Dr. KS. Gopi’s Post

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Former Professor, Govt. Homeopathic medical college, Kozhikode, Kerala, India

TYLOPHORA INDICA BOTANICAL NAME: Tylophora Indica Burn, ( Merill ) FAMILY: Aclepiadaceae COMMON NAMES: English-Indian Ipecac, Hindi-Jangli-pikvan, Antamul; Mlalayalam-Vallippala; Tamil-Kalutai-p-palai. Telegu—Verripala. DESCRIPTION: A twining perennial herb. Stem densely tomentose, slender, longitudinally straited with branches arising from axil of leaves. Leaves thick, cauline, opposite, simple entire, acute and base cordate; glabrous ventrally and pubescent dorsally. Flowers greenish-yellow outside, purplish with in many flowered umbels. Fruit, a follicle fusiform divaricate, up to 10cm, striate; seed ovate, elongated into a coma, 2 to 2.25 cm, silky hairs at one end. PART USED: Leaf DISTRIBUTION: HOMOEOPATHIC USES BRONCHIAL ASTHMA: An important specific remedy for asthma. It has mucolytic and expectorant properties, so it is effective for asthma and bronchitis. There is excess mucous collection, shortness of breath and wheezing. ALLERGIES & RHEUMATIC ARTHRITIS: Useful in allergies and rheumatic arthritis. POTENCY: Mother tincture, 3x and higher.

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Krishnamurthy Iyer

Self Employed- Water Treatment Chemicals and Plants


Very useful informations


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