Pearly white sweet Job’s tear (pearl barley) water, also known as barley water, can relieve heat, dehumidify and detoxify. It is the diet of the people in Southeast Asia. It is also for many actresses’ one of favorite drinks. Some of them love to drink barley water to maintain their skin. Or cook with red bean barley water to eliminate edema and acne.

From a nutritional point of view, it is the “superior student” in whole grains. The calories are similar to that of rice, but the fat and protein content are slightly higher than other cereals. Coix seed also contains tincture and phenolic acid, especially red coix seed for better skin whitening effect.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, raw and cooked barley are good at each. Raw coix seed is cooler, can clear heat and expel phlegm and purulent, and has a good effect of removing moisture. It is generally used as a prescription for acne and wounds. The cooked barley kernel refers to the fried barley kernel, which has reduced coldness and is less likely to cause diarrhea.

Basically, raw and cooked barley kernels can be damp and swollen. For example, many people often in and out of the air-conditioned room, not enough exercise, and eat too much sweets. The body is wet, and the body feels swollen, easily tired, or has soft, sticky bowel movements. The combined use of raw and cooked barley kernels can increase the spleen drainage effect and reduce the cold side effects.

How to drink raw coix seed water? People with a hot body can boil water with raw barley kernels and add mung beans to cook them. The heat-clearing effect is better. People with a cold body can add yam, Poria and Poria to cook Coix Kernels to make Sishen soup. Can enhance swelling and dehumidification. However, raw coix seed has a good diuretic effect, which is prone to frequent urination. Elders can use fried coix seed, and the diuretic effect is not so strong.

In terms of serving size, Chinese medicine recommends that you do not exceed one measuring cup per day. Boil water or cook rice. Pregnant women, yin deficiency, flatulence, people using diuretics or antihypertensive drugs, it is best not to drink.

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No immersion! (Frozen Method) Quickly Boil Soft Coix Kernels

Step 1: Wash and put in boiling water to blanch them a little to help remove the jerky and musty smell.

Step 2:  When the water in the pot boils again, remove the coix seed, drain it, put it in a heat-resistant container and put it in the refrigerator for 1 day.

 Tips: The boiled coix kernels will swell, and then put into the freezer to use the rapid low temperature to make the coix kernels shrink due to heat expansion and destruction, destroying the internal starch tissue, and it will be easier to cook through and rot. This method is also suitable for cooking Cantonese porridge, or stewing white radish, carrot and other rhizomes!

Step 3: Put the frozen barley kernels in boiling water and cook for about 25 minutes. They will soften. If you like a bit more rotten taste, you can turn off the heat for about 30 minutes. Finally, you can enjoy it by adding sugar according to your preference. You can also add a small amount of salt to highlight the sweetness! It is good to cook with red beans or mung beans together.

Tips: Always seasoning after cooked, otherwise the water will not easily penetrate into the Coix Seed because of the osmotic pressure, which will make the Coix Seed not rotten.
