
Gentianella germanica - Chiltern Gentian

cf. Gentianella germanica (Willd.) Börner - Chiltern Gentian

* Image is also available in higher resolution: 58282.jpg (976x1472 - 288 kb).

Author: Leif & Anita Stridvall  [Other photographs by this author]

Determination author: Leif & Anita Stridvall [Determination history and verification]

- Approximate determination (cf.)


Origin of image

Italy, Lago di Garda, Monte Baldo, Nago Meadows

14 July 1974

Source of image

Stridvall L. & A.: Plant Galleries []

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More images of this taxon by the same author

Gentianella germanica - Chiltern Gentian

Gentianella germanica - Chiltern Gentian

Author: Leif & Anita Stridvall

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