champs (Microtus<br />

pennsylv<strong>an</strong>icus). C<strong>an</strong> J Zool 63(4):804-810.<br />

Marten GC, Jord<strong>an</strong> RM, Hovin AW (1981) Improved<br />

lamb perform<strong>an</strong>ce associated with breeding for alkaloid<br />

reduction in reed c<strong>an</strong>arygrass. Crop Sci 21(Mar-<br />

Apr):295-298.<br />

Simpson BH, Jolly RD, Thomas SH (1969) Phalaris arundinacea<br />

as a cause of deaths <strong>an</strong>d inco-ordination in sheep. N<br />

Z Vet J 17(12):240-244.<br />

Ulvund MJ (1985) Chronic poisoning in a lamb grazing<br />

Phalaris arundinacea. Acta Vet Sc<strong>an</strong>d 26(2):286-288.<br />

Ulvund MJ (1985) Incoordination <strong>an</strong>d hyperexcitability in a<br />

lamb grazing Phalaris arundinacea in southwestern Norway.<br />

Nord Vet Med 37(4):259-260.<br />

p h a l a r is c a n a r i e n s is L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

birdseedgrass; c<strong>an</strong>arygrass<br />

Citations:<br />

East NE, Higgins RJ (1988) C<strong>an</strong>ary grass (Phalaris sp)<br />

toxicosis in sheep in California. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

192(5):667-669.<br />

p h a l a r is c a r o l i n i a n a Walter [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Carolina c<strong>an</strong>arygrass; Maygrass; southern<br />

c<strong>an</strong>arygrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Nicholson SS, Olcott BM, Usenik EA, et al. (1989) Delayed<br />

Phalaris grass toxicosis in sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 195(3):345-346.<br />

p h a l a r is c o e r u l e s c e n s Desf. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue c<strong>an</strong>arygrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Colegate SM, Anderton N, Edgar J, et al. (1999) Suspected<br />

blue c<strong>an</strong>ary grass (Phalaris coerulescens) poisoning of<br />

horses. Aust Vet J 77(8):537-538.<br />

p h a l a r is Mi n o r Retz. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

little-seed C<strong>an</strong>arygrass; Mediterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong> c<strong>an</strong>arygrass;<br />

wild c<strong>an</strong>arygrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Mendel VE, Crenshaw GL, Baker NF, et al. (1969) Staggers<br />

in pastured cattle. J Am Vet Med Assoc 154(7):769-772.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Halderen A, Green JR, Schneider DJ (1990) An outbreak<br />

of suspected Phalaris staggers in sheep in the Western<br />

Cape province. J S Afr Vet Assoc 61(1):39-40.<br />

p h a l a r is p a r a d o x a L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gnawed c<strong>an</strong>arygrass; paradoxagrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Bourke CA, Colegate SM, Slattery S, et al. (2003) Suspected<br />

Phalaris paradoxa (paradoxa grass) poisoning in horses.<br />

Aust Vet J 81(10):635-637.<br />

Phalaris tuberosa L. = Phalaris aquatica L.<br />

ph<strong>an</strong> saat –see– Erythrophleum succirubrum Gagnep.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Phaseolus vulgaris - 301<br />

p h a s e o l u s a c u Ti f o l i u s A. Gray [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

white tepary be<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, More LJ, McKenzie NH, et al. (1995) Nutritional<br />

<strong>an</strong>d haemagglutination properties of several tropical<br />

seeds. J Agric Sci 124:437-445.<br />

p h a s e o l u s c o c c i n e u s L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Bohne; Feuerbohne; Gartenbohne; Kapuziner Bohne;<br />

runner be<strong>an</strong>; scarlet runner be<strong>an</strong>; seven-years’-be<strong>an</strong>;<br />

Turkische Bohne<br />

Citations:<br />

Faschingbauer H, Kofler L (1929) Ueber Giftwirkung von<br />

rohen Bohnen und Bohnenkeimlingen. Wien Klin<br />

Wochenschr 42(33):1069-1072.<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, More LJ, McKenzie NH, et al. (1995) Nutritional<br />

<strong>an</strong>d haemagglutination properties of several tropical<br />

seeds. J Agric Sci 124:437-445.<br />

Haidvogl M, Fritsch G, Grubbauer HM (1979) Vergiftung<br />

durch rohe Gartenbohnen (Phaseolus vulgaris und<br />

Phaseolus coccineus) im Kindesalter. Paediat Paedol<br />

14(3):293-296.<br />

Naray<strong>an</strong> S, S<strong>an</strong>som JE (2002) Contact urticaria from runner<br />

be<strong>an</strong> (Phaseolus coccineus). Contact Dermatitis 47(4):243.<br />

p h a s e o l u s l u n a Tu s L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Burma be<strong>an</strong>; butter be<strong>an</strong>; double be<strong>an</strong>; haricot-de-lima;<br />

haricot-du-cap; hibbert be<strong>an</strong>; Java be<strong>an</strong>; Javabohne;<br />

lima be<strong>an</strong>; Mondbohne; R<strong>an</strong>goon be<strong>an</strong>; R<strong>an</strong>goonbohne;<br />

Sieva be<strong>an</strong>; sugar be<strong>an</strong>; white Indi<strong>an</strong> be<strong>an</strong>; wild<br />

lima be<strong>an</strong>; wild sieva be<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1941) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1941:62-63.<br />

Damm<strong>an</strong>n C, Behrens MD (1906) Massenvergiftungen von<br />

Pferden, Rindern, und Schweinen durch blausäurenhaltige<br />

Bohnen. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr 14(1):1-4.<br />

Hove EL, King S, Hill GD (1978) Composition, protein<br />

quality, <strong>an</strong>d toxins of seeds of the grain legumes Glycine<br />

max, Lupinus spp., Phaseolus spp., Pisum sativum, <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Vicia faba. N Z J Agric Res 21:457-462.<br />

Jaffé WG (1950) Estudio sobre la inhibición del crecimeniento<br />

de ratas causado por algunas semillas de leguminosas.<br />

Acta Cient Venez 1(2):62-64.<br />

Montgomery RD (1964) Observations on the cy<strong>an</strong>ide content<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicity of tropical pulses. West Indi<strong>an</strong> Med J<br />

13(1):1-11.<br />

Mosselm<strong>an</strong> G (1906) Empoissonement de bêtes bovines<br />

par les graines de haricot de Lima (Phaseolus lunatus) et<br />

recherches sur la toxicité de cette pl<strong>an</strong>te comestible. Ann<br />

Med Vet 55:141-153.<br />

Ologhobo A, Mosenthin R, Alaka OO (2003) Histological<br />

alterations in the internal org<strong>an</strong>s of growing chicks from<br />

feeding raw jackbe<strong>an</strong> or limabe<strong>an</strong> seeds. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

45(1):10-13.<br />

Robertson A, Wijnne AJ (1905) Blauwzuurvergifting<br />

na gebruik v<strong>an</strong> kratokboonen. Pharm Weekbl<br />

42(19):393-399.<br />

p h a s e o l u s v u l g a r is L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

be<strong>an</strong>; black be<strong>an</strong>; black kidney be<strong>an</strong>; Bohne; caraotas<br />

rosadas; field be<strong>an</strong>; French be<strong>an</strong>; Gartenbohne; green<br />

be<strong>an</strong>; Grüne Bohne; haricot be<strong>an</strong>; kidney be<strong>an</strong>; Natal<br />

round yellow be<strong>an</strong>; navy be<strong>an</strong>; ornamental French<br />

be<strong>an</strong>; pinto be<strong>an</strong>; red be<strong>an</strong>; red kidney be<strong>an</strong>; red Mexic<strong>an</strong><br />

be<strong>an</strong>; red navy be<strong>an</strong>; Speisebohnen; string be<strong>an</strong>;<br />

wax be<strong>an</strong>; white be<strong>an</strong>; V<strong>an</strong> Zyl sugar be<strong>an</strong>; V<strong>an</strong> Zyl<br />

suikerboontjie; yellow wax be<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Begbie R, King TP (1981) The nutritional toxicity of the<br />

seed lectins of Phaseolus vulgaris in the pig. Biochem Soc<br />

Tr<strong>an</strong>s 9:145.<br />

Bulavenko LS (1965) [A case of poisoning by seeds of the<br />

ornamental French be<strong>an</strong>.] Gig S<strong>an</strong>it 30(10):90-91.<br />

Carmalt J, Rosel KP, Burns T, et al. (2003) Suspected white<br />

kidney be<strong>an</strong> (Phaseolus vulgaris) toxicity in horses <strong>an</strong>d<br />

cattle. Aust Vet J 81(11):674-676.<br />

Desai ID (1966) Effect of kidney be<strong>an</strong>s (Phaseolus vulgaris)<br />

on plasma tocopherol-level <strong>an</strong>d its relation to nutritional<br />

muscular dystrophy in the chick. Nature 209(5025):810.<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, Dorward PM, Buch<strong>an</strong> W (1995) Consumption of<br />

diets containing raw soya be<strong>an</strong>s (Glycine max), kidney<br />

be<strong>an</strong>s (Phaseolus vulgaris), cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata)<br />

or lupin seeds (Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius) by rats up to 700<br />

days: Effects on body composition <strong>an</strong>d org<strong>an</strong> weights. Br<br />

J Nutr 73(1):17-29.<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, Dorward PM, Pusztai A (1993) P<strong>an</strong>creatic enlargement<br />

is evident in rats fed diets containing raw soybe<strong>an</strong>s<br />

(Glycine max) or cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata) for 800<br />

days but not in those fed diets <strong>based</strong> on kidney be<strong>an</strong>s<br />

(Phaseolus vulgaris) or lupinseed (Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius).<br />

J Nutr 123(12):2207-2215.<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, More LJ, McKenzie NH, et al. (1995) Nutritional<br />

<strong>an</strong>d haemagglutination properties of several tropical<br />

seeds. J Agric Sci 124:437-445.<br />

Greer F, Brewer AC, Pusztai A (1985) Effect of kidney be<strong>an</strong><br />

(Phaseolus vulgaris) toxin on tissue weight <strong>an</strong>d composition<br />

<strong>an</strong>d some metabolic functions of rats. Br J Nutr 54(1):95-103.<br />

Griebel C (1950) Erkr<strong>an</strong>kungen durch Bohnenflocken<br />

(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) und Platterbsen (Lathyrus tingit<strong>an</strong>us<br />

L.). Z Lebensm Unters Forsch 90:191-197.<br />

Haidvogl M, Fritsch G, Grubbauer HM (1979) Vergiftung<br />

durch rohe Gartenbohnen (Phaseolus vulgaris und Phaseolus<br />

coccineus) im Kindesalter. Paediat Paedol 14(3):293-296.<br />

Hintz HF, Hogue DE, Krook L (1967) Toxicity of red kidney<br />

be<strong>an</strong>s (Phaseolus vulgaris) in the rat. J Nutr 93(1):77-86.<br />

Hove EL, King S, Hill GD (1978) Composition, protein<br />

quality, <strong>an</strong>d toxins of seeds of the grain legumes Glycine<br />

max, Lupinus spp., Phaseolus spp., Pisum sativum, <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Vicia faba. N Z J Agric Res 21:457-462.<br />

Jaffé WG (1949) Toxicity of raw kidney-be<strong>an</strong>s. Experientia<br />

5:81.<br />

Jaffé WG (1950) Estudio sobre la inhibición del crecimeniento<br />

de ratas causado por algunas semillas de leguminosas.<br />

Acta Cient Venez 1(2):62-64.

302 - Philodendron bipinnatifidum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Jaffé WG (1950) La toxicidad de las caraotas crudas para<br />

conejos. Acta Cient Venez 1(1):16-17.<br />

Jayne-Williams DJ, Burgess CD (1974) Further observations<br />

on the toxicity of navy be<strong>an</strong>s (Phaseolus vulgaris)<br />

for Jap<strong>an</strong>ese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). J Appl<br />

Bact 37(1):149-169.<br />

Jayne-Williams DJ, Hewitt D (1972) The relationship<br />

between the intestinal microflora <strong>an</strong>d the effects of diets<br />

containing raw navy be<strong>an</strong>s (Phaseolus vulgaris) on the<br />

growth of Jap<strong>an</strong>ese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). J<br />

Appl Bact 35(2):331-344.<br />

Kakade ML, Keahey KK, Whitehair CK, et al. (1965) Morphological<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in rats fed navy be<strong>an</strong>s. Proc Soc Exp<br />

Biol Med 119(4):934-937.<br />

Kerk P (1973) Diarree bij varkens door voerbonen (Phaseolus<br />

species). Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 98:1230-1233.<br />

King TP, Begbie R, Cadenhead A (1983) Nutritional toxicity<br />

of raw kidney be<strong>an</strong>s in pigs. Immunocytochemical <strong>an</strong>d<br />

cytopathological studies on the gut <strong>an</strong>d the p<strong>an</strong>creas. J Sci<br />

Food Agric 34(12):1404-1412.<br />

Konishi T, Ichijo S (1970) [Clinical studies on be<strong>an</strong>-hulls<br />

poisoning in horses. I. Clinical <strong>an</strong>d biochemical observations<br />

in spont<strong>an</strong>eous cases.] Res Bull Obihiro Zootech<br />

Univ 6:242-257.<br />

Konishi T, Ichijo S (1970) [Clinical studies on be<strong>an</strong>-hulls<br />

poisoning of horse. III. Experimental feeding of poisonous<br />

be<strong>an</strong>-hull in rabbit.] Res Bull Obihiro Zootech Univ<br />

6:275-282.<br />

Konishi T, Ichijo S (1970) [Clinical studies on poisoning by<br />

be<strong>an</strong> pods in horses. II. Clinical <strong>an</strong>d biochemical observations<br />

in experimental cases.] Res Bull Obihiro Zootech<br />

Univ 6:258-273.<br />

Loosli JK, Krook L, Hintz HF, et al. (1964) The nature of<br />

kidney be<strong>an</strong> (Phaseolus vulgaris) toxicity in the rat. Fed<br />

Proc 23:500.<br />

Montgomery RD (1964) Observations on the cy<strong>an</strong>ide content<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicity of tropical pulses. West Indi<strong>an</strong> Med J<br />

13(1):1-11.<br />

Nehring K, Laube W (1962) Untersuchungen über Schadensfälle<br />

nach Verfütterung von Speisebohnen (Phaseolus vulgaris)<br />

<strong>an</strong> Rinder und Schweine. Monatsh Veterinarmed<br />

17:888-890.<br />

Noah ND, Bender AE, Reaidi GB, et al. (1980) Food poisoning<br />

from raw kidney be<strong>an</strong>s. Br Med J 281(6234):236-237.<br />

Paleček F (1969) Pulmonary damage in rats fed by be<strong>an</strong>s<br />

(Phaseolus vulgaris). Experientia 25(3):285.<br />

Pusztai A (1980) Nutritional toxicity of the kidney be<strong>an</strong><br />

(Phaseolus vulgaris). Anim Nutr Allied Sci Annu Rep<br />

Studies 36:110-118.<br />

Rattray EA, Palmer R, Pusztai A (1974) Toxicity of kidney<br />

be<strong>an</strong>s (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to conventional <strong>an</strong>d gnotobiotic<br />

rats. J Sci Food Agric 25(8):1035-1040.<br />

Rodhouse JC, Haugh CA, Roberts D, et al. (1990) Red<br />

kidney be<strong>an</strong> poisoning in the UK: An <strong>an</strong>alysis of 50<br />

suspected incidents between 1976 <strong>an</strong>d 1989. Epidemiol<br />

Infect 105(3):485-491.<br />

Toro F, Benshimol AL, Gonzalez Elorriaga M, et al. (1992)<br />

Spleen <strong>an</strong>d thymus histology <strong>an</strong>d proliferative response of<br />

splenic cells in rats fed raw <strong>an</strong>d cooked Phaseolus vulgaris<br />

be<strong>an</strong>s. Arch Latinoam Nutr 42(4):395-402.<br />

Ueda A, Ono T, Yamigawa S (1967) [Neurohistopathological<br />

studies on be<strong>an</strong>-hulls poisoning of horses.] Res Bull<br />

Obihiro Zootech Univ 5(2):149-154.<br />

Untawale GG, McGinnis J (1979) Effect of rye <strong>an</strong>d levels of<br />

raw <strong>an</strong>d autoclaved be<strong>an</strong>s (Phaseolus vulgaris) on adhesion<br />

of microflora to the intestinal mucosa. Poult Sci<br />

58(4):928-933.<br />

Wagh PV, Klaustermeier DF, Waibel PE, et al. (1963) Nutritive<br />

value of red kidney be<strong>an</strong>s (Phaseolus vulgaris) for<br />

chicks. J Nutr 80:191-195.<br />

Note:<br />

Be<strong>an</strong> is named Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. vulgaris in<br />

some publications.<br />

pheas<strong>an</strong>t’s-eye –see– Adonis <strong>an</strong>nua L.; Adonis microcarpa<br />

DC.<br />

philodendron –see– Philodendron bipinnatifidum Schott ex<br />

Endl.; Philodendron hederaceum (Jacq.) Schott<br />

p h i l o d e n d r o n b i p i n n a Ti f i d u M Schott ex<br />

Endl. [Araceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p hilodendron selloum K. Koch<br />

Common Names:<br />

easy tree philodendron; lace-tree Philodendron; philodendron;<br />

saddleleaf<br />

Citations:<br />

Paulsen E (1998) Occupational dermatitis in D<strong>an</strong>ish gardeners<br />

<strong>an</strong>d greenhouse workers (II). Etiological factors. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 38(1):14-19.<br />

p h i l o d e n d r o n c o n s a n g u i n e u M Schott<br />

[Araceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Engel S, Horn K (1972) Phytodermatosen durch Dictamnus<br />

alba, S<strong>an</strong>icula europaea und Phyllodendron cons<strong>an</strong>guineum.<br />

Dermatol Monatsschr 158(1):22-27.<br />

Philodendron cordatum hort. = Philodendron hederaceum<br />

(Jacq.) Schott<br />

p h i l o d e n d r o n h e d e r a c e u M (Jacq.) Schott<br />

[Araceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p hilodendron cordatum hort.; p hilodendron sc<strong>an</strong>dens<br />

K. Koch & Sello; p hilodendron sc<strong>an</strong>dens K. Koch &<br />

Sello subsp. oxycardium (Schott) G. S. Bunting<br />

Common Names:<br />

cordatum; heart-leaf ivy; heart-leaf philodendron; parlor<br />

ivy; philodendron; sweetheart pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Ayres S Jr, Ayres S 3rd (1958) Philodendron as a cause of<br />

contact dermatitis. Arch Dermatol 78(3):330-333.<br />

Dorsey C (1958) Philodendron dermatitis. Calif Med<br />

88(4):329-330.<br />

Fernández de Corres L, Corrales JL, Muñoz D, et al. (1984)<br />

Dermatitis alérgicas de contacto por pl<strong>an</strong>tas. Allergol<br />

Immunopathol (Madr) 12(4):313-319.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Phyll<strong>an</strong>thus abnormis - 303<br />

Hammershøy O, Verdich J (1980) Allergic contact dermatitis<br />

from Philodendron sc<strong>an</strong>dens Koch et Sello subsp oxycardium<br />

(Schott) Bunting (“Philodendron sc<strong>an</strong>dens cordatum”).<br />

Contact Dermatitis 6(2):95-99.<br />

Harris JH (1942) Dermatitis of the eyelids due to philodendron<br />

(Sc<strong>an</strong>dens cardatum) pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Arch Derm Syphilol<br />

45:1066-1068.<br />

Knight TE (1991) Philodendron-induced dermatitis:<br />

Report of cases <strong>an</strong>d review of the literature. Cutis<br />

48(5):375-378.<br />

Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD (2001) Toxidromes<br />

associated with the most common pl<strong>an</strong>t ingestions. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(6):366-369.<br />

p h i l o d e n d r o n l a c e r u M (Jacq.) Schott<br />

[Araceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Knight TE (1991) Philodendron-induced dermatitis:<br />

Report of cases <strong>an</strong>d review of the literature. Cutis<br />

48(5):375-378.<br />

Philodendron sc<strong>an</strong>dens K. Koch & Sello = Philodendron<br />

hederaceum (Jacq.) Schott<br />

Philodendron sc<strong>an</strong>dens K. Koch & Sello subsp. oxycardium<br />

(Schott) G. S. Bunting = Philodendron hederaceum<br />

(Jacq.) Schott<br />

Philodendron selloum K. Koch = Philodendron<br />

bipinnatifidum Schott ex Endl.<br />

p h l e u M p r a Te n s e L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

timothy<br />

Citations:<br />

Bergeron JM, Jodoin L (1985) Fiabilité des mesures de<br />

poids et d’examens histopathologiques d<strong>an</strong>s les études<br />

d’intoxication du campagnol des champs (Microtus<br />

pennsylv<strong>an</strong>icus). C<strong>an</strong> J Zool 63(4):804-810.<br />

Mitchell JH, Mitchell WF (1945) Season dermatitis due<br />

to the albumin fraction of timothy pollen. J Allergy<br />

16:48-50.<br />

phlomos –see– Euphorbia characias L.<br />

p h o e n i x d a c Ty l i f e r a L. [Arecaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

date palm<br />

Citations:<br />

Gonzalo MA, Moneo I, Ventas P, et al. (1997) Immediate<br />

hypersensitivity reaction to date. Allergy<br />

52(5):598-599.<br />

Kwaasi AA, Harfi HA, Parhar RS, et al. (1999) Allergy to<br />

date fruits: Characterization of <strong>an</strong>tigens <strong>an</strong>d allergens of<br />

fruits of the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.). Allergy<br />

54(12):1270-1277.<br />

Kwaasi AA, Harfi HA, Parhar RS, et al. (2002) Crossreactivities<br />

between date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.)<br />

polypeptides <strong>an</strong>d foods implicated in the oral allergy syndrome.<br />

Allergy 57(6):508-518.<br />

Phoradendron (Pursh) flavescens Nutt. ex A. Gray =<br />

Phoradendron leucarpum (Raf.) Reveal & M. C. Johnst.<br />

Phoradendron latifolium Griseb. = Phoradendron piperoides<br />

(Kunth) Trel.<br />

p h o r a d e n d r o n l e u c a r p u M (Raf.) Reveal<br />

& M. C. Johnst. [S<strong>an</strong>talaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p horadendron flavescens (Pursh) Nutt. ex A. Gray;<br />

p horadendron serotinum (Raf.) M. C. Johnst.; p horadendron<br />

tomentosum (DC.) A. Gray<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> mistletoe; Christmas mistletoe; eastern mistletoe;<br />

false mistletoe; faux gui américain; misteltoe;<br />

Texas mistletoe<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1984) Boy sickened by mistletoe. Associated<br />

Press. Dec 16<br />

Buster OC (1887-1888) Poisoning by mistletoe (Viscum flavescens).<br />

Texas Courier Record Med 5:218-219.<br />

Hall AH, Spoerke DG, Rumack BH (1986) Assessing mistletoe<br />

toxicity. Ann Emerg Med 15(11):1320-1323.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>zlik PJ, French WO (1924) The pharmacology of Phoradendron<br />

flavescens (Americ<strong>an</strong> mistletoe). J Pharmacol<br />

Exp Ther 23(4):269-306.<br />

Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD, Aronis J (1997) Americ<strong>an</strong> mistletoe<br />

exposure. Am J Emerg Med 15(5):516-520.<br />

Moore HW (1963) Mistletoe poisoning. A review of the<br />

available literature, <strong>an</strong>d the report of a case of probable<br />

fatal poisoning. J S C Med Assoc 59(8):269-271.<br />

Spiller HA, Willias DB, Gorm<strong>an</strong> SE, et al. (1996) Retrospective<br />

study of mistletoe ingestion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

34(4):405-408.<br />

p h o r a d e n d r o n p i p e r o i d e s (Kunth) Trel.<br />

[S<strong>an</strong>talaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p horadendron latifolium Griseb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

erva-de-passarinho; mistletoe<br />

Citations:<br />

Queiroz-Neto A, Hubner DV, Cortez DA, et al. (1985)<br />

Avaliação da toxicidade do chá de erva-de-passarinho<br />

(Phoradendron latifolium). Ars Vet 1(1):9-16.<br />

Phoradendron serotinum (Raf.) M. C. Johnst. =<br />

Phoradendron leucarpum (Raf.) Reveal & M. C. Johnst.<br />

Phoradendron tomentosum (DC.) A. Gray = Phoradendron<br />

leucarpum (Raf.) Reveal & M. C. Johnst.<br />

p h y l l a n Th u s a b n o r Mis Baill.<br />

[Phyll<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

abnormal leaf flower; abnormal leg flower; leaf flower;<br />


304 - Phyll<strong>an</strong>thus emblica D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Mathews FP (1941) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Davis Mountains.<br />

Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 54:93.<br />

Mathews FP (1945) The toxicity of a spurge (Phyll<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

abnormis) for cattle, sheep, <strong>an</strong>d goats. Cornell Vet<br />

35(Oct):336-346.<br />

p h y l l a n Th u s e Mb l ic a L. [Phyll<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Emblica officinalis Gaertn.<br />

Common Names:<br />

amila<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

p h y s a l is l o n g i f o l i a Nutt. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ground cherry; husk tomato<br />

Citations:<br />

Pammel LH (1919) Ground cherry leaves supposed to be<br />

poisonous. Am J Vet Med 14:606.<br />

physicnut –see– Cnidoscolus urens (L.) Arthur; Jatropha curcas<br />

L.; Jatropha gossypiifolia L.; Jatropha multifida L.; Jatropha<br />

podagrica Hook.<br />

phytolacca –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

p h y To l a c c a a c i n o s a Roxb. [Phytolaccaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p hytolacca esculenta V<strong>an</strong> Houtte<br />

Citations:<br />

Ota T, Shiraishi H, Uemura A, et al. (1967) [Poisoning by<br />

the pl<strong>an</strong>t Phytolacca esculenta v<strong>an</strong> Houtte.] J Jpn Vet<br />

Med Assoc 20:291-292.<br />

p h y To l a c c a a Me r ic a n a L. [Phytolaccaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p hytolacca dec<strong>an</strong>dra L.; p hytolacca rigida Small<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> c<strong>an</strong>cer; Americ<strong>an</strong> nightshade; c<strong>an</strong>cer jalap;<br />

c<strong>an</strong>cerroot; chongras; coakum; crowberry; garget;<br />

inkberry; jalap; Kermesbeere; phytolacca; phytolaque<br />

rouge; pigeonberry; poc<strong>an</strong>; poc<strong>an</strong> bush; poke; pokeberry;<br />

pokeroot; pokesalad; pokeweed; red ink pl<strong>an</strong>t;<br />

red pokeweed; redweed; Scharlachbeere; skoke; Virginia<br />

poke<br />

Citations:<br />

Barker BE, Farnes P, La Marche PH (1966) Peripheral blood<br />

plasmacytosis following systemic exposure to Phytolacca<br />

americ<strong>an</strong>a (pokeweed). Pediatrics 38(3):490-493.<br />

Barker BE, Farnes P, La Marche PH (1967) Haematological<br />

effects of pokeweed. L<strong>an</strong>cet 1(Feb 25):437.<br />

Barnett BD (1975) Toxicity of pokeberries (fruit of Phytolacca<br />

americ<strong>an</strong>a Large) for turkey poults. Poult Sci<br />

54(4):1215-1217.<br />

Brooker J, Obar C, Courtem<strong>an</strong>che L (2001) A fatality from<br />

Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a (pokeweed) root ingestion. J Toxicol<br />

Clin Toxicol 39(5):549-550.<br />

Callah<strong>an</strong> R, Piccola F, Gensheimer K, et al. (1981) Pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

poisonings - New Jersey. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly<br />

Rep 30(6):65-67.<br />

Collins HL, McClung M, Spyker DA (1980) Poke - Poison<br />

or poultice. Vet Hum Toxicol 22:364.<br />

Edwards N, Rodgers GC (1982) Pokeberry p<strong>an</strong>cake breakfast<br />

- or - It’s gonna be a great day! Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

24(Suppl):135-137.<br />

French C (1900) Pokeroot poisoning. New York Med J<br />

72(Oct 13):653-654.<br />

Guthrie A (1887) Poisoning by poke root. JAMA 9:125.<br />

Hamilton RJ, Shih RD, Hoffm<strong>an</strong> RS (1995) Mobitz type I<br />

heart block after pokeweed ingestion. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

37(1):66-67.<br />

Jaeckle KA, Freem<strong>an</strong> FR (1981) Pokeweed poisoning. South<br />

Med J 74(5):639-640.<br />

Kingsbury JM, Hillm<strong>an</strong> RB (1965) Pokeweed (Phytolacca)<br />

poisoning in a dairy herd. Cornell Vet 55(4):534-538.<br />

Krenzelok EP, Mrvos R, Jacobsen TD (2002) Contrary to<br />

the literature, vomiting is not a common m<strong>an</strong>ifestation<br />

with pl<strong>an</strong>t exposures. Vet Hum Toxicol 44(5):298-300.<br />

Lawrence RA (1990) The clinical effect of pokeweed root<br />

ingestion upon 32 adults. Am Assoc Poison Control Centers<br />

1990:116.<br />

Lewis WH, Smith PR (1979) Poke root herbal tea poisoning.<br />

JAMA 242(25):2759-2760.<br />

Matyunas NJ, Rodgers GC Jr (1985) Evaluation of pokeberry<br />

ingestion in children. Vet Hum Toxicol 28(4):298.<br />

Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD (2001) Toxidromes<br />

associated with the most common pl<strong>an</strong>t ingestions. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(6):366-369.<br />

Musgrove WC (1858) Poisoning by Phytolaccoe radix<br />

(poke root) - Four cases. Southern Med Surg J<br />

14(Apr):230-231.<br />

Patterson FD (1929) Pokeweed causes heavy losses in swine<br />

herd. Vet Med 24(Mar):114.<br />

Peixoto PV, Wouters F, Lemos RA, et al. (1997) Phytolacca<br />

dec<strong>an</strong>dra poisoning in sheep in southern Brazil. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 39(5):302-303.<br />

Roberge R, Brader E, Martin ML, et al. (1986) The root<br />

of evil - Pokeweed intoxication. Ann Emerg Med<br />

15(4):470-473.<br />

Rodgers GC (1984) Pokeroot poisoning: Report of two cases<br />

<strong>an</strong>d a review of literature. Vet Hum Toxicol 26(Suppl<br />

2):52-53.<br />

Smith GW, Constable PD (2002) Suspected pokeweed toxicity<br />

in a Boer goat. Vet Hum Toxicol 44(6):351-353.<br />

Stein ZL (1979) Pokeweed-induced gastroenteritis. Am J<br />

Hosp Pharm 36(10):1303.<br />

White GR (1902) Phytolacca poisoning in cattle. Am Vet<br />

Rev 26:339-340.<br />

Phytolacca dec<strong>an</strong>dra L. = Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

p h y To l a c c a d io ic a L. [Phytolaccaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bella sombra; packalacca; umbu

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Pieris japonica - 305<br />

Citations:<br />

Storie GJ, McKenzie RA, Fraser IR (1992) Suspected packalacca<br />

(Phytolacca dioica) poisoning of cattle <strong>an</strong>d chickens.<br />

Aust Vet J 69(1):21-22.<br />

p h y To l a c c a d o d e c a n d r a L’Her.<br />

[Phytolaccaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hoko<br />

Citations:<br />

Ephraim M, Alemshet WA, Tesfaye L, et al. (1979) Studies<br />

on the toxicity of Phytolacca dodec<strong>an</strong>dra to Ethiopi<strong>an</strong><br />

Highl<strong>an</strong>d sheep. Bull Anim Health Prod Afr 27:79-86.<br />

Mettam RW (1939) Poisoning by Phytolacca dodec<strong>an</strong>dra<br />

L’Herit. Family: Phytolaccaceae. Vet J 95:135-138.<br />

Mugera GM (1970) Phytolacca dodec<strong>an</strong>dra L’Herit toxicity in<br />

livestock in Kenya. Bull Epizootic Dis Afr 18(1):41-43.<br />

Phytolacca esculenta V<strong>an</strong> Houtte = Phytolacca acinosa Roxb.<br />

Phytolacca rigida Small = Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

phytolaque rouge –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

pica pica –see– Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

p ic e a a b i e s (L.) H. Karst. [Pinaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p icea excelsa (Lam.) Link<br />

Common Names:<br />

balsam-of-spruce; Fichte<br />

Citations:<br />

Fregert S, Rorsm<strong>an</strong> H (1963) Hypersensitivity to balsam of<br />

pine <strong>an</strong>d spruce. Arch Dermatol 87(Jun):693-695.<br />

Picea excelsa (Lam.) Link = Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.<br />

pickaback pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Tolmiea menziesii Torr. & A. Gray<br />

p ic r a d e n io p s is o p p o s i Ti f o l i a (Nutt.)<br />

Rydb. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b ahia oppositifolia (Nutt.) DC.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Bahia; plains Bahia<br />

Citations:<br />

Deem AW, Thorp F Jr, Durrell LW (1939) R<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>t newly<br />

found to be poisonous. Science 89(May 12):435.<br />

pie-de-grifo –see– Helleborus foetidus L.<br />

pie-de-niño –see– Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus tithymaloides (L.) Poit.<br />

picry –see– Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

pie melon –see– Citrullus l<strong>an</strong>atus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai<br />

pie pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Rheum ×hybridum Murray<br />

pied-de-veau –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

pied m<strong>an</strong>go –see– M<strong>an</strong>gifera indica L.<br />

pieris –see– Pieris japonica (Thunb.) D. Don ex G. Don<br />

p i e r is f l o r i b u n d a (Pursh) Benth. & Hook. f.<br />

[Ericaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a ndromeda floribunda Pursh<br />

Common Names:<br />

fetterbush; mountain fetterbush; mountain pieris<br />

Citations:<br />

Taylor H (1918) Poisoning by Andromeda floribunda. Vet<br />

Rec 30(1545):335-336.<br />

p i e r is f o r Mo s a (Wall.) D. Don [Ericaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Holl<strong>an</strong>ds RD, Hughes MC (1986) Pieris formos<strong>an</strong>um poisoning<br />

in the goat. Vet Rec 118(14):407-408.<br />

p i e r is j a p o n ic a (Thunb.) D. Don ex G. Don<br />

[Ericaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese pieris; lily-of-the-valley bush; pieris<br />

Citations:<br />

Brahm E, Buntenkötter S, Sim<strong>an</strong>owski W (1973) Vergiftungen<br />

von wiederkäuenden Paarhufern durch Ericaceen im Dormunder<br />

Tierpark. In: Ippen R et al. (eds.) Erkr<strong>an</strong>k der Zoot<br />

XV. Int Symp, Kolmarden Akad Verlag. pp. 125-130.<br />

Gillis WT, Ball W Sr, Ball W Jr (1961) Pieris poisoning in<br />

zoo <strong>an</strong>imals. Michig<strong>an</strong> State Univ Vet 22(1):24-26.<br />

Koller LD, Helfer DH (1978) Adiaspiromycosis in the lungs<br />

of a goat. J Am Vet Med Assoc 173(1):80-81.<br />

Pizzi R, Goodm<strong>an</strong> G, Gunn-Moore D, et al. (2005) Pieris<br />

japonica intoxication in <strong>an</strong> Afric<strong>an</strong> spurred tortoise (Geochelone<br />

sulcata). Vet Rec 156(15):487-488.<br />

Plumlee KH, V<strong>an</strong> Alstine WG, Sulliv<strong>an</strong> JM (1992) Jap<strong>an</strong>ese<br />

pieris toxicosis of goats. J Vet Diagn Invest 4(3):363-364.<br />

Power SB, O’Donnell PG, Quirk EG (1991) Pieris poisoning<br />

in sheep. Vet Rec 128(25):599-600.<br />

Smith MC (1978) Jap<strong>an</strong>ese pieris poisoning in the goat. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 173(1):78-79.<br />

Smith MC (1979) Fetal mummification in a goat due to<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese pieris (Pieris japonica) poisoning. Cornell Vet<br />

69(1):85-87.<br />

Visser IJ, v<strong>an</strong> den Hoven R, Vos JH, et al. (1988) Pieris<br />

japonica (pieris)-intoxicatie bij twee geiten. Tijdschr<br />

Diergeneeskd 113(4):185-189.<br />

pig nut –see– Simmondsia chinensis (Link) C. K. Schneid.<br />

pigaeble –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

pigeon pea –see– Caj<strong>an</strong>us caj<strong>an</strong> (L.) Millsp.<br />

pigeonberry –see– Dur<strong>an</strong>ta erecta L.; Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

pigeongrass –see– Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult.;<br />

Verbena officinalis L.<br />

piggeple –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

piggyback pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Tolmiea menziesii (Pursh) Torr. & A.<br />

Gray<br />

pignola –see– Pinus pinaster Aiton

306 - Pimelea decora D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

pignon –see– Pinus pinaster Aiton<br />

pig’s-ear –see– Cotyledon orbiculata L.<br />

pigweed –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus hybridus L.; Amar<strong>an</strong>thus palmeri<br />

S. Watson; Amar<strong>an</strong>thus quitensis Kunth; Amar<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

retroflexus L.<br />

pigwood –see– Euonymus europaeus L.<br />

pila dhatura –see– Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

pila k<strong>an</strong>er –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

Pillenbaum –see– Euphorbia lathyris L.<br />

Pimelea altior F. Muell. = Pimelea latifolia R. Br. subsp.<br />

altior (F. Muell.) Threlfall<br />

Pimelea continua J. M. Black = Pimelea simplex F. Muell.<br />

subsp. continua (J. M. Black) Threlfall<br />

p i Me l e a d e c o r a Domin [Thymelaeaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Flinders poppy; pimelea poppy<br />

Citations:<br />

Hill MW (1970) Toxicity of Pimelea decora in horses. Aust<br />

Vet J 46(6):287-289.<br />

p i Me l e a f l a va R. Br. [Thymelaeaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

yellow riceflower<br />

Citations:<br />

Clel<strong>an</strong>d JB (1931) <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong>, including fungi, poisonous or otherwise<br />

injurious to m<strong>an</strong> in Australia. Series III. Med J<br />

Aust 2(Dec 19):775-778.<br />

p i Me l e a l a Ti f o l i a R. Br. subsp. altior (F.<br />

Muell.) Threlfall [Thymelaeaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p imelea altior F. Muell.<br />

Citations:<br />

Rogers RJ, Roberts KH (1976) Pimelea altior poisoning of<br />

cattle. Aust Vet J 52(4):193-194.<br />

p i Me l e a n e o a n g e l ic a Threlfall<br />

[Thymelaeaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Storie GJ, Norm<strong>an</strong> JL, McKenzie RA (1986) Pimelea neo<strong>an</strong>glica<br />

poisoning of cattle. Aust Vet J 63(7):235.<br />

p i Me l e a p a u c i f l o r a R. Br. [Thymelaeaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

poison pimelea; sc<strong>an</strong>ty rice flower; scrub kurrajong<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1929) The poison pl<strong>an</strong>ts committee. J CSIRO<br />

Aust 2:40-48.<br />

Seddon HR, Hindmarsh WL, McGrath TT (1933) Pimelea<br />

pauciflora (scrub kurrajong), proved to be toxic for<br />

sheep. New South Wales Dep Agric Vet Res Rep #6(Part<br />

3):122-125.<br />

pimelea poppy –see– Pimelea decora Domin<br />

p i Me l e a p r o s Tr a Ta (J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.)<br />

Willd. [Thymelaeaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

creeping pimelea; prostrate pimelea; Strathmore weed<br />

Citations:<br />

Webster WM (1926) Two recent cases of pl<strong>an</strong>t poisoning<br />

among stock. N Z J Agr 33:102-105.<br />

p i Me l e a s i Mpl e x F. Muell. [Thymelaeaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

desert rice flower; flaxweed; poverty weed<br />

Citations:<br />

McClure TJ, Farrow BR (1971) Chronic poisoning of cattle<br />

by desert rice flower (Pimelea simplex) <strong>an</strong>d its resembl<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

to St. George disease as seen in north-western New South<br />

Wales. Aust Vet J 47(3):100-102.<br />

Roberts HB, Healy PJ (1971) Pimelea simplex <strong>an</strong>d St. George<br />

disease of cattle. Aust Vet J 47(3):123-124.<br />

p i Me l e a s i Mpl e x F. Muell. subsp. continua (J.<br />

M. Black) Threlfall [Thymelaeaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p imelea continua J. M. Black<br />

Citations:<br />

Kelly WR (1975) The pathology <strong>an</strong>d haematological ch<strong>an</strong>ges<br />

in experimental Pimelea spp. poisoning in cattle (“St.<br />

George disease”). Aust Vet J 51(5):233-243.<br />

Kelly WR, Seawright AA (1978) Pimelea spp. poisoning of<br />

cattle. In: Keeler RF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF, et al.<br />

(eds.) Effects of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts on livestock. Academic<br />

Press. New York. pp. 293-300.<br />

p i Me l e a Tr ic h o s Ta c h y a Lindl.<br />

[Thymelaeaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bootlace pl<strong>an</strong>t; Borgia’s-bouquet; broom bush; flaxweed;<br />

poverty weed; spiked riceflower; wild flax<br />

Citations:<br />

Clark IA (1971) A note on the pathogenesis of St. George<br />

disease of cattle. Aust Vet J 47(6):285-286.<br />

Clark IA (1973) The pathogenesis of St George disease of<br />

cattle. Res Vet Sci 14(3):341-349.<br />

Kelly WR (1975) 59Fe utilization <strong>an</strong>d excretion in <strong>an</strong>aemia<br />

of cattle caused by Pimelea trichostachya intoxication.<br />

Aust Vet J 51(11):504-510.<br />

Kelly WR (1975) The pathology <strong>an</strong>d haematological ch<strong>an</strong>ges<br />

in experimental Pimelea spp. poisoning in cattle (“St.<br />

George disease”). Aust Vet J 51(5):233-243.<br />

Kelly WR, Seawright AA (1978) Pimelea spp. poisoning of<br />

cattle. In: Keeler RF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF, et al.<br />

(eds.) Effects of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts on livestock. Academic<br />

Press. New York. pp. 293-300.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Pinus pinaster - 307<br />

p i Me n Ta d io ic a (L.) Merr. [Myrtaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

allspice<br />

Citations:<br />

Niinimäki A (1984) Delayed-type allergy to spices. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 11(1):34-40.<br />

pimienta-de-Brasil –see– Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi<br />

pimientillo –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.<br />

pimpernel –see– Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

p i Mp i n e l l a a n is u M L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>is; matalahuga <strong>an</strong>iseed<br />

Citations:<br />

González-Gutiérrez ML, Sánchez-Fernández C, Esteb<strong>an</strong>-López<br />

MI, et al. (2000) Allergy to <strong>an</strong>is. Allergy<br />

55(2):195-196.<br />

Lovem<strong>an</strong> AB (1938) Report of a case of sensitivity of the<br />

mucous membr<strong>an</strong>es <strong>an</strong>d the skin to oil of <strong>an</strong>ise. Arch<br />

Derm Syphilol 37:70-81.<br />

Tuckler V, Peck C, Nesbitt C, et al. (2002) Seizure in <strong>an</strong> inf<strong>an</strong>t<br />

from <strong>an</strong>iseed oil toxicity. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 40(5):689.<br />

pin cherry –see– Prunus serotina Ehrh.<br />

pin<strong>an</strong>g w<strong>an</strong>g –see– Areca catechu L.<br />

piñ<strong>an</strong>ona –see– Monstera deliciosa Liebm.<br />

pine top –see– Equisetum arvense L.<br />

pineapple –see– An<strong>an</strong>as comosus (L.) Merr.<br />

pinegrass –see– Equisetum arvense L.<br />

p i n e l l i a Te r n a Ta (Thunb.) Makino [Araceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

dragon arum; Jack-in-the-pulpit; m<strong>an</strong>drake<br />

Citations:<br />

Zh<strong>an</strong>g ZZ (1983) [Experimental study on “18 against compatibilities”<br />

of Chinese traditional medicine: Acute toxicity<br />

of Aconitum carmichaeli <strong>an</strong>d Pinellia ternata.] Bull<br />

Chin Materia Medica 8(4):33-34.<br />

pingrass –see– Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Her.<br />

pingree –see– Hymenoxys richardsonii (Hook.) Cockerell<br />

pingue –see– Hymenoxys richardsonii (Hook.) Cockerell<br />

pinhão-de-purga –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

pinhoen –see– Jatropha multifida L.<br />

pinipini –see– Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus tithymaloides (L.) Poit.<br />

pinipiniche –see– Hippom<strong>an</strong>e m<strong>an</strong>cinella L.<br />

pink allam<strong>an</strong>da –see– Cryptostegia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora R. Br.<br />

pink-<strong>an</strong>d-white shower –see– Cassia jav<strong>an</strong>ica L. subsp.<br />

nodosa (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) K. Larsen & S. S. Larsen<br />

pink cockle –see– Vaccaria hisp<strong>an</strong>ica (Mill.) Rauschert<br />

pink-eye cerbera –see– Cerbera odollam Gaertn.<br />

pink lady’s-slipper –see– Cypripedium acaule Aiton<br />

pink locoweed –see– Oxytropis lambertii Pursh<br />

pink ole<strong>an</strong>der –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

pink peppercorn –see– Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi<br />

pink periwinkle –see– Cathar<strong>an</strong>thus roseus (L.) G. Don<br />

pink siris –see– Albizia julibrissin Durazz.<br />

pino-de-coral –see– Jatropha multifida L.<br />

pinoccios –see– Pinus pinaster Aiton<br />

piñol-de-cumaña –see– Jatropha multifida L.<br />

piñon amoroso –see– Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp.<br />

piñon florido –see– Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp.<br />

piñon nut –see– Pinus pinaster Aiton<br />

piñoncillo –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

pinto be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

p i n u s c o n To r Ta Douglas ex Loudon [Pinaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

limber pine; lodgepole pine; shore pine<br />

Citations:<br />

Gardner DR, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, James LF, et al. (1998) Abortifacient<br />

effects of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) <strong>an</strong>d common<br />

juniper (Juniperus communis) on cattle. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 40(5):260-263.<br />

p i n u s c u b e n s is Griseb. [Pinaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Hern<strong>an</strong>dez J, Aguilera JM, Rodriguez F, et al. (1979) Abortos<br />

en vacas provocados por la ingestion de hojas o agujas<br />

de pino (Pinus cubensis). Parte II. Cienc Tec Agric Vet<br />

1(1-2):55-71.<br />

Hern<strong>an</strong>dez JA, Rodriguez F, Gutierrez E, et al. (1979)<br />

Ensayo biologico sobre el efecto del pino (Pinus cubensis)<br />

como efecto causal de abortos en ratonas y cobayas gest<strong>an</strong>tes.<br />

Cienc Tec Agric Vet 1(1-2):7-12.<br />

p i n u s k o r a i e n s is Siebold & Zucc. [Pinaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Kore<strong>an</strong> pine<br />

Citations:<br />

Kim IH, Choi KC, An BS, et al. (2003) Effect on abortion<br />

of feeding Kore<strong>an</strong> pine needles to pregn<strong>an</strong>t Kore<strong>an</strong> native<br />

cows. C<strong>an</strong> J Vet Res 67(3):194-197.<br />

p i n u s p i n a s Te r Aiton [Pinaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cluster pine; Europe<strong>an</strong> pine; French maritime pine;<br />

pignola; pignon; pinoccios; piñon nut; star pine<br />

Citations:<br />

de las Marinas D, Vila L, S<strong>an</strong>z ML (1998) Allergy to pine<br />

nuts. Allergy 53(2):220-222.<br />

García-Menaya JM, Gonzalo-Garijo MA, Moneo I, et al.<br />

(2000) A 17-kDa allergen detected in pine nuts. Allergy<br />


308 - Pinus ponderosa D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Roux N, Hogendijk S, Hauser C (1998) Severe <strong>an</strong>aphylaxis<br />

to pine nuts. Allergy 53(2):213-214.<br />

p i n u s p o n d e r o s a C. Lawson [Pinaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blackjack pine; bull pine; ponderosa pine; western yellow<br />

pine; yellow pine<br />

Citations:<br />

Adams DC, Pfister JA, Short RE, et al. (1992) Pine needle<br />

effects on in vivo <strong>an</strong>d in vitro digestibility of crested<br />

wheatgrass. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag 45(3):249-253.<br />

Anderson CK, Loz<strong>an</strong>o EA (1977) Pine needle toxicity in<br />

pregn<strong>an</strong>t mice. Cornell Vet 67(2):229-235.<br />

Call JW, James LF (1978) Pine needle abortion in cattle.<br />

In: Keeler RF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF, et al. (eds.)<br />

Effects of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts on livestock. Academic Press.<br />

New York. pp. 587-590.<br />

Chow FH, H<strong>an</strong>son KJ, Hamar DW, et al. (1972) Reproductive<br />

failure of mice caused by pine needle ingestion. J<br />

Reprod Fertil 30(1):169-172.<br />

Christenson LK, Short RE, Ford SP (1992) Effects of ingestion<br />

of ponderosa pine needles by late-pregn<strong>an</strong>t cows<br />

on uterine blood flow <strong>an</strong>d steroid secretion. J Anim Sci<br />

70(2):531-537.<br />

Christenson LK, Short RE, Rosazza JP, et al. (1992) Specific<br />

effects of blood plasma from beef cows fed pine needles<br />

during late pregn<strong>an</strong>cy on increasing tone of caruncular<br />

arteries in vitro. J Anim Sci 70(2):525-530.<br />

Ford SP, Christenson LK, Rosazza JP, et al. (1992) Effects<br />

of ponderosa pine needle ingestion on uterine vascular<br />

function in late-gestation beef cows. J Anim Sci<br />

70(5):1609-1614.<br />

James LF, Call JW, Stevenson AH (1977) Experimentally<br />

induced pine needle abortion in r<strong>an</strong>ge cattle. Cornell Vet<br />

67(2):294-299.<br />

James LF, Short RE, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, et al. (1989) Pine needle<br />

abortion in cattle: A review <strong>an</strong>d report of 1973-1984<br />

research. Cornell Vet 79(1):39-52.<br />

Jensen R, Pier AC, Kaltenbach CC, et al. (1989) Evaluation<br />

of histopathologic <strong>an</strong>d physiologic ch<strong>an</strong>ges in cows<br />

having premature births after consuming ponderosa pine<br />

needles. Am J Vet Res 50(2):285-289.<br />

MacDonald MA (1952) Pine needle abortion in r<strong>an</strong>ge beef<br />

cattle. J R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag 5:150-155.<br />

Neff TE, Adams CJ, Jackson LL (1979) Fetal death in mice<br />

induced by ponderosa pine needles. Fed Proc 38:1189.<br />

Neff TE, Adams CJ, Jackson LL (1982) Pathological effects<br />

of pine needle ingestion in pregn<strong>an</strong>t mice. Cornell Vet<br />

72(2):128-136.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, James LF, Molyneux RJ (1992) Ponderosa<br />

pine needle-induced parturition in cattle. J Anim Sci<br />

70(5):1604-1608.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, James LF, Molyneux RJ, et al. (1990) Premature<br />

bovine parturition induced by ponderosa pine:<br />

Effects of pine needles, bark <strong>an</strong>d br<strong>an</strong>ch tips. Cornell Vet<br />

80(4):329-338.<br />

Phelps DA, Short RE, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, et al. (1987) Effects of<br />

presence of CL on pine needle-induced abortion in cattle<br />

<strong>an</strong>d of alternative treatments for retained placenta. J<br />

Anim Sci 65(Suppl 1):415-416.<br />

Short RE, Bellows RA, Staigmiller RB, et al. (1994) Pine<br />

needle abortion in cattle: Effects of diet variables on<br />

consumption of pine needles <strong>an</strong>d parturition response. J<br />

Anim Sci 72(4):805-810.<br />

Short RE, Ford SP, Grings EE, et al. (1995) Abortifacient<br />

response <strong>an</strong>d plasma vasoconstrictive activity after feeding<br />

needles from ponderosa pine trees to cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep.<br />

J Anim Sci 73(7):2102-2104.<br />

Short RE, Ford SP, Rosazza JP, et al. (1996) Effects of feeding<br />

pine needle components to late pregn<strong>an</strong>t cattle. Proc<br />

West Sec Am Soc Anim Sci 47:193-195.<br />

Short RE, James LF, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, et al. (1992) Effects of feeding<br />

ponderosa pine needles during pregn<strong>an</strong>cy - Comparative<br />

studies with bison, cattle, goats, <strong>an</strong>d sheep. J Anim<br />

Sci 70(11):3498-3504.<br />

Stegelmeier BL, Gardner DR, James LF, et al. (1994) The<br />

toxic <strong>an</strong>d abortifacient effects of ponderosa pine. Vet<br />

Pathol 31:607.<br />

Stegelmeier BL, Gardner DR, James LF, et al. (1996) The<br />

toxic <strong>an</strong>d abortifacient effects of ponderosa pine. Vet<br />

Pathol 33(1):22-28.<br />

Stuart LD, James LF, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, et al. (1989) Pine needle<br />

abortion in cattle: Pathological observations. Cornell Vet<br />

79(1):61-69.<br />

p i n u s r a d i a Ta D. Don [Pinaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Monterey pine; radiata pine<br />

Citations:<br />

Burry JN (1976) Contact dermatitis from radiata pine. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 2(12):262-263.<br />

Burry JN (1977) Environmental dermatitis. Contact dermatitis<br />

from Pinus radiata. Med J Aust 2(1):13-14.<br />

Knowles RL, Dewes HF (1980) Pinus radiata implicated in<br />

abortion. N Z Vet J 28(Mar 28):103.<br />

p i n u s s y l ve s Tr is L. [Pinaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

balsam-of-pine; Kiefer<br />

Citations:<br />

Beer WE (1970) Sensitivity to pine in a joiner’s mate. Contact<br />

Dermatol Newsl 8(Aug):191.<br />

Bonfiglio JF, Hintze KL, Sigell LT (1987) A multi-center<br />

evaluation of the incidence <strong>an</strong>d severity of pine-oil ingestions.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 29(6):481.<br />

Fregert S, Rorsm<strong>an</strong> H (1963) Hypersensitivity to balsam of<br />

pine <strong>an</strong>d spruce. Arch Dermatol 87(Jun):693-695.<br />

Fregert S, Rorsm<strong>an</strong> H (1963) Simult<strong>an</strong>eous hypersensitivity<br />

to balsam of pine <strong>an</strong>d to balsam of Peru. Acta Derm<br />

Venereol 42:21-22.<br />

p i n u s Th u n b e r g i i Parl. [Pinaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese black pine<br />

Citations:<br />

Nakamura T (1986) Contact dermatitis to Jap<strong>an</strong>ese black<br />

pine. Contact Dermatitis 14(5):317.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Pistacia vera - 309<br />

p i p e r Me Th y s Tic u M G. Forst. [Piperaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

awa; kava; kava kava; kawa; kew; pepper pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Ballesteros S, Adán S, Ramón MF, et al. (2001) Severe<br />

adverse effect associated with kava-kava. J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 39(3):312.<br />

Brauer RB, St<strong>an</strong>gl M, Stewart JR, et al. (2003) Acute<br />

liver failure after administration of herbal tr<strong>an</strong>quilizer<br />

kava-kava (Piper methysticum). J Clin Psychiatry<br />

64(2):216-218.<br />

Clough AR, Bailie RS, Currie B (2003) Liver function test<br />

abnormalities in users of aqueous kava extracts. J Toxicol<br />

Clin Toxicol 41(6):821-829.<br />

Garner LF, Klinger JD (1985) Some visual effects caused by<br />

the beverage kava. J Ethnopharmacol 13(3):307-311.<br />

Humberston CL, Akhtar J, Krenzelok EP (2001) Acute hepatitis<br />

induced by kava kava, <strong>an</strong> herbal product derived from<br />

Piper methysticum. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 39(5):549.<br />

Humberston CL, Akhtar J, Krenzelok EP (2003) Acute<br />

hepatitis induced by kava kava. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

41(2):109-113.<br />

Leung N (2004) Acute urinary retention secondary to kava<br />

ingestion. Emerg Med Australas 16(1):94.<br />

Mathews JD, Riley MD, Fejo L, et al. (1988) Effect of heavy<br />

usage of kava on physical health: Summary of a pilot<br />

survey in <strong>an</strong> aboriginal community. Med J Aust 148(Jun<br />

6):548-555.<br />

Palmer M, Haller C, McKinney P, et al. (1999) Bot<strong>an</strong>icals<br />

<strong>an</strong>d other dietary supplements: Adverse events by age. J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 37(5):609.<br />

Schulze J, Raasch W, Siegers CP (2003) Toxicity of kava<br />

pyrones, drug safety <strong>an</strong>d precautions - A case study. Phytomedicine<br />

10(Suppl 4):68-73.<br />

Stickel F, Baumüller HM, Seitz K, et al. (2003) Hepatitis<br />

induced by kava (Piper methysticum rhizoma). J Hepatol<br />

39(1):62-67.<br />

Strahl S, Ehret V, Dahm HH, et al. (1998) Nekrotisierende<br />

Hepatitis nach Einnahme pfl<strong>an</strong>zlicher Heilmittel. Dtsch<br />

Med Wochenschr 123(47):1410-1414.<br />

p i p e r n ig r u M L. [Piperaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

black pepper; pepper; table pepper; white pepper<br />

Citations:<br />

Cohle SD (1986) Homicidal asphyxia by pepper aspiration. J<br />

Forensic Sci 31(4):1475-1478.<br />

Cohle SD, Trestrail JD 3rd, Graham MA, et al. (1988) Fatal<br />

pepper aspiration. Am J Dis Child 142(6):633-636.<br />

Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD (2001) Toxidromes<br />

associated with the most common pl<strong>an</strong>t ingestions. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(6):366-369.<br />

Sheah<strong>an</strong> K, Page DV, Kemper T, et al. (1988) Childhood<br />

sudden death secondary to accidental aspiration of black<br />

pepper. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 9(1):51-53.<br />

Stäger J, Wüthrich B, Joh<strong>an</strong>sson SG (1991) Spice allergy in<br />

celery-sensitive patients. Allergy 46(6):475-478.<br />

pipiltzinzintli –see– Salvia divinorum Epling & Jativa<br />

Piptadenia macrocarpa Benth. = Anaden<strong>an</strong>thera colubrina<br />

(Vell.) Bren<strong>an</strong> var. cebil (Griseb.) Altschul<br />

p i p Ta d e n i a v i r i d i f l o r a (Kunth) Benth.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Brito MF, Fr<strong>an</strong>ca TN, Oliveira KD, et al. (2000) Estudos<br />

experimentais em coelhos com pl<strong>an</strong>tas ci<strong>an</strong>ogênicas. Pesq<br />

Vet Bras 20(2):65-70.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Peixoto PV, Brito MF, et al. (1999) Estudos<br />

experimentais com pl<strong>an</strong>tas ci<strong>an</strong>ogênicas em bovinos. Pesq<br />

Vet Bras 19(2):84-90.<br />

p iq u e r i a Tr i n e rv i a Cav. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

L<strong>an</strong>gley WD (1937) Sensitivity to piqueria pollen with case<br />

report. J Allergy 9:60-61.<br />

Piquiá marfim –see– Balfourodendron riedeli<strong>an</strong>um (Engl.)<br />

Engl.<br />

pirae –see– Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach; Polygonum<br />

nepalense<br />

p iso n i a a l b a Sp<strong>an</strong>. [Nyctaginaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Fern<strong>an</strong>do R, Fern<strong>an</strong>do DN (1990) Poisoning with pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d<br />

mushrooms in Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka: A retrospective hospital <strong>based</strong><br />

study. Vet Hum Toxicol 32(6):579-581.<br />

pistachio nut –see– Pistacia vera L.<br />

p is Ta c i a l e n Tis c u s L. [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

mastic; mastic gum; mastich; mastiche; mastis; mastix<br />

Citations:<br />

Keyn<strong>an</strong> N, Tamir R, Waisel Y, et al. (1997) Allergenicity of<br />

the pollen of pistacia. Allergy 52(3):323-330.<br />

Sil<strong>an</strong>ikove N, Gilboa N, Nir I, et al. (1996) Effect of a daily<br />

supplementation of polyethylene glycol on intake <strong>an</strong>d<br />

digestion of t<strong>an</strong>nin-containing leaves (Quercus calliprinos,<br />

Pistacia lentiscus, <strong>an</strong>d Ceratonia siliqua) by goats. J<br />

Agric Food Chem 44:199-205.<br />

p is Ta c i a Te r e b i n Th u s L. subsp. palaestina<br />

(Boiss.) Engl. [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Keyn<strong>an</strong> N, Tamir R, Waisel Y, et al. (1997) Allergenicity of<br />

the pollen of pistacia. Allergy 52(3):323-330.<br />

p is Ta c i a v e r a L. [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

pistachio nut<br />

Citations:<br />

Keyn<strong>an</strong> N, Tamir R, Waisel Y, et al. (1997) Allergenicity of<br />

the pollen of pistacia. Allergy 52(3):323-330.<br />

Liccardi G, Russo M, Mistrello G, et al. (1999) Sensitization<br />

to pistachio is common in Parietaria allergy. Allergy<br />


310 - Pisum sativum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

p is u M s a Ti vu M L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Alaska pea; Austri<strong>an</strong> pea; black pea; C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> field<br />

pea; Erbse; field pea; Futtererbse; green pea; matar;<br />

pea; split pea<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1963) Peavine silage paralysis. Feedstuffs<br />

35(Jun 22):24.<br />

Cast<strong>an</strong>on JI, Perez-L<strong>an</strong>zac, J (1990) Substitution of fixed<br />

amounts of soybe<strong>an</strong> meal for field be<strong>an</strong>s (Vicia faba),<br />

sweet lupines (Lupinus albus), cull peas (Pisum sativum)<br />

<strong>an</strong>d vetches (Vicia sativa) in diets for high perform<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

laying Leghorn hens. Br Poult Sci 31(1):173-180.<br />

Clarke EG, Humphreys DJ (1971) Toxic factors in pea haulm<br />

silage effluent - The factors toxic to fish. J Sci Food Agric<br />

22(4):205-207.<br />

Hove EL, King S, Hill GD (1978) Composition, protein<br />

quality, <strong>an</strong>d toxins of seeds of the grain legumes Glycine<br />

max, Lupinus spp., Phaseolus spp., Pisum sativum, <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Vicia faba. N Z J Agric Res 21:457-462.<br />

Kienholz EW, Jensen LS, McGinnis J (1959) Improvement<br />

of nutritional value of peas by cooking. Proc Soc Exp Biol<br />

Med 102:35-38.<br />

Kienholz EW, Jensen LS, McGinnis J (1962) <strong>Evidence</strong> for<br />

chick growth inhibitors in several legume seeds. Poult Sci<br />

41:367-371.<br />

Martinez JA, Esparza ML, Larralde J (1995) Immunological<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in growing mice fed on diets containing casein or<br />

peas (Pisum sativum var. belinda) as the source of protein.<br />

Br J Nutr 73(1):87-97.<br />

Reardon CJ, McKenzie RA (2002) Pea m<strong>an</strong>ia: Der<strong>an</strong>ged<br />

behaviour in cattle grazing a pea crop (Pisum sativum var<br />

arvense). Aust Vet J 80(10):617-619.<br />

Salmon WD, Sewell WE (1936) Lameness in hogs produced<br />

by Austri<strong>an</strong> pea (Pisum arvense) forage. Alabama Agric<br />

Exp Sta Annu Rep #47:17-18.<br />

Whiting F, Connell R, Plummer PJ, et al. (1957) Incoordination<br />

(cerebellar ataxia) among lambs from ewes fed<br />

peavine silage. C<strong>an</strong> J Comp Med Vet Sci 21(3):77-84.<br />

Note:<br />

Pea is named Pisum sativum L. subsp. sativum var.<br />

arvense (L.) Poir. in some publications.<br />

Pithecellobium jiringa (Jack) Prain = Archidendron jiringa<br />

(Jack) I. C. Nielsen<br />

Pithecellobium lobatum Benth. = Archidendron jiringa<br />

(Jack) I. C. Nielsen<br />

Pithecolobium sam<strong>an</strong> Benth. = Sam<strong>an</strong>ea sam<strong>an</strong> (Jacq.)<br />

Merr.<br />

pitis pitis –see–Sarcolobus globosus Wall.<br />

Pitur<strong>an</strong>thos triradiatus (Hochst. ex Boiss.) Asch. &<br />

Schweinf. = Deverra triradiata Hochst. ex Boiss.<br />

plains Bahia –see– Picradeniopsis oppositifolia (Nutt.) Rydb.<br />

plains larkspur –see– Delphinium carolini<strong>an</strong>um Walter subsp.<br />

virescens (Nutt.) R. E. Brooks<br />

plains whorled milkweed –see– Asclepias pumila (A. Gray) Vail<br />

plakkies –see– Cotyledon orbiculata L. var. oblonga (Haw.)<br />

DC.; Tylecodon ventricosa (Burm. f.) Toelken; Tylecodon<br />

wallichii (Harv.) Toelken<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>e tree –see– Plat<strong>an</strong>us orientalis L.<br />

p l a n Tag o l a n c e o l a Ta L. [Pl<strong>an</strong>taginaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

English pl<strong>an</strong>tage; English pl<strong>an</strong>tain; ll<strong>an</strong>tén menor;<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>tain<br />

Citations:<br />

Anastasov G (1972) [Cardiotoxic effect of medicinal herbs<br />

containing glucosides (intoxication from l<strong>an</strong>ceolate pl<strong>an</strong>tain<br />

- Pl<strong>an</strong>tago l<strong>an</strong>ceolata, family Pl<strong>an</strong>taginaceae).] Vutr<br />

Boles 11(4):112-116.<br />

Asero R, Mistrello G, Roncarolo D, et al. (2000) Detection<br />

of allergens in pl<strong>an</strong>tain (Pl<strong>an</strong>tago l<strong>an</strong>ceolata) pollen.<br />

Allergy 55(11):1059-1062.<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>tain –see– Musa ×paradisiaca L.; Pl<strong>an</strong>tago l<strong>an</strong>ceolata L.<br />

p l a Ta n u s × a c e r i f o l i a (Aiton) Willd.<br />

[Plat<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

London pl<strong>an</strong>e tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Asturias JA, Ibarrola I, Bartolomé B, et al. (2002) Purification<br />

<strong>an</strong>d characterization of Pla a 1, a major allergen from<br />

Plat<strong>an</strong>us acerifolia pollen. Allergy 57(3):221-227.<br />

Enrique E, Cisteró-Bahima A, Bartolomé B, et al. (2002)<br />

Plat<strong>an</strong>us acerifolia pollinosis <strong>an</strong>d food allergy. Allergy<br />

57(4):351-356.<br />

p l a Ta n u s o r i e n Ta l is L. [Plat<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>e tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Ross AF, Mitchell JC (1974) Respiratory irritation by leaf<br />

hair of the tree Plat<strong>an</strong>us. Ann Allergy 32(2):94-97.<br />

Platte groundsel –see– Senecio plattensis Nutt.<br />

Platterbse –see– Lathyrus odoratus L.; Lathyrus tingit<strong>an</strong>us L.<br />

p l a Ty c l a d u s o r i e n Ta l is (L.) Fr<strong>an</strong>co<br />

[Cupressaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Thuja orientalis L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Abendl<strong>an</strong>discher Lebensbaum; Lebensbaum; oriental<br />

arbor vitae<br />

Citations:<br />

Zubiri A, Obras-Loscertales JM (1970) Caso curioso<br />

de dermitis por contacto. Actas Dermosifiliogr<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Podophyllum peltatum - 311<br />

p l e c Tr a n Th u s b a r b a Tu s Andrews<br />

[Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

maigoya<br />

Citations:<br />

Owili DM (1977) Peri<strong>an</strong>al dermatitis in Kenya due to Plectr<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

barbatus leaves (maigoya leaves). East Afr Med<br />

J 54(10):571-573.<br />

p l e u r a p h is r ig i d a Thurb. [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h ilaria rigida (Thurb.) Benth. ex Scribn.<br />

Common Names:<br />

big galleta; galletagrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Quortrup ER, McFarl<strong>an</strong>d RJ (1956) Animal losses involving<br />

noxious weeds in S<strong>an</strong> Diego County. California Vet<br />

9(5):14-17.<br />

pleurisy root –see– Asclepias tuberosa L.<br />

plum –see– Prunus domestica L.<br />

plumajillo –see– Achillea millefolium L.<br />

p l u Mb ag o s c a n d e n s L. [Plumbaginaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

borico; c<strong>an</strong>utillo; hierba-des-pescado; leadwort;<br />

louco<br />

Citations:<br />

Medeiros RM, Barbosa RC, Lima EF, et al. (2001) Intoxication<br />

of goats by Plumbago sc<strong>an</strong>dens in northeastern Brazil.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 43(3):167-169.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J (1982) Intoxicação experimental<br />

por Plumbago sc<strong>an</strong>dens (Plumbaginaceae) em bovinos.<br />

Pesq Vet Bras 2(3):105-112.<br />

plumeria –see– Plumeria rubra L.<br />

p l u Me r i a r u b r a L. [Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

caracuha colorado; flor-de-mayo; fr<strong>an</strong>gip<strong>an</strong>i; graveyard<br />

flower; graveyard plumeria; lal champa; pagoda tree;<br />

palo-de-la-cruz; plumeria; rose-pink fr<strong>an</strong>gip<strong>an</strong>i; temple<br />

flower; temple tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Gunaward<strong>an</strong>a VK, Goonasekera MM, Gunaherath GM,<br />

et al. (1998) Embryotoxic effect of Plumeria rubra. In:<br />

Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural<br />

toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI. New York. pp. 317-322.<br />

Poa aquatica L. = Glyceria maxima (Hartm.) Holmb.<br />

poc<strong>an</strong> bush –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

pod peppe –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.<br />

podagrica –see– Jatropha podagrica Hook.<br />

podophyllum –see– Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

Podophyllum emodi Wall. ex Honigberger = Podophyllum<br />

hex<strong>an</strong>drum Royle<br />

p o d o p h y l l u M h e x a n d r u M Royle<br />

[Berberidaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p odophyllum emodi Wall. ex Honigberger<br />

Common Names:<br />

guijiu; Indi<strong>an</strong> m<strong>an</strong>drake; Indi<strong>an</strong> podophyllum; taoer-qi<br />

Citations:<br />

But PP (1994) Herbal poisoning caused by adulter<strong>an</strong>ts or<br />

erroneous substitutes. J Trop Med Hyg 97(6):371-374.<br />

But PP, Tomlinson B, Cheung KO, et al. (1996) Adulter<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

of herbal products c<strong>an</strong> cause poisoning. Br Med J<br />

313(7049):117.<br />

Ng TH, Ch<strong>an</strong> YW, Yu YL, et al. (1991) Encephalopathy <strong>an</strong>d<br />

neuropathy following ingestion of a Chinese herbal broth<br />

containing podophyllin. J Neurol Sci 101:107-113.<br />

p o d o p h y l l u M p e l Ta Tu M L. [Berberidaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> m<strong>an</strong>drake; Americ<strong>an</strong> May apple; bajiaoli<strong>an</strong>;<br />

behen; devil’s-apple; duck’s-foot; eleph<strong>an</strong>t’s-ear;<br />

ground lemon; hog apple; Indi<strong>an</strong> apple; M<strong>an</strong>dragore<br />

d’Amerique; m<strong>an</strong>drake; May apple; podophyllum; raccoonberry;<br />

umbrella leaf; vegetable calomel; vegetable<br />

mercury; wild buck foot; wild jalap; wild lemon; wild<br />

m<strong>an</strong>drake<br />

Citations:<br />

Baluc<strong>an</strong>i M, Zellers DD (1964) Podophyllum resin poisoning<br />

with complete recovery. JAMA 189(8):639-640.<br />

Campbell AN (1980) Accidental poisoning with podophyllin.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>cet 1(J<strong>an</strong> 26):206-207.<br />

Cassidy DE, Drewry J, F<strong>an</strong>ning JP (1982) Podophyllum toxicity:<br />

A report of a fatal case <strong>an</strong>d review of the literature.<br />

J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 19(1):35-44.<br />

Chamberlain MJ, Reynolds AL, Yeom<strong>an</strong> WB (1972) Toxic<br />

effect of podophyllum application in pregn<strong>an</strong>cy. Br Med<br />

J 3(5823):391-392.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>g LW, Y<strong>an</strong>g CM, Chen CF, et al. (1992) Experimental<br />

podophyllotoxin (bajiaoli<strong>an</strong>) poisoning: II. Effects on the<br />

liver, intestine, kidney, p<strong>an</strong>creas <strong>an</strong>d testis. Biomed Environ<br />

Sci 5(4):293-302.<br />

Clark AN, Parsonage MJ (1957) A case of podophyllum poisoning<br />

with involvement of the nervous system. Br Med J<br />

2(5054):1155-1157.<br />

Dobb GJ, Edis RH (1984) Coma <strong>an</strong>d neuropathy after<br />

ingestion of herbal laxative containing podophyllin. Med<br />

J Aust 140(8):495-496.<br />

Fenton WN (1941) Iroquois suicide: A study in the stability<br />

of a culture pattern. Smithsoni<strong>an</strong> Bur Am Ethnology<br />

Bull #128:80-137.<br />

Filley CM, Graff-Radford NR, Lacey JR, et al. (1982) Neurologic<br />

m<strong>an</strong>ifestations of podophyllin toxicity. Neurology<br />

32(3):308-311.<br />

Frasca T, Brett AS, Yoo SD (1997) M<strong>an</strong>drake toxicity:<br />

A case of mistaken identity. Arch Intern Med<br />


312 - Podophyllum plei<strong>an</strong>thum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Holdright DR, Jah<strong>an</strong>giri M (1990) Accidental poisoning<br />

with podophyllin. Hum Exp Toxicol 9:55-56.<br />

Juurlink DN, Sellens C, Thompson M, et al. (1999) D<strong>an</strong>ger<br />

in the doctor’s office: Two cases of severe neurologic<br />

sequelae after ingestion of podophyllin. J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 37(5):620.<br />

Kaymakçal<strong>an</strong> S (1964) Fatal poisoning with podophyllum<br />

resin. JAMA 190(Nov 9):558.<br />

McFarl<strong>an</strong>d MF 3rd, McFarl<strong>an</strong>d J (1981) Accidental ingestion<br />

of Podophyllum. Clin Toxicol 18(8):973-977.<br />

McIntosh RA (1928) May apple poisoning in a cow. Ontario<br />

Vet Coll Rep 1927(29):18-20.<br />

Moher LM, Mauer SA (1979) Podophyllin toxicity: Case<br />

report <strong>an</strong>d literature review. J Fam Pract 9(2):237-240.<br />

Nelson LM (1953) Use of podophyllin (Podophyllum resin)<br />

in dermatology. Arch Derm Syphilol 67(5):488-495.<br />

O’Donov<strong>an</strong> WJ (1935) Dermatitis due to Podophyllum resin.<br />

Br J Dermatol 47:13-21.<br />

Rate RG, Leche J, Chervenak C (1979) Podophyllin toxicity.<br />

Ann Intern Med 90(4):723.<br />

p o d o p h y l l u M pl e i a n Th u M H<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

[Berberidaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d ysosma plei<strong>an</strong>tha (H<strong>an</strong>ce) Woodson<br />

Common Names:<br />

baijiaoli<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Deng JF, Lin TJ, Kao WF, et al. (1997) The difficulty in<br />

h<strong>an</strong>dling poisonings associated with Chinese traditional<br />

medicine: A poison control center experience for<br />

1991-1993. Vet Hum Toxicol 39(2):106-114.<br />

Kao WF, Deng JF (1992) Bajiaoli<strong>an</strong> intoxication - A d<strong>an</strong>gerous<br />

toxic effect in herbal therapeutics. Toxicon 30:524.<br />

Kao WF, Hung DZ, Tsai WJ, et al. (1992) Podophyllotoxin<br />

intoxication: Toxic effect of Bajiaoli<strong>an</strong> in herbal therapeutics.<br />

Hum Exp Toxicol 11(6):480-487.<br />

poet’s-daffodil –see– Narcissus poeticus L.<br />

poet’s-ivy –see– Hedera helix L.<br />

poet’s-jasmine –see– Jasminum officinale L.<br />

poet’s-narcissus –see– Narcissus poeticus L.<br />

pohon upas –see– Antiaris toxicaria Lesch.<br />

pohun ipoh –see– Antiaris toxicaria Lesch.<br />

poinci<strong>an</strong>a –see– Caesalpinia gilliesii (Hook.) D. Dietr.<br />

Poinci<strong>an</strong>a gilliesii Hook. = Caesalpinia gilliesii (Hook.) D.<br />

Dietr.<br />

poinsettia –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch<br />

Poinsettia pulcherrima (Willd. ex Klotzsch) Graham =<br />

Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch<br />

point locoweed –see– Oxytropis lambertii Pursh; Oxytropis<br />

sericea Nutt.<br />

pois-a-gratter –see– Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

pois-de-loup –see– Lupinus albus L.<br />

poison arum –see– Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott<br />

poison ash –see– Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze;<br />

Toxicodendron vernix (L.) Kuntze<br />

poison bay –see– Illicium <strong>an</strong>isatum L.<br />

poison be<strong>an</strong> –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia drummondii (Rydb.) Cory;<br />

Thermopsis mont<strong>an</strong>a Nutt.<br />

poison blackcherry –see– Atropa belladonna L.<br />

poison bush –see– Eremophila deserti (A. Cunn. ex Benth.)<br />

Chinnock; Gastrolobium gr<strong>an</strong>diflorum F. Muell.; Thesium<br />

namaquense Schltr.<br />

poison camas –see– Toxicoscordion nuttallii (A. Gray) Rydb.;<br />

Toxicoscordion venenosum (S. Watson) Rydb.<br />

poison chickweed –see– Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

poison creeper –see– Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

poison darnel –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

poison dogwood –see– Toxicodendron vernix (L.) Kuntze<br />

poison elder –see– Toxicodendron vernix (L.) Kuntze<br />

poison flower –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

poison fool’s-parsley –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

poison halip<strong>an</strong> –see– Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus tithymaloides (L.) Poit.<br />

poison hemlock –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

poison ivy –see– Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torr. &<br />

A. Gray) Greene; Toxicodendron pubescens Mill.;<br />

Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze; Toxicodendron<br />

radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze subsp. negundo (Greene) Gillis;<br />

Toxicodendron rydbergii (Small ex Rydb.) Greene;<br />

Toxicodendron vernix (L.) Kuntze<br />

poison lac –see– Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) F. A.<br />

Barkley<br />

poison laurel –see– Kalmia latifolia L.<br />

poison leaf –see– Dichapetalum cymosum (Hook.) Engl.<br />

poison lily –see– Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

poison lupine –see– Lupinus leucophyllus Douglas ex Lindl.<br />

poison mercury –see– Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

poison nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

poison nut –see– Strychnos nux-vomica L.<br />

poison oak –see– Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.;<br />

Toxicodendron pubescens Mill.; Toxicodendron rydbergii<br />

(Small ex Rydb.) Greene; Toxicodendron vernix (L.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

poison onion –see– Ornithogalum magnum (Baker) J. C.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>ning & Goldblatt<br />

poison parsley –see– Cicuta maculata L.; Conium maculatum<br />

L.<br />

poison parsnip –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M. Coult.<br />

& Rose; Cicuta maculata L.; Cicuta maculata L. var.<br />

<strong>an</strong>gustifolia Hook.<br />

poison peach –see– Trema tomentosa (Roxb.) H. Hara<br />

poison pimelea –see– Pimelea pauciflora R. Br.<br />

poison pod albizia –see– Albizia versicolor Welw. ex Oliv.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Polygonatum multiflorum - 313<br />

poison primrose –see– Primula obconica H<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

poison primula –see– Primula obconica H<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

poison ragwort –see– Senecio isatideus DC.<br />

poison root –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

poison ryegrass –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

poison sedge –see– Schoenus asperocarpus F. Muell.<br />

poison sego –see– Toxicoscordion nuttallii (A. Gray) Rydb.;<br />

Toxicoscordion p<strong>an</strong>iculatum (Nutt.) Rydb.; Toxicoscordion<br />

venenosum (S. Watson) Rydb.<br />

poison snakeweed –see– Cicuta maculata L.; Conium<br />

maculatum L.<br />

poison sneezeweed –see– Helenium autumnale L.<br />

poison suckleya –see– Suckleya suckley<strong>an</strong>a (Torr.) Rydb.<br />

poison sumach –see– Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.)<br />

Kuntze; Toxicodendron striatum (Ruiz & Pav.) Kuntze;<br />

Toxicodendron vernix (L.) Kuntze<br />

poison swamp sumach –see– Toxicodendron vernix (L.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

poison tobacco –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

poison tree –see– Excoecaria parvifolia Müll. Arg.; Metopium<br />

toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.; Toxicodendron vernix (L.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

poison vetch –see– Astragalus bisulcatus (Hook.) A. Gray;<br />

Astragalus michauxii (Kuntze) F. J. Herm.; Astragalus<br />

miser Douglas ex Hook. var. oblongifolius (Rydb.)<br />

Cronquist; Astragalus tetrapterus A. Gray<br />

poison vine –see– Marsdenia rostrata R. Br.; Toxicodendron<br />

radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

poison water hemlock –see– Cicuta virosa L.<br />

poison weed –see– Anagallis arvensis L.; Delphinium barbeyi<br />

(Huth) Huth; Delphinium carolini<strong>an</strong>um Walter subsp.<br />

virescens (Nutt.) R. E. Brooks; Delphinium menziesii<br />

DC.; Delphinium ×occidentale (S. Watson) S. Watson;<br />

Euphorbia drummondii Boiss.; Metopium toxiferum (L.)<br />

Krug & Urb.; Toxicodendron vernix (L.) Kuntze<br />

poison wild onion –see– Toxicoscordion venenosum (S.<br />

Watson) Rydb.<br />

poisonberry –see– Cestrum nocturnum L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara<br />

L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.<br />

poisongrass –see– Toxicoscordion venenosum (S. Watson)<br />

Rydb.<br />

poisonwood –see– Toxicodendron vernix (L.) Kuntze;<br />

Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb.; Schinus<br />

terebinthifolius Raddi<br />

poivre d’eau –see– Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach<br />

poke –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

pokeberry –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

pokeroot –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

pokesalad –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

pokeweed –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

pokok ipoh –see– Antiaris toxicaria Lesch.<br />

póleo –see– Mentha pulegium L.<br />

poleo chino –see– Hedeoma pulegioides (L.) Pers.<br />

p o l y c a r p o n p r o s Tr a Tu M (Forssk.) Asch. &<br />

Schweinf. [Caryophyllaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Alikutty KM (1975) A field report on the occurrence of<br />

certain cases of weed toxicity in cattle. Kerala J Vet Sci<br />

6(1-2):149-150.<br />

p o l y g a l a c h i n e n s is L. [Polygalaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

jin-bu-hu<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Horowitz RS, Dart RC, Hurlbut K, et al. (1994) Acute hepatitis<br />

associated with a Chinese herbal product, jin bu hu<strong>an</strong><br />

(JBH). Vet Hum Toxicol 36(4):359.<br />

Horowitz RS, Feldhaus K, Dart RC, et al. (1996) The clinical<br />

spectrum of jin bu hu<strong>an</strong> toxicity. Arch Intern Med<br />

156(8):899-903.<br />

Palmer M, Haller C, McKinney P, et al. (1999) Bot<strong>an</strong>icals<br />

<strong>an</strong>d other dietary supplements: Adverse events by age. J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 37(5):609.<br />

p o l y g a l a k l o Tzs c h i i Chodat [Polygalaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

jar<strong>an</strong>jinha; jimãozinho<br />

Citations:<br />

Camargo WV, Mengato W, Platzech F, et al. (1968) Intoxicação<br />

de bovinos pela Polygala klotzchii, Chodat, na região<br />

do Pontal (Estado de São Paulo). Biologico 34:221-223.<br />

Rezende AM, Döbereiner J, Tokarnia CH (1981) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Polygala klotzchii (Polygalaceae)<br />

em coelhos. Pesq Vet Bras 1(2):61-64.<br />

Temperini JA, Retz L, Cappellaro CE (1977) Estudo experimental<br />

de toxicidade da Polygala klotzchii Chodat. Biologico<br />

43:194-198.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J, C<strong>an</strong>ella CF (1976) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Polygala klotzchii em bovinos. Pesq<br />

Agric Bras Vet 11(9):73-86.<br />

p o l y g a l a s a n g u i n e a L. [Polygalaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

milkwort<br />

Citations:<br />

Pammel LH (1929) Horses <strong>an</strong>d milkwort. Vet Med<br />

24(Dec):514.<br />

p o l y g o n a Tu M Mu l Ti f l o r u M (L.) All.<br />

[Ruscaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Solomon’s-seal; Vielblütige Weißwurz<br />

Citations:<br />

Baxter CP (1983) Solomon’s seal poisoning in a dog. Vet Rec<br />


314 - Polygonum acuminatum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

p o l y g o n u M a c u Mi n a Tu M Kunth<br />

[Polygonaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Salgues R (1961) Le genre Polygonum L. (Polygonacées)<br />

Etudes chimiques et toxicologiques. Les faits hématologiques<br />

de l’empoisonnement expérimental. Qualitas<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t Mat Veg 8:367-395.<br />

Polygonum amphibium L. = Persicaria amphibia (L.)<br />

Delarbre<br />

p o l y g o n u M a vic u l a r e L. [Polygonaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chivalrygrass; dishwatergrass; dooryard knotweed;<br />

doorweed; knotgrass; knotweed; prostrate knotweed;<br />

wireweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Knight PR (1979) Suspected nitrite toxicity in horses associated<br />

with the ingestion of wireweed (Polygonum aviculare).<br />

Aust Vet Pract 9(3):175-177.<br />

Salgues R (1961) Le genre Polygonum L. (Polygonacées)<br />

Etudes chimiques et toxicologiques. Les faits hématologiques<br />

de l’empoisonnement expérimental. Qualitas<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t Mat Veg 8:367-395.<br />

Polygonum bistorta L. = Bistorta officinalis Delarbre<br />

Polygonum convolvulus L. = Fallopia convolvulus (L.) Á.<br />

Löve<br />

Polygonum fagopyrum L. = Fagopyrum esculentum Moench<br />

Polygonum glabrum Willd. = Persicaria glabra (Willd.) M.<br />

Gómez<br />

Polygonum hydropiper L. = Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach<br />

p o l y g o n u M Mi Te Schr<strong>an</strong>k [Polygonaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Salgues R (1961) Le genre Polygonum L. (Polygonacées)<br />

Etudes chimiques et toxicologiques. Les faits hématologiques<br />

de l’empoisonnement expérimental. Qualitas<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t Mat Veg 8:367-395.<br />

Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. = Fallopia multiflora<br />

(Thunb.) Haraldson<br />

Polygonum nepalense Meisn. = Persicaria nepalensis<br />

(Meisn.) H. Gross<br />

Polygonum persicaria L. = Persicaria maculosa Gray<br />

Polygonum punctatum Elliott = Persicaria punctata (Elliott)<br />

Small<br />

pomegr<strong>an</strong>ate –see– Punica gr<strong>an</strong>atum L.<br />

pomme d’acajou –see– Semecarpus ater (G. Forst.) Vieill.<br />

pomme-du-poison –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

pomme épineuse –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

pommier cajou –see– Anacardium occidentale L.<br />

pommier d’amour –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um pseudocapsicum L.<br />

ponderosa pine –see– Pinus ponderosa C. Lawson<br />

pong pong –see– Cerbera odollam Gaertn.<br />

Pongamia glabra Vent. = Milletia pinnata (L.) P<strong>an</strong>igrahi<br />

ponso –see– T<strong>an</strong>acetum vulgare L.<br />

Pontic rhododendron –see– Rhododendron ponticum L.<br />

poolroot –see– Ageratina altissima (L.) R. M. King & H.<br />

Rob.<br />

poolwort –see– Ageratina altissima (L.) R. M. King & H.<br />

Rob.<br />

poor-m<strong>an</strong>’s-alfalfa –see– Bassia scoparia (L.) A. J. Scott<br />

poor-m<strong>an</strong>’s-b<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>a –see– Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal<br />

poor-m<strong>an</strong>’s-liquid amber –see– Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

poor-m<strong>an</strong>’s-pepper –see– Persicaria punctata (Elliott) Small<br />

poor-m<strong>an</strong>’s-weatherglass –see– Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

pop dock –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

popcorn tree –see– Triadica sebifera (L.) Small<br />

popolo –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um <strong>an</strong>guivi Lam.<br />

popotillo –see– Ephedra viridis Coville<br />

popple nut –see– Macadamia integrifolia Maiden & Betche;<br />

Macadamia tetraphylla L. A. S. Johnson<br />

poppy weed –see– Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

Portl<strong>an</strong>d sago –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

Portl<strong>an</strong>d starchroot –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

p o r Tu l a c a g r a n d i f l o r a Hook.<br />

[Portulacaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

rock moss<br />

Citations:<br />

Deng JF, Lin TJ, Kao WF, et al. (1997) The difficulty in<br />

h<strong>an</strong>dling poisonings associated with Chinese traditional<br />

medicine: A poison control center experience for<br />

1991-1993. Vet Hum Toxicol 39(2):106-114.<br />

p o r Tu l a c a o l e r a c e a L. [Portulacaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

inl<strong>an</strong>d pigweed; pursl<strong>an</strong>e; pusley<br />

Citations:<br />

Deng JF, Lin TJ, Kao WF, et al. (1997) The difficulty in<br />

h<strong>an</strong>dling poisonings associated with Chinese traditional<br />

medicine: A poison control center experience for<br />

1991-1993. Vet Hum Toxicol 39(2):106-114.<br />

Mathams RH, Sutherl<strong>an</strong>d AK (1952) The oxalate content of<br />

some Queensl<strong>an</strong>d pasture pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d J Agric Sci<br />

9:317-334.<br />

possum haw –see– Ilex decidua Walter<br />

possumwood –see– Diospyros virgini<strong>an</strong>a L.; Hura crepit<strong>an</strong>s L.<br />

post locust –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

post oak –see– Quercus stellata W<strong>an</strong>genh.<br />

pot –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Primula malacoides - 315<br />

pot marigold –see– Calendula officinalis L.<br />

pot mum –see– Chrys<strong>an</strong>themum ×morifolium Ramat.<br />

potato –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um tuberosum L.<br />

potato bush –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um esuriale Lindl.<br />

potato weed –see– Heliotropium europaeum L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

dimidiatum Raf.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um esuriale Lindl.<br />

pothos –see– Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl.; Scindapsus<br />

pictus Hassk.<br />

poundcake bush –see– Parthenium hysterophorus L.<br />

poverty weed –see– Pimelea simplex F. Muell.; Pimelea<br />

trichostachya Lindl.<br />

powderpuff lily –see– Scadoxus multiflorus (Martyn) Raf.<br />

subsp. multiflorus<br />

prairie bundleflower –see– Desm<strong>an</strong>thus leptalobus Torr. & A.<br />

Gray<br />

prairie crocus –see– Anemone patens L.<br />

prairie cupgrass –see– Erichloa contracta Hitchc.<br />

prairie groundsel –see– Senecio plattensis Nutt.<br />

prairie larkspur –see– Delphinium carolini<strong>an</strong>um Walter<br />

subsp. virescens (Nutt.) R. E. Brooks<br />

prairie lily –see– Cooperia pedunculata Herb.<br />

prairie mimosa –see– Desm<strong>an</strong>thus leptalobus Torr. & A. Gray<br />

prairie ragwort –see– Senecio plattensis Nutt.<br />

prairie sage –see– Artemisia ludovici<strong>an</strong>a Nutt.<br />

p r a Ti a c o n c o l o r (R. Br.) Druce<br />

[Camp<strong>an</strong>ulaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p ratia erecta Gaudich.<br />

Common Names:<br />

milkweed<br />

Citations:<br />

McCarthy JH (1921) <strong>Poisonous</strong> “milk weed” (Pratia erecta).<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d Agric J. Sep:196.<br />

Pratia erecta Gaudich. = Pratia concolor (R. Br.) Druce<br />

prayer bead –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

prayer be<strong>an</strong> –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

precatory be<strong>an</strong> –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

precatory pea –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

prêle –see– Equisetum arvense L.<br />

prêle commune –see– Equisetum palustre L.<br />

prickblad –see– Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott<br />

prickly cucumber –see– Cucumis myriocarpus Naudin<br />

prickly melon –see– Cucumis myriocarpus Naudin<br />

prickly nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um rostratum Dunal<br />

prickly paddymelon –see– Cucumis myriocarpus Naudin<br />

prickly pear –see– Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.<br />

prickly poppy –see– Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

prickly saltwort –see– Salsola tragus L.<br />

prickly yellow poppy –see– Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

prickwood –see– Euonymus europaeus L.<br />

pride-of-California –see– Lathyrus splendens Kellogg<br />

pride-of-China –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

pride-of-India –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

priest’s-pentle –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott<br />

prim –see– Ligustrum vulgare L.<br />

primaryvet –see– Ligustrum vulgare L.<br />

Primel –see– Primula obconica H<strong>an</strong>ce; Primula veris L.<br />

primrose –see– Primula auricula L.; Primula malacoides<br />

Fr<strong>an</strong>ch.; Primula obconica H<strong>an</strong>ce; Primula vulgaris Huds.<br />

primula –see– Primula obconica H<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

p r i Mu l a a l l io n i i Loisel. [Primulaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Aplin CG, Lovell CR (2001) Contact dermatitis due to<br />

hardy primula species <strong>an</strong>d their cultivars. Contact Dermatitis<br />

44(1):23-29.<br />

p r i Mu l a a u r ic u l a L. [Primulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

auricula; bear’s-ears; primrose<br />

Citations:<br />

Aplin CG, Lovell CR (2001) Contact dermatitis due to<br />

hardy primula species <strong>an</strong>d their cultivars. Contact Dermatitis<br />

44(1):23-29.<br />

p r i Mu l a f a r i n o s a L. [Primulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

wild primrose<br />

Citations:<br />

Sharpe HA (1912) Primula dermatitis. Its occurrence in<br />

rural districts. JAMA 59(24):2148-2149.<br />

p r i Mu l a f o r r e s Ti i Balf. f. [Primulaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Aplin CG, Lovell CR (2001) Contact dermatitis due to<br />

hardy primula species <strong>an</strong>d their cultivars. Contact Dermatitis<br />

44(1):23-29.<br />

p r i Mu l a Ma l a c o i d e s Fr<strong>an</strong>ch. [Primulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

primrose<br />

Citations:<br />

Paulsen E (1998) Occupational dermatitis in D<strong>an</strong>ish gardeners<br />

<strong>an</strong>d greenhouse workers (II). Etiological factors. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 38(1):14-19.<br />

Whiting DA (1971) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis in the southern Tr<strong>an</strong>svaal.<br />

S Afr Med J 45(7):163-167.

