Rubia cordifolia Linn.



Synonym R. munjesta Roxb.



Family Rubiaceae.



Rubia cordifolia.JPG

Habitat Throughout India, ascending to an altitude of 3,700 m.

English Indian Madder, Bengal Madder.

Ayurvedic Manjishthaa, Vikasaa, Samangaa, Yoj anavalli, Kaalameshika, Raktaangi, Raktayashtikaa, Arunaa, Gandira, Jingi.

Unani Manjeeth.

Siddha/Tamil Manjitti.

Action Roots and dried stem— blood purifier, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, deobstruent, antidysenteric, antiseptic, alterative.

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends the use of the dried stem in blood, skin and urinogenital disorders; dysentery; piles, ulcers, inflammations; erysipelas, skin diseases and rheumatism. (Roots, leaves and seeds of R. corthfolia, R. tinctorum and allied species are used in amenorrhoea, liver diseases, gall and spleen complaints.) (Mutagenic and carcinogenic aspects of the drug are under investigation.)

It is reported that after oral administration of the root decoction, the urine and bones of the patient show a red tinge.

The roots are rich in anthraquinones and their glycosides (around 20), the important ones include purpurin (tnhydroxy anthraquinone), munjistin (xanthopurpurin-2-carboxylic acid); besides xanthopurpurin, peudopurpurin (purpunin-3-carboxylic acid), free alizanin as well as its glucoside.

Whole plant yielded pentacylic tnterpenic acids—rubicoumaric and rubifolic acids.

Antitumour cyclic hexapeptides have been isolated from the root (while lucidin is thought to be carcinogenic).

The root extracts of R. sikkimensis Kurz, known as Naaga-Madder (Nepal eastwards to Assam, Nagaland and Manipur); are very similar to those of R. cord folia.

Dosage Stem—2—4 g.


Medicinal plants of India ; Ayurveda

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