Cemperai - Cempereia manillana Merr. - Opiliaceae

81 - Cemperai - Cempereia manillana (Blume} Merr. - Opiliaceae
Other names:
Cheperi, chimpri, pokok kucing-kucing.[1]
General information:
A tree or shrub, usually about 4–8 m tall, reaching 20 m. Its flowers grow on the stem and trunk.[1]
Distinguish botanical characteristics:
Slash wood white to cream. Leaves glabrous, ovate, oblong or lanceolate.[2]
Edible fruits and leves, A poultice made from the leaves and roots is administered for ulcers, whereas the boiled root is applied for rheumatism.[1]
Major/bioactive phytochemicals:
Squalene, lutein, beta-carotene.[3]
Categories: List of plants