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Cryptostephanus vansonii

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Author: Inez Clare Verdoorn, 1943
Origin:  Eastern Zimbabwe, Western Mozambique
Soil:  Rich - Mix
Water:  Medium
Sun:  Medium
Thickness:  3 Centimetres
Height:  25 Centimetres
Flower:  White - Light Pink
Propagate:  Seeds/Bulbs
Names:  -
Synonyms:  -

This member of the Amaryllidaceae family was given this name by Inez Clare Verdoorn in 1943. It is found from eastern Zimbabwe to western Mozambique, growing in a rich soil with some water and some sun. The bulbs can grow to three centimetres in diameter, the leaves to 25 centimetres in length. The flowers are white to light pink.

The genera name from Latin; Crypto; 'hidden' and the Greek stephane; 'wreath' or 'crown'. The species name after Mr. Van Son, who first flowered a collected specimen.