Title PRELIMINARY NOTES ON THE HABITS OF TRIMERIA HOWARDI, A NEOTROPICAL COMMUNAL MASARID WASP, WITH DESCRIPTION OF THE MATURE LARVA (HYMENOPTERA : VESPOIDEA) Author(s) Zucchi, Ronaldo; YAMANE, Seiki; SAKAGAMI, Shoichi F. Citation Insecta matsumurana. Series entomology. New series, 8: 47-57 Issue Date 1976-07 DOI Doc URL Right Type bulletin Additional Information File Information 8̲p47-57.pdf Instructions for use Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP INSECTA MATSUMURANA NEW SERIES 8: 47-57 JULY, 1976 PRELIMINARY NOTES ON THE HABITS OF TRIMERIA HOWARDI, A NEOTROPICAL COMMUNAL MAS ARID WASP, WITH DESCRIPTION OF THE MATURE LARVA (HYMENOPTERA: VESPOIDEA) Studies on the vespoid larvae. II. By RONALDO ZUCCHI, SEIKI YAMANE, and By SK. Y. SHIJICHI F. SAKAGAMI Abstract ZUCCHI, R., YAMANE, SK., and SAKAGAMI, S.F. 1976. Preliminary notes on the habits of Trimeria howardi, a Neotropical communal masarid wasp, with description of the mature larva (Hymenoptera: Vespoidea). Ins. matsum. n.s. 8: 47-57, 1 tab., 2 pIs. Trimeria howardi excavates heterodalous nests in soil. The brood cell is excavated, not built in a cavity. An empty cell receives first either an egg or the larval food. Provisioning is successive. Often two or more females are found in the same nests. Most of such nests are tentatively interpreted as communal, but some nests suggest quasisociality. The mature larva is described and compared with that of two other genera. The larva is similar to that of Pseudomasaris edwardsii, both with the mandibles feeble, antennae large, and c1ypeus located above the line connecting the mandibular bases. An unusual number (seven) of antennal sensillae and a remarkably minute atrial opening are characteristic of Trimeria howardi. A uthors' addresses. ZUCCHI, R.: Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciencias e Letras de Ribeirao Preto, Universidade de sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Estado de sao Paulo, 14,100, Brasil. YAMANE, SK.: Entomological Institute, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaid6 University, Sapporo, 060 Japan. SAKAGAMI, S.F.: Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Hokkaid6 University, Sapporo, 060 Japan. Contents Introduction ....................................................... ; .......... 49 Bionomic notes ............................................................... .49 Description of the mature larva ................................................ 50 Acknowledgements ............................................................ 52 References .................................................................... 52 Plates ....... " .............. , ................................................ 53 INTRODUCTION The family Masaridae occupies a peculiar position within the Vespoidea. Except one predaceous genus Euparagia, all other genera so far studied provision their nests with pollen and nectar. Thus they are the vespoid counterpart of the bees evolved from the Sphecoidea, though far less successful than the latter in species number, extent of distribution and morpho-functional specialization to melliferous habits. Up to the present the habits of several genera have been recorded as reviewed by Richards (1962), Malyshev (1968), Torchio (1970) and Iwata (1971). But the amount of information is still insufficient to give a precise bionomic perspective of the family. In 1971, two of us (R.Z. & S.F.S.) found nests of Trimeria howardi Bertoni 1911 in Ribeirao Preto, State of Sao Paulo, and started bionomic observations. As the work is still in continuation, here are given only some important findings as a preliminary report, together with the description of the mature larva by Sk. Y. BIONOMIC NOTES Nests are excavated in soil. The main burrow is nearly vertical and about 4 mm wide and 6.0-15.0 cm (m 9.0) deep. The entrance is provided with a neatly built vertical turret (Fig. 9) 1-7 mm in height (m 3.07) and 2.9 mm in inner diameter. A variable number (1-24, m 7.3) of approximately horizontal laterals issue from the main burrow (=heterodalous type by Malyshev, 1935) and the brood cells are excavated at their ends, never built in hollow cavities (=synodalous) as in some Ceramius species. Most laterals have an only cell, but rarely two (6.9%) or three (1.1%) cells (=parodalous). Cells are horizontal, elongate oval with the inner walls smooth and polished. Curiously, the order of oviposition and food provisioning is irregular. There were found three cells each with an egg deposited at the bottom (Fig. 13) and four cells each with a food mass without egg. This might relate to the presence of two or more females in the same nest as referred to below. Provisioning is certainly progressive. There were found some open cells with food and small to medium sized larvae, while no closed cell with such contents. The larval food is made from pollen and nectar, and relatively solid, with an irregular annulation (Figs. 11,12) which probably corresponds to successive foraging trips. Nests are often reused as proved by the remains of old cells with empty cocoons scattering around the main burrow. The species is possibly bivoltine. Three incipient nests apparently newly excavated, each containing a fresh female, were found on January 19, April 29 and May 5, 1972. But, reflecting the subtropical climate, it is difficult to distinguish the generations