316 - Primula marginata D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

p r i Mu l a Ma r g i n a Ta Curtis [Primulaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Aplin CG, Lovell CR (2001) Contact dermatitis due to<br />

hardy primula species <strong>an</strong>d their cultivars. Contact Dermatitis<br />

44(1):23-29.<br />

p r i Mu l a ob c o n ic a H<strong>an</strong>ce [Primulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Chinese primrose; Germ<strong>an</strong> primrose; Giftprimel;<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ische Primel; parlour primula; poison primrose;<br />

poison primula; Primel; primrose; primula<br />

Citations:<br />

Apted J (1988) Contact dermatitis <strong>an</strong>d Primula obconica.<br />

Med J Aust 149(Oct 17):452.<br />

B<strong>an</strong>dm<strong>an</strong>n HJ, Breit R, Fregert S (1973) Kontaktallergie<br />

gegenüber Primula obconica Häufigkeit - Aktive<br />

Sensibilisierung bei der Epicut<strong>an</strong>testung. Hautarzt<br />

24(6):240-243.<br />

Barton EA (1899) On the effects of Primula obconica on the<br />

skin. L<strong>an</strong>cet 1(45):1717.<br />

Dooms-Goossens A, Biesem<strong>an</strong>s G, V<strong>an</strong>daele M, et al. (1989)<br />

Primula dermatitis: More th<strong>an</strong> one allergen? Contact<br />

Dermatitis 21(14):122-124.<br />

Epstein E (1990) Primula contact dermatitis: An easily overlooked<br />

diagnosis. Cutis 45(6):411-416.<br />

Fernández de Corres L, Le<strong>an</strong>izbarrutia I, Muñoz D (1987)<br />

Contact dermatitis from Primula obconica H<strong>an</strong>ce. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 16(7):195-197.<br />

Fernández de Corrés L, Le<strong>an</strong>izbarrutia I, Muñoz D, et al.<br />

(1987) Contact dermatitis from a neighbour’s primula.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 16(8):234-235.<br />

Fregert S, Hjorth N, Schulz KH (1968) Patch testing with<br />

synthetic primin in persons sensitive to Primula obconica.<br />

Arch Dermatol 98(2):144-147.<br />

Gallo R, Sorbara S, Rongioletti F (2005) Contact erythema<br />

multiforme from Primula obconica. Contact Dermatitis<br />

53(6):351-352.<br />

Ingber A (1991) Primula photodermatitis in Israel. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 25(4):265-266.<br />

Lapière K, Matthieu L, Meulem<strong>an</strong> L, et al. (2001) Primula<br />

dermatitis mimicking lichen pl<strong>an</strong>us. Contact Dermatitis<br />

44(3):199.<br />

Mitchell JN, Rook AJ (1977) Primula dermatitis. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 3(6):286.<br />

Mowad CM (1998) Routine testing for Primula obconica:<br />

Is it useful in the United states? Am J Contact Dermat<br />

9(4):231-233.<br />

Nakamura T (1983) Primula dermatitis in Jap<strong>an</strong>. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 9(4):328-329.<br />

Paulsen E, Christensen LP, Andersen KE (2006) Miconidin<br />

<strong>an</strong>d miconidin methyl ether from Primula obconica<br />

H<strong>an</strong>ce: New allergens in <strong>an</strong> old sensitizer. Contact Dermatitis<br />

55(4):203-209.<br />

Poniecka H (1990) Rośliny jako przyczyna alergii kontaktowej<br />

w materiale kliniki dermatologicznej am w<br />

białymstoku. Przegl Dermatol 77(4):262-265.<br />

Rook A, Wilson HT (1965) Primula dermatitis. Br Med J<br />

1(5429):220-222.<br />

Ryt<strong>an</strong>d DA, Burnham DK, Cox AJ Jr (1948) Periarteritis<br />

nodosa following the dermatitis of poison oak <strong>an</strong>d of<br />

primrose. St<strong>an</strong>ford Med Bull 6(2):319-323.<br />

Sweet EA (1907) Poisoning by Primula obconica. JAMA<br />

49(4):329.<br />

Virgili A, Corazza M (1991) Unusual primin dermatitis.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 24(1):63-64.<br />

Yasuda H, Kumakiri M, Miura Y, et al. (1983) [Primula dermatitis]<br />

Hokkaido Igaku Zasshi 58(6):617-621.<br />

Primula officinalis (L.) Hill = Primula veris L.<br />

p r i Mu l a p r a e n i Te n s Ker Gawl. [Primulaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p rimula sinensis Sabine ex Lindl.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Chinese primrose; daisy primrose<br />

Citations:<br />

Densten JC (1903) Primula sinensis (daisy primrose) poisoning<br />

mistaken for eczema. Med Summary Philadelphia<br />

25:227.<br />

Montgomery DW, Culver GD (1915) Dermatitis caused by<br />

primula poisoning. Cal State J Med 13(8):306-307.<br />

Primula sinensis Sabine ex Lindl. = Primula praenitens Ker<br />

Gawl.<br />

p r i Mu l a v e r is L. [Primulaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p rimula officinalis (L.) Hill<br />

Common Names:<br />

Primel; Schlüsselblume; Wiesenschlüsselblume<br />

Citations:<br />

Geßner O (1936) Dermatitis durch deutsche Primeln<br />

(Primula officinalis L.). Sammlung Vergiftungsfallen<br />

7(A650):215-216.<br />

p r i Mu l a v u l g a r is Huds. [Primulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

primrose<br />

Citations:<br />

Aplin CG, Lovell CR (2001) Contact dermatitis due to<br />

hardy primula species <strong>an</strong>d their cultivars. Contact Dermatitis<br />

44(1):23-29.<br />

Prince-of-Wales-feather –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus retroflexus L.<br />

pringamoza –see– Cnidoscolus urens (L.) Arthur; Wig<strong>an</strong>dia<br />

urens (Ruiz & Pav.) Kunth var. caracas<strong>an</strong>a (Kunth) D. N.<br />

Gibson<br />

privet –see– Ligustrum obtusifolium Siebold & Zucc. subsp.<br />

suave (Kitag.) Kitag.; Ligustrum ovalifolium Hassk.;<br />

Ligustrum vulgare L.<br />

proso millet –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum miliaceum L.<br />

p r o so p is a l b a Griseb. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Lyon CK, Gumbm<strong>an</strong>n MR, Becker R (1988) Value of mesquite<br />

leaves as forage. J Sci Food Agric 44(2):111-117.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Prunus armeniaca - 317<br />

p r o so p is a r Tic u l a Ta S. Watson [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Lyon CK, Gumbm<strong>an</strong>n MR, Becker R (1988) Value of mesquite<br />

leaves as forage. J Sci Food Agric 44(2):111-117.<br />

p r o s o p is c h i l e n s is (Molina) Stuntz<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Lyon CK, Gumbm<strong>an</strong>n MR, Becker R (1988) Value of mesquite<br />

leaves as forage. J Sci Food Agric 44(2):111-117.<br />

p r o so p is g l a n d u l o s a Torr. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

algarroba; honey mesquite; katzimelk; mesquite; Texas<br />

mesquite<br />

Citations:<br />

Holechek JL, Munshikpu AV, Saiw<strong>an</strong>a L, et al. (1990)<br />

Influences of six shrub diets varying in phenol content on<br />

intake <strong>an</strong>d nitrogen retention by goats. Trop Grassl<strong>an</strong>ds<br />

24(2):93-98.<br />

Washburn KE, Breshears ME, Ritchey JW, et al. (2002)<br />

Honey mesquite toxicosis in a goat. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

220(12):1837-1839.<br />

p r o so p is j u l i f l o r a (Sw.) DC. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

algarrobo; honey mesquite; Kiawe be<strong>an</strong>; mesquite;<br />

mesquite be<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Dollahite JW (1964) M<strong>an</strong>agement of the disease produced<br />

in cattle on <strong>an</strong> unbal<strong>an</strong>ced diet of mesquite be<strong>an</strong>s. Southwestern<br />

Vet 17(Summer):293-295.<br />

Dollahite JW, Anthony WV (1957) Malnutrition in cattle on<br />

<strong>an</strong> unbal<strong>an</strong>ced diet of mesquite be<strong>an</strong>s. Cattlem<strong>an</strong> Oct:30,<br />

31, 48-52.<br />

Fernández Baca S, Vallenas A, Novoa C, et al. (1967) Estudio<br />

experimental de la ‘coquera’ en caprinos. Rev Fac Med<br />

Vet Univ Nacional Lima 18-20:131-159.<br />

Fox EC (1941) Mesquite wood dermatitis. Arch Derm Syphilol<br />

44:1098-1100.<br />

Seifert HS, Beller KA (1969) Blausäurevergiftung beim<br />

Rind, verursacht durch Abweiden von Zuckerrohr (Saccharum<br />

officinarum) und Zufütterung von Früchten des<br />

Algarrobaumes (Prosopis juliflora). Berl Munch Tierarztl<br />

Wochenschr 82(5):88-91.<br />

Sivas<strong>an</strong>kar N, Bjat AG, Patil SA (1991) A note on honey<br />

mesquite Prosopis juliflora as a piscicide. Indi<strong>an</strong> Forester<br />

117(2):151-152.<br />

Stewart CD (1940) Dermatitis due to mesquite wood. Report<br />

of a case. Arch Derm Syphilol 42:937.<br />

Tabosa IM, Riet-Correa F, Barros SS, et al. (2006) Neurohistologic<br />

<strong>an</strong>d ultrastructural lesions in cattle experimentally<br />

intoxicated with the pl<strong>an</strong>t Prosopis juliflora. Vet<br />

Pathol 43(5):695-701.<br />

Tabosa IM, Souza JC, Graca DL, et al. (2000) Neuronal<br />

vacuolation of the trigeminal nuclei in goats caused by<br />

ingestion of Prosopis juliflora pods (mesquite be<strong>an</strong>s). Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 42(3):155-158.<br />

p r o so p is n ig r a (Griseb.) Hieron. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Lyon CK, Gumbm<strong>an</strong>n MR, Becker R (1988) Value of mesquite<br />

leaves as forage. J Sci Food Agric 44(2):111-117.<br />

p r o so p is v e l u Ti n a Wooton [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Lyon CK, Gumbm<strong>an</strong>n MR, Becker R (1988) Value of mesquite<br />

leaves as forage. J Sci Food Agric 44(2):111-117.<br />

prostrate amar<strong>an</strong>th –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus blitoides S. Watson<br />

prostrate euphorbia –see– Chamaesyce prostrata (Aiton)<br />

Small<br />

prostrate indigo –see– Indigofera hendecaphylla Jacq.<br />

prostrate knotweed –see– Polygonum aviculare L.<br />

prostrate pigweed –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus blitoides S. Watson<br />

prostrate pimelia –see– Pimelea prostrata (J. R. Forst. & G.<br />

Forst.) Willd.<br />

prostrate spurge –see– Chamaesyce maculata (L.) Small;<br />

Chamaesyce prostrata (Aiton) Small<br />

prune –see– Prunus domestica L.<br />

pruneaux –see– Prunus domestica L.<br />

Prunus amygdalus Batsch –see– Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A.<br />

Webb<br />

p r u n u s a r Me n i a c a L. [Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

apricot; Aprikose<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1972) Cy<strong>an</strong>ide poisoning from the ingestion of<br />

apricot kernels. California Morbidity 34(Sep 1):1.<br />

Gör<strong>an</strong>sson K (1981) Contact urticaria to apricot stone. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 7(5):282.<br />

Johnson H, Rich G (1975) Cy<strong>an</strong>ide poisoning from apricot<br />

kernels. California Morbidity #51(Dec 26):1.<br />

Lasch EE, El Shawa R (1981) Multiple cases of cy<strong>an</strong>ide poisoning<br />

by apricot kernels in children from Gaza. Pediatrics<br />

68(1):5-7.<br />

Miller KW, Anderson JL, Stoews<strong>an</strong>d GS (1981) Amygdalin<br />

metabolism <strong>an</strong>d effect on reproduction of rats fed apricot<br />

kernels. J Toxicol Environ Health 7:457-467.<br />

Rubino MJ, Davidoff F (1979) Cy<strong>an</strong>ide poisoning from apricot<br />

seeds. JAMA 241(4):359.<br />

Rubino MJ, Davidoff F, Baselt R, et al. (1979) Cy<strong>an</strong>ide poisoning<br />

from apricot seeds: Case report <strong>an</strong>d review of the<br />

literature. Clin Toxicol 15(4):489.<br />

Sayre JW, Kaymakcal<strong>an</strong> S (1964) Cy<strong>an</strong>ide poisoning from<br />

apricot seeds among children in central Turkey. N Engl J<br />

Med 270(21):1113-1115.<br />

Suchard JR, Wallace KL, Gerkin RD (1998) Acute cy<strong>an</strong>ide<br />

toxicity caused by apricot kernel ingestion. Ann Emerg<br />

Med 32(6):742-744.<br />

Townsend WA (1975) Cy<strong>an</strong>ide poisoning from ingestion of<br />

apricot kernels. California Morbidity 45(Nov 14):1.<br />

Wallace KL, Gerkin R, Mitchell RB (1996) Acute cy<strong>an</strong>ide<br />

poisoning due to apricot kernel ingestion. J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 34:599.

318 - Prunus cocomilia D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

p r u n u s c o c o Mi l i a Ten. [Rosaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p runus pseudoarmeniaca Heldr. & Sartori<br />

Common Names:<br />

wild apricot; zerdali<br />

Citations:<br />

Sayre JW, Kaymakcal<strong>an</strong> S (1964) Cy<strong>an</strong>ide poisoning from<br />

apricot seeds among children in central Turkey. N Engl J<br />

Med 270(21):1113-1115.<br />

Prunus demissa (Nutt.) D. Dietr. = Prunus virgini<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

p r u n u s d o Me s Tic a L. [Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Pflaume; plum; prune; pruneaux<br />

Citations:<br />

Austvoll A (1954) Plumstones in pig swill. Vet Rec 66:681.<br />

Cardassis J, Gi<strong>an</strong>nakoulas D (1961) [Hydrocy<strong>an</strong>ic acid poisoning<br />

from plum stones in pigs]. Hellenike Kteniatrike<br />

4:136-141.<br />

Jaworski K, Głodek S (1965) Zatrucia śliwkami u krów i<br />

trzody chlewnej. Med Weter 21(1):44.<br />

p r u n u s d u l c is (Mill.) D. A. Webb [Rosaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p runus amygdalus Batsch; p runus dulcis (Mill.) D. A.<br />

Webb var. amara (DC.) Buchheim<br />

Common Names:<br />

almond; am<strong>an</strong>dier; bitter almond; Bitter M<strong>an</strong>del;<br />

M<strong>an</strong>delbaum; wild bitter almond<br />

Citations:<br />

Pack WK, Raudonat HW, Schmidt K (1972) Über ein<br />

todliche Blausäurevergiftung nach dem Genuß bitterer<br />

M<strong>an</strong>deln (Prunus amygdalus). Z Rechtsmed<br />

70(1):53-54.<br />

Shragg TA, Albertson TE, Fisher CJ Jr (1982) Cy<strong>an</strong>ide<br />

poisoning after bitter almond ingestion. West J Med<br />

136(1):65-69.<br />

Tholhuysen LJ (1960) Dodelijke vergiftiging v<strong>an</strong> twee runderen<br />

door bittere am<strong>an</strong>delen. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd<br />

85:1243-1244.<br />

Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb var. amara (DC.)<br />

Buchheim = Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb<br />

p r u n u s l a u r o c e r a s u s L. [Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

black cherry; cherry bay; cherry laurel; English laurel;<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> cherry laurel; Hecke; Kirschlorbeer;<br />

laureal real; laurel; laurel cherry; laurierkers;<br />

Lorbeerkirsche<br />

Citations:<br />

Gill DA, McGregor P (1928) Laurel poisoning in stock.<br />

A case of deaths among calves. N Z J Agr 37(Dec<br />

20):407.<br />

Robb W, Campbell D (1941) Poisoning of sheep by the consumption<br />

of laurel leaves. Vet Rec 53(7):93-95.<br />

Wilson DR, Gordon WJ (1941) Laurel poisoning in sheep.<br />

Vet Rec 53(7):95-97.<br />

Wollgarten B (1997) Der klinische Fall. Tierarztl Prax<br />

25(3):223-225.<br />

Prunus mel<strong>an</strong>ocarpa (A. Nelson) Rydb. = Prunus virgini<strong>an</strong>a<br />

L.<br />

p r u n u s My r Ti f o l i a (L.) Urb. [Rosaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p runus sphaerocarpa Sw.<br />

Common Names:<br />

black heart; coração negro; mabola persimmon; marmeleiro<br />

bravo; myrtle laurelcherry; pessegueiro bravo<br />

Citations:<br />

Saad AD, Camargo WV (1967) Intoxicação ci<strong>an</strong>ídrica em<br />

<strong>an</strong>imais domésticos. O «pessegueiro bravo» (Prunus<br />

sphaerocarpa Sw.) pl<strong>an</strong>ta ci<strong>an</strong>ogênica da média Moji<strong>an</strong>a,<br />

como responsável por mortes de bovinos e caprinos. Biologico<br />

33:211-220.<br />

Saad AD, Camargo WV (1970) Intoxicação em <strong>an</strong>imais<br />

domésticos pelo Brumus [Prunus] sphaerocarpa. Arq Inst<br />

Biol (Sao Paulo) 37(Suppl 1):38.<br />

p r u n u s p a d u s L. [Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Ahlkirsche; bird cherry; Elsebaum; Europe<strong>an</strong> May<br />

Day tree; Faulbaum; Traubenkirsche<br />

Citations:<br />

Hofstee AW (1989) Acute vergiftigingen bij dieren in Nederl<strong>an</strong>d<br />

over de periode 1985-1988. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd<br />

114(22):1154-1158.<br />

Sargison ND, Williamson DS, Dunc<strong>an</strong> JR, et al. (1996)<br />

Prunus padus (bird cherry) poisoning in cattle. Vet Rec<br />

138(8):188.<br />

p r u n u s p e r s ic a (L.) Batsch [Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

peach; Pfirsich<br />

Citations:<br />

Carrasquer Moya C, Peláez Hernández A, Durá Calatayud<br />

M, et al. (2002) Allergy to peach. Allergy<br />

57(8):756-757.<br />

Cuesta-Herr<strong>an</strong>z J, Lázaro M, de las Heras M, et al. (1998)<br />

Peach allergy pattern: Experience in 70 patients. Allergy<br />

53(1):78-82.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1928) Stock poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Hydrocy<strong>an</strong>ic<br />

poisoning. North Am Vet 9(5):24-27.<br />

Prunus pseudoarmeniaca Heldr. & Sartori = Prunus<br />

cocomilia Ten.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Psilostrophe gnaphalodes - 319<br />

p r u n u s s e r o Ti n a Ehrh. [Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

black cherry; black wild cherry; cabinet cherry; cherry;<br />

chokecherry; pin cherry; rum cherry; Späte Traubenkirsche;<br />

whiskey cherry; wild beach cherry; wild black<br />

cherry; wild cherry<br />

Citations:<br />

Enge EH (1939) Wild-cherry poisoning in pigs. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 94:123-124.<br />

Gough JF (1995) Black cherry poisoning in <strong>an</strong> Angora goat.<br />

C<strong>an</strong> Vet J 36(1):45.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1924) Prussic acid poisoning in livestock. A<br />

real problem. Better Crops 2(3):26-27,38.<br />

Radi ZA, Styer EL, Thompson LJ (2004) Prunus spp. intoxication<br />

in rumin<strong>an</strong>ts: A case in a goat <strong>an</strong>d diagnosis by<br />

identification of leaf fragments in rumen contents. J Vet<br />

Diagn Invest 16(6):593-599.<br />

Selby LA, Menges RW, Houser EC, et al. (1971) Outbreak<br />

of swine malformations associated with the wild<br />

black cherry, Prunus serotina. Arch Environ Health<br />

22(4):496-501.<br />

Prunus sphaerocarpa Sw. = Prunus myrtifolia (L.) Urb.<br />

p r u n u s s p i n o s a L. [Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blackthorn; Schlehe; Schwarzdorn; sloe<br />

Citations:<br />

Buhr AJ (1960) The thorn in the flesh. L<strong>an</strong>cet 1:309-310.<br />

p r u n u s v i r g i n i a n a L. [Rosaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p runus demissa (Nutt.) D. Dietr.; p runus mel<strong>an</strong>ocarpa<br />

(A. Nelson) Rydb.; p runus virgini<strong>an</strong>a L. var. demissa<br />

(Nutt.) Torr.; p runus virgini<strong>an</strong>a L. var. mel<strong>an</strong>ocarpa<br />

(A. Nelson) Sarg.<br />

Common Names:<br />

black cherry; chokecherry; eastern chokecherry; western<br />

chokecherry; wild cherry; wild chokecherry<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1935) Investigation of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep<br />

1935:39-40.<br />

Anonymous (1936) Investigations of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep.<br />

1936:44-45.<br />

Fleming CE, Dill R (1928) The poisoning of sheep on mountain<br />

grazing r<strong>an</strong>ges in Nevada by the western chokecherry<br />

(Prunus demissa). Nevada Agric Exp Sta Bull<br />

#110:14 pp.<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR (1926) The common<br />

choke-cherry (Prunus demissa) as a pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonous<br />

to sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Nevada Agric Exp Sta Bull<br />

#109:8-30.<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR, et al. (1931) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep<br />

#1928:21-22.<br />

Jackson T (1995) Cy<strong>an</strong>ide poisoning in two donkeys. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 37(6):567-568.<br />

Ogilvie S (1955) Chokecherry toxic to <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>telope. J Mammol<br />

36:146.<br />

Pijo<strong>an</strong> M (1942) Cy<strong>an</strong>ide poisoning from choke cherry seed.<br />

Am J Med Sci 204:550-553.<br />

Stauffer VD (1970) Hydrocy<strong>an</strong>ic acid poisoning from choke<br />

cherry leaves. J Am Vet Med Assoc 157(10):1324.<br />

Stauffer VD (1981) Poison caused by ingestion of chokecherry<br />

leaves in a dog. Vet Med Small Anim Clin 76(11):1573.<br />

psathyrotes –see– Psathyrotes <strong>an</strong>nua (Nutt.) A. Gray<br />

p s a Th y r o Te s a n n u a (Nutt.) A. Gray<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

desert velvet; mealy rosettes; psathyrotes; velvet brittlestem;<br />

velvet rosettes<br />

Citations:<br />

Binns W, James LF, Shupe JL (1962) Psathyrotes <strong>an</strong>nua, poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t for sheep. Vet Med 57(Jun):509-511.<br />

Buck WB, James LF, Binns W (1961) Ch<strong>an</strong>ges in serum<br />

tr<strong>an</strong>saminase activities associated with pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d mineral<br />

toxicity in sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Proc Am Coll Vet Toxicol<br />

1961:13-24.<br />

Buck WB, James LF, Binns W (1961) Ch<strong>an</strong>ges in serum<br />

tr<strong>an</strong>saminase activities associated with pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d<br />

mineral toxicity in sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Cornell Vet<br />

51(Oct):568-585.<br />

Pseudocalymma eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Vell.) Kuhlm. = Arrabidaea<br />

eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Vell.) A. H. Gentry<br />

p s i d i u M g u a j a va L. [Myrtaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

guava<br />

Citations:<br />

Obi M, Miyazaki Y, Yokozeki H, et al. (2001) Allergic<br />

contact dermatitis due to guava tea. Contact Dermatitis<br />

44(2):116-117.<br />

p s i l o c a u l o n a b s i Mi l e N. E. Br. [Aizoaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

asbos; loogbos<br />

Citations:<br />

Rimington C, Steyn DG (1933) Psilocaulon absimile NE<br />

Br as a stock poison. I. Determination of oxalic, malic,<br />

tartaric acids, etc. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

1(2):439-455.<br />

psilostrophe –see– Psilostrophe tagetina (Nutt.) Greene<br />

p s i l o s Tr o p h e g n a p h a l o d e s DC.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cudweed paper flower; paper flower

320 - Psilostrophe sparsiflora D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1933) Investigation of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep<br />

1933:34-35.<br />

Mathews FP (1934) Psilostrophe tagetinae <strong>an</strong>d Psilostrophe<br />

gnaphalodes, two pl<strong>an</strong>ts poisonous to sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle on<br />

the r<strong>an</strong>ges of the Southwest. Texas Agric Exp Sta Bull<br />

#500:5-13.<br />

p s i l o s Tr o p h e s p a r s i f l o r a (A. Gray) A.<br />

Nelson [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

green-stem paper flower<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1940) Investigations of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep<br />

1940:62.<br />

Anonymous (1941) Investigations of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep<br />

1941:62-63.<br />

p s i l o s Tr o p h e Tag e Ti n a (Nutt.) Greene<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

marigold paper flower; paper flower; psilostrophe;<br />

woolly paper flower<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1933) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1933:34-35.<br />

Mathews FP (1934) Psilostrophe tagetinae <strong>an</strong>d Psilostrophe<br />

gnaphalodes, Two pl<strong>an</strong>ts poisonous to sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle on<br />

the r<strong>an</strong>ges of the Southwest. Texas Agric Exp Sta Bull<br />

#500:5-13.<br />

p so p h o c a r p u s Te Tr ag o n o l ob u s (L.) DC.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Goa be<strong>an</strong>; winged be<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Lovell CR, Rycroft RJ (1984) Contact urticaria from winged<br />

be<strong>an</strong> (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus). Contact Dermatitis<br />

10(5):314-315.<br />

Psoralea corylifolia L. = Cullen corylifolium (L.) Medik.<br />

Psoralea drupacea Bunge = Cullen drupaceum (Bunge) C.<br />

H. Stirt.<br />

p s y c h o Tr i a b a r b i f l o r a DC. [Rubiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Andrade SO, Camargo WV, Fern<strong>an</strong>des N (1963) II. Investigações<br />

sôbre pl<strong>an</strong>tas tóxicas no Estado de São Paulo. Arq<br />

Inst Biol (Sao Paulo) 30(Oct):189-203.<br />

Camargo W (1962) Uma nova “erva-de-rato” tóxico para<br />

bovinos Palicourea barbiflora (?), Rubiaceae, comparação<br />

com a Palicourea marcgravii var. pubescens e com a Psychotria<br />

officinalis, Rubiaceae. Arq Inst Biol (Sao Paulo)<br />

29(1):1-11.<br />

p s y c h o Tr i a c a r Th ag i n e n s is Jacq.<br />

[Rubiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Flores FA, Lewis WH (1978) Drinking the South Americ<strong>an</strong><br />

hallucinogenic ayahuasca. Econ Bot 32(Apr-<br />

Jun):154-156.<br />

p s y c h o Tr i a l o n g i p e d u n c u l a Ta (Gardner)<br />

Müll. Arg. [Rubiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p alicourea longipedunculata Muell.<br />

Citations:<br />

Mello EM, Sampaio Fern<strong>an</strong>des JS (1940) Contribuição ao<br />

estudo das pl<strong>an</strong>tas tóxicas Brasileiras. Ministerio Agricultura.<br />

pp. 1-50.<br />

p s y c h o Tr i a p o e p p ig i a n a Müll. Arg.<br />

[Rubiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c ephaelis tomentosa (Aubl.) Vahl<br />

Common names:<br />

erva de rato<br />

Citations:<br />

Nazario W (1973) Cephaelis tomentosa: Uma nova erva de<br />

rato, tóxica para bovinos - Ocorrência clinica no município<br />

de Luciara (Mt). Atualidades Veterinarias 2(9):37-38.<br />

p s y c h o Tr i a v i r i d is Ruiz & Pav. [Rubiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chacruna<br />

Citations:<br />

Flores FA, Lewis WH (1978) Drinking the South Americ<strong>an</strong><br />

hallucinogenic ayahuasca. Econ Bot 32(Apr-Jun):154-156.<br />

Ptelea <strong>an</strong>gustifolia Benth. = Ptelea trifoliata L. subsp.<br />

<strong>an</strong>gustifolia (Benth.) V. L. Bailey<br />

p Te l e a Tr i f o l i a Ta L. subsp. <strong>an</strong>gustifolia<br />

(Benth.) V. L. Bailey [Rutaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p telea <strong>an</strong>gustifolia Benth.<br />

Common Names:<br />

hop tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Muenscher WC, Brown BI (1944) Dermatitis <strong>an</strong>d photosensitization<br />

produced by Ptelea <strong>an</strong>gustifolia. Madrono<br />

7(6):184-188.<br />

p Te r i d i u M a q u i l i n u M (L.) Kuhn<br />

[Dennstaedtiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p teridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. esculentum (G.<br />

Forst.) Kuhn; p teridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var.<br />

latiusculum (Desf.) Underw. ex A. Heller; p teridium

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Pteridium aquilinum - 321<br />

esculentum (G. Forst.) Cockayne; p teridium latiusculum<br />

(Desf.) Hieron. ex R. E. Fr.; p teris aquilina L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Adlerfarn; bracken fern; brake fern; braken fern; eagle<br />

fern; Farn; Farnkraut; fougère aigle; fougère gr<strong>an</strong>d<br />

aigle; helecho; hog brake; samambaia<br />

Citations:<br />

Almond N (1894) Fern poisoning. J Comp Pathol Ther<br />

7:165-167.<br />

Alonso Amelot ME, Avend<strong>an</strong>o M (2001) Possible association<br />

between gastric c<strong>an</strong>cer <strong>an</strong>d bracken fern in Venezuela:<br />

An epidemiologic study. Int J C<strong>an</strong>cer 91(2):252-259.<br />

Andrade SO, Ladeira AM, Shirose I, et al. (1977) Efeitos tóxicos<br />

da “samambaia” (Pteridium aquilinum), na alimentação<br />

de cobaias. Arq Inst Biol (Sao Paulo) 44(4):195-207.<br />

Andrade SO, Sunohara Y (1970) Atividade <strong>an</strong>titiamínica do<br />

Pteridium aquilinum. Arq Inst Biol (Sao Paulo) 37(1):39.<br />

Barnett KC, Blakemore WF, Mason J (1972) Bracken retinopathy<br />

in sheep. Tr<strong>an</strong>s Ophthalmol Soc U K 92:741-744.<br />

Barnett KC, Watson WA (1970) Bright blindness in sheep.<br />

A primary retinopathy due to feeding bracken (Pteris<br />

aquilina). Res Vet Sci 11(3):289-290.<br />

Blakeway J (1924) Bracken poisoning in pigs. Vet J<br />

80:89-90.<br />

Brough RJ (1963) ‘Out of season’ bracken poisoning. Vet Rec<br />

75(7):181-182.<br />

Bry<strong>an</strong> GT, Pamukcu AM (1979) Bracken fern (BF), a natural<br />

urinary bladder carcinogen. In: Deichm<strong>an</strong>n WB (ed.)<br />

Toxicology <strong>an</strong>d occupational medicine. Elsevier. New<br />

York. pp. 229-232.<br />

Campo MS, Jarrett WF, O’Neil W, et al. (1994) Latent papillomavirus<br />

infection in cattle. Res Vet Sci 56(2):151-157.<br />

Carpenter KJ, Phillipson AT, Thomson W (1950) Experiments<br />

with dried bracken (Pteris aquilina). Br Vet J<br />

106:292-308.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>g MC, Feng TK (1964) [Bracken poisoning of dairy<br />

cattle.] Acta Vet Zootech Sin 7(1):69-78.<br />

Cordy DR (1952) The pathology of experimental bracken<br />

poisoning in rats. Cornell Vet 42(1):108-117.<br />

Cordy DR (1957) Experimental production <strong>an</strong>d control of<br />

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Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. esculentum (G. Forst.)<br />

Kuhn = Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Punica gr<strong>an</strong>atum - 325<br />

Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. latiusculum (Desf.)<br />

Underw. ex A. Heller = Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn<br />

Pteridium esculentum (G. Forst.) Cockayne = Pteridium<br />

aquilinum (L.) Kuhn<br />

Pteridium latiusculum (Desf.) Hieron. ex R. E. Fr. =<br />

Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn<br />

Pteris aquilina L. = Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn<br />

p Te r is e n s i f o r Mis Burm. f. [Pteridaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

de Cock PA, Vorwerk H, Bruynzeel DP (1998) H<strong>an</strong>d dermatitis<br />

caused by ferns. Contact Dermatitis 39(6):324.<br />

p Te r o c a r p u s a n g o l e n s is DC. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

kejaat<br />

Citations:<br />

Ordm<strong>an</strong> D (1949) Bronchial asthma caused by the inhalation<br />

of wood dust. Ann Allergy 7:492-496, 505.<br />

p Te r o c a r p u s d a l b e r g io i d e s DC.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

padauk<br />

Citations:<br />

Mehta AJ, Statham BN (2007) Allergic contact dermatitis<br />

to purpleheart <strong>an</strong>d padauk wood (Pterocarpus dalbergioides).<br />

Contact Dermatitis 56(5):245.<br />

Pterocarpus michelii Britton = Pterocarpus s<strong>an</strong>talinoides<br />

L’Hér. ex DC.<br />

p Te r o c a r p u s s a n Ta l i n o i d e s L’Hér. ex DC.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p terocarpus michelii Britton<br />

Citations:<br />

Pinto NR, Baruzzi RG (1991) Male pubertal seclusion <strong>an</strong>d<br />

risk of death in Indi<strong>an</strong>s from Alto Xingu, central Brazil.<br />

Hum Biol 63(6):821-834.<br />

p Te r o c a r p u s so y a u x i i Taub. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

padouk<br />

Citations:<br />

Kiec-Swierczynska M, Krecisz B, Swierczynska-Machura<br />

D, et al. (2004) Occupational allergic contact dermatits<br />

caused by padauk wood (Pterocarpus soyauxii Taub.).<br />

Contact Dermatitis 50(6):384-385.<br />

p Te r o n i a p a l l e n s L. f. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

aasvoëbossie; joggemscholtzbossie; stolsbossie;<br />

witgatbossie<br />

Citations:<br />

Prozesky L, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, Welm<strong>an</strong> WG (1986) An ovine<br />

hepatotoxicosis caused by the pl<strong>an</strong>t Pteronia pallens<br />

(Asteraceae) L. f. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 53(1):9-12.<br />

p Te r o s p e r Mu M a c e r i f o l i u M (L.) Willd.<br />

[Malvaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

p Te r y g o Ta b e q u a e r Ti i De Wild.<br />

[Sterculiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

koto<br />

Citations:<br />

Estl<strong>an</strong>der T, Jol<strong>an</strong>ki R, Al<strong>an</strong>ko K, et al. (2001) Occupational<br />

allergic contact dermatitis caused by wood dusts. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 44(4):213-217.<br />

p Te r y g o Ta Ma c r o c a r p a K. Schum.<br />

[Sterculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

koto<br />

Citations:<br />

Estl<strong>an</strong>der T, Jol<strong>an</strong>ki R, Al<strong>an</strong>ko K, et al. (2001) Occupational<br />

allergic contact dermatitis caused by wood dusts. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 44(4):213-217.<br />

puca campuchu –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia s<strong>an</strong>guinea (Ruiz & Pav.)<br />

D. Don<br />

puccoon –see– S<strong>an</strong>guinaria c<strong>an</strong>adensis L.<br />

pulsatilla –see– Anemone patens L.<br />

Pulsatilla hirsutissima Britton = Anemone patens L.<br />

Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill. = Anemone patens L.<br />

pulse –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

pulse milk vetch –see– Astragalus tenellus Pursh<br />

Pulverholz –see– Fr<strong>an</strong>gula alnus Mill.<br />

pumpkin –see– Cucurbita maxima Duchesne; Cucurbita pepo<br />

L. subsp. pepo<br />

punche –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a tabacum L.<br />

punchon –see– Verbascum thapsus L.<br />

puncture vine –see– Tribulus terrestris L.<br />

puncture weed –see– Tribulus terrestris L.<br />

p u n ic a g r a n a Tu M L. [Lythraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

pomegr<strong>an</strong>ate<br />

Citations:<br />

Gaig P, Bartolomé B, Lleonart R, et al. (1999) Allergy to<br />

pomegr<strong>an</strong>ate (Punica gr<strong>an</strong>atum). Allergy 54(3):287-288.

326 - Pycn<strong>an</strong>themum albescens D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Igea JM, Cuesta J, Cuevas M, et al. (1991) Adverse reaction<br />

to pomegr<strong>an</strong>ate ingestion. Allergy 46(6):472-474.<br />

Valsecchi R, Reseghetti A, Leghissa P, et al. (1998) Immediate<br />

contact hypersensitivity to pomegr<strong>an</strong>ate. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 38(1):44-45.<br />

puppetroot –see– Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

purg<strong>an</strong>te-de-España –see– Jatropha multifida L.<br />

purge nut –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

purgeerboontjie –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

purging buckthorn –see– Rhamnus cathartica L.<br />

purging croton –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

purging nut –see– Jatropha curcas L.; Jatropha multifida L.<br />

purple allam<strong>an</strong>da –see– Cryptostegia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora R. Br.<br />

purple <strong>an</strong>gel’s-trumpet –see– Datura inoxia Mill.<br />

purple bugloss –see– Echium pl<strong>an</strong>tagineum L.<br />

purple clover –see– Trifolium pratense L.<br />

purple cockle –see– Agrostemma githago L.<br />

purple crocus –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

purple digitalis –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

purple foxglove –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

purple goosefoot –see– Scleroblitum atriplicinum (F. Muell.)<br />

Ulbr.<br />

purple ivy –see– Rhododendron catawbiense Michx.<br />

purple jimson weed –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

purple larkspur –see– Delphinium bicolor Nutt.; Delphinium<br />

menziesii DC.; Delphinium nuttalli<strong>an</strong>um Pritz.<br />

purple laurel –see– Rhododendron catawbiense Michx.<br />

purple-laurel rhododendron –see– Rhododendron catawbiense<br />

Michx.<br />

purple locoweed –see– Astragalus mollissimus Torr. var.<br />

mollissimus; Oxytropis lambertii Pursh<br />

purple mint pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton<br />

purple passionflower –see– Passiflora incarnata L.<br />

purple rattlebox –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea (Cav.) Benth.<br />

purple rattlebush –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea (Cav.) Benth.<br />

purple rhododendron –see– Rhododendron catawbiense<br />

Michx.<br />

purple sesb<strong>an</strong> –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea (Cav.) Benth.<br />

purple sesb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea (Cav.) Benth.<br />

purple sesb<strong>an</strong>ia –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea (Cav.) Benth.<br />

purple stinkweed –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

purple stramonium –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

purple thorn apple –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

purple viper’s-bugloss –see– Echium pl<strong>an</strong>tagineum L.<br />

Pursh’s-silky lupine –see– Lupinus sericeus Pursh<br />

pursl<strong>an</strong>e –see– Portulaca oleracea L.<br />

pusley –see– Portulaca oleracea L.<br />

p y c n a n Th e Mu M a l b e s c e n s Torr. & A. Gray<br />

[Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

albescens<br />

Citations:<br />

Eickholt TH, Box RH (1965) Toxicities of peppermint <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Pycn<strong>an</strong>themum albescens oils, fam. Labiateae. J Pharm<br />

Sci 54(7):1071-7072.<br />

p y g Ma e o Th a Mn u s c h a Ma e d e n d r o n<br />

Robyns [Rubiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG (1933) Recent investigations into the toxicity<br />

of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union<br />

of South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

1:173-182.<br />

pyrac<strong>an</strong>tha –see– Pyrac<strong>an</strong>tha coccinea M. Roem.<br />

p y r a c a n Th a c o c c i n e a M. Roem. [Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

buisson ardent; everlasting thorn; Feuerdorn; firethorn;<br />

pyrac<strong>an</strong>tha; vuudoorn<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1980) Tabulations of 1977 case reports. Bull<br />

Natl Clgh Poison Control Cent 24(6):1-4.<br />

Spoerke DG, Temple AR (1978) One year’s experience with<br />

potential pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings reported to the Intermountain<br />

Regional Poison Control Center. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

20(2):85-89.<br />

pyrethrum –see– Leuc<strong>an</strong>themum vulgare Lam.; T<strong>an</strong>acetum<br />

cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Sch. Bip.<br />

Pyrethrum cinerariifolium Trevir. = T<strong>an</strong>acetum<br />

cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Sch. Bip.<br />

p y r u s c o MMu n is L. [Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Birne; pear<br />

Citations:<br />

Krauskopf J (1978) Fytodermatózy způsobené rostlinami<br />

růžovitými. Cesk Dermatol 53(4):253-258.

qat –see– Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl.<br />

Quaker bonnet –see– Scutellaria lateriflora L.<br />

Queen Anne’s-lace –see– Ammi majus L.<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d asthma herb –see– Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp.<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d maple –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d nut –see– Macadamia integrifolia Maiden &<br />

Betche; Macadamia tetraphylla L. A. S. Johnson<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d umbrella tree –see– Schefflera actinophylla<br />

(Endl.) Harms<br />

queen’s-nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um esuriale Lindl.<br />

queen’s-root –see– Stillingia treculi<strong>an</strong>a (Müll. Arg.) I. M.<br />

Johnst.<br />

queen’s-umbrella tree –see– Schefflera actinophylla (Endl.)<br />

Harms<br />

quelite –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus retroflexus L.<br />

quelite cenizo –see– Chenopodium album L.<br />

quelite espinoso –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus spinosus L.<br />

quelite morado –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus hybridus L.<br />

quena –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um esuriale Lindl.<br />

q u e r c u s ag r i f o l i a Née [Fagaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

California live oak<br />

Citations:<br />

Kinde H (1988) A fatal case of oak poisoning in a doublewattled<br />

cassowary (Casuarius casuarius). Avi<strong>an</strong> Dis<br />

32(4):849-851.<br />

q u e r c u s a l b a L. [Fagaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

white oak<br />

Citations:<br />

Chung-MacCoubrey AL, Hagerm<strong>an</strong> AE, Kirkpatrick RL<br />

(1997) Effects of t<strong>an</strong>nins on digestion <strong>an</strong>d detoxification<br />

activity in gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis). Physiol<br />

Zool 70(3):270-277.<br />

Cockrill JM, Beasley JN (1979) Renal damage to cattle<br />

during acorn poisoning. Vet Med Small Anim Clin<br />

74(1):82-85.<br />

Kradel DC, Cow<strong>an</strong> RL (1977) Fall deaths of numerous deer<br />

may be caused by acorn toxin. Sci Agric Pennsylv<strong>an</strong>ia<br />

25(1):2.<br />

Quercus breviloba (Torr.) Sarg. = Quercus sinuata Walter<br />

var. breviloba (Torr.) C. H. Müll.<br />

Quercus calliprinos Webb = Quercus coccifera L.<br />

Q<br />

q u e r c u s c o c c i f e r a L. [Fagaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

q uercus calliprinos Webb<br />

Citations:<br />

Sil<strong>an</strong>ikove N, Gilboa N, Nir I, et al. (1996) Effect of a daily<br />

supplementation of polyethylene glycol on intake <strong>an</strong>d<br />

digestion of t<strong>an</strong>nin-containing leaves (Quercus calliprinos,<br />

Pistacia lentiscus, <strong>an</strong>d Ceratonia siliqua) by goats. J<br />

Agric Food Chem 44:199-205.<br />

Yeruham I, Avidar Y, Perl S, et al. (1998) Probable toxicosis<br />

in cattle in Israel caused by the oak Quercus calliprinos.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 40(6):336-340.<br />

q u e r cus d o u gl a s i i Hook. & Arn. [Fagaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue oak; iron oak; mountain white oak<br />

Citations:<br />

Ostrowski SR, Smith BP, Spier SJ, et al. (1989) Compensatory<br />

weight gain in steers recovered from oak bud toxicosis.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 195(4):481-484.<br />

Plumlee KH, Johnson B, Galey FD (1998) Comparison of<br />

disease in calves dosed orally with oak or commercial t<strong>an</strong>nic<br />

acid. J Vet Diagn Invest 10(3):263-267.<br />

Plumlee KH, Johnson B, Galey FD (1998) Disease in cattle<br />

dosed orally with oak or t<strong>an</strong>nic acid. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr<br />

AC (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI.<br />

New York. pp. 549-553.<br />

Spier SJ, Smith BP, Seawright AA, et al. (1987) Oak toxicosis<br />

in cattle in northern California: Clinical <strong>an</strong>d pathologic<br />

findings. J Am Vet Med Assoc 191(8):958-964.<br />

q u e r c u s g a Mb e l i i Nutt. [Fagaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Gambel’s-oak; oakbrush; Rocky Mountain white oak;<br />

scrub oak; Utah white oak<br />

Citations:<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Marsh H (1919) Oak-leaf poisoning<br />

of domestic <strong>an</strong>imals. U S Dep Agric Bull #767:36 pp.<br />

Nastis AS, Malechek JC (1981) Digestion <strong>an</strong>d utilization<br />

of nutrients in oak browse by goats. J Anim Sci<br />

53(2):283-290.<br />

q u e r c u s g a r r y a n a Douglas ex Hook.<br />

[Fagaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Garry’s-oak; Oregon oak; Oregon white oak; western<br />

white oak<br />

Citations:<br />

Kasari TR, Pearson EG, Hultgren BD (1986) Oak (Quercus<br />

garry<strong>an</strong>a) poisoning of r<strong>an</strong>ge cattle in Southern Oregon.<br />

Compend Cont Educ Pract Vet 8(9):F17-F24.

328 - Quercus grisea D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

q u e r c u s g r is e a Liebm. [Fagaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gray oak<br />

Citations:<br />

Holechek JL, Munshikpu AV, Saiw<strong>an</strong>a L, et al. (1990)<br />

Influences of six shrub diets varying in phenol content on<br />

intake <strong>an</strong>d nitrogen retention by goats. Trop Grassl<strong>an</strong>ds<br />

24(2):93-98.<br />

q u e r c u s h a va r d i i Rydb. [Fagaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

s<strong>an</strong>d shin oak; s<strong>an</strong>d shinnery oak; shin oak; shinnery oak<br />

Citations:<br />

Dollahite JW (1961) Shin oak (Quercus harvardi) poisoning<br />

in cattle. Southwestern Vet 14(Spring):198-201.<br />

Dollahite JW, Housholder GT, Camp BJ (1963) Calcium<br />

hydroxide, a possible <strong>an</strong>tidote for shin oak (Quercus<br />

havardi) poisoning in cattle. Southwestern Vet<br />

16(Winter):115-117.<br />

Dollahite JW, Housholder GT, Camp BJ (1966) Oak poisoning<br />

in livestock. Texas Agric Exp Sta Bull #1049:8 pp.<br />

Dollahite JW, Pigeon RF, Camp BJ (1962) The toxicity of<br />

gallic acid, pyrogallol, t<strong>an</strong>nic acid, <strong>an</strong>d Quercus havardi<br />

in the rabbit. Am J Vet Res 23(Nov):1264-1267.<br />

Householder GT, Dollahite JW (1963) Some clinical biochemical<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in the blood serum of calves fed Quercus<br />

havardi. Southwestern Vet 16(Winter):107-113.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Marsh H (1919) Oak-leaf poisoning<br />

of domestic <strong>an</strong>imals. U S Dep Agric Bull #767:36 pp.<br />

Smith HA (1959) The diagnosis of oak poisoning. Southwestern<br />

Vet 13(Fall):34-36.<br />

q u e r c u s i l e x L. [Fagaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

evergreen holm oak; holm oak<br />

Citations:<br />

Vega A, Dominguez C, Cosmes P, et al. (1998) Anaphylactic<br />

reaction to ingestion of Quercus ilex acorn nut. Clin Exp<br />

Allergy 28(6):739-742.<br />

Zapatero L, Baeza ML, Sierra Z, et al. (2005) Anaphylaxis<br />

by fruits of the Fagaceae family: Acorn <strong>an</strong>d chestnut.<br />

Allergy 60(12):1542.<br />

Quercus inc<strong>an</strong>a Roxb. = Quercus leucotrichophora A.<br />

Camus<br />

q u e r c u s l e u c o Tr ic h o p h o r a A. Camus<br />

[Fagaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

q uercus inc<strong>an</strong>a Roxb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

b<strong>an</strong>; bluejack oak; s<strong>an</strong>djack oak; turkey oak; upl<strong>an</strong>d<br />

willow oak<br />

Citations:<br />

Garg SK, Makkar HP, Nagal KB, et al. (1992) Oak (Quercus<br />

inc<strong>an</strong>a) leaf poisoning in cattle. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

34(2):161-164.<br />

Kaushal JR, Gill RS, Negi SS (1971) Utilisation of oak<br />

(Quercus inc<strong>an</strong>a) kernels in poultry mashes. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet<br />

J 48(4):398-407.<br />

Loh<strong>an</strong> OP, Lall D, Vaid J, et al. (1983) Utilization of oak<br />

tree (Quercus inc<strong>an</strong>a) fodder in cattle rations <strong>an</strong>d fate of<br />

oak-leaf t<strong>an</strong>nins in the rumin<strong>an</strong>t system. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Anim<br />

Sci 53(10):1057-1063.<br />

q u e r c u s l ob a Ta Née [Fagaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

valley oak<br />

Citations:<br />

Fowler ME, Richards WP (1965) Acorn poisoning in a cow<br />

<strong>an</strong>d a sheep. J Am Vet Med Assoc 147(11):1215-1220.<br />

Quercus pedunculata Ehrh. = Quercus robur L.<br />

q u e r c u s r ob u r L. [Fagaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

q uercus pedunculata Ehrh.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Eichel; English oak; Europe<strong>an</strong> oak; gl<strong>an</strong>ds; kocsányos<br />

tölgy; pedunculate oak; September oak; Sommereiche;<br />

Stieleiche<br />

Citations:<br />

Cedervall A, Joh<strong>an</strong>sson HE, Jönsson L (1973) Acorn poisoning<br />

in cattle. Nord Vet Med 25(12):639-644.<br />

Clarke EG, Cotchin E (1956) A note on the toxicity of the<br />

acorn. Br Vet J 112:135-139.<br />

Commergnat J (1973) Intoxication des bovins par les gl<strong>an</strong>ds.<br />

Bull Mens Soc Vet Prat Fr 57(7):371-374.<br />

Dixon PM, McPherson EA, Rowl<strong>an</strong>d AC, et al. (1979)<br />

Acorn poisoning in cattle. Vet Rec 104(13):284-285.<br />

Jerrett IV, Haynes MP, McCausl<strong>an</strong>d IP (1981) Acorn poisoning<br />

in calves. Aust Vet Assoc Yearbook. pp. 193-194.<br />

Neser JA, Coetzer JA, Boomker J, et al. (1982) Oak<br />

(Quercus rubor) poisoning in cattle. J S Afr Vet Assoc<br />

53(3):151-155.<br />

Stöber M, Ziegler HP, von Benten K (1974) Beitrag zur<br />

Eichelvergiftung des Rindes - Kr<strong>an</strong>kheitfälle im Herbst<br />

1973. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr 81(7):155-161.<br />

Stöber M, Ziegler HP, von Benten K (1976) Acorn poisoning<br />

in cattle. Bovine Pract 11(Nov):36-41.<br />

Tudor G (1971) Observaţii asupra intoxicaţiei cu ghindă<br />

verde la ovine. Rev Zootehnie Med Vet 21(8):60-62.<br />

q u e r c u s r u b r a L. [Fagaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

q uercus rubra L. var. borealis (F. Michx.) Farw.<br />

Common Names:<br />

gray oak; northern red oak; red oak<br />

Citations:<br />

Chung-MacCoubrey AL, Hagerm<strong>an</strong> AE, Kirkpatrick RL<br />

(1997) Effects of t<strong>an</strong>nins on digestion <strong>an</strong>d detoxification<br />

activity in gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis). Physiol<br />

Zool 70(3):270-277.<br />

Cockrill JM, Beasley JN (1979) Renal damage to cattle during<br />

acorn poisoning. Vet Med Small Anim Clin 74(1):82-85.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Quillaja saponaria - 329<br />

Dunc<strong>an</strong> CS (1961) Oak leaf poisoning in two horses. Cornell<br />

Vet 51(J<strong>an</strong>):159-162.<br />

Kradel DC, Cow<strong>an</strong> RL (1977) Fall deaths of numerous deer<br />

may be caused by acorn toxin. Sci Agric Pennsylv<strong>an</strong>ia<br />

25(1):2.<br />

Quercus rubra L. var. borealis (F. Michx.) Farw. = Quercus<br />

rubra L.<br />

q u e r c u s s i n u a Ta Walter var. breviloba (Torr.)<br />

C. H. Müll. [Fagaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

q uercus breviloba (Torr.) Sarg.<br />

Common Names:<br />

shin oak<br />

Citations:<br />

Pammel LH (1917) A further discussion of oak poisoning.<br />

Am J Vet Med 12:462.<br />

Pammel LH (1917) More cases of poisoning from oak. Am<br />

J Vet Med 12:712.<br />

Smith HA (1959) The diagnosis of oak poisoning. Southwestern<br />

Vet 13(Fall):34-36.<br />

q u e r c u s s Te l l a Ta W<strong>an</strong>genh. [Fagaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

iron oak; post oak<br />

Citations:<br />

Dollahite JW (1961) Shin oak (Quercus harvardi) poisoning<br />

in cattle. Southwestern Vet 14(Spring):198-201.<br />

Dollahite JW, Housholder GT, Camp BJ (1966) Effect<br />

of calcium hydroxide on the toxicity of post oak<br />

(Quercus stellata) in calves. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

148(8):908-912.<br />

Dollahite JW, Housholder GT, Camp BJ (1966) Oak poisoning<br />

in livestock. Texas Agric Exp Sta Bull #1049:8<br />

pp.<br />

q u e r c u s s u b e r L. [Fagaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cork dust; cork oak<br />

Citations:<br />

C<strong>an</strong>cella LC (1963) Suberosis: A pneumoconiosis due to cork<br />

dust - The present stage of the problem. Ind Med Surg<br />

32(2):435-445.<br />

q u e r c u s v i r g i n i a n a Mill. [Fagaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

live oak<br />

Citations:<br />

Taylor CA, Ralphs MH (1992) Reducing livestock losses<br />

from poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts through grazing m<strong>an</strong>agement. J<br />

R<strong>an</strong>ge M<strong>an</strong>ag 45(1):9-12.<br />

q u e r c u s w is l i z e n i DC. [Fagaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

interior live oak<br />

Citations:<br />

Wilson AD, Weir WC, Torell DT (1971) Evaluation of<br />

chamise (Adenostoma fasiculatum) <strong>an</strong>d interior live<br />

oak (Quercus wislizenii) as feed for sheep. J Anim Sci<br />

32(5):1042-1045.<br />

queue-de-cheval –see– Equisetum palustre L.<br />

quickgrass –see– Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.<br />

quillaia –see– Quillaja saponaria Molina<br />

quillaja –see– Quillaja saponaria Molina<br />

quillaja bark –see– Quillaja saponaria Molina<br />

q u i l l a j a s a p o n a r i a Molina [Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cortes quillajas; quillaia; quillaja; soapbark tree;<br />

soapwort<br />

Citations:<br />

Bradley R, Harchelroad F (1994) Root beer as a cause for<br />

thrombocytopenia. Vet Hum Toxicol 36(4):357.<br />

Ilsley SE, Miller HM, Kamel C (2005) Effects of dietary<br />

quillaja saponin <strong>an</strong>d curcumin on the perform<strong>an</strong>ce <strong>an</strong>d<br />

immune status of we<strong>an</strong>ed pigs. J Anim Sci 83(1):82-88.<br />

Raghuprasad PK, Brooks SM, Litwin A, et al. (1980) Quillaja<br />

bark (soapbark)-induced asthma. J Allergy Clin<br />

Immunol 65(4):285-287.<br />

Sieben P, Rørdam AM, Thomsen ES (1982) Forgiftning med<br />

nysepulver. Ugeskr Laeger 144(24):1780.<br />

quinine bush –see– Alstonia constricta F. Muell.<br />

quinoa –see– Chenopodium quinoa Willd.<br />

quinua –see– Chenopodium quinoa Willd.

ab<strong>an</strong>iza –see– Raph<strong>an</strong>us raph<strong>an</strong>istrum L.<br />

ráb<strong>an</strong>o magistro –see– Armoracia rustic<strong>an</strong>a P. Gaertn. et al.<br />

ráb<strong>an</strong>o ragisco –see– Armoracia rustic<strong>an</strong>a P. Gaertn. et al.<br />

ráb<strong>an</strong>o rustic<strong>an</strong>o –see– Armoracia rustic<strong>an</strong>a P. Gaertn. et al.<br />

ráb<strong>an</strong>o silvestre –see– Armoracia rustic<strong>an</strong>a P. Gaertn. et al.;<br />

Raph<strong>an</strong>us raph<strong>an</strong>istrum L.<br />

rabbitbrush –see– Psilostrophe sparsiflora (A. Gray) A. Nelson<br />

rabo-de-gato –see– Achyr<strong>an</strong>thes aspera L.<br />

raccoonberry –see– Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

racha –see– L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara L.<br />

racine-de-mahonia –see– Berberis aquifolium Pursh<br />

radiata pine -see- Pinus radiata D. Don<br />

Radicula armoracia (L.) B. L. Rob. = Armoracia rustic<strong>an</strong>a<br />

P. Gaertn. et al.<br />

radish –see– Raph<strong>an</strong>us sativus L.<br />

ragweed –see– Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.<br />

ragwort –see– Crotalaria bertero<strong>an</strong>a DC.; Jacobaea<br />

aquatica (Hill) P. Gaertn. et al. var. erratica (Bertol.)<br />

Pelser & Meijden; Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.; Senecio<br />

alpinus (L.) Scop.; Senecio brasiliensis (Spreng.) Less.;<br />

Senecio isatideus DC.; Senecio latifolius DC.; Senecio<br />

retrorsus DC.; Senecio ruwenzoriensis S. Moore; Senecio<br />

sceleratus Schweick.<br />

rahar dal –see– Caj<strong>an</strong>us caj<strong>an</strong> (L.) Millsp.<br />

rai’ dore –see– Senna occidentalis (L.) Link<br />

raigras perenne –see– Lolium perenne L.<br />

rain flower –see– Grevillea b<strong>an</strong>ksii R. Br.<br />

rain lily –see– Cooperia pedunculata Herb.<br />

rain tree –see– Laburnum <strong>an</strong>agyroides Medik.; Sam<strong>an</strong>ea<br />

sam<strong>an</strong> (Jacq.) Merr.<br />

rainberry –see– Rhamnus cathartica L.<br />

rainbow-leaf –see– Smodingium argutum E. Mey. ex Sond.<br />

Rainfarn –see– T<strong>an</strong>acetum vulgare L.<br />

rainfort sauvage –see– Raph<strong>an</strong>us raph<strong>an</strong>istrum L.<br />

Rainweide –see– Ligustrum vulgare L.<br />

raisin –see– Vitis vinifera L.<br />

raiz forte –see– Armoracia rustic<strong>an</strong>a P. Gaertn. et al.<br />

rajma –see– Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd.<br />

ral tree –see– Semecarpus <strong>an</strong>acardium L. f.<br />

Ral’dore –see– Senna occidentalis (L.) Link<br />

rama zorilla –see– Phacelia crenulata Torr. ex S. Watson<br />

ramin –see– Gonystylus b<strong>an</strong>c<strong>an</strong>us (Miq.) Kurz<br />

R<br />

ramjada –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

r<strong>an</strong>cher’s-fiddleneck –see– Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. & C.<br />

A. Mey.<br />

r<strong>an</strong>ger’s-buttons –see– Sphenosciadium capitellatum A.<br />

Gray<br />

r<strong>an</strong>giora –see– Brachyglottis rep<strong>an</strong>da J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.<br />

R<strong>an</strong>goon be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus lunatus L.<br />

R<strong>an</strong>goon teak –see– Tectona gr<strong>an</strong>dis L. f.<br />

R<strong>an</strong>goonbohne –see– Phaseolus lunatus L.<br />

r<strong>an</strong>soms –see– Allium ursinum L.<br />

r a n u n c u l u s a c r is L. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

acrid buttercup; blister pl<strong>an</strong>t; bouton d’or; butter<br />

daisy; Butterblume; buttercup; crowflower; gi<strong>an</strong>t<br />

buttercup; Hahnenfuß; meadow buttercup; meadow<br />

r<strong>an</strong>unculus; réti boglárka; tall buttercup; tall crowfoot;<br />

tall field buttercup; upright meadow crowfoot;<br />

yellow gow<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Harshberger JW (1894) An additional poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. Bot<br />

Gaz 19(322):159.<br />

Harshberger JW (1894) R<strong>an</strong>unculus acris, <strong>an</strong> additional poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t. Garden Forest 7(322):170.<br />

Hidiroglou M, Knutti HJ (1963) The effects of green tall<br />

buttercup in roughage on the growth <strong>an</strong>d health of beef<br />

cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep. C<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 43(Jun):68-71.<br />

Pammel LH (1929) Buttercup or crow-foot poisoning. Vet<br />

Med 24(Dec):540-541.<br />

Winters JB (1976) Severe urticarial reaction in a dog following<br />

ingestion of tall field buttercup. Vet Med Small Anim<br />

Clin 71(3):307.<br />

r a n u n c u l u s b u l b o s u s L. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bulbous buttercup; butter daisy; buttercup; crowflower;<br />

crowfoot; Hahnenfuß; St. Anthony’s-turnip<br />

Citations:<br />

Gunning OV (1949) Suspected buttercup poisoning in a Jersey<br />

cow. Br Vet J 105:393.<br />

Kelch WJ, Kerr LA, Adair HS, et al. (1992) Suspected buttercup<br />

(R<strong>an</strong>unculus bulbosus) toxicosis with secondary<br />

photosensitization in a Charolais heifer. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

34(3):238-239.<br />

Pammel LH (1929) Buttercup or crow-foot poisoning. Vet<br />

Med 24(Dec):540-541.

332 - R<strong>an</strong>unculus cymbalaria D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

r a n u n c u l u s c y Mb a l a r i a Pursh<br />

[R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

desert crowfoot; marsh buttercup; seaside buttercup;<br />

shore buttercup<br />

Citations:<br />

Fleming CE (1920) <strong>Poisonous</strong> r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric<br />

Exp Sta Annu Rep 1919:39-43.<br />

r a n u n c u l u s d a Ma s c e n u s Boiss. & Gaill.<br />

[R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Metın A, Çalka Ö, Behçet L, et al. (2001) Phytodermatitis<br />

from R<strong>an</strong>unculus damascenus. Contact Dermatitis<br />

44(3):183.<br />

r a n u n c u l u s Mu l Ti f i d u s Forssk.<br />

[R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r <strong>an</strong>unculus pinnatus Poir.; r <strong>an</strong>unculus pubescens<br />

Thunb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

buttercup<br />

Citations:<br />

Shone DK (1966) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part I. Rhodesia<br />

Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 4:81-94.<br />

Shone DK (1967) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part II.<br />

Rhodesia Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 5:29-41.<br />

R<strong>an</strong>unculus pinnatus Poir. = R<strong>an</strong>unculus multifidus Forssk.<br />

R<strong>an</strong>unculus pubescens Thunb. = R<strong>an</strong>unculus multifidus<br />

Forssk.<br />

r a n u n c u l u s r e p e n s L. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

butón-de-oro; creeping buttercup; creeping crowfoot;<br />

crowfoot; kriechender Hahnenfuß<br />

Citations:<br />

Morales H (1989) Abortos en una lechería da la VIII Región<br />

de Chile atribuidos al consumo de botón de oro (R<strong>an</strong>unculus<br />

repens, L.). Arch Med Vet 21(2):163-166.<br />

r a n u n c u l u s s c e l e r a Tu s L. [R<strong>an</strong>unculaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blister buttercup; buttercup; celery-leaf buttercup; celery-leaf<br />

crowfoot; crowfoot; cursed buttercup; cursed<br />

crowfoot; ditch crowfoot; Froschkraut; Gifthahnenfuß;<br />

marsh crowfoot; water crowfoot<br />

Citations:<br />

Miedzobrodzki K (1971) Przypadek zatrucia krów jaskrem<br />

(R<strong>an</strong>unculus sceleratus). Med Weter 27(7):411-412.<br />

rape –see– Brassica napus L. var. napus; Brassica rapa L.<br />

subsp. campestris (L.) A. R. Clapham<br />

rape kale –see– Brassica napus L. var. pabularia (DC.) Rchb.<br />

Raph<strong>an</strong>us niger Mill. = Raph<strong>an</strong>us sativus L.<br />

r a p h a n u s r a p h a n is Tr u M L. [Brassicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Hederich; jaramago bl<strong>an</strong>co; joint charlock; rab<strong>an</strong>iza;<br />

ráb<strong>an</strong>o silvestre; rainfort sauvage; ravenelle; Rettich;<br />

white charlock; wild mustard; wild radish<br />

Citations:<br />

Hale OM, Utley PR (1985) Effects of feeding wheat contaminated<br />

with wild radish (Raph<strong>an</strong>us raph<strong>an</strong>istrum) to<br />

growing pigs. J Anim Sci 61(5):1172-1177.<br />

Trouche (1936) Intoxication d’un troupeau d’agnelles par<br />

suite d’une absorption abond<strong>an</strong>te de ravenelles. Rev Med<br />

Vet 88:682-683.<br />

r a p h a n u s s a Ti v u s L. [Brassicaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r aph<strong>an</strong>us niger Mill.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Ackerrettich; fodder radish; Hederich; radish; white<br />

radish<br />

Citations:<br />

El Sayed F, M<strong>an</strong>zur F, Marguery MC, et al. (1995) Urticarial<br />

m<strong>an</strong>ifestations due to Raph<strong>an</strong>us niger. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 32(4):241.<br />

Mitchell JC, Jord<strong>an</strong> WP (1974) Allergic contact dermatitis<br />

from the radish, Raph<strong>an</strong>us sativus. Br J Dermatol<br />

91(2):183-189.<br />

Sinha SM, Pasricha JS, Sharma RC, et al. (1977) Vegetables<br />

responsible for contact dermatitis of the h<strong>an</strong>ds. Arch<br />

Dermatol 113(6):776-779.<br />

Raps –see– Brassica napus L. var. napus<br />

rapsfromel –see– Brassica napus L. var. napus<br />

r a p u Ti a a l b a ( Mart.) Engl. [Rutaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Freise FW (1936) Vergiftungen durch brasili<strong>an</strong>ische<br />

Werkhölzer. II. Jacareúba-Holz und Seidenholz. Sammlung<br />

Vergiftungsfallen 7(C33):61-72.<br />

rastrero –see– Trifolium repens L.<br />

raton –see– Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp.<br />

rat’s-b<strong>an</strong>e –see– Dichapetalum toxicarium (G. Don) Baill.<br />

ratti –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

rattlebox –see– Crotalaria bertero<strong>an</strong>a DC.; Crotalaria<br />

goreensis Guill. & Perr.; Crotalaria pallida Aiton;<br />

Crotalaria retusa L.; Crotalaria sagittalis L.; Crotalaria<br />

spectabilis Roth; Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia drummondii (Rydb.) Cory;<br />

Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea (Cav.) Benth.<br />

rattlebush –see– Crotalaria burke<strong>an</strong>a Benth.; Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia<br />

drummondii (Rydb.) Cory; Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea (Cav.) Benth.<br />

rattlepod –see– Crotalaria juncea L.; Crotalaria retusa L.;<br />

Crotalaria spectabilis Roth

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Rauvolfia vomitoria - 333<br />

rattleroot –see– Actaea racemosa L.<br />

rattlesnake weed –see– Crotalaria sagittalis L.<br />

rattleweed –see– Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas ex Hook.<br />

var. diphysus (A. Gray) M. E. Jones; Astragalus wootonii<br />

E. Sheld.; Crotalaria pallida Aiton; Crotalaria retusa<br />

L.; Crotalaria sagittalis L.; Crotalaria spectabilis Roth;<br />

Oxytropis lambertii Pursh; Oxytropis sericea Nutt.<br />

raunja –see– Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd.<br />

Rauschbeere –see– Vaccinium uliginosum L.<br />

Raute –see– Ruta graveolens L.<br />

r a u vo l f i a s e r p e n Ti n a (L.) Benth. ex Kurz<br />

[Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> snakeroot; rauwolfia; serpentwood; snakeroot<br />

Citations:<br />

Hager W, Friedrich KH, Wink K, et al. (1968) Suizidversuch<br />

mit Ajmalin. Dtsch Med Wochenschr<br />

93(38):1809-1812.<br />

Müller FJ (1969) Orale Intoxikation einer Erwachsenen mit<br />

Gilurytmal. Med Klin 64(31):1389-1393.<br />

Rogos R (1967) Suizidversuch mit Ajmalin. Z Gesamte Inn<br />

Med 22(14):432-435.<br />

r a u vo l f i a v o Mi To r i a Afzel. [Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Ak<strong>an</strong>ta<br />

Citations:<br />

Jornod JC, Barrelet JA (1965) Suicidal attempt by overdosage<br />

of ajmaline. Am Heart J 70(5):719-720.<br />

rauwolfia –see– Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz<br />

ravenelle –see– Raph<strong>an</strong>us raph<strong>an</strong>istrum L.; Sinapis arvensis<br />

L.<br />

rayless goldenrod –see– Isocoma plurifolia (Torr. & A. Gray)<br />

Greene<br />

razha –see– Medicago sativa L.<br />

real heirri –see– Deguelia utilis (A. C. Sm.) A. M. G.<br />

Azevedo<br />

Rebelwurz –see– Asarum europaeum L.<br />

Rebhuhnholz –see– Andira inermis (W. Wright) Kunth ex<br />

DC.<br />

recurved thorn apple –see– Datura inoxia Mill.; Datura<br />

wrightii Regel<br />

red <strong>an</strong>gel’s-trumpet –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia s<strong>an</strong>guinea (Ruiz &<br />

Pav.) D. Don<br />

red b<strong>an</strong>eberry –see– Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willd.<br />

red bead vine –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

red be<strong>an</strong> –see– Calia secundiflora (Ortega) Yakovlev;<br />

Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

red-berry juniper –see– Juniperus pinchotii Sudw.<br />

red bryony –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

red buckeye –see– Aesculus pavia L.<br />

red bur –see– Sclerolaena <strong>an</strong>isac<strong>an</strong>thoides (F. Muell.) Domin<br />

red caustic creeper –see– Chamaesyce prostrata (Aiton) Small<br />

red cayenne –see– Capsicum frutescens L.<br />

red cedar –see– Thuja occidentalis L.; Thuja plicata Donn ex<br />

D. Don<br />

red chickweed –see– Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

red chili –see– Capsicum frutescens L.<br />

red clover –see– Trifolium pratense L.<br />

red cole –see– Armoracia rustic<strong>an</strong>a P. Gaertn. et al.<br />

red cotton –see– Asclepias curassavica L.<br />

red darling pea –see– Swainsona galegifolia (Andrews) R. Br.<br />

red fescue –see– Festuca rubra L. subsp. fallax (Thuill.)<br />

Nym<strong>an</strong><br />

red ginger –see– Zingiber officinale Roscoe<br />

red gram –see– Caj<strong>an</strong>us caj<strong>an</strong> (L.) Millsp.<br />

red gum –see– Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.<br />

red heart-of-bullock bush –see– Alectryon oleifolius (Desf.) S.<br />

T. Reynolds<br />

red hemp nettle –see– Galeopsis lad<strong>an</strong>um L.<br />

red ink pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

red kidney be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

red lac –see– Toxicodendron succed<strong>an</strong>eum (L.) Kuntze<br />

red laurel –see– Rhododendron catawbiense Michx.<br />

red mallow –see– Modiola carolini<strong>an</strong>a (L.) G. Don<br />

red maple –see– Acer rubrum L.<br />

red Mexic<strong>an</strong> be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

red navy be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

red oak –see– Quercus rubra L.<br />

red orache –see– Atriplex rosea L.<br />

red paperbark tree –see– Albizia t<strong>an</strong>g<strong>an</strong>yicensis Baker f.<br />

red pepper –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.<br />

red pimpernel –see– Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

red pokeweed –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

red poppy –see– Papaver rhoeas L.<br />

red puccoon –see– S<strong>an</strong>guinaria c<strong>an</strong>adensis L.<br />

red rhat<strong>an</strong>y –see– Krameria lappacea (Dombey) Burdet & B.<br />

B. Simpson<br />

red sage –see– L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara L.; Salvia coccinea Buc’hoz ex<br />

Etl.<br />

red salvia –see– Salvia coccinea Buc’hoz ex Etl.<br />

red silky oak –see– Grevillea b<strong>an</strong>ksii R. Br.<br />

red soldier –see– Euphorbia drummondii Boiss.<br />

red sorrel –see– Rumex acetosella L.<br />

red squill –see– Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn<br />

red-stem filaree –see– Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Her.

334 - Rehm<strong>an</strong>ni glutinosa D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

red-stem peavine –see– Astragalus emory<strong>an</strong>us (Rydb.) Cory<br />

red vetch –see– Lathyrus hirsutus L.<br />

red-water bark –see– Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guill. &<br />

Perr.) Bren<strong>an</strong><br />

red willow –see– Modiola carolini<strong>an</strong>a (L.) G. Don<br />

red wings –see– Combretum platypetalum Welw. ex Laws.<br />

redbird cactus –see– Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus tithymaloides (L.) Poit.<br />

redhead cottonbush –see– Asclepias curassavica L.<br />

redoul –see– Coriaria myrtifolia L.<br />

redroot –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus hybridus L.; Amar<strong>an</strong>thus palmeri<br />

S. Watson; Amar<strong>an</strong>thus retroflexus L.; S<strong>an</strong>guinaria<br />

c<strong>an</strong>adensis L.<br />

redroot pigweed –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus retroflexus L.<br />

redscale –see– Atriplex rosea L.<br />

redsh<strong>an</strong>k –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus cruentus L.; Persicaria maculosa<br />

Gray<br />

redtop –see– Asclepias curassavica L.<br />

redweed –see– Papaver rhoeas L.; Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

redwood –see– Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl.<br />

reed c<strong>an</strong>arygrass –see– Phalaris arundinacea L.<br />

reed fescue –see– Festuca arundinacea Schreb.<br />

reed phalaris –see– Phalaris arundinacea L.<br />

reed sweetgrass –see– Glyceria maxima (Hartm.) Holmb.<br />

reefer –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

reflexed amar<strong>an</strong>thus –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus retroflexus L.<br />

réglisse –see– Glycyrrhiza glabra L.<br />

r e h Ma n n i g l u Ti n o s a (Gaertn.) Steud.<br />

[Phrymaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

g<strong>an</strong>-di-hu<strong>an</strong>g<br />

Citations:<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> JC, Ch<strong>an</strong> TY, Ch<strong>an</strong> KL, et al. (1994) Anticholinergic<br />

poisoning from Chinese herbal medicines. Aust N Z J<br />

Med 24(3):317.<br />

Reichblütige Glyzinie –see– Wisteria floribunda (Willd.) DC.<br />

rein –see– Chrozophora obliqua (Vahl) A. Juss. ex Spreng.<br />

reina-de-la-noche –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia arborea (L.) Lagerh.<br />

Reis –see– Oryza sativa L.<br />

Reiterkappe –see– Aconitum napellus L.<br />

remolacha –see– Beta vulgaris L.<br />

rengas –see– Gluta renghas L.<br />

renghas –see– Gluta renghas L.<br />

renonée âcre –see– Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach<br />

renta yam –see– Dioscorea alata L.<br />

repolho –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.<br />

Rere –see– Senna occidentalis (L.) Link<br />

resurrection pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.<br />

retama –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

réti boglárka –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus acris L.<br />

Rettich –see– Raph<strong>an</strong>us raph<strong>an</strong>istrum L.<br />

reunja –see– Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd.<br />

reuse kweekgrass –see– Cynodon nlemfuensis V<strong>an</strong>deryst<br />

r e u Te a l is Tr is p e r Ma (Bl<strong>an</strong>co) Airy Shaw<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a leurites trisperma Bl<strong>an</strong>co<br />

Common Names:<br />

b<strong>an</strong>ucalad nut; lumb<strong>an</strong>g nut; soft lumb<strong>an</strong>g<br />

Citations:<br />

Emmel MW (1947) The toxic principle of the species Aleurites.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 111(Nov):386-387.<br />

Emmel MW (1947) The toxic principle of the tung tree.<br />

Florida Agric Exp Sta Bull #431:35 pp.<br />

revebjelle –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

reverchonia –see– Reverchonia arenaria A. Gray<br />

r e ve r c h o n i a a r e n a r i a A. Gray<br />

[Phyll<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

reverchonia; s<strong>an</strong>d reverchonia; spurge<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1942) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1942:29.<br />

Rhabarber –see– Rheum ×hybridum Murray<br />

r h a Mn u s c a Th a r Tic a L. [Rhamnaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

buckthorn; Frenchberry; hart’s-thorn; Hirschdorn;<br />

Kreuzdorn; purging buckthorn; rainberry; Rhine<br />

thorn; Rhineberry; way thorn<br />

Citations:<br />

Anderson T, Konracki S, Lym<strong>an</strong> DO, et al. (1978) Diarrhea<br />

from herbal tea - New York, Pennsylv<strong>an</strong>ia. MMWR<br />

Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 27(8):248-249.<br />

B<strong>an</strong>ach K (1980) Ostre zatrucia <strong>an</strong>trazwiazkami spowodow<strong>an</strong>e<br />

spożyciem owoców szakłaku pospolitego. Wiad Lek<br />

33(5):405-408.<br />

Calderon-Gonzalez R, Rizzi-Hernadez H (1967) Buckthorn<br />

polyneuropathy. N Eng J Med 277:69-71.<br />

Lichtensteiger CA, Johnston NA, Beasley VR (1997) Rhamnus<br />

cathartica (buckthorn) hepatocellular toxicity in mice.<br />

Toxicol Pathol 25(5):449-452.<br />

Rhamnus fr<strong>an</strong>gula L. = Fr<strong>an</strong>gula alnus Mill.<br />

rhapontic rhubarb –see– Rheum ×hybridum Murray

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Rhododendron arboreum - 335<br />

r h a p o n Tic u M r e p e n s (L.) Hidalgo<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a croptilon repens (L.) DC.; c entarurea repens L.;<br />

c entaurea picris Pall. ex Willd.<br />

Common Names:<br />

creeping knapweed; hard heads; Russi<strong>an</strong> centaurea;<br />

Russi<strong>an</strong> knapweed; Russi<strong>an</strong> star thistle; Turkest<strong>an</strong><br />

thistle<br />

Citations:<br />

Dil’bazi GI (1974) [Poisoning of buffaloes by hay heavily<br />

contaminated with Centaurea picris.] Veterinariia Moscow<br />

51(2):106-107.<br />

Farrell RK, S<strong>an</strong>de RD, Lincoln SD (1971) Nigropallidal<br />

encephalomalacia in a horse. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

158(7):1201-1204.<br />

Larson KA, Young S (1970) Nigropallidal encephalomalacia<br />

in horses in Colorado. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

156(5):626-628.<br />

Young S, Brown WW, Klinger B (1970) Clinical <strong>an</strong>d pathologic<br />

aspects of Russi<strong>an</strong> knapweed poisoning in horses<br />

(nigropallidal encephalomalacia). J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

156(May 1):1219.<br />

Young S, Brown WW, Klinger B (1970) Nigropallidal<br />

encephalomalacia in horses caused by ingestion of<br />

weeds of the genus Centaurea. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

157(11):1602-1605.<br />

Young S, Brown WW, Klinger B (1970) Nigropallidal<br />

encephalomalacia in horses fed Russi<strong>an</strong> knapweed (Centaurea<br />

repens L). Am J Vet Res 31(8):1393-1404.<br />

Rhapontikrhabarber –see– Rheum ×hybridum Murray<br />

rhat<strong>an</strong>hia –see– Krameria lappacea (Dombey) Burdet & B.<br />

B. Simpson<br />

rhat<strong>an</strong>ia –see– Krameria lappacea (Dombey) Burdet & B. B.<br />

Simpson<br />

r h a z y a s Tr ic Ta Decne. [Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

harmal; harmel<br />

Citations:<br />

Adam SE (1998) Toxicity of Rhazya stricta to sheep. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 40(2):68-69.<br />

Adam SE (1999) Experimental Rhazya stricta toxicosis in<br />

rats. Vet Hum Toxicol 41(1):5-8.<br />

Adam SE, Al-Yahya MA, Al-Farh<strong>an</strong> AH (2002) Toxicity<br />

of Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der <strong>an</strong>d Rhazya stricta in Najdi sheep:<br />

Hematologic <strong>an</strong>d clinicopathologic alterations. Am J<br />

Chin Med 30(2-3):255-262.<br />

r h e u M ×h y b r i d u M Murray [Polygonaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r heum rhaponticum auct.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Deutscher Rhabarber; pie pl<strong>an</strong>t; Rhabarber; rhapontic<br />

rhubarb; Rhapontikrhabarber; rhubarb; rhubarbe;<br />

ruibarbo; water pl<strong>an</strong>t; wine pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1917) Death from eating rhubarb leaves. JAMA<br />

68(25):1928.<br />

Anonymous (1917) Poisoning by Rhubarb leaves. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

1(Jun 2):847-848.<br />

Anonymous (1917) Poisoning from rhubarb leaves. JAMA<br />

68(26):847.<br />

Arena JM (1972) Rhubarb hyperphagia hazards. JAMA<br />

219(5):626.<br />

Benson HW (1919) Poisoning from eating c<strong>an</strong>ned rhubarb<br />

stems. JAMA 73(Oct 11):1152.<br />

Fühner H (1926) Deutscher Rhabarber. Munch Med<br />

Wochenschr 73:400-402.<br />

Maillart (1917) Un cas d’empoisonnement par des feuilles<br />

de rhubarbe. Rev Med Suisse Rom<strong>an</strong>de 37:344-348,<br />

468-471.<br />

Naudin L (1932) Intoxication d’une chèvre par le limbe de<br />

feuilles de rhubarbe. Rec Med Vet Ec Alfort 108:91-92.<br />

Robb HF, Sippy JJ (1919) Death from rhubarb leaves due to<br />

oxalic acid poisoning. JAMA 73(8):627-628.<br />

Spoerke DG, Temple AR (1978) One year’s experience with<br />

potential pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings reported to the Intermountain<br />

Regional Poison Control Center. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

20(2):85-89.<br />

Streicher E (1964) Akutes Nierenversagen und Ikterus nach<br />

einer Vergiftung mit Rhaberberblättern. Dtsch Med<br />

Wochenschr 89(50):2379-2381.<br />

Tallqvist H, Väänänen I (1960) Death of a child from oxalic<br />

acid poisoning due to eating rhubarb leaves. Ann Paediatr<br />

Fenn 6(2):1-4.<br />

r h e u M o f f ic i n a l e Baill. [Polygonaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Chinese rhubarb; medicinal rhubarb; rhubarb<br />

Citations:<br />

Liu WK, Ng TB, Ch<strong>an</strong> WY, et al. (1996) Toxic effects of<br />

Chinese medicinal herbs on pregn<strong>an</strong>t mice. Toxicologist<br />

30(1 Part 2):192.<br />

Rheum rhaponticum auct. = Rheum ×hybridum Murray<br />

rheumatism root –see– Apocynum c<strong>an</strong>nabinum L.<br />

rheumatism weed –see– Apocynum c<strong>an</strong>nabinum L.<br />

Rhine thorn –see– Rhamnus cathartica L.<br />

Rhineberry –see– Rhamnus cathartica L.<br />

Rhodesgrass –see– Chloris gay<strong>an</strong>a Kunth<br />

Rhodesi<strong>an</strong> ragwort –see– Senecio latifolius DC.; Senecio<br />

sceleratus Schweick.<br />

Rhodesi<strong>an</strong> wild genti<strong>an</strong> –see– Chironia tr<strong>an</strong>svaalensis Gilg<br />

Rhodesierholz –see– S<strong>an</strong>talum album L.<br />

rhododendron –see– Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet;<br />

Rhododendron macrophyllum D. Don ex G. Don;<br />

Rhododendron polifolium Fr<strong>an</strong>ch; Rhododendron ponticum<br />

L.; Rhododendron simsii Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

r h od od e n d r o n a r b o r e u M Sm. [Ericaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bur<strong>an</strong>s; lal burass

336 - Rhododendron aureum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Carey FM, Lewis JJ, MacGregor JL, et al. (1959) Pharmacological<br />

<strong>an</strong>d chemical observations on some toxic nectars. J<br />

Pharm Pharmacol 11:269T-274T.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n a u r e u M Georgi [Ericaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Gelbe Alpenrose; Gelbe Schneerose; Gichtrose; Siberi<strong>an</strong><br />

snow rose<br />

Citations:<br />

Igumnow AK (1967) [Rhododendron dermatitis in Tr<strong>an</strong>sbaikalia.]<br />

Vestn Dermatol Venerol 41(4):70-71.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n b a r b a Tu M Wall. ex G. Don<br />

[Ericaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Carey FM, Lewis JJ, MacGregor JL, et al. (1959) Pharmacological<br />

<strong>an</strong>d chemical observations on some toxic nectars. J<br />

Pharm Pharmacol 11:269T-274T.<br />

Purohit K (1960) Rhododendron poisoning in <strong>an</strong>imals.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J 37:631-633.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n b r a c h y c a r p u M D. Don<br />

ex G. Don [Ericaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Hikino H, Ohizumi Y, Konno C, et al. (1979) Subchronic<br />

toxicity of ericaceous toxins <strong>an</strong>d Rhododendron leaves.<br />

Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 27(4):874-879.<br />

Rhododendron californicum Hook. = Rhododendron<br />

macrophyllum D. Don ex G. Don<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n c a Mp a n u l a Tu M D. Don<br />

[Ericaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Purohit K (1960) Rhododendron poisoning in <strong>an</strong>imals.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J 37:631-633.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n c a Ta w b i e n s e Michx.<br />

[Ericaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

catawba rhododendron; mountain rosebay; purple ivy;<br />

purple laurel; purple rhododendron; red laurel; rosebay;<br />

rosebay laurel<br />

Citations:<br />

Brahm E, Buntenkötter S, Sim<strong>an</strong>owski W (1973) Vergiftungen<br />

von wiederkäuenden Paarhufern durch Ericaceen<br />

im dormunder Tierpark. In: Ippen R et al. (eds.) Erkr<strong>an</strong>k<br />

der Zoot XV. Int Symp, Kolmarden Akad Verlag. pp.<br />

125-130.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n × c o l u Mb i a n u M (Piper)<br />

Harmaja [Ericaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

l edum columbi<strong>an</strong>um Piper<br />

Common Names:<br />

Pacific Labrador tea; swamp laurel<br />

Citations:<br />

Eastwood A (1933) Ledum as a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. Leaflet<br />

Western Bot 1(5):43.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n d e g r o n i a n u M Carrière<br />

[Ericaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r hododendron metternickii Siebold & Zucc. var. pentamerum<br />

Maxim.<br />

Citations:<br />

Hikino H, Ohizumi Y, Konno C, et al. (1979) Subchronic<br />

toxicity of ericaceous toxins <strong>an</strong>d Rhododendron leaves.<br />

Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 27(4):874-879.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n f a b e r i h e Ms l . subsp.<br />

prattii (Fr<strong>an</strong>ch.) D. F. Chamb. [Ericaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r hododendron prattii Fr<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

Citations:<br />

Carey FM, Lewis JJ, MacGregor JL, et al. (1959) Pharmacological<br />

<strong>an</strong>d chemical observations on some toxic nectars. J<br />

Pharm Pharmacol 11:269T-274T.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n f u l v u M Balf. f. & W. W.<br />

Sm. [Ericaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Carey FM, Lewis JJ, MacGregor JL, et al. (1959) Pharmacological<br />

<strong>an</strong>d chemical observations on some toxic nectars. J<br />

Pharm Pharmacol 11:269T-274T.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n i n d ic u M (L.) Sweet<br />

[Ericaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

azalea; rhododendron<br />

Citations:<br />

Puschner B, Holstege DM, Lamberski N, et al. (2001)<br />

Gray<strong>an</strong>otoxin poisoning in three goats. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 218(4):573-575.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Armién AG, Peixoto PV, et al. (1996) Estudo<br />

experimental sobre a toxidez de algumas pl<strong>an</strong>tas ornamentais<br />

em bovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 16(1):5-20.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n l e d i f o l i u M G. Don<br />

[Ericaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Tokarnia CH, Armién AG, Peixoto PV, et al. (1996) Estudo<br />

experimental sobre a toxidez de algumas pl<strong>an</strong>tas ornamentais<br />

em bovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 16(1):5-20.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n l u Te u M Sweet [Ericaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

pontic azalea

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa - 337<br />

Citations:<br />

Sütilüpinar N, Mat A, Satg<strong>an</strong>oğlu Y (1993) Poisoning by<br />

toxic honey in Turkey. Arch Toxikol 67(2):148-150.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n Ma c a b e a n u M G. Watt ex<br />

Balf. f. [Ericaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Carey FM, Lewis JJ, MacGregor JL, et al. (1959) Pharmacological<br />

<strong>an</strong>d chemical observations on some toxic nectars. J<br />

Pharm Pharmacol 11:269T-274T.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n Ma c r o p h y l l u M D. Don<br />

ex G. Don [Ericaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r hododendron californicum Hook.<br />

Common Names:<br />

California rhododendron; California rosebay; Pacific<br />

rhododendron; rhododendron; western rhododendron<br />

Citations:<br />

Casteel S, Wagstaff DJ (1989) Rhododendron macrophyllum<br />

poisoning in a group of goats <strong>an</strong>d sheep. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

31(2):176-177.<br />

Rhododendron metternickii Siebold & Zucc. var.<br />

pentamerum Maxim. = Rhododendron degroni<strong>an</strong>um<br />

Carrière<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n Mo l l e (Blume) G. Don<br />

[Ericaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> JC, Ch<strong>an</strong> TY, Ch<strong>an</strong> KL, et al. (1994) Anticholinergic<br />

poisoning from Chinese herbal medicines. Aust N Z J<br />

Med 24(3):317.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> TY, Ch<strong>an</strong> JC, Tomlinson B, et al. (1994) Poisoning<br />

by Chinese herbal medicines in Hong Kong: A hospital<strong>based</strong><br />

study. Vet Hum Toxicol 36(6):546-547.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n n i ve u M Hook. f. [Ericaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Carey FM, Lewis JJ, MacGregor JL, et al. (1959) Pharmacological<br />

<strong>an</strong>d chemical observations on some toxic nectars. J<br />

Pharm Pharmacol 11:269T-274T.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n p o l i f o l i u M Fr<strong>an</strong>ch<br />

[Ericaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

rhododendron<br />

Citations:<br />

Bubien MZ, Magat A, Delatour P (1970) Fréquence des<br />

intoxications des <strong>an</strong>imaux en Pologne. Bull Soc Vet Med<br />

Comp Lyon 72(2):167-173.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n p o n Tic u M L. [Ericaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Asiatische Alpenrose; honey-of-Trebizond; Pontic rhododendron;<br />

rhododendron<br />

Citations:<br />

Biberoğlu K, Biberoğlu S, Komsuoğlu B (1988) Tr<strong>an</strong>sient<br />

Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome during honey intoxication.<br />

Isr J Med Sci 24(4-5):253-254.<br />

Biberoğlu S, Biberoğlu K, Komsuoğlu B (1988) Mad honey.<br />

JAMA 259(13):1943.<br />

Black DH (1991) Rhododendron poisoning in sheep. Vet<br />

Rec 128(15):363-364.<br />

Frape D, Ward A (1993) Suspected rhododendron poisoning<br />

in dogs. Vet Rec 132(20):515-516.<br />

Gossinger H, Hruby K, Haubenstock A, et al. (1983) Cardiac<br />

arrhythmias in a patient with gray<strong>an</strong>otoxin-honey<br />

poisoning. Vet Hum Toxicol 25(5):328-329.<br />

Higgins RJ, H<strong>an</strong>nam DA, Humphreys DJ, et al. (1985) Rhododendron<br />

poisoning in sheep. Vet Rec 116(11):294-295.<br />

Matschullat G (1974) Rhododendronvergiftung bei Schafen.<br />

Prakt Tierarzt 55(11):624, 626.<br />

Onat FY, Yegen BC, Lawrence R, et al. (1991) Mad honey<br />

poisoning in m<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d rat. Rev Environ Health 9(1):3-10.<br />

Sütilüpinar N, Mat A, Satg<strong>an</strong>oğlu Y (1993) Poisoning by<br />

toxic honey in Turkey. Arch Toxikol 67(2):148-150.<br />

Rhododendron prattii Fr<strong>an</strong>ch. = Rhododendron faberi<br />

Hemsl. subsp. prattii (Fr<strong>an</strong>ch.) D. F. Chamb.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n s i Ms i i Pl<strong>an</strong>ch. [Ericaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

azalea; rhododendron<br />

Citations:<br />

Rose A, Pitchford W, Monin T, et al. (1988) Acute weakness<br />

<strong>an</strong>d death in a cat. Vet Hum Toxicol 30(4):334-335.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n s i n o g r a n d e Balf. f. & W.<br />

W. Sm. [Ericaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Carey FM, Lewis JJ, MacGregor JL, et al. (1959) Pharmacological<br />

<strong>an</strong>d chemical observations on some toxic nectars. J<br />

Pharm Pharmacol 11:269T-274T.<br />

r h o d o d e n d r o n Th o Mso n i i Hook. f.<br />

[Ericaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Carey FM, Lewis JJ, MacGregor JL, et al. (1959) Pharmacological<br />

<strong>an</strong>d chemical observations on some toxic nectars. J<br />

Pharm Pharmacol 11:269T-274T.<br />

r h o d o My r Tu s Ma c r o c a r p a Benth.<br />

[Myrtaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> finger cherry; Cooktown loquat; finger<br />

cherry; finger cherry loquat; native loquat; w<strong>an</strong>nakai<br />

Citations:<br />

D’Ombrain A (1944) Sudden blindness after eating finger<br />

cherries (Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa). Med J Aust 2(Sep<br />

2):263.<br />

English FP, Bennett Y (1989) Blindness <strong>an</strong>d the finger cherry<br />

tree. Med J Aust 151:112-113.

