Hackfalls Arboretum – Tiniroto, Gisborne NZ

Sunday, 2010 March 14

More Sorbus

There are a lot of rowans in the arboretum and this time of year full of colour. The Sorbus aucuparia was fully load with berries in Holland last autumn, but here in Hackfalls it seems not to feel so well. But some other rowans are stunning.

Sorbus wilsoniana with the pink berries.

Sorbus wilsoniana

Sorbus wilsoniana

There are two different kind of leaves on this one tree. Perhaps a difference between young and old leaves?

Sorbus wilsoniana, leaf

Sorbus wilsoniana, berries

And then there is a rowan with yellow berries. And it has a silver-white backside of the leaves, what makes it very pretty.

Sorbus coronata

Sorbus coronata

There were not many berries left on the tree, but I found a few in the top. (click on the photo to enlarge, then you will see)

Sorbus coronata, a few yellow berries in the top

And one with big red berries, Sorbus porrigentiformis

Sorbus porrigentiformis

Sorbus porrigentiformis, berries

Sorbus porrigentiformis, leaves

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