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Life Wonderings of a Nature Lover: May 2022 Sitamani Country Diary

June 1, 2022

The rainy days have eased off into more settled weather in May. The exception being when a cut-off low brought 102mm between the 20th and 22nd, bringing the total rainfall for May to 110mm.

Once the clouds cleared a snowy Drakensberg was revealed on the 23rd May

The temperature dipped to 4 degrees overnight on the 30th ,  the coolest day at 11 degrees on the 30th and warmest day 22 degrees Celsius on the 25th. Mainly cool sunny early winter weather, a lovely time of year.

Sunday 1

Still predawn morning in the valley

Thursday 5

Glorious clear sky twilight evening

Friday 6

Wintery high cloud after the sun had set

Saturday 7

A dramatic, fiery clouds in the dawn sky

Sunday 8

window to my world

mellow mist brightened

by sun stored in yellowing leaves

Tuesday 10

Predawn fire glow

Wednesday 11

Pink beauty on the hillside under high cirrus prefrontal clouds

Watsonia confusa

Lobelia erinus

Thursday 12

In the quiet twilight a Common Duiker comes to graze

Friday 13

Cool, bleached shades of early winter on my hillside walk

Helichrysum aureonitens

Monocymbium ceresiiforme, Boat Grass

Jewel rich colour of Ledebouria ovatifolia leaves

Wailing Cisticola basking in afternoon sun

Seed heads of Printzia pyrifolia

Otholobium stachyerum

A stand of Leonotis leonurus in a sheltered place

Faded gold Helichrysum cooperi catching the light

Plump leaves of Aloe maculata, Common Soap Aloe

Saturday 14

A Common Duiker strolling past the house in early light

The male Black-backed Puffback defending his territory against his reflected image

Sunday 15

Vibrant glowing red sunset sky

Monday 16

Clear skies during the early hours meant I could watch the Total Lunar Eclipse

Magical mystical moon

in the south

flung like a scorpion up ended

the Southern Cross poised

in flight from

the full moon gradually receding

beneath a red-brown veil

dulled globe glowing

red-gold sky cast

grows in the east

rising as the sun greets the faded moon

Later in the evening
And she’s back…
Yellow moon on the rise

Tuesday 17

Morning moon drifting down

Monday 23

A thick mantle of white snow covering the Drakensberg once the clouds had parted

Thursday 26

Dawn on a cool morning, crescent moon rising

Later I spotted what I think is a female Allocnemis leucosticta, Goldtail, a South African endemic damselfly.

Monday 30

The Halleria lucida, Tree Fucshias are laden with flowers, a magnet for birds and insects.
  1. My morning is off to a good start! I like the positive attitude you express in “mellow mist brightened

    by sun stored in yellowing leaves” as well as the beautiful sky- and mist-scapes. The flowers are beautiful too.

    • Thank you Anne! It’s amazing how much beauty there is around us even in the quiet seasons.

  2. Gaenor du Plessis permalink

    What am AMAZING collection of golden hour photos Christeen! And the poetry is evocative and beautiful.

    I’m thoroughly enjoying May as well, from the opposite side of the world, but for many similar reasons.

    Thank you for the souvenirs of home.

    • Thank you so much for your kind comment Gaenor! Watching Summer approach is always magical, enjoy every moment! xxx

  3. Beautiful skies and moon shots. That watsonia is thrilling and I enjoyed the quieter pics of the duiker. The snow looks lovely, but keep warm!

  4. bewilderbeast permalink

    As always . . ! ‘Specially loved the halleria, favorite of my late wife. For years you could have hacked into all her accounts by trying halleria or luceda as passwords!

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