338 - Rhodotypos sc<strong>an</strong>dens D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Flecker H (1944) Sudden blindness after eating “finger cherries”<br />

(Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa). Med J Aust 1944(Aug<br />

19):183-185.<br />

Lucas CE (1944) Sudden blindness after eating finger cherries<br />

(Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa). Aust Med J. Sep 2:263.<br />

r h o d o Ty p o s s c a n d e n s (Thunb.) Makino<br />

[Rosaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

fatberry; jetbead; jetberry bush<br />

Citations:<br />

Rascoff H, Wasser S (1953) Poisoning in a child simulating diabetic<br />

coma. Report of a case. JAMA 152(12):1134-1135.<br />

Rhoicissus cuneifolia (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Pl<strong>an</strong>ch. = Cissus<br />

cuneifolia Eckl. & Zeyh.<br />

Rhoicissus tridentata (L. f.) Wild & R. B. Drumm.<br />

subsp. cuneifolia (Eckl. & Zeyh.) N. R. Urton = Cissus<br />

cuneifolia Eckl. & Zeyh.<br />

rhubarb –see– Rheum officinale Baill.; Rheum ×hybridum<br />

Murray<br />

rhubarbe –see– Rheum ×hybridum Murray<br />

rhus –see– Toxicodendron succed<strong>an</strong>eum (L.) Kuntze<br />

r h u s c h i n e n s is Mill. [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r hus semialata Murray<br />

Citations:<br />

Biberstein H (1929) Über Hautreaktionen bei Applikation<br />

von verschiedenen Rhusarten. Klin Wochenschr<br />

8:99-102.<br />

r h u s c o r i a r i a L. [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

sumach<br />

Citations:<br />

Pilgram RE, Fleagle GS (1970) Indi<strong>an</strong> s<strong>an</strong>dal strap dermatitis.<br />

JAMA 211(8):1378.<br />

r h u s c r e n a Ta Thunb. [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Biberstein H (1929) Über Hautreaktionen bei Applikation<br />

von verschiedenen Rhusarten. Klin Wochenschr<br />

8:99-102.<br />

Rhus diversiloba Torr. & A. Gray = Toxicodendron<br />

diversilobum (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene<br />

Rhus metopium L. = Metopium brownei (Jacq.) Urb.<br />

Rhus radic<strong>an</strong>s L. = Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

Rhus semialata Murray = Rhus chinensis Mill.<br />

Rhus striata Ruiz & Pav. = Toxicodendron striatum (Ruiz &<br />

Pav.) Kuntze<br />

Rhus succed<strong>an</strong>ea L. = Toxicodendron succed<strong>an</strong>eum (L.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

Rhus toxicodendron L. = Toxicodendron pubescens Mill.<br />

rhus tree –see– Toxicodendron succed<strong>an</strong>eum (L.) Kuntze<br />

r h u s Tr ic h o c a r p a Miq. [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Fr<strong>an</strong>klin JJ (1952) Another pl<strong>an</strong>t (Rhus trichocarpa) to be<br />

labelled poisonous. <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> Gardens 8:271.<br />

r h u s Ty p h i n a L. [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>tler tree; dwarf sumach; Essigbaum; staghorn<br />

sumach; velvet sumach; Virginia sumach<br />

Citations:<br />

Biberstein H (1929) Über Hautreaktionen bei Applikation<br />

von verschiedenen Rhusarten. Klin Wochenschr<br />

8:99-102.<br />

Rhus vernicifera DC. = Toxicodendron vernicifluum<br />

(Stokes) F. A. Barkley<br />

Rhus verniciflua Stokes = Toxicodendron vernicifluum<br />

(Stokes) F. A. Barkley<br />

Rhus vernix L. = Toxicodendron vernix (L.) Kuntze<br />

r h u s v i r e n s Lindh. ex A. Gray [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

sumach<br />

Citations:<br />

Mathews FP, Schmidt H (1934) Miscell<strong>an</strong>eous poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 47:12-13.<br />

ribbon cactus –see– Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus tithymaloides (L.) Poit.<br />

ribbongrass –see– Phalaris arundinacea L.<br />

rice –see– Oryza sativa L.<br />

richweed –see– Ageratina altissima (L.) R. M. King & H.<br />

Rob.<br />

ricin –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

ricino –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

r ic i n u s c o MMu n is L. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> coffee tree; amerik<strong>an</strong>sk oliepl<strong>an</strong>te; ar<strong>an</strong>di;<br />

castor be<strong>an</strong>; Christuspalme; er<strong>an</strong>d; figuera infernal;<br />

graines-de-Ricin; higuerilla; kristpalme; l<strong>an</strong>sina;<br />

mamona; Mexic<strong>an</strong> weed; mole be<strong>an</strong>; olieblom; Palma<br />

Christi; palma-de-Cristo; ricin; ricino; rizin; Rizinus;<br />

t<strong>an</strong>g<strong>an</strong> t<strong>an</strong>g<strong>an</strong>; wonder tree; Wonderbohne; wonderboon;<br />

Wunderbaum; zurma<br />

Citations:<br />

Abdüladir-Lütfi A (1935) Tödliche Intoxikation durch die<br />

Samen der Rizinuspfl<strong>an</strong>ze. Dtsch Med Wochenschr<br />

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Albretsen JC, Gwaltney Br<strong>an</strong>t SM, Kh<strong>an</strong> SA (2000) Evaluation<br />

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Hosp Assoc 36(3):229-233.

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Anonymous (1982) Castor-oil be<strong>an</strong> toxicity. Vet Rec<br />

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Zifroni A (1985) [Castor be<strong>an</strong> poisoning.] Harefuah<br />

108(2):102-103, 110.<br />

rickety bush –see– Cycas media R. Br.<br />

Riddell’s-groundsel –see– Senecio riddellii Torr. & A. Gray<br />

ridge goosefoot –see– Chenopodium carinatum R. Br.<br />

ridge gourd –see– Luffa acut<strong>an</strong>gula (L.) Roxb.<br />

r i e d e l i e l l a g r a c i l i f l o r a Harms<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Dagli ML, Perrone EA, Haraguchi M, et al. (1995) The<br />

acute toxicity of Riedeliella graciflora in laboratory <strong>an</strong>imals.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 37(6):544-546.<br />

Górniak SL, Dagli ML, Perrone EA, et al. (1995) The acute<br />

toxicity of Riedeliella graciflora in calves. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

37(5):447-448.<br />

Riesenbärenklau –see– Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um Sommier<br />

& Levier<br />

Riesenherkulestaude –see– Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um<br />

Sommier & Levier<br />

Ringelblume –see– Calendula officinalis L.; Taraxacum<br />

officinale F. H. Wigg. aggr.<br />

rio palis<strong>an</strong>der –see– Dalbergia nigra (Vell.) Allemão ex<br />

Benth.<br />

rio rosewood –see– Dalbergia nigra (Vell.) Allemão ex<br />

Benth.<br />

ripple ivy –see– Hedera helix L.<br />

Rivea corymbosa (L.) Hallier f. = Turbina corymbosa (L.)<br />

Raf.<br />

riventdore –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.<br />

river myall –see– Acacia binervia (J. C. Wendl.) J. F. Macbr.<br />

Riverina bluebell –see– Echium pl<strong>an</strong>tagineum L.<br />

rivierals –see– Matricaria nigellifolia DC.<br />

rizi mételykóró –see– Oen<strong>an</strong>the aquatica (L.) Poir.<br />

rizin –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

Rizinus –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

robin –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

robinia –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

r ob i n i a p s e u d o a c a c i a L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

acacia falsa; akác; Akazie; black acacia; black locust;<br />

Falsche Akazie; false acacia; locust tree; post locust;<br />

robin; robinia; Robinie; robinier; Scheinakazie; shipmast<br />

locust; Silberregen; Weiße Robinie; white locust;<br />

yellow locust<br />

Citations:<br />

Arai M, Stauber E, Shropshire CM (1992) Evaluation of<br />

selected pl<strong>an</strong>ts for their toxic effects on c<strong>an</strong>aries. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 200(9):1329-1331.<br />

Artero Sivera A, Arnedo Pena A, Pastor Cubo A (1989)<br />

Estudio clinicoepidemiologico de un envenenamiento<br />

accidental por Robinia pseudoacacia L. en escolares. An<br />

Esp Pediatr 30(3):191-194.<br />

Barnes MF (1921) Black locust poisoning of chickens. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 59:370-372.<br />

Breazile JE (1959-1960) Black locust (Robin) poisoning in<br />

cattle. Vet Scope (Missouri Univ) 9(1):12, 20.<br />

Costa Bou X, Soler I Ros JM, Seculi Palacios JL (1990)<br />

Intoxicación por Robinia pseudoacacia. An Esp Pediatr<br />

32(1):68-69.<br />

Emery ZT (1887) Report of thirty-two cases of poisoning by<br />

locust bark. New York Med J 45:92.<br />

Fil<strong>an</strong>drinos DT, Sioris LJ (1992) Tr<strong>an</strong>sient elevation of liver<br />

function tests following ingestion of black locust seeds.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 34(4):351.<br />

Gardiner WW (1903) Poisoned from eating locust-tree<br />

bark (Robinia pseudoacacia, false acacia). Am Vet Rev<br />

27(Oct):599-600.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1924) Robitin - A potent pl<strong>an</strong>t poison. Better<br />

Crops 2(2):22-23, 44.

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H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1924) The poison pl<strong>an</strong>t situation in Indi<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

III. <strong>Poisonous</strong> trees. J Am Vet Med Assoc 66:351-362.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1928) Toxic trees. North Am Vet 9(10):49-53.<br />

Hopper DW (1999) False acacia poisoning in horses. Vet Rec<br />

145(4):115.<br />

Hui A, Marraffa JM, Stork CM (2004) A rare ingestion of<br />

the black locust tree. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 42(1):93-95.<br />

Hui A, Stork CM (2002) A rare intoxication of black locust<br />

tree bark. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 40(5):618-619.<br />

Keller H, Dewitz W (1969) Vergiftungen bei 9 Pferden<br />

durch Rinde der “Falschen Akazie” (Robinia pseudoacacia).<br />

Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr 76(5):115-117.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>dolt G, Feige K, Schoberl M (1997) Vergiftung bei Pferden<br />

durch die Rinde der «Falschen Akazie» (Robinia<br />

pseudoacacia). Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd 139(8):363-366.<br />

Pammel LH (1927) The toxicology of black locust. North<br />

Am Vet 8(J<strong>an</strong>):41-43.<br />

Shropshire CM, Stauber E, Arai A (1992) Evaluation of<br />

selected pl<strong>an</strong>ts for acute toxicosis in budgerigars. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 200(7):936-939.<br />

Tasaki B, T<strong>an</strong>aka U (1918) On the toxic constituents in the<br />

bark of Robinia pseudoacacia L. J Coll Agric Imperial<br />

Inst Tokyo 3(5):337-356.<br />

Thursby Pelham RH (1999) False acacia poisoning in horses.<br />

Vet Rec 145(5):148.<br />

Waldron CA (1908) Poisoning from locust bark. Am Vet<br />

Rev 33:456-459.<br />

Robinie –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

robinier –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

robust larkspur –see– Delphinium robustum Rydb.<br />

robust needlegrass –see– Achnatherum robustum (Vasey)<br />

Barkworth<br />

rock centaury –see– Zeltnera beyrichii (Torr. & A. Gray) G.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>s.<br />

rock fern –see– Cheil<strong>an</strong>thes sieberi Kunze; Cheil<strong>an</strong>thes<br />

tenuifolia (Burm. f.) Sw.<br />

rock isotome –see– Isotoma petraea F. Muell.<br />

rock lip fern –see– Cheil<strong>an</strong>thes tenuifolia (Burm. f.) Sw.<br />

rock moss –see– Portulaca gr<strong>an</strong>diflora Hook.<br />

rock poppy –see– Chelidonium majus L.<br />

rockrose –see– Cistus lad<strong>an</strong>ifer L.<br />

Rocky Mountain larkspur –see– Delphinium scopulorum A.<br />

Gray<br />

Rocky Mountain sage –see– Salvia reflexa Hornem.<br />

Rocky Mountain white oak –see– Quercus gambelii Nutt.<br />

r o e p e r a a MMo p h i l a (F. Muell.) Beier &<br />

Thulin [Zygophyllaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

z ygophyllum ammophilum F. Muell.<br />

Common Names:<br />

s<strong>an</strong>d twinleaf; twinleaf<br />

Citations:<br />

Chippendale G, Humble A, Siebert B (1964) Zygophyllum<br />

ammophilum <strong>an</strong>d presumed nitrate poisoning in cattle.<br />

Aust Vet J 40(Jun):241.<br />

r o e p e r a f o e Ti d a (Schrad. & J. C. Wendl.)<br />

Beier & Thulin [Zygophyllaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

z ygophyllum foetidum Schrad. & J. C. Wendl.<br />

Common Names:<br />

skuimbos<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG (1934) Recent investigations into the toxicity<br />

of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union<br />

of South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

3(1):125-130.<br />

Roggen –see– Secale cereale L.<br />

roldón –see– Coriaria myrtifolia L.<br />

roly poly –see– Salsola tragus L.<br />

romaine lettuce –see– Lactuca sativa L. var. longifolia Lam.<br />

Rom<strong>an</strong> camomille –see– Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All.<br />

Rom<strong>an</strong> hyacinth –see– Hyacinthus orientalis L.<br />

Rom<strong>an</strong> wormwood –see– Artemisia pontica L.<br />

romerillo –see– Artemisia ludovici<strong>an</strong>a Nutt.; Baccharis<br />

coridifolia DC.<br />

r o Mu l e a b u l b o c o d i u M (L.) Sebast. & Mauri<br />

[Iridaceae]<br />

Common names:<br />

onion grass, Guildford grass<br />

Citations:<br />

Eckel JF (1965) A sheep breeding problem in the Inverleigh<br />

district. Victori<strong>an</strong> Vet Proc 23:42-43.<br />

Galvin J (1998) Suspected onion grass toxicity. Quarterly<br />

Report for 1 April to 30 June 1998, Victoria (Agriculture<br />

Victoria). Anim Health Surveill<strong>an</strong>ce Q 3 (2):12.<br />

Gorrie CJ (1962) Ovine abortion in Victoria. Aust Vet J<br />

38:138-142.<br />

ronphagrass –see– Phalaris aquatica L.<br />

roode muur –see– Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

rooibessie –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um kwebense N. E. Br.<br />

rooimuur –see– Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

rooisuikerblom –see– Tylecodon gr<strong>an</strong>diflorus (Burm. f.)<br />

Toelken<br />

root poison –see– Cicuta maculata L.<br />

Rorippa armoracia (L.) Hitchc. = Armoracia rustic<strong>an</strong>a P.<br />

Gaertn. et al.<br />

rosa laurel –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

rosary be<strong>an</strong> –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

rose campion –see– Agrostemma githago L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Rubia peregrina - 343<br />

rose-de-nöel –see– Helleborus niger L.<br />

rose laurel –see– Kalmia latifolia L.; Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

rose periwinkle –see– Cathar<strong>an</strong>thus roseus (L.) G. Don<br />

rose-pink fr<strong>an</strong>gip<strong>an</strong>i –see– Plumeria rubra L.<br />

rose silkweed –see– Asclepias incarnata L.<br />

rosebay –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

rosebay laurel –see– Rhododendron catawbiense Michx.<br />

rosemary –see– Rosmarinus officinalis L.<br />

Rosenkohl –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. gemmifera Zenker<br />

Rosenlorbeer –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

Rosenmelde –see– Atriplex rosea L.<br />

rosewood –see– Alectryon oleifolius (Desf.) S. T. Reynolds;<br />

Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.<br />

rosilla –see– Helenium quadridentatum Labill.<br />

rosin rose –see– Hypericum perforatum L.<br />

rosita –see– Zeltnera calycosa (Buckley) G. M<strong>an</strong>s.<br />

Rosmarin –see– Rosmarinus officinalis L.<br />

r o s Ma r i n u s o f f ic i n a l is L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

old-m<strong>an</strong> rosemary; rosemary; Rosmarin; vervions<br />

Citations:<br />

Armisén M, Rodríguez V, Vidal C (2003) Photoaggravated<br />

allergic contact dermatitis due to Rosmarinus officinalis<br />

cross-reactive with Thymus vulgaris. Contact Dermatitis<br />

48(1):52-53.<br />

González-Mahave I, Lobesa T, Del Pozo MD, et al. (2006)<br />

Rosemary contact dermatitis <strong>an</strong>d cross-reactivity with<br />

other labiate pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Contact Dermatitis 54(4):210-212.<br />

Guin JD (2001) Rosemary cheilitis: One to remember. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 45(1):63.<br />

Martínez-González MC, Goday Buján JJ, Martínex Gómez<br />

W, et al. (2007) Concomit<strong>an</strong>t allergic contact dermatitis<br />

due to Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) <strong>an</strong>d Thymus<br />

vulgaris (thyme). Contact Dermatitis 56(1):49-50.<br />

Serra E, Vila A, Peramiquel L, et al. (2005) Allergic contact<br />

dermatitis due to rosemary. Contact Dermatitis<br />

53(3):179-180.<br />

Roßkast<strong>an</strong>ie –see– Aesculus hippocast<strong>an</strong>um L.<br />

rosy crown vetch –see– Securigera varia (L.) Lassen<br />

Rotbeerige Zaunrübe –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

Rotbuche –see– Fagus sylvatica L.<br />

rote Bete –see– Beta vulgaris L.<br />

Roteibe –see– Taxus baccata L.<br />

Roter Fingerhut –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

Roter Pfeffer –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.<br />

Roth vetch –see– Vicia villosa Roth<br />

Rothschild’s-glory lily –see– Gloriosa superba L.<br />

Rotklee –see– Trifolium pratense L.<br />

Rottlera tinctoria Roxb. = Mallotus philippensis (Lam.)<br />

Müll. Arg.<br />

rough beardedgrass –see– Echinopogon ovatus (G. Forst.) P.<br />

Beauv.<br />

rough cat’s-ear –see– Hypochaeris radicata L.<br />

rough marsh elder –see– Iva <strong>an</strong>nua L.<br />

rough pea –see– Lathyrus hirsutus L.<br />

rough pigweed –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus retroflexus L.<br />

round gourd –see– Citrullus l<strong>an</strong>atus (Thunb.) Matsum. &<br />

Nakai<br />

round-leaf laurel –see– Kalmia latifolia L.<br />

round-leaf mallow –see– Malva pusilla Sm.<br />

r o u r e a c o c c i n e a (Schumach. & Thonn.)<br />

Hook. f. [Connaraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b yrsocarpus coccineus Schumach. & Thonn.<br />

Common Names:<br />

kimbar mahalba<br />

Citations:<br />

Amégée Y (1983) Le tournis à Byrsocarpus des petits rumin<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

au Sud du Togo. Rev Elev Med Vet Pays Trop<br />

36(1):27-31.<br />

Vickery B, Vickery ML (1974) The toxicity of some members<br />

of the Connaraceae family. Br Vet J 130(2):41-43.<br />

royal poinci<strong>an</strong>a –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea (Cav.) Benth.<br />

Royena decidua Burch. = Diospyros lycioides Desf.<br />

rubber euphorbia –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

rubber hevea –see– Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex A. Juss.)<br />

Müll. Arg.<br />

rubber pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Jatropha dioica Sessé; Parthenium<br />

argentatum A. Gray<br />

rubber stem –see– Jatropha dioica Sessé<br />

rubber tree –see– Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton<br />

rubber vine –see– Araujia sericifera Brot.; Cryptostegia<br />

gr<strong>an</strong>diflora R. Br.<br />

rubberroot –see– Asclepias tuberosa L.<br />

rubberweed –see– Hymenoxys odorata DC.; Hymenoxys<br />

richardsonii (Hook.) Cockerell<br />

Rübe –see– Beta vulgaris L.<br />

ruber-ki-bal –see– Cryptostegia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora R. Br.<br />

r u b i a p e r e g r i n a L. [Rubiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Castelain M, Ducombs G (1988) Contact dermatitis from<br />

madder. Contact Dermatitis 19(10):228-229.<br />

ruda –see– Ruta chalepensis L.; Ruta graveolens L.<br />

ruda-del-monte –see– Thamnosma tex<strong>an</strong>a (A. Gray) Torr.

344 - Rudbeckia laciniata D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

r u d b e c k i a l a c i n i a Ta L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

coneflower; cut-leaf coneflower; dormilión; golden<br />

glow; green-head coneflower; meadow cone; tall coneflower;<br />

thimble weed<br />

Citations:<br />

Gates FC (1930) Bot<strong>an</strong>ical notes, 1928-1929. Tr<strong>an</strong>s K<strong>an</strong>s<br />

Acad Sci 33:26-28.<br />

Pammel LH (1922) Golden glow. Vet Med 17(6):296.<br />

Skidmore LV, Peterson NF (1932) Observations on the toxicity<br />

of golden glow (Rudbeckia lacinata) to swine <strong>an</strong>d<br />

other <strong>an</strong>imals. J Am Vet Med Assoc 81(Nov):655-662.<br />

rue –see– Ruta chalepensis L.; Ruta graveolens L.; Ruta<br />

mont<strong>an</strong>a Mill.<br />

rue-des-jardin –see– Ruta graveolens L.<br />

ruibarbillo –see– Rumex acetosella L.<br />

ruibarbo –see– Rheum ×hybridum Murray<br />

rum cherry –see– Prunus serotina Ehrh.<br />

r u Me x a c e To s a L. [Polygonaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

acedera común; Fr<strong>an</strong>zösisher Spinat; garden sorrel;<br />

green saure; green sorrel; Großer Sauerampfer; meadow<br />

sorrel; mezei sóska; oseille longue; Sauerampfer; sharp<br />

dock; sheep’s-sorrel; sorrel dock; sorrel grass; sour dock;<br />

sour leek; sour sorrel; sourgrass; surelle; surete; tall sorrel;<br />

vinagrera; vinette<br />

Citations:<br />

Coward TG (1949) Acute, fatal poisoning in sheep due to<br />

ingestion of common sorrel (Rumex acetosa). Vet Rec<br />

61(46):765-766.<br />

Vollmer H (1939) Sauerampfer - Vergiftung eines Kindes.<br />

Sammlung Vergiftungsfallen 10(A816):175-178.<br />

r u Me x a c e To s e l l a L. [Polygonaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cow sorrel; dock; field sorrel; horse sorrel; juhsóska;<br />

kleiner Ampfer; kleiner Sauerampfer; meadow sorrel;<br />

mountain sorrel; red sorrel; ruibarbillo; s<strong>an</strong>d sorrel;<br />

sheep sorrel; sorrel; sour dock; sour weed; sourgrass;<br />

wood sorrel<br />

Citations:<br />

Schrader A, Schulz O, Volker H, et al. (2001) Aktuelle<br />

Vergiftungen durch Pfl<strong>an</strong>zen bei Wiederkäuern in Nord-<br />

und Ostdeutschl<strong>an</strong>d. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr<br />

114(5-6):218-221.<br />

r u Me x c r is p u s L. [Polygonaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

acedera; curled dock; curly dock; lengua-de-vaca; narrow<br />

dock; sorrel; sour dock; yellow dock<br />

Citations:<br />

Farré M, Xirgu J, Salgado A, et al. (1989) Fatal oxalic acid<br />

poisoning from sorrel soup. L<strong>an</strong>cet 2(8678):1524.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ciera RJ, Martin T, Burrows GE, et al. (1990) Acute<br />

oxalate poisoning attributable to ingestion of curly<br />

dock (Rumex crispus) in sheep. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

196(12):1981-1984.<br />

Reig R, Bl<strong>an</strong>che C, Fontarnau R, et al. (1990) Fatal poisoning<br />

by Rumex crispus (curled dock): Pathological findings<br />

<strong>an</strong>d application of sc<strong>an</strong>ning electron microscopy. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 32(5):468-470.<br />

r u Me x v e n o s u s Pursh [Polygonaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

sour green; veined dock; wild begonia; wild hydr<strong>an</strong>gea;<br />

wing sorrel<br />

Citations:<br />

Dickie CW, Ham<strong>an</strong>n MH, Carroll WD, et al. (1978)<br />

Oxalate (Rumex venosus) poisoning in cattle. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 173(1):73-74.<br />

r u Mo h r a a d i a n Ti f o r Mis (G. Forst.) Ching<br />

[Dryopteridaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a rachniodes adi<strong>an</strong>tiformis (Forst) Tindale<br />

Common Names:<br />

leatherleaf fern; Lederfarn<br />

Citations:<br />

Hausen BM, Schulz KH (1978) Occupational allergic contact<br />

dermatitis due to leatherleaf fern Arachniodes adi<strong>an</strong>tiformis<br />

(Forst) Tindale. Br J Dermatol 98(3):325-329.<br />

Note:<br />

The synonym Arachniodes adi<strong>an</strong>tiformis (Forst) Tindale<br />

could not be found in the databases searched.<br />

runaway robin –see– Glechoma hederacea L.<br />

Runkelrübe –see– Beta vulgaris L.<br />

runner be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus coccineus L.<br />

running mallow –see– Malva pusilla Sm.<br />

running-myrtle –see– Vinca major L.<br />

rush –see– Equisetum arvense L.<br />

Russi<strong>an</strong> centaurea –see– Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.<br />

Russi<strong>an</strong> comfrey –see– Symphytum officinale L.<br />

Russi<strong>an</strong> knapweed –see– Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.<br />

Russi<strong>an</strong> millet –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum miliaceum L.<br />

Russi<strong>an</strong> olive –see– Elaeagnus <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

Russi<strong>an</strong>-sickle milk vetch –see– Astragalus falcatus Lam.<br />

Russi<strong>an</strong> star thistle –see– Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.<br />

Russi<strong>an</strong> thistle –see– Salsola tragus L.<br />

rustic treacle –see– Allium sativum L.<br />

Ruta bracteosa DC. = Ruta chalepensis L.<br />

r u Ta c h a l e p e n s is L. [Rutaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r uta bracteosa DC.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Rutidosis helichrysoides - 345<br />

Common Names:<br />

ruda; rue<br />

Citations:<br />

Brener S, Friedm<strong>an</strong> J (1985) Phytophotodermatitis induced by<br />

Ruta chalepensis L. Contact Dermatitis 12(4):230-232.<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2001) Herbal infusions used for<br />

induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 39(3):318-319.<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2003) Herbal infusions used for<br />

induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(3):235-239.<br />

Gonçalo S, Correia C, Couto JS, et al. (1989) Contact <strong>an</strong>d<br />

photocontact dermatitis from Ruta chalepensis. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 21(16):200-201.<br />

Laborde A, Cig<strong>an</strong>da C (1998) Poisoning by herbal infusions<br />

ingested as abortifacient agents. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

36(5):454-455.<br />

Valsecchi R, Cassina GP, Migliori M, et al. (1985) Tego dermatitis.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 12(4):230-232.<br />

r u Ta c o r s ic a DC. [Rutaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Ena P, Camarda I (1990) Phytophotodermatitis from Ruta<br />

corsica. Contact Dermatitis 22(4):63.<br />

r u Ta g r a ve o l e n s L. [Rutaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

arruda; ave grace; countrym<strong>an</strong>’s-treacle; Gartenraute;<br />

herb-of-grace; herb-of-repent<strong>an</strong>ce; herbe-de-grace;<br />

Raute; ruda; rue; rue-des-jardin; sadab; sitab; vulgarmente<br />

ruda; Weinkraut; Weinraute; Wiesenraute<br />

Citations:<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2001) Herbal infusions used for<br />

induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 39(3):318-319.<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2003) Herbal infusions used for<br />

induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(3):235-239.<br />

El Agraa SE, El Badwi SM, Adam SE (2002) Preliminary<br />

observations on experimental Ruta graveolens toxicosis in<br />

Nubi<strong>an</strong> goats. Trop Anim Health Prod 34(4):271-281.<br />

G<strong>an</strong>dhi M, Lal R, S<strong>an</strong>kar<strong>an</strong>aray<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong> A, et al. (1991) Postcoital<br />

<strong>an</strong>tifertility activity of Ruta graveolens in female<br />

rats <strong>an</strong>d hamsters. J Ethnopharmacol 34:49-59.<br />

Gawkrodger DJ, Savin JA (1983) Phytodermatitis due to<br />

common rue (Ruta graveolens). Contact Dermatitis<br />

9(3):224.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sli<strong>an</strong> L, Kadlec K (1968) Bulosní dermatitida po kontaktu<br />

s routou obecnou. Cesk Farm 17(6):293-295.<br />

Heskel NS, Amon RB, Storrs FJ, et al. (1983) Phytophotodermatitis<br />

due to Ruta graveolens. Contact Dermatitis<br />

9(4):278-280.<br />

Sharma AN, Nelson LS, Hoffm<strong>an</strong> RS (2001) Ruta graveolens<br />

as <strong>an</strong> ethnic abortifacient. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

39(3):312-313.<br />

Szegö L, Dolinay V (1954) Durch “Ruta graveolens” verursachte<br />

massenhafte Dermatitis Bullosa als Berufsschadigung.<br />

Dermatol Wochenschr 130(45):1180-1185.<br />

Szegö L, Tamas-Fekete M (1955) Untersuchungen über die<br />

Rolle der physikalischen Factoren bei durch Ruta graveolens<br />

verursachten Dermatitis. Berufsdermatosen 3:84-88.<br />

Wessner D, Hofm<strong>an</strong>n H, Ring J (1999) Phytophotodermatitis<br />

due to Ruta graveolens applied as protection against<br />

evil spells. Contact Dermatitis 41(4):232.<br />

r u Ta Mo n Ta n a Mill. [Rutaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

rue<br />

Citations:<br />

Hamouda C, Amamou M, Thabet H, et al. (2000) Pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

poisonings from herbal medication admitted to a Tunisi<strong>an</strong><br />

toxicologic intensive care unit, 1983-1998. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 42(3):137-141.<br />

Ortiz-Frutos FJ, S<strong>an</strong>chez B, Garcia B, et al. (1995) Photocontact<br />

dermatitis from rue (Ruta mont<strong>an</strong>a L.). Contact<br />

Dermatitis 33(7):284.<br />

rutabaga –see– Brassica napus L. var. napobrassica (L.)<br />

Rchb.<br />

r u Ti d o s is h e l ic h r y so i d e s DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Burry JN, Kuchel R, Reid JG, et al. (1973) Australi<strong>an</strong> bush<br />

dermatitis: Compositae dermatitis in South Australia.<br />

Med J Aust 1(3):110-116.<br />

Rydberg’s-poison ivy –see– Toxicodendron rydbergii (Small ex<br />

Rydb.) Greene<br />

Rydberg’s-weedy milk vetch –see– Astragalus miser Douglas<br />

ex Hook. var. oblongifolius (Rydb.) Cronquist<br />

rye –see– Secale cereale L.<br />

ryegrass –see– Lolium perenne L.

saat –see– Erythrophleum succirubrum Gagnep.<br />

Saatlein –see– Linum usitatissimum L.<br />

Saatmohn –see– Papaver somniferum L.<br />

Saatplatterbse –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

Saatwicke –see– Vicia sativa L.<br />

sabbara –see– Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.<br />

sabra –see– Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.<br />

sacahuista –see– Nolina microcarpa S. Watson; Nolina tex<strong>an</strong>a<br />

S. Watson<br />

sacahuiste –see– Nolina microcarpa S. Watson; Nolina tex<strong>an</strong>a<br />

S. Watson<br />

saccharine bl<strong>an</strong>che –see– Hyoscyamus albus L.<br />

s a c c h a r u M o f f ic i n a r u M L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

jaggery; sugar c<strong>an</strong>e; Zuckerrohr<br />

Citations:<br />

Clark A (1936) Report on the effects of certain poisons contained<br />

in food-pl<strong>an</strong>ts of West Africa upon the health of<br />

the native races. J Trop Med Hyg 39(23-24):269-295.<br />

Lehm<strong>an</strong> CW (1976) Sugar c<strong>an</strong>e smoke, <strong>an</strong> allergenic agent.<br />

Hawaii Med J 35(11):336-339.<br />

Seetharam KA, Pasricha JS (1987) Condiments <strong>an</strong>d contact<br />

dermatitis of the finger-tips. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Dermatol Venereol<br />

Leprol 53:325-328.<br />

Seifert HS, Beller KA (1969) Blausäurevergiftung beim<br />

Rind, verursacht durch Abweiden von Zuckerrohr (Saccharum<br />

officinarum) und Zufütterung von Früchten des<br />

Algarrobaumes (Prosopis juliflora). Berl Munch Tierarztl<br />

Wochenschr 82(5):88-91.<br />

Valarezo S, Preston TR (1973) Effects of two molasses diets<br />

<strong>an</strong>d one cereal diet on the incidence of pendulous crop in<br />

turkeys. Cub<strong>an</strong> J Agric Sci 7(2):219-226.<br />

sacha s<strong>an</strong>dia –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L. var. c<strong>an</strong>adense<br />

(Mill.) Torr. & A. Gray<br />

sacred bamboo –see– N<strong>an</strong>dina domestica Thunb.<br />

sacred datura –see– Datura inoxia Mill.; Datura wrightii<br />

Regel<br />

sadab –see– Ruta graveolens L.<br />

saddleleaf –see– Philodendron bipinnatifidum Schott ex Endl.<br />

Sadenbaum –see– Platycladus orientalis (L.) Fr<strong>an</strong>co<br />

safari –see– Crotalaria salti<strong>an</strong>a Andrews<br />

safed kikar –see– Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd.<br />

safflower -see- Carthamnus tinctorius L.<br />

saffron –see– Crocus sativus L.<br />

s<br />

saffron crocus –see– Crocus sativus L.<br />

saffron spice –see– Crocus sativus L.<br />

safr<strong>an</strong>-des-prés –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

Safr<strong>an</strong>rebendolde –see– Oen<strong>an</strong>the crocata L.<br />

sage –see– Salvia officinalis L.<br />

sage bush –see– Ozothamnus diosmifolius (Vent.) DC.<br />

sagebrush –see– Artemisia tridentata Nutt.<br />

sagewort –see– Artemisia ludovici<strong>an</strong>a Nutt.<br />

sago cycas –see– Cycas revoluta Thunb.<br />

sago palm –see– Caryota urens L.; Cycas circinalis L.; Cycas<br />

revoluta Thunb.<br />

sagrado –see– Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin &<br />

Clem<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

sahaj<strong>an</strong>a –see– Moringa oleifera Lam.<br />

saia bl<strong>an</strong>ca –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia arborea (L.) Lagerh.<br />

Saigon cinnamon –see– Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees<br />

s a i n Tp a u l i a i o n a n Th a H. Wendl.<br />

[Gesneriaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> violet<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1980) Tabulations of 1977 case reports. Bull<br />

Natl Clgh Poison Control Cent 24(6):1-4.<br />

Temesvari E (1982) Occupational contact sensitivity from<br />

Sainpaulia ion<strong>an</strong>tha. Contact Dermatitis 8(6):426.<br />

sal –see– Shorea robusta C. F. Gaertn.<br />

salad mustard –see– Sinapis alba L.<br />

salago –see– Wikstroemia ovata C. A. Mey.<br />

Salat –see– Lactuca sativa L.<br />

Salbei –see– Salvia officinalis L.<br />

sali –see– Heliotropium ternatum Vahl<br />

s a l i x a l b a L. [Salicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

white willow; willow<br />

Citations:<br />

Chivato T, Ju<strong>an</strong> F, Montoro A, et al. (1996) Anaphylaxis<br />

induced by ingestion of a pollen compound. J Invest<br />

Allergol Clin Immunol 6(3):208-209.

348 - Salix viminalis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

s a l i x v i Mi n a l is L. [Salicaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Gonçalo S, Sousa I, Moreno A, et al. (1986) Occupational<br />

dermatitis from Salix viminalis. Contact Dermatitis<br />

14(3):188-189.<br />

Sally wattle –see– Acacia binervia (J. C. Wendl.) J. F. Macbr.<br />

saloop –see– Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees<br />

salsa –see– Ipomoea asarifolia (Desr.) Roem. & Schult.<br />

Salsola kali L. = Salsola tragus L.<br />

Salsola pestifer A. Nelson = Salsola tragus L.<br />

s a lso l a Tr ag u s L. [Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s alsola kali L.; s alsola pestifer A. Nelson<br />

Common Names:<br />

prickly saltwort; roly poly; Russi<strong>an</strong> thistle; saltwort;<br />

soft roly poly; tumbleweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Carnés J, Fernández-Caldas E, Marina A, et al. (2003)<br />

Immunochemical characterization of Russi<strong>an</strong> thistle<br />

(Salsola kali) pollen extracts. Purification of the allergen<br />

Sal k 1. Allergy 58(11):1152-1156.<br />

Mathams RH, Sutherl<strong>an</strong>d AK (1952) The oxalate content of<br />

some Queensl<strong>an</strong>d pasture pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d J Agric Sci<br />

9:317-334.<br />

Powell RF, Smith EB (1978) Tumbleweed dermatitis. Arch<br />

Dermatol 114(5):751-754.<br />

Salsola tuberculata (Fenzl ex Moq.) Schinz var. tomentosa<br />

C. A. Smith ex Aellen = Salsola tuberculatiformis<br />

Botsch.<br />

s a lso l a Tu b e r c u l a Ti f o r Mis Botsch.<br />

[Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s alsola tuberculata (Fenzl ex Moq.) Schinz var. tomentosa<br />

C. A. Smith ex Aellen<br />

Citations:<br />

Basson PA, Morgenthal JC, Bilbrough RB, et al. (1969)<br />

“Grootlamsiekte,” a specific syndrome of prolonged gestation<br />

in sheep caused by a shrub, Salsola tuberculata<br />

(Fenzl ex Moq) Schinz var. tomentosa C. A. Smith ex<br />

Aellen. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 36(1):59-103.<br />

Joubert JP, Basson PA, Lucks HJ, et al. (1972) “Grootlamsiekte,”<br />

a specific syndrome of prolonged gestation in<br />

sheep: Further investigations. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

39(1):59-70.<br />

salt groundsel –see– Baccharis halimifolia L.<br />

saltwort –see– Salsola tragus L.<br />

s a l va d o r a p e r s ic a L. [Salvadoraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

meswak<br />

Citations:<br />

Harfi HA, Lundberg M (1997) Meswak, a novel allergen.<br />

Allergy 52(4):474-475.<br />

Salvation J<strong>an</strong>e –see– Echium pl<strong>an</strong>tagineum L.<br />

salvia –see– Salvia officinalis L.<br />

s a l vi a c o c c i n e a Buc’hoz ex Etl. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

kaliphool; mejor<strong>an</strong>a; red sage; red salvia; Texas sage;<br />

tropical sage<br />

Citations:<br />

Hindmarsh WL (1938) Salvia coccinea. A garden escape<br />

poisonous to stock. New South Wales Dep Agric Vet Res<br />

Rep #7:118-119.<br />

Pal B, Varshneya C, Prasad B, et al. (1997) Nitrate bearing<br />

Salvia coccinea poisoning in Gaddi goats in K<strong>an</strong>gra Valley.<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 67(1):37-38.<br />

Varshneya C, Kishtwaria RS, Prasad B (1995) Kali phool<br />

(Salvia coccinea) poisoning in Gaddi goats. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J<br />

72(Jun):616-618.<br />

s a l vi a d i vi n o r u M Epling & Játiva [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

pipiltzinzintli; Ska Maria Pastora<br />

Citations:<br />

Arditti J, Bourdon JH, de Haro L, et al. (2003) Salvia divinorum,<br />

a new abuse potential pl<strong>an</strong>t. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

41(4):516.<br />

Valdés LJ 3rd, Díaz JL, Paul AG (1983) Ethnopharmacology<br />

of Ska Maria Pastora (Salvia divinorum Epling <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Jativa-M.). J Ethnopharmacol 7(3):287-312.<br />

s a l vi a Mi l Tio r r h i z a Bunge [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

d<strong>an</strong>shen<br />

Citations:<br />

Yu CM, Ch<strong>an</strong> JC, S<strong>an</strong>derson JE (1997) Chinese herbs<br />

<strong>an</strong>d warfarin potentiation by ‘d<strong>an</strong>shen’. J Intern Med<br />

241(4):337-339.<br />

s a l vi a o f f ic i n a l is L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Dalmati<strong>an</strong> sage; garden sage; huile-de-sauge; sage;<br />

Salbei; salvia<br />

Citations:<br />

Millet Y, Jouglard J, Steinmetz MD, et al. (1981) Toxicity of<br />

some essential pl<strong>an</strong>t oils. Clinical <strong>an</strong>d experimental study.<br />

Clin Toxicol 18(12):1485-1498.<br />

Sertoli A, Fabbri P, Campolmi P, et al. (1978) Allergic contact<br />

dermatitis to Salvia officinalis, Inula viscosa <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Conyza bonariensis. Contact Dermatitis 4(5):314-315.<br />

Tong T, Schnier AB, Williams SR, et al. (2003) Sage tea<br />

related convulsions in a pediatric unit. J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 41(5):727-728.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Sambucus racemosa - 349<br />

s a l vi a r e f l e x a Hornem. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>nual sage; blue sage; l<strong>an</strong>ce-leaf sage; mintweed; narrow-leaf<br />

sage; Rocky Mountain sage; wild mint<br />

Citations:<br />

Smith JP (1962) These weeds c<strong>an</strong> poison your poultry. Agric<br />

Gaz New South Wales 73(Mar):136-142.<br />

Williams CH, Hines HJ (1940) The toxic properties of Salvia<br />

reflexa. Aust Vet J 16:14-20.<br />

s a l vi a r o s Ma r i n o i d e s A. St.-Hil. ex Benth.<br />

[Lamiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Andrade SO, Camargo WV, Fern<strong>an</strong>des N (1963) II. Investigações<br />

sôbre pl<strong>an</strong>tas tóxicas no Estado de São Paulo. Arq<br />

Inst Biol (Sao Paulo) 30(Oct):189-203.<br />

samak –see– Echinochloa frumentacea Link<br />

samambaia –see– Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn<br />

s a Ma n e a s a Ma n (Jacq.) Merr. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p ithecolobium sam<strong>an</strong> Benth.<br />

Common Names:<br />

gu<strong>an</strong>go; rain tree; zam<strong>an</strong>g<br />

Citations:<br />

Carter GR, Arnold RN (1948) An azoturia-like condition in<br />

mares eating gu<strong>an</strong>go (Pithecolobium sam<strong>an</strong>, Benth) pods<br />

in Jamaica. C<strong>an</strong> J Comp Med Vet Sci 12(9):255-259.<br />

sam<strong>an</strong>guilla –see– Khaya ivorensis A. Chev.<br />

sam<strong>an</strong>ta –see– Cerbera odollam Gaertn.<br />

samba –see– Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum.<br />

s a Mb u c u s c e r u l e a Raf. [Adoxaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s ambucus mexic<strong>an</strong>a auct.<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue elderberry; elderberry<br />

Citations:<br />

Kunitz S, Melton RJ, Updyke T, et al. (1984) Outbreak of<br />

suspected cy<strong>an</strong>ide poisoning from elderberry juice. California<br />

Morbidity 7(Feb 24):1.<br />

Kunitz S, Melton RJ, Updyke T, et al. (1984) Poisoning from<br />

elderberry juice - California. MMWR Morb Mortal<br />

Wkly Rep 33(13):173-174.<br />

Sambucus mexic<strong>an</strong>a auct. = Sambucus cerulea Raf.<br />

s a Mb u c u s Me x ic a n a C. Presl ex DC.<br />

[Adoxaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blueberry elderberry; Mexic<strong>an</strong> elderberry; sauco;<br />

tapiro<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1984) Poisoning from elderberry juice. JAMA<br />

251(16):2075.<br />

s a Mb u c u s n ig r a L. [Adoxaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Aalhorn; arn tree; barr tree; black elderberry; boon<br />

tree; boor tree; booty tree; bourtree; bur tree; dwarf<br />

elderberry; elderberry; Europe<strong>an</strong> elderberry; fekete<br />

bodza; Flieder; haute bois; Holder; Schwarzer Holunder;<br />

sureau noire<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1895) <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>an</strong>d medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep<br />

Agric Annu Rep 1894:165-166.<br />

Anonymous (1980) Tabulations of 1977 case reports. Bull<br />

Natl Clgh Poison Control Cent 24(6):1-4.<br />

s a Mb u c u s r a c e Mo s a L. [Adoxaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Lamminpaa A, Kinos M (1996) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings in children.<br />

Hum Exp Toxicol 15(3):245-249.<br />

samburu –see– Erythrophleum afric<strong>an</strong>um (Welw. ex Benth.)<br />

Harms<br />

S<strong>an</strong> Fr<strong>an</strong>cisco –see– Codiaeum variegatum (L.) A. Juss.<br />

S<strong>an</strong> Jose –see– Allam<strong>an</strong>da cathartica L.<br />

S<strong>an</strong> Jose amarillo –see– Allam<strong>an</strong>da cathartica L.<br />

S<strong>an</strong> Pablo –see– Wig<strong>an</strong>dia urens (Ruiz & Pav.) Kunth var.<br />

caracas<strong>an</strong>a (Kunth) D. N. Gibson<br />

S<strong>an</strong> Rafaelito –see– L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara L.<br />

s<strong>an</strong>d briar –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um carolinense L.<br />

s<strong>an</strong>d bur –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um rostratum Dunal<br />

s<strong>an</strong>d groundsel –see– Senecio riddellii Torr. & A. Gray<br />

s<strong>an</strong>d jack oak –see– Quercus inc<strong>an</strong>a W. Bartram<br />

s<strong>an</strong>d reverchonia –see– Reverchonia arenaria A. Gray<br />

s<strong>an</strong>d sagebrush –see– Artemisia filifolia Torr.<br />

s<strong>an</strong>d shin oak –see– Quercus havardii Rydb.<br />

s<strong>an</strong>d shinnery oak –see– Quercus havardii Rydb.<br />

s<strong>an</strong>d sorrel –see– Rumex acetosella L.<br />

s<strong>an</strong>d twinleaf –see– Roepera ammophila (F. Muell.) Beier &<br />

Thulin<br />

s<strong>an</strong>dalwood –see– S<strong>an</strong>talum album L.<br />

s<strong>an</strong>dbox –see– Hura crepit<strong>an</strong>s L.<br />

s<strong>an</strong>dbur –see– Cenchrus incertus M. A. Curtis<br />

s<strong>an</strong>dfly zieria –see– Zieria smithii Andrews<br />

s<strong>an</strong>dhill lupin –see– Lupinus cosentinii Guss.<br />

s<strong>an</strong>dhill lupine –see– Lupinus diffusus Nutt.<br />

s<strong>an</strong>dplain lupin –see– Lupinus cosentinii Guss.<br />

s<strong>an</strong>dsage –see– Artemisia filifolia Torr.<br />

s<strong>an</strong>gre-de-drago –see– Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex<br />

Walp.; Jatropha dioica Sessé

350 - S<strong>an</strong>guinaria c<strong>an</strong>adensis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

S<strong>an</strong>guinaire-du-C<strong>an</strong>ada –see– S<strong>an</strong>guinaria c<strong>an</strong>adensis L.<br />

s<strong>an</strong>guinaria –see– S<strong>an</strong>guinaria c<strong>an</strong>adensis L.<br />

s a n g u i n a r i a c a n a d e n s is L. [Papaveraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bloodroot; bloodwort; Indi<strong>an</strong> red; puccoon; red puccoon;<br />

redroot; s<strong>an</strong>guinaria; S<strong>an</strong>guinaire-du-C<strong>an</strong>ada<br />

Citations:<br />

Downey W (1907) An investigation of the properties of<br />

the S<strong>an</strong>guinaria c<strong>an</strong>adensis; or puccoon. Bull Lloyd Lib<br />

#9(5):1-34.<br />

s a n ic u l a e u r o p a e a L. [Apiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Engel S, Horn K (1972) Phytodermatosen durch Dictamnus<br />

alba, S<strong>an</strong>icula europaea und Phyllodendron cons<strong>an</strong>guineum.<br />

Dermatol Monatsschr 158(1):22-27.<br />

s<strong>an</strong>ka –see– Crotalaria juncea L.<br />

s a n s e vi e r i a h y a c i n Th o i d e s (L.) Druce<br />

[Ruscaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s <strong>an</strong>sevieria thyrsiflora Thunb.<br />

Citations:<br />

Der Marderosi<strong>an</strong> AH, Giller FB, Roia FC Jr (1976) Phytochemical<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicological screening of household<br />

ornamental pl<strong>an</strong>ts potentially toxic to hum<strong>an</strong>s. I. J Toxicol<br />

Environ Health 1(6):939-953.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>sevieria thyrsiflora Thunb. = S<strong>an</strong>sevieria hyacinthoides<br />

(L.) Druce<br />

s a n s e vi e r i a Tr i f a s c i a Ta Prain [Ruscaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

mother-in-law’s-tongue; snake pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Rose A, Pitchford W, Monin T, et al. (1988) Acute weakness<br />

<strong>an</strong>d death in a cat. Vet Hum Toxicol 30(4):334-335.<br />

s a n s e vi e r i a Tr i f a s c i a Ta Prain var. laurenti<br />

(De Wild.) N. E. Br. [Ruscaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

yellow-leaf mother-in-law’s-tongue<br />

Citations:<br />

Der Marderosi<strong>an</strong> AH, Giller FB, Roia FC Jr (1976) Phytochemical<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicological screening of household<br />

ornamental pl<strong>an</strong>ts potentially toxic to hum<strong>an</strong>s. I. J Toxicol<br />

Environ Health 1(6):939-953.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>ta Ana –see– Jatropha multifida L.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>ta Ju<strong>an</strong>e –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>ta Maria feverfew –see– Parthenium hysterophorus L.<br />

s a n Ta l u M a l b u M L. [S<strong>an</strong>talaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>d<strong>an</strong>; Rhodesierholz; s<strong>an</strong>dalwood; white<br />

s<strong>an</strong>dalwood<br />

Citations:<br />

Starke JC (1967) Photoallergy to s<strong>an</strong>dalwood oil. Arch Derm<br />

Syphilol 96(1):62-63.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>tos Palis<strong>an</strong>der –see– Machaerium scleroxylon Tul.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>tos rosewood –see– Machaerium scleroxylon Tul.<br />

s<strong>an</strong>ve –see– Sinapis arvensis L.<br />

s<strong>an</strong>wa millet –see– Echinochloa frumentacea Link<br />

sapele –see– Ent<strong>an</strong>drophragma cylindricum (Sprague)<br />

Sprague<br />

s a p i u M b i l o c u l a r e (S. Watson) Pax<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hierbe-de-la-flecha; hierbe mala; Magot; Mexic<strong>an</strong><br />

jumping be<strong>an</strong>; yerba-de-la-flecha<br />

Citations:<br />

Bradley CE (1956) Yerba de la fleche - Arrow <strong>an</strong>d fish poison<br />

of the Americ<strong>an</strong> Southwest. Econ Bot 10:362-366.<br />

Sapium sebiferum (L.) Roxb. = Triadica sebifera (L.) Small<br />

sapu –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

sapucacia –see– Lecythis ollaria Loefl.<br />

sapucaia nut –see– Lecythis minor Jacq.<br />

sara –see– Zea mays L.<br />

s a r c ob a Tu s v e r Mic u l a Tu s (Hook.) Torr.<br />

[Sarcobataceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

black greasewood; chico; greasewood<br />

Citations:<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR (1928) The greasewood<br />

(Sarcobatus vermiculatus), a r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonous to<br />

sheep. Nevada Agric Exp Sta Bull #115:22 pp.<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR, et al. (1931) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep<br />

#1928:21-22.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Couch JF (1923) Greasewood as a<br />

poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. U S Dep Agric Circ #279:4 pp.<br />

s a r c o c e p h a l u s d i d e r r ic h i i De Wild.<br />

[Rubiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

acajou-jaune-du-Congo; afrik<strong>an</strong>ischer Buchsbaum;<br />

bois-gris-jaunàtre; west Afric<strong>an</strong> boxwood; yellow grey<br />

box<br />

Citations:<br />

Harvey RJ (1906) The physiological properites of ‘West Afric<strong>an</strong><br />

Boxwood’. Biochem J 1:39-53.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Sauropus <strong>an</strong>drogynus - 351<br />

s a r c o l ob u s g l ob o s u s Wall. [Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

b<strong>an</strong>ok; kundur laut; pitis pitis<br />

Citations:<br />

Amarasingham RD, Lee H (1969) A review of poisoning<br />

cases examined by the Department of Chemistry, Malaysia,<br />

from 1963 to 1967. Med J Malaysia 23(3):220-227.<br />

Arokiasamy M (1968) Toxicity of Sarcolobus globosus as<br />

observed in a cat. Malaysi<strong>an</strong> Vet J 4(3):196-199.<br />

Millard AH, Orr W (1958) Observations on the toxicity of<br />

Sarcolobus globosus, Wall. Malaysi<strong>an</strong> Vet J 2(1):24-30.<br />

s a r c o s Te MMa v i Mi n a l e (L.) R. Br.<br />

[Apocynaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e uphorbia viminale L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

caustic bush; caustic vine; leafless milkweed; melktou;<br />

milk bush; ol dewo; pencil caustic; sp<strong>an</strong>tou melkbos<br />

Citations:<br />

Gilruth JA (1931) Caustic vine (Sarcostemma australe) as a<br />

poison pl<strong>an</strong>t. J CSIRO Aust 4:58-60.<br />

Gilruth JA, Murn<strong>an</strong>e D (1931) Sarcostemma australe (caustic<br />

vine): A pl<strong>an</strong>t that is poisonous to stock. J CSIRO<br />

Aust 4:225-231.<br />

Philip JR, Jackson JJ, Shone DK (1958) Sarcostemma viminale<br />

poisoning in sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. J S Afr Vet Assoc<br />

29(4):319-320.<br />

Terbl<strong>an</strong>che M, v<strong>an</strong> Straten AM (1966) Further studies on<br />

Sarcostemma viminale R. Br. poisoning. J S Afr Vet<br />

Assoc 37(3):317-319.<br />

sarelle –see– Oxalis acetosella L.<br />

Sarothamnus scoparius (L.) Wimm. ex W. D. J. Koch =<br />

Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link<br />

sarson –see– Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.<br />

sartwellia –see– Sartwellia flaveriae A. Gray<br />

s a r Tw e l l i a f l a ve r i a e A. Gray [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

downy sartwellia; sartwellia; thread-leaf sartwellia<br />

Citations:<br />

Mathews FP (1940) The toxicity of Sartwellia flaveriae to<br />

goats. J Agric Res 61(4):287-292.<br />

Mathews FP, Schmidt H (1934) Miscell<strong>an</strong>eous poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 47:12-13.<br />

Mathews FP, Schmidt H (1935) Miscell<strong>an</strong>eous poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 48:16-17.<br />

Saskatoon serviceberry –see– Amel<strong>an</strong>chier alnifolia (Nutt.)<br />

Nutt. ex M. Roem.<br />

sassafras –see– Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees<br />

s a s s a f r a s a l b i d u M (Nutt.) Nees [Lauraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ague tree; Americ<strong>an</strong> sassafras; cinnamonwood; huilede-sassafras<br />

américain; saloop; sassafras; saxifras<br />

Citations:<br />

Craig JO (1953) Poisoning by the volatile oils in childhood.<br />

Arch Dis Child 28(142):475-483.<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>de GA, D<strong>an</strong>newitz SR (1987) Symptomatic sassafras<br />

oil ingestion. Vet Hum Toxicol 29(6):447.<br />

sasswood –see– Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guill. & Perr.)<br />

Bren<strong>an</strong><br />

sassy bark –see– Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guill. & Perr.)<br />

Bren<strong>an</strong><br />

sassy jack –see– Euphorbia lathyris L.<br />

Sat<strong>an</strong>’s-apple –see– M<strong>an</strong>dragora officinarum L.<br />

satay<strong>an</strong>ashi –see– Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

Satinholz –see– Chloroxylon swietenia DC.<br />

satinwood –see– Chloroxylon swietenia DC.; Z<strong>an</strong>thoxylum<br />

flavum Vahl<br />

saty<strong>an</strong>asi –see– Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

Saubohne –see– Vicia faba L.<br />

sauco –see– Sambucus mexic<strong>an</strong>a C. Presl ex DC.<br />

saucy bark –see– Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guill. & Perr.)<br />

Bren<strong>an</strong><br />

Sauerampfer –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

sauerblec –see– Oxalis acetosella L.<br />

Saukraut –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.; Levisticum officinale W.<br />

D. J. Koch<br />

Sauropus albic<strong>an</strong>s Blume = Sauropus <strong>an</strong>drogynus (L.)<br />

Merr.<br />

s a u r o p u s a n d r o g y n u s (L.) Merr.<br />

[Phyll<strong>an</strong>thaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s auropus albic<strong>an</strong>s Blume<br />

Common Names:<br />

asin asin; chekkarmenis; chekor m<strong>an</strong>is; chekurm<strong>an</strong>is<br />

Citations:<br />

Bender AE, Ismail KS (1976) Nutritive value <strong>an</strong>d toxicity<br />

of a Malaysi<strong>an</strong> food, Sauropus albic<strong>an</strong>s. Proc Nutr Soc<br />

32(2):79A-80A.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>g H, W<strong>an</strong>g JS, Tseng HH, et al. (1997) Histopathological<br />

study of Sauropus <strong>an</strong>drogynus-associated constrictive<br />

bronchiolitis: A new cause of constrictive bronchiolitis<br />

obliter<strong>an</strong>s. Am J Surg Pathol 21(1):35-42.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>g YL (1998) Segmental necrosis of small bronchi after<br />

prolonged intakes of Sauropus <strong>an</strong>drogynus in Taiw<strong>an</strong>.<br />

Am J Respir Crit Care Med 157(2):594-598.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>g YL, Chen JS, Wu HD, et al. (2000) Retr<strong>an</strong>spl<strong>an</strong>tation<br />

of contralateral lung in a patient with Sauropus<br />

<strong>an</strong>drogynus-induced bronchobronchiolitis obliter<strong>an</strong>s.<br />

Tr<strong>an</strong>spl<strong>an</strong>t Proc 32(7):2432-2434.

352 - Saussurea costus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Chen CW, Hsiue TR, Chen KW, et al. (1996) Increased IL-5<br />

<strong>an</strong>d IL-10 tr<strong>an</strong>scription in bronchial cells after Sauropus<br />

<strong>an</strong>drogynus ingestion. J Formos Med Assoc 95(9):699-702.<br />

Deng JF (1996) Outbreak of obstructive ventilatory impairment<br />

associated with consumption of Sauropus <strong>an</strong>drogynus<br />

vegetable. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 34:600.<br />

Ger LP, Chi<strong>an</strong>g AA, Lai RS, et al. (1997) Association of<br />

Sauropus <strong>an</strong>drogynus <strong>an</strong>d bronchiolitis obliter<strong>an</strong>s syndrome:<br />

A hospital-<strong>based</strong> case-control study. Am J Epidemiol<br />

145(9):842-849.<br />

Higenbottam TW (1997) Bronchiolitis obliter<strong>an</strong>s following<br />

the ingestion of <strong>an</strong> Asi<strong>an</strong> shrub leaf. Thorax 52(Suppl<br />

3):S68-S72.<br />

Hsiue TR, Guo YL, Chen KW, et al. (1998) Dose-response<br />

relationship <strong>an</strong>d irreversible obstructive ventilatory defect<br />

in patients with consumption of Sauropus <strong>an</strong>drogynus.<br />

Chest 113(1):71-76.<br />

Hsu H, Ch<strong>an</strong>g H, Su J, et al. (1998) Lung tr<strong>an</strong>spl<strong>an</strong>tation<br />

in Sauropus <strong>an</strong>drogynus consumption patients in Taiw<strong>an</strong>.<br />

Tr<strong>an</strong>spl<strong>an</strong>t Proc 30(7):3393-3394.<br />

Lin TJ, Lu CC, Chen KW, et al. (1996) Outbreak of obstructive<br />

ventilatory impairment associated with consumption<br />

of Sauropus <strong>an</strong>drogyous vegetable. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

34(1):1-8.<br />

Oonakahara K, Matsuyama W, Higashimoto I, et al. (2005)<br />

Outbreak of bronchiolitis obliter<strong>an</strong>s associated with consumption<br />

of Sauropus <strong>an</strong>drogynus in Jap<strong>an</strong> - Alert of<br />

food-associated pulmonary disorders from Jap<strong>an</strong>. Respiration<br />

72(2):221.<br />

W<strong>an</strong>g J, Tseng HH, Lai RS, et al. (2000) Sauropus <strong>an</strong>drogynus-constrictive<br />

obliterative bronchitis/bronchiolitis -<br />

Histopathological study of pneumonectomy <strong>an</strong>d biopsy<br />

specimens with emphasis on the inflammatory process<br />

<strong>an</strong>d disease progression. Histopath 37(5):402-410.<br />

Wu CL, Hsu WH, Chi<strong>an</strong>g CD (1998) The effect of largedose<br />

prednisolone on patients with obstructive lung disease<br />

associated with consuming Sauropus <strong>an</strong>drogynus.<br />

Chung Hua I Hsueh Tsa Chih 61(1):34-38.<br />

Wu CL, Hsu WH, Chi<strong>an</strong>g CD, et al. (1997) Lung injury<br />

related to consuming Sauropus <strong>an</strong>drogynus vegetable. J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 35(3):241-248.<br />

Y<strong>an</strong>g CF, Wu MT, Chi<strong>an</strong>g AA, et al. (1997) Correlation of<br />

high-resolution CT <strong>an</strong>d pulmonary function in bronchiolitis<br />

obliter<strong>an</strong>s: A study <strong>based</strong> on 24 patients associated<br />

with consumption of Sauropus <strong>an</strong>drogynus. AJR Am J<br />

Roentgenol 168(4):1045-1050.<br />

s a u s s u r e a c o s Tu s (Falc.) Lipsch. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

costus; kusth<br />

Citations:<br />

Maibach HI, Mitchell JC (1975) Costus absolute (Saussurea):<br />

Predictive assay for allergic contact sensitization in<br />

guinea-pigs. Contact Dermatitis 1(3):184.<br />

saxifras –see– Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees<br />

s c a d o x u s Mu l Ti f l o r u s (Martyn) Raf.<br />

[Amaryllidaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h aem<strong>an</strong>thus multiflorus Martyn<br />

Common Names:<br />

blood lily; powderpuff lily<br />

Citations:<br />

Mugera GM (1970) Toxic <strong>an</strong>d medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of East<br />

Africa. II. Bull Epizootic Dis Afr 18(4):389-403.<br />

sc<strong>an</strong>ty rice flower –see– Pimelea pauciflora R. Br.<br />

scarlet buckeye –see– Aesculus pavia L.<br />

scarlet maple –see– Acer rubrum L.<br />

scarlet milkweed –see– Asclepias curassavica L.<br />

scarlet pimpernel –see– Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

scarlet plume –see– Euphorbia fulgens Karw. ex Klotzsch<br />

scarlet rhus –see– Toxicodendron succed<strong>an</strong>eum (L.) Kuntze<br />

scarlet runner be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus coccineus L.<br />

scarlet sumach –see– Toxicodendron succed<strong>an</strong>eum (L.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

scarlet wistaria tree –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora (L.) Pers.<br />

scarletberry –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

scented goosefoot –see– Chenopodium carinatum R. Br.<br />

scentless chamomile –see– Anthemis arvensis L.<br />

Schafgarbe –see– Achillea millefolium L.<br />

Schaflinse –see– Securigera varia (L.) Lassen<br />

Scharlachbeere –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

Schattenblume –see– Mai<strong>an</strong>themum bifolium (L.) F. W.<br />

Schmidt<br />

schefflera –see– Schefflera actinophylla (Endl.) Harms<br />

s c h e f f l e r a a c Ti n o p h y l l a (Endl.) Harms<br />

[Araliaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b rassaia actinophylla Endl.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> ivy palm; Australi<strong>an</strong> umbrella tree; heart<br />

ivy; octopus tree; queens umbrella tree; Queensl<strong>an</strong>d<br />

umbrella tree; ripple ivy; schefflera; umbrella tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Grob M, Wüthrich B (1998) Occupational allergy to the<br />

umbrella tree (Schefflera). Allergy 53(10):1008-1009.<br />

Mitchell JC (1981) Allergic contact dermatitis from Hedera<br />

helix <strong>an</strong>d Brassaia actinophylla (Araliaceae). Contact<br />

Dermatitis 7(3):158-159.<br />

Stowe CM, F<strong>an</strong>gm<strong>an</strong>n G (1975) Schefflera toxicosis in a dog.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 167(1):74.<br />

s c h e f f l e r a a r b o r ic o l a (Hayata) Merr.<br />

[Araliaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Paulsen E (1998) Occupational dermatitis in D<strong>an</strong>ish gardeners<br />

<strong>an</strong>d greenhouse workers (II). Etiological factors. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 38(1):14-19.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Schoenus asperocarpus - 353<br />

s c h e f f l e r a k wa n g s i e n s is Merr. ex H. L. Li<br />

[Araliaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s chefflera volkensii (Harms) Harms<br />

Citations:<br />

Caln<strong>an</strong> CD (1981) Dermatitis from Schefflera. Contact Dermatitis<br />

7(6):341.<br />

Schefflera volkensii (Harms) Harms = Schefflera<br />

kw<strong>an</strong>gsiensis Merr. ex H. L. Li<br />

Scheinakazie –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

Scheinbeere –see– Gaultheria procumbens L.<br />

Scheißwurz –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

Schellkraut –see– Chelidonium majus L.<br />

Schierling Caladium –see– Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.)<br />

Schott<br />

s c h i n u s Te r e b i n Th i f o l i u s Raddi<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

aroeira; Brazili<strong>an</strong> pepper tree; burnwood; Christmasberry<br />

tree; copa; coral sumach; doctor gum; false<br />

pepper; Florida holly; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese pepper; mountain m<strong>an</strong>chineel;<br />

pepper tree; pimienta-de-Brasil; pink peppercorn;<br />

poisonwood<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1978) Berry b<strong>an</strong>quet leaves 115 birds dead in<br />

South Dade. Miami Herald. Mar 2:C1.<br />

Britt JO Jr, Howard EB (1984) Pepper tree berry poisoning<br />

in a flock of wild cedar waxwings. Avi<strong>an</strong> Exotic Pract<br />

1(3):11-13.<br />

Catal<strong>an</strong>o PN (1984) M<strong>an</strong>go sap <strong>an</strong>d poison ivy dermatitis. J<br />

Am Acad Dermatol 10(3):522.<br />

s c h i z o c a r p h u s n e rv o s u s (Burch.) V<strong>an</strong> der<br />

Merwe [Hyacinthaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s cilla rigidifolia Kunth.<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ (1944) Recent investigations into the toxicity<br />

of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. in the Union of South Africa. Onderstepoort<br />

J Vet Sci Anim Indus 20(1):75-83.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1946) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XV. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 21(1):45-55.<br />

Schlafmohn –see– Papaver somniferum L.<br />

Schl<strong>an</strong>genkraut –see– Calla palustris L.<br />

Schl<strong>an</strong>genrübe –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

Schlehe –see– Prunus spinosa L.<br />

Schlüsselblume –see– Primula veris L.<br />

Schmerwurz –see– Dioscorea communis (L.) Caddick &<br />

Wilkin<br />

Schneeball –see– Viburnum rhitidophyllum Hemsl.<br />

Schneebeere –see– Symphoricarpos albus (L.) S. F. Blake<br />

Schneerose –see– Helleborus niger L.<br />

s c h o e n u s a s p e r o c a r p u s F. Muell.<br />

[Cyperaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

poison sedge<br />

Citations:<br />

Colegate SM, Dorling PR, Huxtable CR (1994) Poison<br />

sedges (Schoenus spp.): Toxic effects <strong>an</strong>d identification of<br />

the toxic principle. In: Colegate SM, Dorling PR (eds.)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated toxins. Agricultural, phytochemical <strong>an</strong>d<br />

ecological aspects. CABI. New York. pp. 275-280.<br />

Nairn ME, Aplin TE, Petterson DS, et al. (1971) Poison<br />

sedge c<strong>an</strong> kill stock. J Agric West Aust 12:45-47.<br />

Royce RD (1952) Poison sedge <strong>an</strong>d cy<strong>an</strong>ogenesis. J Agric<br />

Western Australia 3rd Series 1(Jul-Aug):497-500.<br />

Schöllkraut –see– Chelidonium majus L.<br />

Schutt Bingelkraut –see– Mercurialis <strong>an</strong>nua L.<br />

Schwarzdorn –see– Prunus spinosa L.<br />

Schwarze Brechnuß –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

schwarze Neiswurz –see– Helleborus niger L.<br />

schwarze Zaunrübe –see– Dioscorea communis (L.) Caddick<br />

& Wilkin<br />

Schwarzer Holunder –see– Sambucus nigra L.<br />

Schwarzer Maulbeerbaum –see– Morus nigra L.<br />

Schwarzer Nachtshatten –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.<br />

Schwarzer Senf –see– Brassica nigra (L.) W. D. J. Koch<br />

Schwarze silsenkraut –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

Schwarzkraut –see– Asarum europaeum L.<br />

Schwarzwurz –see– Asarum europaeum L.<br />

Schweden Klee –see– Trifolium hybridum L.<br />

Schweigrohr –see– Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott<br />

Schweinekraut –see– Calla palustris L.<br />

Schweinsohr –see– Calla palustris L.<br />

Schwindelhafer –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

Scilla cooperi Hook. f. = Ledebouria cooperi (Hook. f.)<br />

Jessop<br />

Scilla natalensis Pl<strong>an</strong>ch. = Merwilla plumbea (Lindl.) Speta<br />

Scilla nonscripta (L.) Hoffm<strong>an</strong>ns. & Link = Hyacinthoides<br />

non-scripta (L.) Chouard ex Rothm.<br />

Scilla nut<strong>an</strong>s Sm. = Hyacinthoides non-scripta (L.) Chouard<br />

ex Rothm.<br />

Scilla rigidifolia Kunth = Schizocarphus nervosus (Burch.)<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Merwe<br />

scille maritime –see– Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn<br />

scille officinale –see– Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn

354 - Scindapsus pictus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Scindapsus aureus (Linden & André) Engl. = Epipremnum<br />

pinnatum (L.) Engl.<br />

s c i n d a p s u s p ic Tu s Hassk. [Araceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

pothos<br />

Citations:<br />

Ramón MF, Ballesteros S, Martínez-Arrieta R, et al. (2003)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d herb exposures in Spain. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

41(4):514.<br />

s c l e r ob l i Tu M a Tr i pl ic i n u M (F. Muell.)<br />

Ulbr. [Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c henopodium atriplicinum (F. Muell.) F. Muell.<br />

Common Names:<br />

lamb’s-tongue; purple goosefoot<br />

Citations:<br />

King RO (1937) Chenopodium atriplicinum (lamb’s tongue)<br />

a pl<strong>an</strong>t toxic for sheep in immature stages of growth. New<br />

South Wales Dep Agric Vet Res Rep 7:95-97.<br />

Seddon HR, Belschner HG (1931) Mortalities in sheep associated<br />

with grazing on young pasture pl<strong>an</strong>ts, with special<br />

reference to Chenopodium atriplicinus. Aust Vet J<br />

7:68-70.<br />

Seddon HR, Belschner HG (1931) Mortalities in sheep grazing<br />

on young pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Chenopodium atriplicinum. Agric<br />

Gaz New South Wales 42:865-866.<br />

s c l e r o l a e n a a n is a c a n Th o i d e s (F.<br />

Muell.) Domin [Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b assia echinopsila (F. Muell.) F. Muell.<br />

Common Names:<br />

red bur<br />

Citations:<br />

Mathams RH, Sutherl<strong>an</strong>d AK (1952) The oxalate content of<br />

some Queensl<strong>an</strong>d pasture pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d J Agric Sci<br />

9:317-334.<br />

scopolia –see– Scopolia carniolica Jacq.<br />

s c o p o l i a c a r n io l ic a Jacq. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

crazy pl<strong>an</strong>t; Glockenbilsenkraut; scopolia; Tollkraut<br />

Citations:<br />

Cuculić M, Kalodera Z, Sindik J, et al. (1988) Obiteljsko trov<strong>an</strong>je<br />

korijenom bijelog buna (Scopolia carniolica Jacq.).<br />

Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 39(3):345-348.<br />

Hatziisaak T, Weber A (1998) Hexentee. Schweiz Rundsch<br />

Med Prax 87(49):1705-1708.<br />

scorpion weed –see– Phacelia crenulata Torr. ex S. Watson<br />

Scotch broom –see– Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link<br />

Scotch laburnum –see– Laburnum alpinum (Mill.) J. Presl<br />

Scottish laburnum –see– Laburnum alpinum (Mill.) J. Presl<br />

scourge-of-India –see– Parthenium hysterophorus L.<br />

scouring rush –see– Equisetum arvense L.<br />

scrambled eggs –see– Corydalis aurea Willd.<br />

scrintioare cosita –see– Galega officinalis L.<br />

Scrophularia aquatica auct. = Scrophularia auriculata L.<br />

s c r o p h u l a r i a a u r ic u l a Ta L.<br />

[Scrophulariaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s crophularia aquatica auct.<br />

Common Names:<br />

betoine aquatique; herbe-du-siège; tigerwort; water<br />

betony; water figwort; water scrophularia<br />

Citations:<br />

Ewart RH (1937) Poisoning in young cattle by a member of<br />

Scrophulariaceae. Vet Rec 49:1514.<br />

Runcim<strong>an</strong> T (1885) Paralysis in ewes caused by eating<br />

“Scrophularia aquatica” (greater water, tiger-wort, water<br />

betony). Am Vet Rev 9:79-80.<br />

s c r o p h u l a r i a Ma r i l a n d ic a L.<br />

[Scrophulariaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Melampyrum cristatum L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

cow wheat; honey pl<strong>an</strong>t; Simpson money pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Lazareva DN, Karimova SG, Zarudy FS, et al. (1967) [On<br />

the neurologic effect of cow wheat (Melampyrum cristatus<br />

L.).] Farmakol Toksikol 29:175-177.<br />

scrub kurrajong –see– Pimelea pauciflora R. Br.<br />

scrub oak –see– Quercus gambelii Nutt.<br />

scullcap –see– Scutellaria lateriflora L.<br />

scurfy pea –see– Cullen corylifolium (L.) Medik.; Cullen<br />

drupaceum (Bunge) C. H. Stirt.<br />

scutellaria –see– Scutellaria lateriflora L.<br />

s c u Te l l a r i a l a Te r i f l o r a L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

helmet flower; hoodwort; madweed; Quaker bonnet;<br />

scullcap; scutellaria; skullcap<br />

Citations:<br />

Estes JD, Stolpm<strong>an</strong> D, Olyaei A, et al. (2003) High prevalence<br />

of potentially hepatotoxic herbal supplement use<br />

in patients with fulmin<strong>an</strong>t hepatic failure. Arch Surg<br />

138(8):852-858.<br />

sea arrowgrass –see– Triglochin maritima L.<br />

sea lavender –see– Goniolimon tataricum (L.) Boiss.<br />

sea myrtle –see– Baccharis halimifolia L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Semecarpus ater - 355<br />

sea onion –see– Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn<br />

sea pursl<strong>an</strong>e –see– Tri<strong>an</strong>thema portulacastrum L.<br />

sea squill –see– Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn<br />

seaside arrowgrass –see– Triglochin maritima L.<br />

seaside buttercup –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus cymbalaria Pursh<br />

sebipira –see– Bowdichia nitida Spruce ex Benth.<br />

seca tierra –see– Pascalia glauca Ortega<br />

s e c a l e c e r e a l e L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>nual rye; Roggen; rye<br />

Citations:<br />

Karasek E (1961) Intoxikationen durch ausgekeimten Roggen<br />

in einer Schafherde. Monatsh Veterinarmed 16:265-266.<br />

MacAuliffe T, Pietraszek A, McGinnis J (1976) Variable<br />

rachitogenic effects of grain <strong>an</strong>d alleviation by extraction<br />

or supplementation with Vitamin D, fat <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>tibiotics.<br />

Poult Sci 55(6):2142-2147.<br />

MacAuliffe T, Zaviezo D, McGinnis J (1979) Effect of<br />

gamma irradiation, fractionation, <strong>an</strong>d penicillin supplementation<br />

on the rachitogenic activity of rye for chicks.<br />

Poult Sci 58(2):329-332.<br />

Proudfoot FG, Hul<strong>an</strong> HW (1986) The nutritive value of<br />

ground rye as a feed ingredient for adult Leghorn hens.<br />

C<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 66(1):311-315.<br />

Untawale GG, McGinnis J (1979) Effect of rye <strong>an</strong>d levels of<br />

raw <strong>an</strong>d autoclaved be<strong>an</strong>s (Phaseolus vulgaris) on adhesion<br />

of microflora to the intestinal mucosa. Poult Sci<br />

58(4):928-933.<br />

s e c h i u M e d u l e (Jacq.) Sw. [Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chayote; chocho<br />

Citations:<br />

Jensen LP, Lai AR (1986) Chayote (Sechium edule) causing<br />

hypokalemia in pregn<strong>an</strong>cy. Am J Obstet Gynecol<br />

155(5):1048-1049.<br />

s e c u r ig e r a v a r i a (L.) Lassen [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c oronilla varia L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

axwort; broom; cornvetch; coronilla; crownvetch;<br />

Falsche Efparfette; Giftwicke; Giftwide; Hagedorn;<br />

Kronenschütchen; Kronwicke; Mehldorn; rosy crown<br />

vetch; Schaflinse<br />

Citations:<br />

Gustine DL, Shenk JS, W<strong>an</strong>gsness PJ, et al. (1973) Isolation<br />

<strong>an</strong>d characterization of crownvetch constituents deleterious<br />

to nonrumin<strong>an</strong>ts. Proc Fescue Toxicity Conf. Lexington,<br />

Kentucky. pp. 140-144.<br />

Salyi G, Sztojkov V, Hilbert Miklovica M (1988) A nutria<br />

tarka koronafürt (Coronilla varia L.) okozta mérgezése.<br />

Magyar Allator Lapja 43(5):313-316.<br />

Shenk JS (1976) The meadow vole as <strong>an</strong> experimental <strong>an</strong>imal.<br />

Lab Anim Sci 26(4):664-669.<br />

Shenk JS, W<strong>an</strong>gsness PJ, Leach RM, et al. (1976) Relationship<br />

between β-nitropropionic acid content of crownvetch<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicity in nonrumin<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>imals. J Anim Sci<br />

42(3):616-621.<br />

Zuyu L, Xueqin F, Zihua Z, et al. (1987) [The effects of<br />

feeding diets containing Astragalus adsurgens Pall <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Coronilla varia L. on broiler chickens.] Acta Vet Zootech<br />

Sin 18(3):157-162.<br />

sed<strong>an</strong>o –see– Apium graveolens L.<br />

Sedum spectabile Boreau = Hylotelephium spectabile<br />

(Boreau) H. Ohba<br />

seepbossie –see– Noltea afric<strong>an</strong>a (L.) Endl.<br />

seeroogblom –see– Boophone disticha (L. f.) Herb.<br />

seggrum –see– Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.<br />

Seidelbast –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

selino –see– Apium graveolens L.<br />

Sellerie –see– Apium graveolens L.<br />

selyemkóró –see– Asclepias syriaca L.<br />

sem –see– C<strong>an</strong>avalia cathartica Thouars<br />

s e Me c a r p u s a n a c a r d i u M L. f.<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a nacardium orientale auct. ex Steud.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bella gutta tree; bibba nut; bibha; bichi nut; black nut;<br />

dhobi nut; golden corn; Indi<strong>an</strong> ink tree; Indi<strong>an</strong> marking<br />

nut; marking nut; oriental cashew; ral tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Cade A, Nelson CS (1996) Semecarpus <strong>an</strong>acardium-induced<br />

facial oedema. Br J Dermatol 135(2):338-339.<br />

Fitz-Hugh T Jr, Livingood CS, Rogers AM (1943) Dhobie<br />

mark dermatitis. U S Army Med Dep Bull #69:55-58.<br />

Fox H (1921) Dermatitis venenata from oriental cashew nut.<br />

Report of a case. Arch Derm Syphilol 3:202-203.<br />

Goldsmith NR (1943) Dermatitis from Semecarpus <strong>an</strong>acardium<br />

(bhilaw<strong>an</strong>ol or the marking nut). Spread by contaminated<br />

mail. JAMA 123(Sep 4):27.<br />

Livingood CS, Rogers AM, Fitz-Hugh T Jr (1943) Dhobie<br />

mark dermatitis. JAMA 123(1):23-26.<br />

Matthai TP, Date A (1979) Renal cortical necrosis following<br />

exposure to sap of the marking-nut tree (Semecarpus<br />

<strong>an</strong>acardium). Am J Trop Med Hyg 28(4):773-774.<br />

Sh<strong>an</strong>kar DS (1992) Contact urticaria induced by Semecarpus<br />

<strong>an</strong>acardium. Contact Dermatitis 26(3):200.<br />

Waud SP, Fein H (1943) Dermatitis venenata caused by<br />

the ink from the bichi nut. Bull U S Army Med Dep<br />

#69(Oct):59-60.<br />

s e Me c a r p u s a Te r (G. Forst.) Vieill.<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

acajou; goudronnier; nole; pomme d’acajou

356 - Semecarpus australiensis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Hitch JM (1944) Dermatitis venenata caused by Semecarpus<br />

atra. U S Nav Med Bull 42(5):1111-1115.<br />

s e Me c a r p u s a u s Tr a l i e n s is Engl.<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

marking nut; tar tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Flecker H (1945) Injuries produced by pl<strong>an</strong>ts in tropical<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. Med J Aust 1(Jun 23):636-637.<br />

Seminole bread –see– Zamia integrifolia L. f.<br />

sempervivum –see– Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.<br />

s e n e c io a b y s s i n ic u s Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Williams AO, Schoental R (1970) Hepatotoxicity of Senecio<br />

abyssinicus. Experimental <strong>an</strong>d ultrastructural studies.<br />

Trop Geogr Med 22(2):201-210.<br />

s e n e c io a l p i n u s (L.) Scop. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Alpenkreuzkraut; ragwort<br />

Citations:<br />

Braun U, Linggi T, Pospischil A (1999) Ultrasonographic<br />

findings in three cows with chronic ragwort (Senecio<br />

alpinus) poisoning. Vet Rec 144(5):122-126.<br />

Pohlenz J, Lüthy J, Minder HP, et al. (1980) Enzootische<br />

Leberzirrhose beim Rind, verursacht durch Pyrrolizidinalkaloide<br />

nach Aufnahme von Senecio alpinus (Alpenkreuzkraut).<br />

Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd 122(4):183-194.<br />

Stunzi H (1982) Vergiftungen bei Kühen nach Aufnahme von<br />

Alpenkreuzkraut. Mitt Schweiz L<strong>an</strong>dwirtsch 30:35-36.<br />

Senecio ambrosioides Rydb. = Senecio eremophilus<br />

Richardson var. kingii Greenm.<br />

Senecio aquaticus Hill = Jacobaea aquatica (Hill) P. Gaertn.<br />

et al. var. aquatica<br />

Senecio australis Willd. = Senecio linearifolius A. Rich<br />

Senecio barbareaefolius Rchb. = Jacobaea aquatica (Hill) P.<br />

Gaertn. et al. var. aquatica<br />

s e n e c io b r a s i l i e n s is (Spreng.) Less. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ragwort<br />

Citations:<br />

Barros CS, Castilhos LM, S<strong>an</strong>tos MN, et al. (1987) Liver<br />

biopsy in ragwort poisoning. Vet Rec 121(16):382.<br />

Barros CS, Driemeier D, Pilati C, et al. (1992) Senecio spp<br />

poisoning in cattle in Southern Brazil. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

34(3):241-246.<br />

Barros CS, Metzdorf LL, Peixoto PV (1987) Ocorrência de surtos<br />

de intoxicação por Senecio spp. (Compositae) em bovinos<br />

no Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de do Sul. Pesq Vet Bras 7(4):101-107.<br />

Barros CS, Metzdorf LL, S<strong>an</strong>tos MN, et al. (1989) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Senecio brasiliensis (Compositae)<br />

em ovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 9(3-4):55-67.<br />

Gava A, Barros CS (1997) Senecio spp. poisoning of horses<br />

in Southern Brazil. Pesq Vet Bras 17(1):36-40.<br />

Ilha MR, Loretti AP, Barros SS, et al. (2001) Intoxicação<br />

espontânea por Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae) em ovinos<br />

no Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de do Sul. Pesq Vet Bras 21(3):123-138.<br />

