Tetradenia riparia

Tetradenia riparia


Common Names

Ginger Bush, Misty Plume Bush (english)
Gemmerbos (afrikaans)
iBoza (zulu)


Genus Tetradenia
Species riparia
SA Plant Number
Basionym Tetradenia riparia


Tetradenia riparia is a fairly hardy, deciduous, fast growing, aromatic shrub with semi-succulent stems and soft, heart-shaped leaves. Tall spikes of pale mauve flowers at the ends of the stems transform the shrub into a misty mauve cloud during autumn and winter when little else is blooming. Male and female flowers on separate plants, therefore only female plants bear fruit. Male flowers produce more of the misty haze appearance with more profuse flowers.

Useful medicinal plant.

Protect from frost, otherwise the flowers will be damaged and won’t put on an impressive show. Prune back hard after flowering to keep in shape and promote flowering next season.

It needs a rich, well-drained soil and full sun. It will grow in semi-shade but does not flower as well as in full sun.

Size: Up to 2m


Plants for Pollinators:

Pollen and nectar rich flowers attract many species of insects. This is an important forage plant for bees in Winter months.

Insectivorous Birds:

Many insectivorous birds are attracted by the plentiful insects that visit the flowers.

Butterfly Host Plant:

The Bush Bronze butterfly (Cacyreus lingeus) uses Tetradenia riparia as one of its larval food plants. (ref: Metamorphosis Vol24: 69-74)


Traditional medicine:

Used extensively in traditional medicine for a number of ailments, including chest complaints, flu, coughs and colds.


Limpopo, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu Natal

Natural Habitat:

Wooded hillsides in warmer areas, river banks, forest margins, dry wooded valleys


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