Need confirmation that this is Cyathea (or is it now Alsophila) capensis with "Protected Species Status"

Need confirmation that this is Cyathea (or is it now Alsophila) capensis with

Observation - Need confirmation that this is Cyathea (or is it now Alsophila) capensis with "Protected Species Status" - Southern Africa. Description: There are a large number on the southern slopes which slopes are being radically cleared of vegetation to eliminate sleeping spots for 'bos-slapers' - better find out asap if these should be saved! Most of the plants are as per photo in height - no tall s

There are a large number on the southern slopes which slopes are being radically cleared of vegetation to eliminate sleeping spots for 'bos-slapers' - better find out asap if these should be saved! Most of the plants are as per photo in height - no tall stems visible.

Fronds are more than a metre long. I reckon they are thrice-pinnate?