Texas Tech University

Big Periwinkle, Vinca

Vinca major

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Vinca major

Vinca major Photo Gallery

Vinca major Plant Information

Scientific Name: Vinca major
Common Name: vinca

big periwinkle
Family: Apoycynaceae
Suggested Uses: perennials, groundcover, container plantings

use as bank planting for cover and erosion control
Plant Form: spreading
Height: 1 - 2 feet
Spread: spreading
Foliage: long trailing stems with oval glossy leaves

stems root as they spread
Flower: single, flat, blue flowers with 5 petals
Bloom Period: Spring
Sun: partial shade
Water: low water requirement
Soil: adaptable
Heat Tolerance: high heat tolerance
USDA Zone: zones 7 - 11
Maintenance: cut back heavily early each spring; may require an additional mowing in mid-season for renewal

rapid growth rate; potentially aggressive

propagation by division or stem cuttings
Pests & Pathology: subject to leaf rollers

TTU Plant Resources