Baby’s Tears (Soleirolia soleirolii)

Baby's Tears

window-distance 2.0ft to light
window-orientation West
5.0" pot
pot-drainage No drainage
pot-type Metal
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor
🎂 Oct 13th
water@4x 127 Waters
snooze@4x 15 Snoozes
🔥 70x Streaks

Baby’s Tears (Soleirolia soleirolii) should be watered every 3 days and was last watered on Friday Jul 29th.

#BabysTears Discussion

I recently got this cutie. Her foliage is very dense and I can’t even manage to get a finger down to test the soil. Should I be repotting her into a bigger pot, or does she prefer this?

Baby’s Tears or Elfin Thyme?

Terrarium drain hole? Fern + Baby's Tears

It’s look a looking brown, how can I bring back the bright green?

I have a lot of brown leaves on my Babystears plant. 😕 My water meter tells me it's moist & I haven't watered it for a month probably-- that doesn't seem right but the meter is ok -- I checked it--and the pot drains fine so...anybody have any ideas???

What’s going on?

Super Fast rooting? After just three days my Angel's Tears clippings already have roots. I know nothing about this plant, is this usual? Either way, if your planting skills need a confidence boost, Angel's Tears may just help you out. 🌷🙏 Love and plant success to you all. #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #crowsfollowmeirl 20231126.1821

Sprouting! New plant momma here. I am new to Greg and the plant community. Happy there is a #freshleaffriday! I am seeing some action on my Baby's Tears plant from a bald spot she had after I had to cut burnt leaves 🍃 can't wait to see her patch full again! The other side of her has a happy stem stretching up to soak up the sun 🌞

Why is my Baby’s tears becoming leggy, brownish and red?

Hi baby tears fam, I just got this lovely baby tear plant from the nursery. Wondering as the soil requires to be moist, does it like a self watering globe to keep moisture level high? What are your thoughts in thriving it? #selfwateringplanter