clearly. The winter (June to early August) is passed by prepupae. Often several nests are found side by side, with a distance of 3-4 cm from each other (Fig. 10). The occurrence of two or more females in the same nest, in the other species only once recorded in Ceramius lichtensteini (Brauns, 1910, d. Iwata, 1971), is fairly common in T. howardi. Among 30 nests examined, 18 contained a single female. The number of females in other 12 nests were 2 <f<f (7 nests), 3 (1), 4 (3), 7 (1). Further, 8 out of 35 nests contained one male during January to May. Judging from the composition of brood cells, most of these males were not born in the nests concerned but joiners from other nests. By the 49 parsimonious nornl, most nests with two or more females are tentatively interpreted as communal, i.e., each female cares her own brood cell. But there are some nests which suggest more advanced social types, jUdging from cell composition and adult conditions. Two cases are cited. Nest 4-29- IV: Only one open cell containing a young larva and food mass. No remain of old cells. Two females both with fully developed ovary*. This nest is regarded as quasisocial (Michener, 1969, 1974) and one female is apparently a joiner from the outside. Nest 4-4-V: One cell with egg and food, several empty cocoons, and seven females. Four females with a fully developed ovary, two heavily worn and with developed ovaries, and one newborn. Apparently the nest was reused. The relation of the first mentioned four females can be interpreted as quasisocial, while the two older females may be either their elder sisters or the females of the last generation. Anyhow, the association is not eusocial, even if containing two successive generations. It is possible but not certain that some ovarially undeveloped females are responsible for the deposition of larval food in a cell before it receives egg as mentioned above. Consequently, the social type of Trimeria howardi is regarded as communal, though some nests show quasisociality, despite the species is subsocial, i.e., the larvae are in contact with adult females (ef. Michener, 1969, 1974). The habits described above will be compared elsewhere with those in other genera. DESCRIPTION OF THE MATURE LARVA The mature larva is described and compared with that of two other species, Pseudamasaris edwardsii (Cresson) (melliferous) and Euparagia scutellaris Cresson (predaceous). both described by Torchio (1970). Head: Nearly circular in frontal view; integument weakly sclerotized; with mandibular apices, anterior tentorial pits, maxillary palps, galeae, labial palps, salivary lips, especially ventral one, pigmented; setae and sensoria nearly lacking on head capsule; mid-cranial sulcus (mcs) weak, visible only at upper portion; vertex (v) round, not indented; frons not separated from epicranial area by distinct lines; antennae (ant) large and distinctly projecting conically, each with about seven minute sensillae at the center; temporal bands (tmb) narrow and weak; anterior tentorial pits (atp) located at dorsolateral angles of clypeus (elP) , large and distinct; postoccipital sulcus (pas), hypostomal sulci (hs) and pleurostomal sulci (Plst) well developed; epistomal sulcus (es) complete, lateral sides converging dorsally; midpoint of the ventral margin of clypeus nearly at the level of mandibular bases; clypeus broadly emarginate below; labrum (1m) distinctly narrower than clypeus, with ventral margin strongly emarginate medially; labrum and palate without distinct sclerotized patch or conical sensillae; mandibles (md) somewhat elongate, tridentate, tapered and pigmented apically; outer tooth largest, median tooth smallest and sharply tapered; inner apical surface concaved; abductor apodeme (Fig. 6) much shorter than adductor apodeme (Fig. 7), the latter bearing a rudimentary branch at half distance from the base; maxillae (mx) of moderate shape and size; separation of cardo from stipes indistinct; stipes each with maxillary palp (mplp) and galea (ga) , the latter being more developed than the former; salivary opening surrounded by transverse salivary lips (sl) located apically on prelabium (prlb); • In this species, two ovaries seem to develop alternately. two fully developed ovaries. 50 Virtually no female had salivary lips not serrate apically, simple, ventral lip being more prominent than dorsal one; labial palps (IPIP) small and less developed than maxillary palps and galeae; prelabium and postlabium (PI b) of normal shape and size. Body: N early white in alcoholized specimens; subcylindrical, strongly decurved; head not hidden, appressed against abdominal sterna; integument without setae, microscopic denticles sparse; intersegmental lines distinct; dorsolateral and lateral tubercles developed; spiracle not elevated above cuticle; atrial opening (ato) remarkably small; atrial walls smooth, lacking spines or denticles; primary tracheal opening (pto) without spines; diameter of primary tracheal opening distinctly larger than that of atrial opening. Comparison with two other species: The results of the present comparison are synoptically given in Table 1. Table 1. Morphological comparison of the larvae of three masarid genera. Trimeria howardi Vertex Mid-cranial sulcus Antennae Pseudomasaris edwardsii Euparagia scutellaris round incomplete indented "=PTrimeria large; located somewhat high on head; projecting about seven