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Trichocladus crinitus


Water Needs

moderate; high

Trichocladus crinitus
Shrub medium
Black Witch-hazel/ Onderbos

2,5 x 2 m


Light Conditions

shade; semi-shade




small, creamy-yellow with a deep red centre and lovely fragrance; winter

Garden Situation

dry shade; dry soils; semi-shade; screen; shrubbery; wildlife insects; narrow spaces;


woodland forest; fynbos; coastal eastern cape; coastal kzn


thicket; subtropical east coast; western cape

Rain Season

Summer; winter

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Trichocladus crinitus requires a partial to semi-shaded position in a frost-free garden where it grows into a 2.5 m high shrub. Width is slightly less, 2m at most, and this is a very neat shrub that needs no pruning if given enough space. Speed of growth is at best 40cm, if given sufficient moisture. Description: foliage grows low and dense with beautiful glossy green leaves. These have a paler underside and the mid-ribs are covered in fine ginger hairs. These hairs are also seen on young flower buds and leaves. The flowers though, are the main attraction; relatively small, they are creamy-yellow with a deep red centre and lovely fragrance.  Often described as spidery, they are made up of many narrow petals that form rather ragged round heads that form clusters on the branches and at the tips from April through to August. Fruits are small reddish-brown capsules that follow the flowering season in October.  This beautiful specimen is in full bloom in an Assagay garden. New stems grew upright after the shrub was blown over by strong wind, creating a rather interesting shape. Rather than cut it down, Jenny Dean created a low archway in the children’s fairy garden – an instant hit with the garden fairies.

Trichocladus crinitus
Trichocladus crinitus
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