Karam FS, Soares MP, Haraguchi M, et al. (2004) Aspectos<br />

epidemiológicos da seneciose na região sul do Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de<br />

do Sul. Pesq Vet Bras 24(4):191-198.<br />

Méndez MC, Riet-Correa F, Schild AL (1987) Intoxicação<br />

por Senecio spp. (Compositae) em bovinos no Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de<br />

do Sul. Pesq Vet Bras 7(2):51-56.<br />

Nazario W, Portugal MA, F<strong>an</strong>celli MI (1988) Considerações<br />

sobre o papel do Senecio brasiliensis, Lessing, Acomp<strong>an</strong>hamento<br />

de acidente tóxico em bovinos, ocorrido em São<br />

Paulo. Pesq Agric Bras 23(5):537-542.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J (1984) Intoxicação experimental<br />

por Senecio brasiliensis (Compositae) em bovinos. Pesq<br />

Vet Bras 4(2):39-65.<br />

s e n e c io b u r c h e l l i i DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

kov<strong>an</strong>na bos; sprinka<strong>an</strong>bos<br />

Citations:<br />

Chase WH (1904) The Molteno cattle disease. Agric J Cape<br />

Good Hope 25:675-678.<br />

Robertson W (1906) Cirrhosis of the liver in stock in Cape<br />

Colony, produced by two species of Senecio (Senecio<br />

burchelli <strong>an</strong>d Senecio latifolius). J Comp Pathol Ther<br />

19(2):97-110.<br />

Willmot FC, Robertson GW (1920) Senecio disease, or cirrhosis<br />

of the liver due to senecio poisoning. L<strong>an</strong>cet 2(Oct<br />

23):848-849.<br />

s e n e c io c a n n a b i f o l i u s Less. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

h<strong>an</strong>gon so<br />

Citations:<br />

Hirono I, Ueno I, Aiso S, et al. (1983) Carcinogenic activity<br />

of Farfugium japonicum <strong>an</strong>d Senecio c<strong>an</strong>nabifolius. C<strong>an</strong>cer<br />

Lett 20(2):191-198.<br />

s e n e c io c is pl a Ti n u s Cabrera [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Méndez MC, Riet-Correa F, Schild AL (1987) Intoxicação<br />

por Senecio spp. (Compositae) em bovinos no Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de<br />

do Sul. Pesq Vet Bras 7(2):51-56.<br />

Schild AC, Motta AC, Riet-Correa F, et al. (2004) Photosensitization<br />

in cattle in southern Brazil. In: Acamovic<br />

T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp.<br />

162-166.<br />

s e n e c io c u n n i n g h a Mi i DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Wiltjer JC, Walker CE (1974) Rectal prolapse in cattle associated<br />

with pyrrolizidine alkaloid poisoning. Aust Vet J<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Senecio ilicifolius - 357<br />

s e n e c io d e s f o n Ta i n e i Druce [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

El Serg<strong>an</strong>y MA, Morsy AA, Dessouky MI, et al. (1984)<br />

Studies on blood cytology, serum enzymes <strong>an</strong>d the histopathology<br />

of the liver in chicks fed dried Senecio desfontainei.<br />

Arch Geflugelkunde 48(3):77-80.<br />

Senecio diversifolius Wall. ex DC. = Jacobaea raph<strong>an</strong>ifolia<br />

(Wall. ex DC.) B. Nord.<br />

Senecio douglasii DC. var. longilobus (Benth.) L. D.<br />

Benson = Senecio flaccidus Less. var. flaccidus<br />

s e n e c io e r e Mo p h i l u s Richardson var. kingii<br />

Greenm. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s enecio ambrosioides Rydb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

groundsel<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1942) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1942:29.<br />

Senecio erraticus Bertol. = Jacobaea aquatica (Hill) P.<br />

Gaertn. et al. var. erratica (Bertol.) Pelser & Meijden<br />

Senecio erraticus Bertol. subsp. barbareifolius (Fiori) Beger<br />

= Jacobaea aquatica (Hill) P. Gaertn. et al. var. erratica<br />

(Bertol.) Pelser & Meijden<br />

s e n e c io f l a c c i d u s Less. var. flaccidus<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s enecio douglasii DC. var. longilobus (Benth.) L. D.<br />

Benson; s enecio longilobus Benth.<br />

Common Names:<br />

gordolobo yerba; groundsel; threadleaf groundsel;<br />

woolly groundsel<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1933) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1933:34-35.<br />

Boughton IB, Hardy WT (1939) Hard yellow livers of sheep<br />

<strong>an</strong>d cattle <strong>an</strong>d feeding trials of suspected pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas<br />

Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 52:238-240.<br />

Clawson AB (1933) The Americ<strong>an</strong> groundsels species of Senecio<br />

as stock poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Vet Med 28(Mar):105-110.<br />

Dollahite JW (1972) The use of sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats to control<br />

Senecio poisoning in cattle. Southwestern Vet<br />

25(3):223-226.<br />

Fox DW, Hart MC, Bergeson PS, et al. (1978) Pyrrolizidine<br />

(senecio) intoxication mimicking Reye Syndrome. J Pediatr<br />

93(6):980-982.<br />

Harris PN, Chen KK (1970) Development of hepatic tumours<br />

in rats following ingestion of Senecio longilobus. C<strong>an</strong>cer<br />

Res 30(12):2881-2886.<br />

Henderson FG, Harris PN, Chen KK (1954) Hepatotoxic<br />

action of Senecio longilobus. J Pharmacol Exp Ther<br />

110:26.<br />

Johnson AE, Molyneux RJ (1984) Toxicity of threadleaf<br />

groundsel (Senecio douglasii var longilobus) to cattle. Am<br />

J Vet Res 45(1):26-31.<br />

Mathews FP (1932) Miscell<strong>an</strong>eous poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas<br />

Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 45:11-12.<br />

Mathews FP (1933) Poisoning of cattle by species of groundsel<br />

(Senecio longilobus Benth., <strong>an</strong>d Senecio riddellii Torr.<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Gray). Texas Agric Exp Sta Bull #481:5-20.<br />

Mathews FP, Schmidt H (1934) Miscell<strong>an</strong>eous poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 47:12-13.<br />

Mathews FP, Schmidt H (1935) Miscell<strong>an</strong>eous poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 48:16-17.<br />

Molyneux RJ, Johnson AE, Stuart LD (1988) Delayed m<strong>an</strong>ifestation<br />

of Senecio-induced pyrrolizidine alkaloidosis in<br />

cattle: Case reports. Vet Hum Toxicol 30(3):201-205.<br />

Stillm<strong>an</strong> AE, Huxtable R, Consroe P, et al. (1977) Hepatic<br />

veno-occlusive disease due to pyrrolizidine (Senecio) poisoning<br />

in Arizona. Gastroenterology 73(2):349-352.<br />

Stillm<strong>an</strong> AE, Huxtable RJ, Fox DW, et al. (1977) Poisoning<br />

associated with herbal teas - Arizona, Washington.<br />

MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 26(32):257-259.<br />

Stillm<strong>an</strong> AE, Huxtable RJ, Fox D, et al. (1977) Pyrrolizidine<br />

(Senecio) poisoning in Arizona: Severe liver damage due<br />

to herbal teas. Ariz Med 34(8):545-546.<br />

Vardim<strong>an</strong> PH (1953) The bromsulfalein liver function test<br />

<strong>an</strong>d biopsy of the liver in the diagnosis of senecio poisoning<br />

in cattle. Am J Vet Res 14(51):175-178.<br />

Senecio gigas Vatke = Sol<strong>an</strong>ecio gigas (Vatke) C. Jeffrey<br />

Senecio glabellus Poir. = Packera glabella (Poir.) C. Jeffrey<br />

s e n e c io g l u Ti n o s u s Thunb. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Steyn DG (1937) Recent investigations into the toxicity of<br />

known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the Union of<br />

South Africa. VII. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus<br />

9(1):111-124.<br />

s e n e c io h e Te r o Tr ic h u s DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Karam FS, Soares MP, Haraguchi M, et al. (2004) Aspectos<br />

epidemiológicos da seneciose na região sul do Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de<br />

do Sul. Pesq Vet Bras 24(4):191-198.<br />

Méndez MC, Riet-Correa F, Schild AL (1987) Intoxicação<br />

por Senecio spp. (Compositae) em bovinos no Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de<br />

do Sul. Pesq Vet Bras 7(2):51-56.<br />

Schild AC, Motta AC, Riet-Correa F, et al. (2004) Photosensitization<br />

in cattle in southern Brazil. In: Acamovic<br />

T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp.<br />

162-166.<br />

s e n e c io i l ic i f o l i u s L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ghw<strong>an</strong>obos; gu<strong>an</strong>o bos; kava<strong>an</strong>uo bos; Kov<strong>an</strong>na bos;<br />

sprinka<strong>an</strong>bos<br />

Citations:<br />

Willmot FC, Robertson GW (1920) Senecio disease, or cirrhosis<br />

of the liver due to senecio poisoning. L<strong>an</strong>cet 2(Oct<br />


358 - Senecio integerrimus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

s e n e c io i n Te g e r r i Mu s Nutt. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gauge pl<strong>an</strong>t; lamb’s-tongue groundsel; one-stem butterweed;<br />

western groundsel; wet-the-bed<br />

Citations:<br />

Clawson AB (1933) The Americ<strong>an</strong> groundsels species of Senecio<br />

as stock poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Vet Med 28(Mar):105-110.<br />

s e n e c io i s a Ti d e u s DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

D<strong>an</strong>’s-cabbage; poison ragwort; ragwort<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ (1944) Recent investigations into the toxicity<br />

of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. in the Union of South Africa. Onderstepoort<br />

J Vet Sci Anim Indus 20(1):75-83.<br />

Senecio jacobaea L. = Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.<br />

s e n e c io j u n c e u s (DC.) Harv. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Lyford CL, Vergara GG, Moeller DD (1976) Hepatic venoocclusive<br />

disease originating in Ecuador. Gastroenterology<br />

70(1):105-108.<br />

s e n e c io l a Ti f o l i u s DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

doss cabbage; groundsel; ragwort; Rhodesi<strong>an</strong> ragwort<br />

Citations:<br />

Burrows GE, Morton DJ, Basudde CD (1990) The effects of<br />

feeding cabbage (Brassica oleracea) <strong>an</strong>d Rhodesi<strong>an</strong> ragwort<br />

(Senecio latifolius) on the disposition of <strong>an</strong>tipyrine<br />

<strong>an</strong>d acetaminophen in sheep. Toxicon 28(6):603.<br />

Robertson W (1906) Cirrhosis of the liver in stock in Cape<br />

Colony, produced by two species of Senecio (Senecio<br />

burchelli <strong>an</strong>d Senecio latifolius). J Comp Pathol Ther<br />

19(2):97-110.<br />

s e n e c io l a u Tu s G. Forst. ex Willd. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

fireweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Kirkl<strong>an</strong>d PD, Moore RE, Walker KH, et al. (1982) Deaths<br />

in cattle associated with Senecio lautus consumption.<br />

Aust Vet J 59(2):64.<br />

Noble JW, Crossley J, Hill BD, et al. (1994) Pyrrolizidine<br />

alkaloids of cattle associated with Senecio lautus. Aust<br />

Vet J 71(7):196-200.<br />

s e n e c io l e p To l ob u s DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Karam FS, Soares MP, Haraguchi M, et al. (2004) Aspectos<br />

epidemiológicos da seneciose na região sul do Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de<br />

do Sul. Pesq Vet Bras 24(4):191-198.<br />

Méndez MC, Riet-Correa F, Schild AL (1987) Intoxicação<br />

por Senecio spp. (Compositae) em bovinos no Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de<br />

do Sul. Pesq Vet Bras 7(2):51-56.<br />

Schild AC, Motta AC, Riet-Correa F, et al. (2004) Photosensitization<br />

in cattle in southern Brazil. In: Acamovic T,<br />

Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d<br />

related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp. 162-166.<br />

s e n e c io l i n e a r i f o l i u s A. Rich [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s enecio australis Willd.<br />

Common Names:<br />

fireweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Dickinson CG (1930) Waratah horse disease. Aust Vet J<br />

6(Jun):65-67.<br />

Senecio longilobus Benth. = Senecio flaccidus Less. var.<br />

flaccidus<br />

s e n e c io Ma d ag a s c a r i e n s is Poir.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

fireweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Small AC, Kelly WR, Seawright AA, et al. (1993) Pyrrolizidine<br />

alkaloidosis in a two month old foal. Zentralbl Veterinarmed<br />

A 40(3):213-218.<br />

s e n e c io Mo o r e i R. E. Fr. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Kamau JA, Mugera GM (1975) Induction of liver tumours<br />

in rats following feeding with Senecio moorei for a long<br />

period. Bull Anim Health Prod Afr 23:249-263.<br />

Mugera GM (1970) Toxic <strong>an</strong>d medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of East<br />

Africa. II. Bull Epizootic Dis Afr 18(4):389-403.<br />

s e n e c io My r io c e p h a l u s Sch. Bip. ex A.<br />

Rich. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Schoental R, Coady A (1968) The hepatotoxicity of some<br />

Ethiopi<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d East Afric<strong>an</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts, including some used<br />

in traditional medicines. East Afr Med J 45(8):577-580.<br />

s e n e c io o x y p h y l l u s DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Barros CS, Driemeier D, Pilati C, et al. (1992) Senecio spp<br />

poisoning in cattle in Southern Brazil. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

34(3):241-246.<br />

Driemeier D, Barros CS (1992) Intoxicação experimental por<br />

Senecio oxyphyllus (Compositae) em bovinos. Pesq Vet<br />

Bras 12(1-2):33-42.<br />

Gava A, Barros CS (1997) Senecio spp. poisoning of horses<br />

in Southern Brazil. Pesq Vet Bras 17(1):36-40.<br />

Karam FS, Soares MP, Haraguchi M, et al. (2004) Aspectos<br />

epidemiológicos da seneciose na região sul do Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de<br />

do Sul. Pesq Vet Bras 24(4):191-198.<br />

Schild AC, Motta AC, Riet-Correa F, et al. (2004) Photosensitization<br />

in cattle in southern Brazil. In: Acamovic T,<br />

Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d<br />

related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp. 162-166.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Senecio spartioides - 359<br />

Senecio plattensis Nutt. = Packera plattensis (Nutt.) W. A.<br />

Weber & Á. Löve<br />

s e n e c io q u a d r i d e n Ta Tu s Labill.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cotton fireweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Dickson J, Hill R (1977) Cotton fireweed - Potential poison.<br />

J Agric West Aust 18(3):109-110.<br />

Kater JC (1965) Cotton fireweed (Senecio quadridentata)<br />

poisoning in cattle. New South Wales Vet Inspector<br />

29:45-47.<br />

s e n e c io r e Tr o r s u s DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

D<strong>an</strong>’s-cabbage; Molten disease pl<strong>an</strong>t; ragwort<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1939) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa. IX. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 12:335-366.<br />

s e n e c io r i d d e l l i i Torr. & A. Gray<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

broom groundsel; groundsel; Riddell’s-groundsel; s<strong>an</strong>d<br />

groundsel; threadleaf groundsel; woolly groundsel<br />

Citations:<br />

Carpenter PT (1938) Acute senecio poisoning. U S Army Vet<br />

Bull 32:32-41.<br />

Hill KR, Martin HM (1958) Hepatic veno-occlusive disease<br />

<strong>an</strong>d megalocytosis in senecio poisoning in horses. Further<br />

investigations of “the walking disease” of northwestern<br />

Nebraska. Br Vet J 114:345-350.<br />

Johnson AE, Molyneux RJ, Stuart LD (1985) Toxicity of<br />

Riddell’s groundsel (Senecio riddellii) to cattle. Am J Vet<br />

Res 46(3):577-582.<br />

Mathews FP (1932) Miscell<strong>an</strong>eous poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas<br />

Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 45:11-12.<br />

Mathews FP (1933) Poisoning of cattle by species of groundsel<br />

(Senecio longilobus Benth., <strong>an</strong>d Senecio riddellii Torr.<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Gray). Texas Agric Exp Sta Bull #481:5-20.<br />

Mathews FP, Schmidt H (1934) Miscell<strong>an</strong>eous poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 47:12-13.<br />

Mathews FP, Schmidt H (1935) Miscell<strong>an</strong>eous poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 48:16-17.<br />

Molyneux RJ, Johnson AE, Stuart LD (1988) Delayed m<strong>an</strong>ifestation<br />

of Senecio-induced pyrrolizidine alkaloidosis in<br />

cattle: Case reports. Vet Hum Toxicol 30(3):201-205.<br />

Rosenfeld I, Beath OA (1947) Pharmacological action of<br />

Senecio riddellii. J Am Pharm Assoc 36(11):331-334.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Es L, C<strong>an</strong>twell LR, Martin HM, et al. (1929) On the<br />

nature <strong>an</strong>d cause of “the Walking Disease” of northwestern<br />

Nebraska. Nebraska Agric Exp Sta Res Bull #43:47<br />

pp.<br />

Vardim<strong>an</strong> PH (1952) Experimental feeding of senecio silage<br />

to calves. J Am Vet Med Assoc 121(Nov):397-400.<br />

Vardim<strong>an</strong> PH (1953) The bromsulfalein liver function test<br />

<strong>an</strong>d biopsy of the liver in the diagnosis of senecio poisoning<br />

in cattle. Am J Vet Res 14(51):175-178.<br />

s e n e c io r u w e n z o r i e n s is S. Moore<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ragwort<br />

Citations:<br />

Thorold PW, Sapiro ML (1953) Preliminary note on the<br />

alkaloids <strong>an</strong>d toxicity of Senecio ruwenzoriensis S.<br />

Moore. East Afr Agric J 19(Oct):103.<br />

s e n e c io s c e l e r a Tu s Schweick. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chi gurunga; ragwort; Rhodesi<strong>an</strong> ragwort<br />

Citations:<br />

Shone DK (1966) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part I. Rhodesia<br />

Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 4:81-94.<br />

s e n e c io s c h i Mp e r i Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Schoental R, Coady A (1968) The hepatotoxicity of some<br />

Ethiopi<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d East Afric<strong>an</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts, including some used<br />

in traditional medicines. East Afr Med J 45(8):577-580.<br />

s e n e c io s c h u l Tz i i Hochst. ex A. Rich.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Schoental R, Coady A (1968) The hepatotoxicity of some<br />

Ethiopi<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d East Afric<strong>an</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts, including some used<br />

in traditional medicines. East Afr Med J 45(8):577-580.<br />

s e n e c io s e l l o i (Spreng.) DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Barros CS, Metzdorf LL, Peixoto PV (1987) Ocorrência<br />

de surtos de intoxicação por Senecio spp. (Compositae)<br />

em bovinos no Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de do Sul. Pesq Vet Bras<br />

7(4):101-107.<br />

Karam FS, Soares MP, Haraguchi M, et al. (2004) Aspectos<br />

epidemiológicos da seneciose na região sul do Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de<br />

do Sul. Pesq Vet Bras 24(4):191-198.<br />

Méndez MC, Riet-Correa F, Schild AL (1987) Intoxicação<br />

por Senecio spp. (Compositae) em bovinos no Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de<br />

do Sul. Pesq Vet Bras 7(2):51-56.<br />

Odriozola E, Campero C, Casaro A, et al. (1994) Pyrrolizidine<br />

alkaloidosis in Argentini<strong>an</strong> cattle caused by Senecio<br />

selloi. Vet Hum Toxicol 36(3):205-208.<br />

Schild AC, Motta AC, Riet-Correa F, et al. (2004) Photosensitization<br />

in cattle in southern Brazil. In: Acamovic T,<br />

Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d<br />

related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp. 162-166.<br />

s e n e c io s p a r Tio i d e s Torr. & A. Gray<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

broom groundsel; groundsel; narrow-leaf butterweed

360 - Senecio subalpinus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1933) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1933:34-35.<br />

Anonymous (1937) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep. 1937:47-48.<br />

Clawson AB (1933) The Americ<strong>an</strong> groundsels species of Senecio<br />

as stock poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Vet Med 28(Mar):105-110.<br />

s e n e c io s u b a l p i n u s Koch [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Smith RA, P<strong>an</strong>ariti E (1995) Intoxication of Alb<strong>an</strong>i<strong>an</strong> cattle<br />

after ingestion of Senecio subalpinus. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

37(5):478-479.<br />

s e n e c io Tw e e d i e i Hook. & Arn. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Mendez MD, Riet-Correa F (1993) Intoxication by Senecio<br />

tweediei in cattle in Southern Brazil. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

35(1):55.<br />

Schild AC, Motta AC, Riet-Correa F, et al. (2004) Photosensitization<br />

in cattle in southern Brazil. In: Acamovic T,<br />

Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d<br />

related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp. 162-166.<br />

s e n e c io v e r n a l is Waldst. & Kit. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Kreuzkraut<br />

Citations:<br />

Eroksuz H, Eroksuz Y, Ozer H, et al. (2003) Toxicity of<br />

Senecio vernalis to laying hens <strong>an</strong>d evaluation of residues<br />

in eggs. Vet Hum Toxicol 45(2):76-80.<br />

Hippchen C, Entzeroth R, Röder E, et al. (1986) Experimentelle<br />

Untersuchungen zur Lebertoxizität von Senecioalkaloiden<br />

aus Senecio vernalis <strong>an</strong> Ziegen. Prakt<br />

Tierarzt 67(4):322-324.<br />

Hupka E (1955) Ist die Verfütterung von Senecio (Kreuzkraut)<br />

als Ursache der Leberverhurtung des Pferdes<br />

Anzusehen? Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr 62(1-2):1-3.<br />

s e n e c io v u l g a r is L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

groundsel; Kreuzkraut; Kruiskruid; old-m<strong>an</strong>-in-thespring;<br />

Séneçon commun; simson<br />

Citations:<br />

Buckmaster GW, Cheeke PR, Shull LR (1976) Pyrrolizidine<br />

alkaloid poisoning in rats: Protective effects of dietary<br />

cysteine. J Anim Sci 43(2):464-473.<br />

Fowler ME (1968) Pyrrolizidine alkaloid poisoning in calves.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 152(8):1131-1137.<br />

Goeger DE, Cheeke PR, Ramsdell HS, et al. (1983) Comparison<br />

of the toxicities of Senecio jacobaea, Senecio<br />

vulgaris <strong>an</strong>d Senecio glabellus in rats. Toxicol Lett<br />

15(1):19-23.<br />

Gulick BA, Liu IK, Qualls CW Jr, et al. (1980) Effect<br />

of pyrrolizidine alkaloid-induced hepatic disease on<br />

plasma amino acid patterns in the horse. Am J Vet Res<br />

41(11):1894-1898.<br />

Lessard P, Wilson WD, Ol<strong>an</strong>der HJ, et al. (1986) Clinicopathologic<br />

study of horses surviving pyrrolizidine<br />

alkaloid (Senecio vulgaris) toxicosis. Am J Vet Res<br />

47(8):1776-1780.<br />

Mendel VE, Witt MR, Gitchell BS, et al. (1988) Pyrrolizidine<br />

alkaloid-induced liver disease in horses: An early<br />

diagnosis. Am J Vet Res 49(4):572-578.<br />

Moy<strong>an</strong>o MR, García A, Rueda A, et al. (2006) Echium vulgare<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Senecio vulgaris poisoning in fighting bulls. J<br />

Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med 53(1):24-25.<br />

Sedlmeier H, Dahme E, Schiefer B (1963) Veränderungen<br />

<strong>an</strong> der Rattenleber bei chronischer Seneciovergiftung im<br />

Vergleich zu den durch Buttergelb hervorgerufenen Lebergeschwülsten.<br />

Zentralbl Veterinarmed A 10(1):26-38.<br />

séné-du-Sénégal –see– Senna italica Mill.<br />

Séneçon commun –see– Senecio vulgaris L.<br />

Senf –see– Brassica nigra (L.) W. D. J. Koch<br />

senna –see– Senna alex<strong>an</strong>drina Mill.; Senna obtusifolia (L.)<br />

H. S. Irwin & Barneby; Senna occidentalis (L.) Link<br />

s e n n a a l e x a n d r i n a Mill. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c assia acutifolia Delile; c assia senna L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Alex<strong>an</strong>dri<strong>an</strong> senna; Indi<strong>an</strong> senna; Nubi<strong>an</strong> senna; senna;<br />

senna mekka; te-de-sena; Tinnevelly senna<br />

Citations:<br />

El Sayed NY, Abdelbari EM, Mahmoud OM, et al. (1983)<br />

The toxicity of Cassia senna to Nubi<strong>an</strong> goats. Vet Q<br />

5(2):80-85.<br />

Omer SA, Ibrahim FH, Khalid SA, et al. (1992) Toxicological<br />

interactions of Abrus precatorius <strong>an</strong>d Cassia senna<br />

in the diet of Lohm<strong>an</strong>n broiler chicks. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

34(4):310-313.<br />

Rizzo M, V<strong>an</strong>derperren B, H<strong>an</strong>tson P (2003) Acute liver<br />

<strong>an</strong>d kidney injury after abuse of senna alkaloids. J Toxicol<br />

Clin Toxicol 41(4):514-515.<br />

Smyth D, Gallo A, McGuig<strong>an</strong> M (2000) A prospective case<br />

series of pediatric senna poisoning. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

38(5):519.<br />

Spiller HA, Winter ML, Weber JA, et al. (2002) Skin breakdown<br />

<strong>an</strong>d blisters from senna containing laxative ingestion<br />

in young children. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 40(5):609.<br />

senna be<strong>an</strong> –see– Senna occidentalis (L.) Link; Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia<br />

drummondii (Rydb.) Cory<br />

s e n n a d i d y Mob o Tr y a (Fresen.) H. S. Irwin &<br />

Barneby [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c assia didymobotrya Fresen.<br />

Common Names:<br />

wild senna<br />

Citations:<br />

Mugera GM (1970) Toxic <strong>an</strong>d medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of East<br />

Africa. II. Bull Epizootic Dis Afr 18(4):389-403.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Senna occidentalis - 361<br />

s e n n a × f l o r i b u n d a (Cav.) H. S. Irwin &<br />

Barneby [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c assia floribunda Cav.<br />

Common Names:<br />

arsenic bush; smooth senna<br />

Citations:<br />

Mugera GM (1970) Toxic <strong>an</strong>d medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of East<br />

Africa. II. Bull Epizootic Dis Afr 18(4):389-403.<br />

s e n n a i Ta l ic a Mill. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c assia italica (Mill.) Spreng.<br />

Common Names:<br />

séné-du-Sénégal; wild senna<br />

Citations:<br />

Galal M, Adam SE, Maglad MA, et al. (1985) The effects<br />

of Cassia italica on goats <strong>an</strong>d sheep. Acta Vet (Beogr)<br />

35(3):163-174.<br />

s e n n a l i n d h e i Me r i a n a (Scheele) H. S. Irwin<br />

& Barneby [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c assia lindheimeri<strong>an</strong>a Scheele<br />

Common Names:<br />

Lindheimer’s-senna<br />

Citations:<br />

Boughton IB, Hardy WT (1939) Hard yellow livers of sheep<br />

<strong>an</strong>d cattle <strong>an</strong>d feeding trials of suspected pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas<br />

Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 52:238-240.<br />

senna mekka –see– Senna alex<strong>an</strong>drina Mill.<br />

s e n n a o b Tu s i f o l i a (L.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c assia obtusifolia L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

coffee pod; coffee weed; senna; sicklepod senna<br />

Citations:<br />

Charles OW (1976) Coffee weed toxicity in <strong>an</strong>imals. Proc<br />

Georgia Conf Feed Indust 1976:67-76.<br />

Charles OW, Muller HD (1975) Coffee weed (Cassia<br />

obtusifolia) toxicity response of laying hens. Poult Sci<br />

54:1745.<br />

Crawford L, Friedm<strong>an</strong>, M (1990) The effects of low levels<br />

of dietary toxic weed seeds (jimson weed, Datura stramonium<br />

<strong>an</strong>d sicklepod, Cassia obtusifolia) on the relative<br />

size of rat liver <strong>an</strong>d levels of cytochrome P-450. Toxicol<br />

Lett 54(2-3):175-181.<br />

Dug<strong>an</strong> GM, Gumbm<strong>an</strong>n MR (1990) Toxicological evaluation<br />

of sicklepod <strong>an</strong>d black nightshade seeds in shortterm<br />

feeding studies in rats. Food Chem Toxicol<br />

28(2):101-107.<br />

Flory W, Spainhour GB Jr, Colvin B, et al. (1992) The toxicologic<br />

investigation of a feed grain contaminated with seeds<br />

of the pl<strong>an</strong>t species Cassia. J Vet Diagn Invest 4(1):65-69.<br />

Flunker LK, Damron BL, Sundlof SF, et al. (1989) Response<br />

of White Leghorn hens to various dietary levels of Cassia<br />

obtusifolia <strong>an</strong>d nutrient fortification as a me<strong>an</strong>s of alleviating<br />

depressed perform<strong>an</strong>ce. Poult Sci 68(7):909-913.<br />

Hebert CD, Flory W (1983) Determination of the oral toxicity<br />

of Cassia obtusifolia seeds in chickens. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

25(3):164-166.<br />

Henson JB, Dollahite JW, Bridges CH, et al. (1965) Myodegeneration<br />

in cattle grazing Cassia species. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 147(2):142-145.<br />

McCormack JE, Neisler WE (1980) Cassia obtusifolia (sicklepod)<br />

toxicity in a dairy herd. Vet Med Small Anim Clin<br />

75(12):1849-1851.<br />

Nicholson SS, Thornton JT, Rimes AJ Jr (1977) Toxic myopathy<br />

in dairy cattle caused by Cassia obtusifolia in greenchop.<br />

Bovine Pract 12(Nov):120.<br />

Page RK, Vezey S, Charles OW, et al. (1977) Effects on<br />

feed consumption <strong>an</strong>d egg production of coffee be<strong>an</strong> seed<br />

(Cassia obtusifolia) fed to White Leghorn hens. Avi<strong>an</strong><br />

Dis 21(1):90-96.<br />

Putnam MR, Boosinger T, Sp<strong>an</strong>o J, et al. (1988) Evaluation<br />

of Cassia obtusifolia (sicklepod) seed consumption in<br />

Holstein calves. Vet Hum Toxicol 30(4):316-318.<br />

Reddy B, Charles OW (1977) The toxicity of coffee weed<br />

(Cassia obtusifolia) when fed to young chicks <strong>an</strong>d laying<br />

hens. Poult Sci 56:1357.<br />

Voss KA, Brennecke LH (1991) Toxicological <strong>an</strong>d hematological<br />

effects of sicklepod (Cassia obtusifolia) seeds in<br />

Sprague-Dawley rats: A subchronic feeding study. Toxicon<br />

29(11):1329-1336.<br />

s e n n a o c c i d e n Ta l is (L.) Link [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c assia occidentalis L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

<strong>an</strong>tbush; coffee senna; coffeebe<strong>an</strong>; fedegoso; Florida<br />

coffee; mata pasto; rai ‘dore; Ral’dore; Rere; senna;<br />

stinkingweed; stinkingwood; styptic weed; wild coffee<br />

Citations:<br />

Barros CS, Ilha MR, Bezerra PS Jr, et al. (1999) Intoxicação<br />

por Senna occidentalis (Leg. Caesalpinoideae) em bovinos<br />

em pastoreio. Pesq Vet Bras 19(2):68-70.<br />

Barros CS, Pilati C, Andujar MB, et al. (1990) Intoxicação<br />

por Cassia occidentalis (Leg. Caes.) em bovinos. Pesq Vet<br />

Bras 10(3-4):47-58.<br />

Barth AT, Kommers GD, Salles MS, et al. (1994) Coffee<br />

senna (Senna occidentalis) poisoning in cattle in Brazil.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 36(6):541-545.<br />

Brocq-Rousseu, Bruère P (1925) Accidents mortels sur des<br />

chevaux, dus a la graine de Cassia accidentalis L. C R<br />

Se<strong>an</strong>c Soc Biol 92:555-557.<br />

Calore EE (1998) Toxic peripheral neuropathy of chicks<br />

fed Senna occidentalis seeds. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf<br />

39(1):27-30.<br />

Calore EE, Calore NM, Weg R, et al. (1999) The lysosomal<br />

enzymes acid phosphatase <strong>an</strong>d cathepsin D in rats intoxicated<br />

with Senna occidentalis seeds. J Submicrosc Cytol<br />

Pathol 31(2):259-264.

362 - Senna roemeri<strong>an</strong>a D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Calore EE, Cavaliere MJ, Haraguchi M, et al. (1997) Experimental<br />

mitochondrial myopathy induced by chronic<br />

intoxication by Senna occidentalis seeds. J Neurol Sci<br />

146(1):1-6.<br />

Cavaliere MJ, Górniak SL, Dagli M, et al. (1997) Mitochondrial<br />

myopathy in Senna occidentalis-seed-fed chicken.<br />

Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 37(2):181-185.<br />

Colvin BM, Harrison LR, S<strong>an</strong>gster LT, et al. (1986) Cassia<br />

occidentalis toxicosis in growing pigs. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 189(4):423-426.<br />

Haraguchi M, Calore EE, Dagli ML, et al. (1998) Muscle<br />

atrophy induced in broiler chicks by parts of Senna occidentalis<br />

seeds. Vet Res Commun 22(4):265-271.<br />

Haraguchi M, Rasp<strong>an</strong>tini PC, Dagli ML, et al. (2004)<br />

Effect of Senna occidentalis seed in laying hens: Evaluation<br />

of the toxicity <strong>an</strong>d egg production. In: Acamovic<br />

T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp.<br />

269-274.<br />

Henson JB, Dollahite JW (1966) Toxic myodegeneration<br />

in calves produced by experimental Cassia occidentalis<br />

intoxication. Am J Vet Res 27(119):947-949.<br />

Hueza IM, Latorre AO, Rasp<strong>an</strong>tini PC, et al. (2007)<br />

Effect of Senna occidentalis seeds on immunity in<br />

broiler chickens. J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med<br />

54(4):179-185.<br />

Irigoyen LF, Graça DL, Barros CS (1991) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Cassia (Leg. Caes.) em eqüinos. Pesq<br />

Vet Bras 11(1-2):35-44.<br />

Marrero Faz E, Bulnes Goicochea C, Perez Ru<strong>an</strong>o M (1998)<br />

Cassia occidentalis occidentalis toxicosis in heifers. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 40(5):307.<br />

Martin BW, Terry MK, Bridges CH, et al. (1981) Toxicity<br />

of Cassia occidentalis in the horse. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

23(6):416-417.<br />

Martins E, Martins VM, Riet-Correa F, et al. (1986) Intoxicação<br />

por Cassia occidentalis (Leguminoseae) em suínos.<br />

Pesq Vet Bras 6(2):35-38.<br />

Mercer HD, Neal FC, Himes JA, et al. (1967) Cassia<br />

occidentalis toxicosis in cattle. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

151(6):735-741.<br />

Moussu R (1925) L’intoxication par les graines de Cassia<br />

occidentalis L. est due a une toxalbumine. C R Soc Biol<br />

92:862-863.<br />

Neal FC, Plummer CB (1967) Cassia occidentalis poisoning<br />

in cattle. Florida Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep pg. 207.<br />

O’Hara PJ, Pierce KR (1974) A toxic cardiomyopathy caused<br />

by Cassia occidentalis. I. Morphologic studies in poisoned<br />

rabbits. Vet Pathol 11(2):97-109.<br />

O’Hara PJ, Pierce KR (1974) A toxic cardiomyopathy caused<br />

by Cassia occidentalis. II. Biochemical studies in poisoned<br />

rabbits. Vet Pathol 11(2):110-124.<br />

O’Hara PJ, Pierce KR, Read WK (1969) Degenerative<br />

myopathy associated with ingestion of Cassia<br />

occidentalis L.: Clinical <strong>an</strong>d pathologic features of<br />

the experimentally induced disease. Am J Vet Res<br />

30(12):2173-2180.<br />

O’Hara PJ, Pierce KR, Read WK (1970) Effects of vitamin E<br />

<strong>an</strong>d selenium on Cassia occidentalis intoxication in cattle.<br />

Am J Vet Res 31(12):2151-2156.<br />

Rogers RJ, Gibson J, Reichm<strong>an</strong>n KG (1979) The toxicity of<br />

Cassia occidentalis for cattle. Aust Vet J 55(9):408-412.<br />

Schmitz DG, Denton JH (1977) Senna be<strong>an</strong> toxicity in cattle.<br />

Southwestern Vet 30(2):165-170.<br />

Silva TC, Gorniak SL, Oloris SC, et al. (2003) Effects of<br />

Senna occidentalis on chick bursa of Fabricius. Avi<strong>an</strong><br />

Pathol 32(6):633-637.<br />

Simpson CF, Damron BL, Harms RH (1971) Toxic myopathy<br />

of chicks fed Cassia occidentalis seeds. Avi<strong>an</strong> Dis<br />

15(2):284-290.<br />

Sulim<strong>an</strong> HB, Shommein AM (1986) Toxic effect of the<br />

roasted <strong>an</strong>d unroasted be<strong>an</strong>s of Cassia occidentalis in<br />

goats. Vet Hum Toxicol 28(1):6-11.<br />

Sulim<strong>an</strong> HB, Wasfi IA, Adam SE (1982) The toxicity<br />

of Cassia occidentalis to goats. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

24(5):326-330.<br />

Tasaka AC, Calore EE, Cavalier MJ, et al. (1998) Experimental<br />

poisoning in rabbits fed with Senna occidentalis<br />

seeds. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

<strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI. New York. pp.<br />

527-530.<br />

Tasaka AC, Sinhorini IL, Dagli ML, et al. (2004) Perinatal<br />

study of Senna occidentalis intoxication in rabbits. In:<br />

Acamovic T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK.<br />

pp. 459-464.<br />

Torres WL, Nak<strong>an</strong>o M, Nobre D, et al. (1971) Intoxicação<br />

em aves ocasionada por Cassia occidentalis L. Biologico<br />

37(8):204-208.<br />

s e n n a r o e Me r i a n a (Scheele) H. S. Irwin &<br />

Barneby [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c assia roemeri<strong>an</strong>a Scheele<br />

Common Names:<br />

twin-leaf senna; two-leaf senna<br />

Citations:<br />

Rowe LD, Corrier DE, Reagor JC, et al. (1985) Hepatotoxicosis<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxic myodegeneration in goats produced by<br />

Cassia roemeri<strong>an</strong>a (twoleaf senna). Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

Annu Meet 1985:115.<br />

Rowe LD, Corrier DE, Reagor JC, et al. (1987) Experimentally<br />

induced Cassia roemeri<strong>an</strong>a poisoning in cattle <strong>an</strong>d<br />

goats. Am J Vet Res 48(6):992-997.<br />

s e n n a To r a (L.) Roxb. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c assia tora L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

cassia; coffeebe<strong>an</strong>; coffeeweed; low senna; sickle senna<br />

Citations:<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, More LJ, McKenzie NH, et al. (1995) Nutritional<br />

<strong>an</strong>d haemagglutination properties of several tropical<br />

seeds. J Agric Sci 124:437-445.<br />

Sood AK, Sharma M, Katoch BS (1990) Improvement in the<br />

nutritive value of Indi<strong>an</strong> horse-chestnut kernel <strong>an</strong>d cassia<br />

seeds by chemical treatments for feeding of chicks. Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

J Anim Sci 60(11):1364-1369.<br />

sennie be<strong>an</strong> –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia drummondii (Rydb.) Cory<br />

sensitive fern –see– Onoclea sensibilis L.<br />

September oak –see– Quercus robur L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia longifolia - 363<br />

s e q u o i a s e Mp e rv i r e n s (D. Don) Endl.<br />

[Cupressaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

California redwood; redwood<br />

Citations:<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>-Yeung M, Abboud R (1976) Occupational asthma due<br />

to California redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) dusts. Am<br />

Rev Respir Dis 114(7):1027-1031.<br />

Cohen HI, Merig<strong>an</strong> TC, Kosek JC, et al. (1967) Sequoiosis:<br />

A gr<strong>an</strong>ulomatous pneumonitis associated with redwood<br />

sawdust inhalation. Am J Med 43(5):785-794.<br />

do Pico GA (1978) Asthma due to dust from redwood<br />

(Sequoia sempervirens). Chest 73(3):424-425.<br />

sering –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

Seriphidium tridentatum (Nutt.) W. A. Weber = Artemisia<br />

tridentata Nutt.<br />

serpentwood –see– Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz<br />

sesame –see– Sesamum indicum L.<br />

s e s a Mu M i n d ic u M L. [Pedaliaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s esamum orientale L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

gingali; sesame; til<br />

Citations:<br />

Levy Y, D<strong>an</strong>on YL (2001) Allergy to sesame seed in inf<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Allergy 56(2):193-194.<br />

Neering H, Vitányi BE, Malten KE, et al. (1975) Allergens<br />

in sesame oil contact dermatitis. Acta Derm Venereol<br />

55(1):31-34.<br />

Torsney PJ (1964) Hypersensitivity to sesame seed. J Allergy<br />

35(6):514-519.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Dijk E, Neering H, Vitányi BE (1973) Contact hypersensitivity<br />

to sesame oil in patients with leg ulcers <strong>an</strong>d<br />

eczema. Acta Dermatovener 53(2):133-135.<br />

Sesamum orientale L. = Sesamum indicum L.<br />

sesb<strong>an</strong> –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia exaltata (Raf.) Rydb. ex A. W. Hill;<br />

Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora (L.) Pers.; Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia sesb<strong>an</strong> (L.) Merr.;<br />

Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia vesicaria (Jacq.) Elliott<br />

sesb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea (Cav.) Benth.<br />

sesb<strong>an</strong>ia –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia exaltata (Raf.) Rydb. ex A. W. Hill<br />

s e s b a n i a c a n n a b i n a (Retz.) Pers. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

sesb<strong>an</strong>ia pea<br />

Citations:<br />

Willimas KC, D<strong>an</strong>iels LJ (1985) The toler<strong>an</strong>ce of pigs to the<br />

contamination of grain with seeds of Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia c<strong>an</strong>nabina.<br />

In: Seawright AA, Hegarty MP, James LF, et al. (eds.)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t toxicology. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d <strong>Poisonous</strong> Pl<strong>an</strong>t Committee.<br />

Yeerongpilly, Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. pp. 157-164.<br />

Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia cav<strong>an</strong>illesii S. Watson = Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia longifolia DC.<br />

s e s b a n i a d r u MMo n d i i (Rydb.) Cory<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d aubentonia drumondii Rydb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

coffeebe<strong>an</strong>; daubentonia; Drummond’s-rattlebush;<br />

Drummond’s-sesb<strong>an</strong>e; false poinci<strong>an</strong>a; poisonbe<strong>an</strong>;<br />

rattlebox; rattlebush; sennabe<strong>an</strong>; sennie be<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Flory W, Hebert CD (1984) Determination of the oral toxicity<br />

of Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia drummondii seeds in chickens. Am J Vet<br />

Res 45(5):955-958.<br />

Venugopal<strong>an</strong> CS, Flory W, Tucker TA, et al. (1984) Assessment<br />

of smooth muscle function in Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia drummondii<br />

toxicosis in Gallus domesticus. Am J Vet Res<br />

45(4):764-768.<br />

s e s b a n i a e x a l Ta Ta (Raf.) Rydb. ex A. W. Hill<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s esb<strong>an</strong>ia macrocarpa Muhl., nom. nud.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bequilla; coffeeweed; hemp sesb<strong>an</strong>ia; sesb<strong>an</strong>; sesb<strong>an</strong>ia<br />

Citations:<br />

Flunker LK, Damron BL, Wilson HR (1991) Research note:<br />

Feeding various levels of ground Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia macrocarpa<br />

Muhl. seed to Bobwhite quail. Poult Sci 70(3):658-660.<br />

s e s b a n i a g r a n d i f l o r a (L.) Pers. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

agathi; corkwood; parrot flower; scarlet wistaria tree;<br />

sesb<strong>an</strong>; vegetable hummingbird<br />

Citations:<br />

Prasad DA, Reddy KJ, Reddy CS, et al. (1970) Agathi leaf<br />

meal (Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora) in the rations of growing<br />

chickens. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J 47(2):164-169.<br />

s e s b a n i a l o n g i f o l i a DC. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d aubentonia longifolia DC.; s esb<strong>an</strong>ia cav<strong>an</strong>illesii S.<br />

Watson<br />

Common Names:<br />

coffeebe<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Marsh CD (1920) A new sheep-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>t of the southern<br />

states. U S Dep Agric Circ #82:4 pp.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB (1920) Daubentonia longifolia (coffee<br />

be<strong>an</strong>), a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. J Agric Res 20(6):507-513.<br />

Shealy AL, Thomas EF (1928) Daubentonia seed poisoning<br />

of poultry. Florida Agric Exp Sta Bull #196:337-342.<br />

Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia macrocarpa Muhl., nom. nud. = Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia exaltata<br />

(Raf.) Rydb. ex A. W. Hill.<br />

sesb<strong>an</strong>ia pea –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia c<strong>an</strong>nabina (Retz.) Pers.

364 - Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

s e s b a n i a p u n ic e a (Cav.) Benth. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d aubentonia punicea (Cav.) DC.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Brazil rattlebox; coffee tree; coffee weed; coffeebe<strong>an</strong>;<br />

daubentonia; false poinci<strong>an</strong>a; macaw tree; purple rattlebox;<br />

purple rattlebush; purple sesb<strong>an</strong>; purple sesb<strong>an</strong>e;<br />

purple sesb<strong>an</strong>ia; rattlebox; rattlebush; royal poinci<strong>an</strong>a;<br />

sesb<strong>an</strong>e; wild macaw pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Dunc<strong>an</strong> WH, Piercy PL, Starling RJ (1955) Toxicological<br />

studies of southeastern pl<strong>an</strong>ts. I. Leguminosae. Econ Bot<br />

9(3):243-255.<br />

Emmel MW (1943) Daubentonia punicea (Cav.) DC. poisoning<br />

in pigeons. J Am Vet Med Assoc 102(Apr):294-295.<br />

Terbl<strong>an</strong>che M, de Klerk WA, Smit JD, et al. (1966) A toxicological<br />

study of the pl<strong>an</strong>t Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea Benth. J S Afr<br />

Vet Assoc 37(2):191-197.<br />

s e s b a n i a s e s b a n (L.) Merr. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

sesb<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Shqueir AA, Brown DL, Klasing KC (1989) C<strong>an</strong>av<strong>an</strong>ine<br />

content <strong>an</strong>d toxicity of Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia leaf meal for growing<br />

chicks. Anim Feed Sci Technol 25(1-2):137-147.<br />

Shqueir AA, Brown DL, Taylor SJ, et al. (1989) Effects of<br />

solvent extractions, heat treatments <strong>an</strong>d added cholesterol<br />

on Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia sesb<strong>an</strong> toxicity in growing chicks. Anim<br />

Feed Sci Technol 27(1-2):127-135.<br />

s e s b a n i a v e s ic a r i a (Jacq.) Elliott [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

g lottidium vesicarium (Jacq.) R. M. Harper<br />

Common Names:<br />

bagpod; bagpod sesb<strong>an</strong>e; bagpod sesb<strong>an</strong>ia; bladderpod;<br />

castlebe<strong>an</strong>; coffeebe<strong>an</strong> weed; coffeeweed; glottidium;<br />

mole be<strong>an</strong>; sesb<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1936) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1936:44-45.<br />

Anonymous (1942) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1942:29.<br />

Boughton IB, Hardy WT (1939) Hard yellow livers of sheep<br />

<strong>an</strong>d cattle <strong>an</strong>d feeding trials of suspected pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas<br />

Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 52:238-240.<br />

Boughton IB, Hardy WT (1939) Toxicity of the coffee be<strong>an</strong><br />

(Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia vesicaria) for sheep. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

95(1030):239-241.<br />

Dunc<strong>an</strong> WH, Piercy PL, Starling RJ (1955) Toxicological<br />

studies of southeastern pl<strong>an</strong>ts. I. Leguminosae. Econ Bot<br />

9(3):243-255.<br />

Emmel MW (1935) The toxicity of Glottidium vesicarium<br />

(Jacq.) Harper seeds for the fowl. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

87:13-21.<br />

Emmel MW (1944) The toxicity of Glottidium vesicarium<br />

(Jacq.) Harper for cattle. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

104:222-223.<br />

Featherly HI, Harnden EE, Dermer OC, et al. (1943) Glottidium<br />

vesicarium, a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t in the southwest.<br />

Vet Med 38(12):478-479.<br />

McConnell WC (1945) Cattle losses caused by Glottidium<br />

vesicarium. North Am Vet. May:276-277.<br />

Newberne JW (1953) Bladder pod poisoning in cattle.<br />

Auburn Vet 9(Spring):169-170.<br />

Reagor JC, Jones LP (1980) Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia vesicaria poisoning.<br />

Southwestern Vet 33(2):112.<br />

Specht TE, Clay BR, Ward BC (1973) Bagpod (Glottidium<br />

vesicarium) toxicity in southeastern Oklahoma cattle.<br />

Oklahoma Vet 25(2):13-15.<br />

seso vegetal –see– Blighia sapida K. D. Koenig<br />

s e s s e a b r a s i l i e n s is Toledo [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

c<strong>an</strong>ela-de-veado; paroba d’água<br />

Citations:<br />

Andrade SO (1960) Estudos sôbre a toxicidade de Sessea<br />

brasiliensis Toledo. Arq Inst Biol (Sao Paulo)<br />

27:191-196.<br />

Andrade SO, Retz L, Linardi MG, et al. (1970) Estudos<br />

sôbre a atividade tóxica da Sessea brasiliensis (Toledo)<br />

(Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae). Arq Inst Biol (Sao Paulo) 37(1):37.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>ella CF, Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J (1968) Intoxicação<br />

por Sessea brasiliensis Toledo em bovinos. Pesq Agric<br />

Bras 3:333-340.<br />

setaria –see– Setaria sphacelata (Schrum.) Stapf & C. E.<br />

Hubb.<br />

s e Ta r i a i Ta l ic a (L.) P. Beauv. [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s etaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv.<br />

Common names:<br />

green bristle grass<br />

Citations:<br />

Nakamura T (1989) Contact dermatitis from Setaria viridis<br />

Beauv. (green bristle grass) in Jap<strong>an</strong>ese children. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 20(7):156-157.<br />

Setaria lutescens (Stuntz) F. T. Hubb. = Setaria pumila<br />

(Poir.) Roem. & Schult.<br />

s e Ta r i a p u Mi l a (Poir.) Roem. & Schult.<br />

[Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s etaria lutescens (Stuntz) F. T. Hubb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bristly foxtail; foxtail millet; foxtailgrass; pigeongrass;<br />

yellow bristlegrass<br />

Citations:<br />

B<strong>an</strong>kowski RA, Wichm<strong>an</strong>n RW, Stuart EE (1956) Stomatitis<br />

of cattle <strong>an</strong>d horses due to yellow bristle grass (Setaria<br />

lutescens). J Am Vet Med Assoc 129:149-152.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Shorea robusta - 365<br />

s e Ta r i a s p h a c e l a Ta (Schumach.) Stapf & C.<br />

E. Hubb. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

setaria<br />

Citations:<br />

Groenendyk S, Seawright AA (1974) Osteodystrophia fibrosa<br />

in horses grazing Setaria sphacelata. Aust Vet J<br />

50(3):131-132.<br />

Jones RJ, Seawright AA, Little DA (1970) Oxalate poisoning<br />

in <strong>an</strong>imals grazing the tropical grass Setaria sphacelata.<br />

J Aust Inst Agric Sci 36:41-43.<br />

Seawright AA, Groenendyk S, Silva KI (1970) An outbreak<br />

of oxalate poisoning in cattle grazing Setaria sphacelata.<br />

Aust Vet J 46(7):293-296.<br />

Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv. = Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.<br />

setterwort –see– Helleborus foetidus L.<br />

seven-years’-be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus coccineus L.<br />

sevenbark –see– Hydr<strong>an</strong>gea macrophylla (Thunb.) Ser.<br />

Seville or<strong>an</strong>ge –see– Citrus aur<strong>an</strong>tium L.<br />

shack shack –see– Crotalaria retusa L.<br />

shadscale –see– Atriplex confertifolia (Torr. & Frem.) S.<br />

Watson<br />

shallot –see– Allium cepa L. var. aggregatum G. Don<br />

shammah –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a tabacum L.<br />

shamouti or<strong>an</strong>ge –see– Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck<br />

sharp dock –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

Shasta daisy –see– Leuc<strong>an</strong>themum ×superbum (Bergm<strong>an</strong>s ex<br />

J. W. Ingram) D. H. Kent<br />

shavegrass –see– Equisetum arvense L.<br />

she oak –see– Casuarina equisetifolia L.<br />

sheeh –see– Artemisia herba-alba Asso<br />

sheep bur –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L. var. c<strong>an</strong>adense<br />

(Mill.) Torr. & A. Gray<br />

sheep laurel –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.; Kalmia latifolia L.<br />

sheep-lice –see– Cynoglossum officinale L.<br />

sheep poison –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

sheep poison laurel –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

sheep sorrel –see– Rumex acetosella L.<br />

sheepkill –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

sheep’s-sorrel –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

shepherd’s-calender –see– Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

shepherd’s-clock –see– Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

shepherd’s-delight –see– Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

shepherd’s-purse –see– Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik.<br />

shepherd’s-weatherglass –see– Anagallis arvensis L.<br />

shin oak –see– Quercus havardii Rydb.; Quercus sinuata<br />

Walter var. breviloba (Torr.) C. H. Müll.<br />

shinnery oak –see– Quercus havardii Rydb.<br />

shipmast locust –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

shoe flower –see– Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.<br />

shoofly pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Nic<strong>an</strong>dra physalodes (L.) Gaertn.<br />

shore apple –see– Hippom<strong>an</strong>e m<strong>an</strong>cinella L.<br />

shore buttercup –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus cymbalaria Pursh<br />

shore pine –see– Pinus contorta Douglas ex Loudon<br />

s h o r e a a s s a Mic a Dyer [Dipterocarpaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Oleffe JA, Sporcq J, Hublet P (1975) Epidemiological study<br />

of the wood industry in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):315-316.<br />

s h o r e a r ob u s Ta C. F. Gaertn.<br />

[Dipterocarpaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

sal<br />

Citations:<br />

Garg AK, Agrawal DK, Nath K (1984) Effect of sal (Shorea<br />

robusta) seed meal t<strong>an</strong>nins on serum enzymes, nutrient<br />

utilization <strong>an</strong>d growth in growing calves. Agric Wastes<br />

11(4):307-317.<br />

Mohapatra HC, P<strong>an</strong>da NC (1978) Effect of feeding sal (Shorea<br />

robusta) seed <strong>an</strong>d sal oil meal to chicks. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J<br />

55(Jul):559-566.<br />

short-crown milkweed –see– Asclepias brachysteph<strong>an</strong>a<br />

Engelm.<br />

short ragweed –see– Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.; Ambrosia<br />

eliator L.<br />

shoti –see– Curcuma zedoaria (Christm.) Roscoe<br />

shou-wu-pi<strong>an</strong> –see– Fallopia multiflora (Thunb.) Haraldson<br />

shouwu –see– Fallopia multiflora (Thunb.) Haraldson<br />

showy crotalaria –see– Crotalaria spectabilis Roth<br />

showy false hellebore –see– Veratrum californicum Dur<strong>an</strong>d<br />

showy lady’s-slipper –see– Cypripedium reginae Walter<br />

showy milkweed –see– Asclepias speciosa Torr.<br />

showy mocassin flower –see– Cypripedium spectabile Salisb.<br />

shrub chokecherry –see– Prunus virgini<strong>an</strong>a L. var.<br />

mel<strong>an</strong>ocarpa (A. Nelson) Sarg.<br />

shrub verbena –see– L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara L.<br />

shrubby morning-glory –see– Ipomoea carnea Jacq.; Ipomoea<br />

carnea Jacq. subsp. fistulosa (C. Mart. ex Choisy) D. F.<br />

Austin<br />

shu-m<strong>an</strong>g-tsao –see– Illicium <strong>an</strong>isatum L.<br />

Siam teak –see– Tectona gr<strong>an</strong>dis L. f.<br />

Siberi<strong>an</strong> ginseng –see– Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr. &<br />

Maxim.) Maxim.<br />

Siberi<strong>an</strong> snow rose –see– Rhododendron aureum Georgi<br />

sick weed –see– Isocoma plurifolia (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene<br />

sickle senna –see– Senna tora (L.) Roxb.

366 - Sida acuta D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

sicklepod –see– Senna obtusifolia (L.) H. S. Irwin &<br />

Barneby; Senna tora (L.) Roxb.<br />

sicklepod milk vetch –see– Astragalus falcatus Lam.<br />

sicklepod senna –see– Senna obtusifolia (L.) H. S. Irwin &<br />

Barneby<br />

sicopira –see– Bowdichia nitida Spruce ex Benth.<br />

s i d a a c u Ta Burm. f. [Malvaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s ida carpinifolia L. f.; s ida frutescens Cav.; s ida ulmifolia<br />

Mill.<br />

Citations:<br />

Driemeier D, Colodel EM, Gimeno EJ, et al. (2000) Lysosomal<br />

storage disease caused by Sida carpinifolia poisoning<br />

in goats. Vet Pathol 37(2):153-159.<br />

Loretti AP, Colodel EM, Gimeno EJ, et al. (2003) Lysosomal<br />

storage disease in Sida carpinifolia toxicosis: An induced<br />

m<strong>an</strong>nosidosis in horses. Equine Vet J 35(5):434-438.<br />

Seitz AL, Colodel EM, Schmitz M, et al. (2005) Use of lectin<br />

histochemistry to diagnose Sida carpinifolia (Malvaceae)<br />

poisoning in sheep. Vet Rec 156(12):386-388.<br />

Sida carpinifolia L. f. = Sida acuta Burm. f.<br />

Sida frutescens Cav. = Sida acuta Burm. f.<br />

Sida ulmifolia Mill. = Sida acuta Burm. f.<br />

siddi –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

Sierra laurel –see– Leucothoe davisiae Torr. ex A. Gray<br />

Sieva be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus lunatus L.<br />

signalgrass –see– Urochloa briz<strong>an</strong>tha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.)<br />

R. D. Webster; Urochloa decumbens (Stapf) R. D. Webster<br />

sila sila –see– Derris trifoliata Lour.<br />

Silberregen –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

silk tree –see– Albizia julibrissin Durazz.<br />

silkweed –see– Asclepias curassavica L.; Asclepias syriaca L.;<br />

Asclepias tuberosa L.<br />

silky crazyweed –see– Oxytropis sericea Nutt.<br />

silky dogwood –see– Cornus oblonga Wall.<br />

silky lupine –see– Lupinus argenteus Pursh var. holosericeus<br />

(Nutt.) Barneby; Lupinus sericeus Pursh<br />

silky oak –see– Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. ex R. Br.<br />

silky oak tree –see– Grevillea b<strong>an</strong>ksii R. Br.<br />

silky sophora –see– Sophora nuttalli<strong>an</strong>a B. L. Turner<br />

silver apricot –see– Ginkgo biloba L.<br />

silver beet –see– Beta vulgaris L.<br />

silver bill –see– Halesia tetraptera J. Ellis<br />

silver lupine –see– Lupinus argenteus Pursh<br />

silver oak –see– Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. ex R. Br.<br />

silverberry –see– Elaeagnus <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

silverleaf nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um elaeagnifolium Cav.<br />

silverling –see– Baccharis glomeruliflora Pers.; Baccharis<br />

halimifolia L.<br />

silvery be<strong>an</strong> –see– Lupinus argenteus Pursh<br />

silvery horsebrush –see– Tetradymia c<strong>an</strong>escens DC.<br />

silvery lupine –see– Lupinus argenteus Pursh; Lupinus sericeus<br />

Pursh<br />

s i l y b u M Ma r i a n u M (L.) Gaertn. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c arduus mari<strong>an</strong>us L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

blessed milk thistle; bull thistle; cardo asnal; cardo-de-<br />

Maria; cardo lechal; hedegar; holy thistle; lady’s-thistle;<br />

mari<strong>an</strong> thistle; milk thistle; our lady’s-thistle; spotted<br />

thistle; St. Mary’s-thistle; variegated thistle<br />

Citations:<br />

Kendrick JW, Tucker J, Peoples SA (1955) Nitrate poisoning<br />

in cattle due to ingestion of variegated thistle, Silybum<br />

mari<strong>an</strong>um. J Am Vet Med Assoc 126(934):53-56.<br />

Reynoso Castro HW, Selfero Audicio N (1963) Intoxicacion<br />

del g<strong>an</strong>ado bovino por el cardo asnal (Uso del<br />

azul de metileno en concentración elevada). Gaceta Vet<br />

25:429-434.<br />

sim elfar –see– With<strong>an</strong>ia somnifera (L.) Dunal<br />

s i Ma b a c e d r o n Pl<strong>an</strong>ch. [Simaroubaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cedron<br />

Citations:<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2001) Herbal infusions<br />

used for induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

39(3):318-319.<br />

simaltarul –see– M<strong>an</strong>ihot esculenta Cr<strong>an</strong>tz<br />

s i Ma r o u b a a Ma r a Aubl. [Simaroubaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bitter damsoe; caixeta; marupá<br />

Citations:<br />

Declercq J (2004) Suspected wood poisoning caused by<br />

Simarouba amara (marupá/caixeta) shavings in two dogs<br />

with erosive stomatitis <strong>an</strong>d dermatitis. Vet Dermatol<br />

15(3):188-193.<br />

Simmondsia californica Nutt. = Simmondsia chinensis<br />

(Link) C. K. Schneid.<br />

s i MMo n d s i a c h i n e n s is (Link) C. K. Schneid.<br />

[Simmondsiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s immondsia californica Nutt.<br />

Common Names:<br />

jojoba; goat nut; pig nut

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Siphonodon pendulum - 367<br />

Citations:<br />

Arnouts S, Buyse J, Cokelaere MM, et al. (1993) Jojoba meal<br />

(Simmondsia chinensis) in the diet of broiler breeder pullets:<br />

Physiological <strong>an</strong>d endocrinological effects. Poult Sci<br />

72(9):1714-1721.<br />

Booth AN, Elliger CA, Waiss AC Jr (1974) Isolation<br />

of a toxic factor from jojoba meal. Life Sci<br />

15(6):1115-1120.<br />

Di Berardino L, Di Berardino F, Castelli A, et al. (2006) A<br />

case of contact dermatitis from jojoba. Contact Dermatitis<br />

55(1):57-58.<br />

Verbiscar AJ, B<strong>an</strong>ig<strong>an</strong> TF, Weber CW, et al. (1980) Detoxification<br />

of jojoba meal. J Agric Food Chem 28(3):571-578.<br />

Vermaut S, Onagbes<strong>an</strong> O, Bruggem<strong>an</strong> V, et al. (1998)<br />

Unidentified factors in jojoba meal prevent oviduct development<br />

in broiler breeder females. J Agric Fd Chem<br />

46:194-201.<br />

simple aster –see– Symphyotrichum l<strong>an</strong>ceolatum (Willd.) G.<br />

L. Nesom<br />

simpler’s-joy –see– Verbena officinalis L.<br />

Simpson money pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Scrophularia maril<strong>an</strong>dica L.<br />

simson –see– Senecio vulgaris L.<br />

sinalo todo –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.<br />

s i n a p is a l b a L. [Brassicaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b rassica alba (L.) Rabenh.<br />

Common Names:<br />

charlock; mostarda bl<strong>an</strong>ca; moutarde bl<strong>an</strong>che; moutarde<br />

jaune; mustard; salad mustard; white mustard<br />

Citations:<br />

Eaton G (1941) A series of cases of poisoning in cattle. Vet<br />

Rec 53(10):145-146.<br />

Eaton G (1941) Suspected poisoning of bullocks by white<br />

mustard. Vet Rec 53(10):146.<br />

Hercus CE, Purves HD (1936) Studies on endemic <strong>an</strong>d<br />

experimental goitre. J Hyg (Lond) 36:182-203.<br />

Holmes RG (1965) A case of suspected poisoning of dairy<br />

cows by white mustard seeds (Sinapis alba). Vet Rec<br />

77(17):480-481.<br />

Kavli G, Moseng D (1987) Contact urticaria from mustard<br />

in fish-stick production. Contact Dermatitis<br />

17(3):153-155.<br />

Meding B (1985) Immediate hypersensitivity to mustard <strong>an</strong>d<br />

rape. Contact Dermatitis 13(2):121-122.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>conesi E, Sertoli A, Fabbri P, et al. (1980) Anaphylactic<br />

shock from mustard after ingestion of pizza. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 6(4):294-295.<br />

Troxler J (1981) Intoxication moretelle de 19 génisses par la<br />

Moutarde jaune (Sinapis alba L.). Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd<br />

123(9):495-497.<br />

s i n a p is a rv e n s is L. [Brassicaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b rassica arvensis (L.) Rabenh.; b rassica kaber (DC.)<br />

L. C. Wheeler; b rassica sinapis Vis.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Ackersenf; charlock; corn mustard; crunchweed; field<br />

mustard; hedlock; mostaza campestre; mostaza silvestre;<br />

moutarde-des-champs; mustard; ravenelle; s<strong>an</strong>ve;<br />

wild mustard<br />

Citations:<br />

Gallie JG, Paterson JD (1945) Charlock poisoning of lambs.<br />

Vet Rec 57(17):198.<br />

Gwatkin R, Moynih<strong>an</strong> IW (1943) Wild mustard seed poisoning<br />

in cattle. C<strong>an</strong> J Comp Med Vet Sci 7(2):76-77.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>son RK, Abdulla A (1963) Effects of feeding mustard<br />

seed to immature chickens <strong>an</strong>d laying hens. Poult Sci<br />

42:1283-1284.<br />

Makari<strong>an</strong> OA (1973) [Poisoning of cattle by charlock.] Veterinariia<br />

Moscow 50(11):95-96.<br />

Shires A, Bell JM, Keith MO, et al. (1982) Rapeseed dockage:<br />

Effects of feeding raw <strong>an</strong>d processed wild mustard<br />

<strong>an</strong>d stinkweed seed on growth <strong>an</strong>d feed utilization of<br />

mice. C<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 62:275-285.<br />

Note:<br />

Charlock is named Sinapis arvensis L. subsp. arvensis in<br />

some publications.<br />

Sinapis nigra L. = Brassica nigra (L.) W. D. J. Koch<br />

Singapore nut –see– Aleurites molucc<strong>an</strong>us (L.) Willd.<br />

single-seed hawthorn –see– Crataegus monogyna Jacq.<br />

singletary pea –see– Lathyrus hirsutus L.; Lathyrus pusillus<br />

Elliott<br />

sink lupine –see– Lupinus sericeus Pursh<br />

sinkle Bible –see– Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.<br />

s i n o Me n i u M a c u Tu M (Thunb.) Rehder & E.<br />

H. Wilson [Menispermaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Menispermum acutum Thunb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

boi<br />

Citations:<br />

Okuda T, Umezawa Y, Ichikawa M, et al. (1995) A case of<br />

drug eruption caused by the crude drug boi (Sinomenium<br />

stem/Sinomeni caulis et rhizoma). J Dermatol<br />

22(10):795-800.<br />

s i p h o n o d o n p e n d u l u M F. M. Bailey<br />

[Celastraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Flecker H (1945) Injuries produced by pl<strong>an</strong>ts in tropical<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d. Med J Aust 1(Jun 23):636-637.<br />

siris –see– Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth.<br />

sirisha –see– Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth.<br />

sisal –see– Agave sisal<strong>an</strong>a Perrine<br />

Sisymbrium sophia L. = Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex<br />


368 - Sisyrinchium platense D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

s is y r i n c h i u M pl a Te n s e I. M. Johnst.<br />

[Iridaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Méndez MC, Delgago PE, S<strong>an</strong>tos R, et al. (1993) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Sisyrinchium platense (Iridaceae)<br />

em bovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 13(3-4):77-81.<br />

sitab –see– Ruta graveolens L.<br />

sitaphal –see– Annona squamosa L.<br />

Sium cicutifolium Schr<strong>an</strong>k = Sium suave Walter<br />

s i u M s u a ve Walter [Apiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s ium cicutifolium Schr<strong>an</strong>k<br />

Common Names:<br />

hemlock water parsnip; water parsnip<br />

Citations:<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1930) Indi<strong>an</strong>a pl<strong>an</strong>ts injurious to livestock.<br />

Purdue Agric Exp Sta Circ #175:38 pp.<br />

Woolsey JH Jr, Shaffer MH (1952) A suspected pl<strong>an</strong>t poisoning<br />

in cattle. California Vet 5(3):21.<br />

Sium thunbergii DC. = Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville<br />

six-seed podgrass –see– Triglochin maritima L.<br />

ska maria pastora –see– Salvia divinorum Epling & Jativa<br />

skeleton weed –see– Chondrilla juncea L.<br />

skewerwood –see– Euonymus europaeus L.<br />

skin m<strong>an</strong>go –see– M<strong>an</strong>gifera indica L.<br />

skoke –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

skuimbos –see– Roepera foetida (Schrad. & J. C. Wendl.)<br />

Beier & Thulin<br />

skullcap –see– Scutellaria lateriflora L.<br />

skunk bush –see– Phacelia crenulata Torr. ex S. Watson<br />

skunk cabbage –see– Veratrum californicum Dur<strong>an</strong>d;<br />

Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

skunkgrass –see– Hordeum jubatum L.<br />

sky-blue lupine –see– Lupinus diffusus Nutt.<br />

sky flower –see– Dur<strong>an</strong>ta erecta L.<br />

sl<strong>an</strong>g nut –see– Strychnos nux-vomica L.<br />

sl<strong>an</strong>gkop –see– Drimia altissima (L. f.) Ker Gawl.; Drimia<br />

physodes (Jacq.) Jessop; Drimia s<strong>an</strong>guinea (Schinz) Jessop<br />

sleeping nightshade –see– Atropa belladonna L.<br />

sleepygrass –see– Achnatherum robustum (Vasey) Barkworth<br />

slender bundleflower –see– Desm<strong>an</strong>thus leptalobus Torr. & A.<br />

Gray<br />

slender ice pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Mesembry<strong>an</strong>themum nodiflorum L.<br />

slim larkspur –see– Delphinium nuttalli<strong>an</strong>um Pritz.<br />

slim nettle –see– Urtica dioica L.<br />

slinkweed –see– Gutierrezia microcephala (DC.) A. Gray;<br />

Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton & Rusby<br />

slipper flower –see– Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus tithymaloides (L.) Poit.<br />

slipper pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus tithymaloides (L.) Poit.<br />

sloe –see– Prunus spinosa L.<br />

small buckeye –see– Aesculus pavia L.<br />

small burdock –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L.<br />

small cardamon –see– Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton<br />

small dodder –see– Cuscuta epithymum (L.) L.<br />

small golden tip –see– Goodia medicaginea F. Muell.<br />

small-head matchbush –see– Gutierrezia microcephala (DC.)<br />

A. Gray<br />

small-head sneezeweed –see– Helenium microcephalum DC.<br />

small hemlock –see– Aethusa cynapium L.<br />

small jack-in-the-pulpit –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.)<br />

Schott<br />

small larkspur –see– Delphinium menziesii DC.<br />

small laurel –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

small-leaf clematis –see– Clematis microphylla DC.<br />

small-leaf laurel –see– Kalmia microphylla (Hook.) A. Heller<br />

small-leaf rubber pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Ficus benjamina L.<br />

small physicnut –see– Jatropha multifida L.<br />

small poison bride bush –see– Pavetta harborii S. Moore<br />

small-flower mallow –see– Malva parviflora L.<br />

small-seed nolina –see– Nolina microcarpa S. Watson<br />

smartweed –see– Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach; Persicaria<br />

punctata (Elliott) Small<br />

s Mo d i n g i u M a r g u Tu M E. Mey. ex Sond.<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> poison ivy; rainbow leaf; tov<strong>an</strong>a; um-tov<strong>an</strong>e<br />

Citations:<br />

Findlay GH (1963) Dermatitis of “poison ivy” type from <strong>an</strong><br />

indigenous South Afric<strong>an</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>t, Smodingium argutum E.<br />

Mey. (Anacardiaceae). S Afr Med J 37(Aug 31):883-888.<br />

Heyl T, Gorst-Allm<strong>an</strong> CP, Wells MJ, et al. (1987) Smodingium<br />

dermatitis. S Afr Med J 71(7):440-441.<br />

Hindson C, Oliver R (1975) Eczema from Smodingium<br />

argutum shrub (Anacardiaceae). Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(6):388-389.<br />

smokewood –see– Clematis vitalba L.<br />

smooth crotalaria –see– Crotalaria pallida Aiton<br />

smooth Darling pea –see– Swainsona galegifolia (Andrews)<br />

R. Br.<br />

smooth horsebrush –see– Tetradymia glabrata Torr. & A.<br />

Gray<br />

smooth luffa –see– Luffa acut<strong>an</strong>gula (L.) Roxb.<br />

smooth pigweed –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus hybridus L.<br />

smooth senna –see– Senna ×floribunda (Cav.) H. S. Irwin &<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Sol<strong>an</strong>um bonariense - 369<br />

smooth tobacco –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a glauca Graham<br />

smooth witchgrass –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum dichotomiflorum Michx.<br />

smoothwood –see– Cupressus arizonica Greene<br />

smother weed –see– Bassia hyssopifolia (Pall.) Kuntze<br />

snake nut –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

snake palm –see– Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch<br />

snake pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– S<strong>an</strong>sevieria trifasciata Prain<br />

snakebe<strong>an</strong> –see– Bobgunnia madagascariensis (Desv.) J. H.<br />

Kirkbr. & Wiersema<br />

snakeberry –see– Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willd.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

dulcamara L.<br />

snakegrass –see– Equisetum arvense L.<br />

snakeroot –see– Ageratina altissima (L.) R. M. King &<br />

H. Rob.; Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M. Coult. & Rose;<br />

Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp.; Cicuta maculata L.; Cicuta<br />

maculata L. var. <strong>an</strong>gustifolia Hook.; Cicuta virosa L.;<br />

Gutierrezia microcephala (DC.) A. Gray; Gutierrezia<br />

sarothrae (Pursh) Britton & Rusby; Rauvolfia serpentina<br />

(L.) Benth. ex Kurz<br />

sneeuwles –see– Symphoricarpos albus (L.) S. F. Blake<br />

sneezeweed –see– Helenium amarum (Raf.) H. Rock;<br />

Helenium autumnale L.; Helenium microcephalum DC.;<br />

Hymenoxys hoopesii (A. Gray) Bierner<br />

sneezewort –see– Helenium autumnale L.<br />

snow-on-the-mountain –see– Chamaesyce maculata (L.)<br />

Small; Euphorbia marginata Pursh<br />

snowberry –see– Symphoricarpos albus (L.) S. F. Blake<br />

snowdrop –see– Halesia tetraptera J. Ellis; Ornithogalum<br />

umbellatum L.<br />

snowdrop <strong>an</strong>emone –see– Anemone sylvestris L.<br />

soap pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Toxicoscordion nuttallii (A. Gray) Rydb.<br />

soapbark tree –see– Quillaja saponaria Molina<br />

soapwort –see– Quillaja saponaria Molina<br />

soda apple –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um aculeatissimum Jacq.<br />

soda bush –see– Neobassia proceriflora (F. Muell.) A. J. Scott<br />

Sodom apple –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um <strong>an</strong>guivi Lam.; Calotropis procera<br />

(Aiton) W. T. Aiton<br />

soft khaki weed –see– Gomphrena celosioides Mart.<br />

soft lumb<strong>an</strong>g –see– Reutealis trisperma (Bl<strong>an</strong>co) Airy Shaw<br />

soft maple –see– Acer rubrum L.<br />

soft roly poly –see– Salsola tragus L.<br />

soja –see– Glycine max (L.) Merr.<br />

Sojabohne –see– Glycine max (L.) Merr.<br />

sokujikoh –see– Gardenia jasminoides J. Ellis<br />

s o l a n e c io g ig a s (Vatke) C. Jeffrey [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s enecio gigas Vatke<br />

Citations:<br />

Schoental R, Coady A (1968) The hepatotoxicity of some<br />

Ethiopi<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d East Afric<strong>an</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts, including some used<br />

in traditional medicines. East Afr Med J 45(8):577-580.<br />

s o l a n u M a c u l e a Tis s i Mu M Jacq. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

arrebenta boi; bull nettle; cockroachberry; devil’s-apple;<br />

ground cherry; love apple; soda apple; wild tomato<br />

Citations:<br />

Tokarnia CH, C<strong>an</strong>ella CF, Döbereiner J (1973) Intoxicação<br />

experimental em bovinos pelos frutos de Sol<strong>an</strong>um aculeatissimum.<br />

Pesq Agric Bras Vet 8(6):35-39.<br />

s o l a n u M a n g u i vi Lam. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s ol<strong>an</strong>um sodomaeum L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

apple-of-Sodom; black-spine nightshade; Dead Sea<br />

apple; devil’s-apple; popolo; Sodom apple<br />

Citations:<br />

Beardmore GL (1981) Devil apple extract <strong>an</strong>d skin c<strong>an</strong>cer.<br />

Med J Aust 2(2):204-205.<br />

Ross E, Furumoto HH (1970) The effect of dried fruit of<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>um sodomaeum on Jap<strong>an</strong>ese quail <strong>an</strong>d S. C. White<br />

Leghorn cockerel chicks. Poult Sci 49(1):13-15.<br />

Ross E, Simpson CF, Rowl<strong>an</strong>d LO Jr, et al. (1971) Toxicity<br />

of Sol<strong>an</strong>um sodomaeum <strong>an</strong>d Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon to<br />

chicks. Poult Sci 50(3):870-873.<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>um bojeri Dunal = Sol<strong>an</strong>um inc<strong>an</strong>um L.<br />

s o l a n u M b o n a r i e n s e L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s ol<strong>an</strong>um fastigiatum Willd.<br />

Common Names:<br />

joá preto; nar<strong>an</strong>jillo<br />

Citations:<br />

Paulovich FB, Porti<strong>an</strong>sky EL, Gimeno EJ, et al. (2002)<br />

Lectin histochemical study of lipopigments present in<br />

the cerebellum of Sol<strong>an</strong>um fastigiatum var. fastigiatum<br />

intoxicated cattle. J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med<br />

49(9):473-477.<br />

Rech RR, Rissi DR, Rodriques A, et al. (2006) Intoxicação<br />

por Sol<strong>an</strong>um fastigiatum (Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae) em bovinos:<br />

Epidemiologia, sinais clínicos e morfometria das lesões<br />

cerebelares. Pesq Vet Bras 26(3):183-189.<br />

Riet-Correa F, Mendez MC, Schild AL, et al. (1983)<br />

Intoxication by Sol<strong>an</strong>um fastigiatum var. fastigiatum as<br />

a cause of cerebellar degeneration in cattle. Cornell Vet<br />

73(3):240-256.<br />

Verdes JM, Moraña A, Gutiérrez F, et al. (2006) Cerebellar<br />

degeneration in cattle grazing Sol<strong>an</strong>um bonariense<br />

(“Nar<strong>an</strong>jillo”) in Western Uruguay. J Vet Diagn Invest<br />


370 - Sol<strong>an</strong>um carolinense D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

s o l a n u M c a r o l i n e n s e L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

apple-of-Sodom; ball nettle; ball nightshade; bull nettle;<br />

Carolina horse nettle; Carolina nightshade; horse<br />

nettle; love apple; nightshade; s<strong>an</strong>d briar; stickerweed;<br />

tread-softly; wild tomato<br />

Citations:<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1927) Stock poisoning by pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the nightshade<br />

family. J Am Vet Med Assoc 71:221-227.<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>um chondropetalum Dammer = Sol<strong>an</strong>um kwebense N.<br />

E. Br.<br />

s o l a n u M c i n e r e u M R. Br. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Narrawa bur; wild tomato<br />

Citations:<br />

Bourke CA (1997) Cerebellar degeneration in goats grazing<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>um cinereum (Narrawa burr). Aust Vet J<br />

75(5):363-365.<br />

Dodd S (1923) Poisoning of sheep by “narrawa burr.” Agric<br />

Gaz New South Wales 34:257-260.<br />

Dodd S (1923) Poisoning of sheep by Sol<strong>an</strong>um cinereum. Vet<br />

J 79:56-59.<br />

s o l a n u M d a s y p h y l l u M Schumach. & Thonn.<br />

[Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s ol<strong>an</strong>um macrocarpon L. subsp. dasyphyllum<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> eggpl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Bizinebyera ES (2003) Acute poisoning of Friesi<strong>an</strong> heifers<br />

by Sol<strong>an</strong>um macrocarpon L. ssp dasyphyllum. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 45(4):222-223.<br />

s o l a n u M d i Mi d i a Tu M Raf. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s ol<strong>an</strong>um torreyi A. Gray<br />

Common Names:<br />

horse nettle; potato weed; western horse nettle<br />

Citations:<br />

Boughton IB, Hardy WT (1939) Hard yellow livers of sheep<br />

<strong>an</strong>d cattle <strong>an</strong>d feeding trials of suspected pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas<br />

Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 52:238-240.<br />

Menzies JS, Bridges CH, Bailey EM (1978) Neurological<br />

disease of cattle associated with ingestion of Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

dimidiatum. Vet Hum Toxicol 20:195.<br />

Menzies JS, Bridges CH, Bailey EM Jr (1979) A neurological<br />

disease of cattle associated with Sol<strong>an</strong>um dimidiatum.<br />

Southwestern Vet 32(1):45-49.<br />

s o l a n u M d u b i u M Dunal [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Barri ME, Onsa TO, Elawad AA, et al. (1983) Toxicity of<br />

five Sud<strong>an</strong>ese pl<strong>an</strong>ts to young rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. J Comp Pathol<br />

93(4):559-575.<br />

s o l a n u M d u l c a Ma r a L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bitter nightshade; Bittersüß; Bittersüßer Nachtschatten;<br />

bittersweet; bittersweet nightshade; blue bindweed;<br />

blue nightshade; climbing nightshade; deadly<br />

nightshade; douce amère; Europe<strong>an</strong> bittersweet; Europe<strong>an</strong><br />

nightshade; felonwood; felonwort mortal; fever<br />

twig; marriage vine; morella-douce-amère; nightshade;<br />

poison flower; poison nightshade; poisonberry;<br />

scarletberry; snakeberry; staff vine; tetonwort; vignede-Judée;<br />

violet bloom; wild nightshade; wolf grape;<br />

woody nightshade<br />

Citations:<br />

Alex<strong>an</strong>der RF, Forbes GB, Hawkins ES (1948) A fatal case<br />

of sol<strong>an</strong>ine poisoning. Br Med J 2(Sep 11):518.<br />

Anonymous (1948) Nightshade poisoning. L<strong>an</strong>cet 2(Sep<br />

11):438.<br />

Baker DC, Keeler RF, Gaffield W (1989) Pathology in hamsters<br />

administered Sol<strong>an</strong>um pl<strong>an</strong>t species that contain<br />

steroidal alkaloids. Toxicon 27(12):1331-1337.<br />

Borys DJ, Herrick ME, Krenzelok EP, et al. (1992) The clinical<br />

effects of Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara (deadly nightshade) in<br />

pediatric patients. Vet Hum Toxicol 34(4):351.<br />

Ceha LJ, Presperin C, Young E, et al. (1994) Anticholinergic<br />

crisis from nightshade berry poisoning responsive to<br />

physostigmine. Vet Hum Toxicol 36(4):359.<br />

Ceha LJ, Presperin C, Young E, et al. (1997) Anticholinergic<br />

toxicity from nightshade berry poisoning responsive<br />

to physostigmine. J Emerg Med 15(1):65-69.<br />

Greer FG (1947) Poisoning in the horse by woody nightshade.<br />

Vet Rec 59(45):626.<br />

Hornfeldt CS (1989) Determination of the toxicity of nightshade<br />

berries, Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

31(4):363.<br />

Hornfeldt CS, Collins JE (1990) Toxicity of nightshade berries<br />

(Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara) in mice. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

28(2):185-192.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>oguerra AS, Ruiz E (1976) Physostigmine treatment of<br />

<strong>an</strong>ticholinergic poisoning. J Am Coll Emerg Physici<strong>an</strong>s<br />

5(2):125-127.<br />

Polster H (1953) Zwei Fälle von Nachtschattenvergiftung.<br />

Kinderaerztl Prax 21:208-211.<br />

Rubinfeld RS, Currie JN (1987) Accidental mydriasis from<br />

blue nightshade “lipstick.” J Clin Neuroophthalmol<br />

7(1):34-37.<br />

Swinscow D (1953) Accidental poisoning of young children.<br />

Arch Dis Child 28(137):26-29.<br />

Yates G (1915) Poisoning by woody nightshade. Vet Rec<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Sol<strong>an</strong>um glaucophyllum - 371<br />

s o l a n u M e l a e ag n i f o l i u M Cav.<br />

[Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bull nettle; silverleaf nightshade; tomatillo; tomato<br />

weed; trompillo; tropillo; western horse nettle; white<br />

horse nettle<br />

Citations:<br />

Baker DC, Keeler RF, Gaffield W (1989) Pathology in hamsters<br />

administered Sol<strong>an</strong>um pl<strong>an</strong>t species that contain<br />

steroidal alkaloids. Toxicon 27(12):1331-1337.<br />

Boughton IB, Hardy WT (1939) Hard yellow livers of sheep<br />

<strong>an</strong>d cattle <strong>an</strong>d feeding trials of suspected pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas<br />

Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 52:238-240.<br />

Buck WB, Dollahite JW, Allen TJ (1960) Sol<strong>an</strong>um elaeagnifolium,<br />

silver-leafed nightshade, poisoning in livestock. J<br />

Am Vet Med Assoc 137(6):348-351.<br />

Dollahite JW, Allen TJ (1960) Silverleaf nightshade poisoning<br />

in livestock. Texas Agric Exp Sta Prog Rep #2146:7<br />

pp.<br />

Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Bailey EM Jr, Reagor JC, et al. (1998) Probable<br />

interaction between Sol<strong>an</strong>um elaeagnifolium <strong>an</strong>d Ivermectin<br />

in horses. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC (eds.) Toxic<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI. New York. pp.<br />

423-427.<br />

s o l a n u M e s u r i a l e Lindl. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

potato bush; potato weed; queen’s-nightshade; quena;<br />

tomato bush; wild tomato<br />

Citations:<br />

Dunster PJ, McKenzie RA (1987) Does Sol<strong>an</strong>um esuriale<br />

cause humpyback in sheep? Aust Vet J 64:119-120.<br />

McMenim<strong>an</strong> NP (1976) Sol<strong>an</strong>um esuriale, A possible cause<br />

of humpy back in sheep. Aust Vet J 52(9):432-433.<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>um fastigiatum Willd. = Sol<strong>an</strong>um bonariense L.<br />

s o l a n u M g l a u c o p h y l l u M Desf.<br />

[Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s ol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon Sendtn.<br />

Common Names:<br />

duras milk bl<strong>an</strong>co; duraznillo bl<strong>an</strong>co; little peach;<br />

nightshade; white persicary<br />

Citations:<br />

Basudde CD (1984) Polyuria <strong>an</strong>d polydipsia in rats given the<br />

calcinogenic shrub Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon. Kenya J Sci<br />

Tech Series B 5(1-2):89-96.<br />

Basudde CD, Humphreys DJ (1975) The effect of the administration<br />

of Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon on the chick. Res Vet<br />

Sci 18(3):330-331.<br />

Bingley JB, Ruks<strong>an</strong> BE, Carrillo BJ (1976) Serum calcium<br />

fractions in sheep treated with Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon.<br />

Res Vet Sci 21(1):121-122.<br />

Camberos HR (1971) Arterioesclerosis calcific<strong>an</strong>te en rumi<strong>an</strong>tes:<br />

“Enteque seco.” Gaceta Vet 33:120-128.<br />

Camberos HR, Davis GK (1970) Accion de “Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon”<br />

sobre bal<strong>an</strong>ce mineral en ovinos. Gaceta Vet<br />

32:466-474.<br />

Camberos HR, Davis GK, Djafar MI, et al. (1970) Soft tissue<br />

calcification in guinea pigs fed the poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon. Am J Vet Res 31(4):685-696.<br />

Campero CM, Odriozola E (1990) A case of Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon<br />

toxicity in pigs. Vet Hum Toxicol 32(3):238-239.<br />

Carrillo BJ (1973) Efecto de la intoxicación de Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon<br />

en el sistema óseo. Rev Invest Agric 4th Series<br />

10(2):65-77.<br />

Carrillo BJ (1973) Efecto de la intoxicación de Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon<br />

en la morfología de las celulas parafoliculares de<br />

la triroides. Rev Invest Agric 4th Series 10(1):41-54.<br />

Carrillo BJ, Tilley JM, Garcés NE, et al. (1971) Intoxicacion<br />

experimental de bovinos con “Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon.”<br />

Gaceta Vet 33:468-484.<br />

Carrilo BJ, Ruks<strong>an</strong> B (1975) The effect of Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon<br />

toxicity on bones. Proc World Vet Cong 2:1237-1241.<br />

Collins WT, Capen CC, Döbereiner J, et al. (1977) Ultrastructural<br />

evaluation of parathyroid gl<strong>an</strong>ds <strong>an</strong>d thyroid<br />

C cells of cattle fed Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon. Am J Pathol<br />

87(3):603-614.<br />

Dämmrich K, Döbereiner J, Done SH, et al. (1975) Skelettveränderungen<br />

nach Vergiftungen mit Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

malacoxylon bei Rindern. Zentralbl Veterinarmed A<br />

22(4):313-329.<br />

De Barros S, Tabone E, Dos S<strong>an</strong>tos M, et al. (1981) Histopathological<br />

<strong>an</strong>d ultrastructural alterations in the aorta in<br />

experimental Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon poisoning. Virchows<br />

Arch B Cell Pathol 35(2):169-175.<br />

Döbereiner J, Dämmrich K (1974) Skelettveränderungen bei<br />

Rindern nach Vergiftungen mit Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon<br />

Sendtner. Verh Dtsch Ges Pathol 58:323-326.<br />

Döbereiner J, Dämmrich K (1975) Skelettveränderungen<br />

bei Rindern nach Vergiftungen mit Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon<br />

Sendtner. Zentralbl Allg Pathol Pathol Anat<br />

119(1-2):126.<br />

Döbereiner J, Done SH, Beltr<strong>an</strong> LE (1975) Experimental<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon poisoning in calves. Br Vet J<br />

131(2):175-185.<br />

Döbereiner J, Tokarnia CH, Costa JB, et al. (1971) “Espichamento,”<br />

intoxicação de bovinos por Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon,<br />

no P<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>al de Mato Grosso. Pesq Agric Bras<br />

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tissue calcification in cattle poisoned by Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

malacoxylon: A histological study. Br Vet J 132(1):28-38.<br />

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al. (2004) Fetal effects of maternal ingestion of Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

malacoxylon: Evaluation in rats. In: Acamovic T, Stewart<br />

CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related<br />

toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK. pp. 465-470.<br />

Górniak SL, Dagli ML, Arruda NV, et al. (1998) Evaluation<br />

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perinatal period. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC (eds.) Toxic<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI. New York. pp.<br />


372 - Sol<strong>an</strong>um guar<strong>an</strong>iticum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Górniak SL, Dagli ML, Maiorka PC, et al. (1999) Evaluation<br />

in rabbits of the fetal effects of maternal ingestion of<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon. Vet Res Commun 23(5):307-316.<br />

Köhler H, Leibetseder J, Skalicky M, et al. (1977) Zur<br />

Kalzinose der Rinder in Österreich. 4. Vergleichende<br />

experimentelle Untersuchungen über den Ca- und<br />

P-Stoffwechsel des Meerschweinchens nach Hypervitaminose<br />

D und Intoxikation mit Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon.<br />

Zentralbl Veterinarmed A 24(6):441-478.<br />

Kunz W (1976) Über den Einfluss von Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon<br />

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Magnesium-Gehalt im Blutserum beim Rind nach parenteraler<br />

und oraler Applikation. Cong Int Maladies<br />

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und oraler Application. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr<br />

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Morris KM, Jenkins SA, Simonite JP (1977) The effect on<br />

egg-shell thickness of the inclusion of the calcinogenic<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon in the diet of laying hens. Vet<br />

Rec 101(25):502-504.<br />

Norrdin RW, Barros CS, Queille ML, et al. (1979) Acute<br />

effects of Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon on bone formation rates<br />

in growing rats. Calcif Tissue Int 28(3):239-243.<br />

O’Donnell JM, Smith MW (1973) Vitamin D-like action of<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon on calcium tr<strong>an</strong>sport by rat intestine.<br />

Nature 244(415):357-358.<br />

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zur Histopathologie der Intoxikation mit Vitamin D3<br />

und Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon beim Meerschweinchen. Wien<br />

Tierarztl Monatsschr 60(10):316.<br />

Porti<strong>an</strong>sky EL, Alonso CR, Costa EF, et al. (2002) Coll<strong>an</strong>genous<br />

<strong>an</strong>d elastic system fibres in the aorta of cattle<br />

poisoned by Sol<strong>an</strong>um glaucophyllum. Vet Rec 150(J<strong>an</strong><br />

12):42-45.<br />

Ross E, Simpson CF, Rowl<strong>an</strong>d LO Jr, et al. (1971) Toxicity<br />

of Sol<strong>an</strong>um sodomaeum <strong>an</strong>d Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon to<br />

chicks. Poult Sci 50(3):870-873.<br />

Roux R, Davicco MJ, Carrillo BJ, et al. (1979) Sol<strong>an</strong>um glaucophyllum<br />

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composition <strong>an</strong>d plasma calcium <strong>an</strong>d phosphorus levels<br />

in dams <strong>an</strong>d newborn calves. Ann Biol Anim Biochim<br />

Biophys 19(1A):91-101.<br />

Rucks<strong>an</strong> BE, Wells GA, Lewis G (1978) Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon<br />

toxicity to pigs. Vet Rec 103(8):153-155.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>tos MN (1979) Osteopetrose induzida pelo Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

malacoxylon (Sendtner) em coelhos em fase de crescimento.<br />

Arq Esc Vet Univ Fed Minas Gerais 31:498-500.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>tos MN, Nunes VA, Nunes IJ, et al. (1976) Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon<br />

toxicity: Inhibition of bone resorption. Cornell<br />

Vet 66(4):566-589.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J (1974) “Espichamento,” intoxicação<br />

de bovinos por Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon, no P<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>al<br />

de Mato Grosso. II. Estudos complementares. Pesq Agric<br />

Bras Vet 9(7):53-62.<br />

Wase AW (1972) Effect of Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon on serum<br />

calcium <strong>an</strong>d phosphate in laboratory <strong>an</strong>imals. Fed Proc<br />

31:708.<br />

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effects of Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon on sheep bone. Bone<br />

14(5):787-797.<br />

s o l a n u M g u a r a n i Tic u M A. St.-Hil.<br />

[Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Barros SS, Riet-Correa F, Andujar MB, et al. (1987) Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

fastigiatum var. fastigiatum <strong>an</strong>d Sol<strong>an</strong>um sp. poisoning<br />

in cattle: Ultrastructural ch<strong>an</strong>ges in the cerebellum.<br />

Pesq Vet Bras 7(1):1-5.<br />

Zambr<strong>an</strong>o M, Riet-Correa F, Schild AL, et al. (1985)<br />

Intoxicação por Sol<strong>an</strong>um fastigiatum var. fastigiatum:<br />

Evolução e reversibilidade das lesões em bovinos, e susceptibilidade<br />

de ovinos, coelhos, cóbaios e ratos. Pesq Vet<br />

Bras 5(4):133-141.<br />

s o l a n u M i n c a n u M L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s ol<strong>an</strong>um bojeri Dunal<br />

Common Names:<br />

afufa oyibo; bitter apple; gaut<strong>an</strong> kura; usa<br />

Citations:<br />

Shone DK (1966) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part I. Rhodesia<br />

Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 4:81-94.<br />

Shone DK (1967) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part II.<br />

Rhodesia Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 5:29-41.<br />

s o l a n u M k w e b e n s e N. E. Br. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s ol<strong>an</strong>um chondropetalum Dammer<br />

Common Names:<br />

bitterappel; rooibessie<br />

Citations:<br />

Pienaar JG, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, Basson PA, et al. (1976) Maldronksiekte<br />

in cattle: A neuronopathy caused by Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

kwebense N. E. Br. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

43(2):67-74.<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>um macrocarpon L. subsp. dasyphyllum = Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

dasyphyllum Schumach. & Thonn.<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>um malacoxylon Sendtn. = Sol<strong>an</strong>um glaucophyllum<br />

Desf.<br />

s o l a n u M Me l o n g e n a L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

aubergine; berenghenas; brinjal; eggpl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Baker DC, Keeler RF, Gaffield W (1989) Pathology in hamsters<br />

administered Sol<strong>an</strong>um pl<strong>an</strong>t species that contain<br />

steroidal alkaloids. Toxicon 27(12):1331-1337.<br />

Gil M, Hogendijk S, Hauser C (2002) Allergy to eggpl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

flower pollen. Allergy 57(7):652.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Sol<strong>an</strong>um sisymbriifolium - 373<br />

Kabashima K, Miyachi Y (2004) Contact dermatitis due to<br />

eggpl<strong>an</strong>t. Contact Dermatitis 50(2):101-102.<br />

s o l a n u M n ig r u M L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

black nightshade; blackberry nightshade; deadly<br />

nightshade; duscle; garden huckleberry; hierba mora;<br />

houndberry; huckleberry; makoi; morelle noire; nasgaal;<br />

nastergal; petty morel; poisonberry; Schwarzer<br />

Nachtshatten; stubbleberry; wonderberry; yerba mora<br />

Citations:<br />

Bonner WG (1938) Poisoning of cattle. Black (or garden)<br />

nightshade. N Z J Agr 57(2):99,101.<br />

Carey JC (1955) Black nightshade poisoning in swine. North<br />

Am Vet 36(Jun):446.<br />

Casselberry NH (1939) Nightshade poisoning of swine. Vet<br />

Med 34(Jul):444-445.<br />

Davies RC (1972) Black nightshade poisoning in the dog.<br />

Vet Rec 90(2):50.<br />

Dug<strong>an</strong> GM, Gumbm<strong>an</strong>n MR (1990) Toxicological evaluation<br />

of sicklepod <strong>an</strong>d black nightshade seeds in shortterm<br />

feeding studies in rats. Food Chem Toxicol<br />

28(2):101-107.<br />

Gunning OV (1949) Poisoning in goats by black nightshade<br />

(Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum). Br Vet J 105:473-474.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1927) Stock poisoning by pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the nightshade<br />

family. J Am Vet Med Assoc 71:221-227.<br />

Hubbs JC (1947) Belladonna poisoning in pigs. Vet Med<br />

42(Nov):428-429.<br />

Northall FS, Dauncey EA, Butler JM (2003) An overview of<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d fungal poisonings in the UK, <strong>an</strong>d some interesting<br />

cases. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(4):518-519.<br />

Polster H (1953) Zwei Fälle von Nachtschattenvergiftung.<br />

Kinderaerztl Prax 21:208-211.<br />

Towers RP (1953) A case of poisoning by Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum.<br />

Ir J Med Sci 6(326):77-80.<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>um p<strong>an</strong>duraeforme Diege ex Dun. = Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

p<strong>an</strong>duriforme E. Mey.<br />

s o l a n u M p a n d u r i f o r Me E. Mey.<br />

[Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s ol<strong>an</strong>um p<strong>an</strong>duraeforme Diege ex Dun.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bitter apple<br />

Citations:<br />

Shone DK (1966) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part I. Rhodesia<br />

Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 4:81-94.<br />

Shone DK (1967) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part II.<br />

Rhodesia Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 5:29-41.<br />

s o l a n u M p s e u d o c a p s ic u M L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

apple-of-Sodom; Carolina love nettle; Christmas<br />

cherry; Christmas pepper; coral; Jerusalem berry; Jerusalem<br />

cherry; Jerusalemkirsche; Korallenstrauch; love<br />

apple; Madeira winter cherry; Natal cherry; night-<br />

shade; nipple fruit; pommier d’amour; star potato vine;<br />

Straußkirsche; winter cherry<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1980) Tabulations of 1977 case reports. Bull<br />

Natl Clgh Poison Control Cent 24(6):1-4.<br />

Oehme FW (1978) The hazard of pl<strong>an</strong>t toxicities to the<br />

hum<strong>an</strong> population. In: Keeler RF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR,<br />

James LF, et al. (eds.) Effects of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts on livestock.<br />

Academic Press. New York. pp. 67-80.<br />

s o l a n u M p Ty c a n Th u M Dunal [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

eastern black nightshade; morelle-noire-de-l’est<br />

Citations:<br />

Voss KA, Chamberlain WJ, Brennecke LH (1993) Subchronic<br />

toxicity study of eastern black nightshade (Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

ptyc<strong>an</strong>thum) berries in Sprague-Dawley rats. J Food<br />

Safety 13:91-97.<br />

s o l a n u M r o s Tr a Tu M Dunal [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

beaked nightshade; buffalo bur; Colorado bur; duraznillo;<br />

K<strong>an</strong>sas thistle; mala mujer; prickly nightshade;<br />

s<strong>an</strong>d bur; Texas thistle<br />

Citations:<br />

Simic WJ (1943) Sol<strong>an</strong>ine poisoning in swine. Vet Med<br />

38(9):353-354.<br />

s o l a n u M s a r r a c h o i d e s Sendtn. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hairy nightshade<br />

Citations:<br />

Baker DC, Keeler RF, Gaffield W (1989) Pathology in hamsters<br />

administered Sol<strong>an</strong>um pl<strong>an</strong>t species that contain<br />

steroidal alkaloids. Toxicon 27(12):1331-1337.<br />

Drew ML, Fowler ME (1991) Poisoning of black <strong>an</strong>d white<br />

ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata variegata) by hairy<br />

nightshade (Sol<strong>an</strong>um sarrachoides). J Zoo Wildl Med<br />

22(4):494-496.<br />

s o l a n u M s is y Mb r i i f o l i u M Lam.<br />

[Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

espina colorado<br />

Citations:<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2001) Herbal infusions<br />

used for induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

39(3):318-319.<br />

Cig<strong>an</strong>da C, Laborde A (2003) Herbal infusions<br />

used for induced abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

41(3):235-239.<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>um sodomaeum L. = Sol<strong>an</strong>um <strong>an</strong>guivi Lam.

