Two-day cure

Two-day cure

Observation - Two-day cure - Southern Africa. Description: Description (Compton's Flora of Swaziland): Stiffly erect (y), single-stemmed (y), up to 75 cm high (waist height), closely leafy (y), finely downy throughout (?).

Description (Compton's Flora of Swaziland):

Stiffly erect (y), single-stemmed (y), up to 75 cm high (waist height), closely leafy (y), finely downy throughout (?). Leaf-stalk up to c 1 cm long (y), sometimes with pairs of small narrow leaflets below main blade (y), which is lance-shaped (y), often curving backwards and folded lengthwise (y), margins regularly and closely sharptoothed (y), up to 10 cm long x 2 cm wide (y). Inflorescence sometimes a compact dome-shaped cluster of many small scented (?) flower-heads (y), up to 12 cm across (specimen 80mm), sometimes lax with fewer flower-heads. Involucral bracts c 3 mm long (? :-( ); ray-florets narrow strap-shaped (y); disc-florets protruding (y); corollas yellow (Y).

Most extraordinary are the imparpinate leaves where the terminal leaflet is huge compared with the other pairs.