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Duabanga grandiflora, Duabanga sonneratioides, Khokan, Sonneratiaceae, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, 8th Oct'09

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Duabanga grandiflora is a tree that grows up to 30 m in height and has large buttresses. Buttresses are support structures that grow at the base of a tree trunk that provide a wide base and additional support for tall trees that grow in shallow soil to prevent them from tipping over.
The large leaves of this species are 18-30 cm long and 6-10 cm wide and are arranged opposite each other in a single plane on the branches. The flowers are arranged in clusters containing 3-20 flowers that grow at the ends of the branches. The white flowers are quite small (5.0-6.0 cm wide), with 4-8 petals, but they contain up to 50 stamens (pollen producing structures) which stick out beyond the petals. The fruit is dry at maturity, is 2-4 cm long and 4-4.5 cm wide, and releases the seeds through 6-9 valves the develop when the fruit is mature. The fruit contains many seeds each of which is 4-6 mm long.
Duabanga grandiflora is native to Cambodia, Eastern India, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam where it is found in evergreen rain forests between 900-1500 m in elevation.
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  1. elliwelli6:41
  2. Bellarose6:57
  3. 14runbe907:25
  4. KateKMK7:48
  5. rereresp11:56
  6. Dillard12:39
  7. aatinsleyjr15:26


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