374 - Sol<strong>an</strong>um sturti<strong>an</strong>um D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

s o l a n u M s Tu r Ti a n u M F. Muell. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Sturt’s-nightshade; Thargomindah nightshade<br />

Citations:<br />

Seddon HR, Carne HR (1925) Poisoning of stock by Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

sturti<strong>an</strong>um. Agric Gaz New South Wales 36(Mar<br />

1):192-194.<br />

Seddon HR, Carne HR (1925) Poisoning of stock by Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

sturti<strong>an</strong>um. New South Wales Dep Agric Sci Bull<br />

24:28-33.<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>um torreyi A. Gray = Sol<strong>an</strong>um dimidiatum Raf.<br />

s o l a n u M To rv u M Sw. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

devil’s-fig; susumberberry; turkeyberry; wild tomato<br />

Citations:<br />

Morris KM, Simonite JP, Pullen L, et al. (1979) Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

torvum as a causative agent of enzootic calcinosis in<br />

Papua, New Guinea. Res Vet Sci 27(2):264-266.<br />

Thompson M, Thornton M, Verjee Z (2003) Poisoning by<br />

susumber berries. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(5):729.<br />

s o l a n u M Tr i f l o r u M Nutt. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cut-leaf nightshade; nightshade; spreading nightshade;<br />

three-flower nightshade; western nightshade; wild<br />

potato<br />

Citations:<br />

Pammel LH (1921) Three-flowered nightshade poisonous.<br />

Vet Med 16(2):46-47.<br />

s o l a n u M Tu b e r o s u M L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

camotillo; Erdapfel; Irish potato; Kartoffel; papa;<br />

potato; white potato<br />

Citations:<br />

Allen JR, Marlar RJ, Chesney CF, et al. (1977) Teratogenicity<br />

studies on late blighted potatoes in nonhum<strong>an</strong><br />

primates (Macaca mulatta <strong>an</strong>d Saguinus labiatus). Teratology<br />

15(1):17-23.<br />

Baker D, Keeler R, Gaffield W (1987) Lesions of potato<br />

sprout <strong>an</strong>d extracted potato sprout alkaloid toxicity in<br />

Syri<strong>an</strong> hamsters. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 25(3):199-208.<br />

Baker DC, Keeler RF, Gaffield WP (1988) Mech<strong>an</strong>ism of<br />

death in Syri<strong>an</strong> hamsters gavaged potato sprout material.<br />

Toxicol Pathol 16(3):333-339.<br />

Blount WP (1928) Potato poisoning in the adult dog. Vet<br />

Rec 8(43):924-925.<br />

Bolin FM (1962) Green potatoes c<strong>an</strong> kill sheep. North<br />

Dakota Farm Res 22(7):15.<br />

Carmichael AJ, Foulds IS, T<strong>an</strong> CY (1989) Allergic contact<br />

dermatitis from potato flesh. Contact Dermatitis<br />

20(11):64-65.<br />

Gunning OV (1950) Suspected potato poisoning in a mare,<br />

with fatal termination. Br Vet J 106:32-33.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1925) Two fatal cases of potato poisoning. Science<br />

61(1578):340-341.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1927) Stock poisoning by pl<strong>an</strong>ts in the nightshade<br />

family. J Am Vet Med Assoc 71:221-227.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1928) Potato poisoning. North Am Vet<br />

9(7):31-34.<br />

Harris FW, Cockburn T (1918) Alleged poisoning by potatoes.<br />

Am J Pharm 90(Oct):722-726.<br />

Harris FW, Cockburn T (1918) Alleged poisoning by potatoes.<br />

Analyst 43:133-137.<br />

Hjorth N, Roed-Petersen J (1976) Occupational protein<br />

contact dermatitis in food h<strong>an</strong>dlers. Contact Dermatitis<br />

2(1):28-42.<br />

Inm<strong>an</strong> PM (1965) Dermatitis in a crisp factory. Acta Derm<br />

Venereol 45(4):295-296.<br />

Keeler RF, Brown D, Douglas DR, et al. (1976) Teratogenicity<br />

of the sol<strong>an</strong>um alkaloid solasodine <strong>an</strong>d of ‘Kennebec’<br />

potato sprouts in hamsters. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol<br />

15(5):522-524.<br />

Keeler RF, Young S, Brown D, et al. (1978) Congenital<br />

deformities produced in hamsters by potato sprouts. Teratology<br />

17(3):327-334.<br />

Kline BE, von Elbe H, Dahle NA, et al. (1961) Toxic effect<br />

of potato sprouts <strong>an</strong>d of sol<strong>an</strong>ine fed to pregn<strong>an</strong>t rats.<br />

Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 107(Aug-Sep):807-809.<br />

Kotowski K (1967) Przypadki zachorow<strong>an</strong> bydła na tle<br />

nadmiernego żywienia ziemnjakami. Med Weter<br />

23(12):736-737.<br />

Larko O, Lindstedt G, Lundberg PA, et al. (1983) Biochemical<br />

<strong>an</strong>d clinical studies in a case of contact urticaria to<br />

potato. Contact Dermatitis 9(2):108-114.<br />

McMill<strong>an</strong> M, Thompson JC (1979) An outbreak of suspected<br />

sol<strong>an</strong>ine poisoning in schoolboys: Examination of criteria<br />

of sol<strong>an</strong>ine poisoning. Q J Med 48(190):227-243.<br />

Meynadier J, Meynadier JM, Guilhou JJ (1982) L’urticaire<br />

de contact chez l’atopique. A propos de deux observations.<br />

Ann Dermatol Venereol 109(10):871-874.<br />

Millig<strong>an</strong> JB (1941) Suspected potato poisoning in cattle. Vet<br />

Rec 53(35):512.<br />

Misra SN, Nath CP, Rao SV (1979) Toxic effect of greenish<br />

potato peels in rabbits - A preliminary trial. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J<br />

56(May):441-442.<br />

Nater JP, Zwartz JA (1967) Atopic allergic reactions due to<br />

raw potato. J Allergy 40(4):202-206.<br />

Owen RA (1985) Potato poisoning in a horse. Vet Rec<br />

117(10):246.<br />

Pearson RS (1966) Potato sensitivity, <strong>an</strong> occupational allergy<br />

in housewives. Acta Allergol 21(1):507-514.<br />

Peck SM, Clare HC (1945) Dermatitis from dehydration of<br />

potatoes. Arch Derm Syphilol 52:9-10.<br />

Petersen UK (1949) Zur klinik der Sol<strong>an</strong>invergiftung. Arch<br />

Kinderheilkd 137:24-26.<br />

Pful E (1899) Ueber eine Massenerkr<strong>an</strong>kung durch Vergiftung<br />

mit stark sol<strong>an</strong>inhaltigen Kartoffeln. Dtsch Med<br />

Wochenschr 25(46):753-754.<br />

Phillips BJ, Hughes JA, Phillips JC, et al. (1996) A study of the<br />

toxic hazard that might be associated with the consumption<br />

of green potato tops. Food Chem Toxicol 34:439-448.<br />

Poswillo DE, Sopher D, Mitchell S (1972) Experimental<br />

induction of foetal malformation with “blighted” potato:<br />

A preliminary report. Nature 239(5373):462-464.<br />

Poswillo DE, Sopher D, Mitchell SJ, et al. (1973) Investigations<br />

into teratogenic potential of imperfect potatoes.<br />

Teratology 8(3):339-347.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Sonchus oleraceus - 375<br />

Quirce S, Díez Gómez ML, Hinojosa M, et al. (1989)<br />

Housewives with raw potato-induced bronchial asthma.<br />

Allergy 44(8):532-536.<br />

Rühl R (1951) Beitrag zur Pathologie und Toxikologie des<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>ins. Arch Pharm 284:67-74.<br />

SAC Veterinary Services (1998) Sol<strong>an</strong>ine poisoning causes<br />

deaths in Scottish cattle. Vet Rec 142:125.<br />

Swinyard CA, Chaube S (1973) Are potatoes teratogenic for<br />

experimental <strong>an</strong>imals? Teratology 8(3):349-358.<br />

Terbrüggen A (1936) Tödliche Sol<strong>an</strong>in-Vergiftung durch<br />

den Genuß von Kartoffelbeeren. Sammlung Vergiftungsfallen<br />

7(A609):101-104.<br />

Terbrüggen A (1936) Tödliche Sol<strong>an</strong>invergiftung. Beitr<br />

Pathol Anat 97:391-395.<br />

Willimott SG (1933) An investigation of sol<strong>an</strong>ine poisoning.<br />

Analyst 58(689):431-439.<br />

Wilson GS (1959) A small outbreak of sol<strong>an</strong>ine poisoning.<br />

Monthly Bull Ministry Health 18(Dec):207-210.<br />

Note:<br />

Potato is named Sol<strong>an</strong>um tuberosum L. subsp. tuberosum<br />

in some publications.<br />

s o l a n u M vi a r u M Dunal [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

tropical soda apple<br />

Citations:<br />

Porter MB, MacKay RJ, Uhl E, et al. (2003) Neurologic<br />

disease putatively associated with ingestion of Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

viarum in goats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 223(4):501-504.<br />

s o l a n u M vi r g i n i a n u M L. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s ol<strong>an</strong>um x<strong>an</strong>thocarpum Schrad.<br />

Common Names:<br />

toothed nightshade<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>um x<strong>an</strong>thocarpum Schrad. = Sol<strong>an</strong>um virgini<strong>an</strong>um L.<br />

soldier’s-cap –see– Aconitum napellus L.; Dicentra cucullaria<br />

(L.) Bernh.<br />

s o l e n o s Te Mo n s c u Te l l a r io i d e s (L.)<br />

Codd [Lamiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c oleus blumei Benth.<br />

Common Names:<br />

coleus<br />

Citations:<br />

Dooms-Goossens A, Borghus A, Degreef H, et al. (1987)<br />

Airborne contact dermatitis to coleus. Contact Dermatitis<br />

17(6):109-110.<br />

Saih<strong>an</strong> EM, Harm<strong>an</strong> RR (1978) Coleus sensitivity in a gardener.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 4(4):234-235.<br />

s o l i d ag o s p e c io s a Nutt. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

goldenrod<br />

Citations:<br />

Freer RS (1949) Toxic effects of a Solidago species on cattle.<br />

Virginia Acad Sci Proc 27:97.<br />

s o l i d ag o s p e c Ta b i l is (D. C. Eaton) A. Gray<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Basin goldenrod; goldenrod; Nevada goldenrod; western<br />

goldenrod<br />

Citations:<br />

Fleming CE (1920) <strong>Poisonous</strong> r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric<br />

Exp Sta Annu Rep 1919:39-43.<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR, et al. (1931) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep<br />

#1928:21-22.<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR, et al. (1931) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep<br />

1930:12-13.<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR, et al. (1934) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 1933:10-13.<br />

Lockett S (1917) Sheep poisoned by western goldenrod<br />

(Solidago spectabilis). J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

51:214-221.<br />

Soliva pterosperma (Juss.) Less. = Soliva sessilis Ruiz & Pav.<br />

s o l i va s e s s i l is Ruiz & Pav. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s oliva pterosperma (Juss.) Less.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bindii; bindy-eye; jo jo; onehunga weed<br />

Citations:<br />

Commens C, McGeogh A, Bartlett B, et al. (1984) Bindii<br />

(Jo Jo) dermatitis (Soliva pterosperma [Compositae]). J<br />

Am Acad Dermatol 10(5 Part 1):768-773.<br />

Solomon Isl<strong>an</strong>d ivy –see– Epipremnum pinnatum (L.)<br />

Engl.<br />

Solomon’s-seal –see– Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All.<br />

solsoldong –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

Sommeradonisröschen –see– Adonis aestivalis L.<br />

Sommereiche –see– Quercus robur L.<br />

Sommerwicken –see– Vicia sativa L.<br />

son-before-the-father –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

s o n c h u s o l e r a c e u s L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Purchase IF, Tustin RC, v<strong>an</strong> Rensburg SJ (1975) Biological<br />

testing of food grown in the Tr<strong>an</strong>skei. Food Cosmet<br />

Toxicol 13(6):639-647.<br />

Sonnenblume –see– Heli<strong>an</strong>thus <strong>an</strong>nuus L.

376 - Sophora alopecuroides D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Sonnenwolfsmilch –see– Euphorbia helioscopia L.<br />

sonnette –see– Crotalaria retusa L.<br />

sonwa millet –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum miliaceum L.<br />

s o p h o r a a l o p e c u r o i d e s L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1940) Investigations of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep<br />

1940:62.<br />

s o p h o r a f l a ve s c e n s Aiton [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

light-yellow sophora; ling l<strong>an</strong>g<br />

Citations:<br />

Deng JF, Lin TJ, Kao WF, et al. (1997) The difficulty in<br />

h<strong>an</strong>dling poisonings associated with Chinese traditional<br />

medicine: A poison control center experience for<br />

1991-1993. Vet Hum Toxicol 39(2):106-114.<br />

Tsai KJ, Lin TJ, Lin WL, et al. (1993) The potential neurotoxicity<br />

of bitter tea drinking - A case report. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 35(4):330.<br />

s o p h o r a Mic r o p h y l l a Aiton [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

kowhai; yellow kowhai<br />

Citations:<br />

Clinch PG, Palmer-Jones T, Forster IW (1972) Effect on<br />

honey bees of nectar from the yellow kowhai (Sophora<br />

microphylla Ait.). N Z J Agric Res 15:194-201.<br />

s o p h o r a n u TTa l l i a n a B. L. Turner<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

silky sophora; white locoweed; white sophora<br />

Citations:<br />

Burrows GE, Schwab RP, Stein LE, et al. (1998) Comparison<br />

of the reproductive effects of Baptisia australis, Iva<br />

<strong>an</strong>nua <strong>an</strong>d Sophora nuttalli<strong>an</strong>a in rats. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T,<br />

Barr AC (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

CABI. New York. pp. 297-302.<br />

Sophora secundiflora (Ortega) Lag. ex DC. = Calia<br />

secundiflora (Ortega) Yakovlev<br />

sore-eye flower –see– Boophone disticha (L. f.) Herb.<br />

sorghum –see– Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

sorghum almum –see– Sorghum ×almum Parodi<br />

s o r g h u M ×a l Mu M p a r o d i [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Columbusgrass; sorghum almum<br />

Citations:<br />

Knight PR (1968) Equine cystitis <strong>an</strong>d ataxia associated with<br />

grazing of pastures dominated by sorghum species. Aust<br />

Vet J 44(5):257.<br />

s o r g h u M b ic o l o r (L.) Moench [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a ndropogon sorghum (L.) Brot.; h olcus sorghum L.;<br />

s orghum saccharatum (L.) Moench; s orghum vulgare<br />

Pers.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> sorghum; broom millet; broomcorn sorghum;<br />

dhurra wheat; durra; fatarita; grain sorghum; great<br />

millet; Guinae corn; Indi<strong>an</strong> millet; jowar; juar; kafferkoring;<br />

Kafir corn; millet; milo; sorghum; sorgo; sweet<br />

sorghum<br />

Citations:<br />

Adams LG, Dollahite JW, Rom<strong>an</strong>e WM, et al. (1969) Cystitis<br />

<strong>an</strong>d ataxia associated with sorghum ingestion by<br />

horses. J Am Vet Med Assoc 155(3):518-524.<br />

Allen JG, Creeper JH, Forshaw D, et al. (2004) Pl<strong>an</strong>t-associated<br />

diseases, either new or new to the state, encountered<br />

over the last decade (1991-2001) in Western Australia. In:<br />

Acamovic T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford, UK.<br />

pp. 540-547.<br />

Armstrong WD, Featherston WR, Rogler JC (1974) Effects of<br />

bird resist<strong>an</strong>t sorghum grain <strong>an</strong>d various commercial t<strong>an</strong>nins<br />

on chick perform<strong>an</strong>ce. Poult Sci 53(6):2137-2142.<br />

Awad FI (1960) A note on Sorghum vulgare (fatarita) poisoning<br />

in cattle. Sud<strong>an</strong>ese J Vet Sci Anim Husb 1(1):33-34.<br />

Belevady B, Gopal<strong>an</strong> C (1965) Production of black tongue<br />

in dogs by feeding diets containing jowar (Sorghum vulgare).<br />

L<strong>an</strong>cet 2(Dec 11):1220-1221.<br />

Bradley GA, Metcalf HC, Reggiardo C, et al. (1995) Neuroaxonal<br />

degeneration in sheep grazing Sorghum pastures.<br />

J Vet Diagn Invest 7(2):229-236.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>g SI, Fuller HL (1964) Effect of t<strong>an</strong>nin content of grain<br />

sorghums on their feeding value for growing chicks. Poult<br />

Sci 43(1):30-36.<br />

Connor JK, Hurwood IS, Burton HW, et al. (1969) Some<br />

nutritional aspects of feeding sorghum grain of high t<strong>an</strong>nin<br />

content to growing chickens. Aust J Exp Agric Anim<br />

Husb 9(40):497-501.<br />

Fuller HL, Potter DK, Brown AR (1966) The feeding value<br />

of grain sorghums in relation to their t<strong>an</strong>nin content.<br />

Georgia Agric Exp Sta Bull 176:1-14.<br />

Gaggino OP, Carrillo BJ (1964) Ataxia de bovinos en pastoreo<br />

de sorgo. Idia 197(May):28-30.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1924) Prussic acid poisoning in livestock. A<br />

real problem. Better Crops 2(3):26-27, 38.<br />

Hiltner RS (1900) The fatal effect of green sorghum. Nebraska<br />

Agric Exp Sta Bull #63:73-84.<br />

Koliev MF, Fedyushin FE (1963) [Mass poisoning of swine<br />

with sorghum.] Veterinariia Moscow 40(10):45-46.<br />

McClymont GL, Dunc<strong>an</strong> DC (1952) Studies on nutrition of<br />

poultry. III. Toxicity of grain sorghum for chickens. Aust<br />

Vet J 28(Sep):229-233.<br />

McKenzie RA, McMicking LI (1977) Ataxia <strong>an</strong>d urinary<br />

incontinence in cattle grazing sorghum. Aust Vet J<br />

53(10):496-497.<br />

Morg<strong>an</strong> SE, Johnson B, Brewer B, et al. (1990) Sorghum<br />

cystitis ataxia syndrome in horses. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

32(6):582.<br />

Pammel LH (1919) Poisoning from sorghum <strong>an</strong>d Sud<strong>an</strong><br />

grass. Am J Vet Med 14:30-31.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Sorghum halepense - 377<br />

Peters AT, Slade HB, Avery S (1903) Poisoning of cattle by<br />

common sorghum <strong>an</strong>d Kafir corn (Sorghum vulgare.).<br />

Nebraska Agric Exp Sta Bull #77(11):1-16.<br />

s o r g h u M ×d r u MMo n d i i (Steud.) Millsp. &<br />

Chase [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

h olcus sud<strong>an</strong>ensis (Piper) L. H. Bailey; s orghum<br />

sud<strong>an</strong>ense (Piper) Stapf; s orghum vulgare Pers. var.<br />

sud<strong>an</strong>ense (Steud.) Hitchc.<br />

Common Names:<br />

sorghum; Sud<strong>an</strong> sorghum; Sud<strong>an</strong>grass; sudax<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1935) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1935:39-40.<br />

Dodgen JP (1967) An acute case of sorghum cystitis in the<br />

equine. Southwestern Vet 20:156.<br />

Howarth JA (1931) Sud<strong>an</strong> grass as a photosensitizing agent<br />

causing dermatitis in sheep. North Am Vet 12(1):29-33.<br />

Pammel LH (1919) Poisoning from sorghum <strong>an</strong>d Sud<strong>an</strong><br />

grass. Am J Vet Med 14:30-31.<br />

Pammel LH (1920) Will frosted Sud<strong>an</strong> grass produce poisoning?<br />

Am J Vet Med 15:27.<br />

Prichard JT, Voss JL (1967) Fetal <strong>an</strong>kylosis in horses associated<br />

with hybrid Sud<strong>an</strong> pasture. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

150(8):871-873.<br />

Rogers CF, Boyd WL (1936) Sud<strong>an</strong> grass <strong>an</strong>d other cy<strong>an</strong>ophoric<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts as <strong>an</strong>imal intoxic<strong>an</strong>ts. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

88:489-499.<br />

Seam<strong>an</strong> JT, Smeal MG, Wright JC (1981) The possible<br />

association of a sorghum (Sorghum sud<strong>an</strong>ese) hybrid<br />

as a cause of development defects in calves. Aust Vet J<br />

57(7):351-352.<br />

s o r g h u M h a l e p e n s e (L.) Pers. [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a ndropogon arundinaceus Scop.; a ndropogon halepensis<br />

(L.) Brot.; h olcus halepensis L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

addar; baru; Johnsongrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Makridis I (1971) [Poisoning of the cattle in Greece by Sorghum<br />

halepense.] Hellenike Kteniatrike 14:10-22.<br />

Mathews FP (1932) Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense) poisoning.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 81(Nov):663-666.<br />

Richetti A, Richetti F (1977) Sulla potenziale tossicità del<br />

Sorghum exiguum nella alimentazione del bestiame. Acta<br />

Med Vet (Napoli) 23(1-2):119-122.<br />

Richetti F (1967) Rilievi e considerazioni su due casi di avvelenemento<br />

in equini in seguito ad ingestione de Sorghum<br />

halepense. Acta Med Vet (Napoli) 13:229-238.<br />

Richetti F (1969) Rilievi istologici sulla tossicita’ spermitale<br />

da Sorghum halepense Pers. Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper<br />

45(10):641-643.<br />

Vasey G (1885) Johnson grass in Mont<strong>an</strong>a. U S Dep Agric<br />

Rep 1885:74-75.<br />

Wiggins AM (1953) Johnsongrass poisoning. Auburn Vet<br />

9(Winter):77-79.<br />

Sorghum saccharatum (L.) Moench = Sorghum bicolor (L.)<br />

Moench<br />

Sorghum sud<strong>an</strong>ense (Piper) Stapf = Sorghum ×drummondii<br />

(Steud.) Millsp. & Chase<br />

Sorghum vulgare Pers = Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

Sorghum vulgare Pers. var. sud<strong>an</strong>ense (Piper) Hitchc. =<br />

Sorghum ×drummondii (Steud.) Millsp. & Chase<br />

sorgo –see– Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

soro soro –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

sorrel –see– Oxalis pes-caprae L.; Rumex acetosa L.; Rumex<br />

acetosella L.; Rumex crispus L.<br />

sorrel dock –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

sorrelgrass –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

sorsaka –see– Annona muricata L.<br />

sorte-de-noix-d’arec –see– Areca catechu L.<br />

Sosnovsky’s-cow parsnip –see– Heracleum sosnowskyi<br />

M<strong>an</strong>den.<br />

sosueldo –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

sotetsu –see– Cycas revoluta Thunb.<br />

soup clover –see– Melilotus indicus (L.) All.<br />

sour clover –see– Melilotus indicus (L.) All.<br />

sour dock –see– Rumex acetosa L.; Rumex acetosella L.;<br />

Rumex crispus L.<br />

sour green –see– Rumex venosus Pursh<br />

sour leek –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

sour or<strong>an</strong>ge –see– Citrus aur<strong>an</strong>tium L.<br />

sour sop –see– Annona muricata L.<br />

sour sorrel –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

sour sweet clover –see– Melilotus indicus (L.) All.<br />

sour weed –see– Rumex acetosella L.<br />

sourgrass –see– Rumex acetosa L.; Rumex acetosella L.<br />

soursob –see– Oxalis pes-caprae L.<br />

South Afric<strong>an</strong> daisy –see– Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth.<br />

& Hook. f. ex A. Gray<br />

South Afric<strong>an</strong> milk bush –see– Synadenium gr<strong>an</strong>tii Hook. f.<br />

South Americ<strong>an</strong> air pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Kal<strong>an</strong>choe fedtschenkoi<br />

Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier<br />

South Americ<strong>an</strong> tea –see– Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.<br />

South Sea rose –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

southeastern bitterweed –see– Helenium amarum (Raf.) H.<br />

Rock<br />

southern baccharis –see– Baccharis glomeruliflora Pers.<br />

southern c<strong>an</strong>arygrass –see– Phalaris carolini<strong>an</strong>a Walter<br />

southern indigo –see– Indigofera australis Willd.<br />

southern pea –see– Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.<br />

southern poison oak –see– Toxicodendron pubescens Mill.<br />

southern s<strong>an</strong>dbur –see– Cenchrus incertus M. A. Curtis

378 - Sparrm<strong>an</strong>nia afric<strong>an</strong>a D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

sowbread –see– Cyclamen persicum Mill.<br />

soy –see– Glycine max (L.) Merr.<br />

soya be<strong>an</strong> –see– Glycine max (L.) Merr.<br />

soybe<strong>an</strong> –see– Glycine max (L.) Merr.<br />

spadic bush –see– Erythroxylum coca Lam.<br />

Sp<strong>an</strong>ish bayonet –see– Yucca aloifolia L.<br />

Sp<strong>an</strong>ish daisy –see– Helenium amarum (Raf.) H. Rock<br />

Sp<strong>an</strong>ish tea –see– Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin &<br />

Clem<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

Sp<strong>an</strong>ish vetch –see– Lathyrus clymenum L.<br />

Sp<strong>an</strong>ish vetchling –see– Lathyrus clymenum L.<br />

sp<strong>an</strong>tou melkbos –see– Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R. Br.<br />

Spargel –see– Asparagus officinalis L.<br />

s p a r r Ma n n i a a f r ic a n a L. f. [Malvaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> hemp; indoor linden; Zimmerlinde<br />

Citations:<br />

Kuske H, B<strong>an</strong>di B (1958) Dermatitis und Ekzem durch Zimmerlinde.<br />

Dermatologica 116:308-313.<br />

Schulze W (1941) Untersuchungen über die Reizwirkung der<br />

Zimmerlindenblatter auf die Haut. Arch Derm Syphilol<br />

181:63-77.<br />

spartium –see– Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link<br />

Späte Traubenkirsche –see– Prunus serotina Ehrh.<br />

spathe flower –see– Spathiphyllum wallisii Regel<br />

s p a Th i p h y l l u M f l o r i b u n d u M (Linden &<br />

André) N. E. Br. [Araceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Cahen O, Floras P, Guerineau JM, et al. (1978) Intoxication<br />

par les fruits de Redoul. Cah Anesthesiol 26(5):693-698.<br />

Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD (2001) Toxidromes<br />

associated with the most common pl<strong>an</strong>t ingestions. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(6):366-369.<br />

s p a Th i p h y l l u M wa l l is i i Regel [Araceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

spathe flower<br />

Citations:<br />

K<strong>an</strong>erva L, Estl<strong>an</strong>der T, Petm<strong>an</strong> L, et al. (2001) Occupational<br />

allergic contact urticaria to yucca (Yucca aloifolia),<br />

weeping fig (Ficus benjamina), <strong>an</strong>d spathe flower (Spathiphyllum<br />

wallisii). Allergy 56(10):1008-1011.<br />

spearmint –see– Mentha spicata L.<br />

speckled locoweed –see– Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas ex<br />

Hook.<br />

speckled milk vetch –see– Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas ex<br />

Hook. var. diphysus (A. Gray) M. E. Jones<br />

Speisebohnen –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

s p h ag n e Tic o l a Tr i l ob a Ta (L.) Pruski<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

wedelia trilobata (L.) Hitchc.<br />

Common Names:<br />

wedelia<br />

Citations:<br />

Goh CL (1986) Contact sensitivity to Wedelia trilobata.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 14(2):126.<br />

s p h e n o s c i a d i u M c a p i Te l l a Tu M A. Gray<br />

[Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

r<strong>an</strong>ger’s-buttons; swamp whiteheads; whiteheads;<br />

woolly-head parsnip<br />

Citations:<br />

Fowler ME, Berry LJ, Bushnell R, et al. (1970) Sphenosciadium<br />

capitellatum (whiteheads) toxicosis of cattle <strong>an</strong>d<br />

horses. J Am Vet Med Assoc 157(9):1187-1192.<br />

spice pepper –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.<br />

spider <strong>an</strong>telopehorn –see– Asclepias asperula (Decne.)<br />

Woodson var. decumbens (Nutt.) Shinners<br />

spider flower –see– Cleome spinosa Jacq.<br />

spider milkweed –see– Asclepias verticillata L.; Asclepias<br />

viridis Walter<br />

spidergrass –see– Brachyachne convergens (F. Muell.) Stapf<br />

Spiesia lambertii (Pursh) Kuntze = Oxytropis lambertii<br />

Pursh<br />

s p ig e l i a a n Th e l Mi a L. [Log<strong>an</strong>iaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ewe-ar<strong>an</strong>; West Indi<strong>an</strong> pink root<br />

Citations:<br />

Johnson SW (1963) The toxicity of Spigelia <strong>an</strong>thelmia for<br />

small laboratory <strong>an</strong>imals. Trop Agric 40:165-167.<br />

spiked millet –see– Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.<br />

spiked riceflower –see– Pimelea trichostachya Lindl.<br />

Spillbaum –see– Euonymus europaeus L.<br />

spinach –see– Spinacia oleracea L.<br />

s p i n a c i a o l e r a c e a L. [Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

espinafre; spinach; spinage; Spinat<br />

Citations:<br />

S<strong>an</strong>chez I, Rodriguez F, Garcia-Abujeta JL, et al. (1997)<br />

Oral allergy syndrome induced by spinach. Allergy<br />

52(12):1245-1246.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>der C, Jacobi H (1967) Methämoglobinvergiftung nach<br />

Spinatgenuß bei einem zweijährigen Knaben. Z Kinderheilkd<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Spirostachys venenifera - 379<br />

Schuller A, Morisset M, Maadi F, et al. (2005) Occupational<br />

asthma due to allergy to spinach powder in a pasta factory.<br />

Allergy 60(3):408-409.<br />

Sinios A, Wodsak W (1965) Die Spinatvergiftung des<br />

Säuglings. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 90:1856-1863.<br />

Zohn B (1937) An unusual case of spinach hypersensitiveness.<br />

J Allergy 8:381-384.<br />

spinage –see– Spinacia oleracea L.<br />

Spinat –see– Spinacia oleracea L.<br />

Spindelbaum –see– Euonymus europaeus L.<br />

spindle tree –see– Euonymus europaeus L.<br />

spineless horsebrush –see– Tetradymia c<strong>an</strong>escens DC.<br />

spiny amar<strong>an</strong>th –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus spinosus L.<br />

spiny clotbur –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium spinosum L.<br />

spiny cocklebur –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium spinosum L.<br />

spiny pigweed –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus spinosus L.<br />

s p i r o s Ta c h y s v e n e n i f e r a (Pax) Pax<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Njiro SM, Mugera GM, Maitai CK (1984) Histopathology<br />

of tissues from albino Wistar rats poisoned with Spirostachys<br />

venenifera. Kenya Vet 8(1):19-21.<br />

Spitzklette –see– X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L.<br />

Splintbaum –see– Buxus sempervirens L.<br />

split-leaf philodendron –see– Monstera deliciosa Liebm.<br />

split pea –see– Pisum sativum L.<br />

Sponia virgata Pl<strong>an</strong>ch. = Trema c<strong>an</strong>nabinum Lour.<br />

spoon hunt –see– Kalmia latifolia L.<br />

spoon hutch –see– Kalmia latifolia L.<br />

spoon lily –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don<br />

spoonwood –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.; Kalmia latifolia L.<br />

spoonwood ivy –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.<br />

spotted arum –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

spotted cat’s-ear –see– Hypochaeris radicata L.<br />

spotted cowb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M. Coult.<br />

& Rose; Cicuta maculata L.; Cicuta maculata L. var.<br />

<strong>an</strong>gustifolia Hook.; Conium maculatum L.<br />

spotted dumbc<strong>an</strong>e –see– Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott<br />

spotted emubush –see– Eremophila maculata (Ker Gawl.) F.<br />

Muell.<br />

spotted fuchsia –see– Eremophila maculata (Ker Gawl.) F.<br />

Muell.<br />

spotted hemlock –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M. Coult.<br />

& Rose; Cicuta maculata L.; Conium maculatum L.<br />

spotted laurel –see– Aucuba japonica Thunb.<br />

spotted locoweed –see– Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas ex<br />

Hook.; Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas ex Hook. var.<br />

diphysus (A. Gray) M. E. Jones; Astragalus lentiginosus<br />

Douglas ex Hook. var. wahweapensis S. L. Welsh<br />

spotted parsley –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M. Coult.<br />

& Rose; Cicuta maculata L.; Cicuta maculata L. var.<br />

<strong>an</strong>gustifolia Hook.; Conium maculatum L.<br />

spotted smartweed –see– Persicaria maculosa Gray<br />

spotted spurge –see– Chamaesyce maculata (L.) Small<br />

spotted St. John’s-wort –see– Hypericum punctatum Lam.<br />

spotted thistle –see– Silybum mari<strong>an</strong>um (L.) Gaertn.<br />

spotted water hemlock –see– Cicuta maculata L.<br />

sprängört –see– Cicuta virosa L.<br />

sprawling cymopterus –see– Cymopterus longipes S. Watson<br />

spreading nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um triflorum Nutt.<br />

spreading pigweed –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus blitoides S. Watson<br />

spring buckeye –see– Aesculus glabra Willd.<br />

spring cockle –see– Vaccaria hisp<strong>an</strong>ica (Mill.) Rauschert<br />

spring larkspur –see– Delphinium menziesii DC.<br />

spring parsley –see– Cymopterus ibapensis M. E. Jones<br />

spring rabbitbrush –see– Tetradymia glabrata Torr. & A.<br />

Gray<br />

spring vetch –see– Vicia sativa L.<br />

springbokbos –see– Hertia pallens (DC.) Kuntze<br />

springbokbossie –see– Hertia pallens (DC.) Kuntze<br />

Springkraut –see– Euphorbia lathyris L.<br />

Springwolfsmilch –see– Euphorbia lathyris L.<br />

springwort –see– Euphorbia lathyris L.<br />

sprinka<strong>an</strong>bos –see– Senecio burchellii DC.; Senecio ilicifolius L.<br />

Spritzgurke –see– Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich.<br />

spur lupine –see– Lupinus arbustus Douglas ex Lindl.;<br />

Lupinus argenteus Pursh var. holosericeus (Nutt.) Barneby<br />

spur pepper –see– Capsicum frutescens L.<br />

spur vetch –see– Vicia mon<strong>an</strong>tha Retz.<br />

spurge –see– Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp.; Euphorbia<br />

cyparissias L.; Euphorbia helioscopia L.; Euphorbia<br />

myrsinites L.; Phyll<strong>an</strong>thus abnormis Baill.; Reverchonia<br />

arenaria A. Gray<br />

spurge cactus –see– Euphorbia <strong>an</strong>tiquorum L.<br />

spurge flax –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

spurge laurel –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

spurge olive –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

spurge tree –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

squash –see– Cucurbita pepo L.<br />

squash melon –see– Cucumis myriocarpus Naudin<br />

squaw mint –see– Hedeoma pulegioides (L.) Pers.; Mentha<br />

pulegium L.<br />

squaw weed –see– Ageratina altissima (L.) R. M. King & H.<br />

Rob.; Senecio plattensis Nutt.

380 - Stachys arvensis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

squawroot –see– Actaea racemosa L.; Caulophyllum<br />

thalictroides (L.) Michx.<br />

squill –see– Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn; Ledebouria cooperi<br />

(Hook. f.) Jessop<br />

squirrel corn –see– Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh.<br />

squirrel food –see– Toxicoscordion venenosum (S. Watson) Rydb.<br />

squirreltail –see– Hordeum jubatum L.<br />

squirreltail barley –see– Hordeum jubatum L.<br />

squirreltailgrass –see– Hordeum jubatum L.<br />

squirting cucumber –see– Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich.<br />

St. Anthony’s-turnip –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus bulbosus L.<br />

St. Barnaby’s-thistle –see– Centaurea solstitialis L.<br />

St. Bennet’s-herb –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

St. Elmos’-feather –see– Ami<strong>an</strong>thium muscitoxicum (Walter)<br />

A. Gray<br />

St. George’s-herb –see– Valeri<strong>an</strong>a officinalis L.<br />

St. Ignatius’s-be<strong>an</strong> –see– Strychnos ignatii P. J. Bergius<br />

St. John’s-wort –see– Hypericum perforatum L.; Hypericum<br />

punctatum Lam.; Hypericum revolutum Vahl; Hypericum<br />

triquetrifolium Turra<br />

St. Lucia’s-grass –see– Urochloa briz<strong>an</strong>tha (Hochst. ex A.<br />

Rich.) R. D. Webster<br />

St. Mary’s-thistle –see– Silybum mari<strong>an</strong>um (L.) Gaertn.<br />

St. Peter’s-wort –see– Symphoricarpos albus (L.) S. F. Blake<br />

St. Thomas’-bush –see– Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton<br />

s Ta c h y s a rv e n s is (L.) L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

corn woundwort; dead nettle; field hedge nettle; field<br />

woundwort; mintweed; staggerweed; woundwort<br />

Citations:<br />

Philbey AW, Hawker AM, Evers JV (2001) A neurological<br />

locomotor disorder in sheep grazing Stachys arvensis.<br />

Aust Vet J 79(6):427-430.<br />

Seddon HR (1925) Stachys arvensis: A cause of staggers or<br />

shivers in sheep. New South Wales Dep Agric Sci Bull<br />

#24:14-28.<br />

Seddon HR, Hindmarsh WL, Carne HR (1926) Further<br />

observations on Stachys arvensis (“stagger weed”) as a<br />

cause of staggers or shivers in sheep. New South Wales<br />

Dep Agric Sci Bull #26:25-33.<br />

staff vine –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

staggergrass –see– Ami<strong>an</strong>thium muscitoxicum (Walter) A.<br />

Gray<br />

staggers weed –see– Matricaria nigellifolia DC.<br />

staggerweed –see– Delphinium tricorne Michx.; Dicentra<br />

c<strong>an</strong>adensis (Goldie) Walp.; Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh.;<br />

Helenium autumnale L.; Stachys arvensis (L.) L.<br />

staggerwort –see– Helenium autumnale L.; Jacobaea vulgaris<br />

Gaertn.<br />

staghorn sumach –see– Rhus typhina L.<br />

Stagmaria vermiciflua Jack = Gluta renghas L.<br />

st<strong>an</strong>ding milk vetch –see– Astragalus adsurgens Pall.<br />

star <strong>an</strong>ise –see– Illicium <strong>an</strong>isatum L.; Illicium verum<br />

Hook. f.<br />

star bur –see– Ac<strong>an</strong>thospermum hispidum DC.<br />

star cactus –see– Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.<br />

star flower –see– Ornithogalum umbellatum L.<br />

star fruit –see– Averrhoa carambola L.<br />

star lily –see– Toxicoscordion fremontii (Torr.) Rydb.<br />

star-of-Bethlehem –see– Ornithogalum thyrsoides Jacq.;<br />

Ornithogalum umbellatum L.<br />

star pine –see– Pinus pinaster Aiton<br />

star potato vine –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um pseudocapsicum L.<br />

star thistle –see– Centaurea solstitialis L.<br />

star zydadene –see– Toxicoscordion fremontii (Torr.) Rydb.<br />

starchwort –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott; Arum<br />

maculatum L.<br />

stargrass –see– Cynodon aethiopicus Clayton & J. R. Harl<strong>an</strong>;<br />

Cynodon nlemfuensis V<strong>an</strong>deryst; Cynodon plectostachyus (K.<br />

Schum.) Pilg.<br />

Statice brasiliensis Boiss. = Limonium brasiliense (Bioss.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

Stechapfel –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

Stecheiche –see– Ilex aquifolium L.<br />

Stechhulsen –see– Ilex aquifolium L.<br />

Stechpalme –see– Ilex aquifolium L.<br />

Steinheil –see– Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn<br />

Steinklee –see– Melilotus albus Medik.; Melilotus officinalis<br />

Lam.<br />

stemless locoweed –see– Oxytropis lambertii Pursh<br />

s Te Mo d i a k i n g i i F. Muell. [Scrophulariaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Allen JG, Mitchell AA (1998) A newly discovered toxic<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t, Stemodia kingii, in Western Australia. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d<br />

T, Barr AC (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

CABI. New York. pp. 120-124.<br />

Raisbeck MF, Allen JG, Colegate SM, et al. (2004) Pathology<br />

of experimental Stemodia kingii intoxication in the<br />

mouse. In: Acamovic T, Stewart CS, Pennycott TW<br />

(eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d related toxins. CABI. Wallingford,<br />

UK. pp. 280-285.<br />

s Te ph <strong>an</strong>i a s ini c a Diels [Menispermaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Haller C, Dyer JE, Ko R, et al. (1999) Toxic hepatitis<br />

induced by herbal medicines. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Stillingia treculi<strong>an</strong>a - 381<br />

s Te p h a n i a Te Tr a n d a S. Moore<br />

[Menispermaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Schmeiser HH, Bieler CA, Wiessler M, et al. (1996) Detection<br />

of DNA adducts formed by aristolochic acid in renal<br />

tissue from patients with Chinese herbs nephropathy.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>cer Res 56(9):2025-2028.<br />

Steph<strong>an</strong>orossia palustris Chiov. = Oen<strong>an</strong>the palustris<br />

(Chiov.) C. Norm<strong>an</strong><br />

Sterculia diversifolia G. Don = Brachychiton populneus<br />

(Schott & Endl.) R. Br.<br />

s Te r c u l i a f o e Ti d a L. [Malvaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Australi<strong>an</strong> flame tree; b<strong>an</strong>gar nut; b<strong>an</strong>gor nut; fetid<br />

sterculia; flame tree; Java olive; wild almond<br />

Citations:<br />

Abou-Ashour AM, Edwards HM Jr (1970) Effect of dietary<br />

Sterculia foetida oil on pink-white discoloration <strong>an</strong>d fatty<br />

acid distribution in stored eggs. J Nutr 100(7):757-766.<br />

Abou-Ashour AM, Edwards HM Jr (1972) Hematological<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in laying hens receiving Sterculia foetida oil<br />

supplements. Poult Sci 51(1):300-305.<br />

Austic RE, Hill FW, Wilson BW (1971) Role of yolk in<br />

chick embryo mortality induced by the feeding of Sterculia<br />

foetida oil. Poult Sci 50(5):1320-1326.<br />

Schneider DL, Vavich MG, Kurnick AA, et al. (1961) Effect<br />

of Sterculia foetida oil on mortality of the chick embryo.<br />

Poult Sci 40:1644-1648.<br />

Schneider DL, Kurnick AA, Vavich MG, et al. (1962) Delay<br />

of sexual maturity in chickens by Sterculia foetida oil. J<br />

Nutr 77(Aug):403-407.<br />

sterculia gum –see– Sterculia urens Roxb.<br />

s Te r c u l i a u r e n s Roxb. [Malvaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

false tragac<strong>an</strong>th; gum karaya; Indi<strong>an</strong> gum; Indi<strong>an</strong> tragac<strong>an</strong>th;<br />

karaya gum; karayu gum; sterculia gum<br />

Citations:<br />

Bowen R (1939) Karaya gum as a cause of urticaria. Arch<br />

Derm Syphilol 39:506-509.<br />

Figley KD (1940) Karaya gum (Indi<strong>an</strong> gum) hypersensitivity.<br />

JAMA 114(9):747-748.<br />

Sterculiacea altissima = M<strong>an</strong>sonia altissima (A. Chev.) A.<br />

Chev.<br />

Sternblume –see– Narcissus poeticus L.<br />

s Te vi a r e b a u d i a n a (Bertoni) Bertoni<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>as GM, Kuc J (1968) Contraceptive properties of Stevia<br />

rebaudi<strong>an</strong>a. Science 162(857):1007.<br />

stickerweed –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus spinosus L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

carolinense L.<br />

sticktight –see– Cynoglossum officinale L.<br />

sticky agrimony –see– Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) R. M.<br />

King & H. Rob.<br />

sticky elecamp<strong>an</strong>e –see– Dittrichia viscosa (L.) Greuter<br />

sticky eupatorium –see– Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) R.<br />

M. King & H. Rob.<br />

sticky florestin –see– Florestina tripteris DC.<br />

sticky palafoxia –see– Florestina tripteris DC.<br />

sticky snakeweed –see– Gutierrezia microcephala (DC.) A. Gray<br />

sticky thistle –see– Chamaeleon gummifera (L.) Cass.<br />

Stieleiche –see– Quercus robur L.<br />

Stierkraut –see– Euphorbia peplus L.<br />

stiff sickness bush –see– Crotalaria burke<strong>an</strong>a Benth.<br />

stiff-stem yellow flax –see– Linum rigidum Pursh<br />

Stillingia sebifera (L.) Michx. = Triadica sebifera (L.) Small<br />

s Ti l l i n g i a Tr e c u l i a n a (Müll. Arg.) I. M.<br />

Johnst. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

queen’s-root; trecul queensdelight<br />

Citations:<br />

Boughton IB, Hardy WT (1939) Hard yellow livers of sheep<br />

<strong>an</strong>d cattle <strong>an</strong>d feeding trials of suspected pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas<br />

Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 52:238-240.<br />

Boughton IB, Hardy WT (1940) Feeding trials of suspected<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Texas Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep 53:236-237.<br />

stinging be<strong>an</strong> –see– Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

stinging nettle –see– Laportea c<strong>an</strong>adensis (L.) Wedd.; Urtica<br />

chamaedryoides Pursh; Urtica dioica L.<br />

Stinkas<strong>an</strong>t –see– Ferula assa-foetida L.<br />

stinkblaar –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

stinkbossie –see– Boscia foetida Schinz<br />

Stinkende Nieswurz –see– Helleborus foetidus L.<br />

Stinkerich –see– Mercurialis perennis L.<br />

stinking chamomile –see– Anthemis cotula L.<br />

stinking hellebore –see– Helleborus foetidus L.<br />

stinking Mayweed –see– Anthemis cotula L.<br />

stinking milk vetch –see– Astragalus praelongus E. Sheld.<br />

stinking nightshade –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

stinking Roger –see– Tagetes minuta L.<br />

stinking rose –see– Allium sativum L.<br />

stinking Willy –see– Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.<br />

stinkingweed –see– Senna occidentalis (L.) Link<br />

stinkingwood –see– Senna occidentalis (L.) Link<br />

stinkweed –see– Conium maculatum L.; Datura stramonium<br />

L.; Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clem<strong>an</strong>ts;

382 - Stipa pennata D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Gutierrezia microcephala (DC.) A. Gray; Thlaspi arvense<br />

L.<br />

stinkwood –see– Zieria arborescens Sims; Zieria smithii<br />

Andrews<br />

stinkwort –see– Datura stramonium L.; Dittrichia graveolens<br />

(L.) Greuter; Helleborus foetidus L.<br />

s Ti p a p e n n a Ta L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

feathergrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Bashkatov GA (1969) [Economic losses caused by<br />

feather-grass diseases in sheep.] Veterinariia Moscow<br />

46(6):69-72.<br />

Bashkatov GA (1970) [A case of feather grass disease in<br />

the tr<strong>an</strong>sportation of sheep.] Veterinariia Moscow<br />

47(3):93-94.<br />

Stipa robusta (Vasey) Scribn. = Achnatherum robustum<br />

(Vasey) Barkworth<br />

s Ti p a s i b i r ic a (L.) Lam. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gobu; gogu; gumai; gur ghas<br />

Citations:<br />

Vaid KM (1963) A note on Stipa sibirica (L.) Lam., the poisonous<br />

grass of Kashmir. Indi<strong>an</strong> Forester 89:423-424.<br />

Stipa tenacissima Trin. = Nassela tenuissima (Trin.)<br />

Barkworth<br />

Stipa vaseyi Scribn. = Achnatherum robustum (Vasey)<br />

Barkworth<br />

Stipa viridula Trin. var. robusta Vasey = Achnatherum<br />

robustum (Vasey) Barkworth<br />

Stizolobium pruriens (L.) Medik. = Mucuna pruriens (L.)<br />

DC.<br />

Stockrose –see– Alcea rosea L.<br />

stolsbossie –see– Pteronia pallens L. f.<br />

stoneroot –see– Collinsonia c<strong>an</strong>adensis L.<br />

stootsiektebossie –see– Matricaria nigellifolia DC.<br />

storax bush –see– Styrax officinalis L.<br />

stork’s-bill –see– Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Her.<br />

straight-stem locoweed –see– Astragalus praelongus E. Sheld.<br />

stramoine –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

stramonium –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

str<strong>an</strong>drøyr –see– Phalaris arundinacea L.<br />

Strathmore weed –see– Pimelea prostrata (J. R. Forst. & G.<br />

Forst.) Willd.<br />

Straußkirsche –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um pseudocapsicum L.<br />

strawberry –see– Fragaria ×<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>assa Duchesne ex Rozier<br />

streaked rattlepod –see– Crotalaria pallida Aiton<br />

string be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

stroph<strong>an</strong>thus –see– Stroph<strong>an</strong>thus gratus (Wall. & Hook.)<br />

Baill.<br />

s Tr o p h a n Th u s g r a Tu s (Wall. & Hook.)<br />

Baill. [Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

nea; ouabaia; stroph<strong>an</strong>thus; Uta<br />

Citations:<br />

Ogunl<strong>an</strong>a V, Caraccio T, Mofenson H (2000) Use of digoxin<br />

immune FAB in stroph<strong>an</strong>thus poisoning. J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 38(5):519.<br />

strychnine –see– Strychnos nux-vomica L.<br />

strychnine bush –see– Myoporum acuminatum R. Br.<br />

s Tr y c h n o s i g n a Ti i P. J. Bergius [Log<strong>an</strong>iaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s trychnos ovalifolia Wall. ex G. Don<br />

Common Names:<br />

false <strong>an</strong>gustura bark; false upas tree; horsebe<strong>an</strong>; Ignatius<br />

be<strong>an</strong>; ipoh akar; St. Ignatius-be<strong>an</strong>; upas radja; upas<br />

teute<br />

Citations:<br />

Fasal P (1945) Cut<strong>an</strong>eous diseases in the tropics. A clinical<br />

study <strong>based</strong> on observations in Malaya. Arch Derm<br />

Syphilol 51(3):163-171.<br />

s Tr y c h n o s n u x -vo Mic a L. [Log<strong>an</strong>iaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Brechnuss; crow fig; ma-qi<strong>an</strong>-zi; noix vomique; nux<br />

vomica; ordeal nut; poison nut; sl<strong>an</strong>g nut; strychnine<br />

Citations:<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> TY (2002) Herbal medicine causing likely strychnine<br />

poisoning. Hum Exp Toxicol 21:467-468.<br />

Dittrich K, Bayer MJ, W<strong>an</strong>ke LA (1984) A case of fatal<br />

strychnine poisoning. J Emerg Med 1(4):327-330.<br />

Katz J, Prescott K, Woolf AD (1996) Strychnine poisoning<br />

from a Cambodi<strong>an</strong> traditional remedy. Am J Emerg Med<br />

14(5):475-477.<br />

Woolf A, Prescott K, Katz J (1994) Strychnine poisoning<br />

from the use of a Cambodi<strong>an</strong> traditional remedy. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 36(4):360.<br />

Zh<strong>an</strong>g YG, Hu<strong>an</strong>g GZ (1988) Poisoning by toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

China. Report of 19 autopsy cases. Am J Forensic Med<br />

Pathol 9(4):313-319.<br />

Strychnos ovalifolia Wall. ex G. Don = Strychnos ignatii P.<br />

J. Bergius<br />

s Tr y p h n o d e n d r o n a d s Tr i n g e n s (Mart.)<br />

<strong>an</strong>on. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s tryphnodendron barbadetimam (Vell.) Mart.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Suckleya suckley<strong>an</strong>a - 383<br />

Common Names:<br />

barbatimão<br />

Citations:<br />

Pereira CA (1985) Aspectos clínicos, laboratorias e <strong>an</strong>átomohistopatológicos<br />

na intoxicação experimental pela fava do<br />

“Barbatimão” (Stryphnodendron barbatimao Mart.) em<br />

bovinos. Arq Bras Med Vet Zootecnia 37(3):286-289.<br />

Stryphnodendron barbadetimam (Vell.) Mart. =<br />

Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) <strong>an</strong>on.<br />

s Tr y p h n o d e n d r o n c o r i a c e u M Benth.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

barbatimão<br />

Citations:<br />

Tokarnia CH, Peixoto PV, Döbereiner J (1991) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Stryphnodendron coriaceum (Leg.<br />

Mimosoideae) em bovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 11(1-2):25-29.<br />

s Tr y p h n o d e n d r o n ob ov a Tu M Benth.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

barbatimão<br />

Citations:<br />

Brito MF, Tokarnia CH, Peixoto PV, et al. (2001) Intoxicação<br />

experimental pelas favas de Stryphnodendron obovatum<br />

(Leg. Mimosoideae) em bovinos. 1. Caracterização<br />

do quadro clínico. Pesq Vet Bras 21(1):9-17.<br />

Brito MF, Tokarnia CH, Peixoto PV (2001) Intoxicação<br />

experimental pelas favas de Stryphnodendron obovatum<br />

(Leg. Mimosoideae) em bovinos. 2. Achados <strong>an</strong>átomo e<br />

histopatológicos. Pesq Vet Bras 21(2):61-71.<br />

Camargo W (1965) Fotossensibilização em bovinos por<br />

“barbatimão” (Stryphnodendron obovatum) Benth; fam.<br />

Leguninosae. Biologico 31(1):7-11.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Brito MF, Driemeier D, et al. (1998) Aborto<br />

em vacas na intoxicação experimental pelas favas de Stryphnodendron<br />

obovatum (Leg. Mimosoideae). Pesq Vet<br />

Bras 18(1):35-38.<br />

stubbleberry –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.<br />

stump tree –see– Gymnocladus dioicus (L.) K. Koch<br />

sturdy rye –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

Sturmhut –see– Aconitum napellus L.<br />

Sturt’s-nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um sturti<strong>an</strong>um F. Muell.<br />

stylo –see– Stylos<strong>an</strong>thes gui<strong>an</strong>ensis (Aubl.) Sw.<br />

s Ty l o s a n Th e s g u i a n e n s is (Aubl.) Sw.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

stylo<br />

Citations:<br />

Shenk JS (1976) The meadow vole as <strong>an</strong> experimental <strong>an</strong>imal.<br />

Lab Anim Sci 26(4):664-669.<br />

s Ty p a n d r a g l a u c a R. Br. [Liliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

nodding blue lily<br />

Citations:<br />

Whittington RJ, Searson JE, Whittaker SJ, et al. (1988)<br />

Blindness in goats following ingestion of Styp<strong>an</strong>dra<br />

glauca. Aust Vet J 65(6):176-181.<br />

s Ty p a n d r a i Mb r ic a Ta R. Br. [Liliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blindgrass; cluster-leaf blindgrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Colegate SM, Dorling PR, Huxtable CR, et al. (1990)<br />

An investigation of possible neurotoxicity of diospyrol,<br />

the active principle of Diospyros mollis (maklua),<br />

using Styp<strong>an</strong>dra imbricata (blindgrass)-induced blindness<br />

as a model. South Asi<strong>an</strong> J Trop Med Pub Health<br />

21(1):139-141.<br />

Huxtable CR, Dorling PR, Slatter DH (1980) Myelin<br />

oedema, optic neuropathy <strong>an</strong>d retinopathy in experimental<br />

Styp<strong>an</strong>dra imbricata toxicosis. Neuropathol Appl<br />

Neurobiol 6(3):221-232.<br />

Main DC, Slatter DH, Huxtable CR, et al. (1981) Styp<strong>an</strong>dra<br />

imbricata (“blindgrass”) toxicosis in goats <strong>an</strong>d sheep<br />

- Clinical <strong>an</strong>d pathologic findings in 4 field cases. Aust<br />

Vet J 57(3):132-135.<br />

styptic weed –see– Senna occidentalis (L.) Link<br />

s Ty r a x o f f ic i n a l is L. [Styracaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

storax bush<br />

Citations:<br />

Hepper FN (2004) Two pl<strong>an</strong>t fish-poisons in Leb<strong>an</strong>on. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 46(6):338-339.<br />

stywesiekte bossie –see– Crotalaria burke<strong>an</strong>a Benth.<br />

stywesiektebos –see– Crotalaria burke<strong>an</strong>a Benth.<br />

sub clover –see– Trifolium subterr<strong>an</strong>eum L.<br />

subabul –see– Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit<br />

subterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong> clover –see– Trifolium subterr<strong>an</strong>eum L.<br />

subterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong> trefoil –see– Trifolium subterr<strong>an</strong>eum L.<br />

succory –see– Cichorium intybus L.<br />

suckleya –see– Suckleya suckley<strong>an</strong>a (Torr.) Rydb.<br />

s u c k l e y a s u c k l e y a n a (Torr.) Rydb.<br />

[Chenopodiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

poison suckleya; suckleya<br />

Citations:<br />

Berry TJ, Gonzales P (1986) Do your cattle-owning clients<br />

know about this poisonous r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>t? Vet Med<br />

81(11):1055-1056.<br />

Thorp F Jr, Deem AW (1939) Suckleya suckley<strong>an</strong>a a poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t. J Am Vet Med Assoc 94(Mar):192-197.

384 - Swainsona c<strong>an</strong>escens D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Thorp F Jr, Deem AW, Harrington HD, et al. (1937) Suckleya<br />

suckley<strong>an</strong>a - A poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. Colorado Agric Exp<br />

Sta Tech Bull #22:19 pp.<br />

sucupira –see– Bowdichia nitida Spruce ex Benth.<br />

Sud<strong>an</strong> sorghum –see– Sorghum ×drummondii (Steud.)<br />

Millsp. & Chase<br />

Sud<strong>an</strong>grass –see– Sorghum ×drummondii (Steud.) Millsp. &<br />

Chase<br />

sudax –see– Sorghum ×drummondii (Steud.) Millsp. & Chase<br />

suel-da-con-suelda –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

suerda-con-suerda –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.<br />

sugar apple –see– Annona cherimola Mill.; Annona squamosa<br />

L.<br />

sugar be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus lunatus L.<br />

sugar beet –see– Beta vulgaris L.<br />

sugar c<strong>an</strong>e –see– Saccharum officinarum L.<br />

sugar gum –see– Eucalyptus cladocalyx F. Muell.<br />

sulfur lupine –see– Lupinus sulphureus Douglas ex Hook.<br />

Sumach –see– Coriaria myrtifolia L.; Rhus coriaria L.; Rhus<br />

virens Lindh. ex A. Gray; Toxicodendron succed<strong>an</strong>eum (L.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

summer adonis –see– Adonis aestivalis L.<br />

summer cypress –see– Bassia scoparia (L.) A. J. Scott<br />

summer d<strong>an</strong>delion –see– Hypochaeris radicata L.<br />

summer lupine –see– Lupinus formosus Greene<br />

summer milkweed –see– Asclepias syriaca L.<br />

summer pheas<strong>an</strong>t’s-eye –see– Adonis aestivalis L.<br />

summer skies –see– Ipomoea tricolor Cav.; Ipomoea violacea L.<br />

summer snowflake –see– Ornithogalum umbellatum L.<br />

summer stargrass –see– Cynodon plectostachyus (K. Schum.)<br />

Pilg.<br />

summergrass –see– Digitaria s<strong>an</strong>guinalis (L.) Scop.<br />

Sumpfdrachenwurz –see– Calla palustris L.<br />

sumpfheidebeere –see– Vaccinium uliginosum L.<br />

Sumpfkalla –see– Calla palustris L.<br />

Sumpfkraut –see– Calla palustris L.<br />

Sumpfschachtelhalm –see– Equisetum palustre L.<br />

Sumpfwolfsmilch –see– Euphorbia palustris L.<br />

sun spurge –see– Euphorbia helioscopia L.<br />

sunchillo –see– Pascalia glauca Ortega<br />

suncho –see– Pascalia glauca Ortega<br />

sunflower –see– Heli<strong>an</strong>thus <strong>an</strong>nuus L.; Hymenoxys hoopesii<br />

(A. Gray) Bierner<br />

sunflower daisy –see– Wedelia asperrima (Decne.) Benth.<br />

suni –see– Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott<br />

sunn hemp –see– Crotalaria juncea L.; Crotalaria ochroleuca<br />

G. Don<br />

superb lily –see– Gloriosa superba L.<br />

supplejack –see– Ventilago viminalis Hook.<br />

sureau noire –see– Sambucus nigra L.<br />

surelle –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

surete –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

Surinam greenheart –see– Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl) G.<br />

Nicholson<br />

Surinamgrass –see– Urochloa decumbens (Stapf) R. D. Webster<br />

Süßkartoffel –see– Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.<br />

susumberberry –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um torvum Sw.<br />

suzon –see– Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.<br />

s wa i n so n a c a n e s c e n s (Benth.) F. Muell.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gray Swainsona pea<br />

Citations:<br />

Dorling PR, Huxtable CR, Vogel P (1978) Lysosomal storage<br />

in Swainsona spp. toxicosis: An induced m<strong>an</strong>nosidosis.<br />

Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol 4(4):285-295.<br />

Gardiner MR, Linto AC, Aplin TE (1969) Toxicity of<br />

Swainsona c<strong>an</strong>escens for sheep in Western Australia.<br />

Aust J Agric Res 20:87-97.<br />

Locke KB, McEw<strong>an</strong> DR, Hamdorf IJ (1980) Experimental<br />

poisoning of horses <strong>an</strong>d cattle with Swainsona c<strong>an</strong>escens<br />

var horni<strong>an</strong>a. Aust Vet J 56(8):379-383.<br />

s wa i n so n a g a l e g i f o l i a (Andrews) R. Br.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Darling pea; indigo pl<strong>an</strong>t; red Darling pea; smooth<br />

Darling pea<br />

Citations:<br />

Hartley WJ, Gibson AJ (1971) Observations of Swainsona<br />

galegifolia poisoning in cattle in northern New South<br />

Wales. Aust Vet J 47(7):300-305.<br />

Huxtable CR (1969) Experimental reproduction <strong>an</strong>d histopathology<br />

of Swainsona galegifolia poisoning in the<br />

guinea-pig. Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci 47(3):339-347.<br />

Huxtable CR (1970) Ultrastructural ch<strong>an</strong>ges caused by<br />

Swainsona galegifolia poisoning in the guinea-pig. Aust J<br />

Exp Biol Med Sci 48(1):71-80.<br />

Huxtable CR (1972) The effect of ingestion of Swainsona<br />

galegifolia on the liver lysosomes of the guinea-pig. Aust<br />

J Exp Biol Med Sci 50(1):109-118.<br />

Huxtable CR, Gibson A (1970) Vacuolation of circulating<br />

lymphocytes in guinea-pigs <strong>an</strong>d cattle ingesting Swainsona<br />

galegifolia. Aust Vet J 46(9):446-448.<br />

Laws L, Anson RB (1968) Neuronopathy in sheep fed<br />

Swainsona luteola <strong>an</strong>d S. galegifolia. Aust Vet J<br />

44(10):447-452.<br />

Martin CJ (1897) Report of <strong>an</strong> investigation into the effects<br />

of Darling pea (Swainsona galegifolia) upon sheep. Agric<br />

Gaz New South Wales 6:363-369.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Symphoricarpos albus - 385<br />

s wa i n so n a l u Te o l a F. Muell. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

black pea; Darling pea; dwarf Darling pea<br />

Citations:<br />

Clel<strong>an</strong>d JB, McDonald AH (1917) Experimental feeding<br />

with two poison pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Agric Gaz New South Wales<br />

28(Oct 2):735-739.<br />

Laws L, Anson RB (1968) Neuronopathy in sheep fed<br />

Swainsona luteola <strong>an</strong>d S. galegifolia. Aust Vet J<br />

44(10):447-452.<br />

swallowwort –see– Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton;<br />

Chelidonium majus L.<br />

swamp camas –see– Anticlea eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Pursh) Rydb.<br />

swamp dogwood –see– Toxicodendron vernix (L.) Kuntze<br />

swamp grasstree –see– X<strong>an</strong>thorrhoea hastilis Sm.;<br />

X<strong>an</strong>thorrhoea resinifera (Sol. ex C. Kite) E. C. Nelson &<br />

D. J. Bedford<br />

swamp hellebore –see– Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

swamp holly –see– Ilex decidua Walter<br />

swamp horsetail –see– Equisetum fluviatile L.<br />

swamp laurel –see– Rhododendron ×columbi<strong>an</strong>um (Piper)<br />

Harmaja<br />

swamp maple –see– Acer rubrum L.<br />

swamp milkweed –see– Asclepias incarnata L.<br />

swamp onion –see– Allium validum S. Watson<br />

swamp sumach –see– Toxicodendron vernix (L.) Kuntze<br />

swamp sunflower –see– Helenium autumnale L.<br />

swamp whiteheads –see– Sphenosciadium capitellatum A.<br />

Gray<br />

sw<strong>an</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Gomphocarpus fruticosa (L.) W. T. Aiton<br />

swartstorm –see– Cadaba aphylla (Thunb.) Wild<br />

Swartzia madagascariensis Desv. = Bobgunnia<br />

madagascariensis (Desv.) J. H. Kirkbr. & Wiersema<br />

Swede turnip –see– Brassica napus L. var. napobrassica (L.)<br />

Rchb.<br />

Swedish clover –see– Trifolium hybridum L.<br />

sweet bay –see– Laurus nobilis L.<br />

sweet birch –see– Betula lenta L.<br />

sweet buckeye –see– Aesculus flava Sol.<br />

sweet camomille –see– Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All.<br />

sweet c<strong>an</strong>e –see– Acorus calamus L.<br />

sweet cassava –see– M<strong>an</strong>ihot esculenta Cr<strong>an</strong>tz<br />

sweet chestnut –see– Cast<strong>an</strong>ea sativa Mill.<br />

sweet cinnamon –see– Acorus calamus L.<br />

sweet clover –see– Melilotus albus Medik.; Melilotus indicus<br />

(L.) All.; Melilotus officinalis Lam.<br />

sweet flag –see– Acorus calamus L.<br />

sweet lupin –see– Lupinus albus L.<br />

sweet noors –see– Euphorbia caerulescens Haw.<br />

sweet or<strong>an</strong>ge –see– Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck<br />

sweet pea –see– Lathyrus odoratus L.; Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

sweet pepper –see– Capsicum <strong>an</strong>nuum L.<br />

sweet potato –see– Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. var. batatas<br />

sweet sop –see– Annona cherimola Mill.; Annona squamosa L.<br />

sweet sorghum –see– Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench<br />

sweet vernalgrass –see– Anthox<strong>an</strong>thum odoratum L.<br />

sweet woodruff –see– Galium odoratum (L.) Scop.<br />

sweetgrass –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum schinzii Hack.<br />

sweetheart pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Philodendron hederaceum (Jacq.)<br />

Schott<br />

sweetroot –see– Acorus calamus L.<br />

s w i e Te n i a Ma c r o p h y l l a King [Meliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Echtes Mahagoni; Hondur<strong>an</strong> mahog<strong>an</strong>y; mahog<strong>an</strong>y;<br />

tobasco mahog<strong>an</strong>y<br />

Citations:<br />

Estl<strong>an</strong>der T, Jol<strong>an</strong>ki R, Al<strong>an</strong>ko K, et al. (2001) Occupational<br />

allergic contact dermatitis caused by wood dusts. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 44(4):213-217.<br />

Fowler JF Jr (1985) Occupational dermatitis to Hondur<strong>an</strong><br />

mahog<strong>an</strong>y. Contact Dermatitis 13(5):336-337.<br />

Hjorth N (1979) Contact dermatitis from sawdust. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 5(4):339-340.<br />

Steiner SD, Schwartz L (1944) Dermatitis from mahog<strong>an</strong>y<br />

wood (Swietenia macrophylla). Indus Med<br />

13(Mar):234-235.<br />

s w i e Te n i a Ma h ag o n i (L.) Jacq. [Meliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Amerik<strong>an</strong>isches Mahagoni; caoba; Echtes Mahagoni;<br />

Mahog<strong>an</strong>y<br />

Citations:<br />

Raghuram<strong>an</strong> V, Raveendr<strong>an</strong> M (1982) Mahogony seeds - An<br />

unusual poison. J Indi<strong>an</strong> Med Assoc 78(11):186-188.<br />

s w i n To n i a s p ic i f e r a Hook. f. [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Oleffe JA, Sporcq J, Hublet P (1975) Epidemiological study<br />

of the wood industry in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):315-316.<br />

Swiss chard –see– Beta vulgaris L.<br />

Swiss-cheese pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Monstera deliciosa Liebm.<br />

sword be<strong>an</strong> –see– C<strong>an</strong>avalia ensiformis (L.) DC.<br />

s y Mp h o r ic a r p o s a l b u s (L.) S. F. Blake<br />

[Caprifoliaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s ymphoricarpos racemosus Michx.

386 - Symphyotrichum l<strong>an</strong>ceolatum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Common Names:<br />

Knallerbsenstrauch; Schneebeere; snowberry; St.<br />

Peter’s-wort; waxberry<br />

Citations:<br />

Amyot TE (1885) Poisoning by snowberries. Br Med J<br />

1(May 16):986.<br />

Lamminpaa A, Kinos M (1996) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings in children.<br />

Hum Exp Toxicol 15(3):245-249.<br />

Symphoricarpos racemosa Michx. = Symphoricarpos albus<br />

(L.) S. F. Blake<br />

s y Mp h y o Tr ic h u M l a n c e o l a Tu M (Willd.)<br />

G. L. Nesom [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a ster simplex Willd.<br />

Common Names:<br />

simple aster<br />

Citations:<br />

Bergeron JM, Jodoin L (1985) Fiabilité des mesures de<br />

poids et d’examens histopathologiques d<strong>an</strong>s les études<br />

d’intoxication du campagnol des champs (Microtus<br />

pennsylv<strong>an</strong>icus). C<strong>an</strong> J Zool 63(4):804-810.<br />

s y Mp h y Tu M o f f ic i n a l e L. [Boraginaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Beinwell; blackwort; boneset; comfrey; confrei; fakete<br />

nadálytö; gr<strong>an</strong>de consoude; knitbone; Russi<strong>an</strong> comfrey<br />

Citations:<br />

Bach N, Thung SN, Schaffner F (1989) Comfrey herb teainduced<br />

hepatic veno-occlusive disease. Am J Med<br />

87(1):97-99.<br />

Hirono I, Mori H, Haga M (1978) Carcinogenic activity<br />

of Symphytum officinale. J Natl C<strong>an</strong>cer Instit<br />

61(3):865-869.<br />

Ridker PM (1989) Health hazards of unusual herbal teas.<br />

Am Fam Physici<strong>an</strong> 39(5):153-156.<br />

Ridker PM, Ohkuma S, McDermott WV, et al. (1985)<br />

Hepatic venoocclusive disease associated with the consumption<br />

of pyrrolizidine-containing dietary supplements.<br />

Gastroenterology 88(4):1050-1054.<br />

Weston CF, Cooper BT, Davies JD, et al. (1987) Venoocclusive<br />

disease of the liver secondary to ingestion of<br />

comfrey. Br Med J 295(6591):183.<br />

Yeong ML, Swinburn B, Kennedy M, et al. (1990) Hepatic<br />

veno-occlusive disease associated with comfrey ingestion.<br />

J Gastroenterol Hepatol 5(2):211-214.<br />

Synadenium arborescens Boiss. = Synadenium cupulare<br />

(Boiss.) L. C. Wheeler<br />

s y n a d e n i u M c u p u l a r e (Boiss.) L. C.<br />

Wheeler [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s ynadenium arborescens Boiss.<br />

Common Names:<br />

crying tree; dead-m<strong>an</strong>’s-tree<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1939) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa. IX. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 12:335-366.<br />

s y n a d e n i u M g r a n Ti i Hook. f. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> milk bush; South Afric<strong>an</strong> milk bush<br />

Citations:<br />

Rook AJ (1965) An unrecorded irrit<strong>an</strong>t pl<strong>an</strong>t, Synadenium<br />

gr<strong>an</strong>tii. Br J Dermatol 77(5):284.<br />

Spoerke DG, Mont<strong>an</strong>io CD, Rumack BH (1985) Pediatric<br />

exposure to the housepl<strong>an</strong>t Synadenium gr<strong>an</strong>tii. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 28(4):283-284.<br />

s y n g o n i u M p o d o p h y l l u M Schott [Araceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

arrowhead vine; nephthytis; tri-leaf wonder<br />

Citations:<br />

Der Marderosi<strong>an</strong> AH, Giller FB, Roia FC Jr (1976) Phytochemical<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicological screening of household<br />

ornamental pl<strong>an</strong>ts potentially toxic to hum<strong>an</strong>s. I. J Toxicol<br />

Environ Health 1(6):939-953.<br />

Lamminpaa A, Kinos M (1996) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings in children.<br />

Hum Exp Toxicol 15(3):245-249.<br />

Syntherisma s<strong>an</strong>guinalis (L.) Dulac = Digitaria s<strong>an</strong>guinalis<br />

(L.) Scop.<br />

Syri<strong>an</strong> rue –see– Peg<strong>an</strong>um harmala L.<br />

syringa –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

s y z y g i u M a r o Ma Tic u M (L.) Merr. & L. M.<br />

Perry [Myrtaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e ugenia caryophyllata Thunb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

clove; cloves<br />

Citations:<br />

Barkin ME, Boyd JP, Cohen S (1984) Acute allergy reaction<br />

to eugenol. Oral Surg 57:441-442.<br />

Eisen JS, Koren G, Juurlink DN, et al. (2004) N-acetylcysteine<br />

for the treatment of clove oil-induced fulmin<strong>an</strong>t<br />

hepatic failure. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 42(1):89-92.<br />

Gaul LE (1963) Dermatitis of the h<strong>an</strong>ds from oil of cloves.<br />

Skin (Los Angeles) 1(10):314.<br />

Sternberg L (1937) Contact dermatitis. Cases caused by oil<br />

of cloves <strong>an</strong>d by oil of camomile tea (Anthemis cotula). J<br />

Allergy 8:185-186.<br />

s y z y g i u M c u Mi n i (L.) Skeels [Myrtaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Syzygium cumini - 387<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

szagos müge –see– Galium odoratum (L.) Scop.<br />

szalej jadowity –see– Cicuta virosa L.<br />

szarvas kerep –see– Lotus corniculatus L.<br />

szörös disznóparéj –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus retroflexus L.

tabac –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a tabacum L.<br />

tabaco –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a tabacum L.<br />

Tabak –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a tabacum L.<br />

tabaquillo –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a obtusifolia M. Martens &<br />

Galeotti; Wig<strong>an</strong>dia urens (Ruiz & Pav.) Kunth var.<br />

caracas<strong>an</strong>a (Kunth) D. N. Gibson<br />

tabaquillo-de-los-rios –see– Persicaria punctata (Elliott)<br />

Small<br />

Tabasco pepper –see– Capsicum frutescens L.<br />

Ta b e b u i a i Mp e Tig i n o s a (Mart. ex DC.)<br />

St<strong>an</strong>dl. [Bignoniaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Tecoma impetiginosa Mart. ex DC.<br />

Common Names:<br />

lapacho; pao d’arco; taheebo<br />

Citations:<br />

Palmer M, Haller C, McKinney P, et al. (1999) Bot<strong>an</strong>icals<br />

<strong>an</strong>d other dietary supplements: Adverse events by age. J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 37(5):609.<br />

Ta b e b u i a s e r r a Ti f o l i a (Vahl) G. Nicholson<br />

[Bignoniaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bethabara; ipé; Surinam greenheart<br />

Citations:<br />

Hausen BM, Simatup<strong>an</strong>g MH, Weitbrecht U (1971)<br />

Allergie gegen Bethabara-Holz. Derm Beruf Umwelt<br />

19(6):324-327.<br />

Weitbrecht U (1967) Allergie gegen Bethabara-holz. Berufsdermatosen<br />

15:183-184.<br />

Ta b e r n a n Th e i b o g a Baill. [Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ibogaine<br />

Citations:<br />

Cienki J, Mash D, Hearn W (2001) Ibogaine fatalities.<br />

J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 39(5):547.<br />

tacks –see– Tribulus terrestris L.<br />

tagasaste –see– Chamaecytisus prolifer (L. f.) Link<br />

tagayas<strong>an</strong> –see– Mesua ferrea L.<br />

Tag e Te s e r e c Ta L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> marigold; marigold<br />

t<br />

Citations:<br />

Sharma SC, Kaur S (1989) Airborne contact dermatitis from<br />

Compositae pl<strong>an</strong>ts in northern India. Contact Dermatitis<br />

21(1):1-5.<br />

Spoerke DG, Temple AR (1978) One year’s experience with<br />

potential pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings reported to the Intermountain<br />

Regional Poison Control Center. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

20(2):85-89.<br />

Tag e Te s Mi n u Ta L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Mexic<strong>an</strong> marigold; stinking Roger; wild marigold<br />

Citations:<br />

Verhagen AR, Nyaga JM (1974) Contact dermatitis from<br />

Tagetes minuta, A new sensitizing pl<strong>an</strong>t of the Compositae<br />

family. Arch Dermatol 110(3):441-444.<br />

Tag e Te s p a Tu l a L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

French marigold; genda<br />

Citations:<br />

Singh R, Siddiqui MA, Baruah MC (1978) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis<br />

in Delhi. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Med Res 68(Oct):650-655.<br />

taheebo –see– Tabebuia impetiginosa (Mart. ex DC.) St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

Tahiti<strong>an</strong> lime –see– Citrus aur<strong>an</strong>tiifolia (Christm.) Swingle<br />

tailcup lupine –see– Lupinus argenteus Pursh; Lupinus<br />

argenteus Pursh var. heter<strong>an</strong>thus (S. Watson) Barneby;<br />

Lupinus argenteus Pursh var. holosericeus (Nutt.) Barneby<br />

tailspur lupine –see– Lupinus argenteus Pursh var.<br />

heter<strong>an</strong>thus (S. Watson) Barneby<br />

tall buttercup –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus acris L.<br />

tall cone flower –see– Rudbeckia laciniata L.<br />

tall crowfoot –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus acris L.<br />

tall fescue –see– Festuca arundinacea Schreb.<br />

tall field buttercup –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus acris L.<br />

tall gysophyl –see– Gypsophila p<strong>an</strong>iculata L.<br />

tall larkspur –see– Delphinium barbeyi (Huth) Huth;<br />

Delphinium glaucum S. Watson; Delphinium nuttalli<strong>an</strong>um<br />

Pritz.; Delphinium ×occidentale (S. Watson) S. Watson;<br />

Delphinium scopulorum A. Gray<br />

tall locoweed –see– Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas ex Hook.<br />

var. diphysus (A. Gray) M. E. Jones<br />

tall m<strong>an</strong>nagrass –see– Glyceria gr<strong>an</strong>dis S. Watson<br />

tall meadow fescue –see– Festuca arundinacea Schreb.

