Tephrosia vogelii
Tephrosia vogelii
Tephrosia vogelii
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Tephrosia vogelii
Tephrosia vogelii
Tephrosia vogelii

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Scientific species:Tephrosia vogelii
Is it a gift?

What kind of tree is it?

Tephrosia is a small floral plant from the African tropics but commonly found throughout the American topics and in south and southeast Asia. It grows from 0.5 to 4 meters tall and is widely used both as a natural tick and flea repellant for animals and to improve soil quality thanks to its nitrogen-stabilizing properties.
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What's included?

Transparency and traceability

All Treedom's trees are geolocated and photographed when they are planted. Once a tree has been purchased, it takes between a few weeks and several months before it's ready to be planted.

An enduring story

Planting a tree will give you access to MyTreedom, our digital platform full of content that will keep you up to date on Treedom's projects and the environment: country news, climate change, botanical species, green culture, and of course the pages of your trees.

An original gift

Gifting a tree is really easy. You can do this during the purchase process or at any time from your profile, choosing the method you prefer (by email, message or by printing a card to deliver by hand).