Syzygium Resilience

Syzygium Resilience is a superb selection of Syzygium australe. It is a popular hedging plant and often used as a privacy screen. Syzygium Resilience has colourful new growth and resistance to the common pest psyllid is its crowing glory.

Resilience produces masses of cream coloured, powder puff flowers that are highly attractive to native animals and insects. These are followed by a scattering of bright pink juicy fruits that can be used as a bush food!

Syzygium Resilience will grow in a diverse range of environmental conditions. These include hot, humid tropics in the north to cool temperate areas in southern states. Resilience has a low watering requirement once established. It will benefit from a yearly application of slow release fertiliser applied in Spring. Pruning is not necessary but can be done to maintain a more compact form, especially when using it as a hedge.

Syzygium Resilience can be grown to a height of up to 3 metres and for a dense hedge, plant approx .8 – 1 metre apart. Tip pruning will encourage the dense and lateral growth.

Traditionally propagated via cuttings, Lakewood now produces this plant through Tissue Culture. We have found that uniformity and strength is the advantage. Each plant has a straight central leader and a uniform shape. It is also found to grow faster out of a tube with a stronger and more established root system. As with most plants produced from Tissue Culture, we are able to produce Syzygium Resilience in strong numbers to sustain demand.

Grown in a 42mm tube with 108 in a tray. For wholesale orders please phone 07-5445 9695 or email us at [email protected]
Refer to our stock list for availability.

Syzygium Resilience

Managed under the Elite Flora range by Complete Plant Management.