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Red flower
Taxon Family
Origin of Taxon
Growth Habit


Bulbophyllum maquilingense is a mini-miniature sized orchid which is endemic to the Philippines.

It grows as an epiphyte, on trees, in warm tropical forests, at elevations of 800 to 1000 meters.


The leaves are elliptical and attached to pseudobulbs.

Growth habit

This species grows as a small clump, forming new pseudobulbs and leaves as it slowly creeps over the substrate.


This form of the species has pretty blooms that are reddish-maroon, with speckled and maculate patterns.

The flower size is approximately ½”

There are other color forms of flowers within this species, including a yellow one.

Culture info

Bulbophyllum maquilingense is a relatively undemanding and easy to grow orchid, and it does well in terrariums and vivariums.

If you cater to its basic needs, as noted below, it should reward you with a lovely clump of foliage, and occasionally, stunning flowers.


Like many orchids, Bulbophyllum maquilingense does best with good drainage.

It should be mounted epiphytically on a branch or vertical substrate, such as cork bark or EpiWeb, with a layer of sphagnum or live moss to keep the roots moist.

You can browse the substrates list on my Amazon page to see some of the substrates that I use for my plants and terrariums.


Occasionally hydrate the roots with pure water, keeping the substrate moist or just slightly moist.

The plant does not mind heavy watering as long as it doesn’t stay too wet for long periods of time.

It also may be allowed to almost dry out before watering.

I generally alternate between frequent, moderate waterings, and spaced-out, heavy waterings, with a slightly drier period. I find that the occasional reduction in water makes the plant stronger and reduces the chance of root or rhizome rot.


This species does best in relatively high humidity, which it would experience in its natural habitat.


B. maquilingense should be grown in intermediate to warm temperatures.


The plant will have the healthiest growth at low to medium light levels; this will keep the foliage a nice medium to dark green color.

In bright light the plant tends to get pale.

By the way, I have a video that shows and discusses the lights I use for my plants, as well as a tutorial series for how to set up a grow rack.


As an epiphytic orchid, B. maquilingense appreciates moderate airflow, which prevents rot, and staves off fungal and bacterial issues by allowing the foliage to dry off relatively quickly after watering.


I use a ½ strength diluted liquid orchid fertilizer, or a very small amount of Osmocote Plus inserted into the moss around the roots.

See my plant fertilization video for more info, or pick up some of my recommended fertilizers on Amazon.


This species is best propagated by division.

There should be at least three to five healthy pseudobulbs, and a decent amount of healthy roots, per division.

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