Cladanthus arabicus, 'Criss-Cross'

Palm Spring's Daisy, Golden Crown

Cladanthus arabicus, 'Criss-Cross'
Price: £2.40
Originating in Spain and Morocco is this most attractive and unusual plant forming a beautiful and ever-enlarging, beautifully shaped mound of pleasantly scented, feathery foliage, bearing all summer long a profusion of large, fragrant, golden-yellow flowers. Here's how the ever-enlarging bit goes: from around each of the first flowers (appearing in as little as six weeks from seed when the plant is only 4ins tall) appear four or five new stems each bearing a new flower. From each of these new flowers another set of four or five stems appear . . . and so on! Exciting, isn't it? 1½ft (40cm)

Genus: Cladanthus

Species: arabicus

Variety: 'Criss-Cross'

Family Name: Compositae/Asteraceae

Seed Catalogue No.: 352F

English Name(s): Palm Spring's Daisy, Golden Crown

Hardiness: Hardy

Lifecycle: Annual

Suitable for: Summer Bedding

Colour: Yellow/Orange

Flowers: June, July, August

Lighting Conditions: Full Sun

Soil Type: Clay, Chalk, Sand, Loam

Soil Acidity: Alkaline, Neutral, Acid

Moisture: Well-drained

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Germination Instructions

Sow directly in Apr-May. Sow 6mm deep into prepared soil which has been raked to a fine tilth. Sow in rows, where they are to flower. Rows 30cm apart. Thin seedlings when large enough to handle to 30cm spacing.

Growing Instructions

Very easy to grow. Prefers any  well-drained soil in full sun. Requires little attention as new flowers are produced above the old.

Cultivation Instructions

Will self-seed freely. Annual plant, pull and compost at the end of the flowering season.

When to Sow

  • Direct Sow/Plant Outdoors
  • Flowers/Harvest

Approximate number of seeds per packet: 1100

Please note we pack the majority of our seeds by volume so the number of seeds indicated is only an approximation.