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Malus angustifolia

Malus angustifolia
type: Cider, Jelly, Ornamental
synonyms: Southern Crabapple
characteristics: The flesh is very sharp and bitter, unpalatable. Quite aromatic.
uses: Ornamental. Also used for making crabapple gelly. Sometimes used in cider making.
origins: Native to the southeastern U.S.A., with its range extending into parts of Texas as well.
cultivation: A tall variety growing to seven metres with a wide, round and open crown. Flowers are produced on spurs which are stout and sharp. Very prone to suckering shoots which when left to grow produce a dense thicket. Tolerates part shade. Does well in limed soil.
vulnerabilities: Highly vulnerable to disease, particularly when grown in humid areas. Rust is a prevalent problem, as is fire blight.
ploidism: Diploid.
flowers: Abundant, white to pale pink blossoms, fragrant with a violet scent. Single row of five spreading prtals.
leaves: Young leaves in spring are red, becoming green.
fruit: The yellowish green, round flattened and about 25 mm in diameter. Rather sedate when compared with many other varieties of crabapple..

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