
Pilosella flagellaris - Shetland Mouse-ear-hawkweed

Pilosella flagellaris (Willd.) Arv.-Touv. - Shetland Mouse-ear-hawkweed

* Image is also available in higher resolution: 160412.jpg (2592x1944 - 1962 kb).

Author: František Pleva  [Other photographs by this author]

Determination author: František Pleva [Determination history and verification]

- Determined from label (collection, zoological or botanical garden)

Associated glossary terms: cultivated plant

Origin of image

Czechia, Praha, botanická zahrada UK

13 May 2009

Author rights ?

 Public Domain [Information]

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Added determinations

Pilosella Hill

P. flagellaris stems are multi-headed and runners are large-leafy (not the runners with small distant leaves seen here). Botanic garden labels seem to be often incorrect for various reasons.

Determination author: David Merrick