390 - Tamarindus indica D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

tall mountain larkspur –see– Delphinium glaucum S. Watson;<br />

Delphinium menziesii DC.; Delphinium scopulorum A.<br />

Gray<br />

tall nettle –see– Urtica dioica L.<br />

tall ragweed –see– Ambrosia trifida L.<br />

tall sorrel –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

tall yellow day lily –see– Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus L.<br />

tallhue –see– Lupinus mutabilis Sweet<br />

tallow tree –see– Triadica sebifera (L.) Small<br />

tamarind –see– Tamarindus indica L.<br />

Ta Ma r i n d u s i n d ic a L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Kamalindo; tamarind<br />

Citations:<br />

Murray R, Dingwall-Fordyce I, L<strong>an</strong>e RE (1957) An outbreak<br />

of weaver’s cough associated with tamarind seed<br />

powder. Br J Ind Med 14(2):105-110.<br />

Seetharam KA, Pasricha JS (1987) Condiments <strong>an</strong>d contact<br />

dermatitis of the finger-tips. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Dermatol Venereol<br />

Leprol 53:325-328.<br />

tamboril –see– Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong<br />

tamboril-do-campo –see– Enterolobium gummiferum (Mart.)<br />

J. F. Macbr.<br />

tamier –see– Dioscorea communis (L.) Caddick & Wilkin<br />

Tamus communis L. = Dioscorea communis (L.) Caddick &<br />

Wilkin<br />

Ta n a c e Tu M c i n e r a r i i f o l i u M (Trevir.)<br />

Sch. Bip. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p yrethrum cinerariifolium Trevir.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Dalmati<strong>an</strong> chrys<strong>an</strong>themum; feverfew; golden feather;<br />

insect flower; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese daisy; pellitory; pyrethrum<br />

Citations:<br />

McCord CP, Kilker CH, Minster DK (1921) Pyrethrum<br />

dermatitis. A record of the occurrence of occupational<br />

dermatoses among workers in the pyrethrum industry.<br />

JAMA 77(6):448-449.<br />

Ramirez MA (1930) Pyrethrum: An etiologic factor in vasomotor<br />

rhinitis <strong>an</strong>d asthma. J Allergy 1:149-155.<br />

Sequeira JH (1936) Pyrethrum dermatitis. Br J Dermatol<br />

Syph 48(Oct):473-476.<br />

Ta n a c e Tu M p a r Th e n i u M (L.) Sch. Bip.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c hrys<strong>an</strong>themum parthenium (L.) Bernh.<br />

Common Names:<br />

chrys<strong>an</strong>thème-matricaire; feverfew; Mutterkraut<br />

Citations:<br />

Burry JN (1980) Compositae dermatitis in South Australia:<br />

Contact dermatitis from Chrys<strong>an</strong>themum parthenium.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 6(5):445.<br />

Hausen BM (1981) Berufsbedingte Kontakallergie auf<br />

Mutterkraut (T<strong>an</strong>acetum parthenium (L.) Schultz-Bip.;<br />

Asteraceae). Derm Beruf Umwelt 29(1):18-21.<br />

Paulsen E, Christensen LP, Andersen KE (2002) Do monoterpenes<br />

released from feverfew (T<strong>an</strong>acetum parthenium)<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts cause airborne Compositae dermatitis? Contact<br />

Dermatitis 47(1):14-18.<br />

Ta n a c e Tu M v u l g a r e L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c hrys<strong>an</strong>themum vulgare (L.) Bernh.<br />

Common Names:<br />

gilisztaüzö varádics; ponso; Rainfarn; t<strong>an</strong>aisie; t<strong>an</strong>se;<br />

t<strong>an</strong>sy; Wurmkraut<br />

Citations:<br />

Edwards EG (1906) Poisoning from oil of t<strong>an</strong>sy. JAMA<br />

47:937.<br />

Greenhouse CA, Sulzberger MB (1932-1933) The common<br />

weed t<strong>an</strong>sy (T<strong>an</strong>acetum vulgare) as a cause of eczematous<br />

dermatitis. J Allergy 4(Nov):523-526.<br />

Hausen BM, Schulz KH (1978) Polyvalente Kontaktallergie<br />

bei einer Floristin. Derm Beruf Umwelt 26(5):175-176.<br />

Musson EH (1906) Oil of t<strong>an</strong>sy poisoning. JAMA<br />

47(23):1917-1918.<br />

Whitehill NM (1906) Poisoning from oil of t<strong>an</strong>sy. JAMA<br />

47(7):509.<br />

t<strong>an</strong>aisie –see– T<strong>an</strong>acetum vulgare L.<br />

t<strong>an</strong>g<strong>an</strong> t<strong>an</strong>g<strong>an</strong> –see– Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit;<br />

Ricinus communis L.<br />

t<strong>an</strong>gena nut –see– Cerbera odollam Gaertn.<br />

t<strong>an</strong>gerine –see– Citrus reticulata Bl<strong>an</strong>co<br />

T<strong>an</strong>gier pea –see– Lathyrus tingit<strong>an</strong>us L.<br />

t<strong>an</strong>glefoot –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.<br />

t<strong>an</strong>ier –see– X<strong>an</strong>thosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott<br />

T<strong>an</strong>kaw<strong>an</strong>g fat tree –see– Triadica sebifera (L.) Small<br />

t<strong>an</strong>nergrass –see– Urochloa arrecta (Hack. ex T. Dur<strong>an</strong>d &<br />

Schinz) Morrone & Zuloaga<br />

t<strong>an</strong>se –see– T<strong>an</strong>acetum vulgare L.<br />

t<strong>an</strong>sy –see– Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.; T<strong>an</strong>acetum vulgare<br />

L.<br />

t<strong>an</strong>sy mustard –see– Descurainia pinnata (Walter) Britton<br />

t<strong>an</strong>sy ragwort –see– Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.<br />

tántago-de-Valencia –see– Euphorbia characias L.<br />

tao-er-qi –see– Podophyllum hex<strong>an</strong>drum Royle<br />

tapioca –see– M<strong>an</strong>ihot esculenta Cr<strong>an</strong>tz<br />

tapiro –see– Sambucus mexic<strong>an</strong>a C. Presl ex DC.<br />

tar tree –see– Semecarpus australiensis Engl.<br />

tárago mayor –see– Euphorbia characias L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Taxus baccata - 391<br />

Ta r a x a c u M o f f ic i n a l e F. H. Wigg. aggr.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Butterblume; d<strong>an</strong>delion; Löwenzahn; Ringelblume<br />

Citations:<br />

Burry JN, Kuchel R, Reid JG, et al. (1973) Australi<strong>an</strong> bush<br />

dermatitis: Compositae dermatitis in South Australia.<br />

Med J Aust 1(3):110-116.<br />

Chivato T, Ju<strong>an</strong> F, Montoro A, et al. (1996) Anaphylaxis<br />

induced by ingestion of a pollen compound. J Invest<br />

Allergol Clin Immunol 6(3):208-209.<br />

Davies MG, Kersey PJ (1986) Contact allergy to yarrow <strong>an</strong>d<br />

d<strong>an</strong>delion. Contact Dermatitis 14(4):256-257.<br />

Hausen BM (1979) The sensitizing capacity of compositae<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. III. Test results <strong>an</strong>d cross-reactions in compositaesensitive<br />

patients. Dermatologica 159(1):1-11.<br />

Hausen BM, Schulz KH (1978) Allergische Kontaktdermatitis<br />

durch Löwenzahn (Taraxacum officinale Wiggers).<br />

Derm Beruf Umwelt 26(6):198.<br />

J<strong>an</strong>ke D (1950) Durch Löwenzahn (Taraxacum officinale)<br />

verursachtes Ekzem. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis phytogener<br />

Dermatosen. Hautarzt 1(4):177-181.<br />

Lundh K, Hindsén M, Gruvberger B, et al. (2006) Contact<br />

allergy to herbal teas derived from Asteraceae pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 54(4):196-201.<br />

tarbush –see– Flourensia cernua DC.<br />

tarbuz –see– Citrullus l<strong>an</strong>atus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai<br />

tares –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

taro –see– Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott<br />

taro dasheen –see– Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott<br />

taro vine –see– Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl.<br />

tártago –see– Euphorbia lathyris L.; Jatropha curcas L.;<br />

Jatropha multifida L.<br />

tarweed –see– Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. & C. A. Mey.<br />

Tasm<strong>an</strong>i<strong>an</strong> blackwood –see– Acacia mel<strong>an</strong>oxylon R. Br.<br />

Tasm<strong>an</strong>i<strong>an</strong> ngaio –see– Myoporum insulare R. Br.<br />

Tasso –see– Taxus baccata L.<br />

Tatari<strong>an</strong> honeysuckle –see– Lonicera tatarica L.<br />

Tatarische Heckenkirsche –see– Lonicera tatarica L.<br />

Tatarisches Geißblatt –see– Lonicera tatarica L.<br />

tatu –see– Dioclea erecta Hoehne; Dioclea latifolia Benth.<br />

Taubenkröpferl –see– Lotus corniculatus L.<br />

Taubenkutsche –see– Aconitum napellus L.<br />

Taumelhafer –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

Taumelkorn –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

Taumelloch –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

tawny day lily –see– Hemerocallis fulva (L.) L.<br />

tawny lily –see– Hemerocallis fulva (L.) L.<br />

Ta x u s b a c c a Ta L. [Taxaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Eibe; Eibennadeln; English yew; Europe<strong>an</strong> yew;<br />

ground hemlock; Ibe; If; Irish yew; l’if; Roteibe; tasso;<br />

venijnboom; yew<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1870) Fatal poisoning by the leaves of the Taxus<br />

baccata (Yew). L<strong>an</strong>cet 2(Oct 1):471.<br />

Barling AS (1902) Poisoning by Irish yew. L<strong>an</strong>cet 1(Apr<br />

19):1103-1104.<br />

Bubien MZ, Magat A, Delatour P (1970) Fréquence des<br />

intoxications des <strong>an</strong>imaux en Pologne. Bull Soc Vet Med<br />

Comp Lyon 72(2):167-173.<br />

Burke MJ, Siegel D, Davidow B (1979) Anaphylaxis; consequence<br />

of yew (Taxus) needle ingestion. N Y State J Med<br />

79(10):1576-1577.<br />

Czerwek H, Fischer W (1960) Tödlicher Vergiftungsfall mit<br />

Taxus baccata. Versuche zum Nachweis der Taxusalkaloide<br />

aus Leichenorg<strong>an</strong>en. Arch Toxikol 18(2):88-92.<br />

Doyle H (1942) Yew poisoning. N Z J Agr 65(5):287-288.<br />

Fiedler HH, Perron RM (1994) Eibenvergiftung bei australischen<br />

Emus (Dromaius novaeholl<strong>an</strong>diae Latham).<br />

Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr 107(2):50-52.<br />

Frohne D, Pribilla O (1965) Tödliche Vergiftung mit Taxus<br />

baccata. Arch Toxikol 21(3):150-162.<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>deau L (1894) Empoissonement du betail par les feuilles<br />

d’if. J Agric Pratique 58(1):229-230.<br />

Guilhon J (1988) L’enseignement de la bot<strong>an</strong>ique et la mort<br />

subite au pré. Bull Acad Vet Fr 61(3):267-271.<br />

Hurt S (1836) <strong>Poisonous</strong> effects of the berries, or seeds, of the<br />

yew (Taxus baccata). L<strong>an</strong>cet 1:394-395.<br />

J<strong>an</strong>ssen J, Peltenburg H (1985) Een klassieke wijze v<strong>an</strong><br />

zelfdoding: met Taxus baccata. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd<br />

129(13):603-605.<br />

Jord<strong>an</strong> WJ (1964) Yew (Taxus baccata) poisoning in pheas<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

(Phasi<strong>an</strong>us colchicus). Tijdschr Diergeneeskd<br />

89(Suppl 1):187-188.<br />

Kite GC, Lawrence TJ, Dauncey EA (2000) Detecting<br />

Taxus poisoning in horses using liquid chromatography/<br />

mass spectrometry. Vet Hum Toxicol 42(3):151-154.<br />

Köhler H, Grünberg W (1960) Zur Pathologie der Vergiftung<br />

mit Taxus baccata unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der<br />

Vergiftung beim Känguruh. Arch Exp Veterinarmed<br />

14:1149-1162.<br />

Lamminpaa A, Kinos M (1996) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings in children.<br />

Hum Exp Toxicol 15(3):245-249.<br />

Melrose GB (1939) Cattle poisoned by garden shrubs. Care<br />

necessary in disposal of trimmings. N Z J Agr 58(Feb<br />

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Musshoff F, Jacob B, Fowinkel C, et al. (1993) Suicidal yew<br />

leave ingestion - Phloroglucindimethylether (3,5-dimethoxyphenol)<br />

as a marker for poisoning from Taxus baccata.<br />

Int J Legal Med 106(1):45-50.<br />

Neuteboom JH (1994) Arrest hoge raad der Nederl<strong>an</strong>den<br />

over a<strong>an</strong>sprakelijkheid bij vergiftiging paarden door<br />

Taxus baccata. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 119(20):612.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Molyneux RJ, Smart RA, et al. (1993) English<br />

yew poisoning in 43 cattle. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

202(9):1476-1477.<br />

Roberto U, Jelmoni A (1915) Un caso di avvelenamento per<br />

frutti di tasso baccato. Boll Chim Farm 54:705-709.<br />

Schüler V (1979) Tödliche Taxusvergiftung bei Weiderindern.<br />

Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr 86(1):29.

392 - Taxus brevifolia D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Schulte T (1975) Tödliche Vergiftung mit Eibennadeln<br />

(Taxus baccata). Arch Toxikol 34(2):153-158.<br />

Smit MP (1992) Intoxicatie v<strong>an</strong> lammeren door Taxus baccata<br />

en vleeskeuring. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 117(23):697-699.<br />

St<strong>an</strong>islas E, Bouissou H, Auvergne E (1964) L’intoxication<br />

expérimentale du rat par l’If commun Taxus baccata L. -<br />

Aspect <strong>an</strong>atomomopathologique. Therapie 19:1021-1026.<br />

Stebbing J, Simmons HL, Hepple J (1995) Deliberate selfharm<br />

using yew leaves (Taxus baccata). Br J Clin Pract<br />

49(2):101.<br />

Szabados A (1976) Lovak tiszafa- (Taxus baccata L.)<br />

mérgezésének súlyos esetei. Magyar Allator Lapja<br />

31(1):69.<br />

Thompson J (1868) Poisoning by yew-berries. L<strong>an</strong>cet 2(Oct<br />

17):530.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Ingen G, Visser R, Peltenburg H, et al. (1992) Sudden<br />

unexpected death due to Taxus poisoning - A report of<br />

5 cases, with review of the literature. Forensic Sci Int<br />

56(1):81-87.<br />

von Dach B, Streuli RA (1988) Lidocainbeh<strong>an</strong>dlung einer<br />

Vergiftung mit Eibennadeln (Taxus baccata L.). Schweiz<br />

Med Wochenschr 118(30):1113-1116.<br />

von der Werth J, Murphy JJ (1994) Cardiovascular toxicity<br />

associated with yew leaf ingestion. Br Heart J<br />

72(1):92-93.<br />

Willaert W, Claessens P, V<strong>an</strong>kelecom B, et al. (2002) Intoxication<br />

with Taxus baccata: Cardiac arrhythmias following<br />

yew leaves ingestion. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 25(4<br />

pt 1):511-512.<br />

Yersin B, Frey JG, Schaller MD, et al. (1987) Fatal cardiac<br />

arrhythmias <strong>an</strong>d shock following yew leaves ingestion.<br />

Ann Emerg Med 16(12):1396-1397.<br />

Ta x u s b r e vi f o l i a Nutt. [Taxaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Pacific yew; western yew; yew<br />

Citations:<br />

Cummins RO, Haulm<strong>an</strong> J, Qu<strong>an</strong> L, et al. (1990) Near-fatal<br />

yew berry intoxication treated with external cardiac pacing<br />

<strong>an</strong>d digoxin-specific FAB <strong>an</strong>tibody fragments. Ann<br />

Emerg Med 19(1):38-43.<br />

Ta x u s c u s p i d a Ta Siebold & Zucc. [Taxaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese yew; Jap<strong>an</strong>sk idegr<strong>an</strong>; tree of death; yew<br />

Citations:<br />

Alden CL, Fosnaugh CJ, Smith JB, et al. (1977) Jap<strong>an</strong>ese<br />

yew poisoning of large domestic <strong>an</strong>imals in the Midwest.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 170(3):314-316.<br />

Casteel SW, Cook WO (1985) Jap<strong>an</strong>ese yew poisoning in<br />

rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. Mod Vet Pract 66(11):875-877.<br />

Cope RB, Camp C, Lohr CV (2004) Fatal yew (Taxus sp)<br />

poisoning in Willamette Valley, Oregon, horses. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 46(5):279-281.<br />

Ev<strong>an</strong>s KL, Cook JR Jr (1991) Jap<strong>an</strong>ese yew poisoning in a<br />

dog. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 27:300-302.<br />

Helm<strong>an</strong> RG, Fenton K, Edwards WC, et al. (1996) Sudden<br />

death in calves due to Taxus ingestion. Agri-Practice<br />

17(16-18):8.<br />

Karns PA (1983) Intoxication in horses due to ingestion<br />

of Jap<strong>an</strong>ese yew (Taxus cuspidata). Equine Pract<br />

5(1):12,14-15.<br />

Kerr LA, Edwards WC (1981) Jap<strong>an</strong>ese yew: A toxic ornamental<br />

shrub. Vet Med Small Anim Clin 76(9):1339-1340.<br />

Lowe JE, Hintz HF, Schryver HF, et al. (1970) Taxus cuspidata<br />

(Jap<strong>an</strong>ese yew) poisoning in horses. Cornell Vet<br />

60(1):36-39.<br />

Rook JS (1994) Jap<strong>an</strong>ese yew toxicity. Vet Med 89:950-951.<br />

Sinn LE, Porterfield JF (1991) Fatal taxine poisoning from<br />

yew leaf ingestion. J Forensic Sci 36(2):599-601.<br />

Takebe C (1983) [Acute yew (Taxus cuspidata) poisoning of<br />

milking cows.] J Jpn Vet Med Assoc 36(9):521-524.<br />

Thomson GW, Barker IK (1978) Case report: Jap<strong>an</strong>ese<br />

Yew (Taxus cuspidata) poisoning in cattle. C<strong>an</strong> Vet J<br />

19(11):320-321.<br />

Thompson LJ (1987) Jap<strong>an</strong>ese yew poisoning in cattle <strong>an</strong>d<br />

other <strong>an</strong>imals. Napinet Rep 1(2):3.<br />

Veatch JK, Reid FM, Kennedy GA (1988) Differentiating yew<br />

poisoning from other toxicoses. Vet Med 83(3):298-300.<br />

Ta x u s × Me d i a Rehder [Taxaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Hicks yew<br />

Citations:<br />

Arai M, Stauber E, Shropshire CM (1992) Evaluation of<br />

selected pl<strong>an</strong>ts for their toxic effects on c<strong>an</strong>aries. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 200(9):1329-1331.<br />

Shropshire CM, Stauber E, Arai A (1992) Evaluation of<br />

selected pl<strong>an</strong>ts for acute toxicosis in budgerigars. J Am<br />

Vet Med Assoc 200(7):936-939.<br />

tea –see– Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze<br />

tea oil tree –see– Melaleuca alternifolia (Maiden & Betche)<br />

Cheel<br />

teaberry –see– Gaultheria procumbens L.<br />

teak –see– Tectona gr<strong>an</strong>dis L. f.<br />

teamster’s-tea –see– Ephedra viridis Coville<br />

teasel bur –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

Tecoma impetiginosa Mart. ex DC. = Tabebuia<br />

impetiginosa (Mart. ex DC.) St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

Te c To n a g r a n d is L. f. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

B<strong>an</strong>gkok teak; Burma teak; Indi<strong>an</strong> teak; Java teak;<br />

moulmain teak; R<strong>an</strong>goon teak; Siam teak; teak; true<br />

teak<br />

Citations:<br />

Carrié C, Stelzer E (1955) Das Teakholz-Ekzem. Allergy<br />

4(1):33-36.<br />

Estl<strong>an</strong>der T, Jol<strong>an</strong>ki R, Al<strong>an</strong>ko K, et al. (2001) Occupational<br />

allergic contact dermatitis caused by wood dusts. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 44(4):213-217.<br />

Estl<strong>an</strong>der T, Jol<strong>an</strong>ki R, K<strong>an</strong>erva L (1999) Occupational<br />

allergic contact dermatitis eczema caused by obeche <strong>an</strong>d<br />

teak dusts. Contact Dermatitis 41(3):164.<br />

Hunt E (1931) A case of teakwood dermatitis. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Terminalia oblongata - 393<br />

Krogh HK (1962) Contact eczema caused by true teak (Tectona<br />

gr<strong>an</strong>dis) - An epidemiological investigation in a furniture<br />

factory. Br J Ind Med 19(3):42-46.<br />

Krogh HK (1964) Contact eczema caused by true teak (Tectona<br />

gr<strong>an</strong>dis). A follow-up study of a previous epidemiological<br />

investigation, <strong>an</strong>d a study into the sensitizing effect<br />

of various teak extracts. Br J Ind Med 21(J<strong>an</strong>):65-68.<br />

Schmidt H (1978) Contact urticaria to teak with systemic<br />

effects. Contact Dermatitis 4(3):176-177.<br />

te-de-sena –see– Senna alex<strong>an</strong>drina Mill.<br />

tehetu –see– Dioclea erecta Hoehne; Dioclea latifolia Benth.<br />

Teichlilie –see– Iris pseudoacorus L.<br />

tempate –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

temple tree –see– Plumeria rubra L.<br />

Te Mpl e To n i a e g e n a (F. Muell.) Benth.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

broom<br />

Citations:<br />

Clel<strong>an</strong>d JB (1931) <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong>, including fungi, poisonous or otherwise<br />

injurious to m<strong>an</strong> in Australia. Series III. Med J<br />

Aust 2(Dec 19):775-778.<br />

teora dahl –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

Te p h r o s i a a p o l l i n a (Delile) Link [Fabaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Sulim<strong>an</strong> HB, Wasfi IA, Adam SE (1982) The toxic<br />

effects of Tephrosia apollina on goats. J Comp Pathol<br />

92(2):309-315.<br />

Te p h r o s i a p u r p u r e a (L.) Pers. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

avasa; c<strong>an</strong>-ja-da; pea bush<br />

Citations:<br />

Fi<strong>an</strong>u FK, Assoku RK, Anumel P (1981) <strong>Poisonous</strong> weeds<br />

in pastures: Experimental studies in <strong>an</strong>imals with Tephrosia<br />

purpurea (L) Pers. Bull Anim Health Prod Afr<br />

29(4):341-348.<br />

terba –see– Chrozophora plicata (Vahl) A. Juss. ex Spreng.<br />

Terminalia alata B. Heyne ex Roth = Terminalia elliptica<br />

Willd.<br />

Te r Mi n a l i a b e l l i r ic a (Gaertn.) Roxb.<br />

[Combretaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

bahera; barra; beleric myrobal<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal:<br />

Preliminary toxicity screening using grass carp<br />

(Ctenopharyngodon idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

21(1):1-9.<br />

Te r Mi n a l i a b u r s a r i n a F. Muell.<br />

[Combretaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

yellowwood<br />

Citations:<br />

McIntosh KS (1934) The toxicity of yellow-wood. (Terminalia<br />

bursarina). Queensl<strong>an</strong>d Agric J 42(Dec 1):727-729.<br />

Te r Mi n a l i a c h e b u l a Retz. [Combretaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

aralu; black chebulic; harro; karar; myrobal<strong>an</strong>; negroés<br />

olive tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Arseculeratne SN, Gunatilaka AA, P<strong>an</strong>abokke RG (1985)<br />

Studies on medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka. Part 14. Toxicity<br />

of some traditional medicinal herbs. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

13:323-335.<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

Te r Mi n a l i a e l l i p Tic a Willd. [Combretaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Terminalia alata B. Heyne ex Roth<br />

Common Names:<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> laurel<br />

Citations:<br />

Kulakkattolickal AT (1987) Piscicidal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Nepal: Preliminary<br />

toxicity screening using grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella) fingerlings. J Ethnopharmacol 21(1):1-9.<br />

Te r Mi n a l i a ob l o n g a Ta F. Muell.<br />

[Combretaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

yellowwood<br />

Citations:<br />

Filippich LJ, Cao GR (1993) Experimental acute yellowwood<br />

(Terminalia oblongata) intoxication in sheep. Aust<br />

Vet J 70(6):214-218.<br />

Hunt S, McCosker PJ (1970) Observations on serum adenosine<br />

deaminase activity in experimentally produced<br />

liver diseases of cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep: Yellow-wood, l<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a,<br />

carbon tetrachloride <strong>an</strong>d chronic copper poisoning. Br<br />

Vet J 126(2):74-81.<br />

Hunt SE, McCosker PJ (1968) Bromsulphthalein fractional<br />

clear<strong>an</strong>ce in beef cattle suffering from yellow-wood (Terminalia<br />

oblongata) poisoning. Am J Vet Clin Pathol<br />

2:161-170.<br />

Legg J, Moule GR, Chester RD (1945) The toxicity of yellow-wood<br />

(Terminalia oblongata) to cattle. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d J<br />

Agric Sci 2(4):199-208.<br />

testiculate buttercup –see– Ceratocephala testiculata (Cr<strong>an</strong>tz)<br />

Roth<br />

teswa –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

tetonwort –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.

394 - Tetradenia riparia D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Te Tr a d e n i a r i p a r i a (Hochst.) Codd<br />

[Lamiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

i boza riparia (Hochst.) N. E. Br.<br />

Citations:<br />

Bodenstein JW (1977) Toxicity of traditional herbal remedies.<br />

S Afr Med J 52(20):790.<br />

Te Tr a d y Mi a c a n e s c e n s DC. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Tetradymia c<strong>an</strong>escens DC. var. inermis (Nutt.) A.<br />

Gray; Tetradymia inermis Nutt.<br />

Common Names:<br />

horsebrush; silvery horsebrush; spineless horsebrush<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1934) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1934:38.<br />

Anonymous (1935) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1935:39-40.<br />

Anonymous (1936) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1936:44-45.<br />

Anonymous (1936) Sheep “bighead” caused by two poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Press Release #1498-36:3 pp.<br />

Anonymous (1938) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1938:65-66.<br />

Anonymous (1939) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1939:59-60.<br />

Clawson AB, Huffm<strong>an</strong> WT (1935) A report of progress in<br />

the study of bighead. Natl Wool Grower 25(1):18-20.<br />

Clawson AB, Huffm<strong>an</strong> WT (1937) Bighead in sheep caused<br />

by pl<strong>an</strong>t poisoning. Natl Wool Grower 27(3):13-16.<br />

Johnson AE (1974) Predisposing influence of r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts on<br />

Tetradymia-related photosensitization in sheep: Work of<br />

Drs. A. B. Clawson <strong>an</strong>d W. T. Huffm<strong>an</strong>. Am J Vet Res<br />

35(12):1583-1585.<br />

Johnson AE (1978) Tetradymia toxicity - A new look at <strong>an</strong><br />

old problem. In: Keeler RF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF,<br />

et al. (eds.) Effects of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts on livestock. Academic<br />

Press. New York. pp. 209-216.<br />

Tetradymia c<strong>an</strong>escens DC. var. inermis (Nutt.) A. Gray =<br />

Tetradymia c<strong>an</strong>escens DC.<br />

Te Tr a d y Mi a g l a b r a Ta Torr. & A. Gray<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

coal oil brush; horsebrush; spring rabbitbrush<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1935) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1935:39-40.<br />

Anonymous (1936) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1936:44-45.<br />

Anonymous (1936) Sheep “bighead” caused by two poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Press Release #1498-36:3 pp.<br />

Anonymous (1937) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1937:47-48.<br />

Anonymous (1938) Investigations of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep<br />

1938:65-66.<br />

Anonymous (1939) Investigations of stock-poisoning<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep<br />

1939:59-60.<br />

Clawson AB, Huffm<strong>an</strong> WT (1935) A report of progress in<br />

the study of bighead. Natl Wool Grower 25(1):18-20.<br />

Clawson AB, Huffm<strong>an</strong> WT (1937) Bighead in sheep caused<br />

by pl<strong>an</strong>t poisoning. Natl Wool Grower 27(3):13-16.<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR (1922) The spring<br />

rabbit-brush (Tetradymia glabrata), a r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonous<br />

to sheep. Nevada Agric Exp Sta Bull #104:29<br />

pp.<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR (1923) The spring rabbit-brush,<br />

a r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonous to sheep. Am Sheep<br />

Breeder Wool Grower 43(Nov):542-544.<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR (1924) The spring rabbit-brush,<br />

a r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonous to sheep. Am Sheep<br />

Breeder Wool Grower 44:126-128, 150.<br />

Johnson AE (1974) Experimental photosensitization <strong>an</strong>d<br />

toxicity in sheep produced by Tetradymia glabrata. C<strong>an</strong> J<br />

Comp Med Vet Sci 38(4):406-410.<br />

Johnson AE (1974) Predisposing influence of r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts on<br />

Tetradymia-related photosensitization in sheep: Work of<br />

Drs. A. B. Clawson <strong>an</strong>d W. T. Huffm<strong>an</strong>. Am J Vet Res<br />

35(12):1583-1585.<br />

Johnson AE (1978) Tetradymia toxicity - A new look at <strong>an</strong><br />

old problem. In: Keeler RF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF,<br />

et al. (eds.) Effects of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts on livestock. Academic<br />

Press. New York. pp. 209-216.<br />

Tetradymia inermis Nutt. = Tetradymia c<strong>an</strong>escens DC.<br />

Te Tr ag o n i a s c h e n k i i (Schinz) Engl.<br />

[Aizoaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

koibos<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1946) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XV. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 21(1):45-55.<br />

Te Tr a p a n a x p a p y r i f e r (Hook.) K. Koch<br />

[Araliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Chinese-rice-paper-pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Citations:<br />

Gi<strong>an</strong>nattasio M, Pizzolongo P, Cristaudo A, et al. (1996)<br />

Contact dermatitis from Tetrap<strong>an</strong>ax papyriferum<br />

trichomes. Contact Dermatitis 35(2):106-107.<br />

Te Tr a p Te r y s a c u Ti f o l i a Cav.<br />

[Malpighiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Tokarnia CH, Peixoto PV, Döbereiner J, et al. (1989) Tetrapterys<br />

spp. (Malpighiaceae), a causa de mort<strong>an</strong>dades em<br />

bovinos caracterizadas por alterações cardíacas. Pesq Vet<br />

Bras 9(1-2):23-44.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Thamnosma tex<strong>an</strong>a - 395<br />

Te Tr a p Te r y s Mu l Tig l a n d u l o s a A. Juss.<br />

[Malpighiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Carvalho NM, Alonso LA, Cunha TG, et al. (2006)<br />

Intoxicação de bovinos por Tetrapterys multigl<strong>an</strong>dulosa<br />

(Malpighiaceae) em Mato Grasso do Sul. Pesq Vet Bras<br />

26(3):139-146.<br />

Melo MA, Vasconcelos AC, Datas GC, et al. (1999) Experimental<br />

intoxication with Tetrapterys multigl<strong>an</strong>dulosa A.<br />

Juss in pregn<strong>an</strong>t goats: Histopathological findings. Toxicol<br />

Lett 109(Suppl 1):85.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Peixoto PV, Döbereiner J, et al. (1989) Tetrapterys<br />

spp. (Malpighiaceae), a causa de mort<strong>an</strong>dades em<br />

bovinos caracterizadas por alterações cardíacas. Pesq Vet<br />

Bras 9(1-2):23-44.<br />

Te Tr a s Tig Ma ob Te c Tu M (Wall. ex M. A.<br />

Lawson) Pl<strong>an</strong>ch. ex Fr<strong>an</strong>ch. [Vitaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Deng JF, Lin TJ, Kao WF, et al. (1997) The difficulty in<br />

h<strong>an</strong>dling poisonings associated with Chinese traditional<br />

medicine: A poison control center experience for<br />

1991-1993. Vet Hum Toxicol 39(2):106-114.<br />

tetterberry –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

tetterwort –see– Chelidonium majus L.<br />

Te u c r i u M c h a Ma e d r y s L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

germ<strong>an</strong>der; germ<strong>an</strong>drée petit chêne; wall germ<strong>an</strong>der;<br />

western herb germ<strong>an</strong>der; wild germ<strong>an</strong>der<br />

Citations:<br />

Castot A, Larrey D (1992) Hépatites observées au cours d’un<br />

traitement par un médicament ou une tis<strong>an</strong>e conten<strong>an</strong>t<br />

de la Germ<strong>an</strong>drée petit-chêne. Gastroenterol Clin Biol<br />

16(12):916-922.<br />

Laliberte L, Villeneuve JP (1996) Hepatitis after the<br />

use of germ<strong>an</strong>der, a herbal remedy. C<strong>an</strong> Med Assoc J<br />

154(11):1689-1692.<br />

Larrey D, Vial T, Pauwels A, et al. (1992) Hepatitis after germ<strong>an</strong>der<br />

(Teucrium chamaedrys) administration: Another<br />

inst<strong>an</strong>ce of herbal medicine hepatotoxicity. Ann Intern<br />

Med 117(2):129-132.<br />

Legoux JL, Maitre F, Labarriere D, et al. (1992) Hepatite<br />

cytoytique et Germ<strong>an</strong>drée petit-chêne: Un nouveau<br />

cas avec réintroduction. Gastroenterol Clin Biol<br />

16(10):813-815.<br />

Mattei A, Bizollon T, Charles JD, et al. (1992) Atteinte<br />

hépatique associée à la prise d’un produit de phytothérapie<br />

conten<strong>an</strong>t de la Germ<strong>an</strong>drée petit-chêne. Quatro cas.<br />

Gastroenterol Clin Biol 16(10):798-800.<br />

Mostefa-Kara N, Pauwels A, Pines E, et al. (1992) Fatal hepatitis<br />

after herbal tea. L<strong>an</strong>cet 340(Sep 12):674.<br />

Te u c r i u M p o l i u M L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

golden germ<strong>an</strong>der<br />

Citations:<br />

Mazokopakis E, Lazaridou S, Tzardi M, et al. (2004) Acute<br />

cholestatic hepatitis caused by Teucrium polium L. Phytomedicine<br />

11(1):83-84.<br />

Polymeros D, Kamberoglou D, Tzias V (2002) Acute cholestatic<br />

hepatitis caused by Teucrium polium (golden germ<strong>an</strong>der)<br />

with tr<strong>an</strong>sient appear<strong>an</strong>ce of <strong>an</strong>timitochondrial<br />

<strong>an</strong>tibody. J Clin Gastroenterol 34(1):100-101.<br />

Te u c r i u M s To c k s i a n u M Boiss. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

T<strong>an</strong>ira MO, Wasfi IA, Homsi MA, et al. (1996) Toxicological<br />

effects of Teucrium stocksi<strong>an</strong>um after acute<br />

<strong>an</strong>d chronic adminstration to rats. J Pharm Pharmacol<br />

48(10):1098-1102.<br />

Teufelsauge –see– Adonis <strong>an</strong>nua L.; Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

Teufelsrübe –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

Teufelszwirn –see– Lycium barbarum L.<br />

Texas buckeye –see– Aesculus glabra Willd.<br />

Texas desert rue –see– Thamnosma tex<strong>an</strong>a (A. Gray) Torr.<br />

Texas locoweed –see– Astragalus mollissimus Torr. var.<br />

mollissimus<br />

Texas mesquite –see– Prosopis gl<strong>an</strong>dulosa Torr.<br />

Texas mistletoe –see– Phoradendron leucarpum (Raf.) Reveal<br />

& M. C. Johnst.<br />

Texas mountain laurel –see– Calia secundiflora (Ortega)<br />

Yakovlev<br />

Texas persimmon –see– Diospyros tex<strong>an</strong>a Scheele<br />

Texas sacahuista –see– Nolina tex<strong>an</strong>a S. Watson<br />

Texas sacahuiste –see– Nolina tex<strong>an</strong>a S. Watson<br />

Texas sage –see– Salvia coccinea Buc’hoz ex Etl.<br />

Texas skeleton pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Lygodesmia tex<strong>an</strong>a (Torr. & A.<br />

Gray) Greene ex Small<br />

Texas thistle –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um rostratum Dunal<br />

Texas umbrella tree –see– Melia azedarach L.<br />

Th a Mn o s Ma Te x a n a (A. Gray) Torr.<br />

[Rutaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blister weed; Dutchm<strong>an</strong>’s-breeches; ruda-del-monte;<br />

Texas desert rue<br />

Citations:<br />

Oertli EH, Ivie GW, Bailey EM, et al. (1985) Primary photosensitization<br />

in rumin<strong>an</strong>ts associated with Thamnosoma<br />

tex<strong>an</strong>a. Am Vet Med Assoc Annu Meet 1985:115.<br />

Oertli EH, Rowe LD, Lovering SL, et al. (1983) Phototoxic<br />

effect of Thamnosma tex<strong>an</strong>a (Dutchm<strong>an</strong>’s breeches) in<br />

sheep. Am J Vet Res 44(6):1126-1129.<br />

Thargomindah nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um sturti<strong>an</strong>um F.<br />

Muell.<br />

the-bad-seed –see– Lophophora williamsii (Lem. ex Salm-<br />

Dyck) J. M. Coult.

396 - Theobroma cacao D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Th e ob r o Ma c a c a o L. [Malvaaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cacahuacuahuitl; cacao; chocolate; cocoa<br />

Citations:<br />

Borzenkov VN, Borxendova VE, Yarmosh GU (1971) [Poisoning<br />

of cows from coca shells.] Veterinariia Moscow<br />

48(3):91-92.<br />

Curtis PE, Griffiths JE (1972) Suspected chocolate poisoning<br />

of calves. Vet Rec 90(11):313-314.<br />

Day EJ, Dilworth BC (1984) Toxicity of jimson weed seed <strong>an</strong>d<br />

cocoa shell meal to broilers. Poult Sci 63(3):466-468.<br />

Drolet R, Arendt TD, Stowe CM (1984) Cacao be<strong>an</strong> shell<br />

poisoning in a dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc 185(8):902.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>ington E (1972) Suspected chocolate poisoning of calves.<br />

Vet Rec 90(14):408-409.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen S, Trammel H, Dunayer E, et al. (2003) Cocoa be<strong>an</strong><br />

mulch as a cause of methylx<strong>an</strong>thine toxicosis in dogs.<br />

J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(5):720.<br />

Hoskam EG, Haagsma J (1974) Chocoladevergiftiging bij<br />

twee Dashonden (teckels) met modelijke afloop. Tijdschr<br />

Diergeneeskd 99(10):523-525.<br />

Hovda LR, Kingston RL (1994) Cacao be<strong>an</strong> mulch poisoning<br />

in dogs. Vet Hum Toxicol 36(4):357.<br />

J<strong>an</strong>sson DS, Galg<strong>an</strong> V, Schubert B, et al. (2001) Theobromine<br />

intoxication in a red fox <strong>an</strong>d a Europe<strong>an</strong> badger in<br />

Sweden. J Wildl Dis 37(2):362-365.<br />

Perfetti L, Lehrer SB, McC<strong>an</strong>ts M, et al. (1997) Occupational<br />

asthma caused by cacao. Allergy 52(7):778-780.<br />

Stidworthy MF, Bleakley JS, Cheesem<strong>an</strong> MT, et al. (1997)<br />

Chocolate poisoning in dogs. Vet Rec 141(1):28.<br />

Strach<strong>an</strong> ER, Bennett A (1994) Theobromine poisoning in<br />

dogs. Vet Rec 134:284.<br />

Sutton RH (1981) Cocoa poisoning in a dog. Vet Rec<br />

109(25-26):563-564.<br />

Tarka SM Jr, Applebaum RS, Borzelleca JF (1986) Evaluation<br />

of the teratogenic potential of cocoa powder <strong>an</strong>d<br />

theobromine in New Zeal<strong>an</strong>d white rabbits. Food Chem<br />

Toxicol 24(5):363-374.<br />

Tarka SM Jr, Morrissey RB, Apgar JL, et al. (1991) Chronic<br />

toxicity/carcinogenicity studies of cocoa powder in rats.<br />

Food Chem Toxicol 29(1):7-19.<br />

Yeruham I, Avidar Y (2003) Photosensitivity in feedlot<br />

calves apparently related to cocoa shells. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

45(5):249-250.<br />

Th e r Mo p s is Mo n Ta n a Nutt. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

false lupine; golden b<strong>an</strong>ner; mountain thermopsis; poison<br />

be<strong>an</strong>; yellow be<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Baker DC, Keeler RF (1989) Thermopsis mont<strong>an</strong>ainduced<br />

myopathy in calves. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

194(9):1269-1272.<br />

Baker DC, Keeler RF (1992) Myopathy associated with<br />

Thermopsis mont<strong>an</strong>a ingestion in cattle. In: James LF,<br />

Keeler RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Iowa State Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp. 264-270.<br />

Chase RL, Keeler RF (1983) Mountain thermopsis toxicity<br />

in cattle. Utah Sci 44(2):28-31.<br />

Keeler RF, Johnson AE, Chase RL (1986) Toxicity of Thermopsis<br />

mont<strong>an</strong>a in cattle. Cornell Vet 76(2):115-127.<br />

Th e s i u M l i n e a Tu M L. f. [S<strong>an</strong>talaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Vaalstorm; witstorm<br />

Citations:<br />

Anderson LA, Joubert JP, Schultz RA, et al. (1987) Experimental<br />

evidence that the active principle of the poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t Thesium lineatum L.f. (S<strong>an</strong>talaceae) is a bufadienolide.<br />

Onderstepoort J Vet Res 54(4):645-650.<br />

Schultz RA, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, V<strong>an</strong> den Berg H (2005) The role<br />

of fluorescence polarization immuno-assay in the diagnosis<br />

of pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced cardiac glycoside poisoning livestock<br />

in South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 72(3):189-201.<br />

Th e s i u M n a Ma q u e n s e Schltr. [S<strong>an</strong>talaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gifbossie; poison bush<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1940) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa, X. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

15(1-2):261-277.<br />

Thevetia neriifolia Juss. ex A. DC. = Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a<br />

(Pers. ) K. Schum.<br />

Th e ve Ti a p e r u vi a n a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

[Apocynaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c erbera thevetia L.; Thevetia neriifolia Juss. ex A. DC.<br />

Common Names:<br />

ahouai; be-still tree; camp<strong>an</strong>illo amarillo; Cook tree;<br />

epile ole<strong>an</strong>der; exile ole<strong>an</strong>der; jorro jorro; k<strong>an</strong>ir; lucky<br />

nut; milk tree; Olomiojo; pila k<strong>an</strong>er; retama; snake nut;<br />

tiger apple; tree daffodil; trumpet flower; yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der;<br />

yoyote<br />

Citations:<br />

Ahlawat SK, Agarwal AK, Wadhwa S (1994) Rare poisoning<br />

with Cerebra thevetia (yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der): A report of<br />

three cases. Trop Doct 24(1):37-38.<br />

Ansford AJ, Morris H (1981) Fatal ole<strong>an</strong>der poisoning. Med<br />

J Aust 1(7):360-361.<br />

Bhattacharya SK, Som<strong>an</strong>i PN, Srivastava PK (1976) Cardiac<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in Thevetia neriifolia poisoning. Acta Cardiol<br />

31(2):169-174.<br />

Bose TK, Basu RK, Biswas B, et al. (1999) Cardiovascular<br />

effects of yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der ingestion. J Indi<strong>an</strong> Med Assoc<br />

97(10):407-410.<br />

Brewster D (1986) Herbal poisoning: A case report of a fatal<br />

yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der poisoning from the Solomon Isl<strong>an</strong>ds.<br />

Ann Trop Paediatr 6(4):289-291.<br />

de Silva HA, Fonseka MM, Pathmeswar<strong>an</strong> A, et al. (2003)<br />

Multiple-dose activated charcoal for treatment of yellow<br />

ole<strong>an</strong>der poisoning: A single-blind, r<strong>an</strong>domised, placebocontrolled<br />

trial. L<strong>an</strong>cet 361(9373):1935-1938.<br />

Dev V, Wasir HS (1985) Digitalis poisoning by <strong>an</strong> indigenous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t cardiac glycoside (Thevetia neriifolia - pila<br />

k<strong>an</strong>er). Indi<strong>an</strong> Heart J 37(5):321-322.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Thlaspi arvense - 397<br />

Eddleston M (2003) M<strong>an</strong>agement of yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der poisoning.<br />

J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(4):426.<br />

Eddleston M, Ariaratnam CA, Meyer WP, et al. (1999) Epidemic<br />

of self-poisoning with seeds of the yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der<br />

tree (Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a) in northern Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka. Trop<br />

Med Int Health 4(4):266-273.<br />

Eddleston M, Gunnell D, Karunaratne A, et al. (2005)<br />

Epidemiology of intentional self-poisoning in rural Sri<br />

L<strong>an</strong>ka. Br J Psychiatry 187(187):583-584.<br />

Eddleston M, Rajapakse S, Rajak<strong>an</strong>th<strong>an</strong>, et al. (2000) Antidigoxin<br />

Fab fragments in cardiotoxicity induced by ingestion<br />

of yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der: A r<strong>an</strong>domised controlled trial.<br />

L<strong>an</strong>cet 355(9208):967-972.<br />

Fern<strong>an</strong>do R (2002) The national poisons information centre<br />

in Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka: The first ten years. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

40(5):551-555.<br />

Fonseka MM, Seneviratne SL, de Silva CE, et al. (2002)<br />

Yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der poisoning in Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka: Outcome in a<br />

secondary care hospital. Hum Exp Toxicol 21:293-295.<br />

Kakr<strong>an</strong>i AL, Rajput CS, Kh<strong>an</strong>dare SK, et al. (1981) Yellow<br />

ole<strong>an</strong>der seed poisoning with cardiotoxicity. A case<br />

report. Indi<strong>an</strong> Heart J 33(1):31-33.<br />

Lucas GN (1997) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisoning: A hospital-<strong>based</strong> study in<br />

Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Pediatr 64(4):495-502.<br />

Mallick BK (1984) Cardiotoxicity in yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der seed<br />

poisoning. J Indi<strong>an</strong> Med Assoc 82(8):296-297.<br />

Misra A (1990) Poisoning from Thevetia neriifolia (yellow<br />

ole<strong>an</strong>der). Postgrad Med J 66(776):492.<br />

Oji O, Okafor QE (2000) Toxicological studies on stem<br />

bark, leaf <strong>an</strong>d seed kernel of yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der (Thevetia<br />

peruvi<strong>an</strong>a). Phytother Res 14(2):133-135.<br />

Pahwa R, Chatterjee VC (1990) The toxicity of yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der<br />

(Thevetia neriifolia Juss) seed kernels to rats. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 32(6):561-564.<br />

Pathare AV, Patil RR, Chikhalikar AA, et al. (1987) Rare<br />

poisoning with Cerebra thevetia (a case report). J Postgrad<br />

Med 33(4):216-218.<br />

Pearn J (1987) Ole<strong>an</strong>der poisoning. In: Covacevich et al. (eds.)<br />

Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>imals. A guide for Australia. pp. 37-49.<br />

Phadke MV, Naik SG (1963) Yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der (Cerebra thevetia)<br />

poisoning (Case report). Indi<strong>an</strong> J Child Health<br />

12(Mar):210-213.<br />

Reddy DJ, Ramasubbarao M (1954) Necropsy findings<br />

in yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der poisoning. J Indi<strong>an</strong> Med Assoc<br />

23(12):559-560.<br />

Roy BM (1927) A case of toxic heart-block due to Cerbera<br />

thevetia (yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der seeds). Ind Med Gaz<br />

62(Apr):450-451.<br />

Samal KK, Sahu HK, Kar MK, et al. (1989) Yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der<br />

(Cerbera thevetia) poisoning with jaundice <strong>an</strong>d renal failure.<br />

J Assoc Physici<strong>an</strong>s India 37(3):232-233.<br />

Saraswat DK, Garg PK, Saraswat M (1992) Rare poisoning<br />

with Cerebra thevetia (yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der). Review of<br />

13 cases of suicidal attempt. J Assoc Physici<strong>an</strong>s India<br />

40(9):628-629.<br />

Sarav<strong>an</strong>apav<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>th<strong>an</strong> N, G<strong>an</strong>eshamoorthy J (1988) Yellow<br />

ole<strong>an</strong>der poisoning - A study of 170 cases. Forensic Sci<br />

Int 36(3-4):247-250.<br />

Sarker AK, Gosh S, Barik K (1990) A study of accidental<br />

poisoning (in children) in a rural medical college hospital<br />

of West Bengal. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Public Health 34(3):159-162.<br />

Sreehar<strong>an</strong> N, Puthrasingam S, R<strong>an</strong>jadayal<strong>an</strong> K, et al. (1985)<br />

Yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der poisoning - Clinical m<strong>an</strong>ifestations <strong>an</strong>d<br />

prognostic criteria. Jaffna Med J 20(2):100-101.<br />

Suresh TP (1998) A survey on yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der poisoning.<br />

Nurs J India 89(2):31, 47.<br />

Thilagar S, Thirumalaikolundusubram<strong>an</strong>i<strong>an</strong> P, Gopalakrishn<strong>an</strong><br />

S, et al. (1986) Possible yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der toxicity in a<br />

neonate. Indi<strong>an</strong> Pediatr 23(May):393.<br />

Vince JD, Salamon B, Tau G, et al. (1984) Digoxin type<br />

toxicity from ingestion of Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a or the case<br />

of the betel nut that wasn’t. Papua New Guinea Med J<br />

27(3-4):167-169.<br />

thick-leaf drymary –see– Drymaria holosteoides Benth.;<br />

Drymaria pachyphylla Wooton & St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

Th i l o a g l a u c o c a r p a (Mart.) Eichler<br />

[Combretaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Döbereiner J, Tokarnia CH (1985) Giftpfl<strong>an</strong>zenbedingte<br />

Nierenschädigungen bei Rindern in Brasilien. Dtsch<br />

Tierarztl Wochenschr 92(10):411-415.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Peixoto PV, Döbereiner J (1988) Intoxicação<br />

experimental pelas folhas e extratos de Thiloa glaucocarpa<br />

(Combretaceae) em coelhos. Pesq Vet Bras 8(3-4):61-74.<br />

thimble weed –see– Rudbeckia laciniata L.<br />

thimbles –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

thistle root –see– Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

Th l a s p i a rv e n s e L. [Brassicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

f<strong>an</strong>weed; field pennycress; Frenchweed; Hellerkraut;<br />

pennycress; pennycress mustard; stinkweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Baksi SN, Case AA (1971) Photosensitization in guinea-pigs<br />

due to ingestion of Thlaspi arvense (penny-cress mustard)<br />

seed. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet J 48(10):1001-1006.<br />

Hawk W (1956) Hematuria in dairy heifers probably due to a<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t toxin. J Am Vet Med Assoc 128(Mar 1):261-262.<br />

Martin T, Morg<strong>an</strong> S (1987) What caused the photosensitivity<br />

in these dairy heifers? Vet Med 82:848,850-851.<br />

Rose SP, Bell JM, Wilkie IW, et al. (1981) Influence of weed<br />

seed oil contamination on the nutritional quality of diets<br />

containing low erucic acid rapeseed (Brassica napus, Tower<br />

cultivar) oil when fed to rats. J Nutr 111(2):355-364.<br />

Shires A, Bell JM, Keith MO, et al. (1982) Rapeseed dockage:<br />

Effects of feeding raw <strong>an</strong>d processed wild mustard<br />

<strong>an</strong>d stinkweed seed on growth <strong>an</strong>d feed utilization of<br />

mice. C<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 62:275-285.<br />

Smith RA, Crowe SP (1987) F<strong>an</strong>weed toxicosis in cattle:<br />

Case history, <strong>an</strong>alytical method, suggested treatment, <strong>an</strong>d<br />

f<strong>an</strong>weed detoxification. Vet Hum Toxicol 29(2):155-156.<br />

Thompson’s-woolly locoweed –see– Astragalus mollissimus<br />

Torr. var. thompsoniae (S. Watson) Barneby<br />

thorn apple –see– Datura ferox L.; Datura metel L.; Datura<br />

stramonium L.<br />

thorny amar<strong>an</strong>thus –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus spinosus L.<br />

thorny pigweed –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus spinosus L.

398 - Thuja occidentalis D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

thoroughwort –see– Ageratina altissima (L.) R. M. King &<br />

H. Rob.; Eupatorium altissimum L.<br />

thous<strong>an</strong>d-head kale –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. ramosa<br />

DC.<br />

thous<strong>an</strong>d-leaf –see– Achillea millefolium L.<br />

thous<strong>an</strong>d-mothers –see– Tolmiea menziesii Torr. & A. Gray<br />

threadleaf broomweed –see– Gutierrezia microcephala (DC.)<br />

A. Gray<br />

threadleaf groundsel –see– Senecio flaccidus Less. var.<br />

flaccidus; Senecio riddellii Torr. & A. Gray<br />

threadleaf snakeweed –see– Gutierrezia microcephala (DC.)<br />

A. Gray<br />

threadleaf sartwellia –see– Sartwellia flaveriae A. Gray<br />

three-flower nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um triflorum Nutt.<br />

three-leaf ivy –see– Toxicodendron pubescens Mill.;<br />

Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

three-seed mercury –see– Acalypha indica L.<br />

Threlkeldia proceriflora F. Muell. = Neobassia proceriflora<br />

(F. Muell.) A. J. Scott<br />

throatwort –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

Th u j a o c c i d e n Ta l is L. [Cupressaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> arbor vitae; Amerik<strong>an</strong>ischer Lebensbaum;<br />

arbor vitae; cédre; false white cedar; faux thuya; Lebensbaum;<br />

red cedar; thuja; thuya; white cedar; yellow<br />

cedar<br />

Citations:<br />

Brauch F (1932) Das klinische Bild der Thujavergiftung. Z<br />

Klin Med 119:86-91.<br />

Millet Y, Jouglard J, Steinmetz MD, et al. (1981) Toxicity of<br />

some essential pl<strong>an</strong>t oils. Clinical <strong>an</strong>d experimental study.<br />

Clin Toxicol 18(12):1485-1498.<br />

Thuja orientalis L. = Platycladus orientalis (L.) Fr<strong>an</strong>co<br />

Th u j a pl ic a Ta Donn ex D. Don [Cupressaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

arbor vitae; C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> red cedar; flat cedar; gi<strong>an</strong>t arbor<br />

vitae; red cedar; western red cedar; yellow cedar<br />

Citations:<br />

Bleumink E, Mitchell JC, Nater JP (1973) Allergic contact<br />

dermatitis from cedar wood (Thuja plicata). Br J Dermatol<br />

88(5):499-504.<br />

Bleumink E, Nater JP (1972) Contact dermatitis from western<br />

red cedar wood (Thuja plicata). Contact Dermatol<br />

Newsl 12(Aug):340-342.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>-Yeung M (1982) Immunologic <strong>an</strong>d nonimmunologic<br />

mech<strong>an</strong>isms in asthma due to western red cedar (Thuja<br />

plicata). J Allergy Clin Immunol 70(1):32-37.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>-Yeung M, Barton GM, MacLe<strong>an</strong> L, et al. (1973)<br />

Occupational asthma <strong>an</strong>d rhinitis due to western red cedar<br />

(Thuja plicata). Am Rev Respir Dis 108(5):1094-1102.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>-Yeung M, Lam S, Koener S (1982) Clinical features<br />

<strong>an</strong>d natural history of occupational asthma due to western<br />

red cedar (Thuja plicata). Am J Med 72(3):411-415.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>-Yeung M, MacLe<strong>an</strong> L, Paggiaro PL (1987) Follow-up<br />

study of 232 patients with occupational asthma caused by<br />

western red cedar (Thuja plicata). J Allergy Clin Immunol<br />

79:792-796.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>-Yeung M, Vedal S, Kus J, et al. (1984) Symptoms,<br />

pulmonary functions <strong>an</strong>d bronchial hyperreactivity in<br />

western red cedar workers compared with those in office<br />

workers. Am Rev Respir Dis 130(6):1038-1041.<br />

Estl<strong>an</strong>der T, Jol<strong>an</strong>ki R, Al<strong>an</strong>ko K, et al. (2001) Occupational<br />

allergic contact dermatitis caused by wood dusts. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 44(4):213-217.<br />

G<strong>an</strong>devia B, Milne J (1970) Occupational asthma <strong>an</strong>d<br />

rhinitis due to western red cedar (Thuja plicata), with<br />

special reference to bronchial reactivity. Br J Ind Med<br />

27(3):235-244.<br />

Ishizaki T, Shida T, Miyamoto T, et al. (1973) Occupational<br />

asthma from western red cedar dust (Thuja plicata) in furniture<br />

factory workers. J Occup Med 15(7):580-585.<br />

Milne J, G<strong>an</strong>devia B (1969) Occupational asthma <strong>an</strong>d rhinitis<br />

due to western (C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong>) red cedar (Thuja plicata)<br />

Med J Aust 2:741-744.<br />

Mitchell C (1970) Occupational asthma due to western<br />

or C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> red cedar (Thuja plicata). Med J Aust<br />

57(2):233-235.<br />

Mitchell JC, Ch<strong>an</strong>-Yeung M (1974) Contact allergy from<br />

Frull<strong>an</strong>ia <strong>an</strong>d respiratory allergy from Thuja. C<strong>an</strong> Med<br />

Assoc J 110(6):653-657.<br />

Mue S, Ise T, Ono Y, et al. (1975) A study of western red<br />

cedar-induced asthma. Ann Allergy 34(5):296-304.<br />

Mue S, Ise T, Ono Y, et al. (1975) A study of western red<br />

cedar sensitivity: Workers’ allergy reactions <strong>an</strong>d symptoms.<br />

Ann Allergy 35(3):148-152.<br />

Ordm<strong>an</strong> D (1949) Bronchial asthma caused by the inhalation<br />

of wood dust. Ann Allergy 7:492-496, 505.<br />

thuja –see– Thuja occidentalis L.<br />

thumalos –see– Euphorbia characias L.<br />

thunderwood –see– Toxicodendron vernix (L.) Kuntze<br />

thuya –see– Thuja occidentalis L.<br />

thym –see– Thymus vulgaris L.<br />

thyme –see– Thymus vulgaris L.<br />

Thymi<strong>an</strong> –see– Thymus vulgaris L.<br />

Th y Mu s v u l g a r is L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

thym; thyme; Thymi<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Benito M, Jorro G, Morales C, et al. (1996) Labiatae allergy:<br />

Systemic reactions due to oreg<strong>an</strong>o <strong>an</strong>d thyme. Ann<br />

Allergy Asthma Immunol 76(5):416-418.<br />

Martínez-González MC, Goday Buján JJ, Martínex Gómez<br />

W, et al. (2007) Concomit<strong>an</strong>t allergic contact dermatitis<br />

due to Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) <strong>an</strong>d Thymus<br />

vulgaris (thyme). Contact Dermatitis 56(1):49-50.<br />

Spiewak R, Skorska C, Dutkiewicz J (2001) Occupational<br />

airborne contact dermatitis caused by thyme dust. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 44(4):235-239.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Tilia petiolaris - 399<br />

tickberry –see– L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara L.<br />

tickle weed –see– Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

ticklegrass –see– Hordeum jubatum L.<br />

Ti e g h e Me l l a a f r ic a n a Pierre [Sapotaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ukola; ukorro<br />

Citations:<br />

D<strong>an</strong>tin-Gallego J, Armayor AF, Riesco J (1952) Some new<br />

toxic woods: Some new m<strong>an</strong>ifestations of toxicity. Ind<br />

Med Surg 21(2):41-46.<br />

Ti e g h e Me l l a h e c k e l i i Pierre ex A. Chev.<br />

[Sapotaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Afrik<strong>an</strong>ische Birnbaum; makoré<br />

Citations:<br />

Oleffe JA, Sporcq J, Hublet P (1975) Epidemiological study<br />

of the wood industry in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):315-316.<br />

tiger apple –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

tiger lily –see– Lilium l<strong>an</strong>cifolium Thunb.<br />

tigerwort –see– Scrophularia auriculata L.<br />

til –see– Sesamum indicum L.<br />

Ti l i a c o r d a Ta Mill. [Malvaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

linden<br />

Citations:<br />

Krakowiak A, Krêcisz B, Pas-Wyroślak A, et al. (2004)<br />

Occupational contact dermatitis with rhinoconjunctivitis<br />

due to Tilia cordata <strong>an</strong>d colophonium exposure in a cosmetici<strong>an</strong>.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 51(1):34.<br />

Mur P, Freo Brito F, Lombardero M, et al. (2001) Allergy to<br />

linden pollen (Tilia cordata). Allergy 56(5):456-457.<br />

Ti l i a × e u r o p a e a L. [Malvaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

lime; linden; tilleul<br />

Citations:<br />

Rudzki E, Rapiejko P, Reb<strong>an</strong>del P (2003) Occupational<br />

contact dermatitis, with asthma <strong>an</strong>d rhinitis, from camomile<br />

in a cosmetici<strong>an</strong> also with contact urticaria from<br />

both camomile <strong>an</strong>d lime flowers. Contact Dermatitis<br />

49(3):162.<br />

Ti l i a o r b ic u l a r is hort. ex V. Engl. [Malvaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Howes FN (1979) <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>an</strong>d beekeeping. Faber & Faber.<br />

London pp. 23-26.<br />

Ti l i a p e Tio l a r is DC. [Malvaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Howes FN (1979) <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>an</strong>d beekeeping. Faber & Faber.<br />

London pp. 23-26.<br />

tilleul –see– Tilia ×europaea L.<br />

tilly –see– Croton tiglium L.<br />

timbaúba –see– Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong<br />

timbe mirim –see– Indigofera suffruticosa Mill.<br />

timber milk vetch –see– Astragalus convallarius Greene;<br />

Astragalus miser Douglas ex Hook; Astragalus miser<br />

Douglas ex Hook. var. hylophilus (Rydb.) Barneby;<br />

Astragalus miser Douglas ex Hook. var. oblongifolius<br />

(Rydb.) Cronquist; Astragalus miser Douglas ex Hook.<br />

var. serotinus (A. Gray ex J. G. Cooper) Barneby<br />

timber poison vetch –see– Astragalus convallarius Greene<br />

timbó –see– Deguelia utilis (A. C. Sm.) A. M. G. Azevedo;<br />

Mascagnia pubiflora (A. Juss.) Griseb.<br />

timbó legitimo –see– Deguelia utilis (A. C. Sm.) A. M. G.<br />

Azevedo<br />

timbó macaquinho –see– Deguelia utilis (A. C. Sm.) A. M.<br />

G. Azevedo<br />

timborá –see– Enterolobium timbouva Mart.<br />

timothy –see– Phleum pratense L.<br />

timothy c<strong>an</strong>arygrass –see– Phalaris <strong>an</strong>gusta Nees ex Trin.<br />

ting-ku<strong>an</strong>g-teng –see– Erycibe henryi Prain<br />

tinguaciba –see– Z<strong>an</strong>thoxylum flavum Vahl<br />

tingui –see– Mascagnia rigida (A. Juss.) Griseb.<br />

Tinnevelly senna –see– Senna alex<strong>an</strong>drina Mill.<br />

tint<strong>an</strong> –see– Cestrum diurnum L.<br />

Tintenbeerstrauch –see– Ligustrum vulgare L.<br />

Tintenbeertraube –see– Ligustrum vulgare L.<br />

tipsywood –see– Indigofera trita L. f.<br />

Tipton weed –see– Hypericum perforatum L.<br />

tithw<strong>an</strong> –see– Artemisia vulgaris L.<br />

titimalo –see– Euphorbia dendroides L.<br />

Tium michauxii (Kuntze) Rydb. = Astragalus michauxii<br />

(Kuntze) F. J. Herm.<br />

To<strong>an</strong>o milk vetch –see– Astragalus to<strong>an</strong>us M. E. Jones<br />

tobacci –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a tabacum L.<br />

tobacco –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a glauca Graham; Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a tabacum<br />

L.<br />

tobacco cimarron –see– Verbascum thapsus L.<br />

tobasco mahog<strong>an</strong>y –see– Swietenia macrophylla King<br />

tochina –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

toddy fishtail palm –see– Caryota urens L.<br />

tolguacha –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

Tollkirsche –see– Atropa belladonna L.

400 - Tolmiea menziesii D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Tollkorn –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

Tollkraut –see– Datura stramonium L.; Lolium temulentum<br />

L.; Scopolia carniolica Jacq.<br />

tollon –see– Heteromeles salicifolia (C. Presl) Abrams<br />

To l Mi e a Me n z i e s i i Torr. & A. Gray<br />

[Saxifragaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

pickaback pl<strong>an</strong>t; piggyback pl<strong>an</strong>t; thous<strong>an</strong>d-mothers;<br />

youth-on-age<br />

Citations:<br />

Caln<strong>an</strong> CD (1969) Tolmiea menziesii. Contact Dermatol<br />

Newsl 5(Feb):98.<br />

Hjorth N (1969) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis. Contact Dermatol Newsl<br />

6(Jul):126-127.<br />

toloache –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

tolu balsam –see– Myroxylon balsamum (L.) Harms<br />

tomate –see– Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.<br />

tomaten Düsche –see– Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.<br />

tomates halent<strong>an</strong>o –see– Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.<br />

tomatillo –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um elaeagnifolium Cav.<br />

tomato –see– Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.<br />

tomato bush –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um esuriale Lindl.<br />

tomato weed –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um elaeagnifolium Cav.<br />

tonga be<strong>an</strong> –see– Dipteryx odorata (Aubl.) Willd.<br />

tonka be<strong>an</strong> –see– Dipteryx odorata (Aubl.) Willd.<br />

tontelbos –see– Gomphocarpus fruticosa (L.) W. T. Aiton<br />

toot –see– Coriaria arborea Linds.<br />

toothed nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um virgini<strong>an</strong>um L.<br />

toothpick ammi –see– Ammi visnaga (L.) Lam.<br />

Toowoomba c<strong>an</strong>arygrass –see– Phalaris aquatica L.<br />

torch pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Aloe arborescens Mill.<br />

tord<strong>an</strong>da –see– Euphorbia royle<strong>an</strong>a Boiss.<br />

tornel –see– Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex Pr<strong>an</strong>tl<br />

toti –see– Dioclea erecta Hoehne; Dioclea latifolia Benth.<br />

tournesol –see– Heliotropium europaeum L.<br />

toursole –see– Heliotropium europaeum L.<br />

tov<strong>an</strong>a –see– Smodingium argutum E. Mey. ex Sond.<br />

To x ic o d e n d r o n d i ve r s i l ob u M (Torr. &<br />

A. Gray) Greene [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r hus diversiloba Torr. & A. Gray<br />

Common Names:<br />

California poison ivy; California poison oak; California<br />

poison sumach; hiedra; la yedra; oak-leaf poison<br />

ivy; Pacific poison oak; western poison ivy; western<br />

poison oak; yeara; yedra<br />

Citations:<br />

Alderson HE, Pruett HJ (1921) Poison oak dermatitis (a specific<br />

treatment). Cal State J Med 19(5):188-193.<br />

Devich KB, Lee JC, Epstein WL, et al. (1975) Renal lesions<br />

accomp<strong>an</strong>ying poison oak dermatitis. Clin Nephrol<br />

3(3):106-113.<br />

Epstein WL, Byers VS, Fr<strong>an</strong>kart W (1982) Induction of<br />

<strong>an</strong>tigen specific hyposensitization to poison oak in sensitized<br />

adults. Arch Dermatol 118(9):630-633.<br />

McNair GB (1916) The pathology of dermatitis venenata<br />

from Rhus diversiloba. J Infect Dis 19:419-428.<br />

Petrone GS (1984) Miner’s itch - Report of <strong>an</strong> unusual case of<br />

poison oak dermatitis. J Am Acad Dermatol 11(1):142.<br />

Ryt<strong>an</strong>d DA (1948) Fatal <strong>an</strong>uria, the nephrotic syndrome <strong>an</strong>d<br />

glomerular nephritis as sequels of the dermatitis of poison<br />

oak. Am J Med 5:548-560.<br />

Ryt<strong>an</strong>d DA, Burnham DK, Cox AJ Jr (1948) Periarteritis<br />

nodosa following the dermatitis of poison oak <strong>an</strong>d of<br />

primrose. St<strong>an</strong>ford Med Bull 6(2):319-323.<br />

Schwartz RS, Downham TF 2nd (1981) Erythema multiforme<br />

associated with rhus contact dermatitis. Cutis 27(1):85-86.<br />

Spain WC, Newell JM, Meeker M (1934) Susceptibility to<br />

poison ivy <strong>an</strong>d poison oak. Science 80(2065):104.<br />

Templeton HJ, Lunsford CJ, Allington HV (1947) Poison<br />

oak dermatitis. Studies on hematologic, urinary <strong>an</strong>d temperature<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges. J Invest Dermatol 8:53-58.<br />

Watts WJ (1989) Poison oak urethritis. N Engl J Med<br />

321:194.<br />

To x ic o d e n d r o n p u b e s c e n s Mill.<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r hus toxicodendron L.; Toxicodendron quercifolium<br />

(Michx.) Greene; Toxicodendron toxicarium (Salisb.)<br />

Gillis<br />

Common Names:<br />

eastern oakleaf poison ivy; eastern poison oak; Giftsumach;<br />

oakleaf poison ivy; poison oak; southern poison<br />

oak; three-leaf ivy; yeara<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1848) Poisoning by infusion of poison oak.<br />

West J Med Surg 2:364.<br />

Gochfeld M, Burger J (1983) Sexual tr<strong>an</strong>smission of nickel<br />

<strong>an</strong>d poison oak contact dermatitis. L<strong>an</strong>cet 1(12):589.<br />

Kishaba RG, Losek JD (1989) Toxic shock syndrome associated<br />

with poison oak dermatitis. Pediatr Emerg Care<br />

5(1):40-42.<br />

Laur WE, Posey RE, Waller JD (1978) Rhus dermatitis. An<br />

unusual example of exposure. Cutis 22(5):613-614.<br />

Spain WC, Newell JM, Meeker MG (1934) The percentage<br />

of persons susceptible to poison ivy <strong>an</strong>d poison oak. J<br />

Allergy 5:571-574.<br />

Toxicodendron quercifolium (Michx.) Greene =<br />

Toxicodendron pubescens Mill.<br />

To x ic o d e n d r o n r a d ic a n s (L.) Kuntze<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r hus radic<strong>an</strong>s L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s - 401<br />

Common Names:<br />

black mercury; climath; climbing ivy; climbing sumach;<br />

creeping sumach; Giftbaum; Giftefeu; Gifteiche; Giftsumach;<br />

markery; markweed; mercury; picry; poison<br />

ash; poison creeper; poison ivy; poison mercury; poison<br />

sumach; poison vine; poor-m<strong>an</strong>’s-liquid-amber; threeleaf<br />

ivy; trailing sumach; zumaque venenoso<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1960) Tr<strong>an</strong>smission of ivy poisoning. JAMA<br />

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Barefoot SW (1952) Complications of poison ivy (Rhus toxicodendron)<br />

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Biberstein H (1929) Über Hautreaktionen bei Applikation von<br />

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Brown ED (1922) Experiments on the variability in susceptibility<br />

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Cohen LM, Cohen JL (1998) Erythema multiforme associated<br />

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Allergy 5:571-574.<br />

Spencer MC (1961) Occupational dermatitis <strong>an</strong>d eczema<br />

among farmers. Ill Med J 119:136-138.<br />

Spencer MC (1971) Poison ivy dermatitis - A simple, safe<br />

<strong>an</strong>d effective treatment. Cutis 7(4):443-435.<br />

Stokes J (1867) Peculiar cases of poisoning from the root of<br />

the Rhus toxicodendron. Med Surg Reper 17:373.<br />

Turner T (1972) Poison ivy <strong>an</strong>d poor-m<strong>an</strong>’s liquid amber.<br />

Med J Aust 2(3):166-167.<br />

Vollmer H (1936) Hauterkr<strong>an</strong>kung nach peroraler Zuführing<br />

von Rhus toxicodendron L. Sammlung Vergiftungsfallen<br />

7(B68):21-22.<br />

Whitfield A (1914) On three cases of eczematous dermatitis<br />

produced by poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts. L<strong>an</strong>cet 1(Feb<br />

28):607-608.<br />

Whiting DA (1971) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis in the southern Tr<strong>an</strong>svaal.<br />

S Afr Med J 45(7):163-167.<br />

Zink BJ, Otten EJ, Rosenthal M, et al. (1991) The effect of<br />

jewel weed in preventing poison ivy dermatitis. J Wilderness<br />

Med 2(3):178-182.<br />

Zisserm<strong>an</strong> L (1940) Oral immunization for poison ivy dermatitis.<br />

J Allergy 12:474-476.<br />

Zisserm<strong>an</strong> L (1940) Susceptibility to poison ivy dermatitis.<br />

J Allergy 11:600.<br />

Zisserm<strong>an</strong> L, Birch L (1939) The prophylaxis <strong>an</strong>d treatment<br />

of poison ivy dermatitis with <strong>an</strong> extract of Rhus toxicodendron.<br />

J Allergy 10:596-604.<br />

To x ic o d e n d r o n r y d b e r g i i (Small ex Rydb.)<br />

Greene [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

C<strong>an</strong>adi<strong>an</strong> poison ivy; nonclimbing poison ivy; northern<br />

poison ivy; Rydberg’s-poison ivy; western poison ivy<br />

Citations:<br />

Spoerke DG, Temple AR (1978) One year’s experience with<br />

potential pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings reported to the Intermountain<br />

Regional Poison Control Center. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

20(2):85-89.<br />

To x ic o d e n d r o n s Tr i a Tu M (Ruiz & Pav.)<br />

Kuntze [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r hus striata Ruiz & Pav.<br />

Common Names:<br />

amche; amte; hinchador; hinchahuevos; mala mujer;<br />

m<strong>an</strong>g<strong>an</strong>illo-de-cerro; m<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>illo; palo-de-compadre;<br />

palo-de-sarna; palo-de-viruela; palo sarno; poison<br />

sumach; yagalache<br />

Citations:<br />

Hurtado I (1965) Contact dermatitis caused by the “m<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>illo”<br />

(Rhus striata) tree. Report of three cases. Int Arch<br />

Allergy Appl Immunol 28(6):321-327.<br />

Hurtado I (1967) “M<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>illo.” Dermatitis venenata causada<br />

por el “Rhus striata.” Med Cut<strong>an</strong>ea 11(3):253-258.<br />

Hurtado I (1968) Studies on the biological activity of Rhus<br />

striata (‘m<strong>an</strong>z<strong>an</strong>illo’). II. Skin response to patch test in<br />

hum<strong>an</strong>s. Int Arch Allergy 33(3):209-216.<br />

To x ic o d e n d r o n s u c c e d a n e u M (L.)<br />

Kuntze [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r hus succed<strong>an</strong>ea L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Indochinese lacquer; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese wax tree; oriental<br />

sumach; oriental wax tree; red lac; rhus; rhus tree; scarlet<br />

rhus; scarlet sumach; sumach; wax tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Burry JN (1969) The value of patch testing: A review of 363<br />

cases of allergic contact dermatitis. Med J Aust 1(Jun<br />

14):1124-1231.<br />

Nakamura T (1985) Contact dermatitis to Rhus succed<strong>an</strong>ea.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 12(5):279.<br />

Rademaker M, Duffill MB (1995) Allergic contact dermatitis<br />

to Toxicodendron succed<strong>an</strong>eum (Rhus tree) - An<br />

autumn epidemic. N Z Med J 108:121-123.<br />

Rademaker M, Duffill MB (1995) Toxicodendron succed<strong>an</strong>eum<br />

(Rhus tree), New Zeal<strong>an</strong>d’s poison ivy. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 33(8):357-358.<br />

Whiting DA (1971) Pl<strong>an</strong>t dermatitis in the southern Tr<strong>an</strong>svaal.<br />

S Afr Med J 45(7):163-167.<br />

To x ic o d e n d r o n s y l ve s Tr e (Siebold &<br />

Zucc.) Kuntze [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Mitchell JC, Guin JD, Maibach HI, et al. (1985) Allergenicity<br />

of Toxicodendron sylvestre (Anacardiaceae). Contact<br />

Dermatitis 12(2):113-114.<br />

Toxicodendron toxicarium (Salisb.) Gillis = Toxicodendron<br />

pubescens Mill.<br />

To x ic o d e n d r o n v e r n ic i f l u u M (Stokes) F.<br />

A. Barkley [Anacardiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r hus vernicifera DC.; r hus verniciflua Stokes<br />

Common Names:<br />

Chinese lacquer tree; Chinese shellac; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese lacquer<br />

tree; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese shellac; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese sumach; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese varnish;<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ische Lackbaum; Jap<strong>an</strong>lack; lacquer; lacquer<br />

tree; ningpo varnish; oriental lacquer tree; poison lac;<br />

varnish lacquer tree; varnish tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Ames O (1931) Rhus verniciflua <strong>an</strong>d Jap<strong>an</strong>ese damascence<br />

ware. J Arnold Arbor 12(1):1-3.<br />

Barrett DK (1985) A case history of acute dermatitis caused<br />

by Rhus verniciflua Stokes <strong>an</strong>d brief review of toxic<br />

sumachs in Britain. Arboricultural J 9:115-120.<br />

Bauer H (1940) Über Sumachdermatitis. Med Klin<br />

36(2):48-49.<br />

Biberstein H (1929) Über Hautreaktionen bei Applikation von<br />

verschiedenen Rhusarten. Klin Wochenschr 8:99-102.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Toxicoscordion venenosum - 403<br />

Etter RL (1951) Dermatitis caused by Jap<strong>an</strong>ese lacquer. U S<br />

Armed Forces Med J 2(3):505-507.<br />

Grevenstuk A (1937) Vergiftung durch Renghas und durch<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>lack. Sammlung Vergiftungsfallen 8(A664):35-38.<br />

Hinm<strong>an</strong> F (1946) Contact dermatitis from Jap<strong>an</strong>ese rifles.<br />

Ann Allergy 4:384-387.<br />

Kawai K, Nakagawa M, Kawai K, et al. (1991) Hyposensitization<br />

to urushiol among Jap<strong>an</strong>ese lacquer draftsmen:<br />

Results of patch tests on students learning the art of lacquerware.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 25(5):290-295.<br />

Kobayashi Y (1935) Sensitization of guinea-pigs to Rhus<br />

venicifera <strong>an</strong>d to Jap<strong>an</strong>ese <strong>an</strong>d Chinese lacquers. Jpn J<br />

Dermatol Urol 37(Apr):479.<br />

Levin OL (1924) Dermatitis venenata from the lacquer on<br />

the boxes of Mah Jong sets. JAMA 82(6):465.<br />

Powell SM, Barrett DK (1986) An outbreak of contact dermatitis<br />

from Rhus verniciflua (Toxicodendron vernicifluum).<br />

Contact Dermatitis 14(5):288-289.<br />

Powell SM, Barrett DK, Venning VA (1987) Contact dermatitis<br />

from Rhus verniciflua - Further evidence concerning<br />

the hazard of domestic pl<strong>an</strong>ting. Arboricultural<br />

J 11(2):165-168.<br />

Zeisler EP (1924) Dermatitis venenata from the lacquer on<br />

the boxes of Mah Jong sets. JAMA 82(6):466.<br />

To x ic o d e n d r o n v e r n i x (L.) Kuntze<br />

[Anacardiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r hus vernix L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

poison ash; poison dogwood; poison elderberry; poison<br />

sumach; poison swamp sumach; poison tree; poison<br />

weed; poisonwood; swamp dogwood; swamp sumach;<br />

thunderwood<br />

Citations:<br />

Benedict RC (1933) A poison ivy experiment. Torreya<br />

33(May-Jun):65-66.<br />

Jacobziner H, Raybin HW (1962) Intoxications due to tr<strong>an</strong>quilizing<br />

drugs <strong>an</strong>d pl<strong>an</strong>ts. N Y State J Med 62(Oct<br />

1):3130-3132.<br />

Sherer JW (1916) Conjunctivitis <strong>an</strong>d keratitis from poison<br />

ivy. Ophthal Record 25:191-193.<br />

To x ic o s c o r d io n f r e Mo n Ti i (Torr.) Rydb.<br />

[Mel<strong>an</strong>thiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chaparral death camas; death camas; star lily; star<br />

zydadene<br />

Citations:<br />

Quortrup ER, McFarl<strong>an</strong>d RJ (1956) Animal losses involving<br />

noxious weeds in S<strong>an</strong> Diego County. California Vet<br />

9(5):14-17.<br />

To x ic o s c o r d io n i n Te r Me d i u M (Rydb.)<br />

Rydb. [Mel<strong>an</strong>thiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

z igadenus intermedius Rydb.<br />

Common Names:<br />

death camas<br />

Citations:<br />

Mitchell PH, Smith G (1911) The physiological effects<br />

of alkaloids of Zygadenus intermedius. Am J Physiol<br />

28:318-329.<br />

To x ic o s c o r d io n n u TTa l l i i (A. Gray) Rydb.<br />

[Mel<strong>an</strong>thiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

z igadenus nuttallii A. Gray<br />

Common Names:<br />

alkaligrass; death camas; grassy death camas; Nuttall’sdeath<br />

camas; poison camas; poison sego; soap pl<strong>an</strong>t;<br />

water lily; wild onion<br />

Citations:<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Roe GC (1926) Nuttall’s death<br />

camas (Zygadenus nuttallii) as a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. U S<br />

Dep Agric Bull #1376:13 pp.<br />

Morris MD (1944) Nuttall death camas poisoning in horses.<br />

Vet Med 39(12):462.<br />

To x ic o s c o r d io n p a n ic u l a Tu M (Nutt.)<br />

Rydb. [Mel<strong>an</strong>thiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

z igadenus p<strong>an</strong>iculatus (Nutt.) S. Watson<br />

Common Names:<br />

alkaligrass; death camas; foothill death camas; p<strong>an</strong>icle<br />

death camas; poison sego; wild sago<br />

Citations:<br />

Fleming CE (1920) <strong>Poisonous</strong> r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric<br />

Exp Sta Annu Rep 1919:39-43.<br />

Fleming CE, Peterson NF, Miller MR, et al. (1921) Death<br />

camas (Zygadenus p<strong>an</strong>iculatus <strong>an</strong>d Zygadenus venenosus).<br />

<strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> poisonous to sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Nevada Agric<br />

Exp Sta Bull #101:31 pp.<br />

Heilpern KL (1995) Zigadenus poisoning. Ann Emerg Med<br />

25(2):259-262.<br />

Hilm<strong>an</strong> FH (1896) Zygadenus p<strong>an</strong>iculatus is mentioned as<br />

poisonous. Nevada Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep #9:25.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB (1922) The death camas species,<br />

Zygadenus p<strong>an</strong>iculatus <strong>an</strong>d Z. eleg<strong>an</strong>s, as poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bull #1012:25 pp.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Marsh H (1915) Zygadenus, or<br />

death camas. U S Dep Agric Bull #125:46 pp.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ter KE, Ralphs MH, Smart RA, et al. (1987) Death<br />

camas poisoning in sheep: A case report. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

29(1):45-48.<br />

Peterson MC, Rasmussen GJ (2003) Intoxication with foothill<br />

camas (Zigadenus p<strong>an</strong>iculatus). J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

41(1):63-65.<br />

To x ic o s c o r d io n v e n e n o s u M (S. Watson)<br />

Rydb. [Mel<strong>an</strong>thiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

z igadenus gramineus Rydb.; z igadenus venenosus S.<br />


404 - Trachelium caeruleum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Common Names:<br />

death camas; grassy death camas; meadow death camas;<br />

mysterygrass; poison camas; poisongrass; poison sego;<br />

poison wild onion; squirrel food<br />

Citations:<br />

Avery RJ, Niilo L, Kramer T, et al. (1961) Two cases of poisoning<br />

in livestock presenting difficulties in diagnosis. I.<br />

Death camas (Zygadenus gramineus, Rydb.) poisoning in<br />

sheep. C<strong>an</strong> Vet J 2(7):250-252.<br />

Cameron K (1952) Death camas poisoning. Northwest Med<br />

51(Aug):682-683.<br />

Collett S, Grotelueschen D, Smith R, et al. (1996) Deaths of<br />

23 adult cows attributed to intoxication by the alkaloids<br />

of Zygadenus venenosus (meadow death camas). Agri-<br />

Practice 17(7):5-9.<br />

Fleming CE (1920) <strong>Poisonous</strong> r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric<br />

Exp Sta Annu Rep 1919:39-43.<br />

Fleming CE, Peterson NF, Miller MR, et al. (1921) Death<br />

camas (Zygadenus p<strong>an</strong>iculatus <strong>an</strong>d Zygadenus venenosus).<br />

<strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> poisonous to sheep <strong>an</strong>d cattle. Nevada Agric<br />

Exp Sta Bull #101:31 pp.<br />

Hitchcock JD (1959) Poisoning of honey bees by death camas<br />

blossoms. Am Bee J 99(Oct):418-419.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB (1922) The death camas species,<br />

Zygadenus p<strong>an</strong>iculatus <strong>an</strong>d Z. eleg<strong>an</strong>s, as poisonous<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. U S Dep Agric Bull #1012:25 pp.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB (1924) The meadow death camas<br />

(Zygadenus venenosus) as a poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>t. U S Dep<br />

Agric Bull #1240:13 pp.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Marsh H (1915) Zygadenus, or<br />

death camas. U S Dep Agric Bull #125:46 pp.<br />

Nelson SB (1906) Feeding wild pl<strong>an</strong>ts to sheep. Washington<br />

Agric Exp Sta Bull #73:64 pp.<br />

toyon –see– Heteromeles salicifolia (C. Presl) Abrams<br />

Tr a c h e l i u M c a e r u l e u M L.<br />

[Camp<strong>an</strong>ulaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

B<strong>an</strong>erjee P, Rycroft RJ (2002) A second florist with dermatitis<br />

from Trachelium caeruleum. Contact Dermatitis<br />

46(4):241.<br />

Tr a c h y a n d r a d i va r ic a Ta (Jacq.) Kunth<br />

[Asphodelaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched onion weed<br />

Citations:<br />

Huxtable CR, Chapm<strong>an</strong> HM, Main DC, et al. (1987)<br />

Neurological disease <strong>an</strong>d lipofuscinosis in horses<br />

<strong>an</strong>d sheep grazing Trachy<strong>an</strong>dra divaricata (br<strong>an</strong>ched<br />

onion weed) in south Western Australia. Aust Vet J<br />

64(4):105-108.<br />

Newsholme SJ, Schneider DJ, Reid C (1985) A suspected<br />

lipofuscin storage disease of sheep associated with ingestion<br />

of the pl<strong>an</strong>t, Trachy<strong>an</strong>dra divaricata (Jacq.) Kunth.<br />

Onderstepoort J Vet Res 52(2):87-92.<br />

Tr a c h y a n d r a l a x a (N. E. Br.) Oberm.<br />

[Asphodelaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t RC, Basson PA, Kidd AB (1985) Paralysis <strong>an</strong>d lipofuscin-like<br />

pigmentation of farm stock caused by the<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t, Trachy<strong>an</strong>dra laxa var. laxa. Onderstepoort J Vet<br />

Res 52(4):255-259.<br />

Tr a c h y a n d r a s a l Ti i (Baker) Oberm.<br />

[Asphodelaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Shone DK (1966) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part I. Rhodesia<br />

Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 4:81-94.<br />

Shone DK (1967) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part II.<br />

Rhodesia Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 5:29-41.<br />

Tr a c h y Me n e g l a u c i f o l i a (F. Muell.)<br />

Benth. [Apiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d idiscus glaucifolius F. Muell.<br />

Common Names:<br />

carrot weed; native parsnip; wild carrot; wild parsnip<br />

Citations:<br />

Edgar G, Ropert J (1942) The toxicity of Didiscus glaucifolius,<br />

“wild parsnip,” for sheep. Aust Vet J 18:125-126.<br />

Philbey AW (1990) Trachymene glaucifolia associated with<br />

bentleg in lambs. Aust Vet J 67(12):468.<br />

Tr a c h y Me n e o c h r a c e a L. A. S. Johnson<br />

[Apiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

parsley; parsnip; wild parsnip<br />

Citations:<br />

Clark L (1977) Trachymene spp <strong>an</strong>d infertility in sheep. Aust<br />

Vet J 53(5):249-250.<br />

Tr a d e s c a n Ti a f l u Mi n e n s is Vell.<br />

[Commelinaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

w<strong>an</strong>dering Jew<br />

Citations:<br />

Kunkle GA, Gross TL (1983) Allergic contact dermatitis to<br />

Tradesc<strong>an</strong>tia fluminensis (w<strong>an</strong>dering Jew) in a dog. Compend<br />

Cont Educ Pract Vet 5(11):925-930.<br />

Wüthrich B, Joh<strong>an</strong>sson SG (1997) Allergy to the ornamental<br />

indoor green pl<strong>an</strong>t Tradesc<strong>an</strong>tia (Albifloxia). Allergy<br />

52(5):556-559.<br />

trailing indigo –see– Indigofera hendecaphylla Jacq.; Indigofera<br />

spicata Forssk.<br />

trailing mahonia –see– Berberis aquifolium Pursh<br />

trailing sumach –see– Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

Tr<strong>an</strong>svaal camelthorn –see– Acacia ×giraffae Willd.<br />

Tr<strong>an</strong>svaal kameeldoring –see– Acacia ×giraffae Willd.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Tri<strong>an</strong>thema portulacastrum - 405<br />

Tr<strong>an</strong>svaal sl<strong>an</strong>gkop –see– Drimia s<strong>an</strong>guinea (Schinz) Jessop<br />

Tr<strong>an</strong>svaal yellow tulp –see– Moraea pallida (Baker)<br />

Goldblatt<br />

Traubenkirsche –see– Prunus padus L.<br />

traveler’s-joy –see– Clematis vitalba L.<br />

tread-softly –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um carolinense L.<br />

trébol acedo –see– Oxalis acetosella L.<br />

trébol bl<strong>an</strong>co –see– Trifolium repens L.<br />

trébol dulce –see– Melilotus albus Medik.<br />

trébol loco –see– Melilotus albus Medik.<br />

trébol rojo –see– Trifolium pratense L.<br />

trecul queen’s-delight –see– Stillingia treculi<strong>an</strong>a (Müll. Arg.)<br />

I. M. Johnst.<br />

tree daffodil –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

tree datura –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia arborea (L.) Lagerh.<br />

tree lucerne –see– Chamaecytisus prolifer (L. f.) Link<br />

tree morning-glory –see– Ipomoea carnea Jacq.<br />

tree nettle –see– Urtica ferox G. Forst.<br />

tree-of-death –see– Taxus cuspidata Siebold & Zucc.<br />

tree-of-heaven –see– Ail<strong>an</strong>thus altissima (Mill.) Swingle<br />

tree rosewood –see– Dalbergia nigra (Vell.) Allemão ex<br />

Benth.<br />

tree tobacco –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a glauca Graham<br />

tree tutu –see– Coriaria arborea Linds.<br />

tree zamia –see– Cycas media R. Br.<br />

trèfle aigrelet –see– Oxalis acetosella L.<br />

trèfle bl<strong>an</strong>c –see– Trifolium repens L.<br />

trèfle commun –see– Trifolium pratense L.<br />

trèfle-des-prés –see– Trifolium pratense L.<br />

trèfle-porte-fraise –see– Trifolium repens L.<br />

trèfle souterrain –see– Trifolium subterr<strong>an</strong>eum L.<br />

trefoil –see– Medicago polymorpha L.; Medicago sativa L.<br />

Trema aspera (Brongn.) Blume = Trema tomentosa (Roxb.)<br />

H. Hara<br />

Tr e Ma c a n n a b i n u M Lour. [C<strong>an</strong>nabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s ponia virgata Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

Common Names:<br />

wild peach<br />

Citations:<br />

Hindmarsh WL (1940) <strong>Poisonous</strong> to stock. Peach leaf poison<br />

bush (Trema c<strong>an</strong>nabina syn. T. aspera). Agric Gaz<br />

New South Wales 51(8):429-430.<br />

Tr e Ma Mic r a n Th a (L.) Blume [C<strong>an</strong>nabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>diúva<br />

Citations:<br />

Traverso SD, Corrêa AM, Pescador CA, et al. (2002) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Trema micr<strong>an</strong>tha (Ulmaceae) em<br />

caprinos. Pesq Vet Bras 22(4):141-147.<br />

Traverso SD, Corrêa AM, Schmitz M, et al. (2004) Intoxicação<br />

experimental por Trema micr<strong>an</strong>tha (Ulmaceae) em<br />

bovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 24(4):211-216.<br />

Traverso SD, Driemeier D (2000) Experimental Trema<br />

micr<strong>an</strong>tha (Ulmaceae) poisoning in rabbits. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 42(5):301-301.<br />

Tr e Ma To Me n To s a (Roxb.) H. Hara<br />

[C<strong>an</strong>nabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Trema aspera (Brongn.) Blume<br />

Common Names:<br />

peach-leaf poison bush; poison peach<br />

Citations:<br />

Hill BD, Wills LD, Dowling RM (1985) Suspected poisoning<br />

of horses by Trema aspera (poison peach). Aust Vet J<br />

62(3):107-108.<br />

Mulhearn CR (1942) Poison peach (Trema aspera): A pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

poisonous to stock. Aust Vet J 18(Apr):68-72.<br />

Truem<strong>an</strong> KF, Powell MW (1991) Suspected poisoning of<br />

camels by Trema tomentosa (poison peach). Aust Vet J<br />

68(6):213-214.<br />

trembling stagger –see– Dicentra c<strong>an</strong>adensis (Goldie) Walp.<br />

trevo-doce-amnelo –see– Melilotus officinalis Lam.<br />

tri-leaf wonder –see– Syngonium podophyllum Schott<br />

tria –see– Erythrophleum succirubrum Gagnep.<br />

Tr i a d ic a s e b i f e r a (L.) Small [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

s apium sebiferum (L.) Roxb.; s tillingia sebifera (L.)<br />

Michx.<br />

Common Names:<br />

arbre-à-suif; Chinese tallow tree; Jap<strong>an</strong>ese tallow tree;<br />

momchina; pa-teou-seou; popcorn tree; tallow tree;<br />

T<strong>an</strong>kaw<strong>an</strong>g fat tree; vegetable tallow tree; wu chiu<br />

Citations:<br />

Russell LH, Schwartz WL, Dollahite JW (1969) Toxicity<br />

of Chinese tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum) for rumin<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Am J Vet Res 30(7):1233-1238.<br />

Soifer FK (1973) Tallow tree poisoning in a monkey. J Zoo<br />

Anim Med 4(2):13.<br />

tri<strong>an</strong>gle-leaf bursage –see– Ambrosia deltoidea (Torr.) W. W.<br />

Payne<br />

Tri<strong>an</strong>thema monogyna L. = Tri<strong>an</strong>thema portulacastrum L.<br />

Tr i a n Th e Ma p o r Tu l a c a s Tr u M L.<br />

[Aizoaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Tri<strong>an</strong>thema monogyna L.

