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Gs 7 Income Sandy Grassland

VT 66 Natal Sour Sandveld (68%) (Acocks 1953). LR 25 Natal Central Bushveld (85%) (Low & Rebelo 1996). BRG 14 Sour Sandveld (76%)
(Camp 1999c).

Distribution KwaZulu-Natal Province: In a large triangle between Newcastle, Vryheid and Dundee and larger
polygon in the Wasbank area in northern KwaZulu-Natal. Altitude 880–1 340 m (mainly 1 120–1 240 m).
Vegetation & Landscape Features Very flat extensive areas with generally shallow, poorly drained, sandy soils
supporting low, tussock-dominated sourveld forming a mosaic with wooded grasslands (with Acacia sieberiana
var. woodii) and on well-drained sites with the trees A. karroo, A. nilotica, A. caffra and Diospyros lycioides. On
disturbed sites A. sieberiana var. woodii can form sparse woodlands. Aristida congesta, Cynodon dactylon and
Microchloa caffra are common on shallow soils (Camp 1999c).
Geology & Soils Sandstones and shale of the Madzaringwe Formation (Ecca Group of Karoo Supergroup)
supporting poorly drained sandy soils, mostly of the Glenrosa form. Most important land types Ca, Bb and Fb.
Climate Region of summer rainfall, with most precipitation occurring between October and March (overall MAP
750 mm; range 650–800 mm), much of which falls as thundershowers often accompanied by hail. MAT is just
below 17°C, and mean annual evaporation 1 845 mm. Frost moderate (Camp 1999c). See also climate diagram
for Gs 7 Income Sandy Grassland (Figure 8.61).
Important Taxa Graminoids: Andropogon appendiculatus (d), Brachiaria serrata (d), Cynodon dactylon (d),
Digitaria monodactyla (d), D. tricholaenoides (d), Eragrostis curvula (d), E. gummiflua (d), E. plana (d), E.
racemosa (d), Heteropogon contortus (d), Hyparrhenia hirta (d), Loudetia simplex (d), Paspalum scrobiculatum
(d), Tristachya leucothrix (d), Alloteropsis semialata subsp. eckloniana, Andropogon eucomus, A. schirensis,
Aristida congesta, A. junciformis subsp. galpinii, Cymbopogon caesius, Diheteropogon amplectens, D. filifolius,
Elionurus muticus, Eragrostis capensis, E. chloromelas, E. planiculmis, E. sclerantha, Harpochloa falx, Melinis
repens subsp. repens, Microchloa caffra, Monocymbium ceresiiforme, Panicum natalense, Perotis patens,
Pogonarthria squarrosa, Setaria nigrirostris, Sporobolus africanus, Stiburus conrathii, Themeda triandra,
Trichoneura grandiglumis. Herbs: Helichrysum rugulosum (d), Berkheya onopordifolia var. glabra, B. setifera,
Chamaecrista mimosoides, Dicoma anomala, Euryops transvaalensis subsp. setilobus, Helichrysum caespititium,
H. cephaloideum, H. simillimum, Hermannia depressa, H. transvaalensis, Kohautia amatymbica, K. virgata,
Macledium zeyheri subsp. argyrophylum, Pentanisia prunelloides subsp. latifolia, Senecio coronatus, Zornia
capensis. Herbaceous Climber: Rhynchosia totta. Geophytic Herb: Hypoxis rigidula var. pilosissima. Low Shrubs:
Anthospermum rigidum subsp. pumilum, Stoebe plumosa.
Conservation Vulnerable. Target 23%. None conserved in statutory conservation areas. Some 27% has been
transformed for cultivation, plantations and by urban sprawl. Small portion of the area has been lost to the
building of dams (Klipfontein, Mvunyane). No serious invasions of aliens have been observed (probably due to
low nutrient status of soils). Erosion moderate (38%), high (30%) and low (15%).
Remarks The differences between this unit and the Gs 13 Mabela Sandy Grassland (in East Griqualand), lie
especially in some climatic and vegetation patterns. Cedarville (in Gs 13 Mabela Sandy Grassland) is much colder
(MAT 14°C), shows lower transpiration, has higher incidence of frost and hence lacks indigenous trees.
References Acocks (1953, 1988), Eckhardt et al. (1996a, b), Eckhardt (1998), Camp (1999c).

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