Jasminum beesianum

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Jasminum beesianum growing wild. This spring- to early-summer-flowering semi-evergreen climber is native to western China. The mildly fragrant cherry red flowers, followed by black berries, are an unusual colour for a jasmine but are small and seldom abundant. Also, it can be a rather untidy sprawling plant, which is probably why, despite some enthusiastic reviews, it is seldom common. jasminum-2201htm'>Jasminum. <a href='oleaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Oleaceae</a>.

Jasminum beesianum growing wild. This spring- to early-summer-flowering semi-evergreen climber is native to western China. The mildly fragrant cherry red flowers, followed by black berries, are an unusual colour for a jasmine but are small and seldom abundant. Also, it can be a rather untidy sprawling plant, which is probably why, despite some enthusiastic reviews, it is seldom common. jasminum-2201htm'>Jasminum. Oleaceae.


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ID: CFGcq16.jpg






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