
Trichocladus grandiflorus

Trichocladus grandiflorus - Groentowerhaselaar, Rooihout, Green witch-hazel, Honeysuckle tree, Wild peach, Ugabavu
Common name: Groentowerhaselaar, Rooihout, Green witch-hazel, Honeysuckle tree, Wild peach, Ugabavu
Family: Hamamelidaceae (Witch-hazel)
Distribution: Eastern South Africa
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
National red list: Least Concern
Comments: The flowers are packed in dense heads at the ends of branches or in the leaf axils; they are very attractive, consisting of narrow, crinkled, petals that are reflexed. The flowers are white with a beautiful pink, red or purple throat. The tree creates spectacular splashes of white along forest edges from spring to midsummer (September to January).
Links: iSpotSANBI PlantZAfrica


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