Leaf epidermal characters (e.g. stomata) are hereby indicated as an important tool in delimiting species in the genus Chlorophytum

Plate 2: Photomicrographs of folia epidermis of Chlorophytum plant
studied. ai, bi, ci and di show tetracytic stomata on the abaxial
surface while aii, bii, cii and dii show tetracytic stomata on the
adaxial surface of C. orchidastrum C. bichetii, C. stenopetalum and
C. macrophyllum respectively

Leaf epidermal studies of four species of Chlorophytum Ker- Gawl in Nigeria

Omokanye B. S., Mustapha O. T., Abdulrahaman A. A., Kolawole O. S., (2020)

1 National Open University of Nigeria, Offa Community Study Center Offa, Kwara State.

2,3 Department of Plant Biology Faculty of Life science, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.

4 Department of Biological Sciences Federal University Kashere, Gombe State, Nigeria.

J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage 24(11): 1963-1968 – DOI: 10.4314/jasem.v24i11.17




Studies of the foliar epidermal morphology in four species of Chlorophytum; C. orchidastrum, C. bichetii, C. stenopetalum and C. macrophyllum revealed the presence of stomata on both sides of the leaves (amphistomatic stomata distribution). In C. orchidastrum, few stomata are present on the adaxial surfaces. Stomata type has no diagnostic importance as all the species studied have tetracytic stomata. Stomata index (<10%) on the adaxial surface in C. orchidastrum easily distinguished the species from others. In C. bichetii and C. macrophyllum stomata index (<50%) was recorded while stomata index (>50%) was recorded for C. stenopetalum on the adaxial surface. Stomata index on the abaxial surface also shows that fewer stomata occur in C. macrophyllum compared with C. stenopetalum. The studies also revealed smooth leaf margin for C. orchidastrum. Papillea out growth were observed on the leaf margin of C. stenopetalum and C. macrophyllum, Papillea projections were however more pronounced in C. bichetii. Leaf epidermal character is hereby indicated as an important tool in delimiting species in the genus Chlorophytum.

Published by

Willem Van Cotthem

Honorary Professor of Botany, University of Ghent (Belgium). Scientific Consultant for Desertification and Sustainable Development.

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