
Imagine, Athanasia remember all of her past life. Not the novel story, but remember clearly that she is the original Athanasia. She remember how she was treated horribly by people around her, remember that she was killed by her own father, remember that no one save her until she died even though she doesn’t do anything wrong. And now, what she want isn’t just to survive but also kill everyone who make her suffer.

June 28, 2020 - 9:33am [3 years ago]
57 notes | #who made me a princess #suddenlybecomeaprincessoneday #suddenly i become a princess #suddenly become a princess oneday #wmmap athanasia #athanasia de alger obelia #wmmap athy #whomademeaprincess
  1. super-nuko said: @christiganlovesbeingweird karakuri burst. Singer : wotamin & vivian
  2. give-me-your-damn-money said: Song?
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  5. super-nuko posted this
    Imagine, Athanasia remember all of her past life. Not the novel story, but remember clearly that she is the original...