Asteriscus maritimus

Asteriscus maritimus CU KINDIG.jpg
Asteriscus maritimus KINDIG.jpg

Common Names: gold chip, gold coin


Family: Asteraceae

Origin: Mediterranean

Type: Evergreen perennial

Size: Ground cover to 1 ft. high and 3–4 ft. across.

Flowers: Bright yellow flowers 1.5 in. across in mid summer on silvery-green foliage.

Uses: Tough. Use on slopes, for borders, in containers, and in small spaces; color. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Hummingbirds and butterflies.

Soil: Well-drained.

Water: None once established; tolerates moist soil near sea as well as short drought periods. Tolerates salt spray.

Sun: Full; but avoid extreme heat inland.

Pruning: Shear off spent blooms to stimulate more blooms and improve appearance.

Pests & Diseases: (None found.)

Notes: Comes from the Canary Islands, North Africa, and eastern Mediterranean. Hardy to 20° F.