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Buddleja asiatica Lour.

English Name Asiatic Butterfly-bush, Bai Bei Feng, Asian Butterflybush, Asian Summerlilic, Asiatic Butter-fly-bush, Asian Butterfly-bush
Latin name Buddleja asiatica Lour.
Family & Genus Buddlejaceae, Buddleja
Description Erect small trees or shrub-like, up to 8m tall. Shoots with 4 edges, old branches round, twigs, lower part of leaves, petioles and inflorescences with dense grey white or light yellow stellate cotton hairs. Leaves opposite, membranous or papyraceous, oval-lanceolate or long-lanceolate, 6-30cm long, apex acuminate or long-acuminate, base cuneate and decurrent, entire or with sparse fine teeth, lateral veins 10-14 pairs; petioles 2-15mm long. Racemes composed of multiple cymes, 3 or more clustered at the top of branches and upper leaf axils to form conical inflorescences; flowers small, white or light purple blue; pedicels 0.2-20mm long; bractlets shorter than calyx; calyx campanulate, 1.5-4.5mm long, lobes about half as long as calyx; corolla tube tubular, extendeds straight, 3-6mm long, lobes 1-1.7mm long; stamens borne in the throat of corolla tube, pollen grains with 2groove-holes; ovary glabrous, stigma head-like, 2 lobed. Capsules elliptic, 3-5mm long; both ends of seeds with short wings. Flowering: January to October; fruiting: March to December.
Distribution Growing on sunny mountain slopes, in thickets and on forest edges. Distributed in Fujian, Taiwan, South Jiangxi, Hubei, Guangdong, Hong Kong, Hainan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Sichuan and Southeast Shaanxi.
Part Used Medical part: roots, cauline leaves and fruits. Chinese name: roots and cauline leaves: Baiyuwei. Fruits: Baiyuweiguo.
Harvest & Processing Roots and cauline leaves: collected any time for use, sliced, sun-dried; collected leaves in August to September, used fresh or sun-dried. Fruit: collected mature fruits from March to December, used fresh or sun-dried.
Chemistry Root and cauline leaves contain sitosterol, sstigmasterol and volatile oil, etc.
Properties & Actions Root, stem leaves: taste bitter, little pungent, warm in nature, mild-toxic. Fruits: taste bitter, neutral in nature.Root, cauline leaf: removing damp-wind, reinforcing qi and activating blood circulation. Fruit: expelling parasites and dispersing swelling.
Indications & Usage Root, stem and leaves: Used for wind headache, rheumatic arthralgia, epigastric pain. abdominal distension, dysentery, fall injuries and fractures, unknown pyogenic infections, eczema, skin itching. Fruits: Used for infantile ascariasis, retarded growth due to malnutrition.Root, leaf: oral administration: decocting, 9-15g, fresh used 30-60g. External: appropriate amount, triturated for application; or prepared decoction for washing. Fruit: oral administration: decocting, 10-13g.
Examples Root, stem leaves:
1. Rheumatic heart disease: white justicia root 60g. Stew with dabbling duck and eat.
2. Swelling pain and injuries from fall, and fracture: asiatic Butterfly-bush root 12-15g. Decoct in half liquor and half water, and swallow.
Infantile malnutrition with ascariasis: Asian butterflybush fruit fruit 30g. Decoct in water, remove residues, add rice and cook porridge, and take consecutively for 3-4 times.

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