Chanfuta is a magnificent tropical species with an unusually wide-spreading, umbrella-like crown. Its normally grows to between 12 – 15 metres in height.

Price: $2.00

Flowers: (August to November)
These are very unusual as they have one petal only. They are quite large, red in colour with yellow veining or red speckles.

Large, half-moon shaped woody pods. These split on the tree to release the seeds which are oblong, shiny and black with a scarlet or orange aril at one end.
The seeds are much in demand for ornaments. They are often strung into necklaces.
Medicinal uses:
In pre-Colonial days, Africans made an infusion of the roots as a remedy for bilharzia. It was also used to treat certain eye complaints.

Washing in an infusion of bark and roots, steeped overnight, was believed to bring a huntsman good luck.