Platylepis grandiflora (Schltr.) Ormerod 2002 Photo by © Societe' Neo-Caledonienne D' Orchidophile

Common Name The Large Flowered Platylepis

Flower Size

Found in New Caledonia, Vanuatu and Futuna on humus covered slopes in rainforests at elevations of 30 to 600 meters as a small to just medium sized, hot to warm growing terrestrial carrying 4 to 8 tesselated, elliptic, acute-acuminate, petiolate base leaves that blooms in the summer and fall on a terminal, peduncle 5.6 to 7.2" [14 to 18 cm] long, rachis 1.6 to 3.2" [4 to 8 cm] long, 10 to 20 flowered inflorescence with glabrous, broad, acute floral bracts and carrying white flowers which that do not open well.

Synonyms Epipactis grandiflora (Schltr.) A.A.Eaton 1908; *Goodyera grandiflora Schltr. 1906; Goodyera vieillardii Kraenzl. 1928; Moerenhoutia grandiflora (Schltr.) Schltr. 1921; Moerenhoutia morrisonii (Schltr.) Schltr. 1921; Platylepis morrisonii Schltr. 1911

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Flore de la Nouvelle-Caledonie et Dependences Vol 8 Orchidaceae Halle 1977 as Moerenhoutia grandiflora drawing fide; Native Orchids of New Caledonia SNCO 1995 photo fide;

