This chapter provides a comprehensive review of Strophanthus which is a genus of plant in the family Apocynaceae found in tropical and southern Africa. It presents information on character, habitat, phenotypic charater and distribution of S. courmontii, S. sarmentosus, S. petersianus, S. eminii, S. mirabilis, S. hypoleucos, and S. preussii. Shrubs, sarmentose shrubs, or lianas, rarely trees; latex present in most parts; bark rough, sometimes with corky protuberances, lenticellate; stipules reduced to small rims. Leaves opposite or ternate, rarely quaternate, with colleters in the axil of the petiole. Inflorescence terminal or in forks of branches, rarely axillary, 1-many-flowered in simple or compound dichasial cymes; bracts sepal-like or scarious.