large; located somewhat high on head; convex "=PTrimeria incomplete, but rather developed normal; located low on head; slightly produced three in a straight line three in a triangle indistinct medially* "=PTrimeria "=PTrimeria medially produced; ventral to the level of mandibular bases as wide as clypeus; spinulate broadened; with three teeth "=PPseudomasaris Antennal sensillae Epistomal sulcus complete Ventral margin medially emarginate; of clypeus at the level of mandibular bases Labrum narrower than c1ypeus; not spinulate Mandibles somewhat elongate; with three teeth Atrial opening very small; smaller than primary tracheal opening Body tubercles developed * "Distinct centrally" wider than clypeus; not spinulate somewhat elongate; with two teeth moderate; larger than primary tracheal opening not developed "=PTrimeria in the original description, but indistinct in the associated figure. Reflecting the different food habits, two distinct types of larvae are recognized in the mas arid wasps, i.e., the Eumenid type (Eumeninae-Vespinae complex by Torchio) represented by Euparagia and the Non-Eumenid type (Polistinae-Polybiinae complex by Torchio) involving Pseudomasaris and Trimeria. The latter type is characterized by the somewhat elongate and feeble mandibles, remarkably developed antennae, and clypeus located above the line connecting the mandibular bases. The mandibles more degenerated than in Eumenidae may relate to the pollenivorous habits. The derived characters common to the three masarid genera are yet not decided. The large antennae could be regarded as a derived character for Masarini, but further comparative studies are necessary. The characters peculiar to Trimeria are as follows: 1) antennal sensillae are unusually numerous (seven), whereas in other vespid groups they are almost always three (e.g. see Reid, 1942); 2) atrial opening of spiracles is 51 unusually small. It must be mentioned that pollen grains attached to the body were larger than the diameter of atrial opening (Fig. 8). In aculeate larvae, two devices to prevent the invasion of various alien particles in spiracles, diminution of primary tracheal opening (Euparagia and Pseudomasaris), and development of atrial and collar processes on the inner wall (Vespa and Dolichovespula, Sk. Yamane, 1976; Bombus, Ritcher, 1933), are adopted. The diminution of atrial opening in Trimeria may represent a third filtering device. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work was aided by grants from Funda~ao de Amparo a Pesquisas de Estado de Sao Paulo. In particular we thank Messrs. Zualdo A. Schiavoni, Joao J. dos Santos and A. Penatti for their helps in excavating the nests. REFERENCES a Bertoni, A. de W. 1911. Contribucion la biologia de las avispas y abejas del Parguay (Hymenoptera). Anales Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires 12: 97-146. Iwata, K. 1971. [Evolution of Instinct. Comparative ethology of Hymenoptera.] vi+503 pp., Mano-shoten, Yamato-City (Kanagawa Pref.). (In Japanese.) Malyshev, S.l. 1935. The nesting habits of solitary bees. A comparative study. Eos 11: 201-309. Malyshev, S.l. 1968 (Eng!. Tr.). Genesis of the Hymenoptera and the Phases of Their .Evolution. viii+319 pp., Methuen-London. Michener, CD. 1969. Comparative social behavior of bees. Ann. Rev. Entom. 14: 299-342. Michener, C.D. 1974. The Social Behavior of the Bees. A comparative study. xii+404 pp., Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge-Mass. Reid, J.A. 1942. On the classification of the larvae of the Vespidae (Hymenoptera). Trans. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. 92: 285-331. Richards, O.W. 1962. A Revisional Study of the Masarid Wasps (Hymenoptera, Vespoidea). Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., London. vii+294 pp. Ritcher, P.O. 1933. The external morphology of larval Bremidae and key to certain species (Hymenoptera). Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 26: 53-63. Torchio P.F. 1970. The ethology of the wasp, Pseudomasaris edwardsii (Cresson), and a description of its immature forms (Hymenoptera: Vespoidea, Masaridae). Los ,Angeles County Mus. Contr. Sci. 202: 1-32. Yamane, Sk. 1976. Morphological and taxonomic studies on vespine larvae, with reference to the phylogeny of the subfamily Vespinae (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Ins. Matsum. N.S. 8: 1-45. 52 PLATES Plate IX Fig. 1. Lateral view of mature larva. sp. spiracle. Fig. 2. Frontal view of head. dim. depression in cranial wall at the origin of the frontal muscle; lcs. labro-clypeal suture; mc. mandibular corium; other abbreviations in text. Fig. 3. Lateral view of head. ata. anterior tentorial arm; dta. dorsal tentorial arm; other abbreviations in text. Figs. 4 & 5. Dorsal and inner views of mandible. Fig. 6. Abductor apodeme. Fig. 7. Adductor apodeme. Fig. 8. Longitudinal section of spiracle, with pollen grains removed from the body. at. atrium; other abbreviations in text. 54 dfai " /;: .. ,. c5 -- -- -/ I" 00 00 plb pr lb 3 ( ' ( - 5 ,( - \ ~6 55 Plate X Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 9. Female leaving the nest (departure from the turret always from the metasoma). 10. Two nests lying side by side. One female is just leaving the nest. II. Medium sized larva with food. 12. Cell with food and small larva, and a part of main burrow. 13. Egg deposited in a cell. 14. Cocoons. 56 57