• Native paper daisy
  • Long floweirng.
  • Grow in gardens or containers.

Botanical name Rhodanthe anthemoides Paper Star

Height 25cm
Spread 40cm
Full sun
Full sun/part shade
Frost hardy

Botanical name Rhodanthe anthemoides Paper Star

Plant uses

Obviously an ideal choice for native gardens and particularly useful for those native gardeners who still aspire to a 'cottage' feel. Likewise those with the more traditional cottage style gardens will also be able to utilise this dainty perennial towards the front of beds and borders or in a rockery.
If you have limited space in your garden 'Paper Star' can happily grow in a planter pot or even a hanging basket with the added advantage of being mobile so that you can create a different point of interest based on whimsy when the plant is in flower. The fine leaved foliage is also attractive for softening edges of pathways or as a base planting in larger tubs containing standardised plants

Cultural care

R. 'Paper Star' prefers morning sun with protection from strong afternoon heat. Soil should be moist but well drained for best results. The application of mulch around the plant is recommended not only to retain moisture but also to keep weeds at bay. An occasional deep watering during extended dry periods is recommended.
A light dressing of a slow release fertiliser during spring and again in autumn will be beneficial to overall performance. After main flowering flush (late spring) a light prune - up to one third of overall size - will help maintain a neat, compact habit as well as encouraging a second flush of flowers for late summer/autumn. A light trim should also be given after the second display.