406 - Tribulus micrococcus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Common Names:<br />

baura; black pigweed; gadon machiji; gi<strong>an</strong>t pigweed;<br />

horse pursl<strong>an</strong>e; itsit; sea pursl<strong>an</strong>e; verdolaga bl<strong>an</strong>ca<br />

Citations:<br />

Gupta BK, Gupta SC, Thind IS (1983) Effect of feeding<br />

‘itsit’ (Tri<strong>an</strong>thema monogyna L.) to goats. J Res Punjab<br />

Agric Univ 20(4):539-543.<br />

Mathams RH, Sutherl<strong>an</strong>d AK (1952) The oxalate content of<br />

some Queensl<strong>an</strong>d pasture pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d J Agric Sci<br />

9:317-334.<br />

Tr i b u l u s Mic r o c o c c u s Domin<br />

[Zygophyllaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

yellow vine<br />

Citations:<br />

Bourke CA, MacFarl<strong>an</strong>e JA (1985) A tr<strong>an</strong>sient ataxia of<br />

sheep associated with the ingestion of Tribulus micrococcus<br />

(yellow vine). Aust Vet J 62(8):282.<br />

Tr i b u l u s Te r r e s Tr is L. [Zygophyllaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

abrojos; bullhead; bur nut; caktrio; caltrops; cat’s-head;<br />

croix-de-malte; devil’s-thorn; dubbelljie; duwweljie;<br />

espigon; goat head; goat weed; gokharu; Mexic<strong>an</strong> s<strong>an</strong>dbur;<br />

puncture vine; puncture weed; tacks; yellow vine<br />

Citations:<br />

Amjadi AR, Ahourai P, Baharsefat M (1977) First<br />

report of geeldikkop in sheep in Ir<strong>an</strong>. Arch Inst Razi<br />

29(Dec):71-78.<br />

Asl<strong>an</strong>i MR, Movassaghi AR, Mohri M, et al. (2003) Experimental<br />

Tribulus terrestris poisoning in sheep: Clinical,<br />

laboratory <strong>an</strong>d pathological findings. Vet Res Commun<br />

27(1):53-62.<br />

Bourke CA (1983) Hepatopathy in sheep associated with<br />

Tribulus terrestris. Aust Vet J 60(6):189.<br />

Bourke CA (1984) Staggers in sheep associated with the ingestion<br />

of Tribulus terrestris. Aust Vet J 61(11):360-363.<br />

Bourke CA (1987) A novel nigrostriatal dopaminergic disorder<br />

in sheep affected by Tribulus terrestris staggers. Res<br />

Vet Sci 43(3):347-350.<br />

Bourke CA (2006) Abnormal turning behaviour, GABAergic<br />

inhibition <strong>an</strong>d the degeneration of astrocytes in ovine<br />

Tribulus terrestris motor neuron disease. Aust Vet J<br />

84(1-2):53-58.<br />

Brown JM (1959) Adv<strong>an</strong>ces in “geeldikkop” (Tribulosis ovis)<br />

research. 3. The epizootology of “geeldikkop.” J S Afr Vet<br />

Assoc 30(4):403-417.<br />

Brown JM, le Roux JM, Tustin RC (1960) Adv<strong>an</strong>ces in<br />

“geeldikkop” (Tribulosis ovis) research. 4. The pathology<br />

of Geeldikkop - Part I. J S Afr Vet Assoc 31(2):179-193.<br />

Coetzer AW, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, Sadler W, et al. (1983) Photosensitivity<br />

in South Africa. 5. A comparative study of the<br />

pathology of the ovine hepatogenous photosensitivity diseases,<br />

facial eczema <strong>an</strong>d geeldikkop (tribulosis ovis), with<br />

special reference to their pathogenesis. Onderstepoort J<br />

Vet Res 50(1):59-71.<br />

Glastonbury JR, Boal GK (1985) Geeldikkop in goats. Aust<br />

Vet J 62(2):62-63.<br />

Glastonbury JR, Doughty FR, Whitaker SJ, et al. (1984) A<br />

syndrome of hepatogenous photosensitisation, resembling<br />

geeldikkop, in sheep grazing Tribulus terrestris. Aust Vet<br />

J 61(10):314-316.<br />

Jacob RH, Peet RL (1987) Poisoning of sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats by<br />

Tribulus terrestris (caltrop). Aust Vet J 64(9):288-289.<br />

Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, V<strong>an</strong> der Westhuizen GC, Coetzer JA, et al.<br />

(1980) Photosensitivity in South Africa. 2. The experimental<br />

production of the ovine hepatogenous photosensitivity<br />

disease geeldikkop (Tribulosis ovis) by the simult<strong>an</strong>eous<br />

ingestion of Tribulus terrestris pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d cultures<br />

of Pithomyces chartarum containing the mycotoxin<br />

sporidesmin. Onderstepoort J Vet Med 47(4):231-256.<br />

McDonough SP, Woodbury AH, Galey FD, et al. (1994)<br />

Hepatogenous photosensitization of sheep in California<br />

associated with ingestion of Tribulus terrestris (puncture<br />

vine). J Vet Diagn Invest 6(3):392-395.<br />

Pachalag SV, Patil BD (1977) Effect of gokharu (Tribulus<br />

terrestris Linn) as sole feed to we<strong>an</strong>er lambs. Indi<strong>an</strong> Vet<br />

J 54(Jul):586-587.<br />

Rimington C, Quin JI (1933) Studies on the photosensitization<br />

of <strong>an</strong>imals in South Africa. II. The presence of a<br />

lethal factor in certain members of the pl<strong>an</strong>t genus Tribulus.<br />

Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Indus 1(2):469-489.<br />

Tapia MO, Giord<strong>an</strong>o MA, Gueper HG (1994) An outbreak of<br />

hepatogenous photosensitization in sheep grazing Tribulus<br />

terrestris in Argentina. Vet Hum Toxicol 36(4):311-313.<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Tonder EM, Basson PA, v<strong>an</strong> Rensburg IB (1972)<br />

Geeldikkop: Experimental induction by feeding the pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

Tribulus terrestris L. (Zygophyllaceae). J S Afr Vet Assoc<br />

43(4):363-375.<br />

Tr ic h i l i a h a va n n e n s is Jacq. [Meliaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Figueroa V, Sutherl<strong>an</strong>d TM (1972) “Muerte súbita” (sudden<br />

death) in cattle. 5. The role of toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Rev Cub<strong>an</strong>a<br />

Cienc Agric Eng Ed 6(1):53-59.<br />

Tr ic h o d e s Ma i n c a n u M (Bunge) A. DC.<br />

[Boraginaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

camel bush<br />

Citations:<br />

Abdullaev NK, Azimov RK (1972) [Effect of Trichodesma<br />

inc<strong>an</strong>um seeds on the development of fatty dystrophy of<br />

the liver.] Bull Eksp Biol Med 73(8):28-29.<br />

Ibadullaev F (1967) [Pathological ch<strong>an</strong>ges in pups experimentally<br />

poisoned with Trichodesma inc<strong>an</strong>um poisoning<br />

of fowls.] Veterinariia Moscow 44(8):87-88.<br />

Ibadullaev FI, Rasulev KK (1970) [Pathomorphological<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges in experimental trichodesmotoxicosis in poultry.]<br />

Veterinariia Moscow 47(8):75-77.<br />

Ibragimov KZ (1960) [Toxic effect of Trichodesma inc<strong>an</strong>um<br />

on cattle.] Dokl Akad Nauk USSR 4:56-57.<br />

Tr ic h o s a n Th e s k i r i l o w i i Maxim.<br />

[Cucurbitaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Zh<strong>an</strong>g YG, Hu<strong>an</strong>g GZ (1988) Poisoning by toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

China. Report of 19 autopsy cases. Am J Forensic Med<br />

Pathol 9(4):313-319.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Trifolium repens - 407<br />

trifoglio –see– Trifolium pratense L.<br />

Tr i f o l i u M a l e x a n d r i n u M L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Alex<strong>an</strong>dri<strong>an</strong> clover; barseem; berseem clover; Egypti<strong>an</strong><br />

clover<br />

Citations:<br />

Abd El-Latif K, Awad FI (1964) Haemoglobinuria of buffaloes<br />

associated with the excessive feeding of Tripholium<br />

alex<strong>an</strong>drinum (barseem). J Vet Sci United Arab Republic<br />

1(2):69-74.<br />

Adler JH (1969) The effect of estrogenic activity in forage on<br />

the reproductive processes of dairy cattle. Acta Vet Brno<br />

38:201-213.<br />

Shehata MN, Hass<strong>an</strong> A, El-Shazly K, et al. (1978) Oestrogenic<br />

activity of fresh, wilted, dried <strong>an</strong>d fermented berseem<br />

(Trifolium alex<strong>an</strong>drinum). J Agric Sci (Cambridge)<br />

91(part 2):359-363.<br />

Tr i f o l i u M h y b r i d u M L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Alsati<strong>an</strong> clover; alsike clover; bastard clover; Bastardklee;<br />

Hybridklee; Schweden Klee; Swedish clover<br />

Citations:<br />

Fincher MG, Fuller HK (1942) Case report. Photosensitization<br />

- Trifoliosis - light sensitization. Cornell Vet 32:95-98.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1928) Trifoliosis <strong>an</strong>d similar stock diseases.<br />

North Am Vet 9(8):34-36.<br />

Morg<strong>an</strong> HA, Jacob M (1905) I. Alsike clover. II. Ill effects sometimes<br />

produced on horses <strong>an</strong>d mules pastured exclusively<br />

upon alsike. Tennessee Agric Exp Sta Bull #18(3):24-30.<br />

Pammel LH (1919) Alsike clover poisoning. Am J Vet Med<br />

14:437-438.<br />

Schofield FW (1933) Liver disease of horses (big liver)<br />

caused by the feeding of alsike clover. Ontario Vet Coll<br />

Circ #52:4 pp.<br />

Traub JL, Potter KA, Bayly WM, et al. (1982) Alsike clover<br />

poisoning. Mod Vet Pract 63(4):307-309.<br />

Tr i f o l i u M i n c a r n a Tu M L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

crimson clover; Inkarnatklee; Itali<strong>an</strong> clover<br />

Citations:<br />

Coville FV (1896) Crimson clover hair balls. U S Dep Agric<br />

Div Bot Circ #8:4 pp.<br />

Trifolium officinale L. = Melilotus officinalis Lam.<br />

Tr i f o l i u M p r a Te n s e L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cowgrass; gr<strong>an</strong>d trèfle rouge; peavine clover; purple<br />

clover; red clover; Rotklee; trèfle commun; trèfle-després;<br />

tribol rojo; trifoglio<br />

Citations:<br />

Ballarini G, Rizzi E (1977) Turbe della riproduzione nella<br />

scrofa da alimentazione con trifoglio. Clin Vet (Mil<strong>an</strong>o)<br />

100(11):761-769.<br />

Barrett JF, George JM, Lamond DR (1965) Reproductive<br />

perform<strong>an</strong>ce of Merino ewes grazing red clover (Trifolium<br />

pratense L.), improved pasture, or native pasture.<br />

Aust J Agric Res 16:189-200.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>g TS (1961) Reproductive perform<strong>an</strong>ce of New Zeal<strong>an</strong>d<br />

Romney sheep grazed on red clover (Trifolium pratense)<br />

pastures. J Agric Sci (Cambridge) 57(1):123-127.<br />

Fox CW, Kaufmes J, Mason RW, et al. (1957) Effects of<br />

feeding red clover (Trifolium pratense) on reproduction<br />

in laboratory mice. Proc West Sec Am Soc Anim Prod<br />

8(XLIV):1-6.<br />

Kallela K (1964) On the oestrogenic effects of red clover fodder<br />

on sheep. Nord Vet Med 16:731-743.<br />

Morley FH, Axelsen A, Bennett D (1964) Effects of grazing<br />

red clover (Trifolium pratense, L.) during the joining<br />

season on ewe fertility. Proc Aust Soc Anim Prod<br />

5:58-61.<br />

Morley FH, Axelsen A, Bennett D (1966) Recovery of normal<br />

fertility after grazing on oestrogenic red clover. Aust<br />

Vet J 42(6):204-206.<br />

Newton JE, Betts JE (1973) The effects of red clover (Trifolium<br />

pratense var. redhead), white clover (Trifolium<br />

repens var. S100) or perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne<br />

var. S23) on the reproductive perform<strong>an</strong>ce of sheep. J<br />

Agric Sci 80:323-327.<br />

Niezen JH, Barry TN, Wilson PR, et al. (1992) Red urine<br />

from deer grazed on pure red clover swards. N Z Vet J<br />

40:164-167.<br />

O’Dell BL, Reg<strong>an</strong> WO, Beach TJ (1959) A study of the toxic<br />

principle in red clover. Missouri Agric Exp Sta Res Bull<br />

#702:12 pp.<br />

Thomson DJ (1975) The effect of feeding red clover conserved<br />

by drying or ensiling on reproduction in the ewe. Grass<br />

Forage Sci 30(2):149-152.<br />

Tr i f o l i u M r e p e n s L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Dutch clover; ladino clover; Ladinoklee; rastrero;<br />

trébol bl<strong>an</strong>co; trèfle bl<strong>an</strong>c; trèfle porte fraise; triolet;<br />

Weißklee; white clover; white trifolium<br />

Citations:<br />

Bergeron JM, Jodoin L (1985) Fiabilité des mesures de<br />

poids et d’examens histopathologiques d<strong>an</strong>s les études<br />

d’intoxication du campagnol des champs (Microtus<br />

pennsylv<strong>an</strong>icus). C<strong>an</strong> J Zool 63(4):804-810.<br />

Flux DS, Butler GW, Johnson JM, et al. (1956) Goitrogenic<br />

effect of white clover (Trifolium repens L.). N Z J Sci<br />

Technol A 38:88-102.<br />

Newton JE, Betts JE (1973) The effects of red clover (Trifolium<br />

pratense var. redhead), white clover (Trifolium<br />

repens var. S100) or perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne<br />

var. S23) on the reproductive perform<strong>an</strong>ce of sheep. J<br />

Agric Sci 80:323-327.<br />

Rainey JW (1961) Fixed vegetable oil as <strong>an</strong>tidote to clover<br />

poisoning. Vet Rec 73(11):281-282.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>ger VL, Bell DS (1961) Comparative effect of ladino clover<br />

<strong>an</strong>d bluegrass pasture on fertilization of ova in sheep.<br />

Cornell Vet 51(Apr):204-210.<br />

Wright PA (1960) Infertility in rabbits induced by<br />

feeding ladino clover. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med<br />


408 - Trifolium subterr<strong>an</strong>eum D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Tr i f o l i u M s u b Te r r a n e u M L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Erdklee; sub clover; subterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong> clover; subterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong><br />

trefoil; trèfle souterrain; yarloop clover<br />

Citations:<br />

Adams NR (1977) Morphological ch<strong>an</strong>ges in the org<strong>an</strong>s of<br />

ewes grazing oestrogenic subterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong> clover. Res Vet Sci<br />

22(2):216-221.<br />

Adams NR (1979) Masculinisation of the external genitalia<br />

in ewes with clover disease. Aust Vet J 55(1):22-24.<br />

Chamberlain HV, Habel JD (1957) Clover infertility disease<br />

of sheep. J Dep Agric South Australia 60:238-247.<br />

Clark NT (1964) Lactation in non-pregn<strong>an</strong>t ewes grazing<br />

subterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong> clover in summer. Aust Vet J<br />

40(Dec):422-423.<br />

Clark NT (1965) A comparison of the reproductive perform<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

of ewes grazing Dwalg<strong>an</strong>up or Bacchus Marsh<br />

subterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong> clover or a mixture of lucerne <strong>an</strong>d burr<br />

medic before <strong>an</strong>d during mating. Aust J Exp Agric Anim<br />

Husb 5(May):106-109.<br />

Davies HL (1976) Reduced production in sheep due to subterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong><br />

clover disease. Wool Technol Sheep Breeding<br />

23(2):33-37.<br />

Davies HL, Bennett D (1962) Studies on the oestrogenic<br />

potency of subterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong> clover (Trifolium subterr<strong>an</strong>eum<br />

L.) in South-Western Australia. Aust J Agric Res<br />

13:1030-1040.<br />

Davies HL, Rossiter RC, Maller R (1970) The effects of different<br />

cultivars of subterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong> clover (T. subterr<strong>an</strong>eum<br />

L.) on sheep reproduction in the south-west of Western<br />

Australia. Aust J Agric Res 21(2):359-369.<br />

Donaldson LE (1983) Clover disease in two Mississippi cattle<br />

herds. J Am Vet Med Assoc 182(4):412-413.<br />

Gardiner MR, Nairn ME, Meyer EP (1966) Urinary calculi<br />

associated with oestrogenic subterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong> clover. Aust Vet<br />

J 42(9):315-320.<br />

Kaltenbach CC, Davies HL (1970) Fertilization, sperm<br />

tr<strong>an</strong>sport, <strong>an</strong>d early embryonic loss in ewes grazed on<br />

cultivars of subterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong> clover (T. subterr<strong>an</strong>eum). Aust<br />

J Agric Res 21(1):107-114.<br />

Lightfoot RJ, Wroth RH (1974) The mech<strong>an</strong>ism of temporary<br />

infertility in ewes grazing oestrogenic subterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong><br />

clover prior to <strong>an</strong>d during joining. Proc Aust Soc Anim<br />

Prod 10:130-134.<br />

Meyer EP (1970) Lactation in rams grazing subterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong><br />

clover. Aust Vet J 46(7):305-307.<br />

Thain RI (1965) Bovine infertility possibly caused by subterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong><br />

clover: A preliminary report. Aust Vet J<br />

41(9):277-281.<br />

Thain RI (1966) Bovine infertility possibly caused by subterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong><br />

clover. Further report <strong>an</strong>d herd histories. Aust Vet<br />

J 42(6):199-203.<br />

Wroth RH, Lightfoot RJ (1976) A study of reproductive<br />

wastage among commercial sheep flocks grazing oestrogenic<br />

pastures in south Western Australia. Proc Aust Soc<br />

Anim Prod 11:225-228.<br />

Tr ig l o c h i n Ma r i Ti Ma L. [Juncaginaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

arrowgrass; goosegrass; graceful arrowgrass; low<br />

arrowgrass; marsh arrowgrass; sea arrowgrass; seaside<br />

arrowgrass; six-seed podgrass; sourgrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1935) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1935:39-40.<br />

Anonymous (1936) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1936:44-45.<br />

Beath OA, Draize JH, Eppson HF (1933) Arrow grass,<br />

chemical <strong>an</strong>d physiological considerations. Wyoming<br />

Agric Exp Sta Bull #193:36 pp.<br />

Clawson AB, Mor<strong>an</strong> EA (1937) Toxicity of arrowgrass for<br />

sheep <strong>an</strong>d remedial treatment. U S Dep Agric Tech Bull<br />

#580:16 pp.<br />

Fleming CE (1920) <strong>Poisonous</strong> r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric<br />

Exp Sta Annu Rep 1919:39-43.<br />

Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR, et al. (1931) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Nevada Agric Exp Sta Annu Rep<br />

1930:12-13.<br />

Fleming CE, Peterson NF, Miller MR, et al. (1920) Arrowgrass,<br />

a new stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>t (Triglochin maritima).<br />

Nevada Agric Exp Sta Bull #98:22 pp.<br />

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Roe GC (1929) Arrow grass (Triglochin<br />

maritima) as a stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>t. U S Dep<br />

Agric Tech Bull #113:14 pp.<br />

trigo sarraceno –see– Fagopyrum esculentum Moench<br />

Tr ig o n e l l a f o e n u M-g r a e c u M L.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

chilbe; fenugreek; foenugreek; Greek hay seed; methi;<br />

methika<br />

Citations:<br />

Adler JH, Egyed M (1961) Trigonella foenum-graecum poisoning<br />

in sheep. Refu Vet 18:20-21, 45.<br />

Adler JH, Nobel TA, Egyed M, et al. (1960) [Some effects of<br />

feeding Trigonella foenum-graecum straw to cattle.] Refu<br />

Vet 17:122-125, 171.<br />

triolet –see– Trifolium repens L.<br />

Tripetaleia p<strong>an</strong>iculata Siebold et Zucc. = Elliottia p<strong>an</strong>iculata<br />

(Siebold & Zucc.) Benth. & Hook. f.<br />

Tr i pl o c h i To n s c l e r o x y l o n K. Schum.<br />

[Malviaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

abachi; Afric<strong>an</strong> maple; Afric<strong>an</strong> whitewood; mahog<strong>an</strong>y;<br />

obeche; Samba; wawa<br />

Citations:<br />

Estl<strong>an</strong>der T, Jol<strong>an</strong>ki R, K<strong>an</strong>erva L (1999) Occupational<br />

allergic contact dermatitis eczema caused by obeche <strong>an</strong>d<br />

teak dusts. Contact Dermatitis 41(3):164.<br />

Halpin B (1961) Toxicity in fowl due to hardwood litter. Vet<br />

Rec 73(18):454-455.<br />

Hinojosa M, Losada E, Moneo I, et al. (1986) Occupational<br />

asthma caused by Afric<strong>an</strong> maple (obeche) <strong>an</strong>d ramin: <strong>Evidence</strong><br />

of cross reactivity between these two woods. Clin<br />

Allergy 16(2):145-153.<br />

Hinojosa M, Moneo I, Dominguez J, et al. (1984) Asthma<br />

caused by Afric<strong>an</strong> maple (Triplochiton scleroxylon) wood<br />

dust. J Allergy Clin Immunol 74:782-786.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Triticum aestivum - 409<br />

Hinojosa M, Subiza J, Moneo I, et al. (1990) Contact urticaria<br />

caused by obeche wood (Triplochiton scleroxylon).<br />

Report of eight patients. Ann Allergy 64(5):476-479.<br />

K<strong>an</strong>erva L, Tuppurainen M, Keskinen H (1998) Contact<br />

urticaria caused by obeche wood (Triplochiton scleroxylon).<br />

Contact Dermatitis 38(3):170-171.<br />

Kespohl S, S<strong>an</strong>der I, Merget R, et al. (2005) Identification<br />

of <strong>an</strong> obeche (Triplochiton scleroxylon) wood allergen as<br />

a class I chitonase. Allergy 60(6):808-814.<br />

Oleffe JA, Sporcq J, Hublet P (1975) Epidemiological study<br />

of the wood industry in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):315-316.<br />

Venturini M, Gastaminza G, Kespohl S, et al. (2004) Crossreactivity<br />

between obeche wood (Triplochiton scleroxylon)<br />

<strong>an</strong>d natural rubber latex. Allergy 59(2):225-228.<br />

Tr i p Te r y g i u M w i l f o r d i i Hook. f.<br />

[Celastraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

lei-gong-teng<br />

Citations:<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> WY, Ng TB, Lu JL (1995) Effects of decoctions prepared<br />

from Aconitum carmichaeli, Aconitum kusnezoffii<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Tripterygium wilfordii on serum lactate dehydrogenase<br />

activity <strong>an</strong>d histology of liver, kidney, heart, <strong>an</strong>d<br />

gonad. Hum Exp Toxicol 14(6):489-493.<br />

Hu<strong>an</strong>g H (1982) [Clinical <strong>an</strong>alysis of 31 cases of poisoning<br />

with Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. f., a Chinese traditional<br />

herb medicine.] Chin J Internal Med 21(6):363-365.<br />

Li ZM (1983) [Treatment <strong>an</strong>d prevention of Tripterygium<br />

wilfordii poisoning.] Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih<br />

3(6):368.<br />

Takei A, Nagashima G, Suzuki R, et al. (1997) Meningoencephalocele<br />

associated with Tripterygium wilfordii treatment.<br />

Pediatr Neurosurg 27(1):45-48.<br />

Zh<strong>an</strong>g YG (1983) [An experimental pathologic study on<br />

acute Triptergium wilfordii poisoning in rats.] Chung Hsi<br />

I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 3(6):360-362.<br />

Zh<strong>an</strong>g YG, Hu<strong>an</strong>g GZ (1988) Poisoning by toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

China. Report of 19 autopsy cases. Am J Forensic Med<br />

Pathol 9(4):313-319.<br />

Tr is e Tu M f l a ve s c e n s (L.) P. Beauv. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

golden oats; Goldhafer; oatgrass; yellow false oat; yellow<br />

oatgrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Braun U, Diener M, Camenzind D, et al. (2000) Enzootic<br />

calcinosis in goats caused by golden oat grass (Trisetum<br />

flavescens). Vet Rec 146(6):161-162.<br />

Dirksen G, Pl<strong>an</strong>k P, Hänichen T, et al. (1972) Über eine<br />

enzootische Kalzinose beim Rind. V. Experimentelle<br />

Untersuchungen <strong>an</strong> K<strong>an</strong>inchen mit selektiver Verfütterung<br />

von Knaulgras (Dactylis glomerata), Goldhafer<br />

(Trisetum flavescens) und einem Gräsergemisch. Dtsch<br />

Tierarztl Wochenschr 79(4):77-79.<br />

Dirksen G, Pl<strong>an</strong>k P, Hänichen T, et al. (1973) Über eine<br />

enzootische Kalzinose beim Rind. VI. Experimentelle<br />

Kalzinose beim K<strong>an</strong>inchen durch selektiver Verfütterung<br />

von Goldhafer (Trisetum flavescens). Dtsch Tierarztl<br />

Wochenschr 80(7):148-152.<br />

Dirksen G, Pl<strong>an</strong>k P, Simon U, et al. (1974) Über eine enzootische<br />

Kalzinose beim Rind. VII. Nachweis der kalzinogenen<br />

Wirkung von Goldhafer (Trisetum flavescens [L.]<br />

P. B.) beim Wiederkäuer. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr<br />

81(1):1-5.<br />

Dirksen G, Sachs M, Held T, et al. (1983) Untersuchungen<br />

über den Einfluß von Aluminumhydroxid und von<br />

1-Hydroxyäth<strong>an</strong>-1,1-diphosphonat (EHDP) auf den<br />

kalzinogenen Effekt von Trisetum flavescens (L., P. B.)<br />

beim Schaf. Zentralbl Veterinarmed A 30(9):645-655.<br />

Dirksen G, Simon U, Pl<strong>an</strong>k P, et al. (1975) Über eine<br />

enzootische Kalzinose beim Rind. VIII. Untersuchungen<br />

über die mögliche Bedeutung des Sonnenlichtes<br />

(UV-Strahlen) bei der Entstehung der Kalzinose sowie<br />

Nachweis der kalzinogenen Wirkung von getrocknetem<br />

Goldhafer (Trisetum flavescens (L.) P. B.). Dtsch Tierarztl<br />

Wochenschr 82(10):387-390.<br />

Heinritzi K, Kragenings G, Hänichen T (1977) Untersuchungen<br />

über die kalzinogene Aktivität von siliertem<br />

Goldhafer (Trisetum flavescens [L.] [P. B.]). Z Tierphysiol<br />

Tierernahr Futtermittelkd 39(3):139-145.<br />

Köhler H, Libiseller R, Schmid S, et al. (1978) Zur Kalzinose<br />

der Rinder in Österreich. VII. Untersuchungen zur<br />

Bedeutung der Aufwuchsstadien sowie der Gewinnung<br />

(Silage, Heu) von Goldhafer (Trisetum flavescens) für<br />

die Entstehung der Kalzinose. Zentralbl Veterinarmed A<br />

25(8):617-633.<br />

Libiseller R, Glawischnig E, Köhler H, et al. (1974) Zur<br />

Kalzinose der Rinder in Österreich. II. Experimentelle<br />

Auslösung einer Kalzinose bei Schafen und K<strong>an</strong>inchen.<br />

Zentralbl Veterinarmed A 21:705-730.<br />

Libiseller R, Glawischnig E, Köhler H, et al. (1976) Zur<br />

Kalzinose der Rinder in Österreich. III. Experimentelle<br />

Auslösung einer Kalzinose bei Schafen und K<strong>an</strong>inchen<br />

durch grünen Goldhafer (Trisetum flavescens) aus dem<br />

p<strong>an</strong>nonischen Klimagebiet. Zentralbl Vetinarmed A<br />

23(1):1-30.<br />

Libiseller R, Köhler H, Glawischnig E, et al. (1978) Zur<br />

Kalzinose der Rinder in Österreich. V. Experimentelle<br />

Untersuchungen zur Frage der Bedeutung der Aufwuchsstadien<br />

und der Menge des Goldhafers auf die<br />

Entstehung der Kalzinose. Zentralbl Veterinarmed A<br />

25(1):1-22.<br />

Simon U, D<strong>an</strong>iel P, H<strong>an</strong>ichen T, et al. (1978) Kalzinogene<br />

Wirkung verschiedener Sorten des Goldhafers (Trisetum<br />

flavescens (L.) P.B.) bei Schafen. Z Wirtschaftseigene<br />

Futter 24[(3-4)]:209-213.<br />

Simon U, D<strong>an</strong>iel P, Hänichen T, et al. (1978) Über eine<br />

enzootische Kalzinose Rind. XI. Untersuchungen über<br />

den Einfluß unterschiedlich hoher Goldhafer<strong>an</strong>teile im<br />

Grünfutter auf Gewebsverkalkungen bei Schafen. Dtsch<br />

Tierarztl Wochenschr 85(9):363-366.<br />

Tr i Tic u M a e s Ti v u M L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

br<strong>an</strong>; Weizen; wheat<br />

Citations:<br />

Dempster JG (1981) Contact dermatitis from br<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d oats.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 7(2):122.<br />

Dorr<strong>an</strong>ce GM, Ciccone EF (1937) Production of sarcoma<br />

in albino rats as a result of feeding crude wheat germ oil.<br />

Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 36:426-427.

410 - Tropaeolum majus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Frigg M, Brubacher G (1976) Biotin deficiency in chicks fed<br />

a wheat-<strong>based</strong> diet. Int J Vitam Nutr Res 46:314-321.<br />

K<strong>an</strong>ny G, Chenuel B, Moneret-Vautrin DA (2001) Chronic<br />

urticaria to wheat. Allergy 56(4):356-357.<br />

Majamaa H, Moisio P, Holm K, et al. (1999) Wheat allergy:<br />

Diagnostic accuracy of skin prick <strong>an</strong>d patch tests <strong>an</strong>d specific<br />

IgE. Allergy 54(8):851-856.<br />

McM<strong>an</strong>us WR, Lee GJ, Robinson VN (1977) Microlesions<br />

of rumen papillae of sheep fed diets of wheat grain. Res<br />

Vet Sci 22:135-137.<br />

Note:<br />

Wheat is named Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum<br />

in some publications.<br />

troène –see– Ligustrum vulgare L.<br />

trollhegg –see– Fr<strong>an</strong>gula alnus Mill.<br />

trombeteira –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia arborea (L.) Lagerh.<br />

trompeta bl<strong>an</strong>ca –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia arborea (L.) Lagerh.<br />

trompeta-de-oro –see– Allam<strong>an</strong>da cathartica L.<br />

trompetero –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia ×c<strong>an</strong>dida Pers.<br />

trompillo –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um elaeagnifolium Cav.<br />

tromso palm –see– Heracleum stevenii M<strong>an</strong>den.<br />

tronador –see– Hura crepit<strong>an</strong>s L.<br />

Tr o p a e o l u M Ma j u s L. [Tropaeolaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> cress; Kapuzinerkresse; nasturtium<br />

Citations:<br />

Derrick E, Darley C (1997) Contact dermatitis to nasturtium.<br />

Br J Dermatol 136(2):290-291.<br />

tropical sage –see– Salvia coccinea Buc’hoz ex Etl.<br />

tropical soda apple –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um viarum Dunal<br />

tropillo –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um elaeagnifolium Cav.<br />

true saffron –see– Crocus sativus L.<br />

true teak –see– Tectona gr<strong>an</strong>dis L. f.<br />

trumpet flower –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

trumpet lily –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia arborea (L.) Lagerh.; Lilium<br />

longiflorum Thunb.; Z<strong>an</strong>tedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng.<br />

trumpet narcissus –see– Narcissus pseudonarcissus L.<br />

trumpet vine –see– Brugm<strong>an</strong>sia arborea (L.) Lagerh.<br />

Trunkelbeere –see– Vaccinium uliginosum L.<br />

trusty male fern –see– Dryopteris affinis (Lowe) Fraser-Jenk.<br />

subsp. borreri (Newm<strong>an</strong>) Fraser-Jenk.<br />

tschat –see– Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl.<br />

tu-chiao-lien –see– Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don<br />

tuá tuá –see– Jatropha gossypiifolia L.<br />

tuba –see– Croton tiglium L.; Jatropha curcas L.; Paraderris<br />

elliptica (Wall.) Adema<br />

tuba root –see– Paraderris elliptica (Wall.) Adema<br />

tuba tuba –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

tuber root –see– Asclepias tuberosa L.<br />

tuber water hemlock –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M.<br />

Coult. & Rose<br />

tuber yam –see– Dioscorea convolvulacea Schltdl. & Cham.<br />

tuca –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

tufted fishtail palm –see– Caryota mitis Lour.<br />

tula-de-mate –see– Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) St<strong>an</strong>dl.<br />

tulip –see– Moraea polystachya (Thunb.) Ker Gawl.; Tulipa<br />

gesneri<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

tulip onion –see– Tulipa gesneri<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

Tu l i p a g e s n e r i a n a L. [Liliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

tulip; tulip onion; tulpe<br />

Citations:<br />

Wolf P, Bl<strong>an</strong>ke HJ, Wohlsein P, et al. (2003) Tulpenzwiebeln<br />

mit Blatt (Tulipa gesneri<strong>an</strong>a) - Eine sehr<br />

ungewöhnliche und risikoreiche Komponente in<br />

einer Ration für Rinder. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr<br />

110(7):302-305.<br />

Note:<br />

There are m<strong>an</strong>y reports of adverse effects such as “tulip<br />

fingers” where only the genus name is stated.<br />

tullidora –see– Karwinskia calderonii St<strong>an</strong>dl.; Karwinskia<br />

humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.<br />

tulp –see– Moraea miniata Andrews; Moraea pallida (Baker)<br />

Goldblatt; Moraea setacea Ker Gawl.; Moraea thomsonii<br />

Baker<br />

tulpe –see– Tulipa gesneri<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

tumbleweed –see– Salsola tragus L.<br />

tumin –see– Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad.<br />

tung nut –see– Vernicia fordii (Hemsl.) Airy Shaw<br />

tung tree –see– Vernicia fordii (Hemsl.) Airy Shaw<br />

tupakiki –see– Coriaria arborea Linds.<br />

turbina –see– Turbina corymbosa (L.) Raf.<br />

Tu r b i n a c o r d a Ta (Choisy) D.F. Austin &<br />

Staples [Convolvulaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

D<strong>an</strong>tas AF, Riet-Correa F, Gardner DR, et al. (2007)<br />

Swainsonine-induced lysosomal storage disease in goats<br />

caused by the ingestion of Turbina cordata in northeastern<br />

Brazil. Toxicon 49(1):111-116.<br />

Tu r b i n a c o r y Mb o s a (L.) Raf.<br />

[Convolvulaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

r ivea corymbosa (L.) Hallier f.<br />

Common Names:<br />

badoh; morning-glory; ololiuqui; turbina

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Tylecodon wallichii - 411<br />

Citations:<br />

Fink PJ, Goldm<strong>an</strong> MJ, Lyons I (1966) Morning glory seed<br />

psychosis. Arch Gen Psychiatry 15:209-213.<br />

Osmond H (1955) Ololiuqui: The <strong>an</strong>cient Aztec narcotic. J<br />

Ment Sci 101:526-537.<br />

Turkest<strong>an</strong> thistle –see– Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.<br />

Turkey boxwood –see– Buxus sempervirens L.<br />

turkey bush –see– Eremophila deserti (A. Cunn. ex Benth.)<br />

Chinnock<br />

turkey corn –see– Dicentra c<strong>an</strong>adensis (Goldie) Walp.<br />

turkey oak –see– Quercus inc<strong>an</strong>a W. Bartram<br />

turkey pea –see– Dicentra c<strong>an</strong>adensis (Goldie) Walp.<br />

turkeyberry –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um torvum Sw.<br />

Turkische Bohne –see– Phaseolus coccineus L.<br />

Turk’s-cap –see– Aconitum napellus L.; Gloriosa superba L.<br />

turmeric –see– Curcuma longa L.<br />

turmus –see– Lupinus albus L. var. albus<br />

turnip –see– Brassica rapa L. subsp. rapa<br />

turnip rape –see– Brassica rapa L. subsp. campestris (L.) A.<br />

R. Clapham<br />

turpentine broomweed –see– Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh)<br />

Britton & Rusby<br />

turpentine weed –see– Gutierrezia microcephala (DC.) A.<br />

Gray; Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton & Rusby<br />

Tu r r a e a n Th u s a f r ic a n u s (Welw. ex C.<br />

DC.) Pellegr. [Meliaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

avordiré; Westafrik<strong>an</strong>isches Satinholz<br />

Citations:<br />

Caln<strong>an</strong> CD (1970) Avordiré wood sensitivity. Contact Dermatol<br />

Newsl 8(Aug):190.<br />

Oleffe JA, Sporcq J, Hublet P (1975) Epidemiological study<br />

of the wood industry in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis<br />

1(5):315-316.<br />

tussilage –see– Tussilago farfara L.<br />

Tu s s i l ag o f a r f a r a L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

colt’s-foot; farfara; Huflattich; k<strong>an</strong>-to-ka; Knospen;<br />

pas-d’Ane-commun; tussilage<br />

Citations:<br />

Hirono I, Mori H, Culvenor CC (1976) Carcinogenic activity<br />

of coltsfoot, Tussilago farfara L. G<strong>an</strong>n 67(Feb):125-129.<br />

tutu –see– Coriaria arborea Linds.; Coriaria ruscifolia L.<br />

twin-leaf –see– Roepera ammophila (F. Muell.) Beier &<br />

Thulin<br />

twin-leaf senna –see– Senna roemeri<strong>an</strong>a (Scheele) H. S.<br />

Irwin & Barneby<br />

two-groove locoweed –see– Astragalus bisulcatus (Hook.) A.<br />

Gray<br />

two-groove milk vetch –see– Astragalus bisulcatus (Hook.)<br />

A. Gray<br />

two-groove poison vetch –see– Astragalus bisulcatus (Hook.)<br />

A. Gray<br />

two-leaf Cape-tulip –see– Moraea miniata Andrews<br />

two-leaf senna –see– Senna roemeri<strong>an</strong>a (Scheele) H. S. Irwin<br />

& Barneby<br />

Ty l e c o d o n g r a n d i f l o r u s (Burm. f.)<br />

Toelken [Crassulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

rooisuikerblom<br />

Citations:<br />

Anderson LA, Joubert JP, Prozesky L, et al. (1983) The<br />

experimental production of krimpsiekte in sheep with<br />

Tylecodon gr<strong>an</strong>diflorus (Burm. f.) Toelken <strong>an</strong>d some of its<br />

bufadienolides. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 50(4):301-307.<br />

Ty l e c o d o n v e n Tr ic o s a (Burm. f.) Toelken<br />

[Crassulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

c’nenta; plakkies<br />

Citations:<br />

Botha CJ, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, Schultz RA, et al. (1998) Krimpsiekte<br />

in a sheep following a single dose of Tylecodon<br />

ventricosus (Burm. f.) Toelken <strong>an</strong>d the isolation of tylecoside<br />

D from this pl<strong>an</strong>t species. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

65(1):17-23.<br />

Botha CJ, V<strong>an</strong> der Lugt JJ, Erasmus GL, et al. (1998)<br />

Krimpsiekte, a paretic condition of small stock poisoned<br />

by bufadienolide-containing pl<strong>an</strong>ts of the Crassulaceae<br />

in South Africa. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC (eds.) Toxic<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI. New York. pp.<br />

407-412.<br />

Schultz RA, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, V<strong>an</strong> den Berg H (2005) The role<br />

of fluorescence polarization immuno-assay in the diagnosis<br />

of pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced cardiac glycoside poisoning livestock<br />

in South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 72(3):189-201.<br />

Ty l e c o d o n w a l l ic h i i (Harv.) Toelken<br />

[Crassulaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

b<strong>an</strong>djiebos; k<strong>an</strong>dlaarbos; krimpsiektebos; nenta;<br />

plakkies<br />

Citations:<br />

Botha CJ, V<strong>an</strong> der Lugt JJ, Erasmus GL, et al. (1998)<br />

Krimpsiekte, a paretic condition of small stock poisoned<br />

by bufadienolide-containing pl<strong>an</strong>ts of the Crassulaceae<br />

in South Africa. In: Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC (eds.) Toxic<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI. New York. pp.<br />

407-412.<br />

Schultz RA, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, V<strong>an</strong> den Berg H (2005) The role<br />

of fluorescence polarization immuno-assay in the diagnosis<br />

of pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced cardiac glycoside poisoning livestock<br />

in South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 72(3):189-201.

ubi kayu –see– M<strong>an</strong>ihot esculenta Cr<strong>an</strong>tz<br />

ui –see– Allium cepa L.<br />

uie –see– Allium cepa L.<br />

uien –see– Allium cepa L.<br />

ukola –see– Tieghemella afric<strong>an</strong>a Pierre<br />

ukorro –see– Tieghemella afric<strong>an</strong>a Pierre<br />

ulcardo melon –see– Cucumis melo L. subsp. agrestis<br />

(Naudin) Pamgalo<br />

ului –see– Anacardium occidentale L.<br />

um-tov<strong>an</strong>e –see– Smodingium argutum E. Mey. ex Sond.<br />

um-tov<strong>an</strong>e-tov<strong>an</strong>na –see– Smodingium argutum E. Mey. ex<br />

Sond.<br />

umbellate aster –see– Doellingeria umbellata (Mill.) Nees<br />

umbrella arum –see– Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch<br />

umbrella leaf –see– Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

umbrella pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Podophyllum peltatum L.; Schefflera<br />

actinophylla (Endl.) Harms<br />

umbrella tree –see– Melia azedarach L.; Schefflera actinophylla<br />

(Endl.) Harms<br />

umbu –see– Phytolacca dioica L.<br />

umkoko –see– Embelia ribes Burm. f.<br />

umutambasha–see– Dichapetalum michelsonii Haum<strong>an</strong><br />

unicorn root –see– Chamaelirium luteum (L.) A. Gray<br />

upas radja –see– Strychnos ignatii P. J. Bergius<br />

upas teute –see– Strychnos ignatii P. J. Bergius<br />

upas tree –see– Antiaris toxicaria Lesch.<br />

upl<strong>an</strong>d cotton –see– Gossypium hirsutum L.<br />

upl<strong>an</strong>d larkspur –see– Delphinium nuttalli<strong>an</strong>um Pritz.<br />

upl<strong>an</strong>d willow oak –see– Quercus inc<strong>an</strong>a W. Bartram<br />

upright meadow crowfoot –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus acris L.<br />

Urechites luteus (L.) Britton = Pentalinon luteum (L.) B. F.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen & Wunderlin<br />

Urginea altissima (L. f.) Baker = Drimia altissima (L. f.) Ker<br />

Gawl.<br />

Urginea burkei Baker = Drimia s<strong>an</strong>guinea (Schinz) Jessop<br />

Urginea capitata (Hook.) Baker = Drimia depressa (Baker)<br />

Jessop<br />

Urginea macrocentra Baker = Drimia macrocentra (Baker)<br />

Jessop<br />

Urginea maritima (L.) Baker = Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn<br />

Urginea physodes (Jacq.) Baker = Drimia physodes (Jacq.)<br />

Jessop<br />

U<br />

Urginea s<strong>an</strong>guinea Schinz = Drimia s<strong>an</strong>guinea (Schinz)<br />

Jessop<br />

u r o c h l o a a r r e c Ta (Hack. ex T. Dur<strong>an</strong>d &<br />

Schinz) Morrone & Zuloaga [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b rachiaria radic<strong>an</strong>s Napper<br />

Common Names:<br />

t<strong>an</strong>nergrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Andrade SO, Cosentino JR, Scott WN (1972) Estudos sobre<br />

novilhas alimentadas diariamente com milho ou melaço<br />

e Brachiaria sp. (T<strong>an</strong>ner grass). Arq Inst Biol (Sao Paulo)<br />

39(4):329-333.<br />

Andrade SO, Figueiredo AL, Nothenberg MS (1972) Estudos<br />

sobre a Brachiaria sp. (T<strong>an</strong>ner grass). 4. Investigação<br />

sobre o efeito da gramínea, apresent<strong>an</strong>do teor baixo de<br />

nitrato, em ovinos, bovinos e eqüinos. Arq Inst Biol (Sao<br />

Paulo) 39(4):257-261.<br />

Andrade SO, Nothenberg MS, Retz L, et al. (1975) Estudos<br />

sobre cobaias alimentadas com Brachiaria sp. (T<strong>an</strong>ner<br />

grass). Arq Inst Biol (Sao Paulo) 42:243-246.<br />

Andrade SO, Peregrino CJ, Aguiar AA (1971) Estudos sôbre<br />

Brachiaria sp. (T<strong>an</strong>ner grass). I. Efeito nocivo para bovinos.<br />

Arq Inst Biol (Sao Paulo) 38(3):135-150.<br />

Andrade SO, Retz L, Marmo O (1971) Estudos sôbre Brachiaria<br />

sp. (T<strong>an</strong>ner grass). 3. Ocorrências de intoxicações<br />

de bovinos dur<strong>an</strong>te um <strong>an</strong>o (1970-1971) e níveis de nitrato<br />

em amostras da gramínea. Arq Inst Biol (Sao Paulo)<br />

38(4):239-252.<br />

Andrade SO, Retz L, Velloso CA (1971) Estudos sôbre Brachiaria<br />

sp. (T<strong>an</strong>ner grass). 2. Dosagem de nitrato em sôro<br />

de bovinos. Arq Inst Biol (Sao Paulo) 38(3):151-161.<br />

Oschita M, Andrade SO, Bueno P (1972) Intoxicação de<br />

búfalos alimentados com Brachiaria sp; (T<strong>an</strong>ner grass).<br />

Arq Inst Biol (Sao Paulo) 39(3):209-211.<br />

u r o c h l o a b r i z a n Th a (Hochst. ex A. Rich.)<br />

R. D. Webster [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b rachiaria briz<strong>an</strong>tha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf<br />

Common Names:<br />

signalgrass; St. Lucia’sgrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Costa EO, Górniak SL, Benites NR, et al. (1998) Fungi<br />

microbiota <strong>an</strong>d oxalate formation on Brachiaria briz<strong>an</strong>tha<br />

<strong>an</strong>d their possible toxic effects on calves kept at pasture<br />

without supplementation of calcium <strong>an</strong>d magnesium. In:<br />

Garl<strong>an</strong>d T, Barr AC (eds.) Toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d other natural<br />

toxic<strong>an</strong>ts. CABI. New York. pp. 174-178.

414 - Urochloa decumbens D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Gomar MS, Driemeier D, Colodel EM, et al. (2005) Lectin<br />

histochemistry of foam cells in tissues of cattle grazing<br />

Brachiaria spp. J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med<br />

52(1):18-21.<br />

Torres MB, Coelho KI (2003) Foamy macrophages in the<br />

liver of cattle fed Brachiaria briz<strong>an</strong>tha hay. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 45(3):163-164.<br />

u r o c h l o a d e c u Mb e n s (Stapf) R. D. Webster<br />

[Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b rachiaria decumbens Stapf<br />

Common Names:<br />

signalgrass; Surinamgrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Abdullah AS, Nordin MM, Rajion MA (1988) Signal grass<br />

(Brachiaria decumbens) toxicity in sheep: Ch<strong>an</strong>ges in<br />

motility <strong>an</strong>d pH of reticulo-rumen. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

30(3):256-258.<br />

Abdullah AS, Nordin MM, Rajion MA (1989) Neurological<br />

disorders in sheep during signal grass (Brachiaria decumbens)<br />

toxicity. Vet Hum Toxicol 31(2):128-129.<br />

Abdullah AS, Rajion MA (1990) Signal grass (Brachiaria<br />

decumbens) toxicity in sheep: Ch<strong>an</strong>ges in rumen microbial<br />

populations <strong>an</strong>d volatile fatty acid concentrations.<br />

Vet Hum Toxicol 32(5):444-445.<br />

Barrera J, Ochoa R (1977) Brachiaria decumbens y fotosensibizacion.<br />

Rev Inst Colombi<strong>an</strong>o Agr 12(3):231-240.<br />

Döbereiner J, Tokarnia CH, Monteiro MC, et al. (1976)<br />

Intoxicação de bovinos e ovinos em pastos de Brachiaria<br />

decumbens contaminados por Pithomyces chartarum.<br />

Pesq Agropec Bras Ser Vet 11:87-94.<br />

Driemeier D, Colodel EM, Seitz AL, et al. (2002) Study of<br />

experimentally induced lesions in sheep by grazing Brachiaria<br />

decumbens. Toxicon 40(7):1027-1031.<br />

Gomar MS, Driemeier D, Colodel EM, et al. (2005) Lectin<br />

histochemistry of foam cells in tissues of cattle grazing<br />

Brachiaria spp. J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med<br />

52(1):18-21.<br />

Graydon RJ, Hamid H, Zahari P, et al. (1991) Photosensitisation<br />

<strong>an</strong>d crystal-associated chol<strong>an</strong>giohepatopathy<br />

in sheep grazing Brachiaria decumbens. Aust Vet J<br />

68(7):234-236.<br />

Hasiah AH, Elsheikh HA, Abdullah AS, et al. (2000)<br />

Effect of phenobarbitone treatment against signal<br />

grass (Brachiaria decumbens) toxicity in sheep. Vet J<br />

160(3):267-272.<br />

Hasiah AH, Elsheikh HA, Khairi HM, et al. (2003) Effect<br />

of griseofulvin on the toxicity of signal grass (Brachiaria<br />

decumbens) in sheep. Vet Hum Toxicol 45(2):68-71.<br />

Lemos RA Salvador SC, Nakazato L (1997) Photosensitization<br />

<strong>an</strong>d crystal-association chol<strong>an</strong>giohepatopathy in<br />

cattle grazing Brachiaria decumbens in Brazil. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 39(6):376-377.<br />

Noordin MM, Salam Abdullah A, Rajion MA (1989)<br />

Experimental Brachiaria decumbens toxicity in cattle.<br />

Vet Res Commun 13(6):491-494.<br />

Opasina BA (1985) Photosensitization jaundice syndrome in<br />

West Afric<strong>an</strong> dwarf sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats grazed on Brachiaria<br />

decumbens. Trop Grassl<strong>an</strong>ds 19(3):120-123.<br />

Othm<strong>an</strong> AM, Haron S, Yusuff MK, et al. (1983) Hepatogenous<br />

photosensitivity in indigenous sheep of Malaysia<br />

grazing on pure st<strong>an</strong>d of leafy regrowth of Brachiaria<br />

decumbens. Malaysi<strong>an</strong> Vet J 7(4):271.<br />

Riet-Correa G, Riet-Correa F, Schild AL, et al. (2002) Wasting<br />

<strong>an</strong>d death in cattle associated with chronic grazing of<br />

Brachiaria decumbens. Vet Hum Toxicol 44(3):179-180.<br />

Zh<strong>an</strong>g SS, Noordin MM, Rahm<strong>an</strong> SO, et al. (2001) The<br />

effect of zinc supplementation on <strong>an</strong>tioxid<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d lipid<br />

peroxidation status during Brachiaria decumbens intoxication<br />

in sheep. Vet Hum Toxicol 43(2):83-87.<br />

u r o c h l o a h u Mi d ic o l a (Rendle) Morrone &<br />

Zuloaga [Poaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Barbosa JD, Oliveira CM, Tokarnia CH, et al. (2006) Fotossensibilização<br />

hepatógena em eqüinos pela ingestão de<br />

Brachiaria humidicola (Gramineae) no Estado do Pará.<br />

Pesq Vet Bras 26(3):147-153.<br />

u r o c h l o a Mu Tic a (Forssk.) T. Q. Nguyen<br />

[Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b rachiaria purpurescens (Raddi) Henry<br />

Common Names:<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t p<strong>an</strong>icum; Paragrass<br />

Citations:<br />

Pereira J (1952) Tr<strong>an</strong>sient oxytocic depression of immature<br />

guinea pigs fed on grass Brachiaria purpurescens. Endocrinology<br />

50:124-133.<br />

u r o c h l o a r u z i z i e n s is (R. Germ. & C. M.<br />

Evrard) Crins [Poaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

b rachiaria ruziziensis R. Germ. & C. M. Evrard<br />

Citations:<br />

Pierre F (1984) Dermatose de photosensibilisation sur des<br />

moutons d<strong>an</strong>s le Centre de la Côte d’Ivoire. Rev Elev<br />

Med Vet Pays Trop 37(3):277-285.<br />

urtica –see– Urtica dioica L.<br />

u r Tic a c h a Ma e d r y o i d e s Pursh [Urticaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

heart-leaf nettle; nettle; ortiguilla; stinging nettle;<br />

weak nettle<br />

Citations:<br />

Edwards WC, Remer JC (1983) Nettle poisoning in dogs.<br />

Vet Med Small Anim Clin 78(3):347,350.<br />

Greene JE (1958) “Bull-nettle syndrome” in hunting dogs.<br />

Mod Vet Pract 39(Dec 1):50-51.<br />

Peterson DR (1968) Nettle poisoning in the dog. Oklahoma<br />

Vet 20(2):4-6.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Urtica ferox - 415<br />

u r Tic a d io ic a L. [Urticaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> stinging nettle; Brennessel; British nettle;<br />

dwarf nettle; gr<strong>an</strong>de ortie; great nettle; Große Brennessel;<br />

hoary nettle; nettle; perennial nettle; slim nettle;<br />

stinging nettle; tall nettle<br />

Citations:<br />

Bathe AP (1994) An unusual m<strong>an</strong>ifestation of nettle rash in<br />

three horses. Vet Rec 134(1):11-12.<br />

Cauna N (1977) Fine morphological ch<strong>an</strong>ges in the penicillate<br />

nerve endings of hum<strong>an</strong> hairy skin during prolonged<br />

itching. Anat Rec 188(1):1-11.<br />

Hughes RE, Ellery P, Harry T, et al. (1980) The dietary<br />

potential of the common nettle. J Sci Food Agric<br />

31:1279-1286.<br />

Krauskopf J, Fadrhoncová A (1979) Fytodermatózy<br />

způsobené rostlinami kopřivovitými (Urticaceae). Cesk<br />

Dermatol 54(5):274-279.<br />

Oliver F, Amon EU, Breathnach A, et al. (1991) Contact<br />

urticaria due to the common stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)<br />

- Histological ultrastructural <strong>an</strong>d pharmacological<br />

studies. Clin Exp Dermatol 16(1):1-7.<br />

u r Tic a f e r o x G. Forst. [Urticaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

gi<strong>an</strong>t nettle; nettle tree; New Zeal<strong>an</strong>d stinging nettle;<br />

ongaonga; tree nettle<br />

Citations:<br />

Aston BC (1909) Researches on poisonous <strong>an</strong>d other pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

N Z Dep Agric Annu Rep 17:178-184.<br />

Clark FP (1993) Tree nettle (Urtica ferox) poisoning. N Z<br />

Med J 106(957):234.<br />

Urticastrum divaricatum (L.) Kuntze = Laportea c<strong>an</strong>adensis<br />

(L.) Wedd.<br />

uta –see– Stroph<strong>an</strong>thus gratus (Wall. & Hook.) Baill.<br />

Utah juniper –see– Juniperus osteosperma (Torr.) Little<br />

Utah white oak –see– Quercus gambelii Nutt.<br />

utupa –see– Euphorbia tirucalli L.

Vaalbos –see– Hertia pallens (DC.) Kuntze<br />

Vaalstorm–see– Thesium lineatum L. f.<br />

va c c a r i a h is p a n ic a (Mill.) Rauschert<br />

[Caryophyllaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

g ypsophila vaccaria Sibth. & Sm.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bladder soapwort; China cockle; cockle; corn cockle;<br />

cow cockle; cowherb; dairy pink; field soapwort; N<strong>an</strong>cy;<br />

pink cockle; spring cockle; wheat cockle<br />

Citations:<br />

Orozco Piñán LR (1965) Caso de intoxicación en pollos de<br />

carne por ingestión de semillas de Gypsophila vaccaria.<br />

Rev Nutr Anim 3:166-168.<br />

va c c i n i u M u l ig i n o s u M L. [Ericaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Moorbeere; Rauschbeere; Sumpfheidelbeere;<br />

Trunkelbeere<br />

Citations:<br />

Kreuder F (1937) Vergiftungserscheinungen nach reichlichem<br />

Genuß von Rauschbeeren (Vaccinium uliginosum,<br />

Sumpfheidelbeere, Trunkelbeere). Sammlung Vergiftungsfallen<br />

8(A663):33-34.<br />

Lamminpaa A, Kinos M (1996) Pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonings in children.<br />

Hum Exp Toxicol 15(3):245-249.<br />

Zipf K (1943-1944) Vergiftungen durch Rauschbeeren. Sammlung<br />

Vergiftungsfallen 13:139-140.<br />

valeri<strong>an</strong> –see– Valeri<strong>an</strong>a officinalis L.<br />

va l e r i a n a o f f ic i n a l is L. [Valeri<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

all heal; cat’s-valeri<strong>an</strong>; cut finger; garden heliotrope;<br />

herb bennett; medicinal valeri<strong>an</strong>; St. George’s-herb;<br />

valeri<strong>an</strong><br />

Citations:<br />

Caldwell SH, Feeley JW, Wieboldt TF, et al. (1994) Acute<br />

hepatitis with use of over-the-counter herbal remedies. Va<br />

Med Q 121(1):31-33.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> TY (1998) An assessment of the delayed effects associated<br />

with valeri<strong>an</strong> overdose. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther<br />

36(10):569.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> TY, T<strong>an</strong>g CH, Critchley JA (1995) Poisoning due to <strong>an</strong><br />

over-the-counter hypnotic, Sleep-Qik (hyoscine, cyproheptadine,<br />

valeri<strong>an</strong>). Postgrad Med J 71(834):227-228.<br />

Mady WL, Cobaugh S, Wax D (1994) Valeri<strong>an</strong> overdose: A<br />

case report. Vet Hum Toxicol 36(4):360.<br />

V<br />

Willey LB, Mady SP, Cobaugh DJ, et al. (1995) Valeri<strong>an</strong><br />

overdose: A case report. Vet Hum Toxicol 37(4):364-365.<br />

valley oak –see– Quercus lobata Nee<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Zyl sugar be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Zyl suikerboontjie –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

va n g u e r i a p y g Ma e Schltr. [Rubiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p achystigma pygmaeaum (Schltr.) Robyns<br />

Common Names:<br />

gifappel; gousiektebossie<br />

Citations:<br />

Adelaar TF, Terbl<strong>an</strong>che M, Smit JD (1966) A report on negative<br />

experiments with ferric chloride as a prophylactic<br />

agent against gousiekte. J S Afr Vet Assoc 37(2):199-201.<br />

Fourie N, Schultz RA, Prozesky L, et al. (1989) Clinical<br />

pathological ch<strong>an</strong>ges in gousiekte, a pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced<br />

cardiotoxicosis of rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. Onderstepoort J Vet Res<br />

56(1):73-80.<br />

Pretorius PJ, Terbl<strong>an</strong>che M (1967) A preliminary study on<br />

the symptomatology <strong>an</strong>d cardiodynamics of gousiekte in<br />

sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats. J S Afr Vet Assoc 38(1):29-53.<br />

Pretorius PJ, Terbl<strong>an</strong>che M, V<strong>an</strong> der Walt JD, et al. (1973)<br />

Cardiac failure in rumin<strong>an</strong>ts caused by gousiekte. Recent<br />

Adv Stud Cardiac Struct Metab 2:385-397.<br />

Pretorius PJ, V<strong>an</strong> Rooyen JM, V<strong>an</strong> Ryssen JC, et al. (1988)<br />

Experimental gallop rhythm in sheep with gousiekte:<br />

Correlation of ch<strong>an</strong>ges in amplitude with haemodyamic<br />

parameters. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 55(4):221-225.<br />

Prozesky L, Basti<strong>an</strong>ello SS, Fourie N, et al. (2005) A study<br />

of the pathology <strong>an</strong>d pathogenesis of the myocardial<br />

lesions in gousiekte, a pl<strong>an</strong>t-induced cardiotoxicosis of<br />

rumin<strong>an</strong>ts. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 72(3):219-230.<br />

Prozesky L, Fourie N, Neser JA, et al. (1988) A field outbreak<br />

in Ile-de-Fr<strong>an</strong>ce sheep of a cardiotoxicosis caused<br />

by the pl<strong>an</strong>t Pachystigma pygmaeum (Schltr) Robyns<br />

(Rubiaceae). Onderstepoort J Vet Res 55(4):193-196.<br />

Schutte PJ, Els HJ, Booyens J, et al. (1984) Ultrastructure<br />

of myocardial cells in sheep with congestive heart<br />

failure induced by Pachystigma pygmaeum. S Afr J Sci<br />

80(8):378-380.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt JJ, V<strong>an</strong> Rooyen JM, Lotter AP, et al. (1990)<br />

A comparison of haemodynamic <strong>an</strong>d vasoconstrictory<br />

responses in sheep with a toxic fraction from Pachystigma<br />

pygmaeum <strong>an</strong>d with the pl<strong>an</strong>t material. Onderstepoort J<br />

Vet Res 57(3):157-161.<br />

Visser JH (1964) Iron supplementation as a me<strong>an</strong>s of preventing<br />

poisoning in livestock by Pachystigma pygmaeum.<br />

South Afric<strong>an</strong> J Agric Sci 7(1):173-175.

418 - v<strong>an</strong>gueria thamnus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

va n g u e r i a Th a Mn u s (Robyns) L<strong>an</strong>tz<br />

[Rubiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

p achystigma thamnus Robyns<br />

Citations:<br />

Adelaar TF, Terbl<strong>an</strong>che M (1967) A note on the toxicity<br />

of the pl<strong>an</strong>t Pachystigma thamnus Robyns. J S Afr Vet<br />

Assoc 38(1):25-26.<br />

v<strong>an</strong>illa –see– V<strong>an</strong>illa pl<strong>an</strong>ifolia Andrews<br />

va n i l l a pl a n i f o l i a Andrews [Orchidaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

v<strong>an</strong>illa; V<strong>an</strong>ille<br />

Citations:<br />

Hutchinson J (1892) An eruption caused by v<strong>an</strong>illa. Arch<br />

Surg 4:49-50.<br />

Niinimäki A (1984) Delayed-type allergy to spices. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 11(1):34-40.<br />

Sincke GE (1934) Überempfindlichkeit gegen v<strong>an</strong>ille. Dermatol<br />

Wochenschr 99(45):1480-1481.<br />

V<strong>an</strong>ille –see– V<strong>an</strong>illa pl<strong>an</strong>ifolia Andrews<br />

varaire –see– Veratrum album L.<br />

variegated ivy –see– Hedera helix L. subsp. c<strong>an</strong>ariensis<br />

(Willd.) Cout.<br />

variegated laurel –see– Aucuba japonica Thunb.<br />

variegated philodendron –see– Epipremnum pinnatum (L.)<br />

Engl.<br />

variegated spurge –see– Euphorbia marginata Pursh<br />

variegated thistle –see– Silybum mari<strong>an</strong>um (L.) Gaertn.<br />

varnish bush –see– Flourensia cernua DC.<br />

varnish lacquer tree –see– Toxicodendron vernicifluum<br />

(Stokes) F. A. Barkley<br />

varnish tree –see– Aleurites molucc<strong>an</strong>us (L.) Willd.;<br />

Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) F. A. Barkley<br />

Vasey’s-stipa grass –see– Achnatherum robustum (Vasey)<br />

Barkworth<br />

vegetable calomel –see– Acorus calamus L.; Podophyllum<br />

peltatum L.<br />

vegetable hummingbird –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia gr<strong>an</strong>diflora (L.) Pers.<br />

vegetable mercury –see– Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

vegetable tallow tree –see– Triadica sebifera (L.) Small<br />

Veilchenwurzel –see– Iris pseudoacorus L.<br />

veined dock –see– Rumex venosus Pursh<br />

velvet be<strong>an</strong> –see– Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.; Mucuna<br />

pruriens (L.) DC. var. utilis (Wall. ex Wight) Baker ex<br />

Burck<br />

velvet brittle-stem –see– Psathyrotes <strong>an</strong>nua (Nutt.) A. Gray<br />

velvet lupine –see– Lupinus leucophyllus Douglas ex Lindl.<br />

velvet rosettes –see– Psathyrotes <strong>an</strong>nua (Nutt.) A. Gray<br />

velvet sumach –see– Rhus typhina L.<br />

velvet weed –see– Abutilon theophrasti Medik.<br />

velvetleaf –see– Abutilon theophrasti Medik.<br />

venijnboom –see– Taxus baccata L.<br />

venopl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Aesculus hippocast<strong>an</strong>um L.<br />

ve n Ti l ag o v i Mi n a l is Hook. [Rhamnaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

supplejack; vine tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Pryor WJ, McDonald WJ, Seawright AA (1972) Supplejack<br />

(Ventilago viminalis) feeding of sheep. Nutritional <strong>an</strong>d<br />

toxicological investigations. Aust Vet J 48(6):339-344.<br />

Venus’-chariot –see– Aconitum napellus L.<br />

veratro –see– Veratrum album L.<br />

veratrum –see– Veratrum album L.; Veratrum californicum<br />

Dur<strong>an</strong>d; Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

ve r a Tr u M a l b u M L. [Mel<strong>an</strong>thiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Champagnerwurz; elléboro bl<strong>an</strong>co; Europe<strong>an</strong> white<br />

hellebore; false hellebore; fehér zászpa; Germer; green<br />

hellebore; hellebore; hellebore bl<strong>an</strong>c; hierba ballestera;<br />

l<strong>an</strong>gwort; lyngwort; Niespulver; Nieswurz; varaire;<br />

veratro; veratrum; Weißer Germer; Weißer Nieswurz;<br />

white false hellebore; white hellebore<br />

Citations:<br />

Azzarone G, Ciammitti B, Mari<strong>an</strong>i L, et al. (1984) Intossicazione<br />

da ingestione di infuso acquoso di radici di veratro.<br />

Rass Med Sper 31(12):441-447.<br />

Berezhnitskii MN, Parashchak AP (1969) [Two cases of<br />

poisoning with veratrum album tincture.] Sov Med<br />

32(2):141.<br />

Carlier P, Efthymiou ML, Garnier R, et al. (1983) Poisoning<br />

with veratrum-containing sneezing powders. Hum Toxicol<br />

2(2):321-325.<br />

Fogh A, Kulling P, Wickstrom E (1983) Veratrum alkaloids<br />

in sneezing-powder - A potential d<strong>an</strong>ger. J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 20(2):175-179.<br />

Gaillard Y, Pepin G (2001) LC-EI-MS determination of<br />

veratridine <strong>an</strong>d cevadine in two fatal cases of Veratrum<br />

album poisoning. J Anal Toxicol 25(6):481-485.<br />

Garnier R, Carlier P, Hoffelt J, et al. (1985) Intoxication<br />

aiguë alimentaire par l’ellebore bl<strong>an</strong>c (Veratrum album<br />

L.) - Données cliniques et <strong>an</strong>alytiques. A propos de 5 cas.<br />

Ann Med Interne (Paris) 136(2):125-128.<br />

Garnier R, Hoffelt J, Carlier P, et al. (1982) Veratrum poisoning<br />

with home-made genti<strong>an</strong>-wine: Clinical <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>alytical<br />

findings. Vet Hum Toxicol 24(Suppl):138-141.<br />

Hruby K, Lenz K, Krausler J (1981) Vergiftung mit Veratrum<br />

album (weißer Germer). Wien Klin Wochenschr<br />

93(16):517-519.<br />

Marinov A, Koev P, Mirchev N (1987) [Electrocardiographic<br />

studies in patients with acute hellebore (Veratrum album)<br />

intoxication.] Vutr Boles 26(6):36-39.<br />

Philippe JM, Béraud P, Delort P (1996) Two cases of white<br />

hellebore poisoning. Vet Hum Toxicol 38(6):466.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Veratrum viride - 419<br />

Quatrehomme G, Bertr<strong>an</strong>d F, Chauvet C, et al. (1993)<br />

Intoxication from Veratrum album. Hum Exp Toxicol<br />

12(2):111-115.<br />

Richter HE (1966) Schadensfälle durch den Weißen<br />

Germer, Veratrum album L. Wien Tierarztl Monatsschr<br />

53:547-549.<br />

Rottinghaus D, Kurta D, Krenzelok EP, et al. (2003) Pontine<br />

stroke after acute hellebore poisoning. J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 41(5):721.<br />

Seeliger J (1956-1957) Über eine seltene Vergiftung mit<br />

weißer Nieswurz. Arch Toxikol 16(1):16-18.<br />

Sieben P, Rørdam AM, Thomsen ES (1982) Forgiftning med<br />

nysepulver. Ugeskr Laeger 144(24):1780.<br />

ve r a Tr u M c a l i f o r n ic u M Dur<strong>an</strong>d<br />

[Mel<strong>an</strong>thiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

California false hellebore; California hellebore; California<br />

swamp hellebore; corn lily; cow cabbage; Dur<strong>an</strong>d’s-false<br />

hellebore; false hellebore; false white hellebore; hellebore;<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> corn; showy false hellebore; skunk cabbage; veratrum;<br />

western corn lily; western false hellebore; western<br />

hellebore; white hellebore; wild corn; wild hellebore<br />

Citations:<br />

Allen S (1970) A cyclopi<strong>an</strong> fetus resulting from oral ingestion<br />

of Veratrum californicum. Iowa State Univ Vet<br />

32(2):62-65.<br />

Anonymous (1935) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1935:39-40.<br />

Anonymous (1936) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1936:44-45.<br />

Anonymous (1937) Investigations of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1937:47-48.<br />

Babbott FL, Binns W, Ingalls TH (1962) Field studies of<br />

cyclopi<strong>an</strong> malformations in sheep. Arch Environ Health<br />

5(Aug):109-113.<br />

Binns W, James LF, Keeler RF, et al. (1968) Effects of teratogenic<br />

agents in r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>ts. C<strong>an</strong>cer Res 28(11):2323-2326.<br />

Binns W, James LF, Shupe JL (1964) Congenital malformations<br />

in lambs reproduced by feeding a poisonous r<strong>an</strong>ge<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t. Southwestern Vet 17(3):221-224.<br />

Binns W, James LF, Shupe JL (1964) Toxicosis of Veratrum<br />

californicum in ewes <strong>an</strong>d its relationship to a congenital<br />

deformity in lambs. Ann N Y Acad Sci 111(2):571-576.<br />

Binns W, James LF, Shupe JL, et al. (1962) Cyclopi<strong>an</strong>type<br />

malformation in lambs. Arch Environ Health<br />

5(Aug):106-108.<br />

Binns W, James LF, Shupe JL, et al. (1963) A congenital<br />

cyclopi<strong>an</strong>-type malformation in lambs induced by maternal<br />

ingestion of a r<strong>an</strong>ge pl<strong>an</strong>t, Veratrum californicum.<br />

Am J Vet Res 24(103):1164-1175.<br />

Binns W, Keeler RF, Balls LD (1972) Congenital deformities<br />

in lambs, calves <strong>an</strong>d goats resulting from maternal<br />

ingestion of Veratrum californicum: Hare lip, cleft palate,<br />

ataxia <strong>an</strong>d hypoplasia of metacarpal <strong>an</strong>d metatarsal<br />

bones. Clin Toxicol 5(2):245-261.<br />

Binns W, Shupe JL, Keeler RF, et al. (1965) Chronologic<br />

evaluation of teratogenicity in sheep fed Veratrum californicum.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 147(8):839-842.<br />

Keeler RF (1990) Early embryonic death in lambs induced by<br />

Veratrum californicum. Cornell Vet 80(2):203-207.<br />

Keeler RF, Stuart LD (1987) The nature of congenital limb<br />

defects in lambs by maternal ingestion of Veratrum californicum.<br />

J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 25(4):273-286.<br />

Keeler RF, Young S, Smart R (1985) Congenital tracheal<br />

stenosis in lambs induced by maternal ingestion of Veratrum<br />

californicum. Teratology 31(1):83-88.<br />

Keeler RF, Young S, Stuart LD (1986) Characteristics of<br />

congenital limb <strong>an</strong>d tracheal defects <strong>an</strong>d of embryonic<br />

death induced in lambs by Veratrum californicum. Teratology<br />

33(3):33C-34C.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, Binns W, James LF, et al. (1969) Early<br />

embryonic death in ewes given Veratrum californicum.<br />

Am J Vet Res 30(4):517-519.<br />

V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, Ellis LC (1972) Prolonged gestation in<br />

ewes ingesting Veratrum californicum: Morphological<br />

ch<strong>an</strong>ges <strong>an</strong>d steroid biosynthesis in the endocrine org<strong>an</strong>s<br />

of cyclopic lambs. J Endocrinol 52(3):549-560.<br />

ve r a Tr u M j a p o n ic u M (Baker) Loes.<br />

[Mel<strong>an</strong>thiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

false hellebore<br />

Citations:<br />

Nelson DA (1954) Accidental poisoning by Veratrum japonicum.<br />

JAMA 156(1):33-35.<br />

ve r a Tr u M vi r i d e Aiton [Mel<strong>an</strong>thiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> false hellebore; Americ<strong>an</strong> hellebore; Americ<strong>an</strong><br />

white hellebore; bear corn; bugb<strong>an</strong>e; crow poison;<br />

devil’s-bite; duckretter; earth gall; false hellebore;<br />

green hellebore; hellebore; Indi<strong>an</strong> hellebore; Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

poke; Indi<strong>an</strong> uncus; itchweed; meadow poke; poison<br />

lily; puppet root; skunk cabbage; swamp hellebore;<br />

tickle weed; veratrum; white hellebore<br />

Citations:<br />

Courtem<strong>an</strong>che LA, Gephardt D, Jaffe AM (1989) Poisoning<br />

due to Veratrum viride (false hellebore) ingestion. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 31(4):360.<br />

Crummett D, Bronstein D, Weaver Z 3rd (1985) Accidental<br />

Veratrum viride poisoning in three “ramp” foragers. N C<br />

Med J 46(9):469-471.<br />

Jaffe AM, Gephardt D, Courtem<strong>an</strong>che L (1990) Poisoning<br />

due to ingestion of Veratrum viride (false hellebore). J<br />

Emerg Med 8(2):161-167.<br />

Kauntze R, Trounce J (1951) The hypotensive action of veriloid<br />

(Veratrum viride), a clinical investigation. L<strong>an</strong>cet<br />

260(Mar 10):549-555.<br />

Petropoulos PS, Stork CM, O’Neil N, et al. (1999) Prolonged<br />

cardiotoxicity from poison lily (Veratrum viride). J<br />

Toxicol Clin Toxicol 37(5):619.<br />

Prince LA, Stork CM (2000) Prolonged cardiotoxicity<br />

from poison lily (Veratrum viride). Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

42(5):282-285.<br />

Schuetz E, Adams J (1998) Multi-system toxicity from<br />

intentional hellebore ingestion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

36(5):454.<br />

Underhill JE (1959) A case of hellebore poisoning. C<strong>an</strong> Field<br />

Nat 73:128-129.

420 - Verbascum thapsus D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

verbasco –see– Verbascum thapsus L.<br />

ve r b a s c u M Th a p s u s L. [Scrophulariaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

barbasco; c<strong>an</strong>delaria; fl<strong>an</strong>nel mullein; gordolobo; gordolobo<br />

yerba; great mullein; moth mullein; mullein;<br />

punchon; tobacco cimarron; verbasco<br />

Citations:<br />

Romaguera C, Grimwalt F, Vilapl<strong>an</strong>a J (1985) Occupational<br />

dermatitis from gordolobo (mullein). Contact Dermatitis<br />

12(3):176.<br />

verbena –see– Verbena officinalis L.<br />

Verbena eleg<strong>an</strong>s Kunth = Gl<strong>an</strong>dularia eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Kunth)<br />

Umber<br />

Verbena ×hydrida hort. ex Groenl. & Rümpler =<br />

Gl<strong>an</strong>dularia ×hydrida (hort. ex Groenl. & Rümpler) G.<br />

L. Nesom & Pruski<br />

ve r b e n a o f f ic i n a l is L. [Verbenaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue vervain; ench<strong>an</strong>ter’s-herb; Europe<strong>an</strong> vervain; herbof-grace;<br />

herb-of-the-cross; holy herb; Juno’s-tears; pigeon<br />

grass; simpler’s-joy; verbena; vervain; wild verbena<br />

Citations:<br />

Del Pozo MD, Gastaminza G, Navarro JA, et al. (1994)<br />

Allergic contact dermatitis from Verbena officinalis L.<br />

Contact Dermatitis 31(3):200-201.<br />

ve r b e s i n a e n c e l io i d e s (Cav.) Benth. &<br />

Hook. f. ex A. Gray [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> dogweed; butter daisy; cowpen daisy; crownbeard;<br />

golden crownbeard; South Afric<strong>an</strong> daisy; wild<br />

sunflower; yellow daisy<br />

Citations:<br />

Keeler RF, Baker DC, P<strong>an</strong>ter KE (1992) Concentration of<br />

galegine in Verbesina encelioides <strong>an</strong>d Galega officinalis<br />

<strong>an</strong>d the toxic <strong>an</strong>d pathologic effects induced by the pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol 11(2):75-81.<br />

King RO (1937) “Crown beard” (Verbesina encelioides). A<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>t causing pneumonia in sheep. Agric Gaz New South<br />

Wales 48:364-366.<br />

King RO (1938) Verbesina encelioides (crown beard). A pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />

toxic to sheep. New South Wales Dep Agric Vet Res Rep<br />

#7(1937):89-94.<br />

Legg J (1938) Wild sunflower. A pl<strong>an</strong>t poisonous to stock.<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d Agric J 49:113-114.<br />

Lopez TA, Campero CM, Chayer R, et al. (1996) Experimental<br />

toxicity of Verbesina encelioides in sheep <strong>an</strong>d isolation<br />

of galegine. Vet Hum Toxicol 38(6):417-419.<br />

verdolaga bl<strong>an</strong>ca –see– Tri<strong>an</strong>thema portulacastrum L.<br />

vermeerbos –see– Geigeria aspera Harv.; Geigeria filifolia<br />

Mattf.<br />

vermeerbossie –see– Geigeria aspera Harv.<br />

ve r n ic i a f o r d i i (Hemsl.) Airy Shaw<br />

[Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a leurites fordii Hemsl.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Chinawood oil tree; Chinese tung oil tree; Chinesewood-oil<br />

tree; kalo nut; tung; tung nut; tung tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Anonymous (1933) Investigation of stock-poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

U S Dep Agric Bur Anim Indus Chief Rep 1933:34-35.<br />

Anonymous (1965) Tung nuts don’t agree with visitors.<br />

Gainesville Sun. Nov 2<br />

Balthrop E (1952) Tung nut poisoning. South Med J<br />

45(9):864-865.<br />

Balthrop E, Gallagher WB, McDonald TF, et al. (1954)<br />

Tung nut poisoning. J Fla Med Assoc 40(11):813-820.<br />

Davis GK, Mehrhof NR, McKinney RS (1946) Effect<br />

of tung meal in rations for growing chicks. Poult Sci<br />

25:74-79.<br />

Deng JF, Lin TJ, Kao WF, et al. (1997) The difficulty in<br />

h<strong>an</strong>dling poisonings associated with Chinese traditional<br />

medicine: A poison control center experience for<br />

1991-1993. Vet Hum Toxicol 39(2):106-114.<br />

Edwards HM Jr (1964) Observations on feeding tung oil to<br />

chickens. J Nutr 83(Aug):365-368.<br />

Edwards HM Jr, Suso FA, Mason J (1967) Observations on<br />

feeding tung oil to laying hens with a note on identification<br />

of elaeostearic by GLC. Poult Sci 46:564-569.<br />

Emmel MW (1947) The toxic principle of the tung tree.<br />

Florida Agric Exp Sta Bull #431:35 pp.<br />

Emmel MW, S<strong>an</strong>ders DA, Sw<strong>an</strong>son LE (1943) The toxicity<br />

of foliage of Aleurites fordi for cattle. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 101:136-137.<br />

Erickson JL, Brown JH Jr (1942) A study of the toxic properties<br />

of tung nuts. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 74:114-117.<br />

Holmes RL, Crovetto AJ, Browning CB (1967) Effect of<br />

detoxified tung meal on ration acceptability <strong>an</strong>d growth<br />

in dairy calves. J Dairy Sci 50(3):390-391.<br />

Jacobziner H, Raybin HW (1960) Nitroglycerin, thallium,<br />

<strong>an</strong>tifreeze, <strong>an</strong>d tung seed poisonings. N Y State J Med<br />

60(2):2587-2590.<br />

Lin TJ, Hsu CI, Lee KH, et al. (1996) Two outbreaks of<br />

acute tung nut (Aleurites fordii) poisoning. J Toxicol Clin<br />

Toxicol 34(1):87-92.<br />

S<strong>an</strong>ders DA, Emmel MW, Sw<strong>an</strong>son LE (1942) Tung tree<br />

(Aleurites fordii Hemsl.) foliage poisoning of cattle. Florida<br />

Agric Exp Sta Bull #376:8 pp.<br />

ve r n ic i a Mo n Ta n a Lour. [Euphorbiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

a leurites mont<strong>an</strong>us (Lour.) E. H. Wilson<br />

Common Names:<br />

c<strong>an</strong>dlenut tree; mu-oil tree; wood-oil tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Emmel MW (1947) The toxic principle of the species Aleurites.<br />

J Am Vet Med Assoc 111(Nov):386-387.<br />

Emmel MW (1947) The toxic principle of the tung tree.<br />

Florida Agric Exp Sta Bull #431:35 pp.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Vicia ervilia - 421<br />

Vernonia ampla O. Hoffm. = vernonia myri<strong>an</strong>tha Hook. f.<br />

ve r n o n i a Mo l l is s i Ma D. Don ex Hook. &<br />

Arn. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Döbereiner J, Tokarnia CH, Purisco E (1976) Vernonia<br />

mollissima, pl<strong>an</strong>ta tóxica responsável por mort<strong>an</strong>dades<br />

de bovinos no sul de Mato Grasso. Pesq Agric Bras Vet<br />

11(9):49-58.<br />

Gava A, Peixoto PV, Tokarnia CH (1987) Intoxicação experimental<br />

por Vernonia mollissima (Compositae) em ovinos<br />

e bovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 7(2):33-41.<br />

Stolf L, Gava A, Tokarnia CH (1987) Intoxicação experimental<br />

por Vernonia mollissima (Compositae) em caprinos.<br />

Pesq Vet Bras 7(3):67-77.<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J, Amorim PR, et al. (1986)<br />

Intoxi cação experimental por Vernonia mollissima (Compositae)<br />

em coelhos. Pesq Vet Bras 6(1):5-10.<br />

ve r n o n i a My r i a n Th a Hook. f. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

vernonia ampla O. Hoffm.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Zimbabwe pride<br />

Citations:<br />

Shone DK (1966) <strong>Poisonous</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Rhodesia. Part I. Rhodesia<br />

Zambia Malawi J Agric Res 4:81-94.<br />

ve r n o n i a n ov e b o r a c e n s is (L.) Michx.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

New York ironweed<br />

Citations:<br />

Fortina AB, Magno FM, Cappelletti EM, et al. (2002) Contact<br />

dermatitis from Vernonia noveboracensis. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 46(6):357-358.<br />

ve r n o n i a n u d i f l o r a Less. [Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Döbereiner J, Tokarnia CH (1984) Intoxicação experimental<br />

por Vernonia nudiflora (Compositae) em bovinos e ovinos.<br />

Pesq Vet Bras 4(1):5-10.<br />

ve r n o n i a s q u a r r o s a (D. Don) Less.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Tokarnia CH, Döbereiner J (1983) Intoxicação experimental<br />

por Vernonia squarrosa (Compositae) em ovinos e bovinos.<br />

Pesq Vet Bras 3(2):45-52.<br />

vervain –see– Verbena officinalis L.<br />

vervions –see– Rosmarinus officinalis L.<br />

vesce cultivée –see– Vicia sativa L.<br />

ve s Ti a f o e Ti d a (Ruiz & Pav.) Hoffm<strong>an</strong>ns.<br />

[Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common names:<br />

huevil<br />

Citations:<br />

Brevis C, Quezada M, Bustam<strong>an</strong>te P, et al. (2005) Huevil<br />

(Vestia foetida) poisoning of cattle in Chile. Vet Rec<br />

156(14):452-453.<br />

McKeough VL, Collett MG, Parton KH (2005) Suspected<br />

Vestia foetida poisoning in young goats. N Z Vet J<br />

53(5):352-355.<br />

ve s Ti a l y c io i d e s Willd. [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common names:<br />

huevil<br />

Citations:<br />

Araya O, Hitschfeld M, Cubillos V (1982) Lesiones histológicas<br />

y cambios plasmáticos en ovinos intoxicados<br />

experimentalmente con huevil (Vestia lycioides). Zentralbl<br />

Veterinarmed A 29(9):694-703.<br />

vetch –see– Lathyrus sylvestris L.; Vicia benghalensis L.; Vicia<br />

ervilia (L.) Willd.; Vicia sativa L.<br />

vetchling –see– Lathyrus hirsutus L.; Lathyrus pusillus<br />

Elliott; Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

vi vi –see– Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit<br />

vi b u r n u M r h i Ti d o p h y l l u M Hemsl.<br />

[Adoxaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Schneeball<br />

Citations:<br />

Dambra P, Nettis E, Loria MP, et al. (2000) Hypersensitivity<br />

to Viburnum rhytidophyllum. Allergy<br />

55(5):512-513.<br />

vic i a b e n g h a l e n s is L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Green JR, Kleynh<strong>an</strong>s JE (1989) Suspected vetch (Vicia<br />

benghalensis L) poisoning in a Friesl<strong>an</strong>d cow in<br />

the Republic of South Africa. J S Afr Vet Assoc<br />

60(2):109-110.<br />

Harper PA, Cook RW, Gill PA, et al. (1993) Vetch toxicosis<br />

in cattle grazing Vicia villosa spp dasycarpa <strong>an</strong>d V. benghalensis.<br />

Aust Vet J 70(4):140-144.<br />

vic i a e rv i l i a (L.) Willd. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

e rvum ervilia L.<br />

Common Names:<br />

bastard lentil; bitter vetch; ers; ers ervillier; lentille<br />

bâtarde; lentille ers; vetch; yeros

422 - Vicia faba D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Almazán Gil F (1974) Aportaciones al estudio sobre la toxicidad<br />

experimental del yero (Ervum ervilia). Rev Nutr<br />

Anim 12(3):143-162.<br />

Almazán Gil FF (1974) Aportaciones al estudio sobre la toxicidad<br />

experimental del yero (Ervum ervilia). Rev Nutr<br />

Anim 12(2):65-74.<br />

Palacios J, de Lemus C (1982) Algunos efectos fisiológicos de<br />

la ingestión de Vicia ervilia W. (yeros) en pollos. Rev Esp<br />

Fisiol 38(3):311-316.<br />

vic i a f a b a L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

broad be<strong>an</strong>; double be<strong>an</strong>; English be<strong>an</strong>; faba be<strong>an</strong>;<br />

fabismo; fava; fava be<strong>an</strong>; Favabohne; favismo; fèves;<br />

field be<strong>an</strong>; horse be<strong>an</strong>; Itali<strong>an</strong> be<strong>an</strong>; Pferdebohne;<br />

Saubohne; Windsor be<strong>an</strong>; yewdow<br />

Citations:<br />

Abbey BW, Neale RJ, Norton G (1979) Nutritional effects of<br />

field be<strong>an</strong> (Vicia faba L) proteinase inhibitors fed to rats.<br />

Br J Nutr 41(1):31-38.<br />

Abbey BW, Norton G, Neale RJ (1979) Effects of dietary<br />

proteinase inhibitors from field be<strong>an</strong> (Vicia faba L.) <strong>an</strong>d<br />

field-be<strong>an</strong> meal on p<strong>an</strong>creatic function in the rat. Br J<br />

Nutr 41(1):39-45.<br />

Aherne FX, Lewis AJ, Hardin RT (1977) An evaluation of<br />

faba be<strong>an</strong>s (Vicia faba) as a protein supplement for swine.<br />

C<strong>an</strong> J Anim Sci 57(2):321-328.<br />

Andersson PO, Jacobsson S, Wadenvik H (1998) Bortglömd<br />

bedräglig böna - Ett fall av favism. Bondbön<strong>an</strong> k<strong>an</strong><br />

orsaka livshot<strong>an</strong>de hemolys hos disponerade. Lakartidningen<br />

95(23):2712-2714.<br />

Bertoni G (1967) Il fondo oculare nel favismo. Ann Ottalmol<br />

Clin Ocul 93(11):1235-1244.<br />

Boon WH (1972) Favism in Singapore. J Singapore Paediat<br />

Soc 14(1):17-25.<br />

Brodribb HS (1966) Favism from pollen. Br Med J<br />

5514:642.<br />

Brodribb HS, Worssam AR (1961) Favism in <strong>an</strong> Englishwom<strong>an</strong>.<br />

Br Med J 1(May 13):1367-1368.<br />

Brooks EA, James GA, Stubber LA (1958) Favism in Western<br />

Australia. Med J Aust 2(14):455-458.<br />

Busse K (1967) Zur klinik des Favismus. Med Klin<br />

62(40):1539-1541.<br />

Casper J, Shulm<strong>an</strong> J (1956) Bilateral cortical necrosis of<br />

the kidneys in <strong>an</strong> inf<strong>an</strong>t with favism. Am J Clin Pathol<br />

26(1):42-47.<br />

Cast<strong>an</strong>on JI, Perez-L<strong>an</strong>zac, J (1990) Substitution of fixed<br />

amounts of soybe<strong>an</strong> meal for field be<strong>an</strong>s (Vicia faba),<br />

sweet lupines (Lupinus albus), cull peas (Pisum sativum)<br />

<strong>an</strong>d vetches (Vicia sativa) in diets for high perform<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

laying Leghorn hens. Br Poult Sci 31(1):173-180.<br />

Chung SF (1965) Studies on favism in Kw<strong>an</strong>gtung Province.<br />

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vic i a Mo n a n Th a Retz. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

algarroba; spur vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Fr<strong>an</strong>co-Vicario R, Gamboa P, Escal<strong>an</strong>te M, et al. (1997)<br />

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis induced by exposure to the<br />

legume algarroba. Allergy 52(4):478-479.<br />

vic i a s a Ti va L. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Ackerwicke; ervilhaca; Futterwicke; Saatwicke; Sommerwicken;<br />

spring vetch; vesce cultivée; vetch; wilde<br />

wicke<br />

Citations:<br />

Arscott GH, Harper JA (1963) Relationship of 2,5-diamino-<br />

4,6-diketopyrimidine, 2,4-diaminobutyric acid <strong>an</strong>d a<br />

crude preparation of β-cy<strong>an</strong>o-L-al<strong>an</strong>ine to the toxicity<br />

of common <strong>an</strong>d hairy vetch seed fed to chicks. J Nutr<br />

80:251-254.<br />

Arscott GH, Harper JA (1964) <strong>Evidence</strong> for a difference in<br />

toxicity between common <strong>an</strong>d hairy vetch seed for chicks.<br />

Poult Sci 43(1):271-273.<br />

Barros CS, Fighera RA, Rozza DB, et al. (2001) Doença<br />

gr<strong>an</strong>ulomatosa sistêmica em bovinos no Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de do<br />

Sul associado ao pastoreio de ervilhaca (Vicia spp). Pesq<br />

Vet Bras 21(4):162-171.<br />

Cast<strong>an</strong>on JI, Perez-L<strong>an</strong>zac, J (1990) Substitution of fixed<br />

amounts of soybe<strong>an</strong> meal for field be<strong>an</strong>s (Vicia faba),<br />

sweet lupines (Lupinus albus), cull peas (Pisum sativum)<br />

<strong>an</strong>d vetches (Vicia sativa) in diets for high perform<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

laying Leghorn hens. Br Poult Sci 31(1):173-180.<br />

Darre MJ, Minior DN, Tatake JG, et al. (1998) Nutritional<br />

evaluation of detoxified <strong>an</strong>d raw common vetch seed<br />

(Vicia sativa L.) using diets of broilers. J Agric Food<br />

Chem 46:4675-4679.<br />

Fighera RA, Barros CS (2004) Systematic gr<strong>an</strong>ulomatous<br />

disease in Brazili<strong>an</strong> cattle grazing pasture containing<br />

vetch (Vicia spp). Vet Hum Toxicol 46(2):62-66.<br />

Harper JA, Arscott GH (1962) Toxicity of common <strong>an</strong>d hairy<br />

vetch seed for poults <strong>an</strong>d chicks. Poult Sci 41:1968-1974.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>dey JN, Pal AK (1965) A study on growth rate of albino<br />

rats fed with ‘akra’ (Vicia villosa <strong>an</strong>d V. sativa). Indi<strong>an</strong> J<br />

Physiol Allied Sci 19:65-72.<br />

Picon SJ, Bl<strong>an</strong>co Carmona JG, Garces Sotillos MD (1991)<br />

Occupational asthma caused by vetch (Vicia sativa). J<br />

Allergy Clin Immunol 88(1):135-136.<br />

Suter RJ (2002) Suspected cy<strong>an</strong>ide poisoning in cows fed<br />

vetch (Vicia sativa) hay. Aust Vet J 80(5):282.<br />

vic i a Te Tr a s p e r Ma (L.) Schreb. [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

four-seed vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Wine HA, Johnson PN (1993) Vicia tetrasperma (fourseeded<br />

vetch) ingestion by a 3-year-old child. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 35(5):436-437.<br />

vic i a v i l l o s a Roth [Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

hairy vetch; Roth vetch; Zottelwicke<br />

Citations:<br />

Anderson CA, Divers TJ (1983) Systemic gr<strong>an</strong>ulomatous<br />

inflammation in a horse grazing hairy vetch. J Am Vet<br />

Med Assoc 183(5):569-570.<br />

Arscott GH, Harper JA (1963) Relationship of 2,5-diamino-<br />

4,6-diketopyrimidine, 2,4-diaminobutyric acid <strong>an</strong>d a crude<br />

preparation of β-cy<strong>an</strong>o-L-al<strong>an</strong>ine to the toxicity of common<br />

<strong>an</strong>d hairy vetch seed fed to chicks. J Nutr 80:251-254.

