Caldesia parnassifolia

Caldesia parnassifolia (L.) Parl.

Alismataceae – Water Plantain family

Conservation status. Regionally extinct [RE]. BDA, HD, BC.

Morphology and biology. Perennial herbs with short, thin root. Stem 10–60 cm high. Leaves petiolate, cordate, obtuse or rarely acute, with middle straight and 4–10 lateral arched veins. Inflorescence raceme or panicle, nodulous, with 3 rays in each node. Flowers with pedicels. Calyx and corola 3-lobed. Petals white, entire or dentate. Fruit dry drupe, flattened. Fl. VII–VIII, fr. VIII–IX. Reproduction by seeds and vegetative means.

Habitats and populations. At the shore of Dragoman bog (Znepole region) with single individuals or in small groups. The draining of the locality has caused the extinction of the single population in Bulgaria. It has not been found in other water bodies in Bulgaria.

Distribution in Bulgaria. Znepole region (Dragomansko Blato).

General distribution. C and S Europe, Balkan Peninsula, India, China, Japan, Egypt, Madagascar.

Threats. Loss and destruction of the habitat.

Conservation measures taken. Protected species according to the national Biodiversity Act. Experiments for reintroduction of the species in the recently recovered marsh Dragomansko Blato are being carried out.

Conservation measures needed. Reintroduction from the nearest European population in the appropriate water body within a protected area in Bulgaria.

References. Jordanov 1963; Kochev 1984.

Authors: Dimitar Peev, Sonya Tsoneva

Caldesia parnassifolia (distribution map)

Caldesia parnassifolia (drawing)