Hybrid Campion??

Hybrid Campion??

Observation - Hybrid Campion?? - UK and Ireland. Description: Loads of Red Campion now in flower along the woodland edge here so this single plant caught my eye a

Loads of Red Campion now in flower along the woodland edge here so this single plant caught my eye and I took a few snaps. I initially assumed it to be a straightforward case of White Campion - even the calyx is slightly more chunky than the reds - and it wasn’t until I looked through the photos that I noticed that the petals are undeniably tinged with pink; and I’m convinced this is not just a trick of the light.
I note that hybridisation of Red and White is common so I’m wondering if this could be an example. However, I also read that White can be “weakly pink”!
Why do I get drawn into these questions at my age? - life really is too short. But I am curious. Any ideas?