Populus trichocarpa | Pot Populus (Species Group)

[ Viridiplantae | Streptophyta | Streptophytina | . . .
. . . | Salicaceae | Saliceae | Populus ]

Populus_trichocarpa Picture Source
Taxonomy:Eukaryota | Viridiplantae | Streptophyta | Streptophytina | Embryophyta | Tracheophyta | Euphyllophyta | Spermatophyta | Magnoliopsida | Mesangiospermae | eudicotyledons | Gunneridae | Pentapetalae | rosids | fabids | Malpighiales | Salicaceae | Saliceae | Populus
Synonym:Populus balsamifera subsp. trichocarpa, Populus trichocarpa Torr. and A.Gray, Populus balsamifera subsp. trichocarpa (Torr. and A.Gray) Brayshaw
Common:black cottonwood, western balsam poplar (German: Haarfrüchtige Balsam-Pappel)
Comment:Populus trichocarpa, is a hardy, fast growing tree that can be propagated vegetatively. It has been chosen as a model plant for tree genomics because of its small genome size, rapid juvenile growth, ease of clonal propagation, high-throughput transformation and regeneration, and availability of extensive genetic maps.
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