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Crossandra adds color to Treasure Coast summer gardens

Carol Cloud Bailey
Special to TCPalm
Crossandra is a tropical heat-loving plant for beds and containers. It also does well as a house plant in bright light locations.

Dear Carol,

I am looking for something to plant to add color to my landscape this summer in the area where begonias were planted for the winter. Previously, I’ve used pentas, coleus, and caladiums, all were fine, but this year would like something different.


—Marsha, via email

Crossandra is a fabulous plant for color beds, but it also is a star as a short-lived perennial for mixed borders and containers.

Known as Crossandra infundibuliformis by scientists and horticulturists and as Firecracker plant commonly, this is a lovely member of the plant family. It also claims names such as Shrimp plant, Justicia, Polka Dot plant, and Mexican Petunia.

Hailing from South India and Sri Lanka, this perennial is classified as a sub-shrub, though it is herbaceous which means the stems do not grow wood. The shiny, wavy leaves are 3 to 5 inches long and evergreen. Crossandra has an upright appearance when left to grow.

Flowers are formed in groups on 4 to 6-inch-long spikes. Individual flowers have slender tubes about an inch long ending with an interesting, showy lobed lip with three to five lobes. Flower colors are mostly salmon-orange or yellow, and a rarely seen red. Flowers appear throughout most of the year with the heaviest flowering occurring in summer and fall.

Plant this heat-loving tropical plant in the sun or partial shade. If growing as a perennial, protect it from frost. Well-drained soil is a must, Crossandra is somewhat drought tolerant once established. However, the best flowers are produced when watered regularly, either by rain or irrigation. Avoid wet locations and overwatering as it does not like wet feet.

Crossandra is often overlooked by gardeners and professional landscapers. As a bedding annual, it blooms and thrives in the heat.

I love the combination of the dark blue Perennial Blue Mealy Cup Sage and salmon-hued Crossandra for a classic French Country décor look. When used as a bedding plant, remove Crossandra after the weather cools or dig up and transplant and let it grow, the ultimate size can be 3 feet tall and wide.

Other interesting uses include planting Crossandra at the back of a bed as a tall perennial, as an accent plant, or in containers, to bring color to just about any area. Crossandra is a favorite of butterflies, so plant it close to windows for jewel-wing watching.

Crossandra requires little care or pest control.Mulch the plants well and fertilize with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer according to the label. Remove old flower heads as needed, but be sure they are finished flowering before cutting, spikes are indeterminate, meaning they will bloom for a long period of time.

Crossandra is an old-fashioned plant with a different look well worth the time and space in Treasure Coast summer landscapes.

Carol Cloud Bailey is a Landscape Counselor & Horticulturist. Send questions to or visit for more information.