What is pellitory allergy?

Wall pellitory is a perennial weed that grows particularly in ruderal areas, waste land, wall cracks, rubble and rocks.

It can be found throughout Italy up to an altitude of 900 m.

The genus Parietaria includes Parietaria officinalis and Parietaria judaica and their pollination period is very long, with maximum concentrations in spring and from mid-summer to early autumn.

«Allergies can cause asthma and affect life quality»

che cos'è l'allergia alla parietaria
i sintomi più comuni alla allergia parietaria lofarma

The most common symptoms

occhi arrossati sintomo allergia lofarma
naso chiuso sintimo allergia lofarma
starnuti tosse secca sintomo allergia lofarma
difficoltà respiratoria sintomo allergia lofarma
The incidence of sensitisation to wall pellitory is very high throughout the Mediterranean area, with slightly lower values in northern regions. In southern regions, symptoms can occur throughout the year and are often characterised by asthmatic crises (in about 50% of susceptible patients).
Due to the very long period of occurrence, it is considered a perennial pollinosis.

The most common symptoms

occhi arrossati sintomo allergia lofarma
naso chiuso sintimo allergia lofarma
starnuti tosse secca sintomo allergia lofarma
difficoltà respiratoria sintomo allergia lofarma
i sintomi più comuni alla allergia parietaria lofarma
The incidence of sensitisation to wall pellitory is very high throughout the Mediterranean area, with slightly lower values in northern regions. In southern regions, symptoms can occur throughout the year and are often characterised by asthmatic crises (in about 50% of susceptible patients).
Due to the very long period of occurrence, it is considered a perennial pollinosis.

Useful information

Compared to other plant allergens, wall pellitory tends to have more frequent monosensitisation.

In some cases, pellitory pollinosis may present oral allergy syndrome with nettle, basil, melon and cherry.

consigli percorso terapeutico lofarma

Short guide

1. Recognize symptoms

2. Find out and investigate

3. Consult a specialist doctor

4. Start a treatment path

Pollen calendar


legenda calendario pollinico ilmeteo