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Biodiversity Monitoring Program in the Mwaro ecological corridor, Mikeno Sector, Parc National des Virunga

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par - Augustin K. BASABOSE, M. Gratien BASHONGA, Z. BALEZI
- - - 2010

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

3.3. Vegetation description of the Mwaro corridor

3.3.1. Vegetation structure within the 1-ha plot

The plot established at Mwaro presents distinct stratified vegetation with all the forest strata well represented. A total of 1246 individuals with a circumference superior or equal to 10 cm has been inventoried among which trees, shrubs and sub- shrub. Figure 5 schematizes the stratification of the vegetation of Mwaro as observed from the results of the 1-ha plot.

8 species of which Schrebera alata, Prunus africana, Olea hochstetteri, Croton macrostachyus, Ehretia cymosa, Bersama abyssinica ssp. paullinioides, Polyscias fulva and an unknown (Umuhanamambo in the local dialect, the Kinyabwisha) occupy the superior arborescent stratum (35 - 40 m). A woody liana Cissus humbertii is found in this stratum.

The middle arborescent stratum is on its part occupied by the species Albizia adiantifolia., Alangium chinense, Erythrina mildbraedii, Ekebergia capensis as well as the lianas Gouania longispicata, Mezoneuron angolense and Mimulopsis solmsii.

In the lower arborescent stratum we find some trees such as Afrocrania volkensii, Bridelia micrantha, Maesa lanceolata, Tabernaemonta johnstonii, Drypetes ugandensis and Kigelia africana as well as of the lianas Urera hypselodendron, Adenia rumicifolia, Rhamnus prinioides, Clerodendron johnstonii and Toddalia asiatica.

The species, Xymalos monospora, Lepidotrichilia volkensi, Allophyllus kivuensis, Maytenus arguta constituting the essential of the sub-wood are at the same time present in the lower arborescent stratum and the shrubby stratum while Psychotria mahonii, Markhamia lutea, Galliniera coffeoide. Leptonichia mildbraedii and Oxyanthus speciosus occupy the shrubby stratum exclusively.

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Figure 5. Structure of the vegetation in the plot at Mwaro (Y = height in m and X = Plant species)

3.3.2. Dynamic of vegetation prospected in the 1-ha plot

According to our observations, the phytocenose represented by the 1-ha permanent plot is an ecotone bearing vegetation of both the average altitude (sclerophylles forest on stream of lava) and high altitude vegetation. The evolution of this vegetation seems progressive concidering its state and the presence of several young plants characteristic to primary mountain forest such as Strombosia scheffleri, Olea hochstetteri, Entandrophragma excelsum, Ekebergia campensis, Schrebera alata and Prunus africana (Figure 5). We also noticed presence of some individuals belonging to primary forest species, sometimes seen with big circumferences, but without remarkable promising succession.

Biodiversity survey of Mwaro corridor, Altitudinal distribution of the vegetation and assessment of Gorilla food availability

Figure 8. Diameter classes for Bersama abyssinica ssp. paullinioides

Figure 6. Diameter classes for Olea hochtetteri

Figure 7. Diameter classes for Entandrophragma excelsum

Figure 9. Diameter classes for Afrocrania volkensi

In Figures 6 and 7 we observe young individuals of Olea hochstetteri and Entandrophragma excelsum growing in the corridor and ready to generate a future stable primary forest provided that no external factors disturb this natural evolution. Observed adult individuals of Olea hochstetteri are expected to ensure good successors for the maintenance of this important species. This is similar to the observations of Bersama abyssinica ssp. paullinioides and Afrocrania volkensii (Figures 8 and 9), two important species typical of Sclerophyles forests growing on the slope of the northern side of Nyamulagira Mountain on recent lava streams.

This is not the case for Entandrophragma excelsum, all individuals of which are young (Figure 7). A long term monitoring program should be initiated to assess the establishment of this important species within Mwaro corridor. A similar observation is made for 2 other species (Ekebergia capensis and Schrebera alata, figures 10 and 11), with the presence of young individuals predicting a good future representation of a primary forest in the Mwaro corridor, though young individuals of these two species were limited in number.

Figure 10. Diameter classes for Ekebergia capensis

Figure 11. Diameter classes for Schrebera alata

Figure 12. Diameter classes for Prunus africana

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Prunus africana (Figure 12) represents a better distribution of the size classes according to the plot established in the Mwaro ecological corridor of. Indeed, the tendency of distribution of diameter classes for this species is a reverse curve in" J ", with a lot of trees of small size (or young trees) than adult ones. This big number decreases with regard to the number of individuals of 30 to 60 cm of diameter.

We, however observed, some individuals of very large size (>60 cm of diameter) that, once extinct will let new generations ensuring a good conservation status of the species in the Mwaro corridor for long term.

As for Strombosia scheffleri, the recorded individuals were less than 10 cm in diameter or were seedlings met in the herbaceous stratum. With time, these individuals will grow up in classes of diameter = 10 and with the dynamics of the aforesaid vegetation will be part of the climax forest the environment conditions allow.

Biodiversity survey of Mwaro corridor, Altitudinal distribution of the vegetation and assessment of Gorilla food availability

Figure 13. Description of different vegetation types along the permanent line transect

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Enrichissons-nous de nos différences mutuelles "   Paul Valery