Agapanthus africanus


Common Name: Lily of the nile


Family: Amaryllidaceae

Origin: South Africa

Type: Evergreen perennial

Size: 2 ft. high, 3 ft. wide; flower stalks to 3 ft.

Flowers: Clusters of white to blue flowers on ends of stalks, summer, fall; blade-like leaves deep green all year.

Uses: Near ponds, streams; containers, borders, background, wind, salt spray, in heat. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Hummingbirds, butterflies like. Deer resistive. Rabbit resistive. 

Soil: Prefers loamy soil, but will grow in heavy.

Water: Low to medium; drought tolerant.

Sun: Full sun to part shade; afternoon shade in heat.

Pruning: Prune down spent flower spikes. Needs dividing only every 6 years or so.

Pests & Diseases: Protect from snails and slugs. Red spider mites and mealy bugs. 

Notes: Does well everywhere. Stores water in large bulbs to sustain it through dry periods. Many cultivars of this plant; species usually has deep blue flowers. Choose color while in bloom. Hardy to 15° F.