Northern Gray Gibbon Hylobates funereus

Northern Gray Gibbon Hylobates funereus

Northern Gray Gibbon Hylobates funereus


Brunei; Indonesia (Kalimantan); Malaysia (Sarawak)

The habitat of the Northern Gray Gibbon is largely lowland dipterocarp forest, or in heath/kerangas forest on sandy acidic soils.  The species is tolerant of selective logging as long as sufficiently tall, fruit-bearing trees are present. Illegal hunting and live capture for the pet trade pose additional threats (Bartlett 2007, Campbell et al. 2008, 2015;  Cheyne et al. 2016).

Northern Gray Gibbons form close familial bonds and monogamous pairs they are #endangered in #Brunei #Indonesia and #Malaysia due to #deforestation illegal hunting and the #pettrade. Support their survival #Boycott4Wildlife

The Northern Gray Gibbon is threatened by habitat loss due the expansion of agricultural plantations, clear-felling for timber and, to a lesser extent, selective logging, all of which are exacerbated by forest fires associated with El Niño events.

IUCN Red List

Endangered based on an estimated population reduction of over 50% over the past 30 years (2 generations) and projected future habitat loss and degradation in the next 15 years (one generation), where the reduction of habitat has not ceased (Campbell et al. 2008).  Habitat loss is primarily due to fires, illegal logging and forest clearing for oil palm plantations. 

Numerous conservation efforts of these rarest of small primates are ongoing. Sponsor a gibbon at a rescue centre here.

Support the conservation of this species

Endangered Primate Rescue Centre

IUCN: Saving Small Apes

Further Information

ICUN endangered logo

Nijman, V., Cheyne, S. & Traeholt, C. 2020. Hylobates funereus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T39890A17990856. Downloaded on 05 February 2021.

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Published by Palm Oil Detectives

Hi, I’m Palm Oil Detective’s Editor in Chief. Palm Oil Detectives is partly a consumer website about palm oil in products and partly an online community for writers, scientists, conservationists, artists and musicians to showcase their work and express their love for endangered species. I have a strong voice for creatures great and small threatened by deforestation. With our collective power we can shift the greed of the retail and industrial agriculture sectors and through strong campaigning we can stop them cutting down forests. Be bold! Be courageous! Join the #Boycott4Wildlife and stand up for the animals with your supermarket choices

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