Trees of Lalbagh, Bangalore - Stereospermum kunthianum - Pink Jacaranda Tree

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Mar 26, 2012, 12:36:17 AM3/26/12

Stereospermum kunthianum is a deciduous shrub or tree, 3-15 m high, with a stem diameter of 25 cm; bark thin, grey to grey-black, smooth or flakes off in patches resembling the European plane tree; trunk rarely straight, mostly forked; branches twisted; branching is erect and spreading to form a light, rounded crown. Slash white or light brown. Leaves imparipinnately compound, 25 cm long, alternate with 2-4 (max. 6) almost opposite pairs of leaflets and 1 terminal leaflet; 5-9 leaflets with short, soft hairs, oblong to oblong elliptic, stiff, 5-8(max. 10) x 3-7.5 cm, green and hairless above and yellow-green with prominent veins under; apex broadly tapering, often abruptly attenuate; base tapering; margin entire, occasionally toothed in coppice growth; petiolules almost absent; petiole up to 7 cm long, caniculate at the top; young leaves sometimes toothed and hairy. Flowers precocious, fragrant, bisexual, showy, mauve to off-white, more usually pinkish with red streaks on the lower corolla lobes and produced in large, drooping panicles on long peduncles; corolla with a tube up to 3 cm long and spreading lobes, 3-4 cm in diameter; calyx bell shaped, irregularly 2- to 5-lobed, partially forming 2 lips; stamens 4, enclosed within the corolla tube; ovary linear-oblong, 2-chambered. Fruits slender, flat capsules or paired pods up to 45 x 1 cm, cylindrical, greenish-purple, reddish-brown to dark brown, pendulous, spirally twisted, smooth, splitting into 2 valves to release many flat, long, narrow, winged seeds. The remnants of the capsule remain on the tree for months.


ushadi Micromini

Mar 26, 2012, 6:21:53 AM3/26/12
to raman,
pink flowers... love it usha di  esp the unique shape of the pods
Usha di

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