1. LOCATION: 3°23'S 36°47'E
    12 Km from Arusha. Access is from Tengeru. The reserve covers the inner slopes of a small crater around Lake Duluti on the southern foothills of 
     Mt. Meru, west of Tengeru settlement, at an altitude of 1260m.

    Oceanic rainfall with continental temperatures. Estimated rainfall: 1100mm/ year with ground- water. Dry season: Jun - Oct. Estimated 
    temperatures  21°C max ( mar) 17°C min ( Jul).

    Vegetation type is largely determined by the presence of groundwater. The main forest type is submontane forest which occurs where ground   
     water  is available aground the lake about 5 - 10 m above the lake water table and 20 - 50m from the lake shore. Dry montane forest occurs on  
     the upper slopes where ground water is not available. Near the North shore of the lake is floating island of papyrus ( Cyprus papyrus).

3.1 Submontane forest over groundwater:
      Canopy 12 - 25 m tall with emergent Newtonia to 30 - 40 m. Larger trees include: Albizia schimperiana, Cordia sp, Cussonia sp, Newtonia, 
      Olea capensis, Rauvolfia caffra, Sorindeaia madagascariensis and Tchilia emetica. On the northen shore there is a large clump of Raphia palm. 
      The shore line is overhung by the large fig trees Ficus sycomorus and Ficus vallis - choudae.

      Smaller trees include: bridelia micrantha, Chaetacne aristata, Croton megalacarpus, Drypetes gerrardii, Tabenaemontana stapfian and Vanguera 
      madagascariensis. Shrubs include Allophylus africana. Psychotria lauracea, solanum seaforthianium, Pavetta oliveriana. The ground layer is formed
      by Afromonum sp and Nephrolepis sp.

3.2 Dry montane forest:
      This forest type represents the climax vegetation in areas without groundwater. It is dense and shady, with nettle trees ( Obetia radula).

3.3 Open woodland:
      Derived from dry montane forest following burning and grazing. Trees include: Azanza garckeana, Combretum molle, and Ozoroa insignis subsp.

    The inner forested crater slopes are the Catchment for Lake Duluti; probably supplemented by underground flow from Mt. Meru. The reserve 
     supplies water to Tengeru settlement, the Agricultural Training institute and the surrounding coffee farms from a water plant established on the 
     eastern lake edge. Although coming form a volcanic crater, the water is not saline indicating that its source is rainwater.

    The vegetation is largely composed of widespread species, Though Chaetacme aristata is rare and an interesting dioecious tree with sexual 

    Lake Duluti forest Reserve has a high recreational value. A camping site on the eastern edge is already developed. There is a good footpath 
    around the lake. The lake surface reflects the peaks of Mt. Meru and is near to the Arusha - Moshi main road.