Asplenium lunulatum dt

Asplenium lunulatum dt

Observation - Asplenium lunulatum dt - Southern Africa. Description: Perennial with short rhizome. Fronds arching, gemmiferous, stipe glabrous at maturity, lamina linear-lanceolate, soft, pinnate, pinnae oblong-obtuse, falcate, auriculate acroscopically, crenate-serrate, sparsely minutely paleate beneath. Sori linear, indu

Perennial with short rhizome. Fronds arching, gemmiferous, stipe glabrous at maturity, lamina linear-lanceolate, soft, pinnate, pinnae oblong-obtuse, falcate, auriculate acroscopically, crenate-serrate, sparsely minutely paleate beneath. Sori linear, indusium entire. Moist forest floors and boulders. This was growing at the Point which is the confluence of the Silver and Kaaimans Rivers. It was cloudy, wet and windy and the rivers were flowing strongly. Altogether a rather gloomy day