Tales of Symphonia Remastered
Image: Bandai Namco

Tales of Symphonia Remastered for the Nintendo Switch has seen its fair share of criticism, but it seems like Bandai Namco is at least looking to continue supporting the game with numerous updates and patches.

The latest is relatively minor, but there are a few things here that should make for a more pleasing experience for fans. So without any further waffle, let's take a look at what's in store for us:

- Fixed an issue where the background would not display, and the game would go dark when playing a "skit."
- Fixed an issue where the background would go blank when opening the menu screen.
- Fixed an issue where the battle start sequence would not play when encountering an enemy in the field or a dungeon.
- Fixed an issue that caused the game to become inoperable in some dungeons.
- Other minor bugs have been fixed.

So that's yer lot. It's not a huge update, granted, but we'll take it regardless.

In our review of Tales of Symphonia Remastered, we said that "Bandai Namco’s near-nonexistent efforts to scrub out the rough edges of this 20-ish-year-old game definitely hold it back from greatness", awarding it a score of 6/10.

Are you still plugging away at Tales of Symphonia on the Switch? Let us know what you make of it with a comment down below.

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[source en.bandainamcoent.eu, via nintendoeverything.com]