
Every summer, the blooms of Pavonia Rock Rose seem to surprise me. While they bloom spring through fall here in San Antonio, I’m always amazed that the plants are still blooming beautifully through the San Antonio summer heat. The candy-pink flowers of Pavonia Rock Rose always spread some happiness. Could they make the heat of summer bearable for you? Get real, right? I know! But here’s some info about a beautiful and pretty cool plant. The Pavonia Rock Rose, a tried and true drought tolerant, sun-loving, Texas Superstar®, tough, native perennial!

Pink flowers

Planting and Care for Pavonia Rock Rose

Pavonia Rock Rose earned a spot on the Texas Superstar® list because of its showy blooms and resiliency against heat, drought, and the blazing sun. This woody perennial (zones 9- 13) or herbaceous perennial (zones 7-8) also earned a spot on the list for how it performs for growers throughout the state. For the most part, this native is happy growing in most locations and makes a great low maintenance plant. Pavonia Rock Rose thrives in the heat.


When summer temps kick in, this small to medium perennial shrub kicks its growth into gear. Average mature growth is in the 2-4 foot range depending on care and somewhat where it is planted. If they are planted in a lighter, drier soil they tend to max out on the smaller size. If you’ve amended a garden bed with rich organic material, they’ll probably grow a little larger.  


As far as the health of the plant, Pavonia Rock Rose isn’t overly particular about what type of soil it gets planted in as long as the soil drains extremely well. It’s perfectly happy in our rocky, limestone, alkaline soils, and could even nestle into a spot in caliche. 


Always water your plants enough to get them established. Once established, the water needs of Pavonia Rock Rose are really low. (As always, supplemental irrigation may be needed during extended periods of heat and drought.) Watering intermittently actually helps to promote blooms. 


Pruning needs of Pavonia Rock Rose are minimal. Every year they should be cut down very late winter/early spring in order to allow them to grow in fuller, bushier form. You can prune selectively throughout the growing season if your Pavonia Rock Rose starts to get a little leggy. A trim now and then further encourages blooms. 

Pavonia Rock Rose up close

Pavonia Rock Rose Flowers and Foliage


Can we talk about the flowers now? These adorable blooms are the most vibrant bubblegum pink and they look like tiny hibiscus! Pavonia Rock Rose blooms profusely. Like I said, I truly appreciate the fact that they are popping flowers when it’s been 100+ for days on end! These flowers are full of nectar too! Our local pollinators REALLY appreciate nectar plants when it’s the dog days of summer. They travel in the heat searching for plants with flowers just like these.

The foliage ain’t bad either! The leaves are like miniature Turk’s Cap leaves, being that both plants are in the mallow family. Foliage is a beautiful true green and offers those vibrant blooms a gorgeous contrasting backdrop. As long as Pavonia Rock Rose is getting enough sunlight, you can usually avoid powdery mildew on the leaves. This can develop on plants situated in too much shade. 

I hope you’ve been tickled pink to learn a little more about this fabulous Texas native plant!

~The Happy Gardener, Lisa Mulroy