The highly invasive red sesbania is blazing a trail in Florida

Lily Anderson-Messec
UF/Leon County Extension
The blooms of red sesbania resemble the blooms of another invasive species, the purple Chinese wisteria.

About four years ago, I was driving on a back road just outside of Tallahassee and noticed a shrub with fiery red-orange blooms that hung like clusters of grapes from the branches.

I pulled over and studied the leaves and blooms. I could tell from the leaf and flower shape that it was in the legume family, but I was completely perplexed about what it was or where it came from, since it was clearly not intentionally planted. I took some pictures and went home to do some internet sleuthing.

I identified it as Sesbania punicea, commonly called red sesbania, and was unsurprised to find that it is not native to Florida but is, instead, a South American plant that was introduced to the U.S. as an ornamental through the horticultural trade. Although I learned it had become invasive in parts of Florida, I was not too concerned since I only saw one plant and had never seen it anywhere else. I regret not being more alarmed.

Just last year I happened again upon some in bloom outside of Apalachicola. I also remember noticing a swath of young seedlings of plants in the legume family, which I now realize were Sesbania, along a power line in Tallahassee. Still I was unconcerned.

This is how invasive plants take root in our communities. They go unnoticed as they slowly establish themselves, then reach a tipping point and suddenly seem to be everywhere.

It happened this year. I began seeing it everywhere – on roadsides, along waterways and lakes in town, in the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge, and even in the Apalachicola National Forest. Not only have I noticed it everywhere in bloom, but I’ve seen seedlings popping up in many places. Now this was concerning.

Red sesbania has distinctive leaves common to the legume family.

As I researched the plant, I found that it has become a serious invasive in Florida, Texas, Georgia, California, and even South Africa. It's known by a plethora of common names: red sesbania, scarlet wisteria, Spanish gold, false poinciana, and many more.

Sesbania punicea is a deciduous shrub or small tree with bright orange-red flowers that begin to bloom in mid-to-late spring and continue to bloom through the fall. The numerous blooms produce prolific seed pods that hang from the plant.

As the seeds inside dry and mature, they produce a rattling sound as the plant is moved - giving it yet another common name: rattlebox tree. The drooping, dark-green leaves with oblong leaflets are similar to the invasive Mimosa tree, also a member of the legume family.

One plant can produce thousands of seeds, which have a very high germination rate. Virtually every seed becomes a plant and can begin producing more seeds within a year. The seeds are also able to stay dormant in the soil for many years.

Red sesbania is prone to pop up along rivers, channels, and in other wet places where moving water aids in seed dispersal. They then move up from the water’s edge and can form dense thickets. The plant can dominate an area quickly by creating crowded thickets that shade out other plants. These dense thickets can block wildlife access to water and displace the native plants they use for food.

Prolific seedpods of red sesbania allow the plant to spread aggressively and are highly toxic to humans and wildlife.

Red sesbania is inedible for wildlife. In fact, all parts of the plant are poisonous to birds, reptiles, and mammals – especially the seed. According to the Tennessee Extension Service, as few as nine seeds per bird can be fatal. Despite these negative consequences, Sesbania punicea is not yet listed as a Federal Noxious Weed, a Florida Noxious Weed, or a Florida Prohibited Aquatic Plant – which means Florida nurseries and garden centers can still legally sell it and the expansion of this toxic invasive can be expected to continue.

Faced with this threat, it is important that everyday citizens do their part to report red sesbania if spotted, remove plants and seedlings on their property, and educate their friends and neighbors about this plant. I use a website and app called iMapInvasives to report invasive species when I see them. I just photograph the plant with my phone and the location is automatically saved in the photo data. Then I upload the photo to their website or their app on my phone. It’s as easy as that!

Governmental agencies can then use that data to track, manage, and treat invasive species. You can also use iMapInvasives to report invasive animals and insects. Your daily dog walk could easily become a scientific data-gathering stroll. The successful control of harmful and toxic invasive species is dependent upon public education and awareness, as well as data provided by citizen scientists like you.

Lilly Anderson-Messec

Lilly Anderson-Messec is a nursery manager at Native Nurseries, Vice-President of the Magnolia Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society, and a volunteer writer for UF/IFAS Extension Leon County, an Equal Opportunity Institution. For gardening questions, email the extension office at