424 - Vicia villosa D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Arscott GH, Harper JA (1964) <strong>Evidence</strong> for a difference in<br />

toxicity between common <strong>an</strong>d hairy vetch seed for chicks.<br />

Poult Sci 43(1):271-273.<br />

Barros CS, Fighera RA, Rozza DB, et al. (2001) Doença<br />

gr<strong>an</strong>ulomatosa sistêmica em bovinos no Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de do<br />

Sul ao pastoreio de ervilhaca (Vicia spp). Pesq Vet Bras<br />

21(4):162-171.<br />

Claughton WP, Claughton HD (1954) Vetch seed poisoning.<br />

Auburn Vet 10(Winter):125-126.<br />

Fighera RA, Barros CS (2004) Systematic gr<strong>an</strong>ulomatous<br />

disease in Brazili<strong>an</strong> cattle grazing pasture containing<br />

vetch (Vicia spp). Vet Hum Toxicol 46(2):62-66.<br />

Harper JA, Arscott GH (1962) Toxicity of common <strong>an</strong>d hairy<br />

vetch seed for poults <strong>an</strong>d chicks. Poult Sci 41:1968-1974.<br />

Johnson B, Moore J, Woods LW, et al. (1992) Systemic gr<strong>an</strong>ulomatous<br />

disease in cattle in California associated with<br />

grazing hairy vetch (Vicia villosa). J Vet Diagn Invest<br />

4(3):360-362.<br />

Kerr LA, Edwards WC (1982) Hairy vetch poisoning of<br />

cattle. Vet Med Small Anim Clin 77(2):257-258.<br />

Kienholz EW, Jensen LS, McGinnis J (1962) <strong>Evidence</strong> for<br />

chick growth inhibitors in several legume seeds. Poult Sci<br />

41:367-371.<br />

Odriozola E, Paloma E, Lopez T, et al. (1991) An outbreak<br />

of Vicia villosa (hairy vetch) poisoning in grazing<br />

Aberdeen Angus bulls in Argentina. Vet Hum Toxicol<br />

33(3):278-280.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ciera RJ (1978) Hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) poisoning<br />

in cattle. In: Keeler RF, V<strong>an</strong> Kampen KR, James LF,<br />

et al. (eds.) Effects of poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts on livestock. Academic<br />

Press. New York. pp. 555-563.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ciera RJ, Johnson L, Osburn BI (1966) A disease of<br />

cattle grazing hairy vetch pasture. J Am Vet Med Assoc<br />

148(7):804-808.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ciera RJ, Mosier DA, Ritchey JW (1992) Hairy vetch<br />

(Vicia villosa Roth) poisoning in cattle: Update <strong>an</strong>d<br />

experimental induction of disease. J Vet Diagn Invest<br />

4(3):318-325.<br />

P<strong>an</strong>dey JN, Pal AK (1965) A study on growth rate of albino<br />

rats fed with ‘akra’ (Vicia villosa <strong>an</strong>d V. sativa). Indi<strong>an</strong> J<br />

Physiol Allied Sci 19:65-72.<br />

Vicia villosa Roth subsp. dasycarpa (Ten.) Cavill. = vicia<br />

villosa Roth subsp. varia (Host) Corb.<br />

vic i a v i l l o s a Roth subsp. varia (Host) Corb.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

vicia villosa Roth subsp. dasycarpa (Ten.) Cavill.<br />

Common Names:<br />

hybrid vetch; woolly-pod vetch<br />

Citations:<br />

Burroughs GW, Neser JA, Kellerm<strong>an</strong> TS, et al. (1983)<br />

Suspected hybrid vetch (Vicia villosa crossed with Vicia<br />

dasycarpa) poisoning of cattle in the Republic of South<br />

Africa. J S Afr Vet Assoc 54(2):75-79.<br />

Harper PA, Cook RW, Gill PA, et al. (1993) Vetch toxicosis<br />

in cattle grazing Vicia villosa spp dasycarpa <strong>an</strong>d V. benghalensis.<br />

Aust Vet J 70(4):140-144.<br />

Peet RL, Gardner JJ (1986) Poisoning of cattle by hairy or<br />

woolly pod vetch, Vicia villosa subspecies dasycarpa. Aust<br />

Vet J 63(11):381-382.<br />

vid<strong>an</strong>ga –see– Embelia ribes Burm. f.<br />

Vielblütige Weißwurz –see– Polygonatum multiflorum (L.)<br />

All.<br />

Vigna sinensis (L.) Savi ex Hassk. = Vigna unguiculata (L.)<br />

Walp.<br />

vig n a u n g u ic u l a Ta (L.) Walp. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

vigna sinensis (L.) Savi ex Hassk.<br />

Common Names:<br />

black-eye pea; cowpea; kunde; southern pea<br />

Citations:<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, Dorward PM, Buch<strong>an</strong> W (1995) Consumption of<br />

diets containing raw soya be<strong>an</strong>s (Glycine max), kidney<br />

be<strong>an</strong>s (Phaseolus vulgaris), cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata)<br />

or lupin seeds (Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius) by rats up to 700<br />

days: Effects on body composition <strong>an</strong>d org<strong>an</strong> weights. Br<br />

J Nutr 73(1):17-29.<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>t G, Dorward PM, Pusztai A (1993) P<strong>an</strong>creatic enlargement<br />

is evident in rats fed diets containing raw soybe<strong>an</strong>s<br />

(Glycine max) or cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata) for 800<br />

days but not in those fed diets <strong>based</strong> on kidney be<strong>an</strong>s<br />

(Phaseolus vulgaris) or lupinseed (Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius).<br />

J Nutr 123(12):2207-2205.<br />

Montgomery RD (1964) Observations on the cy<strong>an</strong>ide content<br />

<strong>an</strong>d toxicity of tropical pulses. West Indi<strong>an</strong> Med J<br />

13(1):1-11.<br />

vigne-de-Bakel –see– Cissus quadr<strong>an</strong>gularis L.<br />

vigne-de-Judée –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

vignette –see– Mercurialis <strong>an</strong>nua L.<br />

vinagrera –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

vinca –see– Cathar<strong>an</strong>thus roseus (L.) G. Don; Vinca major L.<br />

vi n c a Ma jo r L. [Apocynaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

blue periwinkle; greater periwinkle; periwinkle; running-myrtle;<br />

vinca<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1946) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of pl<strong>an</strong>ts, etc. XV. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 21(1):45-55.<br />

Vinca pusilla Murray = Cathar<strong>an</strong>thus pusillus (Murray) G.<br />

Don<br />

vine gungo pea –see– Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

vine tree –see– Ventilago viminalis Hook.<br />

vinette –see– Rumex acetosa L.<br />

violet bloom –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

violet heliotrope –see– Heliotropium amplexicaule Vahl<br />

viooltje –see– Ornithogalum thyrsoides Jacq.<br />

viper’s-bugloss –see– Echium pl<strong>an</strong>tagineum L.; Echium<br />

vulgare L.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Vitis vinifera - 425<br />

Virginia creeper –see– Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

Virginia ivy –see– Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

Virginia poke –see– Phytolacca americ<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

Virginia sumach –see– Rhus typhina L.<br />

virgin’s-bower –see– Clematis vitalba L.<br />

vi r o l a c a l o p h y l l o i d e a Markgr.<br />

[Myristicaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Epéna<br />

Citations:<br />

Seitz GJ (1965) Einige Bemerkungen zur Anwendung und<br />

Wirkungsweise des Epena-Schnupfpulvers der Waika-<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong>er. Etnol Stud 28:117-132.<br />

Seitz GJ (1967) Epéna, the intoxicating snuff powder of the<br />

Waika Indi<strong>an</strong>s <strong>an</strong>d the Tuc<strong>an</strong>o medicine m<strong>an</strong>, Agostino.<br />

Efron DH et al. (eds.) Ethnopharmacologic search for<br />

psychoactive drugs. PHS #1645:315-338.<br />

virvi –see– Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit<br />

viscum –see– Viscum album L.<br />

vis c u M a l b u M L. [S<strong>an</strong>talaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Europe<strong>an</strong> mistletoe; Mistel; misteltee; mistletoe;<br />

viscum<br />

Citations:<br />

Dixin J (1874) Case of poisoning by berries of the mistletoe:<br />

Recovery. Br Med J 1:224.<br />

Greatorex JC (1966) Some unusual cases of pl<strong>an</strong>t poisoning<br />

in <strong>an</strong>imals. Vet Rec 78(21):725-727.<br />

Harvey J, Colin-Jones DG (1981) Mistletoe hepatitis. Br<br />

Med J 282(6259):186-187.<br />

O’Farrell NM (1943) Dermatitis venenata due to mistletoe.<br />

Arch Derm Syphilol 43:416.<br />

Ramón MF, Ballesteros S, Martínez-Arrieta R, et al. (2003)<br />

Pl<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d herb exposures in Spain. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

41(4):514.<br />

Seidem<strong>an</strong>n W (1984) Allergische Rhinitis durch Misteltee<br />

(Viscum album). Allergologie 7(12):461-463.<br />

vi Te x ag n u s -c a s Tu s L. [Lamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

agnus castus; chaste tree<br />

Citations:<br />

Cahill DJ, Fox R, Wardle PG, et al. (1994) Multiple follicular<br />

development associated with herbal medicine. Hum<br />

Reprod 9(8):1469-1470.<br />

vi Tis l a b r u s c a L. [Vitaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

grape<br />

Citations:<br />

Quinby GE (1979) Grape pressers dermatitis. Clin Toxicol<br />

15(4):478.<br />

vi Tis v i n i f e r a L. [Vitaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

curr<strong>an</strong>t; grape; raisin<br />

Citations:<br />

Campbell A, Bates N (2003) Raisin poisoning in dogs. Vet<br />

Rec 152:376.<br />

Eubig PA, Brady MS, Gwaltney-Br<strong>an</strong>t SM, et al. (2005)<br />

Acute renal failure in dogs after the ingestion of grapes or<br />

raisins: A retrospective evaluation of 43 dogs (1992-2002).<br />

J Vet Intern Med 19(5):663-674.<br />

Gi<strong>an</strong>noccaro F, Munno G, Riva G, et al. (1998) Oral allergy<br />

syndrome to grapes. Allergy 53(4):451-452.<br />

Gwaltney-Br<strong>an</strong>t S, Holding JK, Donaldson CW, et al. (2001)<br />

Renal failure associated with ingestion of grapes or raisins<br />

in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 218:1555-1556.<br />

Mazzaferro EM, Eubig PA, Hackett TB, et al. (2004) Acute<br />

renal failure associated with raisin or grape ingestion in 4<br />

dogs. J Vet Emerg Crit Care 14:203-212.<br />

Penny D, Henderson SM, Brown PJ (2003) Raisin poisoning<br />

in a dog. Vet Rec 152:308.<br />

Portway B (1957) The characteristic syndrome following<br />

excessive consumption of grapes by cows. Aust Vet J<br />

33:210-212.<br />

Rodríguez A, Matheu V, Trujillo MJ, et al. (2004) Grape<br />

allergy in paediatric population. Allergy 59(3):364.<br />

Senna G, Mistrello G, Roncarolo D, et al. (2001) Exerciseinduced<br />

<strong>an</strong>aphylaxis to grape. Allergy 56(12):1235-1236.<br />

vizi harmatkása –see– Glyceria maxima (Hartm.) Holmb.<br />

Vogelleimdistel –see– Chamaeleon gummifera (L.) Cass.<br />

voinicel –see– Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex Pr<strong>an</strong>tl<br />

vomiting bush –see– Geigeria aspera Harv.<br />

voodoo be<strong>an</strong> –see– Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.<br />

vuiboom –see– Fr<strong>an</strong>gula alnus Mill.<br />

vulgaire –see– Juniperus communis L.<br />

vulgarmente ruda –see– Ruta graveolens L.<br />

vuudoorn –see– Pyrac<strong>an</strong>tha coccinea M. Roem.<br />

vuursiektebos –see– Asaemia minuta (L. f.) K. Bremer<br />

vygie –see– Dros<strong>an</strong>themum floribundum (Haw.) Schw<strong>an</strong>tes;<br />

Malephora smithii (L. Bolus) H. E. K. Hartm<strong>an</strong>n

wabaio –see– Acok<strong>an</strong>thera oppositifolia (Lam.) Codd;<br />

Acok<strong>an</strong>thera schimperi (A. DC.) Oliv.<br />

Wacholder –see– Juniperus communis L.<br />

Wahweap milk vetch –see– Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas<br />

ex Hook. var. wahweapensis S. L. Welsh<br />

wake robin –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott; Arum<br />

maculatum L.<br />

Waldbingelkraut –see– Mercurialis perennis L.<br />

Walddistelstrauch –see– Ilex aquifolium L.<br />

Waldknoblauch –see– Allium ursinum L.<br />

Waldmeister –see– Galium odoratum (L.) Scop.<br />

Waldnachtschatten –see– Atropa belladonna L.<br />

Waldschelle –see– Digitalis purpurea L.<br />

wall germ<strong>an</strong>der –see– Teucrium chamaedrys L.<br />

wallflower poison –see– Gastrolobium gr<strong>an</strong>diflorum F. Muell.<br />

Wallia nigra Alef. = Jugl<strong>an</strong>s nigra L.<br />

Walnuß –see– Jugl<strong>an</strong>s regia L.<br />

walnut –see– Jugl<strong>an</strong>s nigra L.<br />

w<strong>an</strong>dary curse –see– Heliotropium europaeum L.<br />

w<strong>an</strong>dering Jew –see– Tradesc<strong>an</strong>tia fluminensis Vell.<br />

w<strong>an</strong>nakai –see– Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa Benth.<br />

warabi –see– Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var.<br />

latiusculum (Desf.) Underw. ex A. Heller<br />

warmot –see– Artemisia absinthium L.<br />

wartweed –see– Euphorbia peplus L.<br />

wartwort –see– Euphorbia helioscopia L.; Chelidonium majus<br />

L.<br />

warty caltrop –see– Kallstroemia parviflora Norton<br />

Warzengraß –see– Euphorbia cyparissias L.<br />

Warzenkraut –see– Chelidonium majus L.<br />

Wasatch milk vetch –see– Astragalus miser Douglas ex<br />

Hook. var. oblongifolius (Rydb.) Cronquist<br />

Wasserchierling –see– Cicuta maculata L.<br />

Wasserpfeffer–see– Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach<br />

Wasserschierling –see– Cicuta virosa L.<br />

Wasserschwertlilie –see– Iris pseudoacorus L.<br />

water arum –see– Calla palustris L.<br />

water betony –see– Scrophularia auriculata L.<br />

water bush –see– Myoporum acuminatum R. Br.<br />

water crowfoot –see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus sceleratus L.<br />

water dragon –see– Calla palustris L.<br />

W<br />

water dropwort –see– Oen<strong>an</strong>the crocata L.<br />

water dropwort hemlock –see– Oen<strong>an</strong>the crocata L.<br />

water fern –see– Histiopteris incisa (Thunb.) J. Sm.<br />

water figwort –see– Scrophularia auriculata L.<br />

water flag –see– Iris pseudoacorus L.<br />

water gromwells –see– Glyceria maxima (Hartm.) Holmb.<br />

water hemlock –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M. Coult.<br />

& Rose; Cicuta maculata L.; Cicuta maculata L. var.<br />

<strong>an</strong>gustifolia Hook.; Cicuta virosa L.<br />

water horsetail –see– Equisetum fluviatile L.<br />

water hyacinth –see– Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms<br />

water kerwal –see– Matricaria nigellifolia DC.<br />

water lily –see– Nymphaea odorata Aiton subsp. tuberosa<br />

(Paine) Wiersema & Hellq.<br />

water maple –see– Acer rubrum L.<br />

water nerve root –see– Asclepias incarnata L.<br />

water parsnip –see– Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville; Cicuta<br />

douglasii (DC.) J. M. Coult. & Rose; Cicuta maculata L.<br />

var. <strong>an</strong>gustifolia Hook.; Sium suave Walter<br />

water pepper –see– Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach<br />

water pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Rheum ×hybridum Murray<br />

water scrophularia –see– Scrophularia auriculata L.<br />

water shamrock –see– Meny<strong>an</strong>thes trifoliata L.<br />

water smartweed –see– Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach;<br />

Persicaria punctata (Elliott) Small<br />

watermelon –see– Citrullus l<strong>an</strong>atus (Thunb.) Matsum. &<br />

Nakai<br />

Waterscheerling –see– Cicuta virosa L.<br />

wawa –see– Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum.<br />

wax be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

wax flower –see– Hoya australis R. Br. ex J. Traill; Hoya<br />

carnosa (L. f.) R. Br.<br />

wax-leaf privet –see– Ligustrum vulgare L.<br />

wax tree –see– Toxicodendron succed<strong>an</strong>eum (L.) Kuntze<br />

waxberry –see– Symphoricarpos albus (L.) S. F. Blake<br />

waxpl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Hoya carnosa (L. f.) R. Br.<br />

waxy larkspur –see– Delphinium glaucum S. Watson<br />

way thorn –see– Rhamnus cathartica L.<br />

weak nettle –see– Urtica chamaedryoides Pursh<br />

weather pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

wedding bells –see– Ipomoea tricolor Cav.; Ipomoea violacea L.<br />

wedelia –see– Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski

428 - Wedelia asperrima D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

w e d e l i a a s p e r r i Ma (Decne.) Benth.<br />

[Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

sunflower daisy; yellow daisy<br />

Citations:<br />

Mulhearn CR (1939) Yellow daisy (Wedelia asperrima)<br />

- A Pl<strong>an</strong>t toxic to sheep. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d Agric J 52(Oct<br />

1):397-400.<br />

Wedelia glauca (Ortega) O. Hoffm. ex Hicken = Pascalia<br />

glauca Ortega<br />

Wedelia trilobata (L.) Hitchc. = Sphagneticola trilobata (L.)<br />

Pruski<br />

wedge-leaf rattlepod –see– Crotalaria retusa L.<br />

weed –see– C<strong>an</strong>nabis sativa L.<br />

weedy milk vetch –see– Astragalus miser Douglas ex Hook.<br />

weedy rattlebox –see– Crotalaria sagittalis L.<br />

weeping ficus –see– Ficus benjamina L.<br />

weeping fig –see– Ficus benjamina L.<br />

Wegdorn –see– Fr<strong>an</strong>gula alnus Mill.<br />

Wegwarte –see– Cichorium intybus L.<br />

Weihnachtsstern –see– Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex<br />

Klotzsch<br />

Weinkraut –see– Ruta graveolens L.<br />

Weinraute –see– Ruta graveolens L.<br />

Weißdorn –see– Crataegus laevigata (Poir) DC.; Crataegus<br />

monogyna Jacq.<br />

Weiße Bohne –see– Vicia faba L.<br />

Weiße Nieswurz –see– Veratrum album L.<br />

Weiße Robinie –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

Weißer Germer –see– Veratrum album L.<br />

Weißer Maulbeerbaum –see– Morus alba L.<br />

Weißer Nieswurz –see– Veratrum album L.<br />

Weißer Stechapfel –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

Weißer Steinklee –see– Melilotus albus Medik.<br />

Weißklee –see– Trifolium repens L.<br />

Weißkraut –see– Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.<br />

Weizen –see– Triticum aestivum L.<br />

Welches Weidelgras –see– Lolium multiflorum Lam.<br />

wengé –see– Millettia laurentii De Wild.<br />

Wermut –see– Artemisia absinthium L.<br />

wermuth –see– Artemisia absinthium L.<br />

west Afric<strong>an</strong> boxwood –see– Sarcocephalus diderrichii De<br />

Wild.<br />

West Australi<strong>an</strong> blue lupin –see– Lupinus cosentinii Guss.<br />

West Indi<strong>an</strong> lead tree –see– Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de<br />

Wit<br />

West Indi<strong>an</strong> pink root –see– Spigelia <strong>an</strong>thelmia L.<br />

West Indi<strong>an</strong> s<strong>an</strong>dbox tree –see– Hura crepit<strong>an</strong>s L.<br />

West Indi<strong>an</strong> satinwood –see– Z<strong>an</strong>thoxylum flavum Vahl<br />

Westafrik<strong>an</strong>isches Satinholz –see– Turrae<strong>an</strong>thus afric<strong>an</strong>us<br />

(Welw. ex C. DC.) Pellegr.<br />

Western Australi<strong>an</strong> blue lupin –see– Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius<br />

L.; Lupinus digitatus Forssk.<br />

western b<strong>an</strong>eberry –see– Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willd.<br />

western bitterweed –see– Hymenoxys odorata DC.<br />

western buckeye –see– Aesculus glabra Willd.<br />

western chokecherry –see– Prunus virgini<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

western corn lily –see– Veratrum californicum Dur<strong>an</strong>d<br />

western false hellebore –see– Veratrum californicum<br />

Dur<strong>an</strong>d<br />

western goldenrod –see– Solidago spectabilis (D. C. Eaton)<br />

A. Gray<br />

western groundsel –see– Senecio integerrimus Nutt.<br />

western hellebore –see– Veratrum californicum Dur<strong>an</strong>d<br />

western herb germ<strong>an</strong>der –see– Teucrium chamaedrys L.<br />

western horse nettle –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dimidiatum Raf.;<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>um elaeagnifolium Cav.<br />

western larkspur –see– Delphinium barbeyi (Huth) Huth;<br />

Delphinium glaucum S. Watson<br />

western laurel –see– Kalmia microphylla (Hook.) A. Heller<br />

western locoweed –see– Astragalus wootonii E. Sheld.<br />

western lupine –see– Lupinus leucophyllus Douglas ex<br />

Lindl.<br />

western mountain laurel –see– Calia secundiflora (Ortega)<br />

Yakovlev<br />

western mugwort –see– Artemisia ludovici<strong>an</strong>a Nutt.<br />

western nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um triflorum Nutt.<br />

western poison ivy –see– Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torr.<br />

& A. Gray) Greene; Toxicodendron rydbergii (Small ex<br />

Rydb.) Greene<br />

western poison oak –see– Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torr.<br />

& A. Gray) Greene<br />

western purple larkspur –see– Delphinium menziesii DC.<br />

western ragweed –see– Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.; Ambrosia<br />

psilostachya DC.<br />

western red cedar –see– Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don<br />

western rhododendron –see– Rhododendron macrophyllum D.<br />

Don ex G. Don<br />

western rosewood –see– Alectryon oleifolius (Desf.) S. T.<br />

Reynolds<br />

western serviceberry –see– Amel<strong>an</strong>chier alnifolia (Nutt.)<br />

Nutt. ex M. Roem.<br />

western sneezeweed –see– Hymenoxys hoopesii (A. Gray)<br />

Bierner<br />

western swamp kalmia –see– Kalmia microphylla (Hook.) A.<br />


<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Wedelia asperrima - 429<br />

western swamp laurel –see– Kalmia microphylla (Hook.) A.<br />

Heller<br />

western virgin’s-bower –see– Clematis ligusticifolia Nutt.<br />

western water hemlock –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M.<br />

Coult. & Rose; Cicuta maculata L. var. <strong>an</strong>gustifolia<br />

Hook.<br />

western white oak –see– Quercus garry<strong>an</strong>a Douglas ex Hook.<br />

western whorled milkweed –see– Asclepias subverticillata (A.<br />

Gray) Vail<br />

western wild cherry –see– Prunus virgini<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

western yellow pine –see– Pinus ponderosa C. Lawson<br />

western yew –see– Taxus brevifolia Nutt.<br />

Westindische Atlasholz –see– Chloroxylon swietenia DC.<br />

Westindische Satinholz –see– Chloroxylon swietenia DC.<br />

Westindische Seidenholz –see– Z<strong>an</strong>thoxylum flavum Vahl<br />

wet-the-bed –see– Senecio integerrimus Nutt.<br />

wheat –see– Triticum aestivum L.<br />

wheat cockle –see– Vaccaria hisp<strong>an</strong>ica (Mill.) Rauschert<br />

wheel mallow –see– Modiola carolini<strong>an</strong>a (L.) G. Don<br />

whip-poor-will-shoes –see– Cypripedium reginae Walter<br />

whiskey cherry –see– Prunus serotina Ehrh.<br />

white amar<strong>an</strong>th –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus viridis L.<br />

white arum lily –see– Z<strong>an</strong>tedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng.<br />

white back –see– Crotalaria bertero<strong>an</strong>a DC.<br />

white be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

white broomweed –see– Parthenium hysterophorus L.<br />

white bryony –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

white buckeye –see– Aesculus glabra Willd.<br />

white camas –see– Anticlea eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Pursh) Rydb.<br />

white cedar –see– Melia azedarach L.; Thuja occidentalis L.<br />

white chameleon –see– Chamaeleon gummifera (L.) Cass.<br />

white charlock –see– Raph<strong>an</strong>us raph<strong>an</strong>istrum L.<br />

white clover –see– Trifolium repens L.<br />

white death camas –see– Anticlea eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Pursh) Rydb.<br />

white eye –see– Gomphrena celosioides Mart.<br />

white false hellebore –see– Veratrum album L.<br />

white foxglove –see– Digitalis l<strong>an</strong>ata Ehrh.<br />

white goosefoot –see– Chenopodium album L.<br />

white hairare –see– Deguelia utilis (A. C. Sm.) A. M. G.<br />

Azevedo<br />

white hearts –see– Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh.<br />

white hellebore –see– Veratrum album L.; Veratrum<br />

californicum Dur<strong>an</strong>d; Veratrum viride Aiton<br />

white henb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Hyoscyamus albus L.<br />

white holly –see– Ilex opaca Aiton<br />

white horehound –see– Marrubium vulgare L.<br />

white horse nettle –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um elaeagnifolium Cav.<br />

white Indi<strong>an</strong> be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus lunatus L.<br />

white Indi<strong>an</strong> hemp –see– Asclepias incarnata L.<br />

white jasmine –see– Jasminum officinale L.<br />

white-leaf lupine –see– Lupinus leucophyllus Douglas ex<br />

Lindl.<br />

white lily –see– Diplarrhena moraea Labill.<br />

white locoweed –see– Oxytropis campestris (L.) DC. var.<br />

spicata Hook.; Oxytropis lambertii Pursh; Oxytropis sericea<br />

Nutt.; Sophora nuttalli<strong>an</strong>a B. L. Turner<br />

white locust –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

white luck –see– Crotalaria bertero<strong>an</strong>a DC.<br />

white lupin –see– Lupinus albus L.<br />

white lupine –see– Lupinus albus L.<br />

white-m<strong>an</strong>’s-pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

white-margin spurge –see– Euphorbia marginata Pursh<br />

white melilot –see– Melilotus albus Medik.<br />

white millet –see– P<strong>an</strong>icum miliaceum L.<br />

white morning-glory –see– Ipomoea lacunosa L.<br />

white moth pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Araujia sericifera Brot.<br />

white mustard –see– Sinapis alba L.<br />

white oak –see– Quercus alba L.<br />

white passion vine –see– Passiflora alba Link & Otto<br />

white pepper –see– Piper nigrum L.<br />

white persicary –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um glaucophyllum Desf.<br />

white-point locoweed –see– Oxytropis sericea Nutt.<br />

white popinac –see– Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit<br />

white poppy –see– Papaver somniferum L.<br />

white potato –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um tuberosum L.<br />

white radish –see– Raph<strong>an</strong>us sativus L.<br />

white root –see– Asclepias tuberosa L.<br />

white saccharin –see– Hyoscyamus albus L.<br />

white sage –see– Artemisia ludovici<strong>an</strong>a Nutt.<br />

white s<strong>an</strong>dalwood –see– S<strong>an</strong>talum album L.<br />

white s<strong>an</strong>icle –see– Ageratina altissima (L.) R. M. King &<br />

H. Rob.<br />

white snakeroot –see– Ageratina altissima (L.) R. M. King &<br />

H. Rob.; Hedeoma pulegioides (L.) Pers.<br />

white snakeweed –see– Ageratina altissima (L.) R. M. King<br />

& H. Rob.<br />

white sophora –see– Sophora nuttalli<strong>an</strong>a B. L. Turner<br />

white squill –see– Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn<br />

white stramonium –see– Datura stramonium L.<br />

white sun lily –see– Narcissus poeticus L.<br />

white sweet clover –see– Melilotus albus Medik.<br />

white tepary be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray

430 - Wig<strong>an</strong>dia urens D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

white thorn –see– Crataegus laevigata (Poir) DC.<br />

white trifolium –see– Trifolium repens L.<br />

white turnip –see– Brassica rapa L. subsp. rapa<br />

white vetch –see– Lathyrus sativus L.<br />

white wall rocket –see– Diplotaxis erucoides DC.<br />

white water lily –see– Nymphaea odorata Aiton subsp.<br />

tuberosa (Paine) Wiersema & Hellq.<br />

white wild indigo –see– Baptisia alba (L.) Vent. var.<br />

macrophylla (Larisey) Isely<br />

white wild vine –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

white willow –see– Salix alba L.<br />

white yam –see– Dioscorea alata L.<br />

whitebrush –see– Junellia ligustrina (Lag.) Moldenke<br />

whitehead–see– Parthenium hysterophorus L.<br />

whiteheads –see– Sphenosciadium capitellatum A. Gray<br />

whitetop –see– Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) R. M.<br />

King & H. Rob.; Ageratina altissima (L.) R. M.<br />

King & H. Rob.; Lepidium draba L.; Parthenium<br />

hysterophorus L.<br />

whiteweed –see– Ageratum conyzoides L.; Leuc<strong>an</strong>themum<br />

vulgare Lam.<br />

whitewood –see– Atalaya hemiglauca (F. Muell.) F. Muell. ex<br />

Benth.<br />

whitsun lily –see– Narcissus poeticus L.<br />

whorehouse tea –see– Ephedra viridis Coville<br />

whorled milkweed –see– Asclepias pumila (A. Gray) Vail;<br />

Asclepias subverticillata (A. Gray) Vail; Asclepias verticillata<br />

L.<br />

wicky –see– Kalmia <strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.; Kalmia latifolia L.<br />

Wiel<strong>an</strong>dbeere –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

Wiesenbärenklau –see– Heracleum sphondylium L.<br />

Wiesenkerbel –see– Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm.<br />

Wiesenraute –see– Ruta graveolens L.<br />

Wiesensafr<strong>an</strong> –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

Wiesenschlüsselblume –see– Primula veris L.<br />

Wiesenwucherblume –see– Leuc<strong>an</strong>themum vulgare Lam.<br />

Wig<strong>an</strong>dia caracas<strong>an</strong>a Kunth = Wig<strong>an</strong>dia urens (Ruiz &<br />

Pav.) Kunth var. caracas<strong>an</strong>a (Kunth) D. N. Gibson<br />

w ig a n d i a u r e n s (Ruiz & Pav.) Kunth var.<br />

caracas<strong>an</strong>a (Kunth) D. N. Gibson [Boraginaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

w ig<strong>an</strong>dia caracas<strong>an</strong>a Kunth<br />

Common Names:<br />

chocon; hoja-de-S<strong>an</strong> Pablo; ortiga; palo-de-S<strong>an</strong> Pablo;<br />

pringamoza; S<strong>an</strong> Pablo; tabaquillo<br />

Citations:<br />

Anderson NP, Ayres S Jr (1931) Dermatitis venenata due to<br />

Wig<strong>an</strong>dia caracas<strong>an</strong>a. A hitherto unrecognized cause.<br />

Report of a case. Cal West Med 34(4):278-279.<br />

Reynolds GW, Gafner F, Rodriguez E (1989) Contact allergens<br />

of <strong>an</strong> urb<strong>an</strong> shrub Wig<strong>an</strong>dia caracas<strong>an</strong>a. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 21(2):65-68.<br />

w i k s Tr o e Mi a ov a Ta C. A. Mey.<br />

[Thymelaeaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

ar<strong>an</strong>don; dopnit; malasampaga; salago<br />

Citations:<br />

Garcia F (1933) The cathartic effects in m<strong>an</strong> of the leaves of<br />

Wikstroemia ovata Meyer (salago leaves). Philippine J Sci<br />

51:485-494.<br />

wild allam<strong>an</strong>da –see– Pentalinon luteum (L.) B. F. H<strong>an</strong>sen<br />

& Wunderlin<br />

wild almond –see– Sterculia foetida L.<br />

wild amar<strong>an</strong>th –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus cruentus L.<br />

wild aprico –see– Prunus cocomilia Ten.<br />

wild artichoke –see– Cynara cardunculus L.; Heli<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

<strong>an</strong>nuus L.<br />

wild arum –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

wild balsam apple –see– Momordica char<strong>an</strong>tia L.<br />

wild barley –see– Hordeum jubatum L.<br />

wild beach cherry –see– Prunus serotina Ehrh.<br />

wild be<strong>an</strong> –see– Lupinus argenteus Pursh<br />

wild begonia –see– Rumex venosus Pursh<br />

wild bitter almond –see– Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb<br />

wild black cherry –see– Prunus serotina Ehrh.<br />

wild bleeding heart –see– Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh.<br />

wild bryony –see– Bryonopsis laciniosa (L.) Naudin;<br />

Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) C. Jeffrey<br />

wild buck foot –see– Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

wild buckwheat –see– Fagopyrum esculentum Moench<br />

wild calla –see– Calla palustris L.<br />

wild c<strong>an</strong>arygrass –see– Phalaris minor Retz.<br />

wild caper–see– Euphorbia lathyris L.<br />

wild carrot –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M. Coult. &<br />

Rose; Cicuta maculata L.; Cicuta virosa L.; Conium<br />

maculatum L.; Cymopterus ibapensis M. E. Jones;<br />

Trachymene glaucifolia (F. Muell.) Benth.<br />

wild cassava –see– Jatropha gossypiifolia L.<br />

wild castor seed –see– Jatropha curcas L.<br />

wild celery –see– Apium graveolens L.<br />

wild cherry –see– Karwinskia humboldti<strong>an</strong>a (Schult.) Zucc.;<br />

Prunus serotina Ehrh.; Prunus virgini<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

wild chervil –see– Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Wikstroemia ovata - 431<br />

wild chicory –see– Cichorium intybus L.<br />

wild chokecherry –see– Prunus virgini<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

wild coffee –see– Senna occidentalis (L.) Link<br />

wild coleus –see– Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton<br />

wild corn –see– Veratrum californicum Dur<strong>an</strong>d<br />

wild cotton –see– Apocynum c<strong>an</strong>nabinum L.; Calotropis<br />

procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton; Gomphocarpus fruticosa (L.)<br />

W. T. Aiton; Gossypium hirsutum L.<br />

wild cottonbush –see– Gomphocarpus fruticosa (L.) W. T.<br />

Aiton<br />

wild cucumber –see– Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad.;<br />

Cucumis afric<strong>an</strong>us L. f.; Cucumis myriocarpus Naudin;<br />

Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich.; Marah oregonus (Torr.<br />

& S. Watson) J. T. Howell; Momordica char<strong>an</strong>tia L.<br />

wild cyclamen –see– Cyclamen persicum Mill.<br />

wild date –see– Fadogia homblei De Wild.<br />

wild down–see– Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton<br />

wild feverfew –see– Parthenium hysterophorus L.<br />

wild fig –see– Ficus pumila L.<br />

wild flax –see– Pimelea trichostachya Lindl.<br />

wild foxtail –see– Hordeum jubatum L.<br />

wild garlic –see– Allium c<strong>an</strong>adense L.; Allium sativum L.;<br />

Allium ursinum L.<br />

wild genti<strong>an</strong> –see– Chironia tr<strong>an</strong>svaalensis Gilg<br />

wild germ<strong>an</strong>der –see– Teucrium chamaedrys L.<br />

wild gherkin –see– Cucumis afric<strong>an</strong>us L. f.<br />

wild gooseberry –see– Nic<strong>an</strong>dra physalodes (L.) Gaertn.<br />

wild grape –see– Cissus cuneifolia Eckl. & Zeyh.<br />

wild heliotrope –see– Heliotropium europaeum L.<br />

wild hellebore –see– Veratrum californicum Dur<strong>an</strong>d<br />

wild hemlock –see– Cicuta maculata L.; Conium maculatum<br />

L.<br />

wild hop –see– Bryonia dioica Jacq.<br />

wild hyacinth –see– Hyacinthoides non-scripta (L.) Chouard<br />

ex Rothm.<br />

wild hydr<strong>an</strong>gea –see– Rumex venosus Pursh<br />

wild indigo –see– Baptisia alba (L.) Vent. var. macrophylla<br />

(Larisey) Isely; Indigofera australis Willd.; Indigofera<br />

hirsuta L.<br />

wild jalap –see– Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

wild jasmin –see– Cestrum diurnum L.<br />

wild jasmine –see– Cestrum diurnum L.<br />

wild jessamine –see– Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) J. St.-Hil.<br />

wild larkspur –see– Consolida regalis Gray<br />

wild leek –see– Toxicoscordion venenosum (S. Watson) Rydb.<br />

wild lemon –see– Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

wild lettuce –see– Lactuca sativa L.<br />

wild licorice –see– Abrus precatorius L.<br />

wild lima be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus lunatus L.<br />

wild lucerne –see– Crotalaria dura J. M. Wood & M. S.<br />

Ev<strong>an</strong>s<br />

wild lupin –see– Lupinus <strong>an</strong>gustifolius L.<br />

wild macaw pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Sesb<strong>an</strong>ia punicea (Cav.) Benth.<br />

wild m<strong>an</strong>drake –see– Podophyllum peltatum L.<br />

wild marigold –see– Tagetes minuta L.<br />

wild mint –see– Salvia reflexa Hornem.<br />

wild mustard –see– Raph<strong>an</strong>us raph<strong>an</strong>istrum L.; Sinapis<br />

arvensis L.<br />

wild nard –see– Asarum europaeum L.<br />

wild nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

wild onion –see– Allium c<strong>an</strong>adense L.; Allium cepa L.;<br />

Allium validum S. Watson; Anticlea eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Pursh)<br />

Rydb.; Ornithogalum magnum (Baker) J. C. M<strong>an</strong>ning<br />

& Goldblatt; Toxicoscordion nuttallii (A. Gray) Rydb.;<br />

Toxicoscordion venenosum (S. Watson) Rydb.<br />

wild parsley –see– Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm.<br />

wild parsnip –see– Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J. M. Coult.<br />

& Rose; Cicuta maculata L.; Cicuta maculata L. var.<br />

<strong>an</strong>gustifolia Hook.; Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um Sommier<br />

& Levier; Pastinaca sativa L.; Trachymene glaucifolia (F.<br />

Muell.) Benth.; Trachymene ochracea L. A. S. Johnson<br />

wild passion fruit –see– Passiflora alba Link & Otto<br />

wild passionvine –see– Passiflora alba Link & Otto<br />

wild pea –see– Crotalaria sagittalis L.; Crotalaria spectabilis<br />

Roth; Lupinus leucophyllus Douglas ex Lindl.<br />

wild peach –see– Trema c<strong>an</strong>nabinum Lour.<br />

wild pepper –see– Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott; Capsicum<br />

frutescens L.; Daphne mezereum L.<br />

wild persimmon –see– Diospyros virgini<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

wild physicnut –see– Jatropha gossypiifolia L.<br />

wild pineapple –see– Macrozamia communis L. A.<br />

S. Johnson; Macrozamia lucida L. A. S. Johnson;<br />

Macrozamia miquelii (F. Muell.) A. DC.; Macrozamia<br />

spiralis (Salisb.) Miq.<br />

wild poinsettia –see– Euphorbia heterophylla L.<br />

wild potato –see– Cestrum laevigatum Schltdl.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

triflorum Nutt.<br />

wild primrose –see– Primula farinosa L.<br />

wild radish –see– Raph<strong>an</strong>us raph<strong>an</strong>istrum L.<br />

wild rhubarb –see– Heracleum m<strong>an</strong>tegazzi<strong>an</strong>um Sommier &<br />

Levier<br />

wild rue –see– Peg<strong>an</strong>um harmala L.<br />

wild saffron –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

wild sage –see– L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara L.<br />

wild sago –see– Toxicoscordion p<strong>an</strong>iculatum (Nutt.) Rydb.<br />

wild savages –see– Agrostemma githago L.

432 - Wisteria floribunda D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

wild senna –see– Senna didymobotrya (Fresen.) H. S. Irwin<br />

& Barneby; Senna italica Mill.<br />

wild sieva be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus lunatus L.<br />

wild spinach –see– Chenopodium album L.; Mercurialis<br />

perennis L.<br />

wild strawberry –see– Fragaria ×<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>assa Duchesne ex<br />

Rozier<br />

wild sunflower –see– Heli<strong>an</strong>thus <strong>an</strong>nuus L.; Verbesina<br />

encelioides (Cav.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex A. Gray<br />

wild tamarind –see– Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit<br />

wild taro –see– Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott<br />

wild tobacco –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a attenuata Torr. ex S. Watson;<br />

Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a glauca Graham; Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a obtusifolia M.<br />

Martens & Galeotti<br />

wild tomato –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um aculeatissimum Jacq.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um<br />

carolinense L.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um cinereum R. Br.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um esuriale<br />

Lindl.; Sol<strong>an</strong>um torvum Sw.<br />

wild tree tobacco –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a glauca Graham<br />

wild verbena –see– Heliotropium amplexicaule Vahl; Verbena<br />

officinalis L.<br />

wild watermelon –see– Citrullus l<strong>an</strong>atus (Thunb.) Matsum.<br />

& Nakai<br />

wild winter pea –see– Lathyrus hirsutus L.<br />

wild wormwood –see– Parthenium hysterophorus L.<br />

wilde Christwurz –see– Helleborus foetidus L.<br />

wilde druif –see– Cissus cuneifolia Eckl. & Zeyh.<br />

wilde Kast<strong>an</strong>ie –see– Aesculus hippocast<strong>an</strong>um L.<br />

wilde Komkommer –see– Cucumis afric<strong>an</strong>us L. f.<br />

wilde ui –see– Ornithogalum magnum (Baker) J. C. M<strong>an</strong>ning<br />

& Goldblatt<br />

wilde Wicke –see– Vicia sativa L.<br />

wildekapok –see– Gomphocarpus fruticosa (L.) W. T. Aiton<br />

wildemagriet –see– Callilepis laureola DC.<br />

Wildetabak –see– Nicoti<strong>an</strong>a glauca Graham<br />

Wilder Spinat –see– Atriplex hortensis L.<br />

William’s-grass –see– Festuca arundinacea Schreb.<br />

willow –see– Salix alba L.<br />

willow-leaf jassamine –see– Cestrum parqui L’Her.<br />

willow weed –see– Persicaria maculosa Gray<br />

Wimmera ryegrass –see– Lolium rigidum Gaudin<br />

Windenknöterich –see– Fallopia convolvulus (L.) Á. Löve<br />

windowleaf –see– Monstera deliciosa Liebm.<br />

windroot –see– Asclepias tuberosa L.<br />

Windsor be<strong>an</strong> –see– Vicia faba L.<br />

wine palm –see– Caryota urens L.<br />

wine pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Rheum ×hybridum Murray<br />

wing be<strong>an</strong> –see– Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.<br />

wing-leaf clitoria –see– Clitoria ternatea L.<br />

wing milk vetch –see– Astragalus pterocarpus S. Watson<br />

wing sorrel –see– Rumex venosus Pursh<br />

wing-stalk yam –see– Dioscorea alata L.<br />

wingscale –see– Atriplex c<strong>an</strong>escens (Pursh) Nutt.<br />

winter cherry –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um pseudocapsicum L.; With<strong>an</strong>ia<br />

somnifera (L.) Dunal<br />

winter cress –see– Barbarea vulgaris R. Br.<br />

winter fern –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

winter rape –see– Brassica napus L. var. napus<br />

winter ryegrass –see– Lolium temulentum L.<br />

winterberry –see– Gaultheria procumbens L.; Ilex decidua<br />

Walter<br />

wintergreen –see– Gaultheria procumbens L.; Kalmia<br />

<strong>an</strong>gustifolia L.; Kalmia latifolia L.<br />

Winterhaube –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

wireweed –see– Polygonum aviculare L.<br />

wistaria –see– Wisteria sinensis (Sims) DC.<br />

wisteria –see– Wisteria floribunda (Willd.) DC.; Wisteria<br />

sinensis (Sims) DC.<br />

Wisteria chinensis Curt. = Wisteria sinensis (Sims) DC.<br />

w is Te r i a f l o r i b u n d a (Willd.) DC.<br />

[Fabaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Jap<strong>an</strong>ese wisteria; Reichblütige Glyzinie; wisteria<br />

Citations:<br />

R<strong>an</strong>deau ES (1993) Wisteria toxicity. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol<br />

31(1):107-112.<br />

w is Te r i a s i n e n s is (Sims) DC. [Fabaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

w isteria chinensis Curt.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Blauregen; Chinese kidney be<strong>an</strong>; Chinese wisteria;<br />

Chinesische Glyzinie; glicine; glycine; glycine chinensis;<br />

Glyzinie; wistaria; wisteria<br />

Citations:<br />

Picchioni AL (1965) Control of poisonings - Poisoning<br />

from wisteria seeds <strong>an</strong>d pods. Am J Hosp Pharm<br />

22(Nov):633.<br />

Ventura R (1956) Su due casi di avvelenamento da glicine<br />

(Wistaria chinensis Curt.). Minerva Medicoleg<br />

76(4):180-181.<br />

witgatbossie –see– Pteronia pallens L. f.<br />

w i Th a n i a so Mn i f e r a (L.) Dunal [Sol<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

sim elfar; winter cherry

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> With<strong>an</strong>ia somnifera - 433<br />

Citations:<br />

Arseculeratne SN, Gunatilaka AA, P<strong>an</strong>abokke RG (1985)<br />

Studies on medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of Sri L<strong>an</strong>ka. Part 14. Toxicity<br />

of some traditional medicinal herbs. J Ethnopharmacol<br />

13:323-335.<br />

witloof –see– Cichorium intybus L.<br />

witstorm –see– Thesium lineatum L. f.<br />

witte g<strong>an</strong>zenrooet –see– Chenopodium album L.<br />

wode whistle –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

wolf grape –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

wolfb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Arnica mont<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

Wolfs-Eisenhut –see– Aconitum lycoctonum L. subsp.<br />

vulparia (Rchb.) Nym<strong>an</strong><br />

wolf’s-milk –see– Euphorbia lathyris L.<br />

wolfsb<strong>an</strong>e –see– Aconitum lycoctonum L. subsp. vulparia<br />

(Rchb.) Nym<strong>an</strong>; Aconitum napellus L.<br />

Wolfsbast –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

Wolfskirsche –see– Atropa belladonna L.<br />

Wolfsmilch –see– Euphorbia gerardi<strong>an</strong>a Jacq.; Euphorbia<br />

helioscopia L.; Euphorbia peplus L.; Euphorbia pilosa L.;<br />

Euphorbia salicifolia Host<br />

Wollfingerhut –see– Digitalis l<strong>an</strong>ata Ehrh.<br />

wonder be<strong>an</strong> –see– C<strong>an</strong>avalia ensiformis (L.) DC.<br />

wonder bulb –see– Colchicum autumnale L.<br />

wonder flower –see– Ornithogalum thyrsoides Jacq.<br />

wonder tree –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

wonderberry –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.<br />

Wonderbohne –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

wonderboon –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

wood laurel –see– Kalmia latifolia L.<br />

wood nettle –see– Laportea c<strong>an</strong>adensis (L.) Wedd.<br />

wood-oil tree –see– Vernicia mont<strong>an</strong>a Lour.<br />

wood pea –see– Lathyrus sylvestris L.<br />

wood rose –see– Ipomoea tricolor Cav.; Merremia tuberosa (L.)<br />

Rendle<br />

wood sorrel –see– Oxalis acetosella L.; Oxalis pes-caprae L.;<br />

Rumex acetosella L.<br />

woodbine –see– Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) J. St.-Hil.;<br />

Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Pl<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

woodruff –see– Galium odoratum (L.) Scop.<br />

woody aster –see– Xylorhiza glabriuscula Nutt.<br />

woody nightshade –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um dulcamara L.<br />

woolly-everlasting daisy –see– Helichrysum bl<strong>an</strong>dowski<strong>an</strong>um<br />

Steetz ex Sond.<br />

woolly-groundsel –see– Senecio flaccidus Less. var. flaccidus;<br />

Senecio riddellii Torr. & A. Gray<br />

woolly-head parsnip –see– Sphenosciadium capitellatum A.<br />

Gray<br />

woolly-leaf lupine –see– Lupinus leucophyllus Douglas ex<br />

Lindl.<br />

woolly locoweed –see– Astragalus mollissimus Torr. var.<br />

mollissimus; Oxytropis campestris (L.) DC. var. spicata<br />

Hook.<br />

woolly lupine –see– Lupinus leucophyllus Douglas ex Lindl.<br />

woolly morning-glory –see– Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.)<br />

Bojer<br />

woolly paper flower –see– Psilostrophe tagetina (Nutt.)<br />

Greene<br />

woolly-pod milkweed –see– Asclepias eriocarpa Benth.<br />

woolly-pod vetch –see– Vicia villosa Roth subsp. varia<br />

(Host) Corb.<br />

woolmat –see– Cynoglossum officinale L.<br />

Wooton’s-milk vetch –see– Astragalus wootonii E. Sheld.<br />

worm killer –see– Aristolochia bracteolata Lam.<br />

wormseed goosefoot –see– Dysph<strong>an</strong>ia ambrosioides (L.)<br />

Mosyakin & Clem<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

wormwood –see– Artemisia absinthium L.; Artemisia vulgaris<br />

L.<br />

wortgrass –see– Euphorbia helioscopia L.<br />

woundwort –see– Stachys arvensis (L.) L.<br />

Wright’s-datura –see– Datura wrightii Regel<br />

Wright’s-eupatorium –see– Ageratina wrightii (A. Gray) R.<br />

M. King & H. Rob.<br />

wu chiu –see– Triadica sebifera (L.) Small<br />

Wunderbaum –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

Wunderstrauch –see– Codiaeum variegatum (L.) A. Juss.<br />

Wurmfarn –see– Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott<br />

Wurmkraut –see– T<strong>an</strong>acetum vulgare L.<br />

Wurmsamen –see– T<strong>an</strong>acetum vulgare L.<br />

Wurstkraut –see– Orig<strong>an</strong>um major<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

wutou –see– Aconitum carmichaelii Debeaux<br />

Wutschierling –see– Conium maculatum L.<br />

Wyoming water hemlock –see– Cicuta maculata L. var.<br />

<strong>an</strong>gustifolia Hook.

X<strong>an</strong>thium californicum Greene = X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L.<br />

var. c<strong>an</strong>adense (Mill.) Torr. & A. Gray<br />

X<strong>an</strong>thium cav<strong>an</strong>illesii Schouw = X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L.<br />

var. c<strong>an</strong>adense (Mill.) Torr. & A. Gray<br />

X<strong>an</strong>thium chinense Mill. = X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L. var.<br />

glabratum (DC.) Cronquist<br />

X<strong>an</strong>thium echinatum Murray = X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L.<br />

var. c<strong>an</strong>adense (Mill.) Torr. & A. Gray<br />

X<strong>an</strong>thium italicum Moretti = X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L. var.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>adense (Mill.) Torr. & A. Gray<br />

X<strong>an</strong>thium occidentale Bertol. = X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L.<br />

X<strong>an</strong>thium pungens Wallr. = X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L.<br />

x a n Th i u M s i b e r ic u M Patrin [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cocklebur<br />

Citations:<br />

Zh<strong>an</strong>g YG, Hu<strong>an</strong>g GZ (1988) Poisoning by toxic pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

China. Report of 19 autopsy cases. Am J Forensic Med<br />

Pathol 9(4):313-319.<br />

X<strong>an</strong>thium speciosum Kearney = X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium L.<br />

var. c<strong>an</strong>adense (Mill.) Torr. & A. Gray<br />

x a n Th i u M s p i n o s u M L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Bathurst bur; clotbur; cocklebur; spiny clotbur; spiny<br />

cocklebur<br />

Citations:<br />

Burry JN, Kuchel R, Reid JG, et al. (1973) Australi<strong>an</strong> bush<br />

dermatitis: Compositae dermatitis in South Australia.<br />

Med J Aust 1(3):110-116.<br />

Rowe AH (1939) Contact allergy to cocklebur (X<strong>an</strong>thium<br />

spinosum). Preliminary report. Arch Derm Syphilol<br />

39:149.<br />

Smith JP (1962) These weeds c<strong>an</strong> poison your poultry. Agric<br />

Gaz New South Wales 73(Mar):136-142.<br />

x a n Th i u M s Tr u Ma r i u M L. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

x <strong>an</strong>thium occidentale Bertol.; x <strong>an</strong>thium pungens<br />

Wallr.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Bathurst bur; broad cocklebur; bur thistle; burweed;<br />

cat’s-eggs; clotbur; cocklebur; ditchbur;<br />

heart-leaf cocklebur; Noogoora bur; small burdock;<br />

Spitzklette<br />

X<br />

Citations:<br />

Broerm<strong>an</strong> A (1926) Poisoning of swine by cocklebur. Vet<br />

Alumni Quarterly 14(2):39-41.<br />

Forrest GP (1938) Cocklebur poisoning. J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 93:42-43.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1924) Cocklebur sprouts are deadly. Better<br />

Crops 2(1):28-29, 43.<br />

Kenny GC, Everist SL, Sutherl<strong>an</strong>d AK (1950) Noogoora<br />

burr poisoning of cattle. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d Agric J 70:172-177.<br />

Martin T, Johnson BJ, S<strong>an</strong>giah S, et al. (1992) Experimental<br />

cocklebur (X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium) intoxication in calves.<br />

In: James LF, Keeler RF, Bailey JM Jr, et al. (eds.) <strong>Poisonous</strong><br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Iowa State Univ Press. Ames, Iowa. pp.<br />

489-494.<br />

Martin T, Stair EL, Dawson L (1986) Cocklebur poisoning<br />

in cattle. J Am Vet Med Assoc 189(5):562-563.<br />

Oelkers S, Oehme F (1982) Cocklebur poisoning in swine.<br />

Bovine Pract 3(2):11-14.<br />

Pammel LH (1919) Hogs poisoned by young cockleburs. Am<br />

J Vet Med 14:385-386.<br />

Pammel LH (1922) Cockle bur. Vet Med 17(6):295.<br />

Witte ST, Osweiler GD, Stahr HM, et al. (1990) Cocklebur<br />

toxicosis in cattle associated with the consumption<br />

of mature X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium. J Vet Diagn Invest<br />

2(4):263-267.<br />

x a n Th i u M s Tr u Ma r i u M L. var. c<strong>an</strong>adense<br />

(Mill.) Torr. & A. Gray [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

x <strong>an</strong>thium californicum Greene; x <strong>an</strong>thium cav<strong>an</strong>illesii<br />

Schouw; x <strong>an</strong>thium echinatum Murray; x <strong>an</strong>thium<br />

italicum Moretti; x <strong>an</strong>thium speciosum Kearney<br />

Common Names:<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> cocklebur; California bur; clot bur; cocklebur;<br />

duraznillo bl<strong>an</strong>co; Itali<strong>an</strong> cocklebur; sacha s<strong>an</strong>dia;<br />

sheep bur<br />

Citations:<br />

Driemeier D, Irigoyen LF, Loretti AP, et al. (1999) Intoxicação<br />

espontânea pelos frutos de X<strong>an</strong>thium cav<strong>an</strong>illesii<br />

(Asteraceae) em bovinos no Rio Gr<strong>an</strong>de do Sul. Pesq Vet<br />

Bras 19(1):12-18.<br />

H<strong>an</strong>sen AA (1928) Stock poisoning pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Cocklebur.<br />

North Am Vet 9(4):46-49.<br />

Horváth Z, Modor V (1970) A malacok szerbtövis okozta<br />

mérgezése. Magyar Allator Lapja 25:349-354.<br />

Kinsley AT (1909) Gastro-enteritis in hogs caused by eating<br />

young cockleburs (X<strong>an</strong>thium c<strong>an</strong>adense). Am Vet Rev<br />

35:576-578.<br />

Loretti AP, Bezerra PS, Ilha MR, et al. (1999) Intoxicação<br />

experimental pelos frutos de X<strong>an</strong>thium cav<strong>an</strong>illesii<br />

(Asteraceae) em ovinos. Pesq Vet Bras 19(2):71-78.<br />

Marsh CD, Roe GC, Clawson AB (1923) Livestock poisoning<br />

by cocklebur. U S Dep Agric Circ #283:4 pp.

436 - X<strong>an</strong>thium strumarium D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Méndez MC, S<strong>an</strong>tos RC, Riet-Correa F (1998) Intoxication<br />

by X<strong>an</strong>thium cav<strong>an</strong>illesii in cattle <strong>an</strong>d sheep in Southern<br />

Brazil. Vet Hum Toxicol 40(3):144-147.<br />

Mureş<strong>an</strong> G, N<strong>an</strong> S, Peride E (1971) O intoxicaţie la porcine<br />

cu X<strong>an</strong>thium italicum. Rev Zootehnie Med Vet<br />

21(8):63-65.<br />

Tudor G, Anton E, Lupa M (1971) Cercetări epizootologice<br />

si de laborator privind intoxicatia cu X<strong>an</strong>thium italicum<br />

la <strong>an</strong>imale în Delta Dunării si zonele ei exterioare. Rev<br />

Zoot Med Vet 21(5):49-56.<br />

x a n Th i u M s Tr u Ma r i u M L. var. glabratum<br />

(DC.) Cronquist [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

x <strong>an</strong>thium chinense Mill.<br />

Common Names:<br />

Noogoora bur<br />

Citations:<br />

Seddon HR, King RO (1938) Noogoora burr (X<strong>an</strong>thium<br />

chinense). <strong>Poisonous</strong> for stock in very early stage of<br />

growth. New South Wales Dep Agric Vet Res Rep<br />

7(1937):101-108.<br />

Smith JP (1962) These weeds c<strong>an</strong> poison your poultry. Agric<br />

Gaz New South Wales 73(Mar):136-142.<br />

x a n Th o r r h o e a a u s Tr a l is R. Br.<br />

[X<strong>an</strong>thorrhoeaceae]<br />

Common name:<br />

yacca<br />

Citations:<br />

Munday BL, Mason RW, Hartley WJ (1976) Encephalopathies<br />

in cattle in Tasm<strong>an</strong>ia. Aust Vet J 52:92-96.<br />

x a n Th o r r h o e a h a s Ti l is Sm.<br />

[X<strong>an</strong>thorrhoeaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

swamp grasstree<br />

Citations:<br />

Hall WT (1956) A note on Macrozamia <strong>an</strong>d X<strong>an</strong>thorrhoea<br />

poisoning of cattle. Aust Vet J 32:173-175.<br />

Hall WT (1956) X<strong>an</strong>thorrhoea hastile poisoning of cattle.<br />

Queensl<strong>an</strong>d J Agric Sci 13:97-106.<br />

Hall WT (1965) Grasstree poisoning of cattle. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d<br />

Agr J 91:504-506.<br />

x a n Th o r r h o e a Me d i a R. Br.<br />

[X<strong>an</strong>thorrhoeaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

forest grasstree<br />

Citations:<br />

Hall WT (1965) Grasstree poisoning of cattle. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d<br />

Agric J 91:504-506.<br />

x a n Th o r r h o e a Mi n o r R. Br.<br />

[X<strong>an</strong>thorrhoeaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

Harrison MA, Beilby CA, Friend SC, et al. (1978) Redwater<br />

in cattle associated with ingestion of X<strong>an</strong>thorrhoea<br />

minor. Aust Vet J 54(1):40.<br />

x a n Th o r r h o e a q u a d r a n g u l a Ta F.<br />

Muell. [X<strong>an</strong>thorrhoeaceae]<br />

Common names:<br />

yacca<br />

Citations:<br />

Fearn JT (1961) Yacca poisoning. Aust Vet J 37:161.<br />

x a n Th o r r h o e a r e s i n o s a Pers.<br />

[X<strong>an</strong>thorrhoeaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

swamp grasstree; yaca gum<br />

Citations:<br />

Hall WT (1965) Grasstree poisoning of cattle. Queensl<strong>an</strong>d<br />

Agric J 91:504-506.<br />

x a n Th o r r h o e a s e Mi pl a n a F. Muell.<br />

[X<strong>an</strong>thorrhoeaceae]<br />

Common names:<br />

yacca<br />

Citations:<br />

Fearn JT (1961) Yacca poisoning. Aust Vet J 37:161.<br />

x a n Th o so Ma a Tr ov i r e n s K. Koch & C. D.<br />

Bouché [Araceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cocoyam<br />

Citations:<br />

Clark A (1936) Report on the effects of certain poisons contained<br />

in food-pl<strong>an</strong>ts of West Africa upon the health of<br />

the native races. J Trop Med Hyg 39(23-24):269-295.<br />

Saha BP, Hussain M (1983) A study of the irritating principle<br />

of aroids. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Agric Sci 53: 833-836.<br />

x a n Th o so Ma s ag i TTi f o l i u M (L.) Schott<br />

[Araceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

cocoyam; eleph<strong>an</strong>t’s-ear; mal<strong>an</strong>ga; t<strong>an</strong>ier; yautia<br />

Citations:<br />

Osisiogu IU, Uzo JO, Ugochukwu EN (1974) The irrit<strong>an</strong>t<br />

effect of cocoyams. Pl<strong>an</strong>ta Med 26(2):166-169.<br />

xibata –see– Arrabidaea bilabiata (Sprague) S<strong>an</strong>dwith

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Xylorhiza glabriuscula - 437<br />

x y l o r h i z a g l a b r i u s c u l a Nutt. [Asteraceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

x ylorhiza parryi (A. Gray) Greene<br />

Common Names:<br />

Parry’s-aster; woody aster<br />

Citations:<br />

Knight HG (1913) Two import<strong>an</strong>t western poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

Proc Soc Promot Agric Sci 33:51-58.<br />

Xylorhiza parryi (A. Gray) Greene = Xylorhiza glabriuscula<br />


yacca –see– X<strong>an</strong>thorrhoea quadr<strong>an</strong>gulata F. Muell.<br />

yaca gum –see– X<strong>an</strong>thorrhoea resinifera (Sol. ex C. Kite) E.<br />

C. Nelson & D. J. Bedford<br />

yagalache –see– Toxicodendron striatum (Ruiz & Pav.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

yage –see– B<strong>an</strong>isteriopsis caapi (Spruce ex Griseb.) C. V.<br />

Morton<br />

yam be<strong>an</strong> –see– Pachyrhizus erosus (L.) Urb.<br />

y<strong>an</strong>gjinhua –see– Datura metel L.<br />

yarloop clover –see– Trifolium subterr<strong>an</strong>eum L.<br />

yarrow –see– Achillea millefolium L.<br />

yasmin –see– Jasminum officinale L.<br />

yautia –see– X<strong>an</strong>thosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott<br />

ye huai –see– Sophora flavescens Aiton<br />

ye-huai-geng –see– Sophora flavescens Aiton<br />

yeara –see– Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torr. & A. Gray)<br />

Greene; Toxicodendron pubescens Mill.<br />

yedra –see– Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torr. & A. Gray)<br />

Greene<br />

yee tho –see– Nerium ole<strong>an</strong>der L.<br />

yellow allam<strong>an</strong>da –see– Allam<strong>an</strong>da cathartica L.<br />

yellow be<strong>an</strong> –see– Thermopsis mont<strong>an</strong>a Nutt.<br />

yellow bird-of-paradise –see– Caesalpinia gilliesii (Hook.) D.<br />

Dietr.<br />

yellow bristlegrass –see– Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. &<br />

Schult. subsp. pumila<br />

yellow buckeye –see– Aesculus flava Sol.<br />

yellow bur –see– Centaurea solstitialis L.<br />

yellow burweed –see– Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. & C. A.<br />

Mey.<br />

yellow cedar –see– Thuja occidentalis L.; Thuja plicata Donn<br />

ex D. Don<br />

yellow centaurea –see– Centaurea solstitialis L.<br />

yellow daisy –see– Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth. &<br />

Hook. f. ex A. Gray; Wedelia asperrima (Decne.) Benth.<br />

yellow dock –see– Rumex crispus L.<br />

yellow-eye cerbera –see– Cerbera odollam Gaertn.<br />

yellow false oat –see– Trisetum flavescens (L.) P. Beauv.<br />

yellow flag –see– Iris pseudoacorus L.<br />

yellow flax –see– Linum rigidum Pursh<br />

yellow flower pea –see– Lathyrus aphaca L.<br />

Y<br />

yellow forget-me-not –see– Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. &<br />

C. A. Mey.<br />

yellow foxglove –see– Digitalis l<strong>an</strong>ata Ehrh.<br />

yellow foxtail –see– Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult.<br />

yellow gow<strong>an</strong>–see– R<strong>an</strong>unculus acris L.<br />

yellow grey box –see– Sarcocephalus diderrichii De Wild.<br />

yellow hat tree –see– Dur<strong>an</strong>ta erecta L.<br />

yellow heads –see– Gnidia kraussi<strong>an</strong>a Meisn.<br />

yellow heart –see– Z<strong>an</strong>thoxylum flavum Vahl<br />

yellow-heart prickly ash –see– Z<strong>an</strong>thoxylum flavum Vahl<br />

yellow iris –see– Iris pseudoacorus L.<br />

yellow jasmine –see– Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) J. St.-Hil.<br />

yellow jessamine –see– Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) J. St.-<br />

Hil.<br />

yellow kowhai –see– Sophora microphylla Aiton<br />

yellow lady’s-slipper –see– Cypripedium reginae Walter<br />

yellow-leaf mother-in-law’s-tongue –see– S<strong>an</strong>sevieria<br />

trifasciata Prain var. laurenti (De Wild.) N. E. Br.<br />

yellow locust –see– Robinia pseudoacacia L.<br />

yellow lupin –see– Lupinus luteus L.<br />

yellow lupine –see– Lupinus luteus L.; Lupinus sulphureus<br />

Douglas ex Hook.<br />

yellow maple –see– Acer rubrum L.<br />

yellow milk vetch –see– Astragalus flavus Nutt. ex Torr. &<br />

A. Gray<br />

yellow milkweed –see– Asclepias tuberosa L.<br />

yellow nightshade –see– Pentalinon luteum (L.) B. F. H<strong>an</strong>sen<br />

& Wunderlin<br />

yellow oatgrass –see– Trisetum flavescens (L.) P. Beauv.<br />

yellow ole<strong>an</strong>der –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

yellow oxeye –see– Helenium autumnale L.<br />

yellow pine –see– Pinus ponderosa C. Lawson<br />

yellow pine flax –see– Linum neomexic<strong>an</strong>um Greene<br />

yellow prickly poppy –see– Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

yellow riceflower –see– Pimelea flava R. Br.<br />

yellow rocket –see– Barbarea vulgaris R. Br.<br />

yellow sage –see– L<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a camara L.<br />

yellow sarson –see– Brassica rapa L. subsp. triocularis<br />

(Roxb.) Hamelt<br />

yellow star –see– Helenium autumnale L.<br />

yellow star thistle –see– Centaurea solstitialis L.

440 - Yucca aloifolia D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

yellow sweet clover –see– Melilotus officinalis Lam.<br />

yellow tarweed –see– Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. & C. A.<br />

Mey.<br />

yellow thistle –see– Argemone mexic<strong>an</strong>a L.<br />

yellow tulip –see– Moraea pallida (Baker) Goldblatt<br />

yellow tulp –see– Moraea pallida (Baker) Goldblatt; Moraea<br />

spathulata (L. f.) Klatt<br />

yellow vetchling –see– Lathyrus aphaca L.<br />

yellow vine –see– Tribulus micrococcus Domin; Tribulus<br />

terrestris L.<br />

yellow water iris –see– Iris pseudoacorus L.<br />

yellow wax be<strong>an</strong> –see– Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

yellow weed –see– Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton &<br />

Rusby; Hymenoxys hoopesii (A. Gray) Bierner<br />

Yellowstone milk vetch –see– Astragalus miser Douglas ex<br />

Hook. var. hylophilus (Rydb.) Barneby<br />

yellowtop –see– Senecio glabellus Poir.<br />

yellowwood –see– Terminalia bursarina F. Muell.;<br />

Terminalia oblongata F. Muell.; Z<strong>an</strong>thoxylum flavum Vahl<br />

yerba buena –see– Mentha ×piperita L. nothosubsp. piperita<br />

yerba-de-la-flecha –see– Sapium biloculare (S. Watson) Pax<br />

yerba-de-la-perdiz –see– Margyricarpus pinnatus (Lam.)<br />

Kuntze<br />

yerba-de-pasmo –see– Baccharis pteronioides DC.<br />

yerba-del-diablo –see– Persicaria punctata (Elliott) Small<br />

yerba-del-lobo –see– Hymenoxys hoopesii (A. Gray) Bierner<br />

yerba-del-peco –see– Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willd.<br />

yerba loca –see– Astragalus bergii Hieron.<br />

yerba m<strong>an</strong>za –see– Baccharis pteronioides DC.<br />

yerba mora –see– Sol<strong>an</strong>um nigrum L.<br />

yerba pic<strong>an</strong>ta –see– Persicaria punctata (Elliott) Small<br />

yerba-maté –see– Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.<br />

yeros –see– Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd.<br />

yesterday-<strong>an</strong>d-today –see– Brunfelsia pauciflora (Cham. &<br />

Schltdl.) Benth.<br />

yesterday-today-tomorrow –see– Brunfelsia australis Benth.;<br />

Brunfelsia latifolia (Pohl) Benth.; Brunfelsia pauciflora<br />

(Cham. & Schltdl.) Benth.<br />

yew –see– Taxus baccata L.; Taxus brevifolia Nutt.; Taxus<br />

cuspidata Siebold & Zucc.; Taxus ×media Rehder<br />

yewdow –see– Vicia faba L.<br />

yewwood –see– Cupressus arizonica Greene<br />

yo yo –see– Pausinystalia johimbe (K. Schum.) Pierre ex<br />

Beille<br />

yohimbé –see– Pausinystalia johimbe (K. Schum.) Pierre ex<br />

Beille<br />

York Road poison –see– Gastrolobium gr<strong>an</strong>diflorum F. Muell.<br />

youth-on-age –see– Tolmiea menziesii Torr. & A. Gray<br />

yoyote –see– Thevetia peruvi<strong>an</strong>a (Pers.) K. Schum.<br />

yuca –see– M<strong>an</strong>ihot esculenta Cr<strong>an</strong>tz<br />

yucca –see– Yucca aloifolia L.; Yucca filamentosa L.<br />

y u c c a a l o i f o l i a L. [Agavaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

Sp<strong>an</strong>ish bayonet; yucca<br />

Citations:<br />

K<strong>an</strong>erva L, Estl<strong>an</strong>der T, Petm<strong>an</strong> L, et al. (2001) Occupational<br />

allergic contact urticaria to yucca (Yucca aloifolia),<br />

weeping fig (Ficus benjamina), <strong>an</strong>d spathe flower (Spathiphyllum<br />

wallisii). Allergy 56(10):1008-1011.<br />

y u c c a f i l a Me n To s a L. [Agavaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

yucca<br />

Citations:<br />

Munno G, Gi<strong>an</strong>noccaro F, Riva G, et al. (2001) Allergy to<br />

yucca. Allergy 56(9):921-922.<br />

yucuyahui –see– Mont<strong>an</strong>oa tomentosa Cerv.<br />

yuyo colorado –see– Amar<strong>an</strong>thus quitensis Kunth<br />

yuyo-da-sapo –see– Pascalia glauca Ortega

zabila –see– Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.<br />

Zahnkraut –see– Hyoscyamus niger L.<br />

zakami –see– Datura metel L.<br />

zallouh –see– Ferula hermonis Boiss.<br />

zam<strong>an</strong>g –see– Sam<strong>an</strong>ea sam<strong>an</strong> (Jacq.) Merr.<br />

zamia –see– Cycas circinalis L.; Cycas media R. Br.;<br />

Macrozamia communis L. A. S. Johnson; Macrozamia<br />

lucida L. A. S. Johnson; Macrozamia miquelii (F. Muell.)<br />

A. DC.; Macrozamia pauli-guilielmi W. Hill & F. Muell.;<br />

Macrozamia riedlei (Fisch. ex Gaudich.) C. A. Gardner;<br />

Macrozamia spiralis (Salisb.) Miq.<br />

z a Mi a d e b i l is L. f. [Zamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

guayiga<br />

Citations:<br />

Mason MM, Whiting MG (1968) Caudal motor weakness<br />

<strong>an</strong>d ataxia in cattle in the Caribbe<strong>an</strong> area following ingestion<br />

of cycads. Cornell Vet 58(4):541-554.<br />

Zamia florid<strong>an</strong>a A. DC. = Zamia integrifolia L. f.<br />

Zamia fraseri V<strong>an</strong> Houtte ex Regel = Macrozamia spiralis<br />

(Salisb.) Miq.<br />

z a Mi a i n Te g r i f o l i a L. f. [Zamiaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

z amia florid<strong>an</strong>a A. DC.; z amia media Jacq.<br />

Common Names:<br />

arrowroot-de-Floride; comptie; coontie; cycad; Florida<br />

arrowroot; Florida coontie; graines-d’arrow-root-de-<br />

Floride; guayiga; konti; mar<strong>an</strong>guey; Seminole bread<br />

Citations:<br />

Albretsen JC, Safdar AK, Richardson JA (1998) Cycad palm<br />

toxicosis in dogs: 60 cases (1987-1997). J Am Vet Med<br />

Assoc 213(1):99-101.<br />

Mason MM, Whiting MG (1968) Caudal motor weakness<br />

<strong>an</strong>d ataxia in cattle in the Caribbe<strong>an</strong> area following ingestion<br />

of cycads. Cornell Vet 58(4):541-554.<br />

Roberts GA (1941) Paraplegia (wobbles) in cattle. Vet Med<br />

36(Oct):507-509.<br />

Senior DF, Sundlof SF, Buergelt CD, et al. (1985) Cycad<br />

intoxication in the dog. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 21(J<strong>an</strong>-<br />

Feb):103-109.<br />

Zamia media Jacq. = Zamia integrifolia L. f.<br />

zamia palm –see– Cycas media R. Br.; Macrozamia miquelii<br />

(F. Muell.) A. DC.; Macrozamia riedlei (Fisch. ex<br />

Z<br />

Gaudich.) C. A. Gardner; Macrozamia spiralis (Salisb.)<br />

Miq.<br />

z a Mi a p o r To r ic e n s is Urb. [Zamiaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

mar<strong>an</strong>guey<br />

Citations:<br />

Mason MM, Whiting MG (1968) Caudal motor weakness<br />

<strong>an</strong>d ataxia in cattle in the Caribbe<strong>an</strong> area following ingestion<br />

of cycads. Cornell Vet 58(4):541-554.<br />

Reams RY, J<strong>an</strong>ovitz EB, Robinson FR, et al. (1993) Cycad<br />

(Zamia puertoriquensis) toxicosis in a group of diary heifers<br />

in Puerto Rico. J Vet Diagn Invest 5(3):488-494.<br />

z a n h a a f r ic a n a (Radlk.) Exell [Sapindaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

d ialiopsis afric<strong>an</strong>a Radlk.<br />

Citations:<br />

Mugera GM (1970) Toxic <strong>an</strong>d medicinal pl<strong>an</strong>ts of East<br />

Africa. I. Bull Epizootic Dis Afr 18(4):377-387.<br />

z a n Te d e s c h i a a e Th io p ic a (L.) Spreng.<br />

[Araceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

arum lily; calla lily; lily-of-the-Nile; lirio cala; lords<strong>an</strong>d-ladies;<br />

trumpet lily; white arum lily<br />

Citations:<br />

M<strong>an</strong>riquez O, Varas J, Rios JC, et al. (2002) Analysis of<br />

156 cases of pl<strong>an</strong>t intoxication received in the toxicologic<br />

information center at Catholic University of Chile. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 44(1):31-32.<br />

Miniciullo PL, Fazio E, Patafi M, et al. (2007) Allergic contact<br />

dermatitis due to Z<strong>an</strong>tedeschia aethiopica. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 56(1):46-47.<br />

Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD (2001) Toxidromes<br />

associated with the most common pl<strong>an</strong>t ingestions. Vet<br />

Hum Toxicol 43(6):366-369.<br />

Z<strong>an</strong>thoxylum cribosum Spreng. = Z<strong>an</strong>thoxylum flavum<br />

Vahl<br />

z a n Th o x y l u M f l a v u M Vahl [Rutaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

f agara flava (Vahl) Krug & Urb.; z <strong>an</strong>thoxylum cribosum<br />

Spreng.<br />

Common Names:<br />

páo bl<strong>an</strong>co; satinwood; tinguaciba; West Indi<strong>an</strong> satinwood;<br />

Westindisches Seidenholz; yellow heart; yellowheart<br />

prickly ash; yellowwood

442 - Zea mays D. Jesse Wagstaff<br />

Citations:<br />

Freise FW (1936) Vergiftungen durch brasili<strong>an</strong>ische<br />

Werkhölzer. II. Jacareúba-Holz und Seidenholz. Sammlung<br />

Vergiftungsfallen 7(C33):61-72.<br />

Zauke –see– Convallaria majalis L.<br />

Zaunriegel –see– Ligustrum vulgare L.<br />

zavila –see– Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.<br />

z e a Ma y s L. [Poaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

corn; Grünmais; Indi<strong>an</strong> corn; macca; Mais; maize;<br />

mays; mealie; Sara<br />

Citations:<br />

Brightwell AH (1972) “Silo gas” poisoning in cattle. C<strong>an</strong> Vet<br />

J 13(9):224-225.<br />

Davenport DF, Kerr LA (2001) Atypical rumen acidosis in a<br />

dairy herd from whiskey distillery by-products. Vet Hum<br />

Toxicol 43(3):165-167.<br />

Gonzalo-Garijo MA, Pérez-Calderón R, Muñoz-Rodríguez<br />

A, et al. (2004) Hypersensitivity to maize pollen. Allergy<br />

59(3):365.<br />

Lochkarev VA (1974) [Poisoning of cattle by sugar beet <strong>an</strong>d<br />

maize cobs.] Veterinariia Moscow 51(9):97-99.<br />

Lotthammer KH, Grunert E, Elghamry MI (1970) Fruchbarkeitsstörungen<br />

in einem Rinderbest<strong>an</strong>d nach Verfütterung<br />

östrogenhaltiger Mais- und Kleegrassilage. Berl<br />

Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr 83(18):353-357.<br />

Lowry T, Schum<strong>an</strong> LM (1956) Silo-filler’s disease -<br />

A syndrome caused by nitrogen dioxide. JAMA<br />

162(3):153-160.<br />

Seligm<strong>an</strong> EJ, Key MM (1968) Corn dermatitis. Arch Dermatol<br />

97(6):664-666.<br />

Note:<br />

Corn or maize is named Zea mays L. subsp. mays in<br />

some publications.<br />

Zehrwurz –see– Arum maculatum L.<br />

Zeller –see– Apium graveolens L.<br />

z e l Tn e r a b e y r ic h i i (Torr. & A. Gray) G.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>s. [Genti<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c entaurium beyrichii (Torr. & A. Gray) B. L. Rob.<br />

Common Names:<br />

mountain pink; rock centaury<br />

Citations:<br />

Dollahite JW, Allen TJ (1962) Poisoning of cattle, sheep,<br />

<strong>an</strong>d goats with Lobezla [Lobelia] <strong>an</strong>d Centarium species.<br />

Southwestern Vet 15(Winter):126-130.<br />

z e l Tn e r a c a l y c o s a (Buckley) G. M<strong>an</strong>s.<br />

[Genti<strong>an</strong>aceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

c entaurium calycosum (Buckley) Fernald<br />

Common Names:<br />

Buckley’s-centaury; mountain pink; rosita<br />

Citations:<br />

Dollahite JW, Allen TJ (1962) Poisoning of cattle, sheep,<br />

<strong>an</strong>d goats with Lobezla [Lobelia] <strong>an</strong>d Centarium species.<br />

Southwestern Vet 15(Winter):126-130.<br />

zerdali –see– Prunus cocomilia Ten.<br />

zhi-cao-wu –see– Aconitum kusnezoffii Rchb.<br />

zhi-chu<strong>an</strong>-wu –see– Aconitum carmichaelii Debeaux<br />

Ziegelbeeren –see– Daphne mezereum L.<br />

Zieria arborescens Sims = Zieria smithii Andrews<br />

z i e r i a s Mi Th i i Andrews [Rutaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

z ieria arborescens Sims<br />

Common Names:<br />

l<strong>an</strong>oline bush; s<strong>an</strong>dfly zieria; stinkwood<br />

Citations:<br />

Munday BL (1968) Zieria arborescens (stinkwood) intoxication<br />

in cattle. Aust Vet J 44(11):501-502.<br />

Munday BL, Cummings R, Wilson BJ (1974) Experimental<br />

Zieria arborescens (stinkwood) poisoning in rabbits. Res<br />

Vet Sci 17(2):270-272.<br />

Philp T (1930) P<strong>an</strong>ting disease of cattle. Poisoning by Zieria<br />

smithii (stinkwood). Tasm<strong>an</strong>i<strong>an</strong> J Agr 1:161-166.<br />

Stephens WH (1967) P<strong>an</strong>ting disease of cattle. Tasm<strong>an</strong>i<strong>an</strong> J<br />

Agr 38:84-86.<br />

Zigadenus coloradensis Rydb. = Anticlea eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Pursh)<br />

Rydb.<br />

Zigadenus eleg<strong>an</strong>s Pursh = Anticlea eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Pursh) Rydb.<br />

Zigadenus glaucus (Nutt.) Nutt. = Anticlea eleg<strong>an</strong>s (Pursh)<br />

Rydb.<br />

Zigadenus gramineus Rydb. = Toxicoscordion venenosum<br />

(S. Watson) Rydb.<br />

Zigadenus intermedius Rydb. = Toxicoscordion<br />

intermedium (Rydb.) Rydb.<br />

Zigadenus muscitoxicum (Walter) Regel = Ami<strong>an</strong>thium<br />

muscitoxicum (Walter) A. Gray<br />

Zigadenus nuttallii A. Gray = Toxicoscordion nuttallii (A.<br />

Gray) Rydb.<br />

Zigadenus p<strong>an</strong>iculatus (Nutt.) S. Watson = Toxicoscordion<br />

p<strong>an</strong>iculatum (Nutt.) Rydb.<br />

Zigadenus venenosus S. Watson = Toxicoscordion<br />

venenosum (S. Watson) Rydb.<br />

Zigeunerlauch –see– Allium ursinum L.<br />

zigzag pl<strong>an</strong>t –see– Pedil<strong>an</strong>thus tithymaloides (L.) Poit.<br />

Zimbabwe pride –see– Vernonia myri<strong>an</strong>tha Hook. f.<br />

Zimmerlinde –see– Sparrm<strong>an</strong>nia afric<strong>an</strong>a L. f.

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Poisonous</strong> <strong>Pl<strong>an</strong>ts</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Zygophyllum morgs<strong>an</strong>a - 443<br />

z i n g i b e r Mio g a (Thunb.) Roscoe [Zingiberaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

mioga<br />

Citations:<br />

Hirono I, Mori H, Kato K, et al. (1982) Carcinogenicity<br />

examination of inflorescence of Zingiber mioga Roscoe.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>cer Lett 15(3):203-208.<br />

z i n g i b e r o f f ic i n a l e Roscoe [Zingiberaceae]<br />

Synonyms:<br />

z ingiber zingiber (L.) H. Karst.<br />

Common Names:<br />

East Indi<strong>an</strong> ginger; ginger; gingibre; luya; red ginger<br />

Citations:<br />

Hjorth N, Roed-Petersen J (1976) Occupational protein<br />

contact dermatitis in food h<strong>an</strong>dlers. Contact Dermatitis<br />

2(1):28-42.<br />

Niinimäki A (1984) Delayed-type allergy to spices. Contact<br />

Dermatitis 11(1):34-40.<br />

Seetharam KA, Pasricha JS (1987) Condiments <strong>an</strong>d contact<br />

dermatitis of the finger-tips. Indi<strong>an</strong> J Dermatol Venereol<br />

Leprol 53:325-328.<br />

Sinha SM, Pasricha JS, Sharma RC, et al. (1977) Vegetables<br />

responsible for contact dermatitis of the h<strong>an</strong>ds. Arch<br />

Dermatol 113(6):776-779.<br />

Stäger J, Wüthrich B, Joh<strong>an</strong>sson SG (1991) Spice allergy in<br />

celery-sensitive patients. Allergy 46(6):475-478.<br />

Zimt –see– Cinnamomum verum J. Presl<br />

Zingiber zingiber (L.) H. Karst. = Zingiber officinale<br />

Roscoe<br />

Zitrone –see– Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f.<br />

Zitronenholz –see– Chloroxylon swietenia DC.<br />

z i z i p h u s j u j u b a Mill. [Rhamnaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

azufaifa; dazao; jujube<br />

Citations:<br />

Alvarado MI, Moneo I, Gonzalo MA, et al. (2002) Allergy<br />

to azufaifa fruit <strong>an</strong>d latex. Allergy 57(5):460-461.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong> TY, Ch<strong>an</strong> JC, Tomlinson B, et al. (1994) Poisoning<br />

by Chinese herbal medicines in Hong Kong: A hospital<strong>based</strong><br />

study. Vet Hum Toxicol 36(6):546-547.<br />

zoapatle –see– Mont<strong>an</strong>oa tomentosa Cerv.<br />

zobb elkeh –see– Orob<strong>an</strong>che minor Sm.<br />

Zottelwicke –see– Vicia villosa Roth<br />

zucchini –see– Cucurbita pepo L.<br />

Zuckermelde –see– Atriplex hortensis L.<br />

Zuckerrohr –see– Saccharum officinarum L.<br />

Zuckerrübe –see– Beta vulgaris L.<br />

zuidewindlelie –see– Ornithogalum thyrsoides Jacq.<br />

zumaque venenoso –see– Toxicodendron radic<strong>an</strong>s (L.) Kuntze<br />

zurma –see– Ricinus communis L.<br />

Zwiebel –see– Allium cepa L.<br />

Zygadenus –see– Zigadenus<br />

Zygophyllum ammophilum F. Muell. = Roepera ammophila<br />

(F. Muell.) Beier & Thulin<br />

z y g o p h y l l u M f a b ag o L. [Zygophyllaceae]<br />

Common Names:<br />

be<strong>an</strong> caper<br />

Citations:<br />

Belchí-Hernández J, Moreno-Grau S, Sánchez-Gascón F, et<br />

al. (1998) Sensitization to Zygophyllum fabago pollen. A<br />

clinical <strong>an</strong>d immunologic study. Allergy 53(3):241-248.<br />

Zygophyllum foetidum Schrad. & J. C. Wendl. = Roepera<br />

foetida (Schrad. & J. C. Wendl.) Beier & Thulin<br />

z y g o p h y l l u M Mo r g s a n a L. [Zygophyllaceae]<br />

Citations:<br />

V<strong>an</strong> der Walt SJ, Steyn DG (1939) Recent investigations into<br />

the toxicity of known <strong>an</strong>d unknown poisonous pl<strong>an</strong>ts in<br />

the Union of South Africa. IX. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci<br />

Anim Indus 12:335-366.<br />

Zypressen-Wolfsmilch –see– Euphorbia cyparissias L.

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