Hypochaeris glabra

Wildflowers Dicots Eudicots Asterids Asterales Asteraceae Cichorieae Hypochaeris

Smooth Cat’s Ears (or Catsears)

A European invader.

It looks like a tiny dandelion, but with a branched flower stem arising from a basal rosette of leaves. The stem seems to be between 8 and 16 inches tall, and the flower is about a quarter inch in diameter. Seems to like full sun, and can be found on the edges of most trails in sunny sections.

Can be distinguished from true dandelions by: The size of the flowers (these are smaller) and the fact that the stem supporting the flower is branched.
Can be distinguished from rough cat’s ears by the size of the flowers (these are smaller) and the fact that the basal leaves are smooth rather than covered with a soft fur.

Seen blooming Jan-June.

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