Senetti Pericallis: Production Secrets

'Senetti Blue' and 'Senetti Magenta' from Suntory

Senetti is the brand for a completely new collection of pericallis hybrids, which were obtained by cross-breeding members of the compositae and asteracea families. Plants produce large, daisy-like flowers from early spring until summer. Before reclassification, Senetti was known as a cineraria hybrid, but unlike cinerarias, Senetti will rebloom. Senetti‘s 2001 debut in Europe was a great success as consumers embraced the early-season plant and found it to be a beautiful garden performer. Ideal for spring and fall conditions, Senetti can survive temperatures as low as 35ËšF. While the original series has eight varieties in shades of blue, magenta and purple, a more compact Baby Senetti series is available in four colors.


General Culture

Use a peat/perlite mix and keep pH at 5.6. Ideal production conditions are cool and airy, 35-40ËšF. Cool temperatures will produce a tough, toned finished plant with very little problems related to pests or diseases. Ventilation should be used when temperatures reach 48-50ËšF and humidity should be kept low.

Senetti is a day-neutral plant. In periods of long days and high light, shade will be required at a level of 40% over the crop. This is likely at the time of spring crop maturity or in early fall when plants are newly potted. Light levels of 5,000-6,000 footcandles are ideal.

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Use a drip system or ebb-and-flood system and ensure the floor remains dry to keep humidity low. If overhead watering is necessary, water early in the day and on bright days. Keep the foliage as dry as possible. Senetti has a large, vigorous root system and will require large volume of water regularly as the crop matures.


Senettis are heavy feeders, even at times of slow growth in low light conditions. Add a slow-release fertilizer, such as Osmocote 8-9 month formula, to the base fertilizer at a rate of up to 4.5 pounds per square yard. Senetti also loves iron and will show symptoms of iron deficiency. Add EDDHA trace elements to your liquid feed solution at a rate of one gram per liter and feed at a ratio of 1:100.

Plant Growth Regulators

Senetti is very responsive to daminozide (B9). Treatments should start from early February onwards on cold-grown crops, every 14 days at rates of 2,000 ppm (depending on weather). Once buds are clearly visible, the crop will grow at least 2-3 inches in height until flowers fully open. Keep applying daminozide until flowers are fully open. Paclobutrazol also is effective at low rates. Applications must be applied after final potting and it is essential the roots of the plant have fully reached the side of the pot. The chemical must be drenched in the pot at rates of 500-1,000 ppm. Spray applications are not effective.